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You know the drill, Blackshirts, but for those who don't, post your unpopular opinions here and they will be mocked and corrected in equal measure, for our entertainment.
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Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>329 >>5871
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i don't want to exterminate any race on earth, no matter how annoying/subversive they may be. i just want them all to go back to where they came from and leave us alone. as a white burger that would also mean I go back to Europe, and give America back to the natives. we have our home, they have ours. overpopulation should not be a problem (the entire world could live in New Zealand if they had the same population density as NYC), several parts of Europe can be made more habitable as technology progresses, such as land reclamation like the Dutch or moving further north in scandinavia and siberia. by the time overpopulation becomes an actual issue we should have space travel figured out by then.
i also think many fascists view religion from the completely wrong perspective. instead of asking "is this religion true or not?" they ask "how can this religion benefit us?". they become enamored by the ideas the religion stands for instead of considering the theology behind it. just because paganism is traditionally european doesn't make it right. most pagans just like the idea of a blonde-haired blue-eyed god throwing a big hammer around at people they don't like.
i don't consider myself fascist because of how it asserts white racial supremacy. all the sources i read indicate that it is based on supremacism instead of nationalism, which I don't agree with. i don't want to exert my influence or will over anyone just because they were born the "wrong" color, i just want them to stay with their people while we stay with ours. but I guess that is not what fascism is, so that's not what I am either.
**i am also not sure what i am when it comes to style of governance. i am some kind of bizarre authoritarian-libertarian hybrid. if something can be 100% controlled/contained by the government, then I am authoritarian. if it can't, then I am libertarian. for example, when it comes to homosexuality, i understand that it is impossible to kill every gay on the planet, and that they will always exist. since it can't be done, i am libertarian on the subject: let people be gay, but keep it to yourselves and don't push it on anyone else.
it is also the responsibility of the state to push correct, objective, moral values onto the populace. unfortunately their "objective" values are most often just "it is true because i say so" and not grounded in anything that is truly universal, which is why we have this globohomo cabal doing their best to crash the planet with no survivors. whether they're doing it on purpose, out of malice/greed/lust for power, or just plain retardation, we will never know. history can judge this time period 500 years from now with a clearer mind, assuming we make it that far at all.
>i don't want to exterminate any race on earth, no matter how annoying/subversive they may be. i just want them all to go back to where they came from and leave us alone
I agree with this. "A place for every race", with the sole exception of the Jews because they're an obvious threat that will continue their subversion regardless of where they are. 
>i also think many fascists view religion from the completely wrong perspective. instead of asking "is this religion true or not?" they ask "how can this religion benefit us?". they become enamored by the ideas the religion stands for instead of considering the theology behind it. just because paganism is traditionally european doesn't make it right. most pagans just like the idea of a blonde-haired blue-eyed god throwing a big hammer around at people they don't like.
I agree that fascists approach religion the wrong way. I disagree, however, that paganism isn't "right". I fully believe in the animistic and polytheistic aspect of the divine, that all things have a spirit, and that some of these spirits are higher than others. Hence, men, who are greater than animals and plants; the gods, who are greater than men; and daemons, the spirits in-between. Is there a singular source from which all comes forth, the Monad? I don't know, and that is something I want to understand more. If that one anon who posted about the conflict with the One is still around, perhaps you could enlighten us once more.
Anyways, the main problem, in my opinion, is that oftentimes imageboard pagans spend more time arguing with imageboard Christians (which is its own form of autism) than they do trying to understand their own religion, which frustrates me. They should be using that time reading more about their own religion, meditating, praying and sacrificing to the gods, asking for the protection of the spirits, stuff like that.  
>i don't consider myself fascist because of how it asserts white racial supremacy. all the sources i read indicate that it is based on supremacism instead of nationalism, which I don't agree with.
I believe there were a few fascist groups that were not necessarily supremacist, just nationalist, like the early Itaian fascists. The Brazilian Integralists were pro-race mixing, which has given quite a few blackshirts here aneurysms, for obvious reasons.
Replies: >>36
Not to mention that in basically every religious or spiritual tradition, engaging in worship solely for one's own benefit is a direct path to being taken advantage of by malicious spirits/daemons who will trick you into giving your soul by promising worldly gains in exchange.
>Anyways, the main problem, in my opinion, is that oftentimes imageboard pagans spend more time arguing with imageboard Christians (which is its own form of autism) than they do trying to understand their own religion, which frustrates me.
That's the modus operandi of so many people these days: don't try to understand your own position just pick a side and scream at the other side.
that would be nice and all but rest of the races prove to be malicious and we live in a world of scarcity. there's not enough to go around and there are already too many people as it is.
Replies: >>105
>i don't want to exterminate any race on earth, no matter how annoying/subversive they may be. 
Too bad they want to exterminate you, even the supposed "based" ones that niggers like you parade around, talk out one side of their mouth, and then take action to the opposite effect as soon as you aren't looking. Knowing this, the only proper response is to exterminate them all. It's all about scales of violence, he who is most brutal, most quickly, typically is the one who wins and survives to fight another day, will you let them kill you and all the rest of our race? If not, you MUST kill them, all of them, before they do it to us, this is how the world has always worked, and forgetting that truth and pleading to "civilized" values and other such bullshit is a very big reason why Rome collapsed in upon itself. We take power, land, resources, the comfort of these things makes us complacent, sometimes very quickly, sometimes over many generations, then by the time anybody has the will to do anything, that society is irrecoverable, revolution becomes the only possibility and without a Final Soultion it will all just happen once more, ad infinitum.  
>i just want them all to go back to where they came from and leave us alone.
This is not possible. All of life is war, a competition, that has always been, and will always be. Letting them live takes resources from us, from our children and their children and their children, and so on, while you sit ostensibly comfortable in your house whining about having to do the "difficult" work of killing our enemies who would see our race extinct instinctually, without being bidden and the evidence of that is our new Somalian(or whatever example you wish they all fit, from a to Z) countrymen in Minnesota.
>as a white burger that would also mean I go back to Europe, and give America back to the natives. we have our home, they have ours. 
No, neither I, nor most Americans, would throw our ancestors sacrifice away to assuage your Christian guilt-ridden conscience, this land belongs to our race, our people, and only us, fuck all the rest.
>overpopulation should not be a problem...
It would be, very quickly, if you wish to see any historical building or keep any nature around at all, living like kikes, kikespawn, and niggers do in NYC is not the kind of life, or existence I wish to give to my descendants and I, will kill anyone who tries to force such an asinine and disgusting way of life on me, or them, without hesitation, to my death and the death of my cause, or to theirs. The only way we will see space beyond the Moon, and maybe Mars, is by having the resources of the entire planet at our command, and I would prefer to do this without destroying the planet in the process. The only way to do that, and still have a home to return to, is to have no other competitors left on this planet.
>i also think many fascists view religion...
Anyone who does not view religion from the standpoint of "how does this benefit the existence of my people and the future of my race?" is not thinking in any mode of thought that will accomplish anything ,and just like you will, those people will die trying to "unify" the races of man behind their idea of "One Struggle" only to fail and have their hearts eaten by the Subhumans, they have invited into their homes and neighborhoods.
>they become enamored by the ideas the religion stands for instead of considering the theology behind it. just because paganism is traditionally European doesn't make it right. 
The fact that the ideas behind most of the European Indigenous religions are in line with reality is the very reason they are correct and valid path to believe in, and the dissonance with reality pictured and depicted by Abrahamic religions is the very reason they are rejected by most "fascists" and most specifically National Socialists. The "Theology" you crave to know about the EIR's, was destroyed by the subversion, malice, greed, and ignorance, of Jews and Jewish christcucks, "theology" comes with time, and is in fact completely worthless for all but the best of minds, it is much easier and simpler for people to follow ideas, even if those ideas are cloaked in a supernatural veneer, than it is to ask that they know and understand the mysteries of any religion and most especially those of Semitic Abrahamic religions.
>most pagans just like the idea of a blonde-haired blue-eyed god
Thor has red hair, for one, and those who only care about superficialities are themselves worthless, even so many who wish to emulate Thor specifically would not be an issue, he is a mighty warrior.
>i don't consider myself fascist because of how it asserts white racial supremacy. 
Good, you are not, and that makes you an enemy to me and my cause, no matter your racial background
>all the sources i read indicate that it is based on supremacism instead of nationalism, which I don't agree with.
"It" being, National Socialism, is based on the acknowledgement of the differences in races, and advocating actions for the best interests of your race, in the case of the White race, we are objectively superior to the others, and the Aryans, from within our broader race, more superior still. Acknowledging this, and acting accordingly, is a good thing and I honestly wish more people actually put the proper amount of thought into things. 
>i don't want to exert my influence or will over anyone just because they were born the "wrong" color,
>i just want them to stay with their people while we stay with ours.
You either exert your own Will, or someone else's Will, will be exerted upon you, there are no exceptions. and they have demonstrated TIME and TIME again that THEY WILL NOT STAY IN THEIR OWN LANDS.
>i am some kind of bizarre authoritarian-libertarian hybrid. 
So, you follow jews and jewish thought which is, at it's very core, at odds with and discordant with, Nature and Natural Law.
>if something can be 100%...
In many casses, it should not be controlled, it should be unrestricted, and monitored and you use propaganda and education to show people why that thing is bad for them, oddly enough self-regulation is easier to achieve than trying to force people to do something. 
>for example, when it comes to homosexuality...
So, you're a faggot, and shall be bogged like a faggot. The reason this should be ruthlessly punished, (aside from the obvious vector of disease that it is, as is being proven, as we speak, by Monkeypox and AIDS before it) is that the primary victims of homosexuals is children, and they have demonstrated that, in less than fifty years of being "allowed", they have done exactly what you think you can stop them from doing, they were given the choice to keep quiet and to themselves and still they victimized children creating more of themselves by spreading their parasitic infection.
>it is also the responsibility of the state to push...
No, it is the responsibility of the State to care for it's people, and encourage correct decisions and upstanding moral character, which Hitler did and he was a Nietzschean. 
>which is why we have
No, we have that because our ancestors forgot the meaning of race and it's implications on reality and because multiple generations have utterly failed to pass on any Truth to their children caring more for their own prosperity and the ease of their own lives than for the future of their people.
>history can judge...
History  will judge this era as the beginning of the greatest period of destruction so far in Our race's History(unless you count the possibility of a previous devastating nuclear war as evidenced by radiation signatures in India) and the beginning of the rebirth of the Aryan and his rule of the planet.
Replies: >>41
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Globalism is ironically the best end result for humanity - objectively speaking. Before you pop a gasket, not globalism in the way your modern globalists advocate. In order for humanity to evolve, to leave Earth and conquer the stars, differences between humans need to be removed/reduced. Culture? Wars have started over that. Race? Wars have started over that as well. Religion? You know the answer. So the solution is to make everyone on Earth subscribe to one ideology, be of one race, of one people and one goal. Otherwise there will continue to be petty squabbles between people like we've seen thousands of times already. So that leads me to the crux of the argument - if everyone is White, Christian, and all speak the same language, you get the best of both worlds. The civilization of white people mixed with the singularity of purpose that globalism provides. 

Try and debate me on this. Protip: You will lose.
Protip: You will be the one who loses. 
Christianity will not lead to the stars, it leads only one way, to the extinction of our race what it was designed, by Gamaliel and Saul, to do. Your very advocacy for that religion, defeats your entire argument, the central crux of christianity, is a wish for, lust for and a command for peace, Against killing and treating your fellow man as you would wish to be treated, and man in the bible is all human types, not just the Aryan, or the white man, but every single race. The only race that might be able to do such do such, with christianity, is the race of those who created it, jews, obviously supplemented by their own original judaism. It is not a religion fit for racialists or warriors or men, but for egalitarians, cowards, and women. It would not survive the trials to come, it encourages too much guilt.
If you wish to fight over religion, take it to the Anti-Abrahamism thread, I'm sure plenty of anon's will be along soon enough to excoriate you.
Replies: >>41 >>2413
lead by example faggot, go shmup your local mart to truly btfo all the nonwhites.
Replies: >>42
If you cannot or are not willing to argue the points presented, don't bother replying.
Nowhere in either of those posts did I advocate for self-defeating actions by young white men who have lost hope. Peyton would have done better to target a mosque or synagogue, but even still, he took action, misguided ultimately impotent action but just like with Balliet, he did something. Unlike you who just  whines about not wanting to fight and running away to destroy Europe and most of it's natural beauty in pursuit of going to the stars. I'm pretty sure there isn't enough material there to do so, regardless of how you go about it, because what little oil Europe has is in the northern portion of Scandinavia, which by your own plan would have to be surrendered to the Saami(ambiguously European at best), and Greenland also surrendered to the Inuit tribes there as well.
Replies: >>136
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Unbased and bluepilled.  You can't even conquer a pagan holiday, no one likes seeing a bunch of desert jews among snowy Yuletide decorations.  This is how out of place you'd look "conquering the stars".
Not a fascist but I'll try to entertain you.

>leave Earth and conquer the stars, differences between humans need to be removed/reduced
Why? The differences between humans exist due to differences in habitat in addition to sources of genes that they receive from different ancestors. Even if for some reason the entire humanity blends into one, they will genetically diverge again whether they live separately in different climates or in whole different planets.

And why would you care about mixing races? Europeans and East Asians make the bulk of human inventions that has propelled the species to the moon. All other ethnic groups don't care about such achievements and simply want to be left alone. Just look at sub-Saharan Africans or Mongolians joyously hunting on their ancestral lands without any care for modern technology.

All resources we need to explore the space is already within reach through international trade and efficient resource management; why can't entire countries send people to the moon if a private company like Amazon could?
The better and easier solution to reach the stars is for Europeans and East Asians to start thinking purely for their own benefits and start moving their societies to assist interplanetary travels.
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'Feminism in inherent in the 14 words.' The anti-feminist attitudes of the modern right, both fascist and conservative, are responsible for unjustifiable, systematic harm to white women and their children, and the adults they grew up to be (male and female).

I'm not talking about whatever ragebait 'feminism' you see in shitty MSM media circus, but I'm not talking about the twentieth century either. The concepts college professors are talking about. That.
Replies: >>54 >>64 >>118 >>397
The man who wrote the 14 words, also despised feminism, and wrote many a screed against it, you are a liar and a subversive, women could be made slaves and it honestly wouldn't matter at all.
>The concepts college professors are talking about
I'm legitimately curious about this because I don't listen to academia much after graduating from school. It'll probably help a lot if you elaborate on this lest you bait everyone on the thread to make a strawman.
Drugs should be legal and are a good way to relax, assuming they're used in moderation.
Replies: >>397
>and all but rest of the races
Why exclude whites? Did you just forget the western colonial era and all the infighting before then?
>Globalism is ironically the best end result for humanity - objectively speaking
No it isn't. Globalism will always lead to racial and cultural destruction. Cosmopolitism always slopes towards egalitarianism and oneness. 

>not globalism in the way your modern globalists advocate
Read above, globalism is still globalism. Trying to make it pro-White and fascist is impossible. You're only asking for an empire to be as shit as Imperial Rome.

>In order for humanity to evolve, to leave Earth and conquer the stars
>Muh stars, muh stars, Muh Star Wars and SCIFI!
Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of you niggers. The present is the only important thing here, not your vidya fantasies. Plus, you're wrong. Humanity needs diversity and variety in itself. Competition breeds innovation. 

>differences between humans need to be removed/reduced
Hello Mossad! Still trying to Zionism on fascist boards? Anyway your ideas are literal poisons and unrealistic. Try be more practical, because Christcucks have tried this for thousands of years and always failed. An attempt to establish a monolithic culture is against the laws of nature and very Jude.

>everyone is White, Christian, 
This explains why you're retarded. Opinion discarded.

Oh look, another anon shilling a Jewish construct. You would be better off arguing that we shouldn't treat White women like slaves or niggers and I would agree with you.
Replies: >>443
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>If you cannot or are not willing to argue the points presented, don't bother replying.
I didn't bother giving you a legitimate reply because it would only validate your retarded, one-sideed, and ignorant arguments. But I have fuckall else to do today so fuck it.
>Too bad they want to exterminate you, even the supposed "based" ones that niggers like you parade around, talk out one side of their mouth, and then take action to the opposite effect as soon as you aren't looking.
you're projecting here, i don't care about the darkies, and i think people like cuckservatives that use them to elevate their platform just to prove they're not racist are idiots and only playing into the other side's hand.
>Knowing this, the only proper response is to exterminate them all.
uncle adolf disagrees, pic 1 related
>If not, you MUST kill them, all of them, before they do it to us,
<yes kill all the nonwhites for me while i watch you get shot by the pigs from my comfy home
you're acting like a jew, enticing others to commit crimes for you. that's why i told you to lead by example, sitting in your safety zone and acting tough and actually doing what you say are two different things. i don't care what you believe in or how retarded it is, but i will not stand for hypocrisy in the slightest.
90% of your post is just KILL 'EM ALL KILL 'EM ALL KILL 'EM ALL so I will ignore them from here on out.
>forgetting that truth and pleading to "civilized" values and other such bullshit is a very big reason why Rome collapsed in upon itself.
rome collapsed because of literal schizo emperors and the very ideology that you preach, believing that I can do a far better job than the current ruler, so he gets assassinated, then another guy thinks he can do better than you and kills you, etc., until leadership is so weak and denigrated that not even the legions can defend the empire. if everyone acts like a leader, nobody wins. there have to be followers to actually carry out one single vision.
>Letting them live takes resources from us, from our children and their children and their children, and so on, while you sit ostensibly comfortable in your house whining about having to do the "difficult" work of killing our enemies who would see our race extinct instinctually
pot calling the kettle black. do something yourself, faggot.
>No, neither I, nor most Americans, would throw our ancestors sacrifice away to assuage your Christian guilt-ridden conscience, this land belongs to our race, our people, and only us, fuck all the rest.
see pic 1 again.
>and I, will kill anyone who tries to force such an asinine and disgusting way of life on me, or them, without hesitation, to my death and the death of my cause, or to theirs
it's already happening, tick tock nigger. lead by example.
>The only way to do that, and still have a home to return to, is to have no other competitors left on this planet.
and once your white ethnoplanet has been achieved they will find another outgroup to bully and blame all their issues on, and then we'll be right back where we started. whether it's religion or a white subgroup that you perceive as inferior, all of life is a struggle as you said. when the nonwhites are gone, why not bully the slavs next door? or the greeks that worship Zeus and not Thor? they may be white, but they're not YOUR idea of what white is. so let's make them the new pariah, shall we? violence is eternal, you can either fight back against it your entire life or find a fucking compromise that results in less dead whites.
>Anyone who does not view religion from the standpoint of "how does this benefit the existence of my people and the future of my race?" is not thinking in any mode of thought that will accomplish anything
then you're a retard. that is not what religion is. religion is based on the idea of universal, objective truth. you do not bend religion to your will, you bend yourself to religion's will and what your god says is the truth. you are merely using it to try to get holy good boy points in the hope that more people will listen to you.
>The fact that the ideas behind most of the European Indigenous religions are in line with reality is the very reason they are correct and valid path to believe in
and what of the eastern religions? hitler was a fan of dharmic philosophies and taoist principles, as well as shintoism. the idea of good and evil, light and dark are very prevalent in those cultures/religions as well. euros didn't create it, it's a universal concept that everyone understands and cannot be claimed to be created by one culture.
>it is much easier and simpler for people to follow ideas, even if those ideas are cloaked in a supernatural veneer, than it is to ask that they know and understand the mysteries of any religion and most especially those of Semitic Abrahamic religions.
so you're saying the only way to lead is through deception and intentionally masking your true beliefs and intentions? who's the jew now?
>even so many who wish to emulate Thor specifically would not be an issue, he is a mighty warrior.
a warrior that never existed and drank the semen of dead men. hail odin, truly a white savior.
>Good, you are not, and that makes you an enemy to me and my cause, no matter your racial background
ow the edge. pic 1 yet again.
>"It" being, National Socialism, is based on the acknowledgement of the differences in races, and advocating actions for the best interests of your race, in the case of the White race, we are objectively superior to the others, and the Aryans, from within our broader race, more superior still. Acknowledging this, and acting accordingly, is a good thing and I honestly wish more people actually put the proper amount of thought into things. 
you are not objectively superior, you are subjectively superior according to your own worldview. as you already stated you have no source of objective truth. objective truth can only come from a higher power, something above humanity: religion, which, as you stated earlier, you are free to warp and distort to fit your own personal beliefs. so your "objective" source is now "i made it the fuck up", senator armstrong. and don't even fucking try to say that science is objective, with its constantly changing theories and the endless parroting of "we were never wrong, we just got new data".
>You either exert your own Will, or someone else's Will, will be exerted upon you, there are no exceptions. and they have demonstrated TIME and TIME again that THEY WILL NOT STAY IN THEIR OWN LANDS.
the nogs were content with themselves in africa. asia kept to themselves. the natives also enjoyed their own continent. really it was only islam and the mongols that tried to force their shit onto everyone, and they were kicked out of europe both times. it was euros who started traveling everywhere, trading, interacting and mingling with the cultures and spreading/mixing them across the globe. europe is responsible for globalism.
>So, you follow jews and jewish thought which is, at it's very core, at odds with and discordant with, Nature and Natural Law.
projection, not an argument.
>So, you're a faggot, and shall be bogged like a faggot.
projection, not an argument
>The reason this should be ruthlessly punished, (aside from the obvious vector of disease that it is, as is being proven, as we speak, by Monkeypox and AIDS before it) is that the primary victims of homosexuals is children, and they have demonstrated that, in less than fifty years of being "allowed", they have done exactly what you think you can stop them from doing, they were given the choice to keep quiet and to themselves and still they victimized children creating more of themselves by spreading their parasitic infection.
so pull an omar and shoot up your local gay bar. once again, quit being a motherfucking hypocrite and lead by example and fucking do something instead of trying to goad another anon into doing it for you.
>No, it is the responsibility of the State to care for it's people, and encourage correct decisions and upstanding moral character, which Hitler did and he was a Nietzschean. 
and yet right before this you advocate the state exerting its will on everything they think is wrong, including holocausting all the gays, christians, and nonwhites.
>No, we have that because our ancestors forgot the meaning of race and it's implications on reality and because multiple generations have utterly failed to pass on any Truth to their children caring more for their own prosperity and the ease of their own lives than for the future of their people.
but you just said truth isn't real, that it means what I want it to mean. how can they objectively pass on a subjective idea?
>History  will judge this era as the beginning of the greatest period of destruction so far in Our race's History(unless you count the possibility of a previous devastating nuclear war as evidenced by radiation signatures in India) and the beginning of the rebirth of the Aryan and his rule of the planet.
finno-korean hyperwar-tier belief.
tl;dr you're a fucking hypocrite that distorts reality and truth to mean only what you want it to mean, advocate genocide of everyone you don't like just like everyone else on the planet but it's ok when we do it because we're the right ones because i said so, but instead of actually doing it yourself you project your retarded beliefs on a backwater tunisian crochet forum in the hopes that one of them is retarded enough to actually kill a handful of spics at the local mart to become hitler 2 and save evrope forever. had your post been any shorter i would consider you a fed, but instead i can see that you're serious about what you believe which makes me hate you all the more.
i really don't care what anyone believes in, but the one thing i will not stand for is hypocrites like you that contradict themselves at every turn and refuse to act out what they believe in.
Replies: >>180 >>182
>unpopular opinion
Just because your socialism is whites only doesn't make it any less economically retarded than rainbowflag socialism.
Replies: >>182
>2nd image
I love when you Christniggers validate the lies of kikes only to prove our point that you are the jew's greatest ally indeed. If you actually learn to do your research and read a book for once you would know that ((( Greenberg ))) was the one who made this assertion, while providing zero evidence other than the mistranslation of the sagas. You also skew over the part where he deliberately mocks your hippie kike as a pozzed messiah. But seeing that your churches are also pozzed. I think that he may "nose" on Jesus sucking off Roman soliders. Your sources are even more retarded, because they come from guys who only site Greenberg as their source or have no understanding of ancient norse. Lol retard.
Replies: >>196
>I didn't bother giving you a legitimate reply because it would only validate your retarded, one-sideed, and ignorant arguments. But I have fuckall else to do today so fuck it.
Your reponse is lacking, as I will demonstrate not only did you not address any of my claims or arguments, you accuse me multiple times of doing what you yourself are doing here
>you're projecting here, i don't care about the darkies, and i think people like cuckservatives that use them to elevate their platform just to prove they're not racist are idiots and only playing into the other side's hand.
No, I am not projecting, I am pointing out your similarity to people who make the same points, and talk exactly like you, do, that you think they're idiots for virtue-signaling blacks and other racial inferiors is immaterial. you ask for the same thing they do "a place for every race", well, the truth is a place for every race results in no place for the White, or the Aryan, race.
>uncle adolf disagrees, pic 1 related
Did some research and Robert Faurission chiefly, and Mikael Nilsson and others dispute it's validity and the original Table Talks less so as we actually do have the original German documents of those and not only have National Socialist translated those, but we have other scholars translating them and using the original german documents as Primary sources on Hitlers beliefs such as Richard Weikart in his Hitler's Religion, as well as similar recollections to it from other compilers such a Heinrich Heim.
Even if the document that quote came from was legitimate, it is a core component of national socialism to recognize that struggle(read:war) is an immutable and unchangeable law of nature. All things in life must engage in violence to survive, whether among themselves or in competition with other species, for we humans our main competitors are other subclades of the Genus Homo.  Germany would have reached a point, if Hitler had won the war,(nd technically they already were nearing that point just from his direct efforts) at which Germany was no longer capable of providing for the number of people it had living within it, and they would have been forced to kill their own, or go to war, for more land on which to live, and the only logical policies when taking land from others for your own people are extermination or expulsion as William Luther Pierce outlined so many times. 
Furthermore Hitler quite literally calls the Germanic race superior in somewhat roundabout ways in Mein Kampf alone, never using Herrenrasse explicitly, but still expounding upon his belief in the Germanic/Nordic/Aryan race alone being capable of the creation of cultures, and civilization.
>you're acting like a jew, enticing others to commit crimes for you. that's why i told you to lead by example, sitting in your safety zone and acting tough and actually doing what you say are two different things. i don't care what you believe in or how retarded it is, but i will not stand for hypocrisy in the slightest.
90% of your post is just KILL 'EM ALL KILL 'EM ALL KILL 'EM ALL so I will ignore them from here on out.
I am not acting like a jew, but I love your false assertion here, and the ridiculous way you project falsity onto me and twist my words in ways that they are obviously not intended to go. I have done no such thing as advocate others do my work for me, I ask that others join me in seeing the truth, and joining me in my cause, if they wish to act alone there is nothing I can do to stop them at present, even if I disagree with what they may or may not be doing. My usage of "you" that you used to twist my qwords against themselves is used in a general sense, similar to how one would use the word one,, as in "one must do X thing if Y". As for your assertion that I do not do as I preach, it is a pointless and fallacious argument, you do not, and cannot, have any information as to how I live my life, whatsoever, I am not encouraging pointless acts of violence whatever you may say merely expounding upon the ideology of National Socialism 
>rome collapsed because of literal schizo emperors and the very ideology that you preach, believing that I can do a far better job than the current ruler, so he gets assassinated, then another guy thinks he can do better than you and kills you, etc., until leadership is so weak and denigrated that not even the legions can defend the empire. if everyone acts like a leader, nobody wins. there have to be followers to actually carry out one single vision.
Rome collapsed because of what I told you, they grew too large and tried pulling themselves too many ways and forgot to preserve the purity of their race, which lead to it's weakening, and the constant internal warfare and weaker and weaker emperors which was greatly exaacerbated by the jews introducing Christianity into Rome.
>pot calling the kettle black. do something yourself, faggot.
What I do, I keep to myself for obvious reasons, no need to address your argument here as you didn't make one, my argument remains unchallenged.
>see pic 1 again
Would Hitler have surrendered Germany to another race just because they lived there first? No, so nor will I surrender the land my ancestors fought to make their own and bequeath to me.
>it's already happening, tick tock nigger. lead by example.
Again  pointless fallacious, seems like you're baiting to get me to "do something" or say something about what I have done, I do what I can every day, what exactly i do will remain unknown and baiting glowniggers and jews can remain oblivious to that.
>and once your white ethnoplanet has been achieved they will find another outgroup to bully and blame all their issues on, and then we'll be right back where we started. whether it's religion or a white subgroup that you perceive as inferior, all of life is a struggle as you said. when the nonwhites are gone, why not bully the slavs next door? or the greeks that worship Zeus and not Thor? they may be white, but they're not YOUR idea of what white is. so let's make them the new pariah, shall we? violence is eternal, you can either fight back against it your entire life or find a fucking compromise that results in less dead whites.
And that is as the gods and Nature will it, may the best subgroup of the Aryan race win, until then we must work together or we will all die, war would happen regardless of what we do, and I personally find it better for us to fight amongst ourselves into eternity rather than continue letting racial enemies kill us. 
>then you're a retard. that is not what religion is. religion is based on the idea of universal, objective truth. you do not bend religion to your will, you bend yourself to religion's will and what your god says is the truth. you are merely using it to try to get holy good boy points in the hope that more people will listen to you.
My religion "preaches" that Aryan men are to exert their will upon the world, in service to the Eternal Natural Law, this has gone by many names under many Aryan cultures, National Socialism is just the most recent.
>and what of the eastern religions? hitler was a fan of dharmic philosophies and taoist principles, as well as shintoism.
No, Hitler was most close to a Pantheist, and Nature was his "God", it was Himmler who looked into and had an affinity to those religions Hitler thought it was a waste of time especially given what they were dealing with.  
>the idea of good and evil, light and dark are very prevalent in those cultures/religions as well. euros didn't create it, it's a universal concept that everyone understands and cannot be claimed to be created by one culture.
Good and evil, light and dark all have similar meanings in those cultures and religions, if you actually look at What Dharma under Vedicisam encompasses it is Most close to what I and Hitler, advocated for, Hinduism is a corruption of the Aryan core of India's religion. Even Japan's indigenous religion is seemingly being built upon some far distant Aryan past probably stemming to the redheaded Aryans mummy's who founded China all those millenia ago.
>so you're saying the only way to lead is through deception and intentionally masking your true beliefs and intentions? who's the jew now?
Even Hitler used deception to accomplish his goals, deception is one front a warrior, and especially a warlord must master, or he will not live very long.
>a warrior that never existed and drank the semen of dead men. hail odin, truly a white savior.
I debunked that personally in a thread on /b/, That is bullshit out of the mouth of a jew based on a poor translation done by a liberal whore, I love it when you retards just prove our point by quoting and putting forward literal jewish propaganda, as fact.
>ow the edge. pic 1 yet again.
Go read Mein Kampf, the Dalton edition, Hitler believed much the same there, and definitely made sure we knew it.
>you are not objectively superior, you are subjectively superior according to your own worldview. as you already stated you have no source of objective truth.
My own worldview is the only worldview which is based on Natural Law, and I have stated no such thing, all living members of the Genus Homo, are memebrs of a subspecies, Aryans and Eyropeans, under one, Mongoloids another, Negroids, Australoids, Asiatics, Semites, and Native Americans others yet still, Preserving the existence of my people is the basis of my religion, which is my worldview, and all Truth flows from that all action one takes even on an individual level must lead towards that goal or they are not on the path to Truth.
>objective truth can only come from a higher power, something above humanity: religion, which, as you stated earlier, you are free to warp and distort to fit your own personal beliefs. so your "objective" source is now "i made it the fuck up", senator armstrong. and don't even fucking try to say that science is objective, with its constantly changing theories and the endless parroting of "we were never wrong, we just got new data".
Objective truth doe not come from Abrahamic source and that is the foundation of your worldview, making your wqorldview a falsity and it is one that makes you an enemy to the cause of National Socialism.
>the nogs were content with themselves in africa.
No, the very existence and the travels of Mans Musa alone disprove this, 
>asia kept to themselves.
No, they didn't, they just didn't get as far in their conquering as Their Mongol brothers and their empire was too fractious to create the will to conquer farther abroad at any rate, but they did raid and sully elements of our race multiple times and not only recently about the only ones this could be said to be true of is Japan, and that only because of isolation ironically caused by christian missionaries.
>the natives also enjoyed their own continent. really it was only islam and the mongols that tried to force their shit onto everyone, and they were kicked out of europe both times. 
The evidence shows that the Clovis people(who appear to have been Nordic peoples) predated the "Native Americans", they killed them all and interbred with the rest, the Mongols only failed to conquer Europe because the Red Haired Blue-eyed Aryan man that became known as Genghis Khan, died before he drove his armies further west, and he is quite directly the reason the Turks and other South Asians were driven out of Europe until our technology levels reached parity enough that we could defend ourselves, by murdering, at historians lowest estimate 4.5 million sandniggers, up to a high of 9 million or more. They would have tried to conquer us regardless of Islam, yes it played a part, but them being lucky and still having access to tracts on technology and philosophy from Rome, had the most to do with it, and they were not driven out by force, each time they tried they overextended themselves, to the point they could not sustain their war effort leading to decisive victories for Europe here and there but each time they took more territory, until finally in WW1, their spine was broken due to their own inablity to adapt and the Ottoman Empire collapsed in upon itself  freeing european territory from Greece to the slavic regions from their control and reducing any further racial mixing that was already done under their rule
>it was euros who started traveling everywhere, trading, interacting and mingling with the cultures and spreading/mixing them across the globe. europe is responsible for globalism.
The Aryan drive is to explore and dominate, that failing to keep the Truth in mind as we did so, is the reason all of our civilizations either collapse in upon themselves, or are taken over by those who can do no more than maintain what we built. 
>projection, not an argument.
Nope, simple truth, you follow Christian(abrahamic) morality which is not based on Natural Law but on the refutation of it.
>projection, not an argument
Nah, you are a faggot, and the bog is calling your name.
>so pull an omar and shoot up your local gay bar. once again, quit being a motherfucking hypocrite and lead by example and fucking do something instead of trying to goad another anon into doing it for you.
Thankfully, I don't have a local gay bar, and even if i did, I would not attack it like a fucking sandnigger, I would make sure it could not reopen as that Orlando gay bar has, if I remember correctly. I am not goading anyone once again here I was merely stating what must be done and why, that you take umbrage with that simply further reveals your own faggotry.
>and yet right before this you advocate the state exerting its will on everything they think is wrong, including holocausting all the gays, christians, and nonwhites.
No exerting it's will on everything that IS wrong, that is against Natural Law, and if that means killing Christians who will not abandon their false doctrine, so be it, and it will and always was going to include killing racial invaders, and homosexuals(most of whom are racial invaders if the studies done on the spread of AIDS and now Monkey Pox, are any indication).
>but you just said truth isn't real, that it means what I want it to mean. how can they objectively pass on a subjective idea?
No, I did not, I said that Truth isn't what you think it is, you are allowed to disagree, and as such allowed to be wrong, but I will tell you that you are.
>finno-korean hyperwar-tier belief.
That is an actual discovery in india, in places no nuclear weapon has ever been there are radiation signatures that match nuclear weaponry, whether that be a primitive dirty bomb or some other thing we cannot even imagine, I do not know.
>tl;dr you're a fucking hypocrite that distorts reality and truth to mean only what you want it to mean, advocate genocide of everyone you don't like just like everyone else on the planet but it's ok when we do it because we're the right ones because i said so, but instead of actually doing it yourself you project your retarded beliefs on a backwater tunisian crochet forum in the hopes that one of them is retarded enough to actually kill a handful of spics at the local mart to become hitler 2 and save evrope forever. had your post been any shorter i would consider you a fed, but instead i can see that you're serious about what you believe which makes me hate you all the more.
I have not distorted the Truth, whatsoever, merely advocated for our return to living according to Natural Law and all that that entails, as such it is not hypocritical of me to advocate for the complete extermination of my racial enemies, nor have I contradicted myself anywhere, nor have I been hypocritical in any other manner, merely dismissive of cowardly positions like your own, and dismissive of people who sit on the sidelines and shit on those taking action, which does not require that I take the same actions as the likes of Breivik, Tarrant, Matthews, Lane and others.
>i really don't care what anyone believes in, but the one thing i will not stand for is hypocrites like you that contradict themselves at every turn and refuse to act out what they believe in.
Good that this does not apply to me then.
National Socialist's are not communists, Hitler's Socialism is based on race and respects private property and industry, Socialism being associated with communism is a neo-liberal/neoconservative talking point created by the Frankfurt jews who began those schools of thought in the west after they were encouraged to leave Germany.
Replies: >>196 >>220
((( Ethnoglobe ))) is a stupid idea. Ethnoglobe is not different than what Zionist want. But having ethnostates is a good idea.
Replies: >>197 >>204
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You fill your post with ad hominems and nonarguments because that is the only way you are capable of getting your point across. Your post can be summarized as "source bad", yet you provide no evidence yourself. So allow me to do it for you.
Ergi is used as an insult in ancient Norse that effectively means calling someone or something effeminate. In The Poetic Edda, Odin is referred to as ergi in the context of acting like a woman, that is, through playing instruments and practicing seid, the act of seeing/shaping the future, which were traditionally seen as women's roles. I need not mention Loki and Sleipner. Norse mythology has several instances of sexual degeneracy and debauchery, and there exists plausibility for believing that their idea of sexuality was based in a similar manner to that of Ancient Rome: not of masculine and feminine, but of dominance and submission. Acting dominant was not gay, but being submissive was. While Odin may not have drank jizz, please do not try to claim that Norse mythology is superior to others, when it can be just as degenerate and depraved as any other religion.

