/fascist/ - Surf The Kali Yuga

National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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What is left of online fascist communities? I know we have this board among a few other (mostly) dead boards scattered throughout the alt chans. But for the most part it doesnt seem like theres any big and active online communities for people lit us. (aside from shitholes full of feds like /pol/ and stormfront) How do we build more quality WN/Fascist communities online/improve existing ones? 

Id also like to pose the question of how to get more activity on this board. It gets like 1-2 posts a day which is decent however there is much room for improvement.
And this time, I wish for a White-anon only chan. No covert shitskins in it. I hate them to the point where I'm not even willing to talk to them online. I want them gone.
Replies: >>1847
Frenschan isn’t bad.
Replies: >>1847 >>2661
What you ask for is categorically impossible.
It's not better than here, Sturgeon doesn't have global mods or vols who censor shit they don't belong censoring.
Replies: >>1859
>>1842 (OP) 
/fascist/ has always been slow, the only time it wasn't is when /pol/ didn't exist anywhere and we had their junkies coming here for news when shit happened.
Replies: >>1851
>>1842 (OP) 
A news thread is not bad, it allows us to discuss fascistic perspectives through recent happenings.

BO, a thread dedicated to economics is another good idea, even more during our current crisis.
Replies: >>1857
At the risk of angering a portion of posters here, I pose the question: what is the purpose?
It seems to me that the internet is a dead end as a platform for dissidents. It is experiencing a slow slide into becoming a censored walled garden with no meaningful discourse allowed. As all of our ZOGged countries become more destitute and despotic, what is the purpose of circle jerking on these few remaining platforms? Decentralized IRL communication and planning is sorely needed. Places like this are living on borrowed time as far as usefulness and heavy investment into them is undue.

That said, discussion here is extremely high quality even if it is slow, so as a resource it is invaluable for the moment.
Replies: >>3002
Go ahead and make one, as long as it's high effort and on topic I won't delete it.
>categorically impossible
I don't fucking care then. Nonwhites who are into National Socialism are doing so simply because they want an insurance ticket that they'll survive when White men start fighting back.
<see White man, we are on your side, there's some good in us!
To any shitskin perusing this chan, we hate you and we know your game plan. Die, niggerscum. 

I know I've kept saying "to any shitskin who uses the chan..." bit a lot on zzzchan, but it has to be said. Sometimes the eternal reminder needs to be, well, reminded again. We know these nonwhite fucks lurk on the chans and we should be resistant against their parasitic nature.
Replies: >>1877 >>1883
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There’s a lot of fascists and NS on twitter. The heavensite is flourishing.
Replies: >>1865
Imagine going to the kike controlled completely traceable ((( social media ))) enclosure instead of holding steady to opsec friendly means of communication.

You are all monitored, tracked and easily identified on ((( social media ))) and ((( apps ))).
There is a reason why the kikes specifically destroyed anonymous imageboards they can't directly control and irl activism.
Stop using social media ffs.
Zoomers don't stand a chance. NPCs would rather die than give up their goyphones.
Reach a wider audience, shun walled gardens.
Do you really think that that's what going through their heads?
Replies: >>1882
Yes. That's the end goal of a shitskin. They want to live in the end.
Replies: >>1883 >>1884
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its true that a large amount of these twitter "national socialists" you see are brown
If it was as simple as that, they wouldn't bother since ZOG and its allies have conducted a propaganda campaign to ensure that Whites would hate National Socialism and won't fight back. The only reason they would support National Socialism is either on ideological grounds or otherwise sympathetic reasons.

