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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Post good works that you've read and ask for recommendations ITT. 

UPDATED 1/21/21


National Socialism:
>Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
>Hitler's Second Book / Zweites Buch (Adolf Hitler)
>The Program of the NSDAP (Gottfried Feder)
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery (Gottfried Feder)
>Hitler's Table Talk
>The Fair Race's Darkest Hour

Black Front / Strasserism:
>German Tomorrow by Dr. Otto Strasser
>Deutschlands Erneuerung by Dr. Otto Strasser (in German only)

Savitri Devi
>The Lightning and the Sun (Savitri Devi)
>And Time Rolls On (Savitri Devi)
>The Impeachment of Man (Savitri Devi)

Iron Guard / Romanian Fascism:
>For my Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

British Union of Fascists (BUF):
>Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered (Oswald Mosley)
>Tomorrow We Live (Oswald Mosley)
>My Life (Oswald Mosley)
>Fascism v. Jewry (William Joyce)
>National Socialism Now (William Joyce)
>The Coming Corporate State (A. Raven Thompson)
>Spring Comes Again (Jorian Jenks)

Italian Fascism:
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism (Giovanni Gentile)
>CasaPound Italia platform: https://archive.fo/EN15J

>Kokutai no Hongi: Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan

Miscellaneous Secondary Literature Worth Reading:
By "worth reading" I mean not totally kiked garbage. These are not fascist authors.
>The Wages of Destruction (Adam Tooze)
>Holy Legionary Youth (Roland Clark)
>The Nazi War on Cancer (Robert Proctor)
>The Occult Roots of Nazism (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke)
>Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity (Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke)
>Japan's Holy War (Walter Skya)

Cultured Thug is also a good YouTube channel for overviews of fascist literature:

Helpful Links:

Previous Threads:
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>1783 >>5753
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>Learn about the real world
>Animal Farm
>Atlas Shrugged
>Harry Potter
Is this a joke or did you confuse this place for /liberty/? lol
Replies: >>228
It's a joke, the point of it is READ SIEGE, FAGGOT!
where do i find these books
Replies: >>247 >>259
Check the helpful links at the bottom of the OP if you can't find them there try barnes and nobles, or your local library. And if you find what you're looking for post the PDF here, if you aquired it digitally.
Last edited by orlog
i recommend you use https://archive.org/ also if you get bored of reading watch cultured thug simply search up the book you want on the archive and it should be there
Is there anyway a /fascist/ pseudo book club could be done, as in a thread is made, and anons choose a book in thread, and posts commenting on the work or bringing up important points are made a week or two later?
Replies: >>263
That's kind of what this thread was for, on every previous Iteration. I have no idea why you all keep asking permission to do things, if you feel passionate, make a thread, put some effort in, worst case, lt steps outside the lines, the thread goes and maybe you for a time if it was bad enough.
Replies: >>264
I figured I'd gauge interest before making it, but you make a good point
Replies: >>283
What book where you thinking of?
I've been neglecting my reading, and wouldn't mind having a sense of camaraderie while i get back on track.
Replies: >>287
I was thinking of doing something shorter to start off with, like the Gita or The Impeachment of Man. Both of these would generate pretty interesting discussion.
Replies: >>289
>The Impeachment of Man
I'm up for that, maybe later we can do The Lightning and the Sun.
Replies: >>357
I will join and participate in discussion. We should have at least five anons or so, which is enough to make it worthwhile. Make the thread.
I'm looking for Evola's three political big ones, Revolt Against the Modern World, Men Among the Ruins, Ride the Tiger.
They seem to have been locked behind some kind of time/$$ wall on archive.org.