>Your reponse is lacking, as I will demonstrate not only did you not address any of my claims or arguments, you accuse me multiple times of doing what you yourself are doing here
My response is clear and concise. I replied to every single one of your points, and you are trying to dismiss them by denying the arguments in front your eyes. I accuse you accurately of being a hypocrite with no grounding in objective reality, who praises "natural law" yet denies reality, advocates for genocide of nonwhites for reasons that are no more logical or better than the ones nonwhites use to genocide us (and are currently carrying out much more effectively by actually doing something), and hides behind a veil of being a keyboard warrior and claiming to be a savior of the white race when in reality you and I both know damn well that you will continue to do nothing, deluding yourself into believing that anyone not on the inside will somehow find this board, read your posts, drop everything they believe in and bomb their local mosque/church/synagogue. I can only conclude that you are sick with a messiah complex, and you will accomplish nothing.
>No, I am not projecting, I am pointing out your similarity to people who make the same points, and talk exactly like you, do, that you think they're idiots for virtue-signaling blacks and other racial inferiors is immaterial. 
You are absolutely projecting. By saying "they" want to exterminate you, you are implying that "they" means "everyone who is not white". Meaning if I can find a single nonwhite that doesn't want to bury me and my family, your entire argument is moot. You are generalizing the entire planet, believing they all think the same way as you with their race, when in reality most of them don't care whether we exist or not, which does not imply genocide. Normal, healthy people do not spend every waking moment living in fear that their race is going to disappear overnight. You are delusional if you think this way.
>you ask for the same thing they do "a place for every race", well, the truth is a place for every race results in no place for the White, or the Aryan, race.
So Europe is a construct that has no bearing in reality? You are saying that Europe never belonged to the whites, that it is an illusion, that we were never there to begin with? "A separate place for every race" does not mean that Europe stops existing, and I cannot understand where this argument could possibly find a place in your head. It appears as if you have a congenital victim complex, borderline blackpill, that nothing will ever work out for the white man. We have made it this far in history, we are still here, the pendulum will swing back from its apex soon. If "natural law" is true, and only the strongest survive, and you constantly talk about how decayed the white race is, well then maybe evolution has smelled out a different path without us.
>Did some research and Robert Faurission chiefly, and Mikael Nilsson and others dispute it's validity and the original Table Talks less so as we actually do have the original German documents of those and not only have National Socialist translated those, but we have other scholars translating them and using the original german documents as Primary sources on Hitlers beliefs such as Richard Weikart in his Hitler's Religion, as well as similar recollections to it from other compilers such a Heinrich Heim.
So pic 1 of an Ethiopian delegation visiting Germany is a deepfake then, it was never real. If Hitler truly believed that no other race was even remarkable, why even let them in? What kind of leader would invite a foreign nation just to mock them? Exactly. He invited them to improve relations. Unless, of course, it was all 4D chess and he was merely baiting them to his side before he wiped them out as well. Or that congratulating Jesse Owens after his victory in the Olympics was also a ploy. Or allying with Japan just so he could stab them in the back once the USSR collapsed. Unless you can provide solid evidence that he was going to betray every single nonwhite he ever allied with or spoke highly of, your entire point is bunk. Hitler celebrated other races and their culture on several occasions, this being one of many.
>Even if the document that quote came from was legitimate, it is a core component of national socialism to recognize that struggle(read:war) is an immutable and unchangeable law of nature.
"Struggle" does not always mean "war" in your sense that "everything that goes against me must be destroyed in one way only". A struggle can be many things: an economic struggle wherein you have the choice to come to agreements with foreign countries on trade, or declare war, take their land and resources, and kill a few thousand whites in the process. A political stuggle, where you have a constitutional crisis like Russia in 1993, with Yeltsin fighting back against the last grasps of the Supreme Soviet trying to retain power only after taking every diplomatic precaution possible. "Struggle" does not always mean "violence". If the goal of NS is to preserve the white race, why is it so keen on throwing them into combat where thousands of them will never return?
>All things in life must engage in violence to survive, whether among themselves or in competition with other species, for we humans our main competitors are other subclades of the Genus Homo.
That is a close-minded viewpoint that can only see in black and white. You see violence as the only possible answer to every problem. Does symbiosis mean anything to you? Drastically different species can get along by providing something the other needs (clownfish cleaning anemone, anemone recieves nutrients from the clownfish; bird feeds off the residue in a crocodiles teeth, crocodile gets his mouth cleaned of potential infections). The frog and the scorpion is a warning, yet you see it as doctrine.
>Germany would have reached a point, if Hitler had won the war,(nd technically they already were nearing that point just from his direct efforts) at which Germany was no longer capable of providing for the number of people it had living within it, and they would have been forced to kill their own, or go to war, for more land on which to live, and the only logical policies when taking land from others for your own people are extermination or expulsion as William Luther Pierce outlined so many times. 
They were absolutely NOT nearing victory. By the time the Wehrmacht had gotten to the outskirts of Moscow they were exhausted, out of supplies, and beginning to freeze to death. Even if they took the city, the whole rotten structure would not have collapsed; it was evident to the Red Army that the Germans were on the edge, and they absolutely would've been willing to burn their capital a second time if it meant depriving them of victory. Combined with the entire rest of the Western world ganging up on them (whether or not it was "the right choice" is irrelevant, it is what happened), Germany could not hold its own against entire rest of the world. It fucked around and found out.
If a population grows too large to be self-sufficient and can only be sustained through continuous conquest, it is parasitic. What would happen if the entire world became Deutschland? They'd still run into the same problems we're having today: lack of resources, lack of farmland, no nearby habitable planets to move to/take from, etc. Nothing would change. There'd just be no brown emaciated corpses among the white ones since they were killed long ago.
>Furthermore Hitler quite literally calls the Germanic race superior in somewhat roundabout ways in Mein Kampf alone, never using Herrenrasse explicitly, but still expounding upon his belief in the Germanic/Nordic/Aryan race alone being capable of the creation of cultures, and civilization.
So you admit he never directly says it, almost sounding as if he avoided saying it explicitly because he was not sure about it himself. Was ancient china not civilization? Egypt? India? Ethiopia? How do you define "civilization" in such a manner that only whites are capable of creating and sustaining it? How could you possibly do so without resorting to No True Scotsman? Really, I am curious.
>I am not acting like a jew, but I love your false assertion here, and the ridiculous way you project falsity onto me and twist my words in ways that they are obviously not intended to go.
I am not projecting what you are admitting yourself. You claim that there is no objective truth, that religion exists only to validate your claim as the ubermensch, that deception is an acceptable practice on both the enemy and your own people, that all nonwhites are borderline inhuman because they do not meet the requirements we set up to fit ourselves, and that the time will come when we shall reclaim what is ours and wipe the others off the face of the Earth. That is Talmudic law/modern Judaism verbatim.
>I have done no such thing as advocate others do my work for me, I ask that others join me in seeing the truth, and joining me in my cause, if they wish to act alone there is nothing I can do to stop them at present, even if I disagree with what they may or may not be doing.
Your "work" is making blogposts on a backwater forum to preach to the choir. Your "truth" is subjective and has no source of higher confirmation or anything else that could lend it as undeniably superior to another's beliefs. You can absolutely stop someone from doing something stupid by pointing out how vain killing a handful of nonwhites is, including but not limited to how it will be immediately discredited as a lonewolf/glowop/false flag, how in the time it took him to shoot a dozen nonwhites a thousand more were born, how laws will be tightened even more to restrict the white man, and how those in power that are allowing all of this to take place are completely unharmed, unphased, and overjoyed at the new ammunition we have given them. Accelerationism only works if there are several attacks in succession, one after another. If you only have one in an extended period of time, your window of opportunity is gone, and everything is now even worse than before. If you really believe what you say, then you can absolutely stop someone from throwing their life away on something stupid.
>My usage of "you" that you used to twist my qwords against themselves is used in a general sense, similar to how one would use the word one,, as in "one must do X thing if Y".
But the entire rest of your posts carry imply a subliminal message that you are enticing others to follow what you believe in, as if your word is law. You are not suggesting or implying, you are ordering and demanding. Your posts are littered with "I think..." and "I believe...", but it is obvious that you wish for others to think as you do and not question any of it, as implied by your previous statements that deception and usage of religion as a tool should both be used by the NS cause. Your entire belief system is based on bringing others to your side either by force or cleaning out the competition through violence. So please, do not lie to me, yourself, or anyone else here that you're just stating your opinion.
>As for your assertion that I do not do as I preach, it is a pointless and fallacious argument, you do not, and cannot, have any information as to how I live my life, whatsoever, I am not encouraging pointless acts of violence whatever you may say merely expounding upon the ideology of National Socialism 
You are white and European, you post on zzz/fascist/, and you have an awful lot of time to reply to my posts in detail. The fact that you're posting at all implies you haven't done anything violent, at least nothing worth mentioning, as the feds/interpol would've found you real quick. That is a lot of information on how you live your life. Anons have been doxxed with much less to go off of. You say you don't encourage pointless acts of violence, yet you say you won't try to stop someone from throwing their life away to kill nonwhites in a random lone wolf attack. In your black and white NS world, complacency is acceptance. Ergo, you absolutely are encouraging pointless violence by not explicitly speaking against it.
>Rome collapsed because of what I told you, they grew too large and tried pulling themselves too many ways and forgot to preserve the purity of their race, which lead to it's weakening, and the constant internal warfare and weaker and weaker emperors which was greatly exaacerbated by the jews introducing Christianity into Rome.
"Rome" is not a race. There was never any purity to begin with. It was a collection of nomadic european tribes from across the spectrum that settled and mixed together to create "Rome".
It was Christianity that tried to save Rome. Do you not understand how insane they had become towards the end? Burning and crucifying petty criminals at the emperor's dinner table? By the time Christian values were being spread, it was already too late because of the reasons you listed earlier. Please provide some kind of evidence that Christianity is a Jewish construct meant only to subvert their enemies, because Judaism despised Christianity and denounced it then, it does so now, and it will continue to do so until the sun dies. There is no 5D chess being played by Jewish leaders regarding Christianity (the notion of "Judeo-Christian alliance" is only a recent attempt by the Jewish diaspora to try to find a new host to further their parasitic gains, most commonly seen among AIPAC-loving conservacucks). I cannot understand how the early church saying "love thy neighbor" could in any way be responsible for an empire that was already on its deathbed by the time Christianity became prevalent.
>What I do, I keep to myself for obvious reasons, no need to address your argument here as you didn't make one, my argument remains unchallenged.
You keep to yourself because despite all your posturing, you are a paper tiger that will falter at the slightest hint of something going wrong in your life. Let's see how loyal you really stay to your "fuck the system" beliefs when you get evicted and your bank account is closed for hate speech until you repent.
>Would Hitler have surrendered Germany to another race just because they lived there first?
The situation between whites and natives is a unique one, because it is the only scenario where two entire continents were fundamentally changed on a racial scenario. You sure love to talk about how proud you are that your ancestors claimed the Americas and drove the savages out, but you also believe racemixing is wrong. They sure did a lot of raping on their way across the Americas, turning an entire continent into rapebaby-derived "untermensch". That's not very good for the white race now, is it? Your ancestors are responsible for the very people you're fighting against today.
>No, so nor will I surrender the land my ancestors fought to make their own and bequeath to me.
You've already surrendered it by allowing the sandniggers to make their claim to Europe and the negroes to America. You've lost the war, you're just too blind and arrogant to admit it. And for the last time, no, making posts here is not waging war.
>Again  pointless fallacious, seems like you're baiting to get me to "do something" or say something about what I have done, I do what I can every day, what exactly i do will remain unknown and baiting glowniggers and jews can remain oblivious to that.
I am telling you to either live up to your beliefs or stop posturing. You absolutely are not doing everything you could be, I can list off a dozen roles that are more effective than keyboard warrior. Even throwing up "It's Okay To Be White" flyers. But no, you stay here day after day believing you'll save the white race, just not now, when the time is ready. When, motherfucker? You're doing nothing, stop acting like you're hiding behind this abstract wall of "he'll never know". If you're doing something, it certainly isn't tangible.
>And that is as the gods and Nature will it, may the best subgroup of the Aryan race win, until then we must work together or we will all die, war would happen regardless of what we do, and I personally find it better for us to fight amongst ourselves into eternity rather than continue letting racial enemies kill us. 
The gods that you admit aren't real and exist solely to manipulate others, and nature that is currently kicking whites in the dick. You admit that even if whites are the last ones left, it's ok for them to kill each other. It's only when nonwhites are doing the killing that it suddenly becomes not ok. Has it ever occurred to you that the ultimate goal should be to have no enemies at all, that nobody has to kill anyone for any reason? You say that infighting is necessary because there is no other outcome, when in reality it's a mask for the truth that your ideology is self-defeating and will only lead to destruction because "that's nature". You admit that your own belief system is ultimately founded on self-hate and genocide.
>My religion "preaches" that Aryan men are to exert their will upon the world, in service to the Eternal Natural Law, this has gone by many names under many Aryan cultures, National Socialism is just the most recent.
Again, the religion that you admit isn't real. This is schizophrenia. The voices that you have created for yourself that affirm their own beliefs tell you to kill. How could you possibly state that no other religion is right because they employ circular reasoning, when your own religious ideology employs the exact same reasoning to confirm itself?
>No, Hitler was most close to a Pantheist, and Nature was his "God", it was Himmler who looked into and had an affinity to those religions Hitler thought it was a waste of time especially given what they were dealing with.  
Your idea of the struggle for survival comes directly from the East. Hitler's retelling of struggle was merely him adapting eastern beliefs to fit his political manifesto. To say that Hitler believed in any legitimate higher power, be it God, Odin, Nature, whatever you want to call it, is nonsense; he believed in the same perverted way you do: by not considering the truth, but to how it can be warped and distorted to fit his ambitions.
>Good and evil, light and dark all have similar meanings in those cultures and religions, if you actually look at What Dharma under Vedicisam encompasses it is Most close to what I and Hitler, advocated for, Hinduism is a corruption of the Aryan core of India's religion. 
So you admit that Europe did not discover the idea of dual natures.
>Even Japan's indigenous religion is seemingly being built upon some far distant Aryan past probably stemming to the redheaded Aryans mummy's who founded China all those millenia ago.
Can you provide even a single shred of evidence that shintoism is somehow based on... whatever the fuck you just described? Redhead chinese mummies? What the fuck anon?
>Even Hitler used deception to accomplish his goals, deception is one front a warrior, and especially a warlord must master, or he will not live very long.
I am calling you a hypocrite for saying it's ok to deceive when we do it, but not them. When Israel tried to stage a false flag attack in Egypt, that's not ok, but when the USS Maine exploded it was? How can you not see at this point that your entire ideology is based on hypocrisy?
>I debunked that personally in a thread on /b/, That is bullshit out of the mouth of a jew based on a poor translation done by a liberal whore, I love it when you retards just prove our point by quoting and putting forward literal jewish propaganda, as fact.
Do you think I or anyone else on this site gives a fuck about /b/? Why do you visit such a degenerate section of the site anyways? As stated at the start of my posts there is reasonable doubt that Odin was not as straight and manly as you believe he was.
>Go read Mein Kampf, the Dalton edition, Hitler believed much the same there, and definitely made sure we knew it.
Already went over this, you cannot make an argument that Hitler intended to backstab the nips, and this belief of yours that every nonwhite is out to get you, either passively or actively, is paranoid and delusional.
>My own worldview is the only worldview which is based on Natural Law, and I have stated no such thing, all living members of the Genus Homo, are memebrs of a subspecies, Aryans and Eyropeans, under one, Mongoloids another, Negroids, Australoids, Asiatics, Semites, and Native Americans others yet still, Preserving the existence of my people is the basis of my religion, which is my worldview, and all Truth flows from that all action one takes even on an individual level must lead towards that goal or they are not on the path to Truth.
For the umpteenth time, YOUR religion and YOUR truth are oxymorons. There is no subjective religion or subjective truth. The very defnition of "truth" is something that is all-encompassing, that doesn't care who or what you are, it applies to you under all circumstances. You are claiming that if I stop believing in gravity it no longer applies to me. Stop repeating this utterly fucking retarded argument for your own sake.
>Objective truth doe not come from Abrahamic source and that is the foundation of your worldview, making your wqorldview a falsity and it is one that makes you an enemy to the cause of National Socialism.
Objective truth does not come from NatSoc sources and that is the foundation of your worldview, making your worldview a falsity and it is one that makes you an enemy to the cause of my belief system. What makes your statement more valid than mine?
>No, the very existence and the travels of Mans Musa alone disprove this, 
How could a tiny non-empire in West Africa possibly make any gains in Europe?
>No, they didn't, they just didn't get as far in their conquering as Their Mongol brothers and their empire was too fractious to create the will to conquer farther abroad at any rate, but they did raid and sully elements of our race multiple times and not only recently about the only ones this could be said to be true of is Japan, and that only because of isolation ironically caused by christian missionaries.
Please provide evidence that the nips became isolated solely because of Christianity and not, say, the constant rampaging and unending ethnic cleansing of their mainland neighbors.
>The evidence shows that the Clovis people(who appear to have been Nordic peoples) predated the "Native Americans", they killed them all and interbred with the rest, the Mongols only failed to conquer Europe because the Red Haired Blue-eyed Aryan man that became known as Genghis Khan, died before he drove his armies further west, and he is quite directly the reason the Turks and other South Asians were driven out of Europe until our technology levels reached parity enough that we could defend ourselves, by murdering, at historians lowest estimate 4.5 million sandniggers, up to a high of 9 million or more.
Can you provide a single piece of evidence that Genghis Khan was this aryan savior that you so claim? Do you understand the futility of trying to prove what color eyes and hair someone a thousand years ago had? Do you even have a clear definition of what "aryan" is that is not just "who I say so"? And please elaborate how some warlord in Asia got Turks and South Asians driven out of Europe.
>They would have tried to conquer us regardless of Islam, yes it played a part, but them being lucky and still having access to tracts on technology and philosophy from Rome, had the most to do with it, and they were not driven out by force, each time they tried they overextended themselves, to the point they could not sustain their war effort leading to decisive victories for Europe here and there but each time they took more territory, until finally in WW1, their spine was broken due to their own inablity to adapt and the Ottoman Empire collapsed in upon itself freeing european territory from Greece to the slavic regions from their control and reducing any further racial mixing that was already done under their rule
This is wild conjecture. The Ottomans were successful only because of stolen European technology and tactics? And not, say, massive manpower, a common belief in Islam/Allah, hugely skilled horse trainers, and geographic superiority? They were only successful because they stole from the white man? And yet they were so weak that it took the entire West focusing on them to bring them down? Anon, it's ok to admit that they were better.
>The Aryan drive is to explore and dominate, that failing to keep the Truth in mind as we did so, is the reason all of our civilizations either collapse in upon themselves, or are taken over by those who can do no more than maintain what we built. 
The Aryan drive is to spread civilization and culture, not rape and pillage their way across a continent like the nonwhites you so despise. But it's ok when we do it because muh struggle.
>Nope, simple truth, you follow Christian(abrahamic) morality which is not based on Natural Law but on the refutation of it.
And they're still here. If natural law is true, Christianity should've died out long ago for being meek and submissive. Yet 2000 years later it's still around and has the most followers in the world. Meanwhile "strong" paganism is now nothing more than fairy tales worshipped by a handful of online atheists that traded their fedoras for rune necklaces. Many of them nonwhite, mind you.
>Nah, you are a faggot, and the bog is calling your name.
So now you're calling me gay. You said earlier I couldn't possibly know how you live, so how do you know what I do?
>Thankfully, I don't have a local gay bar, and even if i did, I would not attack it like a fucking sandnigger, I would make sure it could not reopen as that Orlando gay bar has, if I remember correctly.
How, through legislation in the corrupted, jew-controlled governement? Spurring your local community to action that is brainwashed by said jew government? Or are you implying arson or some other alternative destructive method, because burning down a gay bar is much more civilized and cultured than shooting it up. Ask Tyrone for some malt liquor to make a molotov out of.
>I am not goading anyone once again here I was merely stating what must be done and why, that you take umbrage with that simply further reveals your own faggotry.
Solving a problem is a three step process: identify the problem, propose the solution, and enact the solution. If you are not going to do all three, then don't even fucking bother. Otherwise you just appear as you do now: a fencesitting hypocrite that acts holier-than-thou who deludes himself into believing he's doing something.
>No exerting it's will on everything that IS wrong, that is against Natural Law, and if that means killing Christians who will not abandon their false doctrine, so be it, and it will and always was going to include killing racial invaders, and homosexuals(most of whom are racial invaders if the studies done on the spread of AIDS and now Monkey Pox, are any indication).
Wrong according to your circular reasoning belief system and natural law which is either tilted against the white race if it's allowing them to be genocided like they are now, or flat out doesn't exist if Christianity is proof of anything.
>No, I did not, I said that Truth isn't what you think it is, you are allowed to disagree, and as such allowed to be wrong, but I will tell you that you are.
You have not stated what truth is, which is why I have to explain it to you: it is universal. It does not care if you are a 300lb hulking olympic weightlifter or morbidly obese beefgoblin tumblr warrior. It applies to everyone equally, and is grounded in a higher power that you can't comprehend.
>That is an actual discovery in india, in places no nuclear weapon has ever been there are radiation signatures that match nuclear weaponry, whether that be a primitive dirty bomb or some other thing we cannot even imagine, I do not know.
Anon, please tell me what you think is more logical: interstellar, transgalactic hyperwar that took place exclusively on the Indian subcontinent or poos doing dumb shit with fission reactors and yellowcake?
>I have not distorted the Truth, whatsoever, merely advocated for our return to living according to Natural Law and all that that entails, as such it is not hypocritical of me to advocate for the complete extermination of my racial enemies, nor have I contradicted myself anywhere, nor have I been hypocritical in any other manner, merely dismissive of cowardly positions like your own, and dismissive of people who sit on the sidelines and shit on those taking action, which does not require that I take the same actions as the likes of Breivik, Tarrant, Matthews, Lane and others.
The natural law that is presently telling the white race to lay down and die, and they are accepting it. You can absolutely find a way to survive and help the white cause that does not involve killing everyone that is not white, by starting with small victories that are actually attainable. Fine a pure white wife. Have plenty of children. Raise them in the correct manner. Teach them the evils of modern society and hope they reflect your same disposition towards life.
You have contradicted yourself on numerous occasions, primarily your incorrect belief in a personal and not objective truth, believing that natural law is on your side at the moment or that it even exists at all, and lying to yourself that you are presently doing anything that gives any tangible effect on helping whites. You employ hypocrisy by identifying the problems facing whites but taking no action to enact them. Your arguments are circular, illogical, and can be applied to the other side just as much as it can be applied to ours.
>Good that this does not apply to me then.
It damn well does.