I agree that browns shouldn't be posting. This is a White struggle after all, but it's pretty clear that they aren't supporting NS just to survive when they aren't under any threat.
Replies: >>1885 >>3316
It's most likely because browns don't feel as ashamed to take up a collectivism ideology as whites have been brainwashed to
Replies: >>1886
Or/and it could be that the feds are encouraging browns to enter our circles and ensure that Whites never fight for themselves. If you look at neo-nazis for instance they're almost always a fed, brown or descendant of a jew. I think non-Whites joining White nationalist movements are part of a psy-op.
Replies: >>3316
>>1842 (OP) 
Everyone in the WN movement (that still uses imageboards) has migrated to frenschan.org. It is literally the only WN chan with decent traffic (where jannies actively ban shills) and effort posts.
Replies: >>1916 >>1937 >>1939
I noticed it's the only imageboard left who managed to keep a more active userbase, but personally after experiencing more "extreme" places like Neinchan and 16chan, I cannot for the life of me go back to what I perceive as useless, milquetoast and normalfag-friendly type of posting they have there.
I also hate social media so I don't even go to telegram where some of the last "edgy" posters still dwell...
I miss Neuchan like you wouldn't believe.
No frenchan autist frog poster would post about ventilating ZOGbots not in minecraft.
They seem happy to discuss about stickers and troons, and that's that.
Replies: >>1919
So I went there out of curiosity and one of the top threads is titled "Killing jews is self-defense". Doesn't seem very milquetoast to me.
Replies: >>1920 >>1937 >>1939
Did the poster get banned? Did his post got flooded with "you glow" replies? Do users approve of what Robert Bowers did?
The type of answers to these questions is my personal unit of measurement of the quality of a community..
Replies: >>1950
redpill me on IronMarch.
was it a good website? did it glow? some of their stuff seems interesting, but the FBI-funded Atomwaffen division makes me suspicious about them.
Replies: >>1922
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It was an small 'third-postionist forum' in it's earliest days (2008) and became an international hardline NS forum only later on, it went through endless debates as they went on and on, so did their understandings of Fascism begun to be refined into something much more, an higher ideal that only should be achieved with power. Soon, discussion of what could be done to achieve power came afterwards and all of those combinations attracted men all over from already-existing movements all-round such as NRM, Golden Dawn and Serbian Action etc. Which also inspired such men to create National Action and Atomwaffen Division.
It was truly beautiful. Fitness and proper education (with proper ideological consistency of course) were offered to any lad whom if not would be spiritually confused 'right-winger' otherwise. Outdoor clubs and mental toughness were rather promoted than discouraged. Tight-knit camaraderie formed while bullying and laughing at both the idea of big tents and outsiders that didn't really fit the standards, which would be malicious infiltrators, opportunistic snakes and degenerate faggots in this case.
Iron March did their hardest, and it was fucking awesome. These people translated many foreign-language books (including Third Reich documents and esoteric manuscripts) to English for the first time out to public.
Unfortunately, their loss was achieved thanks to FSB glowniggers screwing them over allegedly "supporting Azov" and not sucking up to East ZOG in general.
>but the FBI-funded Atomwaffen division makes me suspicious about them.
IM wasn't exactly one person as it was an forum in general and Atomwaffen was infiltrated by an malicious bad-actor (from one chapter to be exact) for the exact purpose of dividing and destroying the group within, not they were funded by FBI in general.
Replies: >>1923 >>1924
I know that some sources can't be trusted, but there are some things about atomwaffen that are simply unacceptable: the whole "Rapewaffen" thing, and the underlying pedophile network between some of its members.
According to kikepedia, some members were praising isis and admired Ben laden.
I don't think that hurting our own people is the solution.
Replies: >>1925
I never used IronMarch, but in my old HDD, i had the full archives of the website. I went trough them and saw a lot of pictures, it looked to me like a pretty great community. Attomwaffen seems to me like glownigger bait that quickly pops up around those communities when they are created.

>East ZOG in general
I have to disagree with anon. Wagner group leader is a National Socialist, and it's HQ is in Argentina because of how strong Natsoc presence is still there.
Which, are given from low-ranking lambish men who were pressurized and folded into becoming FBI rat informants and edgy O9A autism-cultists also. Personally if you ask me Atomwaffen's biggest problem was that their vetting sucked and they didn't apply enough standards and discipline to the point that they allowed in white Muslims (which should be self-explanatory with the Devon Arthurs shitshow that actually cost the lives of two men), it was in actuality first started as a urban exploring group (also did paint-club fighting and ) by inexperienced teenagers and young adults. 
But hey, what do I know? I'm not 'Murican and I never joined so I could be wrong. Some of the ex-AW lads learned the mistakes and so they are planning to start an social service club helping out disfranchised (both rural and homeless) white people instead of focusing on tacticool aesthetics hard to impress random right-wingers online.
Well, regardless of one's views about Russia or not, the head-admin (as well the host.) had overtly-critical views of modern-day Russia to where one covert FSB agent noticed, so they got to his apartment in Moscow and told him which was basically "Dude, not cool talking shit about the government. we give you two choices: Quit acting fashy and shut that forum down, then live a peaceful life or get sent to whoever knows the fuck where." He choose the former.
Replies: >>1926
>Quit acting fashy and shut that forum down
A mistake imho. Andrew Anglin from the daily stormer wrote an article yesterday about how russia doesn't do influence operations to destabilize nations in their favour. Keeping that website up and running with an FSB glowie overseeing things so they don't shittalk russia would've been the correct thing to do.

Here is the article
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Wagner group is filled with mongrelized subhumans and the leader of it serves Prigozhin, who is a human trafficker.
Russia is a shithole and will continue being one, unless they start saying holocaust never happened and round up all the jews in their country.

Fuck off, faggot.
Replies: >>1928 >>1929
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>who is a human trafficker
Nice copypaste, did your jewish supervisor write it for you?
>human trafficker

What a bizarre cohencidence to read such statement here on /fascist/ at the same time when MSM and even official ZOG politicians (such as Italy's defense minister) are claiming that Wagner is behind african immigration to Europe as a destabilization tool.
These Wagner guys must truly be almighty, more powerful than CIA to be able to operate on multiple continents from the failed state of Russia with such a level of efficiency.
Surely you must have proofs of this, right "anon"?
Proofs must be all over the place, with mass immigration to Europe being something that's been going on for many decades now.
Enlighten us.
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>Wagner group leader is a National Socialist, 
Do you retards unironically believe anyone is a national socialist as long as they claim to be one, or just wave a nazi flag on camera? Yevgeny is a Jew and Wagner invites and treats niggers in Moscow as one of their own. What's National Socialist about accepting foreigners as brothers in arms? Putin got rid of all the nationalists in Russia, so what do you think Wagner actually is?
>Kremin nigs and their new cope is that Wagner is natzeee
You guys are becoming more and more pathetic. I think this confirms that you're shills if you're going to be totally dishonest and disingenuous. 

