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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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skip to paragraph 4 if you don't want the preamble about Rome

I was contemplating the Roman Empire, as we all do. In particular, Hermann's (Armenius) successful revolt against them. Hermann was able to, as a trusted Roman advisor no less, mobilize and organize an army of ~20,000 and ambush a Roman army at least of that size, destroy it, and liberate Germania. Let us just contemplate the logistics of this feat.
While serving as the commander of a significant Roman auxiliary army, Armenius contacted the leadership of at least 7 tribes. Mind you, this isn't as simple as playing a videogame where you press the button and ally with the singular AI of a tribe. Actual Germanic tribes were run by people, potentially thousands of local leaders, councils, and the commoners themselves. Germanic tribes were in many cases governed by folkmoots or assemblies of all the free men of the polity. 
What I am getting at here is that there is absolutely no way you could keep this rebellion a secret between Armenius + 7 absolute kings.
This revolt was common knowledge among at least 7 major tribes and therefore, common knowledge among most Germans of 9 AD.

Yet the Roman governor Publius Quinctilius Varus had absolutely no clue it was happening until his men were cut off and surrounded in Teutoburg Forest. To put this in a modern context, imagine a scenario where something like 30-40% of the White American population (rough estimate of the % of German population at the time based on eyeballing a map) is actively supporting a revolt against ZOG. This revolt would common knowledge for something like maybe >60% (pure guess based on eyeballing trade routes of ancient Germanic) of the population for at least a year before a shot is fired.
Yet when it goes down, the kikes are taken by total surprise.
Just imagine that.

It's ludicrous. There is simply no way in which this regime wouldn't figure out what was going on with so many people in the loop. Someone would blab. It's like going to the "tribe" of Kansas and meeting with the "Folksmoot" of their government and convincing a some townhall style meeting of people to rebel yet not one person telling the feds. Not gonna happen.
And yet the success of this rebellion isn't unique at all. The Romans were routinely, in fact usually caught completely off guard by rebellions. France, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Russia, China, Persia, every empire of the past was routinely surprised by peasant and ethnic revolts. In fact, it's not even a deep past thing. In the 20th century, decades long insurgencies were sustained by ethnic minorities like the Basque and Irish and Corsicans against industrialized democratic police states and yet the core element of the revolting population did not blab to the regime upon first hearing a rebellious thought. 

The point of all of this is to evidence that there is something fundamentally different about the modern American (& west European) population. The very notion that a large subset of the population could openly plot a rebellion and catch the regime off guard is ludicrous. Why is everyone so willing, even eager to inform on his neighbors over something as idiotic as not wearing a fucking covid mask while men in 9 AD spent at least a year not telling the Romans that Armenius was running around Germany preaching rebellion?
I think that the main issue is that the American/west European population views the jewish regime as the legitimate authority. Despite all this talk of hating the government, even conservatives believe that the system works and even represents them. I'm not saying that I have stood on a soap box and preached armed rebellion at my local hunting club, but in a thousand conversations I have gotten the gyst that if I did, I'd not receive a warm reception. I suspect you know this too or you'd be doing it. 
The Germans of 9 AD, the English Peasants of 1381, and the Basques of the 1970s did not view their rulers as legitimate. So when rebellion was pitched, they didn't blab. 

Therefore, in order to get out of the death camp that is White genocide, we need to move our folk away from viewing the regime as representatives of the population. They are occupiers, exploiters, enemies. 
Obviously, it would be just terrible to actually want a rebellion against the sacrosanct US government. But I have often heard a counter-argument to what I just wrote that goes like:
>who cares about the wider population? History is written by determined minorities. White nationalists should form tiny cells that shoot out the electric grid. Once power goes down, there will be riots and somehow this leads to us emerging from the chaos as absolute masters of America.
(Again, I disavow actually doing illegal crimes that break the law.)

This is unrealistic in a multitude of ways. 
Firstly, if the population rioting against a power outage leads to the regime collapsing, why would that not apply to us? 
Secondly, why would that even lead to the regime collapsing? Maybe there would be a recession, but the regime has nigh infinite resources and we do not. If rioting peasants are going to look for someone to restore power, they wouldn't look to tiny White nationalist cells. 
Thirdly, who is even rioting here? This "plan" as I understand it is to get niggers to riot. But if niggers are rioting against the regime, then the regime will just shoot them dead and our own population will cheer on the regime. Jews don't give a shit about niggers. If they become a threat to their power, they'll just shoot them. Ironically, the only subset of our population that would oppose this are the shitlibs. Is the plan to get them to initiate an insurgency? What would that accomplish?
The entire "shoot transformers" meme is reactive and leads nowhere.

There is simply no realistic way for a tiny percentage of the population to overthrow this regime. We need at least a large percentage of the White population to actively oppose the regime. Not write about how much they hate taxes on twitter, but to actively abstain from participating in the regime and its institutions. To be in a state of mind where they do not immediately call the police when someone talks about non-legal actions.
Replies: >>6172 >>6513
>>6165 (OP) 
Arminius and his people didn't live in an hyper-individualist neo-liberal hellhole like the US nowadays where everyone are taught to be "unique" and "competitive", why you are special and the other guys suck, which is why it was easy for them to have it kept as a secret from the Romans.

Your Average Joe or what we call the 'lemming' otherwise looked up to leaders of the tribes instead as they didn't have the television or any other instrument of the institutional media complex for their brains to absorb their information from.
They also didn't have sophisticated indoctrinated centers (as in schools) to state what trends, idea, lifestyles it wants them to do.

>There is simply no realistic way for a tiny percentage of the population to overthrow this regime. We need at least a large percentage of the White population to actively oppose the regime. 
It must be cleared that mass public support is an indicator of success, not 'prerequisite' for success.
Revolutionaries like Lenin and his fanatical commies were relatively small compared to the Mensheviks and the White Guard Monarchists.
But they had the most productive people out of all (generally coming from rural areas), they convinced already-alienated mechanics and electricians who in return happily returned the favor by sabotaging the Russian side during WW1.
Numerous !=! Productive.
An group of one hundred random retards can't outwork one quality and productive activist.

Also I'm pretty sure no one outside of Kaczynskist circles would actually want to sabotage the power in order to achieve Total Aryan Victory, it would be retarded to try taking control of a huge country like America without industrialization and electricity since the Chinks and Russians could just invade easily and gain it all.
The consensus I've heard among the NS circles are generally either small cells via guerilla style or the another option which the plan is to re-learn and  repeat Lenin's tactics, the tactics of Hamas and Hezbollah, generally any revolutionary tactic and then apply them to impoverished areas like West Virginia.
Replies: >>6174
That is true. The rootedness of traditional societies plays a major role in the success of rebellions. Sadly, I cannot envision a way we can engineer this back without having taken power first. Though, perhaps a severe economic collapse could snap people back into reality and rootedness bourn out of poverty would develop organically.
>small cells via guerilla style or the another option which the plan is to re-learn and  repeat Lenin's tactics, the tactics of Hamas and Hezbollah, generally any revolutionary tactic and then apply them to impoverished areas like West Virginia.
The communists had already attained widespread support among unions, farmers, and soldiers long before Lenin arrived in Finland. And Hezbollah is the definition of movement politics. It's well known that they maintain a staunchly loyal population base through providing charity which the Lebanese state fails to deliver. They are most akin to Armenius' rebellion against Rome. 

The problem with guerilla movements that lack popular support is they lack the ability to draw strength from the people. Not just the ability to take shelter, but the intel and physical support that the population provide is essential. Imagine the success of a pro-White cell that conducts terror attacks against any target vs one which strictly limits itself in target selection to reduce civilian casualties, yet also enjoys strong support among the West Virginian population. There is no controversy, the latter would be much more successful. 
The former has no cushion and would operate on a knife's edge, one mistake away from being wiped out by authorities. 
As for the Russian revolution, that was made possible only by at least 2 generations of political work by leftist and jewish agitators. 

