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Replies: >>6518
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The one semi-based person I know irl just joined the National Guard. I suppose Fuentes was right about Trump restoring legitimacy to the system among normiecons.

To be honest, I wouldn't have a problem joining the military myself if it wasn't for Israel and all the vaccines. The Space Force is a cool idea that's certainly going to become more relevant the closer we get to peer conflicts against Russia and China. However, it's currently run by a Latina DEI hire lmao. Time will tell if Trump is able to purge all this garbage from our institutions. But even if he does, it could easily be reversed in four years, and in any case, I don't see us ceasing to suck Israeli dick anytime soon.

On an unrelated note, the Matt Gaetz blackmail is clearly coming from the Russian Jewish mafia. Not only did they try to extort him in 2021 as part of a harebrained scheme to rescue Robert Levinson from Iran, but Gaetz's hoe wrangler Greenberg has ties to Roger Stone of all people. I get the impression they see Gaetz as a threat on account of his milquetoast criticisms of the Israel lobby, but maybe it's all 4D chess and I'm just a retard.

Something funny about Robert Levinson, though. Several years ago, Mueller of Russiagate fame apparently offered to drop the oppostion to Jewish mafia figure Oleg Deripaska getting an American visa if the latter would fork up money to help rescue Levinson, a former CIA contractor. Deripaska is apparently close with Putin so the Gaetz rabbithole goes pretty deep and stinks of hypocrisy on the part of our elites. These people are all transnational scum. I'm not sure if the conflicts between them are the result of Jewish mafia infighting or pure kayfabe.

I do find it interesting how Putin has been hoarding the Chabad library in Moscow. The majority of the Luvabitchers clearly support Ukraine, but there is a minority faction that sees a resurgent Russian Empire as the best hope for their movement long-term. Putin is certainly anti-white and pro-Jew, no matter how many Jewish ogligarchs he spanks. I don't know much about Kushner but I wonder which side of this divide he falls on.
Replies: >>6091
>Both of these sent a powerful message that their actions do have consquences and they bleed the same as everyone.
I am afraid you are the only being impressed here, dear glowie. Race traitors and niggers couldn't care less, as anyone with two braincells could easily observe.
The forced glorification of those fishy spergs on our side of the political fence is one of the most idiotic and embarassing things to date.
Replies: >>6092
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>I, Glowie
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If they including ((( You ))) didn't care at all, why would they then kvetch a lot about them, faggot?
Nice Facebook frog, Stephen Baele. You humongous faggot of an derad shill.
>"Saint" Anders Breivik

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Disrespect of racial heroes

Replies: >>6097
love to be seeing Hard Reset here
Their reaction are part of the entire ritual of outrage ingrained in "our" culture, but beyond the expected processions and lamentations these people have not slowed down one bit in further debasing and invading our once great societies.
For example niggers have no reason to care, one guy who kills more niggers in an isolated act is not even a drop in an ocean of death through either gang warfare or trigger happy cops gunning down dindus. If anything, a bunch of freshly axed niggers means more chicken for the others.
Most of these shooters could have easily maximized their kill ratio by simply not even trying to be attention whores and keeping quiet about their moral business. However if they were groomed or forced to be suicidal candidates then it totally follows that what they do is illogical and so terrible for their own lives.
>wah wah derad muh eceleb something salad
So predictable.
>saint Breivik
>wanna blow some building?
Lmao, too gay to even care.
Have a nice day glowie.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Disrespect towards those who gave their lives for the cause

Replies: >>6097
Not these guys, but I'm fully convinced that BO is a literal federal agent trying to convince white guys that pointless terrorism is their only option.

Tribe and train, boys. The glowies wouldn't be shilling mass shooters so hard if they weren't afraid of what happens when white men get legitimately organising.

And no, I'm not pretending voting for Trump solved everything, or even much at all. But anyone with an IQ over 90 can tell that these skull mask retards are sociopathic schizos trying to pass their antisocial tendencies off as legitimate revolutionary tactics.

BO: Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.
This is a well reasoned post.
Replies: >>6099
Trump being voted in literally CREATED a whole list of problems, what on Earth is are you trying to compromise into our minds you rightist reprobate? (or, to take a page from your playbook, you pacifistic rat of a federal agent)

>Tribe and train, boys. The glowies wouldn't be shilling mass shooters so hard if they weren't afraid of what happens when white men get legitimately organising.

You sad little idiot. I’m sure the heckin glowies are pissing themselves now that chvds are meeting up and punching each other (playing boxing games with each other). It could never benefit feds to have chuds’ power processes satisfied via membership to named AC organisations that can easily have a member plopped into them (like when AWD had a huge join button. It totally wasn’t as if the FBI could just plop ToB informants in at their leisure or anything!).
Even so, five chvds with boxing skills won’t phase a fatty with a pistol. Great.

Lone wolves are totally not way harder to control than “members”.

>if they weren't afraid of what happens when white men get legitimately organising
trust me, they aren’t scared one bit of would-be groypers/gym bros wearing swastikas playing boxing with each other in a field. Not at all that sports are a waste of time but come on. That’s just “membership” as Ted K described in ISAIF.

>But anyone with an IQ over 90 can tell that these skull mask retards are sociopathic schizos trying to pass their antisocial tendencies off as legitimate revolutionary tactics.
The irony is insane.
Sociopathy, or psychopathy for that matter, is a necessary trait for revolutionaries. What, should fee-fees get in the way of the Cause? These men are so much braver than you, movementarian “guyz when society collapses we’ll be so much better off, not because we totally dropped out (heckin cringe Manson seejtard behaviour) but becuz we played boxing in a field” COWARDS.
That’s the difference between us.
We ARE antisocial, because we are against this worthless lemming anti-white death-spiral society, and everything it stands for. The fat can be trimmed off the edges, the undesirables, wogs and the cityites can and will be left to die by the millions. Nothing at all of value will be lost, in fact, invaluable conditions will have been gained.
As for the “schizos” part, that has no basis really. So whatever.
As for the IQ over 90 part, oh boy. You do realise, while actual retarded redneck “white nationalists” were singing a chorus of “white pride worldwide” and getting nowhere, us “Seejtards” founded the Atomwaffen division, the original ironmarch one, before it got subverted due to structural issues. 
Brandon Russell himself literally called it that, “nuclear weapons division”, because he and other members had a STEM background — he, and they, and we, were and are, anything but unintelligent. Our “sociopathy” means we care about RESULTS and not farces or feedback loops.
If you’re metering intelligence, by the way, I think you’d find some unwelcome results venturing into the cow pasture of boxing bros with your IQ meter. Just something to think about.

(Note: i assumed by tribe and train you meant active clubs, which are just stupid exercise clubs for chvds that could exercise anyway without getting on an FBI list. If I am wrong and you meant something along the lines of in-private cell formation, and paramilitary training, I revoke what I said, and agree wholeheartedly.)
Replies: >>6130
BO please stop banning movementarians though. I wouldn’t want this place to become an accelerationist echo chamber. There are like, five acc. chvds on here, the Britfag, and then like at least four others.
You should see it to encourage discussion, as to embarrass and potentially shift the perspective closer to the truth of the wrong man. Stopping someone else from speaking, even if they’re an uppity trumpnigger, is cowardly behaviour. The movemnetarians hardly clog this board up, as it has like 2pph at primetime.
Replies: >>6103 >>6116
BO has an issue with any harsh criticism lifted against those sketchy shooters. He sees no difference between the real acts of The Order and their legitimate motivations on one hand, and the groomed shooters on the other. There's a whole world of difference but he can't and won't see that. Perhaps he prefers to goon over the pictures of "saints" who hardly expose jews and just waste bullets on expandable meatbags before surrendering to the legitimate power of the ZOG authorities despite pretending being some crusading homocidal killing machines at war with an enemy that is conveniently never properly identified. All these faggots pretending being based, redpilled and educated on the Hitlers and 1488s have likely never read anything at all of their whole life and their incoherent manifestos could have literally been written for them for all we know. In fact we know very little about these shooters, very little about their identities and that of their friends or family members. It could all be bullshit. But it's just easier screaming that skeptics are cowards, derads and traitors, which is a typical form of gaslighting to quickly obtain silence.
Replies: >>6128
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>shilling mass shooters
pathetic little coward cannot comprehend the aryan urge to celebrate one's tribe warriors, prefers to fancy a non existent shilling campaign by fedniggerkikes in support of terrorism
(while in reality white people are thrown in jail for merely speaking about being tribalist or making music and videos, let alone organize in real terrorist orgs).
all based and effective places causing real life changes to ZOGged mentality like 8chan are shut down, there is no such thing as kikes promoting white terrorism, you stupid faggot.

kill yourself, you might feel comfortable in going back to reddit
Replies: >>6105 >>6107 >>6439
This post couldn't glow more if it tried.
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>like a glowfed

Not buying that Vespene Gas.


>you’re a fed
>no, you’re a fed!
wait a minute, that’s a genetic fallacy. Let’s assume we’re all feds, and at the same time, none of us are, a nonsensical assertion.
Now, let’s find the dialectic truth.
You blabbermouths act like children sometimes, I swear.
Replies: >>6114
No u.
It's a one day warning, if they can't learn I'll make it longer and This will never be an accelerationist echo chamber because conservacucks and derads never go away no matter how many times they've been outargued.
Replies: >>6117
ILY Orlog
The more time goes on, the more I hate Spic Fuentes. His criticisms are generally good, but the problem is he does nothing else but criticise. Even his fan club get togethers have been disasters, especially the one in Detroit that ended in one of his pet nigger Muslims getting punched in the face by another nigger lol. "Groyper War 2" never materialised at all.

The worst part of the whole thing is that Fuentes is right when he says his cult is the biggest faction in American dissident right-wing politics today. Rundo had to flee the country, Rousseau is an incompetent retard, and every other organisation I can think of has membership numbering in the hundreds for a country of 400 million.

Even as someone who leans towards "movementarianism" I'm forced to admit that the situation in America looks truly hopeless. We might not end up quite as bad as say South Africa but I think Brazil is a fair expectation at this point.

That being said, I'm still not advocating terrorism. The most likely outcome to me seems like all the competent, sane whites doing whatever they can to scrape together resources and flee to Europe or wherever. I'm not deliberately blackpilling, just trying to be realistic.
It's the same for anybody who turns political commentary into a full time job. They don't want their viewers to do anything in real life because then they'd lose their main source of income.
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>All these faggots pretending being based, redpilled and educated on the Hitlers and 1488s
Speak for yourself, you retarded faggot, Hitler nowadays would be in such organizations like Atomwaffen and NSLF, he would call for the destruction of the entire government, thus he will highly praise others who would assist in such manner, like Anders Breivik and Timothy McVeigh. 
You would fed-jacket him at every opportunity had you been alive in his own lifetime.

>An existing order isn’t abolished merely by proclaiming and insisting on a new one. It mustn’t be presumed that adherents or beneficiaries of the existing order will be converted and won over to the new movement simply by demonstrating its necessity. On the contrary, it may easily happen that two different situations exist side by side, and that a so-called worldview is transformed into a party, unable to rise above its limitations. A worldview is intolerant and cannot exist as ‘one party among many.’ It imperiously demands its own recognition as unique and exclusive, and also a complete transformation of all public life in accordance with its views. It can never allow the previous condition to continue in existence. The same holds true of religions.
>One may today regret the fact that the advent of Christianity marked the appearance of the first spiritual terror into the much freer ancient world. But the fact cannot be denied that, ever since then, the world has been pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion, and that violence has been broken only by violence, and terror only by terror. Only then can a new condition be constructively created.
>Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own, but rather first had to destroy the pagan altars. It was only from this passionate intolerance that an apodictic faith could take form; intolerance is an indispensable precondition. Political parties are prone to compromises, but worldviews never. Political parties tend to reckon with their opponents, but worldviews proclaim their own infallibility.
^ Chapter 5, "Worldview and Organization".
>These tactics are based on an accurate estimation of human weaknesses; they will lead to success, with almost mathematical certainty, unless the other side also learns how to fight poison gas with poison gas. The weaker natures must be told that this is a case of ‘to be or not to be.’ 
>I also came to understand that physical terror has its significance for both the masses and the individual. Here again the Socialists accurately calculated the psychological effect. Terror in workshops and in factories, in assembly halls and at mass demonstrations, will always meet with success, as long as it does not encounter the same kind of terror in a stronger form.
^ Chapter 2, "Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna".
>The Reds used to pay little attention to those bourgeois organizations where only babblers talked. They recognized their inner triviality and harmlessness better than the members themselves. They were determined to use all means of ridding themselves of a dangerous movement. Their most effective means in such cases have always been terror and brute force.
>In the small circles of our own movement, people showed a certain amount of anxiety at the thought of such a conflict. They wanted to avoid coming out into the open, because they feared being beaten. In their minds, they saw our first public meetings broken up and feared that the movement was ruined forever. I found it difficult to defend my own position: that conflict shouldn’t be avoided but openly confronted, and that we should acquire the arms necessary for protection against violence. Terror cannot be overcome by the mind but only by counter-terror. The success of our first public meeting strengthened my own position. The members felt encouraged to arrange for a second meeting, on an even larger scale.
^ Chapter 12, "The First Period of the Development of the National Socialist German Workers' Party".
>The political work and activities of decent people could therefore always be hindered by desperate gangsters. In the name of law and order, State authority bows down to these gangsters and demands that others shouldn’t provoke them. When National Socialists wanted to hold meetings in certain places and the labor unions declared that their members would resist, the police didn't jail these blackmailers but rather forbade our meeting. Yes, this organ of the law had the unbelievable impudence to inform us of this in writing, on innumerable occasions.
>Another feature had to be considered: All meetings that rely on police protection must necessarily discredit their promoters in the eyes of the broad masses. Meetings that are only possible with the protective assistance of a strong police force convert no one, because in order to win over the lower strata of the people, there must be a visible display of one’s own strength. In the same way that a courageous man will win a woman’s heart more easily than a coward, so a heroic movement will be more successful in winning over the hearts of a people than a weak movement that’s kept alive only by police protection.
^ Chapter 7, "Conflict with the Red Front".
Replies: >>6129
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>equaling the atomwaffle to Hitler and his men
>praising well documented patsy McVeigh
>you won't do anything
And the circus goes on, as expected.
Replies: >>6132 >>6133
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And you think you're smart? Maybe you could try thinking for a minute or two? Are you deluded enough to even believe that these mass shooters are frightening the feds and their masters, when their agenda was always accelerated either in a small step or a whole leap after most of these shootings?
You can't claim these senseless wasted killings serve us in any way when, again, in the US alone the feds are openly telling the people that they groom domestic terrorists on purpose. You cannot claim that the government is terrorized by the killing of a bunch of useless niggers, mudslimes, beaners, etc.
I don't even think the other anon is a Trumpper, although there's a need to recognize that any shifting of the Overton window our way, no matter how small and done as a concession by the jews to maintain their control over us, must be tirelessly exploited all the while knowing that democracy is the jews' favorite tool to keep use weak and divided. Yes, we know, it's also used as a pressure valve to deflate the radicalization of some people but these are short term solutions for the jews because their lies and the collective resentment won't go away and historically there always comes a point when the jews get kickedin the teeth despite the hold they seem to have on whole nations. On the long term it's not useful to them unless they literally win by taking control of the world in such a way and with such power that nobody will be able to oppose them anymore. Considering how far they want this time, it's a given that it will be us or them. Period.
There's no point doubting that a real armed revolution will be necessary at some point in the future, but that will require an army, not a bunch of retards, puppets and patsies running and gunning headlessly regardless of their pompous posturing.
Nevertheless, it is entirely true that organizing and forming communities would also go a long way strengthening our people because it's what we critically lack.All the other groups do it. The training in question is mostly there for the self defense. Besides, training brings discipline, in which case when things will become very hot these members will prove very efficient at defending their people and their values.
>Lone wolves are totally not way harder to control than “members”.
Your mass shooters are not "lone wolves"n they are fuses and they all end being controlled because they allow themselves to end in jail for many decades with no parole, you fucking midwit. They are just deranged people wasting their lives in the most fruitless way.
Lone wolves select a good target and stay silent about their action. The clear purpose of their action is to serve the cause while remaining free and able to strike again. They don't relish capture or exposure, quite the contrary, they try to avoid it all costs. Lone wolves do not show their colors, they remain quiet precisely to avoid detection. They dress like your brother or dad.
A wild wolf will never let itself be captured and will fight till the end. As an example although I would not put in him in the lone wolf category but militia leader one, look up Robert Jay Mathews. Opposite to him, all your groomed shooters with their strange manifestos cannot compare to this genuine hero. All you fags are either feds or retards just too stupid to understand anything. Too thick to see the patterns, the incongruities, the lack of any rhyme to what goes on. The fishiness of every one of these single "mass shooting" events becomes apparent the moment you put to good use your wits and spend several well invested hours if not days studying each case.
For example, every shooter who surrenders and lets himself be captured is sending a strong message: the police always wins in the end. Worse, ==surrendering to the ZOG's police forces means you acknowledge their legitimate authority, yet there couldn't be anything more antithetical to a true lone wolf, a true White radical who's sufficiently educated to know who the enemy is and who is willing to commit repeat murder.
Question for you bright ones: what links 9/11 and Christchurch?
Well that's another classic: many major false flags that considerably advanced the jewish agenda happened during anti-terrorist drills. It is not employed for small scale terrorist acts but it's very useful for larger ones.
Now I'll go over some of your sentences.
>It could never benefit feds to have chuds’ power processes satisfied via membership to named AC organisations that can easily have a member plopped into them (like when AWD had a huge join button. It totally wasn’t as if the FBI could just plop ToB informants in at their leisure or anything!).
You are so wrong on this. A man very close to The Order clearly explained that a political front is necessary to openly support our views as far as legally possible, including eventually brawlers, while the far more violent individuals, the true lone wolves, will become active by operating according to methods that provide plausible deniability. Which means no fucking facebook groomed divas, no pissant retards who post their plans on their website or the chans, no feral idiots who send their gayfisto to the authorities ahead of their assault.
>Even so, five chvds with boxing skills won’t phase a fatty with a pistol. Great.
Funny of you to say that since all your worshiped shooters go against unarmed targets and most of them are utterly inconsequential. Where are you heroes? The moment people with guns show up, every single time these are ZOG blue pigs btw, they surrender. So much for pretending being a based chad who won't hesitate to use firepower against an armed foe. So shut the fuck up you faggot.
>trust me, they aren’t scared one bit of would-be groypers/gym bros wearing swastikas playing boxing with each other in a field. Not at all that sports are a waste of time but come on. That’s just “membership” as Ted K described in ISAIF.
Why do you dishonestly translate "regroup and train" into becoming scaredy gymbros? The Chechens do the grouping too and do a lot of training in the gym btw. They pwned Russian soldiers hard.
>Sociopathy, or psychopathy for that matter, is a necessary trait for revolutionaries.
No? You should read up a dictionary and look into the meaning of these words. We certainly do not need to turn into narcissistic manipulative lying parasites to fight for good. Leave that to jews.
>We ARE antisocial, because we are against this worthless lemming anti-white death-spiral society, and everything it stands for. The fat can be trimmed off the edges, the undesirables, wogs and the cityites can and will be left to die by the millions. Nothing at all of value will be lost, in fact, invaluable conditions will have been gained.
You're describing a war, so soldiers need to act with intelligence and efficiency. Your terrorist acts that just play right into the hands of our enemies could not be more opposed to this.
>As for the “schizos” part, that has no basis really. So whatever.
It seems to be totally fitting because the acts do not follow the logic commanded by the beliefs these shooters supposedly hold and because it's baffling to see people seemingly smart enough to put a bunch of good and sound things in their manifestos and yet not have enough IQ to realize that they're just going to waste their lives in the most literal and worst way possible. If you want to kill enemies of your race, fine, but do it the smart way.
I can't believe I'm wasting my time arguing against fucking random anons on internet who think there's anything great about a mong barging into a church and killing random niggers and then letting himself get caught after the adrenaline rush dissipates.
>As for the IQ over 90 part, oh boy. You do realise, while actual retarded redneck “white nationalists” were singing a chorus of “white pride worldwide” and getting nowhere, us “Seejtards” founded the Atomwaffen division, the original ironmarch one, before it got subverted due to structural issues.
Holy shit, imagine being subverted by "structural issues". LMAO. That's like saying your small limited company foreclosed because your printers went out of paper and ink.
Anyway you were just a bunch of LARPers going nowhere, you had so many things wrong and very little right. At best you should have been attached to a larger and legitimate political group that accepted no compromises, and trained into becoming more efficient while dropping all you silly regalia because it made you look like clowns.
>Brandon Russell himself literally called it that, “nuclear weapons division”, because he and other members had a STEM background — he, and they, and we, were and are, anything but unintelligent. Our “sociopathy” means we care about RESULTS and not farces or feedback loops.
You're definitely not so smart you and your STEMfag liege. How can you be taken seriously when the very name of that ass broken organization of yours that glowed like one huge honeypot was "nuclear weapons division"? Why not "superior white lasers army"? Or "boom tank 88"? Geez. Do you even think?
Replies: >>6133
what even is gaslighting? I though it was a word for a hyperspecific derealisation-centred manipulation tactic that since 2022 was co-opted by oversocialised “jailbird to angel” white women to paint their latest boyfriend simply lying to them as them being a mega-victim and him being an ultra-evil reanimated Machiavelli clone.
Literally I couldn’t find anywhere in OPs message where he tried to break your perception of reality.
Not that traits ever disqualify arguments made by the possesor, but osmatically absorbing deranged nuspeak like “gaslight” reflects badly.
Replies: >>6148
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>showing examples of Hitler himself overtly praising terroristic tactics on his own book is "gaslighting"
>Doesn't even bother to actually refute him at all.
>"Timmy is a patsy bro" - Source: My anus.
You're so illiterate, it is unreal.
I'm not the guy you replied to, but I will answer some of your questions regardless.
>Yes, we know, it's also used as a pressure valve to deflate the radicalization of some people but these are short term solutions for the jews because their lies and the collective resentment won't go away and historically there always comes a point when the jews get kicked in the teeth despite the hold they seem to have on whole nations.
Only until social and economic conditions actually deteriorate AND it will actually fall apart at 2031 as they actually admitted to pic related, it will always be a minority of independent thinkers who will fight regardless, the masses will flock to the winning group after shit had hit the fan
Just like I told you, surrendering to the Police will always be an big fuck-up and self-snitching should be avoided at all cost. in the cases of Breivik and Tarrant however in the former case which he gets to live like a fucking king in the Norwegian prison system which they pretty much gave him everything he wanted in there, in the latter case, Tarrant thought his nation's prison was comfy like Breivik and that was his biggest mistake sadly.
>in the US alone the feds are openly telling the people that they groom domestic terrorists on purpose. You cannot claim that the government is terrorized by the killing of a bunch of useless niggers, mudslimes, beaners, etc.
If this was the case, how would your "Order" be any different? They spent their time stealing from nigger pimps and dealers, shot a kike radio host and got fucked over by a federal informant which lead to Robert getting burned in the process.
I guess both David Lane (apart of the Order you love to post about so much) and Adolf Hitler are "fuses" in your own worldview because they exactly allowed themselves to be imprisoned in jail, precisely because Hitler dared to do his putsch in Munich and Lane for the exact reason that you bitch about so much.
>A man very close to The Order clearly explained that a political front is necessary to openly support our views as far as legally possible, including eventually brawlers, while the far more violent individuals, the true lone wolves, will become active by operating according to methods that provide plausible deniability.
You just contradicted yourself, you say it is necessary to minimize exposure (for individual lone wolves I assume) and then promote said 'exposure' by using an overt public group. How the fuck would that be any different? you're just using an group to promote it. (as groups are really just bundle of individuals who would potentially be lone wolves otherwise)
By the way, Patriot Front members are now being thrown to jail for a really long time, just for flying the US FLAG.
How would you help them in that case? If you're being thrown into jail for that, you might as well thinking to do something better for the same amount of jail time plus with lesser chances of being caught than with flying the US flag.
I'll even give you a hint, read into what Uncle Adolf said and think.
>Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own, but rather first had to destroy the pagan altars.

>Why do you dishonestly translate "regroup and train" into becoming scaredy gymbros? The Chechens do the grouping too and do a lot of training in the gym btw. They pwned Russian soldiers hard.
LOL, You must be a zigger if you actually bring them up as a good example, they lost in the second war and now their own Akhmat battalion pissed their own pants running away from Ukrainians during the Kursk offensive when they realised they can't take videos of themselves doing cool shit on Tiktok as they fear on what the Azov Battalion would do to them, so much for that training in the gym...
>I can't believe I'm wasting my time arguing against fucking random anons on internet who think there's anything great about a mong barging into a church and killing random niggers and then letting himself get caught after the adrenaline rush dissipates.
You're wasting your time bringing up any flaws in the 'shooters' without realizing that you're legitimizing your enemy's arguments and providing them ammunation. There is no reason that any argument that you try to use against Tarrant and Breivik couldn't be also used against the Order and Robert Matthews, but you're too niggerbrained to notice that
There wouldn't be any action for Breivik or Tarrant if shitskins and commies didn't create them excuses to do it, 
Breivik wouldn't had done it if the commies weren't planning to ruin Norway by importing shitskin men to rape the women and girls in his nation.
Tarrant wouldn't had done it if the local shitskins are grooming White children in his area in that mosque.
How is this so hard for you to understand?
>It seems to be totally fitting because the acts do not follow the logic commanded by the beliefs these shooters supposedly hold and because it's baffling to see people seemingly smart enough to put a bunch of good and sound things in their manifestos and yet not have enough IQ to realize that they're just going to waste their lives in the most literal and worst way possible. If you want to kill enemies of your race, fine, but do it the smart way.
It is "baffling" to you because you can never empathize with ordinary White people, it is 'beyond' to you that they are victimized everyday by subhumans and racial traitors, with the obvious example of little girls stabbed and raped by shitskin migrants daily which by the way, the mosque that Tarrant chose wasn't exactly a random choice since it was a grooming hub for little kids. You fluff it all as "random" and "meaningless" without looking exactly why.
>Holy shit, imagine being subverted by "structural issues". LMAO.
Yeah... Imagine being subverted by federal informants, am I right bro, such LARPers indeed!
Oh wait, that's exactly what happened to THE ORDER as well. LOL!
Replies: >>6134 >>6135 >>6137
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Minor typo
>Tarrant wouldn't had done it if the local shitskins AREN'T grooming White children in his area in that mosque.

>Anyway you were just a bunch of LARPers going nowhere, you had so many things wrong and very little right. At best you should have been attached to a larger and legitimate political group that accepted no compromises, and trained into becoming more efficient while dropping all you silly regalia because it made you look like clowns.
This is the funniest joke of /fascism/ ever, you really are a newfag if you think they could had attached themselves to...
<Kike Enoch and his band of grifiters.
<Andrew "if her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock" Anglin's ramblings about how Asian women are better than White women.
<Matthew "It's all right when you do it to ya stepdaddy's momma-in-laaaaw!" Heimbach's incestuous orgy of an organisation where he disavowed Fascism later on and became a Tankie.
<Richard "Europeans should just be a big huwite mutt race with no distinction to ethnicity" Spencer's gay bathhouse.
AW were the largest and most relevant organization in that time, in fact they were so relevant as result of their legacy, both American and European movementarians adopted the skull mask and some of their aesthetic, including hooligans and organizations like NRM, Casapound, the Falangists in Spain, Azov Battalion.
by the way, the reason saints like saint Tarrant target high density undesirable population centers (this doesn’t even apply to Breivik because he attempted to wire a simultaneous car bomb but botched it) instead of going after high value targets is because those places are usually completely undefended, political assassinations, like that NA dude in England against some race traitor politician, are viable, an even arguably a good accelerant, but they are hard to pull off and you only get one or two guys at most before being gunned down.
It’s cathartic to go after the symptom. All of OP’s mind-boggling denialism to do with glorification of the police applies to muh Order and Lane, they ended up showing how the FBI could burn their top man to death in his home, if that isn’t a show of power on the System’s behalf I don’t know what is.
For more information on targetry I highly recommend checking out Saint J.K.’s manifesto in the /SIEGE/ thread. It has an excellent segment on targetry which debunks a lot of derad/demoralisation “counterarguments”.
daily reminder to get yourself and your family on benefits.
It’s as easy as getting diagnosed with “autism” or “ADHD” and writing a long bleeding-heart document from a “carer friend” about how you can’t muh cook spaghetti because muh “executive dysfunction” and they start sending you >€600 a month. It’s fucking nuts.
Replies: >>6512
>scrape together resources and flee to Europe 
Where, though? They are being willfully invaded just as badly.
Replies: >>6142
>all the competent whites flee to europe or wherever
it’s not like that hasn’t been tried before or anything.
Why don’t we all go to the Pacific Northwest?
Or [any Aryan south African town that got flooded with subhuman niggers and had to split apart into smaller separatist isolationist villages like Orania]?
Any isolationist coward that doesn’t act like he deserves Total Aryan Victory nor aspire to it gets what he deserves in the end, as tough as that seems.
I have my issues with him on a personal level, but Manson had the right idea on this.
By any and all available means, remove every dependency you have on the System. “Total Drop-out”
But you should be seeing to its end with a clear head and a .22 ready to shoot the Texas power grid you no longer rely on.
When the human excess dies out, it’ll be fertile land for you to take.
Replies: >>6142
The difference is that Europeans have actual identities and ties to the soil that make them willing to fight back. I can't remember who said this, but basically, "everyone is just visiting America." Even without negroes, jews etc. our white population is too diverse to have a coherent culture aside from maybe Christianity, which has its own obvious ((( problems )))
Your daily reminder that Harold Covington was never a serious political actor.

I believe we "deserve" total Aryan victory, but the gods don't give a damn what we "deserve." They only respect power and will, and right now, most whites have neither.
>remove every dependency you have on the System
that I can agree with, which is why I'm slowly whittling away at my addictions and other bad habits
Replies: >>6146 >>6169
The other issue with Europe is why - seeing as they have
>identities and ties to the soil that make them willing to fight back
Allow a bunch of Americans to immigrate? Wouldn't any nationalist movement there see American White immigration as odious?
I don't even object to the idea, I would be willing to relocate to, say, Germany, learn the language, assimilate their culture etc provided they had an actual nationalist government which valued blood. The question is why would they want us?
Replies: >>6147
It would probably be a case of ethnic Irish remigrating to Ireland, Germans to Germany etc. Although with the way things are going in western Europe I've heard a lot of people considering fleeing to Poland or even Russia. Not a huge fan of that idea myself even though I don't mind slavs, but I doubt those countries would be overly picky so long as you bring money
Replies: >>6152 >>6153
NTA but gaslighting has already evolved (and then became abused) into an expression standing for something like a systemic provocation by belittling someone, eventually expecting an explosive burst of humiliating emotional reaction in return, while destroying that person's sense of self-worthiness, all the while trying to re-frame that same target into doubting their own capacity to comprehend reality at all. So it's just not a mere insult because it can take on the form of some kind of aggressive rhetoric, it's a composite attack with attempts at weighty implications to reduce said target to silence, or more precisely, self-censorship. It is that manipulative.
>I've heard a lot of people considering fleeing to Poland or even Russia
fucking why, lmao.
I swear this happened in a book I read as a kid called “camp of the saints”. Literally what the fuck is this dreamy carpetbagger tranny thought process. No, there’s no culture for you to just take. Even if they weren’t all rotting.
This didn’t just happen with PNW or anything, it’s happened with “third positionist” “German nationalists” with their hilariously ugly non-swastika symbols, with neo-falangists in Spain, and probably in a bunch of other places too. It ends as well as you’d expect a 100-man separatist fringe to. If its successful, and they’re not actively (Mansonite) accelerationist, you get a bumfuck kabbutz/amish settlement with a few swastikas thrown around. All that effort and eventually the people in it will start aspiring for System pleasures and emigrate. Leaving a tiny ghost cabin complex. This will just happen again as a culmination of endless localised struggle if you actually go forward with your plans.

And this whole Andrew Anglin “Russia Mysticism” bullshit is absurd and just demonstrates a lack of understanding of the situation in Russia or adjacent states. Putin worships sand niggers and muttification, obviously, and (see Saint J.K.’s manifesto in the /SIEGE/ thread for proof) is just another Jew/post-soviet oligarch-surrounded System flesh puppet. That’s why holocaust denial is illegal in Russia. Seriously. Look it up. The reason they allow Ruskee group to fight in the Ukraine is because it means brainless “natsocs” get to be moralised into signing up to be thrown into the System ouroboros war debt masochism machine. And the anti-faggotry stance of muh Putler is a terrible thing because it’s encouraging central asian race mutt-ry under the guise of taking a not totally deranged position against families. This is much worse than Western ZOG because it isn’t suicidally hedonistic (good for its own downfall).
After receiving his paycheck from Russian tech funding firms with weird shadowy managers called Alexander, Andrew Anglin and grifters like him use Russia’s anti-faggotry stance to try and deceive people like us.
>It would probably be a case of ethnic Irish remigrating to Ireland, Germans to Germany etc
This is so pathetic, petty, and cringy.
Replies: >>6155
Not an argument, nigger. At this point, I see no path to preventing America from becoming Brazil at best, South Africa at worst. On the other hand, I get the impression at least a few European countries are going to refuse to go down without a fight.