Also, is there a /pdf/ sub here or on some other chan?
Replies: >>535
Mainly Italian fascist literature, with some translations into English
Michael Moynihan, Stephen E. Flowers - The Secret King_ The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism-Feral House (2007)

Anyone read this? Its supposed to be better than "the occult roots of nazism" but the whole topic seems steeped in wagnerian superstition..
Replies: >>821
Could a reading list be divided into segments like Economics, Politics, History, etc. or would separating Economics and Politics be antithetical to Fascism in and of itself?
It's quite decent and not very long, would recommend it.
Who has the fitness manual?
Replies: >>1047
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Replies: >>1306
Dr Joseph Gobbels

The "Nazi-Sozi"
does anyone have Kampf un Berlin in English?
Replies: >>1306 >>1307
Antelope Hill published a physical copy of this.
I doubt it was ever translated into English or any other language. I think this board should start learning German, there are obviously many critical texts in the language that are laying dormant because the only ones interested in reading them and translating them come from communities like this.
Replies: >>1307
I can't speak for the quality of translation as this doesn't appear to have been officially published anywhere, but I found this among my files. On anonfiles because I kept getting errors:
Does anyone have a working link/backup for the "Zündel's Bunker" archive? I've lost my own when the USB stick I had it stored on rendered the vast majority of the files corrupted.
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Christianity's Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner

More formats: https://archive.org/details/cchkd
What are some good books on the Weimar Republic?
Redpill me on the jewish question, besides Mein Kampf what other books should i read?
Replies: >>1696 >>1697 >>1698
Be careful! If you read too many books you might stop being a fascist.
Replies: >>1697
Which version of Mein Kampf? 
As far I am aware, the Thomas Dalton edition is the best one that I have read. Here are next ones to read, i'll share the ones about kikes in the next post.
Such nonsense, This only happens when you rather mindlessly believe anything written instead than using critical thinking skills and you don't have any inner conviction at all.
Replies: >>1736
As promised, here they are.
Replies: >>1736
Does anyone know the name of the book about a catholic priest that reject Catholicism and become full NS? I remember seeing it either here or on frenschan, but didn't download it at the time.
Replies: >>1708
>>1701 https://frenschan.org/r/res/2983.html
Replies: >>1717
Thank you.
Thank you, i need to remove the sickness within me.
>>2 (OP) 
>The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
If you want to read Mein Kampf, it's best to read the Dalton translation. But do not read the Murphy version, it was literally finished writing by a communist.
What books can best get me started on European paganism? Is there a central doctrine like Abrahamic religions?
Replies: >>2501 >>2556
see >>403 >>407
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De Benoist has written a lot about it.
There 7 versions of Storm of Steel that Jünger published over the course of his life and there isn't any indication among the English translations I've been looking at that denote what version of the book it is. Should I read the 1929 translation or what?
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Replies: >>3093 >>3887
Original edition.
Replies: >>3887
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Replies: >>3888
These are the same you stupid faggot.
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This depicts some religious soldiers, not political. This is a fascist board so by rights you should know the difference. Somebody shop the cross into a black sun or something.
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Anyone here that knows any books (as rare the topic might be) about Atlantis and any other lost civilization in general or 'forbidden' archeology in general? Graham Hancock is the more known and obvious part, as well Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson.
Replies: >>4611
The name Thor Heyerdahl comes to mind, might be related, but I'm not very familiar with this topic or his work.
I know this might be a bit off topic, but does anyone have a complete English translation of Le Grand Remplacement by Renaud Camus? Was it ever even officially translated to English? I could only find this translation, apparently by 4/pol/, but it only has the first three chapters. Z-library only has versions in it's original French, same goes for archive.org, at least as far as I could find. There was also a book called You Will Not Replace Us! on zlib which did have the English translation, but the text seems to be a summary of several of Camus' books, including the Great Replacement. It seems like a major cope from Camus to me, like it came out several years later and it's a very broad, philosophical summary on the themes in his books of that period.
Replies: >>4907
Does anyone have stuff from Terrogram? An archive or something? Their material is extremely high-quality.

Camus is a cuckservative philosemitic pederastic homosexual. There are no good French author since Celine. Trust me, you're not missing on anything
Replies: >>5069
I second this. I'm intrigued. Obviously Telegram has been completely compromised.
Replies: >>5160
Always has been.
In the last 5 years dozens have already been doxxed and arrested because of their telegram posting.
Did you wake up just now?
Replies: >>5161 >>5162
If you mean to the truth, yeah, only about a year ago. I’m a zoomer.
All that matters is DO NOT USE TELEGRAM
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SS werwolf combat training manual
Good read! Check it out: https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/ss-werwolf-guerrilla-warfare-manual-2018/SS%20Werwolf%20Guerrilla%20Warfare%20Manual%20%282018%29.pdf
Replies: >>5242 >>5308
Quit making new threads for every little thing, it's annoying and clutters up the board, if you have something to post and it fits well within the theme or subject of an existing thread post it in that thread
love this, this is amazing.
I’ve been hearing a lot about “the terrorgram collective” and “terrorgram” etc etc…. Does anyone have any archives, now that Telegram is completely and utterly dead?
Replies: >>5577
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A: K.D. Rebel
B: The Turner Diaries
C: Siege
D: The Brigade