I agree.
Replies: >>218 >>219 >>397
How about explaining how ethnoglobe is Zionist instead of being vague? Jews don't want to replace all humans other than Whites. Nothing in Zion implies that only jews should inhabit the earth, especially when the Old Testament and Kabbalah, and Talmud all command the kikes to enslave all gentiles. Jews also have no problem in allowing gentiles to exist as long as we are under their command. Some gentiles can even become jews if they improve themselves worthy. If anything 22c97's retarded beliefs that we should become ethnopluralists, something that National Socialism would of ridiculed, is literal Zionism. 

>You fill your post with ad hominems and nonarguments because that is the only way you are capable of getting your point across.
You've been doing just that throughout your post. Stop calling something you don't like a logical fallacy and act as if invalidates what I said. Either respond in counter-argument or stop bitching and acting like a psued. 

>Ergi is used as an insult in ancient Norse that effectively means calling someone or something effeminate.
The fact that such a words exists contradicts any notion that the Norse were queer. But the fact that this word gets confused as "homosexual" is retarded anyway, Because it was used to emphasis a man's masculinity, not sexuality. The type to confuse it with homosexuality are usually Jesuits and leftists.

>Odin is referred to as ergi in the context of acting like a woman
>Accuse of me not bringing up any sources
>doesn't bring up any sources for claims
>takes the action of sedir out of context
>inb4 you link some jews
He was called ergi for practicing seidr. No where was Odin ever called Ergi in the Poetic Eddas in the full and literal context. 

>I need not mention Loki and Sleipner. Norse mythology has several instances of sexual degeneracy and debauchery
The Eddas only talk of degeneracy in negative light. Which is why Loki, when ever he does something that no normal man or god would do, is seen as foolish for he is the God of foolery and a disgrace amongst the gods for his deviancy. But the Loki bestiality story isn't even correctly translated as many interpretations go back and forth in arguing that Loki never actually had sex with Sleipner. The pozzed interpretation of the story was written by a Christian, anyways, especially one who thinks that anyone who try to be Loki who was also detested throughout Scandinavia. who confuses both word "sex" and "transform". Larrington is also a contributor to this lie, for she is not even fluent in Ancient Norse. Most of her sources come from others who claim to be fluent and one of those "professionals" also happen to be ((( Greenberg ))). What is even dumber is that everyone confuses the mythological sagas as the man-centered historical ones and think that the vikings would do any of what Odin or Loki did, especially when Loki is not even a god to be worshiped, but as an example that not all gods are "good" and perfect and sedir is not practice that a human male could ever do. 

>and there exists plausibility for believing that their idea of sexuality was based in a similar manner to that of Ancient Rome: not of masculine and feminine, but of dominance and submission.
Is this something you made up out of your ass, again? The existence of Romans laws debunks you, women weren't allowed to inherit wealth and power since the Roman Kingdom. Even a Christcuck Romanboo would call you out on this blatant lie. There was no dominance and submission hierarchy nor has such a case ever existed, as woman were simply not allowed to hold office, because they were seen to be more prone to corruption and are far more gullible, aka femininity, this was true for the Germanics as well.

>please do not try to claim that Norse mythology is superior to others, when it can be just as degenerate and depraved as any other religion.
There was no implication that I thought of this at all. All of fabrications of Norse mythos being degenerate are of Christian and queer lies. Don't claim your jew religion is superior to others, when your churches are all pozzed, your largest converts are niggers and gays, and you worship a fictional hippie rabbi.
Replies: >>205 >>397
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>You've been doing just that throughout your post.
As have you. The point is moot.
>Stop calling something you don't like a logical fallacy and act as if invalidates what I said.
Fallacious arguments can and should be spotted and identified, as it proves to the arguer that his arguments are based on illogical and fallacious reasoning that potentially undermines his argument and renders his entire point null. It absolutely invalidates what you said. I will not ignore false reasoning just because you ask me to, it is you who needs to work on fixing his arguments so that they are logically sound and valid. Stop burying the issue.
>Either respond in counter-argument or stop bitching and acting like a psued. 
There is no counter-argument here because that implies you had one to begin with. Your entire point remains "source bad".
>The fact that such a words exists contradicts any notion that the Norse were queer.
How? Queer still implies that there is masculine and feminine, just that it is on a spectrum instead of clear-cut straight and gay. Something can be defined as either masculine or feminine, it's just that the lines between them are blurred. Would also like to make it clear right now that queerfaggotry is still faggotry. I despise their made-up rules and laws, but masculine and feminine roles exist and are very clear cut.
>But the fact that this word gets confused as "homosexual" is retarded anyway, Because it was used to emphasis a man's masculinity, not sexuality.
The two are inseparably linked. Masculinity/femininty are 100% tied to sexuality. If it walks, talks, and acts like a homo, it is one. Can you provide a single, unbiased, cleanly-translated source for what ergi actually means? Or will you just dismiss every translation except the single one out of a thousand that fits your idea of what it means?
Zoega, 1910: unmanly, effeminate, cowardly (sem fyrir úlfi örg geit rynni) ;
Cleasby, 1874: ARGR, adj. [Paul Diac. inertem et inutilem et vulgari verbo 'arga,' 6. 24; A. S. earg, ignavus; the Scottish arch or argh, v. Jamieson sub voce; and the mod. Engl. arch, archness; Germ. arg; Gr. GREEK], emasculate, effeminate, an abusive term
Also see Folke Strom's essay on ergi and its usage in Norse culture, page 4
This is long before any kind of poz. Accept that it's the norse equivalent of calling some a fag.
>The type to confuse it with homosexuality are usually Jesuits and leftists.
There is nothing to confuse it with anything. It is cut-and-dry. To be called ergi is to be called a fag, a coward, a cuck, etc., you get the idea.
>Accuse of me not bringing up any sources
Because you didn't.
>doesn't bring up any sources for claims
See above.
>takes the action of sedir out of context
What context, the one that fits it to something you don't like?
Here are two translations of the Lokasenna, in both of them Loki implies that Odin acts as a seidr and implies that it carries a feminine trait.
What else would be be insulting him for? The entire poem is Loki being a dick to everyone, so obviously he would use insults that he knew could not be defended and would get a reaction.
>He was called ergi for practicing seidr.
Yes, because it was seen as a woman's role.
>No where was Odin ever called Ergi in the Poetic Eddas in the full and literal context. 
You can connect the dots between seidr and ergi quite clearly. Loki called Odin a faggot.
>The Eddas only talk of degeneracy in negative light.
The fact that it mentions degeneracy at all in any sort of depth implies latent faggotry. Why does it need to go into any sort of detail? Instead of saying "Loki fucked a horse, don't do that", why does it go into detail about it?
>Which is why Loki, when ever he does something that no normal man or god would do, is seen as foolish for he is the God of foolery and a disgrace amongst the gods for his deviancy. 
Again, why does it describe such deviancy in-depth? Why does the religion that you so love and hold dear as EVROPEAN CVLTVRE filled with such rampant displays of faggotry and smut?
>But the Loki bestiality story isn't even correctly translated as many interpretations go back and forth in arguing that Loki never actually had sex with Sleipner.
Proofs. Find me at least three translations of how it fits your narrative.
>The pozzed interpretation of the story was written by a Christian, anyways, especially one who thinks that anyone who try to be Loki who was also detested throughout Scandinavia, who confuses both word "sex" and "transform"
Again, proofs. Compare and contrast the "clean" and "pozzed" translations.
>Larrington is also a contributor to this lie, for she is not even fluent in Ancient Norse.
And you are? What is your criteria for fluency? They can't include words/contexts you don't like?
>Most of her sources come from others who claim to be fluent and one of those "professionals" also happen to be (((  Greenberg  ))).
>What is even dumber is that everyone confuses the mythological sagas as the man-centered historical ones and think that the vikings would do any of what Odin or Loki did, especially when Loki is not even a god to be worshiped, but as an example that not all gods are "good" and perfect and sedir is not practice that a human male could ever do. 
You're missing the point, some old viking wrote these stories and included numerous accounts of in-depth, highly-detailed degeneracy, then spins around and says "don't do this". He wrote smut and then told others not to be gay. Hypocrisy. Just because humans can't do seidr doesn't mean retards don't try it. You have plenty of Tumblr witches that tried to bring down the Taliban through their gayass rituals and fucking lost in their own fantasy world. People will try anything, and if you drink the Norse koolaid enough you start to believe that what you're doing is actually working. Meaning someone somewhere has tried to practice the norse pansy future-sense ritual because your ancient texts told him about it.
>Is this something you made up out of your ass, again?
Ancient rome considered fucking their boy slaves as not gay, but giving oral to a woman as turbogay. Sex was based on status; two freemen fucking was gay, but a master fucking his male slave was not. You see this in several ancient texts, such as the Satyricon, the second book of Virgil's Eclogue and poems by Catallus, Tibullus, and Propertius. Pic related was also found in Pompeii and was paired with several other depictions of sexual art that were seen as ironic and extreme; you can clearly the dominant female contrasted against the submissive male.
http://library.lol/main/4DBFF8ECA79FB7DD3B6C0857BE1360FB (for more on the context of pic related)
Read a book.
>The existence of Romans laws debunks you, women weren't allowed to inherit wealth and power since the Roman Kingdom.
I am talking about the Roman concepts of masculine and feminine/dominane and submission and you're trying to argue property law. See above.
>Even a Christcuck Romanboo would call you out on this blatant lie.
See above.
>There was no dominance and submission hierarchy nor has such a case ever existed, as woman were simply not allowed to hold office, because they were seen to be more prone to corruption and are far more gullible, aka femininity, this was true for the Germanics as well.
I am arguing in terms of sexuality, not political structure. Patricians fucked their boy slaves and this was seen as normal and not gay, since slaves were seen as property and not human, ergo it can't be gay.
>There was no implication that I thought of this at all.
You are absolutely implying it by constantly calling me a Christcuck, indirectly placing Norse mythology above Christianity.
>All of fabrications of Norse mythos being degenerate are of Christian and queer lies.
Loki called Odin a faggot for partaking in female magic rituals. Norse mythos contain vulgar, explicit, and detailed accounts of degenerate behavior, then acts as a hypocrite by saying not to do what the author just did. The very existence of ergi proves that there was a need for such a word to call Norsemen fags.
>Don't claim your jew religion is superior to others, when your churches are all pozzed, your largest converts are niggers and gays, and you worship a fictional hippie rabbi.
Paganism attracts nonwhites from across the globe who try to worship Odin just as you do. Look at your local paganists and see what their demographics are made up of: mutts and nogs. You worship gods that don't exist who spent their time getting shitfaced, writing gay smut, and doing gay sex magic, then telling their followers not to do what they just did.
Replies: >>229 >>397
>my response is clear and concise....
No, it isn't, you are quite literally pulling pilpul even right here, I have addressed your every argument, I have not denied a response to even a single of your points, your accusation of me being a hypocrite is not only inaccurate it out right false and born out of you trying and failing to twist my words in ways it is beyond obvious that they are not intended to go, I praise Natural Law as it is an objective thing upon which to base morality, and doing so is an originally Aryan and thus European Idea, the Aryans of India were invaders of what is now known as the Indian subcontinent on two separate occasions thousands of years apart and even modern scholarship admits that the original Aryan inhabitants as well as the second wave of Aryan invaders came from the north, and the Vedas itself paints a picture of a home in the Arctic, and that is covered by Artic Home in the Vedas. 
My reasons for advocating complete genocide of all off or racial enemies do not need to be, nor is it required anywhere that they be, better than their reasons, nor do I claim that they are. Once again your assertion that I am not doing anything is a dishonest assertion as is your further false assumption that I will continue to do nothing or that my goal is to get people to bomb anything, it is not and your continued pushing of that narrative is actually quite telling as to what you are and what your goal here is.
 There have been newfaggots who have come in and learned from us and joined our cause, not just here but many of the other places I have frequented as well, some stay, some go. It just so happens that I have free time this weekend, and consented to engage in an argument with you, despite your poor showing and laughable lack of knowledge in anything in relation to; the history of the Aryan Race, National Socialism, Fascism, or even this board, or the topics that have been discussed here over the last 5 years.
Your last insult is merely further confirmation that you are in fact a Jew, and also probably a fed, making up medical disorders that I must have because I disagree with you and wish to defend my race to the point of doing unto them as they would do unto me and mine, a little rule posited by Aryans long before Christians ever got their hands on it.
>You are absolutely projecting...
Nope, you see all of them do want our destruction, and everything around us proves that. The niggers of Africa do not stop their brethren from fleeing there and heading to Europe. The same with India and pretty much every European nation in the world, ditto for china, and so on and so on. Finding one nigger/spic/kike who claims "no we don't want that", whatever the truth of that individuals claim does not invalidate my point or my claims. We have numerous examples that belay that lie, right here in the USA, the most recent is Mayra Flores a so called "conservative" non-white invader who came in, campaigned against Amnesty and then turned around and voted for it when it came up, in flagrant violation of her own campaign promises. This is extremely common for every racial enemy group, no matter what country they're in, to agree with what the ostensibly White side wants and promise what it wants so that they can achieve power, and then vote against the interests of that White side, while continuing to talk like they want to aid that side. This happens in every White Nation on the planet from fucking Scotland to New Zealand, It's basic deception and you completely ignore it. Your entire assertion assumes that because an invader would ever deign to claim that they do not want us all to die that, that one individuals existence means I should treat them all like friends, and be helpful and waste resources better served used on my people to get them home. All because they said pretty, nice, words and claimed they wanted to help me while being in my nation and taking resources from me, lowering my wages, and in far too many cases leeching off of what was once my government? You want me to send this deceiver home, so that he can warn his people that we are purging our lands of their kind, whether peacefully or not? No, better to kill them and make better use of those resources that would have been wasted by removing the problem entirely and then taking their land and resources for the use of my own people.
I do not live in fear, nor do I spend every waking moment that way, it is a fact that our race is disappearing, we are less than 8% of the Global population and even in 2000 something David Lane posited that and that less than a quarter of that is of child-bearing age, our situation is dire and getting more dire by the day.
>So Europe is a construct...
Europe is a place, a physical place and again yet more pilpul. What I am saying is that your rhetoric and the methods you wish to use will lead to our extinction as surely as can be. You are just another faggot who professes to care but does not want to know what the most effective path is because it might be difficult, and what is actually necessary to take our countries back whether in Europe or elsewhere. Like you, most don't know, or care that the Nordic Resistance Movement, while ostensibly being National Socialists, in fact, plan to keep invaders around in Sweden and the other Nordic countries in the event they ever came to power, based on their merit, or if they think they cannot be repatriated, and there is no advocacy for sterilization within NRM's document either. That alone demonstrates, that you and those like you do not actually want to practice racial hygiene, nor do you want to prevent this sullying from ever occurring again. 
>It appears as if...
You're still retarded enough to buy into the kike created idea of congenital mental illness, (and not the trauma model, which is just fucking ridiculous) 
 and making up bullshit out of thin air, both in an attempt to confuse the issue, aka pilpul, you presume to be optimistic which in and of itself is faulty, as to make correct decisions about how to do something one must look at what is, and what is most likely to be, not what you wish things to be.
Lastly, I will quote Savitri Devi here: "If my comrades are not destined to rule the world, then away with it! A shower of atom bombs upon it and in place of it's meaningless chatter about 'love' and 'peace', the voice of the howling wind over it's ruins."
So as she put either we win totally and completely, or everybody dies, but if we should fail even in that, it was Nature's Will, and as Nature wills it, I will be sure to fight right to the end for victory, or death.
>So pic 1
That was taken in 1934ish and was done(along with some martial aid) as a slight to Mussolini who had prevented Hitler from annexing Austria, which Hitler was rightfully furious about, as the unity of the German people was of great importance to him, and his National Socialist cause. it had little to do with any like of Ethiopians themselves. So, no he didn't invite them to improve relations, he did it to fuck Mussolini back, so more like your poor attempt at humor with the 4d chess comment, and if I recall he did later aid Italy in conquering Ethiopia.
His being nice to a guest in his country who had performed well, in the case of Jesse Owens, was simply him being quite honorable and a hospitable host, nothing wrong with that and is perfectly in line with his personal character.
As for Japan they were distant enough he probably didn't intend an immediate betrayal, they were granted honorary Aryan status because he saw kindred spirits in them, but he probably would regret that he had allied with them and declared war on the US for them, considering how it all turned out. I need not provide evidence that Hitler was going to do anything, Hitler had a more optimistic view because things were in a much better state for our race at that time he felt he could afford alliances that would benefit Germany even if they would, or might, eventually be active enemies. 
>"Struggle" does not always mean "war"... 
Yes it does, war can be any conflict from one within oneself to that between two individuals to multiple nations, from a shouting match to physical conflict. Second that is not what I said, nor is it what I implied, I said the best solution to our current problem is to solve it permanently, a Final Solution, if you will. 
Economic Struggle = Trade War, not necessarily traditionally violent but often has some casualties
Political struggle, generally civil war or revolution, can be extremely bloody or nearly bloodless, still violent.
Elections are often bloodless but as we see in recent years they can be contested just as fervently and violently as revolutions though yes physical violence is not always necessary, moral violence is nearly always utilized by one side or the other if physical violence is not.
The goal of the National Socialist is as David Lane so beautifully put it: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
To wit, the future of our Race is more important than the lives of many of it's sons, the fight today and the losses incurred are nothing so long as that that future is guaranteed.
>That is a close-minded...
First that is false, that is the way things are, it's not close-minded to acknowledge a basic fact of reality, all things do engage in violence for basic survival from the lowliest microbacterium to the Blue Whale nothing is an exception. Second, I see violence as the best solution to the problems our race faces right now, and a permanent solution at that. Violence is not always ideal and there are many situations it does more harm than good.
Your symbiosis crap is just that crap kikes are not symbiotic with us, but parasites, and particularly virulent ones, as are all the oithers to greater or lesser degrees.
>They were absolutely NOT nearing victory.
You really need to learn to read, I was nowhere implying they were close to victory.
No, if a population grows too large for it's living space going elsewhere and killing others for theirs is one way to ensure you have the needed living space and more resources with which to continue to grow, although at some point they need to decide whether they wish to continue growing or find a happy medium and defend what they have while maintaining population, not really a concern for us as of yet and it won't be for a very long time after this is all done. As for nothing changing, one prerequisite fgor seeing the stars is complete control of ones planet's resources and energy if not that of ones local star, freeing us from the possibility of racial enemies killing us may lead to more conflict between us but could just as easily lead to unity and a return of honorable warfare meant to control our populations and make us ever stronger.
>So you admit he never directly says it,
 No, he directly says it in chapter 11 of Mein Kampf multiple times but he does not use term Herrenrasse, which is the term for master race but he frequently uses superior and inferior and quite directly implies that the Germans are the best of the Germanic race.
>I am not projecting what you are admitting yourself.
I'd love to know who the fuck you're arguing with because it's not me, your first two assertions I have never claimed, as Natural Law is objective, and I never claimed that religion only exists to validate the Ubermench, I said that my religion directs me as an Aryan to exert my will upon the planet, In service to Nature and it's Will, Natural Law, taught to us through experience and observation, can this lead awry, yes, but one must falter to grow, one must fail to succeed. Deception was used by Hitler on both the German people and his enemies, this is a prime rule of leadership and war, no matter your racial heritage so no matter your stupid objections to it, it will happen regardless. Finally, no, the Talmud states that every Jew will have one thousand goy slaves they do not want all other races dead, they just want us dead as they, correctly, believe that the others will not be a threat to them or their power. 
>Your "work"
The entire point of accelerationism is to make shit worse to push racial conflict into occuring, as it naturally does, and as it turns out the left is stupidly doing that entirely without our help. One should never interrupt his enemy when he is making a mistake, aid him in doing so. Most of your bullshit here is just whining about shit having happened, and I have done many a time exactly as you advocate, maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, but I can do nothing more than that to stop those who are determined to take action, and when they do, I will point out where they could have done better but I would never disavow them, as you do, they took action, and even poorly done they pushed things further and I would absolutely not advocate something as worthless as IOTBW stickers or stickers of any sort because they do nothing at all.
It should also be noted Gendron didn't actually make anything worse, he popped up for a week and then they memory-holed it they went right back to Jan. 6th as their justification for everything, showing that they do not need us to provide a justification for whatever tyranny they wish to inflict.
>But the entire rest
 So what if I do wish for others to believe as I do? It is only natural to desire comrades, and no I would prefer these comrades question it or how else will they learn from me or I from them? And yes I do believe in bringing people to my side by force and by cleaning out the competition, but this is how all beliefs spread themselves, so that's nothing special.
>You are white and European
Again more bullshit just to insult me intending to elicit a reaction into me revealing what I have done, you're not getting that here bud, yes, I post here but that's all you know, and no, they haven't, I've been in doxing circles to see how they operate and they despise imageboards because they're difficult to crack and you can't link info through more than a single thread at best, everyone who has been doxed on a place like this has done one thing you do not do on imageboards revealing info about yourself or your actions
The rest of your bullshit is just making up more bullshit based off your earlier bullshit.
>"Rome" is not a race. There was never any purity to begin with. 
Read Who We Are, or March of the Titans, or just search for descriptions of romans prior to the second Punic war, they were predominantly Blonde and Blue-eyed, with a good number of redheads as well just like the Hellenes, and even into 100CE they acknowledged the North(Germanic lands) as their Urheimat. They were a single tribe who rose to dominance, and they failed to preserve their purity past the mid-late republican period when they started to sell off daughters into marriages with lessers for money.
that shit is christnigger propaganda about Nero, the evidence shows he didn't do any shit like that, that he didn't even know christains existed or if he did thought they were jews(because they were). Sure, he had a fucked up relationship with his mom and that caused him all sorts of personal issues and was a huge contributor to some of his degenerate acts, but he was far more Honorable and Noble than the traitor Constantine. You want evidence go read FRDH, I posted a link to it in the literature thread, that book and everything contained within it, is all you'll get from me.
>You keep to yourself... 
>Let's see how loyal...
oooh more "you won't keep your beliefs if you face difficulties because of them", so fucking ridiculous gtfo, you're just fucking dumb at this point. 
No, claimed America, as in the US faggot, and they didn't do that, they just let the natives kill themselves and die of disease so much so they have all but disappeared entirely. So, no, my ancestors aren't responsible for that, quit trying to be wise and perceptive, you really suck at it, but what else would I expect of a jew.
>You've already surrendered it by allowing the sandniggers to make their claim to Europe and the negroes to America.
 I had no part in that happening, haven't been alive nearly long enough to have, but now who's blackpilling?
>You absolutely are not doing everything you could be.
Blah blah blah, talky talky insulty insulty pilpully pilpul. if I do what I do well, you will never know I have done it, and whether you hear mention of it or not, isn't up to me.
>The gods... not real...
Where did I say that? Oh, I didn't, I said the stories were used to teach ideas which were easier for people to digest, I said nothing about the existence of the gods or not.
> and exist solely
Nope, and Nature is a harsh mistress, survival is a brutal zero sum game, and we haven't been acting in accord with her wishes for a very long time.
>It's only when...
No, I never said it was "not-ok" for the non-whites to do as nature commands them, I oppose it because I oppose them because they oppose me. but that says nothing of the morality of their actions. I said that, I, personally, am okay with Whites killing off all the non-whites and then killing each other into eternity, as that means my race's future is assured for eternity getting ever stronger as time goes on, does that mean no periods of peace? No, but it means that war will never die, Nature would never allow it,  Peace is boring, and breeds weakness, war is exciting, and breeds strength and intelligence and strengthens the character of men, and not engaging in it for far too long is one huge reason we are as degenerate, as a race, as we are today. All the rest of your bullshit is just that bullshit, I don't hate Whites, I love them, unless they're traitors.
>Again, the religion that you admit isn't real.
Where? I did no such thing, you're just claiming that's what I said. Do you somehow think that using deception at all or admitting that some of the myths were obviously stories made to teach a lesson is somehow an admission that I do not believe in the gods or that they are not real? That is unequivocally not the case
and also where is my supposed circular reasoning here?
if you are trying to claim that talking of Natural law, that which is observable fact about the world, that one can observe for one's own self, is circular reasoning, you're an idiot.
and where did I say that circular reasoning was Why the others were false?
>Your idea of the struggle for survival
No, it was already there in Germanic religious thought and mythohistory which, despite much christian suppression, still remained, and to a lesser degree remains, a part of the Germanic consciousness.
>be it God, Odin, Nature, 
Odin and Nature, most definitely not your Jewish God YHWH.
>So you admit that Europe...
No, as Europe is a people, we are the race that created the Vedic scriptures.
>Can you provide
We have learned that China originated from an Aryan tribe who came to dominance in what is now western china, I posit that perhaps the japanese have the largest portion oif that blood remaining, it is possible given they lived 4000 years ago.
>I am calling you a hypocrite..
When have I ever said this, honestly who the fuck are you arguing with? I can oppose them doing it as they seek to kill my people, but that says nothing, nor does it claim to, of the morality of their actions.
>As stated....
I don't care what you think about my having contributed a post to a /b/ thread, I was telling you where to find the information. No, there really isn't reasonable doubt.
>Already went....
I never did, I merely debunked that picture quote with ways for you to find the evidence for yourself. This was in response to your "I am not a fascist" and me correctly calling you an enemy, to which I simply said read Mein Kampf, which you obviously won't do.
Replies: >>231
>For the umpteenth time...
 I stated how my religion is based on Objective Truth, you deny that, so you deny the Truth, Natural Law is the only thing which applies in all circumstances to all things, you do not need to understand it fully, nor does it need to be fully understandable for it to be true. With gravity alone we can demonstrate that it does, even in the deepest of dark space, gravity is still there, still has an effect, it may be much lesser  than anywhere near a planet or star, but it's still there.
>What makes your statement more valid than mine?
I have demonstrated several times on this board in the past, how Christianity is and always has been false right down to when it was simply Judaism, many times, and the reason it is false, is that it is built on a near complete negation of Natural Law and  a negation of the primacy of Nature, just like it's daddy judaism, just like islam.
>How could a tiny non-empire in West Africa
It was an example of niggers NOT STAYING IN THEIR LAND, what he did and what he acquired and the effect of his travels is immaterial.
>Please provide evidence that the nips...
That's what happened, Christian missioniaries came, started converting their people, which caused no end of problems so, they shut down their borders purged the christniggers, and killed any intruders from that point on until outsiders could overwhelm them.
>Can you provide a single piece of evidence
Savitri Devi goes over the evidence of what I mentioned here in Lightning And The Sun.
>This is wild conjecture. 
And also the truth, and where did I claim it was solely due to that? where did I discount their good fortune in having access to manpower and many other such things? and the entire west never unified to drive them out, nor did it take them down, the ottomans had influence over large stretches of Europe right up until WW1, when the Empire collapsed.
>not rape and pillage 
This is what we've always done though, from Ancient Hellas to modern day, you don't "spread civilization and culture" by being nice or gentle.
>And they're still here
And that is because to survive they must have some small element that doesn't completely contradict Natural law to survive, and Christianity would have died out if it didn't start with the jews, their subversive nature is the only reason it gained any ground at all, and the only reason it gained any ground anywhere else in europe as white christians emulated it fairly well against their own.
There are no non-white followers of our gods, they are neochristians attracted to an aesthetic, who still follow abrahamic morality.
>Wrong according to
Wrong according to natural law, and no, Natural Law is stacked against everybody, it fucks everyone equally, unless you follow it, then it shows the way to prosperity, to strength, to victory.
 >it is universal. 
I said this repeatedly, and that christianity and the bullshit it depicts isn't objective or moral, nor is it grounded in a power outside reality, it is here and all around us, observable for anyone to see.
>Anon, please tell me what you think...
considering the signatures radiation level is very very low showing that it happened a very long time ago, and there is a concerted effort by your kind to hide and obfuscate history, I think it more likely that the Aryans who inhabited that place had something to do with it before poos sprang from the unfortunate mixing between the Dravidian race and ours.
 >The natural law that is presently telling the white race to lay down and die, and they are accepting it. 
Natural law has never said that, that is a direct result of Christian morality and it's negation of Natural law and focus on guilt for ones own nature and natural impulses 
I do not want to find a way that doesn't involve killing all non-whites, because that would be a half measure and would not be a permanent solution to our problem.
and your assumption that I think it must all be done at once is fallacious and frankly retarded. Could it be done in just my own lifetime? certainly. Will it? probably not, but I will make certain the outcome I desire and my beliefs demand is affected on the planet.
>You have contradicted yourself on numerous occasions, 
I have contradicted myself nowhere, I believe at the core of my beliefs, in Natural Law, the only objective standard for anything, is it open to interpretation on many grounds? sure but it is observable for anyone and treats everyone the same way, and it demands that I fight my hardest to survive and that I fight for my Race to survive even above my own survival, and the only way that there is to ensure the permanent( barring a cosmic accident that destroys earth itself) survival of my race is to exterminate ALL enemies of my race from those within to those without.
I already have a wife btw, you can take your bullshit that i should be doing this or that instead and throw it right out the window,
>Hitler's Socialism is based on race and respects private property
Pick one. If you steal shit from people because they're the wrong "race" then you don't actually respect property rights. What does your DNA test say by the way? Don't tell me you didn't even check...

