/fascist/ - Surf The Kali Yuga

National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
Previous Threads:
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>25 >>1294 >>3132
Whatever happened to the previous BO of fascist? Did he just up and disappear?
Replies: >>7 >>988
Yes, nobody has heard a peep since he up and deleted /fascist on 8moe.
Did Hitler really have only one testicle?
Replies: >>27
Is /fascist/ pro-Ukraine or pro-Russia?
>inb4 neither
Replies: >>27 >>3177
why are all /fascist/ and /pol/ boards these days using the same edgy dark theme?
it must be ((( pure coincidence )))
Replies: >>15
I was planning on making it edgier and a little more pleasing to the eye, but it's set to the tomorrow css because that was the original basis of /fascist/'s custom css, which has been lost along with most of our banners and flags.
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I missed you goys so fucking much. I thought you nigs were done for.
Replies: >>93
i heard hitler sucked dick


>4 posts by this ID
Schlomo here must be desperate for shekels.
is there going to be a book thread
Replies: >>26 >>28
>>3 (OP) 
Best anime girl?
Replies: >>65
There is one, it's one of the sticky threads.
To those who reported this asshole he's not samefagging he's just being a faggot, unfortunately being a faggot retard is allowed, rather than report him demonstrate how wrong he is as follows, we are here for discussion, not just a hugbox.
As there are no existing pictures of Hitler in the nude nobody can say for sure, but I'll lean towards that being made-up jewish bullshit because just like women their style is to attempt to emasculate opponents and enemies with allusions and insults about their masculinity or genitalia.
/fascist/ has no consensus on this, but my stance is Pro-Ukrainian and Pro-Azov battalion. As they are fighting russias Chechen army valiantly, and also Pro-Aryan Russians, Anti-both states and their kike leaders.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>388
Fixed the post link in the moderation thread, leads to the correct thread now, book thread is thread >>2
Anime is jewish
Replies: >>79 >>115 >>126
Wait is this /fascist/ from 16chan or another Chan?
Replies: >>78 >>82
not the same mod but that mod is MIA i think and this guy was probably a regular on that iteration of fascist.
Replies: >>80 >>82
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True, and also Islam (the Aryan Man's religion, which best suits National Socialism) forbids drawing, so by abstaining from anime you're literally fighting kikestianity and being a true National Socialist!! Video related.
Replies: >>115 >>126 >>2471
I’m too retarded to understand what your saying so I’m going to assume so after the feds raided the 16chan owner the moderator for fascist on 16chan disappeared makes sense to me why he would
Replies: >>82 >>90
We came last from 16chan, the posts were copied and edited from the Anon.cafe archive on picochan.
I was a Board volunteer while FashBO was AWOL, apparently he had told the admin of 16chan Anonymoose that if he was going to have a Volunteer, it would be me, so he made me Vol and then fashBO came back for like two weeks, the 16chan went down and a few weeks later he nuked 8moe/fascist/ and then disappeared
We never got confirmation that im663 was raided by feds, the Admin of 16 said that the owner had recieved a notice from Epik that they were shutting 16 down, he never gave a reason, and then he ghosted, could be feds could be he just didn't want to run 16 anymore.
Replies: >>83
Oh so the fed shit is rumors  makes more sense why would feds be in Canada anyways thanks for clearing everything up for me been lost for a while most been on /K/ waiting for /fascist/ to show up again happy it’s back telegram ain’t that reliable when it comes to having proper discussions
Replies: >>86
Im663 was in New York City, Anony-moose is the Candadian, if i remember correctly, he's still in the element chats afaik, no idea where everybody else has gone.
Replies: >>88 >>89
He moved to Canada at some point
im663 has a house in canada tho?did he move to new york i remember it snowing at his house in canada and him showing me and a few other dudes how the server for 16chan is connected to his tv and he talked about how he makes money about fixing electronics from dumps etc and selling them
Replies: >>94 >>95 >>422
also >>80 is me i switched tags if it wasn't obvious
Looks like hivechan fell over, but I'm glad I dont have to admin the board.
Replies: >>96
Rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated
Thats news to me but the FBI does operate in foreign countries, so it wouldn't be unheard of regardless, there's no evidence he was taken down, so we must assume it is just another guy giving up on shit because it got hard, wish he had given us a few days to archive shit though.
Got any other juicy info? I'm taking notes


Replies: >>98
It's been down for quite some time, not surprising the guy running it did not seem to know what he was doing.
Replies: >>97
its a shame because it was a bit of a sink of time. However I trusted the SO and thats why I put the effort in. Whats the back end of this board like?
Replies: >>99
imao i thought everyone was on the same page i guess not i shouldn't have said shit lol
of the board? or the website?
is neinchan still alive? i havn't visted  in months its so slow there quality is good there though
Replies: >>103 >>141
Pretty sure it's dead.
Replies: >>104 >>111
damn everything seems to be nocked over by the kikes then we have to rebuild all over again
I've posted with the BO  before. I am curious who the SO is and what he thinks of the board being here. 

Also where the server is.
Replies: >>112
Sturgeon's thoughts on the board being here were posted in the Board creation meta thread, on /meta/ and his email is posted in that thread as well, he talked about it back around when FashBO was looking for a place after anon.cafe decided to be pussies.
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>Says this while their board tan is an anime girl
Nice to see /pol/tards ruin another board, byt I knew that. This isn't /fascisr/, /fascist/ is long gone and now the board is full of cuckchanners
Replies: >>122 >>611 >>758
One of those idiots is a shitposter, I think, the other probably a newfag from /pol/, who we get from time to time, and who most of us ignore.
>>65 >>79
>seething christcuck puritians
are you a furry/zoophile? fuck off LARPagan keep your spirit animal fetish to yourself the second option is to go back to ((( fedschan ))) >>>/matomo/ inb4 kike
Replies: >>127 >>758
Take it to the Anti-Abrahamism thread or better yet shut the fuck up. Abrahamics have no power here, that was true under FashBO and it will remain true under me, perhaps even more so.
Last edited by orlog
Absolutely fucking based!
Neinchan has been down for weeks now, it doesn't load at all.
It used to have temporary "mongoerror" downtime from time to time but looks like it's gone.
Maybe after not getting users back after over one year since everyone left they decided to pull the plug.
Replies: >>2955
what happened to bookanon
Replies: >>201
Last I saw him was on Hivechan, perhaps he's just busy, we all take breaks from tech from time to time.
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Continuing on from >>>/fascist/186
>There doesn't have to be a class struggle for communism to exist. Everyone has their post-struggle utopia.
Wrong, for "true equality" to be achieved by leftists, The superiors will always have to be exterminated by the inferiors whenever it's racial warfare or "class warfare"
>Except we now know that's wrong because marxism took hold everywhere except industrialized countries. This realization is what prompted mussolini to leave the socialist party and join the italian fascists.
You really didn't understand what was meant by that statement don't you? It wasn't the masses who 'developed' it but a minority of scholars and activists that helped developed a small egalitarian movement based on Enlightenment ideals into a full-blown worldview hell-bent on achieving the impossible. How do you suppose Liberal capitalism and Marxism would have evolved without the ""Enlightenment"" and the ((( French Revolution )))?
No shit it grew in rural areas. Poor societal conditions breed radicals. For the worse it is, the better it is for radicals. It has always been a small minority who starts revolutions. Revolution is a spectators sport as the majority will sit in the stands and watch the factions fight. At the end they will choose side with the team that is winning.
>The goal of capitalism is the efficient allocation of resources. You convert resources into products. If people buy your shit that means it was a good use of resources and you now have more money to re-invest in your operation. If people don't buy your shit that means you wasted resources and will have less opportunity to waste resources in the future. You get rich by generating the most value for the most number of people. It is selfish and positive sum at the same time (everybody wins).
And yet thanks to that we now have huge swathes of plastic contamination, deforestation, Hiring shitskin migrants from dirt-poor shitholes for cheap labour while permanently replacing the white working class that has already been used to better conditions with them, Xeno-estrogens from micro-plastics contaminating said plastic bottles and containers thus turning the western world into a feminized society incapable of fighting back, Animal torturing experiments, Overfishing and overhunting many species to extinction all for exporting their remains into the bellies of nigger cattle as well being their clothes, Huge successful medical companies selling pubertal hormone blockers to brainwashed parents trannifying their own children, Civilization nearly collasping, All for maximizing ((( profit ))). but "everybody wins" right? :^)
>Except the millionaire wants to be a billionaire and the billionaire wants to be a trillionaire. There is zero correlation between wealth and retirement so that's bullshit.
Where did I say about retiring? Wouldn't it be easier for a gorillionaire to hire others so they can do the work for you? If the said gorillionaire keeps wasting their money eventually they will have to work again from start one.
>What about mixed races. If racial solidarity was such a biological imperative then you wouldn't be attracted to asian chicks. White, brown, yellow, maybe black, if she's spreading her legs then your cock doesn't care. For most of human history you were limited to women who were within walking distance, which meant they were probably the same race. There is nothing sacred or divine about that.
Your argument relies on a misuse of the idea that it's “natural“, which has two implications: natural as in something that occurs in nature, or natural as in something that is in harmony with the Natural Order. Just because something happens in nature doesn’t mean that this is the way it is meant to be. Often times, nature itself corrects these problems. If we go back to evolution, certain mutations prove detrimental rather than beneficial, and may lead to the extinction of a species. With that in mind, it can be said that genetic diseases, HIV and Monkeypox are Nature's responses of correcting an occurrence that goes against Natural Order. Racial mongrels have no biological connection with their parents and they have said detrimental mutations such as their blood types being incompatible with literally everyone besides their kind and also batshit insanity that occurs in the example case of Hapas, Sodomites can't help but stop extracting diseases as the plague-bearing vermin they are. if you thought everyone in the past was fine with that you're dead wrong. since Tacitus reports the Germanics throwing faggots into the bog, if you think they wouldn't do the same to race-mixers then who are you kidding?
>This is just nonsense mysticism now. If "Hitler said it therefor it's good" that's just a cult my dude.
Your original question was why this board is named "/fascist/", I gave you the answer from their own words. :^)
>This is a false equivalence because evolution and human nature is a moving target. What was "right" 40.000 years ago is not necessarily right now.
Lol, lmao. Laws of physics are a "moving target", Come on now. I guess higher objective truths don't really exist, right?
How fucked are nonwhites, truthfully speaking? We know that if the kikes win, they'll be enslaved. But if we win, they'll be decimated for sure (because we don't need our racial enemies to live even if the jews are gone). Imagine being a shitskin.
Replies: >>381 >>382
I dont know  boys seems like this is the end. Most of whites are NPC, they brainwashed and dont care. 

Fight for them?idk

What next? Buy house , find wife and just leave?
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stfu, zoomer
Replies: >>387
Duno but non-whites have always benefitted from interbreeding with aryans. As that pool of pure Aryan 'peasant nobility' stock diminishes, every race will be stagnating. All the talk of gene modified transhumans is bullshit. Miscegenation ruins all the gains that nature makes.
Kikes are responsible for all modern vices, so go fuck yourself ((( rat ))).
>/fascist/ has no consensus on this, but my stance is Pro-Ukrainian and Pro-Azov battalion. 
Are you living under the rock ?
Azov was completely defeated and surrendered to Russians in Marioupol and now they serve as slave labor in Donbas gulags.

>As they are fighting russias Chechen army valiantly, and also Pro-Aryan Russians, Anti-both states and their kike leaders.
Wishful thinking. These azov niggers only kill White Russians in Donbas and they even failed at that after all. If they were truly WN and anti-kike, they would refuse to carry zhidlensky orders and instead will travel Kiev to kill this kike president and overthrow the government.
Replies: >>389 >>394
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Link to archived page instead next time, you obvious dumb, subhuman chabad kike.
Why won't the Russian army, where male on male rape is rampant and they all have shitty equipment, kill jewtin with hasidic pest instead of fighting against their racial brothers and trying to ((( denazify ))) them, being retarded golems? Riddle me this. Ukraine is  the one on defense here, faggot.
The shit you are saying could be applied for another side. Don't try to portray Russia with its sect of kikes, shitskins and other mutt mongoloids, which has fucking zogbots killing National-Socialists as less fucked. Russia has stricter laws on revisionism too.
Replies: >>390 >>402
The point he is making, and the point that anyone with two brain cells is making, is this is a fight between two jewed globalist empires and neither one is on our side. The war is a waste of life and resources and also a convenient excuse for the Great Reset kikes to implement austerity.

No matter who wins, life will not improve for the remaining residents of Ukraine. Literally nothing will change except for whose flag flies over each city and to which group of chosenites the taxes are paid.
Replies: >>394
Yeah I already knew that, And? Can I not support NS prisoners of war?
Or the Ukrainian people themselves?
And there was more than one Azov Battallion division, the Mariupol was just the main one and the one least under state control.
>Wishful thinking. These azov niggers only kill White Russians in Donbas and they even failed at that after all.
They killed traitors to their people, who were betraying them to Putin and the Gigakike oligarchs of Russia, that's admirable, not somehow wrong just because the traitors are white.
They ruled the streets of Mariupol, and prior to this particularly extreme bout of this war had devoted resources to an electoral path, which I would rightly criticize them for even now, while having an active paramilitary which I would congratulate.
Neither you, nor I, know what they had planned prior to the war's beginning but the branch led by Denis Prokopenko, fought valiantly to save the lives of not only his men, but many of the people of Mariupol, he was ordered to surrender, sure by a kike, but they would probably all be dead if he hadn't waited for that order. The situation had gotten quite desperate inside the steel plant, and the Russians are even now trying to subvert International law and treaties they have signed, to allow them to execute the Azov Battalion members they have in their possession as "terrorists" despite those men being official members of the Ukrainian military.
Here, we can all talk, all we want about absolute purity, and never working with the enemy, but the reality is sometimes you have to work with an enemy to accomplish your goal, and living in a city under siege the only goal is survival and while that isn't assured even now for Denis and his men. It did save the lives of many civilians they were protecting, surrender would have meant instant death for all of them without the State of Ukraine brokering a deal and ordering the stand down, as it is they did the best they could with what they had.
Nobody supports the Zogstates involved, and I never expressed support for either, we must work with what we have wherever we are.
The war has been ongoing for 8 years, entirely instigated by Russia and Russian backed traitors to the Ukrainian people, there are many Russian NS who are fighting against Russia itself on the side of Ukraine, taking the continual bargain of fighting for the lesser enemy, which is not surprising considering Ukraine doesn't really care about them, and Russia is dead set on killing all of them. 
Whoever wins, the best we can hope for is for ZOG to be weakened, and Russia losing is more beneficial in that respect as Ukraine is pulling resources from here and other major ZOG outposts and Russia is wasting it's men and materiel in a losing battle, the best outcome is for this whole Great Reset to proceed as it seems to be just as it is an opportunity for our enemies, so it is for us.
Replies: >>423
There's no consensus, but personally I support Russia. I believe that while Putin wore his good goy hat for awhile to attain power, he's now gone rogue. Even if he's not beyond the reach of ZOG, Russia is still the more based side, given that trannies, fags and NPCs are pro-Ukraine, and Zelensky is literally a fag jew. Regardless of where Russia stands, the West is the most kiked society on earth, and is actively working to destroy our people. The destabilization of globohomo, and the rise of a multi-polar world, is our best shot at survival. And you can't be certain that Russia is another kike puppet, Putin might've really broken the golem conditioning; the hysterical response to the invasion seems to be consistent with this.
As for AZOV, they are false-flagging controlled opposition meant to muddy the waters, and lead well-intentioned natsocs down the garden path to a pointless death.
Replies: >>423
>Why won't the Russian army, where male on male rape is rampant 
This has nothing do with the fact that Azov is zogged. If Azov are natsoc why haven't they attacked and exposed the jews? Why work for the people who are actively trying to destroy and enslave Ukrainians? 

>and trying to (((  denazify  ))) them
The Ukrainian government literally went around bitching and fabricating lies about how the Russian government has nazis within it and how Putin is actually Hitler. 

>Ukraine is  the one on defense here, faggot
Doesn't matter. The Ukrainian government has shown that they are defending Rothschild money and jews only.

>Don't try to portray Russia with its sect of kikes, shitskins and other mutt mongoloids, which has fucking zogbots killing National-Socialists as less fucked. 
You glow brighter than fucking sun. As if there are any actual National Socialists in the Donbass war. Especially when it has been revealed they are all friendly with jews.
Replies: >>485
> the server for 16chan is connected to his tv
Things were so simple and fragile.
Being used as expandable dogs by Jewkraine instead of going for the jugular while it was totally possible will remain a wasted opportunity forever. Now these supposed NS who, we are to believe, had to make a great sacrifice, were not ready to sacrifice a city for an entire country. Now they're rotting in camps, a proverbial gun on their temple.
All this phony war is choreographed to distract from the Covid facts and to allow austerity and greater tyranny to grow.
It is quite absurd to think that this war is weakening in any shape or form the Western ZOG.
>Russia sup to NATO
>multipolar world better
None of this remotely makes the White situation any better.
Replies: >>441
>None of this remotely makes the White situation any better.
I think it does, because it generates chaos, which is what we need to survive. As I said, Western ZOG is our greatest threat, and anything that destabilizes it is for the better.
Replies: >>488
>You glow brighter than fucking sun. As if there are any actual National Socialists in the Donbass war. Especially when it has been revealed they are all friendly with jews.
Because a bunch of kikes took pictures with flags? Grow a brain retard. Ukrainians have been victimized by commie jews since the USSR days and this is no different. Putin wants to "denazify" Ukraine and that fake faggot jew Zelinsky wants instability and war in Ukraine to snuff out any Ukrainians with any hint of nationalist sentiment. They are being assaulted on all sides with the biggest threat being the Eurasianist Putin regime who wants to rebuild the glory days of the USSR. Take your head out of that TRS kikery and read some history.
Replies: >>488 >>489 >>562
I'm not seeing chaos. I'm not seeing NATO being weaker. This is all play.
Only people, chiefly Europeans, get worse here. USA is soon going to transfer more wealth away from Europe, the austerity will be used to legitimize the reduction of our debts by losing even more of our assets as this will be the obvious bargain, foreclosing on all nations' wealth by owning nothing anymore.
There is not a single piece of evidence that the Ukraine war is detrimental to this farcical setup and bs new cold war. Europe being sabotaged and made dependent on Russian resources was done on purpose. No sane country would put its eggs in the same basket and give the keys to the control of its own prosperity to a single other country. No country would voluntarily destroy its technology and advantages so as to become particularly weak against any kind of geopolitical agitation.
The multipolarity is a fraud, it is merely the same democratic fraud of right versus left elevated to the global scale. Germany, France, China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and USA are all allies of Israel. China produces the mass surveillance technology and blueprints now pushed onto the Western world. All our Western wealth is sold at a low price, with brrrrt money, to non-White countries or to the global golem.

You will see something truly multipolar when you will observe the rise of a true and real group of pro-White fascist nations to stand against the lies and degeneracy championed by the Jews and their golems. Russia is simply not one of these nations, neither is China. The world becoming multipolar is just China acquiring more of our technologies and grabbing more land in countries the US/EU likened to their backyard. I will agree that this pseudo opposition is real when I will see Russian and Chinese investors actually pushing for a pro-trad and above all pro-White narrative in both Europe and the Commonwealth. Guess we will wait forever.

Putin is not more a bigger threat to Ukraine than NATO is. Ukraine has been turned into a garbage country for three decades already by sellout politicians opening it up to ((( Western liberalism ))).
There are nationalists who probably want to defeat Russia first, and count on dealing with the other problems later but I do not see the "later" ever happening. They will turn into pacified civic nationalists and always ignore the elephant in the room. Jews will crackdown on true racial nationalists.
You have failed to prove that there are any true nationalists.
Also, a Jewish war in Ukraine was planned a long time ago. It was supposed to be a trigger.
Replies: >>513 >>563
What if NATO is the new USSR?
of course the opposition (Russia, China, etc) are nowhere near what NS Germany & Axis were. I don't consider Putin a White savior, but I do see current int'l events as a step in the right direction.
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So how do I create a natsoc workers party and BTFO the jews from my country once and for all? people are tired of the cost of living constantly skyrocketing like its the Wiemar republic and the amount of niggers, spics, poo in loos and other shitskins is fucking atrocious. I want to become the strong leader that saves the country and BTFOs kikery from europe but where do i start from?

I had an idea to just hand out leaflets and put up posters but I do not know how much that could cost, is there a better way to raise awareness of national socialism out there or am I stuck with word of mouth whispers in the night? Also any tips on different ideas I could incorporate into my propaganda campaign? Really hate those kikes in our government and the way my country is going down the shitter at the moment.
>inb4 just join an existing group
there are none in my country and i do not know why, maybe the estrogen in the water turning the frogs gay.
Replies: >>547
I would try urban guerilla gardening.
It"s where you plant plants and trees in public spaces for example in the pattern of your political party logo or as slogans
>Because a bunch of kikes took pictures with flags? 
No, because they took pictures with kikes, and then had no qualms about working with NATO. Then there's the fact that they are not naming and exposing the Jew who runs both their and Putin's government.

> Ukrainians have been victimized by commie jews since the USSR days and this is no different.
It doesn't matter. You don't work with Jews to own the Jews, especially when they have the same goals in mind. You're just giving your enemies what they want. If Azov were truly National Socialists, then they would demand peace. 

>Putin wants to "denazify" Ukraine and that fake faggot jew Zelinsky wants instability and war in Ukraine to snuff out any Ukrainians with any hint of nationalist sentiment
No shit, that doesn't invalidate my point that you're giving them both what they want by giving into their false narratives and encouraging war. I'm not against the Ukranians defending themselves, but I am against anyone asking for bloodshed or accusing each other of being le "nazis".

>they are being assaulted on all sides with the biggest threat being the Eurasianist Putin regime who wants to rebuild the glory days of the USSR. 
And now they have to kill fellow Whites to defend their Jew government whose still in power.

>Take your head out of that TRS kikery and read some history
You're a full-blown retard thinking I'm a TRS shill.
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>Putin is not more a bigger threat to Ukraine than NATO is
The guy literally cried about how racist White westerners are. Plus his government is filled with kikes.
>Ukraine has been turned into a garbage country for three decades already by sellout politicians opening it up to (((  Western liberalism  )))
>Jews will crackdown on true racial nationalists
Literally all of the things you're complaining about is happening and has occurred within Russia. They are no less of threat than NATO.
>now the board is full of cuckchanners
I've heard about
>Savitri Devi 
These names a thousand times.
When was the last time anyone read Giovanni Gentile or the politics of Fascism?
This board is /fringe/ or /x/ in all but name.
Replies: >>618 >>619
Why are you faggots bitching about not hearing about something? when you could, just maybe, make a fucking thread about what you want to discuss? or use an existing thread under which that topic falls? Half of this userbase whines and whines and whines because people are talking about shit they don't want to talk about, the shit isn't being discussed because you aren't discussing it, I'm here to police the discussion when it steps out of bounds, not to coordinate everything for you, have a little fucking iniative and put in some fucking effort, you whiny bitch.
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>These names a thousand times
With the exception of the first and last one, I have no problems with it.
>This board is /x/ in all but name
Just the way it should be.
>fashchan is a ghost town
wew lad, seems like you chuds finally need to go outside and touch grass then just maybe have sex?
Replies: >>638 >>639
Have you tried smoking less cock mate?
Replies: >>640
Stephan, is that you? Or Blyth, maybe?
Well, aren't you happy.
"Chuds" are out touching grass, so now you guys have to find a real job for a change!?
Replies: >>640
shut the FUCK up angl*id white men only in this discussion

It is I, anonymous we r legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us
Replies: >>648 >>701
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>Speaks English all day every day
>is eternally mentally cucked by the English race
>children will be mentally cucked by the English from day 1, very likely wont even be able to think in their native language anymore
>dreams in English
Replies: >>652 >>700 >>701
I, for one, welcome my English overlords. Salva sit Britannia!
To what degree is fascism (in the classical sense) a cultural and political manifestation of legendary nostalgia?

I hesitate to associate Nazism with fascist movements, because the NSDAP's traditionalist elements frequently stem from more diverse and esoteric origins. The revised party name itself, many cultural mannerisms and other virtue signals were borrowed from the contemporary labour movement but the other aesthetic influences (and make no mistake, Nazism, unlike fascism, is 'grounded' in populism and performance rather than any cohesive economic and sociological analysis, with the core socioeconomic policies an afterthought) were frequently borrowed from examples such as the legendary Roman and Aryan peoples, as frequently if not more than German culture.

On the other hand, we see the classical fascist ideology where art was the afterthought, to complement the post-national-syndicalistic socioeconomic basis. (As an aside, it's delightfully ironic that the nationalist deviation of a socialist movement is not the one that ended up being called 'National Socialism'). So did this lessen the reliance on legend and allow a more progressive and coherent agenda to form? Or did it persist regardless as a traditionalist glorification of the legendary Romans to stoke the necessary nationalism?


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>shut the FUCK up angl*id white men only in this discussion

>laughs in Norman French
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If Dugin is a "commie" why is he being called a fascist by (western) media outlets and on wikipedia?
Replies: >>725
Because leftists and jews are idiots, Dugin's Fourth Political Theory mixes Russian(Non-ethnic specific) Imperialism with International Communism under a different label, the goal of his "political theories" is the intermixing and ultimately erasure of White European peoples with Asiatic hordes such as the Chinese, Quit pretending calling him a commie isn't valid just because some leftist jews and retards call him fascist, they also call the USA fascist, and milquetoast Trumptards as well.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>726
Okay I'll quit pretending.
The question is then why aren't they just calling him a fucking commie then?
Just because they're idiots?
They don't get it is that it?
(what you said with the Chinese)
Replies: >>727 >>728
Specifically why, I do not know, I can only surmise, but the truth is likely a combination of factors mostly ignorance, and the western by-word for opposition has become the word fascist despite nearly all who say that knowing nothing about fascism.
If it were Marx instead who was alive and breathing today, they'd call him a fascist too.  It's just a killword so that their brainwashed slaves don't look into things that would derail them from their local purpose.
Does anyone know the broadcasts where William Pierce mentions the following:
>Jews caught in a lie will just lie harder
>The center of the Jewish white slave trade in Poland took place in the city whose English name is "Auschwitz"
>During the 1990ish conflict in Russia the military was deployed to protect the TV broadcasting stations, not the government buildings.
Exact broadcast names would be best. Searchable transscripts of all his broadcasts would also help.
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Out of Australia

are there any deep ecology / ecofascism threads archived?
Replies: >>732
Should be in the same places the other archives are.
Why doesn't the biggest war in Europe since WW2 have its own thread?
Replies: >>750
Use the news thread, or /pol/, it doesn't need a thread at present.
Replies: >>751
I thought it did since Putin is claiming to be fighting fascists in Ukraine.
Replies: >>752
Current events go in the news thread, post your news and discuss them there, If you truly feel the need to create a thread, i will likely leave it up if you put in the requisite effort.
Replies: >>774
If Hitler won, how long would the Third Reich survive against subversive elements (which would be Strasserists and Monarchists in this case) and prevent a situation similar to Mao's China being transformed into a capitalist society by it's imperial chink elements?
Frenschan is based until proven otherwise.
Replies: >>759 >>775
No that's not true. A dude who goes by the name "Rooney" (Rooney's Germanic Aryanism from Telegram) made threads on frenschans on anti-islam, anti-sandnigger stuff. In other words, hate threads. He even made a thread on "dreaming for a White-ethnoplanet, where all non-Whites are eradicated" or something.

Guess what happened? He got kicked off of there. So much for based frenschan. Unless the folks here on zzzchan agree that Rooney's views are glowops?
Replies: >>760
So long as I am BO, those discussions are encouraged here, as thats my stance.
Replies: >>774
A full-blown European war isn't /news/ you fucking mong
Replies: >>791
>no Tor hidden service support
pick one
I mean we're all on the internet, right? Why aren't we getting daily reports from inside Russia and Ukraine?
Why are we still forced to get all of our information directly from the Lügenpresse?
Replies: >>784
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I mean even stone age niggers have smart phones these days but for some ((( reason ))) we can only receive information about this war from ((( official sources )))
Replies: >>784
Why don't we have journalists in our ranks?
There are Telegram groups that report frequently, and image boards that compile relevant information into their own purpose made threads. It's mostly noise of course, due to shilling and mentally retarded posters.
Replies: >>785
>Telegram groups
glownigger tier
>image boards that compile relevant information into their own purpose made threads
I have never found a job that really suits or interests me. I currently work as a carpenter, but It doesn't interest me the slightest. I have switched between a large number of jobs in the last few years.
I never really found anything that had my interest.