Furthermore, imagine the long term future for said cell. The goal is ultimately to form a new government for White people. Which is more likely to attain this? A group which operates under the assumption that the support of the people is irrelevant or the group which focuses on this? Again, no controversy. Intuition suggests the latter.
Even if the alienated cell somehow did overthrow the regime, how could it even take power after dealing the final blow except by engaging in yet another war against the very population we're fighting to free?
Replies: >>6177 >>6529 >>6564
I would imagine the small cell option (with you and your three buddies that you knew all your life) would be a viable option when you're dealing with the institutional power-agencies like FBI which agents are unneeded to infiltrate various network of (potential) informants could do the job.
Times are changing however, when Trump squeezes the FBI and other agencies out by replacing them with incompetent unqualified loyalists with zero experience, plus his buddy Elon could de-power the government into much more smaller.

A little reminder that Ancaps, Lolbertarians and Social Democrats are the best useful idiots that NS would ever ask for, as candidates for elections, since those two are for small "governments" which couldn't fight insurgent organizations very well and the latter accelerates the dismantlement of countries so well. that only will then our cause seem the most attractive to the masses and we will have guaranteed victory only if we are more competent than the other radical groups.
Back then, the Social Democrats fucked up Germany so bad that Hitler only won public support then after and got elected. So one could only hope for Bernie-Sanders type Democrat to get elected.

Also distinguish movement, which kind?
Lenin didn't recruit random leftoids as given his animosity towards the broader Mensheviks, not without some strong vetting first, and I doubt other revolutionary groups like the Jihadists also did the same.
Smaller movements that are packed with smaller mass but more muscle will achieve more than any sort of mass-movement. (as it grows with more mass in the most literal sense, aka fatties.)
Replies: >>6181 >>6568
>when Trump squeezes the FBI and other agencies out by replacing them with incompetent unqualified loyalists with zero experience, plus his buddy Elon could de-power the government into much more smaller.
I have almost zero faith that Trump will rock the boat he is now captain of.
Though, I will pray to ancient Aryan Gods that he does.

Lenin didn't create the Russian revolution. He highjacked it. By the time he stepped off his train, there was already a raging hurricane of political revolution.
>>6165 (OP) 
>To be in a state of mind where they do not immediately call the police when someone talks about non-legal actions.
You just need dudes in Racist costumes to show up to neighborhoods inconsistently and tell people how to kill cops. People will become desensitized if you repeatedly tell them what makes zogbots scared to go to work.
Replies: >>6536
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Original Racist meme by me.
>Though, perhaps a severe economic collapse could snap people back into reality and rootedness bourn out of poverty would develop organically.
You're making a very common mistake, one cuckservatives make all the damn time. You're thinking in purely economic terms when you should be thinking in racial terms. Let me be clear on this: Economic hardship is likely to cause unrest, but no crisis will ever get John Q. Public to actually revolt. He will grumble, he will complain, he might post angry tirades on his Facebook page, but at the end of the day if his basic wants are fulfilled he will not lift a finger. If the average guy on the street has a beer in his hand, a working TV to watch sportsball and soap operas and some food in the fridge he will tolerate any indignity. The only way they will ever get off their asses and do something is if their backs are against the wall. When niggers are roaming the streets in packs raping and killing Whites in broad daylight and the authorities refuse to intervene, when the average person feels their life is directly threatened, and if there is a visible alternative to the authorities that will adamantly refuse to help them, only then you have their support.
Replies: >>6536
This, incidentally, was one of the strategies of the Taliban. They would take over villages at night and let the Americans take them back in the day. The purpose was to make it clear that if you collaborate with the enemy, you will be killed at night.

>no crisis will ever get John Q. Public to actually revolt. He will grumble, he will complain, he might post angry tirades on his Facebook page, but at the end of the day if his basic wants are fulfilled he will not lift a finger.
If there is a serious economic collapse, his basic wants will not be fulfilled.

That said, I agree that it's possible that White men will never revolt until niggers are shooting people dead in his own neighborhood. The trouble is that we have established a tradition of White flight here in this country. So White men will flee and concede and surrender until we are down to the last White suburb, then he will flee to the hills. The earlier we resist, the better.
Replies: >>6545
>If there is a serious economic collapse, his basic wants will not be fulfilled.
Take a look at the Great Depression. ((( Big Biz ))) guys were living in the lap of luxury and being decadent degenerates as usual while the average American family was struggling not to die from starvation. It didn't lead to a nationwide uprising where bankers got dragged out of their homes and hanged in public places. The average American was simply focused on trying to survive to the next day, only worrying about themselves, their families and maybe their local communities (admittedly penny auctions is something you won't ever see in modern times). We saw better results in Germany because they were fresh from losing a war and suffering a period where the people was not just starved but humiliated and those responsible rubbed it in their faces. There was also an attempt at a Communist revolution that exacerbated the public unrest, and the widespread degeneracy and indignity was the perfect accelerant to make things truly blow up when our mutual friend stood up and got started.

What it boils down to is that you have to knock normalfags out of the "got mine, everyone else get fucked" mindset. He'll try to worry, again, about himself, his family, maybe his friends and local community; but he'll try to "do his own thing" and stay neutral, hoping the upheaval doesn't affect his little corner of the world. If he's made to feel that he can't afford to sit on the fence, that whatever happens will affect him no matter how much he ducks his head, and most importantly if the consequnces he fears are immediately personal and physical, only then will he recover his manhood and start taking action.

In short, it takes a special cauldron of economic downfall, social unrest, political violence and proper propagandizing in order to get the normalfags on your side. Like you said however, the earlier it's knocked into their heads that they have to stand up and act, the better. There are less and less places to run back to, and our population is shrinking every year. If not now, when? If not us, who?
Replies: >>6561 >>6571
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All of the historical phenomenons of which an political movement took power ONLY generally during economic crisis, that is the absolute and most necessary prerequisite, humiliation and alienation are secondary to it.
The cauldron does taste nice, but without the soup however of which is total economic collapse, it would just be the carrots and other vegetables.
I'm sorry to say, but us guys only take power when things go to absolute shit to the point when you couldn't afford to live in an apartment even.
Trump's victory should had alluded you that promising cheap prices, cheap gas, so cheap it's almost free makes lemmings go WILD for you. 
Guess who also utilized that strategy... Lenin and his "Peace, Land, and Bread".
They never gave any dog-shit about race at all until it was pointed out to them that cheap prices go away when Haitians invade in. Just as they also never gave two shits about LGBT and other sorts of faggotry either, generally any sort of social issue ever.

Greece didn't experience an war humiliation from other nations when they got their debt to the European Union (and into to Germany in particular),
YET out of this arose the Golden Dawn who were an developing parallel society to which where the System couldn't provide any kind of service like food banks and private security, the Golden Dawn could AND would.
Ancient Rome also didn't experience war humiliation when Christianity came to exist, the Church provided social services and as a reward, they were rewarded with recruits. 
They used pseudo-pacifism to excuse themselves out to participate in the Roman military, terrorized Pagans and destroyed the temples.

Generally, the Great Depression would seem insignificant to you since political movements get overlooked and forgotten as days go by. 
But even that is not true, as the Great Depression DID produce any political movements in the US, the German-American Bund comes to mind, the Silver Legion of America, the Black Legion (Which were a more violent offshoot of the KKK) that came to be in 1925 became more popular during the GD.
Even Huey Long's movement "Share Our Wealth" was success pretty much until he got assassinated.
Now why all of them didn't succeed comes down to some particular issues that may float over the head of observers if they didn't examine closely.

