It's in >>6772.
Says you, why haven't you?
>yeah sure, but he hasn't inspired them to get organised within their local communities to fight exploitative hospitals or something to that effect, we haven't even seen another CEO get popped. the closest thing to a luigi copycat was that dude who tried to shoot nick fuentes lmao
Nathan Mahoney had just stabbed an CEO of the Anderson Express company, which is an contractor for the Israeli military.
>the walls are closing in two more weeks yawn
Look up "unfunded liabilities".
Also of course it won't happen tomorrow, it happens gradually and we both live in a Late-Roman Empire tier period of an dying empire where shit happens more and more as it goes on.
>if by movementism you mean just doing protests and nothing else then yeah I agree that's dumb, but there are orgs that combine street activism with cell-based structure and physical training (such as the NSN in Aus)
Okay, good for them. Hope they learnt the important lessons from National Action which UK completely fucked them over and that they had to flee to US.
You really want this shit? Okay, book session time.
>according to the terrorgram rules of becoming a gorilla mass shota instead of acting like a true lone wolf. The joke is on you, clown.
Get over yourself, your definition of "true lone wolf" is not too distinctive from mine anyway and responding with "Nuh uh! it's different" only makes you just more laughable.
Take a simple reminder that every single Fascist take-overs were forcible revolutions, ALL of them, The only exception to this rule was Hitler to which he only used electoralist tactics AFTER his putsch already failed. his electoralist tactics had ONLY worked in a destabilizing and chaotic shit-hole like the Weimar Republic, not a economical-healthy liberal democracy with a huge functional police-surveillance apparatus. Imagine (You) thinking that a modern-day Hitler should attempt the same exact fucking tactics in a huge country not only with levels of hyper-individualism and how many safety-checks ZOG has set up to prevent him to be elected, but where the White population is only constituted as the 53% of the entire nation, Absolute insanity. Hitler had it too easy, he never had to deal with ALL of these like that.
Not only that, but did I mention that same police surveillance apparatus can also fuck up centralized movements with God only knows how many informants inside, they wouldn't even need a fed to infiltrate when their most greatest, powerful and simplest weapon are snitches and informants of every kind, and they WILL eventually pass laws that make centralized organizations illegal.
But if his Putsch in Munich was a success, what exactly do you think it would happen? The German government in Berlin stepping to offer flowers and kisses? :^) I'll leave you to imagine that.
When you read his work, you will find out that you don't tend to see any notions of political plurality, right-wing coalitons and lawful respect of Weimar authority at all, rather you will read the writings of an man who wanted to crush every other political movement that doesn't share his vision, to brutalize his adversaries and to put it in his perspective, "Revolution against the revolution."
>I have already emphasized that a movement meant to win over the hearts of the people must be ready to defend itself with its own forces against terrorist attempts by its adversaries. As always shown in world history, formal State authority can never break a reign of terror inspired by a worldview; it can only be conquered by a new and different worldview, whose representatives just are as bold and determined. Acknowledging this fact has always been very unpleasant for the bureaucratic protectors of the State, but the fact remains nevertheless. State power can guarantee peace and order only when the State embodies a worldview that's dominant at the time, so that disrupting elements can be treated as isolated criminals, instead of being considered champions of an idea diametrically opposed to official views. In such a case, the State can employ the most violent measures, for centuries, against the oppressing terror, but in the end all these measures will fail, and the State will succumb. - 9.11, ADVOCACY OF THE FOLKISH IDEA, Chapter 9: THE ‘GERMAN WORKERS’ PARTY’
>When our large meetings first began, I made a special point to organize a suitable hall guard in the form of a security service, composed chiefly of young men. Some of them were comrades who I knew from military service, and others were new party members who, right from the start, had been trained and instructed to realize that only terror is capable of smashing terror, that only courageous and determined men had succeeded in this world, and that we were fighting for an idea so great and noble that it was worth the last drop of our blood. They were trained to realize that
when force replaced common sense, the best means of defense was attack, and that the reputation of our security troops marked us as a combat group and not a debating club. And how eagerly did this youth yearn for such an order! - 7.7 NATIONAL SOCIALIST SECURITY TROOP, Chapter 7: THE REVOLUTION
>They have less fear of a man of genius who lacks will-power than of a vigorous character with mediocre intelligence. At the same time, they highly commend those who are devoid of intelligence and will-power. The Social Democrats know how to create the impression that they alone are the protectors of peace. In this way, acting very circumspectly but never losing sight of their ultimate goal, they conquer one position after another now by methods of quiet intimidation and now by sheer daylight robbery. They employ these tactics at those moments when public attention is turned towards other matters, or when the public considers an incident too trivial to raise a fuss about and thus provoke the anger of a vicious opponent. These tactics are based on an accurate estimation of human weaknesses; they will lead to success, with almost mathematical certainty, unless the other side also learns how to fight poison gas with poison gas. The weaker natures must be told that this is a case of ‘to be or not to be. I also came to understand that physical terror has its significance for both the masses and the individual.