Does anyone here have any ideas for a job? I have thought about going back to school and study history or political science.
Replies: >>788 >>801
Become a Buddhist monk. It's the only career where you get free food, lodging and respect for doing nothing. You can read whatever you want in your free time.
If you become a Zen monk, you can even get married.
it's a regional shitfit between two broadly European powers, one more pure(ukraine) vs one less pure(russia). Either post the shit in the news thread or when it actually involves directly more european nations, then you can make a fucking thread, until then, fuck off.
Replies: >>792 >>793
>regional shitfit
There's literally global involvement, shitlord. It's a major European war, the biggest since WW2 with a major world leader openly threatening nuclear attacks. It's not "news" you fucking mong!
Replies: >>796
Obviously, you're upset because your favorite jew is getting curb stomped daily.
Replies: >>796
It's naught but another proxy war, not even worth the space the reporting on it takes in the mainstream news.
Which jew is that supposed to be? Because I have quite directly stated I support neither of the states, nor the jews running them, involved but somehow I have one I favor over the other?
Replies: >>797
LOL while you hide in your mommy's basement there are unironic fascists fighting for their homeland.
>p-proxy war
All major wars are proxy wars, dipshit
Replies: >>798
No, modern wars are proxy wars, and you keep whining about it not having a thread and being the most important thing ever! Yet, I don't see a thread on the catalog.
Also your tired and inaccurate insults are pointless, either make as thread of the requisite quality or post shit in the news thread, because that's all war is at this point, news. We do not need a dedicated thread until something actually important happens beyond lies and posturing from both sides.
So whats stopping us from taking over the world right now? it's like the weimar republic but global! im sure that even if a fraction of us stopped shitposting and actually did something useful we could achieve a greater goal in life and the advancement of national socialism.

Or we could just set up shop in bir tawil and create our own civilization! Just think about it for a minute, the area the size of londonistan all free for the taking yet no one has actually taken it yet, why not?
Replies: >>817
No one fights for ((( elected ))) leaders. An Aryan fights for his homeland, for blood and soil. That's what people are fighting for while BO wanks to anime.
Replies: >>889
>Does anyone here have any ideas for a job? I have thought about going back to school and study history or political science.
You mean like working in a university? I've only heard bad things the work environment in colleges. Depending on your financial situation, you could try to get into the independent farming industry, as the demand for clean food and milk is obvious and growing. Starting could be as easy as buying a small Jersey milk cow and raising it on a quarter of an acre or less. True permaculture (agroforestry/forest-gardens) is cheap and sustainable mode of farming, which would benefit from having more practitioners. 

I'm coming out of community college and am considering going into a ranger school. I figure it'll be the least soul-sucking job I can find, and it'll actually do good for our people (nature conservation is one of the only public goods that doesn't benefit the american zog) until we can really kick stuff off.
How can anyone with a straight face recommend Evola on reading lists? Absolute schizophrenincel shit.

It feels like the kind of book I would give to people I want to push vulnerable people into being retarded detached cultists instead of the kind you read to learn to self-improve or understand the world.
Replies: >>1063
Honestly, and this doesn't apply to classical fascists, but national socialists still using that dumb name. Even Hitler didn't want to use it, it was an appeal to leftists that has approximately 0 chance of working since WWII.

I know this sounds like bikeshedding but that alone has profound issues for bringing likeminded people to our cause. Might as well call it national faggotry and wonder why it's hard to gain support.
How should you rebutt when someone claims the EU or Bilderberg were started by 'Nazis'? You see this a lot, does anyone have any information disproving this?
Replies: >>825 >>831
Can any esoteric anon redpill me on androgyny and hermaphrodites? I've been reading Miguel lately and he has mention it quite a few times and I've been confused on whether Serrano has been trying to sell me some degeneracy on how having the aspects of the biological sexes are actually a good thing or at-least some spiritual union. If I try to research hermaphroditism truthfully, then I just get LGBTQ niggers mudding everything. 

The National Socialists did not support a Europe Union. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Europe Union did not tolerate nor recognize National Socialism amongst Europeans.
Himmler had ideas for a Pan-European union headed by Germany as a logical consequence of Lebensraum. Yockey followed up on this a few years later. Kalergi had his own version of a European Union before that. What the boomers are most likely referring to though is Adenauer and the Coal & Steel Union (something like that) post-war which became the foundation for the actual European Union we got and have now. Adenauer was not a Nazi, he was a German and in exile for the war.
Replies: >>832
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And NATO? They point to Adolf Heusinger as chairman. 
Is there an article somewhere or infographic tha handily disproves all these claims?
Replies: >>833
>They point to Adolf Heusinger as chairman. 
Anon, they're retarded. Heusinger served Germany since 1915 and was still willingly to serve his country, despite the state of Weimar. What communists are doing is purity spiraling, so they can call anything they do not like capitalist and "nazi" as a justification for the Soviet Union's aggression and retarded foreign policies. Germany during the Cold War were under "de-nazification" where they banned any form of sympathy of the regime with arrests and harassment. It is impossible for NATO to ever had any legitimate "nazi" when the Western powers were enforcing the destruction of all what Hitler had built and forced former members the NSDAP to comply or face arrest. The Soviet Union have done a similar thing with the recruitment of former National Socialist members (Operation Osoaviakhim).  Anyone trying to argue that NATO is secretly le nazi is Q-tier conspiratard and didn't pick-up a history book and is just calling out names.
How do i fill my time?
I have no friends a live in a wasteland.
Replies: >>852 >>854
Obvious stuff like read, exercise, learn useful skills. If you have a decent amount of land, you can try to make it a viable homestead.
You're coming to the worst place for advice
There is a news thread
Replies: >>859
I swear I did not see this thread. Can BO take this to the news instead?
If Ukraine isn't worth defending, then Europe isn't worth defending and if anyone believes Europe isn't worth defending, then they should just turn in their Aryan membership card and become a full time nigger.
Was the Soviet Union connected with freemasonry or jews outside of Russia? Were there any powerful organizations or secret societies that may have giving large amounts of backings to the Soviets that lead to their victory in the first place, which they should of lost? I find it awfully suspicious how the White army poorly performed and how the United States did not fully back a nation that would of became a republic and faithfully ally if they aided them against the bolsheviks. Me thinks that the Anglo-French sphere actually had helped the communists instead.
Replies: >>939 >>942 >>2471
The soviets were backed by the freemasonry until Stalin got into power. He denounced the freemasonry as conspirators against the communist leadership, burnt down freemasonry Lodges and sent the freemasonry to Siberia, freemasonry was outlawed until 1989, doesn't mean that freemasonry didn't bribe the soviet leaders but Stalin definitely throw a giant towards the freemasonry
Replies: >>2492
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Just for you to know. I found all this information on Gab, but a-lot of this was well-known prior, but since 8chan was shoah'd a-lot of information I had was lost. (Always archive and save anything informative)

The Soviet Union was heavily connected with freemasonry, particularly the B'nai B'riths who had huge involvements in the establishment of the Soviet Union. They gave the bolsheviks all the resources they needed to in order to usurper the Russian state of 1904 and were partially responsible for the death of Tsar Nicholas II as well. This is one of the reasons why we see articles and constant talks of big banks and Wall-Street funding the Soviets, and it's because everyone involved with a masonic lodge were providing resources to revolutions started by jews. We can look back at the 1905 revolution and how the bolsheviks came to be in the first place and we see that jews had planned a revenge plot as a response to the Tsar's persecution of "six million" jews.

<Jewish-Zionist-Communist banker Jacob Schiff floated issues in the sum of $200 million ($4.5 billion 2016) out of the total $410 million raised by Japan to win the Russo-Japanese War of 1904.

<The Japanese had not forgotten that the Rothschilds from England in 1904 in the Russo-Japanese War at the moment when Japan threatened to lose the war, bought up Japan's commodity reserves and thanks to this income the country was able to continue and win the war(
https://www.shalom-magazine.com/Print.php?id=260217 (try using deepl.com if you can't read German)

<The Russo-Japanese war in 1904 had been instrumental in bringing about the Russian revolution of 1905.

<The Russo-Japanese conflict in 1904 had provided the Russian socialists with valuable experience. They immediately accelerated revolutionary propagandist activity among the masses
Replies: >>943 >>945
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Lenin also stated that without the backing of international banks and the Russo-Japanese War, his takeover of Russia would have never shifted. 

<During the summer of 1916 a secret report was received by the Russian General Headquarters from one of its agents in New York. This report, dated February 15, 1916, reads in part as follows: The Russian Revolutionary Party of America has evidently resumed its activities. As a consequence of it, momentous developments are expected to follow. The first confidential meeting which marked the beginning of a new era of violence took place on Monday evening, February 14, 1916, in the East Side of New York City. It was attended by sixty-two delegates, fifty of whom were 'veterans' of the revolution of 1905; the rest being newly admitted members.

<Among the delegates were a large percentage of Jews, most of them belonging to the intellectual class, as doctors, publicists, etc., but also some professional revolutionists...The proceedings of this first meeting were almost entirely devoted to the discussion of finding ways and means to start a great revolution in Russia as the 'most favorable moment for it is close at hand.' It was revealed that secret reports had just reached the party from Russia, describing the situation as very favorable, when all arrangements for an immediate outbreak were completed.

<The only serious problem was the financial question but whenever this was raised the assembly was immediately assured by some of the members that this question did not need to cause any embarrassment as ample funds, if necessary, would be furnished by persons in sympathy with the movement of liberating the people of Russia. In this connection the name of Jacob Schiff was repeatedly mentioned.'

The entire build-up of the Soviets and their revolution was mostly if not entirely built by jews. The goal of the masons was to establish a unitary state ran by jews. The communists and lodges had the same goals and were not coincidentally line-uped with each other. The Soviet Union was not ran nor lead by gentiles as nazbols and even conservatives frequently claim to deny the Soviets' jewry, but comprised of jews who sought to accomplish the same goals as the masonic lodges amongst the world. Having support from the B'nai without a doubt confirms that he is jewish and along with most of its members. Tsar Nicholas II even notices how the jews are responsible for 1905.

<The events of the year 1905 which became particularly acute at the beginning of October last, and, after a number of so-called "strikes," culminated in an armed revolt at Moscow and in other cities and localities of the Empire, show quite clearly that the Russian revolutionary movement, apart from its deep social economic causes of an internal nature, has also a quite definite international character. This side of the revolutionary movement, which deserves very serious attention, manifests itself chiefly in the fact that it is supported to a large extent from abroad. [...] This result must be coupled with the fact that the Russian revolutionary movement is altogether distinguished by an alien racial character [...] a most important part is played by the Jews, who have figured and still figure as a specially active and aggressive element of the revolution, whether as individuals, or as leaders of the movement, or in the shape of entire organisations (e.g. the Jewish Bund in the Western region), one may assume with certainty that the aforesaid support of the revolutionary movement from abroad emanates precisely from Jewish capitalist circles.

<There is thus no room for doubt as to the close connexion of the Russian revolution with the Jewish question in general, and with the foreign Jewish organisations in particular, which connexion is already perfectly clear from the point of view of its fundamental principles, since the founders of the Socialist doctrine, Lassalle and Marx, who wield so great an influence on the present mind of the Russian University youth, were notoriously both of Jewish origin. Nor can it be in any way doubted that the practical direction of the Russian revolutionary movement is in Jewish hands.

jews are almost responsible for every revolution within modern Europe, if not downright have connections with them. You can definitely tell by the chantings of the revolutionaries of "liberty, Fraternity and Equality". Chants that benefit ever persons within a state including the jews. Even Napoleon himself had connections with masons.
Replies: >>945
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Nice finds
What's the consensus of /fascist/s on the war in Ukraine? Also is the Azov Battalion actually a nazi organization or just a meme?
Replies: >>949 >>955 >>988
Why do people keep asking this?
/fascist/ as a whole, does not have a consensus, nor will it ever.
Yes they are National Socialists, many NS from Russia have fled their home to join Azov and it's branches that are engaged in combat with Russia, for the sake of their homes and their people, as have many NS from the US and other places, I know one who is on the ground there now, sharing what's happening on the ground.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>951
>sharing what's happening on the ground.
How about starting a thread about this with regular updates?
Replies: >>953
I'm pretty sure this question was answered already. /fascist/ is not /pol/ nor is it /news/ or any current events board. If you want to shill for the nth totally "nazi" totally non fed sting group, go do it somewhere else.
I simply support the folk of Ukraine defending and aiding their fellow men against Russia and hope the two nations will come to peace. Although any talk of how NATO is NS or how jews are on our side will expose themselves as feds. Azov has also outed themselves as fake National Socialists, so I couldn't care for them at all. I agree with other anons, this questions needs to stop be asked, because we answered this question a hundred times.
Replies: >>994
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I had been very busy and worn out with work, so when 16chan died, I was not seeing really any traffic, so I was really thinking that /fascist/ had essentially died. I am surprised to see that anons have picked up the torch, and I am happy to see it, honestly.

Ukraine is a situation totally created by NATO and is kept going by their funds and warmongering Jews such as Zelensky. There is no 'good guy' and 'bad guy' here, per se, but Ukraine and its backers are far more of the epitome of globohomo than Russia is. This entire situation could have been avoided. 

Watch this, blood is on NATO's hands:
Replies: >>993 >>1025
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>There is no good or bad guy here, but Ukranine is more pozzed than Russia
Fuck off back to /pol/. Russia is literally the eastern version of globo-homo. There is no better side. End of story. Anyone who refuses to admit this is a kike trying to d&c.
Replies: >>1025
if you support "Ukraine" then you're really just supporting the USA whether you like it or not, and the USA is run by Jews and worships niggers. So you're effectively a zogbot.
Replies: >>995 >>1005
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He said the folk of Ukraine not Ukraine itself, nigger Ukraine has a Jewish president Russia too. You're looking at it like it's black and white, stupid.
Replies: >>1025
>if you support "Ukraine" then you're really just supporting the USA
If you support "Russia" then you're just supporting Eurasia, and Russia is run by Jews and worships Eurasians. So you are effectively a retarded Kremlin bot who thinks that Russia is not run by Jews. 


Back to >>>/pol/
I wonder what Blyth is doing lately
>Ukraine and its backers are far more of the epitome of globohomo than Russia is.

I don't think anyone's arguing that Russia is a Volkish, White Nationalist state, but it's less pozzed and a better alternative. Even if Putin played along with the kikes, he seems to have rebelled. And if nothing else, Russian victory will create a chaotic, multipolar world, which will ultimately help us survive.

The Volk of Ukraine is the same as Russia, their language is a dialect, they're of the same stock within the same cultural sphere. If you support the Slavic Volk (which you should, they're basically White and much less compromised), then you should support Russia in capturing a GAE satrapy and uniting its lands.
Replies: >>1027
Give me one reason to support Russia that's not based on being slightly less bad when it comes to social policies while being worse in every other regard? If you think I'll support a post-communist gas station run by thieves in law just because they ban faggotry in public, you are not really being convincing. You may sell that story to gullible westerners, not someone from eastern Europe. 

By the way, Russians from Siberia (and few other distant oblasts) seem to be most Aryan (since they are mostly descendants of Whites who got sent to gulags there), they are actually purer than Ukrainians, while other regions of Russia are mostly a mixed bag, and people in big cities tend to look like the liberator or der untermensch kek.
Replies: >>1038 >>1115 >>1116
> If you think I'll support a post-communist gas station run by thieves in law just because they ban faggotry in public, you are not really being convincing.
kek, I don't think that's a very accurate description of Russia. But I've already given you a reason -- a multipolar world with balanced, competing powers. We'll have a better chance of survival under that regime than under GAE.
Replies: >>1039 >>1125
Different poster but is that really true? I suppose some advantage could be extracted if eacj power supports rebel groups in the other and those groups broke free to become independent but that scenario seems unlikely. Even during the cold war there were jews on both sides hedging their bets while making sure neither power could go in the direction of the Reich.
Replies: >>1055
How would succession work in a fascist/natsoc country? Ive asked this question before but never gotten a straight answer.
Replies: >>1060
it's debatable. I don't doubt what you said about the Cold War, but it may not play out the same way this time. Regardless, divided rule means chaos, and that's helpful to our cause. Besides, GAE in its clown world form is just nauseatingly buffoonish and sanctimonious; if I'm going to live under tyrants, they should at least be cool.
There's no consistent answer, Hitler had people who were appointed to replace him in the event of his death, for instance, but the individual succession methods were and would be unique to each Country and movement, determined by the people involved.
What does the globohomo globalist believe in? I know they and their actions are bad but what is their end goal? Some weird kind of "neo-feudalism" where they are at the top?
Replies: >>1104
>what is their end goal? 
Their end goal is the extermination of white people
>What does the globohomo globalist believe in? 
They believe their duty is to exterminate white people, and be the sole rulers of the unwashed dumb brown cattle that will remain

Other details of their wretched "ideologies"  are just secondary consequences and minor aspects.
Their goal is White Genocide, that is all.
>Give me one reason to support Russia that's not based on being slightly less bad when it comes to social policies
That's part of the problem. Lots of people on the Right in the West are tripping over their own big red clown shoes, running to support muh based Russia, muh defenders of Christendom. Except Russian women really, really love abortion, even more than White women in the West. Russians really love alcohol and drugs of every kind and consume krokodil at a rate that causes even niggers to raise an eyebrow. Russians love buggery, too. Their military has always been one big gay sodomy rape gang--and no one is sure whether they learned this practice from the Turks or taught it to them. Even their version of Christianity is 98% state propaganda, 2% the word of God, and 100% heretical.

It is from this that the Ukrainians defend themselves.  They are White warriors fighting for blood and soil against the Russians, who are a degenerate nigger mud race with far more Turk, Gypsy, and Mongol blood in their veins than White. It's why the Russians keep bleating about "muh Nazis." They fear the White warrior who follows the Black Sun banner.
Replies: >>1116 >>1118 >>1125
There's no reason to support either of those sides, even then our "support" amounts to which side we're rooting for. There's arguments to be made that either side winning would be politically useful. 

All of what you say about Russia is true but Ukraine is a US proxy state that had their government overthrown in 2014. I sympathize with the average Ukrainian but ultimately they're fighting for a state which conscripts young men and prohibits them from leaving while sending the young women to Western Europe to be whores. 
>the White warrior who follows the Black Sun banner.
Azov (which is a small component of the UAF) has jews fighting in it and bends over backwards to call russians 'da real nazis'.
Replies: >>1118 >>1125
First of all, while there's some truth to what you said, you're still greatly exaggerating the faults of Russia. More importantly,
>It is from this that the Ukrainians defend themselves.  They are White warriors fighting for blood and soil
This is a fantasy. Ukraine is fighting to be a satrapy of the Globalist American Empire (GAE), led by a gay jewish comedian puppet, and AZOV are nothing more than controlled opposition and false-flaggers, as >>1116 said.
If Ukraine were to somehow win, then their sons would be turned into trannies and faggots, their daughters turned into whores, race-mixing with the africans & pakis who would come pouring in. Before long, there would be nothing left of Ukraine but yet another multiculti shithole full of debt slavery and exploitation. That's why Russia is the much better option despite its faults.
Replies: >>1123
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< That's why Russia is the much better option despite its faults
Replies: >>1152
The best outcome of Ukraine-Russia is obvious. Both zogs weaken each other to the point that genuine nationalists from both sides seize power in a coup and end the war. They both win by replacing their current crop of incompetent leaders.
Replies: >>1127
> a multipolar world with balanced, competing powers
In theory and propaganda yes, but in practice you just get decentralized globohomo or a split between globohomo and gulaghomo like during the Cold War. I don't see any Hindus, Chinese or Brazilians fighting for this "multipolar world", just Russians. Who gets killed, and who gets to benefit from it?
>We'll have a better chance of survival under that regime than under GAE
Their stance towards non-kosher politics is the same as in the west, stop deluding yourself.

You are exaggerating, Russia is still a better social climate than most western countries, but it should be pointed out that it has nothing to do with the Russian ((( government ))), but Russians themselves. And I mean actual, ethnic Russians. But they are not really in a position to act as some kind of moral paragon or a good example because they cannot even clean their own backyard. And that's without considering just how corrupt and incompetent their leadership is, and this is a much bigger issue than troons. Ukrainians were forced into this war and both western and Russian governments are responsible for it. They were literally forced in a pat position where they would be screwed whether they fight or not. On one hand, I can sympathize with their struggle, on another, I wouldn't exactly call them "white warriors" because they are not fighting for themselves or the white race.

Again, both "sides" can try to push their narratives to Americans, but not to someone living in eastern Europe who is familiar with both.

> even then our "support" amounts to which side we're rooting for.
Getting memetic wizards on your side can be very beneficial but they have come to the wrong place to push their propaganda.
>There's arguments to be made that either side winning would be politically useful
There are pros and cons to both.
Replies: >>1126 >>1152
>but in practice you just get decentralized globohomo or a split between globohomo and gulaghomo like during the Cold War.
A counter-example would be the post-WWI situation where the great powers pummeled each other to a degree that left political wiggleroom for fascism to come about. Or we get, as you say, a Cold War (both power blocs never really threatening eachother but using the enemy as an excuse to subjugate their citizens). Which possibility comes to pass probably depends on how severely the powers damage eachother. Since Russia is having a hard time taking Ukraine alone I don't see the conflict expanding, implying a lame Cold War situation even if they completely beat Ukraine.
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Troons calling us chuds ended up being a bit ironic
Replies: >>1138
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Their terms of denigration become badges of honour
The ones that fit them can never be reclaimed as terms of pride because their truth is their shame.
Replies: >>1210
I don't see any problems here. Russia engages in propaganda too, especially its claim of "de-nazifying", I never denied this.

>Their stance towards non-kosher politics is the same as in the west, stop deluding yourself.
I'm not saying Russia is fascist or national-socialist (although the fags make this conflation), but I see a definite distinction between GAE and other factions. No one is free from Jew influence, but the West is terminal at this point.

>I don't see any Hindus, Chinese or Brazilians fighting for this "multipolar world", just Russians. Who gets killed, and who gets to benefit from it?
I see your point, and it's unfortunate that many Ukrainians (and a few Russians) had to be killed for this, but there are always costs. Despite the propaganda deluge, Russia is keeping its casualties low, somewhere under 10k by my estimate; make no mistake, the invasion is going much better than what you're told. As for China and India, they're supportive trade partners if nothing else. Let's not forget that Iran is currently dealing with 5th columnist subversion, and I believe the Persians have some Aryan admixture (a different Volk, but distantly related to us).
Replies: >>1163 >>1228
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Never had much of a problem with Iranians I encountered over here. Apart from them being over here, Top Engineers IMHO and I respect their Nuke program enormously.
Replies: >>1180
Oh look, a cuck.
I always thought "Chud" was a mixup of "Stud" and "Chad" in the end, even though it sounds dumb. Where did you get that quote from, anyways?
Anons, what's the word on Dragan Glavasic?
Replies: >>1236
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>but I see a definite distinction between GAE and other factions
I see different flavors of the same system. If anything, the role of Russia may be to appear as "false savior" and then further demoralize everyone when it gets crushed.
>the invasion is going much better than what you're told
I've been following it occasionally, it certainly doesn't seem so. Why didn't Russia invade back in 2014/15 when Ukraine was significantly weaker? They keep saying how it's a war against NATO but don't treat it as such. Are their generals and politicians retarded enough to think that they would subdue Ukraine (with western support) with the original number of troops? Whether it was intentional, or a result of sheer incompetence, if Russians are not capable of cleaning up their own backyard, they will never challenge any outside force.
>and I believe the Persians have some Aryan admixture
Some is a very vague term here
Replies: >>1259
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Highly based but not useful. Still, what is?
Replies: >>1262
Russia has waged a limited war for most of this year. No, they never had any intention of taking the entire country with a volunteer force, lol. Rather, their Phase I objective was to capture the Donbass and a corridor to Crimea, and they've largely been successful in this. If it wasn't as quick or thorough as planned, that's because of the NATO crusade against them, throwing all their military support behind Ukraine to the point of making this a proxy war.
It was only 1-2 months ago when Russia began transitioning to Phase II, with missile strikes on key infrastructure and a partial mobilization. As of now, Russia is biding its time, consolidating and waiting for the ground to freeze (because fighting a war in the mud is a pain in the dick). Rest assured, Russia will escalate and continue burning through NATO's money and materiel, while its own economy runs smoothly.
As for the long, 8 year delay, I think there are various reasons for that. I think Putin wanted to build up his war machine, consolidate Crimea (which was annexed in 2014) and wait for the right moment to strike. Once that zombie puppet Biden was installed, and once it became clear that ZOG was at a weak point, then Putin decided to greenlight the invasion. I think the deciding moment was the clusterfuck in Afghanistan, when the Talichads rode to victory summer of last year. Given the months needed to prepare an invasion, the time-frames match up.
The only theater where Ukraine is dominating is the propaganda war, which is so pervasive that even red-pilled individuals are taken in by sheer immersion. That's not to say there haven't been setbacks or snafus, but this war has mostly been proceeding according to plan for Russia.

>Some is a very vague term here
admittedly I'm being generous, but I see them as one of the other races who are closer to us in nature.
Replies: >>1269 >>1276 >>2494
Dragan hates the chinks more than kikes for some reason.
Replies: >>1269
>Russia has waged a limited war for most of this year
Limited by their ability to wage that war. Pretending otherwise is ... delusional. 
>with a volunteer force
VDV was a volunteer force? Or you mean professional soliders?
>their Phase I objective was to capture the Donbass and a corridor to Crimea
They had most of Donbass under control already. Gained through a proxy war.
>Russia is biding its time, consolidating and waiting for the ground to freeze
In two more weeks, right? :D
>I think Putin wanted to build up his war machine, consolidate Crimea (which was annexed in 2014) and wait for the right moment to strike
They had no problems capturing Crimea and most of Donbass, then they suddenly stopped for some reason. He could have easily taken the rest of it and the land corridor to Crimea, fortify it and be done with this nonsense. Yet, he did not. He waited for Ukraine to get armed and for its army to get modernized.
>I think the deciding moment was the clusterfuck in Afghanistan
Or people all over the world getting fed up with covid measures...  Or the soaring inflation.... Or the tyrannical policies... Quite convenient.
>when the Talichads rode to victory summer of last year
You mean when the US decided it no longer pays off for them to stay there? There was no fighting, they simply left. It's true that the power and influence of the US is gradually declining due to catastrophic domestic policies, likely as an attempt of a controlled demolition, but it should not be underestimated.
>which is so pervasive that even red-pilled individuals are taken in by sheer immersion
Not really, red-pilled individuals know that this is all a theater and distraction. Failure of your own propaganda is not necessarily the success of the propaganda of the other side, but sovoque mentality is one hell of a drug. The harsh reality of the fact that you cannot wage war entirely through propaganda is revealing itself more and more.

Sure, Rockefellers are not crypto-kikes at all, and Saudi royals are not Donmeh Jews. Chinks are just the tools for their social experiments.
Replies: >>1281
 No, they never had any intention of taking the entire country with a volunteer force, lol. Rather, their Phase I objective was to capture the Donbass and a corridor to Crimea, and they've largely been successful in this. 

Yeah that's why they invaded the entire country and were pushed back the Donbass -- a territory they effectively controlled before the war

Putinist coping is incredible
Replies: >>1278 >>1281
We've yet to see the worst of it. They could defend Moscow being occupied and renamed Zelenskygrad as some grand plan to defeat NATO. It reminds me of those claims about Hitler planning a massive counteroffensive with non-existent armies from his bunker. Even if you support a position, denying obvious facts won't rectify a situation. Putin could be hanged for war crimes and his deluded fans would say it was a body double, or that his plan was always to martyr himself so the fight would go on et cetera.

Remember we're close to a year  now, with minor territorial gains for Russia since the start. Gains they are always under pressure for. Gains that have cost them international standing and taken the crown from Germany as 'shithead of Europe' in the eyes of many normalfags. Gains that have also lost them many thousands of men, vehicles and monies. Russia is fucked, shot itself in the foot over the ambitions of a mid-level KGB officer larping as a Tsar in rusty soviet armour.
Replies: >>1281 >>1283
>Limited by their ability to wage that war. Pretending otherwise is ... delusional. 
They sent a fraction of their total strength. If that was all they had, there wouldn't be the recent partial mobilization. On top of this, we can clearly see that Russian missile strikes spared vital infrastructure for the first 6 months, then they started hitting the electric grid. So that's another example of restraint followed by escalation.

>VDV was a volunteer force? Or you mean professional soliders?
the latter.

>They had most of Donbass under control already. Gained through a proxy war.
I'm well aware of the conflict since 2014, but it was contested, and the situation is different now.

>In two more weeks, right? :D
Can't say for sure, but it'll be sometime this winter.