Inaction, lack of revolutionary fervor, lack of proper understanding of their own worldview (given that Fritz Julius Kuhn said that George Washington, an liberal ideologue was the first "fascist"), Electoralism and reformism instead of being revolutionary.
As it seems, fanaticism with cruelty and merciless to their adversaries along with knowing your own fucking worldview ARE the spices that make the cauldron taste really special.
Bolshevism, the singular will and an particular manifestation of Marxism won Russia all over the White Guards and other Leftists due to their cruelty, promising and providing cheap shit and absolute fanaticism.
Replies: >>6571
>The problem with guerilla movements that lack popular support is they lack the ability to draw strength from the people. Not just the ability to take shelter, but the intel and physical support that the population provide is essential. Imagine the success of a pro-White cell that conducts terror attacks against any target vs one which strictly limits itself in target selection to reduce civilian casualties, yet also enjoys strong support among the West Virginian population. There is no controversy, the latter would be much more successful. 
>The former has no cushion and would operate on a knife's edge, one mistake away from being wiped out by authorities. 
Ask Ned Kelly how well that worked out for him. It's all fun and games until some normalfag decides the money reward for turning you and your lads in is too juicy to pass up. Or he shits himself in fear when the System threatens severe consequences for those who give aid and comfort to "racist terrorists" and turns you and your lads in to be a good little goy.
Replies: >>6565 >>6572
Ned Kelly would tell you it was still worth the effort, faggot.
Replies: >>6566
>Ned Kelly would tell you it was still worth the effort, faggot.
Missing the point. The point is that you can't rely on normalfags for protection or anything else, because they have no loyalty except to themselves and by extension the System. If they believe they can profit from turning you out to the authorities, they will. If they fear the System more than you (and they will unless you're already winning) they will turn you out to save their own hides. Even if you decide to go on a campaign of terror against snitches and informants to cower them into silence, you can never be 100% sure they will not turn on you. A different approach is needed.
Replies: >>6572
You have go back to 4chan, you stupid glownigger. 8chan called out trump for the BS ziocuck he was, nothing changed after 4 years of him being president. 8chan called this out in 2015 when major powerful jews started supporting him.

> when Trump squeezes the FBI and other agencies out by replacing them with incompetent unqualified loyalists with zero experience, plus his buddy Elon could de-power the government into much more smaller.
You type like a police officer. You are all terrible writers.
Replies: >>6607
> The average American was simply focused on trying to survive to the next day, only worrying about themselves, their families and maybe their local communities
This is sadly true and I believe that the blame for this lies in the strong sense of state legitimacy which the people at that time and even today felt towards the government. This must break. So long as the people feel that the government is representative of their interests, they will continue to support it passively and actively. The German people did not appear to view the "centerist" parties of Weimar Germany as anything more than a cabal of oligarchs. 

I don't dispute that we need to destroy the selfish extremist individualism. Or rather, this cringe boomer mentality that permeates everything in this culture. How we accomplish this is beyond me. And I agree with you that privation may be the fix.
But ultimately, the core problem is this irrational view that the American regime is representative of the public. This has to be broken or the people will never resist.

To reiterate using what >>6561 wrote, you need more than just economic trouble. We need to focus on breaking the chain that binds the people to the regime. This chain, which is the feeling of state legitimacy, is mentally incapacitating our people.
>Ask Ned Kelly how well that worked out for him.
That in no way invalidates what you greentexted.
Had Ned Kelly had more loyalty among the local population, he would have undeniably been in a better position.
>You can never be 100% certain that someone, somewhere will not rat
Okay, well, if you are hated by everyone, you have a pretty high chance that someone will rat.
But if the people hate the regime and love you, your chances of being ratted out are much, much smaller.
Again, I don't follow your point.
Replies: >>6573
>Had Ned Kelly had more loyalty among the local population, he would have undeniably been in a better position.
He had widespread loyalty. It took one greedy fuck hoping for a reward to rat him out and bring his gang to ruin. The moral of the story is don't rely on normalfags, they don't buy into Robin Hood stories. You need to setup your own clandestine networks and hide them not just from the enemy but also your normalfag neighbors.

>Okay, well, if you are hated by everyone, you have a pretty high chance that someone will rat.
It's not a matter of love or hate. I doubt anyone even among the most brainwashed and moronic normalfags love the System. It's just that their carrots are juicier and their sticks bigger, and it won't be any different until you're in a strong enough position to challenge their rule. For instance, on top of the System's promise to fulfill basic wants in general, how are you going to beat the System's promises of monetary rewards for snitching on "suspected extremists in your local neighborhood", or extra rations or whatever else as the case may be? Hell, there were a lot of assholes who snitched on their neighbors and even their own families during the Covid quarantine years and the aftermath of J6 'for free', simply to grandstand on social media and enjoy the dopamine rush of being a good golem. Furthermore, if a civil war situation is reached and the System also threatens the population with severe consequences should they give aid and comfort to "nazi terrorists" or talk about how they will suspect anyone who doesn't report whoever gives signs of "racist or antisemitic attitudes and affiliations" of complicity and punish them accordingly; how are you going to make them fear your reprisals for snitching more than the System's threats for not snitching? Normfalgas only respond to the dominant power, and we're a long way from being recognized as the dominant power. It can be done, but it'll take a lot of work before there's a meaningful shift.
Replies: >>6582 >>6800
>The moral of the story is don't rely on normalfags,
That's like saying, "the moral of the story is don't drink water"
It is not possible to maintain an insurgent force without support from the people. You can maintain a tiny terrorist cell without it if you have a foreign state backer. Which is so unlikely for White nationalists that I don't consider it.

>how are you going to beat the System's promises of monetary rewards for snitching on "suspected extremists in your local neighborhood"
Same thing, carrot and stick. The IRA managed to not get ratted out very often despite operating in the open in many cases. That's due to public support from normalfags. The stick is killing traitors. Or at least kneecapping them. 

>how are you going to make them fear your reprisals for snitching more than the System's threats for not snitching?
If the penalty for snitching on rebels is the same as the penalty for snitching on the system, then it'll be up to the individuals to determine for themselves who they like better. Which brings us right back to square 1: You cannot conduct an insurgency without the support of at least a sizeable portion of the people.
You are the blackest gorilla nigger with the shittiest reading comprehension ever. No one here is endorsing Trump for his worldview or ideology,
Only how useful he is to Accelerationists and how much damage he could provide to the nation.
Go back to cripplekikechan.
Replies: >>6608
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>Only how useful he is to Accelerationists and how much damage he could provide to the nation.
>to accelerationists
He pacified all possible non-radicalized nationalist supporters by making them believe the system still works, and the jews let him win the election again after a lot of the electorate lost faith in the democratic system in 2020. Faith in democracy restored and wokies bashed, how's that for helpful Accelerationism? His victory made sure the people willing to rise up simply won't do it because they are back at believing they can win elections. Retards like you think you can overthrow governments and get rid of jewish power by posting on an imageboard. He destroyed the momentum wave the decent folk had going by turning anti-immigration and anti-weimar policy into an Israel dicksucking contest.

>No one here is endorsing Trump for his worldview or ideology
Never in my post i said that you endorsed him, it was stated clearly in my post that your endorsement was of his possible benefits to Accelerationists, which is something very different than what your accusing me of. Despite the fact that what i said is something completely different than what is written in your reply to my post.
Replies: >>6610 >>6611 >>6619
>Faith in democracy restored
People keep saying this but I haven't seen it IRL.
Most of those who saw the fraud of democracy in 2020 still think it's worthless. Only those who thought it was a fluke rather than a systemic problem have had "faith restored", and those lemmings never really lost faith.
Replies: >>6614
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>He pacified all possible non-radicalized nationalist supporters by making them believe the system still works, and the jews let him win the election again after a lot of the electorate lost faith in the democratic system in 2020. Faith in democracy restored and wokies bashed, how's that for helpful Accelerationism? His victory made sure the people willing to rise up simply won't do it because they are back at believing they can win elections. He destroyed the momentum wave the decent folk had going by turning anti-immigration and anti-weimar policy into an Israel dicksucking contest.
He only pacified anyone who is still foolish enough to believe him, actual NS radicals just move on and go on to recruit any potential radicals to their worldview.
His presence alone heavily increased political polarization. Anyone that were apolitical are now driven into the two camps of "Hyperborean Chuds" and "Leftist Antifa SJWs". Fear and dread are present in the atmosphere to the point where not even some Joe that's living in the bumfuck of nowhere is unaffected.
The George Floyd nigger BLM riots happened under his reign and rampaged across the states, thus planting the seeds of radicalization into anyone affected. Trump retreated into his bitch bunker instead of dealing with them directly.
Trump pardoned nigger rappers instead of his own supporters during his last month.
I think it's fair to say that at least ONE MAGAoid has been disappointed as a result if not many of them more.