>and industry,
Wrong. Do you not even know your own history? Hitler dissolved the stock market, made it illegal to operate a business under a certain size and forced all the bigger businesses to join a cartel run by the nazi party directly.

Hitler's socialism is the same as every other socialism: government eats industry then shocked pikachu face when everything turns to shit.
Replies: >>222
Contributing to the other anon's argument over norse mythology.
>You fill your post with ad hominems... 
For mortal men Ergi was a grave insult and one that if you made the insult and didn't substantiate it you were cast as an outlaw allowing the one you insulted to kill you with impunity. 
Odin, being king of the gods was insulted as such but only for practicing Seidr, and he was condemned for that but he is the king of the gods and his domains greatly encompass those of knowledge and passion, seeking knowledge of something despite taboos against it is fully within his scope, and his duty, regardless these are stories created by men they carry the truth of concepts within them but they are far from historical in and of themselves, Second instruments and playing them have always been a strong part of Germanic culture Bragamen aka Bards are a long standing and very important component of said culture stemming right back to it's roots in the Pontic steppes and from there the arctic circle from which it originally spawned. 
>the act of seeing/shaping 
And? Odin desired that power so he used deception to learn it, he also hanged himself from the tree of life for 9 days in sacrifice to himself to obtain knowledge of 18 spells cast with the runes, he seeks knowledge at any cost and cares not what others think of him, admirable behaviors to be honest.
>I need not mention Loki and Sleipner. 
There's nothing to say that that  story wasn't made-up whole cloth by Snorri either, feel free to mention it, because even within the story, Loki is a Giant, not a Aesir and was the best friend of Odin, and who was allowed to stick around despite the shit he pulled because Odin, found him hilarious, There is scholarship that indicates that that was a forgery by Snorri, and, also some that indicates Loki was not the name by which the Nordic/Germanic trickster god went, that seems to have been lost to time thanks mostly to christian suppression of and subversion of every Germanic culture that anything has survived at all is either miraculous or extremely fortuitous for us. 
>Norse mythology has...
There is sexual degeneracy in all mythology and no, there doesn't exist plausibility for that, they bogged faggots and we know that for damn certain.
 Also, despite the dominant narrative of liberal scholarship trying to claim that there is mounting evidence that neither the Romans nor the Hellenes themselves viewed sex that way, we know homosexuality was banned in Sparta, and in Alexanders time, in Athens, punishable with death. The book Homosexuality in Ancient Greece The Myth Is Collpasing by one Adonis Ath. Georgiades is some good reading on the subject. https://letsupload.cc/m964H569ye/Faggotry_in_Ancient_Greece_-_The_Myth_is_Collapsing._pdf
>While Odin may not have drank jizz, please do not try to claim that Norse mythology is superior to others, when it can be just as degenerate and depraved as any other religion.
Who claimed anything about superiority in this specific matter, these stories, and they are just that stories, were created to teach lessons and to tell roaring good stories around the hearthfire, and again, we don't know how much of it was faithfully written down by Snorri.
>Pick one. If you steal shit from people because they're the wrong "race" then you don't actually respect property rights. What does your DNA test say by the way? Don't tell me you didn't even check...
An enemy to my people has no rights but to attempt to defend themselves, they will either fail or succeed.
I tracked my genetic history through genealogical records, I do not, nor will I ever trust jewish companies with my DNA, I am an entirely Northwestern European man. 

>Wrong. Do you not even know your own history? Hitler dissolved the stock market, made it illegal to operate a business under a certain size and forced all the bigger businesses to join a cartel run by the nazi party directly.
Not wrong, those things were done to control industry so that it didn't fuck over the worker, and took Usury and entirely fake money right out of the equation the two things the stock market itself is was and always has been based on, the industries were allowed to continue existing in service to, and of, the German people, He also turned the currency in Germany from worthless paper into a unit based on one's own labor, which controlled prices effectively and gave the individual more purchasing power than at any other point in history.
Now, go read Gottfried Feder, and shut the fuck up.
Replies: >>230
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>As have you. The point is moot.
>No You
Point to where I have.

>Fallacious arguments can and should be spotted and identified
You shouldn't be talking about fallacious arguments when you're popping one out left and right. For example you're low-IQ respond to d2a723 and mine is nothing, but just that.

>There is no counter-argument here because that implies you had one to begin with. 
Then you would not respond back to argument, plus an argument is an argument. A ad-hominem is still an argument even if it is faulty. Learn more about logical fallacies. What is not an argument is where a person has no basis or strong point. Learn what arguments are before you try to educate someone on something you don't even understand.

>How? Queer still implies that there is masculine and feminine
Queer is the deconstruction of masculine and feminine. It is the reinforcement of gender and fludity and denotes the importance of sexuality between biological sexes. 

>Something can be defined as either masculine or feminine, it's just that the lines between them are blurred.
Are you a liberal? 

>The two are inseparably linked. Masculinity/femininty are 100% tied to sexuality. 
Anon, you were the one who linked the psuedo-intellectuals who made the claims and lies. If you believed that sexuality and masculinity/feminity are tied, then you would know and not be a dishonest retard and realized that you are sources are full of shit. You're just arguing against yourself here and I should telling you this actually.

>If it walks, talks, and acts like a homo, it is one
Here's the thing, stupid. If man kisses another man, then they fully reject the laws of nature. But if they have no intentions of being in a sexual relationship of someone of the same sex, but contain feminine trait, which is a thing that exists, then they're aegir, which is another way of saying they're astray. Your argument is dumb and you still refuse to acknowledge the word due to your weak pride and bad logic of context and meanings thanks to Christians mucking up every little meaning of the vocabulary. Plus, it's not even true, because a-lot of effeminate guys get confused as gay, despite only sexually interesed in women like that one Swedish actor who still got married and had a kid. This phenomenon is quite common. In Norse it is a separate definition, because it is used to describe the measurement of masculinity of a male. Concluding that everyone is homo, because of unmanlyness  fuels the LGBT-tards which Christians are indirectly they're biggest validators.

>Or will you just dismiss every translation except the single one out of a thousand that fits your idea of what it means? 
>unmanly, effeminate, cowardly
Again, you defeat your own argument. Note it says "unmanly" and "cowardly". That does not specify homo as a sexuality. Whether you want to argue that gays are cowardly is up to you, but this is separate from the word's meaning and context as homosexuality was not recognized as form of sex at all, but abomination. You can be cowardly and still be the most heterosexual man on the planet and the accusation of being aegir against you would still be valid. 

>Second source
Your other sources agrees with me. Several cases are here were Odin and Loki were called "fags" as we do in modern times to ridicule and discredit someone. Generally the word is used to describe unmanly attitudes amongst the spectrum.

>There is nothing to confuse it with anything. It is cut-and-dry. To be called ergi is to be called a fag, a coward, a cuck, etc.
Look above, you're an idiot. 

>Because you didn't.
I did in fact. As I explained your sources are vague, because they come from several "professionals" who are not fluent in Norse at all, and they've take many of words out of context. 

>See above
>Does it at the last second
>Sources doesn't prove any point you had, as if you had any

>What context, the one that fits it to something you don't like?
I already explained to you why the context is miskewd and you're just going all "durr what context durr". At this point you're really latching on queer lies as your argument and excuse to lie about our White ancestors. 

>Here are two translations of the Lokasenna
Didn't I already explained to you that Loki is not an aesir nor a god to be worshiped. You're not even making a point here, because he is the god of FOOLERY. Common Norsemen did not like Loki at all. By your logic, the bible NT mentioning Lucifer and how he's a degenerate means the bible is an endorsement of degeneracy. The story of Loki transforming into mare isn't even legitimate, because Gylfaginning was written by a Christian. 

>The entire poem is Loki being a dick to everyone, so obviously he would use insults that he knew could not be defended and would get a reaction.
So what was your point about Loki being degenerate? How does this make the Eddas or paganism bad for talking about degeneracy?

>Yes, because it was seen as a woman's role.
Loki is a god, no man would practice what he did. You're viewing the book in completely different lens and are trying to criticize it for not being as dumb as the bible. 

>You can connect the dots between seidr and ergi quite clearly. Loki called Odin a faggot
You still haven't connected the dots that sedir and ergi are two different words in two different contexts. Hell your own sources even state this lol.

>he fact that it mentions degeneracy at all in any sort of depth implies latent faggotry.
And it is put in a negative light. Look above on what I said about the bible.

>Why does it need to go into any sort of detail
Same reason why the bible talks about donkey balls man rape, and how if you're a child and talk bad about Yahweh, then you will be merciless slaughtered by a bear. You sound like a bitch complaining that the Eddas aren't wholesome chungs 100 and dare talk about topics that are a possibility. There are entirely different times, the common man was not a puritan when it came to any subject.

You can also look https://odysee.com/@NorseMagicAndBeliefs:6/the-poetic-edda-vs-prose-edda-norse:9
Snorri was heavily influenced by Christianity, which is why the Prose Eddas have so similarities with their creation myths. When he began planning to write about the Eddas, it is debatable whether he had hymns and poems of the Odin, Loki and Thor at all. His only motivation for writing the books were to ridicule his ancestors for believing in his interpretation of the stories and preserve what was left of the Old Norse language. Snorri either had malicious intentions or he simply refused to accurately translate the workings of our ancestors for his highers-up and faith.

>Again, proofs
>proof for something that is commonly known and acknowledged
>doesn't even know the subject that he is talking about
Look above and stop being retarded.

>And you are?
A critic who has researched to topic unlike someone who believes all information given to him, if it fits his narratives.

>What is your criteria for fluency?
Jag är en medelbegåvning i att tala norrländska. Plus you don't need to be a professional at a criteria to know when a jew is lying. Otherwise we can take what Greenberg said about Jesus as factual since you have no criteria in bible study and history.

>You're missing the point, some old viking wrote these stories and included numerous accounts of in-depth, highly-detailed degeneracy, then spins around and says "don't do this
No they don't. It's clear as day that a human cannot and should not do the things Loki has done. Again, you're speaking in your own interpretations of things, because you have not read what you criticize. 

>He wrote smut and then told others not to be gay
You are the only one who sees it as smut. Stop being gay and seeing disgusting actions as pornographic.

>Just because humans can't do seidr doesn't mean retards don't try it
You're a legit idiot. Have you not ever heard of the word "common sense". You're too worried about degeneracy seeping into the public and not realizing that people will find their ways to do abominable things no matter what. Your logic is equal to dog shot for you're more concerned about fear-mongering pozz rather than combating it. You act as if the entirety of humanity is retarded and must be kept away from sensitive topics. We all know how that failed for these past 1000 years, plus the Christians in the past weren't too puritan either. Learn to stop being a man and face reality and stop being a aegir.

>Ancient rome considered fucking their boy slaves as not gay
No they did not. Ancient Rome had laws on the extent of sex. This is pure fan fiction writing.

>but giving oral to a woman as turbogay
Again fan fiction.

>Sex was based on status
Status was not solely based on sex, moron. Your actions and reputation also affected your status. Which is why whenever the Romans had debates, they would accuse each other of being faggots or cowardly in battle just like the Norse had done.

>Random sources
>read a book
>Doesn't quote any of them
>Once again believes in the words anyone says
If I approach your perspective of things, then I can also say that 3rd and fourth image are factual, because they talk about the subject and are done by people with who supposedly have a degree in subject. The same can also be said for vaccine shills as well. Another case of Christian validating the LGBT. Your views on truth are reactionary.

>I am talking about the Roman concepts of masculine and feminine/dominane and submission and you're trying to argue property law.
You aren't talking of anything that Romans believed in, your repeating the things LGBT propagandist lie about and, then draw conclusions that favor your agenda. The Romans' laws reflects their views just like it does within every cultural who establishes a law. Roman law on woman exist due to their mythology and acknowledgement of nature. If they believed in a dominance/submission hierarchy, then the Pater Familias would some completely different. You still refuse to give me proof of any of said hierarchy. 

>I am arguing in terms of sexuality
You're arguing on terms of LGBTP+ activists and their (probably yours as well) perverted fantasies, not Roman sexuality. 

> Satyricon, the second book of Virgil's Eclogue and poems by Catallus, Tibullus, and Propertius

>You are absolutely implying it by constantly calling me a Christcuck
You're a special kind of stupid. The funny kind for me lol.

>Loki called Odin a faggot for partaking in female magic rituals
Yeah, which my point here is that queers and Jesuits take that quite literally instead of realizing that it's just men calling each other slurs to discredit each other. Homos did the same in the 1980s to gaslight, project, and gate-keep the strong platonic relationship of men away from heterosexuals and it clearly worked, because the Protestants agreed with their terms. They do this to every man who was accused of being, despite being the opposite. 

>Paganism attracts nonwhites from across the globe 
Pfft HA. Excuse my cuckchan lingo, but nice cope there. Paganism attracts no one, but retarded Wiccans who have no understanding of paganism, via cringe pagans, and a small number of traditionalists who were either always pagan or stirred away from Yahweh validating Nietzsche's point about God. The highest number of converts are amongst African negroids, and gays have increasingly becoming Christian due to the pozzery of church, although it is possible that they were always Christian, but just simply disagreed with the traditional views. There are far more brown Christians, while Brown pagans mostly practice their own native faith.
>those things were done to control industry so that it didn't fuck over the worker, and took Usury and entirely fake money right out of the equation the two things the stock market itself is was and always has been based on, the industries were allowed to continue existing in service to, and of, the German people, He also turned the currency in Germany from worthless paper into a unit based on one's own labor

>Now, go read Gottfried Feder, and shut the fuck up.
How about you read some economics you leftist cuck.