>Terror in workshops and in factories, in assembly halls and at mass demonstrations, will always meet with success, as long as it does not encounter the same kind of terror in a stronger form. In this case, the party will surely cry bloody murder. It will appeal to the authority of the state, though they have previously repudiated it. In doing so, their aim is to add to the general confusion, so that they may have a better chance of reaching their own goal unobserved. They will search for some idiot among the higher government officials, one who hopes to ingratiate himself with them, and who will help this world-pest defeat its opponents. The impression that such successful tactics make on the minds of the masses, whether they be supporters or opponents, can be estimated only by one who knows the popular mind practically, not theoretically. Successes that are thus won are taken by Social Democrats as a triumphant symbol of the righteousness of their own cause. On the other hand, the defeated opponent very often loses faith in the effectiveness of any further resistance. - 2.15 SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC TACTICS, Chapter 2: YEARS OF STUDY AND SUFFERING IN VIENNA
>Every worldview, whether religious or political and it's sometimes hard to differentiate the two–fights not so much for the negative destruction of the opposing world of ideas as for the positive realization of its own ideas. Its struggle thus lies more in attack rather than in defense. It has the advantage of knowing where its objective lies, and this objective represents the realization of its own ideas. Inversely, it’s difficult to say when the negative aim of the destruction of a hostile doctrine is achieved. For this reason alone, an aggressive worldview is more powerful and decisive in action than one that takes up a merely defensive attitude. If force is used to combat a spiritual power, that force remains a defensive measure, as long as its advocates aren't the standard-bearers and apostles of a new spiritual doctrine. To sum up, we can establish the following: That every attempt to combat a worldview by means of force will turn out futile in the end, if the struggle fails to take the form of an offensive for the establishment of an entirely new spiritual attitude. It is only in the struggle between two worldviews that physical force, consistently and ruthlessly applied, will eventually succeed.
He is calling for an never-ending attack against his adversaries in the most literal way possible, this is the same man who used his SA brownshirts to fuck up Marxist thugs endlessly.
>This is why the fight against Marxism failed. This was also the reason why Bismarck’s anti-socialist legislation failed, and was bound to fail in the long run, despite everything. It lacked the basis of a new worldview to serve as the basis for the development and extension of the struggle. To say that the drivel about so-called ‘state authority’ or ‘law and order’ was an adequate foundation for the spiritual driving force in a life-or-death struggle is just what one would expect to hear from the ‘wise ones’ in high official positions. - 5.9 ATTACK OF A WORLDVIEW, Chapter: THE WORLD WAR
Does Hitler sound like the kind of man who would abhor political violence, respect the law and an fair election to you?
Or rather more like the Putscher who would seek to do absolutely ANYTHING to make his dream come true? Whose vision reigns supreme all over the other ones and where he seeks to actualize the eternal triumphant of his vision?
You asked for Codreanu, so here he is,
>If you try to say something you are immediately accused of "urking" one part of the citizenry to "hatred" against the other citizens; that you "disturb social barmony" and "the brotherbood" in which the Romanians have always lived with the "peaceful Jewish population;" that we are not good "Christians" for Jesus Christ said: "Love your neighbor even him who wrongs you..." etc. If you utter one single word, you are arrested as an "enemy of the State's security" and as an inciter to "civil war." You are insulted and even beaten. They control the authorities and you must keep quiet and watch the whole tragedy of your people. It would be better for God to blind us so we would no longer see with our own eyes; so we would know nothing."
He was so blackpilled and angry that he literally had to say this after:
>My blood was boiling in my veins and the idea occurred to me anew of grabbing a weapon, going into the mountains and mercilessly starting to shoot into the bands of enemies and traitors, if the Romanian authorities and laws of Greater Romania can condone such crimes against the Romanian nation, her honor and her future, and if these laws and sold-out authorities have stripped her of any hopes for justice and for salvation. I returned to Iasi with an aching heart, borne down by the burden this people carries.
The political system has infected our national life. Organization of the youth is needed, as is also
emphasis on the necessity for their further self-education, to protect and separate them from the
infection of the political system. To permit the infection of the Romanian youth to continue means
annihilation for us, and a definitive victory for Israel.
>Moreover, our organizing of this youth will take care of the very problem of our political system, which by lack of young recruits will starve to death, The slogan of the entire younger generation must be:
>No youth must ever enter the gate of a political party; be who does so is a traitor to his generation and bis nation. For in effect, by his presence, name, money, work, he strengthens the power of the politicians. Such a one is a traitor, just as he is a traitor who leaves the side of his brothers and goes over into the camp of their enemy. Though he may not shoot back with a weapon, if he only carries water for those who do shoot, he is an accomplice to the killing of those falling among his betrayed comrades, consequently a traitor to his cause.
You are a racial traitor in his own eyes if you join any political party.
>The theory urging us to all join political parties in order to improve them-if we pretend they are bad-is false and perfidious. As it has been from the beginning of the world, day and night uninterruptedly, it is only sweet water that has flowed into the Black Sea from thousands of rivers, this never resulting in sweetening the sea's salty water but rather the opposite: likewise with us, entering the cesspool of political parties, not only will we not better them, they will corrupt us.