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Frenschan confirmed as cuckholdchan.
Replies: >>1939 >>1941 >>1954
White Nationalism is a club for women.
Needlessly ruminating about something that is basic level redpill shit is milquetoast, they haven't even applied that shit to niggers, guyarantee I'll find threads like "hey guys is this based nigger okay?" and almost certainly Ye threads because Mike "The Kike" Peinovich got in on that game and so many "White Nationalists" follow that moron.
That was confirmed ages ago, when word of their censoring of pro Tarrant Breivik etc. posts, went around. Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone really went there except that they don't like BO being explicitly Pro-Ethnoglobe, or are Christian Nationalists, and thus not National Socialists.
Replies: >>1940 >>1941
>Christian Nationalists
CIke Niggers have a small inner-sect who believe that non-whites are genetic devils and that they are corruptors of White genetics. Take note that I am not referring to all of [NOBODY CARES] just the small extreme sect. [REDACTED] is a good place to look into.
Last edited by orlog


Replies: >>1942
Also, there's literally a thread on frenspol called "Non-White Allies" and most of the posts seem supportive of it. Forgot to mention.
They are the worst sort of Race traitor there is, Quit shilling for them or I will ban every single fucking mention of it from here on out.
No he did not. And actually people agreed with him.
Looks like nothing's changed from when I checked it out 2 years ago. I don't see the point in going there if you have to walk on eggshells when talking about things that even 8chan was talking about years ago toward its end. Seems like such a major step backward that I couldn't bring myself to waste time there personally.
Replies: >>1956
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I feel the same way.
I'd rather stay on here and /cob/ despite extremely slow posts per hour than dwell in otherwise dull 4chan competitor.
Replies: >>1957 >>2591
/cob/ is tedious though. It's like 90% doomers who post about how bad everything is without proposing solutions aside from 'wait for le collapse bro' and 'reed seej'. I think there's a balance to be struck between endless discussions about passing out flyers and VOOTing and edgy doomposting talking about hypothetical violent action that no one will actually pursue to a degree that will make a difference.
Replies: >>1958 >>1965
>'wait for le collapse bro' and 'reed seej'.  

Cannot remember any of these type of posts on /cob/

>edgy doomposting talking about hypothetical violent action
Such as?
Replies: >>1959 >>2591
The posts follow a common template
>This bad thing is happening
>This bad thing cannot be stopped and the jews behind it will accomplish all of their goals every time because they're omniscient.
>The only solution is to shoot them all
And then no further discussion as to how to actually accomplish the violent goal, leaving anyone reading to wonder just how the fuck you're going to coordinate a violent overthrow of ZOG and assuming the poster's intention is to simply have every racially aware White man run outside with his guns and fire at anyone who looks jewish.

Discussions solely about destructive action with no reference to how goals might be accomplished or what to do after those goals are met are useless. Discussions about constructive action which target pointless or meandering goals like endlessly putting up flyers or campaigning for some cuckservative politician are useless.

There is a happy medium which must be met. The best discussions I've seen on Frenschan were regarding the NWF. This is because the posters stood on the shoulders of giants who had come up with an actionable, timely, and relevant strategy: a plan.
Replies: >>1965 >>1970
frenschan has a hate boner for anime and a chan site that doesn't like anime is retarded
Replies: >>1963 >>1971
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>Not liking degenerate consumerist gook shit is retarded
Sounds like you're the only retard here, because we don't like tranime either.
Replies: >>1965
The reason nobody pursues it is because of idiots, like you, who constantly shit on any mention of violence as the only solution,  and sit around fear mongering and quite literally snitching people out when they do discuss it, instead of ruminating on plans about how we can do what the jews did, "the long march through the institutions", ignoring that long-term subterfuge is not our forte and if it were they could not have done what they have done in the first place.
There is no discussion of any specific tactics on how to go about shooting them all, because of rats among our communities, but there is much discussion of and forwarding of guerrila warfare manuals and books on the subject, as well as ideological materials, if you can't figure out how to do it from the reading, or can't find compatriots to do the shit with, the stand by suggestion is get ready and prepare oneself for the, literally happening as we speak, collapse of society, we just had the second largest bank in the US collapse, and JP Morgan Chase Bank is currently attempting to absorb that blow, and other banks are collapsing and losing stock values across the board at record rates, soon to exceed the great depression, the Almighty Dollar is blowing up in the faces of the elites, nobody is going to work, and hiring will soon freeze and mass layoffs are coming soon.
At the beginning there will be no coordination, there was never going to be, we will have  to survive the chaos and build as we go, using people who oppose us to accomplish our goals, and so on and so forth.
the problem for you is that you either weren't around when such discussions have taken place or, like most derads, scoffed at the offer for such a discussion iun opreference for memeing and discussions about a now dead NWF movement, Harold Covington was a D&C nigger who attacked everyone else in the "movement" and the moment hew got a little puss from some random feminist cunt(who went on to marry a fucking arab) inserted feminsit ideas into the last I think two of his books and thats setting aside just how stupid it is to advocate we all go to one place that our enemies can target easily, and even now the retards who live there aren't doing a fucking thing to stop the movement of niggers into the areas nor of rich elites buying up land to make their extra special getaways and shit, because the NWF plan in general is one of subversion, not action, and I know this from talking to the fucking chodes and CIke faggot flat earthers who seem to be the most ardent advocates of his retarded plan.
We've had this discussion before, you lost.
Replies: >>1966 >>1971
>we just had the second largest bank in the US collapse, and JP Morgan Chase Bank is currently attempting to absorb that blow, and other banks are collapsing and losing stock values across the board at record rates, soon to exceed the great depression, the Almighty Dollar is blowing up in the faces of the elites, nobody is going to work, and hiring will soon freeze and mass layoffs are coming soon.
They'll just introduce the new CBDCs and move on. The new currency will buy them a lot of time and marginally more control. "wait for le collapse" is a bad strategy.