Replies: >>310
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>No, it isn't, you are quite literally pulling pilpul even right here, I have addressed your every argument, I have not denied a response to even a single of your points, your accusation of me being a hypocrite is not only inaccurate it out right false and born out of you trying and failing to twist my words in ways it is beyond obvious that they are not intended to go, I praise Natural Law as it is an objective thing upon which to base morality, and doing so is an originally Aryan and thus European Idea, the Aryans of India were invaders of what is now known as the Indian subcontinent on two separate occasions thousands of years apart and even modern scholarship admits that the original Aryan inhabitants as well as the second wave of Aryan invaders came from the north, and the Vedas itself paints a picture of a home in the Arctic, and that is covered by Artic Home in the Vedas.
Hard to twist your words when they're already so contorted and deformed by your own hand. Natural law is not objective since you claim it to be based on the ideas of man, who claim that Natural law is objective, ad inifnitum. You're arguing on the same plane of existence without any regards to a higher power. Natural law is not a higher power, law is created by man. It is not ethereal or a spirit, angel, demon, divine, etc., it is law made by man and "validated" by scientific theories of man. It has no grounding in anything that can EVER be called objective. In the words of Robert Anton Wilson, it is processed through our emic reality, how we perceive things the way we want to perceive them. Your emic reality states that "whites are the master race". The negro emic reality says "fuck whitey". You have no middleman to give a non-biased view of what is really natural law.
So India was invaded by arctic aryan european superhumans 10,000 years ago, on two occasions, and there is a secret lost white kingdom buried somwhere under the ice. I think it is fair that a source (read: several sources) will be needed.
>My reasons for advocating complete genocide of all off or racial enemies do not need to be, nor is it required anywhere that they be, better than their reasons, nor do I claim that they are.
So despite all your strong europe posturing you admit your ideology is no better than theirs. Hypocrite.
>Once again your assertion that I am not doing anything is a dishonest assertion as is your further false assumption that I will continue to do nothing or that my goal is to get people to bomb anything, it is not and your continued pushing of that narrative is actually quite telling as to what you are and what your goal here is.
You've had time to make a multi-post argument against me instead of focusing on what you most hold dear: saving the white race. Sitting in front of a screen for hours a day plotting to btfo anon's argument hardly seems like a good way to spend time. And I can say that about you and not me because you've made your intentions clear on what you want. I really don't give a fuck about how I spend my days. I can list a dozen ways you could be furthering the white cause than spending hours each day replying to my "nonsensical" and "hypocritical" arguments. Yet you're still here.
My end goal is that you will realize your way of thinking is retarded and will change it according to what is actually happening around you. If my "goal" was merely to stir shit up as you are implying, I'd be making one-liner threads encouraging you to blow up a federal building. But I am here making arguments with you in a much longer and more detailed series of posts.
>There have been newfaggots who have come in and learned from us and joined our cause, not just here but many of the other places I have frequented as well, some stay, some go.
Conjecture. For all you can verify the only ones that have "learned" from your cause are the ones in jail right now. It is inherently more likely that people visit this board, are shocked that it exists, and never come back. The ones that do stay here are already indoctrinated and want a place to circlejerk memes and post board mascot porn with their fellow whites.
>It just so happens that I have free time this weekend, and consented to engage in an argument with you, despite your poor showing and laughable lack of knowledge in anything in relation to; the history of the Aryan Race, National Socialism, Fascism, or even this board, or the topics that have been discussed here over the last 5 years.
You have claimed India was the site of a nuclear superwar thousands of years ago, Genghis Khan was white, blue-eyed, and red-haired, that I am free to distort the truth and lie to my own people, including falsifying my own history and records if need be, and then use those "true" records to bolster my non-arguments and make pseudoscientific claims that I am the most powerful race on Earth and everyone else can die in a pit. Forgive me if I have issues doubting your legitimacy.
>Your last insult is merely further confirmation that you are in fact a Jew, and also probably a fed, making up medical disorders that I must have because I disagree with you and wish to defend my race to the point of doing unto them as they would do unto me and mine, a little rule posited by Aryans long before Christians ever got their hands on it.
As I said earlier, if I were a bad actor I would merely make one-liner posts nonstop to fuck with you. Find me a single jew/fed that would effortpost this hard to bring you down when other D&C methods have proven to be much cheaper, quicker, and effective. You don't like my arguments so you try to paint me as "outgroup I don't like" so you can belittle me. Very petty for a BO.
>Nope, you see all of them do want our destruction, and everything around us proves that. 
Everything around your reality that you see through your lens proves that. You have a victim complex going here. When you walk outside and pass a nonwhite, do you see murder in their eyes? Do you think if you turn your back on them for even a second they'll shank you? No, because most of them have bigger issues to worry about right now and they don't give a fuck about what whitey does at his super sekrit Aryan Nation clubs. They are trying to make a living in this batshit world just like you.
>The niggers of Africa do not stop their brethren from fleeing there and heading to Europe. 
While I would say that most of them don't want to murder us, their culture and way of thinking dictates otherwise. So this is a fair point.
>The same with India and pretty much every European nation in the world, ditto for china, and so on and so on.
Poos and bugmen are not migrating to Europe to kill them all. They come primarily for education and gibs. They are more sane than nogs, able to think ahead and see that killing whitey is not in their interests. At most, they want economic superiority. You seem to equate this with genocide. Why do you think that anyone trying to get any kind of upper hand is genocide?
>Finding one nigger/spic/kike who claims "no we don't want that", whatever the truth of that individuals claim does not invalidate my point or my claims.
Yes it does. It proves that you are generalizing a massive group of people even when you have definitive proof that it isn't true.
>We have numerous examples that belay that lie, right here in the USA, the most recent is Mayra Flores a so called "conservative" non-white invader who came in, campaigned against Amnesty and then turned around and voted for it when it came up, in flagrant violation of her own campaign promises. 
Again, you are generalizing and saying that everyone is lying. A politician voted against what they campaigned on and deceived their voters? Color me surprised. Surely only a nonwhite would ever do such a thing.
>This is extremely common for every racial enemy group, no matter what country they're in, to agree with what the ostensibly White side wants and promise what it wants so that they can achieve power, and then vote against the interests of that White side, while continuing to talk like they want to aid that side.
...to agree with what the ostensibly nonwhite side wnats and promise what it wants so that they can achieve power, and then vote against the interests of that nonwhite side. while continuing to talk like they want to aid that side. See: Jews in the Third Reich, Africans in Rhodesia and South Africa, Natives in America, etc. You've proven numerous times that your arguments are hypocritical, and the only excuse you have given for why it is ok is because we're white and they're not. You have provided no legitimate reason why whites are superior to nonwhites, either through our rule of law, civilization, technology, scientific discoveries, advancement of mankind, etc., only that your perception of natural law says so.
>This happens in every White Nation on the planet from fucking Scotland to New Zealand, It's basic deception and you completely ignore it. 
I don't ignore it, I know damn well that it's happening. I am smart enough to understand that one man can't change things on a global scale. You're not. Why do you give a fuck about what's happening in Scotland or NZ? You don't live there, their laws don't apply to you, and they're literally half a world away. If nonwhites are as primitive and subversive as you say, then they're not a threat at all. They are parasites that feed off the white man's achivements. If Africa is such a threat, why are their standing armies/navies/air forces a joke? All whites have to do is stop giving them money/aid. Watch how quickly they die off after that. You want to fight back? Kill the traitors in power in your country first.
>Your entire assertion assumes that because an invader would ever deign to claim that they do not want us all to die that, that one individuals existence means I should treat them all like friends, and be helpful and waste resources better served used on my people to get them home
I am telling you to use your brain and distinguish between friend and foe.
>All because they said pretty, nice, words and claimed they wanted to help me while being in my nation and taking resources from me, lowering my wages, and in far too many cases leeching off of what was once my government?
You allowed all this to happen by letting them get a foodhold on all those places, and you will continue to allow it through your complacency and inaction until a TBD date in the future when every white will wake up, see the light, and make Rwanda look like a daycare. Inaction is an action, and you're trying to make yourself seem holier-than-thou because of it.
>You want me to send this deceiver home, so that he can warn his people that we are purging our lands of their kind, whether peacefully or not?
Armies leave one alive after a massacre to spread the word. Psychological warfare.
>No, better to kill them and make better use of those resources that would have been wasted by removing the problem entirely and then taking their land and resources for the use of my own people.
You have still failed to give a reason why.
<because natural law says so
<because natural law is the one and only truth
<because the one and only truth is revealed to us through natural law
>I do not live in fear, nor do I spend every waking moment that way, it is a fact that our race is disappearing, we are less than 8% of the Global population and even in 2000 something David Lane posited that and that less than a quarter of that is of child-bearing age, our situation is dire and getting more dire by the day.
You post anonymously on an imageboard that few people know about. That implies fear of something, be it getting doxxed by leftists or v& by feds. A man that has no fear is one that goes to rallies in person where they know their lives are on the line, that their chances of remaining employed will be destroyed just by showing up, that their personal lives will be put in jeopardy, and that everything they ever did online will be made public for all to see. As it was in Charlottesville, as it was at the Capitol, people that may or may not have been doing something for the right reasons, actually did something. No, you do live in fear. You still have too much of your personal life that you hold dear and are unwilling to give up. You have not come close to reaching the point where you are willing to die for your race, and from your constant bickering with me, you never will. Eat shit.
Whites were always a minority, compared to the vast expanses of Africa, Asia, the Americas, etc., they were never the majority of the world's population. And guess what retard, it's not just white birthrates that are dropping, it's all of them, Africa being the exception because we allow it with our endless gibs. Again, you identify the problem, but you are not proposing or enacting any viable, tangible, long-term solution.
>Europe is a place, a physical place and again yet more pilpul.
Then why do you say that "a place for every race" means no place for whitey? What are you trying to say?
>What I am saying is that your rhetoric and the methods you wish to use will lead to our extinction as surely as can be.
Ask yourself objectively: what is the biggest problem facing the white race right now? Not "a multitude of factors", what is the single biggest problem, right now, that removing would put whites in a markedly better position on the world stage? Simple: corrupt, arrogant leaders that don't have their people's best interest in mind, only that of bureaucrats, CEOs, and their backers. They are the ones controlling the decisions being made and making global policies that we have no say in (Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderburg, etc.). Considering that the majority of these fuckers are well into their senile years by now, killing them would be a waste of time since they will start dropping like flies soon, unless the satanic-ritual-baby-blood-Q-wigawiga cabal actually has discovered eternal life. And even then, they are too far dispersed, too decentralized that getting rid of one would have any effect on anything. So at that point, you have to think smaller: focus on what you know you can change and will have an effect on living your life.

And you know what, reading that last line over, I'm done. It is obvious that you have no grasp on tangible reality or making meaningful change. I can list off a dozen more productive things I could be doing for both my personal gain and improving my position in life than arguing with a stick-in-the-mud fascist LARPagan that will never do anything. So I just realized I don't care. Enjoy your board and your circlejerk. You can say you won the argument, congratulations, but ask yourself what you really won in the end.
Not coming back to this thread or this board. Just don't get zzz v& like every other stormfag board has.
Replies: >>237 >>239
220c97 is a shitskin (or a snake-oil salesman) who wants to persuade White men from realizing what needs to be ultimately done.

To any daring non-Whites who saw /fascist/ and are coming from the other boards:
Replies: >>242
>Hard to twist your words when they're already so contorted and deformed by your own hand. Natural law is not objective since you claim it to be based on the ideas of man
At this point you should just admit you're just here to be a faggot, because the laws of nature are upmost objective. If you cannot follow this simple fact, then you should stick and stay being a Christoid who hopean his dead corpse will come back and save him from a conflict that you religion is responsible for. Natural law is absolute and above all religions who also echoes it's truth, even yours. It is both scientific and esoteric. While, Christianity is nothing more, but self-hating cuckoldry in hopes to become higher by going to an after-life that has no logical basis nor truth to it, especially for a God who detests you. If you cannot accept natural law, then you aren't a fascist nor NS, but a faggot trying to co-opt another ideology, because your religion failed and cannot appeal to the masses due to your clergy, priest, and highest spiritual authority all acting like dumbasses. 

>Your emic reality states that "whites are the master race"
We are the closet to achieving mastery, have and will. 

>The negro emic reality says "fuck whitey"
Which is why we must cull them and put them under the control of the Whitey like we did in the past. The negro is ignorant and naturally a slave, which is why are capitalism's best and largest consumers.  I can agree that they are best without technological, but they are also best under the control of the White man as well. 

>You have no middleman to give a non-biased view of what is really natural law.
Said by the Christian who knows nothing of cosmic/universal truth other than "YAHWEH AND YESHUA SAVES!11". This should be stated by someone who knows law and nature, not some idiot shilling globalism and thinking we won't be fooled in not knowing you're some dumb shit-skin or Zionist. Hitler knew natural law like no other modern man or priesthood, so he and those like him most certainly can preach that must be exterminated. Hitler warned the nigger about the jews and they refused to listen, so struggle begins and might is right. Trying to change their minds is no different than beating a dead corpse, because all tribes will always prefer their own and you're demanding us to be cucked and cannot source any info about how Hitler was ashkually a ethno-pluralist without making stuff up. Prove Hitler would of been a globalist or shut the fuck up and seethe about us on reddit with the others faggots.
>Hard to twist your words
No you are twisting my words, and misinterpreting them purposely, I never claimed that Natural Law itself was created by man, it is not it simply is. the idea to follow it and make it the basis of one's morality is an Aryan idea, and No it is objective the rules can be easily gleaned by each man for themselves.
nah, you're retarded.
Not only is this flat-out admitted by Indians of today but search the archives of the board across it's last few iterations it has been covered many a time.
>So despite all your strong europe posturing you admit your ideology is no better than theirs. Hypocrite.
Once again baseless claims, I only made claims as to whether my reasons for advocating their genocide were better or not that has nothing to do with my ideology, religion or worldview. your obsession with being "better" as if better itself as a word or concept has any value, is exactly why you are weak.
>You've had time to make a multi-post argument against me instead of focusing on what you most hold dear: saving the white race. 
Again you presume things that you have no evidence for, my mere presence on a weekend that I have free, is no indication of anything. There is no way to constantly be doing something to save the White race, for one I need sleep to function, two I need activities which destress me and I find this is one such activity, it also helps me to expand my own view. I cannot, for my own sanity,  health or wellbeing, go and "DO something" every day of the week.
>My end goal is that you will realize your way of thinking is retarded and will change it according to what is actually happening around you.
Your end goal is deradicalization, which is perfectly normal as you are a jew, thank you for pointing it out for us all.
>For all you can verify the only ones that have "learned" from your cause are the ones in jail right now.
The ones in jail may or may not have learned here, I do not know nor do I care they are incarcerated and off the game board, for now.
And no we get all sorts here, you speak again out of sheer ignorance, just making more shit up again and again.
>You have claimed India was the site of a nuclear superwar thousands of years ago, 
I claimed that it was evidence that one may have occurred in the distant past, I made no concrete claims of any sort on that, so please continue being a retard it's funny.
>Geghios Khan was a redhead and had blue eyes
The only description we have that is considered accurate is from Persian historian Rashid al-Din who was given the description by khan's children and grandchildren who actually shared his wait for it... Red Hair and Green Eyes, this is not terribly uncommon among todays mongolian peoples either, there are some among them who look downright European, probably due to that being the Scythians home land which has significant overlap with the Yamnaya, the progenitors of the Indo-european peoples, both of whom who had blonde and red hair, fair skin and light eyes but keep being a faggot.
>that I am free to distort the truth and lie to my own people, including falsifying my own history and records if need be,
Yes, you are, and you have yet to provide any reason that is wrong beside some vague call to Christnigger morality, under which deception is downright encouraged there's even an entire tract on it by a Catholic priest from, I think, the 5th century.
>and then use those "true"
The victor writes the history books, this has never not been true and never not been done.
>Forgive me
Everything I said is quite easily verifiable. not only by looking through the archives of the board but by learning how to do research and determine truth from lies, a skill no christnigger ever learns.
>You don't like my arguments so you try to paint me as "outgroup I don't like" so you can belittle me. Very petty for a BO.
No, you have made it abundantly clear that you are a bad actor, we have always shown ourselves immune to the type of low quality bait you describe, so those like you changed their tack and tried to waste time and effort by trying to sound intellectual and twist claims against themselves numerous times, each time it is our tradition to fully blow you the fuck out because none of you ever actually make arguments worthwhile just more shit stirring, but with more words and the odd concept it takes time to debunk thrown in a pseudointellectual fashion. 
Most of your arguments are ignorant, stupid and frankly insulting,  Insulting because most of the time you're not making any argument, you're just trying and failing to twist my claims in such a way as to make them ridiculous, and utterly failing to attack any of the underlying reasoning.
>Everything around your reality that you see through your lens proves that. 
Nope objectively that is what is occurring, the jews and their Christnigger slaves have even been so brash, as to outright admit it in recent years, and the very fact that any negro exists on my land is proof of the jews malice(they were most of the slave owners and slave traders) and their own malice is proven against us by the more recent african "refugee" transplants.
>So this is a fair point.
Its a point that you have failed to address nine fucking times now, showing you are incapable of doing so or even understanding the point at all.
>Poos and bugmen are not migrating to Europe to kill them all. They come primarily for education and gibs. They are more sane than nogs, able to think ahead and see that killing whitey is not in their interests. At most, they want economic superiority. You seem to equate this with genocide
If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy’s religion, you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.” - King Polydoros of Sparta 
Them living in our lands mixing with our women is GENOCIDE, no matter what way you wish to spin it, or how you try to dress it up, we either kill them all or they WILL try again and again. I want a white world so that when I go to war I know my enemy is my racial brother and will fight by the same rules I do, and so that my race will never be extinguished by any hand but that of the cosmos itself when our sun Sol expands and kills all life on the planet. I want a White world so that maybe we have a chance to escape that fate and live on another planet or hundreds. These things, these possibilities are only possible if WE, and WE alone, have the earth to ourselves so that we may repair her, from the damage our own mistake in allowing the lesser races to have access to our technology, our thoughts has caused, and to end their destruction of and harm to all lesser life than them on this planet forever.
>Yes it does.
No, it does not, not only is it easy to find the research that proves that no matter what they claim they all act and if given it vote against our interests once within our borders and this remains true across the board no race is different in this way from the jew to the lowly nigger.
>Color me surprised.
the point is faggot, is that is but one of MANY proofs of such, that our own so-called politicians lie as well, does not invalidate that someone who comes out and claims to work for your interests to get your vote and then does not out of obvious racial loyalty to her own people, israeli slave that she is, and she does so do the regular mexicans doing day labor at lowes.
>only that your perception of natural law says so.
This civilization, bastardized as it is by christniggers, was based upon the work of Aryan men, the thoughts of Aryan men, the technology created by Aryan Men, stemming back to Rome and Hellas, if not further that alone proves our superiority, you probably put it down to christianity, but if it hadn't been us, it wouldn't have happened at all.
>You want to fight back? Kill the traitors in power in your country first.
I care about NZ and AUS because they are my racial brethren those examples, were only brought up as further examples showing they do the same shit everywhere outside of their own lands. and yeah the aid ends when this civilization collapses, doing a lot of work for us, but they know now where we are, they will not stop coming hell they're heading for Europe every day still. and Where have I used the word primitive?
Also I and many on this board repeatedly say traitors first or why else would we target and despise christniggers so much?
they have been the enemy within for 1400 years or more, time to do away with them.
>I am telling you to use your brain and distinguish between friend and foe.
There is no racial enemy who is a friend of mine, at best I would use them against another group they will get no more consideration than that and I would kill them at the moment they lose usefulness.
>You allowed all this to happen by letting them get a foodhold on all those places
They had a foothold already the the day I was born, and for at least 20 years I was growing up learning trying to see the truth in the world, I had no hand in this becoming what it is. I choose to have a hand in undoing this state of affairs and ripping the very roots of this civilization out and then setting it on fire so that new life may rise from the ashes.
>Armies leave one alive after a massacre to spread the word. >Psychological warfare.
Why give your enemy a warning, as to what is coming, I have set out to kill all of them from the zygote in the belly of some nigger whore to the most disgusting jew sitting atop his ivory tower.
>You have still failed to give a reason why.
I just gave a very good and very simple reason right there, killing them saves me the cost in resources of taking them home, so that those resources may be used more constructively on my own people, I need nothing more noble or complex than that.
>You post anonymously on an imageboard that few people know about. 
I post here, because I find it enjoyable, if that ever ceases to be the case, I will leave it another's hands or burn it entirely. Which I do depends entirely on external circumstance. No, those idiots who go to rallies, do nothing and accomplish nothing, they lose by going, if they're stupid enough to get doxed as a result, their ability to act without support, there is no "organization" of any sort in this country that has even planned for the eventuality of being a small army in war, I can be a one man army, strike whenever and where-ever I please, disappear, and strike somewhere else, they forfeit that by putting themselves in the light of our enemies cameras, they ensure that they, and their families, will be the first victims when zog does go open season, My personal goal right now is ensuring that I am fit and strong and can act, usefully, when the opportunity presents itself, and that I remain free and able to act in the interests of the cause, joining PF does not accomplish that, and with their big doxing recently and the leak of their chats they're right in line for fed infiltration or control, and that only if they weren't already under ZOG's thumb.
I risk my life on an, at least, weekly basis, doing shit that would make any of your PF niggers shit their pants and run in fear, because they do not have the will to act in opposition to the system, they barely have the will to stand and let niggers beat on them as they walk through the street. 
>Whites were always a minority, compared to the vast expanses of Africa, Asia, the Americas, etc., 
>they were never the majority of the world's population. And guess what retard, it's not just white birthrates that are dropping,
This has no point whatsoever to even be mentioned, so what? And no at several points in history we outnumbered any other individual population on earth and this was true not 100 years ago,
>Wah Wah Wah Just don't get zzz v& like every other stormfag board has.
/fascist/ hasn't gotten anybody vanned, retard.
Last edited by orlog
Fuck off with this ethnoglobe bullshit. Synarchist-anon was a far better fascist than half of you /pol/tier retards and I would rather have him than any of you. You're subhumans compared to him, Mexican spic he may be. 
Strategically, the idea of extermination is fucking stupid when we're fighting an uphill battle. Our goal should be survival first and foremost. Once we get into a position of power, we've got breathing room, and we've removed the Jews, then maybe you can put that question up for debate, but for now the concern should be survival, survival, survival.
Replies: >>243
Shut up about your lost little mexican fuckbuddy, nobody knows why he disappeared, he last posted on anon.cafe, and nobody is stopping him now. If ethnoglobe discussion had anything to do with his disappearance whatsoever he isn't worth the air he breathes.
Strategically, the idea of extermination starts right from the moment open conflict starts If you take it off the table until some nebulous point of power you will fail to ever take it up.
The goal of ethnoglobe is survival and ensuring the fulfillment of the 14 words, and it isn't possible with christcucks either the concern of ethnoglobe is and always has been survival.
Replies: >>245 >>252
<nobody is stopping him now
>implying that anyone wants a shitskin to come to the White man's space to talk
And this attitude is why /fascist/ is fucking dead and full of /pol/ subhumans like you. I remember when we could have comfy, redpilled discussion on architecture, technology, media, and ACTUAL FASCIST THEORY instead of constant spergouts about muh pagans, muh christkikes and muh ethnoglobe. Have any of you ever read any actual fascist literature, and not just Mein Kampf, either? Have any of you ever taken an interest in things outside of having useless and gay arguments on the Internet? For example, I like gardening and would love to own my own farm one day, I like history, I like reading and writing, I like learning about the mythology and religions of our people, I like architecture, I like space colonization, so on. But how many of you can say similar things? You're NPCs of the "correct" opinion, absolute fucking hylics programmed with no free will nor souls.
You can still have those discussions in their proper threads if they aren't here, make them.FYI, faggot, those discussions were still going on, on 16chan, Julay and Anon.cafe, I was part of more than half of them in addition to the Christkike/Native European religionists and ethnoglobe discussions, they never fucking stopped, so your spergery about ethnoglobe is based on a false fucking assertion from the word go. Take your complaints to the meta thread, or better yet fucking have the discussion YOU want to have or of you're too fucking autistic to do that, just shut the fuck up, your goddamn choice.
Replies: >>257
>And this attitude is why /fascist/ is fucking dead 
/fascist/ was always dead. There were always a couple anons posting on it since 8chan. And there were always morons like you shilling retarded ideas that weren't fascist in thought at all. For example, I've seen faggots try to trick us into thinking the DDR were based because they had NatSoc aesthetic, even though they've renounced Hitler and everything the NSDAP had built and rebuilt within Germany. All you're doing here is bitching and crying about how we won't follow your obviously wrong interpretation and definition of fascism. Boo-hoo cry more you psuedo-intellectual effeminate faggot.
Replies: >>257
Thanks for outing yourself as a newfag hanger-on, this shit wasn't happening in 8/fascist/. The ethnoglobe garbage came around during anon.cafe and 16chan, if my memory serves me right, almost as the glowniggers overseeing those two boards started it to discredit genuine fascist movements by making them look fucking retarded with the likes of you? 
But I will agree to discuss topics I like in their appropriate threads. That's fair enough.
>And there were always morons like you shilling retarded ideas that weren't fascist in thought at all.
What ideas am I shilling that aren't fascist at all?
>All you're doing here is bitching and crying about how we won't follow your obviously wrong interpretation and definition of fascism
And what exactly is the "obviously wrong" interpretations and definitions that I'm following? That I don't jerk off to an imaginary all-white world and focus first and foremost on just preventing the death of the white race? 
>psuedo-intellectual effeminate faggot
No argument, and probably projection, too.
Replies: >>258
There was an Ethnoglobe thread on Julay, fashBO had created one, and I discussed with him there, as well as on anon.cafe, it doesn't matter if you don't remember it, you're an autist who has whined about this for months on 16 and started on anon cafe as soon as shitstirrers suceeded in getting us kicked off the site. You can whine all you like about it, in the Meta thread, if you absolutely must, but it is a position the former owner of this board also holds, and was discussed on the board while under his ownership I also believe it to be the correct path and even if i didn't, I wouldn't censor discussion of it, just to fit your desires.
Last edited by orlog
>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST (won the argument)
Replies: >>311 >>312 >>313
im pretty sure communism doesn't promote traditionalism gun ownership and private property imao
Replies: >>318
>I was banned for being retarded, so therefore I won the argument
Shall I ban you again?!, because all you have done is stir shit, and here you are trying again.
[Hide] (7.5KB, 227x222) Reverse
>hey let's larp about being white and circlejerk about comic book "deities", maybe that'll make us cope with being brown mutts from 3rd world shitholes

this board in a nutshell

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Low quality shitstirrer returns

Replies: >>319
i believe if not fascism, going back to the days of federalists vs. antifederalists (in terms of burger politicis) would also be a beneficial route. basically whatever the founding fathers actually intended
>He also turned the currency in Germany from worthless paper into a unit based on one's own labor, 
This is literally Marx's labor theory of value.

>took Usury and entirely fake money right out of the equation the two things the stock market itself is was and always has been based on
The stock market predates fiat money. There is nothing wrong with usury you just don't understand time preference.

>those things were done to control industry so that it didn't fuck over the worker
Right Wing
<work harder
<educate yourself
<improve your skills
<command a higher return from the market

Left Wing
<muh poor workers
<muh oppression
<give free stuff
<its not fair

You are leftists in denial. Deal with it.
Replies: >>321 >>327 >>484
i dont know what you faggots are arguing but
>l-low quality shirtstirer
it appears mods have the same form of reasoning as trannies, no matter where i am and in what point in time
why are straight white men underrepresented in the field of moderation?
Replies: >>320
>it appears mods have the same form of reasoning as trannies
Because socialists are as removed from reality at trannies are.
Banning everyone who destroys your delusions with facts and logic is the only option.
They fucked up by choosing this place to leech hosting from though because they can't ban all the Tor posters
Replies: >>321 >>331
>This is literally Marx's labor theory of value.
No it isn't. This has been the basis of old socialism and generally speaking it is natural for a state to base the worth of it's citizen by giving them more control and reward for their hard-work, faggot. To declare it is leftist is a self-own and means you want a stratified society where the state owns all means or some corpo to fuck you over, which is Jude as hell.

>The stock market predates fiat money
The stock market is still shit and one of the primary reasons why jews control our economies. If the market doesn't benefit the folk, but the merchant and oligarchs exclusively, then it is useless and it always slopes doing just that.

>There is nothing wrong with usury
The entire history of usury is explotation. Even mudslimes and christcucks didn't like it. There is no reason nor justification for usury to exist, and furthermore it encourages slavery amongst one's own kin. You are a ((( lolberg ))).

>Right wing, left wing
Good thing we aren't right or left wing. Just for you to know, right-wingers have always been large critics of usury just as much as leftoids. Any right-winger who is for usury is either a ancapfag or a neo-con/lib. Nothing you've said about right-wing values goes against what we believe. 

>Because socialists are as removed from reality at trannies are.
Said person who thinks there's nothing wrong with a West-Asian invention with the intention of recycling and profiting slave economies. Many trannies also take up with libertarian stances, so you have no say on who and what's out of reality.
Replies: >>495
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you speak and speak without even reading what fascism is nor do you try to learn instead you pull shit out of your ass and say its communism because we promote the worker because we care for our people and dont want them poor in the dirt how about read a book and stfu
Replies: >>495
>>10 (OP) 
Germany should've allied with USSR during ww2
Replies: >>330
It did, and as it turns out Stalin was like the kike puppet he was, after they divested poland, planning to launch a surprise strike on Germany, Hitler found this out and already being ready for war launched his attack on Stalin,  prempting the coming betrayal, there was no ground nor basis for any deeper alliances, one was based entirely on Abrahamic thought and the other on Germanic thought, two completely opposed thought systems and worldviews.
Replies: >>332
I can ban all the Torposters, all I have to do is ban one of you amd everyone else on Tor can't post on this board, many of our regulars use Tor so until sturgeon fixes it where you and only you get banned when I ban somebody from Tor, I can't remove the annoyance of illiterates like you.
Replies: >>333
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Replies: >>340 >>341
>until sturgeon fixes it
No one can. Tor provides anonymity for both end of the connection. zzz cannot distinguish between Tor clients.
t. >>>/tech/
Replies: >>334
Thats not true, you can distinguish between individual browsers through Tor, you can identify them personally and the methods to do are well known, they're just well outside the experience of me and most people but well within the US Governments capabilities and the ability to ban individuals through Tor is useful but with the Tor Browser, at least, they can change their identity at will and thus evade bans. I only know it's possible to do because when I was moderating on 16chan I was able to ban disruptive Torniggers and other Tor posters were still able to post as usual, The problem according to Sturgeon is something in his nginx configuration, that doesn't allow differentiation on the site side between the individuals accessing the site through tor, but it is possible.
Replies: >>348
Civic nationalist cuck.
what mod is this?
Replies: >>359
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thousand week reich?
Replies: >>359
You are right. The site cannot distinguish between users, unless the Tor server disclose the circuit id to the application in haproxy protocol. Without the setting, all connections looks like it's from But this is only applicable for onion v3 sites. If 16chan had a v2 site, they must be using other identifiers such as cookies.
Replies: >>351
 16chan had a v3 onion address.
Call it fringe if you want, but the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece are fake and gay. Video related explains what I'm talking about. I honestly believe the stories such as Troy are actually referencing the vikings. This whole "it was all the gayreeks" is inconsistent especially at how it is used as a weapon to denote European culture that aren't Mediterranean as inferior or backwards. After-all, the Greeks and Italians are exactly the type of people to lie for money and politics.