Instead of fretting like you're doing right now, it is better to contemplate how much could he fuck it all up. There are good reasons and even better of a chance that he really would fuck it all up hard in his second term compared to others.
He's got Shitlibs and Leftists fedposting about him all over, will they actually follow up on their death threats however remains to be seen.
He's a huge tariff-pusher, that alone makes him more worthy of an Accelerationist candidate in my eyes relatively compared to Kamala.
Tarriffs indirectly increase your daily prices, the tax he would impose on any foreign companies would just increase the prices of the daily goods in return thus worsening the standard of living for the average citizen. The Tariff Act of 1930 while not directly causing the Great Depression helped sunk it further.
You worry too much for what is just four years, it's his last term and I doubt his successors are charismatic as he is, he will only just hasten the inevitable collapse and it's coming sooner than you may think since they actually admitted to it themselves that it will come in 2031. (https://archive.ph/uQXsn)

>Retards like you think you can overthrow governments and get rid of jewish power by posting on an imageboard
I don't, why would I tell you my plans on this chink-basket weaving board and why would you NEED to know? :^)
I would say instead that it is more possible and successful to get rid of jewish power by using forums rather, than it is for imageboards.
In fact, the only reason (You) and I are discussing Accelerationism at all is thanks to Ironmarch at all, whom did just fine during Trump's first term until the FSB forcibly shut them down. Stephan Baele's tactics would never work on there in million of years, because his plan to subvert fundamentally relies on the inclusive and open nature of imageboards, Forums with a heavy emphasis on vetting and quality checking exclude such "people" (Bots) and tactics.

>Never in my post i said that you endorsed him, it was stated clearly in my post that your endorsement was of his possible benefits to Accelerationists, which is something very different than what your accusing me of. Despite the fact that what i said is something completely different than what is written in your reply to my post.
In what fucking way does calling me a glownigger and telling me that I "write like a police officer" is stated clearly? All you did was do these. It doesn't matter what Cripplechan /pol/ had done in 2015 because they fucking turned into a shithole banning literature threads as Imkampfy had shat his Turkroach pants fearing the very thought of Anons discovering and applying the wisdom of their forefathers (Hitler, Codreanu, Rockwell, Mosley) would ever invalidate Imkampfy's crab bucket derad cult.
And why is it bad to write like a "police officer"? Are you ESL?
You're just preaching to the choir, yeah no fucking shit he is an Zionist candidate.
Replies: >>6612 >>6619
>the inevitable collapse
>it will come in 2031
Big if true. From the NPR article...
>Unless changes are made before then to shore up the program, 66 million Social Security recipients would see their benefits cut by 23-25%.
Does this constitute a "collapse"?
>the Medicare trust fund
>That could result in an 11% pay cut to health care providers
Does this constitute a "collapse"?
Replies: >>6621
Exactly. I voted for Trump not expecting much and if anything the cabinet shenanigans so far have been even worse than I expected. I'm pretty much blackpilled on the future of America as a coherent entity until some viable revolutionary or at least secessionist movement arises. Right now, I don't see one. PF is a joke and they're basically the only name that matters in American WN
Replies: >>6615 >>6616 >>6619
>I'm pretty much blackpilled on the future of America as a coherent entity
I am even more blackpilled than that. I truly have no idea what direction to go because all of it seems like a dead-end under the current conditions. I suppose just maintain fitness so I don't die tired.
Replies: >>6616
Most of the men with any sort of balls or agency all seemed to have went to the left. We all know that it was a left-wing faggot who shot the heal insurance CEO. His motives were left wing. It is like this retarded species, all races, are more likely to fight for their privileges to be hedonistic degenerates than their own existence. I guess National Socialism/fascism completely ignores the human condition: people will only do anything if it personally affects their comforts and needs. The only reason why it found success in Germany was  because men needed to pimp their wives out so that their families didn't starve. If it was like now, same shit would happen. 

Hell, I knew nothing was going to happen as a result of the vax. No mass die offs. No people suddenly becoming sterile. Just a bunch of controlled sheep getting a rushed, poorly tested pharma drug. I have been floxxed by ciprofloxacin, which causes even more damage than the vax side effects, mind you. That was when I came to the conclusion that pharma is for profit, and thus will rush dangerous drugs that kill or maim people, so long as the chances are low enough that people do not notice, to please their shareholders. That is a part of corporate Jewish law: fiduciary responsibility. 

The great reset will not be some big flashy communist kike revolution/ depopulation event. All that will happen is that the boomers will sell their properties in order to cover the costs of their retirement homes. Meanwhile, millennials, now in  their forties to fifties, get reamed up the ass yet again for the umpteenth time in a row. Collapses never happen. 

First world countries are surprisingly resistant to collapse for a multitude of reasons. People think peak oil will eventually lead to the downfall of ZOG. ZOG can just drill deeper. There are enough resources in this planet that, by the time humanity's long extinct, they'll still be there in abundance.

Wanna here something even truly blackpilling I have realized? With AI, the Jews and the non-White slave races can maintain advanced civilization without us very easily. AI can invent the new technologies. AI can make the new scientific discoveries. Hell, give them a few decades with AI and they can even leave the planet and potentially colonize the solar system or even the galaxy. Super intelligent AI will be the killing blow to the White race. Artificial intelligences have the potential to make even the smartest, most brilliant men of our race look like drooling cretins. 

Against this sort of power, the odds are borderline impossible. The only scenarios where people are victorious against this are complete fiction because the protagonist has as much plot armor as fucking Batman.
Is this a bot?
>Anyone that were apolitical are now driven into the two camps of "Hyperborean Chuds" and "Leftist Antifa SJWs"
>implying everyone who is anti-woke is chudzil

>The Tariff Act of 1930 while not directly causing the Great Depression helped sunk it further.
Actually, FDR directly caused the depression with the tariffs because nobody abroad would buy american products anymore. The economy was recovering before the tariffs were implemented, and after the tariffs it skyrocketed. FDR literally caused the great depression with communist economic policy.

>You're just preaching to the choir, yeah no fucking shit he is an Zionist candidate.
Everything you write in the last paragraph is nothing but a straw-man, secondly, the last paragraph of this post stands>>6608. I never accused you of supporting trump, i said you are a retard if you think he benefits Accelerationists. What i said stands.

>Forums with a heavy emphasis on vetting and quality checking exclude such "people" (Bots) and tactics.
Actually it relies on incompetence of the mod team, stormfront was subverted and so was every other website.

If you enforce board rules, its a better system than any other. /fascist/ is for fascists only, /v/ is for videogames. Politics get banned on /v/. Everything that doesn't support fascism gets banned on /fascist/, there problem solved.

>PF is a joke and they're basically the only name that matters in American WN
I like PF, problem is, like all other small WN movements, it has not produced anything that benefits WN. 

