Post good works that you've read and ask for recommendations ITT.
UPDATED 1/21/21
National Socialism:
>Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
>Hitler's Second Book / Zweites Buch (Adolf Hitler)
>The Program of the NSDAP (Gottfried Feder)
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery (Gottfried Feder)
>Hitler's Table Talk
>The Fair Race's Darkest Hour
Black Front / Strasserism:
>German Tomorrow by Dr. Otto Strasser
>Deutschlands Erneuerung by Dr. Otto Strasser (in German only)
Savitri Devi
>The Lightning and the Sun (Savitri Devi)
>And Time Rolls On (Savitri Devi)
>The Impeachment of Man (Savitri Devi)
Iron Guard / Romanian Fascism:
>For my Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
British Union of Fascists (BUF):
>Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered (Oswald Mosley)
>Tomorrow We Live (Oswald Mosley)
>My Life (Oswald Mosley)
>Fascism v. Jewry (William Joyce)
>National Socialism Now (William Joyce)
>The Coming Corporate State (A. Raven Thompson)
>Spring Comes Again (Jorian Jenks)
Italian Fascism:
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism (Giovanni Gentile)
>CasaPound Italia platform:
>Kokutai no Hongi: Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan
Miscellaneous Secondary Literature Worth Reading:
By "worth reading" I mean not totally kiked garbage. These are not fascist authors.
>The Wages of Destruction (Adam Tooze)
>Holy Legionary Youth (Roland Clark)
>The Nazi War on Cancer (Robert Proctor)
>The Occult Roots of Nazism (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke)
>Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke)
>Japan's Holy War (Walter Skya)
Cultured Thug is also a good YouTube channel for overviews of fascist literature:
Helpful Links:
Previous Threads:
ZZZchan on Tor: (save locally!)
to be added as I create them, for now our main fallback Location is /cob/ on
/fascist/ is a board for discussion of fascism in its various manifestations and, in a more general sense, third-position ideology (e.g. Strasserism, etc). Though this board is centered around the discussion of fascist movements, leaders and ideology, non-fascists are permitted to post here regardless of political beliefs as long as they respect the rules of this board! This thread will also serve as a thread for requests to moderation (currently just me), banners and general bitching.
1. Global rules apply (see )
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread >>2
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go in the QTDDTOT
4. No avatarfagging or tripfagging without reason(Should be confined to a single thread at most)
5. No self-advertising. No Discord shilling.
6. No degeneracy*
7. No spam, flooding, serial double- / triple posting
8. No fedposting**
* Note on 'No degeneracy'
For purposes of this board, this means no unspoilered gore, no pornography, no advocating for race-mixing, transgender ideology, homosexuality, bisexuality, sexualizing prepubescents, etc.
**Note on 'fedposting'
Fedposting will be defined as posts that actively attempt to rouse users into carrying out terrorist attacks or acts of violence. Speaking positively about Breivik, Tarrant or similar individuals does not count as fedposting, nor does advocacy for violence in a general sense, think more of ""Hey kid, you wanna bomb a federal building?"" type posts
Here on /fascist/ we want high quality on-topic discussion and threads. If a major news event occurs (e.g. war breaks out, major terrorist attack, migrant crisis 2.0, another 9/11-tier event), go ahead and make a full thread. WE ARE NOT A NEWS BOARD, generally speaking. We don’t care about what Trump did today or muh Republicans and Democrats, that should go to the /pol/ of your choice( Such as: or you may post in the news general thread.
This means we don’t want here on /fascist/ shit-tier threads which do not foster any interesting discussion or contribute anything of worth. This style of thread will in most cases be locked after being directed to the QTDDTOT or outright deleted. Examples of this type of thread:
>what do fascists think of X Y Z
>can gays / blacks / trannies / Jews be fascist?
all of that can be posted in an 'unpopular opinions' thread so that we can roundly mock you and/or show you how you are wrong.
Of course, but the main objective of this board is to foster actual discussion about National Socialism, Fascism, third position ideologies, movements, religion, and literature.
Some archives of the old boards:
(Will add more later as Blackshirts provide them or I find them)*/*/
So let us envision America post Revolution. After a 30 year war, costing the lives of tens of thousands of people, somehow the White revolutionaries succeeded in overthrowing the regime. The jews and their pale skinned lackeys flee to Israel only to find half a million Arabs attacking. We'll check in on them later.
Assuming we don't instantly fight a much bloodier civil war over petty squabbles that allows the jews to regain control with the support of lemmings who will always choose them over chaos... how should government be structured?
Welcome to Silver City, white. I dont mean to know your business fren, but you been searching long? searching for here? Myself, I was lost for the longest time, trying to make it work in the city. Trying to make a big salary into a ticket to escape. Finally the crowd of strangers pushed me out, I'd been there all my life up til then.
You'll find a empty cottage at the edge of the forest. The former residents left for the siren song of cosmopolitan sophistication. Bright lights of the big cities, more like poor dumb animals freezing in the headlights of oncoming cars. They generally learn to stop saying they're from here, being whites from peasant stock isnt valuable in a melting pot, although its more like a cauldron really.
The community here is too poor to interest hook nosed parasites and muds are supposed to be scared of forests, but maybe its the geomantic hexagons alligning in this valley that makes it so good for volk. Work hard and build up Silver City and You'll find it a good place to do esoteric research and have a bath, maybe shit post a little. So stay a while and refit your field gear, You'll be heading out again on the search party soon. You can trust white survival city to be here when you need to return.
Logistically speaking, all good ideas that actually benefit humanity, are the ones that eventually take hold for the bettering of mankind.
If fascism really was so exceptional, many governments using this doctrine would still exist, the main reason for this to be the case is because most people are comfortable in the state things are, and there is no need to take that approach again.
Most changes that can harm civilization can be democratically corrected, if not, an alternative would always prop up. Let us not forget that the fascist movements that happened prior were democratically elected and spoke for the interests of the people, not for a minority or some other thingamagick.
I think we reached a point where violence and state subjugation is not necessary, and the responsibility for one's community is not only his but everyone's. By everyone gathering similar interests, things get done.
Anything else is... for a lack of better words, pointless.
I am a reseller. Half my friends are resellers. When I go to a garage sale or flea market, I know for a fact that a majority of the people picking through the junk of other people's lives like deep-ocean crabs are also resellers.
The supply market for resellers is huge. Go to Ebay and check the listings of various sellers. You'll often see they have thousands of items for sale. All of this is made possible by an ever expanding market of desperately poor people scrounging through the refuse of dying boomers and the dying middle class.
Simply put, this is economic cannibalism.