If you have a better idea that isn't "just shoot up your local black church lmao" I'm all ears. But I don't want to get raped by a pack of feral niggers, sorry.
Replies: >>6161
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Friendly reminder for opticuck faggots!
Replies: >>6162
Many states in America remain largely white so not all is lost.

Now there seems to be some kind of lingering trauma or taboo in yankee society where even when you're pro-White you should never spit on the flag and never talk about secession.
Replies: >>6183
huh, only just realised that Saint Tarrant left his boot wide open with guns in it
also gem
>Rundo had to flee the country, Rousseau is an incompetent retard, and every other organisation I can think of has membership numbering in the hundreds for a country of 400 million.
What should they be doing differently?
Replies: >>6183
>The difference is that Europeans have actual identities and ties to the soil that make them willing to fight back.
You're right but how would adding a bunch of transient Americans improve this situation?
Replies: >>6175 >>6183 >>6194
even worse, that isn’t even true
Replies: >>6183
I live in one of those states and I'm just not sure there's the political will. Maybe Jackson secession in the PNW could become a reality, but thanks to all the faggots on the coast they would be landlocked and sanctioned out of existence imo.

I'm not trying to blackpill to the point of saying our race is doomed. In addition to most of Europe minus say France, I think Australia has a good chance of pulling through. I just have serious doubts as to the future of the American project in particular.

I wish we had scalped all the Mexicans 150 years ago instead of allowing such a large border with subhumans to remain. Although I suppose nothing can help when your entire elite sells you out to the jews.
If I knew I would be doing it myself, but that doesn't make me wrong.
Most ethnic Americans have a stronger sense of loyalty to their home cultures than America itself in my experience. This is especially true for the Irish and Italians, but even Germans to a certain extent. Hell, the town I grew up in still had a German-language newspaper until WW2, and there are still a lot of Amish who speak German / Pennsylvania Dutch
It sure seems that way from the outside when I see riots like the ones that recently happened in Britain and Ireland, or parties like AFD on the verge of getting banned.
Replies: >>6186 >>6187 >>6336
the situation is just more accelerated here in Britain. I mean you could flood somewhere in Ireland which only has 6 million (gorillion) inhabitants but eh.
Incompetent is a very strong word to use when you don't even have a specific solution in mind. What specifically is Rousseau doing that is incompetent? 
>Most ethnic Americans have a stronger sense of loyalty to their home cultures than America itself in my experience
Maybe, maybe so. The trouble is that transporting a German American back to Germany doesn't create a sense of rootedness. If anything, it further alienates it. After all, 90% of German Americans don't even speak the language.

We need to develop rootedness here and fight. For all practical purposes, White = American and American = White. Non-Whites are not Americans, they are foreign occupiers.
Replies: >>6191 >>6192 >>6195
>We need to develop rootedness here and fight. For all practical purposes, White = American and American = White. Non-Whites are not Americans, they are foreign occupiers
here you go. There’s your rootedness. Periphery clog will just cause confusion. And faggot bougie college kid typed would still screech about muh Red Indian trannies (look up Two-Spirit) colonialism white supremacy o algo.
Replies: >>6242
I haven't been able to take Rousseau seriously since this happened. And to be honest, I haven't heard about them doing much since. The only reason I mentioned them at all is because the American scene is just that dead https://www.vice.com/en/article/patriot-front-31-arrested/

Also learning another European language is not that hard
>We need to develop rootedness here and fight
I guess I'm just pessimistic about the prospects of this happening before we get totally swamped. We're already probably a minority, regardless of the official statistics. And yet I still don't see ethnic differences between whites getting smoothed over
Replies: >>6195 >>6242
Are we forgetting that people moving around happened over thousands of years? Whatever Whites decide to become and whatever culture they biuild out of this is not the issue. A blend of Germanic, Irish, Nordic, French, Italian and perhaps even Russian to some extent shouldn't be seen as a barrier, it should just be accepted and move on. Otherwise it means that Whites could never settle outside of the old continent and would remain rootless and without an identity to call theirs. That is too silly to listen to. What's the issue if you are an Ignarsson and your best friend is a Culligan, his boss a Giovanelli and your garage mechanic living next to you a Piotrovich?
Replies: >>6242
It's going down all around.
Perhaps because Americans have forgotten the settler spirit? That was I guess one of the very few ways that a sense of equality ever existed because in theory everyone started from scratch? I know that as time evolved a romantic and nostalgic appeal to ancient farmers was nurtured but it rang empty in a modern world. The focus on race and the future will have to become essential at the expense of ancient identities for all of those who have been born in the US or Canada or moved there. You just cannot keep looking back and being merely proud of a past that's long gone when what awaits you lies ahead.
To that I would say that before White men invented the concept of America, no such state existed.
I might also point out that these aforementioned shitlibs are espousing Blood and Soil ideology. If it's okay for Indians to ascribe to Blood and Soil, why is it wrong for White men to do the same?

>Rousseau is incompetent because 31 of them were arrested
I don't follow this line of reasoning. 

I agree, 100%.
Anglo-Saxons settling outside of Britain is cosmically no different to the Saxons settling Britain in the first place. Should we claim that English have no identity because their ancestors conquered Britain from Germania? Is French not an identity because the Franks did the same? That's just ludicrous.
American is effectively an ethnos. And everyone knows it is a White one. Niggers do not consider themselves to be Americans. They are African first.
Jews, Asians, spics, etc all consider themselves distinct from and foreign to America.
Replies: >>6248
A used school bus costs like $10-20k. They could have painted the thing up in red, white and blue, written "Patriot Front Rape Bus" or whatever they wanted on the side, and boarded it out of plain sight so they didn't immediately get reported to the pigs and intercepted. Cramming a small army into a fucking Uhaul in broad daylight is fucking retarded nigger tactics, and the only reason Rousseau's org didn't immediately fold after is because the American right is a fucking joke and/or mostly a fed op. Getting 31 guys arrested and doxxed on a single day, in a movement where a good org has maybe 1-200 people, is a fucking disaster. I know Rousseau was like a teenager at the time, but still, why would any sane person with anything at all to lose follow someone that incompetent?
>American is effectively an ethnos
No it isn't. My family isn't even remotely racially conscious and yet I grew up listening to mostly Irish music and being told that the IRA was based. In school, all my friends were Irish because the German kids were ethnically different enough that we just naturally seperated, even to the point of bullying. No one was told to do this. It was simply blood memory. My family wasn't even Catholic.

I'm not saying white ethnogenesis couldn't eventually happen in America, but things are so far gone that the country will be South Africa-levels of nonwhite before that point. Just my two cents.
>>American is effectively an ethnos
>No it isn't.
I agree with your point but what I think you're missing is that even under repatriation, the native Europeans will see Americans returning to Europe as a foreign people. In custom and racially unless you are pure Irish/German/Anglo/Scandinavian etc and have kept all of your traditions. I don't know of any group to have done this other than maybe the Amish.
To add to the South African example, understand this. There are only two main European ethnic groups in the country, Dutch Afrikaners and Anglos, with a history of Portuguese settlement in places like Cape Town. Despite this, the Afrikaners and the Anglos still dislike each other to this day afaik, with the most well-known white community in the country, Orania, being exclusively Afrikaner Calvinist.

This antipathy has a lot to do with the British invading and putting the Afrikaners in concentration camps, which is sort of unprecedented in American history. However, there were small numbers of Germans and Italians interned during WW2 in America. Add to that the natural Irish antipathy towards everything Anglo, including WASP culture, and you have a recipe for a clusterfuck, pardon my French. That's not even getting into things like Eastern European immigration, or trace jewish / nonwhite admixture, the latter of which is fairly pronounced here, despite our emphasis on the "one drop" rule.

Hitler was right when he said every civilisation dies of blood poisoning first and cultural decay comes second. The problem is, America's blood has arguably been poisoned from the very beginning, with Sephardic crypto-Jews immigrating here from South America or the Low Countries along with the turbo-Judaised Protestants. Each successive wave of European immigration has only worsened the problem, and the Ashkenazim were the final nail in the coffin. Mexicans and Negroes are only flooding in because the country already died in the 60s.

I don't care if Europeans are going to see me as a foreigner, frankly. If I learn the language and move over to Ireland or Germany (I know the Irish barely speak it anymore but w/e) I would almost certainly feel more rooted than I do now. America is Babylon and it has no future

Now excuse me for blackpilling and repeating myself. I'm used to boards that are much faster than this place. I'm going to stop posting on this topic at least for awhile
Replies: >>6306 >>6320
>I'm going to stop posting on this topic at least for awhile
Why? We shouldn't feel the need to keep the board slow.
>I don't care if Europeans are going to see me as a foreigner, frankly.
>America is Babylon and it has no future
Whether or not it bothers you specifically isn't really the issue. The relevant questions pertaining to repatriation from America are:
<Would it help fight White genocide
<Is it feasible
<Are we simply repeating the exact same process which mutted America in the first place?
Replies: >>6319
There is an advantage to repatriation. The people returning would already have made up their mind and they'd be moving out for specific reasons that largely align with our views, grown from the stems of justice, revenge and pro-White racism. It would also help tip the demographics in our favor. Besides, most White Americans being of the North/Western type, they'd be of good stock and blend well with the countries neighboring the Atlantic Ocean. Sadly, they would have to abandon their weapons or think about ways to smuggle them, which could only be done with the help of local Europeans networks, which would be illegal. I don't see how this would be feasible though since it takes far more efforts to cross the ocean and absorb a new culture than just move towards the midlands and other central states.
Replies: >>6338
Let's not kid ourselves, even European nations of a large size contain pockets of diverging identities. Even in Germany where you would find varying influences. In Belgium it's almost a joke, and Switzerland is cut in three groups. England and France have their own subclades, Spain has a whole range of its population that has been soiled by the Moors, same with Greece and the Turks. Hungary is one bizarre mess too, culturall and historically. This means that original identities barely dissipate, but what these countries do is that they work as mini-empires by creating an overall contaiment with a cultural wrapping that facilities exchanges and the sharing of something in common. Some governments took to themselves to erase the older and more local identities to smooth all differences but genetic realities cannot be erased. You cannot erase the Welsh or the Basque. America is just the same but at a much greater scale. Not enough mixing and leveling happened to prevent the communities to reform, while the larger ones should have progressively gobbled up the smaller ones. Most of the Whites in the US are genetically Saxon related but culturally Anglo. If Whites can't move beyond these very little differences all things considered in order to unite against a common enemy, then truly we are fucked.
About SA you forget the (French) Huguenots.
>Despite this, the Afrikaners and the Anglos still dislike each other to this day afaik, with the most well-known white community in the country, Orania, being exclusively Afrikaner Calvinist.
It's a pity but easy to understand since they desperately needed to form a tight community, so they took all they shared including the history and culture and filtered the rest. The Eternal Anglo meme is probably very accurate over there.
>Mexicans and Negroes are only flooding in because the country already died in the 60s.
It was a long death. The initial problems started much earlier.
>America is Babylon and it has no future
America is mostly Germanic. That is what is truly terrible about it, it's all the best forces of a people turned against itself by a parasite. Anything good becomes bad.
>Getting 31 guys arrested and doxxed on a single day, in a movement where a good org has maybe 1-200 people, is a fucking disaster.
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Okay, so 30 guys got doxxed. In case you're unaware, the entire White race is being slowly exterminated by a cabal of pathologically evil elites and jews. 
Given the fact that we're facing extinction, getting doxxed isn't such a sacrifice. Death is a sacrifice. 

But since no one is willing to do that, fine, so I'll take you at your word and say Rousseau got 30 guys doxxed due to not spending 20k on a bus. At least he has done more for the cause than 99.9999999% of everyone else in the movement. And yet here you are trying to tear him down. That seems far more niggerish than trying to protest a sodomy parade.

>the IRA was based.
Granted this is not the point of the paragraph, but you know what the IRA did? They risked their lives for Irish freedom. When they got doxxed, they went to prison. Did Irishmen go around trying to sabotage the IRA because many of their members got caught and went to prison? Maybe, but I think everyone agrees that those guys were spineless traitors.
Replies: >>6331 >>6333 >>6342
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The IRA/PIRA were based. It's a shame Nazi Germany couldn't fuck up Britain enough to ensure Ireland's freedom along with other colonies.
Replies: >>6333 >>6340 >>6343
Also, Rousseau almost died in a car crash because he pushed his guys so hard that one of them fell asleep at the wheel. Even though he survived, one of his followers did actually die in that crash.

Depriving people of sleep to make them easier to control is a common cult tactic (e.g. Moonies). Rousseau is at best a retard, and no amount of cope on your part will convince me otherwise.

If there were any serious right-wing movements in America, Patriot Front would universally, rightfully be reviled as a laughingstock. But instead we get idiots like you trying to justify their shit tactics. No sane person is going to sacrifice their life for someone who clearly has no idea what they're doing.

Patriot Front doesn't even name the Jew! If some 80 IQ nigger like Kanye can do it and still be adored by apolitical Zoomers, certainly the time has come for supposed right-wing radicals to go there. I don't care about muh Palestinians, but it is true that the Jews are committing overt genocide. I had a normie straight up tell me he hates Jews the other day lol.

Patriot Front are what Lenin would have called "opportunists." They pretend to be a vanguard, but ideologically, they're actually behind the masses. They're trying to drag us back into Americanism when it's more obvious than ever that America as a coherent political entity is doomed. Even Uncle Jared is blackpilled on the future of the country these days.

>At least he has done more for the cause than 99.9999999% of everyone else in the movement
Doing shit that's this counterproductive is unironically worse than doing nothing because it makes the entire right look like morons.

Remember, Patriot Front arose out of the ashes of Vanguard America, the organisation that gave one of its branded shields to some nobody who ended up ramming his car into a crowd of leftists, creating that fat Charlottesville martyr. Rousseau has such an extensive track record of stupidity that I simply will never be able to take him seriously, and that's assuming he isn't an outright fed.
It's really a shame that Ireland didn't support Hitler, but you know, ((( de Valera )))
Replies: >>6340 >>6344
>I think Australia has a good chance of pulling through.
Australia basically only has Patriot Front Jr (NSN). Same patriotism angle. Same flash mobs traveling between states. Same kind of uniform except now they get confused for antifa fags, so the same 'they're feds' consensus from other groups. And they keep getting beaten up by pigs and fags so I won't even be surprised if they rebrand again once they recruit more.
The leader is a bit better than Rousseau but the recruits are overall worse. Mostly autistic teenagers, a few old family folk giving money and some degenerate gang members ('bikies') from prisons. The leaders straight-up tried getting jobs in the disability department to try and recruit young men, so I seriously mean it when I say filled with autistic teens.

White Australia might pull through with racism but the NatSoc movement is bleak. Lots less room to move than the US (free speech and gun laws, even under the jews, are a blessing)
Repatriation is nothing but cowards seeking safe haven, as pointed out so brilliantly by Tarrant. Europe isn't better that the US, in many ways it's infinitely worse, At l;east in America, some level of privacy exists and you are free to own and even make weaponry, from a pistol to a fucking tank, if you really put in the effort, not so in Europe.
Replies: >>6350
I agree. I wish that the Germans had invested more energy into arming them as well as pressuring them to allow German soldiers to set up there via U-boats. Would it have change the war? Maybe not. But it would have led to serious consequences for London regardless of the war's outcome.

>one of his followers did actually die in that crash because he pushed his guys so hard that one of them fell asleep at the wheel.
I agree, that is a shortcoming. But a common one in activists.

>There is no serious right wing group in America so we need to keep attacking literally every single small right wing group that forms so we can make sure one never develops.
That is basically your position. 
You wish to stand on the sidelines niggerishly tearing down every small step towards a solution and justify this backstabbing behavior by stating that the things that exist aren't perfect on day 1.

>PF doesn't name the jew
They could definitely do this more forcefully. Another shortcoming.

>The things they are doing are counter-productive.
This is your first reasonable critique, if it were true. Considering they are the largest pro-White group in America, we may reject this accusation. What they are doing is by definition more productive than anything you have done and what other organizations of recent years are doing.

>Someone from a previous organization killed a leftist
Also, she died of heart attack. But if she were killed, I see literally nothing wrong with that.
Replies: >>6345
But if a Rousseau gets repeated on and on, you'll quickly reach into the hundred people being arrested and more. There definitely must be ways to organize forces without wasting them stupidly with such blunders. Or maybe we're all doomed because we can't seem to gather enough wyrd to have a decent and capable leader to emerge from the masses.
So many people being exposed is not a nothing burger when we already struggle to mount any group capable of defending our interests. So yes, any failure like that should be seen as terrible and avoided. Let's hope that at some point, being doxxed will be irrelevant because we will be able to defend ourselves with our own cells and weapons. This is the point we need to reach but we need to do it with cunning and prudence, not being reckless.
Replies: >>6365
Germany did not want to fuck up England anyway and never had the resources to invade the island. It was already stretched thin.
>Even Uncle Jared is blackpilled on the future of the country these days.
And isn't he sucking Zionist dick nonetheless?
>and that's assuming he isn't an outright fed.
Gotta wonder.
>You wish to stand on the sidelines niggerishly tearing down every small step towards a solution and justify this backstabbing behavior by stating that the things that exist aren't perfect on day 1.
It seems Rousseau did the niggerin' all by himself without needing any help. People too concerned about style over substance are the bane of our struggle. We need to avoid these stupid mistakes at all costs.
Replies: >>6365
>in America, some level of privacy exists
What is the NSA and the leaks about total surveillance 12 fucking years ago?
>you are free to own and even make weaponry
>Muh guns
What good have the guns done if no one will use them for their intended purpose.

America is a ruined nation and will never recover. As it stands it is a waste of life to remain there.
Replies: >>6363
The USA is a ruined concept, definitely, not a New Atlantis anymore, ask Wodensson, he'd tell you the same and spit on the flag. But the people are not lost. Vast expanses of territory are barely populated in this country and most of them remain in White hands for the most part. Focus on that, the good part. Some states and cities are totally lost for now but they are not needed.
That's is objectively false though.
The pyramid of niggering is to sit on the sidelines and try to tear down White proactive action at the very pinnacle. Even higher than hooliganism since at least hooliganism is an attempt at solutions.

>If he keeps on protesting sodomy parades, potentially hundreds of White men might be temporarily arrested and then released after a day just like in Idaho.
Uh... okay. I mean, that's a hell of a lot less serious than dying so I don't see the issue.
I didn't realize that not going to jail temporarily was more important than resisting the regime.
>There definitely must be ways to organize forces without incurring any risk whatsoever
There isn't.
> maybe we're all doomed because we can't seem to gather enough wyrd
The problem is cowardice. Such as being so intimidated by the prospect of even going to jail for a day that you do nothing instead. Meanwhile, leftists wear being jailed as a badge of honor. This is one of several differences between the left and the right where our side ends up looking like absolute worthless cowards.

>any failure like that should be seen as terrible and avoided. 
Again, gotta point out that this thing that you view as an absolute failure to be avoided at all costs is 30 guys being arrested for a day or so and then released.
If this mentality is the mentality of the majority of the "right wing" (which, sadly, it is) then the right is simply doomed to destruction. Cowards cannot change history. If you regard this infinitely meaningless setback as debilitating, then you absolutely would never risk your life.
If we will not risk our lives for our race, then we will go extinct. It is no more complex than this.

I have a feeling folks are going to get upset at me for pointing these facts out.
If you're wringing your hands over (gasp) getting arrested for protecting the extermination of your people, you will never do anything to actually resist ZOG. So put down Turner Diaries and stop talking about violence if you ever do so. You will not risk violence because the penalty for "treason" against a government is death, but probably torture also.

I did some very, very rough calculations on the casualties we would expect to sustain in an insurgency and determined that IF we operated at the same competency as the fucking IRA, we would lose 130,000 men dead and probably suffer twice this number wounded. However, I highly doubt that Americans with zero experience conducting an insurgency would perform so well. Therefore, I would argue that we'd suffer twice this figure. Over 200,000 dead, nevermind White civilians, who would suffer even higher casualties from the regime retaliating.
Replies: >>6366 >>6386 >>6390
for *protesting the extermination of our race.
Is there ever chinese fascism movement?
Replies: >>6378 >>6382
Ching Chong
Replies: >>6381
Ding Dong
the active club model has always sort of reminded me of the boxer rebellion haha. I don't know much about chinese history though

Taiwan was founded by the remnants of the kuomintang who fled the mainland after the commies took over. I believe they were nationalists, although from what I can remember they seemed more capitalist than fascist
I know Jordan Peterson is a jewboy faggot but the diet segement of his rogan interview was fascinating.

Basically, his daughter had terminal autoimmune issues that entirely cleared up after switching to a carnivore diet. Peterson himself claimed to experience many benefits from doing so as well.

I'm an autist who's struggled with asthma and chronic inflammation for as long as I can remember. I figure trying it out is worth a shot. Organ meat is much more nutrient dense so I'm going to have to do a lot of homework on how to cook it properly. And to be honest, I do still like a lot of vegetables so I doubt I'll go 100%, at least from the outset.
Replies: >>6388
A lot of white nationalists, the vast majority of the retards on 4Chan/frenschan, are nothing more than edge-lord LARPers. They will be screaming Mossad and CIA like the edge-lords they are if a White ethnostate forms and promptly go back to consooming their capeshit amd goyslop like nothing happened. They are little better than the ten year old kid screaming the N word in a Call of Duty lobby.  I think that if ZOG is toppled, it won't be done by most white nationalist, let alone the masses, but a dedicated minority of a minority.
Replies: >>6387 >>6389 >>6393
There is very little separating frenschan et al and /fascist/ except for the fact that they countersignal and you don't. Both constantly reiterating the same obvious truths, masturbating over reading or in their case pretending to read worthless books based entirely on verbal conjecture, deluding themselves into believing in long passed superstitions so they can seem more based, switching between projecting godlike powers and complete impotency onto our enemies and making an endless pile of excuses as to why they haven't done anything more demanding than voting, with even that being too hard for some of them.
In the end the least corrupted of our race will start resisting in some form but I am sure none of them and only some of you will be among them.
Replies: >>6389
They're still seeing demon faces though? The father saw a demon onto the face of his daughter. I don't trust what he says. It's possible that the improvement was caused by the shock of a sudden change and that there may have also been a massive psycho-somatic effect there.
If anything I'd first suggest looking for colon-clearing radical methods. It seems the body cannot declog it itself without some help.
Replies: >>6432
>A lot of white nationalists, the vast majority of the retards on 4Chan/frenschan, are nothing more than edge-lord LARPers. They will be screaming Mossad and CIA like the edge-lords they are if a White ethnostate forms and promptly go back to consooming their capeshit amd goyslop like nothing happened.
How to tell me you never went to frenschan without telling me.
Considering the grotesque devolution of the justice system in countries like England, Germany, France and Poland, whether something is done now or we'll die a horrible slow death, worse than decades of Russian Communism mixed to pedos troons and migrants. I also cannot fathom how many war hawks, traitors and useful idiots there are in our countries.
All of you are lying when it comes to frenschan. You still can download their polzines and you will see that there was nothing like what you claim. Nobody was against violence, nobody thought things were going to get better on their own, nobody believed in democracy over there, nobody thought ethnostates was le mossad, etc.
>That's is objectively false though.
>The pyramid of niggering is to sit on the sidelines and try to tear down White proactive action at the very pinnacle. Even higher than hooliganism since at least hooliganism is an attempt at solutions.
I wonder how much more acrobatic you can get to avoid admitting that Rousseau fucked up on that one and that such silly decisions should be avoided as often as possible.
Replies: >>6392 >>6393
>whether something is done now or we'll die a horrible slow death
Idk. It really does look like the end.
Replies: >>6395
The only acrobatics going on are from you.
Fact: there is a genocide occurring against my race
Fact: almost no one is resisting White genocide
Fact: instead of resisting White genocide, you devote your time and energy to helping the jews drag down White people who do fight back.
The acrobatics going on here are you coming up with straws to grasp at in order to drag objectively superior men down into the mud. Yes, Rousseau is objectively, mathematically, demonstrably superior to you because unlike you, he is fighting back.

I was once listening to a black nationalist show on youtube and the thing that stuck with me was s phenomenon he described from his fellow niggers: He talked about how every time any black nationalist built something or did anything successful, other niggers would try to drag them down into the mud and how this ruined his movement.
Sadly, this phenomenon affects White people too. We need to stop doing this.

Actually, Dr. William Pierce described this very phenomenon as well. 
I forget the exact quote but he said something about how instead of taking action, many American men concoct elaborate conspiracy theories to convince themselves that their inaction is wisdom. You really should listen to Dr. Pierce as he talks about you a lot. 

You won't listen though. You're angry. You should stop getting angry at people on the internet for trying to fight our way out of genocide.
Why are you desperately fighting to drag down White men resisting genocide? Shouldn't you use that energy against jews instead?
Replies: >>6405 >>6432
>A lot of white nationalists, the vast majority of the retards on 4Chan/frenschan, are nothing more than edge-lord LARPers.
Unfortunately, you are correct. 
Most White nationalists are LARPers. I believe that many here are LARPers. 
White men want to complain. But if someone ever does anything even non-violent, you get retards like >>6390 who try to drag them down.
Why? If you genuinely believe that we are being ethnically replaced, then the number one goal should be to organize and fight back. So use your energy against jews, not White people trying to organize.

If one is not serious about resisting White genocide than anyone who actively resists against it violently or legally is a threat to his roleplay. Either he will expose the LARPer as a fraud who didn't actually care about our race. Or the LARPer will be asked to do things in real life that he doesn't want to do.

If the Organization (from Turner Diaries) existed, at least 70% of 4/pol/ would claim that it is a Mossad operation to make White people look violent or that it's a CIA honeypot to get White people arrested.
Replies: >>6434
this is the first realisation we make as accelerationists.
The end is coming. Everyone can tell; even ZOG ministries and top ZOG itself (WEF) are seeing it. The isolated cults (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Aum Shinrikyo for example are ramping up their rhetoric in the 2020s) see it more. Normies realise there’s no future for their children amongst 880,000 per year immigration to the UK alone, the same trend in every white country ACCELERATING.
Mike Ma once said:
“we are closer to ruin than redemption”, we accelerationists, as much as we may WISH we could sink into a Second Klan-protected 100% White American neighbourhood, don’t live in fantasyland nor the past.
Replies: >>6433
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>I was once listening to a black nationalist show on youtube and the thing that stuck with me was s phenomenon he described from his fellow niggers: He talked about how every time any black nationalist built something or did anything successful, other niggers would try to drag them down into the mud and how this ruined his movement.
The mere fact that you were listening to some nigger podcast/show is proof of your ideological impurity, all shitskins are to be slaughtered. No exception.

Fuck the Niggers

Fuck the Kikes

Race War now!

Go Incinerate your local Kike
Replies: >>6432 >>6537
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>How to tell me you never went to frenschan without telling me.
Fuck off Scrumpmonkey, you are troon shagging faggot. We have no place for men like you in our movement.
Replies: >>6446
holy shit BO please permaban the subversive weirdo that keeps spamming about “WN” faggots and Israel
Replies: >>6442
There's something to be said for taking supplements to help clear out the biofilm left behind by years of candida (yeast) overgrowth, which is pretty common these days since yeast feeds on sugar
frenschan was more ideologically diverse than this place, but now that the pph here is picking up, I think it's overall better. the average post quality is certainly higher
honestly I always believed frenschan was a honeypot
We've all listened to Pierce you fucking faggot. Just like Tarrant et al, I respect Rousseau's courage regardless of his stupidity. But you can't deny that his tactics objectively fucking suck. Stop being deliberately obtuse you actual mental retard
Once Rousseau names the Jew and does something admirable I'll email Patriot Front immediately, but something tells me he won't. The org stinks of Vladislav Surkov / Gladio controlled op, considering how much attention it gets despite accomplishing less than nothing
>Hey kid, wanna [redacted] a federal building?
Black nationalists are the only tolerable blacks, and sometimes worth listening to if only for comedy purposes. Even Kanye was useful for 6mos. It's not an exaggeration to say he single-handedly normalised antisemitism among neutrals / normies
Replies: >>6439 >>6537
>this is the first realisation we make as accelerationists.
I don't think there is anything we can realistically do about it though.
>White people look violent.
That is what I hate about 4Cuck white nationalists. White people are naturally a violent, aggressive, brutal race of men before Christianity changed that. Yet they choose to glorify our passivity, a trait that is seen as degenerate even in pozzed Jewish media. If White men never adopted the asian slave morality mind virus known as Christianity, he would sneer the moment the Jews entered his lands, followed by the kikes getting perforated with machine gun fire. Simple as that. 

Whites never peacefully adopted Christianity, it was forced on us like the fucking Native Americans. Christianity was the cultural stage of White genocide, eliminating our native pagan religion in favor of an alien slave death cult. 

>Your daughter is getting raped by a pack of shitskins. 

In Christianity, you kneel down, pray, and forgive them,  for they know what they do. It is fucking retarded.

See, this is not the religion a successful race would follow. This is a psychological weapon designed to weaken a strong race into a weak, passive cuck race. The fact that many White Nationalists on 4cuck suck the necrotic cock of a dead kike nailed to stick tells me why they demonize men like Tarrant. Part of the reason why the left tends to be more violent than the right is because they are largely free of this mind poison, and if our movement abandoned the alpha testing phase of Communism, then we would be a lot fucking closer to solving our problems.
Replies: >>6439 >>6537
Getting white men infected with the kike mind virus to revolt is like trying to get Pandas to fucking breed.
Now I’m not sure if this is better for the accelerationism thread but whatever.
In case you didn’t know there are other processes that go beyond simple line of succession. Cheyenne Mountain complex, site r, mount weather. 
>All of you are lying when it comes to frenschan.
I saw people get attacked as feds and banned just for making vague references to accelerationism, nothing even close to posts like >>6092 or >>6104. It was a miracle that the power station thread lasted as long as it did, perhaps it only lasted because it was such a dumb idea.
>It's not an exaggeration to say he single-handedly normalised antisemitism among neutrals / normies
He and Fuentes have done more to damage antisemitism amongst the people that really matter more than anyone else. Who cares if a 90 IQ mud creature thinks Jews are evil White supremacist colonizers who controlled all of human history just to keep a brother down if it means smart White people associate antisemitism with gay Mexicans, anti-White Muslims and race mixers. Every time a brown antisemite goes viral the elite of the Jewish race cheer.
Mind viruses are fake, Christians have always ignored the parts of the bible they disagreed with and selectively interpreted passages to justify their real beliefs. If Europe had instead remained Pagan, turned Muslim, adopted Buddhism or became Atheists one thousand years ago it would not lead to a single difference today because it is genes that dictates how societies form and how people behave, not ideas.
Replies: >>6440 >>6441
>He and Fuentes have done more to damage antisemitism amongst the people that really matter more than anyone else.
OK Boomer
>Who cares if a 90 IQ mud creature thinks Jews are evil White supremacist colonizers who controlled all of human history just to keep a brother down if it means smart White people associate antisemitism with gay Mexicans, anti-White Muslims and race mixers.
Unlike you, smart white people are nuanced enough to understand that
Kanye isn't the end all be all of antisemitism. However, the answer to "who cares" is every Zoomer. Kanye is literally the most popular living entertainer in America, even though the quality of his albums has dropped off a lot in recent years. If you ever left your retirement home you would know that.
>Mind viruses are fake
Well, I should have elaborated further, then. Christianity is what made Whites docile through selecting out the strongest and most aggressive men through a process of controlled dysgenics. Whites in the Roman period were higher IQ, physically stronger, and far more aggressive than they are now. Pathological altruism was bred into us by the kike domestication processes known as Christianity. Christian European society executed the most aggressive, violent whites as criminals, while they executed the smartest whites as heretics.  As I said before, Christianity is communism and having members of a population of greater ability is the antithesis of communism. That is what the Gulags were, Christian heretic burning brought into the modern age.  

Islam, however, is a form of Fascism for brown people. The reason why muslims were more advanced than us for a few hundred years was because they were not killing their intellectuals. The high IQ members were allowed to breed and propagate in greater numbers than they were in Medieval Europe. But then inbreeding caused them to regress over thirty IQ points, leaving them as the retards we know today. 

Comparing modern day Europeans to our ancient ancestors is like comparing Cows to Aurochs. The kikes took the Auroch (ancient Europeans) and turned them into cows (modern Europeans). 

Whites in the Roman Period had an average IQ I would put in the 120 to 140 range of testing, based on the writings of Roman philosophers, created for the Roman public. The average White has an IQ between 90-100, maybe even lower in the case of generation Z and Alpha. I can document the declining IQ based on the sentence structure of books from just the 1980s to now. There are less metaphors, descriptions became shorter, and the vocabulary even less complex. 