>Yet, he did not. He waited for Ukraine to get armed and for its army to get modernized.
That's true, there are various possible reasons for the long wait. But I think it's mainly because Putin makes a point of doing things by the book, following legal norms (eg referendums), staying consistent with Just War Theory (last resort, proportionality, etc). He insists on legal/philosophical justification even when dealing with a ruthless and dishonorable ZOG. NS Germany had similar issues at times.
> There was no fighting, they simply left.
The ANA larpers largely disbanded, and the withdrawal was a complete fiasco, with the Taliban gaining lots of high quality weapons & supplies, including tanks and black hawk helicopters. The point is not so much that Taliban took back control, but that it happened in a humiliating manner for ZOG, which I think was the green light for Putin.

>but it should not be underestimated.
Even a decaying empire can still be dangerous and capable of destroying dissidents, that much is true. As Whites, we must proceed with caution.

>Not really, red-pilled individuals know that this is all a theater and distraction. 
I've often come across this perspective. However, the hard-line, almost fanatical Western response tells me that Putin has in fact rebelled against his former masters. If this is kayfabe, they're selling it very well.

>The harsh reality of the fact that you cannot wage war entirely through propaganda is revealing itself more and more.
Yes it is, but this applies to Ukraine, not to Russia.

First, you left off a >
Secondly, the Kiev drive was a feint, designed to divide & tie up Ukrainian forces. Once they achieved their objective, they withdrew (otherwise, they risked getting bogged down & surrounded, which was avoided). So no, they didn't invade the entire country, but a part of it. Now that they have that part, Russia will continue expansion & escalation, all according to plan as I said.

Like I said, Ukrainian propaganda is so pervasive, that it's hard to see through the fog.
>international standing
only GAE and its proxies, the rest of the world is neutral on this.
>many thousands of men, vehicles and monies.
5k-10k casualties is realistic for Russia, but wars are always costly. This is more than offset by their gains, and 5x-10x Ukrainian losses, ranging from 50k-100k, with 75k as a reasonable estimate.
Replies: >>1283 >>1284
>They could defend Moscow being occupied and renamed Zelenskygrad as some grand plan to defeat NATO
It's the same kind of copium that Qoomers are fed with, leading me to think it's a part of the same broader psyop. This kind of refusal to deal with reality is counter-productive for their efforts and is leading them straight into a situation where their enemies want them to be in. If they don't seriously reconsider their positions and make a major cleanup in their own power structures, Moscow being occupied may become more likely than they think. 

>They sent a fraction of their total strength
Because they couldn't send more without endangering the security of their core borders. Those they did send got mowed down in a "feint" and their supply lines have collapsed tens of kilometres from their own border.
>legal justification
Laws are written by the victors
>and the withdrawal was a complete fiasco, with the Taliban gaining lots of high quality weapons & supplies
You mean they "accidentally" left those so that "competing" powers like China have more difficulties taking control in their stead?
>However, the hard-line, almost fanatical Western response tells me that Putin has in fact rebelled against his former masters
That's part of the show. Surely a lot of upper-mid and lower level power structures on both sides are actually convinced to be fighting a real enemy, but those who actually run things have different plans. Putin's moves (and those of his clique) look to me as if he is intentionally running Russia into the ground.

So, team Rothschild, or team Rockefeller, which one should we pick as the saviors of the white race and /ourguys/? /sarcasm
Replies: >>1285
A pigheaded refusal to see the reality of war is not going to magically make Russian propaganda accurate. By all means, take Ukrainian supporting sources with a grain of salt too.

Unless Putin has a secret underground facility with 10,000 brand new tanks, an extra air force and 1 million men bred as part of a soviet supersoldier program, Russia won't be getting a clean win here if they can succeed at all in the long term. Although having said that, it sounds like the kind of thing rus supporters would believe. I see a balkanisation of Russia possibly, within a few decades. Communist China needs to expand to solve internal problems and they've seen how this invasion fell flat on its face, so I expect they're more likely to carve out a chunk of a weakened Russia at this point insetad of risk larger global conflict over Taiwan (however, as Putin shows, leaders are not always going to pick the smart move).

Yet I'll admit I could be wrong. Maybe Putin really did sacrifice the VDV in unsupported airdrops as part of a clever feint. In two weeks, we'll see the gloves really come off. Ukrainians must be so desperate to join Mother Russia by now, if only it wasn't for those pesky globohomos forcing them to defend their nation.
Replies: >>1285
>Because they couldn't send more without endangering the security of their core borders. 
I think the real reason was to maintain public support. Given the close ties between those two nations, an all-out destructive war from the beginning would've been unpopular. Thus, Putin willingly limited the initial invasion to an interventionist force that the Russian people generally approved of. Once the West declared jihad on Russia, put up a new iron curtain of sanctions, and demonized their people and culture, then the popular support for expansion/escalation would emerge. It all fits together, and that includes both force deployment and missile strikes as I mentioned.

>Laws are written by the victors
That's true, and Putin doesn't need to go to all this trouble of justifying his every move, but he does so anyway. There are some advantages to keeping up a legal defense and not relying solely on might-makes-right.

>You mean they "accidentally" left those so that "competing" powers like China have more difficulties taking control in their stead?
Hadn't really thought of this, but it's a definite possibility. In any case, the installation of Biden seems to have been the go-ahead for the invasion.

>So, team Rothschild, or team Rockefeller, which one should we pick as the saviors of the white race and /ourguys/? /sarcasm
Lol, in no way am I implying that Putin's Russia is NS Germany reborn. I believe Putin bent the knee to kikes before this, and has only recently revolted against them. I'm not idolizing Russia or BRICS, I just see them as a much lesser evil; their rise will create a multi-polar world, which means chaos, and that's what we need.

Of course, we should take everything with a grain of salt, and consult a variety of sources.
Alot of what you said would be correct, but it depends upon
>this invasion fell flat on its face
bearing any resemblance to reality, and I don't think that's the case.
>unsupported airdrops
I believe it was a Soviet-style deep operation, not sure of specifics, but I doubt it was a mistake as portrayed.
There are plenty of Russian supporters there too, especially in the south and east. Also alot of corruption and other issues in the AFU.

>Yet I'll admit I could be wrong.
I'll admit the same: maybe the Kremlin hoodwinked and hypnotized me, and this whole farce of an invasion will come crashing down. In which case, it would be as you said, the beginning of the end for Russia, leading to inevitable balkanization and conquest. But if I'm right, next year Ukraine will lose all its territory east of the Dneiper, and possibly all the way to the Carpathians, being reduced to a rump state in the far west; and it will be a devastating blow to GAE.
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>>3 (OP) 
How do I start making professional looking OC like pic related for /ourguys/, the most I've done is editing but never anything like this.
Replies: >>1296 >>1297
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Two options, You can use Photopea or pirated Photoshop. You are going to need an open-source sandbox program (Sandboxie-Plus) if you are going with the pirated Photoshop option and you don't want cheeki breeki nigger malware as well, an good VPN that you can pay with cash as well crypto (Mullvad) if you are an Western European/American.
GIMP is possible but it is pain in the ass to use due to their interface. It's been so long since I made OC ago, but I am going to make a post elaborating further more later on.
Replies: >>1301
Spoiler File
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Photoshop/illustrator or Inkscape/Krita, and get a drawing tablet like Wacom or similar
Replies: >>1301
Thank you for the advice, I'm definitely looking forward to that post, maybe on how to do fashwave as there isn't really any guides on how to do it.
>get a drawing tablet like Wacom or similar
Which one, I've seen some for under $100, are those any good?
Replies: >>1304
Yeah just get a wacom intuous s if you are dabbling they are like 50 usd iirc
Is it true that the Apollo and Hyacinthus were gay lovers or is this also a lie?
Replies: >>1341
Read this http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-lie-told-to-us-about-our-history-ancient-greece-debunking-the-homosexual-lies-about-ancient-greece/
Replies: >>1358
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Ok help me debunk this leftist meme please.
Replies: >>1358 >>1361
I watch that video, but he doesn't go over all the details that debunk all the lies just mainly the crucial points.

This meme is retarded.

Was forced or asked to work for the US government. He wasn't "head of NASA", but the director of Marshall Space Flight Center which is a facility. All he did in his life was built rockets for the United States and nothing more. They wouldn't hire a nazi if he openly continued his loyalty. 

Walter was not apart of the NSDAP. He was only a high-ranking officer within the Wehrmacht. He was also said to have rejected NatSoc. Throughout his entire life he was nothing more, but serve the Western powers and liberalism. I think he may have helped "denazify" Germany as well.

Again, he was only an officer of the Wehrmacht. He was indeed loyal (though he was connected with conspirators who were against Hitler). He spent his life only advising Western powers in strategy and policies they should take. 

He cucked out years ago. Whether he secretly sympathized with Germany til the end it doesn't stop the fact that he still did many of the biddings of NATO and the UN such as condemning Idi Amin for his anti-zionists acts. During the 1971 election he was supported by the Soviet Union and they knew who he was, so Marxoids are grasping for straws. 
Apparently NATO = Nazi for using high-ranking officials even though the Soviet Union had done the same. What all of these guys do have in common is that they provided nothing in bringing any form of nazism back within Germany, so this argument is dumb and their evidence that NATO le noozi doesn't exist.
Replies: >>1361
I see boomers are especially carriers and spreaders of this particular deranged mentality where they claim everything is "the nazis".
Anti EU boomers unironically claim that EU is a nazi project and that heirs of former nazi officials run it.
Antivax boomers claim that Gates is a "nazi eugenist" who wants to genocide innocent niggers and indians.
Now they claim NATO is nazi because of the proxy war in Ucraine where the hohol golems are doing their bidding while pretending to be nationalists.
These people are hopeless.
Replies: >>1366
I've seen this meme before. It is mostly posted by communists who seethe at obstacles to Soviet expansionism the same way right-wingers whine about NATO and the United States supplying Ukraine, as if they expect fairness or their oppositions shouldn't be doing the things RWs oppose. It is ironic and retarded that Marxoids are purity-spiraling NATO for using skilled and experienced officers and scientists for it is common sense when tensions were growing between NATO and the ((( comintern ))) during the Cold War. But if what you say is true about the boomers, then you should know that many of their philosophies and mentalities were built and taught by (((  Trotskyites  ))) which is why they call anything remotely authoritarian or unpopular actions that are in the political alignment of communists, "fascist".
Why do "National Socialists" still call themselves that?
It made some sense tactically in Germany 1920s when appealing to the expanding socialist movement in Germany, but I honestly can't take anyone calling themselves a natsoc in the current year seriously.
Replies: >>1384
Because thats what the ideology is called? What else would we call ourselves?
How would you fix the issues of the Black community, if you were a Black man, using fascist ideology and logic?
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What do you guys think of thuletide article that he wrote on Ashkenazi Jew IQ. I know there are many here that don't like him.

Replies: >>1391 >>1392 >>1403
I think that he might have made a mistake in trusting any sort of mainstream study, especially one about jews, but that the conclusion he came to at the end of his article is appropriate. IQ, while a good indicator of general intelligence and a consistent measurement of group ability, like with blacks and arabs, does not necessarily correlate with true creative ability, elastic thought, or empathy. Jews have a great aptitude for speech, as evidenced by their verbal IQ scores, and yet they have never been seen to demonstrate any sort of positive application or adoption of sensible world views. Wherever they are given creative freedom, they only rot and destroy wholesome art and architecture, showing only the ability to appropriate and destroy. When they are given free reign economically, they trash the financial system and run the host society into the ground, destroying themselves in the process. Despite their high IQ's, they seem incapable of making long term judgements and making sound decisions. So, thuletide is right in his conclusion that jewish IQ is secondary to jewish nepotism and trickery, but it would have been better if he had focused on the failure of IQ tests to measure traits like empathy and synthesis.
Replies: >>1392
Also, the book we are reading in /fbc/ right now, The Passing of the Great Race, addresses some of the issues brought up by the measuring of IQ, like the high performance of indians and chinamen in american society.
Replies: >>1399
Measuring intelligence by IQ is like measuring an economy by GDP. It's a one-dimensional metric that gives you part of the picture, but it's ultimately limited and misses important points.
Replies: >>1402
Emotional inteligence or empathy would seem to be a white trait. It is apparrently lacking in asiatics, i recall hearing of a psychological experiment where babies of different races were played recordings of babies crying and only the white ones would cry too. I think IQ metrics and stats are open to being pozzed by jew controlled academia.
Replies: >>1426
Good article from Thuletide. I disagree a-lot with the kid, but he's been covering a-lot interesting topics. I never truly believe in jew IQ maymay when you realize that jews are merely nepotistic in transfering roles and positions not by merit. Apparently some fags also got butt-hurt at him on telegram for downplaying the jewish IQ lie as if it somehow denies the JQ. I'm specifically talking about Keith and TRS.
Replies: >>1404
>Apparently some fags also got butt-hurt at him on telegram for downplaying the jewish IQ lie as if it somehow denies the JQ.
That's retarded. I think it's just ass-hurt from Ashkenazis dissident right-wingers who are upset that their race's intelligence has been insulted,  along with the usual butt-hurt at Thuletide. 4/pol/ was completely wrong about the jews being highly intelligent as the reason why they have so much influence and power within Europe. The obvious answer for why jews are in the such high position is because the christcucks and mudslimes have also played a central role in elevating jewish rise to power. Christoids were the ones who courted and invited them into Europe in the first place, and allowed them to get away with a-lot of things that wouldn't slide within a nation ran by gentiles (pagans). For instance, I just learned that Isabella didn't actually expulse jews, and the Spanish Empire was a paradise for them. Kikes were able to easily get away with being crypto converts and become clergymen and priests of many of the cathedrals within Spain (although they've always done this prior to the existence of the Spanish Empire). Abrahamics are the reason why we are in this state today, and history clearly illustrates this no matter what morons try to shift the blame on or excuse.
Replies: >>1426
I have a personal project, and I was very interested in the optional flags. Could the board admin please share them? In whatever way is easiest, I don't want to get in the way too much.
Please, I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
>I think IQ metrics and stats are open to being pozzed by jew controlled academia.
That's true of most science nowadays.

I wouldn't say the Jews are particularly intelligent. Rather, they're highly specialized human parasites, so they're very good at their tricks, but not much else. They can't create or invent on their own, only plagiarize and corrupt, as they've done throughout their history.
I spent too much time on leftypol bros. I need an immediate detox.
Replies: >>1429 >>1435
Why would you waste your time on the mentally retarded?
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Here have some antisemitisim to a techno beat.
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What do we know about this?
Replies: >>1468


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Ursula Haverbeck was jailed for denying the holocaust (a big crime in germany), the verdict was overturned and she was released.
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Is anything this guy says true?
Replies: >>1480 >>1527 >>1807
 Ten minutes in, it becomes clear he takes things at surface value, deliberately ignores that Hitler's economic policy was something wholly new and masterminded by Gottfried Feder and neglects to mention that much of what Hitler put in place was voluntary and if not, was intended to be a temporary measure to rebuild the German economy and rejuvenate the German people and their spirit from what the Treaty of Versailles did to it, or was a war measure, which were again temporary. The NSDAP did not take iron control of the economy, nor did they want to, doing this later was a necessity as the war Germany was engaged in, was a war for the very life of the German populace.
 He neglects to mention that factory owners who were not jews, and even some that were, at least at first, were left alone, and the jews were not a majority of German industry at that time(though they were outsized for their percentage of the population) all those left after the appropriation of jewish owned businesses operated as they chose to, until the war began and yes of course taking government contracts which were offered to all industries.
 When the war began, both sides co-opted factories for whatever the war effort needed, America was little different in character from the Soviet Union at that time, Britain did the same and of course the Soviets were already there long before. Hitler's replacement for Trade Unions were mandatory for workers but they only ensured the worker was treated fairly, compensated fairly, and not abused, in comparison to the soviet Trade Unions, which made you little better than slaves working for a Jew who cared not whether you lived or died.
 He mischaracterized the central core of National Socialism being based on the preservation, health, and advancement of the race, in thinking that it's just a replacement for the word "class", it is not, Hitler sought to protect the property rights of every one of his people, and even enhanced and loosened restrictions the Weimar government(and even previous governments) had laid down upon the German people. Jews he cared about not at all, parasites that they were, not due to any perceived wrongdoing to him personally,  but because he had lived through a war in 1920 and fought in that war, against jews when they sought to do to Germany what Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin had done to Russia in 1917,  Hitler saw what the soviets had done to anyone under their power(and continued to do long after Hitler was taken out of the game), and sought to prevent the jews from ever trying that again and the only way is encouraging and enforcing community and unity for the German people, in point of fact, most of these jews that he and Germany at large had an issue with, were foreign jews, many were immigrants who had fled Russia, or were sent by Russia, and were vultures attempting to kill Germany for their power and theirs alone as happened quite directly in the Soviet Union.
In short this seems to be another all socialism is Marxism faggot, neglecting to actually do research on what he's talking about and taking (probably the poorly translated versions of) Mein Kampf, Zweites Buch, and select portions of his speeches and twisting their meaning out of context, and whether the man in the video himself is jewish or not, he is doing the age old, and particularly jewish, practice of taking a truth and turning it into a lie.
Replies: >>1484
>doing this later was a necessity as the war Germany was engaged in, was a war for the very life of the German populace.
without delving into anon's video, this post seems accurate. but the quoted line reminds me...
Sometimes I ask myself why the fates decreed it this way, why WWII had to be lost, why we had to grow up in the decaying world of ((( central bankers ))). Maybe there's a higher reason for all this that I can't perceive from here. Maybe Hitler acted as a light to guide us through Kali Yuga, which we must pass through for some reason. This isn't a proper question, just meandering, but I wanted to post nonetheless.
I know this is a question I should never ask on here but I'm curious: is Sam Hyde controlled op or he's one of the rare few that's good? In the midst of globohomo, he seems refreshing (especially his cancelled show).
Replies: >>1506 >>1522
I could donate clothes I don't need for tax reasons but I need to a receipt and needs to be under $250 in value for non cash charity items. I can't think of any charity that will take it besides goodwill. How does the IRS know what is under $250 for non cash items? I don't want to get suspicious from the IRS or the FBI or some shit.
Replies: >>1506
What do you mean controlled op? He's an edgy e-celeb comedian, what opposition is he claiming to be?

Most non-cash donations are based on an arbitrary agreed upon value. The receipt will state what the agreed value of the items was. It won't really provoke suspicion unless it was some abnormally large amount relative to your income. Also fuck ZOG and their taxes, who cares anyway?
Replies: >>1507
Controlled op in the sense that he's a gatekeeper? I mean look at his MDE crew:
Has a nigger working in his office. He also listens to rap music for fuck's sake.
Not sure on him yet, but I think he seems like he wouldn't mind having a nigger friend.
Has a sandnigger wife. 

I hate it when retards say that Sam's crew are "redpilled" when they're actually civnat cucks. It's a shame really, I liked their content.
Replies: >>1514
No eceleb is truly a revolutionary by nature I don't think, but they do make a mockery of ZOG. How useful that is by itself is a matter of debate. I don't hate the buzz around them myself because I never expect edgy comedians on the internet to have any actually constructive role for an NS future. The most they're good for is deconstructing the system's propaganda by making people laugh at it.
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I'd appreciate the opinion on this from anons who know more about American politics than me.
I'd always assumed Sam Hyde was himself Jewish. In any case I doubt he's /ourguy/. He only cares about free speech so that he can troll people by hiding swastikas in his sets or whatever.

Idk if there's anything wrong with watching him though. Some of his advice has been helpful to me, if a bit capitalist for my tastes. I don't like his surreal / deconstructionist comedy, though. Too Jewish.
No. This guy is an imbecile, and quite infamous for being on par with conservatives when it comes to spewing nonsense as historical facts. Almost all of his arguments against the NSDAP are biased for Judeo-Anglo economic values as an explanation of all failures within Hitler's Germany for not enslaving themselves with "free-trade". Then he bitches about how the Germans are bad, because six gorillion hooked nose cookies were baked by the evil nazee bakers.
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Can someone explain to me the validity of this quote From Sophus Bugge?
Does anyone have any information about the SS's encyclopedia?
Replies: >>1555
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You mean this?
Replies: >>1560
I think so, but I heard that there was a huge collection of encyclopedia from the NSDAP and it probably consisted a collection of things that modern scholars would never cover. I also can't find any translations for the book your pic shows.
Does anyone know where the other anons went to after 16chan's /fascist/ board went down?
Replies: >>1624
I was on frenschan until I found this place. Neither are as good as old /fascist/ though
Replies: >>1630
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Consider yourselfes russian, being drafted to fight your own brother folk. Would you risk your live fighting for a rigged cause?
Replies: >>1640
I moderate much the same as the former BO, If you wish to see something you are missing, go ahead and contribute.
>Would you risk your live fighting for a rigged cause?
No. They're both ZOG. One is Western and falsely liberal. The other is Eurasian and comprised of mutts and niggers. The war in Ukraine is two faggots fighting.
Replies: >>1649
I wasn't asking if russians are mutts, retard.
I was asking if, putting yourself in the position of a russian, you would put your life on the line fighting for mother russia. If there's anything "honorable" about it.
Yeah sure, Putler is a jew puppet, but if it comes to the worst and russia completely loses this war, it might get much worse.
Replies: >>1652 >>1658
I regard Putin as a leader who bent the knee to Jews, and let himself be co-opted to attain power. However, I think his invasion is a rebellion against his former masters. To me, that's the only explanation for the wall of sanctions and the fag crusade against all things Russian, it seems like too much commitment for kayfabe. Even if you disagree, a multipolar world order with balanced powers is a far better arrangement than full-spectrum dominance by GAE, the most kiked cultural force currently in existence.
So yes, fighting for Russia is honorable in this case. They're not only defending their country from race-mixing, poz, and destruction, but they're saving Ukraine from the same fate.
As for their racial stock, Russia is still largely White. There's been a degree of mongrelization of course, but it's limited, and counter-balanced by an infusion of Nordic White blood from the Varangians.
Replies: >>1658
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>I wasn't asking if russians are mutts, retard.
I wasn't referring to the Russians, you dumb nigger. I'm talking about Z-tards, who are niggers and mutts.

>I was asking if, putting yourself in the position of a russian, you would put your life on the line fighting for mother russia.
Your English is a mess. I understood what you said, and I already gave you my answer in my previous post.

>If there's anything "honorable" about it.
It is as honorable as a Palestinian serving Israel.

>but if it comes to the worst and russia completely loses this war, it might get much worse
And you think the situation won't be much the same if Russia wins? What are we supposed to do—support Eastern globo-homo and cheer on Putin as he does nothing that aligns with our beliefs but supports the ones who currently occupy the West and are destroying it? If Russia loses the war, then that's their fault. Nothing we do will change the situation. Maybe shouldn't have attacked Ukraine in the first place without fixing the issues that are rampant across Russia.

> a multipolar world order with balanced powers
>muh multi-polarity
(((  You  ))) are a nazbol kike. A multi-polar world is both impossible and mentally retarded. It is something that is shilled exclusively by Jews and mutts. It is s term that hides its true intentions, to eliminate the White race and empower the races that are inferior and can't do anything on their own. There will never be a world of true balanced powers because human nature will bring it down. Even liberals know this. The first thing your multi-polar world is going to do is worship the Jews and niggers, crack-down on anti-Semitic and racist speech, and make White within their nation mostly submissive like jewtin has done.
Replies: >>1667 >>1722
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>The first thing your multi-polar world is going to do is worship the Jews and niggers, crack-down on anti-Semitic and racist speech, and make White within their nation mostly submissive like jewtin has done.

kek, but this is already happening under the jewSA world order.
I am not the anon you were originally replying to, but look: I don't care about Russia, Russia has little to no projecting power over the rest of the world.
But if Putin's or whoever's actions can somehow put a dent in the current jewSA domination and set up some kind of domino effect able to gradually make it crumble under its own retardation, I am completely fine with it.
As a western European, there are no Russian military bases occupying my country: jewmericans are.
As a western European, no russian led ((( international order ))) has forced me to take untested and dangerous "vaccine" in order to keep my rights as citizens; jewmericans financed the viral gain of function research, jewmericans produced the "vaccine" and jewmerican led ((( WHO ))) prescribed mandatory vaccinations and vaxpass.
As a western European, no russian led ((( international regulations ))) has mandated homosexual perversions and masturbation to be taught in public schools since toddler age: jewmerican ((( UNESCO ))) did.
I don't care about Russia nor the puppet state called "Ukraine", I only care about current jewmerican world order to crumble for good, and for jewmerican System being permanently rendered unable to project the global power it has been maintaining since 1945.
If this means the complete destruction and ruin of the entity currently known as United States of America and its citizens (including their white minority population), then so be it.
Jewnited States of jewmerica have been actively seeking and perpetrating the destruction of mother Europa for more than a century now.
We are tired.
Replies: >>1670 >>1722
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You seem to have ignored everything I've posted and said in my previous post.

>but this is already happening under the jewSA
This is happening in Russia as well. No amount of cope arguments about Russia being Whiter or whataboutism and pilpuil will change the fact that Russia is a Slavic version of the USA, but with less niggers. 

>I am not the anon you were originally replying to, but look: I don't care about Russia, Russia has little to no projecting power over the rest of the world.
Such a lie. Such hypocrisy.
<But if Putin's or whoever's actions can somehow put a dent in the current jewSA domination 
Russia is one of the largest and most significant countries in the world. The UN treats them very much as a big deal, not only because of their natural resources but also because they have one of the largest economies and militaries in the world as well. They've been a big player in the diplomatic world for years. You can't claim that you aren't another stupid Zigger after stating this. If they have no power to project, then they have nothing to harm America, whether they win against Ukraine or not. Which I will say is a true statement, but not because they are irreverent to world affairs, but because they are only concerned that they will not harm the same Jews who run America.

>there are no Russian military bases occupying my country
And isn't this technically true of Israel as well? Should that mean we should prefer them over the burgers? You're not in any of these countries that Russia currently has immense control over or used to occupy. The Muscovites have done and still do the same kiked shit America does to other nations. Are you in Syria, a country that the Russians are still bombing the shit out? Russia has been bombing for the Assad regime, which isn't against the Jews or Zionists as he has plenty who support him from places such as New York and Muscow. Were you in Chechnya, where they bombed Chechen cities and villages to death so they could appeal to their ((( oligarchs ))). How about Ukraine where they're sending in Asians and niggers to murder innocent Whites, and their end goal is the appeal to the same oligarchs? You can bitch about American imperialism all you want, but establishing this idea that the other ZOG empire is an opposition to it is mentally retarded, and you come off as someone who thinks being a contrarian should dictate your perspectives on the world.

>As a Western European
<As a go- I-I mean European
100% Nordic Bavarian phenotype. 

>Muh Jewmericans
Literally all the things America has done, Russia is doing the same BS. And yes, even the LGBTP+ garbage is legal there and is still being spread, despite Putin's false promises to tackle these things. Jewtin is part of the international order, and if he wasn't, then the Jews would have killed or arrested him years ago. A man who truly tackled the current order would not have as much power as he does. To back up proof that Russia isn't any better, I should remind you that he has done so much of their bidding, such as arresting the nationalists, banning criticism of the holohoax, causing disruption within America with BLM and the LGBT, and keeping close relations with powerful rabbis. And now the same vaccines that are said to poison millions of Americans are being pushed by the Russian state. This is why I doubt that you're a "Western European" (something an American would say), because no one here is convinced that the bears are any better.

>I don't care about Russia nor the puppet state called "Ukraine"
If you don't care, then actually like it. You're like the many other asocial tards on mutt/pol/, when things don't go as smoothly as you expect with your usual antics and narratives, you downplay, deflect, and act disingenuous. A person who doesn't care would not choose a position and would be thoroughly cautious of both sides and everything else that is going on or has occurred. All you've done so far is suck Russia's dick as the better opposition, just like all the other morons who "do not care" about what Russia is doing while claiming that they're fighting some righteous holy war against the West.
Replies: >>1671 >>1722
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>This is happening in Russia

I don't care about Russia, they are not occupying and destroying my country while pretending to be my "ally".and imposing "peaceful" genocide of my race via multifaceted "peaceful" methods based on their talmudic hate of my race.

>Such a lie. Such hypocrisy.
You sound paranoid.

>another stupid Zigger
irrelevant, this is not a sports game and there is no team one should chose to cheer to make you feel comfortable. There is no team on our side one at all.

>And isn't this technically true of Israel as well?
the same jewmericans providing Israel's supremacy are the ones who occupy Europe and eradicated national socialism and a future for the white race.

>The Muscovites have done and still do the same kiked shit America does to other nations. 
It was not "the Muscovites", you deceitful liar, it was THE BOLSHEVIK JEWS of Soviet Union. Soviet Union does not exist anymore, all your arguments are invalid. 
Destroyed by jewSA who funded ISIS and "moderate islamic rebels"
top kek

There is no "russian imperialism", and you are literally repeating globohomo glownigger talking points like a good goy NAFO troon.
What's so hard for you to understand about the fact that what Putin does inside of Russia is irrelevant, that no ones expect him to be a liberator or a white race champion, but that white western europeans simply want to get rid of the jewmericans occupiers, no matter how?  
You talk like a butthurt EU-NATO-USA bootliker fag and globohomo lover and you should fuck off and Kys
Replies: >>1677
>I don't care about Russia, 
You don't care how pozzed and how much Russia is an enemy to Whites, because you're like the many other retarded right-wingers who think Russia is the lesser evil.