You see this everywhere. Businessmen buy up a struggling company for pennies on the dollar, sell off all its assets, walk away with millions, and leave the corpse in the hands of the slow witted stockholders. You have the crypto currency pyramid scheme. You have young men who cannot afford to own inventory so they sacrifice 80% of their earnings on dropshipping to make pennies so long as they can sustain an ever expanding customer base. Every single thing is monetized to the fucking max. We do not even need to go over the effect of immigration, which floods the declining labor market with brown scabs. The jews tax everyone to death to pay for all these orc entitlements or spend it all on Israel or on their cousins' art projects in the giant megacities.
Nothing of value is produced. The American economy is a financial speculation market. I'm poor as dirt and so is everyone I know. The GDP grows ever higher yet every time I go shopping, I hear people talk about how they can barely afford to make ends meet and afford groceries. Everyone is in crippling debt with no future and no way out.
How long can this be sustained? I hear people say that nothing will ever happen and any recession will be a nothing burger or just a slow decline. But the level of economic cannibalism is so extraordinary that it's difficult to see the market expand any further. Even organ reselling is technically a thing.
People ask when America will collapse of have a civil war. I am asking how the hell it hasn't collapsed already?
In anticipation of the old site being taken down, I have made screenshots of my most important posts for future discussion. To understand the references, you would need rudimentary understanding of classic philosophy, history, mathematics, physics, metaphysics and some mystery schools like Hermeticism and Pythagoreanism (whose ideas, such as monism, I am making a case against), as well as eastern and Vedic mysticism. While the subject deals with the nature of reality itself, basic knowledge of the aforementioned subjects should suffice for intuitive grasp. The reason why I would prefer for this thread to be separate from the religion thread is to avoid all the fallacies and appeal to nonexistent (or construed from very questionable sources) authority typically involved with "faith", especially taking into the account the fact that that historical sources have been routinely destroyed or altered, and bearers of certain knowledge (by blood or tradition) routinely persecuted and genocided (often by those who cry out in pain as they stab you, which ties into the real reason for the white genocide).
While these subjects inevitably involve religious themes and concepts (after all, true religion and true science are merely two different perspectives of the same knowledge, as our ancestors knew, not something opposed), the focus should be on reason and debate about ideas themselves. Which is far more nuanced than it seems, as, for example, the use of the term "rational" as a synonym for the term "reasonable" and conflation of the two, is an attempt to manipulate the consciousness and consensus through the weaponization of language. Because, contrary to what Pythagoras (or more specifically, his teachers) thought, irrational is real as well, perhaps even more so than the rational, and it belongs to a superior category of Reason.
There is a reason why you won't find the knowledge that I am revealing here in any mainstream religion, philosophy, academic circle or "mystery school" available today, because such ideas have been repressed for millenia by a very ancient conspiracy. Behold the lost mystery of Zero, transcendence and what I would term Essential Polytheism, which was the actual worldview of our very distant ancestors, for they did not come from this world. The antithesis of egalitarianism and all the false dichotomies offered today, regardless of category.
Picrel is not very accurate but funny nonetheless.
This one will hurt.
Accelerationism is the belief that there is no way which we can make positive change in the current environment, so the solution is to help the enemy make things worse so as to weaken them. Then, we can make things better.
This idea is true in general. The enemy has many stupid ideas about how the world works and their policies end up proving us right.
More immigrants = more crime = more burned White people (sometimes literally) = more White nationalists.
Marxist socialism applied in a liberal state = higher taxation of the poor + obnoxious welfare spending on nigger-spic/arabs = pissed off White people = more White nationalists.
In theory, accelerationism is a viable plan to destabilize the regime and allow White organization and eventually a long, bloody struggle against the state.
However, this assumes that accelerationists are actually doing anything to rock the boat. 90% of the time, accelerationism means sitting at home, doing nothing but commenting on an anonymous image board, "Oh yes, I support Kamala for president because she'll fuck things up real bad" and half the time they don't even vote for her.
Voting itself is so meaningless that it may as well be nothing.
If you genuinely believe that the path to a White revolution is by elevating the worst qualities of the enemy, by helping the jews elevate the dumbest niggers, the most retarded anti-White shitlibs, the most obnoxiously arrogant Asian women to positions of authority over White people, then you need to do more than post about your ideas on 4chan.
Ideally, you should actually volunteer to get niggers to vote. You do not even need to be a part of her campaign. Literally just drive hoodrat nigger filth from the inner city to the polls. Maybe bring a backup buddy with a gun for security and have him sit in the back of the van. And put sheets over your seats, then sanitize the van afterward.
Failing this, actually convince Republicans not to vote or promote Kamala Harris on social media. Frankly, this is not necessary since anyone on social media is either locked into voting Kamala or Trump.
Other things you can do is read the CIA handbook for passive resistance and apply the sabotage instructions to institutions.
More risky is to actively encourage corruption by engaging in it. (Dr. Pierce noted that the more corrupt a society, the easier it will be for insurgents to operate and resupply)
If you merely TALK about accelerationism on 4chan and otherwise do not contribute to acceleration, then you are waving your arms at clouds and assuring us that it will eventually rain thanks to you. Do not allow your belief in accelerationism to be yet another cope that prevents you from taking action IRL.
Also, don't do crimes because crimes are illegal n stuff. I disavow bad-wronging.
If you follow the shitshow that is the DNC, or literally any of the mass happenings anywhere in America, you will encounter an endless horde of conservatives who nod and cluck together that everything, literally everything that any group of people do is a psyop. If antifa throw bricks at Kamala Harris' wall, idk it's a psyop to pressure themselves into going back on zionism or something. Like, I apologize, but this is so FUCKING RETARDED....
Anyway, when niggers riot, some cuckservative somewhere will find a photo of two guys wearing the same hat and proclaim
Doubtless thinking that if only the niggers didn't get psyop'd into trashing the local gas station, they'd all be voting Trump this time.
It affects right wing groups too. Whenever a pro-White group does anything at all, these clucking boomercons say they're feds. No matter what they do, if you fall outside of the liberal paradigm, you'd a fed psyop.
I mean it, there is not a single protest anywhere that cuckservatives will not call a George Soros psyop.
When they do it with pro-White groups, obviously this is directly harmful since this keeps them on the GOP plantation, voting Republican until the spic hordes arrive on their doorstep and they flee to Vermont.
But isn't it helpful when they do it to shitlibs? Isn't calling shitlib protests a psyop helping to delegitimize them?
I used to think this and I too called every single leftist protest a George Soros funded psyop.
But what effect does this actually have?
No one who isn't already a conservative buys this. Shitlibs are not going to stop throwing bricks at you when they're called a psyop. In fact, Antifa actually plays into this and sometimes chants, "George Soros, where's our money?" to mock them.
So no shitlib is convinced to stand down by this.