He was betrayed by the Church, his Government and his own King. They murdered him.
Now to forward unto Rockwell:
He too became blackpilled about using electoralist tactics for the future, after too many electoral failures. Enough was enough and so he called for the final thing, the real deal, WHITE REVOLUTION before Matt and his cronies killed him for becoming more radical with a Greek patsy as his assassin, they also murdered Tommasi for the same reason
>The continued existence of Western Civilization and the White Race depends on whether enough Americans are sufficiently concerned about imminent catastrophe to do something professional and revolutionary about it - rather than continue to play the easy, kosher-conservative, play pen games of the last fifty years.
>We are facing a REVOLUTION, and a bloody one at that.
>"States' rights," "conservatism," "Wallace-ism," and even the Klan are only crumbling Maginot lines, walls which may delay the brutal advance of the enemy a bit, but which will never stop him. ONLY AN ATTACK CAN DO THESE THINGS and no half-hearted, Vietnam-style "attack," either, but the old-fashioned kind in which our purpose is simple and direct: to ANNIHILATE the enemy - to smash him, beat him down and exterminate him, until he is no
longer a threat.
>The reason our people are unable to see the urgent, desperate need for a revolution, instead of the silly, conservative shilly-shallying in the Jewish playpen, is that almost all of our people, on both sides, left and right, have fallen victims to Jewish propaganda against "extremism" and radicalism.
Sounds familiar? How do many ((( derads ))) come here to shill and didn't succeed, so now they're trying "PIERCE VS MASON", "COVINGTON VS PIERCE" division tactic to divide this board while /fascist/ has always venerated it's actual heroes (And I do mean actual heroes) from cripplechan, then 16chan and now here again.
>The attack upon us is called, even by the enemy, a "Black Revolution." It is Communist. It is lawless. IT IS RADICAL, VIOLENT AND BLOODY!
>Anyone might be pardoned for believing for a few minutes, or even an hour or so, that he might be able to talk his way out of a gun fight. But when the shooting goes on and on, gets more and more bloody, and the enemy openly proclaims his intention of wiping you out, as the Blacks are doing, it is madness and suicide to keep depending on the easy, "nice," "moderate", conservative" methods of survival. The way you "shoot back" in a revolution is with a revolution of your own.
>And that's what this book's all about.
>Over the past twenty years, I have run the course from "Republican," to "hard-shell Republican" to "anti-Communist" to "McCarthyite" to "Birch-type Conservative" to sneaky Nazi! ---and finally to all out National Socialist Hitlerite!
>I have become a revolutionary as dedicated to professional, hard-boiled, White Man's, anti-Communist revolution as any Communist is dedicated to his bloody revolution.
I believe all of these speak for themselves.
Come on now, how do these contradict me? Get a hold of yourself, fucking joker.
And here comes the conspiratard tourist with his nonce-sense, with his worship of the Omnipotent System unknowingly or not, as he vomits out the usual schizophrenic excuses as why regular folks are somehow top tier federal agents.
>Why do you conveniently ignore the very odd backgrounds and countless bizarre details that should not be there?
Why did you conveniently ignore >>6517 ?
>Why do you deny that the shock and terror methodology has historically served governments and shadowy groups who never were on our side? Why the heck do you think this all looks like a warmed up Gladio?
What is your obsession with Gladio? Why do you assume the U.S foreign policy-makers to be competent people and not Las Vegas retarded boomers gambling for high-risk high-reward alliances? CIA could had funded Osama and an bunch of Afghani students with weapons against the Soviet Union.
And that absolutely still did not prevent them from turning on them later on, that did not prevent the very same students to form the Taliban and eventually fuck over the U.S by stealing billions of dollars of equipment from them as they won Afghanistan.
>And why every time some anons object to the ostentatious short-lived tactics that essentially amount to nothing and are more or less akin to suicide by cops, except that the suicide takes the form of rotting in jail forever, which is probably the worse outcome possible for our men?
You have two choices, prevent the rape and grooming of White children at all or end up in jail.
Go on, try to "intellectually debate" or "non-physically prevent" the bull-charging Communist pedophiles out of molesting children, out of importing shitskin rapists and molesting the little ones.
Try to "mentally prevent" gangs of shitskin niggers openly lusting to rape little girls.
You bitch about Gladio while Breivik actually saved Norwegian children by defeating brown and jewish grown-up activist men and women, and Tarrant also prevented Islamic grooming of White children, probably prevented sexual molestation as well.
>So let's put that shooter mania aside for a moment and really think hard about should be done. We need to hone our ideology and arguments. We need means to share and spread them. We need racially aware White men and we need resources, many resources.
Okay, already done with Ironmarch and AF.
and NRM, Golden Dawn, Azov Battalion, C18, Lukovmarch.
I'll even argue that the fucking Aryan Brotherhood already achieved that niche since it has connections and networks.
>Do we have a pro-White part-
See above.
>Do we have a sort of militia or at least a bunch of street brawlers?
Also see above.