Sort them from 'bestest' to 'very good' and explain why.
Replies: >>5528 >>5537
B > A >> C >> D
The Turner Diaries is more than just a book, it is almost a gospel, with the few spiritual passages when Turner thinks about what's happening.
I haven't read K. D. Rebel, but simply because it was written by Lane it deserves 2nd place.
Siege is alright but I think it's outdated and that Mason wasn't on the level of Pierce. He makes big strategic mistakes and is ideologically deficient, praising people like Charles Manson or Anton LaVey (Levy by his real name).
And the Brigade is at the bottom because it's nothing more than a racist adventure novel written by a jealous traitor who associates with pedophiles. It's technically the "better written" one though.
Replies: >>5530
>And the Brigade is at the bottom because it's nothing more than a racist adventure novel written by a jealous traitor who associates with pedophiles. It's technically the "better written" one though.
Replies: >>5536
I get that the guy antagonized a lot of people in the rightwing nationalist environment but I wasn't aware of the accusation of pedophilia.
The Turner Diaries were so influential on The Order that it would be hard not to push it at the top but I'll have to come back to this when I'll have read all of these books. It looks like a nice selection of works though.
the Turner Diaries is my favourite book of all time. It is the magnum opus of a phenomenal man. Additionally, Pierce overcame the hurdle of blindly copying National Socialism and Hitler, and Nazis are only mentioned like once or twice in the book.
Unlike SIEGE, TTD is perfectly coherent, and it’s amazing how well it holds up today. Not to mention its prescience.
SIEGE is correct and puts movementarian scum in their place but it is outdated and packed with a lot of irrelevant information about fucking Charles Manson. Orthodox SIEGEism has been superseded out of necessity.
The other two are literally who.
here's "The Hard Reset" from 2022. You should be able to get some kind of idea what Trammer ideology is like.
Their output, much like this PDF and unchanging in the last 2 years, is a sixth dark foreigner artwork, a sixth unhinged ramblings, a sixth unfunny, overdone memes (though to be fair post-Coronavirus 2022 was a completely different ballpark and was entirely pre-awareness, as in people weren't self-flagellating themselves for "brainrot", probably for worse.) a sixth relevant and interesting strategy, a sixth sanctification of White terrorism, and a sixth hilarious nonsense. I think... most of these guys are >18, lol.

Regardless, have a look for yourself. I would recommend about 160 pages in there's a section on operation of your own xwaffen cell. Neat stuff. Jannies pls no ban I don't support Terrorgram as it is outlawed by the Canadian govt. yada yada.
Are there any decent on-topic audiobooks you guys would be able to recommend? I work as a trucker and would benefit hugely from having something to listen to in my down time driving nights.
Replies: >>5680 >>5718
absolutely fren!
The Turner Diaries, read by Dr. Pierce himself… https://archive.org/details/dr.-william-luther-pierce-the-turner-diaries-audiobook_202410
If you sort by most liked on gtv, with the query audiobook https://goyimtv.com/search?q=Audiobook , there are readings of many “naughty” books.
If you’re talking about fascist literature and not National Socialist literature, idk. However, I’d say you could try searching on torrent sites like tpb.party too.
not an audiobook, but something I strongly recommend is Dr. Pierce's podcast, American Dissident Voices https://archive.org/details/american-dissident_voices_wlp_dr._william_luther_pierce
there are tons of 'em, and you can find ones on topics that seem interesting, make a playlist of them, and not listen to ones you don't care about.
I promise I'm not obsessed with Pierce, lol, it's just that there's a lot of audio content from National Alliance.
Here's an audiobook of Pierce's biography "fame of a dead man's deeds" I found whilst searching for the ADV archive to post for you https://archive.org/details/robert-s.-griffin-the-fame-of-a-dead-mans-deedsaudiobook_202107/Chapter+01+-+Introduction.mp3
now, I couldn't find, as much as I looked (and I did) a very good audiobook of SIEGE, however, if you're using a phone speaker or a "bluetooth" speaker I found out that while using the read aloud feature of archive.org, (the headphones symbol at the bottom of the bar) a TTS will read all the PDF's text in chronological order, though including a few in-line insertions for SIEGE, even when your phone is turned off.
note: I just found a mini treasure trove, open this link and check every one of the hits out https://archive.org/search?query=national+socialism+audiobook&sort=-downloads 
hope this keeps you entertained!
>>2 (OP) 
found an interesting minecraft book in the backrooms of archive.org.
ted kaczynskifag, if you're reading this, https://archive.org/details/redstone-killers/page/n67/mode/2up
Replies: >>6039
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anons, what are your takes on Keith Woods's newly published book?

