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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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Post informative images
Replies: >>1986
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Replies: >>1991 >>4732
>>1904 (OP) 
I lost all my files does anyone know of a good archive or it's all gone?
Replies: >>1993 >>1994
>partial jewish ancestry
Shalom rabbi. Why don't you shill your jewish derad shit elsewhere?
Replies: >>1994 >>2077
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Obviously a video of a jew should never be posted here, but those images are outdated and the 2023 version is a JIDF psyOP.
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Replies: >>2094
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not an argument
Replies: >>2081 >>2082
It may not be but it throws his entire perspective into question, interesting that a partial jew decides to defend the tribe, even though he may not be actively religiously jewish himself, though even if he is not a Religious Jew, he does likely follow Neo-Christian ethics which just like it's predecessor Christian Ethics is ultimately sourced to jews.
So a jew debunking JIDF disinfo of an image that everyone knows is outdated is somehow a counter-argument to everything posted in this thread? I'd like to see that kike debunk the image i posted, since everything is readily available on wikipedia.
I can't find the source for the national union of journalists stat
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Had a bit of a realization.
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Not many Blue pilled normies left now Bros....
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Some anti-christian posts from the old board
Replies: >>3007
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Other posts I found interesting enough to save
Replies: >>3009
>first image
Good information, but it ignores horizontal gene transfer and the gene blender ERVs along with carcinogens.
It also ignores the cancer->virus route which could create even more mutations.
Replies: >>3131
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Sometimes it goes into /x/ bs. And honestly kinda like evolution. But instead of randomness it could be something far more intresting. Either gradual construction by a higher being. Or that humans (whites) comefrom outer space and created earth. Whatever you believe is fun. But hey noones perfect.
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
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3 infographics
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3 infographics
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5 infographics
Whoever made the updated spreadsheet of who owns what is a goddamned hero!
can anyone actually debunk this?
the leuchter report is supposed to be the peak of holocaust denial and yet every soyboy can poke holes in it? how is anyone supposed to believe the holocaust didn't happen when the supposed "disproval" of it, backed by big names like irving, mind you, is flawed?
Replies: >>5058 >>5247
The real red pill is that the holocaust did happen, and that's a good thing that we should take example on. The whole "It didn't happen" thing seems to me more like a recruit tactic to get people interested in our movement, by showing how obvious jews are in their lies. While they didn't kill 6 million, they probably killed about 2 million of them, which is still a good score. Read Irving if you want more details.
Replies: >>5209 >>5217 >>5243
>4th infographic
Is there any more evidence for the idea that the Nazis saw all Europeans as Aryan? I’m not dismissing it, but I’m a little skeptical considering that the people mentioned in the infographic weren’t very important in determining racial theory.

>Richard Rein
I can’t find anything on this guy after googling him besides an image of the book in the infographic that was uploaded to Wikipedia. The book was published, so it may be correct, but I’d like to see the legislation that he’s talking about.

>Robert Ley
He was the head of the DAF so he wasn’t really involved in actually making racial policies. He was a fairly high up Nazi though so I don’t doubt that what he said may have been true, but something from Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or Walter Gross would be much more convincing since they had the most involvement in actually creating racial policies. So is there anything that says the same stuff but from them? The only thing I can think of is the “Der untermensch” pamphlet, which was published by the SS, so Himmler probably would’ve signed off on it. 

The map was pretty much the consensus on what the races of Europe were, even in allied nations.
Replies: >>5235
Frankly if 2 million lamp shades were indeed made, It wasn't cause of the ebil nadzees behind it and cause of the bombing of the allies and disease caused by supply chain disruptions of said bombings. The Holocaust didn't happen and the Jews will beg you to accept even a sliver of their lies as truths so they can call you uncultured and push the rest. Do not give them any ground to stand on, the cowards don't deserve any.
slippery slope. The holohoax wasn’t a deliberate attempt to kill kikes, sadly. The thing is, the third Reich did know they were vermin, but just opted to transport them somewhere else.
As the anon pointed out, don’t secede to kike lies. They’ll just push you over and keep taking more territory.
Is obsessing over the holohoax and whether 300,000 or 400,000 kikes died 90 years ago something to spend your time on? Oh God no. Who gives a shit? We’ll make even their wildest statistics look like child’s play when we win. =]
but it’s so easy to poke holes in the holohoax, and it’s one of the largest, most politically-charged kike lies. Once someone sees the holes in it, they instantly cross the border into doubt territory, critical thinking, clear thinking, questioning territory— in other words, it’s a gateway to the truth.
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I found this paragraph here, which is from Albert Speer's "inside the third reich" which seems to suggest that Hitler didn't see other Europeans as equals, or at the very least didn't see them as Aryan, but I would argue that's the same thing. If you see others as Aryan you are acknowledging them as your equal. 
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The holohoax as it has been shaped by post war kike propagandists and believed by normie cultists didn't happen.
The REAL holocaust for the jews - and the real reason goyim are taught since birth how Hitler is the scariest boogeyman in human history - is that they were successfully shunned from Germany's economy and culture, and as we know this caused Germany to thrive.
Kicking out jews and banning them from ever retaking control of a goyim country is like denying blood to a vampire, basically killing the way the jewish parasite survives.
That is what the jews fear. so post war they build a system of their own - ZOG - to prevent such a thing to happen ever again.
Replies: >>5244
Jews totally snapped when Hitler decided that the minting of marks should be under his government's sole and entire discretion, when he had had enough of the private shenanigans. The real holocaust is when you go into banking and kick the kikes out of it in your own country. The crime! How outrageous! How heinous! How antisemitic!
>The facts are:
Reads like fact-checking crap. It doesn't take a genius to know that a shitty wooden door and definitely no ventilation system would have not allowed for the mass extermination of people at an industrial rate. There is the simple fact that all this over-engineered system of extermination would not beat the simple stacking of people between barbled wire and letting them die of thirst. You could even poison the water for the sake of expediency. Imagine the Eisenhower camps but explicitely designed to be murder camps. That would cost almost nothing to maintain. Next to that we have the flood of ridiculous testimonies about the varied ways people were supposedly tortured and killed.
>>“The ventilation was installed in the walls. You wouldn’t notice it; all you could feel was the chill. You could hardly hear it. There was a metal cover with openings and cold air came in almost the entire length of the wall. The ventilation worked all the time; it was turned off only when the gas was thrown in.”
Discrete ventilation systems that cool down a cremation room? Do these people even understand the kind of not so discrete venting system would be necessary to vent out a room full of gaseous zyklon-B as fast as possible in order to remove the bodies in a flash and kill the next batch of Jews eagerly waiting for a much needed hot shower?
>>Filip Müller, a Slovak Jew who said this and that
As if a Jew's words held any value.
That said, the Leuchter report is certainly not without major faults, it has huge weaknesses and the fact that Fred L. had to pick samples in a hidden way does not help strengthening his case. He definitely was not qualified to run any study and his blunders further hurt his case. Fortunately there is much better material out there. Have you even looked into Faurisson's works for example?
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Putting this here because to counter jew/pajeet spammer, BO seemingly prevented new threads from being created via Tor.