My point was because of paganism, pre-Christian whites were both better bred, more intelligent, and less docile than post-Christian Whites. Romans almost brought the kikes to extinction for not paying their taxes to the Empire, never mind promoting degeneracy and replacing their people with subhumans. They were the only Empire to actually holocaust the Kikes in history, not that lame summer camp shit. They actually chopped them to pieces with swords like Rawanda.
Replies: >>6443 >>6444
Report who you're talking about and then maybe I'll think about it.
That was Hitler's whole mission: reversing the decline caused by the extreme dysgenics as a direct result of Cuckstianity. Christians save the idiots created from bad genetic recombination, while any rational society leaves them out in the woods to be eaten by the wolves, natural law taking its logical course. The result of this is that it keeps the gene pool clean of the genetically defective.  Even in our tribal days we would weed out the cripples and the retards by abandoning them to exposure of the elements. Even the alchoholic, feather niggers would leave the defective tards out to die when the tribe moved for greener pastures. No, we should not allow those people to exist purely to suffer in a world already difficult for the abled.  

Why, one of the things that pissed me off when I read the  novel Johnny Got His Gun was that they never euthanized the suffering protagonist, who with the help of morse code, repeatedly asks the doctors to kill him. I am sorry but a deaf, blind, mute cripple should have been left to bleed out and die the moment the soldiers found his mutilated body. Unless we find a way to regrow new body parts in a lab or create functional cybernetics, there is absolutely no point to keep a deaf, blind vegetable alive in perpetual suffering, with expensive medical machines costing more than a house even in today's real estate market. 

If I somehow seized power in Canada, I would not change the bloody medical assistance in death service, as that was the only good thing the liberal retards have done, but the rest... the shitskins, chinks, and other subhumans would be sent into the Pacific Ocean and machine gunned off the decks of cargo ships for the sharks to feast upon.
>Christianity is what made Whites docile through selecting out the strongest and most aggressive men through a process of controlled dysgenics
The smart white men were pushed into service to god, which meant they had no kids.
Replies: >>6445
I agree there. Not all of them were executed as heretics. All I am saying is that the Whites of thousands of years and modern whites are a whole different species for all intents of purposes. Some of them were even whiter than modern aryans, not just more intelligent and aggressive. Statues were modeled after their general populace to an extent, and I would not be in the least bit shocked that Greeks and Romans were blonde haired and blue eyed, or at the very least had the same phenotype variance of American Whites. Rome was in a lot of ways the America of the ancient world. 

I think Europeans evolved quite quickly as a result of natural and artificial selection inside of tribes. Humanity could have emerged from Africa. It doesn't prove leftist delusion true, though. Races/subspecies could emerge in less than one thousand years. Dog breeds are an example of that. Jews are basically doing the same thing with whites, taking a wolf and breeding it down to a pug. 

Part of me wished genetic engineering matured enough to the point where designer babies were a thing, allowing us to create whites untainted by dysgenics. That, however, is probably centuries away and any race intelligent enough to develop such technology would have been wiped out by kikes long before then.
At least scrumpmonkey is white, most here would rather have a assfucker as a comrade rather than dealing with shitskins.
Replies: >>6456
Isn't fascism and monarchism the same thing?
Replies: >>6456
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We have had a couple of abrahamists try and shill their morality here, thank the Gods that Orlog dealt with them.
The main difference between monarchism and fascism is that monarchism has no problem with shitskin subjects while fascism is explicitly anti-brown and pro-White. This difference can be illustrated in turkey where the White Secular Fascists overthrow the brown mudslime sultans and bestowed equal rights to women.
Replies: >>6459
>bestowed equal rights to women
Gender Equality is an explicitly Aryan trait, evidenced by the Nordics.
Stop Niggerposting, You are single-handedly killing /fascist/.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Feminism is Anti-Aryan and Degenerate

Replies: >>6460 >>6474
I have like two posts on the entire board
Replies: >>6462
Brown Troll, reported.
Replies: >>6466
Considering this thread took a nosedive overnight, allow me to contribute to the decline in quality.
Kill yourself you fucking AIDS-infested groomer faggot. All you people do is take advantage of younger men's uncertainty to bugger them instead of providing proper guidance. It's textbook narcissism, Saturn devouring his own children out of fear they will surpass him and all that.

Anyway, to continue shitposting, it makes me sad that every nerd hobby has been taken over by perverts these days. I get the impression early Dungeons and Dragons say was for engineers and computer enthusiasts, i.e. high IQ and somewhat politically incorrect people. That certainly describes my uncle who got me into that stuff.
But now when you go to play a card game a your local LGS, you'll be confronted by sweaty porn addicts and literal fat lesbos holding hands. The only normal people I've seen was an Asian dad teaching his elementary age son how to play Lorcana. Even the straight couples are some bitch with way too many piercings / tats and her soyboy bf.
Replies: >>6474
Anyone know any accelerationism related music? Ones that Atomwaffen used in its videos/ones that people used in their edits. Or stuff like https://on.soundcloud.com/TK2NGhnZUN6Y9K8v7.   (Goth von core Kay lynnx10)
https://on.soundcloud.com/rFVsJoJnnGRNqwyi8 (Buckshot roulette before every load)
It would seem this board is currently being raided by one or two kikes trying to alternatively pose as pro-fag or pro-zionism or sowing even more grotesque confusion.

>Gender Equality is an explicitly Aryan trait, evidenced by the Nordics.
>muh shield maiden
You have not read the Edda nor the sagas, quite obviously.

>I get the impression early Dungeons and Dragons say was for engineers and computer enthusiasts, i.e. high IQ and somewhat politically incorrect people. That certainly describes my uncle who got me into that stuff.
Not necessarily. You had a lot of old school leftists and liberals. People not much different from teh rest of the population, largely powerless to resist the slow decline into degeneracy that has eaten the Western world whole.
nobody opposed the jews because they won WW2 and increased their control over the banking, the medias, academies and institutions, that's all
Replies: >>6477
The thing is old school leftists and liberals were somewhat politically incorrect. I'm reminded of Stefan Molyneux getting banned from YouTube just for talking race, despite otherwise being a literally Jewish libertarian peaceful parenting enthusiast. Even Marx talked about the Rothschilds and dismissed Lassalle as a "Jewish nigger" haha
I guess the Overton window has moved so far to the left that anyone other than neo-Marxist culture warriors comes across as right-wing
Amusingly, women had lower Strength scores in old-school D&D. This was even the case as recently as TES: Oblivion if we wanna talk vidya. But 5E injected modern gender ideology and got rid of racial bonuses across the board afaik.
Hell, in old-school D&D all the nonhuman races had hard level caps in various classes to really hammer home to superiority of humans

/fascist/ Myfarog group on roll20 when (or FATAL lmao)
Replies: >>6480 >>6498
Trying to listen old Thomas Rousseau interviews and give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I've noticed two things so far:
1) Odysee is almost unusably awful
2) Rousseau talks like a midwit autist trying to seem smart

If anyone has links to some good interviews of his I would greatly appreciate them
Speaking of TES franchise, the lore has always been very pozzed. Take for example the Allessian slave revolt. Basically the Ayleids (White people) were keeping humans (Jews) as slaves. They were sadistic slave owners, too, mutilating and setting them on fire for fun. All of that changed when Alessia, a slave women was given two demigod champions, Morihaus and Pelinal Whitestrake. Pelinal would literally tear elves limb from limb, and kept killing elves until they were extinct. The common cope of the fandom is that the elves represent how Jews would treat Whites if they had no other slave races. Jews do not sadistically torture their slaves for fun. Only arabs and niggers do that shit.
Replies: >>6490
What do you guys make of the Haavara Agreement? Is Zionism (or any form of it) and National Socialism compatible in any way?
Only thing compatible with national socialism is total kike death.
>Jews do not sadistically torture their slaves for fun.
I got news for ya, chief...Jews were forbidden from owning Christian slaves in the middle ages precisely because of their brutality, including forced circumcision
I had always interpreted the high elves as Jews, especially given their role in Skyrim as hated Imperial agents. The Emperor's regent in Oblivion is also Jew-coded imo
It would have been better to deport them to Uganda or Siberia. I have no attachment to muh holy land, but as it straddles three continents it's pretty geopolitically significant
Zionism is Nationalsocialism but for jews, only brown smelly sandniggers would object to this definition.
Replies: >>6500
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>The thing is old school leftists and liberals were somewhat politically incorrect. 
Hardly. It was an illusion that worked on uneducated people because these leftists were always hovering on step or two below their extreme ceiling which was communism, which is 100% kosher and totally acceptable to the jews as a last resort measure. It's impossible to be politically incorrect without being trad, spiritual and exposing the jews, the greatest taboo of all. They seemed edgy only because their entire militant performance was that of a noisy barking at Capitalism and that is equally true for the movie industry. They were delusional or dishonest because anything they wished they could have done better was precisely found and achieved in National Socialism, but they always opposed ethnocentrism and often had neutral or liberal views regarding homosexuality. The only reason one could wrongly assume these ancient leftists to be polinc is because their outdated positions are still too conservative for today's standards. They could not even pull the typical Marxian trick of tacking homosexuality as a bourgeois vice–when it's a vice that is blind to class–because faggots have become sacred cows. If you look back onto older products you come to realize that the remainders of non-left ideas were in a very precarious position. So much that even if a given work featured only Whites for example, it nevertheless merely reflected the demographic and power balance of that time, with all its implied inertia and the fact that civil rights had yet to make the non-Whites such a precious people as to even deserve to automatically have any form of representation in any entertainment, but at no point a pure White cast could the reflection of a militant stance about Whiteness. Today I'm seeing reruns of old shows and movies from thirty or forty years ago and it wasn't a shock to never see any negro, asian or latino.
>Stefan Molyneux
He's a jew without looking like one who's shilling for the ashkenazi superior IQ. This is not a leftist position, it's a racist and ashkenazi supremacist one, that's all. It antagonizes leftists today like it would have irked them a century ago.
>Marx on the Rothschilds
He really skimmed the topic.
Nothing really good came from it. It's mostly used as a trojan to inject jewish poison and the art is truly atrocious to a point words feel powerless to convey just how pathetic and subversive it is. During that period, retards were outraged at an art piece featuring a menacing barbarian chocking a sorceress with one hand and holding her pinned to a rock with it while about to smash her with a weapon held high above in the other hand. Shameful! The infamy of daring promoting such an act of toxic masculinity, harassment, implied quasi-rape, etc. The screeching was endless. The sorceress however wasn't without wits as she was about to cast a fireball.
That too had to go. Imagine the pure hatred of having states supporting human supremacism! SPECISM!!!! We are so better than that.
Not /myfrog/ lel
But just for the sake of it existing I wish it had more promotion.
Replies: >>6502 >>6509 >>6510
Radically incompatible. Don't ever come back here to even attempt shilling Zionism is some softened way.
Being pro-White is being anti-jew.
>Zionism is Nationalsocialism but for jews, only brown smelly sandniggers would object to this definition.
No dipshit, Zionism is worldwide parasitism and perversity, because it's jewish through and thorough.
I am going to buy and wear that jumpsuit.
I think the Nazis were too softliner for that manoeuvre, but historical circumstances are historical circumstances.
All Levantites should be exterminated on sight.
>exposing the jews, the greatest taboo of all
This is something even local /fascist/s fail to do, with their obsessions with shitskins. Many hyperfocus on shitskins that they start simping for the kikes, as if the kikes were not responsible for immigration and multiculturalism in the first place!
Marx's take on the Jews was indeed a limited hangout given his grandfather was a rabbi

He argues the Rothschilds are the financial aristocracy of Europe, and as dangerous to the working class as the landed aristocracy, in an article called "The Russian Loan"

And most of you probably already know of his pamphlet on the JQ, where he states that huckstering is true religion of the Jew. However, he does insist that it's mere coincidence Jews were involved in usury during the time of Christ, so he definitely still won't admit they're a race

As for old school libs and political incorrectness, that's basically how I see Uncle Jared and a lot of wignats. They're libertarians who got pushed into the arms of the "far right" because acknowledging racial realities automatically gets you dismissed as a Nazi
If you get diagnosed with zoom zoom or wham wham, you might get blocked from buying guns.
Replies: >>6525
>>6079 (OP) 
Apparently, Globohomos are giving cows supplements that contain 3-Nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP). A company called DSM developed this supplement. The product is called "Bovaer". Bill Gates is investing in this crap. Basically, they claim that 3-NOP reduces the methane gas emissions from cows. But some say that this chemical has been known to reduce fertility of rats and possibly cause some of them to develop tumors. Can you help me investigate this?

<"At the 200 mg dose, effects identified included decreased ovary size"
<"Due to the severity of effects on the male reproductive system and the steepness of the dose-response relationship, the COT advised that an uncertainty factor of 300 should be applied, rather than the standard 100, and that the relevant point of departure for the male reproductive effects was the BMDL5 of 95.6 mg/kg bw/day for decreased testicular weight."

Replies: >>6795
If I have been visited by the FBI, will that result in me failing a background check when buying a firearm?
Replies: >>6543 >>6550
We often point to the six genders in the Talmud as an explanation for how transgenderism has become normalised in modern society.

But did you know that marital rape is also prohibited by the Talmud? It's legal according to Christian and Islamic law, but nonetheless became a crime in the entire West within the last 100 years or so, presumably because Jews have corrupted our legal systems.

Of course, if I was married, I wouldn't force my wife to have sex unless I felt she was just being a bitch and using it to control me. However, why on earth would anyone enter into such a shitty contract, that gives you no rights, only obligations?

I think there's a concerted effort to destroy not just the white birthrate but the global birthrate. You see institutions like the UN attempting to push women's rights and homosexuality as universal standards.

It's just frustrating, man. I'd love to have kids but I'm not signing myself up for slavery.
Replies: >>6534 >>6535 >>6539
Jewish subversion works by drinking poison in the hopes that your enemy suffers more than you do. So far, Whites are suffering more, but many Jews are affected by their own degeneracy they push onto westerners. Even spics ate not breeding more, they are jus flooding in to be hedonistic atoms in a degenerate society.
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>I think there's a concerted effort to destroy not just the white birthrate but the global birthrate
I see no problem with that, other than the "White birthrate" part of course. I'd love every non-White nation, especially Israel/kikes, to become giga-pozzed with feminism and LGBT so that they die out quicker. Do you love non-Whites?
Replies: >>6544
>his tactics objectively fucking suck.
Then come up with better tactics. Bitching is objectively more niggerish than trying.

>why would you listen to an enemy???
To understand the enemy.

Sadly, this is true. In theory, Christianity should offer an alternative to the state for loyalty. In practice, it just incentivizes White people to betray any man who stands above the herd. Christianity openly describes its own followers as sheep and "glorifies" being a sheep. It vilifies the lion and the wolf.
>But did you know that marital rape is also prohibited by the Talmud? It's legal according to Christian and Islamic law
If you have to force your wife into sex, then you have failed as a man.
>Of course, if I was married
Heh, of course...
Replies: >>6549
You know this is a great question.
Replies: >>6550
even better, and yet concurrent, for each wog country to become bug-eating, subservient homosexuals dependent on the System.
It will make the cleanup easier after the Hard Reset.
How does it feel knowing that at any point your wife could take your kids and house and you would have zero recourse aside from killing her and going to jail? I can't imagine anything more emasculating.

Fuentes is right. Wifeguys are fucking faggots, and your coping seething response is just proof you know I'm right.
Replies: >>6551
I have never heard of someone being denied based on suspicion. I don't think it is legal to do so. You may be delayed for the maximum amount of time (3 days if I recall correctly) and there is no guarantee they won't visit again if they're afraid of you having a gun, but unless they have brought charges a NICS check will not be denied.

This is assuming you don't have some pozzed state law that says otherwise.
Legal marriage is retarded in any case. If it is a religious issue then have your ceremony but legally binding yourself to a woman is a bad idea these days.

The only way a man ever gets a fair family court judgement is if the woman has been committed to a mental facility/prison OR she makes more money than the husband by a significant margin. Even then it is usually 50/50.
Replies: >>6552
Legal marriage is only retarded because the talmudic jews have warped the laws to disadvantage white men. In a sane society, women would be treated as little more than property.

And before you accuse me of being an Abrahamist for saying this, read about Graeco-Roman views of women. The Taliban is unironically closer to our ancestors' view of proper gender roles than most Christians and pagans, who are glorified simps. The headscarf itself comes to Islam from Byzantium and Persia, i.e. Aryan civilisation.

As for the second part, true; I've seen it firsthand. Most of my childhood friends were from divorced families, but the most well-adjusted one was raised by his father who ran a small business in the country pulling in maybe $5k a year. His mother was significantly richer and as such had to pay support. Not sure why she didn't get custody but I'm assuming it was because the dad was an obvious stand-up guy and the woman had something significantly wrong with her
Replies: >>6585 >>6630
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Just told a girl best friend of mine this, funny enough she didn’t have that much of a reaction. She just said “who knows what would happen”. Obviously I was speaking in hypotheticals.
Replies: >>6554 >>6556
>best friend
you retard! This sort of bragging and big-mouthing is what gets you in the bad goy kennel under conspiracy charges!
surprising, and careful there using that dodgy teenager messenger
>she wasn’t surprised
she’s a woman who likes you. Of course she nodded her head gently and replied with some uninterested platitude that demonstrated her kindness towards you. Unfortunately, you’ve now made her a liability, and she’s definitely not an accelerationist herself from that response. If anything, I hope you really know her IRL, and can trust her.
A very important aspect of cell formation is never mix sexes in them because sexual tensions will wreck trust dynamics.

Why? Just why? You foolish man. Don’t tell us, and thus any federal agent on this site, again. Don’t. Seriously. I can’t make you but it’d be stupid to. Also stop bragging about stuff like that in front of random women. Don’t tell anyone who isn’t involved in your cell. This is common sense.
What are everyone's thoughts on the recent shooting of the United Healthcare CEO? I was unsure if it merited its own thread so I'm asking here.
Replies: >>6575 >>6578 >>6583
I think he got shot and died recently
Replies: >>6576
Based, but was it a disgruntled man taking revenge over a denied insurance claim as it is widely suspected, or was it an inside job of some sort?
Replies: >>6577 >>6585
Big Health are all cartels. Not surprising they resort to mob style shootings on their rivals. We need a legit cape crusader.
Well, it's a good start.
They showed his face on Fox the other day and I immediately thought "who would bother to turn in someone so based?"

Even if he was working for a rival company or something it couldn't have happened to a better person really
>The headscarf itself comes to Islam from Byzantium and Persia, i.e. Aryan civilisation.
Also practised in some parts of Greece. But the mudslimes had to go overboard with it.
>Based, but was it a disgruntled man 
Looking at the picture it's possibly a case of trooning gone wrong.
It is satisfying in the extreme to see practically nobody online expressing sympathy for the dead CEO.
I was talking to my parents about how Muhammad was most popular baby name in Britain (we’re in US but still). And their reaction was “ that sucks but what can we do about it”. “Why worry about something if there is nothing you can do”. This type of attitude is so annoying. But I guess this is just how lemmings are.
Replies: >>6589
I have long since come to the conclusion that lemmings can indeed be redpilled. What separates a lemming and a non-lemming is that the non-lemming has a chance of acting on it, while the lemming will accept it, shrug his shoulders, and go back to what he is doing.
total death for all browns
Maybe Islamists taking over Syria is a good thing. Maybe they'll finally go after Israel
me, coping
Replies: >>6605 >>6623
>Mossad-backed ISIS will go after Israel, trust me goyim!

Go back to 4cuck, CIAniggerkike
Replies: >>6609
Well, if they don't, then maybe their soldiers will become disgruntled and overthrow them too. Look, I'm not happy about seeing Assad overthrown, but it looks like a done deal at this point. Let me cope!
RIP Assad. I am very disappointed that he didn't choose to fight till the end. But I am not surprised.
Replies: >>6624
As soon as I heard the civil war had kicked back off I figured it was over, but I'm still surprised by the coordination of all the different factions involved. Obviously some sort of deal was made behind the scenes where Assad agreed to step down in order to avoid being Gaddafi-ed on live television. This really brings home the sheer power of the Jews, as well as the real intentions behind our unending committment to the war in Ukraine
Of course, they will go after the very rich materialistic Muslim countries and Israel that they have always avoided while being funded and supported by these countries.
He had no army and solely counted on Russia and Iran.
Replies: >>6628
Should have paid his fucking army. His father is very disappointed in his son.
Replies: >>6649
muh Assad was some random sandnigger, holy shit some of you guys need better hobbies
>our ancestor’s view on women was le good because… it just was, OK?
ash-worshipping schizophrenia. Who cares?
Replies: >>6633
Enjoy your wife taking everything you have and turning your kids into trannies you dumbass Boomer
The Romans didn't believe in women's rights because they were real men (like the Taliban). The only way to restore the white birthrate is to end no-fault divorce (for obvious reasons) and the prohibition against "marital rape" (so that husbands exercising their rights can't be used to justify at-fault divorce)
Replies: >>6637
the Taliban is brown.
wtf is blud yapping about anyway. The nuclear family is an unnatural Abrahamic conception. The women naturally play their own role in child rearing etc. within tribes.
Replies: >>6640
>The nuclear family is an unnatural Abrahamic conception.
nigger detected
Replies: >>6642
Polyamory is the Aryan way. Simple as.
Replies: >>6650
We can have both, but I reckon that in times of need, if a man can keep White females, control them and inseminate them, it's much more preferable than seeing them falling into degeneracy, destructive materialism and interracial relations to kikes, yellows or shitskins.
He could have yes, they had until very recently six or seven oil exploitations alone, but the country's GDP never was that stellar anyway, it's a small and poor country overall. I suppose that could have covered a few losses though but the economy keeps tanking because of the continuous terrorist attacks. He could have tried to strengthen the borders with walls, turrets and forts, and above all densified Alepp to the point of becoming a death trap. Most of the areas that have fallen have been taken by troopers with almost no artillery or air support. The South-East is different though because of Israel and the long range shelling.
Replies: >>6686
Most people go for the dual structure of wife and husband. A healthy White society should have little waste, a thin margin barely allowing enough female mates to be taken by a single male.
>They pushed me in the online world.
>Somebody pushes me, I push back.
Out of curiosity, if one has been visited by the FBI over internet activity. (It wasn’t over a specific thing, when asked for specifics, they said it is classified). Does that mean they have a constant access to the stream of my browsing activity? Also does this mean there is an FBI file on me?
Replies: >>6680
The most likely answer to both is yes. Be careful not to do or see anything that might give them an easy excuse to fuck you over, and lawyer up fast.
Replies: >>6681
Well what if this one friend I’m talking about is underage. Does that anyhow change the situation?
Replies: >>6682
Groomers are not welcome here.
>it's a small and poor country overall.
Yeah but dude, if you can only afford to pay for one thing, pay the army. It's just common sense. Especially with a psychotic freak like Israel next door.
ChatGPT is not sending its best.
Replies: >>6694
>hurr durr itsa bot
Replies: >>6716
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There is no "let's talk about it", there is only the doing part.

You won't do shit, and even if you tried all the places where you announced it like a retard will allow the pigs to find you and stop you before you can act.
Social media are monitored and infested with leftist do-gooders that will tip FBI for free.
Even /fascist/ is visited by leftypol commie shitposters, and those faggots are pigs' best friends.
Replies: >>6726
What the hell are you responding to, schizo?
Would we worse or better off if niggers went full jihadi and started beheading their own gangbangers and faggots? I’ve vaguely aware of the debate over whether shitskins are better off under Islam and should be left to their own devices on that part, but I’m not educated in it.
>Would we worse or better off if niggers went full jihadi and started beheading their own gangbangers and faggots?
Shitskins banding together and organizing is always a bad thing for us because it makes it harder to pick them off.  If a purge of the criminal element and of sexual degenerates is to be conducted, it's best we do it ourselves. 

>I’ve vaguely aware of the debate over whether shitskins are better off under Islam and should be left to their own devices on that part, but I’m not educated in it.
Even without kikes backing them, Islamic organizations and states are a threat to us and our interests. Leaving them to their own devices only ensures they'll be in a position to attack us later down the road.
Jihadis no, but the Nation of Islam had promise back in the day, along with some other blacknat orgs like Garvey's Negro Improvement Association (i.e. back to Africa on big boats)

I love Malcolm X to this day and think he could have gone far had he not been killed to cover up his mentor's propensity to cheat on his wife with underage girls

Afaik black jihadis aren't much of a thing aside from actual Africans such as Boko Haram and the occassional Daesh recruit from the Carribean. I've literally never heard of an American black going full takfiri

There were the Zebra killings, though. Like all other black violence, most black nationalist murders were against whites or rival gangs of blacks, not genuinely corrosive forces within the black community.
Replies: >>6744
NoI is as anti-White as it can get so them forming a greater power ring would not be good news either.
no, lol. We need them to become as decadent and Democratised as possible so the negro scum can be picked off easily without bleach when we dominate the world again.
Blacks banding together can only end badly because there are billions of warm, shit-smelling bodies lurking in the mud-pits of Africa, and having her bastard armies thrown at us could mean losing white men or women in the process of bloody war. A single white man isn't worth a billion niggers, obviously.
Niggers are so filthy that the bandaid weeper subhumans are the only reason Africa hasn't culled her infection more via the various nigger diseases and defects (sickle cell anemia, malaria, MONKEYpox, AIDS, ebola).
Is there any board or forum for anti-feminist or anti-simp in the same spirit as this place? I'm sick of morons telling me men should have less rights just because women could bleed monthly from their cooch.
Replies: >>6783 >>6786 >>6790
Once islam truly enslaves the niggers, they get castrated.
This already serves as the anti-feminist board, Inequality as the essential principle of Fascism that it is also means that women and men aren't equal as well. Anyone telling you otherwise had never actually read any NS/Fascist writings and are just beefsteak pseudo-Nazis.
A word of advice, just ignore feminists. Spend your time on a more constructive hobby. Think: in posterity, would you be glad you gossiped about feminists online instead of spending time in the pine forests, ice-cold rivers, and sun-speckled mountain peaks of (I’m presuming you’re from North America)?
The whole incel business in its time led to no fruits, and only a large chunk of otherwise intelligent boys wallowing in misery and painstaking self-pitying nonsense, all the while validating feminist thought and stereotypes as aggressive self-marginalising outcasts.
If feminism is truly such the laughable Marxist death-cult it is, leave feminists in the dust of obscurity, don’t pay them any attention, forming yourself in the outline of not being like them “anti-feminist” as an identity.
Once again, much like “anti-fascists”, this line of thought only emboldens feminists, as antifa only boldens fascism.
Leave all this modern dogma behind you. Free your own soul from the partisan distractions our enslavers throw into the terrarium to gaze opened-eyed at our squabbling, and so never to take problems like this to the root.
Feminists ultimately end up miserable and childless anyway, they tie themselves to the fate of privation from eternity via childbirth, thus they really get at themselves in the end, and no one else, in their denying the instincts, purpose, and glory of woman.
If you really hate feminists, well, isn’t it super easy to assassinate someone who lives alone with a few cats?
Replies: >>6790 >>6791 >>6855
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>Spend your time on a more constructive hobby. Think: in posterity, would you be glad you gossiped about feminists online instead of spending time in the pine forests, ice-cold rivers, and sun-speckled mountain peaks of (I’m presuming you’re from North America)?
>The whole incel business in its time led to no fruits
>Free your own soul from the partisan distractions our enslavers throw into the terrarium to gaze opened-eyed at our squabbling
This, so much this. >>6778 You should focus on your physical and mental self improvement, followed by focusing on spiritual development, instead of wasting your time thinking about spinsters and simps because they will all perish in due time. Unlike them, who are most likely soulless, you are eternal, but in order to make effective use of your soul and your Spirit, first you must develop them.
>If you really hate feminists, well, isn’t it super easy to assassinate someone who lives alone with a few cats?
I would advise anyone here against this, it's not worth risking your freedom over an insane spinster. There are people who can be considered worth taking out, but no feminist is worth it, they're small fry.
Replies: >>6791 >>6855
I have been ignoring these crazy bitches snd whores and simps for the good part of two decades but I just can't turn a blind eye on how my country's government keep sucking on their dildos and promoting feminist value and idea, not when they keep making new laws that serve their interest instead of normal people. The DEI initiative is a plague that kept spreading without any end in sight courtesy of US infinite money printing.
Replies: >>6792 >>6856
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>I just can't turn a blind eye on how my country's government keep sucking on their dildos and promoting feminist value and idea, not when they keep making new laws that serve their interest instead of normal people. The DEI initiative is a plague that kept spreading without any end in sight courtesy of US infinite money printing.
I understand how you feel, my country has been doing the same shit too, but you have to be patient. The moment this entire system falls apart is coming, and you are going to want to be as mentally and physically prepared for it as possible, because at that very moment the jewish NWO will attempt to "save the world" and establish itself overtly, and the duty of people like us will be to stop them and establish an Aryan world order instead. 

Do you want to effectively fight feminism and the nu-male simps that orbit the spinsters? Do self improvement and spiritually develop yourself, redpill men online and offline, and prepare for when SHTF. Don't believe anyone who says "nothing ever happens" because the jewish NWO can only be established overtly by "saving the world" after a disaster that it will covertly create. That's the entire purpose of judaism, to establish a jewish world order that's overt, not covert, because they're not satisfied with just ruling the world from the shadows and occasionally bragging about it, they want to get to a stage where everyone, even the normies, can clearly see that they rule the world.

When SHTF, feel free to eliminate every feminist, simp and politician that you encounter in your path. With extreme prejudice.
Replies: >>6794 >>6856
No offense m8 but- actually full offense, what you're saying is bullshit and I have no more patience for that kind of talk. I have to admit I fell for the wait-and-see line back in the 10s. A decade on, and S hasn't HTF. No meaningful resistance against the encroachment of ZOG has appeared, and no, skirmishes with sandnigger fiefdoms and the pathetic warbling of dickless controlled opposition politicians don't count. Hell, you've lived long enough to see Assad fall and Israel grow even bigger, and you still say we just have to sit with our collective thumb up our asses and just wait for a sign? It's not going to happen, waiting for the next Hitler is pointless. It's like the MIGAtards still simping for their zionist messiah or the Christcucks kneeling and praying for their jewish sky daddy to come save them already. All excuses to justify their apathy and cowardice It's not happening, and it's not happening because things don't happen on their own, they have to be made to happen.

See, I don't entirely disagree with you. Self-improvement and spiritual development are indeed good, necessary even. But without action they're pointless. Nothing happens in a vacuum. The clock is still ticking, the White population of the world is still steadily decreasing, and the enemy still advances and fortities its position without rest. It's foolish to simply wait for an opening. The time to act isn't Soon™. The time to act is now. The time to act is yesterday. The time to act was last decade. The time to act was 30, 50, 70, 90 years ago.Lemme put it this way, would you rather act now that you're (presumably) young and fit, or 10 to 20 years from now when you're old and tired? 

Bottom line, it's always later than you think. If not now, then when?

>inb4 le glowie
Replies: >>6795
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A couple dozen minutes ago I scrolled up and saw this post. I'm so fucking angry at myself for not seeing this post earlier. I didn't want to spam the thread so I decided to wait for the opportunity to reply to another anon before replying to this. Yeah, I have briefly looked into this and the fact that these fuckers are messing with the cattle is very concerning. I have two PDFs about this, here they are. My IQ isn't high enough to parse this data, all I know is that this shit is definitely not healthy in the long run.

>No offense m8 but- actually full offense, what you're saying is bullshit and I have no more patience for that kind of talk
No offense taken. You are someone with good intentions that only wants the best for your people, I don't think any one remotely intelligent could be offended by your post.
>you still say we just have to sit with our collective thumb up our asses and just wait for a sign?
As I said in my first post in this thread, there are people that can be considered worth taking out, instead of random feminists that live by themselves. I'm not completely opposed to direct action before SHTF. If you have the proper equipment and you believe you have honed your skills enough, have a good target in mind, are willing to potentially sacrifice your freedom and possibly your very life, go for it. The results of the direct action may very well trigger a collapse earlier than the jewish NWO controlled collapse.
>See, I don't entirely disagree with you. Self-improvement and spiritual development are indeed good, necessary even. But without action they're pointless. Nothing happens in a vacuum. The clock is still ticking, the White population of the world is still steadily decreasing, and the enemy still advances and fortities its position without rest. It's foolish to simply wait for an opening. The time to act isn't Soon™. The time to act is now. The time to act is yesterday. The time to act was last decade. The time to act was 30, 50, 70, 90 years ago.Lemme put it this way, would you rather act now that you're (presumably) young and fit, or 10 to 20 years from now when you're old and tired? 
>Bottom line, it's always later than you think. If not now, then when?
I agree with you, and like I said above, I do believe that the right kind of action could trigger an earlier and uncontrolled collapse. I'm going to share something with you in order for you to get a gist of what goes through my mind: Despite running across many threads calling Breivik, Tarrant, Crusius and Gendron "glowniggers" that participated in a falseflag, I have never engaged with them in any sort of way. Why? Because I don't disagree with them or their actions, and I very much intend to avoid engaging with any future thread that attacks future direct activists. 