> Nationalism: The Politics of Identity brings together 15 of Keith Woods’ best essays. With a combination of historical studies and contemporary analysis, Woods takes aim at the critics of nationalism on both the left and the right. Nationalism is not just a perennial phenomenon that has endured throughout history, but a fully defensible worldview that offers the best alternative to the waning liberal order.
Try this link instead. https://archive.org/details/redstone-killers/
For some reason the one you gave fails to load properly.
thx fren
anyone know any good obscure accelerationist literature? Just finished reading gothic violence by Mike Ma. Loved it. Cheers. Like some others on this board I’m hyped for TSHBD but I was wondering if any of you lads knew of any obscure acc gemmies.
Replies: >>6119
check out >>6118 in /SIEGE/
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Blackshirt here. I've been hanging around a NatSoc group for a while and finally decided to read Mein Kampf.

What the fuck is this shit?
It's a disjointed entitled rant which explains nothing.
Replies: >>6335 >>6337 >>6351
What translation?
Replies: >>6341 >>6357
You have never picked up a single copy of Mein Kampf, even the worst of the translations aren't remotely disjointed and they couldn't be entitled if you fucking tried to make it so, Hitler didn't come from on high, and was orphaned at like 15, ignore this idiot, it's a shill who thinks people here haven't read MK like /pol/niggers.
Replies: >>6341 >>6349
This. The good translations like Dalton's tidy it up a bit. Others are too literal and can be odd due to pieces lost in translation.
What a pathetic sentence. Fuck off you fragile faggot.
Hitler wrote the same way he painted.
Replies: >>6357 >>6358 >>6691
if it isn't the Dalton or Stalag translation it will be like this. Literal Jewish socialists did the mainstream translations.
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Photo scan. Too big to upload here.
Speaking of translations, if anyone has German (or Austrian) versions of classical fascism texts, I will be grateful.

Yes. Good observation.
Replies: >>6376
So, well ordered, with a focus on truth and beauty, because that's how he painted and if you say anything else, you have never seen a single painting he ever made.
Replies: >>6453
Here brother. Viel Glück!
did you know: Terrorgram released a book of essays as opposed to their usual zine style? Hard Recommend this book for all the acceleranon frens I’ve met here.
Replies: >>6397
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The surge of pro-Israel sentiment coincide with the Hitler bashing posts, we have actual mossad kikes posting with us.
Replies: >>6506
Bit contrary to the spirit of the thread but I gotta say it. I've been reading White Power by GLR and so far I'm rather disappointed. While I agree with some of his ideas, he doesn't say much I haven't already learned on my own (admittedly I'm biased) and while I know I'm enjoying the benefit of hindsight his tunnel vision obsession with Communism, best seen in the part about JFK's assassination, is short-sighted and a bit embarrassing. Also I'm not a fan of his insistence on supporting Christianity, given what we know of it as another subversive cancer in our society and culture.
Replies: >>6546 >>6693
Oh absolutely. If Rockwell isn’t outdated (Truth is timeless; contemporary wisdom is not. If the Art of War consisted of Sun Tzu commenting and disposing judgement on the Ching Chang village’s army or whatever bumfuck events were happening in Ancient China it wouldn’t appeal to various strategists but rather to a fringe of autistic history buffs.) he’s overrated and pushed by sycophants of the aesthetic.
SIEGE, being written by Mason, a Rockwell PlQn TrQstQr if there ever was one, does concede to Rockwell rhetoric not holding value anymore. And for good reason, Mason wasn’t up his own arse on the matter in denialism like some of the 70s splinters were along with their many names lost to history.
Rockwell was actually reactionary. You’ll probably be able to gauge this. I share your disgust, but, think about it like this:
Rockwell lived in a time when honest Aryan men were losing the validity of conservatism at a rapid pace — miscegenation was en route to legalisation, White children were en route to mixed schools with niggers as segregationism was soon to be outlawed. And so he created a kind of Americanist reactionary movement — but he slapped the swastika and “Nazi” on it to ensure that no conniving seceders could crawl their way into it.
Rockwell also carbon-copied the NSDAP’s (only 40 years’ old then) ascent to power dynamic because Weimar conditions were creeping in. But it was all little, all too late.
Personally I’d suggest reading something like Do It For the ‘Gram (posted earlier ITT) or the Turner Diaries if you haven’t already. And SIEGE. Also, original fascist writings from before the Second World War, or philosophical writings such as Might Is Right or Nietzsche’s works. I feel that’d be more stimulating and relevant.
Replies: >>6562 >>6695
Too strong of a term. I respect the man for what he tried to do, I just don't see eye to eye with him on everything.