Re-post, my video wouldn't upload due to it being too large, so I have to use Bitchute instead.

Replies: >>354
Firstly, fuck you and your Qtard video, motherfucker even sounds like a jew.
Second, "history" seems wrong to you, because it is wrong, we have a concerted effort to hide the truth about many things in history and not the least is that human history and the history of Agriculture, etc. is much older than they want us to think, and because history as they teach, and taught, us is not based on, viewed through the lens of, or focused on, what history truly is, which is the story of racial conflict through the ages, it sanitizes history to bare events, and includes outright falsehoods just for to subvert those reading it. 
Third, the Greeks and Romans both were of Nordic/Germanic Phenotype and so long as they kept their blood pure they soared to the heights of civilization, but they both sullied their blood and fell, they were quite real, the story of the conflict between Troy and the Hellenes was referencing a conflict between two Germanic people groups that happened in the Mediterranean, and Homosexuality was as reviled among the Hellenes and Romans as it was amongst the Germanics, Most places punished it with death there is a post in this very thread dealing with that and it provides a book that covers the subject for the Hellenes at least.
Replies: >>356
>Firstly, fuck you and your Qtard video
This wasn't made by a qtard. Nor would qtards imply that Jesus was also a much more recent construct. You're sperging out at me for no reason.

>motherfucker even sounds like a jew
>Everything that disagrees with me is jewish
What does a Jew gain from claiming that our history that blinds us is in actuality much more recent?

>Second, "history" seems wrong to you, because it is wrong, we have a concerted effort to hide the truth about many things in history and not the least is that human history and the history of Agriculture, etc. is much older than they want us to think
Okay, but is exactly what the video does, nigger. The guy deconstructs the mainstream timeline of human history as something inconsistent and too similar to more recent events to be considered actual history. Your comment crying about his voice implies that you've watched a portion of the video and yet you still conclude that he's a qkike. At-least watch the whole thing.

>Third, the Greeks and Romans both were of Nordic/Germanic Phenotype
This is what you want to believe. Sure it is possible that aristocrats were Nordic, but to say all of Rome and Greece was Germanic is far-fetch. 

>they kept their blood pure they soared to the heights of civilization
They are center of perverts and liars who use them to fabricate claims as a way to lie about how they are rightful rulers of land they've wanted to conquer. We don't need Greeks and the Romans to prove ourselves worthy or of a great people, especially in a way that lead to the Aryan's own destruction. I can believe India was Aryan, but it's bullshit that Whites needed muh Rome in order to establish a high culture. Plus, it is skeptical if the Romans truly kept themselves pure, because they were said to have mixed with their own slaves and the miscegenation is probably what lead to the civil wars in the first place.

>between Troy and the Hellenes was referencing a conflict between two Germanic people groups that happened in the Mediterranean
Homer's Troy and Illad does not correspond with the geography with Greece at all, but his description of what is supposed to be Greece. If anything I'm more inclined to believe the story actually takes place between England or Denmark and not of Greeks. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that this story occurred and was fully written by us Germanics in our own homeland. Claiming that the Greeks were Germanic is no different than Albanians claiming that Alexander The Great was an Albanian.
Replies: >>358
I concluded he was a Q-kike from his channel avatar, and half the content of his fucking channel, and I watched enough to know what the basis of his claims is, "History repeats too often so it must be more recently constructed, the inconsistencies cannot be explained any other way" which is bullshit, we know hige swaths of History that was in Roman hands was destroyed both intentionally and out of neglect by Christians, and that just one thing half of what we know of Ancient History is from recopys of recopys, but we have enough to know that Rome and Greece did happen more than 200 years ago aside from the scientific evidence of the age of many monuments left.
>At-least watch the whole thing
I'm not watching a Q-kike talk about anything, I shouldn't even have listened to what I did, it's nothing but a waste of time and so are you, patterns repeat, it's part of the nature of the universe, part of Natural Law, humans being a part of nature tend to repeat patterns.
>This is what you want to believe. Sure it is possible that aristocrats were Nordic, but to say all of Rome and Greece was Germanic is far-fetch. 
It's not just what I believe, it's the truth all of Greece at one point was. the purest of them, for the longest were the Spartans. Rome is a bit murkier but they were almost entirely of one tribe who had exterminated all others who might have been able to call themselves Roman. They remained pure in aristocracy and all other matters of state pure for the majority of the republican period until some time after the second punic war, but they did conquer lesser races and enslave them, so no they weren't "entirely" Germanic, for the entirety of their existence. But you fail to understand just how quickly a race can degenerate due to miscegenation.
>They are center of perverts and liars who use them to fabricate claims as a way to lie about how they are rightful rulers of land they've wanted to conquer.
Except all the evidence dictates that the gay shit talked about today is either slander entirely fabricated by kikes or kike-slaves now or based on extremely flimsy evidence like slander heaped upon our ancestors by Christians, or Faggot depicting Art that devoid of the cultural context mema nothing in and of themselves, I provided a book that debunks the slander heaped upon the Hellenic people of the past, and regardless of what that slander may be used for today it does not denigrate the accomplishments of the past.
>We don't need Greeks and the Romans to prove ourselves worthy or of a great people, especially in a way that lead to the Aryan's own destruction. Nobody is using that to prove anything, merely expounding upon the Truth of History, it is categorically obvious that the Aryan race is superior and the accomplishments of Rome and the Hellenic City States, is but one source of evidence to that effect.
Knowing our history cannot lead to our destruction, it gives us great motivation and hope for the future, it shows us the heights to which our race and ascend, and shows us the mistakes not to make.
>I can believe India was Aryan, but it's bullshit that Whites needed muh Rome in order to establish a high culture. 
India was never fully Aryan, the Aryans were always conquerors aparrently of the Australoid looking Dravidians of India, first many thousands of years ago so as to be nothing but distant memory even in the Vedas, and the other much more recently but still quite ancient.
Nobody said we needed Rome or Greece to establish a high culture, to be honest everything you're saying and claiming sounds like Reavtionary rhetoric unconcerned with what the truth is and entirely concerned with avoiding the slander of our enemies, the only reason you're even remotely concerned about the faggotry slander is that you thibk it will always be an excuse for degeneracy, it wasn't in the 1800's, or right up until the 1950's, so the problem isn't the history it's those writing the history.
>Plus, it is skeptical if the Romans truly kept themselves pure, because they were said to have mixed with their own slaves and the miscegenation is probably what lead to the civil wars in the first place.
The romans didn't, they began miscegenating after they allowed women privileges after the socond punic war and a hundred or so years after they were selling their Germanic daughters off to lessers for money, diluting their blood, and causing their decline which was slowed greatly by the change to Dictatorial emperors.
>Homer's Troy and Illad does not correspond with the geography with Greece at all, but his description of what is supposed to be Greece. 
No, it's supposed to be somewhere in the Mediterranean, but Homer did not live the story he pieced it together from stories throughout the Hellenic Lands, and thats eveident from the text itself, it was never a perfectly historical story, nor was it meant to be.
>If anything I'm more inclined to believe the story actually takes place between England or Denmark and not of Greeks. Why do you refuse to acknowledge that this story occurred and was fully written by us Germanics in our own homeland. 
Because it wasn't wrotten by us in our homeland, it was wrotten by one of us who lived in what we now call Greece, could it be depicting a Story from the land they called Hyperborea? perhaps but it doesn't really matter the story was put together and written dow by a man called Homer, 
>Claiming that the Greeks were Germanic is no different than Albanians claiming that Alexander The Great was an Albanian.
No it's nothing like that, it's the truth whereas the Albanians are trying to take the figure of Alexander and his extreme aptitude for warfare away from the Germanic race.
Replies: >>367
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It's stahlvorhang. Bassically a huge mod made by russians, about what-if berlin-moscow axis was formed. 
Here you some of the planned fuhrers
Replies: >>360 >>365
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And yeah you can wage war against ussr. Just with warrying results based off the fuhrer/ reichkanzler.
look pretty impressive hopefully it doesn't end up like TNO with a unrealistic system (ie historical characters acting completely different from there irl counterparts) and nonsensical events just looked at there social it looks like its being worked on for a few years and not done yet looks pretty good so far
Replies: >>366 >>781
>like TNO with a unrealistic system
Nah I don't think they will.
>and nonsensical events just looked
I doesn't look like it.
Replies: >>368
>I concluded he was a Q-kike from his channel avatar, and half the content of his fucking channel
The thing here is that the guy talking is not his bitchute channel for his actual channel is on jewtube. The video also exposes the Jewish kingdoms as fraudlent.

>which is bullshit, we know hige swaths of History that was in Roman hands was destroyed both intentionally and out of neglect by Christians
You do know that most of ancient Rome and Greek history is quite literally written, translated, and rewritten by the Christians right? If the Christians intended to destroy Rome, then explain why they would reconstruct or bring back its existence as something glorious and pagan? The only excuse I could see is probable is simply, because they wanted money and to find validation for Catholic imperialism. This was especially the case of Jerusalem and all of Palestine. 

>and that just one thing half of what we know of Ancient History is from recopys of recopys, but we have enough to know that Rome and Greece did happen more than 200 years ago aside from the scientific evidence of the age of many monuments left.
Most "scientific" evidence is full of shit and even this can be easily fabricated to reinforce a lie. The evidence is up to you to believe in it, but nothing stop us from being skeptical as it can never be said to be objectively true. All evidence must correspond to the inconsistency of the mainstream narrative of ancient history. The science is just as faulty as the timeline they try so hard to claim is real and totally not constructed by the Italian republicans. 

>I'm not watching a Q-kike talk about anything
Then don't bitch about the video. All you've done here is complain about its content and how it breaks your little fetish for Greece and Rome. 

> it's nothing but a waste of time and so are you, patterns repeat, it's part of the nature of the universe
<No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”-Heraclitus
Patterns don't repeat in the exact same way, and this especially applies to history as well. Even mainstream historians acknowledge this, but they refuse to apply the logic to Rome, Greece, and Judaism. The world is not in a state of flux. And you're quite arrogant in thinking so, faggot. Prove it is or stfu.

>They remained pure in aristocracy and all other matters of state pure for the majority of the republican period until some time after the second punic war
This all your own interpretations. Like I said, the Romans were also quite infamous in having sexual intercourse with their own slaves who spanned around the globe. The purity of the aristocracy is unknown and was likely dead prior to Imperial Rome. All you have is interpretation and lack evidence to constitute your claims. This is Yakub-tier nonsense.

>Except all the evidence dictates that the gay shit talked about today is either slander entirely fabricated by kikes or kike-slaves
The evidence shows that it was mostly lied about, but it existed to an extent. It most certainly was not accepted by either the nobility or citizen, but there are still reports of existing to an degree. But the claims of them pozzed is pointless, because the the same people who claimed they were degenerates are also the same writers who constructed most of Rome's history. 

>Knowing our history cannot lead to our destruction
If our history is bullshit and meant to validate kikes, then it isn't history. It's just more lies. You're skewing over what I said and it seems you're another dumb Romanboo or Hellenboo. We don't need the Romans or Greeks, we need to acknowledge and be proud of our own respective cultures and dispel the Judeo-Christian lies of Europe being primitive and inferior. You just want to we wuzz, I want to affirm all European culture as being always great whether our enemies think agree or not, we are not the same.

>India was never fully Aryan, the Aryans were always conquerors aparrently of the Australoid looking Dravidians of India
Read the Rigvedas. You're endorsing Dravidian lies that are endorsed by jews. The kike David Reich even knew they were White Aryans and he went back on what he say, likely because he knew what would entail for history and how Hitler was actually right. 

> Nobody said we needed Rome or Greece to establish a high culture
You most certainly are acting this way with the upmost desire to claim that they were ashkually Germanic and now you want the Aryans of India, who were genetically similar to Germanics of the Northern Europe as Dravidian. 

>the only reason you're even remotely concerned about the faggotry slander is that you thibk it will always be an excuse for degeneracy,
No I didn't. You should learn to stop seething as you post your thoughts, because I never implied this at all. I don't care if our enemies claim we were degeneracy, because I know it's all a lie. What I want is to prove that with degeneracy or not, it wasn't med-cucks who formulated the basis of Indo-European culture, which another lie the jew is trying to spread, HARD. I want it to be proven that the Germanic, Celts, Slavs, Iranians, Iberians, etc etc have all developed their own culture into something magnificent prior to any retarded nonsense about how Rome build European civilization.

>The romans didn't, they began miscegenating after they allowed women privileges after the socond punic war
Learn to spell, and where is your proof of this. Miscegenation likely existed prior to the Punic wars, which slavery was instituted, largely practiced, and sexual amongst the wealthy.

>No, it's supposed to be somewhere in the Mediterranean
No, it was supposed to be in the Mediterranean surrounding Greece and Troy and the Illad do not correspond with its geography. Since when did Greece have a midnight twilight or have climates where it is regularly cold and stormy, anon? These description more-so describe the sea and lands surrounding the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic sea. The fault is on being Homer being purposely vague.

>Because it wasn't wrotten by us in our homeland, it was wrotten by one of us who lived in what we now call Greece
Or, it was written by a collection of different writers in Northern Europe or Homer stole these stories that actually occurred far North of Greece. After-all the Illad is very viking in its virtues.

>No it's nothing like that, it's the truth whereas the Albanians are trying to take the figure of Alexander and his extreme aptitude for warfare away from the Germanic race.
<Actually, Alexander wasn't an Albanian. He was of the Germanic race! 
Nigger, you're doing the exact same thing.
Replies: >>370
ya dosent seem like it will end up like tno prop will be a big favorite for a lot of people in the future though
Replies: >>781
>The thing here is that the guy talking is not his bitchute channel for his actual channel is on jewtube. The video also exposes the Jewish kingdoms as fraudulent.
If his actual channel was on youtube, why would you not provide that? As it is I found it and the guy is as insane as I thought and whether he's a q-kike or not, he himself is suspect and the man whos work the book he's going over, is based on, is a Mathematician, not an Historian. One Anatoly Fomenko, a Soviet and later Russian who rather than presuming, correctly, that the pattern of history reflects something more profound about us and the universe, that patterns repeat, and due to our short memories, that are prone to error, that we will find a pattern that helps us convey events most easily regardless of it's absolute accuracy. He assumes that a pattern repeating makes history entirely false, and that older events are reflections of more modern events despite all evidence to the contrary, and thus the entire chronology is wrong rather than events being less exact than they are taught to be. The fact is most historians, of any sort, do not provide exact dates or even exact years for much of anything prior to maybe the 500's CE, and even then the dates are to be taken with a grain of salt because nobody outside of the upper classes paid much attention to the exact date before this century and even then their attention to such a detail is variable at best. In my own searches through genealogical records I have several recent ancestors whose dates of birth and death are inaccurate or entirely unknown. 
Anatoly took an arbitrary Chronology, plotted it out mathematically, then claimed that because the patterns are very similar that the older stuff is fake, never occurring, despite how different the things that happened are, that because they are purported(with no claim of perfect accuracy) to happen at this or that frequency they must be fictions based on this other thing that happened here, which happens to share a similar frequency and have vaguely similar names and events involved.
>You do know that most of ancient Rome and Greek history is quite literally written, translated, and rewritten by the Christians right? 
Yeah, which is why you must dig for the truth.
>If the Christians intended to destroy Rome, then explain why they would reconstruct or bring back its existence as something glorious and pagan?
It is to imply a legitimate continuation of Romes authority and justification of Rome's hegemony, and they often did, and still today, denigrate the glory of Rome as something lesser than the Christian era of Rome, despite all evidence to the contrary.
>Most "scientific" evidence is full of shit and even this can be easily fabricated to reinforce a lie. 
Which is why we often look to the past, and to less corrupted scientists and historians for our information, or doing the research into the original texts ourselves.
>The evidence is up to you to believe in it, but nothing stop us from being skeptical as it can never be said to be objectively true. All evidence must correspond to the inconsistency of the mainstream narrative of ancient history. The science is just as faulty as the timeline they try so hard to claim is real and totally not constructed by the Italian republicans. 
You can be a skeptic all you like but to claim that all the evidence from our ancestors and for their existence has somehow been warped to such an extreme degree is beyond preposterous, it's bordering on flat out insanity and then going on to try and claim that the Italians fabricated all of this to somehow prop themselves up is also ridiculous.
>All you've done here is complain about its content and how it breaks your little fetish for Greece and Rome. 
It's content is based on the work of a man who isn't an historian but a mathematician, from and trained by Soviet Russia, and is completely incongruent with any historical work from any walk of life, even the work of National Socialists, and is incongruent with the archaeological evidence even that discovered before the modern era.
I don't need to watch the entire video to see that the shit this guy wrote is bullshit that nobody who's even remotely knowledgeable or has done any research at all would listen to, unless they wished to entertain themselves with a completely fictional narrative, and I do not have a "fetish" for Greece and Rome, I have a desire for the truth, and this shit you're trying to pilpul is not the truth, it is, as best as I can determine, improperly applied mathematics and science to a multitude of fields to create pulp fiction for conspiracy minded people, unfortunately many who call themselves National Socialist fall under this category. 
>Patterns don't repeat in the exact same way, and this especially applies to history as well. 
And from his own work, they don't, the differences are small but they are there, in his own statistical graphs. The biggest problem and a big part of what makes history so inconsistent is the history of the jews, being grafted into real history at the behest of semites and Philosemites. The story as it is depicted in the torah/old testament and the new testament, is largely a fiction, wholly made up jewish bullshit, it mentions some real historical figures to give it legitimacy but is entirely fabricated. You see, unlike you, the jews realize the importance of a story to the foundation of a people regardless of it's truth, the founding myth is a very important thing and this is taught to us by the stories of Rome and Greece and their Nordic Rulers, Aristocracy, and in many cases large portions of their lower classes.
>The world is not in a state of flux.
I have no idea what you're even referring to here, I haven't even come close to claiming this, that said it is in a constant state of flux, time marches ever onwards band that march is the the only constant in the universe, that constant is properly called change, the universe does not and never has stopped changing, ever, and thus it is in a constant state of flux, and that is what Heraclitus is depicting in that sentence, even if it's moments apart the man who enters the river is not entering the same water he first went through, nor is he the exact same as when he last went through it.
>This all your own interpretations. Like I said, the Romans were also quite infamous in having sexual intercourse with their own slaves who spanned around the globe. 
No, it's fact, based on the descriptions, and Phenotypes of the Roman Emperors themselves, as well as many of figures prior to the Imperial period, the Aristocracy was the last bastion of purity until the late imperial period, around the time of Constantine, did they really decline entirely into non-existence, and while they may have had sex with slaves any children resultign from those unions were not allowed to become Citizens by birth and most often were simply abandoned, it is when their women became corrupted that impurity started creeping into the aristocracy through marriages for monetary gain that began to be arranged.
>The evidence shows that it was mostly lied about, but it existed to an extent. 
No, it doesn't, It existed only when they hit the peak of their respective declines, and less so among the Greeks, and the evidence reflects that, as shown by this Historian: 
Homosexuality always creeps out of the woodwork in times of decline, it existing, in some cases, is not unexpected to any student of history whatsoever.
>If our history is bullshit and meant to validate kikes, then it isn't history. 
I like how you move the goalposts, the History of the Aryan race does not glorify kikes, from the Philosemitic Christkike perspective it validates the perpetual pervading guilt the religion encourages, which is why the continual Roman war with Judea and it's jewish populace and much of the History of Rome as an Empire whether in the republican period or the imperial period was left untouched, with gaps here and there where it benefited the philosemitic Christniggers and the jews they aided themselves.
It's not we-wuzzing if it is actually the truth, for one, in fact all this does is lift the so-called primitive cultures of the Pre-christian North-western Europeans even higher as they spawned the tribes that would become the Romans and the Hellenes, perhaps the christians and their jewish overlords exterminated the cultures and beliefs of these tribes that much more effectively because they acknowledged this truth and its threat to their power just as you deny it and make up bullshit to throw on me
 because you do not see this from the broader scope
>Read the Rigvedas. 
I have, you faggot, the evidence shows that the original writers of the eldest Vedas were Aryan, but it tells the story of how thjey came to India from the north the Arctic, when the second wave of Aryan conquerors came the original Aryan tribes had miscegenated with the native populace of Dravidians, and they proceeded to do the same, until we have the result we see today, An extreme upper class that has a vaguely Aryan phenotype with many elements from Dravidians. Hitler had nothing to do with the rigvedas or any broad claims about them, and cared not for any of it, it was Himmler whose focus was on that, and he happened to be on the right track.
>You most certainly are acting this way with the upmost desire to claim that they were ashkually Germanic and now you want the Aryans of India, who were genetically similar to Germanics of the Northern Europe as Dravidian. 
You're flip-flopping all over the place first you say David Reich the kike, showed the Aryans of India were white and european, but backtracked, and now you seem to make the opposite claim, and the word is utmost by the way,
My desire is to lift the Germanic peoples of this planet from Ireland to Scandinavia to Germany and Russia to Australia and New Zealand to America up, and acknowledging the truth of how far we spread and conquered and how superior we truly are by using the truth of the Roman and Hellenic heritages to lift the original cultures that much higher, it  doesn't seek to put those cultures above our own it uses the cultures of Rome and Hellas to point out the superiority of those cultures that spawned them in the first place.
>because I never implied this at all
<They are center of perverts and liars who use them to fabricate claims as a way to lie about how they are rightful rulers of land they've wanted to conquer. We don't need Greeks and the Romans to prove ourselves worthy or of a great people, especially in a way that lead to the Aryan's own destruction.
Either your sentence construction is so poor as to imply the opposite of what you seem to be implying or you did imply that right here. Learn to use english correctly, nigger.
>What I want is to prove that with degeneracy or not, it wasn't med-cucks who formulated the basis of Indo-European culture, which another lie the jew is trying to spread, HARD.
And you do that BY PROVING THAT THE ROMANS AND HELLENES WERE NOT MEDS BUT NORDICS, YOU FUCKING RETARD, it subverts both the interests of jews and that of the Arabian looking Italiniggers and Greeks of today(excluding the still relatively pure Aryan populations that seem to congregate mostly in the northern regions of both places).
>Learn to spell, and where is your proof of this
You show your stark ignorance of the history of Rome here, that is when the decline of Rome began due to the Patricians of Rome, the Nordics who conquered the region, who made up the majority of the craftsman classes and the entirety of the Aristocracy would within two generations begin selling Daughters off to wealthy merchants for gain allowing the poisonous blood of lessers into the heights of Rome. whether there were slaves and freemen roaming around prior to that that had been bred by Roman Patricians with slave bitches is immateral that is roughly the point at which they began allowing it into their own Houses, usually with excess daughters at first, it 's also when they began allowing women more privielges than they ever had before.
>These description more-so describe the sea and lands surrounding the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic sea. The fault is on being Homer being purposely vague.
And my rebuttal was that the story may have originally been from the place they called Hyperborea, and had changed by the time Homer began writing it down, and this is incredibly likely, and would just go even further to prove their Nordic Origin.
>it was written by a collection of different writers in Northern Europe or Homer stole these stories that actually occurred far North of Greece. After-all the Iliad is very viking in its virtues.
Or my assertion above, it being very "viking" in it's values tells one of two things, either Homer travelled all the way to Scandinavia and Germany etc. stole stories and then returned to Hellas and spread it as their own foundation myth, or the story was built on tales that had come with them from their place of origin, that they called Hyperborea, with events in the Mediterranean overlayed on top of it, unifying the foundational mythology of Hellas. Which is more likely? The second is the far more likely option.
>Nigger, you're doing the exact same thing. 
No, the descriptions of him, while he was alive show him to have Blond hair and Blue eyes, He was Half-macedonian and half-Epiran, Both people on the Aristocratic level, at least, of Nordic Phenotype, his existing Statues show a Nordic Phenotype as well, He was Nordic, in truth.
Replies: >>401
[Hide] (77.6KB, 485x638) Reverse
>unpopular opinions
Ideology is a meme, Religion even a bigger meme
Existance is Ontology, most religionists wether Christcucks or Pagans or whatever the fuck are carbon copies of Prayer and Belief, Read Evola or Guenon for a semblance of what Actual Spirituality looks like

Ideology is secularized religion, it is the Telluric, the Sub-personal, put a fucking label, then put a set of rules
then submit yourself to it, the more you anihilate your personality and make yourself look like the label
the better, most Fucking Faggots i've met (not excluding this place) are lemmings, that instead of integrating
their Ideologies into what they are, they mold themselves, shift themselves turning into a parroting parody
spouting cooked Dogmas over and Over

Humanity does not exist, the Gnostics and many others have proven the distinction between
Pasu, Virya, Siddha, equality is joke, thus when fags keep peddling for "XYZ is the cause for ZYX"
and keep adscribing the symptoms as if they were the causes, they fail to notice this, and they fail
to realize that some things work for some people, and others do not

an example of this:/SIG/ would shit on me day and night the second i'd mention i wank 9+ times a day
and play a lot of vidya, some people have fucked their lives over porn addiction, me?
well i keep reading on a daily basis, i have a workout routine, i keep thinking and contemplating
Masturbation hasn't affected my life in the list, in fact i'd say that wanking it to Anime Girls have
given me some fuel for the Fire

is Masturbation bad? No, Is Masturbation Good then? no, it depends on the Man, it depends on your Ontological
status, Every Man should allow himself whatever he can reject, there's a Reason why in Traditional States
the Higher Classes were allowed to perform things that the lower couldn't because their Spiritual Qualifications
permitted them to perform certain activities without self-destruction, Morality is for those retarded Pasu Niggers
that can't into Metaphysics

another example of this would be the ammount of faggots that have done shit like Lifting for the sake
of Looking better, or Feeling stronger, they base their entire self-esteem upon that arbitrary activity
then when it fails, when they stop lifting or cannot anymore they rebound, become depressed and fall
at the seams, they Did X to get Y, instead of organically seeking an action because it is what one
should do, not because someone else told you, or because you "need" to, but because it feels natural

Even better, i can't count how many historical events or data have been re-purposed
"Rome fell because they racemixed!"
"Rome fell because corrupt Patricians!"
"Rome Fell because XYZ!"