Unfortunately I'm from a country that has disarmed its population, where the masses have been completely dumbed down, there is no hope for my nation, we are merely a colony of the NWO that exists mainly for the purpose of providing natural resources for more developed and industrialized nations, and we potentially serve as a secondary or tertiary control center for the NWO. Any direct action that I could take would not achieve the desired result of triggering any sort of meaningful change. For now, all I can do to work towards meaningful change that can achieve the goal of establishing an Aryan world order, is to participate intellectually and spiritually in the struggle, so that others who struggle physically can succeed. Once the collapse happens, I will continue my intellectual and spiritual participation in the struggle for as long as possible, as well as physically resist any attempt of the NWO to impose itself upon me, family and associates as best as I can. Even if my body perishes, my soul and Spirit will continue to fight from the realms beyond.
>inb4 le glowie
Your post doesn't glow. The only light that radiates from your post is the golden light of Holy Hyperborea.
Replies: >>6796 >>6857
Targeting average individual is pointless. Unless it's done in the same style as Putin or Zelensky, a pinpoint operation done solely to all the high echelon and business moguls, the ones who actually control the narrative and herd the sheeples, it wouldn't be worth jack shit. Making a hit on some sock puppets is a fool's errand with delusion of grandoise.
Replies: >>6857
Trying to kick off muh race war by doing lone / cell-based terrorism seems mostly pointless. If there's gonna be anoher crisis, it'll most likely be contrived top-down like covid was. Gonna second tribing and training to get prepared for when that happens.
Replies: >>6803 >>6811
That was the line last decade, and it was the line during the covid years, and it was the line before then. It's no different from the Rapture or Climate Change or whatever. The Collapse™ is not gonna happen. It will be a long slow decay boiling the frog to death one degree at a time. There's a fair chance you're going to say the same thing in the next decade too. Let me ask you this. What if this collapse you're waiting for doesn't come until three or more decades from now, when you're old, weak and slow? What if it never actually comes? What then? Will you be satisfied with your choice, knowing what you could've gotten done but never did?bDo you really believe what you're saying, or is it an excuse for inaction?
Replies: >>6808 >>6809 >>6858
There is no limit on cope. In 2035, a nothing owner will be crouched in his pod tenement shared with Paco and Umbunte posting about how we are winning and collapse is around the corner because a shabbos politician criticized israel and their conquest of yet another arab shithole. Good thing no one ruined our chances with heckin' violence 10 years ago, teehee.
Replies: >>6809 >>6811
You're putting words in my mouth nigger. I agree collapse is a process, and there will always be pockets of functional civilisation provided there are enough whites around to keep things running. Then the question really becomes how to ensure we end up in one of those pockets rather than getting trapped in some 15min city or what have you.
Joke's on you, I already live in a slum apartment with a nonwhite roomate in a town collapsing under the weight of mass immigration. I have nowhere to go but up
Replies: >>6811 >>6858
>top-down like covid was
All effective policies are top down guided by the "Greater Men"/Elite, but WigNats have drunk the democratic koolaid.
This very board is white cope, my entire neighborhood has been replaced by bengalis and pakis, all the native families have left. No amount of violent action can clear this shit out.
< I already live in a slum apartment with a nonwhite roomate in a town collapsing under the weight of mass immigration.
Fucking kek, glad I am petite-bourgeois.  Atleast I have my own house, you literally live with shitskins. Imagine the smell!

Another loser coping by being an IB WigNat theorycel.
Replies: >>6812 >>6813 >>6858
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> my entire neighborhood has been replaced by bengalis and pakis, all the native families have left. No amount of violent action can clear this shit out.

And what amount of political solution under ZOG rule will solve it? Let us hear.

Fellow blackshirts,,read again this cope in all this glory
>No amount of violent action can clear this shit out.

Reality proves the literal opposite to be the truth, but average person today is so accustomed at his life being similar to that of a ship in a barn that he cannot fathom he has to actually DO something to achieve a desired result.
Replies: >>6813
>glad I am petite-bourgeois
Nick Fuentes, is that you?

But seriously, contemptuous attitudes from so-called white elites have been seriously burning me out on the cause of white nationalism in general. If those of our race who actually have power to affect change are unwilling to do anything but highpost and grift, why should I feel any sort of obligation?

You mention democratic koolaid, but I do think mass support is necessary to fix things. The question is whether the population is so conditioned that the only way to get said support is by controlling institutions like the media. Based on my experience, I suspect that's the case. But maybe it will change as things get worse, who knows.
>shoot up the local mosque
>go to jail
>1000 more Muslims move in next year
But at least I would be doing something, right?
Seejtards are literally worse than grillpillers. At least there's a chance I can have a white wife and kids if I focus only on myself. Sure, some of them may troon out or get raped by niggers, but if I have enough a least some of them should turn out alright
Replies: >>6821
Honestly I just want all these feminists to stfu and mainstream media ridicule and mock them like the crazies that they are as  the good old days. Why the fuck are we pushed to the dark corner of the internet when insane schizoid and hyper karen gets go have their voices heard.
Isn't it funny how whenever we're making inroads to a serious and productive conversation about taking real concrete action we get swarmed by blackpilling doomposters whining NOOOOO IT'S ALL POINTLESS GOY-erm I mean DUDE IT'S ALL USELESS THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO WE SHOULD JUST KEEP OUR HEADS DOWN AND HOPE FOR THE BEST? I can't help but notice that.
that’s cowards and the disingenuous for you.
Go bomb a federal building then, oh wait, that's "fedposting" according to you gay niggers.
>serious and productive conversation about taking real concrete action
Because all IBs are honeypots, and the real conversations take place offline
Replies: >>6821
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>Sure, some of them may troon out
Most Normie Whites don't go the LGBT route, LGBT Whites tend to be more autistic and racially aware, check the pol thread
Many LGBT are on the Pro-White side, allying with the LGBTWNs is more fruitful to increasing the racial consciousness of the average White, it would help us more than seigeniggery. Not to mention that sandniggers and religious fundamentalists are putting the lives of White LGBT at risk.
>the real conversations take place offline
Why stop White genocide when video games, movies and porn exists?
The average Wignat would rather spend his days masturbating to lolipussy/femboys and spamming the word Nigger on IBs in the comfort of his house, occasionally going out for a tinder/grindr date or to purchase groceries rather than to face the difficult reality of political organization and the uphill battle of racial preservation. Anons here are genuinely autistic if they think that the average White person possesses any racial consciousness, the average White Man IRL would rather waste away his centuries-refined genes on an ugly slant-eyed chink whore than to even entertain the thought of dealing with White Women or Men. I have literally witnessed countless handsome and tall White men waste away their bloodlines dating down and reproducing with low-tier shitskin women. There is no hope to be had with the average straights.
oh great the faggot shill is back. go die of GRIDS you fucking homo
Replies: >>6825
While I know they're annoying quit, just shouting about their annoyance, out argue the motherfuckers, and they will go away, create a fucking thread for it if you think it'll be long and laborious, just quit responding with one liners, they have never worked.
Replies: >>6827 >>6833
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Just work WITH the Jews, you don't need to kiss their ass, just extract methods of cruelty developed by Israelis and then apply it to your military industrial complex.
Replies: >>6829
>janny too lazy to ban a motherfucker for literally shilling pedophilia wants me to effortpost
The OT, The holy scripture of the eastern whites(Jews) forbids homosexuality, not to mention that homosexuality is a shitskin habit not of our race.
Most whites are already supportive of Eretz Yisrael, anti-Israeli sentiment mostly is brown/nigger coded. This is why you see mudslimes, sandniggers and controlled op shitskins like fuentes railing against Eretz Yisrael. Take a look at the anti-Israel protests, they are rife with leftists, shitskins and mudslimes. Without Israel the West would be undone by shitskins, we as western whites should be thankful to our eastern white brethren(Jews) for defending us, our culture and way of life. I say this as a Slavic NatSoc.
Replies: >>6830 >>6861
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The most capable, most intelligent kind of kikes are macedonian greek/imperial roman mixed with some semite dna, that might be the ticket to conquering shit without being restrained by contemporary politics. 

They've endured the test of time and as a result have been able to carve a niche for themselves that defies any single identity, of course these goblins can be absolutely *hideous* but the religious ones are as conservative as they come and if you're on their good side and help fulfill their ambitions, they will share the fruits of their labor with you.
You can also push back on the poz OTHER kikes have poisoned the world (and themselves) with, these are a chaotic peoples, harness their enigmatic energy and you might just be able to do a lot of damage to those you consider enemies. 
Do not forget to find common ground, it is a damn shame white nationalists haven't been able to adequately merge their ambitions with the closest living relative of old world romans, you may find them repugnant, but they are useful.
t. Kikeshill
How about just banning the mfs like resetera and kotaku did to us?
It depends on the activity anon is looking for and he may not be that successful where society intervenes. The more social an activity the more exposed to feminism it will be unless it's been massively gatekept without making much noise about it, or simply because weaklinks and females can't get into. But even a once decent dojo can get infested very quickly.
>There are people who can be considered worth taking out, but no feminist is worth it, they're small fry.
Most main valid targets, at least political, tend to be on the side of feminism. They all have an amount of that equality in their mind and speeches. Super militant females, often jewesses, would make valid targets although their loss would not bring up many points unless they held a seat in some county committee or passed some law that once again emasculates men. A renowned feminist judge would definitely be a good enough target.
The companies that came up with DEI tend to be filthy rich and that money is proportional to the ruining poverty Whites have been exposed to for decades. The money went somewhere and when you see that Blackrock can play with trillions, literally, unimpended, you know there's part of the explanation for that wealth that comes from the jewish thievery.
>I understand how you feel, my country has been doing the same shit too, but you have to be patient. The moment this entire system falls apart is coming, and you are going to want to be as mentally and physically prepared for it as possible, because at that very moment the jewish NWO will attempt to "save the world" and establish itself overtly, and the duty of people like us will be to stop them and establish an Aryan world order instead. 
Yes that is true they are blatantly creating an evil world order and then presenting BS saviors, like a would be a messianic, peaceful and moderate Donald "242" Trump.
> If you have the proper equipment and you believe you have honed your skills enough, have a good target in mind, are willing to potentially sacrifice your freedom and possibly your very life, go for it.
Sorry to interrupt your recruiting but you could not sound more like another Federal agent or some retarded LARPing tourist. The last thing we want is people stupidly sacrificing their life and freedom for some target, any target. Not yet. Anyone committed to the point of capable of acting and willing to turn this into useful practice must also make everything possible not to get caught or killed. We're not stupid Jihadi who blow themselves up in the middle of flee markets. A whole part of picking any target is the collecting of intel and the analysis of the fluidity of the terrain where the operation will happen. Who the fuck are you to even dare ask of people to sacrifice their lives?
>I agree with you, and like I said above, I do believe that the right kind of action could trigger an earlier and uncontrolled collapse. 
You better pull your shit together and begin to precisely described what you mean by this "kind of action" that would supposedly have the potential to begin a collapse. In case I need to refresh your memory, that ZOG has reserves, numbers, plenty of sociopaths to pick an empty spot left by someone who's been freshly offed. You will not have many occasions to take down an important target before the ZOG will take you seriously, which means whoever is behind the operation is going to face the full blunt of the state's might. You would likely have far more effect striking economical and logistical targets that are costly, hard and long to replace or repair, than soon to be content for body bags.
This. Anything else is complete fantasy and equally ((( sus ))).
>Making a hit on some sock puppets is a fool's errand with delusion of grandoise.
Why, grandeur, it's the term I think you were looking for, even if grandoise, whatever this means, had a nice ring to it.
Replies: >>6864
All I could say is that the moment you decide to regroup in areas that definitely peddle a message quite different from globohomo's, the ZOG is gradually going to resort to violence like the Church did in the south of France against the Cathars, and if you think you can negotiate or anything like that, you're already dead. Our respective governments are doubling down on immigration, tolerance and anti-racism. Movies and ads are saturated with race mixing. Supposedly hard right parties are nothing but for the most part despite members and voters thinking or hoping they are. Race realism is at an all time low and it only takes one guy to live surrounded by friendly brown people to become accustomed to their presence and even seeing them as his equals and brothers. The effect on women is perhaps even worse for they try hard to mimic what they see. Jews know they don't need to fear anything if they can buy enough time with all those mainline fake political parties that pretend being extremist or far-right. At the very least we should begin to see by now a strong radicalization of the racially aware discourse and reject any racial blindness that is often championed by any residual alt-right figure. IOW there is simply no point not being pro-White. As per the limits set in your respective countries, you shall define the legal boundaries of speech and see how far you can go in proselytizing our stern racial stance. Destroying the enemy's narrative is equally important. No more euphemisms. Bring the statistics to the table. Start with black-on-white crimes. Highlight the overrepresentation of jews in our institutions and cultural power houses and then highlight how these structures are pushing degeneracy, lies and White Genocide. Again, keep an eye on the law and how far your local regulations let you go before judges can get you.
>Joke's on you, I already live in a slum apartment with a nonwhite roomate in a town collapsing under the weight of mass immigration. I have nowhere to go but up
Before going belly up, any reason you have not moved out of this shithole already? No passport? Language barrier? No cash at all? Family being stuck with you?
>This very board is white cope, my entire neighborhood has been replaced by bengalis and pakis, all the native families have left. No amount of violent action can clear this shit out.
Seconded but first things first: Whites must get out of these places. Those who stay are turned into racially suicidal psychological slaves.
>Atleast I have my own house
Is it a house you grew up in? I'm sorry to say this to you but it's likely lost. I hope you will find the strength to move out and settle in a much nicer and Whiter place. Otherwise it's going to suck the life out of you and something nasty may even happen to you.
Replies: >>6859 >>6868
>Seconded but first things first: Whites must get out of these places. Those who stay are turned into racially suicidal psychological slaves.
By this I mean I agree with the implicit idea that no solo violent action can solve anything. Entire cities and counties will be purged at a later time with the use of armies, there's no way around that.
As soon as they agree to sacrifice their miserable and fruitless lives for a higher cause at which they utterly failed, maybe there will be some kind of communication between us and fags. As far as I'm concerned their only value is to become cannon fodder, to die anonymously and never expect any posthumous medal out of this. There would be few things more humiliating than having to thank a homosexual.
IOW kys
>Most whites are already supportive of Eretz Yisrael
Most burger christcucks who dream of the rapture and wish they had been born as jews, maybe.
>Take a look at the anti-Israel protests, they are rife with leftists, shitskins and mudslimes.
Thank you Captain Obvious!
>Without Israel the West would be undone by shitskins
You meant
>Without the West, Israel would be undone by shitskins
>we as western whites should be thankful to our eastern white brethren(Jews) for defending us
Love me a troll any time. Happy Hannukah Shlomo and good grilling!
Replies: >>6930
>Anyone committed to the point of capable of acting and willing to turn this into useful practice must also make everything possible not to get caught or killed. We're not stupid Jihadi who blow themselves up in the middle of flee markets. A whole part of picking any target is the collecting of intel and the analysis of the fluidity of the terrain where the operation will happen. Who the fuck are you to even dare ask of people to sacrifice their lives?
I'm inclined to agree. It is my belief that the reason Breivik, Tarrant, and so many others failed to make things pop off was that 1) they acted alone, and 2) they got caught right after the operation, taking them out of play. The pressure on the System must be constant, its minions must take loss after loss and never be allowed to catch their breath or feel safe ever again, lest they recover and counter-attack. One-and-dones are useless for this purpose. Therefore it's not just important to conduct the operation properly and to succeed at the objective, it's also important (moreso, I'd dare say) to know how to exfil and "get away with it" in order to survive and fight another day.

The thing is, it's just as important to take out the foot soldiers and shabbos goyim as it is to take out the ((( puppeteers ))) behind them. They're not unfeeling robots, they're living creatures, and cowardly vermin at that. Only reason they're so cocky and arrogant is that nobody's really fighting them. Do you think that Cuntifa would be so eager to go riot and burn buildings if they got shot in the face the second they went out the door? You think journalists would continue being so brazen with their disgusting hit pieces if they got their throats slit in their sleep? You think the brutes in blue will leap at the chance to arrest "White supermacists" if they they can't be sure they won't get ambushed and killed whenever they go out on patrol? 

If enough of their number die, it will create a chilling effect. It doesn't matter if the operator in question covered his tracks perfectly and made all his hits look like robberies gone wrong, or if the media doesn't leap at the chance to squawk about "White supremacist terrorism" for once, the nagging doubt will forever gnaw at their minds and the feeling of vulnerability will wreak havoc on their morale. Psychological warfare is a powerful weapon in the hands of guerillas. Plus, it makes us look stronger in the eyes of the public and weakens the enemy's image of infallibility and invincibility. Again, psychological warfare. Obviously the big fish need taking out too, but in many cases you will have to go through their minions, and since they won't stop attacking or spreading the enemy's propaganda it's also imperative to thwart them whenever possible.

Now, something I don't see adressed often is that to be successful in any operation, one must have the chops to do so. The best soldiers aren't those that memorized their training manuals to perfection, it's those that cut their teeth in war and have the experience to see them succeed where greener recruits fail. Tell me, how's an operator gonna take out a Senator or a Mossad bigwig if he's never acted before, if he doesn't have the on-field experience to take out a shitty journalist or an uppity nigger reverend and get away with it? How's he going to do the big things if he doesn't have the chops to do the small ones? 

It all boils down to this: There are targets of priority and targets of opportunity. The former are more important, but the latter need to be dealt with given that many (cops, soldiers, rioters, agitators, criminals) are on the front lines and a direct threat to revolutionary operators. The enemy is in control of everything so that's what needs to get hit: Everything.
Replies: >>6867 >>6893
phenomenal post.
You see, most people who call themselves "fascist" or "hard right-wing" would choke and decry this as "fed-posting".
But they've tried to suppress truths like this for ten years, and the cracks are showing themselves. They are anxious, cowardly men.

Their line of thinking makes no sense. Surely William the Bastard should've directed his army to personally take out Harold? As Harold was the only reason the Anglos were fighting William. Fed! Fed! Fed! Why would we attack the archers?

It's hilarious, really. On the one hand the schism between cowards that are muh brave boys because they outspokenly "reject movementarianism", and Terrorgram (not necessarily referring to Terrorgram itself, which is dead, but purveyors of its aesthetic and rhetoric i.e. Hard Reset, Militant Accelerationism) hardliners causes Trammers to adopt route-arounds just as anti-movementarianism was supposed to originally. Route-arounds that flood and thus poison their intelligentsia with asanine primitivist theory and not tasteful neo-Luddism.

These will happen. This will all happen. This will all happen again, in the world of ideas -- online, basically the modern equivalent of out-of-touch academic bourgeoisie forums in the 1800s. Just all around such mind-bending nonsense. On the other hand, real efforts are real efforts. What I'm saying is our theory is close enough to its conclusion and full, unmatched proliferation, and a conflict with reality approaches as there is nothing whatsoever left for anyone.

All we can do now is -- as was written on the walls -- run and hit. Drop out entirely. Only when one dwells within a community devoid of pigs, can he act at leisure, and not have a 100% chance of being entrapped by the System.
They fear those who don't rely on the System. They fear dropping out -- Manson style, though Manson was a bit of a weirdo, heck, cults are a great and fascinating example the cleaner their theology because they may very well represent a total detachment from society -- our parallel, total detachment from the System.

I won't leave this point to interpretation. I mean, you must form your own community, you must band together in one area, you must become self-sufficient and learn these skills. It's up to you.

This is so easy. I might invest hours upon hours authoring a pdf to share here with a plan you can replicate. The objection used to be along the capitalist lines of, chase up the ladder, get a useless diploma, so you can get marginally more providence from master. But today's youth is completely and utterly devoid if these sentiments. There is no genuine civic identity, and every day I'm seeing boys my age reach desperately for petty right-wingism, only to be bitterly disappointed at the pearl-clutching democratic scoundrels they're told to look up to. The world radicalises us. I'm only one of them. But what do they find? Sandniggers on "based" imageboards of old, the worst, most paranoid and ugly "communities" on Xitter, LARP after LARP, fedjacket after fedjacket. They find nothing, unless they are feckless enough to assimilate into groyper-like e-herds and shitty Discord time-wasting.
The only way we will reach each other is in real life. I know it's true. Have you ever zoomed out and looked at what you do, the ends, the nature? Would you be disappointed if you did?
Replies: >>6868 >>6894
>Before going belly up, any reason you have not moved out of this shithole already?
No money and no capacity to make money. I'm an autistic alcoholic who would literally rope if forced to work more than part-time. I've done it before and I was basically drinking myself to death.
I'm tribing and training rn with the hopes of finding a new, white roomate. I but I live in a college town where a single apartment costs upwards of $1k a month and the average wage for unskilled labor is like $12/hr.
Long-term I would like to move somewhere else entirely. The local university makes white victory here impossible, even in a red state, so I see no dishonor in fleeing.
If I agree with you one one thing it's that not just groyperism but the entire online right seems like a dead end. I'm not discounting the work sites like Amren and Countercurrents do to promote our ideology, but it really just seems like mental masturbation. These people have little to no policy influence and the outright grifts like Fuentes are even worse.
I'm sick of all the infighting and have started to tune out of politics entirely. It sometimes seems like the only thing to do is play vidya, go to church, and maybe go back to school for a future-proof degree eventually. Although with all these fucking poojeets, even that seems like a waste of time.
>red state
>tuning out of politics
there is no political solution.
Your first step.
Replies: >>6873
anyone still playing video games alone more than 4 hours a week is an Anglinite spiritual slave and we belong to no movement in common with them.
Replies: >>6873 >>6896
Christ almighty, how did an alt-righter goomer end up on this board? Fascinating.
Buddy, we’re SIEGEists here.
Replies: >>6873 >>6896
Okay I guess I'll just go [redacted] a synagogue in minecraft then
Goddamn I hate people who smugly say "there is no political solution" and then refuse to elaborate on their idea of praxis
Both parties obviously only care about pandering to nonwhites but even accidentally Trump will accomplish more to benefit whites in the short-term than any mass killer has ever done
vidya and alcohol are the only things I enjoy tbh
everyone I meet is too low-IQ to have a decent conversation with. I'm sick of saying obviously true yet "controversial" things to conditioned normies and having them treat me like I just raped a baby in front of them
most white people deserve to die and I feel no sense of obligation to stop the decline when even our elites are all literal infighting faggots or jew cocksuckers
16chan is dead and nu/leftypol/ is run by jews. There really isn't anywhere else other than anglin's forum and I can't be bothered making an account there
seejtards have accomplished less than nothing for the white race, anyway. you guys are basically just lolcows for normal right-wing people and the jewish media alike
I will add that if you absolutely must do terrorism, luigi's mansion accomplished more to unite white people by minecrafting that healthcare ceo than any seejtard ever has. I've heard everyone from zoomers to literal nursing home residents say that fucker got what he deserved
Replies: >>6880 >>6897
>drumpf is le good
>most white people deserve to die and I feel no sense of obligation to stop the decline when even our elites are all literal infighting faggots or jew cocksuckers
correct. All non-whites, and most whites, deserve and will die.
how you can even mention Anglin’s name in the same paragraph as deriding us for not le achieving anything is beyond me. You’re walking hypocrisy!
to HELL with the right wing!

>refuse to elaborate on their idea of praxis
you loathsome oath; do you have any idea where the term “praxis” came from? It came from leftist bourgeois kikes with their heads shoved up their asses attempting even slightly to fantasise about the real world and not engage in endless pen pushing of theoretically-mathematical esoteric academic insanity. Why? Because all this political bullshit is power process fulfilment via fantasy. All these “praxical” types sure haven’t achieved anything! NIGGA, THE PRAXIS IS FUCKING MIGHT, INSURRECTION, WARFARE, AND LIFE FOR THE SAKE OF LIFE, NOT FOR POSTPONING DEATH, NOT FOR MERE EXISTENCE, LIFE FOR LIVING, LIFE FOR BEAUTY. NOT PLAYING VIDEOGAMES. EXTREMITY. TERROR. RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Replies: >>6882 >>6897
thought experiments, interested in hearing responses to these

imagine an 18-year-old NS, free, fit, genetically sound, etc. where should he go? Where could he go? What could he do? Are there still like, Aryan Nations compounds or something to that effect? How is he supposed to bring about the revolution? Let’s say he wants to leave home and dedicate himself full-time to the struggle. Where can he go? This simple question has been torturing me for ages.

Secondly, if one was a trust-fund bourgeois, yet a hardliner NS, where could, would, one be best to put his funds? There certainly isn’t any modern-day National Alliance or anything.

interested to here what you guys come back with. I’ll come back here the day after tomorrow.
Replies: >>6897
>unite white people
uhh, you just said you hated white people they’re all dumb dumbs whatever which is true, so how does this sentiment fit in with that? Alongside that
Replies: >>6882
And yet the leftist bourgeois "kikes" captured every institution while you seejtards continue to languish in your irrelevance, occasionally popping out of the woodwork to commit terrorist attacks whenever your FBI handlers decide it's again time to push the gun control narrative.
I am no leftist, but I have read Marx, Lenin etc. and despite their flaws they were much more intelligent than any internet rightoid,
I hate white normies because they hate me for speaking simple yet politically incorrect truths. The Jews are right when they say most Aryans are borderline livestock. The high social trust we evolved when living isolated in the frozen north has become our Achilles' heel and will likely lead to our outright destruction.
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>Jews want terrorism directed against them, jews want White insurrection, and finally, jews want to go extinct when the nukes start flying

Okay, you fantasitcally retarded motherfucker who may as well be 
Derek Zoolander IRL. Let me put this in a way you will understand. If attacks against mudscums and non-Whites becomes common place, they will head back to their own countries in droves. Simple as that. It has to be consistent and not sporadic, like enough to create a climate of fear in a specific region, however. Humans will not stay in a region where their life is under constant threat of attack, no matter how many material gifts the Jews grant them. Jamal could be given a mansion, but no matter how many gifts Jamal was granted at the White taxpayer's expense, he will not go into a country where he could wind up killed or maimed for life. 

If Bubba and friends got into their pick up trucks and mowed down every beaner they saw, Paco would stay out of America and tell his friends and family to 
 do likewise. If Sven bashed open Somali heads with an axe, Tyrone would not want to be in Sweden and would thus tell his friends to do likewise. If Edward tossed jars of Piranha solution at Pakis faces, Ahmed would stay away from the UK and tell his friends and family to do likewise.

Nature just has one rule: Might makes right. Animals, including humans, will not willingly stay in areas where they are almost certain to be killed or maimed, regardless of how brave they are.  It is really that simple. If anything, you are the FBI agent in the form of a deradicalization asset, assuming you aren't a bloody paint-huffing retard, which I would assume you are.
Replies: >>6898 >>6900
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For every optics fag or gay WN in this thread.
Replies: >>6887
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More for optics cuck faggots.
Replies: >>6888 >>6891
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Yeah, I think I found video footage of you, whining in fact, when you were stabbed in video related.
Hail Saint Tarrant!
Total non-white death!
what. the. tendies. Where are the vooooootes in this video?
yes, they captured every institution because they were FANATIC ABOUT BEING SUBVERSIVE. That is the sole deciding factor, it’s obvious there’s no divine “justice” because otherwise nigger-lovers wouldn’t be in academia at all.
This is why conservacucks have been fighting a losing battle for over 80 years now. They are by nature moderate. While leftists are fanatical oversocialised lunatics in many different forms.
What does this tell us? Fanaticism is social might. Leftists forced their terms on everyone in the 90s, for example. They did this because they KNEW and KNOW that the only opposition conservacucks will EVER provide is head-scratching, anxious laughing, “no I’m not xyzist”, and then capitulation.
The defensive battle is always lost, for there is no way to win it.
Perish along with the rest of the right wing.
Replies: >>6900
KYS Mossad FBI CIA MI5 MI6 derad!!!!
lol at the head just rolling off again and again
I agree with your points but there are a few things that need to be addressed.
>they got caught right after the operation
They did everything to get arrested, and they didn't get caught: nearly all of them surrendered to the cops without firing one bullet at them. Once can be a mistake. Twice it's a pattern, and a very suspiciously bad one at that. Whether one thinks they're the manifestation of a type of Gladio-like structure that looks for suicidal people with a martyr complex to create terror and chaos and provide convenient excuses, or a bunch of very ill prepared people acting online to send to their quasi-death people who would have been much more useful by using totally different methods, I think we can all agree that trying to emulate the type of action and methods of these mass shooters is not the right thing to do at all. It's borderline retarded.
>If enough of their number die, it will create a chilling effect.
You need rugged and organized soldiers to achieve that kind of effect. Not that the quantity needs to be high at first, but the quality of the act has to meet certain criteria to achieve maximum efficiency while allowing the operator to survive or stay free and act again another day. Hit and run guerilla patterns, but rather subdued at first. Preferably at night, as silently as possible, while picking a target in an isolated spot. If not possible, keep it clean while remaining very mobile for example by using a stolen motorcycle that can be ditched after that. Don't get too attached to your guns because you may need to ditch them more often than you'd like to. Or prepare a bomb. Now that part is harder because you need the proper chemicals, you need to prepare the solution, then get the triggering mechanism right too and you'd certainly prefer using a mechanical fuse that the target would activate, or a light or sound detector, a laser wire, or link it to a burner phone of anything similar to activate the detonator from a distance. You can get very creative too these days thanks to 3D printing and access to cheap motorized parts to the point you could build very crude one-shot robots. All these methods would allow the operator to achieve the desired objective with lessened risks as long as the parts used for these devices would be mundane enough that it would be hard to trace them back to any seller.
Replies: >>6900
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>You see, most people who call themselves "fascist" or "hard right-wing" would choke and decry this as "fed-posting".
Hardly. People being critical of the shootings regarding the methods themselves already existed and that's what anon addressed.
Before talking about cowardice you must also realize that the vast unwashed masses will never do anything on their own. Entire packs of freshly recruited soldiers are sent to fight by a mix of coercion and propaganda and prove to be followers. The people who can be truly independent and pro-active are very few. This is why wasting them is stupid. I'm also not going to glorify these shooters. Most of them were not sane. Roof said he planned to shoot people at a school. Crusius wanted to murder random people. Bowers was more of an embarrassment than anything else. Really efficient men need to be cunning and cautious. Clowns with AR-15s are not. We seem to have a potential in the form of some men with a good heart needing guidance, others not managing to reach out to their surrounding citizens despite their words being sound, but nothing has coalesced yet to create the kind of force we need, because it takes talent and resources. It takes real expertise and finances. One thing for sure is that I refuse to believe that the only people who have the right ideas in the right place are only half a dozen spread across many countries and mostly living in the closed echo chambers of the internet. You speak of the petty right-wingism but don't tell me there are not genuine people who are both tired of having no hope while observing with accurate objectivity that their entire life and their future are being sabotaged on purpose by feckless sellouts. Don't tell me that all these people are poor either, that nobody would be willing to help us with funds and other material assets, anything really to form combative communities: buildings, estate, fuel, food, electronic equipment, engines, combat material.
>go back to church
Since there seems to be no good leader yet and since you appear to retain a sliver of belief in higher forces, then perhaps in your own little place you could do something, come up with your own true prayer for the emergence of the necessary conditions to make room for the much needed leaders to show up. People naturally gifted to lead others and with a bit of incomprehensible luck on their side.
Some people have this in their genes. Only willpower allows them to stay clear of alcohol because they know it's a quagmire they could not get out of if they ever put a foot in it. It also sounds like you're drowning your despair in alcohol just to keep going on, because you know that going full wagie would be the little death all too soon, a concession towards the System in accepting its tyranny, while having a part-time job sounds more sensible as it's just meant to avoid just starving in the streets. But one way or another, it looks like that where you live is also the issue, red state or not. You're also obviously too learned to settle on merely surrounding yourself with White MAGA retards but it's better than nothing. Unfortunately the mapping of the election results don't give us enough information about how based a state or county is. Knowing how racist your future neighborhood will be may require looking into the historicity of a given town and also pay attention to the kind of communities and political organizations you find there. Any school that is progressive tells a lot about the whole place. Same if it's bristling with leftist organizations or any kind of structure that aims at helping the poor since they generally love to help migrants or send money overseas. Which brings me to ask if there ever has been any practical guide for like minded frens about what to look for to know how to avoid a place or spot the ideal White haven and if any of this kind of data ever got mapped out. The best you can look for right now is a racial community, but being White isn't enough. A conservative and blue collar area far from any large city will increase your chances of finding a good place. Whatever job you may get there may not be fantastic but the cost of living may, I hope, not be too prohibitive either.
You sound like a tryhard, four hours a week is nothing at all. You can easily combine that with community driven activities or plain healthy outdoor occupations, while also having a decent work and quality reading.
>Buddy, we’re SIEGEists here.
I could not give less of a fuck about muh Seedj. Amren is piss soup though. Here's better stuff:
Replies: >>6900
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>Both parties obviously only care about pandering to nonwhites but even accidentally Trump will accomplish more to benefit whites in the short-term than any mass killer has ever done
I'm not even a fan of these shooters but thinking that Trump could even accidentally do us any service is at best dangerously naive, and certainly horribly wrong. All he has ever done was to serve his own interests and pander to the kikes. He has done everything imaginable under the sun for the Zionist Jews. A lot. Zionism is anti-Goyim and above all it's anti-Whites. Anything that he might have remotely done for us, like say 0.001%, is utterly dwarfed by his allegiance to jewdom. He's even being presently championed by some orthofox kikes and media personalities as the grand Cyrus-like precursor to the Jewish messiah.
Nevertheless I can understand your apathy without condoning it. There are very few reasons to rejoice right now, these are very dark times we live in.
True and he wasn't even on our side, he could have certainly hated Whites and himself.