>the Turner Diaries
I have, and also Hunter. Funny thing is, I prefer the latter by a slight margin. Terrible wooden dialogue aside, it does a good job of portraying the journey of one man from conservadumbass flailing and striking out at the world out of reactionary impulse to a conscious, clear thinker with a proper plan and strong beliefs. It also showcases why you should never, ever trust the glow-in-the-darks and how making deals with evil is utterly abhorrent and deserving of death.
Any good military fitness/training manuals to get the men in fighting shape?
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>Hitler wrote the same way he painted.
I see...
This is not the way to approach this book. For one it's logical that you would have read more than enough on internet or from other books not to need to read White Power. Nevertheless the book has a few things going for it. For starters it wastes no time on its first pages. Second, the part about the niggers going on rampage is so well described that you can picture it and it sent shivers down my spine because you can easily picture the dread of what it would have represented back then, when your neighborhood goes dark and your street's clueless White neighbors are about to get a taste of uncensored South African violence as the shit does finally hit the fan. Moreover that what matters is that you realize this book is spot on for most of its content and it's half a century old already. It should dawn on you that things would have far different if more Whites had opened these works and accepted the truth within it.
>his tunnel vision obsession with Communism, best seen in the part about JFK's assassination, is short-sighted and a bit embarrassing.
Back then old school Communism really was something you could and should genuinely be afraid of, especially since it was supported by insiders in Holywood. It's the same poison that's been let to grow like cancer in California and has infected the entire world by recycling the Marxist tenets and shifting them into the cultural area.
Actually let me return to the chapter that deals with the chimpouts. That part alone should be a mandatory reading in a post-BLM age. It's almost prophetic and speaks volumes of all the time that was wasted by all types of White slacktivists and pseudo-racist con politicians.
Or you could just read Wodensson, who goes straight to the point and is easily approachable, and then see what you want to explore next.
Posting some literature.
Here is more.
Right so.
GLR's works and so.
Continuing with GLR.
That must be the last of GLR's literature but here are some obscure books from back in the days.
Curzio Malaparte's case is an interesting one, The book is about the how and the why of revolutionary tactics as it compares the tactics of Lenin, Trotsky, Mussolini and such one by one.