What a horrible post, everything you said is retarded and devoid of any substance.
>Does this constitute a "collapse"?
YES to both of those questions, it will strain the welfare state which in return will lead to the possible systemic collapse slowly but surely.
Doubled with the unfunded liabilities (Look it up, it's a nice financial redpill.) of which there is OVER $100 trillion in, and you got yourself a ticking time-bomb.
I suggest you welcome Prayer of the Rollerboys as our possible future.
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>all the men
One single guy.
>wanna here
WTF are you talking about
things are the best they have ever been.
kek nevermind, you identify with THEM in principle, yeah kys
Interesting thread that was hijacked b low IQ individuals.
the cell structure is a terrible forced meme.
Tribes are a good structure, with family dynamics, entirely and ACTUALLY self-sufficient unlike cellist LARPery (cellism is an alright idea for a well orchestrated campaign/elbaorate terrorist attack but like nothing else. Hence in natural real-world manifestations like sandnigger insurgency it manifests this way. But not online on Telegram groups in the early 20s because successful warfare tactics aren’t as cool and dark foreigner artwork terrorwave omgxd. Hence the more educated these kids become the more they drift towards successful stratagem, and this was seen in a way via terrorgram’s publications and TAF seperately as the men behind the operations matured and became more educated on warfare
Replies: >>6687 >>6697 >>6700
Cells would work if you had a highly motivated, high IQ population. 
We have neither.
The cold hard truth is that realistically, all the super complex plans that require thousands of people being in lock step and not making a single mistake are bad plans.
Replies: >>6700
They were not matured, the handlers simply saw that they had to adapt and correct their template because of the online opposition and debunking of their Gladio-like sloperations.
And cell tactics can indeed only work if there's definitely a higher power to guide them all without yet having to send direct orders.
Replies: >>6700
The thing is, the obvious avenues of recruitment are out. Handing out flyers on the street is not just a complete waste of time, it'll put you right in ZOG's crosshairs and have a file made on you, with the feds ready to pounce the second it looks like it'll be going somewhere or they need a scapegoat for some purpose. Online recruitment is also off the table, given all the surveilance and algorithms and whatnot. The real problem with these recruitment tactics however is that the low barrier of entry will mean most of the guys who will try to join (besides the informants) will be idiots, weirdos, larpers, blabbermouths and shitheads trying to be edgy to fit in. Or worse, "responsible conservative" types.

There's another problem, and it's the false dichotomy of appeal versus message. If you want to recruit as many people as possible into the cause you'll have to dilute the message because most normalfags won't touch "le nazi hate rhetoric" with a 10 foot pole for fear of their jobs and reputations, plus those who do join will be the aforementioned wastes of oxygen. In other words, recruiting from the general population and leaving it at that, a game of numbers, is going to result in failure.

On the other hand, if you don't dilute the message and hold to a hard line to keep out the dabblers and the hobbyists, you risk attracting the feds' attention, and it's a much bigger risk in an age of keyword algorithms and 24/7 camera surveilance on every street.

Why do I call it a false dichotomy, you might be wondering? I call it a false dichotomy because the answer is neither of the above. The best path, in my opinion, is to start recruiting at the local level. Co-workers, gym pals, neighbors, the like. The close familiarity will allow you to screen and vet them personally, and if you're perceptive and play your cards right you'll be able to filter the guys who will be useful and dedicated to the cause from the chaff. In an age of perennial surveilance online and off, you'll have to operate like a Roman mystery cult in order to survive as an organization.

Of course you won't take the country let alone the world with just you and your poker buddies, you have to expand at some point. Do it gradually, from your street to your neighborhood to your district to your city. Once you're confident you've got good coverage of your city, it's time to spread to other places. Without going into too much detail, I'd say the best way to go about it is to grab a select few members of your group that either travel a lot or have a good alivi to spend a good amount of time away from home, people you 100% trust not just to relay orders but to run the show in your absence and not fuck up at all where opsec is concerned. In any case, you send those guys out to recruit as you did, and so establish cells in other cities. I'm aware this whole process will strike you as terribly slow and inefficient, but remember: Quality beats quantity.

All that said, >>6638 is right in a way. Decentralized cell structures are good for raising hell and conducting insurgent operations but little else. I do not believe they're a "forced meme" however. They're only the first stage, eventually you have to step out of the shadows and take the fight to the enemy. Right now the enemy is well-entrenched and has near full control of the population and institutions as well as a robust surveilance apparatus, therefore operating in small, self-sufficient and expendable cells is the way to go. Once the control apparatus is damaged and the enemy's grip is slackened, once the resistance has a good powerbase and sufficient resources for more ambitious operations, once your organization has a presence in the stage of power, then's the time to coalesce all the cells into a larger coordinated whole. Obvious there's the risk of facional disputes and whatnot, but if you did well in the initial recruitment phase then the risk will be minimal as ideological coherence (a much more important element of warfare than numbers or resources) will remain strong across all units. It's far from impossible, though it'll take a lot of work and foresight.
Replies: >>6701 >>6712 >>6817
Sounds good but do you really think it can succeed when time is against us in every way that matters?
Replies: >>6702
I don't know that I will succeed. I don't have the benefit of historical hindsight. And I'm man enough to recognize I'm not some great and glorious leader. I'm no Julius Caesar, no Napoleon Bonaparte, no Adolf Hitler. I don't believe I'm exceptional in any way. I don't believe I have a grand destiny, or that I'm the Chosen One, or anything of the sort. I don't know what the future will bring, or how long it'll take to win, or what sacrifices will have to be made, or if I'm strong enough to carry this on through to the end.

What I know is that I find the current state of the world around me to be intolerable in every way, and that I don't want my children to inherit it, or an even worse one. What I know is that I can ignore it and "live my life" and only worry about my own well-being and prosperity like the average baby boomer and let the next generation deal with it, but I find such a prospect an unforgivable dereliction of responsibility not just to myself or to my loved ones but to the aforementioned generations that will have to live in this world after I've left it. What I know is that if we fail, or worse, if we fail to act, no amount of excuses will mean anything. The light will go out of this world and it'll be reduced to a hellish cesspool of banality and decay. Our works of art will be destroyed, our monuments will be torn down, alll our history and culture will be forgotten, all that we've ever been will be lost and all our struggles will amount to nothing.  Nobody will hear our excuses because there'll be nobody that'll remember us or care to, just a horde of mulatto zombies pissing on the ashes of our libraries and twerking on the burning ruins of our civilization.

What I think is this: Someone has to bell the cat.
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>The thing is, the obvious avenues of recruitment are out. 
Most of them indeed, especially outside of the US where speech is heavily restricted. But since Rockwell, Pierce and Klassen, no serious man has decided to take the mantle and really push pure ideals into the world.

The United States remain one of the few White countries where it still is possible legally to come up with a radical politcal party. Not that the party would have any chance to win but it would serve as a soapbox and loud speaker for our values.

More than ever, the popularity of these values is inversely proportional to their legality. Most of us are certainly convinced by now that a revolution, armed one at that, is necessary, which includes a partial collapse of the actual system before restarting it under our control. We do need to find ways to push our voices into the real world instead of being strictly constrained to limited venues such as more or less obscure websites and some alternative video channels that make only a thousand view per great video.

In a world where there still are hundreds of millions of Whites, most of them natively or capable of speaking English, this low reach is not much excusable. The current events have significantly eroded the Jews' control over our collective mind. We must push harder now.

I believe it is possible to form openly pro-White parties without even having to headbutt with the laws of the country. That is even true in Europe where it's harder over there. The powers that be will not be able to use the law but will put enough pressure through the medias to convince the population that it would be moral to outlaw such parties, which they'll definitely try to do.

Which means that a party that has no armed section is no party at all now. We must really begin to strongly consider being able to rely on silent forces to shove the population our way by use of threats while also–and that is crucial–benefiting from plausible deniability.

We also know how this will end. Nothing short of a civil war that escalates into a full fledged war against kikes and traitors will cut it. Somehow, we will need to able to put pressure on military commanders. These people have families too. A purge such as one that would our distant ancestors would have never balked at, one that depletes our nations from their traitors, that will be the obligatory path we shall follow.