>they are not occupying and destroying my country
I already explained to on how they would if they could and have made many attempts to destroy the West during the Cold War. Russia still hasn't changed. You're just repeating yourself like a broken record.

>You sound paranoid
<I have no arguments

>this is not a sports game and there is no team one should chose to cheer to make you feel comfortable.
Also you
>But if Putin's or whoever's actions can somehow put a dent in the current jewSA domination 
Then maybe you shouldn't treat it like one as all the other /pol/ contaraians do. It is literal the same behavior as a teenage girl.

>the same jewmericans providing Israel's supremacy are the ones who occupy Europe and eradicated national socialism and a future for the white race.
And as I said in my previous post, Russia is and has doing the same shit. You never answered any of my arguments. Russia's mentality on the White race and fascism is the same as it was 70 years ago.

>It was not "the Muscovites", you deceitful liar, it was THE BOLSHEVIK JEWS of Soviet Union
Nigger, have been Muscovites are filled with literal mutts since the Mongolian invaded Kievan Rus. They are also the main reason why Eastern Europe has been occupied by  the Jews in the first place, no matter how much you try to scapegoat the funni hats. Christcucks and the aristocracy have been leading a hand in the decline of the Aryan race. This is also proof that you aren't a "Western European", butt-hurt is always instilled within Russians when you tell them that the decline of Slavs and Eastern Europeans are also because of Muscovy, not just Jews. The same Jews from the Soviet Union are still in power.

>Soviet Union does not exist anymore
Only in name.

>all your arguments are invalid. 
Excellent rebuttal.

>Destroyed by jewSA 
Are you retarded? Why are you dismissing what I said about Russia and Assad?

>top kek
I'm looking for an argument.

>There is no "russian imperialism"
Russia is responsible for and currently involved in the majority of today's wars. If there's no "Russian Imperialism,", then why are they so desperate to replace the United States as the strongest global power and are doing the exact same things America has done or is currently doing now?

> you are literally repeating globohomo glownigger talking points like a good goy NAFO troon.
<I'm a schizo autistic faggot
So a "globohomo nigger" is merely someone who criticizes a shitty and failed state that is just as anti-White as America is? Glowniggers wouldn't state that current world affairs are nothing but false dualities. You sound eerily similar to one of those mutt contarians on /pol/.

>What's so hard for you to understand about the fact that what Putin does inside of Russia is irrelevant
Maybe it's because you're trying to feed me bullshit and I'm explaining why it's extremely stupid to consume shit in the first place. Your delusion that Russia is "irrevelant" is literally shit that the Kremlin spams on image boards.

> but that white western europeans simply want to get rid of the jewmericans occupiers, no matter how?  
Anon, you aren't a Western European. What Western Europeans other than MIGA, Groypers, and DRs, who are all not White in the first place, think that opposition to Jewish hegemony is to support the other, which is exactly the same as the one in the United States?

>You talk like a butthurt EU-NATO-USA bootliker fag and globohomo lover and you should fuck off and Kys
>Calls someone butt-hurt
>Post nothing but a bunch of word-salads and rebuttals that clearly typed in frustration.
You will never be a Western European, and you will never be White. You are nothing but a low-IQ Zigger mutt who has no understanding of geopolitics at all. I've also noticed that you ignored all of what I said on Russia being just as gay which implies you are fine with globohomo as long as it isn't American, kek.
Replies: >>1678 >>1722

I think BO should call ukrainian glowniggers and provide them your IP so they can track you and send you on the frontline with the rest of the NATObots to die to stop the evil Russia.
You sound like a brave Ukrainian that should be right there on the battlefield, not here wasting time with "Ziggers", as you call them.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Calling for my interference in an argument you are losing is gay, so rule 6

Replies: >>1682 >>1706 >>1709
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Hello does anyone know about any evidence of Putin being Jewish? His mother's maiden name being Maria Ivanovna ((( Shelomova ))) which was shortly changed after it was "mistakenly" put in is something that's been debated a whole ton. And in the Talmud you only need a Jewish mother to be a Jew yourself. So is he a Jew or a goyim controlled by them? I know Zelensky is Jewish as well, but it would make it much easier if they both were. Two Jews going to war while the Gentiles die for them in a brother war.
Replies: >>1702 >>1703
>user yada yada

lol there were literally zero arguments because the NATOfaggot actually expects us to believe some drivel about Soviet Union still existing and operating within current Russia's framework today, lmaoooo

The neocon jews in Amerimuttlandia are the current neobolsheviks, and they are operating in Ukraine from Amerimuttlandia.
If I wanted to argue with rabid baltics, poles and Five Eyes glowniggers about Russia I would go to 4chan, not /fascist/.


Replies: >>1722
I'm trying on Linux. My first distro is going to be Linux Mint. Any advice on what to look out for in Linux? Speaking of Linux, I am a bit suspicious of it. A rule of thumb is that anything that's popular and mainstream is subverted/controlled by jews. If Linux is considered popular and widely used by tech enthusiasts, it has to be under jewish control. I've heard that 'systemd' is kiked? 

I have a lot to learn about Linux. But whatever it is, I like it's customizability. I can make it look retro or whatever with a Windows 95 look (with FVWM).
Replies: >>1705 >>1753
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Replies: >>1722
also if you want to understand whats happening in eastern euro, you need to know about "new khazaria". a lot of this article is long-winded, but provides some good info

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I picked up my linux project again. I'm using arch linux and a distro called LARBS. Two guys I listen to are Luke Smith and Wolfgang's Channel. Arch linux is a bit sperg but less neckbeard than debian. The difference is mainly in the command line stuff. It can be fukn frustrating but stick with it and write down the exact steps you did to install your desktop because if something breaks and you cant google your way out of it then just reinstall. 

Apparrently Arch has the most programs, I'm getting into SDR and also a bit of better security, eventually I want my desktop pretty encrypted and linux is the best bet for that. I need linux to do something about the intel M.E. on the CPU. Its a big investment of time to learn but you gotta step your game up sometime, right anon?

 Dont use anything other than the main package manager to install your programs. I wasted a lot of time following instructions from secondary sources, now I just go to the arch wiki and struggle through that, but mostly the issues are because I didnt install some package that I should have. Write everything down on a cheat sheet and listen to Luke Smith.
Replies: >>1710 >>1753
>I think BO should call ukrainian glowniggers and provide them your IP
Fatherless behavior if not Jewish.

NATO literally rents free in your head. It's also funny for you to assume that I'm Pro-NATO when I detest them as much as I do Russia. They're one of the top pillars of the Jew World Order, and no one can deny this.

>You sound like a brave Ukrainian that should be right there on the battlefield,
You mean the same Ukrainians who are kicking Russia's incompetent ass :^). I guess I can sympathize with them in the sense that I am also BTFOing a bear. 

I wasn't being pro-Ukraine within any of my posts. I'm simply telling ((( You ))) that Russia isn't our savior nor for us. They are just as kiked. But of course, DRs such as yourself, once again prove that you are fine with Jewry and pozz as long as it isn't Anglo.
Replies: >>1722
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these are the "russians" you support? you're very confused.
Replies: >>1722
>Luke Smith
Noted. What about other ones like DistroTube and Mental Outlaw?
Replies: >>1711 >>1753
I'll check them out, but like smith and wolfgang were recommended to me by 1337 haxxor types I used to post with so they're well regarded.
Replies: >>1715
I found out that Mental Outlaw is a race-mixed mongrel. So I guess don't watch him. Fuck, I thought Linux was the White man's operating system. Speaking of that, I also found out that trannies use linux. Disgusting.
Replies: >>1716 >>1719
that doesnt mean you cant use it. they use cars too, are you never going to drive again?
Did anyone within the NSDAP support polygamy?
White men built linux, I think theres a distro for niggers tho. Many more trannys use iOS. Anroid is for potatoes.There's lots of linux influencers and sites, but generally if they're brown you aren't going to be getting much sense out of them.
Replies: >>1723
maybe we should do a straw poll about what OS we all use. I'd be surprised if there were any mac users. I use win 10 AME and a test PC with arch linux.
Has there ever been an successful anarchist state?
pretty much this. pardon me for dipping out of the conversation, was distracted. I have a bad habit of getting pulled away by other matters.

>nazbol kike.
not at all, and pulling up some contrarian posts is no proof of that. It's like posting trannies larping as NS and claiming this board is therefore pro-troon, it doesn't work that way. Have you not noticed the Leftist fag crusade for Ukraine, or the ZOG propaganda deluge? They already have designs to reduce Russia to slavery & destruction, as they've already done with Germany.

>Literally all the things America has done, Russia is doing the same BS. 
>Russia is a Slavic version of the USA
This really is not the case. You're presenting a false dichotomy where you're either the Third Reich or you're a pozzed diverse shithole run by Jewish slumlords. There are gradations between red-pilled & blue-pilled, between based & cringe. Russia is not immune to world Jewry, but they're still Whiter and healthier than GAE & its vassal states. BRICS is the better option, because what other options do we have?

>Nigger, have been Muscovites are filled with literal mutts since the Mongolian invaded Kievan Rus.
there's no denying that the Russians have had race-mixing and mongrelization, but you're still greatly exaggerating. There's still a White population there, with a Varangian strain, which helps counterbalance the lower elements that have seeped in.

indeed. Communism phase-changed from hard power to soft power, and is now active in the West.

like I said, Putin rebelled against his former masters, that's my reading of this.

>You mean the same Ukrainians who are kicking Russia's incompetent ass :^)
I want to believe you're joking, but ZOG propaganda has been so effective, that maybe even you've been gaslit by it. The Russian invasion is going according to plan, much of what you've heard to the contrary is fabricated.

>I'm simply telling (((  You  ))) that Russia isn't our savior nor for us. They are just as kiked. But of course, DRs such as yourself, once again prove that you are fine with Jewry and pozz as long as it isn't Anglo.
By no means is Russia our savior, but that doesn't mean they're just as bad; GAE is significantly more kiked than they are, and unlike Russia is actively pursuing White genocide. I have no illusions, there is no genuine WN state anywhere on earth. I support the less bad option, and I hope for international chaos, which will help us survive. Anything that works towards toppling the WEF and its associated power structure is a good thing at this point.
>White men built linux
And it's slowly being taken over by shitskins. Giving shitskins access to technology is a big mistake. A HUGE one. Now, any pajeet can become a successful coder and that annoys me. Knowledge that should be in our brains is in theirs and I hate it. Same thing with the English language. They're speaking MY language, and I despise that even more.
>The faggot is back with no arguments.
Vaccinated post. You continue down this road of autism you will become a tranny. And Jewtin would be more than happy to faggots like you on his side.

>Russia is White
kek, Russia is a nation of mutts and gooks. The muttery there is so bad that there exists regiments of gooks. The Islamic and Eurasian birth-rates are skyrocketing. Russia is about as White as America. Russia has become nearly totally dysgenic. Imagine having NATO buck break you into being this retarded. You aren't a Third Reich advocate, because the Germans had the same views as the Ukrainian Nazi do, which is that Russia must be destroyed to actually secure a future for the Aryan race. You still want to contribute to the HuWhite race? Then tie a noose and let loose, faggot.

Watch this video and then try telling me that Russia is Whiter than NATO. 
Replies: >>1731
where can I read about eco fa
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>uses GAE and cuckchan lingos unironically
>thinks pretending to be someone else is going to prevent you from being banned again.
Stop ban evading faggot. Russia is kiked. There is no "Varangian strain" (LARP and cringe comment). Russia is apart of ZOG. This picture alone proves that you are a retard if you think that Jewtin isn't as kiked as Trump.
Replies: >>1731
just wanted to say that I am the user banned in the previous post, but I am not >>1722
Believe what you will, I am not technically "ban evading" either since I simply post from tor so I don't even get a notice of being banned when I post in a different session.
Replies: >>1733
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> It's like posting trannies larping as NS and claiming this board is therefore pro-troon
The same is true for those who LARP as NS but think Russia is a better position to support than the West. I know for a fact that you aren't a fascist or National Socialist just some Kremlin shill who desperately needs RW and fascist circles to support literal mental illness. 

>Have you not noticed the Leftist fag crusade for Ukraine, or the ZOG 
Niggers like you all repeat the talking points which is further proof that every person who has shilled for Russia is inorganic. Russia's got lefties support their side as well and lots of kikes.

>you're either the Third Reich or you're a pozzed diverse shithole run by Jewish slumlords.
>t. Hasbara
No one with a brain unironically thinks think a Slavic state ran by Jewish oligarchs is anything like the Third Reich. Claiming something to be similar to the Third Reich doesn't work on people who actually know about it. No politician on Earth will ever replicate what the NSDAP did. I can bring up plenty of photos and vids of fags and trannies unironically supporting Putin to prove to ((( You ))) that your description of America is no different than Russia. 

>There are gradations between red-pilled & blue-pilled, between based & cringe.
Gay statement. You clearly haven't said anything red-pilled.

>but they're still Whiter and healthier than GAE & its vassal states.
Russia is about as White and healthy as a nigger's asshole. There is no GAE, IT'S ZOG. If you can't say ZOG, THEN GET THE OFF OUT.

>Putin rebelled against his former masters
What former masters did he rebel against? He did all of what they wanted. You get arrested for the denying the holocaust, you can't state the truth of Jewish involvement in Holodomor, he arrests Nationalists, and now he's trying to arrest people who are against the vaccine mandates. These are the exact things that ZOGs has been trying to do in America for years.
Replies: >>1810 >>1816
It doesn't matter if you're samefagging or not. You're still a faggot.
Such an insult coming from someone so rabidly infesting this board with proZOG propaganda supporting NATO means absolutely nothing anyway.
Replies: >>1768
>like I said, Putin rebelled against his former masters, that's my reading of this.
the jew is finally running out bullshit to say. just kidding, kikes never stop spewing bullshit lol. this jew will continue to ban evade, its all it has left
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Or just Q nonsense? This particular video is about a Jewish drug cartel based in New Hampshire. Among its alleged members are the Governor, both Senators, and the Attorney General. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yNkovox3jtUs/

O'Connell also talks about how Israel uses Big Tech to backdoor most of the world's computer systems, and the Russia/Ukraine war as part of a broader attempt by the international bankers to pivot from US unipolar dominance to and Israeli/Russian/Chinese-led Eurasian multipolar order

My thoughts are if this is a limited hangout it's a pretty good one. The stuff O'Connell says brings a lot of the pieces together for me, even if he's not an antisemite himself
Replies: >>1749
He was the first person thrown in prison for hate speech in Australia way back in 2009.


This thread will explain it better than i do.
Replies: >>1741
yeah I first heard of him over on frenschan
about oconnell I will say that I find it sus how he never talks about covid. I understand the virus itself was a distraction but the overall psyop has huge implications for world politics
also I mean jews run the CDC and make all the vaccines. if anything was a jewish conspiracy it was covid
You know what, I was wrong again. He does correctly peg covid as an excuse for the Chinese to crash the world economy and warn that the vaxx is dangerous. O'Connell has a lot of ideas and his presentation is pretty scattered so you have to watch a lot of shit to get a grasp on what he actually believes

Anyway, are y'all familiar with Project Gladio?

After WW2, NATO false-flagged both fascist and communist terrorist attacks to legitimise the new Italian government.

Several years ago, Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett alleged that Al Qaeda and ISIS were US intelligence cutouts ("Gladio B"). Similar to the first Gladio, the purpose was to legitimise ZOG in America by bringing the sort of Islamic terrorism Israel struggled with on a day-to-day basis home to us (9/11 etc.)

A lot of people on the dissident right today know that McVeigh was a glownigger and didn't work alone, but there isn't enough talk about what exactly is going on with white nationalism post-Trump. A lot of these organisations - Atomwaffen and Daily Stormer come to mind - are probably set up by law enforcement / informers to make our side look like psychos and justify things like hate speech laws. American Futurist is run by one Jack ((( Espinoza ))) kek.

The goal of all this? International bankers break up the US and rule the world from Eurasia. Tons of petty nationalisms that can't compete with megacorps and trillionaires. McJihad, as it were.

I only suggest that my volksgenossen be cautious of adventurists like James Mason who advocate terrorism because the system is supposedly beyond saving. I imagine there are a lot of good people in the government who are just as sick of mass immigration and the like as us. We need to focus on building mass awareness to give the people who already have power room to act, not just commiting mass shootings or blowing up substations.

This isn't to discount genuine local organising, which will always be more reliable than state or federal government. But it's important that we don't get caught up in the spectacle of "white nationalism" and lead down the enemy's path for us. Mass organisations are still viable, provided they have the backing of a certain portion of the existing apparatus. Acting like the best we can do is decentralised terrorism is defeatist af.
Replies: >>1750
>A lot of people on the dissident right today know that McVeigh was a glownigger and didn't work alone, but there isn't enough talk about what exactly is going on with white nationalism post-Trump. A lot of these organisations - Atomwaffen and Daily Stormer come to mind - are probably set up by law enforcement / informers to make our side look like psychos and justify things like hate speech laws.
You only allow yourself to be defined as "psycho" as they do. Always go on the offensive, never defensive.
>American Futurist is run by one Jack (((  Espinoza  ))) kek
Name one single thing that makes them "fed-worthy". Calling out shit like going to jail forever for choosing insignificant targets hardly screams "federal agent" enough, neither does advocating for parallel polis society built around economic collapse.
>I only suggest that my volksgenossen be cautious of adventurists like James Mason who advocate terrorism because the system is supposedly beyond saving. I imagine there are a lot of good people in the government who are just as sick of mass immigration and the like as us. We need to focus on building mass awareness to give the people who already have power room to act, not just commiting mass shootings or blowing up substations.
Ah yes, we all know how benevolent Jews and racial treacherous politicians simply are in the American government. Joking aside, the only actual people you need to "appeal to" or as simply recruit, would be the disillusioned, alienated rural white people that ZOG holds contempt for, and it also treats them like abused animals. which is exactly the same strategical and tactical advantage that NSDAP in the collapsed Weimar republic, early Christianity as well Hamas has exactly done.
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I'm not talking about politicians as much as police, military, immigration officials, low-level intelligence etc. Obviously you need the support of the masses as well, but they largely aren't capable of running the state after a new government takes power. that's what allies within the apparatus are for

but again, the idea that leaderless resistance is the end-all be-all is so stupid as to be a literal psyop

glad to hear that american futurist has discouraged mass shootings, but I've still seen them encourage other stupid shit like welfare fraud and ecoterrorism. also picrel kek. if that's not a jew I don't know what is

as for being seen as psycho, I'd say there's a difference between not shying away from necessary violence and fetishising violence for its own sake. atomwaffen and tds definitely fall into that latter category, and I think it's fair to regard people like that as retarded
Replies: >>1752 >>1757 >>1761
Closing the thread, Because you're an idiot and worship of ecelebs and mass movement politics is retarded all posts will be moved to QTTDOT.
Replies: >>1758
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>Any advice on what to look out for in Linux?
Buy a system administration book and read it. Avoid cloud stuff. Not because orchestration of many machines isn't useful, but because you're probably just managing one or two PCs.
>I need linux to do something about the intel M.E. on the CPU.
>Noted. What about other ones like DistroTube and Mental Outlaw?
Learning tech requires concentration so you might as well read. If you insist on watching then find recorded conference videos such as LibrePlanet, linux.conf.au or Chaos Computer Congress if you can stomach the soy.
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Guys, the local deradicalization monitor agent for the board as spoken.

The absolute state of opticuck propaganda.
Replies: >>1757 >>1758

was meant as a reply to >>1751
oconnell isn't an eceleb kek he has maybe 20k subs on youtube. plus I just discovered him a couple weeks ago so I'm not a huge fan one way or another. you're just butthurt that someone isn't down with seejtard BS in your super sekret club
it's not about optics. I could give a shit less what normie cattle think. it's about not throwing away your life with bad tactics

it's also about harm reduction tbh. I strongly dislike jews but I'm also opposed to unnecessary violence. if we can come to power without lone wolf terrorism, why wouldn't we? seems like a no-brainer to me

like I said in my previous post, the whole thing reeks of gladio c, where c stands for "civil war in america"
Replies: >>1759
>if we can come to power

We can't - or maybe voting Donald Trumpenstein this time will fix it - or why not try Zion De Santis this time?
All, and I repeat ALL western countries are specifically designed to never ever allow under any circumstances that white people will rule under a fascist ethnocentric state ever again.
((( They ))) are aware of the "HItler was voted" meme, so they made sure this would never happen again.

>"civil war in america"
I fucking wish this were true, at least amerilards would actually be DOING something this time.
Sadly, the few white americans left will be simply exterminated by the brown hordes, probably the only ones left in your army now who will gladly obey when the government will tell them to go and kill all the "domestic terrorists".

Go back to whatever cuckservative shithole full of boomers you eventually crawled out from.
>if we can come to power without lone wolf terrorism, why wouldn't we?
If we could, we would have done so already - in at least one or two counties/cities/states.
>Sadly, the few white americans left will be simply exterminated by the brown hordes, probably the only ones left in your army now who will gladly obey when the government will tell them to go and kill all the "domestic terrorists".
I'm not this blackpilled. It's actually really fucking difficult to kill off an entire race. South African niggers tried it and failed. Still, the idea that we can win completely non-violently is ludicrous.
>I'm not talking about politicians as much as police, military, immigration officials, low-level intelligence etc. Obviously you need the support of the masses as well, but they largely aren't capable of running the state after a new government takes power. that's what allies within the apparatus are for.
ZOG powerful white-collar roles such as journalists, activists and politicians serve no valuable purpose as they will bite us in the ass by forming counter-revolutions potentially, but I do agree that we should convert ex-military veterans, mechanics and electricians over to the NS side. We need more military-types and anyone else productive for an new ideal society.
>but again, the idea that leaderless resistance is the end-all be-all is so stupid as to be a literal psyop
Sure that it isn't the only means, but it will be solely if ZOG choses to continue going full-hammer on public organisations and throwing anyone there in the slammer. It's only due to recent technological innovations such as end-to-end encryption and the software that this imageboard runs on ensures on that we aren't starving in some locked-down concrete hellhole already.
>as for being seen as psycho, I'd say there's a difference between not shying away from necessary violence and fetishising violence for its own sake. atomwaffen and tds definitely fall into that latter category, and I think it's fair to regard people like that as retarded
I agree, which is where the ex-AW folks fucked up self-admittedly, But now having learned from their mistakes, they are planning to focus on doing infrastructure projects and social services to the lost rural White working class. On the other hand however, Andrew Anglin is retarded and he might as well choose that way forever.
Is this site better than fedschan? Their mods are being niggers so I came to check this place out
Replies: >>1765
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This site is pretty fair but not as good as 16chan was
Can someone give me a non retarded, non-biased and the literal definition of what socialism is?
Replies: >>1768 >>1769
Our stance on the Russo-Ukraine war is neutral, and we are generally skeptical. Just because NATO is trash doesn't mean we must fellate and swallow ((( Putin )))'s cum as much as any  zigger does.

Socialism is simply the "social" ownership of a nation's economy or production that is distributed by a state. It generally promotes wealth distribution and equity in the hopes of bringing out the best in an individual's potential. There is no singular definition of socialism, no matter what marxoids or lolbergs say, as there exist numerous ideas on how to achieve socialism. Marxism is not a fundamental principle of socialism. National Socialism is indeed an aspect of socialism, but it has a different way of achieving a socialist society without trying to break nature's laws or deconstruct hierarchy and tradition. National Socialists protect private or family property while providing equal distribution of money, services, and goods. We want all Aryans to have their necessary freedoms, but at the same time we want them to be eugeneic in order to achieve self-sufficiency. We promote the love and improvement of our respective nations and unity among all classes of society to maintain social cohesion.
despite being a national socialist, I side more towards the "leftist," marxist definition, i.e.
>workers own and control the means of production directly, not through "representative" government a la leninist revisionism
>"commodity production" for the profit of few is abolished; production is rather based on the needs of society as a whole
>so-called "free" markets are also abolished, in favour of a centrally planned economy

that's just a quick rundown, and tbh I haven't read any of marx's longer works, as my IQ is too low and I don't have the time in any case. I will however leave you with some quotes of his, to encourage you to give him another chance instead of just dismissing him as
>le jew

"We find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every Pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets."

"The Jews monopolize the machinery of the loan-mongering mysteries by concentrating their energies upon the barter-trade in securities, and the changing of money and negotiating of bills in a great measure arising therefrom."

"This Jew organization of loan-mongers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organization of landowners. It principally sprang up in Europe since Rothschild was made a Baron by Austria, enriched by the money earned by the Hessians in fighting the American Revolution. The fortunes amassed by these loan-mongers are immense, but the wrongs and sufferings thus entailed on the people and the encouragement thus afforded to their oppressors still remain to be told."

"The loan-mongering Jews derive much of their strength from family relations, as these, in addition to their lucre affinities, give a compactness and unity to their operations which ensure their success."

All from an article entitled "The Russian Loan," originally published in the mid-1800s, and republished by his daughter Eleanor in the 1897 compilation "The Eastern Question"

Early anarchists like Bakunin and Proudhon were redpilled on the JQ as well. Pro-Jew leftism is essentially a 20th century phenomenon. It got co-opted starting with the expulsion of anarchists from the First International
Replies: >>1770 >>1771 >>1789
>This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of bloodsucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other.
>...this race that poisons everything by sticking its nose into everything without ever mixing with any other people. Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women. Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Demand its expulsion. Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It’s not without cause that the Christians called them deicides. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. H. Heine, A. Weill, and others are nothing but secret spies ; Rothschild, Crémieux, Marx, Fould, wicked, bilious, envious, bitter, etc. etc. beings who hate us. The Jew must disappear by steel or by fusion or by expulsion. Tolerate the elderly who no longer have children. Work to be done – What the peoples of the Middle Ages hated instinctively I hate upon reflection and irrevocably. The hatred of the Jew like the hatred of the English should be our first article of political faith.
Replies: >>1777
>workers own and control the means of production directly, not through "representative" government a la leninist revisions
Not even the NSDAP tried doing such a thing, as the workers are too ignorant to manage their own labor. Having unions is enough to secure a worker's production. And I mean actual unions, which are managed by men who truly care about their well-being.

>in favour of a centrally planned economy
The thing here is that National Socialists aren't in favor of a centrally planned economy, which always leads to failure due to the complexity and administrative stress of ruining a central bureaucracy. Something I do agree with Hayek on is that centrally planned economies are inefficient in supply and demand.

> I haven't read any of marx's longer works
> to encourage you to give him another chance instead of just dismissing him as
It's a wonder why you don't understand why we dismiss Marx other than the fact that he was jewish, that most of his inspirations come directly from Judaism, and that the majority of his followers were jews. It's also a wonder why I'm sensing that you're a beef-stake Nazi.

>Early anarchists like Bakunin and Proudhon were redpilled on the JQ as well. 
Bakunin was a fag. Although Proudhon is debatable for his "anarchism", he still acknowledged race, was aware of jewish subversion, and hated the French Revolution. Bakunin just wanted to get rid of any external authority. Anarchy is still gay, and being JQ-pilled still doesn't make your ideas coherent. 

> Pro-Jew leftism is essentially a 20th century phenomenon
That is not even remotely close to being true. Pro-Jewish leftism has existed for centuries. Jews can even be partially credited for the birth of leftism itself. The earliest socialists and Saint Simonianists were literally inspired by Kabbalah Jews and comprised of degenerates who were just like the communists. As there were some leftists who were aware of jewish subversion, there were many more who were shabbas goys or jewish themselves. They will still commonly provide their "solutions," which derive from the jewish mindset.There's also this common phenomenon where a leftist who is anti-White is against the family, a leftist who is pro-White still wants to destroy all family structures, and one who is in favor of family is still anti-White.
>They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated.
cucked for giving kikes an option to still live. also cucked for thinking that the jews are LE BAD while nonwhites and whites are LE GOOD, 

Here's what a real White man's take should be:
>jews AND other nonwhite races = bad
>whites = good

<but muh nonwhite allies
Get out of my board nigger. No, gypsycrusader isn't based, faggot.
Do you think the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the threatened credit downgrading of other major US banks is the beginning of a ((( crisis ))) or just another symptom of mismanagement due to hubris?
Replies: >>1785
Banks going broke seem like just business as usual. I hear talk of the new economic era being brought into existance right now though.
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> tbh I haven't read any of marx's longer works, as my IQ is too low
> I will however leave you with some quotes of his, to encourage you to give him another chance

how in the fuck can you recommend something after implying you don't really understand it? also, are you seriously coming to a board like this to shill, of all "people", fucking ((( marx )))? is this how desperate you faggots have become? do you know where you're at? i was reading that faggots manifesto when i was in jr fucking high school, and even I understood it at the time; i guess you really are fucking dumb
Replies: >>1790
I didn't say I didn't understand his ideas, I just said that I haven't read any of his longer works. He has essays like the manifesto, value price and profit, and wage labour and capital that go over the foundations. why is the average internet nazi not only retarded but also unnecessarily hostile? read the fucking quotes and tell me they don't sound based you fucking nigger. goddamnit
Replies: >>1791 >>1793 >>1794
you don't need to read 1000 pages about linen and coats (das kapital) to understand that private ownership of the means of production leads to unethical profiteering and the centralisation of wealth in the hands of a few jews
>I didn't say I didn't understand his ideas, I just said that I haven't read any of his longer works.
Anon, to understand Marx you have to actually read his works. You're like many communists who claim to understand Marx, but in reality only know gits of his manifesto and ideas through memes and other communists making vague statements.