>But, according to Lenin, the Bolshevik insurrection must never be accused of being a speculation. “The insurrection,” he said, “must not rest on a plot nor on a party, but on the advanced section of the community.” That was the first point. The insurrection must be sustained by the revolutionary impulse of the whole people. That was the second point. The insurrection must break out on the high-water mark of the revolutionary tide: and that was the third point. These three points marked the distinction between Marxism and mere speculation.
>‘‘Very well,” said Trotsky, “but the whole populace is too cumbersome for an insurrection. There need only be a small company, cold- blooded and violent, well-trained in the tactics of insurrection.”
Here's Codreanu,
>Today the whole world recognizes him as the initiator of the National Socialist doctrine and the creator of the National Socialist State, the pioneer of a new European order, and the guide to peace and the welfare of nations. But behind this recognition countless millions of people the world over suspect that there is a fascinating and compelling personality behind the facade of the man Adolf Hitler. Germans and non Germans alike have been captured by the great simplicity and simple greatness which this man radiates. He can probably be designated as the man who in all the world is most deeply and clearly rooted in the feelings and thoughts of our modern time, and is therefore capable as no other man to give this time a new shape and direction.
>Dr. Joseph Goebbels.
the SS viewpoints on Race as well Freemasonry in general.
Race and Genetics.
Psychological work.
Mao and Che shares their insights on Guerilla warfare.
reminder that less than a month remains of uptime for the frenschan library https://library.frenschan.org/
regardless of your opinions on frenschan (I personally disliked it) there are some extremely exclusive books you would struggle to find on archive.org or annas-archive, let alone find out about, all sorted and categorised. Obviously no post-2022 books such as Hard Reset are on there but.
Replies: >>6767 >>6772
More from IM.
Replies: >>6769
Downloading them one by one is way too time-consuming though. Is there a .zip with their entire catalog somewhere?
Replies: >>6770 >>6772 >>6892
really love to be seeing IM (proto-accelerationist) content shared here, cheers from me and a recommendation to other acceleranons!
Replies: >>6772
you can click with the middle (scrollwheel) button of your mouse to open the books' links on a new tab.
It's hardly that tedious!
Reading the books will last you hundreds of hours unless they're doomed to be mere hard-drive window decoration for you...
These are the last ones from me, for now.
God speed and enjoy reading, anons.
Good shit.
https://web.archive.org/web/20170727081247/http://laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Main/HomePage/Archive backup - December 2015.torrent
Here is an torrent from Ironmarch's own literature project, the Antimony Group archives where it contains any bit of knowledge classical, practical and contemporary possible. However it's only 2015 and prior, it doesn't contain the further literature from 2017 and beyond.

Be warned, use a good VPN that you can pay with Monero and cash like Mullvad, Search and enable all the possible anonymizing features that your torrent client could use.
Otherwise if you live in a shithole where your ISP doesn't give a damn at all, you may not have to use what I mentioned above.
Gothic Violence by Mike Ma
P.S. Janny where Accelerationist flag D:
Replies: >>6846
on the matter of books like this and the Turner Diaries, anyone have any modern (at least, post-2000, preferably, post-2010) books on the theoretical and practical aspect of our revolution? Not so much in the short term (militant accelerationism; hard reset; TT. American Futurist Manifesto) but over a larger scale, taking into account factors such as BRICS ZOG, the scourge of a jihadi Ottoman Empire-like presence emerging from sandniggers once the America bee’s nest poker falls, heck, even Israel could be a huge issue with the amount of weaponry it possesses. With things coming to a boil, yet all these modern documents seemingly shirking off and excluding from scope long-term implications and potential stratagem, it’s left me with an impression of a void.
My interest was peaked by a videogame mod I played called the Fire Rises where a collapse happens and the world is almost at leisure to pick at the remains of America which is a perennially-alarming prospect.
Am I just being paranoid? Is the Hezbollah-esque localist approach a funnel towards parochial colonisation by e.g. chinks? Or am I just being paranoid?
Replies: >>6849
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You can imagine the practical aspect of it by reading the first book related, it's an actual excellent book on it's own, came out almost century ago prior to SIEGE and Turner Diaries, but it describes the in and outs, the bits and bolts of revolutions especially like the Bolshevik Revolution, Mussolini and even the Kapp-Putsch.
Lenin was a Mass Movementarian who thought only in strategical ways, but it was thanks to Trotsky and his "Quality over quantity" special tactics that won it all by which Lenin only could took power for.
Or atleast the first two chapters.
I'll even post few image quotes so you can grasp the proper gist of it all.

On the subject of the theoretical aspect, you could imagine the Russian Revolution and the whole civil war to be the closest parallel to represent our situation potentially. This time however, it would be both the Yugoslavian collapse + Russian revolution combined in super-steroids.
the Merchant of Death, Viktor Bout himself would likely fund us with all kinds of weaponry and supplies as he is an NS-sympathizer at heart. In the other parts of the country, suddenly what were the one big "American" community now has splinted into ethnic and racial groups which in short, they had reverted to waging ethnic cleansing against each other.
The Fire Rises mod had got fairly amount of stuff wrong, it would not be Florida but generally something like West Virginia as the actual headquarters of an revolutionary society, the aesthetics would differ from how it is represented, Futurist aesthetic would be chosen and O9A Satanists would get their asses kicked before they'll even try to infiltrate.