>now dead NWF movement,
The idea of congregating in a general geographic area is obvious and desirable. It doesn't matter how Covington's specific movement did, the basis behind it is solid.
>how stupid it is to advocate we all go to one place that our enemies can target easily
You can't target 4 states and hundreds of thousands of square miles 'easily'. A decentralized resistance force in a general geographic area describes roughly every insurgency ever to take place.
Replies: >>1967
>They'll just introduce the new CBDCs and move on. 
There's that same omniscience narrative you accused /cob/bers of using, if they thought this would work, they are retarded much more so than I thought, because even if they sent out Secret Service to find and destroy every denomination of dollar bill, people would still use something as cash, there is far too much trade done in this country in cash only, not counting the drug trade, for that to work at all, them doing such would only make it worse, and further undermine America's foreign interests far more than the BRICS shit has already. The system is coming down, we get a front row seat to the clown show, enjoy.
>the idea of congregating in a general geographic area is obvious and desirable.
No shit, and it would be a good idea if the morons that have done it had managed to keep the regions they want as part of their eventual territory, entirely White and under their control, they have not, and have the same level of territory they did 30 years ago, isolated pockets, trailer parks full of degenerates, and such, divided by even moderate small towns where niggers live and modern politics reign, with no opposition, because their dominant strategy is to hide and infiltrate not to mention the high level of wealthy faggots and jews moving in and building Mega McMansions all over the state further complicating matters.
>You can't target 4 states and hundreds of thousands of square miles 'easily'.
Yeah you can, never mind the fact that Montana alone would absolutely be nuked in the event of a nuclear war or any real resistance against the US in the region because there's nuke silos all over there, one little slip up and the US can quite literally nuke it, and blame it on a training mishap, or just blame the rebels for the incident, The location is not an ideal one anymore despite it's beauty.
They are not very decentralized from what I have seen and been made aware of getting into their surprisingly public Telegram chats and other shit, because most of them think the Butler plan is good, or follow some other such de-rad subversive narrative.
Replies: >>1968 >>1974
Regarding the question of CBDCs, I do not believe that it is an omniscient plan, it's more like an attempt to take advantage of an unavoidable problem. People will certainly skirt the system and find a new 'cash'. That much is undeniable. I also agree with the other listed downsides of CBDCs for them. My point is more that the system won't collapse entirely from a dollar failure. The trade of goods and services from corporations will continue, even if it's locked behind a digital currency control grid. Their new currency can temporarily stave off the problem of hyperinflation and mass economic dropout from the lemmings by simply starting anew.
On the topic of your objections to congregation in the PNW such as
>niggers live and modern politics reign
>high level of wealthy faggots and jews moving in and building Mega McMansions
Where in the US is this not happening? These issues are caused by the wealthy jews abandonment of NY and CA en masse. Niggers have always been a problem and are still less prevalent in the PNW even in big cities despite this. 
>Montana alone would absolutely be nuked in the event of a nuclear war 
I don't believe nuclear war is a realistic scenario. Full stop. Debate on this topic alone would take hours.
>one little slip up and the US can quite literally nuke it, and blame it on a training mishap
Again, pick a place this cannot happen.
>They are not very decentralized from what I have seen and been made aware of getting into their surprisingly public Telegram chats and other shit
Can't speak to that but Telegram is bad news for anyone. Still fairly sure Telegram attention whores are in the minority.

If you agree that
>>congregating in a general geographic area is obvious and desirable.
Why is it that you denounce things like the Butler plan? It is the specific location? Because the congregation aspect is not limited to one specific area, it's just a theme and foundation. It can take place in multiple 'theaters' so to speak.
>The posts follow a common template
No they don't, lol

>This bad thing cannot be stopped and the jews behind it will accomplish all of their goals every time
Blatant lie, such mere blackpilling attitude is not what /cob/ (nor its predecessors) is about.
Supporting White Warriors and having a positive opinion of accelerationism is the opposite of the shit you said because it implies the will to NOT let the jews win, unlike the braindead conservatards that rely on VOOOTING and dumb opticucks that still believe they can "win" in a game that is rigged against White people.
You are well poisoning.
Also, the board is about discussions in general, you can start a new thread about your favorite topics anytime, but you don't because you are a lazy cunt who wants to lurk for casual memes and circlejerk with other frogposting autists, in this case frenscuck is good enough for you.
Replies: >>1972
Can you explain how anime will save the White race?

>We've had this discussion before, you lost.
That's not what happened. You were sperging about muh anime and this retarded idea that it wasn't degenerate, despite the evidence to the contrary. And went on posting old 4chan posts that were made by glowies.
Replies: >>1977 >>3150
>You are well poisoning.
Not my intention. Maybe I'm just interpreting the /cob/ posts incorrectly. I suppose my frustration comes from seeing posts end in 'just shoot them all' without expanding on how a successful insurgency might be created. On the other hand explicitly posting such a thing on a public imageboard is a dumb idea so I may just be expecting the impossible.
>but you don't because you are a lazy cunt who wants to lurk for casual memes and circlejerk with other frogposting autists, in this case frenscuck is good enough for you.
Frenschan is on the opposite end where posts even a little too spicy are banned on sight so no, I don't care for that place.