I have hope. I do because I see normal people who feel that all is wrong. Young people are depressed and desperate. Provocative posting, lack of respect for the institutions and their lies and all sorts of radical opinions have now invaded the social networks and contribute to the growth of a healthy chaos. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a vast untapped potential that we have yet to find a way to unlock and take for ourselves. Maybe we haven't decided of the proper words yet.

I cannot trust the opinion that the strictly political option is vain when for the last two or three decades we've seldom seen any White Nationalist rise and attempt anything, really anything to convince the masses. Every message is diluted, every one is afraid of his own shadow. We can't succeed with this reductive and self-defeating mindset. We must not let the Jews control how far right the Overton window can slide because we must be the ones pushing it rightwards more and more.

Our message needs to be pure. No shame in being White, we want everything for Whites. Starting with our own countries, and we better be able to intellectually and verbally master the arguments to support such a claim.

>There's another problem, and it's the false dichotomy of appeal versus message. If you want to recruit as many people as possible into the cause you'll have to dilute the message because most normalfags won't touch "le nazi hate rhetoric" with a 10 foot pole for fear of their jobs and reputations, plus those who do join will be the aforementioned wastes of oxygen.
One reason this happens is because no one bothered telling them that it is abnormal to be ostracized for having such opinions. That no one should fear for his work, family or life for holding opinions that amount to saying I don't hate myself, I actually like myself what I am, that is is the others, the parasites, the suicidal, the traitors, the liars and the weak ones who should be afraid.

In fact when you look at there's simply been no properly formulated set of winning points to completely reverse the entire paradigm of pressure. It's OK to be White should be the norm and it should be explained why, and it should be explained that it is neither normal nor acceptable to be living in a once White country wherein Whites have been reduced to third class citizens who must keep quiet, live in shame and work hard to pay taxes to contribute to their own destruction.

This is a simple message that could come in so many variations and yet we barely hear it. Few are those who "ain't givin' a shit" and openly boast being White without sounding like a stupid caricature. Few figures stand for Whiteness. We can see Jared Taylor for example who is a judeophile nonetheless.

Which brings me to the other problem, being that we cannot solve this if we simply do not expose the Jews and finally tell our own people that there is no shame in attacking them. We have the evidence, mountains of evidence of their crimes, and there is no possible way we Whites should accept that Jews rule over us and write our own laws, our own songs, our own movies, our own scriptures. Yet who has been saying such a thing lately? Have we even tried going there before even talking about other unreachable fabulous ventures?

>Why do I call it a false dichotomy, you might be wondering? I call it a false dichotomy because the answer is neither of the above. The best path, in my opinion, is to start recruiting at the local level. Co-workers, gym pals, neighbors, the like. 
I agree but it will not work if it doesn't feel to come from an authoritative figure. Humans being humans, we love big things. For the same reason that we so easily fall to our needs in a need to pray a big daddy in the sky, people are naturally geared to respect what appears to them as a legitimate and imposing figure, regardless of what this is all about.

Being a proselyte for a superior power feels far more respectable and people are gregarious, they want to flock to something greater than them. The shepherd syndrome if you will. If they know that they are not alone, that someone else living on the other side of a region or country thinks the same and does the same than them, it's all the easier to attract such people to our house. This is why the brand phenomenon works for business, this why it works for politics and religion too. But we're yet to use properly for our own ends.

Now regarding the security, there's something we must accept: most people will be careless and will absolutely want to spread their new liberated views online. We know that there will be mistakes and a lot of waste. We could try to tell them to keep their opinions to themselves but that wouldn't work. It would above all be contrary to our objective, shifting the pressure onto our enemies.

We cannot hold a self-contradictory message where on one hand we say we should be proud of ourselves and not have to hide, and on the other hand say to our followers that they shall silence themselves and not even dare speak openly. There must come a time when this has to stop.

I actually believe in the flood effect. We have seen something of that order in Facebook where the censors are too few and psychologically strained to deal with the truth and hatred. The judicial system is equally strained too. It only works because the Federal agents can pick our own one by one, in isolated cases. But what happens when we are many, millions? And when we start forming militias and drawing guns as soon as ZOG dogs come barking at our doors?

We need a greater bonding, more solidarity. We need to saturate the judicial system, bring it to a halt. We need militias to defend ourselves when our own people are threatened by migrants, by employers, by journalists, by mayors, by teachers, by judges or by cops. We need to create a parallel society where another set or rules becomes the real law. Our law.

>Right now the enemy is well-entrenched and has near full control of the population and institutions as well as a robust surveilance apparatus, therefore operating in small, self-sufficient and expendable cells is the way to go.
There's assuredly a need to possess the ability to push hard where it matters, but it has to be smart and it needs not be excessive. In fact, the more violent and vainglorious, the more it will attract the Feds and the fruit flies known as journalists. However, a constant silent pressure that is mundane, of low intensity but which happens anywhere and everywhere is far more efficient.

People are manipulated through fear but only ZOG as a monopoly on fear today because there is no consequence for being openly anti-White. Whatever a cell will do, it should remain secretive. Don't brag about it, don't talk about it before or after. Just go through the gestures and complete whatever you decided needed to be done. Be swift and efficient. Waste no energy no resources. Act quickly and cleanly, move out, don't get caught.
Replies: >>6818
>how are you going to make them fear your reprisals for snitching more than the System's threats for not snitching
Cruel and unusual punishments.
What if there are some dudes in a room with a fireplace, and they write ideas on some paper and pass it around to read, and cast the paper into the fire when done? The paper never leaves the room. Should be impossible to spy on.
Replies: >>6804
Decent idea, but it requires gathering in the first place, which might be difficult when the ZOG starts cracking down and instituting emergency state and banning gatherings.
Replies: >>6818
>Handing out flyers on the street is not just a complete waste of time, it'll put you right in ZOG's crosshairs and have a file made on you, with the feds ready to pounce the second it looks like it'll be going somewhere or they need a scapegoat for some purpose. 
Hang on a minute. Has this ever actually happened or are we just living in fear of a straw man made powerful in our minds by relentless hollywood TV shows depicting the FBI as omnipotent plus our own right wing priors of paranoia? Or is this just a cope we tell ourselves to justify our inaction?
Will antifa try to dox you? Yeah. But given that we're engaged in a war of extermination, the cost of being identified by the enemy are comparatively light. If roles were reversed and we held power, would shitheads preaching White genocide just lose their jobs?
It's not popular to point this out because everyone revels in being a victim (which is a natural and normal trait that is effectively used to motivate anger), but the nature of the system we are oppressed by precludes the kind of targeted slaughter that more dictatorial regimes would use against us, were we in the USSR or China.

>you risk attracting the feds' attention
Then don't commit federal crimes. Don't accept offers to procure explosives from members. That guy is a fed. Expel him. 
Apart from obvious cases where a fed tricks idiots into saying they want to blow up a federal building on camera, can you think of a single example where "being on the FBI's radar" led to arrests? Look at Patriot Front. They're not hidden. Why haven't they been mass arrested for thought crime?
InB4 >cuz they're all feds! If they weren't feds, they would be arrested. We know this because only fed ops can exist. We know this because if a group weren't feds, they'd be arrested. We know this because only fed ops can exist...

>start recruiting at the local level.
I agree, but I must push back against the paralyzing paranoia that originates from the right wing. Should we espouse our beliefs to friends and family? Yes. But should we live in fear of working with other cells because they might be feds? No. That just leads to a bunch of tiny, powerless cells that never do anything, never talk to anyone, and have zero effect upon our desperate situation.
You say, 
>Start with 3 guys, then expand until you have 300, gradually, through trusted contacts.
Okay, yeah, but then you get another organization. There is no way that you know all 300 guys, so you're going to have to trust people increasingly removed from you. Eventually, someone will make a mistake and a fed will slip in. OH NO!!!! NOW WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!
Except, wait, no. No you won't. Don't agree to blow up federal buildings. What's he going to arrest you for? Racism? That's not illegal yet. If it ever does become illegal, what would you rather:
>Enlightened Whites are totally disconnected in tiny cells with no experience doing anything at all, no connections with other cells, but technically (probably not though) not known to the feds
>Enlightened Whites are organized with numbers to back our ideals, but the feds know about us.