Nevermind what Romans actually said. Romans were great because military prowess and peak
Political power, nobody gives a shit when Cicero and many other Romans said that it was Spirituality
what sets them appart, why? because nobody gives a shit about about Romans, it is only important
as a tool, wether it is for Jews to push for Homoshit by making claims about Romans being fags
or "Traditionalists" making their meme VHS filter "Reject Modernity" bullshit that's based about shallowly
being a "Man" by becoming a surreal fucking Stereotype, it is the same with all other
historical events and data, nobody gives a shit about what actually happened, its importance is to
twist it so it fits a Label, Ideologism, filling the void within with external Validation, the Label Feels good
the Label is all that matters, no Organicism, no Ontology, no Being, only Becoming

same thing with Race, the retardation and biologism of it, there's more to Race than Genetics
and i am very fucking tired of being Conscripted into Racialism, into "Saving the Race" by having "White Children"
that are 99% of the time going to turn into Gorilla nigger rappers or some shit, most "White People" behave like
Niggers, Quality > Quantity, what makes a Virya stand out from the Pasu is Spirit, Spirit requires Race, but it is not
Granted by it, as i said, most White people are White, but not Aryans

overall, there's only two Fucking Niggers here, the World, and Me, and im really fucking tired of this world
i'd put a bullet through all 7.9 Billion cocksuckers wasting oxygen, but logistics impedes me
>inb4 hurr durr just tarrant
no nigger, that's only gonna get more Gun Laws and more power to the fucking ZOGbots, what's needed
is Systemic Genocide, and im only ONE Fucking Man

TL;DR read Evola, stop being a fucking parrot, listen to yourself first, and do what you REALLY believe, not what some fucking Ideologue told you to do, fuck Dualism because its a meme, fuck Religion because the only real religion is Metaphysics, everything else is Plebeian Crap made by the Anti-Christ and Kikes to destroy Metaphysics

im gonna start a fucking Holocaust, and im not gonna stop until im the only one left standing, on a Island built with the bones of my enemies (everyone) sitting on a ocean of Blood
Replies: >>398
The amount of blackpillers and kikes ITT is honestly impressive.

> everyone is White, Christian
You defeated yourself right there genius.

> The anti-feminist attitudes of the modern right, both fascist and conservative
You can't be "modern", even less mere "right", and be fascists. Likewise, you cannot be conservative and fascist.
>are responsible for unjustifiable, systematic harm to white women and their children, and the adults they grew up to be (male and female).
It's the current times that are terrible to our women.
And don't ever invoke the Fourteen Words, you scoundrel.

Recreational drugs are destructive for the most part.

I am not going to intrude more into this fantastic discussion you have with Mr. Ethnoglobe but there are some points that very much need to be addressed.
>Was ancient china not civilization?
Merely looking at how they behave today and only compete because we once again shared our knowledge with them, I have no doubt now that the China we speak of in the past was, a long time ago, quite different from what we project. Notwithstanding the copious amounts of race mixing due to many brutal invasions and enslavement, we also know that there were two major White settlements in China thousands of years ago, one in the extreme upper West, the other in the upper East not too far from the Japanese archipelago. Even several centuries ago, the leader of the Golden Horde named Genghis Khan was known to be a mulatto with some faint Aryan features.
>Egypt? India?
Peaked when ruled by Whites. Everything else after that was a more or less stretched and diluted management of what was built before by Whites.
> Ethiopia?
Much less impressive and spilling from power and influences emanating from Egypt and local powers around the Red Sea, themselves also fueled by the old riches coming from the Middle East. Which brings us to Persia that peaked under Aryan rule too.
>How do you define "civilization" in such a manner that only whites are capable of creating and sustaining it?
Only the fairest of the Asian tribes managed, somehow, to remain developed enough. Japan was lagging behind Europeans and needed a major upgrade by Whites during the Meiji era. Japanese are now the most efficient and creative of all Asians and that is due to the fact that their implicit racial upper caste is actually partially mongrelized with leftovers from ancient Indo-European elements. On the same hand, the darker skinned a people, the more mediocre it is in about every thing. Whites are unarguable Nature's finest creation.
As soon as the "White Gods" left Central America, the natives lost all knowledge of the temples their ancestors were guided into building. It took several centuries before Whites returned there and unearthed these buildings from the encroaching jungles.
>Please provide some kind of evidence that Christianity is a Jewish construct meant only to subvert their enemies
A pity the former fash board was purged, it had more than enough evidence of this, but this is too long a debate to resume here.

>Hitler's retelling of struggle was merely him adapting eastern beliefs to fit his political manifesto. To say that Hitler believed in any legitimate higher power, be it God, Odin, Nature, whatever you want to call it, is nonsense; he believed in the same perverted way you do: by not considering the truth, but to how it can be warped and distorted to fit his ambitions.
I don't know how long you plan on residing here, but this level of garbage coming from a Christian is as unsurprising as it will get you mauled as often as necessary. National Socialists saw through Christianity and Hitler was only partial to an aryanized version of it because it appears he held a belief of Jesus being a gentile, although it is hard to know how true this claim is. It would have also implied an urgent revision of the coherence of Christianity as Paul and several Apostles would need to be opposed to whatever would have been the true, unfiltered and undamaged teaching of the fabled Yeshuos.
>Redhead chinese mummies? What the fuck anon?
Then very clearly you are a newcomer. This information is rather old by now and wasn't even limited to /fascist/. You merely jumped out of your bubble with the intent to proselytize your jewed creed here.
> As stated at the start of my posts there is reasonable doubt that Odin was not as straight and manly as you believe he was.
Aside from his dabbling into some seidr, which for some reason was a female duty although not too dissimilar to the privilege attributed to the seers of Delphi, and that alone would still be a far cry from a plain homosexual behavior.
>The Ottomans were successful only because of stolen European technology and tactics? And not, say, massive manpower, a common belief in Islam/Allah, hugely skilled horse trainers, and geographic superiority? They were only successful because they stole from the white man?
They obviously had their own very real resources and excellence but it would be a critical mistake to ignore how important the White janissaries were to the Turkish lords; White enslaved and brainwashed into serving the Ottoman empire against their own ancestors' peoples.
> If natural law is true, Christianity should've died out long ago for being meek and submissive.
You should think about it. It absolutely is of a slave mentality but endured that long because as insane as it sounds on paper, Europeans never put to practice what the Gospels commanded them to do. It is in fact this demented state of schizophrenia that has saved Europe from being the victims of major invading forces. That and considerable levels of hypocrisy from the Papacy itself. At least Islam was and still is uncompromising about the infidels and the need for a war to convert people to the light by the sword.
>Yet 2000 years later it's still around and has the most followers in the world. Meanwhile "strong" paganism is now nothing more than fairy tales worshipped by a handful of online atheists that traded their fedoras for rune necklaces. Many of them nonwhite, mind you.
You are tiresome. How many times has this silly claim been made and so easily rebutted? Here, not willing to waste time on this, I will nonetheless remark how there is something truly pathetic in seeing a White person defend an alien religion forced upon his European ancestors while disparaging a truer native spirituality, beliefs and customs. You may want to look into how your invasive religion of love and denial of primeval diversity spread throughout the Roman Empire and Northern Europe.
Hell, your opinion isn't even unpopular. It's just embarrassing for how uninformed it is.
>The natural law that is presently telling the white race to lay down and die, and they are accepting it
Not all of them and this state of affairs is due to the propaganda relentlessly pushed onto us by the parasite Jew and his necessary White traitorous allies. Our situation didn't come about naturally, in a vacuum.

> would of ridiculed
Check your grammar, nigger.

>You can connect the dots between seidr and ergi quite clearly. Loki called Odin a faggot.
Let's not pretend a single word could have different values depending on the context. Like a sexual ergi would certainly be different from someone referred to as an ergi for having had dabbled in divination practices exclusively defined as belonging to women, and that maybe, just maybe because it would involve being on the receiving (passive) end of spiritual forces and other sources of of knowledge there again linked to water instead of fire. Odin had his own storyteller who was a woman and consulted with Hella too for further information. Other than that it was giants, with all the implicit issues raised by their nature, who took on similar activities.
Finally, much of this is based on texts that could be somehow contaminated because of when they were written and by whom.
>Again, why does it describe such deviancy in-depth? Why does the religion that you so love and hold dear as EVROPEAN CVLTVRE filled with such rampant displays of faggotry and smut?
They are few and when it comes to Loki I would have thought that it was most obvious that they served as a tale of caution. In fact the whole of the Eddas show him becoming more and more of a nuisance and a deviant, until he finally sides with the Aesir's enemies and participates in the very destruction of the world and Asgard, getting locked into a battle against the White God and both of them killing each other. So it would be very, very disingenuous to claim that Loki would at any time be used as some kind of cultural positive reference.for the people.
>You have plenty of Tumblr witches that tried to bring down the Taliban through their gayass rituals and fucking lost in their own fantasy world. People will try anything, and if you drink the Norse koolaid enough you start to believe that what you're doing is actually working.
Wait. Are you implying that genuine Norse-related spiritual activities are not working, whereas your Christian ones are? If yes, clearly you haven't tried anything of value yet.
>Paganism attracts nonwhites from across the globe who try to worship Odin just as you do.
Correction retard. Pozzed paganism that shoud exclusively belong to Whites for obvious reasons. Hence why racist Odinism or Wotanism were a necessity to counter that perversion and corruption. This multicultural bland of Astru is pushed by liberals, soyfags and weaklings.
Replies: >>399 >>408
Spiritual sandniggerism.
>same thing with Race, the retardation and biologism of it, there's more to Race than Genetics
and i am very fucking tired of being Conscripted into Racialism, into "Saving the Race" by having "White Children"
that are 99% of the time going to turn into Gorilla nigger rappers or some shit, most "White People" behave like
Niggers, Quality > Quantity, what makes a Virya stand out from the Pasu is Spirit, Spirit requires Race, but it is not
Granted by it, as i said, most White people are White, but not Aryans
Mate with a sheboon and STFU then. Meanwhile true Whites will do whatever possible to make sure that future White children aren't pushed by Goldstein into listening to shitpop and get aroused by fatty twerking chocobutts.
Replies: >>410
The christnigger ran away, as I'm sure you saw, also this is kind of the designated thread for blackpillers, kikes and morons, it's far from perfect at containing them but it works well enough.
>If his actual channel was on youtube, why would you not provide that? 
Why do I have to provide something you aren't going to read or watch anyway? You showed that you did not care where my info came from and now you do. 

>Anatoly Fomenko, a Soviet and later Russian who rather than presuming, correctly, that the pattern of history reflects something more profound about us and the universe, that patterns repeat, and due to our short memories, that are prone to error, that we will find a pattern that helps us convey events most easily regardless of it's absolute accuracy. He assumes that a pattern repeating makes history entirely false, and that older events are reflections of more modern events despite all evidence to the contrary
>He assumes that a pattern repeating makes history entirely false, 
There is no evidence to the contrary. You're just saying a bunch of nothing with lack of proof for your claims. Historical events are not likely to occur the exact same way. Past and present occurrences are always unique in their way. They can have similarities to the things that have already happened, but for there to be an exact pattern that leads to the possibility that everything was done in a perfect or nearly perfect fashion is bullshit. You cannot find an example of this happening at all. And reading your entire sob, you obviously are confused in this topic. Anthony doesn't say that patterns prove history false, his mathematics and theory is that it is impossible for history and the world to be stagnated a copy of what it was before.

>Yeah, which is why you must dig for the truth.
You can't dig for a truth when you're constantly lying and deluding yourself. 

>It is to imply a legitimate continuation of Romes authority and justification of Rome's hegemony, and they often did
Yes, it is basically the meaning to say that Romans, not our own ancestors of our respective cultures, built our cultures' and sophistication, not us on our own. This is a cucked mentality to have, as you are not Roman and the imperial validation is a weird obsession amongst Christians as if it is a key point to the social engineering of Europeans.

>denigrate the glory of Rome as something lesser than the Christian era of Rome, despite all evidence to the contrary.
When you cope so hard you deflect my argument and proceed to vague about the evidence that is never provided. Nigger, the evidence shows that the Renaissance are the birth of mainstream Roman history and romanticism alike. This is not a mere "coincidence".

>Which is why we often look to the past, and to less corrupted scientists and historians for our information
I'm not convinced that your methods have you to much success.

>You can be a skeptic all you like but to claim that all the evidence from our ancestors and for their existence has somehow been warped to such an extreme degree is beyond preposterous, it's bordering on flat out insanity
The claim that history is likely occur exactly the same is arrogant and not only "beyond preposterous" (lol nice psued talk), but just simply retarded. Although your motivations to validate lies is clear as day for you want to LARP on about some White imperialism, while simunatenously being a cuckold to your ancestors. Although noticing that you are doing this whole "WE WUZ" nonsense. I wouldn't be surprised if you're just another Amerimutt for this is a common phenomenon. 

>It's content is based on the work of a man who isn't an historian but a mathematician
Anon, mathematics is a common tool that is used to root out errors and comprehend all formats. It is universally relatable to everything. Your arguments only works if it can be established that he tries to use math without understanding the context of history, which is not true. What does it take to be a historian other than listen to some dumb idiot who calls himself a professor, tell another dumb idiot what happened in the past, because the mainstream said it was true? Being a mathematician does not invalidate his critique nor criteria to participate in the skepticism of history. Mentioning that he was trained by the SU is purity-spiraling as his math is not motivated by politics nor of Soviet Scientism, and the NSDAP haven't changed much of the education system from the German Empire other than their drive for political indoctrination. 

>I don't need to watch the entire video to see that the shit this guy wrote is bullshit
No you do need to watch it as your arguments are off and you clearly do not understand your opponent's perspectives. Your incredibly wrong assumptions are based off of your own personal biases and you have not found a flaw nor proven yourself correct in critique of the video. This really shows when you accuse others of being jewish with juvenile reasoning. 

>more ramblings that are not based off his works
Watch the video and or just stop being a faggot.

>I have no idea what you're even referring to here,
I meant to say that the world is in state of flux. For there is clear evidence for this, both spirituality and scientifically. 

>I haven't even come close to claiming this,
Also you
<it's nothing but a waste of time and so are you, patterns repeat, it's part of the nature of the universe
All of your muh pattern arguments deflect my point on how it is impossible for the past to repeat itself as it exactly was before. You just simply refuse to understand where I'm coming from, along with the video I linked. It is not possible for there to be several patterns aligns almost perfectly well with another piece of history. 

>the universe does not and never has stopped changing, ever, and thus it is in a constant state of flux, and that is what Heraclitus is depicting in that sentence,
Yes, and time is apart of the universe, via defeating your point. Pipul.

>No, it doesn't, It existed only when they hit the peak of their respective declines
Your source only debunks the claim that homosexuality was common. 

>I like how you move the goalposts
This isn't goal-posting, retard. I'm specifically explaining to you that history is shit and gives our opponents leverage. I'm downright denying mainstream history.

>the History of the Aryan race does not glorify kikes
>History as I perceive does not
It literally shows paganisms as unnecessary, declining, and it was easily overtaken because "reasons", and that Christianity just somehow magically converted millions, even though everyone knew it was a Jewish religion and would be very reluctant in adopting it over their native faith.

>I have, you faggot, the evidence shows that the original writers of the eldest Vedas were Aryan, but it tells the story of how thjey came to India from the north the Arctic, when the second wave of Aryan conquerors came the original Aryan tribes had miscegenated with the native populace
>I have you! Here's some more delusional nonsense that is never proven nor accepted as evidence!
I said read the rigvedas, not bring up more nonsense. Tilak's theory was formulated on assertion of the geography of prehistoric India, not contents of the rigvedas itself. There's no evidence that shows this case at all. You're just being retarded again. 

>but it tells the story of how thjey came to India from the north the Arctic, when the second wave of Aryan conquerors came the original Aryan tribes had miscegenated with the native populace of Dravidians,
You didn't say nor have the proper English to imply that this is what you meant.

>You're flip-flopping all over the place first you say David Reich the kike, showed the Aryans of India were white and european, but backtracked
No I did not. Learn to fucking read and stop being retarded. I said he knew they were Aryans and HE backtracked. This means that he kvetch at the truth and lied peddled back to declare he thinks they were "peaceful migrations".

>My desire is to lift the Germanic peoples of this planet from Ireland to Scandinavia to Germany and Russia to Australia and New Zealand to America up, and acknowledging the truth of how far we spread and conquered
By lying and we wuzzing that the Romans were ashukally Germans, which you still have not proven.

>Either your sentence construction is so poor as to imply 
The problem here is that you cannot read for jack shit and come up with ignorant conclusions of what I'm saying. I'm wasting my time with someone this disingenuous. I wasn't talking about the fucking Romans and Greeks, I'm talking about THE PEOPLE CREATED THE LIES, specifically the fags and Jesuits who went on to make shit up about the Spartans had frequent sex with their best friends over their wives (this is actually something that happened in the Ottoman Empire).
Note what I said here
<They are center of perverts and liars who use them to fabricate claims as a way to lie about how they are rightful rulers of land they've wanted to conquer
Where did I call Greeks and Romans gay? I'm clearly stating that those who make their stories, are perverts and liars.

I asked you to prove to me they were several times, Amerimutt and you given me nothing. By "proving" you mean making stuff out your ass. Basically adopt Yakub-like tactics and make fools ourselves.

>You lack knowledge
>Here's more Yakub and we wuzzing
I'm not arguing with a fellow White man.

>And my rebuttal was that the story may have originally been from the place they called Hyperborea
No, your rebuttal was that the story was written in the Mediterranean, when I specifically explained that this was unlikely.

>Or my assertion above, it being very "viking" in it's values tells one of two things, either Homer travelled all the way to Scandinavia and Germany etc
Impossible. Homer was blind and the Greeks have never heard of Germans, until the Romans conquered them. It is impossible for him to travel there and no one heard of Scandinavians at that time. 

>He was Half-macedonian and half-Epiran
Not Germanic.

>Both people on the Aristocratic level, at least, of Nordic Phenotype, his existing Statues show a Nordic Phenotype as well, He was Nordic, in truth.
You're retarded and should stay out of white politics shit-skin, by your logic blond Slavs are also automatically Nordic.
Replies: >>414
As an addition to the controversy regarding the Lokasenna and Loki's accusation thrown at Odin, the essay on a nid and the label ergi is very clear about the importance of cowardice as a defining factor for the accusation of homosexuality in character, that of someone who lacks courage. It would be obvious that this specific element cannot be maintained against Odin. The issue lies in a violation of duties exclusive to one sex or the other. It is not clear if Loki is even right in his accusation. He is smart and knowledgeable, although not wise by need, so he could be assuming a certain activity on part of Odin because of the deep knowledge the latter seems to be in possession of. Is it ever confirmed that Odin ever practiced seidr outside of this accusation? And why would this be known by anyone else but him? After all, in a similar manner, Odin's accusation equally contains a part of speculation, although the inferred truth is probably very close to reality in the of Sleipnir's birth.
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>Spiritual sandniggerism.
>t.hasn't read guenon
having some deja-vu from the guy who dismissed Evola because he was a dadaist painter after the war
either way this "answer" is enough to proove everything i said in my previous post is right

>Meanwhile true Whites will do whatever possible to make sure that future White children aren't pushed by Goldstein into listening to shitpop and get aroused by fatty twerking chocobutts.
thanks for being a archetypal parody of the type i just critiziced in my previous post

you're blind, you see the symptoms for the causes, you think its shitpop and jewish subversion what has made "people" this way (for all that i know, and from what i've barely skimmed in this thread, you probably even bought into the thinktank that roasties are salvageable and that fags can be "Redpilled"), it is not, before every subversion, there is first a drop in level, a drop in Spiritual Level,  there was no shithop or goldbergstein in government prior to the ((( French revolution ))) (most jews were expelled, or kept under control in those times, it has been like that since forever), yet bit by bit, in time, Man has been decaying (or rather, the vast majority of Pasu trash) and turning itself away from God/Divine
untill we find ourselves at this point in time

its not your ignorance (because being retarded usually only hurts the retard itself, unless there's some people under his responsability) but your way of getting half-assed think-tanks, putting them on a pedestal,
then pushing it unto others, God forbid anyone who does not buy what you sell, just like communists, liberals, kikes and all the other Telluric vermin

i could go on a endless tirade on ontology, explaining why Third Positionism is really just another Telluric iteration of the same Spiritual Poison as Communism, only appealing to a different type of Hyper-materialist Tellurism, i'd probably have done this if i saw this post 2 years ago, but now? fuck it, im not, im tired of having to "Justify" myself to others, specially other people who really only care about wether im willing to buy into their (Manufactured) worldview and become a good party-pet, another lemming for their Proxy war, Orchestrated and Planned by the Leviathan

I know what i Know, i know what i've seen and i know why i do the things that i do, in short im perfectly in Syncronicity with myself, that is enough for me, what you or other people do is irrelevant, i only wrote my previous post as a "Vent" and im only writting this one because its as good time as any to write down and talk to myself through posts, Providence will provide, Gehenna comes...
Replies: >>411 >>609
>In this post, a shitskin shilling for spiritual sandniggerism is offended by Whites standing for their race.
Why bother?
Replies: >>412 >>415 >>424
Shitskins should be banned on sight. Heck, any post that slightly sways from the common opinion here should be seen as a shitskin infliltrating.
Replies: >>413 >>415
The whole userbase would be banned then considering it's nothing but shitskins larping as white.