No conservative is going to ever join Antifa anyway, regardless if it's genuine or not. So this isn't keeping anyone from joining them.
But the real harm this does is it convinces poor, helpless right wingers that anything IRL is a psyop. The only avenue for "resisting" the system that constantly abuses them that won't be called a psyop is bitching online, where they're contained and harmless. They will never organize because they have been mentally castrated by the "everything is a psyop" crowd.
I am not arguing that there are no psyops. Nor am I arguing that conservatism can resist the system. However, I am saying that if "the right" was better organized, it would be more difficult for the jews to control simply due to the presence of more moving parts in the machine. In fact, I believe it would be beneficial if SOMEONE could push back against these insane psychopaths. Even if they don't understand anything about the jews or race, at least they would be doing something beyond posting cringe memes about Trump and Elon Musk dancing. As if that will scare the ((( globalists ))) into not rigging the 2024 election.
In fact, I am genuinely afraid for the future. This anti-activism culture that permeates everything on "the right" is destroying us. You can argue
>We should just accelerate, man! The left winning will only accelerate the collapse.
but even if there was a collapse, the side with zero organization isn't going to be able to take advantage of it. The enemy is able to shape the world, to shape children, however they want. Totally unopposed. This is not a good thing.
This "everything is a psyop" shit leads to plan-trusters. They will never take action into their own hands. They must always wait for a savior like Trump to fix it for them. And he never will.
What can we do about this? I honestly do not know. I fear that this is ingrained into the culture of the right. That really sucks.
I am told two vastly different stories about the US military army.
On the one hand, conservatives thump their chests and state that if/when Kamala wins the election, by vote rigging of course, the US army will defect to their side & win ensuing civil war for them.
If you press them, they will admit that the officers may be mostly leftists, but the rank and file are solidly pro-Trump, pro-America, pro-Constitution, 'n stuff.
>Besides, when Biden orders the soldiers to shoot their mom, they'll surely defect.
I am a little bit skeptical of this, as I am sure comes off in my writing. However, I am not in the US military. Chance has led to me having no close friends who joined the army.
I am also told that ZOG's army will shoot anyone their officers point them at. That the rank & file who were not submissively loyal were purged during the COVID hysteria. That they might actually shoot their mom if the order ever came down and even if it did, they probably wouldn't know it since they'd just be drone striking her anyway.
Which is it? I genuinely would be pleased to hear from soldiers that the military would just mutiny if given orders to violate the Posse Comitatus Act.
But one thing I am hung up on is the fact that if the US army were deployed against Americans, they would not be told that they are shooting Americans. They would be told that they are shooting racist hate-criminals, terrorists, anti-semitic Nazis, insurrectionist traitors, even TRANSPHOBES!!!!! That last one would probably really incite the wrath of the chairforce.
How could the army even mutiny if they were so inclined? Wouldn't the mutineers be arrested & the ringleaders shot? Would the military really fight a civil war against the political MPs?
If anyone is in, has been in, or knows men who were/are in the military, I would like to know whether my skepticism is pessimism or pragmatism.
>Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. ~Aristotle
If we understand what woke us up, we may be better able to awaken others or suggest media that will steer our unenlightened kinsmen down the righteous path.
Back in 2015, I got into the atheist scene, arguing with Christians. Eventually, I figured out that SJWs were way worse. I went to college so I was then exposed to the brunt of anti-White, anti-male hate. I believe that the feminist hypocrisy was most offensive to me.
This was in tandem with the race riots but I believe I was still a libertarian at heart and kept trying to get the blacks to understand that we should all just treat each other equally. What actually set me down the righteous path was encountering one guy doing Bob Whitaker's Mantra in a youtube comment. The whole,
>They say that there is this "race" problem and that the final solution to this "race" problem is for non-Whites to pour into White countries and ONLY into White countries. They say they are anti "racist" what they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
That sort of thing. Naturally, my propagandized brain freaked out and I argued with him. But these points intrigued me and I searched out more information to learn more about this new "threat" to my perfect libertarian worldview.
I eventually discovered WhiteRabbitRadio and listened to his podcasts.
I cannot explain it, but it gradually clicked for me. I was searching for dissident opinions on the migration crisis in Europe and chanced upon Atavistic Intelligentsia, a very defunct Alt-Right website. This was the FIRST time I even heard the term Alt-Right. I listened to the Red Dawn podcasts from AI and these clicked for me. It was a perfect blend of edginess and truth.
I would surmise that I was driven in part by righteous outrage at the hypocrisy of liberals, and in part by a desire for greater meaning than cuckservative vs shitlib.
I watched The Greatest Story Never Told from start to finish.
By the end of 2016, I had read the Turner Diaries and was listening to Dr. William Pierce speeches on Youtube, which was possible at the time.
I never once visited 4chan until I was already completely redpilled. In fact, I skipped 4chan entirely and went directly to 8chan.
Pic is from WAY back in time. Only oldfags will know what this was about.
New fitness requirement policy from the Company of Racism; All employees are required to look up the fitness requirements of their local police. Can you do at least double the amount of pushups, run twice as fast and far, and are at least as flexible as your local cop?
If not, you have 30 days to meet these standards or you'll receive the pink slip/star and be discharged from the company. You'll lose access to your meme folder and become an NPC.
Seriously people, this shouldn't be a challenge at all. If you haven't looked this up, you may be shocked.
The CEO of Racism wants an update on our progress, so I'm calling a meeting.
First up for discussion is our outreach program. I generally minister to conservatives but conservatives have a few psychological problems that make them very poor dissidents. The worst being their knee jerk anti-activism response. Should we be expanding our outreach program to leftists as well? Is it possible to not only get White leftists to stop being anti-White but to evolve into White advocates? They are certainly better cut out to, you know, actually doing things beyond typing online. But they also come with a lot of baggage.
Up next, we need to go over the quarterly report. Has the state of Racism improved? The recent election in France and the expansion of AFD shows that at least Racism-lite has great potential. Trump may win the election in America as well. Is this good for our company?
The last time Trump was in office, there were race riots and these were among our best advertisement campaigns in company history. Will this happen again?
Lastly, we need to talk about the elephant in the room, our competitors; The Jews. Is a Trump win good or bad for the jews? Are the jews going to withdraw their support from the left due to the recent non-khosher attitudes towards Palestine? And if this happens, will this open up the market for Racism-tech to gain new members from the left? Should we discuss Palestinian issues more or is this a dead end?
If Trump doesn't win, will this be good for Racism Tech? Kamala is extremely polarizing. Moreso than Joe Biden. Barrack Obama was one of our best ad campaigns. Yet her VP pick has openly stated that he wants to crack down on free speech.