>operating in small, self-sufficient and expendable cells is the way to go
Doing... what?
AFAIS, they're not doing anything. Patriot Front is doing things. The smaller the group, the more likely they end up doing nothing. This is a tried and true law of insurgencies. Look at the Cornish Liberation Army. It was, at the very most, 12 guys imo. I suspect it was more like 3. What did they accomplish? Nothing, really.
Folks on chans have this notion that a cell of 3 guys will be comprised of 200 IQ super-soldiers who are as fit as the marines on TV shows with infinite resources, no jobs, and expert knowledge of chemistry, physics, and math. If that were the case, it would work. But if you look at actual conflicts, insurgents tend to be average working class males with jobs, often times not having families interestingly, and only a small percentage could be classified as the 200 IQ super-soldiers. Those men comprise the leadership of of much larger organisms. They are usually relatively well known to the authorities and operate in hiding, the bread and butter of the insurgents are anonymous working class guys of moderately high but not genius intellect.
Replies: >>7211 >>7220
If things get so bad that White people cannot even gather in groups larger than 3, things are so royally fucked that we'll either be in the most optimal conditions for a revolution or all hope is lost because it'd be too late to form those conditions.

This is correct in its entirety. 
The great irony of our time is that the positions which we hold, more or less, are the historic norm for all people, White or not, for all of history. Ethnocentrism, pro-family, pro-tradition. All traits which describe every normal person throughout time. Indeed, if you really talk to people today, even more Americans and US citizens hold these views. Niggers, kikes, spics, obviously do (well, niggers aren't into families but that's just their African nature) but even White people intrinsically value their race, their family, and what remains of our traditions.

The trouble lies in how these organic positions are ruthlessly attacked when expressed honestly. So they need to be couched with grotesque euphemisms or denied in public.
>Patriot Front is doing things.
Such as?
Replies: >>7243
>They're not hidden. Why haven't they been mass arrested for thought crime?
>InB4 >cuz they're all feds! If they weren't feds, they would be arrested. We know this because only fed ops can exist. We know this because if a group weren't feds, they'd be arrested. We know this because only fed ops can exist...
Unfortunately it's a logical conclusion. Maintaining an effective honey pot, controlling the opposition or resistance, or at least having fingers in the pie (not that pie) is obviously very useful.
Replies: >>7243
Disseminating propaganda, marching, and doing charity work. This is just like Golden Dawn. However, they will likely never grow into a political force large enough to undertake serious political action because everyone is too chicken shit to join. 
We're all just LARPing on the internet.

>It's a honeypot
Do to what? Trick White men into actually doing things besides bitching on 4chan? Oh horrid. The jews fear White boys who bitch online.
Replies: >>7249
you’re both wrong

of course it’s not a fucking honeypot. It’s literally just Generation Identity cowards but much Americana, such fascism.
Oh, if there’s anything the feds fear more than 4chan losers, the ones that are such smart boys they keep dismantling their carefully constructed conspiracies, it’s… gulp… 4chan users that MARCH!!!!
Replies: >>7254
You seem to be under the impression that organized White men are not a threat to the regime.
If that were so, how do you explain Hitler who MARCHED?
Was he a retard?
He didn't live in a time where there was a camera on every street and every corner, facial recognition software with attached databases and entire intelligence agencies (now with artificial intelligence algorithms) monitoring all communications in real time. The main thing you accomplish by going on marches and protests is making  a target of yourself and helping the authorities make dossiers on all possible bad goyim involved. The old playbook doesn't work nowadays, so it's necessary to change tactics.
Replies: >>7256 >>7276
to clarify:
Patriot front doesn’t march up to niggers and lynch them. It doesn’t march for anything over than vain purposes. It has convoluted, esoteric, ugly aesthetics, and is for “patriotism” in a state where the pigs or their minions would gleefully beat one of their lads to death if they knew they could get away with it.
They could never be a threat to the System, BECAUSE THEY DON’T EVEN INTEND TO. They just want to crank back the hands on ol’ Billy’s clock and attend da church in a white ethnostate that appeared out of nowhere. 
Literally all they’ve “achieved” in real life except shitting out of their printers pages of masturbatory, senseless, nostalgist “propaganda” for leftists to giggle at and then throw, damp and torn, into the tax-funded Bauhaus park bin are clown shows.

This is a carbon copy of every single movementarian movement for more than fifty years ever since the ANP fell. It will never achieve ANYTHING.
Tell me. What are they organised for other than to be heckled at by common folk, and to marginalise themselves with their tasteless macho marches?
Yes, Hitler MARCHED. Hitler MARCHED to prove how POWERFUL, and LARGE, the SA (at first, when marches weren’t as ceremonial) which EXISTED FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN MARCHING FUCKING HELL AS A WING OF THE REAL MOVEMENT WHICH HAD REAL IDEALS AND SCORNED VAGUE REACTIONARY LOSERS, and WAS ARMED TO THE TEETH, ready to SMASH COMMUNIST AGITATORS’ SKULLS IN. Considering the state of these homosexual little fairs, how does Hitler’s marches have anything to do with them?

Even if none of this were the case, Hitler existed at a time so different it’s insane and senseless to try and use his strategies. If you disagree you’re a nostalgist Hollywood Nazi bum.
Replies: >>7259 >>7280
I agree on most points. Marching is useless because either the movement you joined is useless/a pressure valve and achieves nothing of consequence, or it's a fed honeypot to get the names and adresses of dissidents, or (if it's for real) you get your face out there for the authorities to identify the second they get the feeling you'll be a threat, when they're not just looking for a scapegoat. I honestly believe any real stride forward must be made in clandestinity, at least until the state surveilance apparatus has been destroyed/significantly weakened.
Replies: >>7260
Add to that the risk of getting attacked by Antifa cocksuckers while the pigs stand back and watch without lifting a finger (at least until you strike back). Whether you manage to drive them off or even steamroll them in a fight is useless, because you're handing the authorities the perfect excuse to lock you up and make a file on you, justify further surveilance of your person, confiscate weapons or financial assets, etc. To reiterate, going out in public and putting on a show is just a ton of risk for negligible gain. It's better to fly under the radar and take clandestine action.
>go for a march / protest
>media seethes and dilates, broadcasts your existence and message far and wide
>you gain more members
>pretty soon you have enough manpower to seriously disrupt things, not just on a local but state / federal level
>see step 2
>eventually reach critical mass and take over the government during a time of crisis

I'm not saying this is a perfect plan, but it seems pretty sound to me, and clearly what orgs like Aussie NSN and now Patriot Front are going for.

I will admit, I used to think Rousseau was a retard but it seems like he's learned to talk like a normal person at least. Time will tell whether his org is able to get over that 1-200 member hump and actually make a difference. If not, I don't see anyone else building a viable mass movement in America. All we have are Orania-type projects like AFA
Replies: >>7263 >>7264 >>7277
I forgot to add
>get fit
>embed yourself in the community
without those steps any vanguard will be easily crushed
but it seems like both of the orgs I mentioned are focusing on those things
with Patriot Front it's active club-style physical training coupled with disaster / homeless outreach. Remember, the homelessness rate in the US right now is the highest in recorded history. I'm a shut-in and even I know a guy who recently ended up on the streets

With NSN they don't go for the homeless outreach, but they do train heavily and protest whenever something that's bound to piss off Australian normies happens. Joel Davis recently got arrested for flying a banner "Jews hate freedom" cause the Jews were trying to pass anti-free speech legislation. Their goal in particular seems to be Sun Tzu's forcing your opponent to defend and indefensible position
Replies: >>7277
The difference with NSN is they are doing the parallel organization method of having one as the activism/public group and the other as a private club for building relationships and wealth. That is a smart move in my opinion.
Replies: >>7265
NSN is alright, I don’t fully understand what it’s trying to do with some of its strange publicity stunts, but I appreciate it because it is attempting to build a real organisation unlike Patriot Front.
If NSN develops a third axis, clandestine axis, Organisation axis, guerrilla axis, on top of its growing popularity, at a point, then things could get seriously interesting.