>why is the average internet nazi not only retarded but also unnecessarily hostile?
<says nothing but retarded shit within this thread
<tries to get us to read ((( Marx ))) again as if some of us haven't already done so and still rightly conclude that he's retarded
<is one of the many other morons who come to /fascist/ in attempt to try to turn us into communist or recommend commie garbage
Why is there always a faggot telling us that we should reconsider Marxism and constantly enter fascists and NS circles to recommend socialists and their awful writings? As anon said, just because you're JQ-pilled does not mean that you are based and have meaningful things to say in regards to things outside the JQ. Bakunin is still a retard, and Proudhon isn't even a leftist.
Replies: >>1810
We aren't uneccessarily hostile, we are driven out of nearly everywhere we go and are constantly invaded when we do make our own spaces, by newfaggots and everyone else trying to get us off the path the gods have set out for us, yet still we remain, we are hostile because this space is ours and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM US.
Replies: >>1810
What's with retards thinking that Hitler was a pedo because Eva Braun "fell in love" with him while she was 17? Even though she didn't ask him untill she was an adult?
Replies: >>1799 >>1800
What's with retards thinking that liking a 17 year old girl is somehow pedophilic?
Replies: >>1800
Nice dubs.
It's just Ziggers who doesn't understand the definition of pedophilia. They're the same people who think it's a 25 year old dating a 18-19 year old is pedophilia, or a 17 year dating an 18 year old.
I'm very late to respond to this, but I've been taking a break from the internet to focus on life. But this video is horrendously wrong on all accounts.

>National Socialism and Marxism
He claims and conflates all forms of socialism with Marxism and goes by the logic that Hitler claiming to be a socialist means he is like many other communists and also had all means of production under state occupation. This is not what happened; Hitler and the NSDAP merely broke up the most powerful corporations within Germany into trusts while allowing free competition and personal initiative for everyone, although they were still expected to be loyal and the police would only intervene in business if it harmed the Volk. The National Socialists economic policy was simply corportaism, and their goal was to keep all classes united at all costs. The Germans did not have full ownership of everything, despite what lolbergs and other anarchist-tards claim, and were absolutely not in favor of disunifying the classes.

>on business owners
Then he goes on about how Marxism and National Socialism share the same ideas and perspectives, such as overthrowing businesses in the nation of the "revolution". This is ignorantly false, and it is clear as day that TIK has lazily researched the Third Reich. Business owners weren't culled, killed, or arrested for simply owning property. They were permitted to keep their companies afloat, but they were not allowed to treat the worker as a slave and commit treachery against the state and the Volk. National Socialists do not kill or arrest business owners because they are "bourgeoisie".

>Trade Unions
Trade unions weren't abolished for the sake of socialism; they were abolished because the Germans knew they were used to overtaking states. The financial world was, and still is, undeniably run by Jews. Those on Wall Street bankrolled the Soviet Revolution and are why the Soviet Union and many other illegitimate states (Israel) exist today. This is why the Deutsche Arbeitsfront was established as an alternative way to protect the worker's labor, prevent them from being treated as slaves, and eradicate the high unemployment rate for infrastructural repairs without relying on outside forces that do not want to help Germany but control it.

This is where this guy really shines in his notoriety when it comes to historical inaccuracy. The Reichsbank was indeed nationalized prior to the arrival of Hitler, although what he forgets is that the RBG Act privatized the bank in 1924, I think it was nationalized again in 1933, and it was totally nationalized in 1939. Why would Weimar, a nation that champions liberalism and economic freedumb, nationalize its own bank?

>Reichstag Fire Decree
Pfft, was this man dropped on his head? The Reichstag Fire Decree does not say anything on abolishing private property or taking away all personal liberties. The decree simply meant that the state could intervene and seize property that was involved in harmful activities against the nation. The decree existed to stomp on the communist and Zionist press, meeting houses, etc after they burned the Reichstag. They were actively planning to destroy the German nation even before Hitler became chancellor, and there is tons of evidence that they indeed had malicious intent to harm the Volk and nation.

>"You cannot remove the Jews from society if they have private property and can fight you in the courts"
Except this wasn't the case for the NSDAP; they were quite successful in taking away private property and citizenship from those who were harmful to Germany and were able to prove that Jews are an alien people, and that many of them have committed actions that are poisonous. You can simply revoke the rights of Jews, and then they won't even have a voice in court that will defend them, and that is what Hitler and co have done.

>socialism is the Holocaust.

This guy is a "special" one. But he isn't the first libertarian I've seen who has attempted to use the Holocaust as a way to prove "socialism bad".
I'm not saying Russia is equivalent to the Third Reich, just that BRICS is the less bad option due to the absolute state of the West.

>There is no GAE, IT'S ZOG
of course GAE is also ZOG. GAE is a more specific acronym, and is fairly popular, which is why I use it. You could also refer to that political entity as the Anglo-Zionist Empire.

>fags and trannies unironically supporting Putin
as I said, these are contrarian exceptions to the larger pattern. The only explanation I can see for the wall of sanctions and fag crusade against Russia is if Putin really did rebel against ZOG.

>Russia just as bad
In Russia, there is an Orthodox cathedral, built recently, dedicated to their military history & exploits. This seems too much like something a healthy, Volkish society would do. Of course, they have their faults as you mentioned, especially the "de-nazifying" propaganda. But at least they're not castrating kids, or castigating me for being White and existing.

The Marxists are driven to proselytize their ideology everywhere. Marx actually had some good critiques of Capitalism, but that doesn't mean the system as a whole is viable, it's not. Even its milder form, Socialism, only works within a Volkish State.

this, you have the whole rest of the internet to be as gay, Jewish, Marxist, and globalist as you want with institutional support, but that's still not enough for them.
Replies: >>1816 >>1845
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>The faggot is still on about
And I thought you fully fucked off for good. But the Jew and faggots will persist in trying to change the nature of anything that stands as the last bastion against the mentally retarded. 

>Just that BRICS is the less bad option due to the absolute state of the West.
>Nations that are filled with low-IQ shitskins comprised of evangelicals and corrupt anti-White communists who both worship Jews
<It's okay to support a Jewish nation because the other Jewish nation is far worse!
We've already explained to you here why BRICS is filled with kikes here >>1732. There are no better oppositions to the Western sphere, because all modern politics are fake and gay and align with the same values. The moment you have an anti-LGBT nation or mainstream movement, they will be pro-Israel and start worshiping the Jews. Look at the cuckservatives and the absolute state of any mainstream right-wing movement, and how they all cuck out.

>of course GAE is also ZOG
There is no such thing as GAE. GAE is a term used to curtail and hide the fact that the world is currently occupied by Jews.

>and is fairly popular
It is only popular amongst feds, shitskins, (((  DRs  ))), and grifters.

>You could also refer to that political entity as the Anglo-Zionist Empire.
Only Eurasianists and nigger slavs think that there is such a thing as the "Anglo-Zionist Empire," but none of them has ever tried to give validation to its existence besides the fact that the GB was filled with Zionists, even though all European states were pretty oriental-centric in general. They also deny the idea that the world is currently staged and that there aren't hidden forces behind everything. That politics are very real and that the reason for all the world's problems is not due to the long-term influences that Judaism has had on the West but rather that it's le "Anglo-Saxons" behind everything. It's deluded nonsense, and no one who has suggested it has ever proven it so.

>as I said, these are contrarian exceptions to the larger pattern. 
No, they aren't. Homos aren't contrarians. Sodomites will be attracted to anything that validates them. If you have gays and trannies in your group, then it is because the group itself has excused its intolerance towards them with intent and purpose. This is why there are few trannies pretending to be into National Socialism on Discord, because the idiots who LARP as National Socialists and fascists have allowed them into their circles as long as they "do as the Romans do". This is true with Putin as well, and it is even moot if this retard even hates gays because Russian children are able to take HRT and have trans surgeries, and Russia still has LGBT clubs and bars all across Moscow. Even if homosexuals are only attracted to Putinism because of its omission from the rule by Putinists, you would have to explain why their encouragement and acceptance of miscegenation are any better.

>In Russia, there is an Orthodox cathedral, built recently,
>says he isn't a Kremlin shill
>says illiterate shit like this
Nigger, we hate christcucks with a passion, and building a church to Yahweh, aka the Jewish god, who caused all this shit to happen, is not an accomplishment. Eastern Orthodoxy within Russia is at an all-time low as far as conversions and church participation. Islam is currently the fastest-growing religion there, and many more mosques and synagogues are being built at a higher rate than any christian church. The church is in the same position as it was under the Soviet Union, where it only aids secular and state values.

>This seems too much like something a healthy, Volkish society would do
You have no idea what "Volkish" means or what they would do. Völkisch movements were and still are against Christianity. No one would approve the construction of a Jewish institution, especially if it's going to be used for purposes that do not align with our causes.

> they have their faults as you mentioned, especially the "de-nazifying" propaganda.
You shot yourself in the foot here. This isn't a fault. It is a sign that they're telling you that they do not tolerate nationalism, and you're just ignorantly suggesting that we blindly cheer them on because "muh better opposition". You sound like a subversive Trotskyite trying to reinterpret what the enemy is clearly saying and doing.

>But at least they're not castrating kids, or castigating me for being White and existing.
>Russia may allow non-Whites to replace me and belittle me, but at least it's not gay.
Tranny surgey and "gender" changes are legal. Russia doesn't even recognize the term White. Even if Russia isn't castrating people (they are), they are allowing those who aren't ethnically Russian to replace them. Isn't this the same nonsense that is going on in America? 

There is no exception to the rule. You are either fully NatSoc/fascist or you aren't. You are either fully against ZOG or you aren't. The outcome will remain the same no matter who wins or does what. Whether conservatives are against HRT being accessible to youth, they will still allow young adults to take it despite its harmful effects. The Zionist establishment isn't threatened by Russia.
Replies: >>1823 >>1845 >>1934
>The church is in the same position as it was under the Soviet Union, where it only aids secular and state values.
Different anon.

There's nothing wrong with this.

What is the ideal aim of politics? To benefit the good life and the people's bond.

The religious authorities help in providing the good life like the families and corporations. Is necessary and involves cooperation between spiritual and political ends. To juxtapose a church against state is to commit to a heinous war against itself, like juxtaposing the church building against all the other buildings surrounding it.

A good state wants families in peace and will therefore give a portion of the land for the spiritual well being and religion will aid in making a stronger people.
Replies: >>1827
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I would also admonish anons to avoid the opposite claim: because while it can be said that the clergy ought not to be mere servants of the state and its people, there's also to the other aisle the anti-clerical claim that the clergy aren't benefactors to the state and are useless, that they are a cabal bent on opposing the benefits of the people.

To call spiritual members to bless our soldiers, for instance, would be a service to the interests of the state: bless our soldiers.

This practice is good.

The Catholics have also accused Fascism of "pagan idolatry" of "State worship":

Replies: >>1827
>There's nothing wrong with this.
Where did I say that the idea of using church authorities for the benefit of the state was wrong? My point is that the Soviet Union used the Eastern Church against its own people to promote secular and Jewish values, as I stated above.

>To benefit the good life and the people's bond.
When has the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation ever benefited its people?

> Is necessary and involves cooperation between spiritual and political ends
Which didn't exist and is still obsolete in modern Russia.

These aren't even remotely good examples. Blessing men in war to die for Eastern ZOG is no different than a Catholic priest blessing American troops for sacrificing themselves for Israel. Blessing to die as gullible goys in Ukraine thinking that this is a war for the sake of the Russian people who fear that the West will destroy them when Russia's oligarchs have been doing that for the last 70 years.

>there's also to the other aisle the anti-clerical claim that the clergy aren't benefactors to the state and are useless
This is a true statement. Mussolini couldn't get the clergy on his side and faced betrayal, and the same occurred for Hitler with CO, where they had constant debates on spirituality and what the minds of the German Volk should be occupied with (Yahweh vs. Nature). Abrahamic clergymen will only and forever serve the Jews but not the Aryans. The Classical Fascists and National Socialists did everything they could to get the clergy on their side, but they still rejected the apple of Nirvana. You're only suggesting for us to repeat history.
Replies: >>1856
>Marx actually had some good critiques of Capitalism,
Most of Marx's critiques against capitalism are against the existence of hierarchy, for which he argues that it will only alienate and separate the commune and that any form of competition inevitably results in chaos. According to him, this will only alienate the masses and bring wealth and civil rights inequality, which he also argues is bad for the collective, but he never evidently connects economic liberalism with the concept of hierarchy and how it separates the Volk, nor does he articulate an argument on why class inequality is inherently a bad thing. The only thing he was correct about was how capitalism tends to be exploitative, although the very thing he advocates is just as abusive to its natives due to its jewish nature. There is literally nothing that we can use from Marxism that is beneficial to our goals and means.

>It is only popular amongst feds, shitskins, (((  DRs ))), and grifters.
I've noticed this too. Why do dissidents keep trying to constantly alternate the description and nature of our enemies? As much as I hate burgerland and yet, It is clear as day that it is not America that is behind everything. Russia has a fair number of jews oligarchs, has done far more things for the jews than Trump has, and their loyalties are exclusive to Israel. China has only recently been very appealing to jews as well.
Replies: >>1934
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Replies: >>1856
Why would they fuel the public unrest in these times of geopolitical "tension"? Perhaps they want to let it play out now, rather than let their adversaries use the situation at a later time, where Trump could be used as a fifth column during a more open conflict.

I don't really get the people shilling for Russia here, even if we disregard how utterly horrendous their system and government are, for one reason or another, they don't stand a chance against the west anyway. Even they got surprised at how effectively Putin and his cronies are running Russia into the ground.
Give me a non-biased and thorough deconstruction of the Islamic Golden age and Orientalism in general.
Replies: >>1889
Godly trips wasted on a "feed me!" request.
Be more specific on what you're asking for.
Replies: >>1891
I'm asking for someone to provide an explanation on why the Islamic Golden Age is a lie along with Orientalism. Orientalism and Islam's Golden Age are clearly connected due to European orientalists claiming that many of history's scientific achievements during the 10th to 12th centuries are credited to the muzzies which is dubious as much of medieval sciences are owed to China, India, Europe, and Iran. Then there's the fact that it may have be a major inspiration for freemasonry.
Replies: >>1892 >>1893
>I'm asking for someone to provide an explanation on why the Islamic Golden Age is a lie along with Orientalism
I would just go read a book about it. As far as I know, most of the major names of the Islamic golden age were all of Persian decent. The "lie" is probably that semitic arabs were responsible for it rather than aryans
See, that's much better. A much more specific inquiry, maybe some other Anon, who you didn't call a retard, will help you.
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Do you boys salute other whites sometimes?
Does there exist a political ideology that is far more retarded than Anarcho-Communism?
Replies: >>1903 >>1906
Anarcho-Capitalism is just as retarded.
Third position is the only valid and objectively efficient option.
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Probably eco-collectivism i.e. what halcyon the boongs are projected to have enjoyed.
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I have been thinking of the reichsmark and how it could very well be the last truly free national fiat ever in existance. Dispute assertions by know- nothing faggots that there were still jews in the German economic system i.e. the largest banks (waldbergs and oppenheims) and thus the Nazis worked with the jews to finance the war.  I think the NSDAP would have a massive task to decouple their influence as they were fabulously wealthy and would have the opportunity to marry into their shabbos goyim orbiters. Somehow they were important for financing industry and facilitating foreign capital and all the pragmatism of Hjalmar Schacht couldnt reverse the cancer in a mere 11 years not a slave.
Replies: >>1934
Back when I was blue-pilled, I used to wonder why something as evil as HIV/AIDS would exist. Now I realize it's not evil at all, but an enforcement mechanism of Natural Law, and a highly effective one at that. Like any other weapon, there's occasional collateral damage, but for the most part, it's fine-tuned for removing degenerates.

It essentially was, especially compared to postwar nat'l currencies. Of course, there would've been plenty more work to do after the war, had it been won. As I've said before, finance & trade do have their place in a healthy society, and we shouldn't swing to the opposite extreme of a hermit kingdom. The key is to not worship money and get addicted to it in kike-fashion, ie the debt-driven, inflating economy of ZOG.

No disagreement there. However, Marx was on point regarding commodity fetishism & consumerism. He also contributed the materialist/economic view of history, a field which had been previously dominated by leaders and major battles.
Marxism as a whole is incongruous to National Socialism and Natural Law, but there are valid insights embedded in it here and there.

I don't mean to obscure Jewish influence, but this is a common term for a major geopolitical faction, which is essentially the successor of the British Empire.

Faggotry is definitely more prominent in the Western world, with its open promotion and "hate speech" laws treating them as a protected elite. Russia is not nearly as fag-friendly, and they've been improving legislation recently, eg movement towards banning legal gender changes.

Ultimately, Christianity is not of our Volk, but it's been with us so long that it's formed a sort of symbiosis. Ideally we'll shift towards paganism, but that will take time, and a considerably different situation than today. In the meantime, Christianity is ingrained, and is still a better tradition than the Judeo-Marxist religion of the present. My point is that building a cathedral to war and nationalism is still far more based than anything you'd find in the Western world.

(pardon my misspelling) As I said above, we can't fix things instantly. White Christians are a faction we'll have to accommodate for the foreseeable future, it's the only way forward for a White ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest (which is already a ways off, since that would require US collapse).

>The outcome will remain the same no matter who wins or does what.
Russian victory will cause massive butthurt among the fags, and a much-needed systemic shock to the West, which is why I'm all for it. More chaos is a good thing.

What you're saying applies more to cuckservatives than Russia, I should think. Really, what is the alternative? If you consider all geopolitical factions to be ZOG, then there's nothing we can do except hope for chaos, in which case a multipolar world resulting from Russian/Chinese victory is the better outcome.
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>I don't mean to obscure Jewish influence, but this is a common term for a major geopolitical faction, 
If you utilize the word GAE, then you are more effeminate than any LGBT+ faggot. You are concealing Jewish influence by endeavoring to ignorantly re-word or intentionally obnubilate the fact that zionists are at work in sundry other nations, such as Russia and China. The word accommodates no purport other than to be agitated at the Anglos and downplay the fact that the United States Of America is clearly not the only zionist nation within the world. Kikes initiated and are utilizing this tactic to divert you from fixating on them, along with the fact that they optate to ravage America as much as any radical. 

>Faggotry is definitely more prominent in the Western world
Homosexuality is being projected all across the world. It doesn't matter if the West is gayer; the East is openly emboldening miscegenation. If your "geopolitical" strategy is to fear-monger homosexuality or utilize them in comparison to which nation is supposedly the better position to stand by alone, then you are only exposing yourself as shill.

>not as fag-friendly is an excuse to be a Russian shill
<gays are officially protected if they worship Putin
<infamous for having soldiers who rape their own comrades
<homos can also adopt children and change their "gender."
<gay bars all across Moscow
<Putin's goddaughter made out with a woman on a stage and striped
>they've been improving legislation
<promised they were going to tackle issues such as abortion and gay adoptions 4–8 years ago.
<still hasn't done jack-shit.

You are Abrahamic in mind. You apportion the same political expressions and postures as those who worship the dead Jew. You aren't in favor of the Völk if you're adscititiously in favor of perpetuating the work of the Jews for petty egotism and to exhibit yourself as a contrarian on stage.

>muh point muh based
Anon already explained why we should not use Yahweh in a racial and metaphysical war. And what of the outcome that has occurred in the past.

>Russian victory
>will cause massive butthurt among the fags
>R-russian victory good because it will pwn the libtards!!
Are you underage? I could argue the same in favor of Ukraine, but I'm not a imbecile who picks sides in a controlled conflict. After all, Funetes and others like him are mostly homosexuals. A Ukraine triumph will cause massive just as much butt-hurt for MIGApedes, Groypers, Orthocucks, and tradcaths and the reactions of both positions will be similar. You claim to to fight in favor of a geopolitical strategy, but desire something so infantile.

>More chaos is a good thing.
You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board. 

> I should think.
Huge emphasis on this, because you have not done any since you first begun to shill Jewtin. 

>If you consider all geopolitical factions to be ZOG
Or we can stop relying on dead-ends, LARPing, and hopean as a political solution.

>world resulting from Russian/Chinese victory is the better outcome.
t.duginist brownoid tranny. Russia and China exhibit that they abhor the White race. They get more support from niggers than America does, and their stance is Eurasianism via muttland.exe. Even if they were to prosper (they never will) all of what of they've established will fall on top if its head, while the Jew is in control. What you're suggesting as an alternative is nothing but noetic gymnastic and autistic interpretations of politics that do not correspond with authenticity. The fact that your arguments solely relies on what ifs, and hypotheticals that are not fortified by any evidence is further denotement that you aren't a fascist, but some retard from cuckchan who doesn't understand anything of the genuine world outside of smelling his own farts, and circle-jerking other dorks who spend more time in their parent's basement than going outside. I wouldn't be surprised if you get your conceptions emanate from Hearts Of Iron 4.

You aren't a fascist; shill somewhere else.
Kary Mullis, who got the nobel prize for PCR - DNA techniques, said that the link between HiV and AIDS was never made. Its entirely possible that HiV does not cause the syndrome we know as AIDS and was invented by the ZOG. Poofter lyfestyle knocking them out was mis-characterized as a new virus and they were given experimental meds which finished them off. The rest was just dubious testing and diagnosis via mis-used testing.
I'm starting to see christianity as being oppositional to the Aryan spirit. Certianly its pacifistic framework has been a boon for the enemies of whites.
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>in which case a multipolar world resulting from Russian/Chinese victory is the better outcome.
BO can you also ban anyone who shills multipolarity and brinks? It is completely incompatible with both classical fascism and national socialism, and is commonly spammed on /pol/ boards. It's no different than nigger worship, because that's literally all it is.
Replies: >>1947 >>1988
I'll take it under consideration but I prefer that people argue rather than ask me to censor shit, yes they are annoying, yes they are niggerlovers, but if you can't out argue a niggerlover you don't really have any business being a fascist. It may perhaps be worth someone creating a thread for containment, and a comprehensive say on the subject.
Replies: >>1948 >>2102
>but if you can't out argue a niggerlover 
Except we always BTFO niggerlovers in an argument. With the many things said and facts presented there is no reason to ever think that Russia or BRICS are alternative solution to dissident RW or fascist politics. The problem here is that there are the types who purposely make petty or weak arguments just so they can get their message across alone, because they know that their beliefs are retarded or not in the benefit of us, but for themselves (non-Whites). They desperately want the discussion to stir towards what they want, and mentality of the board to gradually change. And to be fair, it's retarded to use "muh arguments" as a reason to not ban people who unironically shill ZOG even after they've been told to fuck off.
Replies: >>1949 >>1988
This board follows the 88 precepts, one of the first of which is that truth does not fear investigation, as such, so long as I am BO, any genuinely truth-seeking dialogues or conversations that occur here will not be censored, I do not care if you or anyone else like it, or if you find it annoying, if you are certain that you have beaten them soundly with reason and logic and they have devolved into nothing but insults and idiocy then I will step in, that has not happened with that here yet, and so it will stay.
Replies: >>1995
>0.1 posts per day
>0.05 shillposts per day
You're pathetic for expecting an hugbox out of an imageboard.
The board owner is pathetic for dragging his feet on this specific request after setting precedent with Rule 6, which IIRC dates back to the anon.cafe days.
TL DR fuck you all
Replies: >>1989 >>2079
>You're pathetic for expecting an hugbox out of an imageboard
You faggots were hugboxing /fascist/ when trannies and fags were attempting to shill their retarded nonsense on 8 and 16chan. And now you can't criticize weebshit. Not that the mention BO has been banned CIfags, christcucks, and spics, so muh 1488 was never followed from get-go, it's almost as if you acknowledge that it's a stupid tough-guy LARP done by brownoids who only adopted facism due to their resentment against the world.  Don't act as if this place or any political board weren't ever a hugboxes from their beginnings or one of free speech or open to oppsoing and unorthodoxed thoughts. It's one thing to tolerate bullshit, but seeing the same faggot make the same retarded arguments gets tiresome, especially when they have been logically countered. No one said anything about banning what I don't like, the concern is the banning the zigger who is constantly and irrationality advocating KIKERY and the case has been established that without a reasonable doubt that there is no political solution to our affairs and concerns, via Russia can not be dependent on. You niggers were circle-jerking yourselves as much as the queers do in an LGBT rally on 8chan, and now you're trying to act as if you're thick-skinned enough to see bullshit, get the fuck out of here with your fake faced bullshit.  

Stop acting as if any moderator has every truthfully followed what they've precendant. Imageboards are not different than discord in this day and age and never were. There will always been exceptions to a rule.
Replies: >>1990 >>2080
>everybody I don't like is the same person
>I want daddy BO to ban A, also I'm seething because daddy BO banned X, Y, and Z
>I appeal to the moderators to make the board a better place, also you're a fool for thinking moderators can ever rise above the "Discord circlejerk" level
You're flip-flopping between opposite positions within the same post, you're either genuinely schizophrenic or just very retarded.
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This may be the one board where the rock bottom truth is able to be discussed. Naturally any jew tricks and marxist babble should be shown the door as the modernist poison it is. HO! Shills be on notice, this is fascist clay and we will turn your vapid extinctionism inside out. This is the board where the mind-thoughts of the highest order of men flows like molten steel, burning bright the impurities from our base mettle.
What precedent was set on anon.cafe? Note that I am not FashBO, he left the board and nuked it on 8chan after he graduated from college,
I recreated it here after Hivechan went down.
Replies: >>2083
>You faggots were hugboxing /fascist/ when trannies and fags were attempting to shill their retarded nonsense on 8 and 16chan.
I will continue to ban such degenerate shit unless there is an actual reason to discuss it and that discussion has relevance to National Socialist or Fascist ideology, that has never happened, but i am open to the possibility
>And now you can't criticize weebshit.
No, you can criticize weebshit, what you cannot do is lay the blame for all the degeneracy in the world at the feet of Japanese Animation, and then proceed to do nothing but moralize ridiculously over and over like the MUH WEEBSHIT IS ALL BAD poster, who was soundly beaten by several Blackshirts in the self mastery thread, and then banned when it became clear that all he had left were already addressed arguments and insults and that he would not shut the fuck up.
>Not that the mention BO has been banned CIfags, christcucks, and spics, so muh 1488 was never followed from get-go.
Christianity is incompatible with National Socialist and Facist ideology and it is not banned, there is a thread where they are perfectly welcome to come and shill their idiocy, they just don't like the label on the thread. Spics will stay gone, unless any works or writings by any such individual have actual relevance to discussion here.
> it's almost as if you acknowledge that it's a stupid tough-guy LARP done by brownoids who only adopted facism due to their resentment against the world.
I don't even get what you're referring to here, such an admission is neither implicit nor explicit anywhere in any discussion on this board. 
>Don't act as if this place or any political board weren't ever a hugboxes from their beginnings or one of free speech or open to oppsoing and unorthodoxed thoughts.
I follow the 88 Precepts, with a few exclusions for redundancy and those few places within where Lane's thoughts were flawed and the 14 words that preface that document as such I will generally moderate in accord with those and the rules of this board, prior precedent set by the previous BO, will not be followed unless I think they should be and I agree with many of his decisions and disagree with others and there a quite a few that I was never made aware of nor was anyone else.
>It's one thing to tolerate bullshit, but seeing the same faggot make the same retarded arguments gets tiresome, especially when they have been logically countered. 
I have watched the argument and you have not logically countered everything he said and though you have countered much of his arguments you also devolved into insults at several points. Seems to me you either report him and elucidate why he should be banned, or spend the time to comprehensively debunk his every argument and blow him out so thoroughly he is forced into revealing that he is a shill or admits defeat and reevaluates his positions. If you need a separate thread for that, go ahead and make one. So long as it is high quality and it's relevance to the board can be demonstrated it will stay up.
>No one said anything about banning what I don't like, the concern is the banning the zigger who is constantly and irrationality advocating KIKERY and the case has been established that without a reasonable doubt that there is no political solution to our affairs and concerns,m via Russia can not be dependent on.
The discussion has relevance and you need to demonstrate that you can convince an opponent to abandon his previous positions through logical argumentation so far neither of you has convinced the other of anything, I believe there is no political solution myself, and that we must operate quietly within society to further the goal of it's complete uprooting, but I am willing to discuss that with anyone as many times as is necessary.
>You niggers were circle-jerking yourselves as much as the queers do in an LGBT rally on 8chan, and now you're trying to act as if you're thick-skinned enough to see bullshit, get the fuck out of here with your fake faced bullshit.  
I have no idea what you're referring to here.
>Stop acting as if any moderator has every truthfully followed what they've precendant.
 I can't follow precedent that I didn't set, and that I didn't know about or remember having been set, It's not as if I have an eidetic memory and can perfectly recall every decision FashBO ever made, and there are many that, unlike me, he never left any record of.
>Imageboards are not different than discord in this day and age and never were. There will always been exceptions to a rule.
This is just pointlessly insulting, and untrue anyway, FashBO was a good moderator and I try my best to keep that up, but I am learning as I go and I will obviously make mistakes, just as he did.
Last edited by orlog
>setting precedent with Rule 6
>What precedent was set?
Learn2read, internet janitor.
Replies: >>2084
Rule Six is simply no degeneracy,.my question is still relevant as to what precedent was set about and/or with rule six, not the setting of the rule itself which goes back to 8ch days and was specifically about gore then, through julay and the failed Liberty/Monarchy/fascist website. What precedent did FashBO set with it, you nigger?
Replies: >>2102
>playing coy
Rule 6 bans discussion the BO considers detrimental to the board, gore spam and the like are already covered by global rules and rule 7.
Given that, it is very obvious how >>1947 is pretending that rule 6 never existed.
Replies: >>2107
Nope, not pretending that it never existed but I certainly disagree with you on what discussion is or is not detrimental to the board, I have seen no problem with any of the discussion you're whining about, you don't like it? too fucking bad.
bo can you pls make the styling more like 16 or nein, i really don't like the current
Replies: >>2151
maybe, but I happen to like this, it's easy on the eyes, easy to read, and fits the dominant ideology of the board imo, so probably no.
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Ted just died. RIP.
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'From a classical fascist perspective,'* describe the People's Republic of China, and your interpretation of their governance structure and its relation to their social and economic system.
What do you approve of, disapprove of, and finally, do you consider them to be adjacent to fascism, socialism, or neither?