But is Trump truly the better option? What I fear will happen is he is allowed to win and then he immediately cracks down on our activist department & on free speech. The aforementioned cuckservative crew will cheer him on while he beats up the Nazis.
I'll open the floor.
Anon, you look like you have something to say?
Racial extinction is a horrifying prospect. However, Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom don't think long term. I don't believe that they understand or care about the fact that they are being exploited by jews. They are concerned primarily with themselves and, one should hope, their children. The youth are concerned with jobs and avoiding pain.
If a man appears intelligent, then debating the hypocrisy of liberalism may be effective. However, for the masses, we need to talk about the immediate impacts of non-White colonialism.
Thanks to limitless Mexican/African immigration (America & Europe respectively) young men cannot find decent entry level jobs. Condemning a great majority of us to permanent underclass. Immigration lowers wages and working conditions. Immigration is union busting. They are scabs imported by capitalists to destroy the working class.
Black criminality is well known by everyone. No one wants to get mugged and sodomized on their way back the car. No one wants to get forced to play the knockout game. People know and are sick of niggers but they're afraid to say it.
Thanks to limitless immigration and free healthcare for "minorities," you will be charged an arm and a leg to get basic medical attention. Urban hospitals are overflowing with Mexicans and niggers abusing our healthcare system.
Ryan Faulk produced a most excellent video proving that non-Whites cost us at least a trillion dollars every year in America alone.
Non-Whites mean higher taxes.
>Daily life
Immigration means more traffic, longer lines, more hassle, not hearing your own language, destruction of the environment, impossibly expensive housing, higher rent, etc
No one likes immigration. Not even shitlibs.
I believe that once one recognizes the racial truth, then and only then are they open to discussing ((( why ))) the government and media are pushing diversity on White nations.
We must also swallow our pride that comes with knowledge and be patient with people. This is hard for me to do myself. Cuckservatives and shitlibs say the most offensively stupid things. You want to grab them and shake them. But they need tender love and care.
Ultimately, no amount of convincing will save our race. We need action. Not violent action, that is illegal to advocate and also unhelpful. But real pro-White organizations. Being told the truth is not enough. We must show them the truth through the argument of the deed. Patriot Front, Blood Tribe, America First are good starts. We need them to grow and we need more pro-White organizations.
Lastly, we must ruthlessly shut down infighting.
We are facing extinction. Our race will be wiped out for all eternity. Now is not the time to backstab. It is NEVER the time to backstab. Save your knives for the enemy, figuratively speaking.
The right will lose virtually every realistic civil war scenario because
>The GOP will never go against the system
>All institutions are loyal to the ((( left ))) Jewish indications my own
>Comparisons with Afghanistan & Vietnam are not applicable to an insurgency within the US
>the military & police will not defect Who would they even defect to? We have no large organization for them to even defect to. See Syria as an example of what military defection takes
>attacking infrastructure will just alienate the population
>the right is incredibly disorganized and fractured. Moreso than the left. There is a LOT of backstabbing on the right.
>the right is an exceptionally low trust society and everyone calls everyone else a fed
>Conservatives won't even sacrifice a weekend to protest abortion, which they claim is as bad as the holocaust, they're not going to sacrifice their lives for freedom
ITT, we hammer out some "canned responses" to common anti-White arguments.
Let's share common counters we have heard and refine concise counter arguments.
I will initiate by sharing The Mantra,
<YOu ARe A RaCIsT!!!!1
You only say that because I am White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
<but racist!
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White nations for everyone!
<but... racist fascism
Anti-Whites say that there is a race problem. This race problem only exists in White nations, White schools, White communities, and White people.
The Final Solution to the race problem is for my race, White people, to be blended out of existence through mass immigration and forced assimilation.
The Final Solution to the race problem is the Final Solution to the White problem.
Do this online if you please, but the full impact is felt when you confront a shitlib to his face. If he doesn't start screaming, they tend to stay silent.
Salt to taste. You can talk about jews or say "marxists" depending on the knowledge level of the people you wish to reach. It's not about owning the libs, it's about touching the minds of thinking White observers. Laugh at the enemy while you appeal to White onlookers.
Let's go over some common claims from cuckservatives.
<I'm not opposed to legal immigration, I just wanna stop the illegal immigration
Legal immigrants support increasing the ease of their co-ethnics getting into the country. Once Hispanics are a majority in Texas, it will go blue forever and then there will be no border at all. The offspring of Latino immigrants overwhelmingly support the Democratic party and its open border policy. This is about race.
This doesn't even do it justice because it includes all Hispanics, including White Castisos who are White as far as anyone is concerned. A vast majority of Mestizos are in favor of an open border
<The blacks are gonna vote Trump/Republican this time!
You said that in 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, and every year prior. Blacks always vote ~90% for Democrats. Blacks want things at your expense and the Democrats are the party that gives it to them. This is about race.
<RAcE DoESnT ExISt!!
Science and biology disagree with you. Genetic evidence can determine a person's race with near 100% accuracy. (see accompanying infographic for response to every quibble the MSM has trained conservatives to retort with)
If race doesn't exist, why are only White people blamed for slavery?
<WE sHArE 99% oF OuR DnA WiTH blACks!
We also share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees. That doesn't mean that we have to let them into our country, give them citizenship, and put them in charge of our children.
<*sobbing* I just want to look past race and ignore it!
You may do that but non-Whites are happy to be ethnocentric and discriminate against you. If you're the only one clinging to individualism, you will be eaten alive by those who don't. You're not being noble, you're being their chump.
Kikes exposing themselves
This thread is dedicated to translating a video where jews expose how they view every goy as subhuman. The post contains a file with the English subtitles in SubRip format and the video with the subtitles removed.
A subsequent reply will be made with the original videotape.
Let's get this into as many languages as possible.
Sieg Hail
I recall that our board long had an ecofascist/anti-tech thread, but I feel that this goes against the spirit of fascism. In truth, fascism is a modern, 20th century phenomenon dependent on modern transportation, modern law enforcement, a modern military, etc. The thought of competing with other ethnicities while undermining our own technological superiority is ludicrous. It would decrease the potential of our own race, its genetic health, and its future. If anything, non-whites should embrace Ludditism, die out, and be conquered while Whites should aim for the stars. A White society must be efficient and use advanced technology to stand up to (perhaps even destroy) all the other races, and anyone who thinks otherwise is following a path of guaranteed failure. It is because of our technology that so many middle-age and elderly Whites are still alive, that abortion can be easily and painlessly carried out on the nigger community, that borders can be blocked off (if the people in charge weren't kiked), etc. Cleansing our lands and the world at large would be possible with biotech but an impossibility with the abandonment of modern technology. The people in charge are the problem, not the tech itself.
