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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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I had a talk with a friend about NS and facism. I personally believe that NS is the solution. To be honest i started to think like that half year ago. So i dont have the full vision yet but i learn daily. Anyway his conclusion was that its too dangerous to give somebody all the power to control the country. Because what if its a bad fuehrer. There is nothing that can be done against that and how can you garantie he will be a good leader? I unfortunately couldn't give him a good answer and started to think about what he said and cant get to a conclusion why that wouldnt happen. So i wanted to ask here wat you think about that statement. Sorry for english.
Replies: >>4234 >>4237 >>4242
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The way I see it is that it is every citizens duty as Hitler described to take part and actively participate in our Nation. That being said I would rather shoot myself in the face than to let down a functioning NatSoc society. Why would we not simply remove him even if it cost us everything.  O/ Heil Victory
>>4232 (OP) 
His conclusion is retarded, the stupidity of the masses leads to a far longer lasting and far more insidious tyranny than that of a single "bad fuhrer" because of the false idea of the superiority of mass moral reasoning.
Never mind that the intention was to create a system that only allowed those men of the requisite character, nature and ability to rule into the position and it was not intended to have absolute power forever and as always if the government he created fell short of it's main purpose it was the duty of it's citizenry to rise and destroy it, read Mein Kampf and other National Socialist writings
Replies: >>4237 >>4243
>>4232 (OP) 
Im not a NatSoc nor a monarchist, but his argument is the same as for example a monarchy. In this case, if the ruler sucks, the people should be able to kill him. Tyrannicide. Meanwhile in a democracy, if you kill the ruler, it will be replaced by exactly another one that does the same thing, because in democracy, rulers nor people don't hold any power. Democracy is incompatible with liberty. This anon >>4234 is right.
Replies: >>4243
>>4232 (OP) 
I'd rather all the power be vested in the hands of one guy you can string up if he does a bad job than a bunch of niggerkike bureaucrats. This is something Hitler talked about himself in Mein Kampf, actually. No one gets held accountable for shitty decisions in a democracy because no one is solely responsible. The voters just kick the can down the road another 4 or whatever years and maintain the illusion they have any real power.
Replies: >>4243
Most people are lemmings and when they think of an evil leader who needs to be killed: literally Hitler.
So these moral justifications on when to tyrannicide broadly speaking don't appeal to the majority of the public, neither do they share the same belief system as this minority of a place.
Replies: >>4254
Even assuming that we lived under NS, I doubt Hitler would have envisioned that, should a future Fuhrer prove to be incompetent or traitorous, the people should directly take up arms and dethrone him at once. Rather he would likely assert that the other parts of government would arrest and try that leader for crimes against the German people. 

Hitler believed in rule of law. As do almost all founders of political systems. Famously Thomas Jefferson advocated for rebellion in the case of corruption but I can't help but feel this is intellectually lazy. After all we see how that turned out - people were comfortable and did not rise against the corrupt feds because there was no leadership guide them into doing so. None of this is to say that a singular supreme leader is a bad idea but rather that a corrupt system and the necessary break from it is not something one can truly plan for when creating a government.
Replies: >>4255
The point notwithstanding is most normalfags earnestly believe you people are the bad guys, are the most evil leaders in history, and corrupt and should be strung up like at the Nuremberg Trials by their account.
Ask /leftypol/ or the West to be your judges and their verdict on what they would have done: or the German nobles within who conspired against Hitler and other discontents. 

>but I can't help but feel this is intellectually lazy.
It is intellectually lazy, imo, because do we honestly believe people are just waiting for the right moral reason to virtue signal and not rather to powergrab? 
And if we did speak of moral reasons, imagine what it would take to accomplish the goals of the kind of regime /fascist/ would want. To deport all the unwanted races alone would be enough to fuel the greatest propaganda campaign that whoever is doing this is a tyrant and the normalfags would go along with it.
Yes. I think we are driving at the same conclusion. The problem is in many ways bottom-up. Corruption in and of itself is a serious problem but it can only come about when a people - a nation - lack proper moral conviction and/or a will to power. Looking at the situation now it is much as you say: Whites are themselves half degenerated. They do not have the proper Master Morality and will to power.
Rehabilitating that Will to Power is the most necessary and difficult of tasks for our cause. It must take place simultaneous to the creation of a new order or all the effort is for naught.
Replies: >>4257
By the way, do not take this post as a criticism of Hitler or NS. Adolf Hitler accomplished
>Rehabilitating that Will to Power
With his speeches and leadership. It is part of why he was so extraordinary.
I don't think we can take the exact same route that he did for a multitude of reasons but it is nevertheless needed.
Replies: >>4258
Don't worry, the future leader Hitler spoke of to Heinz Linge, is out there, but I suspect nobody will see him until the comfort has been broken beyond repair, we don't have too long now, shit could break apart any day.
Replies: >>4275
It is difficult to be assured of such a thing. The majority of Whites seem to be either against their own racial survival or indifferent to it. Of those who would like to see racial survival, precious few are willing to do anything to actively work toward it. It feels like things are getting worse too gradually for that desperate fighting reflex to kick in. It is an abhorrent quagmire.
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