*(that means if you don't know what syndicalism or fascist corporatism is, fuck off)
i remember there was a mega.nz archive that had all sorts of rapefugee crisis on all europe and it had folders of each country
I'm going to share my doubts about the NS ideology: my biggest problem is the fact that the Aryan race is placed at the top of the hierarchy, when it doesn't actually has anything special. Before you ban me for being a shill or a jew, hear me out: what exactly has the Aryan "invented"? Civilization was invented by Mesopotamian sandniggers, as well as writing, mathematics, physics and the wheel. Then I guess you're going to talk about Ancient Greece, but even them were influenced by Egyptians, and the Greeks don't even qualify as Nordic. They even had disgusting practices like pederasty that shouldn't be tolerated. 
Meanwhile, the Nordic people didn't accomplish anything of note, and were later conquered by the Romans easily, which brought civilization to them. Then comes Christianity and the middle ages, where a lot of things were accomplished by the Aryans, they built castles and churches, but why did they need the influence of an alien religion to start developing? And the castles and churches that were built by the Aryans of that time aren't particularly more spectacular or technical than the ones built by sandniggers, in Seville and Cordoba for example. 
Then comes the Enlightenment, which is one of the few things that the Aryan race has truly invented, but most of the people involved in the movement were Freemasons and they were the precursors of Communism as we know it today: Rousseau, Kant and Descartes were the first advocates of democracy and materialism as we know them today, while introducing a revolution in the field of science. Now is it a coincidence that one of the things in which the jew excels is science? About 1/3 of the 19th century's scientific discoveries come from jews (and no I don't think that it is possible that they "stole" everything), and half of the physics nobel prize laureates are jews.
So now the question I must ask: what has the Aryan accomplished? If we rightfully reject the Enlightenment and Christianity, what is left of us?
This is your brain on judaism, mate.
National Socialism is about ensuring the survival of your own tribe above any other, not compiling a list of achievements to decide who is the master race.
Stop drinking cultural goyslop from kike media and literature.
>invent best ideological platform against jews ever, which is the only fucking thing that actually matters on this planet
>guys it says here niggers invented peanut butter so just accept defeat ok?
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You make the mistake of assuming that the people that now live in the Mediterranean and middle east are the same people that lived there over a thousand years ago, this is despite the numerous pieces of art and written accounts contradicting this. The Mesopotamian statues possessed blue eyes and both the ruling class of Ancient Greece and many dynasties in Egypt were often described with Nordic features. Nothing should need to be said about the people who conquered Iran and India and created some of the greatest civilizations to ever have existed, who were obviously Aryan.
>They even had disgusting practices like pederasty that shouldn't be tolerated.
Pederasty was educational and rarely sexual in nature, as said in Plato's Symposium it is said Athenian parents would send attendants with their son to make sure that not a single advance was made on him, other sources say that to seek physical gratification from the institution of pederasty is scandalous, you should read first hand accounts instead of trusting jewish academics to teach your history truthfully.
>were later conquered by the Romans easily
Roman sources say otherwise on this issue, from Isidore of Seville's work HISTORIA DE REGIBUS GOTHORUM, WANDALORUM ET SUEVORUM:
<Interpretatio autem nominis eorum in linguam nostram tecti, quo significatur fortitudo; et re vera, nulla enim gens in orbe fuit quae Romanum imperium adeo fatigaverit ut hi. Isti enim sunt quos etiam Alexander vitandos pronuntiavit, Pyrrhus pertimuit, Caesar exhorruit.
>which brought civilization to them.
It was the Goths who upheld civilization in Rome when the Romans had become too degenerate and decadent to uphold it themselves and who fought their battles for them. Rome only seems to bring civilization to the Germanic people because while the Christianit tradition was passed down through writing, the Germanic traditions were passed down orally, when Christianity came it severed the oral tradition destroying the greatest records of Germanic culture and history forever.
>they built castles and churches, but why did they need the influence of an alien religion to start developing?
This "development" coincided with their shift from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle, for every development they made in this new way of life they regressed in all other manners. Why would a mostly nomadic people build castles out of materials they would have to need to import from the British Isles or the Mediterranean when their time and focus would be better spent on eugenics, training and conquest, why would a people that find confining deities to a temple an insult build churches, why would a people who value freedom over all else want to become domesticated?
>while introducing a revolution in the field of science.
It is possible for a person to be wrong about some things and right about others, we can and should keep the good of the Enlightenment while rejecting that which is bad, just as Germany did.
>and no I don't think that it is possible that they "stole" everything
They didn't steal everything, but they stole more than they created.
>half of the physics nobel prize laureates are jews.
An organization subverted by jews will choose to reward jews over gentiles whenever it can.
>So now the question I must ask: what has the Aryan accomplished? If we rightfully reject the Enlightenment and Christianity, what is left of us?
It would be better to ask what would be left of the world if the Aryan's works were to be taken away, what have the non-Aryans ever accomplished? Everything ranging from the alphabet, linguistics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy and advanced agriculture has been driven and pioneered almost solely by us.
Replies: >>2312 >>2466
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but what about genetic distance? I would also like this to be true, but most things indicate that today's Egyptians aren't really far from the DNA of ancient mummies.
Maybe the results are fake, but then what should we believe? If you have sources on your claims I would love to see them.
And the Egyptians were clearly very tanned compared to real Aryans like the Hittites, as you can see in pic rel.
Replies: >>2323
The genetic studies on the mummies are most likely legitimate and the modern Egyptian people resemble a slightly negroid shifted version of the Ancient Egyptian populace. It was only during certain Dynasties in which the ruling class of Egypt were Aryan, these Dynasties happen to be the greatest and most interesting ones, the 18th Dynasty for example had the R1b Y Haplogroup and K mtDNA [1], both originating from Aryan peoples. Amenhotep III mothered by the Mitanni noblewoman Mutemwiya, going on to marry Tiy, who was fathered by a Mitanni man named Yuaa.
>And the Egyptians were clearly very tanned compared to real Aryans like the Hittites, as you can see in pic rel.
Ramses II belonged to the 19th Dynasty which was more akin to the Egyptian populace in blood, and Dynasties afterward frequently give the expected Haplogroup of E1b1a.
In line with your original post, although the Egyptians were credited for the discovery of some basic concepts, it should be stressed that only through contact with the Hellenic, Italic and later other Aryan populations that these ideas were fleshed out to any extent, to say that the Egyptians invented any field that exists today is like saying that 40 IQ hominids from ancient times invented mathematics as a discipline because they could count to three.

[1] Maternal and Paternal Lineages in King Tutankhamun's Family (Gad et al. 2020)
Replies: >>2324
thank you, it's really interesting to see this after all the demoralization that's pushed on us.
How do you think a fascist movement could come to power in the 21st century? What would the successful strategy and tactics be?
Replies: >>2342 >>2358
I think the only hope is a total collapse of the capitalist economic system that results in a race war from which we can be victorious and try to rebuild everything on a non-rotten base.
Nothing like the golden years and the balkanization of white nations into a kind of corporate controlled dystopia would preclude active grass roots resistance to so called "Fifth Generation warfare". Some writers have gamed this in a couple of books. 
>Turner Diaries
>Serpents walk

We live in hope of a general Race War but a Fascist or NS corporate enclave is the best we can hope for.
does anyone have the full list of things Israel did, i can't find it but it had "USS Liberty incident, Lavon Affair" in it
Replies: >>2360
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>the full list
Keep in mind that press reports would be suspect of being a limited hangout. I think its common knowledge that the west bank is one giant slave labor camp run by the ((( jews )))
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>Israel is pathological parasite on the USA
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Robber chieftans of The Bandit state of israel
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Every jew in your community is spy.
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Israel steals the best ideas from the western military industrial complex and then sells it on the open market. Undercutting even the corporations they stole it from .
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White lebensraum is the olive branch the jews offer to the arabs.
>Pederasty was educational and rarely sexual in nature, as said in Plato's Symposium it is said Athenian parents would send attendants with their son to make sure that not a single advance was made on him, other sources say that to seek physical gratification from the institution of pederasty is scandalous, you should read first hand accounts instead of trusting jewish academics to teach your history truthfully.
Tell me how pederasty can be "educational".
Replies: >>2472
Hitler liked Disney drawings and had a crush on Snow White, amirite?
>they should of lost
This is not Reddit.
Replies: >>2492 >>2590
>boy love never degenerated into anal
Sure. Pedofags have demonstrated high abilities to control their thrusting tendencies over the ages. Trust the plan.
I don't mind the bizarre gold+chocolate theme although I could enjoy the more classical look but that's not an issue, nor am I angered by the lack of a thumbnail column on the right side because I never really found it to be very useful and it ate screen space instead.

Here are the real issues.

The catalog layout is atrocious, thread thumbnails for some reasons are oversized. Can't we have them be reduced by 30% in both width and height? The fully extended page can display 10 to 11 thumbnails, this one can do more than 5 or 6 at best.

And I'm not used to have links to replies be featured at the bottom of any post and be of the same color as the main body text.

Torposting is hard af because of all the banned IPs. I understand their abuse to post cp but the people who do this will simply jump to another IP then. Can't something be done about this?
Replies: >>2475
I created the theme and it's staying, I think the thumbnail column is somewhere in the optional settings but that's on Sturgeon as is the Catalog layout, I don't control how it displays, unless that's part of the CSS, even so I simply edited the base Tomorrow one and didn't mess with image sizing or anything like that just colors and border type, same with replies, if it is in the CSS I don't know how to fix your issue, and if it's not, it's not my problem.
For Tor, that's on sturgeon, I haven't banned but a few TOR posters since I created the board here and I have since lifted the bans, I cannot circumvent Global TOR bans, take it up with Sturgeon again.
Replies: >>2480
Let me guess.
The gold corresponds to the solar worship inherent in nazism. The "illuminating" light.
The brown background corresponds to the practice of sodomy being used as initiation into many of the recruiting camps of the nazis.
Replies: >>2483 >>2492
Completely disregarding your insulting idiocy, no, I simply find it less jarring and painful to look at than any of the default themes, easier to view or read than the default and more aesthetically pleasing, and to be specific it's not chocolate, it's some kind of darkened Red, complementary to the gold, chosen for aesthetic reasons.
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>The soviets were backed by the freemasonry until Stalin got into power.
This is not even remotely true. Freemasons and every zionist society backed Stalin during the World War II. I call bullshit that he supposedly "kicked them" out. Considering that he was friends with freemasons and even done the hand in jacket thing.

>Hitler liked Disney drawings and had a crush on Snow White
>A drawing of celebration of European culture and folktale in comparison to a product of consumerism of a society that is merely a shadow of their former selves
Weebs, all talk and no brains.

>This is not Reddit.
Reddit doesn't think the Germans would of won at all, retard. And he's right, the Soviets would of lost if weren't for American supply.

Reminder that Jesus is technically a transvestite.
>admittedly I'm being generous, but I see them as one of the other races who are closer to us in nature.
Not really. Sure enough, the original Persian Empire and most of its culture and religions were made by Indo-Aryans. The empire led by the likes of Darius and Xerxes was majority white. 300 is a Jew movie- That conflict was white vs white, and it was glorious.

Unfortunately, hordes of Semites and Arabs and even Mongoloids eventually overwhelmed Persia, which led to it becoming a shithole incapable of innovating at anything but the most glacial pace imaginable, just like every other non-white country. Same as what happened in India. We'll have to reclaim those places, someday.
Fucking read March of The Titans before posting retarded shit like this
Replies: >>2496
you mean the book that is written by a literal who and that completely disregards hundreds of years of archeological evidence and modern genetic studies?
Do we really have to kangz every successful society like the niggers do?
Replies: >>2497 >>2503 >>2527
If it is the truth, then yes we do, because to deny what is true simply to appear better in the eyes of our enemy is anathema not only to NS but to the gods and nature.
Replies: >>2498
but what is it based on? people like you prefer to try to twist reality and history to try to conform to your worldview, when you should be doing the opposite.
Replies: >>2502
What is what based on? March of the Titans? Kemp lists his sources at the end of the book page 902-4 ish which can be read quite freely Here:
Though i doubt that is the most current version, he does take pains to update it consistently, The DNA of King Tut and even Ramses proves Germanic men at least ruled Egypt, and likely had some effect or part in the upper classes. if you don't like that read Who We Are, and despite what you may think that is very accurate much Archaeological work since about 1920 is suspect in a lot of ways considering most of it bandied about today is based on the theories and practices set out by Franz Boaz, a marxist jew.
>by a literal who and that completely disregards hundreds of years of archeological evidence and modern genetic studies?
<yes goy listen to ((( Stanford ))) and ((( Harvard ))), let them dictate your genes and history!
Is this fucking Thuletide?
Replies: >>2509 >>2549
you know that the scientific community is very unforgiving about incorrectness and falsification, right? They might use their Jewish rhetoric to wrongly interpret it, but the data is very much real.
If you doubt everything, how can you be sure of anything? Modern science is very useful to know more about the world, and is one of the greatest achievements of the North Europeans.
Replies: >>2511 >>2512
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>you know that the scientific community
What would that scientific community being comprised of? Instead of being vague why not have something to prove with subsistence? Because you're not convincing me that a community controlled by jews, and have been bitching about White men over-representing highly intellectual fields, along with the fact they fabricate studies that are clearly bullshit. 


>They might use their Jewish rhetoric to wrongly interpret it, but the data is very much real
What would be a "Jewish rhetoric" if the whole premise itself is false entirely? Even your fantastical "community" admits that much of their data on most topics are bullshit entirely or inconclusive. It's easy to blame Jews for everything, but now you're going to have prove that something that is sketchy in itself merits truth. Such as link above.

>is very unforgiving about incorrectness and falsification
 Yet, many falsifications are still spewed by scientists and thrown around the scientific community. Such as covid, high-IQ niggers, mixed-breeds having benefits, etc. 

>If you doubt everything, how can you be sure of anything?
If you think something is true, because it comes from scientists, then how you might as well join reddit and be as brainwashed as they are. You can tell something is bullshit instinctively or with common fucking sense. Usually these are the better answer. Even most lies you can find truths, but unfortunately most of what we get are falsehoods. 

> Modern science is very useful to know more about the world
Modern science is facing drastic decline, and much of the world is still unknown to man. It is useless until there is a change of demographics and power. Your statement would hold merit if this were 1939, but it holds nothing when you realize that every institution is controlled by the Jew.

>and is one of the greatest achievements of the North Europeans.
Now you're just sounding like a fed.

I hate to use wojack, but this meme represents the problem with worshipers such as yourself.
Replies: >>2526
>you know that the scientific community is very unforgiving about incorrectness and falsification, right?
Bullshit. "Scientific" institutions still haven't exposed the lie of the holocaust and presented the fact that there's a lack of evidence and logic for there to be a systematic genocide when there's even more evidence that the Germans didn't treat them as harshly as Jews victimized themselves during Hitler's reign. Many scientists still refuse to admit that much of what the NSDAP has discovered is true. If anything, we're enthusiastic about debooking anything Goebbels or Hitler have said as far as race and history. They're kiked as long as they continue to hide the ultimate truths and conclusions on the nature of the world, especially that of the Jews and their power and lies. To make things worse, many scientists are trying to align the nature and history of our world with that of biblical mythology (the big bang, the birth of humanity, and the idea that the universe was recently birthed), where our ancestors were in the opposite perspective and knew a great deal of our universe better than we do today. Just because some Stein or gentile confirms race, doesn't mean it must be entirely true for what they purpose, because it aligns with our or your values. Even truths can be faulty or mostly true but contain critical lies that can still have a mental effect on our worldview, such as man being from primates (hyper-materialism). The word race isn't even an accurate description to describe the vast differences between Caucasians, Negroids, Mongoliods, etc. In general, we're separate species, yet we still reject this notion in favor of something similar to Tikkun Olam, where we are all ultimately related to each other in some way or capacity.
Replies: >>2513 >>2526
Meant they're. Inb4 muh froodian slip.
I will admit, I am a right-wing anarchist. While I can understand the desire to stop profit based off the degeneration of our society, I 

a) Do not understand why this must be accomplished through an appropriation of the state used by Jewish capital rather than an annihilation of it and promotion of tradition through self-contained social groups.


b) Find the divide between the good, small business that economists such as Feder would prefer to make up a country's economy and the large cronies fascism seeks to avoid or at least regulate very arbitrary, and why the same effect could not be achieved through the elimination of the federal banks altogether.

Using statism to develop an economy as I understand it usually takes place through debt inflation of the GDP, becoming just as Jewish as its predecessor in all practical terms.
Replies: >>2522 >>2524 >>2529
First, it is the stated goal of the dominant ideology of this board and that of many of the Anons who have frequented it, both now and in the past, to destroy this entire society right down to the roots, so that Our Race may be reborn from the ashes of the fire we set the world alight with.
Second, Promotion of Small business and extreme regulation of megacorporations go hand in hand with the abolishment of the Jewish-owned and controllled central banks, and any bank larger than a single local branch should be destroyed and severely limited in what practices they are allowed to engage in.
 Third, What you state usually takes place through "state-controlled economies", is nearly exclusively performed by jews, usually communists, and was not done by, nor was it necessary for, NSDAP Germany as they did not control the economy like the US does today, and in fact prior to the necessary war time measures would actually have been a much freer economy for White men than is even remotely possible today.
> I am a right-wing anarchist
Oxymoron. Can't be right-wing, while being of an ideology that rejects the importance of tradition and hierarchy within a society.
>man being from primates
well, if you have a better hypothesis and archeological evidence, why don't you disprove it yourself?

>in general, we're separate species
they why aren't all race-mixed people completely infertile?

I know how science works, and I do know the many problems of the modern "science community", but most papers, to be valid, should be easily reproducible, or else it fails completely. It means that if you wanted to disprove something, you could do the experiment by yourself.
So if you want to prove to me that their models doesn't work, do it. I will wait.

Also, while I know that the Jews cannot be trusted and are the political enemies of whites, it is a fact that their are exceptionally good at math and science (Ashkenazi jews to be precise). Math is an example of something that you can't "fake", because any mistake can be found instantly.
So, rejecting a theory solely because it was discovered by a Jew is madness : while they hate us, they work very hard to increase the technological advantage of their people and achieve total control. Look at the genetic test done by the Israeli government to determine "Jewishness" and accept or deny access, or how Einstein's work contributed to strengthen their New World Order through "nuclear dissuasion"

I'm not saying that we should trust them completely, but that we can use their own weapons and research against them.
Replies: >>2528
The fact that you actually believe brown subhumans could create all the things Jews said they did just shows that you're too much of a retard to actually take seriously.
>well, if you have a better hypothesis and archeological evidence
Yeah the fucking Vedas, and our own folk-faith pretty much cover what we need to know.

>they why aren't all race-mixed people completely infertile?
The same reason why hybrids from separate species aren't actually infertile, scientists were were mistaken/lied. Tigers and Lions can mix and their offspring would not result in infertility guarantee.

>but most papers, to be valid, should be easily reproducible, or else it fails completely
Most papers are bullshit reproducible or not. Who comes up with and determines the construction and method of a data is not the Scientific method itself, but ((( those ))) who run our institutions. They can make the link I showed you above, and make it over and over again, and what ultimately determines its validity are those in power of said institution. What makes it worse is that we currently have the biggest of retards who cannot even produce a paper that is at-least mathematically sound. Science is dying within the modern era. 

>It means that if you wanted to disprove something, you could do the experiment by yourself.
You're sounding like one of those morons who say "Build your own platform", "Build your community", "Build your own business". It doesn't matter if we get involved within science and make great discoveries. You will be harassed and your work will be destroyed by forces that know of the threat it is. If prove that niggers are stupid chimps who are inferior to White men in every single way mathematically and with all of the data regarding DNA, culture, history, etc, then my work will be rejected, and fall into obscurity within the "scientific community".

>So if you want to prove to me that their models doesn't work
Anything overran by a corruption, arrogant, and ignorant institutions does not work. 

>it is a fact that their are exceptionally good at math and science (Ashkenazi jews to be precise)
>Look at the genetic test done by the Israeli government to determine "Jewishness" and accept or deny access, or how Einstein's work contributed to strengthen their New World Order through "nuclear dissuasion"
>the Jew fraud who plagiarized the relativity theory
<unironically believes in the muh IQ Jew meme
>muh Israel is good at science
Are you a kike? Fuck off faggot.
Replies: >>2532
Don't listen to 6f33fb. We're open to debates and discussion, but don't expect us to agree with you on things as far as politics, economics and maybe even religion/spirituality. 

>I am a right-wing anarchist.
What does it mean to be a "right-wing anarchist"? It does seem to be an oxymoron considering the values of right-wingers are traditionalism and hierarchy where anarchism is about holding skepticism or downright rejecting any form of authority. But how would you get such an unorthodox ideology to work within a society and government?
>the Vedas
what makes it truer than other religious books?

<Male ligers are consequently sterile, while female ligers are not. 
So why isn't the entirety of south American males sterile?

>Most papers are bullshit reproducible or not.
What I'm saying is that if you think the current institution are corrupt, you can post your own papers here disproving what they assert, and it would be a better starting point that the "I know this is false because Jews and my inner Aryan spirit told me" bullshit (but you won't because you can't into science)
Go ahead and take samples, post it here, I'll wait.

>implying Jews are dumb
So how exactly did they take control so easily if they are so dumb? And as a mathematics student, I know full well how many Jews are involved and exceptionally good at math, which is normal because they were bred for it in the middle ages.
Now do you really think Alfred Tarski, John von Neumann, Georg Cantor, Hermann Minkowski, Sergei Bernstein, and many more famous maths Jews just "plagiarized" other people's ideas? Also, this is math, not science, so you can't accuse them of cherry-picking data and misinterpreting it. Their contribution to mathematics is very real.
Replies: >>2537 >>2553 >>4648
>what makes it truer than other religious books?
You from r/atheist?

>muh wikipedia
Male ligers have not been found to be sterile. The issue is that they haven't done any case studies to conclude whether they can reproduce or not. It is likely that most hybrids are not sterile; "scientists" just conclude that because they found a lack of testosterone, which is very common with interbreeds, then they must be infertile. This is another example of what I'm talking about.

>So why isn't the entirety of south American males sterile?
You're using a false comparison. Human hybrids aren't the same as hybrids between animals. My argument wasn't that all hybrids are alike, but that the idea that it is impossible for them to reproduce is illogical and based on false studies.

>What I'm saying is that if you think the current institution is corrupt, you can post your own papers here.
I already explained to you that it is utterly pointless, especially if there are not enough scientists to willingly, honestly, and intelligently review my papers.

>Go ahead and take samples, post it here, I'll wait.
I'll argue with you again when you're not disingenuous.

>implying Jews are dumb
Not an argument.

>So how exactly did they take control so easily if they are so dumb?
>take control so easy
You are so dumb. And you're supposed to be an advocate of science? It's been said a million times: tribalism, freemasonry, and Christianity The Jews never would have taken over Europe if it weren't for the Christians inviting them into our lands to gain a quick buck or in attempts to convert them so they could be "assimilated". Christcucks have allowed Jews to reside in Europe with greater economic freedoms and to get away with expulsions and pardons. The whole Bible revolves around Jewish worship and achieving the prophecies of Zion. Read Marcus Eli's A Real Case Against the Jews.


>Now do you really think Alfred Tarski, John von Neumann, Georg Cantor, Hermann Minkowski, Sergei Bernstein, and many more famous maths Jews just "plagiarized" other people's ideas? 
I know that you're too much of a redditor to know why any Jew who calls himself a "scientist" or "mathetician" is likely a fraud and is in reality an idiot. Next, you're going to argue with "b-but muh Nobel Prize!".


>Their contribution to mathematics is very real.
Only according to brainlets.
Replies: >>2539 >>2540
It clearly shows that you know nothing about math or physics. Solve this very simple differential equation and then I can take you seriously.

f' = k * f
with f(0) = 12
Replies: >>2543
also I want to add that
literally asks you to pay to read their bullshit, now who's the jew?
And if all of Quantum Mechanics is fake, why did Hitler name Heisenberg as the leader of the German nuclear program?
Also, there is a very concrete proof of quantum mechanics, and that is Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If jews are so dumb, how did Oppenheimer and his jew-only team make the most advanced weapon known to man?
At least you admit you know nothing about science.

>Glad to know that you couldn't even manage to comprehend the article.
How do you want me to understand an article I can't even read? And no, I will not put my credit card info in this site.
Just give me his argument, if you want me to understand it.

>Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not quantum mechanics
technically true, however most of the scientists that founded the groundwork on which these bombs were made were Jews: Einstein, Bohr, Feynman and obviously Oppenheimer himself.

You still did not address this part of my argument: how did they build the bomb, then?
Replies: >>2544
>It clearly shows that you know nothing about math or physics. 
There's nothing demonstrated I don't understand math or science.

>Solve this very simple differential equation and then I can take you seriously.
<solve this equation that has nothing to do with the argument or you're dumb!
Now you're drawing a fallacy instead of an argument. I refuse, because you refuse to discuss this debate like an intellectual. You cannot disprove that someone doesn't understand math, because you present something that you either do not understand yourself or only understand the answer to said equation. It proves nothing.

>literally asks you to pay to read their bullshit, 
The first and second paragraphs are still informative. You don't have to pay for the whole thing to be informed, durr. Petty thing to attack.

>n-now w-ho's the jew?
>asking for financial support is Jewish.
You are, and a very stupid one at that. Yeah, you're trying too hard to fit in. Apollonian Germ is a lower-class White man with wife and kid. It's barely wrong for a White man to ask for money, as he already has little of it. And, surprise surprise, all of your favorite wealthy idols were money-munching faggots in the past and demanded shekels in return for their "work". It's nowhere near as Jewish as the guy who unironically thinks Jews and Einstein are high-IQ and legitimate or that Israel is a haven of science. Bullshit that ((( mossad ))) doesn't even come up with.

>And if all of Quantum Mechanics is fake
It's funny that you couldn't even manage to comprehend the article.

>Also, there is a very concrete proof of quantum mechanics, and that is Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not quantum mechanics, retard. Holy shit, go back to Reddit already.
>At least you admit you know nothing about science.
I didn't, but being disingenuous won't make your arguments look pretty.