1. Make contact with existing criminal networks within it.
2. Convince them to take over the law enforcement branch that supervises election security.
3. Get one of your agents elected.
4. Legalize a racket that transfers wealth from the good population to the psychopathic population that has no problem scamming their own nation.
5. Embed yourself in that nation's racketeering group and organize them politically to protect their source of government protected free money.
6. Walk away and watch as it is totally destroyed from within as the psychopaths produce more psychopathic people, use politics to defend their illegitimate businesses, and sabotage the national defense to allow rival nations to enter to replace the collapsing native population.
As long as there is no national movement to revoke citizenship or imprison the racketeers and their kids, the damage is persistent. Because you taught the lowlife psychopaths in the country how to organize against the country for personal gain, their children will make new rackets with the wealth their family acquired even if the original racket is banned and once they invite foreign populations in to replace the people they killed with racketeering, you can then finance and organize the foreign population against the nation and wipe them out while the racketeers defend them to ensure their income stream until the bloody end.
What was it that really brought down South Africa?
South Africa thought it was good business to rely on exploitative Bantu labor and even when the country was on the verge of being seized with malicious overseas backing from the USA Federal government, which saw this as a chance to eliminate an economic competitor, the South African government didn't just poison all the non-Whites in the country because the racketeers would still make money from rental payments and cheap labor after the country had been handed over to the Central African people of Bantu, which were not even native to the region.
It was the economics of South Africa that killed it, it was the landlords and businesses that made a profit from exploitation that killed it. When people suggested just removing the Bantu to save their state, these psychopathic traitors demanded that not happen because it would undermine their personal profits.
Psychopaths are not functional pieces of a civilization and if there is any profit motive for a psychopath to sell out their country, they will give it everything they've got to sabotage their country from within. If you don't deal with the problem of psychopaths getting rich in your country with rackets, your country will be handed over to a rival nation in time and your people genocided like the Whites of South Africa.
When South Africa was being terrorized by the Bantu, all the slumlords of the country got together to lobby the South African government to not expel the Bantu.
Where are all these psychopathic families from South Africa, that fled after they realized the Bantu terror campaigns against Whites didn't end when the government was transfered to them? They mostly fled with their loot to wreck other states, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, etc. and many of them are still lobbying for foreign immigration because they're dumb and psychopathic, they are not functional members of a nation and will sell out everyone in the world for the tiniest amount of money.
Tenant Landlord Relations, the Anti-apartheid
Struggle and Physical Decline in Hillbrow, an
Inner-city Neighbourhood in Johannesburg
>The intensification
of violence in African townships from
September 1984, the scrapping of influx
control (this meant that Africans were
now able to move freely between urban
centres, whereas previously they had
been restricted to a particular urban or rural
people resulted in a spectacular increase in
the inward movement of Africans. This was
accompanied by phenomenal white flight and
the fundamental transformation of the neighbourhood’s demographics.
Landlording and the greed of a few businesses that relied on exploitative labor killed South Africa in effect.
Landlords lobbied the South African government to keep Bantu in the country and give them voting rights and citizenship when the Bantu did rent strikes. When the South Africans could have easily gotten rid of the threat to their people, the landlords that had grown in number and influence told them they absolutely couldn't because it would temporarily affect their income stream.
The South African politicians being lobbied by the landlords could have had a meeting with them and dropped poison in all their glasses, they could have deployed the law enforcement to arrest all the landlords that were funding organizations to transfer territory and institutional power to the Bantu, they could have nationalized all the businesses that used cheap Bantu labor and expelled or eliminated the Bantu.
It was the economic incentive to keep the Bantu that genocided the White South Africans. Once you legalize a racket you breed a psychopathic population and a parasite always hates the host, the landlords always hate their nation.
When the Alt-Right existed something that happened was women in the movement complaining of poor treatment before leaving. If "justice" as defined from the right could be characterized as "to each according to his or her place in the hierarchy" then misogynistic behavior towards women is unjust. Pic rel is one example but here in the US there is a significant presence of misogyny on the right (if we're being honest with ourselves).
A different position is Alain de Benoist's identitarian/differentialist feminism. In the interview "Benoist on Feminism, IQ, & the Wealth of Nations
Interview on the Human Sciences, Part 4" he says:
>From the beginning, in Europe women were never considered mere objects. Male domination, on the other hand, has long been legitimated by Christian theology which, especially in the first centuries, presented women as defective beings and a “place of sin.” From the 19th century on, bourgeois society has constantly repressed feminine values. This is what justifies the demands of women.
>But there are two forms of feminism: egalitarian feminism and identitarian feminism. The first thinks that the best means of ensuring the promotion of women is to work to gradually blur the distinction between masculine and feminine social roles. Women must be able to do “everything that men do,” but in this case it the male social role is implicitly taken as the model. The second, by contrast, holds that one can assert the equality of women only on the basis of their distinctness. The New Right supports the second tendency, represented in particular by Luce Irigaray, rather than the first, represented in particular by Simone de Beauvoir or Elisabeth Badinter.
>For its part, evolutionary psychology shows that the differences between men and women go well beyond their sexual organs. In mankind, the brain itself is sexually dimorphic. Thus sex is not reduced to “gender,” to a social construction (as claimed in “gender studies,” which are characterized above all by their sterility and their extraordinary monotony). Sex is a biological reality on which multiple social constructions are grafted. Feminism is thus completely legitimate when it demands the recognition of the equal value of what is distinctly female and what is distinctly male. But equal value does not mean indistinctness.
In his pamphlet Manifesto for a European Renaissance he discusses this under the section "4. Against Sexism; For the Recognition of Gender":
>The modern concept of abstract individuals, detached from their sexual identity, stemming from an 'indifferentialist' ideology which neutralizes sexual differences, is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism which, for centuries, considered women as incomplete men. This is a twisted form of male domination, which in the past had excluded women from the arena of public life, and admits them today - on the condition that they divest themselves of their femininity.
>The New Right supports a differentialist feminism which, to the contrary, wants sexual difference to play a role in the public domain and upholds specifically feminine rights (the right to virginity, to maternity, to abortion). Against sexism and unisex utopianism, differentialist feminism recognises men as well as women by acknowledging the equal value of their distinct and unique natures.