All in all I think places like 16chan (RIP) and this board strike a good balance so I have to be honest and say I'm having a hard time defining what I mean.
>The system is coming down, we get a front row seat to the clown show, enjoy.
This quote alone shows the flaws in your thinking. There is no universe in which doing nothing will result in an aryan victory, because the refusal to take responsibility for our own actions is what has brought us to the place that we are in now. Jews were able to infiltrate our societies because some of us took the easy road of inaction. The coming "financial crash" will follow the same principles. Instead of a civilization ending scenario, it will instead be used to transition  the western world to a digital currency system that will be much easier to control. There is no "sitting back". Either we take an active role, or die.
Replies: >>2098
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>Can you explain how anime will save the White race?
I have lurked imageboards for 8 years now and never once watched a single anime, there is not big difference between posting on /fascist/ and shitposting about anime when it comes to saving the white race. Secondly and most importantly, hating anime has been the hallmark of the tourist since forever.
Replies: >>1978
>1st image
Was a fed post. 

>I have lurked imageboards for 8 years now 
This is something that all newfags say.

>never once watched a single anime
Blatant lie. Lying merely to come up with more justifications for why anime belongs here is retarded. Being dishonest will not help you establish your position.

> there is not big difference between posting on /fascist/ and shitposting about anime
We stopped shitposting about anime a long time ago and have grown more serious about our politics. Although it wasn't required to post anything of the sort or what most anons shitposted with. Anime is only relevant because we find ourselves on an image board; it has no place in fascism and is not something that must be tolerated.

>shitposting about anime when it comes to saving the white race.
Made me laugh. Thanks mate. By your definition, saving the White race means doing nothing but watching cartoons by Jap gooks. The White race will be saved only in a trillion years if we go by your method. You still didn't answer my question.

>hating anime has been the hallmark of the tourist since forever.
Anime has been shunned by /pol/ and /fascist/ anons for years. It isn't the tourist to hate it, because I've been shitting on it since 8chan and 16chan was around, but apparently you don't remember that? As many come to realize its true nature and how its characteristics and those who enjoy it are no different than shitlibs consuming capeshit films and products. You also like to pretend as if some anons have grown out of being autistic retards and simply want something much more serious due to the current situation we are in. Anime is consumerist garbage. If it's soy to like Star Wars, then the standards should apply to anime as well, especially weebs who are chronic masturbators and pedophiles.


Replies: >>1979
You lost the previous argument and I will not have another thread shat up by your pointless moralizing, You want to bitch about anime go to /a/ i'm sure they'll love you.
Replies: >>1980 >>3150
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>I've banned you, so you've lost the argument
Of course another BO is a anime loving faggot and acts like a tranny discord moderator. I hope you get lynched by niggers.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Ban evasion(For any wondering how he lost the previous argument go look in Self-Mastery)

It shows no flaw in my thinking, as generally at concerts, where I got the front row analogy from, people play an active role in the show, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes not at all. The only way to take responsibility at this point is to destroy the corrupted society we live in and rebuild another out of the ashes of what we destroy. Jews were able to infiltrate not because of laziness but because of Christian infection and replacement of Aryan Morality, and the proactive role in enforcing that our rulership took in making that replacement happen, Digital currencies won't undo this or stop the financial collapse, they won't even be able to implement them properly as even outside the drug trade far too much cash is used for transactions across the country, most not even under the IRS's eye unless they go around and collect every dollar bill every coin every single fucking penny in existence all that they will do is create a further divide in the populace and force creation of a parallel economy outside their control, they have fucked themselves into a corner.
Replies: >>2099 >>2100
>Jews were able to infiltrate not because of laziness but because of Christian infection and replacement of Aryan Morality?
Christianity cannot take hold unless a society has entered moral decline, and this only happens when we get lazy. Christian morality cannot appear out of nowhere. We must first ignore the conditions that allow it to form for it to do anything. 

>unless they go around and collect every dollar bill every coin every single fucking penny in existence
They don't need to do this. At this point, the vast majority of purchases, big and small, are made through a digital system. This is the norm, and it means that most people would welcome a switch to an all digital currency system, not to mention that ZOGs and Jewish owned businesses could simply force people to pay through a digital medium by refusing to accept cash. They already have all the infrastructure to do it.

>they have fucked themselves into a corner.
No, they haven't. Unless YOU do something, the world will continue to get browner year by year, and the globe will get smaller, and, eventually, there will be nowhere left to hide for a collapse that will never come, or take real action. The only "collapse" coming our way will be an engineered one, and it will not allow for whites to create independent nations. Self-reflection, then action, or death; Active, self-determining, independent communities, or armchair excelerationism.  These are our only options.
Replies: >>2100
Also, you should respond from a different thread if you want to continue the conversation. We're off topic here.
Just found this site, what is /cob/? there's no /cob/ on this website or frenschan
Replies: >>2593
Yes it is.
Replies: >>2670
They dont have a Race War general because its too deplatform-y
They also allow posters to ask questions like, "How would forming independent communities help if the feds can harass you?" or "What good does creating decentralized groups do if jews control the masses with bread and circus?" but when you try to answer with the obvious they delete it for "fedposting". Their moderation is retarded.
Replies: >>2672
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I get the impression frenschan are kids playing bad guys on a kindergarten board. It seems ironic that the only WN forum to put itself up as 4pol's successor is sp insipid. The alt web space like Moldbug's urbit project would suggest itself as a solution but there is a technical skill barrier to entry for the peer to peer networks like urbit, I2P and Freenet. I dont think any of them have a workable imageboard code either. There are plenty of communications networks but the anonymous imageboard is the highest order and its strange how few people IRL use them. Discord is the most you can expect from the average unconscious white man on the internet, pathetic. 