>How do you want me to understand an article I can't even read? 
Nigger, are you admitting to being illiterate?

>I will not put my credit card info in this site.
You don't have to. The first and second paragraphs are enough to understand where he's coming from.

>Just give me his argument,
>Spoonfeed me; I'm dumb.
Such is the case with the science worshiper.

>technically true
Then your argument has no point. And you affirm that Quantum Mechanics is a lie. So much of I don't know anything about science huh?

>You still did not address this part of my argument
Oppenheimer didn't invent the fucking bomb.
Replies: >>2546 >>2547

The Germans were the ones who actually made the bombs, but never used it. They were against its usage due to their fear of killing millions of Aryans. This is one of the reasons why Operation Barbarossa failed as well, Hitler told his marshals and officers to hold back on annihilating Soviet forces. They simply stole the science of Germany and used it against the Japanese. Same way they used NASA for Apollo 11.
Replies: >>2547
>The first and second paragraphs are enough to understand where he's coming from
I read the first and second paragraph, but these are things I already now. He talks more about the current leftist agenda that would somehow connect to the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, and I fail to see how it is relevant to the topic. Then the actually interesting stuff about what exactly is wrong with their theories is behind a paywall.

>you affirm that Quantum Mechanics is a lie
I never said that, I was referring to the article you mentioned, and that's what the first few paragraphs seem to imply, which I disagree with.
<Indeed, in the Quantum view, which is now the predominant view of science and reality itself, all of the basic elements of leftist politics are present

<Germany did not produce any atomic bombs.
<German scientists were morally opposed to the atomic bomb and therefore secretly sabotaged the effort.
<[Heisenberg] went to see Bohr in order to discuss German research
<Unlike the American effort, in which scientists had discovered the use of graphite to moderate the speed of the reaction, the Germans still used heavy-water for this task.
And also
<Although these scientists never mention the flight of Jewish scientists openly, it was this flight that limited the number of scientists available to work on the atomic bomb project
I fail to see how this proves anything other than the fact that German science was slowed down by the departure of the Jews and by treacherous scientists. It's obvious by this article that science doesn't care about politics: Heisenberg himself had a lot of Jewish friends and colleagues that he respected very much for their work in physics.

I am not saying that the Jews are good, but that the eternal truths of the universe can be discovered by anyone you want, it doesn't change them in the slightest. Why does it matter if the Jews discovered it too?

I personally think that one of the main reasons why this movement is going nowhere is because their are too many people like you who call science "jewish" without any prior research. Hitler himself understood this, which is why he changed his mind about "jewish" physics and promoted Heisenberg to lead the research.
Replies: >>2549 >>2551
Ashekenazim are smarter than other Jews who are just good enough for selling beagels, oil, slaves, clothes and carpets.
But Jews will always do whatever they do for the sake of the Jewish community, one way or another, whether they do it on purpose or not.

I went debunk Jewish super IQ only to debunk himself with a very broken logic. He does a good work but he's not perfect, far from it.
Replies: >>2554
>He talks more about the current leftist agenda that would somehow connect to the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity,
He does more than just that.
<Presumably, the jewish fathers of Quantum and Relativity (Einstein, Bohr, Born, etc.) did not themselves anticipate the extent to which their interpretations of nature would be used to validate the madness of modern leftism… nevertheless, in hindsight, it is plain that their theories provided a basis from which many elements of leftism could logically unfold.

<The defining image of Quantum reality is a ceaseless

>He talks more about the current leftist agenda that would somehow connect to the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity,
He does more than just that.

<Presumably, the jewish fathers of Quantum and Relativity (Einstein, Bohr, Born, etc.) did not themselves anticipate the extent to which their interpretations of nature would be used to validate the madness of modern leftism… nevertheless, in hindsight, it is plain that their theories provided a basis from which many elements of leftism could logically unfold. ly churning ocean of chaotic, unpredictable, irrationally behaving 'particles' which have no clearly defined boundaries, shape, location, or rational mechanics to them.

<"The way that these subatomic particles behave has completely defied the standard fixed rules and formulae that we think govern the universe. Whereas classical physics treated particles like discrete, definite objects, quantum physics shows us that the idea of a particle being a fixed "thing" is a construct."

<Indeed, in the Quantum view, which is now the predominant view of science and reality itself, all of the basic elements of leftist politics are present.
The very foundation of Quantum Physics was invented by ((( leftists themselves ))). A people who demand to destroy nature and disrupt the order for their twisted desires for the sake of Zion and their individualistic hedonism and greed. The whole point of quantum physics is to OVERRIDE AND CHANGE NATURE. It is inherently political and nonsensical Jewish bull that does not explain anything.

>I never said that
It's not about what you said. It's the fact that your entire argument is baseless, and you generally have nothing to prove as a point. You tried to give "Quantum Mechanics" credibility with "muh nukes" and you also acknowledge that much of it is a lie, making your whole argument pointless.

>which I disagree with.
No one cares what you think. Either prove it is real and tangible, or fuck off.

I'm aware of what it said. I linked it because it provides half-truths even though it also states lies. Germany did in fact produce the bomb, although they never used it for the same reason they did not use chemical weapons. All of this is besides the point, because the link ACCEPTS THAT THE GERMANS KNEW HOW TO MAKE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. The rest of the story about American Jews being able to make the bomb is a lie. As I said, they stole the science and technology and crafted it themselves. 

>Heisenberg himself had a lot of Jewish friends and colleagues that he respected very much for their work in physics.
Heisenberg wasn't the one who made the bomb either, retard. His philosophy and perspective were still ones that didn't align with the Jews view of physics, and he didn't use "Quantum Mechanics" to assist one of Germany's greatest achievements. You're taking what you see on Wikipedia at face value.

>I personally think that one of the main reasons why this movement is going nowhere is because their are too many people like you who call science "jewish"
Correlation doesn't equate to causation, Faggot. If you think movements "go nowhere', because they don't suck off Jewish scientists. Join plebbit and go worship kikes there if you have any issue with our skepticism of the current order and its institutions. National Socialists are one of the biggest science enthusiasts, and I know many who think like you do, yet nothing has changed in politics. Hell, we can take a look at many of the basic right-wingers who do get into science, and yet I've not seen a single right-wing movement succeed in usupering the Jew and a transition into a new power. It's almost as if science is secondary when it comes to state power. This is especially the case where we see the West consistently making terrible decisions and refusing to tackle problems with realistic solutions in favor of politics and pseudoscience.
Replies: >>2554
>Also, this is math, not science, so you can't accuse them of cherry-picking data and misinterpreting it. 
Your bragging about being a mathematics student shows how little you actually know. You're intelligent, great, but that means nothing if you cannot properly apply that intelligence to the world around you.

Math cannot be falsified if math is limited to hard math like calculus and geometry, but by bringing up names like Von Neumann you are shifting the discussion towards physics, which in many cases is based on theory, and theory can be incorrect. Stop pilpulling. 

Really, Jews have made "achievements" in some scientific fields, economics, etc., but they are always in service of the pacification and elimination of the white race. It doesn't matter if they are good at math, because they want me dead, and, if you're white, they want you dead too.
Replies: >>2554
>But Jews will always do whatever they do for the sake of the Jewish community, one way or another, whether they do it on purpose or not.
Yes, I know that very well, and that's not what I was arguing with the other anon. My original point was that science and math in general are not something that can be easily made up, and seeing the importance of science in the development of weapons, it's obvious that the Jews are not doing it for "the sake of humanity" like they claim, but it's plain dumb to reject everything you don't understand for being a "science worshiper"

Now you're just calling me names and making shit up.

If Hitler was so determined for National Socialism to prevail that he ordered the bombing of his own rations, leaving the remaining of his soldiers starving (and before you call me out on this, the source is from The Lightning and the Sun, Savitri Devi), why didn't he use it? Maybe he still had so compunctions at the start of operation Barbarossa, but by the end of the war, I doubt he still felt the same way.
No sources, whenever they are from our side or from the enemy seem to acknowledge that they did have a bomb.

>It's almost as if science is secondary when it comes to state power
now this is funny. Remember the cold war? Science has always been linked to state power and always will.
I am obviously not talking about getting in "mainstream science" and trying to "wake people up" because we know that this never worked and will never work, but do you really think that if one of our groups managed to build a nuclear weapon, and used it on a degenerate place like New York city, nothing would change? Hell, we could even use nerve gas and the result would be the same. Science gives tremendous military power.

>Your bragging about being a mathematics student
I am not bragging, I am providing context for where I'm coming from with this. It's really not something to brag about nowadays, because the jewish-corrupted education system in my country is making our school teach math at a very low level to pander to niggers and women. That's why I'm angry to see the same behavior here, with people acting like math is fake and useless.

>but that means nothing if you cannot properly apply that intelligence to the world around you.
Where did I imply the contrary? Applying intelligence to the world around us is what makes us a superior species. I am not a scientist that thinks that everything should be for science, I simply acknowledge the necessity of it for technological development.

>bringing up names like Von Neumann you are shifting the discussion towards physics
he did work on physics, but I was referring to his mathematics and computer science works.

>theory can be incorrect
this is true, but as long as a model works with the real world, there is no need to change it. Newton's model would still be in use if Mercury's orbit was accurately predicted by it.

>but they are always in service of the pacification and elimination of the white race
yes, but what I'm getting at is that a weapon doesn't discriminate between political opinions. Science is a weapon, and has been that way since its inception. If we could use it to our advantage, things could be much simpler.
Replies: >>2559 >>2563 >>2598
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How do you define being of the right?

I would personally consider my own political views as "both left and right," but I think Alain de Benoist's description of the right is insightful. I think it reaches the roots of the issue, as well as inherently distances itself from cuckservatives (i.e. the right-wing of liberalism) through its emphasis on diversity.

>I hereby define the right, by pure convention, as the consistent attitude to view the diversity of the world, and by consequence the relative inequalities that are necessarily the product of this, as a positive thing; and the progressive homogenisation of the world, extolled and effected by two-thousand years of egalitarian ideology, as a negative thing. I call of the right those doctrines that believe that the relative inequalities of existence induce the relaqtions of force of which historical becoming is the product--and which deem that history must continue--in short, that 'life is life, that is to say a combat, for a nation as for a man') Charles de Gaulle). In other words, in my eyes the enemy os not 'the left' or 'communism' or even 'subversion,' but rather this egalitarian ideology whose formulations, religious or lay, metaphysical or supposedly 'scientific,' have continued to flourish for over two thousand years, whose 'ideas of 1789' were but a step, and of which communism and the current subversion are the inevitable outcome. (View from the Right, 2017, p.2)
Replies: >>2558
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>How do you define being of the right?
I tried to make a new thread before realizing thread creation is disabled. Although one line, this is a deceptively simple question and much proverbial ink has been spilled trying to answer it!
Replies: >>2562
>my original point was that science and math in general are not something that can be easily made up
Literally, it gets made up all the time. I gave several explanations for it being made up, but of course you turn a blind eye towards anything that destroys your science worship.

>If Hitler was so determined for National Socialism to prevail that he ordered the bombing of his own rations
Except this never happened. You're the only one making shit up and are now doubling down on your shitlib views.

>source is from The Lightning and the Sun, Savitri Devi
>Uhhh, I'll just say where it supposedly came from!
Provide the source itself. Devi is not a historian, by the way.

>why didn't he use it?
Literally explained why he didn't. But of course you hate reading.

>No sources, whenever they are from our side or from the enemy seem to acknowledge that they did have a bomb.
I literally gave you a source in my previous post, but of course you deflect anything that destroys your argument.

>Remember the cold war?
Remember when the Soviet Union was endorsing all kinds of pseudosciences in attempts to prove that the very existence of biology was inconclusive or not important, and how this led to numerous starvations and medical errors? A state that denied reality in front of them and yet was still able to hold such significant power? The Cold War wasn't about science or initiated by science; it was entirely political. Scientists merely served the state and even lied for the ideology of that state.
>Science has always been linked to state power and always will be.
Science is secondary to state power. Science is only necessary when more intelligence is desperately needed to bring about accomplishments and goals, but even that is sometimes unnecessary. But it becomes irrelevant as far as approaching the truth of our world in regards to the desires of an ideology and the philosophy of a state. A state will abandon a science when it does not agree with it, and the Soviet Union and the United States are very infamous for such things. Christcucks and Mudslimes have held power for centuries and completely disregarded the truth of science and yet continue to have held the lands they've stolen. You do not understand power. Science is not the source of power.

>Science gives tremendous military power
Science, just like men, is servient to the will of a state and shall always provide military power, no matter what. You are merely explaining the usefulness and necessities of science, but not proving how it is needed to control a state.

Back to Reddit X100.
Thread creation has been re-enabled, it wasn't set that way, but something I missed may have triggered the auto lock, do your thing.
I recently read The Lightning and the Sun, and I do not recall that she ever said he did such a thing. provide page number at least so people can verify the veracity of your claim.
Replies: >>2564
NTA but on page 399 
>One cannot say, either, that Adolf Hitler could not be ruthless, when placed before exceptional circumstances. He proved himself to be, nay, more and more so, as the war drew nearer and nearer to its tragic end. Nothing buttresses this statement more definitely than the words he addressed all the Gauleiters of the Reich on the 24th of February 1945, commanding them to rouse the people to a “pitch of Teutonic fury” against the invaders from the East and from the West, so that the whole German nation might perish sword in hand, rather than surrender. “If the German people give way,” said he, carrying the logic of the National Socialist doctrine to its supreme conclusions, whatever these be, “that will only show that they have not a stamina worthy of their mission, in which case they deserve destruction.”1 

>It is not a sheer coincidence that these words were spoken on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the National Socialist Party, They express the natural and logical reaction of the Man “against Time,” before the material impossibility of his dream within this Dark Age. The terrible “burnt earth” policy which he forwarded in a new message, addressed to the Gauleiters hardly three weeks later — on the 16th of March 1945 — is an outcome of the same. In that message, the Führer commanded that all power-stations, gas-factories, all manner of manufacturing centres, mines, railways, canals, water-supplies, clothes and food supplies etc., be totally destroyed. On the other hand, the generals received orders to turn into deserts the regions they were to defend to the death of their last soldier. They were to destroy not only the bridges, and all the works enumerated within the message to the Gauleiters, but even the water-tanks, the granaries full of corn, whatever is necessary to life, — whatever could be useful to the enemy. Never mind if the people who would survive bombing and battles would die of hunger and thirst!2 
>1 Quoted by Georges Blond, “L’Agonie de l’Allemagne.”
>2 Quoted by Georges Blond, same book.
Replies: >>2566
The other anon is right, America is the one who cut Germany's supply lines,, Hitler attemtped to pull a leaf out of Russia's book from the Napoleonic Wars and deny resupply from taken german supplies to his enemies, turns out they didn't care about that and fucked shit up for him, Not sure this was known when she wrote the book however.
I've read that in the Italian Social Republic, all big businesses were nationalized. The National Socialists had their Reichswerke Hermann Göring, which was state owned.
What do you envision as the role that the state would play in a National Socialist economy? Would it own a few big businesses, all essential industries, all big businesses, or something else?
Replies: >>2580
"Big" businesses are a multifaceted source of power and thus will become the targets of some controlling force, overtly or covertly.  It is impossible for them to remain otherwise and any appearance to the contrary is merely a facade.

Therefore I believe the only question is how benevolent you wish to appear whilst controlling them (or, if it's even known to the public and/or the business itself that you are) lest your enemies do.
>This is not Reddit
Except he's right? Soviets would of lost if it weren't for American involvement.


<Lend-lease aid meant that if Stalin simply bided his time, the surpluses of American capitalism would allow his armored divisions to keep growing. From July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943, the United States shipped more than 3.4 million tons of goods to Stalin, including barbed wire (4,000 tons shipped each month), 120,000 machine guns, another 120,000 Thompson submachine guns, anti-tank mines (60,000 per month), 5,117 anti-aircraft guns, 24 million square yards of tarpaulin, 75,000 tons of oil pipe and tubing, 181,366 tons of TNT, 173,000 field telephones, 580,000 miles of telephone wire, and 220,000 tons of petroleum products, most of it refined aviation gasoline. Numerous additional Allied lend-lease shipments were crucial in the battle at Kursk

<n 1941, the Soviet war industry would not be able to function properly without massive American aid. The United States sent to Stalin’s war factories monthly deliveries of armor plate (1,000 tons), sheet steel (8,000 tons), steel wire (7,000 tons), steel wire rope (1,200 tons), tool steel (500 tons), aluminum ingots (1,000 tons), duralumin (250 tons), tin (4,000 tons), toluol (2,000 tons), ferro chrome (200 tons), ferro silicon (300 tons), rolled brass (5,000 tons), and copper tubes

<The Red Army lost 20,500 tanks between June and November 1941, amounting to 80% of Stalin’s armored strength (p. 381). The German conquest of industrial areas also caused Soviet tank production to drop from 2,000 to 1,400 tanks per month. Stalin said he needed 2,000 tons of armor plate per month to keep Soviet tank production going at even reduced levels. Roosevelt approved this request, and agreed to supply Stalin with 400 warplanes per month, and monthly shipments of 10,000 American trucks and 5,000 jeeps, 200,000 Red Army boots, 400,000 yards of khaki for uniforms, 1,500 tons of leather hides and boot-sole leather, 200,000 tons of wheat, and 70,000 tons of sugar

The Soviet army was never truly a powerhouse until the Americans provided their necessities. Even strategically they would of lost if the Americans did not get involved, because their armies were too under-supplied. What idiot unironically thinks the Soviet Union was a powerhouse other than retarded tankies/trannies?
Replies: >>2600 >>2653
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"While soldiers fight because their duty is to wage war (regardless of their personal convictions), partisans fight because they believe their struggle to be justified." - Alain de Benoist
Replies: >>2599
> with people acting like math is fake and useless.
No one said that math was fake and useless you stupid tard. Anon's argument was that anything association with the current Jew order is most likely fake and gay.
TBQH that cat looks more qualified to make that quote than that happy NEET looking boomer.
It took the combined forces of communism and capitalism to defeat National Socialism.
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What are /fascist/ thoughts on colonialism? Do you think the NSDAP would of had their very own colonies, or de-colonized in belief that it was a burden on Europeans?
Replies: >>2608 >>2620
Extermination or Expulsion, nothing else. Enslaving (unless ensuring extermination via sterilization) only leads to sympathy in the long run, it will almost always lead to weakening  of the gene pool and it always leads to dependence on slave labor, the negatives outweigh the benefits.
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Happy to see you lads still going. Thought the board died with 16chan.
Hitler commended the British empire for their dominance on the world stage and given the time period, you had to have colonies to be considered a great power. Same reason why Mussolini did his foray into Ethiopia. That being said Hitler would have likely taken Eastern clay with the intention of Germanizing the slavs. There's no pressing need for overseas colonies when your nation is in the heartland of Europe,

Hitler would have been fine with colonialism in regards to other Europeans but it's not something he cared for with Germany. No plans of retaking Numidia post war or any pacific holdings from before ww1.
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>Finally there is another novelty which facilitates understanding of the nature of cultural globalization: capitalism no longer sells just commodities and goods. It also sells signs, sounds, images, software, connections and links. It does not just fill up houses: it colonizes the imagination and dominates communication. In the 1960s, consumer society thrived on identifiable material goods, cars, household appliances, etc. The system that Benjamin R. Barber calls “McWorld” — like in Macintosh or McDonald — is a virtual world resulting from the intensification of all sorts of transnational transactions that converge to homogenize life-styles. “The props of the McWorld system,” says Barber, “are no longer cars, but the Eurodisney amusement park, MTV, Hollywood films, software packages. In short, concepts and images as much as objects.”

>This generalized commodification makes the consumption of advertising-spectacle the sole form of social integration, while at the same time intensifying feelings of exclusion and aggressive tendencies in those left out. Through a flood of universal images and sounds, it contributes to the standardization of lifestyles, to the reduction of differences and particularities, the conformity of attitudes and behaviors, the eradication of collective identities and traditional cultures. But more than this, it goes so far as to modify our perception of space and time. Under the network of stationary satellites, under the influence of economic empires that multiply alliances and mergers, under the effect of information highways that carry the same global sub-culture to the farthest reaches of the earth, the planet is shrinking. Dominated by fewer and fewer monopolies, which are more and more powerful, the space in which commodities, investments and currency circulate is being increasingly unified. Furthermore, while up until now all societies have lived time both as a succession of moments and subjective duration, this distinction is being erased. The technological revolution of “real time” accelerates the circulation of material and immaterial flux, with no possibility of a reference point or contextualization. This compression of time makes immediacy the only remaining horizon of meaning. As René Char put it, “Abolishing distance kills.” The closeness that new communication technologies create ends up crushing things and confusing forms.

>We are in fact witnessing a redefinition of reality. The Internet is a good example. While classic media are limited to showing what happens elsewhere, the Internet allows its users to virtually transport themselves to this elsewhere. The occupant of the McWorld system thus sees both everywhere and nowhere. The Internet inaugurates a new lifestyle that one could call electronic nomadism, but which is also an electronic colonialism. As Nelson Thall, Marshall McLuhan’s successor at the University of Toronto, points out, “in the end, the power of the Internet is . . . that it allows the entire world to think and to write like North Americans.”

de Benoist, Confronting Globalization
Should we study and use the strategies of communists? Is it worth reading books on how they managed to infiltrate movements and consolidate power so that we can modify and apply these for our own purposes?
Replies: >>2629 >>2652
That was basically the foundation of GRECE and the European New Right's metapolitical strategy (specifically Gramsci)
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>The main split is no longer between Right and Left, or even between "fascism and democracy"; it is now vertical: the low versus the high, the people versus the elite, the popular classes versus the ruling New Class... The general idea is that these elites constitute a coalition so homogeneous that the classical difference among the parties running the government and opposition, between the Left and Right, has lost all meaning. It is indicative that the notion of "political class" remains viable, whereas that of "social class" seems to have evaporated. For populists, the differences between "big parties" are only cosmetic: far from being incompatible, these parties get along very well, constituting a cartel that is opposed only by the growing force of populist aspirations—the only one able to bring about "true change."

de Benoist, On Politics
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>Another classic dichotomy is that of order (or preservation) and action (or progress). Yet as soon as we propose this dichotomy, we create ambiguity: What exactly are we preserving" What do we act in the pursuit of?

>The ideology of progress was from the start a bourgeois, liberal ideology that secularized the old biblical idea of a linear conception of history oriented towards improvement by pulling it down into the realm of the profane. Theorized by Turgot, and then by Condorcet... this idea argues that humanity is, largely thanks to scientific progress, on the whole moving in the direction of unending moral progress. It is the basis of Enlightenment philosophy. Fundamentally oriented toward the future and having nothing but scorn for that which Pasolini called the "revolutionary force of the past," this idea demonizes notions of "tradition," of "custom," of "putting down roots," seeing in them only outdated superstitions and obstacles to humanity's triumphant march forward. With its aim the unification of the human race, it demands that we renounce every form of "archaic" affiliation; that we systematically destroy the organic bedrock of traditional forms of solidarity. The new world necessarily has to be built upon the ruins of the previous world. As Jacques Julliard has noted, this idea also goes "hand in hand with individualism, which asserted itself with the French Revolution. [The idea] was associated with the political and moral flourishing of the individual, whereas the absolutist doctrine of the Ancien Regime had given priority to communal values found in the family, the corporation, the province, and the state itself. The 'revolution of the rights of man' (Marcel Gauchet) is essentially a revolution of individuals: they and they alone had rights. Louis Dumont, in his studies, has also shown that individualism is fundamentally an ideology of the left. "It is the human individual who is the measure of everything," as Jaures said.

>The notion of change is, therefore, not fundamentally a characteristic of the left. With the idea of progress, the cult of innovation, and technology in particular, has had an impact on all political groups. Progress has been contested on the left (by ecologists and those who believe in degrowth) just as it had been lauded on the right (by positivists and liberals). Today it is largely the liberal right that wants to "get things moving,"  faced with a left that intends to preserve the rights of workers (and which is, for this reason, accused of being "behind the times"). This could equally be said of the conventional outline that places social justice and generosity on the left, and authority, tradition, and the defense of the family and of private property on the right. This refers only to configurations of circumstance and yet again forces ideas onto a potential divide, where they just do not fit.
de Benoist, Dismantling the Left-Right Divide
This board, or probably this entire chan, uses a so-so captcha system and has way too many TOR Ips banned for its own good. I don't hold any hope that it will return to what 16chan's /fascist/ board. This one is unfortunately a pale shadow of its originator. For all I can wish for, I'd like to know if any archives of older threads have been saved somewhere, or by anyone, including the PDF thread(s).
There are some book references that I'd like to look for again but I can't even remember their names and this is quite unfortunate.
Replies: >>2656
Surprise attack, several thousand men hurried during the chaos situation Russia was engulfed in, all of which with the massive support of Schiff and Jewish money. I'm afraid today there's no way we can emulate this, we don't have the men, nor the training, even less the vast caches of funds necessary for such operations.
>would of
Go back to school please.
Replies: >>2654
>Muh small grammatical error
Shut the fuck up, faggot. You're triple posting when you could have just read the thread beforehand. Learn how to organize your shit before you start talking shit.
First, search the archives provided in the opening of several threads, you may find what you are looking for there, if not, I don't know.
As for the captcha, I like it, and it keeps midwits and fools out, and the TOR IPS that are blocked ARE NOT BLOCKED BY ME, they are globally banned, take your issue up with Sturgeon, and the CP spammers and Chink ad spammers. If you aren't willing to post from anything but TOR, either suck it up and post from clearnet, or take the effort to find a TOR IP not banned on this board.
Third if you namefag one more time without great cause I will ban you from this board permanently you blackpilling faggot.
Replies: >>2657 >>2682
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Why are you even attempting to reply genuinely to an obvious liar pushing blatant FUD? They've been peddling this "abloo abloo tor is banned board is honeypot let's go somewhere else" for literal years despite the fact the issue that was preventing people from posting from tor was fixed ages ago.
I'm posting from tor right now as I always do. Your bullshit is incredibly transparent and I'm going to call it out every single time you try to push it.
Replies: >>2658 >>2659 >>2682
>the issue that was preventing people from posting from tor was fixed ages ago.
Pretty much. The problem with Tor getting banned globally when trying to deal with CP and such was resolved around last year when Sturg reinstalled jschan and updated to the latest version, yet there are retards still pretending it's a thing. I post on Tor exclusively myself, so it's certified bullshit.
Replies: >>2659 >>2682
I didn't know that Sturgeon had fixed the issues, and aside from the other day I did get on TOR on a banned instance I've never had any other issue so I usually just tell them to shut the fuck up and ignore them, I only commented to tell him not to namefag again. I wasn't sure he had fixed that and even if so IDK how long he keeps the banned for spamming TOR IP's banned for, probably not long since at some point it will interfere with regular posters.
Tor posters get their own unique ID now, you can differentiate them as their IP hashes end with ".BP". Exit nodes will still work off the exit node IP and I need to update that list.
Why did Night of the Long Knives happen? I heard it happened because Röhm and Gregor Strasser were planning a coup but I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not. Also, where I can learn more about Strasserism and the difference between it and Hitler's national socialism?
Replies: >>2682
>First, search the archives provided in the opening of several threads, you may find what you are looking for there, if not, I don't know.
Will try.
>As for the captcha, I like it, and it keeps midwits and fools out,
I disagree with this but I won't argue more. It's pointless.
>the TOR IPS that are blocked ARE NOT BLOCKED BY ME, they are globally banned, take your issue up with Sturgeon, and the CP spammers and Chink ad spammers.
I know it's global. But I couldn't care less about the rest of the site. The issue is that this board is located on that kind of system and it genuinely sucks. I tried to have a bunch of anons try it here and they just said fuck it, site is shit. I don't expect this board to be moved to another chan, nor the admins to bring substantial changes to anything here. I merely point out what is annoying when trying to use this specific board compared to what existed or still exists elsewhere.
>If you aren't willing to post from anything but TOR, either suck it up and post from clearnet, or take the effort to find a TOR IP not banned on this board.
When you have to cycle through two dozen IPs and wait like fucking five minutes to send a simple post, you know that the issue is not the user anymore but the environment.
As for encouraging people posting from a clearnet... are you serious?
>Third if you namefag one more time without great cause I will ban you from this board permanently you blackpilling faggot.
You would just be banning one more Tor IP, you know that?
>Why are you even attempting to reply genuinely to an obvious liar pushing blatant FUD? They've been peddling this "abloo abloo tor is banned board is honeypot let's go somewhere else" for literal years despite the fact the issue that was preventing people from posting from tor was fixed ages ago.
First, I didn't say it was a honey pot you fucking sperg.
Second, the fact that you could read my message means I managed to post from Tor, but that flew high above your head.
Third, I don't even know why Tor posting being fixed here some time ago concerns me right now. I didn't complain about it being impossible after all, I said the experience is not that good, to be polite.
Good for you if you don't have to cycle through many IPs or may be able to do it very fast.
I had to move to a place that is sufficiently distant from my local ZOG unit and the bandwidth isn't anything stellar on top of Tor being already slower by design, and the processing of a post taking some time. Every try takes some 20 seconds. The post you're reading right now took me 13 successive tries before it got validated. Why even bother?
> heard it happened because Röhm and Gregor Strasser were planning a coup but I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not.
True. Plus rumors of faggotry.
Replies: >>2683 >>2684
Use the onion.
Yes I  did mean it when I said post from Clearnet. TOR is a CIA product, with jews running the fucking project itself, it's primary purpose of use by non-assets is to hide Government agent use of the same anonymizing technology TOR offers, does it have benefits for us? Absolutely, but as long as you aren't retarded and know how to speak without saying what you know shouldn't be said the Clearnet can be just as much of a camouflage as TOR because while they do monitor the traffic, there's so much shit more pressing than articulated thoughtful posting on /fascist/ that they can't possibly catch all of it and as long as you never point yourself out as an imminent threat the worst they'd do is put you in the increasingly 
 ridiculously large pile of posts to be investigated because badspeak. Do you really think they can sift through, or even have the manpower to sift through, all the shit like open threats to the president and other dumbasses to find any one of us so long as you abide by the limits of speech set by shit like the Brandenburg V. Ohio decision? Do you think they really are effective enough to actually catch anyone who understands that to speak of illegal actions performed by them or others they know, in any terms more than the most vague language, on the internet is retarded? Each time somebody posts USE TOR bro, It's good advice, certainly, if it's accompanied by a litany of other things on top of just using the browser. Even on TOR you'd be fucking retarded to speak of actions you've taken because there are numerous ways to deanonymize TOR users, and all it takes is one slip, one time that you fuck up, one mistake and they have you on there, sticking out like a sore thumb, whereas on the Clearnet they get bogged down in huge mounds of bullshit that old dumb boomers post on Facebook, and younger idiots post openly elsewhere, and even dumber shit that idiots who never learn not to open their fucking mouths post.
I understand fully your frustrations with the difficulty of using TOR here, but if you can't be smart and avoid saying incriminating shit, you shouldn't be using the internet at all, let alone TOR. and to be clear you can post instructions on how to do something as long as you couch it in language that is unambiguously not encouraging it's use, that's covered by the BVO decision as well, you can even give step by step detailed accurate instructions on how to build bombs without a problem.
Have there been any studies done that show that Whites are physically stronger than every other race? I've heard some "White nationalists" claim that the only reason why Whites were successful in much of their conquests is only due to technology. Even though it is displayed many times in many wars involving and battles that White soldiers have fought and won, it is also due to might and endurance, not just intelligence. Asians have been technologically advanced for centuries, yet they have never expanded or conquered the world as many times as Europeans have.
Replies: >>2730 >>2732
Europeans = Brawny and strong
Niggers = Fast and flexible
Gooks = stealthy and intelligent
Mexicans = Retarded
Replies: >>2796
>Have there been any studies done that show that Whites are physically stronger than every other race? 