Alain de Benoist is also not the first to have this kind of position. Some groups in the Conservative Revolution during the years 1918 to 1932 also recognized the equal value of women. Armin Mohler's book The Conservative Revolution in Germany documents this position within the volkische:
>An essential difference from the teachings of the Deutschglaubige Gemeninschaft and the Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft lay, however, in the emphasis placed on the equal rights of women (their oppression being considered the result of Jewish-Christian alienation) and in their belief in polytheism:
>Up to this time, the volkisch-religious had displayed much ingenuity trying to demonstrate the original monotheism of the Germanics. They remained so strongly bound to the world of the 19th century, with its ideas of "progress" and "development," that it seemed unthinkable to expose their adherence to Christianity by "reverting" to polytheistic "barbarism." The prospect now changed entirely. Belief in a plurality of gods was now emphasized as an expression of pagan tolerance. A text from this time reads:
>Germanic paganism was not founded on a father religion in the sense of the Semitic, Christian, and Mohammedan teachings, and the Father of All is a later, futile attempt at alignment with Christian teaching. In the North, we constantly encounter generative god-couples. Confusion and decline first came to our people with the penetration and autocracy (under the threat of death) of the Semitic Sky God.
Thoughts? Has anyone read anything by Luce Irigaray?
I want to work on a valuable project with anyone here. I am a fascist and a futurist.
Here are a medley of ideas for projects, though I'm open to other ideas:
>A wiki that only uses primary sources (aka "actual evidence")
>A website where people collaborate on various valuable projects
>A website where people make/edit/etc various parts of AI, parts that can be joined together to make AI that does whatever you want
>A "Shilling group" dedicated to any specific issue/topic, where information about the problem is collected, turned into memes, etc, and distributed by the members. Daily 4chan threads on the issue, resurrected news stories, and other attempts to advance the issue online.
>"ArgumentBots", and a website for them, which can be edited and perfected, which can argue for any topic in whatever way, using whatever arguments and evidence, the creator(s) intended. Also, can respond to counter-arguments. The purpose is to store in an AI the ideal argument for any specific issue or stance or anything else.
>AI that can read text and analyze it. For example, point out attempts at emotional manipulation, give counter-points, point out lies, point out phrasing, or rewrite things from a based perspective.
>AI that can replace various jobs by doing what they do
>AI that can help people understand the legal system, what's legal/illegal/etc, by reading the laws and historic application/interpretation of them
>AI that lives in its own virtual enviroment, and acts in real-time, making a real simulation
>A school that turns people into fascists, a school where the focus is on making the students valuable by making them obsessed with a (unique to the specific student) specific valuable goal/issue/etc. A school which makes them great at accomplishing their chosen goal, helps them figure out what it is and how best to make it happen.
>A website/AI-app that helps people figure out how to buy land and build cheap houses on them
>Read holocaust stories, find contradictions
>An AI, or other tool, that explains the history and specifics of any ideology/problem/etc - for example, the history of judaism and the various corruptions/evils they've caused/done/etc.
>Translate, upload, archive, etc, various nazi/fascist texts/videos/etc (you'd be shocked how much isn't translated!)
I make AI - my own AI, my own unique kind of AI, which is perfect for these kinds of projects. You do not need any skills. If you merely talk to me about the project, often and with genuine interest/passion, that would be enough to motivate me to do all of the actual work. Or, you could just work on it alongside me.
My email is in the email box.
Are there good Forums Or Telegram channel where i can talk to like minded people who are into National Socialist ideology ? Like for example the iron march forum which unfortunately doesn't exist anymore
Fascist News General /fng/
This thread is for discussion of recent happenings that may be of interest to users of this board. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, news involving fascist parties around the world, info related to government / corporate responses to White nationalist / fascist activities, and events that are likely of interest to users here, such as declining race-relations, anti-White policies and Jewish-related scheming.
This thread existed on 8, anon,cafe, and 16chan, just as before it'll be here on a trial basis. If it attracts too many outsiders, it will be deleted. If it results in garbage-tier discussion not healthy to /fascist/, it will be deleted. This is /fascist/, not a free-for-all area.
Twitter alternative:
Previous Threads
does anyone have any copies of bookanon's videos on worldtruthvids? they sucked but after he got arrested i want to look at them again i only saved a few and the ones on his bitchute. particularly the tarrant documentary
i talked to this guy a while back and remembered him recently.
Europa the last battle (Factual or hidden propaganda)
I'm NatSoc. I'm slowly making my way through this documentary and finding sus af things along the way.
>NatSoc bros what are your thoughts?
What is left of online fascist communities? I know we have this board among a few other (mostly) dead boards scattered throughout the alt chans. But for the most part it doesnt seem like theres any big and active online communities for people lit us. (aside from shitholes full of feds like /pol/ and stormfront) How do we build more quality WN/Fascist communities online/improve existing ones?
Id also like to pose the question of how to get more activity on this board. It gets like 1-2 posts a day which is decent however there is much room for improvement.
Congratulations guys I'm back to remind you that we outlived anon cafe, we outlived frens chan. Cucks lost. We won lmao.
Clap yourselves on the back and lets get this place popping again, I've been not so faithful but I've been busy and been exploring... Everything else besides that which was taken from us (16 and n) is fucking awful and filled with low iq retards who think they are in good company.
Seems like they ran out of money, although the feds may very well have pressured them behind the scenes like what happened with 16.
This board is the only similar place I know, so I created this thread for refugees like me to discuss next steps.
Where do we go? And more importantly, how do we create communities that can outlive these flighty imageboards?
Welcome to /fbc/
As a wise man once said, in a roundabout way, books are tools. They exist to inspire the coming man and other revolutionaries, and to aid the process of iteration. We, therefore, would be fools not to take advantage of them.
Fascist Book Club plans to meet on a weekly to biweekly basis to share well-written insights on books chosen by /fbc/ members. The book of the week will be chosen in the thread, and after an allotted time period, anons will return to discuss their reading. Posts related to the chosen book should be high quality, and anons are expected to keep discussion civil and productive. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun with it! While the topics being discussed can be serious, there is no reason why you can't enjoy it. So, let's get started.
Using the strategy of tension, ZOG will take advantage of the situation when attacks happen against soft targets such as that of Breivik, Tarrant and etc. They are brave men but their acts do not challenge the system. This is a fact.
Now, some people act as if they instead killed a politician or a billionaire that would do a lot. I’m not sure about that. First of all, it would be incredibly hard, next to impossible to get many of them. Best you can do is a couple perhaps. And that doesn’t bring about the collapse of ZOG. There is an always a person behind, ready to take their spot. You’re saying that now that their predecessor has been killed, they would be more careful when it comes positions which their predecessor had? Or maybe the system will just clamp down on opposition, saying that XYZ people or movement is a dangerous to our democracy and whatnot. And the lemmings will clap.
Tribe and train. Join an active club. That is the best direction for now. Of course, this by itself doesn’t bring down ZOG. And I’m not saying just wait for the collapse, but shooting some random blacks or attacking power station or even killing a politician or a billionaire doesn’t bring about the collapse of the system just like that.
So what do you say? What should be our strategy forward?