Aww now look what you did to him.

>There certainly isn’t any modern-day National Alliance or anything.
Replies: >>6915
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>If attacks against mudscums and non-Whites becomes common place
That IF has a name: an army.
Stop being an idiot thinking that a guy going solo in a supermarket before surrendering is anywhere close to that.
>Humans will not stay in a region where their life is under constant threat of attack, no matter how many material gifts the Jews grant them.
You have obviously never heard of South Africa then and what the Whites are willing to put up with.
Or any African shithole infested with niggers who scalp each other every two years as part of some seasonal tribalistic accomplishment. It takes a lot, a fucking LOT, to get whole mass migrations going. Locusts, exploding volcanoes, they get things moving.
Or armies.
>If Bubba and friends got into their pick up trucks and mowed down every beaner they saw, Paco would stay out of America and tell his friends and family to do likewise.
White ISIS = army.
Replies: >>6903
Every based white man throwing his life away on some sort of attack wouldn't be enough to make white countries hostile enough to browns that returning home would be better, imo. Remember, their home countries are total shitholes. Your line of thinking is just stupid.
Yes, they were fanatical about being subversive IN WAYS THAT ACTUALLY WORK you fucking retard. They were infiltrating institutions and only resorting to violence when absolutely necessary, and even then almost never on a lone wolf basis. Even what you could call cell-based activity amongst the Jews usually takes place in concert with high-level politics, such as with Zionist terrorists doing false flags and minecrafting politicians to get the British to leave Palestine.
Seejtards have no political vision aside from nihilism and pessimism. Propaganda of the deed accelerationism has never actually worked and yet that's still the best you have to offer. Most people are not psychotic enough to go out and shoot their local politician just because they saw some guy do it on TV. The few copycats we do see are just as easily contained as the original attacks.
<If enough of their number die, it will create a chilling effect.
>You need rugged and organized soldiers to achieve that kind of effect.
only sane poster in the thread
I don't read Amren's articles anymore because they're all the same black on white crime depressing shit. Their podcasts are pretty good, though. I guess I'm still attached to Uncle Jared since he helped redpill me. He's started dipping his toe in Jew-naming after what happened to VDARE too which is funny
Replies: >>6903 >>6916 >>6921
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Go fuck off back to 4cucks/pol/ instead of shitting up fascist, you fucking retards. God, I wish frenschan didn't run out of sheckels so you would be back in your containment website
Replies: >>6925
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Get out optics cuck niggers! Movementarianism accomplishes absolutely fucking nothing. Go fuck off back to your containment board on 4cucks with the rest of the retards.
Replies: >>6927
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Movementarians retards, fuck off to the /pol/ board
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For the  optics faggots until they are gone.
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Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, and most of all, fuck optics cucks.
Replies: >>6908
Then why don't you do as you preach and kill yourself fighting a nigger, retard.
Replies: >>6909
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Piss off back to cuckchan, faggot! Pic related is you.
Replies: >>6928
"Movementarians" are the only people who have ever accomplished anything, and the only people who will ever save America from this world government the Jews have already basically already implemented.

Imagine believing that you can defeat a highly-organised and utterly ruthless 2000+ year-old conspiracy with a few terrorist attacks.

It isn't about optics, it's about tactics. I have no problem with what most of these shooters did morally, and actually think it helped lift the mood of our guys despite not accomplishing anything long-term.

Anyone who advocates terrorism, at least at this point in the struggle either a fed or a mentally deranged useful idiot of the feds. I'm tired of having the same arguments over and over tbh.
Replies: >>6911 >>6912 >>6913
this is a bunch of words
but what is your conception of a potential Movement?
if you'd elaborate
>"Movementarians" are the only people who have ever accomplished anything
That's a pretty big claim. What do you have to show for it?
also. Movementarians haven't achieved anything at all. Their movements are dead. And didn't do anything to the world when they were there originally. Like NSM88 or whatever it was called for example. It may have had many members on a roster but it never did anything. I can't go anywhere and see facets of a world affected by them. They held no territory at any point.
Terrorists self-initiate, cannot be effectively counteracted, and require no formal organization to swell and burst having left no impact on the world.

>at least at this point in the struggle either a fed or a mentally deranged useful idiot of the feds
it's truly pitiful that people like you think you have the skeleton key to System psychological operations. At what point in what struggle? What are you talking about? You mean "rightists"? "Fascists"? "Nazis"? is it about what they call themselves?
If anything, federal agents, the same federal agents which seemingly exist in the minds of you people, which you manifest in the room whenever someone wafts anywhere near direct action, real action, away from the pool-heater of masturbatory ideology and christly ultra-love-for-all-races-or-whatever, would want any potential burdens on the further existence of the System to have the power process satisfied via marching with Patriot Front flags and having their name on a roster with a huge monolithic join button. Let's say PF got 10,000 new warm-blooded recruits suddenly. Now what? Nothing, and the same for everything else, because it's just reliance and Systemism with a glossy coat of anti-democratic paint. Seriously, PF and for that matter anything like it just performs dog tricks then begs for donations.

>and actually think it helped lift the mood of our guys despite not accomplishing anything long-term.
so lifting of spirits isn't a long-term effect? We venerate the Saints because they give us hope. How is that not long-term? Hmm?

>Imagine believing that you can defeat a highly-organised and utterly ruthless 2000+ year-old conspiracy with a few terrorist attacks.

Imagine thinking you can organise better than this conspiracy, with your opponent a 2000-year head start, endless wealth, heck, embodying and having money at their leisure; imagine thinking in your head that any Movement wouldn't be crushed like an ant, as happened again and again.
You see, the reason why feds flooded into Atomwaffen was because it represented a real threat. So they vanquished it through the ToB asset. The System could easily do something like that to your precious Movement. These aliens literally eviscerated all nations for a few extra dimes, and it was easy. They will do that to you if you are so much as an ugly ant and not a pretty one.
The System can do nothing to prevent Luigi Mangiones except make terrorism out as unappealing.
You can claim many or most terrorists made no real impact and I would agree with you. But a LOT of terrorists do and can. A lot (by realistic standards of extant, genetically-sound non-bugmen) of Movementarians can... march and get heckled by TV-watching old women and liberal art college dykes. And then repeat the cycle 20 years later.

>and the only people who will ever save America from this world government the Jews have already basically already implemented.
terrorism is the best kinesis of real Movement, and not Patriot Front rally movement. Take a moment to consider how groups of people similar to Luigi are feeling right now. They are rallying together.
All this is because real change has been exacted -- real Might, has made real Right.
Anything prior to action is the equivalent of intellectualism, pen-pushing, the forgotten-bound of history, manifest cowardice. But proven not, perhaps.
Finally, never accept a coward afraid of violence, that does not truly wish for his enemies to get The Rope, into any ranks of yours. Or as an individual. This is an often reason for rejecting terrorism, or usually manifest "FEDFEFEFEDFEDFEDGLADIO MKULTRA FED GLOW GLOW IN THE DARK THIS POST GLOWS FED FEF EFED FE DE FFES FESE FED MOSSAD SHILL KIKE KIKE MOSSAD MOSSAD MI5 FIVE EYE FED GLOWIE GLOWNIGGER".
Replies: >>6920 >>6931
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what is this flag?
>>There certainly isn’t any modern-day National Alliance or anything.
I know, but NA is in such a dwarfed and powerless state, by modern-day NA, I mean, modern-day lifestyle-you-can-take which has the power which NA had in the 90s. Pierce was growing old, which hampered NA, and then eventually he died too, which made matters even worse. Shame there wasn't an adequate younger leader to carry the flame.

Old men can only lead old movements which die like old men.
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>amongst the Jews usually takes place in concert with high-level politics, such as with Zionist terrorists doing false flags and minecrafting politicians to get the British to leave Palestine.

Groyper buzzwords: detected
4/pol/er bugman alt-rightist: rejected

I have such hatred towards brown-lovers' worldview it's insane.
Replies: >>6917
picrel is me. Im so cool oh m,y hosh. im smokig a cool cigaerrtee. because im cool.
Hitler almost won, and would have if support for National Socialism amongst the white populations of Britain and America had been strong enough to prevent the governments of those countries from stabbing our race in the back.

We can do better than Hitler. I'm not saying it'll be easy, or that it's even likely, but it's at least possible.

There is no scenario in where a little decentralised terrorism will lead to overthrowing the Jewish world government. It has never happened and never will happen. Even if every kike flees to Israel they will still control our countries via neocolonial puppet politicians and tech backdoors.

This board is a waste of everyone's time because you just keep advocating the same pointless tactics despite every reasonable argument to the contrary. I'm just here to countersignal you psychopaths telling white men to throw their lives away for no gain, just in case there are a few sane but isolated refugees from other imageboards who stumble in.
Replies: >>6921 >>6950
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>Propaganda of the deed accelerationism has never actually worked
Nigger you are delusional, Luigi's existence straight-up obliterates your statement into pure falsehood, everybody loves Luigi, especially all of the young people which he is popular with right now. ZOG is shitting their pants because they know their time is almost up, which is why they're doing all this huffing and puffing as second pic related shows.

>Seejtards have no political vision aside from nihilism and pessimism.
You retards couldn't even define what Fascism is, outside of some wikipedo definition or 
Nor do you have any actual coherent worldview outside of spewing platitudes, fucking begging the masses to join you out of "saving da huwite rayce" without expecting anything in return, or how about begging your racial enemies just NOT to genocide 'da huwite rayce' at all, or how about promoting the most basic bitch, vague and superficial political ideology ever created with absolutely ZERO thought put to it aside from grifting and begging.

If I have to, I'll strap you to a chair, tape your eyes open with saline dropped every five seconds, force you to read HOURS upon hours of Mein Kampf, White Power, For My Legionaries, Next Leap as well every fucking Rope Culture article as well because it refutes EVERY PIECE of any argument that you faggots endlessly make.
And I will ask you what you have learned from them, what are the most central and essential points of the books that they all share in between, if not, I will do it all over again.
Read nigga! READ!
And i'll start with you alcoholic autist, put down the fucking beer and sober the fuck up, nigger.
Get your ass to reading, read these two articles and tell me again, how "decentralised terrorism" leads to nothing, while the fucking IRA as the absolute best example of cell-based organization made the Brit government piss their pants so much, that with how much bombing they did to financial centers lead to them finally negotiating, but not out of love, but out of fear.
>every fucking Rope Culture article
Speaking of which, got an archive link or something?
Replies: >>6944
If suicide by cop is so great, why haven't you done it?
Replies: >>6932 >>6944
Is this type of shitty post supposed to make this board look better than 4/pol/? This place is rampant with low effort trash. I think I liked it better when its PPH was close to null.
Replies: >>6926 >>6949
Facts annoy you, we get it CRESTfag.
Replies: >>6934
Just report and make good posts yourself. Be the change you want to see. On that note, I have been thinking. Guns are obviously heavily regulated and it's all too easy to get caught with one if you don't know what you're doing, but what about alternate methods? Bombs, knives, contact poisons, the works. Unless CEOs and other such scum go everywhere in Popemobiles and spend all day in their panic rooms, there's no way they can survive forever, bodyguards or no bodyguards.
You haven't accomplished much either. Just be honest about it.
Replies: >>6934
At this point the line of defense of ((( terrorists ))) is gaslighting.
Replies: >>6934
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Also the situation now is that we're in a stalemate. Wacko shooters don't tip the tables and no movement, AKA a real political party, has proved solid, enduring and alluring enough.
The only thing that has happened over the last decade is shitposting and redpilling, using jokes to laugh at ZOG's lies and what shouldn't derided according to yids. This has yet to translate into a change of power in our institutions. This is where we are right now. Looking at some kind of dormant and untapped gestalt. No more no less.
Replies: >>6934
No wonder WN is dead.
>Without the West, Israel would be undone by shitskins
Most here would call you a sandnigger for acknowledging this simple fact, but in the end it does not matter. Many arguments and posts later and nothing was done to save the White race, where are the WN movements or militias? All larp, all talk and no action. The best of our race have already given up and moved on, marrying asian wives and producing half-bloods.
Replies: >>6934
>Terrorists self-initiate, cannot be effectively counteracted, and require no formal organization to swell and burst having left no impact on the world.
Swell and burst within hours with no positive impact is an apt description of the entire terrorgram styled activities too. it doesn't attract people. It hasn't led to hundreds of people grouping into a militia.
>If anything, federal agents, the same federal agents which seemingly exist in the minds of you people, which you manifest in the room whenever someone wafts anywhere near direct action, real action, away from the pool-heater of masturbatory ideology and christly ultra-love-for-all-races-or-whatever, would want any potential burdens on the further existence of the System to have the power process satisfied via marching with Patriot Front flags and having their name on a roster with a huge monolithic join button. Let's say PF got 10,000 new warm-blooded recruits suddenly. Now what? Nothing, and the same for everything else, because it's just reliance and Systemism with a glossy coat of anti-democratic paint. Seriously, PF and for that matter anything like it just performs dog tricks then begs for donations.
Why are you glorifying puppets who for the most part were gullible? Why do you conveniently ignore the very odd backgrounds and countless bizarre details that should not be there?
How do you deal with the fact that the NZ shooter acted exactly the same day an international anti-terrorist drill was ran across the entire city of Christchurch? Quite th coincidence there, right?
How do you deal with the fact that Crusius was one or two persons removed from the literal MK ULTRA program?
These are legitimate questions that the whole internet never walked away from except siegetards and people like you. How do you expect us not to see this as suspicious, as if ZOG wouldn't have its own tricks with false flag ops?
Why do you deny that the shock and terror methodology has historically served governments and shadowy groups who never were on our side? Why the heck do you think this all looks like a warmed up Gladio? And why every time some anons object to the ostentatious short-lived tactics that essentially amount to nothing and are more or less akin to suicide by cops, except that the suicide takes the form of rotting in jail forever, which is probably the worse outcome possible for our men?
So let's put that shooter mania aside for a moment and really think hard about should be done. We need to hone our ideology and arguments. We need means to share and spread them. We need racially aware White men and we need resources, many resources.
Do we have a pro-White party? I would say no.
Do we have a sort of militia or at least a bunch of street brawlers? Anything from so-so to barely, too few, if not none at all.
Do we have racially aware White people who are pro-White? Probably a lot but they're all floating like fucking plankton right now, nobody's collected them. They're probably led astray by false prophets.
Do we have resources? Right now, no. Not that it would be impossible to gather them, but there's no legitimate structure that people could trust to collect such resources.
>so lifting of spirits isn't a long-term effect? We venerate the Saints because they give us hope. How is that not long-term? Hmm?
They give hope to five internet loonies. At best the only hope you could gather from this is that despite the very false flag nature of their actions, that some people like them might be willing to pick... oh fuck it anyway, these guys were for the most part too unhinged to be taken seriously and thought of as mentally stable soldiers.
If these shooters give you hope then you are hopeless and your expectations were and still remain extremely low, rising from the deepest layers of hope that ever existed. Always trying hard shilling for these midwits.
Take Crisius. The guy was such a failure that he's been turned into a meme, mocked all over the internet and even used by leftists despite the fact that leftists were supposed incapable of memeing. This is where we're at with that kind of shit. They are a joke and you're a joke too.
>Imagine thinking you can organise better than this conspiracy, with your opponent a 2000-year head start, endless wealth, heck, embodying and having money at their leisure; imagine thinking in your head that any Movement wouldn't be crushed like an ant, as happened again and again.
((( Terrorgram ))) and Der Movement are both failures.
>You see, the reason why feds flooded into Atomwaffen was because it represented a real threat. So they vanquished it through the ToB asset.
Assuming Atomwaffen Division wasn't built from the ground up to be a failure and a honeypot.
There are mafias in the world that some governments have a hard time infiltrating because they're not LARPers, they not joking nor are they posing in front of cameras with their pretty masks that their grandmas sewn for them. They survive because they mean business and are about as ruthless if not more than the authorities which for the most part are bound by the law and must appear fair to the population, although this is becoming less the case.
>The System can do nothing to prevent Luigi Mangiones except make terrorism out as unappealing.
Do you even realize that terrorists such as the type we know of in the Middle East and to a lesser extent Africa and Asia are part of large networks which more often than not are indirectly supported by people who are presented as our best allies?
Several Eastern European countries remain White to a high degree. They may not be the richest but they could in the best case scenario support us. But who are they going to support if they don't have any network on their own ground and no other network to interact with? Nobody is going to invest in a handful of Sunday shooters because that is not serious.
Here's an example of a real tough as a nut network, the White Supremacists lost in jail but who maintain links with people on the outside. That's already something.
There are options to pick in the following lists too:
>Anything prior to action is the equivalent of intellectualism, pen-pushing, the forgotten-bound of history, manifest cowardice.
What kind of infinitely demented crap are you spewing here? No one should act randomly without a proper ideology to follow and even your favorite shooters supposedly followed general guidelines and similar views they more or less shared here and there, all of which came from intellectual works preceding them. What you're saying is that people like Rockwell, Klassen or Pierce were cowards because they didn't pick a semi-automatic rifle and went gunning down niggers at Walmart. I pray for you anon that one day you grow some neurons and do all that is possible to have them meet at some point in the future.
Replies: >>6932 >>6934 >>6944
>everybody loves Luigi
yeah sure, but he hasn't inspired them to get organised within their local communities to fight exploitative hospitals or something to that effect
we haven't even seen another CEO get popped. the closest thing to a luigi copycat was that dude who tried to shoot nick fuentes lmao
>ZOG is shitting their pants because they know their time is almost up
the walls are closing in two more weeks yawn

if by movementism you mean just doing protests and nothing else then yeah I agree that's dumb, but there are orgs that combine street activism with cell-based structure and physical training (such as the NSN in Aus)
I've been bringing up Gladio on here for months and no one ever acknowledges it. This place fucking stinks bro
And you're right, guerilla organisations are still pretty useless (easily isolated and contained) without ties to either establishment infiltrators or at least some sort of forward-facing movement attempting to become part of the establishment
>Rockwell, Klassen or Pierce were cowards because they didn't pick a semi-automatic rifle and went gunning down niggers at Walmart
you know Pierce would have loved to though
>guerilla organisations are still pretty useless (easily isolated and contained) without ties to either establishment infiltrators or at least some sort of forward-facing movement 
This. It should be a symbiosis, not a dichotomy. If anything is a LARP holding us back, it's the insistence on focusing only on either random terrorism or toothless marching.

WN has a long road to develop if it is to have a future. For fuck's sake we can't even create consensus on what to call ourselves.
Replies: >>6934
Since you all sound like you are from Mourningstar's merry band of faggots, let me put this in a way you will understand. Get off of this fucking board and fuck off back to your optics cucking circle jerk on trannycord. I am going to report all of you fucking niggers for violation of rule six so that you are all banned from the site. In addition, I will be going to /cob/ and informing the board owner to  ban every one of your gay posts.
Go back to 4Troons. It is where you and Mourningstar/TrickyRick belong. 
Back to cuckchan, nigger!
Go back to trannycord with Mourningstar and his merryband of GRIDs infected fudgepackers. >>6933
Wanna hear a joke? How many White Nationalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three. One to actually screw in the lightbulb, one to call the one screwing in the lightbulb a fed, and one to praise the one who actually screwed in the light bulb while doing fuck all. That is our problem. We have more infighting than the fucking left about shit like feminism, with naturally-born women screeching at troons LARPing as women and the Jewesses in that movement supporting the troons.
Replies: >>6936 >>6938 >>6953
If anyone wants a discussion free of Mourningstar's optics faggots, come home to /cob/.
You seething while failing to provide actual arguments automatically means we win the discussion. We wouldn't be calling you feds if you were advocating for activity the legal system doesn't like if we thought said activity would be productive. We're in good faith but you're clearly either psychotic or trying to get our guys locked up for mastubatory displays of violence. Go back to your Tor containment board, nigger.
Replies: >>6937
btw I don't know who mourningstar is, but I'm assuming he's some other irrelevant very online retard like yourself
Replies: >>6941
>no arguments
>faggot faggot faggot
The brain rot is real.
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>If I have to, I'll strap you to a chair, tape your eyes open with saline dropped every five seconds, force you to read HOURS upon hours of Mein Kampf, White Power, For My Legionaries, Next Leap as well every fucking Rope Culture article as well because it refutes EVERY PIECE of any argument that you faggots endlessly make.
>doesn't even mention Lane
How ironic of you to name these works when they contradict you. Also please point to me where in these works their respective authors advocated for terrorgram bullshit, and show me when their authors acted according to the terrorgram rules of becoming a gorilla mass shota instead of acting like a true lone wolf. The joke is on you, clown.
Replies: >>6944
>you know Pierce would have loved to though
I doubt it, there is even a piece from him that denounces this kind of reckless action. He was a smart man and could smell fishy stuff a mile away. He was all for intelligent works, well thought endeavors. He wasn't clueless either because he knew of the necessity of violent action but educated as he was he knew it had to be integrated to a wider operative system. Even if the mass shooters were not related to anything remotely tainted by kikes and hidden agents, the fact remains that it has hardly convinced mass of American Whites who have access to tons of guns to do anything about it. They're all wishing for a nicer and more peaceful solution, preferably by voting and complaining a lot. You have the "muh saints" crowd on one side and the "u glowfag" camp on the other, and both will never agree anyway, but what can be agreed upon is that none of the solutions, whatever they are, have brought any significant change thus far in the balance of power. Kikes may have a lot of power but they're neither invincible nor perfect, and they're definitely not many either.
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He's the absolute optics cuck faggot that ruined Neinchan just as you are migrating from Frenschan and shitting up /fascist/. The nigger was preaching about Judeo christian values and other such worthless dreck that doesn't belong in a White Nationalist discussion. In addition, he brigaded the site from a fucking discord while using TOR to evade bans, just like you faggots seem to be doing.

Frenschan optics cucks do not belong here. It's a shitpit for 4cucks refugees like yourself where all you talk about is the orange kike and how Musk is gonna fix anything. All elites, white elites included, suck Jew dick. We should not be trying to compromise and negotiate with subhumans for our countries back, we should instead be trying to find ways to wipe them out. You cannot reason with subhumans. 

>not having empathy for non-Whites makes us psychopaths. 

I feel a great sense of satsifaction when the non-White subhumans are on the ground, bleeding, screaming for mercy that never comes. I also sneer in contempt for some paki broad who had acid thrown in her face by some British white guy. But when it happens to Whites, I get angry as every red blooded white man should. A psychopath, in actuality, would be the member of our political class who sells out his own race in exchange for material wealth. Someone who murders shitskins is not a psychopath nor a sociopath. True  psychopaths are materialistic degenerates who neither care for race nor nation.
Anyway, the whole science of psychiatry is a Jewish construct designed to single out potential bad goys from a society. You cannot trust what comes from a Jew's mouth, for they can only imitate not invent. Kikes are asian, not white, and thus imitative rather than inventive. Therefore, I would not be in the least bit surprised if their whole psychiatry schtick was one of their tools to subvert society. Why, they threw dissidents into psychiatric hospitals in the 1950s, hellscapes worse than prison, where a kike sadist would lobotimize his betters. Only a few disorders are demonstrably real, such as shizophrenia. Most of them are faker than the holocaust.
It's in >>6772.
Says you, why haven't you?
>yeah sure, but he hasn't inspired them to get organised within their local communities to fight exploitative hospitals or something to that effect, we haven't even seen another CEO get popped. the closest thing to a luigi copycat was that dude who tried to shoot nick fuentes lmao
Nathan Mahoney had just stabbed an CEO of the Anderson Express company, which is an contractor for the Israeli military.
>the walls are closing in two more weeks yawn
Look up "unfunded liabilities".
Also of course it won't happen tomorrow, it happens gradually and we both live in a Late-Roman Empire tier period of an dying empire where shit happens more and more as it goes on.
>if by movementism you mean just doing protests and nothing else then yeah I agree that's dumb, but there are orgs that combine street activism with cell-based structure and physical training (such as the NSN in Aus)
Okay, good for them. Hope they learnt the important lessons from National Action which UK completely fucked them over and that they had to flee to US.

You really want this shit? Okay, book session time.
>according to the terrorgram rules of becoming a gorilla mass shota instead of acting like a true lone wolf. The joke is on you, clown.
Get over yourself, your definition of "true lone wolf" is not too distinctive from mine anyway and responding with "Nuh uh! it's different" only makes you just more laughable.
Take a simple reminder that every single Fascist take-overs were forcible revolutions, ALL of them,  The only exception to this rule was Hitler to which he only used electoralist tactics AFTER his putsch already failed. his electoralist tactics had ONLY worked in a destabilizing and chaotic shit-hole like the Weimar Republic, not a economical-healthy liberal democracy with a huge functional police-surveillance apparatus. Imagine (You) thinking that a modern-day Hitler should attempt the same exact fucking tactics in a huge country not only with levels of hyper-individualism and how many safety-checks ZOG has set up to prevent him to be elected, but where the White population is only constituted as the 53% of the entire nation, Absolute insanity. Hitler had it too easy, he never had to deal with ALL of these like that.
Not only that, but did I mention that same police surveillance apparatus can also fuck up centralized movements with God only knows how many informants inside, they wouldn't even need a fed to infiltrate when their most greatest, powerful and simplest weapon are snitches and informants of every kind, and they WILL eventually pass laws that make centralized organizations illegal. 
But if his Putsch in Munich was a success, what exactly do you think it would happen? The German government in Berlin stepping to offer flowers and kisses? :^) I'll leave you to imagine that.

When you read his work, you will find out that you don't tend to see any notions of political plurality, right-wing coalitons and lawful respect of Weimar authority at all, rather you will read the writings of an man who wanted to crush every other political movement that doesn't share his vision, to brutalize his adversaries and to put it in his perspective, "Revolution against the revolution."
>I have already emphasized that a movement meant to win over the hearts of the people must be ready to defend itself with its own forces against terrorist attempts by its adversaries. As always shown in world history, formal State authority can never break a reign of terror inspired by a worldview; it can only be conquered by a new and different worldview, whose representatives just are as bold and determined. Acknowledging this fact has always been very unpleasant for the bureaucratic protectors of the State, but the fact remains nevertheless. State power can guarantee peace and order only when the State embodies a worldview that's dominant at the time, so that disrupting elements can be treated as isolated criminals, instead of being considered champions of an idea diametrically opposed to official views. In such a case, the State can employ the most violent measures, for centuries, against the oppressing terror, but in the end all these measures will fail, and the State will succumb. - 9.11, ADVOCACY OF THE FOLKISH IDEA, Chapter 9: THE ‘GERMAN WORKERS’ PARTY’

>When our large meetings first began, I made a special point to organize a suitable hall guard in the form of a security service, composed chiefly of young men. Some of them were comrades who I knew from military service, and others were new party members who, right from the start, had been trained and instructed to realize that only terror is capable of smashing terror, that only courageous and determined men had succeeded in this world, and that we were fighting for an idea so great and noble that it was worth the last drop of our blood. They were trained to realize that
when force replaced common sense, the best means of defense was attack, and that the reputation of our security troops marked us as a combat group and not a debating club. And how eagerly did this youth yearn for such an order! - 7.7 NATIONAL SOCIALIST SECURITY TROOP, Chapter 7: THE REVOLUTION

>They have less fear of a man of genius who lacks will-power than of a vigorous character with mediocre intelligence. At the same time, they highly commend those who are devoid of intelligence and will-power. The Social Democrats know how to create the impression that they alone are the protectors of peace. In this way, acting very circumspectly but never losing sight of their ultimate goal, they conquer one position after another now by methods of quiet intimidation and now by sheer daylight robbery. They employ these tactics at those moments when public attention is turned towards other matters, or when the public considers an incident too trivial to raise a fuss about and thus provoke the anger of a vicious opponent. These tactics are based on an accurate estimation of human weaknesses; they will lead to success, with almost mathematical certainty, unless the other side also learns how to fight poison gas with poison gas. The weaker natures must be told that this is a case of ‘to be or not to be. I also came to understand that physical terror has its significance for both the masses and the individual. 
>Terror in workshops and in factories, in assembly halls and at mass demonstrations, will always meet with success, as long as it does not encounter the same kind of terror in a stronger form. In this case, the party will surely cry bloody murder. It will appeal to the authority of the state, though they have previously repudiated it. In doing so, their aim is to add to the general confusion, so that they may have a better chance of reaching their own goal unobserved. They will search for some idiot among the higher government officials, one who hopes to ingratiate himself with them, and who will help this world-pest defeat its opponents. The impression that such successful tactics make on the minds of the masses, whether they be supporters or opponents, can be estimated only by one who knows the popular mind practically, not theoretically. Successes that are thus won are taken by Social Democrats as a triumphant symbol of the righteousness of their own cause. On the other hand, the defeated opponent very often loses faith in the effectiveness of any further resistance. - 2.15 SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC TACTICS, Chapter 2: YEARS OF STUDY AND SUFFERING IN VIENNA

>Every worldview, whether religious or political and it's sometimes hard to differentiate the two–fights not so much for the negative destruction of the opposing world of ideas as for the positive realization of its own ideas. Its struggle thus lies more in attack rather than in defense. It has the advantage of knowing where its objective lies, and this objective represents the realization of its own ideas. Inversely, it’s difficult to say when the negative aim of the destruction of a hostile doctrine is achieved. For this reason alone, an aggressive worldview is more powerful and decisive in action than one that takes up a merely defensive attitude. If force is used to combat a spiritual power, that force remains a defensive measure, as long as its advocates aren't the standard-bearers and apostles of a new spiritual doctrine. To sum up, we can establish the following: That every attempt to combat a worldview by means of force will turn out futile in the end, if the struggle fails to take the form of an offensive for the establishment of an entirely new spiritual attitude. It is only in the struggle between two worldviews that physical force, consistently and ruthlessly applied, will eventually succeed. 
He is calling for an never-ending attack against his adversaries in the most literal way possible, this is the same man who used his SA brownshirts to fuck up Marxist thugs endlessly.
>This is why the fight against Marxism failed. This was also the reason why Bismarck’s anti-socialist legislation failed, and was bound to fail in the long run, despite everything. It lacked the basis of a new worldview to serve as the basis for the development and extension of the struggle. To say that the drivel about so-called ‘state authority’ or ‘law and order’ was an adequate foundation for the spiritual driving force in a life-or-death struggle is just what one would expect to hear from the ‘wise ones’ in high official positions. - 5.9 ATTACK OF A WORLDVIEW, Chapter: THE WORLD WAR
Does Hitler sound like the kind of man who would abhor political violence, respect the law and an fair election to you?
Or rather more like the Putscher who would seek to do absolutely ANYTHING to make his dream come true? Whose vision reigns supreme all over the other ones and where he seeks to actualize the eternal triumphant of his vision?

You asked for Codreanu, so here he is,
>If you try to say something you are immediately accused of "urking" one part of the citizenry to "hatred" against the other citizens; that you "disturb social barmony" and "the brotherbood" in which the Romanians have always lived with the "peaceful Jewish population;" that we are not good "Christians" for Jesus Christ said: "Love your neighbor even him who wrongs you..." etc. If you utter one single word, you are arrested as an "enemy of the State's security" and as an inciter to "civil war." You are insulted and even beaten. They control the authorities and you must keep quiet and watch the whole tragedy of your people. It would be better for God to blind us so we would no longer see with our own eyes; so we would know nothing."
He was so blackpilled and angry that he literally had to say this after:
>My blood was boiling in my veins and the idea occurred to me anew of grabbing a weapon, going into the mountains and mercilessly starting to shoot into the bands of enemies and traitors, if the Romanian authorities and laws of Greater Romania can condone such crimes against the Romanian nation, her honor and her future, and if these laws and sold-out authorities have stripped her of any hopes for justice and for salvation. I returned to Iasi with an aching heart, borne down by the burden this people carries.
The political system has infected our national life. Organization of the youth is needed, as is also
emphasis on the necessity for their further self-education, to protect and separate them from the
infection of the political system. To permit the infection of the Romanian youth to continue means
annihilation for us, and a definitive victory for Israel.
>Moreover, our organizing of this youth will take care of the very problem of our political system, which by lack of young recruits will starve to death, The slogan of the entire younger generation must be:
>No youth must ever enter the gate of a political party; be who does so is a traitor to his generation and bis nation. For in effect, by his presence, name, money, work, he strengthens the power of the politicians. Such a one is a traitor, just as he is a traitor who leaves the side of his brothers and goes over into the camp of their enemy. Though he may not shoot back with a weapon, if he only carries water for those who do shoot, he is an accomplice to the killing of those falling among his betrayed comrades, consequently a traitor to his cause. 
You are a racial traitor in his own eyes if you join any political party.
>The theory urging us to all join political parties in order to improve them-if we pretend they are bad-is false and perfidious. As it has been from the beginning of the world, day and night uninterruptedly, it is only sweet water that has flowed into the Black Sea from thousands of rivers, this never resulting in sweetening the sea's salty water but rather the opposite: likewise with us, entering the cesspool of political parties, not only will we not better them, they will corrupt us.
He was betrayed by the Church, his Government and his own King. They murdered him.