A final thing I greatly appreciate is their uncompromising hardlinerism and that brunette lad that talks at the camera in (very tastefully made, very appealing to their target audience) 9:16 videos can even be funny.
Replies: >>7267 >>7270
>Third axis
Will almost certainly be needed the instant they can get away with it.
>uncompromising hardlinerism
It is absolutely refreshing to hear a fairly popular group unashamedly own the argument that Hitler was the good guy.
>lad that talks at the camera in 9:16 videos
Jacob Hersant?
Different but nonetheless relevant kind of question. What steps can you take to flush out fed plants and potential informants? Unlike in the Turner Diaries we don't have a magical truth serum on our side to screen potential recruits.
Replies: >>7282
Their stated goal is to "heighten the contradictions." Hegelian / Marxist lingo, but basically they're trying to force our enemies (the media, politicians etc.) to openly admit their desire for white disempowerment and genocide, forcing white cuckservatives to pick a side. So far, I feel like they're doing a decent job. Certainly better than PF, although I wouldn't go so far as to say Rousseau isn't running a "real org."

And yes, Hersant is secretly their greatest weapon. Joel has the production value down. Blair reaches the zoom zooms via tiktok. And Tom is the no-nonsense active club organizer. But Hersant is the young avatar of the white ozzie spirit in comparison
Yet they didn't hide. There were spies in the streets and the communists knew their faces. But the main difference is that they also had number tied to a political party that didn't munch its words. So there was might in words and deeds. This is why a political party remains useful and must be exploited as much as possible, to attract comrades. Now you can also try to build a cult, a church, whatever. We need numbers and guns, it's as simple as that.

Patriotism is total shit btw. Any nigger can be a patriot and stand under a banner.
Nationalism doesn't cut it when the definition of a nation allows for civic nationalism to exist.
National Soclalism was fine in a White country like Germany. We're not 1930 Germany.
Make the White people, i.e. the race, the most important aspect of your message.
Replies: >>7281
They're fine in themselves but we need family friendly organizations too, stuff that actually looks normal enough so that more people can get it. Once they're in, we'll filter the weaker and redirect the most radical towards the core. Member of a political party need to be able to carry very easily, with them, the basics of our racial doctrine and our hopeful vision, so they can take it back with them in their homes. There, the wives will follow.

The entire skillful art we require now is to find a fine blend and strike a perfect balance between more radical positions and mainstream optics. Work on that fellas.
Replies: >>7290
>Because PF doesn't march up to and lynch niggers, they are retarded
That is retarded. Be serious.
What a lame, weak critique. 
>They shouldn't call themselves patriots!
The founders of America were called patriots and calling themselves patriots is a great idea. Furthermore, they stress that true patriots are loyal to their people, not to the state.
These are among the weakest critiques of PF I have seen so far.

>They could never be a threat to the System
If organized White men are not capable of threatening the system, then the system is invincible. 
>Distributing pro-White propaganda is bad because leftists laugh at you
This is patently insane. And why do you care what leftists think? I care what sane White men think. Between worrying over what your enemies think and fretting over "ugly clothes" you sound like a woman. The only consideration that should be taken is how to reach and organize sane White men.

>Trying to organize White men has been tried for decades and we have still not overthrown the US government. Therefore we should give up trying and do something else.
1. You never offer an alternative. So your critique may be dismissed.
2. Clearly we need to redouble our efforts. There is no way to defeat the enemy by remaining terminally online. The path to survival is in the streets in real life.
Your retort, if it is even anything more than blind rage and personal insults (notice that I only insult your ideas rather than engage in childish personal attacks), will be something like
>Let's just build super secret terrorist cells and wait for the opportunity to conduct small acts of terrorism that somehow bring down the regime like in a movie.
But that has also been tried for decades and is being tried today. These terrorist cells never do anything. They just wait and grow old and sometimes get arrested for being retarded. 
Anyone who talks about super secret terror cells is not a serious revolutionary, he is a LARPer. Serious politics is about organizing White men into a political force, just like jews, just like niggers. If niggers can do it, White men can do it.
>B-but we'll all get arrested!
Firstly, no. That's patently false.
Secondly, so the fuck what? If you're willing to die for your race, getting arrested for jaywalking is not a problem. If you're unwilling to risk spending a weekend in jail, you're never going to risk getting shot for your race.
So any talk about terrorism is childish role play.

Yes I did think of that. Patriot Front also exists for reasons other than marching.

That's pretty fucking obvious, dude. Pay attention.
Replies: >>7291
Then don't allow anti-Whites and civic nationalists to define patriotism and nationalism.
Patriotism = defending your people from oppression.
Nationalism = loving your race. Putting your people before profit.
Replies: >>7288
Caveat: I have never led an insurgent organization so everything I say is conjecture. 
However, I have studied leftist infiltration stories and also various armed insurgencies (mostly Northern Ireland but also Spain & Corsica)
1. In the present American context, anyone in your organization that joins and, within a few weeks, starts dropping hints about violence, bombs, kidnappings, illegal weapons, etc, that guy is a fed. Either a fed or a clownish idiot. Get him out of your organization immediately or, if the leadership refuses to take action, leave.
2. New members who display an unusual curiosity about your membership. This man may be a fed or is possibly a leftist trying to dox people. It may be friendliness, but if your gut tells you he is gathering intel, it may be best to remove him from the organization.
3. People who behave like leftist stereotypes of racists. Leftists know exactly what racists are like: We hate niggers because of their skin color, throw salutes every 10 minutes, are in it for the hate (especially of niggers), and if they do mention jews, don't seem to understand WHY we don't like jews (usually offering religious explanations)
Namely, if someone is behaving like a hollywood stereotype and cannot articulate why they are a White nationalist, they may be putting on an act. Or they may be dumb and shallow. People who hate jews just because they hate jews are likely doing it for attention and are not ideologically motivated enough to engage in serious actions. They tend to shift from one ideological "extreme" to another. That said, they may be open to learning WHY they should hate jews.
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>people before profit
wordington nationalism
Replies: >>7293
national alliance
we fucking needed national alliance god fucking damnit pierce why didn’t you organise a successor when you were diagnosed with cancer
you’re literally describing national alliance word for word
word for fucking word
“I’m going to kill myself every day for the rest of my life”
the whole idea is that normal people cringe at them, and then leftists laugh at them. Obviously I couldn’t care less what leftists think they should all be shot on sight, but when they’re able to just giggle in your face because of how silly you are maybe it’s your fault.

>notice that I only insult your ideas rather than engage in childish personal attacks
<That's pretty fucking obvious
<What a lame, weak critique.
<That is retarded.
<you sound like a woman.
<This is patently insane

dude, well organised white men are on my fucking sweaty ballsack. I’m going to defeat the Jews with my well organised pubes. I’m going to show all those terrortroons that real white men organise for the purpose of vanity and not direct action.
Replies: >>7293
Okay. I claim that phrase for White people. Now what?
People before profit, Heil Hitler.

Apart from commiting acts of terror which they and we in general are not ready for, what should they be doing instead?

>>I only insult your ideas rather than engage
>lists attacks on your ideas
>Starts talking about his ballsack.
Clearly you are an intellectual. Forgive me, but I'd rather discuss strategy and serous proposals to save my race. You can discuss your ballsack, your anus, and your poop on /b/
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