However, being able to weed out the tech illiterate from an imageboard on an alt-net site might not be such a bad thing though, 4pol and frenshchan are free to all and have a strong gay element. I think the dichotomy between having a clearnet board and a peer to peer board would be like the search-party and survivor-colony one though. Maybe if there was a pinned thread on how to get there from here then that'd be like a fitness standard or something you work up to achieving. 

There is a matrix instance for this board for emergencies though. We know this board is going the way of the dodo at some point, so it makes sense to plan a migration already. I might think about urbit again, its got some serious neckbeard interest and maybe someone's made it usable in the last couple years. 
Replies: >>2674
It's a good idea to look into these protocols especially as ZOG tries to crack down further on clearnet dissent. Yes the increased barrier to entry will limit access but as you say, that's not really a bad thing.

Personally I am tech literate enough to use such technologies, but do not trust myself to create a server/instance due to my lack of experience with IT security and common vulnerabilities.
Replies: >>2675
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Urbit is an OS and code platform. I think its self hosted like having your own website but with Urbit code. It has a blog app and twitter clone app but that mode of communications net is nowhere near as powerful and versatile as a straight up imageboard. The lessons learned from 16chan suggest having the actual servers in russia or somewhere immune from the ZOG. I dont have the ability to run such a board but It'd be possible to outsource teh server admin with enough ready cash. I do think about this project occasionally. We cant stay here forever.
Replies: >>3151
I really hate this fag
I miss 16chan so much
Replies: >>2833
It was shit. The /r9k/ board owner kept archiving my threads.
how about: online communication and planning. you don't need to jump straight from online discussion to offline planning
Replies: >>3003
Planning of what? If I may ask, Officer.
Replies: >>3004
I was referring to the concept itself, but I posted a list of potential projects here:

Banning people you disagree with is absolutely bad optics. Lurking anon here, I read the self mastery thread and this one. I watch anime, specifically Youjo senki and Death note. I would agree that Anime does make a heavy reference typically to the Germanic and Greco-roman tradition. Even so, I would agree with the former Anon that anime as a whole (though not always) is a degenerate medium, I also disagree with your former argument about film. Modern Hollywood is absolutely degenerate as well. Like everything I think the answer is moderation. Sort through that which is of higher moral value and virtue and discard the rest. It is absolutely true that Anime has led to the acceleration of the modern LGBT epidemic, mental health crises and even the acceptance of social taboos. Even my favorite anime, death note still features overly sexualized scenes and slight degenerate aspects. As a whole, encouraging young Aryan men to avoid foreign poison is a good idea, though I don't think Anime is as bad as say, Christianity or modern Hollywood the vast majority is truly degenerate filth and most Weeaboos are pathetic. I frankly don't care if the Chan's were inspired by anime culture (which it was), that has no sway of my general resolve that as a whole we would be much better off without it. Why not go watch Wagner's der ring, pick up some fun fairy tales like Aesop's Fables or the Brother's Grimm, you can read up on simplified mythologies or indulge in intellectually stimulating Aryan works like Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Devi or Schmitt. There are much better things you can be feeding your mind with instead of Anime. Though, of course to me Anime is essentially the same issue as with Video Games. Puritanism typically doesn't work so Moderation and Self-Regulation is usually the best prescription. I'm a National Socialist, I play a few of the classic videogames and every few months or so I may return to read or rewatch the same two Anime all over again. You can enjoy something while recognizing that it isn't of high Moral Value nor that it aligns with our cause.  Practice Moderation and don't defend a medium that actively inspires more and more degeneracy (redo of healer anyone). This is my first post in this community so if you see it fit to abuse your power again for mere  I disagreement, I encourage you to do so. I will say I am certainly disappointed  in this board. Up to this point most of the other threads I've read up on have been really inspiring and intellectually stimulating, granting a glimmer of hope and fraternity in an otherwise dark world. This thread has made me question such an assertion. What is the point of the Dialectic if you are to be punished for merely expressing your ideas. Rather ironic given the very same tactics of which our enemies use to opress us.
Replies: >>3156
If such a project were to ever get off of the ground, I would love to help in whatever way possible.
>Banning people you disagree with is absolutely bad optics.
I don't care, and I banned him for failing to keep decorum, and not responding to arguments in earnest and without emotional appeals, ad-hominems, and circular reasoning and numerous other fallacies.
>Even so, I would agree with the former Anon that anime as a whole (though not always) is a degenerate medium, I also disagree with your former argument about film. Modern Hollywood is absolutely degenerate as well. Like everything I think the answer is moderation. Sort through that which is of higher moral value and virtue, and discard the rest.
What you watch and how you feel about it as a whole is irrelevant, Anime doesn't have any correlation with degenerate behavior, degenerates flock to anything and warp it to their shit, even Fascism and National Socialism, anime as whole has not been successfully demonstrated to be a degenerate medium, it has many wholesome stories and many shit ones and many bog-standard ones, it is no different than western animation or television, or film, all of which will be disappearing when this society comes crashing down.
The point is that Anime is here to stay, so long as the internet and this board remain. Nobody here on this board is taking use of it too far or even recommending shit for people to watch, they're responding to a fucking autist who is doing objectively counterproductive things with his advocacy for needlessly restricting shit that had nothing to do with anything, his opponents were saying at any point, he was neither arguing in good faith, nor putting up anything of substance to prove his point, so I banned him. 
>It is absolutely true that Anime has led to the acceleration of the modern LGBT epidemic, mental health crises and even the acceptance of social taboos. Even my favorite anime, death note still features overly sexualized scenes and slight degenerate aspects. As a whole, encouraging young Aryan men to avoid foreign poison is a good idea, though I don't think Anime is as bad as say, Christianity or modern Hollywood the vast majority is truly degenerate filth and most Weeaboos are pathetic.
Neither you nor the idiot I banned, have demonstrated even remotely that anime does any of the shit you've mentioned, it does not brainwash people, people gravitate to and push things into view that conform to their view of things and as the left controls most social media their shit is most visible on places like twitter and facebook. You can find Anime that depict pretty much any fucking thing you want them to, that faggots and retards use it to justify their degeneracy does not reflect on the medium itself just as it doesn't for western media, it reflects on the creators and more often than not the faggots themselves.
Encouraging young men to avoid foreign poison is always a good idea but people DO NOT come to us having lived perfectly clean and peachy keen lives and they enjoy things there is no point in trying to extricate them from the things they enjoy, that are like many media mostly fucking harmless, that they think they have learned from and enjoy partaking in from time to time, complete devotion to and obsession with any media of any sort is always a bad thing but moderation was not what he was advocating for he was advocating for complete removal of it all and banning for just a reaction image, or even just the mention of it, I'm not going to do that, ever.
>I frankly don't care if the Chan's were inspired by anime culture (which it was), that has no sway of my general resolve that as a whole we would be much better off without it. Why not go watch Wagner's der ring, pick up some fun fairy tales like Aesop's Fables or the Brother's Grimm, you can read up on simplified mythologies or indulge in intellectually stimulating Aryan works like Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Devi or Schmitt. 
Everything that has deep christian influence including much of Wagner's work and certainly Schmitt's should be discarded, Schmitt was a catholic and was against much of NS racial theory and married a croation and later a serbian, so no. Nobody is discouraging reading Hellenic, or Roman, or NS philosophy or history or Savitri Devi, all things one should read through, especially Nietzsche and Devi. Your argument has no foundation whether against the behavior of people on this board or in most NS places that I've been anywhere near on the internet.
>There are much better things you can be feeding your mind with instead of Anime. Though, of course to me Anime is essentially the same issue as with Video Games. Puritanism typically doesn't work so Moderation and Self-Regulation is usually the best prescription.
Moderation has always been the best prescription, enjoy what you please but do so sparingly, it's basic common sense that doesn't even need to be stated to most people who are intelligent enough to break enough of the conditioning of the modern world to realize that they are National Socialist.
>I'm a National Socialist, I play a few of the classic videogames and every few months or so I may return to read or rewatch the same two Anime all over again. You can enjoy something while recognizing that it isn't of high Moral Value nor that it aligns with our cause.
So you agree with me. there is no need to ban Anime or use of Anime images on this board 
> Practice Moderation and don't defend a medium that actively inspires more and more degeneracy (redo of healer anyone). 
A revenge story that is inherently sexual in nature(Sexual abuse being the reason the protagonist seeks revenge) and is a series of light novels first and foremost does not prove your point even remotely, I don't know the gritty details, nor do I really care, it's mostly popular among women which simply showcases other points made about women at large in other forae.
>This is my first post in this community so if you see it fit to abuse your power again for mere  I disagreement, I encourage you to do so. 
The only people I ban over simple disagreement are christians and that only if they post outside their designated thread, the anti-abrahamist thread.
>I will say I am certainly disappointed  in this board. Up to this point most of the other threads I've read up on have been really inspiring and intellectually stimulating, granting a glimmer of hope and fraternity in an otherwise dark world. This thread has made me question such an assertion. What is the point of the Dialectic if you are to be punished for merely expressing your ideas. Rather ironic given the very same tactics of which our enemies use to opress us.
Apparently you are incapable of understanding nuance or seeing how that anon does not belong, he is not and never was a national socialist, and his arguments were worse than yours all of which are still quite poor, and I don't agree with the use of Dialectics, it was an argument in which my opponent showed not only disregard for sense and reason, chose to attack personal characters, but also using anecdotal evidence to attempt to prove anything, he was banned for poor argumentation, unreasonable behavior, and quite literally moralizing, which I do not like to see here as it makes for poor arguments, and for other reasons Goebbels criticized quite harshly during the Third Reich, You don't have to fucking like that I banned him, this is my board, but he was doing nothing I want encouraged on this board, he was a low quality individual, with primitive and childish arguments, and he does not belong here.
>i had the full archives of the website.
Does anybody have something similar? I downloaded a torrent called 'The archives' which is supposedly the Ironmarch archives, but I can't find any posts in the archives, only useful pdfs, videos and pictures.
If anyone has a torrent or a mega, please share it.
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>>1842 (OP) 
> What is left of online fascist communities?