Now to forward unto Rockwell:
He too became blackpilled about using electoralist tactics for the future, after too many electoral failures. Enough was enough and so he called for the final thing, the real deal, WHITE REVOLUTION before Matt and his cronies killed him for becoming more radical with a Greek patsy as his assassin, they also murdered Tommasi for the same reason 
>The continued existence of Western Civilization and the White Race depends on whether enough Americans are sufficiently concerned about imminent catastrophe to do something professional and revolutionary about it - rather than continue to play the easy, kosher-conservative, play pen games of the last fifty years.
>We are facing a REVOLUTION, and a bloody one at that.
>"States' rights," "conservatism," "Wallace-ism," and even the Klan are only crumbling Maginot lines, walls which may delay the brutal advance of the enemy a bit, but which will never stop him. ONLY AN ATTACK CAN DO THESE THINGS and no half-hearted, Vietnam-style "attack," either, but the old-fashioned kind in which our purpose is simple and direct: to ANNIHILATE the enemy - to smash him, beat him down and exterminate him, until he is no
longer a threat.
>The reason our people are unable to see the urgent, desperate need for a revolution, instead of the silly, conservative shilly-shallying in the Jewish playpen, is that almost all of our people, on both sides, left and right, have fallen victims to Jewish propaganda against "extremism" and radicalism.
Sounds familiar? How do many ((( derads ))) come here to shill and didn't succeed, so now they're trying "PIERCE VS MASON", "COVINGTON VS PIERCE" division tactic to divide this board while /fascist/ has always venerated it's actual heroes (And I do mean actual heroes) from cripplechan, then 16chan and now here again.
>The attack upon us is called, even by the enemy, a "Black Revolution." It is Communist. It is lawless. IT IS RADICAL, VIOLENT AND BLOODY!
>Anyone might be pardoned for believing for a few minutes, or even an hour or so, that he might be able to talk his way out of a gun fight. But when the shooting goes on and on, gets more and more bloody, and the enemy openly proclaims his intention of wiping you out, as the Blacks are doing, it is madness and suicide to keep depending on the easy, "nice," "moderate", conservative" methods of survival. The way you "shoot back" in a revolution is with a revolution of your own.

>And that's what this book's all about.
>Over the past twenty years, I have run the course from "Republican," to "hard-shell Republican" to "anti-Communist" to "McCarthyite" to "Birch-type Conservative" to sneaky Nazi! ---and finally to all out National Socialist Hitlerite!
>I have become a revolutionary as dedicated to professional, hard-boiled, White Man's, anti-Communist revolution as any Communist is dedicated to his bloody revolution.
I believe all of these speak for themselves.
Come on now, how do these contradict me? Get a hold of yourself, fucking joker.

And here comes the conspiratard tourist with his nonce-sense, with his worship of the Omnipotent System unknowingly or not, as he vomits out the usual schizophrenic excuses as why regular folks are somehow top tier federal agents.
>Why do you conveniently ignore the very odd backgrounds and countless bizarre details that should not be there?
Why did you conveniently ignore >>6517 ?
>Why do you deny that the shock and terror methodology has historically served governments and shadowy groups who never were on our side? Why the heck do you think this all looks like a warmed up Gladio?
What is your obsession with Gladio? Why do you assume the U.S foreign policy-makers to be competent people and not Las Vegas retarded boomers gambling for high-risk high-reward alliances? CIA could had funded Osama and an bunch of Afghani students with weapons against the Soviet Union.
And that absolutely still did not prevent them from turning on them later on, that did not prevent the very same students to form the Taliban and eventually fuck over the U.S by stealing billions of dollars of equipment from them as they won Afghanistan.
>And why every time some anons object to the ostentatious short-lived tactics that essentially amount to nothing and are more or less akin to suicide by cops, except that the suicide takes the form of rotting in jail forever, which is probably the worse outcome possible for our men?
You have two choices, prevent the rape and grooming of White children at all or end up in jail.
Go on, try to "intellectually debate" or "non-physically prevent" the bull-charging Communist pedophiles out of molesting children, out of importing shitskin rapists and molesting the little ones.
Try to "mentally prevent" gangs of shitskin niggers openly lusting to rape little girls.
You bitch about Gladio while Breivik actually saved Norwegian children by defeating brown and jewish grown-up activist men and women, and Tarrant also prevented Islamic grooming of White children, probably prevented sexual molestation as well.
>So let's put that shooter mania aside for a moment and really think hard about should be done. We need to hone our ideology and arguments. We need means to share and spread them. We need racially aware White men and we need resources, many resources.
Okay, already done with Ironmarch and AF.
and NRM, Golden Dawn, Azov Battalion, C18, Lukovmarch.
 I'll even argue that the fucking Aryan Brotherhood already achieved that niche since it has connections and networks.
>Do we have a pro-White part-
See above.
>Do we have a sort of militia or at least a bunch of street brawlers?
Also see above.
Replies: >>6954 >>6955

>Do we have resources? Right now, no. Not that it would be impossible to gather them, but there's no legitimate structure that people could trust to collect such resources.
We have a lot of people in the "Movement" that have the funds to build and secure legitimate structures and potentially radicalize people.
But they refuse to do so anyway, so they can either bitch about some irrelevant issues, or put stickers up that nobody but some crackhead niggers would see and do pointless marches.
>They give hope to five internet loonies. At best the only hope you could gather from this is that despite the very false flag nature of their actions, that some people like them might be willing to pick... oh fuck it anyway, these guys were for the most part too unhinged to be taken seriously and thought of as mentally stable soldiers.
Who are you to say that Hunter of Pedocommunist Activists, Breivik is "mentally unstable"?
Or Tarrant who killed ISIS jihadists?
>Take Crisius. The guy was such a failure that he's been turned into a meme, mocked all over the internet and even used by leftists despite the fact that leftists were supposed incapable of memeing. This is where we're at with that kind of shit. They are a joke and you're a joke too.
Who the fuck cares about Crusius? Why are you bringing him up? Because some retards here idolize him? He isn't an Fascist, he doesn't even have to be a fed-asset since the American school system is designed to manufacture all kinds of tension on their own, including White-Spic racial tensions. It's like claiming random negro gang-bangers to be fed assets.
How about people that leftists still seethe and had shit themselves to this very day like Tarrant and Breivik? Of course, there are people hating him, but they never ridiculed them from what I've seen. it's just "he is a monster" and not "he is a joke".
They actually saved 
>Assuming Atomwaffen Division wasn't built from the ground up to be a failure and a honeypot. There are mafias in the world that some governments have a hard time infiltrating because they're not LARPers, they not joking nor are they posing in front of cameras with their pretty masks that their grandmas sewn for them. They survive because they mean business and are about as ruthless if not more than the authorities which for the most part are bound by the law and must appear fair to the population, although this is becoming less the case.
You must be a Burgeranon watching too much Sopranos, Mafiosos in Western and Eastern Europe, including the Balkans flash themselves with fucking gold-bling all the time, luxury cars and crappy Andrew Tate-tier youtube videos.
>Several Eastern European countries remain White to a high degree. They may not be the richest but they could in the best case scenario support us. But who are they going to support if they don't have any network on their own ground and no other network to interact with? 
Nigger please, Bulgarians are already making books for the American Futurist and exporting to them. There's loads of foreign volunteers ready to fight for our cause. 
>What kind of infinitely demented crap are you spewing here? No one should act randomly without a proper ideology to follow
Okay, I am not the anon you replied to, but what he meant is that thought without action is harmful and it is the worst kind of pseudo-intellectualism.
They are best as combined together.
Replies: >>7041
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>They're all wishing for a nicer and more peaceful solution, preferably by voting and complaining a lot. You have the "muh saints" crowd on one side and the "u glowfag" camp on the other, and both will never agree anyway, but what can be agreed upon is that none of the solutions, whatever they are, have brought any significant change thus far in the balance of power. Kikes may have a lot of power but they're neither invincible nor perfect, and they're definitely not many either.
In all that time wrinching about how ZOG promoting Gladio apparently makes decentralized cell-system Jewish (completely missing the point that you recruit two to three people that you known all your life, being more reliable than some randos?)
You still have not brought an actual meaningful solution all this time.
Do you not realize that America has the biggest police-surveillance apparatus out of all the countries?
They can stuff informants and agents into your public centralized organizations how many they want.
Along with the fact that the White population still constitutes FIFTY-FUCKING-THREE percent of the United States? Along with million invaders coming in each year.
But even without the police-surveillance in the first place, you would not win a election due to since illegals can now just vote without ID registration for the opposite party.
But just because there is police-surveillance in the first place does not mean it is hyper-competent or omnipotent.
Ted Kaczynski who was an actual MKUltra patsy (which he broke out of it eventually) exposed the FBI for what they actually are:
Incompetent retards and not the Omnipotent Gods that the usual schizophrenic conspiratard faggots here keep making them to be.
Decentralized cell systems are promoted simply because the institutional media-complex made it completely impossible to uphold an public organization without federal saboteurs.
Replies: >>6956
seethe lol 4/pol/er alt-right bugman
what the fuck lol.
You literally didn’t read a single word of what I posted, did you?
Movementarian moment.
>this board is… le waste of everyone’s time!
As opposed to what exactly for downtime when you don’t feel like doing anything including reading? Playing muh video games? This board literally couldn’t take up more than an hour a week of someone’s time since in its two years or more of existence it has had 7000 posts.
It sounds like you’re a weak-willed worker ant trying to convince your own hobbyless ass to stay away from content which holds you up to a higher standard than phony “Hollywood Nazi”-hood, or even less, bastard child of the alt-right whore-hood.
Fuck right off!
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this post is so good.
Hail Victory!
Replies: >>6957 >>7212
this is a terrible post and you have shamed our shared ideological tenets in posting it.
No one gets angry because they just made a good move in chess.
No one gets this angry when they’re winning an argument, and it’s only successful when they funnel anger into cool-headed, ruthless refutation.
You literally just back people like this up when you seethe at them. You must make it clear that you are dominating the discussion, and that they are excuse-making cowards. Or that they are misguided; condescend them perhaps but don’t screech about some eCeleb you’re deluded into thinking they’re a fan of.
Also, mind your language. This fucking sentence isn’t convincing is it you worthless cunt. Foul language is a display of weakness because it proves you unable to dominate dialectically (win the argument). You can use it for emphasis and to scold the opponent’s impertinence but when you’re relying on it “this shitting image is for you, fucking opticcuck faggot poster” instead of “where would you say this article goes wrong, exactly?” has a zero percent chance of “winning over” anyone.
If you don’t want to spend your time writing long blogposts then that makes sense. Don’t do it in that case. Just pay them no attention. It’s not your responsibility to give a (you) to people you disagree with. And doing so will only harm your argument if you yawn and roll over instead of just leaving it as it is.
Rather, it can make it seem like you are UNABLE to refute the opponent’s argument, since you chose to respond but DIDN’T REFUTE.
Replies: >>6958
I’m gonna start forcing “Read Dalton (translation of MK)” as a meme now that everyone’s read SIEGE
>Look up "unfunded liabilities".
I wouldn’t bet on it. Unfounded liabilities seem like another form of sosteriology for NatSocs or other revolutionaries desperately aching for conditions other than prolonged decadent pleasure mulatto purgatory to kickstart guerilla activity.

But this idea is stupid because it relies on the government paying off debts.
These debts are indebted, in fact, onto the taxed goyim, because the government has absolutely no obligation to pay off Rothschild an extra few billion, and it won’t, and neither will really care because they own the world.
If really salty about debt Rockefellers would just pump BRICS to colonise NATO and impose an Eastern ZOG mulatto hell democracy regime with slightly less faggotry.
But they won’t. And we believe these absurdities on almost religious grounds because we’re desperate.

Shitskins haven’t stopped working. The Europe experiment is proving that. If the government needs to, it will just ship huge deluges of pajeets into the U.S.A. The groundwork of this has already been set.
The reason pajeets are so good for this is because they have been genetically-socialised for millennia into an intricate slave race contraption. Their caste system goes wherever they are transported. And there are more male, working-age pajeets in India than TOTAL whites in America, including boomers. Include Chinks or other bug races and. You know.

Don’t turn the yearning in your heart for acceleration into a nameless masa shooting. Let it dwell, group together, become self-reliant, and not on the System, and act only when you can realistically know it’ll have an impact.
Terrorgram started to become right about this. It’s so much less risky to go after bugman infrastructure than to throw your life away killing seven replaceable nigger parts that might as well have been flies. And then you have death or life in the slammer.
But the reason conversation on such matters is like two schizophrenics arguing about the Saturn hexagon is because both are extremely angry and irrational, desperate to separate themselves from the heckin others.
Both sides of these discussions are irrational. Take Crusius.
“GLADIO FED AHHRRHGGGGH MKULTRA GLOWIE” a genetic fallacy. These people could direct their energies solely on refuting the concept, not on its alleged cause gnosis which they discooooovered. It doesn’t matter if the head man of the FBI himself did a shooting of forty niggers: a bad attack can only be a bad attack, and a good one only a good. There is nothing else.
This sort of rhetoric on the other hand is cultish, yet evades the resourcefulness of cults, their ability to group together and become self-reliant, and their devotion to a better or worse leader with better or worse intentions. Death to optics in the Fuentite sense, of course. But now you don’t have the trap of fedjacketing, why can’t you leave your bedroom and take your energy to the real world? Not in one suicidal burst of energy. I’m talking about the hypocrisy and seeming cowardice of taking out your power process editing terrorwave and begging, suppoooooorting the idea of IRL cell creation with close friends, but not actually doing anything, and if anything, LARPing under the name “Atomrape kreigabteilung”. Not so much prevalent but do you see my point? Why aren’t there any self-sufficient cells? Seems like excuses and cowardice, excuses and cowardice that we may only fix ourselves.
>Do you not realize that America has the biggest police-surveillance apparatus out of all the countries?
Biggest because of the size of the country but per capita I'd rather be in America than any Western European country where their liberties have been snuffed a long time ago already and where the sniffing is just as generalized.
>you would not win a election
Are there morons still caring about elections here? Hello?
>Ted Kaczynski who was an actual MKUltra patsy (which he broke out of it eventually) exposed the FBI for what they actually are:
>Incompetent retards and not the Omnipotent Gods that the usual schizophrenic conspiratard faggots here keep making them to be.
Of course nobody but you and only you talked about Omnipotent Gods.
But do you even know that the whole of the Zionist Occupation Government doesn't limit itself to the FBI, right?
And why do you try so hard to underestimate the same FBI that openly came out in the Washington Post boasting how they groomed demostic terrorists, right? We're not saying they're all super 140 IQ geniuses but they certainly are quite capable in destroying our lives. On top of practicing perjury as often as necessary in courts. You laugh at them despite the fact that the shit they openly brag about in the press is only the tip of the iceberg.
You also say that Ted broke out of the brainwashing or whatever they put Manchurian candidates through, but isn't he the guy who found nothing better to do than literally bomb multiple innocents just to sell his not so original anti-tech pig oil? Right.
>Decentralized cell systems are promoted simply because the institutional media-complex made it completely impossible to uphold an public organization without federal saboteurs.
Terrorgram is not that. It's not a decentralized network of independent cells. It's just a clown show that preys upon idiots and sketchy people suffering a martyr complex if they're not just plain manipulated or brainwashed into being awe & shock fuses.
Replies: >>6967
You have shit tastes anon.
Replies: >>6961 >>6962
>anon, don't insult other anons
>proceed to insult anons
Learn about the meaning of consistency one day, if you have time.
Replies: >>6963
I don’t use the Internet pretty much ever so I have like 80 memes my friends sent me and nothing else.
pure insults aren’t convincing.
I meant to reply to>>6958
predictions for 2025?
>Biggest because of the size of the country but per capita I'd rather be in America than any Western European country where their liberties have been snuffed a long time ago already and where the sniffing is just as generalized.
Good for you then, I'm just saying that Der Dritte Weg, NRM, Golden Dawn and Azov Battalion do not experience much ruckus from their nation's feds as much the people in the United States do.
>Are there morons still caring about elections here? Hello?
Sadly, yes...
>Of course nobody but you and only you talked about Omnipotent Gods.
Must be mass hallucination then, clearly 92f77b doesn't treat them as so :^)
>But do you even know that the whole of the Zionist Occupation Government doesn't limit itself to the FBI, right?
Yeah, it isn't just the FBI that is retarded, All government agencies are afflicted with a case of DEI.
Don't believe their own propaganda where they are cool blond White guys that will catch you no matter what you do, and not just old boomers and Negresses dead inside.
>And why do you try so hard to underestimate the same FBI that openly came out in the Washington Post boasting how they groomed demostic terrorists, right?
Are they really grooming "domestic terrorists"? or random school shooters?
Because I would agree that there is federal activity in inciting random school shooters to shoot up schools and grocery stores, but here is the big difference.
They are not funding people to shoot politicians and pedophilic rapist communists/muslims.
Even then any school shooter doesn't have to be an fed asset, the American education system is literally designed to produce tensions and conflict between people of various ethnicites and races.
You could argue that the feds take delight in this fact and allow it to happen.
>We're not saying they're all super 140 IQ geniuses but they certainly are quite capable in destroying our lives. On top of practicing perjury as often as necessary in courts. You laugh at them despite the fact that the shit they openly brag about in the press is only the tip of the iceberg.
Again, I bring up the case of Ted Kaczynski as a example because he literally admitted that he was very baffled by the FBI's incompetence in various interviews, they only caught him because of his own brother ratting him out.
You can watch the FBI files documentary of him or read up on this (https://archive.ph/yljBP). 
You have to understand that U.S foreign policy-makers are literal gambling boomers who take high-risk high-reward decisions, or maybe more accurately high-risk medium/low rewards, otherwise they wouldn't had funded Osama and the proto-Taliban students in order to fuck over the Soviet Union to begin with.
They're now doing the same with Syria where again they fund Jihadists to fuck over Assad without understanding the significant consequences of their actions.
>You also say that Ted broke out of the brainwashing or whatever they put Manchurian candidates through, but isn't he the guy who found nothing better to do than literally bomb multiple innocents just to sell his not so original anti-tech pig oil? Right.
I don't agree with his worldview or his choice of targets, i'm not a luddite. He hates "eco-fascists" and anything to do with Fascism in general.
I only brought him up because the FBI was helpless without his brother to rat on him.
>Terrorgram is not that. It's not a decentralized network of independent cells. It's just a clown show that preys upon idiots and sketchy people suffering a martyr complex if they're not just plain manipulated or brainwashed into being awe & shock fuses.
I am not from Terrorgram, they're not the only ones promoting that kind of decentralized cell-system.
If they are promoting random school/grocery shooters and then trying to pretend these activities are equally worthy as what Anders B reivik, Dylann Roof and Brenton Tarrant had done,
then yeah, they are retarded.
Replies: >>6970
alright, I’m relatively new to National Socialism.

I self-radicalised myself and went from a GOP-tier rightist to a hardliner NS over the course of 2024. I searched and searched the Internet and eventually found this sleepy imageboard just now.
I’m physically fit.

Where am I supposed to go? What is the modern-day SA? I wouldn’t mind moving to a compound anywhere in the country.
After reading a lot of fascist and Nazi literature, including many recent books, I decided to use the Internet and TOR, which I had previously only downloaded to order coke with bitcoin to snort because I was bored.

I have no friends. Actually that’s a lie. They would say I’m their friends but they’re mostly sunk-cost cowards and I don’t really like them that much. I don’t rely on my parent’s providence anymore because I’m technically an adult.

I felt like I was losing my mind. I went online from these heroic writings to find Christians writing long posts about how sandniggers are supposedly going to topple Israel in “two more weeks” or something to that effect. They were just obsessed with Middle Eastern warfare like it would seriously affect the US or Europe if Iran did anything or whatever.
I found a few sensible threads. But any reasonable post was shouted down with bizarre accusations of posters being federal agents because they said something the native weirdos disagreed with. Even so, there was excitable raving from some of them over events in other countries. For some reason. Like the race riots in the UK that kicked off. While they seemingly all sat inside online. It was strange.

And then I found about this group called “Patriot Front”. And there were others like it. But they weren’t building an army at all. They were just reactionaries who went marching and got heckled at by people. They, and like blood tribe or whatever it was called, had no compound to live on, like there was no intention to build an alternate parallel society but just to throw a few hits at an extremely resourceful and omnipresent enemy. That was if they were brave enough to even do that. Most of them just called anyone who did anything, either of those things, anything other than posting on Telegram, heck, even posting on Telegram itself if you said anything even slightly edgy or controversial compared to their cowardly doctrine, the work of federal agents or various FBI operations to smear them. Has this been going on for a long time or what?

And other than that there’s just, throwing your life away for the effort. But I really don’t want to do that. I want to fight and have a chance of winning. I want to fight in an army for the cause. I would happily die for it under circumstances of it actually representing an alternative. I found a great, essentially defunct group called National Alliance, but as I said, they are mostly defunct and have barely any members anymore. Something like them.
Where am I supposed to go? I’m begging to know. What am I supposed to DO? Where’s our SA? I would rather kill myself than become like most of these dissident rightists, slowly commentating and accusing each other of being a federal agent, doing absolutely nothing, seemingly for years straight.
Replies: >>6971 >>6972
The leaders of the Golden Dawn were arrested several years ago.
Azov Battalion are too ambiguous to know what they truly are. Weren't they managed by one big kike in the end? They stroke me as pseudo natsoc.
Replies: >>6975
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Welcome and good night.
Yes, because the board is that slow and you probably know more than enough now. Some of the people posting here look like they hate each other but they'd probably be best buddies IRL. There's frankly nothing I can tell you to do aside from staying fit, preparing and finding like-minded people in a White county that is very conservative.
Replies: >>6973
Welcome, friend! This isn't the best place to ask, unfortunately.

I think the bad rap Telegram gets is somewhat justified, but you might be able to get in touch with a local Active Club on there if you're interested in training with like-minded dudes. They seem to be based mostly in big cities so be prepared to drive a bit I suppose.

Sadly though there doesn't seem to be much organization on our side yet in America. You're right about Patriot Front being basically radical conservatards as opposed to revolutionaries. Blood Tribe is hilarious but obviously not very productive. They're basically Hammerskins in suits.

If you're really brave you could try starting an organization of your own. Not necessarily an active club, although I think the physical training aspect is important. Even a book club could help you meet people, as cringe as that sounds.

Aside from that I would honestly just recommed stacking cash to keep you and your family safe. Maybe do some content creation or redpill people on an individual level if you feel like it. But there doesn't seem much point in telling you to "tribe and train" when there aren't any respectable organizations to join.

Oh, and if you're a pagan there are a few small organizations like Asatru Folk Assembly and Irminfolk trying to build communities on that basis. I can't help you when it comes to Christianity since it seems irredeemably pozzed to me.

But above all else, don't shoot niggers at WalMart. As tempting as it may be, and as hard as internet schizos may shill, it's not worth it.
Replies: >>6974
I’m not sure where to go.
I try out all these different clubs and whatnot, but at very best I find an egalitarian trumpist to hang out with, the kind with absolutely zero potential.
I tried shooting clubs too. I felt really strange. I went out for drinks and to party with them. But I just didn’t want to go for a second time. It all felt like a huge hedonistic bubble. Those were inglorious men
are there any that are residential? I mean, that you move to permanently. I was thinking. My parents might kick me out. I don’t want to wage slave. I went to college but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s just beuracratic and “slightly more money”. I don’t want to work for no great end. For mere sustenance. And I also don’t wish to do so as “waiting” because that in practice means prolonging and therefore wasting of my youth.
I don’t need to join one of those telegram swastika-bearing boxing clubs because I’m already fit and work out without equipment every day. Not to flex lol but I don’t think I really need to go to one. Finally, I don’t want to just sit in someone else’s house, doing the same as the former but not wage slaving and just taking from a wage slave.
It all feels hylic.
By the way, and finally, I’m sincerely not a natural leader type like hitler. For that reason I’d fail at forming my own community.
Replies: >>6976
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>Azov Battalion are too ambiguous to know what they truly are. Weren't they managed by one big kike in the end? They stroke me as pseudo natsoc.
This is an slander started by neo-Bolshevik ziggers.
It isn't possible to screenshot the long post on Telegram, but James A fully disproved this.
Replies: >>6985
I don't see myself as a natural leader either, which is why I've been so blackpilled recently. There really isn't anything decent to join. I live near where Traditionalist Workers Party used to operate but we all know how that ended. A friend of mine actually got to talk to Heimbach once and said he was a pretty cool / smart guy.

I think Aarvol is building an intentional community in Arkansas. Last time I heard the minimum buy-in was $6000, which is certainly out of reach for me.

I feel you about college, man. I dropped out and used my savings to NEET for years because I figured my degree would be worthless in any case. Covid put an end to that, as well as all my liberal friends. Now I'm basically forced to choose between joining a church and eating a bullet. Not fun.

Maybe the solution is just to learn how to be a leader and lead something? I've been thinking that a lot recently. I've lived where I'm at now for 10 years and can count the number of intellectual equals I've met on one hand. Also, most of them were Jewish lol. So with our level of awareness, maybe we have an obligation to our race to learn how to lead, even if we aren't naturals like Hitler or other truly great men.
Replies: >>6977 >>6981
>maybe we have an obligation to our race to learn how to lead, even if we aren't naturals like Hitler
Even if you fail you will have done infinitely more for the cause than a thousand years of whining on the internet.
Also keep in mind that Hitler did not think of himself as a natural leader. He had to work on it for years.
Replies: >>6981
that isn’t true at all now is it pout pout.
If you do something ignoble for the fascist cause, something analogous to 70s ANP splinters, “too many officers and no soldiers”, you will only harm the cause.
Whining online of course is a null effort, that much is a truism, but similarly 99% of efforts, including thousands we’ve never heard about because they failed so badly, have meant nothing, either.
After being inspired by a really life-changing book I read, one of the more recent ones I’ve read, called SIEGE by James Mason, I started to read into “movement” history.
I realised the necessity to break free of the Old Society, because you can just be crushed at leisure as soon as you are a threat if you rely on the System.
This isn’t anything like banal Kacynskite primitivism “muh log cabin” nor is it a matter of consumerist “prepping”. It’s a matter of lifestyle.
And we can’t keep making new movements. This is ridiculous!
Traditionalist… workers’ party? That doesn’t sound very fascist at all. When was that around? Modern fascism seems to be embodying an aesthetic similar to futurism.
What did TWP do? Did they just want to live an Amish lifestyle? Not sure I get it.
Replies: >>6993
I don't get what you're trying to say.
>women in the army
>yellow fever
Not a question, but I want to wish all  of you anons a lovely Yule.
a merry Christmas
Happy Hannukah goyim

I think it's been a decade at this point. TWP was pretty suspicious, yeah. They were more NazBol than NatSoc afaik, and their symbol was the chaos star. Vladislav Surkov controlled op vibes, until their leader (Heimbach) fucked his stepmom or something and the whole thing fell apart lmao.

If you want, there's a fascinating book written by a journalist who hung out with Heimbach for a couple years. It's called "Everything You Love Will Burn," and it covers groups like the Hammerskins and KKK in the Midwest as well.
The race war will start in 2025
remember this post
Replies: >>6997 >>7004 >>7019
what is the sigma in a white circle with a blue background flag banner representing?
why is there the option to flag as some random roach ideology called kemalism and fucking North Korea lmao yet no accelerationist or Atomwaffen Division flag
It has already started a long time ago. It's just that there's one side that is petrified and hasn't shot back yet in any notable way.
fuck that daegel prognosis
Replies: >>6998
>petrified and hasn't shot back yet
Don't worry, two more weeks!
Nothing ever happens ahmed sandeep. Stop Larping.
I wish upon a shooting star. I resolve this year to do more in real life to enhance our people's ability to resist.
I really appreciate this board, but I do have to admit it moves rather slowly. Any recommendations for up to the minute news and info gathering?
Replies: >>7026
Straight from the horse's mouth.
I decided to continue this long discussion in a more appropriate thread since it's largely covered the topic of Stains, Terrorgram, patsies, false flags and so on.

Follow me here >>7035
Don't base your evidence of the success of a given product on sales too much, especially if you're looking at ticket sales or online sales, they're the easiest thing to manipulate. Decades ago music production companies could sometimes buy their own material. Nowadays, with more and more companies having fallen into corrupt hands and with so many ways to batch-buy tickets and other products on top of easily creating many multiple non-human accounts, you cannot always know for sure how real a "success" is. Remember, we are living in an age wherein kikes are ready to damage their own brands to push anti-White poison. They could easily be willing to toss large amounts of money only to keep their own garbage afloat, just to fool people into thinking that a given product is mass accepted.
how am I supposed to get involved with the guerrilla struggle? I’ve looked and looked but I couldn’t find anything. I just got called a fed a few times.
Replies: >>7048 >>7052
you can start by posting your phone number, telegram handle and email here. To get involved we need to organize, and to organize we need to communicate.
Replies: >>7049 >>7050
Rousseau seemed a lot more intelligent on Jake Shields recently than a few years ago. Good to see he's learning. Seems unafraid to talk about the JQ when mentioned but doesn't focus on it either. Just interesting

yeah, post your social security number as well
Post yours please. It will help us organise.
Jokes aside, see above. Organize locally, get fit, learn new skills, recruit people you know you can trust with your life after extensive screening.
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A well written review. One point of disagreement though;
>There are a slew of interesting moments and tidbits, and many more inaccuracies and falsehoods, but we don’t intend to give away the entire film. Overall, despite some typical kike tomfoolery, this film is a must-watch for all supporters of the Silent Brotherhood. It is by far the best depiction of these events that we’ve yet seen on screen, and it has a few moments, though not quite as many as we’d like, that will make for fine propaganda.
I don't think it's a must watch. One should always proceed carefully with such productions. In fact nothing that is kike-made deserves our near obligatory attention especially when it deals with the most important cause of our age. From an entertainment perspective it will be of limited value although the skirmish moments will likely be of a consistent and appreciable quality due to decades of honing skills and techniques in the industry, but from a factual perspective it will be infuriating because lies are mixed to truth which is the typical Jewish pattern and only begs for a viewing in order to observe what kind of distortions are pushed and what kind of ideas, claims and impressions must be filtered, therefore allowing us to help our friends and comrades better comprehend our enemy's tricks and be prepared for any further work coming from him. All in all one could say that at least R.J. Matthews was represented in a rather respectful and accurate way. What is more likely is how this movie will certainly require the most accurate "Aryan Edit" possible.
Got banned from twitter again. A new purge is upon us.
Replies: >>7095
imagine using Twitter LOL!
take this as an opportunity to reflect on a shitty, hylic habit — using social mediaslop (INB4 but it’s muh alternative, rightist, boosed) and kick it.
You could be doing literally anything else and it would be better for your soul and would lead you to a better, more fulfilling life. Literally anything, possibly bar video games.

Personally I’ve never looked back after quitting Twitter. It does actual, measurable harm to your psyche and willpower to be:
1. At the mercy of someone dubious’ algorithms for knowledge exposure
2. Learned helpless in a stuffy environment of instant, harsh, crude censorship.
3. Given the opportunity to exhaust various power processes, thus practically deradicalising you.

Seriously. Pick up a healthy book — there are so many in the book thread. And there are always more. There are so many things you’d care about. So many enriching things in life when you put social mind-control down for good.
Replies: >>7097 >>7149
It seems like a decent way to distribute propaganda and organize public events, but that's assuming you don't get automatically shadowbanned. This whole Elon H1B meltdown definitely shows the fun for our guys on social media is ending. And that's ignoring the fact that milquetoast but effective people like Jared Taylor and Kevin Macdonald have stayed banned while retards like Fuentes and Stew Peters are allowed.