>I've heard some "White nationalists" claim that the only reason why Whites were successful in much of their conquests is only due to technology. 
Any "White nationalist" who thinks that conquests can be won to technology alone or that it was the main contributor is retarded. This bold claim is also often said by ((( mainstream academics ))) and leftists as apart of their usual cope in regards to race and White success.
Replies: >>2742
Yeah man fuck these kikeswines
I was looking at a small and independent book publisher a while ago that sold very niche and obscure titles like Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century. It had other similar books from authors of the Right. Anyone know which publisher I might have been looking at?
Replies: >>2803
life isn't an RPG
Sounds like Ostara Publications. I wouldn't recommend their version of Myth of the 20th Century, but their other titles might be okay.
Replies: >>2805 >>2806
Replies: >>2806
As it turns out Ostara Publishing is not what I was thinking of sadly
Posting and thread creation returned to normal settings now that the raid has passed
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Neinchan diaspora reporting in. Missing my frens and looking for a new home.
Anyone can tell what's up with frenschan?
>try to post
>get asked to enable java script
are these people retarded?
Replies: >>2957 >>3137
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Given the current events can anybody redpill me on Palestinians?

Historically speaking the name is derived from the ancient Philistines, or Peleset in Egyptian, a people which used to settle in what is today the Gaza strip and beyond. They were thought to be a loose confederation of sea farers, read poors-turned-pirates, mainly from Greek-settled areas. They were always at war with the jews but seem to have disappeared from the records by 600 BC.
Now the disappearing part is what jewscience tells us because the kikes have obviously no interest in giving today's Palestinians any sort of claim living in isntreal.

So do we have any texts from non-kiked historians preferably from the time of national socialism though I would be interested in modern stuff, too, if it deals with the matter of genetic continuity.
any of you ever written for counter currents?

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What are your opinions on European "Nationalist" movements, like Orban in Hungary, Reconquest in France and Meloni in Italy?
They all recognize the Great Replacement as a reality and try to fight against it and against Islam, even popularizing the Great Replacement.
But what seems fishy to me is how Jewish all of these are: they all support Israel and are all deeply infiltrated by Zionists: the founder of Reconquest in France is a Jew, most of them are friends with Nethanyahu (as Trump is).
What does king kike himself have to gain to ally with them?
On the other hand, the Arabs immigrants that flood our lands are extremely anti-Semitic, and hate Israel with a passion, probably more than they hate us. What do the kikes have to gain from importing people that are so openly hostile to them in the West? Or am I missing something?
The least dangerous opposition is the one you control.
All these movements are controlled opposition. They couldn't do anything even if they wanted to. They are allowed to exist by the deep state behemoth in order to have a pressure valve for the people to vent but if they get too dangerous they are shut down.
Nonetheless they are useful as they shift the public perception of reality and there's always the possibility that things spiral out of control.
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>they all support Israel and are all deeply infiltrated by Zionists: the founder of Reconquest in France is a Jew, most of them are friends with Nethanyahu (as Trump is).
Anyone who supports Israel and has connections with Jews is a controlled opposition. There's no need to put thought into something that is blatantly in front of your face and admits that they are not in your interests.

>On the other hand, the Arabs immigrants that flood our lands are extremely anti-Semitic
No, they're anti-Zionist. Goat-fuckers don't reject semities, they hate the fact that Jews have decided to side with their own after years of siding with them since the Christians attempted to take Jerusalem. Muslims are still accepting of Jews as long as they're accepting of Islam or convert to it. Even if they were anti-semitic, they're still a cancer to the West and should be deported. Fight Jews in your own country, not ruin ours.

>What do the kikes have to gain from importing people that are so openly hostile to them in the West?
The answer is simple. It goes both ways when you realize that there are Jews who hate Israel and Jews who adore it. But in the end they still want to destroy their greatest racial enemy, White people. They import third-worlders in expectation that they will only destroy the West without fellow Jews being involved, while attempting to rid Israel's obstacle regarding demographics. While Jews who hate Israel just want the West to be a shit-hole where they can openly practice hedonism and worship shit-skins more-so than worship Yahweh himself. You have to be realistic and realize that Jews are not omnipotent nor omniscient. They go along with plans and set them forth, but even they can become victims of their own vicious ideas as they do not think about the long-term results and consequences of their actions which is why many Jews are so arrogant. This is why they're only now deporting Mudshits, because they're being attacked. Further proving that they're parasites.
Replies: >>3116
I think you are attributing too much conscious thought and planning to them.  Birds fly, fish swim, The Tribe subverts and destroy their host countries.  It's instinctive.  It's just what they do.  It's a compulsion for them.  I don't think most of them are even consciously aware of the pattern.  "Oy vey, it's anti-semitism" is their reflexive response, but it's authentic.  They genuinely don't understand what they're doing.  That makes them even more dangerous to their host nations.
What do you anons think of Volkism?
Replies: >>3119
If this is some attempt to rebrand National Socialism without the authority or will to actually do so, I will personally kill the person responsible, and be more detailed if you want an actual answer, because Volkisch is what most NS are.
Replies: >>3121
No Volkism as in the ideology that predates NS and became part of national socialism
I've actually found the discussion of lesser known nationalist movements or nationalist movements that made part of italian fascism and german national socialism.
Replies: >>3122
>No Volkism as in the ideology that predates NS and became part of national socialism
It's Volkisch or Folkish and was incomplete, and is already part of National Socialism.
>I've actually found the discussion of lesser known nationalist movements or nationalist movements that made part of italian fascism and german national socialism.
You've found it what? make sense.
Replies: >>3123
Sorry I often forget words when I type. I meant to say: "I find [...] it intresting"
>>3 (OP) 
What is the best first book on economics for someone who doesn't know anything about economics in general? What is the best resource for understanding NatSoc or fascist view on economics?
Replies: >>3133
>What is the best first book on economics
Principles of economics, by mankiw
Frenschan seemed like the best altchan in the immediate aftermath of 16's demise. But it's dropped off recently. Not so much shill threads, just low quality and low activity.
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I would like a source on the Himmler quote. Thanks in advance.
Replies: >>3165
https://westsdarkesthour.com/2022/06/02/hitlers-religion-chapter-3/ says that it is from an SS pamphlet on funerals, but doesn't say which one.

I am pro-Russia
Replies: >>3179
Then you do not belong.
Replies: >>3180

Ukraine is ZOG, a country ruled by a jew. AZOV is puppet.

Russia, Hungary and Iran are today the countries closest to fascism, something like countries that are not formally fascist but could be classified as.

This was already explained by Mussolini in the 1930s, characterizing Japan and Brazil as countries that followed the example of fascism.
Replies: >>3181 >>3188
This is not reddit, you don't need to press enter twice.
>Ukraine is ZOG, a country ruled by a jew.
Russia is ZOG, a country ruled by chabadnik jews.
>Russia, Hungary and Iran are today the countries closest to fascism
How is imprisoning nationalist and filling Ukraine with non-Whites fascist?
Replies: >>3183

Russia today is the most traditionalist and spiritually active country in all of Europe. The Russian people have a unique patriotic feeling. And you can't deny that Iran is an example of a traditionalist country and that Hungary does everything to promote the spiritual life of its people. As Mussolini said in his definition of what fascism is, not a materialistic idea, but something spiritual. 

Orbán is the only politician brave enough to denounce George Soros and all these jews in power. I want to walk around Budapest and see jews portrayed on billboards as they really are, not as AZOV who acts as the right-hand man of a jew and a superficial shithole country serving jewish interests. And Putin does what has to be done, he had the strength to stand up to the jewish oligarchies in Russia.

About "nationalists" being arrested, I interpret it more as the new "Nacht der langen Messer". All the garbage must be removed, especially the garbage that is acting in defense of the enemy. Why do the jewish media have a interest in portraying these arrested "fascists" in the same way as the "savior of democracy" Navalny?
Replies: >>3184 >>3188
>Russia today is the most traditionalist
There is nothing traditional about having one of the highest abortion rates in the world
>and spiritually active country in all of Europe
There is nothing spiritual about worshiping Yeshua and Stalin.
>The Russian people have a unique patriotic feeling
There is nothing patriotic about allowing your country to become a multiracial hellhole ran by jews.
>And you can't deny that Iran is an example of a traditionalist country
Most of Sub-Saharan African countries are also traditionalist.
>And Putin does what has to be done
That being sucking circumcised penises.
>he had the strength to stand up to the jewish oligarchies in Russia
>All the garbage must be removed, especially the garbage that is acting in defense of the enemy
Being garbage that supports the enemy is when you don't want your homeland flooded with foreigners.
Replies: >>3185

You just repeat the jews lying speech, goyim.

The Soviet Union was the first country to legalize abortion, and the consequences last to this day, but Russia has a program to discourage women from having abortions (they must listen to the baby's heartbeat) and there is also a natalist program that decorates women who build large families.

Putin propaganda has succeeded in portraying Stalin as a hero who led the country in the Great Patriotic War, which still evokes a great nationalist feeling in the Russian people. When Putin says that the European Union, NATO, the USA and Ukraine are Nazis, he is only appealing to nationalist sentiment for the defense of Russia. Thats what the Patriotic War was, Stalin united Bolsheviks and opponents to fight in the war, not least because they would be punished with death if they didn't agree to go to war.

I know that there are still many faithful catholics in Italy, Austria, Spain and Poland, but what is the Catholic Church today? It has no strength, it's corrupted, rotten inside, the Church of Rome is dead and has no influence in Europe. Russia is the last Christian stronghold in Europe and the Orthodox Church has already proven to be the last Christian church, resisting all the shit. Even with all those muslims in Russia, they are a minority who represent little to the Slavic community, and even so, it's all very different from the rest of Europe invaded by Islam. Also, the Orthodox Church is Also, the Orthodox Church is very close to the government and has great control over life and public opinion in Russia.

Since the Russian Empire, Russia and all the ethnic groups integrated into it, in addition to the ethnic Russian people, have experienced a separation, a healthy segregation that should be an international example. Just look for Ethnopluralism.
Replies: >>3188
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>Fascism is when you theocracy
IDK where this meme comes from.

First there is a difference between Fascism and Integralism: the former, Fascism, is about the State, but the latter, Integralism, the Church.

Fascism isn't a materialist ideology, but neither is it your typical theocracy either: Fascism is more advanced and politically motivated.

In fact, I think Evola criticized Fascism for not being like your other standard traditionalist theocracy and said people should aspire for more than the political.

Yet I think Giovanni Gentile and Mussolini weren't in the wrong (despite Evola). Fascist totalitarianism and its concept of life is a different prescription for modern problems than the traditionalist kind.

Giovanni Gentile:
>A conception of integral politics, a notion of politics which does not distinguish itself from morality, from religion, or from every conception of life that does not conceive itself distinct & abstracted from all other fundamental interests of the human spirit

>The Fascist conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value.
>Thus understood, Fascism, is totalitarian, & the Fascist State – a synthesis & unit inclusive of all values.

By stating the State is a synthesis and unit inclusive of all values: it goes beyond priest or warrior caste. A household is the administrative unit for society, a certain capacity inclusive for all values: because a barracks is for warriors and their strata, and a holy temple is none other than a holy house with its own hierarchy: both are modeled after the household. As are all professions. The State is supposed to be the grand total of all households / estates, for what reason Mussolini says totalitarian.

Mussolini said, that by doing this, people will be made aware of their moral unity: a Fascist society is lead by political minds taking into account everything with a leader.
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I doubt Putin and United Russia are Fascists.

We might as well call the US Republican Party Fascism or any other conservative party Fascism or the soft right political leaders Fascists.
Did you miss the memo about Putin also being a Jew?
Hungary is ZOG, Orban is objectively working against the interests of the European people as a whole both by allying with Putin and working against support for Ukraine, yet here you sit outright choosing to congratulate a supposed nationalist for working with a fucking jew who literally sends shitskins into Finland within the last two months even. Russia is ZOG, both are only allowed to look "based and redpilled" in western targeted propaganda to make retards like you think Russia is an ally in the fight against ZOG, or that they're zased and christniggerish as if they really are or as if that were a good thing, both Hungary and Russia have regular church attendance at less than 40% of their populace and it is on the decline, everywhere in the western world and eastern Europe. Russia is little better than the commies they were 40 years ago, and they do imprison Russian Ethnic Nationalists and they have repeatedly sent migrants to Finland, as well as other portions of europe including the Donbass region of Ukraine while it's still contested territory they filled it full of muslim shitskins in Mariupol home of Azov.
Idk why you even mentioned Iran, it's the farthest thing from National Socialism and Fascism both that one could be, It's a fucking Islamic Theocracy, and repugnant in the extreme, only slightly less so than christniggers. Not a single fucking country you mentioned is remotely fascist in ideology, or in how they care for their citizens. My assessment that you do not belong gets more and more clear with each retarded post that you make.
Russia today is the most traditionalist and spiritually active country in all of Europe.
Russia is not european, nor is it traditional or spiritually active, the Eastern Orthodox church is just as corrupt and disgusting as the catholic church, and its far less in touch with our real roots and religions than the catholic church which is horrendously out of touch as it is.
>Orbán is the only politician brave enough to denounce George Soros
Orban is a jewish tool, denouncing Soros is not denouncing all jews, he's like damn near every other world leader has gone to the wailing wall and paid homage to his jewish overlords GTFOH with your idiocy.
>All the garbage must be removed, especially the garbage that is acting in defense of the enemy.
YOU are Garbage, you are not NS and if you keep posting with that flag you should  be shot from a cannon into the sun and off this board permanently.
>You just repeat the jews lying speech, goyim.
Funny, everything you said following this was a lie, no need to keep responding to this fool guys, he's outed himself as a shill.
Yeah, EU standards are bullshit.
If you were right you would have been able to respond to his arguments instead of resorting to jew jacketing.
>Why do you call Putin a jew?
Because his mother is jewish.
>More kiked than Ukraine ever could be
There are only two countries where President, Prime Minister and Speaker of the Parliament are all Jews: Israel, and Ukraine.
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What is the "Alpine" race and is this categorization still relevant today? According to Rosenberg and Grant, they are an inferior race that shares some similarities with the Nordic but that is inherently inferior. According to them, most of the Balkans, South Germany and Central France is Alpine and of inferior stock.
IMO, this is bullshit they came up with because of the lack of modern genetic study at the time. PCA analysis of the genes of France and Germany show no great difference between central and northern populations, while Grant and Rosenberg go as far as to say that the Arabs are superior to the Alpine, which are considered closer to Turks that to Nordics (!)
The important question this raises is: how much trust can we put on these authors, seeing the enormous errors they make?
Replies: >>3207
Race categorizations, especially those made pre-dating modern analysis, are really just about feelings. This is just an excuse to call people inferior because they come from the mountains. Like you hint at, we shouldn't trust them.
Quite frankly, all race theory as-we-know-it is feels bullshit. Variance within each group is so strong that group-wide assumptions are mostly worthless. National development, both economic and social, ultimately dominate the impacts of macro genetic biases.
Replies: >>3210 >>3212
>Variance within each group is so strong ...
From our current perspective at the nadir of several-thousands of years of miscegenation, I would be inclined to agree that it is a poor descriptor in attempting to analyze current populations of white Aryan man. But it shouldn't be disregarded wholly and there is still plenty that can be deduced just from its face, literally, in determining the genetic makeup of a particular man. Perhaps the issue rests in attempting to generalize across groups. As long as the grouping is familial and of the blood, I think it is fair. But certainly it is a laughable thing to generalize based on national population as all once-"white" countries are not "white" at all anymore. Certainly you could have made such judgements in the past I think, and as such I can understand better where notions of smaller and smaller subsets of predominantly-Aryan man can be categorized through the lens of yesteryear. I myself know nothing of the "Alpine" but wherever miscegenated Aryan man has congregated and inbred, it can be said that a sub-race has been created. How we judge these sub-races based on their moral character is another matter.
I think the more useful distinction to make here is that what is being discussed is of *sub-races* rather than the base racial components that make up said sub-races such as the Nordic, Slav or Alpine. And while I realize that said base racial components are a point of contention, it is important that we establish their existence and can agree on at least this point so that it's clear what we are discussing is sub-races rather than the father of said sub-races, whose origins are too far in the metaphysical to be clearly established in the present -- though certainly we can make certain macro-level assumptions, like the barrier between Aryan, Negroid and Mongoloid. It's my opinion that all sub-races are essentially the combustive aftermath of attempting to mix Aryan man with these other creatures. As for the origins of Negroid and Mongoloid itself, I can only speculate. But it should be clear which of these creatures represents the blueprint for man as we know it, and from which all derivatives spin off.
Replies: >>3212
How do you feel about Hitler's Nordicism then? The way he talks about Slavs in table talks suggests that he doesn't consider them Aryan at all, but asiatic and inferior to Germans. The same can be said of pretty much all slav countries, like Czechia, where he describes the population as
Replies: >>3213 >>3224 >>3252
as brutish and uncreative, as well as stupid.
He also wanted the genocide of slavs in the Ukraine for them to be slowly replaced by Germans.
So basically, he didn't think of slavs as white. Was that an error, or was he right?
Yes, Nordicism is very much wrong. Slavs are part of the European population continuum and whatever brutishness exists among them is a result of being subject to Turkic and Nomadic raiding for the better part of a millenium and the extremely harsh system of serfdom that developed as a result of this, not some magic influence of "Asiatic despotism".
Hitler's views also reflect the generally dismissive attitude common among Western elites that caused them to miscalculate their relationship with Slavic peoples to devastating results again and again and again.
Replies: >>3224 >>3252
When Hitler fled to Antarctica, they took thousands of Ukrainian Women to form the 4th Reich there. Every German man was assigned 4 of them to breed with and populate Antarctica. Hitlers further research uncovered that western Ukrainians are directly related to Germans. The eastern ones were and are untermensch.
I think it's a mistake to conflate Hitler's personal beliefs with the exoteric views of the NSDAP. Remember that the NSDAP had no qualms with using non-Aryans for its axis forces. The classifications for what constitutes an Aryan would naturally be, on the exoteric and external "public relations" end of things, simplified somewhat for reasons of propaganda and the necessity for a fast-acting and completely effective war effort (remember the philosophy of "blitzkrieg"). Naturally the true esoteric beliefs and opinions of the NSDAP were different. Serious discussions of eugenics can't simply end at "whiteness". Even if Hitler had no intention of the reich surviving beyond the brief window of time in which the blitzkrieg could be carried out (and the expose on the Jew had reached far and wide enough), he naturally had some ideas of what future populations of Aryan man could look like. Nobody is saying we should dispose of Slavs or their pragmatic usefulness in a war effort to preserve Aryan genetics, even if they themselves are only partially Aryan.
In a serious discussion of eugenics, you'd be mistaken to gloss over the significance of things like Asiatic/Mongolian despotism and materialism. With all due respect to the Japanese, who have the largest amounts of Aryan admixture in East Asia to my knowledge, it is a uniquely Asiatic trait to use one's cunning and intelligence for a materialistic preservation of the self and worldly possessions, rather than for the preservation of race or the tradition inherent within. Look no further than the serpentine, chameleon behavior of Japan over the past few centuries for a perfect example of this people's tendency for brute survival over intellectual survival. They will sacrifice every part of their ways and their being to stay alive, which has lead to the ultimate downfall of themselves and their culture. In this way, Asians exist in spite of themselves. A Reich like that which rose in Germany in the 20th century could never manifest among an Asiatic peoples, because they are materialistic, mathematical, and devoid of any understanding of the value of race beyond what materialistic profits they stand to make from its perpetuation. Make no mistake that the Jews owe much of their character to Mongolian brutalism.
>whatever brutishness exists among them is a result of ...
I think it's fairer to say that any percieved brutality among the Slav is a result of various factors, not simply serfdom. And indeed genetics will always play the biggest part in a people's character, because no matter how much you force a people to concede to a given culture, their reaction TO your forcefulness is always determined by genetics. Disqualifying eugenics as being akin to superstition or "magic" is stupid and lowering the level of the discussion.
In the case of the Slav, I think it's simply a mistake to take what Hitler said at face value and out of context, in that it was not a statement meant for the Aryan-mixed populations of the world to hear. He was simply stating a fact that Slavs possess more Mongolian admixture than do the Nordics. Eugenics is not a discussion for the here and now. It's inherently a discussion of ideals, i.e. the unforseen and distant future. No one is saying that, because Slavs and other sub-races are less Aryan, we should genocide them, or refuse to ally with them, or be concerned with them at all whatsoever. A pragmatic war effort for the preservation of Aryan consciousness is above that. That's the nature of pragmaticism.
Again, I think this stems from people misunderstanding and misusing what Hitler said and did. What Hitler said and believed were ideals for the future, for another world. What Hitler did is a pragmatic kamikazi attack. People want to turn his beliefs into practice, even though there's no room for them at the present. The only thing we have room for is action. And pragmatic warfare is the action for the present. Eugenics is simply foor for thought at this point. I don't see the point in trying to build some harmonious house of thought out of duct-tape and chewing gum that pleases all of the mixed-Aryans of our present time when the only thing that matters is tearing down the foundation currently in place, so that something made to last can be built instead. Quibbling over Slavs, Nordics, Alpines, w/e is a waste of time if you ask me. I myself am mostly Nordic but I don't let whatever non-Aryan elements run through my being distract me from the fact that my actions and the outcome will reveal my genetic nature anyway. There's little point in worrying about such discussions when the outcome always makes the correct answer known. It's like trying to predict the outcome of a sports game -- useful only if some sort of bet's been placed beforehand, and only if you have somewhere to put the spoils afterwards. Otherwise, you're riding on mysticism and beliefs.
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reading tomislav sunic's book again, and remembering how concisely this paragraph from the introduction explains how cuckservatives are liberals as much as sjws are
Replies: >>3344
>The way he talks about Slavs in table talks suggests that he doesn't consider them Aryan at all, but asiatic and inferior to Germans.
Which table-talks? You also need to realize that Hitler obviously changed his mind about a-lot of things during the war against the Soviet Union and Anglo-sphere. But never have I seen him say something along the words of referring to Czechs as Asiatic. I've only seen him referring to Russians along with most of Europe being containing to large of a portion of untermensch. It's plausible that he was mostly referring to Russians when's talking about slavs, considering they were the largest, most powerful and known slavic state within Europe, and his criticism does merit truth. No one can especially say he's wrong, considering the history of Russia/Soviet Union's blatant Euroasianism, especially now.

>He also wanted the genocide of slavs in the Ukraine for them to be slowly replaced by Germans.
No he didn't. This shit has been debunked a hundred times. Ukrainians were referred to as Aryans. If he hated slavs this much, then there's need to be an explanation of why Ukrainians are more accepting of National Socialism than they are of communism. Straight-up Ukraine has a political party of authentic NatSocs who are allowed to have political power.

>Nordicism is very much wrong.
There is more truth to Nordicism than there is to any other racial beliefs of one's own superiority. No one ever said that only Germanics cultures can be Nordic in phenotype.
Replies: >>3253
From "Hitler's table talk, 1941-1944"
>We'll take the southern part of the Ukraine, especially the
Crimea, and make it an exclusively German colony. There'll be
no harm in pushing out the population that's there now.
>The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They
know it, and we would be wrong to persuade them of the con-
trary. It was we who, in 1918, created the Baltic countries
and the Ukraine. But nowadays we have no interest in main-
taining Baltic States, any more than in creating an independent
Ukraine. We must likewise prevent them from returning to
Christianity. That would be a grave fault, for it would be
giving them a form of organisation.
>For them [referring to Slavs] the word "liberty" means the right to wash on feast-
days. If we arrive bringing soft soap, we'll obtain no sympathy.
These are views that will have to be completely readjusted.
There's only one duty: to Germanise this country by the
immigration of Germans, and to look upon the natives as Red-
skins. If these people had defeated us, Heaven have mercy!
But we don't hate them. That sentiment is unknown to us. We
are guided only by reason. They, on the other hand, have an
inferiority complex. They have a real hatred towards a
conqueror whose crushing superiority they can feel.
>In the field of public health there is no need whatsoever to
extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge.
This would result only in an enormous increase in local popula-
tions, and I absolutely forbid the organisation of any sort of
hygiene or cleanliness crusades in these territories. Compulsory
vaccination will be confined to Germans alone, and the doctors
in the German colonies will be there solely for the purpose of
looking after the German colonists. It is stupid to thrust happi-
ness upon people against their wishes. Dentistry, too, should
remain a closed book to them; but in all these things prudence
and commonsense must be the deciding factors, and if some
local inhabitant has a violent tooth-ache and insists on seeing a
dentist—well, an exception must be made in his particular case !
>Jodl is quite right when he
says that notices in the Ukrainian language "Beware of the
Trains" are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or
two more locals get run over by the trains?
>As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the
best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the
rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about
cherishing the local inhabitant and civilising him, goes straight
off into a concentration camp !

These quotes are pretty self explanatory. If this isn't anti-slavism, then I don't know what is.
Some nuance can be added by comments Hitler makes about Ukrainian women:

>My one fear is that the Ministry for Eastern Territories will
try to civilise the Ukrainian women. These girls, bursting with
health, would introduce a welcome strain into the race, for
many of them are obviously of sound Germanic origin—other-
wise, whence the fair, blue-eyed children? The best among them
we will gradually assimilate and take into the Reich; the rest
can remain here.
Replies: >>3254
>Hitler's table talk, 1941-1944
Again vague. There are many table talks translations and much of them are either complete fabrications or mistranslated. Anyone can quote a line, but what matters is the source and context of the material.
Replies: >>3255 >>3257
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Forgot image.
Replies: >>3257
>much of them are either complete fabrications or mistranslated
Well then let's look at Mein Kampf, shall we? (Dalton translation)

Mein Kampf, 2.13