>You're basing the idea of being overall superior on the fact alone that males are more likely to possess superior intellect and generally have higher physical strength unless they are sick and mentally ill.
Even sick men usually are physically superior to most women, and mentally ill men who were intellectually superior prior to their illness arising, or becoming symptomatic, remain so, they just tend to not be able to express it well, if at all.
>Men being best positioned for leadership and warrior roles does not mean they're the best in everything in comparison or that all are the best, unless you want me to call you a faggot.
Men are best positioned for whatever role or trade they desire, for instance there are no female seamstresses who outshine the likes of Hugo Boss, or Giovanni Versace, or Female chefs who match Gordon Ramsey or Emeril Lagasse especially since most of the women now in either trade only ascended at the wishes and whim of a now nearly exclusively jewish media arena, or through inheriting wealth that belonged to and was built by their parents, and one could argue the media is almost wholly jewish if you include Christniggers under the label of Jewish.
Men provide a home, a woman lives in it, gets fucked, provides what is essentially a crucible for a new life that could not begin without the male, whatever else she may bring to the table is an incidental, it is not a necessity for them, it is for a man. It is up to the man to mold the woman to his desires, she need do nothing but simply conform, to his rules firstly within the home and that of the society at large, especially if said society allows her to leave her home without escort and almost none of our societies did prior to the Enlightenment era into modern day.
Go ahead and call me a faggot for acknowledging the objective truth, our insult would ring hollow to all because you think giving bitches credit and the ability to do anything her husband might otherwise wish her not to do is a good idea.
>You are attempting to eliminate distinctions between men and women by drawing a single conclusion based on two major reasons why patriarchies were the norm.
Nowhere am I eliminating a distinction, I'm entirely unsure where the fuck you came up with this, I clearly point out the distinction that on the whole women have no physical or mental advantage in any area over men, the distinction is that men are superior and women are inferior and when given "freedom" actively seek the destruction and corruption of the society that birthed them, this was true in Rome, it was true in Sparta, it has always been true and our ancestors have spoken that truth to us through the ages, through written record, from beyond this existence, and even through the blood that flows through my veins.
>as he never said anything about men being superior to women, at least in every single way possible.
He didn't have to say it his words above in the image provided by another Blackshirt, alone convey his attitude and belief that men are unquestionably superior and I didn't mention that he said women could be good co leaders in a household because that's the only use they found for women, being a subordinate under a man. The only other things I can think that they allowed women to do were Gynecology, and maybe being nurses, both of which women are still poor at today in comparison to men, especially considering that the majority of nurses are rampant whores. We don't have the same need for women to treat "woman problems" today as unlike in Ancient Hellas, men eventually decided it was wise to make an effort to study and determine what the issues were, and how one might treat them accurately.
Lastly, didn't mention that women are capable of virtue, as he laid it out, because it's irrelevant as it was in his time even if a woman is as virtuous as Sol herself, she is still subject to the same restrictions as all the others because of what they keep doing every time they're given an inch and they take a thousand miles, and break the social order such that each time the society has fallen because their weakness permeates until the society at large can no longer defend themselves, and die out or, they corrupt it so much that it degenerates into the disgusting state of India today.
>When statistics talk of the comparative difference regarding IQ between men and women, such as how high the IQ of men is, they're talking about White men and Asians, not generally.
I want to know where you came up with this bullshit because I've seen thousands of studies and they usually simply list the data, alongside their virtue-signaling screeds about the data not meaning what it directly shows and has for over a century now. Still the data is there leaving you to make your own conclusions based on that data if you understand what it says, and wish to do so.
>What you also do not realize is that there are still far more high-IQ White females than there are niggers and spics. And the average for White women is still higher than that of brown males.
No, based on sheer numbers alone (niggers worldwide outnumber us more than 4 to 1) There are many more intelligent niggers than white women. Unfortunately for niggers, cognitive genetic deficiencies in their race hamper them, which is why they need to all be exterminated and the same on both matters is true for Chinese, Indians, and Arabs. Even if what you say were true, it would make no difference in how women must be handled or our race will die as a result of their natural tendencies.
>While I agree that women should be in positions suited for motherhood or anything regarding the feminine character, there should be instances where they can still become scientists and doctors, with rare exceptions if they're qualified.
No they shouldn't be, they would do much better for themselves and the world in raising four sons to be doctors than to ever be a doctor themselves and the only exception that I personally would even think to allow is female gynecologists, and I'm not even sure about that.
>We shouldn't waste high-IQ females and their potential to help us develop newer sciences. By your argument, women like Grace Hopper have just been stay-at-home moms and done nothing, even though they possess a mind that can contribute to great discoveries. The exception shouldn't always be the norm.