Now this is where the practical aspect comes to play, this is why I recommend the first book.
So let's say that ZOG wants to prevent ANY advances to D.C from this West Virginian militant society, they'll have the National Guard guarding and setting up positions with machine-guns, patrolling the streets, heavily focusing on guarding the political and social aspects of the ZOG State while leaving the 'technical' aspects alone and unguarded. 
This is where "invisible maneuvers" come into play, as some people like us would be dressed akin to the local population and occupy the technical aspects which doesn't provide great resistance at all.
Some of them would infiltrate the socio-political aspects, take note of the building structures and then cause some ruckus to provide general confusion in the army and government.
With the power shut down, day as day, hunger starts to rise amongst the local population and they'll riot, causing even more chaos and confusion.
I'll leave this, so have fun imagining. Canada would be annexed and our troops would liberate Western Europe, then the East and we'll eventually have to fight Russia if it hasn't collapsed from some time at that point.
Replies: >>6853 >>6863
thanks fren.
I’m very new to NS and also much younger than the other guys here. I appreciate it
I will add your recommendation to my reading list stack ^^
Yeah, you see I wasn’t around for Atomwaffen Division, but it really piqued my interest. I agree with your sentiment.
Hello from the 2024 newgens
I was wondering if anyone has anything about German military tactics, like the writings of Guderian or Rommel during ww2, preferably in German if you have it.
Trotsky had something like three thousand men trained somewhere around New York, funded by kikes, and shipped almost too late to hijack the revolt but still succeeded.
We need both a strong state failure and at the very least as many men in a large enough country to somehow manage to topple a local ZOG in a not too small White country.
So, where my shocktroopers at?
I don't know how legitimate it is or what is missing, but there's a 70gb file on archive.org from 8 months ago.

Found this
Any guides to opsec in the digital age?
Replies: >>6966
There’s one in the IM collection but it is a few years old.
It’s called like “E-sec by common sense” or something.
You should be avoiding the Internet as much as possible by the way.
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This is what the allies fought for.
Replies: >>7233 >>7234
Total Muslim Death
by the way, I learned a vital lesson, and I recommend you internalise it.

Anyone in your cell (or org, but my two cents is GTFO if you’re still in an open org) who isn’t a leader or already a book person will only begrudgingly read theory, like it’s homework, and forget about it. The majority of people are just not interested.

I found a huge difference in morale over books when I switched theory — well, bar extremely crucial theory e.g. mein kampf or SIEGE perhaps — for history books and novels.
The Turner Diaries got the best reception of all.
Replies: >>7242
>The Turner Diaries got the best reception of all.
I can definitely see that, but wouldn't it be counter-productive given the existence of the Order is to be kept secret until the time of total Aryan victory? Granted, that's assuming you *will* form the Order or something similar, but things might get complicated if reading those passages implants the idea in their heads.
any books on the un-pozzed history of India? Including pre-Dalit pajeet 1.4 billion swarm?
Replies: >>7356 >>7509
India was a dravidian continent before the Aryan invasion, after the Aryan invasion the northerners got bleached through marriage and rape. Despite their victory, the Aryans were outnumbered by the Dravidians and through generations of miscegenation, india became brown.

The case of indiaor any White colonial project shows that even if Whites were victorious, they cannot resist race-mixing. And eventually they(White men) drive their own race to extinction.

TL;DR Fuck White men, only feminism can save the White race.
Replies: >>7362
>cannot resist race mixing
what is South Africa?
Technically not an book, but here it is
https://keithwoods.pub/p/aryaninvasion (https://archive.ph/SyjZg)
Bumping, what are the best sources to read about the esoteric origins and development of Christianity from when Israelites separated from the Canaanites? Literature with examples of how Judaism took from polytheistic religions, how Christianity started as a faction of Judaism and became mostly practiced by non-jews, etc.
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