Greetings, anon. A short time before their untimely shutdown, some frens on frenschan came up with the idea:

- We know that Pajeets are, by far, the most disgusting race in the world. They cause a subconscious revulsion in pretty much everyone, more so than Niggers, Gypsies (they didn't want to become pajeets, so they left), Jews, Muslims or any other breed of subhuman polluting this world. And, perhaps exactly for this reason, Powers-that-be, a.k.a Archons, a.k.a THE Jews want to import as many as possible into formerly White countries. Other reason might be that Pajeets are a very servile race, with no honor or integrity, licking the boots of their superiors (i.e THE Jews) while treating their subordinates worse than dirt.

- And with Gaylon Mask-Off now teaming up with President Retard to flood US with Pajeets, Pajeets are openly gloating how they're coming in to take the jobs, the women, the wealth. Pajeets tell you on Twatter how superior their culture is (but they're willing to do anything to escape their culture and live in Europe or North America or Australia).

Well, the idea of the Frens is extremely simple: make propaganda portraying Pajeets as conquerors, taking formerly White countries by the storm. Of course, they have to be authentic pajeets. Meaning sub-5ft manlets with facial features of a frog-jackal hybrid and smelling worse than a Hasidic Jew in the summer sun after not bathing because his religion forbids him to. The best result would be if, due to not realizing how actual human beings think, pajeetosphere intakes our memes and begin to spread them. Indian scum is easy to hate; but once you've crossed that idiotic dictate instilled by Educational System - "thou shaln't be a racist" - realizing the worthlessness of other sub-human species is easier. And, with all those pro-Palestine protests, normies are already starting to be wary of the kikes, so we may see a porgrom yet.

Attaching a few of my humble attempts of fake Pajeet propaganda and honest anti-Pajeet propaganda.
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More "Pajeets taking over England" imagery. I should probably refine the prompts.
Replies: >>7307
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A bit calmer "London Bejeeted" image.
Replies: >>7307
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More cats protesting ethnic replacement.
Replies: >>7241 >>7307
>cats protesting ethnic replacement
1. This is absolutely dreadful. Even discounting my bias against AI, this is literally tranny behaviour, trannies always draw their favourite characters, idols, or cute animals like cats holding signs saying “trans rights are human rights”. It’s infantile too.
2. “Ethnic replacement”
What’s wrong with ethnic replacement? The only time replacement is bad is when whites are replaced. And even then not in all cases. The term “replacement” makes it seem like the void is filled, like a tire being changed, I know that’s not intentional but I think the leftists have the upper hand in wordplay by referring to colonisation as colonisation.
Replies: >>7272 >>7315
>Even discounting my bias against AI

You have no right to call others infantile, faggot.
Replies: >>7324
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Do any of you have infographics on learning math/history/general infromation. I had this old zip file with all of that but I lost it over time. It'd be a great help.
>The term “replacement” makes it seem like the void is filled
Filling is not the same as replacement. Read a dictionary you ESL retard.
>AI sucks
You suck. Machine learning (Please, do not call it "AI". "AI" is a marketing gimmick. Specialists refer to it as Machine Learning or Statistical Learning) is a tool. A tool anyone with a freaking laptop can use, for good or ill.
Replies: >>7325 >>7328
Yes, a tool where you ask it to do shit for you and then it does everything for you but you cannot alter the result without using other tools. What an ordinary tool no different from any other.
Replies: >>7330
it produces ugly, uncanny results.
Replies: >>7330
>you cannot alter the result without using other tools
This is true for any given tool. You can alter the results using more algorithmic approaches, i.e polish things in GIMP (or just generate 1000x more images and tighten your selection).
>ugly, uncanny results
Because that's what it was trained on. Ugly and pointless commercial "art" is cranked out by failed tranny "artists" by dozen thousands. And if that's what you feed in, you're going to get something similar out. Please, provide a library of your favourite illustrations and a couple of recent GPUs if you want to see improvements.
Replies: >>7332
AI just raises philosophical dilemmas over what the true value of “content” is. That much is a blessing.
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