Grace Hopper, if you wish to give her all the credit for COBOL and it's various successors, go ahead. Doing that would just be retarded though, as many more men were involved in those early days and I would hazard a guess that she didn't contribute nearly as much as people are dead-set on saying she did. She would have done better for her race, nation, and country to be at home making babies, rather than involved in computer science, she could have raised five or ten mathematician sons who could have changed the world, instead she died childless, a waste of genetic material, a useless dead end. BTW, women like her were only allowed around because typing that shit up or writing it up ( AKA Programming) was considered work akin to secretarial work and as such beneath men until around the 1970's when men came to dominate the programming world as well, because we're better at it and the underlying Mathematics and Logic.
>Himmler literally talked about how the hatred of women was quite "homoerotic".
No, he talked about encouraging men to gather with women at communal evenings to stop the spread of homosexuality, and to stop the mockery he saw among his men of boys and young men who were gentlemanly etc. as in that behavior he saw the seedbeds of homosexuality, His conclusion seems to have been erroneous and as I said previously, you are telling lies, NONE of the NSDAP said anything about the hatred shown towards women who did not conform to their roles, those women SHOULD be hated and mocked and beaten until they do their duty to their people and killed as our Ancestors would have done, when they stepped too far out of line. Here, I have the entire speech translated he made to the SS, easily accessible link(https://www.der-stuermer.org/english/Heinrich%20Himmler%20speech%20-%2018.02.1937.pdf%29 CTRL+F keyword hatred, (No results found). Lie again, motherfucker
>He even had a talk with an SS member who displayed the Christian behavior that all women are inherently evil or hold some great sin among themselves upon birth.
So? that's a good thing. Original Sin is retarded, sin is retarded as a concept, gods above, I wish people like you coming in and opening your fucking mouths were half as well read as you pretend to be, As the Bhagavad Gita says "From the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; from the confusion of races, the loss of memory; from the loss of memory, all understanding; and from this — all evil." This tells us that even thousands of years previous to the Romans, the Hellenes, and so forth that our ancestors knew one truth, that if women are not kept under control, kept in their place, they begin to fall and in doing so, destroy our roots, and as always, it is men's duty and right to put them back where they belong when it is necessary to do so, whatever the means needed, and the only means left now is violence.
>What is?
An organization made to put women in their fucking place, through gentle, coercive means which were still possible at that time.
>What did?
That they wanted fit genetically compatible and healthy wives, nothing more.
>What were?
Women who did their duty to their people, the German people were still quite sound at the time, as proven by Hitler's bid to take power through electoral means being successful, though it still required and had a healthy application of violence, you bringing this up proves nothing, but what is already known, they were making use of hands and bodies for this effort or that.
>What were? 2
Most of those were either the wives of SS men or racially fit ladies seeking husbands. again this proves nothing at all except that women like men are driven to find suitable mates.
>What sex?
From what I've seen and what is very easy to find neither sex was more proportional, or perhaps women by a slight margin simply sue to there being 116 women for every 1000 men they would still have won very soundly in Germany had women not been able to vote, women should never have been given the right to vote and their being given it had no effect on the result as they voted in roughly the same percentage for the NSDAP across the sexes, it just so happened that there were more women in Germany due to the aftermath of the First World War.
>Hitler was the last stand against Jewish culture, not women.
Hitler was the last chance for the West, as a Civilization TO UNDO WHAT HAD ALREADY BEGUN and to arrest or even reverse the decline and destruction of our peoples and cultures, whether it be jews or stupid, conservative forgetful German politicians, I lean towards the latter, women were just as instrumental in aiding the jews then, as they are now. Through whatever method jews were allowed to infect Berlin and Vienna before and in the aftermath of WWI and then they tried to enact the failed jewish communist revolution in the late 1910s. Hitler believed exactly as I do, which is quite clear from even a cursory reading of Mein Kampf. He just didn't think, and he was correct in his time, that such extreme measures as we must do now were then not necessary, we are well beyond that point everywhere in the West today, we are now faced with the choice, extreme gratuitous violence and reawakening of the rage and bloodlust of the Aryan man, or see our extinction within a century.
>Women weren't destroying society the Jews were.
How did the jews get in? Christianity. Through what vector did the jews spread their religion to our people?
The vector for infection of Christianity was Aryan women, else why would all of Rome sneer at it as a woman's religion, before it became a threat that destroyed the Empire from within? it is from that failure of Aryan women to resist the fanciful whispers of jewish slaves and conmen that this entire state of affairs came to be, oh there were many times our people could have broken it's grasp and returned to the old ways, but the only one who took action knowingly and aware of most of what we know now, was Hitler, he saw that his time was the last chance for the civilization begun in Ancient Hellas and he took action, got quite far, but just couldn't quite make the decisions that would have led him to victory, because he clung to honor against a foe who had none and failed to use the massive stockpile of Arin Gas he had just laying around, kept to agreements and alliances that brought the foe that would defeat Germany to his doorstep, and potential allies and racial brethren were lost due to the infection that began in Rome, they sought to protect and defend the jew, as their jewish god dictated, and as the greed we have always had to grapple with pushed them to do, and as the age-old ethnic grievances got in the way of reason and the open hand of friendship.