For the southern hemisphere volk:

>The only reason they would support National Socialism is either on ideological grounds or otherwise sympathetic reasons.
inferiority complex, the reason why some shitskins take up NS/Third position ideologies is so that they can LARP as whites, they hate whites but secretely want to be like them/us, i´ve seen a lot of "white mexicans" talking about hyperborea, Evola, Mishima etc... and then placing totenkompfs on their profile pictures and naming their profiles after roman emperors and such things while shitting on actual white spaniards and claiming that they aren´t white, laughing at white genocide etc... you can see a lot of these types on twitter

overall i agree with what >>1886 says, its a psyop, i see a lot of "NS" people whining and crying and being simpathetic towards shitskins such as palestinians or azerbaijan, its retarded, shitskins feel neutral at the absolute best, most of the time they hate whites while simultaneously wanting to have white culture, religion and genes (think about pahjeet women in india and single chinese mothers asking for white sperm donors)
Replies: >>3333
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The point in these pictures being said, the whole point of National(Social)ism is to have your own nation, Mexifags jumping over the border is unacceptable. 
>you can see a lot of these types on twitter
I wouldn't trust bots, ((( shills ))) and feds on ((( Twiddish ))), the whole entire website is --built around-- being as cancerous as possible, just like ShitTok.
Don't let ((( them ))) try to divide and conquer your potential allies because of what shills are posting on a garbage website (in this case Tw*tter), there's a reason Arabs, Indians, Japanese, etc. were so eager to ally with Hitler.
Replies: >>3336
Atomwaffen was not feds, feds did what they always do and get snitches to infiltrate some groups and failures to keep ideological purity caused them issues which led to some arrests and a murder in one cell. Iron march was not exclusively members of Atomwaffen, not even half from what I have been
told by former users in variuos places. The rest of that shit is christnigger cope, and proves nothing except that Hitler wanted to use what allies he could, he never intended long term alliances.
>The point in these pictures being said, the whole point of National(Social)ism is to have your own nation
The point of National Socialism is for White people to have their own nation and to elevate, which is why Hitler only talks about the importance of Aryan sovereignty and struggle. Take your multi-polarity and shove it up your ass. The NSDAP made no compromise.

>L-look at these out-of-context images of the natzees working with shit-skins! Take that, you racist wignats!
The NSDAP used all it could to defeat Jews, but they had no desire to share a hegemony with non-Aryans. You're like the 100th retard to shove a random bunch of images and think it shows the whole reality of the nature of the NSDAP as the heckin anti-racist chingus chungus wholesome 100, despite the Mein Kampf and table-talks making it clear that Hitler had no goals of multi-polarity. What makes it worse is that tards like you also forget that when Germany used Muslims, they'd betrayed the Reich and had to be put down by the SS. At the end of the day, poo-skins are retarded tribalists; telling National Socialists to work with them is like telling them to work with Zionists.
Just checking in and damn you guys fell off, not a lot of great places anymore, I wish it wasn't but oh well, an ode to the good ol'days
Replies: >>3423 >>3424
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Still here and explicitly NatSoc but thinking about the general retardation out there thats hard to cut through. This board is the only space I've found thats free of pointless niche interests or esoterica. Need to start doing door to door sales of our world view. 

Excuse me Maam would you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, Adolf Hiltler?
Replies: >>3426 >>3433
If the old FashBO hadn't nuked his fucking board after 16 went down and the dude who ran Hivechan had not up and disappeared, we might have kept more users hanging around, and thus had more activity. Also, Unlike FashBO, I have a life, so I can't be here to respond to everything.
Replies: >>3425 >>3426
hey thats three of us, we should form a barbershop trio.
Replies: >>3426
Seriously though, where did all the serious people go? When I read the archives, the level of discussion was so much higher, and pretty much everybody was ideologically sound (by that I mean pro-ethnoglobe, Nordicist and anti-Christian).
Now we have all theses christcucks and anti-violence moralfags and but a few rational people.
One can only hope that they quit the internet to organize irl
Replies: >>3427 >>3452 >>3463
I don't know. I get ghosted by rational people IRL all the time. I guess they get in moods and don't want to talk even socially about tractor pulls and such. It pains me because the next time you see then they always have some unhappy tale of woe and angst that you could have helped them with. I think its the male condition, in particular the white male and further yet the highest order of men who naturally come to the N.S. worldview, inasmuch we tend to atomise and labor anonymously. Perhaps our enemies know this and as such seek to stifle any flag we could march under or firebrand we could march for.
Replies: >>3463
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Like this?
How long can well adjusted NS's really stay on the internet for? I assume that most of the frequent posters on 16chan and anoncafe got fed up with posting on here rather than organizing in their local communities. You can only discuss for so long until you know what to do.
Replies: >>3459
What I think is missing is a website where we can discuss action, not ideology. Such a website cannot exist for long, for obvious reasons, but it is still lacking.
Replies: >>3460
>What I think is missing is a website where we can discuss action
IRC chats and P2P style solutions such as Tox (but not Tox because group chat fucking sucks on that) is more appropiate than an ib for that, also IRC can be self-hosted and such
>Seriously though, where did all the serious people go?
Some are still around, and comment from time to time, but as I said before unlike FashBO, I do not have the time or inclination to sit and respond as often as he did, as my life has been chaotic for the last year or so and has not yet seemed to abate. 
I was also one of those people who contributed greatly in the Archives as I am vehemently Nordicist/Germanicist, absolutely convinced that ethnoglobe should be our ultimate goal, and christianity must be utterly wiped from the earth and kept only as a teaching tool of what to look out for and to destroy in secret movements and undergrund cults and that perhaps only for a selection of expertly trained and fanatical soldiers to reduce the risk of exposure of it to a vulnerable populace.
We all get ghosted, when our situations are untenable we tend to turtle eschewing all but our most treasured connections, this has always been the case, the key is to make yourself one of those treasured connections, which is not easy.
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