>The thing is, the obvious avenues of recruitment are out.
Most of them indeed, especially outside of the US where speech is heavily restricted. But since Rockwell, Pierce and Klassen, no serious man has decided to take the mantle and really push pure ideals into the world.
The United States remain one of the few White countries where it still is possible legally to come up with a radical politcal party. Not that the party would have any chance to win but it would serve as a soapbox and loud speaker for our values.
More than ever, the popularity of these values is inversely proportional to their legality. Most of us are certainly convinced by now that a revolution, armed one at that, is necessary, which includes a partial collapse of the actual system before restarting it under our control. We do need to find ways to push our voices into the real world instead of being strictly constrained to limited venues such as more or less obscure websites and some alternative video channels that make only a thousand view per great video.
In a world where there still are hundreds of millions of Whites, most of them natively or capable of speaking English, this low reach is not much excusable. The current events have significantly eroded the Jews' control over our collective mind. We must push harder now.
I believe it is possible to form openly pro-White parties without even having to headbutt with the laws of the country. That is even true in Europe where it's harder over there. The powers that be will not be able to use the law but will put enough pressure through the medias to convince the population that it would be moral to outlaw such parties, which they'll definitely try to do.
Which means that a party that has no armed section is no party at all now. We must really begin to strongly consider being able to rely on silent forces to shove the population our way by use of threats while also–and that is crucial–benefiting from plausible deniability.
We also know how this will end. Nothing short of a civil war that escalates into a full fledged war against kikes and traitors will cut it. Somehow, we will need to able to put pressure on military commanders. These people have families too. A purge such as one that would our distant ancestors would have never balked at, one that depletes our nations from their traitors, that will be the obligatory path we shall follow.
I have hope. I do because I see normal people who feel that all is wrong. Young people are depressed and desperate. Provocative posting, lack of respect for the institutions and their lies and all sorts of radical opinions have now invaded the social networks and contribute to the growth of a healthy chaos. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a vast untapped potential that we have yet to find a way to unlock and take for ourselves. Maybe we haven't decided of the proper words yet.
I cannot trust the opinion that the strictly political option is vain when for the last two or three decades we've seldom seen any White Nationalist rise and attempt anything, really anything to convince the masses. Every message is diluted, every one is afraid of his own shadow. We can't succeed with this reductive and self-defeating mindset. We must not let the Jews control how far right the Overton window can slide because we must be the ones pushing it rightwards more and more.
Our message needs to be pure. No shame in being White, we want everything for Whites. Starting with our own countries, and we better be able to intellectually and verbally master the arguments to support such a claim.
>There's another problem, and it's the false dichotomy of appeal versus message. If you want to recruit as many people as possible into the cause you'll have to dilute the message because most normalfags won't touch "le nazi hate rhetoric" with a 10 foot pole for fear of their jobs and reputations, plus those who do join will be the aforementioned wastes of oxygen.
One reason this happens is because no one bothered telling them that it is abnormal to be ostracized for having such opinions. That no one should fear for his work, family or life for holding opinions that amount to saying I don't hate myself, I actually like myself what I am, that is is the others, the parasites, the suicidal, the traitors, the liars and the weak ones who should be afraid.
In fact when you look at there's simply been no properly formulated set of winning points to completely reverse the entire paradigm of pressure. It's OK to be White should be the norm and it should be explained why, and it should be explained that it is neither normal nor acceptable to be living in a once White country wherein Whites have been reduced to third class citizens who must keep quiet, live in shame and work hard to pay taxes to contribute to their own destruction.
This is a simple message that could come in so many variations and yet we barely hear it. Few are those who "ain't givin' a shit" and openly boast being White without sounding like a stupid caricature. Few figures stand for Whiteness. We can see Jared Taylor for example who is a judeophile nonetheless.
Which brings me to the other problem, being that we cannot solve this if we simply do not expose the Jews and finally tell our own people that there is no shame in attacking them. We have the evidence, mountains of evidence of their crimes, and there is no possible way we Whites should accept that Jews rule over us and write our own laws, our own songs, our own movies, our own scriptures. Yet who has been saying such a thing lately? Have we even tried going there before even talking about other unreachable fabulous ventures?
>Why do I call it a false dichotomy, you might be wondering? I call it a false dichotomy because the answer is neither of the above. The best path, in my opinion, is to start recruiting at the local level. Co-workers, gym pals, neighbors, the like.
I agree but it will not work if it doesn't feel to come from an authoritative figure. Humans being humans, we love big things. For the same reason that we so easily fall to our needs in a need to pray a big daddy in the sky, people are naturally geared to respect what appears to them as a legitimate and imposing figure, regardless of what this is all about.
Being a proselyte for a superior power feels far more respectable and people are gregarious, they want to flock to something greater than them. The shepherd syndrome if you will. If they know that they are not alone, that someone else living on the other side of a region or country thinks the same and does the same than them, it's all the easier to attract such people to our house. This is why the brand phenomenon works for business, this why it works for politics and religion too. But we're yet to use properly for our own ends.
Now regarding the security, there's something we must accept: most people will be careless and will absolutely want to spread their new liberated views online. We know that there will be mistakes and a lot of waste. We could try to tell them to keep their opinions to themselves but that wouldn't work. It would above all be contrary to our objective, shifting the pressure onto our enemies.
We cannot hold a self-contradictory message where on one hand we say we should be proud of ourselves and not have to hide, and on the other hand say to our followers that they shall silence themselves and not even dare speak openly. There must come a time when this has to stop.
I actually believe in the flood effect. We have seen something of that order in Facebook where the censors are too few and psychologically strained to deal with the truth and hatred. The judicial system is equally strained too. It only works because the Federal agents can pick our own one by one, in isolated cases. But what happens when we are many, millions? And when we start forming militias and drawing guns as soon as ZOG dogs come barking at our doors?
We need a greater bonding, more solidarity. We need to saturate the judicial system, bring it to a halt. We need militias to defend ourselves when our own people are threatened by migrants, by employers, by journalists, by mayors, by teachers, by judges or by cops. We need to create a parallel society where another set or rules becomes the real law. Our law.
>Right now the enemy is well-entrenched and has near full control of the population and institutions as well as a robust surveilance apparatus, therefore operating in small, self-sufficient and expendable cells is the way to go.
There's assuredly a need to possess the ability to push hard where it matters, but it has to be smart and it needs not be excessive. In fact, the more violent and vainglorious, the more it will attract the Feds and the fruit flies known as journalists. However, a constant silent pressure that is mundane, of low intensity but which happens anywhere and everywhere is far more efficient.
People are manipulated through fear but only ZOG as a monopoly on fear today because there is no consequence for being openly anti-White. Whatever a cell will do, it should remain secretive. Don't brag about it, don't talk about it before or after. Just go through the gestures and complete whatever you decided needed to be done. Be swift and efficient. Waste no energy no resources. Act quickly and cleanly, move out, don't get caught.