>Women didn't even make up more than 5% of the high-income jobs in the Weimar Republic. According to you, they somehow magically controlled the Jews and men who held onto these positions of power.
Have you not read any history, women have always gained power from their husbands, and many men do not or cannot resist, whether because of weakness or complacency, is a different matter, it is in allowing women to raise children alone or with little involvement by the father and allowing the continued existence of parasitic infection on Aryan minds of Christianity carried by parents and forced unto generations upon generations of children, that has allowed this to happen.
>He believed that women should receive an equal education
Plato taught Aristotle, surely his opinions cannot differ that much from his students, or are you taking The Republic as absolute fact or as if it were his positions? From what I recall it was depiction of a conversation that Socrates had with another man whose name escapes me, Plato's involvement was as a recorder, especially when we know much of Plato's works have long since been lost, hell we can somewhat say the same for Aristotle as well, though his writings were of much more use to Christniggers so more of them survived, and the same for most of the other Hellenic-Roman Philosophers. Anyway I have never been against education for women, just against them being allowed into the workforce, no matter their education, as how else can a man learn his potential wife's intellectual capability, and thus suitably as a mother?
>Attempt to solidify your argument, which makes no sense.
Do you think Julius wouldn't have killed his wife if she stepped out of line? it is clear he loved her dearly, do you think she would dare break her vows to her faithful husband or the traditions of Rome?, or Alexander, Perhaps the greatest conqueror the world has ever seen, do you really think he wouldn't kill a woman who stepped out of line? what they did in life and what they would do if they were to come back to life now, does serve to reinforce my point, but you can of course continue to dance around that fact however you like.
>No one said anything about allowing women into politics, which I agree with. My argument isn't that they're equal to men, but that they're upmost necessary and the abnormal hatred towards them is juvenile and of Christian character via Spic Fuentes.
If you think women have anything of merit to contribute to scientific knowledge, you would also be stupid enough to let them into politics If they showed enough merit, they belong in neither place, so even if you claim you don't think they're equal you are for special treatment just because a woman made you feel stupid once.
Hatred being used as a tool to put women in their place has nothing to with christianity, such things and attitudes do not have their origin with the jews, and certainly not Nick "El Spicerino" Fuentes, you make it ever more clear you have not delved into ancient beliefs or thought with every further post you make, for fucks sake, women, excepting whores, weren't allowed outside of their homes throughout most of Ancient Hellas without both what is essentially a burka and a male escort, and the homes were literally divided into male and female sections.
>Rational thought and behavior go hand in hand. They are two of the same.
Sure, but not even the most intelligent of women can sustain control of her emotions and thus act in a manner more similar to men, for any great length of time, even if you find one that can, she is fit to be a great wife and produce many fine children for a man, but she still doesn't get to have the Privileges that we call rights that women have today as emotions rule women and they always have.
>No, you don't understand feminism.
No, you don't and everything that followed those five words proves it, and it also proves you don't know fuck-all about communists either.
>Who is Saint Joan of Arc?
A woman without honor who was rightfully executed and is now only propped up to give credence to modern feminist ideology, she would have been executed in both Rome and Hellas as well a hell of a lot quicker and promptly forgotten or else marked as a footnote like Locusta and it's also worth noting she was only canonized 500 years after her death as a political token of humiliation directed at men, and Aryans as a whole.
>Who is Boudicca?
An unfortunate queen whose husband was killed by Romans after they broke a treaty with him, who later fought against Rome and lost quite spectacularly, but she certainly proves women when forced to do so, can fight and lose, and she had a concept and sense of honor and seems to have kept to it but being that she died, and most if not all of of her children died with her or soon after, she merely reinforces my point. You miss that I never said individual women cannot have honor, I said they as a whole do not.
>I guess your mother wasn't honorable when she birthed you?
Far from it, but neither my life, nor my mothers, is at issue here, you only bring it up because you wish to use it as a jewish psychology tactic to blame my arguments solely on a hatred of my mother, that won't work as she is not the reason for my hatred.
>May I remind you that Tacitus specifically talks of how much credit Germanic culture's purity was due to their culture being based on honor itself.
May I remind you that Tacitus never met a German, and specifically wrote from a Roman critical position, and simply used the Germans as a literary device to make up shit about to underscore how far Rome had fallen from the standards of his time.
>Yes it does. You even admit that they outclass them which literally implies that they are superior
It proves nothing in relation to this argument or discussion, it simply reinforces the Aryan races superiority which was never at question.
>You don't have a good point, because this is also true for men as well. While we are naturally better at arithmetic, most men still require education to understand even the basics of math.
WE invented Mathematics and Logic nigger, not women, so somewhere, at some point, we decided to observe and describe with NUMBERS, and so mathematics was discovered.
>Go back to whatever incel forum you dropped out of.
Get off my board, you feminist retard.
Here's a free copy of Mein Kampf for you, since you obviously haven't read a fucking word of it.