I had a talk with a friend about NS and facism. I personally believe that NS is the solution. To be honest i started to think like that half year ago. So i dont have the full vision yet but i learn daily. Anyway his conclusion was that its too dangerous to give somebody all the power to control the country. Because what if its a bad fuehrer. There is nothing that can be done against that and how can you garantie he will be a good leader? I unfortunately couldn't give him a good answer and started to think about what he said and cant get to a conclusion why that wouldnt happen. So i wanted to ask here wat you think about that statement. Sorry for english.
Hitler Speech Thread
>or related media
As many of you are aware, today marks 100 years since the "Beer Hall Putsch" of November 9, 1923. I will not go into the historical facts of the putsch as that can be easily found in hundreds of books, articles, forum posts, etc. However, I would like to take this time for us to remember those who gave their lives up for the movement as well as those who gave everything in service to their nation and race in the first and second World Wars, men of our movement who suffered under the worst persecution and slander after the war, and our ancestors who gave us life. The sixteen men who fell during the march on the Feldherrnhalle embody this sacrifice for the seizure of power and resurrection of the Reich. From their blood sprouted a miracle in the reunification of Germany and the victory of the NSDAP, rising from a handful of directionless young men to millions of dedicated Germans, over German politics. If no one had been willing to risk their life for the movement when it was a small band of patriotic dreamers, no one would have been willing to die for it later. We owe our successes to the early blood witnesses of the movement and all subsequent blood witnesses who were inspired by their sacrifice. So we must not let their memory fade and we must remember them forever. The spirits of the fallen did not vanish upon their death, but joined the eternal watch with our ancestors and stand by our side in our struggle.
The following are short biographies of these sixteen men. They will be in no order of importance, in the same alphabetical order given in Mein Kampf. We will see that status in society held no sway over their sacrifice. From the servant Kurt Neubauer to the Second Chairman of the NSDAP Oskar Körner, all shed their blood for the greater dream of a nation in which their own Volk could prosper. Information on the lives of some of these men has been swept away to the depth of the German archives in fear that their sacrifice will inspire men today just as they did men of the last century. The information that survives is few and far between and has been gathered from archived internet pages, articles, and forum posts. The Völkischer Beobachter from November 8, 1933 supposedly has a biography of each blood witness, but I was not able to find it. I encourage anyone reading this to contribute any known information on those who fell on this day, as well as any other men they wish to take this day to honor.
Now it may seem that their sacrifice was in vain. These sixteen men have fallen into the shadows and are considered black marks in the family history of the German people. The simple minded will believe that their faith in the movement was wasted. However, a new age is dawning and faith in the movement is rekindling. A new movement is awakening and its rumbling can be heard beneath the earth around the world. It has once again been proven that only our bodies can die and the spirit of these men and of all of the men before us who sacrificed for the movement, ready to die for the idea of National Socialism, are still with us. While we can only remember them in the dark corners of the internet today, we know that one day we will be able to bring together the entire community to salute from the rebuilt Ehrentempels, remember the dead of the movement, and decorate their graves, once desecrated by the allies, in their honor.
Is the Biotech/Industrial complex getting under your skin anon?
Are you tired of dying suddenly of diedsuddenly?
Well get in here for some sympathy and misinformation jabbo, our dedicated control group of horse paste chugging antivaxx plague rats is waiting for your tales of woe.
We're all in the experiment now, we're all clutching our chest in anticipation, everyone has VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS!
What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?
National Socialism has always been a hard sell to white Americans for a number of reasons that I'm not going to get into here. That said, I think that movements such as the Silver Legion and American Nazi Party can still be learnt from for the future.
In the reawakening of the Russian race, and in its assumption that via Sovietism it has a prophetic universal mission, we see a confirmation of this regression to primitive forms of social life, which is found in many modern variants. Those who see in the new Russia the definitive revolt of a barbaric Asiatic race, which rejects the attempts made over two centuries by the Tsars to achieve European civilisation, and attempts instead to ally itself to the forms of social decomposition of the European world, are exactly correct. Bolshevism is the institutionalisation in a modern form of the ancient spirit of the Slavic race : a race without tradition, which, in its social mysticism, in its amalgam of sensuality and spirituality, in the predominance of pathos over ethos, of instinctivity over rationality, brings us back to the forms of pre-personal lack of differentiation and communist promiscuity characteristic of primitives.
The great upheaval of the War has restored this element to its free state, and has made it into a dreadful ferment of decomposition for the still healthy parts of Europe. 'Soviet civilisation', when announcing the coming of the 'proletarian era', dedicates itself openly to the destruction of the 'leprosy' of personality and freedom, "venoms of middle-class society", principles of every evil ; to the abolition, in addition, of private property, of all independent thought, and of every "motive which is supernatural, or, in any sense, foreign to the interests of the [working] class" (Lenin) ; to the advent of the "omnipotent mass-man", who alone must survive and give shape to the way of life and thought of all individuals. The modern side of Bolshevism is only in the 'method' : mechanisation and rationalisation are the means chosen to realise, in a universal social regime based solely on economics, the 'Mass Man', who already lived mystically in the Slavic soul. And, thus, Soviet civilisation converges in aim - consciously - with another race, which also falsely claims a regenerating universal mission and presumes to represent the last word of civilisation : America.
From The Two Faces of Nationalism by Julius Evola.
I cant believe you allowed me to namefag.
This is a non-fascist thread from an outsider.
I am sympathetic to fascism, but understand why we are at odds.
Fascists are fully justified in hating monarchists for Victor Emmanuel III and for Juan Carlos I.
Benito Mussolini writes.
>His treason strips him of his regalia and brands him for his individual shame, just like the traitors whom Dante assigns to the ninth circle of hell.
Benito Mussolini also writes.
>The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes. Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State
Contrary to Benito Mussolini, this thread does analyze & make comparisons between absolutism & fascism. Our prophets are Jean Bodin & Thomas Hobbes & Robert Filmer. De Maistre is our weakest link & the black sheep of our bunch (his ultramontanism stands in stark contrast to our other prophets & De Maistre condemns Louis XIV & has certain Tocquevillist inclinations). Albeit De Maistre is within our ranks, he isn't our foremost representative. Absolutism is a general political idea, applied to each form of state and every time period. It doesn't account for only Monarchy or the Middle Ages and nowadays neofeudalists and traditional catholics and anarcho-capitalists above all others are denouncing absolutism as a political idea -- to the contrary of Benito Mussolini's words, so there is justification for proceeding with the comparison.
What fascism & absolutism have in common is the uplifting of the political.
As the Italian fasces are an emblem of the State & absolutism is from the politique faction (concerned with advancing the political good).