My mental health has remarkably improved since deleting my Twitter. I would say it's really not worth using unless you have the discipline to fire and forget as opposed to letting it suck up your time. You need a pre-existing base of followers to even get noticed unless you wanna be a reply guy for months, too.
Replies: >>7098 >>7101 >>7105
>Elon H1B meltdown 
That pajeet lover is such a vile rat. I cannot believe any of /ourguys/ ever liked him. It's as bad as the Trumptard phenomenon.
This is unrelated to anything, but I would love to see a forum / imageboard with a minimum character count per post. People complain about dead internet, and yet even on forums post 1-2 sentence replies that could easily just be bot shit. I'm not saying bots can't write paragraphs, but when they do, it's generally easier to spot the incoherence. Plus, reading a steady trickle of low quality posts melts your brain. I have to listen to audiobooks these days because the internet has destroyed my ability to focus on long-form text.
>milquetoast but effective people like Jared Taylor
What do you mean “effective”? Taylor is nothing but masturbation for alt-rightist generation identity marching cowards. Literally he’s just one of those types that whines endlessly about niggers committing more crimes. Who gives a shit? Fuck that. That just proves whites to be docile. Kill niggers. Total Nigger Death.
I have no idea who Kevin MacDonald is.
Replies: >>7103 >>7113 >>7149
>I have no idea who Kevin MacDonald is.
/fascist/ has fallen.
Replies: >>7105 >>7117
It is pretty intense on fb and tw to the extent you wouldn't even know if even 1% of your followers were nothing but bots because even your important posts suffered shitty response levels. The real people posted on forums with real accounts and there weren't tons of them because truth said, internet was stuff for nerds of any specific topic. Then the normies and bots came in and it just added useless noise. The dead internet is not a good theory because you can always filter the fake people by returning to forums and gatekeeping, preserving the quality by ditching the quantity. I once thought it gave us a good look into normies but you can't see them online. Buy you can see them in real life, in streets and markets. That's where we need to go, go back to real places and reclaim control of these true social spaces for people to gather. Covid-19 was a Jewish psyops to force us into atomized lives, living in fear, divided, deaf and muted. I couldn't underline enough how being with real people is so important and feels so good.
Fuck Elon. There are more than enough videos on yt that show how his entire personality is one big fake stint.
Many people don't read much.
Talking of normieland.
Replies: >>7112
>idk Kevin Macdonald and Uncle Jared is masturbation
>TND tho
absolute state of seejtards. literally lower IQ than the average nig
what are you doing on here friend? guns are cheap and walmarts are everywhere
Replies: >>7132
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These are the many words of a man trying to sound based while walking on eggs, who will nevertheless let slip some triggering words which from the perspective of normalfags is quite impressive.
>Says Musk is full of shit regarding the need for immigration, says that it's Whites who are replaced, somehow beats around the bush about who and what Americans are but we're sensing that he's keeping stuff under the hood, talks about the absurdity of a consumer society and how progress shouldn't be measured from the performance factors found in quarterly reports from large companies, doesn't want pajeets, one very quick jab at Israel for not being open to immigration, plus some other things I forgot. One would wish this stance would be the true conservative one insofar as we would consider conservatism our left-most wing.

He also burped twice and asked why he couldn't get a meiling or a bingbing, a chink spying whore to suck his dick too.

For all its ills, tw still remains an influential political blogging platform which any politician, even us, would have to include in our mileage. Jokes remain the best medium for delivering redpills without sounding too serious, which believe it or not but in some countries is pretty much the only way left to share some ideas without getting in jail. The manipulation of content is real too so depending on how you connect to tw there may be some posts that you wouldn't see. For one you need to have an account to see the latest content. Otherwise you will only see the most popular posts of any given account. There also are accounts that crack me up so there's still good to be found assuming you know how to filter and keep tabs on a very few people worthy of your attention and intelligence.

3rd pic not from tw.
Why would Macdonald be a houshold name here, half of his premises and theories are based on false or extremely idiotic assumptions, he's babies first redpill for idiots.
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Replies: >>7126 >>7136
Go kill yourself mudslime, TND is the only ideology Whites need. All other are brown distraction.
Replies: >>7122 >>7140
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>oyvey we're like you fellow white people
Because he's babies first redpill for idiots. It is impossible not to encounter him in some form if you have been an antisemite for more than 1 month.
Replies: >>7136
>The absolute state of seejtards! They haven’t even heard of alt-right e-celebrity #612!
>seejtards are le Jacksonvilletards because… erm… they just ARE, okay!? It’s not like there has only been one explicitly SIEGE-inspired mass shooting, Bratislava, and that that shooting was intended to be a grand splattering against not just some low-value faggots, but an assassination spree of a curated list of race traitors and general high-up undesirables, but there were issues with the shooting and it was unsuccessful. Or anything.
>muh iq doe, because it totally matters how fine your abstract logical reasoning abilities are and not real life action. I’m totally not coping hard because I have nothing to me beyond a dubious online survey where I got 107! That’s above 100, mom!

Jared peaked with Shadows of the Rising Sun, WHITE NIGGER!
The only suspect assumption he makes imo is that whites are inherently individualistic as opposed to that attitude being groomed into us by Christianity over 2000 years. I've never read his books but his website was very instrumental during the early and middle stages of my redpilling journey, so to speak. He and Uncle Jared have certainly contributed more to the white nationalist cause than Atomwaffen, Dylan Roof, Brenton Tarrant etc. Even the Order didn't accomplish much at the end of the day, since the orgs they donated their stolen funds to ended up losing a lot in legal fees during the subsequent investigation.

I just refuse to accept the idea that the end of the line is terrorism. Any nonideological sperg or psychopath can shoot up a Walmart, whereas it takes a real man with a sense of duty and perseverance to organise movements and parties in the face of massive opposition.
And yet he and Taylor are still banned from Twitter. Shows the Jews who pull Elon's strings see them as genuine threats on account of the well-reasoned takes on race / the JQ.
Macdonald is not alt-right lmao
Replies: >>7143 >>7144 >>7160
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White Nationalism is cope stretched to the max, imagine thinking the suicidal cuck race has any chance in this epoch. Even the Aryan conquerers in india bred with the hotter and tighter brown women, let us take the route of our ancestors and fuck brown chicks. Fuck White women, they are arrogant as fuck. Like bitch, why are so high-maintenance!? #killallwhitewomen
Replies: >>7155
>genuine threats on account of the well-reasoned takes on race / the JQ
fucking alt-right schizophrenia, what so does Twitter banning HeatherHeyerGroyper1488 mean that “the heebies running Twitter see him as a threat” as well?
Replies: >>7145
>The only suspect assumption he makes imo is that whites are inherently individualistic as opposed to that attitude being groomed into us by Christianity over 2000 years. 
>I've never read his books

Please, do. Otherwise, you'll remain in this self-contradictory position.

Latest KMac's book deals precisely with inherent individualism of the Aryan race, and most of it covers pre-Christian period.

P.S Nothern and Eastern parts of Europe had only been Christian for ~1000 years. Barely. But invidiualist tendencies are the strongest in the North and weaker in the East, so it is not directly correlated with religion but rather with what racial component is dominant in a particular region.
Replies: >>7165
>does Twitter banning HeatherHeyerGroyper1488 mean that “the heebies running Twitter see him as a threat” as well
Yes, it does. Even the banning of White pedophiles(cunny enthutiasts) damages our movement, are you a kike?
Replies: >>7165
>imagine using Twitter LOL!
Yes, I do use twitter because that is how people communicate ideas. What? Should we just totally cede all political agency to the enemy with zero pushback?
>Seriously. Pick up a healthy book
Dude, I do not use twitter for entertainment. At least, not any more than I derive entertainment from reading shitlib insanity.

>Taylor is nothing but masturbation for alt-rightist generation identity marching cowards.
So, what have you done for the cause?
>Kill niggers. Total Nigger Death.
You have not killed a single nigger. However, Jared Taylor has helped convince many thousands of White men that it is a necessary goal.
Replies: >>7154
>There have been a couple race based mass shootings in the past 10 years... so, you know, we're doing great!
What did those shootings accomplish?
Anyone who does anything is a hero, even if what they do is stupid. This is because no amount of disavowing will change the fact that what happened already happened so all violence must be praised in public. Never apologize for direct action. But in private, on our tiny board, it's warranted to admit that shooting up a fucking walmart accomplishes nothing. 

What is needed now is, like, 20 years of slow propaganda outreach and political organization. It's not glamorous or like a movie, but it is realistic.
Replies: >>7154
Why us thread creation locked?
Replies: >>7154
Derad shitskin, opinion ignored.
Replies: >>7173
1. what is this mascot from? What does the sigma even symbolise?
2. it's hilarious that the mascot has essentially no other traits from wogs bar skin pigmentation and is just a paint-bucketed anime girl (anime being an idealised wajin/European hybrid form).
The sort of hikkikomoris that shill this bullshit would be disgusted by a real shitskin female and not an anime girl.
>The only suspect assumption he makes imo is that whites are inherently individualistic as opposed to that attitude being groomed into us by Christianity over 2000 years.
Compared to bugmen we definitely are. But I suspect that niggers are the apex of individualism, to the point of not giving a shit about their own babies and slinging them against walls like rabbis sling chicken above their heads.
>Even the Order didn't accomplish much at the end of the day, since the orgs they donated their stolen funds to ended up losing a lot in legal fees during the subsequent investigation.
The Order gave an example of true bravery and a glimpse of what should be done, but in a different time, in a different context. Its men tried to eat a cake way too big for their stomachs and their entire adventure was really fruity, to say the less. They should have instead channeled their devotion to the cause into preparing the ground work for the future battle. However, in some direct and indirect way, they gave us Wodensson, and that alone matters a lot.
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This board is also being targeted by a discount team of Hasbara trolls:
>the cringe ultra radical wacko
>the unironic faggot enabler
>the White LARPing israel shill
>the anti-White demoralizers
So much work for such a little place!
Replies: >>7168
Shouldn't less densely populated and more hostile areas such as the northern ones be seen as the conditions that led people to learn to be much more self sufficient in a more isolated way of life? There you could find your reason for the individualism. But it seems to have abated a lot when these people moved across Europe towards the South although several families, including many noble ones, appeared to be firmly concerned about protecting their in-group blood, which is understandable, no matter how much Christianity pushed its racial blind doctrine on all of them.
OTOH the Scandinavian hospitality is factual and embedded in the very myths and sagas. An ultra-competitive culture of achievers is going to nurture the individualistic tendency. It's again something to be expected when the geographical and geopolitical situations of all parts of Europe safe for the eastern ones provided ground for frequent changes. Meanwhile you look at the Slavs and where they lived... it gives off a feeling of being a limbo stuck in the middle of a vast place. Not to say that wars and feuds didn't happen, but when your own environment is and endless repetition of forests and mountains, pastoral and arable lands in about all directions, what is really calling you to make a difference here instead of going mellow and romantic, happy in your lane, serene, moisturing and all that?

>Even the banning of White pedophiles damages our movement
There's pedo and then there's pedo. Like Muhammad or rabbi tier pedo, and then Medieval "15 is actually fine in most cases" type of so called pedo.
Notice that this may rekindle the pedo-not-pedo topic we get every six months and which should have logically be contained in the unpopular opinions thread.
Replies: >>7172
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Not to go to bat for Muhammad but apologists tend to argue that the idea Aisha was 6 when he married her and 9 when he consummated the relationship was invented to debunk accusations that she wasn't a virgin. You see, Aisha's father (Abu Bakr, literally "father of the virgin") took over the Muslims after Muhammad died, and a lot of his political legitmacy hinged on the idea that his daughter was Muhammad's favorite / only virgin wife. The apologists I've seen usually argue her age was somewhere between 12-17 due to calendar differences and things like that. Meanwhile, the age of consent for marriage in America 200 years ago, for girls, was 12. So it isn't as big of a cultural difference as people make it out to be. Hell, Jodie Foster was 12 in Taxi Driver. Same goes for Natalie Portman in Leon the Professional.
Replies: >>7174 >>7191
1. communicating ideas through twitter is superior to hiding away in a hole.
2. mass shootings do not accomplish anything
3. Thread creation seems to be locked.
Replies: >>7179 >>7183
Apparently colonial America was even closer to 7th century Arabia than I expected. The age of consent was as low as 10 in some states, and it applied to sex in general, not simply marriage, although sex outside of marriage (fornication) was itself a crime in some places. Of course the push to raise the age came from feminists, particularly in the context of "child" prostitution.

Interestingly, maternal mortality is higher for women over 30 than those within the 15-19 age bracket. I think ideas such as the age of consent should be based more on practical concerns than moral pearl-clutching. For a stable society with a respectable white birthrate, men need wives, preferably virgins to decrease the odds of later divorce. Considering the risk of birth defects with older mothers, it seems unreasonable to expect every marriageable man to compete for women solely between the ages of 16-18 and 25.

Admittedly, 12 seems a bit low, although given the examples of Foster and Portman, I don't think men attracted to girls that young are pathological.. Perhaps 14 would be a reasonable compromise. Of course, I'm strongly opposed to casual sex and wouldn't mind making fornication illegal again, despite not being particularly Christian

In any case, I really think we need to ban women voting or the pussy cartel is going to keep destroying the family, which is the bedrock of society and the race.
Replies: >>7175 >>7191
It's also worth noting that most of these politicians who get blackmailed for "sexually abusing little girls" are fucking jailbait prostitutes in their mid-teens, which is frankly normal behavior for powerful, virile men, especially when they're young. Matt Gaetz was the perfect example of this. So lowering the age of consent would remove an avenue for Jewish fixers to manipulate politics.
Replies: >>7191
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>uhm ackshually if you get the normies to share useless memes on social media, you win
>if you kill your enemies, you lose

The absolute state of self proclaimed "fascists" in 2025
Voote harder, redditard, that will save us, trust the plan!
You are not White, mudslime. Actual Whites IRL detest violence and murder, a real White man would rather martyr himself for ZOG than to raise his gun against it.

KYS deranged mudslime terrorist, you are not fooling anyone.
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>a real White man would rather martyr himself for ZOG than to raise his gun against it.

Okay Schlomo, keep dreaming.
Replies: >>7193
yes, sickly 20-year-old university boys that gun down enemies in videogames, along with 56-year-old wine moms who have just spent five hours straight watching gruesome true crime documentaries will tell you how le bad violence is.
What will happen when the most psychotic of them have the power cut to their TVs for good?
doing anything with weapons = le mass shooting
whining online = le good because it converts other terminally-online losers (more people = le good no matter how sleazy, decadent, feckless)
Replies: >>7186 >>7244
This is the most obvious shill post I've seen in a while. Eglin air force base, stop hiring obese women, you should know by now that obese women are all retarded and insane.
Cops hate being reminded how pathetic they are. They bully people just to forget they're at the mercy of paper money. The cops have to hire increasingly retarded fucks because they can't have a standing army that comprehends that they're risking their lives for less than nothing. The mere mention of cops triggers shills because the shills hate being reminded that the dicks they suck are gonna get blown up by Racist teenagers one day.

We are at the mercy of the Sun. The Sun could tell us what to do and its authority would mog the authority cops think they have. The cops think they are as powerful as the Sun. As soon as the cops stop thinking they're as powerful as the Sun, they stop being servants of zog. On the other hand, any cop who refuses to cease his delusions is too retarded to be anything more than a bullet sponge in any conflict.

The Sun does not impose laws on the Earth. God says we can do as we please with the Earth. Based on these facts, I come to the conclusion that White men are the smallest unit of governance, and we are free to make our own regulations in our respective territories.

The cops don't protect you from shitskins. The cops protect shitskins from the economically inevitable. Never help the police. Say something bad about the police whenever the opportunity arises. Don't be afraid of the cops. They're not special. They're crybabies, just like the pedophile rabbis they protect.

There is only one reason why cops haven't been replaced with killer robot golems. Killer robot golems don't have a family to guilt-trip everyone with. Officer beep-boop gets dismantled trying to capture tax evaders, and suddenly people start asking who the hell has an army of robots but still needs tax cattle. Officer fatass gets set on fire and all we hear about is his (also obese) family. Now you can't explain to women (and men who think like women) that cops are a threat to them, all because someone, somewhere got their fee-fees hurt.

Does this board need a cop hate thread?
Replies: >>7188
I'm not opposing IRL activism. But the anon I responded to seems to want to remove all nationalists from the public discourse. The inevitable, obvious result of this would be ceding everything to jews with zero opposition or skepticism. How does that help us organize in the meat space?

As for "doing things with weapons," I do not see much intelligent action with weapons these days. You do understand that the objective is the overthrow of the regime, right? How does shooting up a walmart advance this goal?

Can we discuss the future of our race without getting angry? This is a serious issue.
Replies: >>7187 >>7194
Replies: >>7189 >>7194
nah. I don’t think that even the milder users of this board are okay with pigs anymore
Come on, do you really think it advances the cause at all to kill a dozen easily replaceable turds and then suicide by cop?
All it amounts to is nihilistic catharsis.
Replies: >>7190
my point was you keep sperging about muh mass shootings at the mention of weaponry. Literally everyone thinks they’re a cop-out as to not do something more difficult like assassination at this point.
Replies: >>7195 >>7244
>when your culture makes it so important to be the first to rip through a girl's hymen that you're willing to be the most well known preteen rapist in the whole world
Don't underestimate commitment.
Whatever the excuse, that's what the texts say. 9 isn't even 12 and marrying at 12 doesn't mean there would be consumption either until a few years later.

But for the sake of being open minded about the enlightened goat fuckers' rationale, may I ask you if you have any information on the calendar thingy?

>but these very young girls in pedowood!
What is the argument here?

And it was a very Abrahamist culture, which treated women like wasteful unfortunate sunken costs. I certainly think we've gone way too far in the opposite direction but the lowbrow retarded christcuck approach to this owed way too much to the Hebes' peculiar mentality which these devout WASPS, lovers of the Old Testament, wanted to emulate.
>Interestingly, maternal mortality is higher for women over 30 than those within the 15-19 age bracket. I think ideas such as the age of consent should be based more on practical concerns than moral pearl-clutching.
I agree, but fathers should also have a say in whom the daughter is betrothed to.
Plus my inner tingles tell me that as future times will be really tough and all that feminine affirmative action will evaporate like the hogwash it is, we will need to focus on fertility and pregnancy min-maxing.
>Admittedly, 12 seems a bit low, although given the examples of Foster and Portman, I don't think men attracted to girls that young are pathological.
I disagree.

Yes and no. Some of the young girls seem to have made a mistake and found themselves turned into sex slaves but for rich men. There have been a few testimonies from women coming out of the woods talking about their younger years as part of these networks for the elite.
Admittedly most of them are certainly treated like shit, cum dumpsters, cocaine whores and nothing else and yes, it's definitely part of the blackmail industry.
Jews love to throw gorgeous women into the arms of men who will be slammed into the ground at a later time.
>In any case, I really think we need to ban women voting or the pussy cartel is going to keep destroying the family, which is the bedrock of society and the race.
Uhmm yeah although I think I'd ban the whole of this voting charade altogether. Even one vote per house doesn't mean it would be a smart vote. Still giving too much importance to too many people. You could say one vote per house that hosts a family of at least three children, maybe, but that too would probably be indirectly favoring dysgenics as retards tend to fuck like rabbits while smarter people worry too much about their life conditions to fully commit to the production of cannon fodder.
>Matt Gaetz was the perfect example of this. So lowering the age of consent would remove an avenue for Jewish fixers to manipulate politics.
You put the cart before the whale there. We would only be able to change that law if the Jews were pushed out of power and out of our nations. Blackmail as a Jewish social weapon would largely be neutralized so lowering age of consent would be pointless.
And even if marrying should be allowed sooner, the consent itself should remain a matter of the father's authority.
Replies: >>7200
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>I, Retardus Maximus
If we followed your logic then the NSDAP's propaganda which was allow about sharing based memes back then would have been fruitless, and instead they should have rushed into Vienna to exterminate Slavs in townmalls, churches and streets.
>you are not fooling anyone
Neither are you.
Could the two of you please get the fuck out of this place?
CREST methods are so transparent.
>can't we have a serious, mature and intelligent discussion?
Target smart assasinations and mass shootings are two very different things. Deriding the later doesn't diminish the value of the former.
Replies: >>7200
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Serious question here. And before you misconstrue me as endorsing terrorism, I'm one of the most prolific anti-seej posters on this board

Who could you actually kill that would make a difference? Everything is run by a faceless bureaucracy. I guess I shouldn't say faceless, since they pick people like Trump, Elon, Zuck for front men. But you kill those guys and they just get replaced by people with identical politics. The meat grinder keeps on grinding. The white demographic frog keeps getting boiled in the pot.

Is there such a thing as an essential individual in this modern system? This is basically the problem Hitler described with democracy. No one is really accountable for anything.

Sure, Luigi's Mansion made people feel all warm and fuzzy for a bit after he popped that CEO. The proles are starting to talk more openly about there not being a political solution. But I'm not sure anything was accomplished long-term.
I don't know enough about Muslim history to explain the apologist arguments in depth, honestly. I was reading about that stuff years ago and only half remember it. You can probably find a lot of cope if you just Google the subject, though. Particularly Shi'ites are more likely to diminish Aisha for sectarian reasons.

Regardless, Aisha was 9 and the AoC in colonial America was 10-12. So yeah, barely a difference there, especially since nonwhites mature faster.
>What's the arguement here?
if you don't think Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver is attractive, you might be gay (picrel)
>muh Abrahamism
yet Christians are the only white people still having babies, curious
I'm anti-Christian from a theological perspective, although that discussion doesn't really belong in this thread. However, I think we have a lot to learn from the Jews when it comes to "human husbandry" if you will. They were the first to take up Plato's philosopher king project in earnest and they have certainly been successful in many ways
>fathers should also have a say in whom the daughter is betrothed to
100% agree
honor killing your daughter for fucking niggers should be legal
>I disagree [about Foster and Portman]
Greg Johnson, is that you?
Replies: >>7201 >>7204 >>7208
>Is there such a thing as an essential individual in this modern system?
Not an essential individual so much as an essential class. Eliminating the leadership of anti-White institutions will make their force projection suffer. For the same reason that leaders of terrorist cells are targeted even though their grunts could conceivably continue functioning without them.
Obviously it isn't an end-all solution. You need leadership and organization of your own to acquire any type of power. Since their forces will target yours, turnabout is required.
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Kys, derad kikes. Our White daughters are being raped by Niggers while you kikes whine and argue, countless Whites maidens are being violated and dishonored. Their virginial Aryan hymens torn, vaginas penetrated and stretched by the repulsive unwashed nigger phalli, moaning and weeping as the dark rods moves through their guts, thrust after thrust their suffering is mixed with the occasional burst of pleasure. How can you support movementarianism, knowing that the aformentioned maidens are mind-broken after the niggers ejaculate their vile seed into the marble-skinned beauties, pumping motions visible on the shafts of the violators followed by the slow retreating of their tool of defilement. It is so absurd to be against political violence, knowing that our women's nethers now reek of sub-sahran contamination, threads of liquid forming, dangling and dripping to the ground.

The only solution to White Genocide is TND, TKD and TSKD.

No to Books
Yes to killing shitskins and their children
Replies: >>7210
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seejARYANS won
Replies: >>7207
Daily reminder that Mossad actively shills mason and pierce, do not fall for kike subversion. I have reported some of the violent posts, and I advise the anons lurking to do the same.

mason is a convicted pedophile, you seejtards are no better than mudslimes.
Replies: >>7209 >>7210 >>7213
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>Who could you actually kill that would make a difference? Everything is run by a faceless bureaucracy.
First of all, they're still humans. The faceless bureaucracy still runs on human juice and requires more or less competent people in key positions, although they do not need to be as competent as imagined which gives more easiness to the Jews for them to find replacement figures. Nevertheless, some of the people in sensitive positions in the entire hierarchy, found in points of greater importance in the structure are valuable. It is hard to imagine how the loss of an essential element does in fact weaken their entire house. It does. Now, it is true that it is a vast structure and one can doubt that even sporadic murders would achieve anything. I have previously stated that a rise of power should happen on several channels, or layers. In other words, it has to be a combined strategy, applying the principle of combined arms to the domain of politics. From the most presentable to the least. At first the struggle will likely take the form of hard line politics. The further the situation will deteriorate, and it would, the more we will skim the conditions of a civil war. That is very likely too although it's possible that a coup would limit the overall damage, depending on the size of the targeted nation. One way or another, a purge will be necessary and will only work if applied at a large scale, whether it's during a phase of destabilization of the enemy, or during the post-conflict phase through full scale mopping up operations.
But there is a value in political assassinations as we speak. Beyond the fact that it would spread fear in our enemies' hearts, it would force ZOG's hand to become more irrationally ruthless, heightening the antagonism, the divide and thus the radicalization of the opposing forces. The best and only way to send ZOG a message is to hit its key constituent elements. Otherwise it will absorb the blows without too much fear and merely use them to increase its tyrannical power without yet reaching a point that is overbearing and insufferable to the point of rupture. The ZOG doesn't want that rupture, it seeks to maintain the slow boiling strategy with a measured increase of repression, notably by using attacks on the expandable masses as a moral excuse to further the oppression of the White people.
On this, assassinations aren't the only solution we should think of. You have doubtless noticed that during the last five years the cases of arson have multiplied all over the United States. These are used by the Jews to weaken the economy and bring about the slow sabotage they seek in order to have an easier way to present their solution, with more centralization of powers and the mass adoption of the snitching electronic currencies, all of which will be made easier to swallow through a mass jubilee: the erasures of most of the debts by moving into a new economical age, but under very strict conditions. People will beg for it, they will eat in ZOG's hands. Thus our world wide interlinked economies will be reset for good. The thing is, this can only work if most of the mainframe remains functional, if the sabotage is measured, sufficient to hurt, not enough to make you bleed. Even today a real depression would be too much of a risk for them because their power over our societies is weaker than most people realize. It depends on a precarious state of peace which requires the boat not to be rocked too much. The ZOG is an entity that is mostly private and relies on the public powers as intermediaries to control the populations through the use of advanced technologies. The interface can be broken. When the private sector intervenes more and more into the public environment, any false hope maintained in the public authorities fades away.
As a metaphor, they can only achieve the transition into the global panopticon if the rails of the infrastructure remain usable. But if you destroy the rails, the roads and the bridges, then all of this intricate and fragile plan gets busted. If you cut the power supply, then mayhem ensues and blind violence takes a hold on our nations and runs down our streets, forcing everyone to take a radical stance. And so what happens inside a nation spreads to others because the buyer of one's goods finds himself now incapable of satisfying the polite commercial reverse supply, the offer dries up while the demand soars, the flow of foreign money that was necessary to another nation is cut off and soon enough raw materials and food cannot be shipped anymore. We had a glimpse of this effect with the stance taken by Yemeni forces regarding the Red Sea shipping lanes. ZOG understood that and sent its mightiest ships to intervene as quickly as possible here. As our power would rise, we would limit how much money, food, technology and weapons would come out of our nations. Many other countries used to depend on the world trade and incapable of taking care of their own needs in any autonomous way would find themselves facing risks of famine, death, war and plagues eventually. The Apocalypse.
And this is precisely where we need to go.
The ((( Bible ))) says we're the evil ones. So we shall.
Ordo ab Chao is ours, not theirs. Theirs is fake, it's all pretense, because they are liars and thieves.
Fact is, if this spreads and happens more and more, in more 1337 ways so that there's no Game Over for future Luigi's, the System will take notice. We don't want our brave men to turn into princesses stuck in another castle. That's the equivalent of trooning out, if you think of it. Yes, if you get caught, you become the princess.
Replies: >>7210
>Daily reminder that
you sck dick. Yes, we know.
Pierce is fine.
anon typed this post with one hand
pierce is based though
also from what I'm reading, mason got charged for dating a 15yo whose father presumably knew about and was okay with it. so in other words, who cares. my problems are with mason's tactics, not his affinity for jailbait
insightful post
Replies: >>7219
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Luigi is based
daily reminder that even if Netanyahu himself furiously defended Mason and Pierce online 12 hours a day it wouldn’t change anything about the men and that you like all fedjacketers make a genetic fallacy in so doing.

It’s absolutely laughable, the idea that daaaa feeeeds “shill” the leader of an organisation they shit themselves over a few decades ago because… they just DO, OKAY?

As for Mason, I also think he’s a dementia-riddled lunatic in his old age. Literally everyone thinks this and it turned people away from Atomwaffen even before its infiltration.
Imagine if you used critical thinking for once, maybe you could actually criticise him like I have. Instead of being the stupid conspiracy-nut liar you were.
Replies: >>7217
I live in the UK and it seriously seems like things are about to blow here. Will a “the Organisation” just arise out of nowhere? Wat do? (Don’t reply with anything about petty “nationalism”.)
Replies: >>7216 >>7217
>Will a “the Organisation” just arise out of nowhere?
Of course not. If /ourguys/ keep reading hate porn on the internet and refuse to organise, nothing will change. The majority of whites, normies or whatever you call them, will adapt to anything, even being a despised minority. We have to recognise ourselves as the ideological vanguard and act accordingly.

I live in a blue city in a red state (midwest US). I'm currently saving money to leave and move out west proper because I think most of this country is doomed tbh
Replies: >>7217
Stop killing randos and achieving nothing, why cant you terrorists chill? What did any of the terrorniggers achieve? Whites are still dying out regardless! Best course of action is to ride the tiger and weather our genocide through, my advice is to escortmaxx in south-east asia.

Seejery is literal mudslime niggery, go to /k/ if you want your fix of gore and terror. This a White man's board.
Replies: >>7218 >>7236
Coulda been a fine point until you came out as yellow fevered tard and used it as an excuse to hide your cowardice and deep desire to flee. Perhaps I'd tell you to dilate, but you're certainly going to dilute... your DNA. Which is worse.
>also from what I'm reading, mason got charged for dating a 15yo whose father presumably knew about and was okay with it. so in other words, who cares. my problems are with mason's tactics, not his affinity for jailbait
Was she cute or hot at least?
You do realize that we'll run out of places to run away to, and sooner rather than later at that? You do realize that, right?
Replies: >>7223 >>7224
Sure. But I don't have the resources or skills to fight this, so I don't see any other options. Retreat is an obligation in an unwinnable situation. My whole town is like a leftist cult. If I got doxxed for handing out fliers about the Jews, let alone organising a protest or something, I would lose my job and be homeless.
Replies: >>7225
Why do you criticize others for leaving shitlib areas? What good does it do to stay?
Replies: >>7225
Again, what will you do when you have no more places left to run to?

Because it's sheer cowardice to do nothing but run and hide, worrying only for one's own welfare. It's a betrayal to the future generations that will have to live in this rotting world.
Replies: >>7226 >>7228 >>7273
>it's sheer cowardice to do nothing but run and hide
The necessary alternative is organization and it's not happening to any worthwhile degree in zogmerica. If your solution is "build it yourself" then cosmopolitan shitlib cities are the worst place to start.
Replies: >>7227 >>7238
The plan is to move to Iceland. The small population will be beneficial.
Replies: >>7273
It won't happen. There needs to be an ingathering of based whites in places it's still possible to save. Where the local governments are against immigration and amenable to the social conservatism that might help our birthrates recover. Either that or just outright taking over rural communities like AFA has been doing and becoming the local governments there.

If that doesn't work we're screwed as a race anyway. But it's worth trying. I'm not wasting the rest of my life in some leftist shithole that's never going to change on account of the local university. I'm not delusional enough to think I can make a real difference here when I've already seen people like Matt Heimbach and Sarah Dye have their lives destroyed for it. Most of the students are Indians and Chinese, and the few whites come here precisely because the town as a liberal rep. So I don't see much point in even doing propaganda.

There's a selfish element to it as well. Everyone I meet treats me like a crazy person for my politics and it's taking a real toll on my mental health. I don't need that many friends but I can't stand total isolation, either.
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anyone got the pdf (or pdfs) of this? stumbled upon this randomly, couldn't find where it came from. thanks in advance
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and this too while i'm at it
Replies: >>7237
eat lead, Anglin
>Stop killing randos and achieving nothing, why cant you terrorists chill?
our enemies are not “randos”. No filthy non-white anywhere near our children is a “rando”. It is instead an enemy.
Look where boomers “chilling” and looking out for themselves their whole lives has got us.
>What did any of the terrorniggers achieve? 
firstly, Breivik killed 100+ future race traitors and nons, got extremely close to exterminating anti-white politicians, etc.
Tarrant slaughtered 50+ mudslime filth, and inspires chuddy kids even to this day with the footage he masterfully streamed.
Even Roof accelerated racial tensions and woke numerous white racists up.
All the while you just tell “seejtards” to fuck STD gooks on the Internet and le wait for others to do it for you.
>Whites are still dying out regardless!
Yes defeatist dumbass, this is likely the largest war we’ll ever fight.
>Best course of action is to ride the tiger and weather our genocide through
that is quite literally the worst course of action, how the fuck are we supposed to win waiiiiiting? Are you expecting someone else to do everything for you? Of course you are, you fucking loser.
>my advice is to escortmaxx in south-east asia.
1. incels are not welcome here.
2. gook-fuckers are not welcome here.
3. Andrew Anglin is not welcome here.
>Seejery is literal mudslime niggery,
and who have states? A handful of 8th century sand niggers that aren’t afraid to aimlessly fire a few AK47s, or us?
>go to /k/ if you want your fix of gore and terror.
That’s the difference between me and you. I care about what happens in real life, that is, I care about what I’ve done, and I don’t care about pathetically satisfying power processes in the easiest way possible, masturbating, playing videogames, and rotting. But no. Anyone braver than you is obviously just muh walmart shooter! It’s almost like you can’t fathom other forms of guerrilla action because they’d prove you to be the spineless hedonistic spack you are, no better than the masses, but at least you say “nigger”, right!?
>This a White man's board.
so fuck off of it.
Natall was perfect, such a shame Pierce didn’t appoint a successor. He aged more gracefully than Mason, for sure, but he still aged, and that was fatal into the 00s.
that’s the whole idea of LEADERLESS RESISTANCE
Firstly, I'm a different anon.
Secondly, that is not true. 
> sperging about muh mass shootings at the mention of weaponry
Here are the posts I'm responding to. 
No sane man thinks that I am the one having a conniption fit
Sadly, the only deadly action White men have taken against the regime amounts to going to a walmart and shooting some spics, going to a synagog and shooting some jews, and going to a grocery store and shooting some niggers.
That is literally it.
No one blows up transformers (which is itself kind of a dumb idea >>6165
No one kills politicians. Seriously, being a politician is like being invincible for some reason. America is filled with so many different ideological groups in conflict with the regime, and no one ever attacks it. It's absurd.
No one shoots up meaningful institutions like the Google Headquarters or kills media bosses.
No one shoots judges.
No one shoots up banks or bankers.
No one even shoots journalists.

The British occupy a small piece of Ireland and the Irish begin blowing up banks, grounding airplanes, and literally taking over a small county in Northern Ireland and holding it for years.
But we shoot up a walmart every few years. Wow! 

It's time to wake up and realize that fighting an insurgency against the most powerful military force in human history is going to take more than vibes and memes. In fact, we aren't even at the stage where we should be thinking about fighting at all because we lack the ability to even organize peaceful resistance effectively. How the fuck are we supposed to defeat the US police state when we cannot even occupy a small town without being driven out by 17 year old marxists? Maybe it's time to do some research on the Troubles and not just how the IEDs were made. How did the nationalists command the respect of the population that allowed them to organize in the first place?
Replies: >>7245 >>7246 >>7248
Hit the nail on the head with this post.
Nationalists in Ireland won support because the Irish themselves had a blood and soil tie to the land even after being temporarily pushed out by the plantation, British Prots etc.

Whereas America has been little more than an economic zone, one big plantation, since the niggers arrived. Our flag is that of the the West India Company ffs. The Irish were the final nail in the coffin, and the Jews came here to pick over the bones of what was already a corpse. That's ignoring the prominence of Sephardic crypto-Jews from the very beginning, even on the Mayflower.

Mark my words, White America is failing because it was doomed from the start. The Pilgrims were Jew larpers who literally interbred with Sephardim who after being expelled fled to the Low Countries and other Protestant communities in Europe. Admixture created the political circumstances for these people to be forced out and essentially dumped like the trash they were on the New World.

Trying to save this country as a white ethnostate is delusional. Muh "Founding Fathers" were all Freemasonic scum who would probably rather guillotine National Socialists than sacrifice their precious profits from slavery and indentured servitude of other Europeans such as the Irish. These motherfuckers were obsessed with Kabbalah and basically disavowed their own European identity. That's why they opposed the old monarchies. It had little to do with freedom aside from rhetoric from the plebs who came here for the free Indian land.
Replies: >>7247 >>7253 >>7275
So let all American Whites die? That doesn't seem like a good solution.
Replies: >>7252
>organize peaceful resistance
there is no such thing as peaceful resistance
Replies: >>7253
At this point whites in America are going to be relegated to a handful of states unless some of our elites decide to take pity on us and reverse the replacement trend. It certainly won't be anyone in the MIGA camp and the dems are even worse. Call me blackpilled if you want but I simply don't see the political will for anything else.
Replies: >>7258 >>7274
> it was doomed from the start
>Trying to save this country as a white ethnostate is delusional
I refuse to accept this. I live here. This is my home.

But if what you say is true, then what are we supposed to do? Give up? Hope that fucking Britain or Germany or Sweden revolt?
America is the black heart of the empire. The Revolution must occur here.
We need to figure out how to achieve it.

There is. Any act which resists the regime is resistance. Non-violent acts are known as peaceful resistance.
Do not think of resistance as black and white. It is a gradient. A spectrum. Everything is political, including posting our little complaints about our genocide online.
However, posting online isn't an act of resistance because it isn't an act. Distributing pro-White propaganda, organizing pro-White cells and groups, and engineering strikes is peaceful resistance because these are actions which do not involve violence. 
Sabotage is a grey area. You can sabotage a lot without exposing yourself. Misplacing items, misfiling reports, and consciously accepting bribes makes the regime less efficient. More serious acts of sabotage such as arson or shooting a transformer ascends to violent resistance. And of course, this is crowned by the ever escalating world of armed rebellion.
Replies: >>7257
Ah, well, I meant resistance against the System even if not overt should be recognised correctly as violence against the System. The reason we believe we should make this important distinction dialectically because we do not wish to foster or gather close allies with the desire to PUNISH the System, to cause it to reform. Hence even by recognising matters such as a sympathetic teenager popping a politician’s tire as violence, though not overtly violent, we can foster the mindset of not intending to change the System’s behaviour and discipline it to take another deceptive (re)form, but profess intention to obliterate the System and all Systemites with it.

>and engineering strikes is peaceful resistance because these are actions which do not involve violence. 
I haven’t heard of strikes before. Has this concept been tried and failed in the past? If so, why? I think a permanent strike is a better bet, to drop out of the System, but that won’t work always.
I also think strike action might be a poor choice because Ranjeet and Pajeeta could just be imported to replace your position(s) for 32% the pay if you’re disobedient, or even just a card-carrying member of a naughty racist union.
Seems like a recipe for disaster!
Replies: >>7261 >>7278
balkanisation is a foolish, anxious concoction.

But yes. Perhaps welcome aboard:
There is no political solution!
I have thought many times about organising my workplaces into unions. Problem is a) all the established unions are covid-tard communists b) workplaces are so diverse these days reaching that level of trust is almost impossible.

My current job is mostly white but it's a small business and half the employees are related to someone higher up in the organisation. There's a reason basically only tradies still have unions these days. Those jobs are relatively racially homogeneous yet open to anyone willing to learn the skills rather than purely nepotistic

As for wanting to hold onto the entirety of current American territory, I feel like that's only possible if we establish an explicitly racial nationalist dictatorship. So long as nonwhites and women are allowed to vote there are certain parts of the country that will always remain hostile to our views
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>Again, what will you do when you have no more places left to run to?
Submit or fight back.
>thinking assgardia isn't cucked rn
In case you're wondering, this is not a celebration of the Bifrost, but you may find a few Shemdalls and Afrodalls there eventually.
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It is legitimate to be blackpilled when no US politician stands up for Whites nor carries the light of which our values are made of. How could it? The USA remain a largely Christian nation and leaving aside the minor Christian Identity and a couple very small branches that went their way, away from their original Mormon trunk, there's nothing. Europe had a pagan history, America was nothing more than a leaking lab experiment that allowed the Christian virus to spread far and wide on the back of the pioneers.

We simply cannot save ourselves if our revolution is not total and perfect. This is why I turned my gaze towards Wotanism. It contains all the necessary purified seeds of a perfect White society: spiritual, philosophical, cultural and racial. It can only positively grow from this stem. It is the ideal counter to Christianity.
>Nationalists in Ireland won support because the Irish themselves had a blood and soil tie to the land even after being temporarily pushed out by the plantation, British Prots etc.
Nationalist Irishmen have almost no political representation at all today. It quickly turned into a haven for the American imperialistic merchant companies to get a foothold in Europe without having to pay taxes.

>Mark my words, White America is failing because it was doomed from the start. The Pilgrims were Jew larpers who literally interbred with Sephardim who after being expelled fled to the Low Countries and other Protestant communities in Europe. Admixture created the political circumstances for these people to be forced out and essentially dumped like the trash they were on the New World.
The super-majority of Whites in the US are of Germanic stock. The few nutjobs who mixed with kikes are an absolute minority of the smallest size, but they allied themselves with the tribe that new how to accrue lots of power through money and gold to compensate for their frailty and obligatory mobility. Now, they rule the world with money, debt and usury, and have turned every one and every thing into moveable assets. This is the reign of the merchants.

>Trying to save this country as a white ethnostate is delusional.
The entire country cannot be saved and I agree with you that it carried the germs of White demise within itself very early on. We can't hope for a White ethnostate that bridges the Eastern and Western coasts, but what we must aim is for a network of ethnostates, plural, by converting several states into White enclaves as much as possible. Many US states largely remain White today and we must act now. This will never work though if we don't have roaming bands and people acting in the shadows to push the non-Whites out. It's very easy to make them feel unwelcome. Go to every single county, city and town where they are and start threatening them. Our presence must be felt without being seen in plain day. 

he threat, though, must be constant. We cannot count on law to be on our side, so we must use methods that no authority will be powerful enough to repress in any meaningful way. Who's going to denounce you as the local racist when most Whites are and those who are not and coerced into shutting their clap traps? Why would a school teacher or minister ever complain when his or her car burns up and nasty words wrapped around bullets are to be found in the mailbox? We must learn to become nasty and violent against the dissenters who don't espouse our racial views.
I see your point.
>a permanent strike is a better bet, to drop out of the System, but that won’t work always.
The issue with that is that a permanent strike would only work with large numbers of men. If there are not large numbers (I'm talking significant percentages of White men, like around 10% at least) then, as you pointed out, Pajeets can be trucked in, flown in, dumped in to replace us.

Of course, resistance should be a full spectrum activity. If the bar for resistance is set at deflating politicians' tires and we eschew all other, peaceful forms, we are hamstringing ourselves.
There's an adage in politics that is something like: You can get large numbers of people to do little acts of resistance (such as standing, writing letters, protesting, etc) but only a tiny sliver of them will engage in armed resistance.
>Well fuck the cowards
Okay, but this is just human nature. The lemmings will only engage in violence once it is safe for them to do so. In order to win, we must fully mobilize our people. That means the lazy ones too.

Furthermore, in order to expand the raw numbers of violent resisters, we need to expand the number of peaceful activists.
And furthermore, seeing large numbers of activists in the streets gives courage to all our people and helps convince fence sitters to engage in passive resistance. 
Lastly, every time the system commits violence upon peaceful activists, it increases the percentage of violent resisters.
This should never be about emotion. This must be about realistic expectations and strategy.

In an ideal, realistic-in the-short-term situation: A large number of White people, perhaps 3-4% are actively engaged in peaceful resistance. Protests, propaganda dissemination, lawsuits (spurious or legitimate), file sabotage, running for local office, etc.
If just 5% of this 4% engaged in active resistance, then that would be 32,000 armed insurgents. Holy shit would that be powerful. Mind you, most of this armed resistance would be unorganized vandalism. But still, even if there was just a core of 4,000 organized rebels in small cells operating across the country, the regime would be brought to its knees. Mind you, I am not advocating only for cellular resistance. Note that I am advocating full spectrum resistance. Everything that can be thrown at the regime must be thrown at the regime. especially legal resistance because you cannot lose with (non-retarded) legal resistance. If the regime allows it to go down, you expand your numbers and influence. If they don't, now you have grievances to fuel armed resistance. If they shoot them, now you have unarmed martyrs.
Replies: >>7286 >>7287
Let's not forget that it high profile people can be captured, this option should be favored. Ransom may come to your mind right now but let's think of the fact that you would like to extract from these people everything they know, including their passwords to their accounts and bank accounts. Therefore they could be drained of their wealth while we would use their knowledge to reinforce our group. Today we use computers and other electronic systems to a large extent and we still rely a lot on passwords. Obtaining these passwords would be highly necessary. Note that the more they would rely on biometrics, the more we would need to take them alive at first if we need to pick their fingerprints, saliva, blood or eye globes. Or eventually their face until we can mimic it with prosthetics, which secret services can achieve to a decent extent, but we wouldn't have access to this kind of technology.
I think there’s a misunderstanding here.
>Of course, resistance should be a full spectrum activity. If the bar for resistance is set at deflating politicians' tires and we eschew all other, peaceful forms, we are hamstringing ourselves.
There's an adage in politics that is something like: You can get large numbers of people to do little acts of resistance (such as standing, writing letters, protesting, etc) but only a tiny sliver of them will engage in armed resistance.
>Well fuck the cowards
Okay, but this is just human nature. The lemmings will only engage in violence once it is safe for them to do so. In order to win, we must fully mobilize our people. That means the lazy ones

activities to construct our new society (parallel society) aren’t, and shouldn’t be considered, resistance. Yes, that’s the role of most men and all women. Because most hammers are destined build, and only some use their potential to destroy. We may not transgress such activities.

Then, the perception is different: our society is the new one, we aren’t resisting the System in our existence, we exist and raise our children entirely outside of it.
When the System encroaches on us, when it comes anywhere near us, we will be resisting its attempts on us.
When we take from it, we will be colonising and dominating it.
Replies: >>7292
yeah, we really need a NatAll-like presence, but with a youthful leadership.
Replies: >>7292
We must agree to disagree. I believe that anything which is resisting jewish efforts to destroy White people is "resistance"

Patriot Front is the best example of that today.
Replies: >>7294 >>7296
Are you joking
Patriot Front are just more or less conservatives. They don’t believe in bringing down the system. But them giving out supplies during the hurricane aftermath last year was a smart thing to do.
Replies: >>7312
Have you guys actually read the PF manifesto? They're explicitly revolutionaries. They talk about the current American government as an internationalist tyranny and advocate building dual power to replace its functions. That's why they help the homeless and stuff. To show they're willing to step in when the feds fail.

Granted, they don't constantly seethe about the Jews. But Rousseau seems perfectly willing to talk about them when they become relevant. I really recommend watching that interview he did with Jake Shields recently.
>interview he did with Jake Shields recently.
Links? Webm?
Replies: >>7302
surprisingly still up
Replies: >>7313
I think we're going into medieval times again. The kikes called it the dark ages because they were the ones getting thrown down wells for coin clipping. What do America and Rome have in common? Both collapsed, and were so corrupt by the time they collapsed, that people thought small government doesn't sound so bad anymore. What's the difference between America and Rome? Rome didn't industrialize.

The kikes are terrified of a second medieval era, because this one will have electricity. And White people have been deposited around the world, thanks to the British Empire. The next Rome won't be for a while, but it might be potent enough to finish off the lesser Races for good.

Any local nerd can build a generator in his basement and generate enough electricity for all his friends, family, and neighbors. Some other local nerd will be generating ethanol for that first local nerd. We just need to make the knowledge common. Blacksmithing. Did anyone go to college for that in ye olden times? No, they learned it from some local dude who learned it from a dude before him, a recursive formula of generosity that was started by the guy that invented blacksmithing.

White people just need to stop biting each other in the ass, and stop being spiritually and emotionally attached to the US dollar. Especially in America. No more status games. Just seizing resources, killing shitskins, and expanding the living space. Every kingdom will make their own DNA testing lab so we can figure out who is pure and who is not. One day the entire world will be pure Aryans, and self-awareness will be the standard.
Replies: >>7304 >>7317 >>7336
1. Already starting to happen over here dude! (rural England) every month or so we get a new arrival, always a racially conscious white, a lot of the time it’s a whole family. The government is absolutely seething that we are sharing skills amongst ourselves, bringing about communal activities, and throwing fiat currency in its face. Of course, not just the government, the local Methodist church got wind and installed a liberal female pastor, who put up a huge banner with the faggot tranny rainbow and nons and whites holding hands on it saying “God loves all because God is love”. Suffice to say that church is rapidly losing donations and membership, and a guy slightly younger than me stole the banner at night a couple of weeks ago, and it hasn’t been replaced.
The people who move into the countryside, they were whites who traditionally lived in the inner city. But they “white flighted” further and further into the suburbs as the cities became wog-hell, and then gave it up when the convenience subsided and it started taking 15 minutes to drive to Tesco anyway. They never look back once they’re here.

> I think we're going into medieval times again.
2. You have no idea. Nothing like that at all. We’re entering something beyond anticipation.
Replies: >>7305 >>7317
example. By the way, we’re getting more and more dogs. Dogs are the Aryan’s best friend, and dogs can sense racial inferiority.

They’re absolutely terrified to attempt mass wog settlement programs here because we will arson the neighbourhood at the first chance. They don’t want this to happen because they know that it will start a civil war. There’s a stalemate so they’re just anxiously waving their arms about with petty genocide attempts like this. To zero effect, do you really think Bill at his riverside pub is going to ban his mate Harry’s border collie so that sand niggers feel comfortable?
Replies: >>7306
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oops, forgot picrel!
Replies: >>7316
That's simply ridiculous. Conservatives are defacto anti-White. They're just shitlibs from 10 years ago.
I will admit, Rousseau seems to have become a much more accomplished rhetorician. He still isn't as hardline as I would like but I find it hard to fault him for it. He is trying to appeal to patriotic American men who are dissatisfied with the blatant anti-Whitism of the republican party and everything to the left of it.
Replies: >>7336
These idiot politicians and cunts in the administration are merely painting targets on their backs. Let them expose themselves in such stupid and blatant ways. The great Time of Reckoning will be fun for sure.
>medieval times
I don't think it will go there at all if we are to look at the collapses that happened in small Eastern European countries on in South America. That's we will get. A severe disruption of the economy, local gangs, warfare of varying degrees until the stronger step in and some wider order coalesces. Lamp posts will prove very useful even if electricity isn't available. There's simply too much technology lingering around us, including the basic type, plus all that was aggregated over the decades, the surplus, the backup options. It will be hard to get fuel and food for a while although I expect a return to something like a mix of 21th and 19th century at worst, depending on the area and whatever group has accumulated. Stockpiling precious resources, gasoline and even solar panels should be a priority, plus munitions, fertilizer and all sorts of masonry and peasantry tools. I think at worst what the warfare would fall back to would be something between WW2 and Cold War era methods, if for some reason we would be unable to use satellites and long range radios which are essential in the modern type of warfare we've accustomed to. Advanced systems will be used when possible but e will be surprised to see rather old ones resurfacing.

I see Whites moving into the countryside who are just varying shades of leftists wanting more green than gray. They're hypocrites. They will hate having their kids in schools full of non-Whites but they will never espouse racist views because it's too hard, too risky, too shitty. They'll even denounce you because your racist activities are a disturbing threat to their newfound peace of mind. Likewise I've seen very racist people who just lived in medium to large cities. I have stopped even pretending guessing what political slant a given bunch of Whites were of. Those who must recognize themselves in our values will just come to us. Those who don't, let them suffer.
Replies: >>7320
>I see Whites moving into the countryside who are just varying shades of leftists wanting more green than gray.
there is a prominent faction of the worst kind of "green" over here in post-England. Basically, wide-open tranny-faggots from Brighton that love "nature" and wogs and screeching about "climate change" "climate action" "climate crisis" and masochistic, attention-seeking, hypocritical "protest" to presooooorve some forgettable species of slug while they rape its whole environment to build more suburbs for pakis to live in.
It's to the point where I absolutely lose my shit whenever I see one of those macabre materialist metal windmills that they stab into the landscape. Those are the worst marker of decadence and human excess. Those pathetic fucking windmills that don't make anything a windmill does. Only energy for wogs and other unsightly excesses of cattle-like, antidepressant-taking, mithering "human" mass.
The worst part is, they're one of the most difficult infrastructure to damage. God, the daydreams I have when my vision is defiled by their prescence when I'm hiking somewhere nice. I know some snotty little counciller felt so good about raping mother Earth that day, about his little points for not putting some carbon in the air so that New York isn't flooded by 2005 or whatever. Boils my blood, and my hands start instinctively tying an offensive noose.
Replies: >>7329
Perfectly understood lad. There are so many things wrong these days, from little details to world wide scams that it becomes very hard not to snap in the most pointless way, like screaming at trees or something and earning yourself a nice and cozy white jacket with very long sleeves. The good thing in all of this is that so much has been damaged and destroyed that our descendants won't experience any joblessness anytime soon when it will come to repairing their world in the Aryan way. Mind you why should the politicians care? They're either selfish atheist arseholes or Christian or Jews, the latter duo being all about some kind of end times where the planet will be destroyed anyway. Here's what we get by being afflicted by parasitic death cults with unbound power.
Replies: >>7331
the exasperation is subsided by the realisation of yourself and soon if not already your tribe above and apart from this world.

It feels millenieran to meander on “the collapse coming super soon guys literally two more weeks” and that’s because it is. Unless you are accelerating the world as it is around your location, the System will persist. No one is going out and lynching the local niggers for you. They’re all sitting and playing video games, or some equivalent activity, some other form of spiritual masturbation.
A point to look to is the halfway-point, the half-breed, stuck in loops of self-indulgence, perhaps “self-improvement” (getting fit… for some reason. Not to do anything physical. Just an end in itself), but always inwards. The Andrew Anglinites, the gamers, who try and slam the doors to their bedrooms hard enough to drown out the drone of death, always in vain. Not even necessarily video games, but every form of escapism, they know how the world is, but for whatever excuse, they just wait, wait it out, wait until something happens.

Perhaps someone will “prep”, as has been done for decades. Preparing for nothing. Preparing to sit down and have some Prince Charming save you from the doomsday. And then what?

It’s downward-tilted, but it’s static, as livestock are. Accelerate the world, decelerate your tribe.
There is nothing else. It is all quiet, it is all gentle, the world has gone to sleep, and waking up will do nothing. Only rising above the corpses and building the New World.
is there anywhere that seems to be “popping off” or is close to it? I might move there if so. I was thinking maybe Australia. What do y’all think?
Replies: >>7334
Why ask this after asserting that everything is in quiet decline? Shouldn't you instead be asking where groups reside who understand this truth and seek to create something better?
Baby steps. We need to plan for a multi-generational struggle. 
If all hope were lost, the propaganda wouldn't be necessary and the jews would just rule openly.

We do need to stop biting each other in the ass. This boomer mentality is what led to this. Every other race puts racial power before profit. Those who embrace this gay libertarian mentality are reviled. Yet among White cuckservatives, it's praised. Meanwhile, gen Z are either alienated or part of the other backstabber culture: leftism.

We need to correct this ASAP and get White people back into a neurotypical mentality towards race. What we're advocating is not extreme at all, it's literally the neurotypical mentality for the past 10,000+ years and is still the normal mode of thought for every non-White race.
Replies: >>7337 >>7338
I believe that we should ground ourselves with our approaches to proselytism.

People who have attempted to consider these factors in the past have made mistakes because they, ironically enough for us, who reject the System’s fake right-left spectrum, have thought too one-dimensionally with regard to ideology.
It isn’t a matter of how “extreme” you are. The alt-right proved that it wasn’t a matter of needing to water down the Message to make it easier to swallow — because as it turns out, disenfranchised people, those abandoned by the System, who see no future within it, don’t care how you paint your antisemitism, they literally have no reason to consider it. My point is, we have missed the jackpot by not offering an alternative lifestyle — what we are attempting to build, an alternate, white world — and instead only offering shitty marches and rallies. I consider how cults with absolutely asinine doctrine like Aum Shinrikyo managed to get people disenfranchised from modern society to flock to them in the thousands just because they offered a different world, and hope, on their compounds.

On the other hand, pure edginess doesn’t work out, it will eat at you from the inside like sin. Consider the Atomwaffen Division. Not to mention National Action, or even NSM88 God forbid. The truth is, destruction can’t build a movement organically, only creation, and destruction as necessary.

My conclusion is that we need to consider who we are appealing to. I think we should be appealing to Neo-Luddite sentiments, and offer alternative futures and communities. Just imagine how well that’d work. More than that, even in the 80s there were thousands of survivalists and breakers from society — the amount now would be huge, of white youth. I think National Alliance was on the right path, but Pierce dying and growing old killed it.
Replies: >>7339 >>7347
>Baby steps. We need to plan for a multi-generational struggle. 
I disagree. Looking back, it's my belief that a lack of sense of urgency led to the people who dealt with kikes in the past to get complacent and declare the job done after kicking them out. The kikes of course were counting on that, waiting until the leader that exiled them died or was otherwise replaced, and then when that leader was replaced with someone more corrupt or gullible they sank their fangs in and regained their old foothold. It's the definition of insanity to do the same as our predecessors did. No, I believe a sense of urgency is essential to this struggle, moreso now that our race teeters on the brink of extinction. We have to take the kikes down from our positions of power, and then kill them as they retreat back to the shadows. Keep hammering them over and over, thin them out, until they're gone. Only when the last kike has died, the last scroll has been burnt, the last menorah melted down, and the last trace of semitic DNA purged from the collective genome of humanity, only then we can declare the job done and crack a beer to celebrate. This war must be won in one generation, so that the next one may inherit the liberated world.

>If all hope were lost, the propaganda wouldn't be necessary and the jews would just rule openly.
They have ruled openly for decades, I don't know where you've been.
Replies: >>7339 >>7343 >>7348
There is urgency in how quickly we are being replaced. However, the final solution to the JQ is in a multi-generational struggle.

Part of what makes the Jews so powerful is their ethnic memory. Basically, they hold grudges forever, and constantly re-enact both slights and victories in their holidays.

If whites treated 9/11 like Tisha B'av, Hitler's birthday like Purim etc. and constantly reminded our children about the wickedness of the Jewish race in explicit terms, they wouldn't be able to infiltrate our societies again after just a few hundred years.

And I disagree that the Jews have been ruling openly for decades. Maybe the past couple of years. You have Rabbi Schmuley saying the Jews should be feared. Congressman Massie revealing that most of our governments are Israeli agents. But these things only really came out to the public after Oct 7th, and even then, only the more politically aware. We are far from the normies realising that everything is run by Jews, although I will say Kanye pushed the envelope on that one a lot.
Exactly. Negativity and vapid consumerism is all the system has to offer at this point. So, if we offer something life-affirming, a way for people to actually contribute towards posterity, it will grow, even if it isn't perfect.
Replies: >>7344
I don't think a rapid rise to government power like the third Reich is possible these days. It will be slow by necessity, not preference.
>get complacent and declare the job done after kicking them out.
If you rapidly purge them but do not instill a lasting need for vengeance in future generations, that is exactly what will happen. Assuming it is even possible.
Replies: >>7344
No offense, but you and >>7343 sound a lot like boomers, to be perfectly honest. This whole talk of "
solving X problem is too difficult, it'll take about 30 years" is the same talking point boomers use. Of course in their case it's a dereliction of personal responsibility, as they'll be long dead and gone in however many decades and they don't care what the world will look like after they die. I'm not saying you two are like that, but this attitude of gradual grinding progress is a dangerous one to take because the risk of falling into complacency is too high. Personally, I'm sick and fucking tired of the kikes. We've been dealing with those desert rats for THOUSANDS of years. I just want them gone already so we can move on to better and happier things. I don't want any generation after mine to have to deal with that vermin, I want them to live in a judenfrei world already.

And it's perfectly possible to whip our people into a kike-hating frenzy right here and now, today. More to the point, we have tools that our forebears didn't. For instance, once we vacate the halls of power of every kike and shabbos goy scum, we can institute mandatory DNA tests in the general population. A massive census where everyone's genetic heritage is accounted for, with everyone above a certain percentage of semitic heritage taken away for questioning, thoroughly interrogated to smoke his accomplices out, and then executed in public fashion with audience participation, likely by stoning because they're satisfingly bloody as well as inexpensive. With that, they can't go into the cities anymore, and you cut them off from one of their favorite sources of power.

Second, with us in power we can also offer a reward system for turning kikes in, or for giving useful information to our extermination squads, and of course to said extermination squads for killing a certain number of kikes. The ones who purge the most semitic rats out of existence every month get a special reward. People will flock to volunteer for those squads if you propagandize them enough, and the incentive of material rewards will likewise motivate them further to persevere as they scour every single inch of the globe in pursuit of kike vermin.

In short, it's a matter of proactivity and determination. "Realisitc" solutions are half-measures.

>I don't think a rapid rise to government power like the third Reich is possible these days.
I keep hearing how getting a country out of financial recession or what have you is a long, multi-decade affair. How long did it take for Hitler to make Germany into a world power?

>Assuming it is even possible.
It is. We have to start acting like it is. We have to MAKE it possible. Being "realistic" only benefits those who control reality.
Replies: >>7345
>And it's perfectly possible to whip our people into a kike-hating frenzy right here and now, today.
>How long did it take for Hitler to make Germany into a world power?
He needed to attain power over his nation's government to do that. How would you repeat his rise to power today?
>We have to MAKE it possible.
Again, how? It's not like we have not been trying. The programming is strong. Especially because Whites have a contingent of self-hating mutants who actively want to go extinct, and they are many.
The rest of your post contains solutions which would absolutely and completely work if we can attain power. I do not believe there is a short-term way to attain power of the same caliber as Hitler over Germany. You say a 30-year plan is a derelict procrastination but the jews themselves took hundreds, even thousands of years enacting their own. By comparison even 30 years sounds hopelessly optimistic.
Replies: >>7351
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The issue with what you're saying is that you're correct, we DO need an alternative to the system. But we cannot just snap our fingers and, poof, it exists. It must be built by people who must be organized (and yes, we do need money to do this)
How do we get there? 
Obviously, we need to organize our people into parties and organizations to do this. And how do we do that? We must start out by building these organizations first. 

>It isn’t a matter of how “extreme” you are... pure edginess doesn’t work out
I concur. In fact, I believe that anyone describing themselves as an extremist are doing our cause a disservice. What is extreme about loving your people? That's literally the most normal thing for any man to have throughout all human history. It is shitlibs and cuckservatives who reject race who are extremists. 

> I think we should be appealing to Neo-Luddite sentiments
I am all for it. 

>Pierce dying and growing old killed it.
This is a common phenomenon. Great men often have one failure: Not providing an heir. I'm not talking about children, but a successor. Hitler had the same problem. Alexander the Great, William the Conqueror, Louis XIV, etc. But Hitler was a visionary, not just a king. Now, I grant that his nation was crumbling when he died, but a more dedicated national socialist after his death could have made the ideology far more lasting, especially in Germany. Rather than just surrendering and getting executed. What kind of retard surrenders to people who will execute you?
Replies: >>7350
>it's my belief that a lack of sense of urgency led to the people who dealt with kikes in the past to get complacent and declare the job done after kicking them out
I concur with you on that one. I'm not talking about after the Revolution. Once we have power, we literally need to fund White Revolution everywhere, then intervene and set up independent, pro-White governments that hunt down every last jew. But we need to get from here to there in baby-steps.

>They have ruled openly for decades
If you think this is open rule, you're in for a rude awakening just how bad things can get for a subject race. The current form of White genocide is not the end goal. The end goal is mass graves and grinning blacks machinegunning White children into pits.
Replies: >>7349
>The end goal is mass graves and grinning blacks machinegunning White children into pits.
Not gonna happen unless they get desperate, sadly.
If the accelerated case-study of post-England is taken, the next steps will certainly be: absurd woggification of school curriculae, literal non-stop diversity and democracy.
And then two-tier policing, (trust me, it can get so much worse).
Replies: >>7352
>That's literally the most normal thing for any man to have throughout all human history. It is shitlibs and cuckservatives who reject race who are extremists.
It's great if you are extreme. That's fanaticism. The "extremism" dimension is Systemspeak. What you are is a fanatic if your mouth waters at the thought of crushing nigger babies into paste.
"Extremism" we should reject dialectically, "fanaticism" we can be all for.
Replies: >>7352
>By comparison even 30 years sounds hopelessly optimistic.
I'd disagree with you. I quote an enemy of ours which successfully carried out a revolution in a rotting monarchy with a couple dozen other bankrolled kikes. "There are weeks where decades happen, and decades where weeks happen".
Something is going to kick off the biggest happening Gaia has ever seen, do or die. Everyone's admitting it by now.
>Not gonna happen unless they get desperate
What do you think will happen when we are a tiny minority? They already openly state that they want us dead and they are a minority. I guess it'll be mexicans but it's the same difference.

Given that framing, I agree with you.
America needs to re-industrialize. I don't think the chinks are brave enough to fight an industrialized, modernized Nazi America.
Replies: >>7357
We should, but I don't get where this fear of China comes from. Of all the threats to Americans and White people in general, China ranks near the bottom. I suspect that most Asians would just leave America and go home if things got race-war-y.
Replies: >>7359
>Asians would just leave America and go home if things got race-war-y.
China would recall their citizens and then sell the Natsoc partisans shiny new drones and vehicles. I don't say that because I like China or the Chinese, it's just how they are.
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