>Bodin was a “politique,” a partisan of neither the Huguenots nor the Catholic League, who had the reputation of caring more for civil peace than doctrinal truth.
'Bodin on Wars of Religion:'
>No greater proof of a stable state exists than was shown recently in the religious wars that flamed throughout all France. Although the leaders of the parties devastated everything with slaughter and fire, yet the splendor and prestige of the courts and of the greatest cities strangely enough was undiminished. Then many battles and great tumults were quieted in a short time by an edict of the best of kings, as swarms of bees may be checked by the throwing of a little dust. The prince forgot all injuries. Goodness of such a nature is innate in the race of the Valois.
>But yet, me thinks, the endeavor to advance the civil power, should not be by the civil power condemned.
'To respect the integrity of this board, the /fascist/ community is welcome to delete this thread.'
This perspective on Fascism refers to these Fascist works:
>The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini
>A Diary of the Will (1927) by Benito Mussolini
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile
>The Philosophy of Fascism (1936) by Mario Palmieri
>The Political Doctrine of Fascism (1925) by Alfredo Rocco
How long can you think in circles before you realize communism is perfect for the people (in theory)?
>"Of course there are no pure races left; not even the Jews have kept their blood unmingled. Successful crossings have often promoted the energy and the beauty of a nation. Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent. at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. Amusingly enough, not one of those who have proclaimed the 'nobility' of the Teutonic race was himself a Teuton. Gobineau was a Frenchman; Houston Chamberlain, an Englishman; Woltmann, a Jew; Lapogue, another Frenchman. Chamberlain actually declared that Rome was the capital of chaos. No such doctrine will ever find wide acceptance here in Italy. Professor Blank, whom you quoted just now, is a man with more poetic imagination than science in his composition. National pride has no need of the delirium of race."
— Benito Mussolini, Talks with Mussolini
The average IQ of Israelis is 94, they're ugly and mediocre.
To demoralize the public, these Middle Easterners were pushed into the spotlight and made the center of everything.
The purpose of demoralization is to make people give up on community projects, to lose faith in humanity and pursue things as individuals because they don't trust others. Demoralized populations are easily exploited.
By putting Jews in the center of every organization, people disperse from those organizations because their impression of them is that they are disreputable and mediocre.
If you had a math society and the math society advertised itself with a Jew presenting a thesis that 1+1 did not equal 2 and the society endorsed it and paraded that Jew around on media, everyone would break with that organization and lose faith in human organizations in general.
Using a mediocre Jew as the face of an organization causes White people to abandon that organization and do it enough times and they will have no faith in the quality of people in general and not organize towards their collective interests.
This is a way of breaking down opposition to governments, corporations, and secret cabals by causing people to become individualists that can't accomplish much of anything as individuals.
1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins.
This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman.
2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females.
This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely.
Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment -------A-B-C-D-E-------------
Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment ---------------A-B-C-D-E-----
Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!)
Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2 --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!)
Canine DNA Segment ---A------------------B------
Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability.
It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people, results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome.
For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites.
The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities.
3. Failure to Group
Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival.
4. The Results of Racial Admixture
To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome).
The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term.
5. Why Can't Scientists Say This?
Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them.
Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture.
6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability?
Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics.
Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births
Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people
The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues.
When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups.
Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding).
7. AI Assembly of Ancestrial Trees is Going to Kill the Myth of Hybrid Vigor Forever
When AI is used to process global ancestry data into a coherent map, you're going to see an almost perfect species division chart. When AI incorporates the recently race mixed populations they will appear as fuzz on the sides of the tree and it will settle the debate forever that, with only the exception of extreme endogamy, it is not possible to make a viable race mixed population.
In addition, you're going to find out there are more species than you know about.
What was the relationship of National Socialism to Catholicism like?
I know they had the main religion being traditional Nordic, but they also allowed Catholics in the Reich like Leon Degrelle.
The Pope declared support for Italy, but what about Germany?
There are pictures of Hitler with Pope, but other than that, could you post facts about this NatSoc-Catholic alliance?
How will Fascism or National Socialism fix relations between men and women? Is there any fixing what has happened, or is it largely a case of removing the muddlers and the natural relations will restore themselves as a matter of course?
What is essential:
>ensuring a father can support an entire family, getting women out of the work-force
>encouraging and supporting large families through incentives, loans, etc
>encouraging men and women to marry earlier
>making divorce more difficult
>banning pornography
>domestic discipline
Previous Threads:
[Reposting from frenspol.]
Hello fellow frens,
Recently in another thread many frens myself included had expressed interest in forming a White advocacy and support network encompassing multiple aspects of community support, outreach, legal assistance, workshops and meetups as well as general well-being improvement initiatives. The amount of advocacy for this idea right off the bat was encouraging and with Hizzy's support I have elected to start a thread to discuss specifically the aspects of what this proposed group or network would entail and encourage ideas from the broader Frenschan community.
This group would entail a range of support and advocacy initiatives all encompassing the idea of preserving White heritage and cultural and supporting the members of our race. The group would start here on Frenschan employing an organizational structure that was both secure and trustworthy. So many frens have echoed my sentiments that too many White support groups today are untrustworthy, full of red flags, or have become E-begging whores to fund the lifestyle's of the leadership that runs them while doing little for the community that they claim to represent. This group would be founded by us in the FC community and integrity would be one of the strongest cornerstones in which its foundation would be built. Many Whites today are lost, alone, and adrift on a dark ocean with societal propaganda and feelings of hopelessness beaten down upon them daily. We need to change that and reverse course and one way we accomplish this is creating lasting hope that those lost people can both reach out for like a piece of floating driftwood and come ultimately to believe in.
The first aspect of creating this organization or network is getting a broad range of ideas from the community on what its mission will entail and what operation parameters it will govern itself under. Feel free to give whatever ideas you think will have a positive aspect to its formation as well as ideas on what to watch out for and avoid. Everyone here has something to contribute and I'm not just talking about pol. Anyone on any of the other boards should be encouraged to come here and contribute to what will hopefully turn into a significant development for White's moving forward.
Also something that should be discussed by the community is how communications should be handled in the formation of the group. Should we continue on a newly created private board or should the discussion head to a private Matrix channel? Again integrity and security will be top priorities for this group and keeping things decentralized and identities secret will be key.
Please share your thoughts frens, your opinions are much appreciated.
[Original thread:]
Discussion of Duginism Eurasianism
Russia has effectively annexed eastern Ukraine recently. During the annexation ceremony Putin held a speech whose full text can be gotten here The speech constitutes an ideological declaration of war against the west in its current form. And it is no coincidence that its most harmless points have been discussed only superficially in western media. Russia let down its mask... at least partially. And what lurks beneath it is... interesting.