Replies: >>419
You wouldn't have looked any less credible actually providing the channel, and I found it myself, completely unnecessary for you to go find it and provide it, I still don't care what your source is, It's a moron talking out his ass about a theory that is the result of the work of a Soviet Mathematician. I need no more than that to completely disregard your entire argument as not only are you buying into enemy propaganda quite literally published before the Soviet union fell.
>There is no evidence to the contrary.
There is no evidence for the "history" you're shilling, there are statistical models that Anatoly made, one large flaw in his thesis is that Statistics and History do not mesh. The pattern is similar, in some cases, but not exact how this falsifies the current model is left completely unexplained. His claims are worthless, made to entrap the curious mind in a cycle of retarded bullshit that doesn't match with reality in the slightest. The errors that are possible with things like radiocarbon dating are well known and easily accounted for, and do not throw off the test in any great fashion.
Nothing that was gone over in that video repeated exactly any event before, in fact the events are radically different, what isn't different or rather what is very similar is the frequency of events, which means nothing. We do not have enough of an understanding of human nature, or of how nature as a whole affects us over long periods of time to say with any degree of certainty why that pattern might be, the fact that there is a pattern does not, in and of itself, mean anything.
>You can't dig for a truth when you're constantly lying and deluding yourself. 
The only one deluding themselves here is you, you watch a video by a fucking retard, on a book written by a french guy, which was based on the work of a fucking Soviet, most of my claims are based on work done by National Socialists, and historians from farther back than the majority of the poz of today.
>Yes, it is basically the meaning to say that Romans, not our own ancestors of our respective cultures, built our cultures' and sophistication, not us on our own.
Again you're claiming I'm doing something I haven't done even once. 
>This is a cucked mentality to have, as you are not Roman and the imperial validation is a weird obsession amongst Christians as if it is a key point to the social engineering of Europeans.
No, it's a weird point oif obsession for christniggers because they think it validates them and invalidates "dirty pagays" nothing more than that.
>Nigger, the evidence shows that the Renaissance are the birth of mainstream Roman history and romanticism alike.
Nigger you can't even see my point, or you would have realized it is a direct refutation of yours.
>I'm not convinced that your methods have you to much success.
You're convinced all of ancient history is made up, because a Soviet Mathematian said so and who searched for plausibly close names to try and shore up his obviously dubious claims.
>The claim that history is likely occur exactly the same is arrogant and not only "beyond preposterous" (lol nice psued talk), but just simply retarded. 
Not only is that not the claim, it's not even the point. You can't even address my argument so you just devolve to generalities, appeals to ridicule, (MUH WE WUZ you're like a nigger) and specious claims about me.
The fact is that Unlike th Negros We actually were these people, some returned home, continuing their lines in Scandinavia, Germany, and elsewhere some devolved into the Southern italians of today.
>Anon, mathematics is a common tool that is used to root out errors and comprehend all formats.
Anon, Mathematics is a fine tool, when it's used appropriately, here all he could use it for was to note the similarity in the pattern of events, he established no such link in the events themselves let alone that he often compared fictional(the biblical kingdoms shit)chains of events to real ones.
>Your arguments only works if it can be established that he tries to use math without understanding the context of history, which is not true. 
He was taught by the Soviets, so right there undeniable proof he doesn't understand history and if you had done any historical research whatsoever you would know most of it is built upon Archaeological work, Anthropological work, and much more just for the primary sources, secondary and tertiary, aren't used unless nothing else fills that gap. 
>Being a mathematician does not invalidate his critique nor criteria to participate in the skepticism of history.
Actually it does, he understands math and specifically statistics for this case, it's like using a hammer when you need a screwdriver, sure it'll get a result but that result isn't going to be worth shit.
>Mentioning that he was trained by the SU is purity-spiraling as his math is not motivated by politics nor of Soviet Scientism, and the NSDAP haven't changed much of the education system from the German Empire other than their drive for political indoctrination. 
First, he was taught and raised in Soviet Russia, that's enough to throw anything he does into question especially since neither he nor his parents defected either before or after the collapse in 1989. The NSDAP actually changed a lot of the education system, maybe not in structure, more important things to worry about, but definitely in substance.
>No you do need to watch it as your arguments are off and you clearly do not understand your opponent's perspectives. 
I watched more than half of it, even after calling it out as bullshit less than five minutes in, I will watch no more, I have no need for any more information to understand your "perspective" I understand it, and I have undermined it totally by demonstrating its falsity. Also, saying you're pilpuling isn't calling you a jew, the word describes an action, that you're behaving like a jew doesn't make you a jew
>All of your muh pattern arguments deflect my point on how it is impossible for the past to repeat itself as it exactly was before.
It's not a deflection, it a truth, Patterns repeat, everywhere, like the golden ration being reflected near universally, I saw no exact replication, whether in the individual events or the chain, and without an analysis of the math he used and what he was doing with it his pattern is itself worthless in it's entirety, and he provided the math used nowhere, at least nowhere that I have been able to see it.
>Yes, and time is apart of the universe, via defeating your point. Pipul.
Glossing over the inaccuracy of your statement, Time is an Idea, it is not a physical law or force of any sort, it's really just a name we put to the constant change, but that being true doesn't at all address any part of my point especially since it was based on your poor english skills.
>Your source only debunks the claim that homosexuality was common. 
Which means it was rare, as such, a deviant behavior, and it always has been, homosexuality existing at all was not the point, it has always existed or it would not exist today that dopes not make it any less unnatural.
>I'm specifically explaining to you that history is shit and gives our opponents leverage. I'm downright denying mainstream history.
It is goal posting, and So am I, using the evidence itself rather than soviet, kike or christkike lies on it.
>It literally shows paganisms as unnecessary, declining, and it was easily overtaken because "reasons",
The history christians have written to glorify themselves does the evidence does not reflect that, it shows how christians acted just like jews(partially because they started out as jews) and subverted the societies from the top down while pressing their holy war on every front using torture, and pointless slaughter to convert or kill any who resisted their subversion, while also showing their absolute failure to defend Europe at any point prior to our Aryan nature winning out in the fields of science it's not glorifying to them or kikes, which is why they write so much cope to hide it.
>Tilak's theory was formulated on assertion of the geography of prehistoric India, not contents of the rigvedas itself.
No tilak's theory was based on the Vedas, it's another guy who made the claim based on Indian geography and also stupidly claimed that India was the north pole at one point less than 10000 years ago, to attempt to invalidate the Aryan invasion theory.
>You didn't say nor have the proper English to imply that this is what you meant.
<India was never fully Aryan, the Aryans were always conquerors aparrently of the Australoid looking Dravidians of India, first many thousands of years ago so as to be nothing but distant memory even in the Vedas, and the other much more recently but still quite ancient.
That point is explicitly clear in this pinktext, You really need to learn how to write proper english and also learn common shorthand native speakers use.
>No I did not. Learn to fucking read and stop being retarded. I said he knew they were Aryans and HE backtracked. This means that he kvetch at the truth and lied peddled back to declare he thinks they were "peaceful migrations".
Yeah, that's what I said with "but backtracked" the subject of that verb was David Reich, not you and to any fluent speaker that's perfectly obvious. Your poor english skills are to blame for this confusion.
>By lying and we wuzzing that the Romans were ashukally Germans, which you still have not proven.
It's been covered numerous times on this board in the past, proven beyond all doubt, from the descriptions of the men in the iliad to that of the gods themselves, right down to existing personal descriptions of the romans themselves, the Romans were initially composed of a germanic tribe who went around conquering other racially similar tribes, and by the time they decided to try their hand at germanic lands had lost the power that being purely Aryan had granted them, only winning because germany and the germanic people at large were still fractious while Rome had a veneer of unity enforced by the weight of the Roman State and a still largely Aryan ruling class, at least, until around Constantine's rule,
>I'm talking about THE PEOPLE CREATED THE LIES, specifically the fags and Jesuits who went on to make shit up about the Spartans had frequent sex with their best friends over their wives (this is actually something that happened in the Ottoman Empire).
No, the problem is that you are an ESL nigger who thinks his english skills are hot shit, when they're barely sufficient for high school for native speakers.
They are lies and easily demonstrated as such, you're trying to weaken their position, by removing the evidence they warped to create their lies, but you fail to realize that hiding the truth as well as the lies open you for subversion. we have to allow the evidence to speak for itself. That shit is still rampant every where that arabic muslims exist.
>They are center of perverts and liars who use them to fabricate claims as a way to lie about how they are rightful rulers of land they've wanted to conquer
This was in response to my point about how the romans kept their blood pure, for a great portion of their history, mainly by only allowing people of a similar aka, Germanic, bloodline to obtain citizenship, a better sentence would have been "the (whoever you were actually talking about, presumably present day Italians, maybe jews or christjews) are perverting and lying about the the Ancient greeks and romans to encourage and validate faggots today. They are also using it to fabricate claims to, and validate their own rule over, lands today." As you originally wrote it, it makes no sense whatsoever. and actually implies you were calling the Greeks and Romans centers of perverts and liars  being used to justify that shit today.
>You didn't say nor have the proper English to imply that this is what you meant.
Actually, I implied exactly that, the native populace of India is dravidians, both the original Aryan migration, and the second, much more violent, wave miscegenated out of existence, not enough to destroy what had been done, but enough that no new innovation was possible, it became stagnant and could only be maintained, never improved upon.
>I asked you to prove to me they were several times, Amerimutt and you given me nothing. By "proving" you mean making stuff out your ass. 
I pointed you to several sources, in that post alone, you are just too lazy to go and look for them, Things such as "Who We Are" by William Luther Pierce, and "March Of The Titans", I think by an Arthur Kemp are both books on that exact thing, MOTT, much more in depth, Who We Are, much more concise, clear, and a bit dry but very good historical work. 
>I'm not arguing with a fellow White man
You aren't white, and you're just making appeals to ridicule, the archives for this board from 16 and Anon.cafe still exist, and there are links in several threads, and this subject was covered quite extensively on both sites.
>No, your rebuttal was that the story was written in the Mediterranean, when I specifically explained that this was unlikely.
One, we do not know for certain that Homer was blind his entire life, or if his being blind was ever actually true, because nobody has his body to make conclusions from, merely people talking about his work after he was long dead and how he was reputed to be blind.
Second, I said it was much more likely that Homer, before he went blind, had travelled all of the Hellenic lands, and collected a cohesive origin story which he then wrote down, the fact that that story seems so very similar to Nordic stories, in morality, and geographical elements within the story, shows clear, direct, evidence that the origin of the Hellenes was from Germanic lands.
>Not Germanic.
They were Germanic in blood and phenotype then as I have demonstrated, and from Alexanders own phenotype.
>by your logic blond Slavs are also automatically Nordic.
You have never heard of the Kievan Rus, have you? they were quite literally a tribe of Vikings who had settled in what is now Kiev and came to dominance over quite a lot of land out that way, and many Blond Slavs are Descendants of Germans and Vikings who had settled in various places out in what are now Slavic lands, some even quite far north in Russia, but you don't really care about the truth.
Replies: >>417 >>626
This is the Unpopular Opinions thread, it's purpose is to contain these niggers here rather than them going around shitting up the rest of the threads.
Replies: >>416
Fair point, although there is that fine frontier between having a controversy prone thread where all goes in, and the equivalent of completely manure filled dumpster when any kind of rot flies and proves worthless in the end.
Replies: >>418
Could we have a TL;DR version of this post please?
Replies: >>418
It is a fine balance and I try to keep it within those lines and if it devolves I'm sure people will let me know, either through the report system or right in the thread.
ESL anon is a retarded ignorant faggot, and can't into english and can't argue worth shit.
BO should make it clear that /fascist/ is for White anon posters only. Old /fascist/ used to entertain occasional shitskins who come and post (some who were regulars, if I recall correctly). And that turned out to be a terrible idea. If we should never converse with shitskins in real life, why do it online? Seems so stupid.

Get fucked, darkie.
the age of consent should be 35
Replies: >>424 >>527
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This white enough for you?
some high quality discussion board where the only discussion is essentially labeling anything oustide the circlejerk as wrongthink and therefore shitskin

>>252 is on point, even if i don't agree with him on some points, you are prettymuch the same sort of Mass vermin, "Pasu of the Right"

>offended by Whites standing for their race.
why should i be offended by dead men walking?, also if standing for your race means creating a political Hive like the Communists, the Liberals and prettymuch every single political circlejerk around then the bar isn't very high
>Spiritual sandniggerism
the irony here is that this whole "Mother Earth" bullshit you retards love so much is literal Spiritual Sandinggerism, its Pre-personal, Sub-Liminal worship of the Totemic collective, its Archetypal thinking, all forms of Actual Aryan Metaphysics (Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Pali and Zen Buddhism, Early Hinduism, Hellenism and Traditional Paganism when actually understood and not just taken at face value with Pseudo-Odinist Pachamama New Age crap like you fucks are doing here etc...) advocate for Personalism, Detachment, Trascendance, From Heracles to Prince Siddharta to Krishna in the Baghavad gita, these were not "Men of the people" that "Saved their Races" and stooped themselves down to the Vermin, but rather, Men that listened to the Divine within them, and chose to Rise themselves to Divine Light

you are another Pasu, an eternal Mediocre peasant of the World, you see the Light and, instead of rising upwards to it, you demand that it falls from its throne so that others, who do not deserve it, may partake in it

this is what will eternally give all of you away, that no matter King/Fuhrer/Reichscomissar/Whatever the fuck, you will always claim that power comes "From Nature" and "From the People" Fascism in its implementation by Mussolini somewhat steered itself in the right direction by advocating for the Primacy of State over the People, but ultimately, it failed, it failed because the ones composing it were weak contaminated by a drop in spiritual level, by Tellurism and Populism, thus their implementations never reached beyond the realms of Profane Socio-economics

returning to Guenon, he became a Sufi later in his life, mainly because he earnestly thought there were still initiatic Centers in the world, i disagree with him, i do not think any more Yogi, or Masters exist, the ones who do are hidden, probably avoiding all this shit, he became a Sufi because he knows that Metaphysics is not a matter of Religion, but of a Trascendental Reality, it is no wonder that many concepts are Universal across religions, like how some idiot here talked about Homer learning XYZ from Scandinavians, wich is not, the Truth is that Metaphysics all comes from the Same Well of Divine wisdom (Gnosis if you will) Hyperborea, Agartha, Avalon, they are all the same locations, different Symbols for the same truth, just like how the Cycle of Ages is common in all Metaphysical rings aswell, from the Greeks to Aryan India, because Guenon knew this, he became a Sufi, none of his books really concern themselves Explicitly with sufism, they talk about Metaphysics, and Divine Wisdom, he became a Sufi not out of love for Mudslimes, much less for Abrahamism, but out of an ernest will to Trascend

Guenon and Evola are like the Snakes of the Caduceus, they both did the same thing through different Methods, Guenon was a Brahmin, he contemplated, Observed, and assimilated, Evola was a Ksatrya, he got involved in the world and took experiences as fuel for his Fire

all of this is beyond Party Politics, LARPing, and Dialectical Sophism, it belongs to the realm of Being, of Genuine personality, these are things that you will never archieve, they didn't because you chose not to, you chose like all other Pasu, to jump into the totem, to become a Eternal Servant of the Kosmokrator, you are a Proxy Soldier in a False Conflict, a False Conflict fought to serve as a Distraction for anyone who might pierce through the Veil of False Dualism

i said it before, and i say it again, All Aryans are White, but not all Whites are Aryan

Y tho?, by that age whores are borderline menopausic and ugly as all fucking shit, i can understand dudes waiting untill they
are actually wisened up to have responsible relationships or form a family or whatever, but some people (make that nobody) never learn, just look around at the masses, most 30-40 year olds already behave like Children
Replies: >>451 >>466 >>609
Opinion: White unity should not usurp national identity.
Replies: >>466
see >>118
Also, what you're advocating would inevitably lead to the lowest common denominator. There will always be differences and wars between us, because life is based on conflict. You can never erase our differences, and your attempt to do so would inevitably fail, while also leading to homogeny & impoverishment. The existence of different nations/races/cultures enriches us (not the violent "cultural enrichment", the real kind) because they trade, compete, and stimulate each other. For example, the fact that the Japanese have different racial qualities leads to them creating content that we never would've come up with. Thus, a variety of ethnostates provides true diversity (rather than the false Jewish kind, which is actually homogeny). And if the whole world is under one culture/gov't, that means there's a single failure point for the whole species. A fatally flawed New World Order would crash and burn everyone everywhere, and recovery would take as long as the Dark Ages after the Bronze Age Collapse, if not longer. By keeping the races divided, societal collapse can be contained and managed.
Replies: >>450
What if I told you the idea of universal nationalism is no longer sought after? But rather a future where only Whites can thrive. See, if we kick out all the nonwhites to their respective homelands, our future descendants will somehow let them back in. Why? Because knowledge can be easily fade away as time goes by.

You know what we should be doing, but you're still shilling for that cucked solution of "every place for every race". I smell a civnat.
Replies: >>452
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>obvious shitskin tone
>showing only the bottom of your arm
What did I say? This board is for self hating muttoids and shitskins larping as white LOL
Replies: >>486
If you meant ethnoglobe, you should've said so.

>See, if we kick out all the nonwhites to their respective homelands, our future descendants will somehow let them back in. Why? Because knowledge can be easily fade away as time goes by.
The brown invasions are the direct result of ZOG. Once a certain international clique has finally been dealt with, this won't be a problem -- in fact, most people of other races will prefer to stay in their homelands than be ostracized in a white ethnostate. If other races exist, our descendants won't forget the differences, and in fact will be spurred on by their presence to remain fit. The only real danger is forgetting about Jews, which is why those lessons must be taught in perpetuity.

I addressed the problems with ethnoglobe back on 16chan, but I'll reiterate:
As I said above, with only whites, we might get too complacent. The existence of other races will stimulate and motivate us to live up to our best form. We'll never be unified anyway, so we might as well keep the other races around for peak trade/exchange and competition.
Another reason is that when people are backed into a corner and given no alternative to extinction, they tend to fight back ferociously. Any attempt to establish ethnoglobe would see diminishing returns as we'd deal with endemic terrorism and guerilla warfare. Ethnocontinents would be a far more realistic and attainable goal.
Another reason is that I honestly wouldn't want to exterminate every other race. Some races, like the Japanese and Persians, are not unlike Aryans, just with different qualities.
Last but not least, before you can conquer the world, first you must survive. Even ethnocontinents is a lofty goal in our current circumstances.
Replies: >>466 >>473
>This white enough for you?
You mean the underside of your kinky and oily haired arm? I've seen Jews who were Whiter than that.
>why should i be offended by dead men walking?
Don't worry Sanchez, I know how it makes you feel warm down there to know Whites could go extinct that soon. But try to contain that excitement and posturing a little bit when you post here.
>the irony here is that this whole "Mother Earth" bullshit you retards love so much
>lines of pure blah
Sure lad, keep going.
> you will always claim that power comes "From Nature" and "From the People"
Wut again. I could tell you to lurk more but since the previous board was nuked from orbit we will have to settle on the fact that you're a pure newfag.
>more Guenon apologetics
Just stop.
>some idiot here talked about Homer learning XYZ from Scandinavians, wich is not
There are whole geographical references in his works that contradict the reality of the Mediterranean locations that the stories are supposedly happening at, but totally fit the Scandinavian and Baltic areas.
>Guenon and Evola are like the Snakes of the Caduceus
And you're probably the central stick that gets shoved into one faggot's ass.

Which is slightly circular because we wouldn't concern ourselves with non-White peoples. The preservation of the many White cultures is a necessity. The global White race is a baseline. We can all go 1488 and add our cultural layers on top of this core, just like an Android phone that runs with a user interface that is unique to the manufacturer.

Are you aware of the numerous and massive brown invasions Europe had to face over the last twenty five centuries which had nothing to do with the ZOG? While it is true that other races and cultures have for some of them shown signs of original creative potential, most of it pales in light of what we did.
Don't forget that you judge Japan from the perspective of the totally neutralized, weak, poisoned and desiccated state of the White nations today. Nevertheless, the best of the Japanese definitely are honorary Aryans in spirit and cleverness, and which reminds me that we should revive our local Japan thread.
(tor only)
>Ethnocontinents would be a far more realistic and attainable goal.
Yes and no. I can see one or two ethnocontinents, but for fuck's sake, niggers, chinks, slimes, pajeets and tacos are simply was too many. Even nips are super cramped on their islands.
A forced population reduction is obligatory and we need to crank it up so as to lower their overall numbers waaaay below the billion mark. Even hundreds of millions would quickly snowball back into billions. Which means, if we're going to bring them to 2 or 3% of their current demographics, why not finish them off entirely, when we would have already removed more than 90% of their respective populations already?
Honest question there.
Replies: >>486 >>509
You didn't address any sort of problem with ethnoglobe, on 16chan, and you were thoroughly blown out.
One of your arguments is that you personally have a weak heart, that for you to feel good about yourself that you must allow racial enemies to exist because you feel kinship with them, misguided kinship to be honest, and that you feel we somehow need them to compete and become stronger, another is that racial lessers will get more ferocious when backed into a corner, and the third is an unfounded worry about complacence which is only possible in a world in which there is no war, which is not possible, yet simultaneously after the lesser races have been exterminated, with a lesser but related argument that our competition being only ourselves will not somehow drive us to higher grounds than continuing to allow racial lessers to exist.
Your personal feelings do not enter into the equation of what is neccessary to ensure our race's survival into perpetuity and so that argument can be ignored.
Your argument about diminishing returns is ultimately pointless, every war that we have fought against guerrilla forces we have essentailly handcuffed ourselves with rules of war and engagement, and in the instance of Vietnam, we actually won, had broken the Vietcong militarily, but support back home fell out from under the troops, a problem you don't have in a war of extermination from the outset, you do not give your enemy any ground to flee to, and if they retreat into caves like the Mujahideen have always done, you either preempt them and cut off access and if they are already inside, just find every point of entry into that cave system and block it off with explosives after setting timed chemical weapons deep enough in to be safe from the explosives and go from there, sure they may get more and more desperate but we can easily avoid any desperate tactics they may use, if not outright defeat them despite those tactics use.
Your argument about complacency is also pointless, in a world with only Aryans, we are competing against other racial subgroups of the greater Aryan race and whoever wins is the more fit to survive, the existence of the lessers has not made us better, at all, we have not often competed with them dorectly and almost all of our innovation has been done when in conflict within our race, at best you could use this as an argument to keep a preserve of enemies alive on whom to test weapons, not as an argument against ethnoglobe, it is an argument which has no merit in this matter based on the evidence of history alone.
Replies: >>509
>There is nothing wrong with usury you just don't understand time preference. 
Found the lolberg parasite jew. Get the fuck out of here inbred faggot. National Socialism is about what is good for the folk/race and usury is the WORST thing in that regard. This Left-Right shit is irrelevant. All that matters is whether something is good or bad for the White race. Capitalism/Communism are two sides of the same jew coin, both are inversions of the natural order.
Replies: >>486
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have the other side then, i'll throw my leg in there too, sorry about the body hair im not a metrosexual i only shave my face, i train on a daily basis and that means getting out and running, thus being hit by the sun (sun hits fucking hard here), if you think that's shitskin tone then there's one (or multiple of the following):
A) you've never been touched by the sun in your entire life, and you don't know what a natural suntan is
B) you've never been to the mediterranean and don't know how Greeks/Italians/Spaniards/South-French etc... look like (but then again i assume everyone's a nordicist now so the only "Whites" here are Anglo-saxons and Germans)
C)You are just purposefully throwing bullshit, if i was a pale corpse you'd say im jewish it is easier for you to just claim im a shitskin and go on with your day, because confronting oposition is hard, but being dishonest is free

>Whites could go extinct that soon
im not talking about race or politics little man, when i said "Dead Men Walking" im talking about YOU, you and your political larp, you and the eternally spiritually blind, you as in the one who is reading this right now, You as in the "Persona" that you lack, and the Individual that you Are, stop hiding behind the façade of numbers and the collective
>Lines of pure blah
>Says while writing a "Response" that's literally just a few one liners and personal attacks thrown in a condescending tone in a vague attempt to exert authority, all done behind a computer screen in the complete safety that no consequence will ever have to be faced for one's actions
>inb4 criticism is played off as "Internet Tough guy talk"
>Newfag lurk moar
this post (>>167) is literally advocating for "Natural Law" wich is what i just pointed out in my previous post, there's plenty of examples, also National Socialism as a doctrine takes the stance that power is Derived from the People/Race, not from any divine prerogative, even in this very thread (check >>484) the talk about Race and People, and the emphasis on Doing this By and For the People is there, the entire Ideology is built upon this concept, and advanced (and much more complex) version  of XIXth century Nationalisms

i've been here before, not a lot of time mind you because the moment i lurked the "Aryan religions" thread that was before the crash all i saw was meme Cosmotheism and overall New-Age shit/Nordic mithology taken at face value with any sort of actual substance to it beyond aesthetics (also the guy who kept talking about Islam as an Aryan religion, ironic that you yell at me for Guenonposting but then this guy got his own thread and all), nevermind the overall Spiritual Atheism going on i just vaulted out of here, for the record, Gaslighting is not a genuine argument

>Geographical references
Homer's stories, just like all Esoteric tales are allegorical, you are getting caught up in the Style and not the Substance, Agartha/Agarthi, Hyperborea, and all their tales, including the Cycle of the Grail and Monsalvaat are allegorical tales, alluding to higher truths, in the same way that Symbols are the condensation of Transcendental Wisdom

now go, keep showing me who you truly are
Replies: >>494 >>498
Holy shit can you stop doxxing yourself? You know how 4cuck found Shia LaBeouf after the original phase of camera-on-wall? If 4cuck can find obscure places on Earth with little info, you better think twice before posting irl pictures of yourself. I mean, on the off chance that you ARE a shitskin, you're legitimately giving away your position to the people (who frequent this board) who would want to get rid of you by bullet. 

And no, you won't be deported. Whites are getting tired of that. There needs to be SOLUTIONS.
Replies: >>502
>it is natural for a state to base the worth of it's citizen by giving them more control and reward for their hard-work
If you think value comes from labor then that is labor theory of value.

>The stock market is still shit and one of the primary reasons why jews control our economies.
The stock market as it exists now is broken because it is based on fiat money which is routinely debased by the government to bail out corporations. The same debasement also forces institutional investors to gamble money in stocks instead of lose it to inflation which has a big destabilizing effect (shit gets investment when it shouldn't then they cry for more bailouts).

>The entire history of usury is explotation.
Money now is worth more than money tomorrow. If someone is giving you money today in exchange for money tomorrow then the money tomorrow needs to be higher than the money today to make it worth his while.

>Good thing we aren't right or left wing.
The penny will drop eventually.

>read a book and stfu
If you have read these books and have zero arguments to help you here then clearly those books were a waste of time.
Replies: >>506 >>507
>please I beg of you, look at more pictures of me
Did I hit a nerve?
> literally advocating for "Natural Law" which is what i just pointed out in my previous post, there's plenty of examples, also National Socialism as a doctrine takes the stance that power is Derived from the People/Race, not from any divine prerogative
The National Socialist ontological order was God>Nature>Race.
The divine element was not absent. The people were used for a channeling.
> the guy who kept talking about Islam as an Aryan religion
> this guy got his own thread and all
The thread with the OP featuring the synthwave jihadists picture, one of whom had a rocket launcher? That thread was barely used. He was quite derided. People advocating for a literal White sharia are not taken seriously until it's argued that the excesses due to the nature of the people the book was intended for are so absurd that they must be avoided, which then allows for a wiser dialogue about the need for strong values, social and spiritual. Few on /fascist/ think that atheism is a good solution.
On the same hand, Islam must be acknowledged as being assuredly virile and war-oriented if taken honestly and literally. Some ideas are far from being stupid but it's the overall delivery medium that sucks. Also, it's still an Abrahamism.
>Homer's stories, just like all Esoteric tales are allegorical, you are getting caught up in the Style and not the Substance
Good tales must actually have both.
The geographical mistakes are also very conspicuous but they make faggademics and dubious meds nervous because they share a latent hatred of anything Nordic. Having to admit that Homer worked from a collage of ancient tales and took some artistic liberty also hurts the purists who want to keep his works a prestigious pure product of Mediterranean culture.
It is all so tiresome.
Replies: >>502
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>death threats
i've got nothing to hide and no place (or desire) to run (doesn't mean im gonna give my adress away at the first chance, but i honestly don't give a shit if you track me down), i advocated for misanthropic global genocide (perpetrated by me) in my very first post here, i am not afraid of the consequences of my actions, much less do i care about what others think, most of the time i antagonize everyone around me anyways, im not worried
yes, solutions by sitting on your ass and arguing on the fucking internets and then either:
A) Form a politcal LARP that will never get anywhere, or B) do a meme shooting, write a manifesto and give an excuse to enforce gun laws and take down places like this one
if you are so worried about doxxing and someone putting a bullet through my skull then just do it yourself (inb4 fedposting)
it'll be more interesting than seeing you namecalling and making some vague appeals to authority
>Whites are getting tired of that
getting tired of what? i don't see "whites" around me getting tired of shit, i see them willingly gulping down the propaganda
living meaningless empty lives of wageslavery and fast food-tier entertainment while they parrot the talking points of the Archons
"whites" are at this point, behaving in the exact same way as they do in the book "Le camp des Saints" where the Soldiers would lose their heads and throw themselves into the fire because they'd rather die than be regarded as "Racist", where the President would lose his shit because he didn't want to be called a "Racist" by ordering the Troops to shoot upon the Pahjeet hordes at the beaches

if i want to get myself killed i have a better chance by picking up a fight with niggers in my nearest city/capital than posting my full adress on some Natsoc/Fascist board of LARPers, but to be honest, that's a Bitch way to go, i'd rather hit up a gas station, grab a bunch of Gas cans and Self-Immolate in the highest Mountain i could Climb like some Unhinged Badass Tao
>Did I hit a nerve?
you acuse me of being a shitskin, i refute that by posting pictures that prove im not a shitskin, you complained i only showed a part of my body, i expanded by posting a few more pictures showing more so as to asess the fact that im not a shitskin, wich you still think i am, and as i said before, i think i could be the palest corpse around, that you'd still make up some excuse to call me a shitskin/CIA Glowie/Fed/Jew/Whatever

you threw slander, i provided a defence, cognitive dissonance is your problem, not mine, but as i said before, you're not concerned
with a conversation, you are concerned with trying to deligitimize me as much as possible so that way you dont need to actually read my post and see what my points are, you like everyone here don't care about truth, or honesty, or being anything ever
its about Party, and Party Politics, Existance itself is valuated in so much as it keeps in line with the Party Points, the Party comes before Life, Aesthetics comes before Substance, Becoming, comes before Being, this is you, this is /fascist/ its about forming a Collective to Validate eachother and Fill the Existential Void that's within all Hylic-Pasu, and the fact that you keep speaking in a condescending tone, appeal to authority, and outright refuse to engage any of the points being made beyond "huh wut? dude lul please stop" and trying to scrounge up for any sort of emotional reaction from me that only really exists in your head

as i said some time ago  
>im only writting this one because its as good time as any to write down and talk to myself through posts
me posting here is little more than a self-excersise of just getting out there, talking to other people and confirming most of what i think when im alone, the entire reason i came to this thread, was to check if my thought of this Board being fucking delusional all that time ago was real, or just something i had exxagerated in my mind (and i wasn't wrong)

yes an Hitler was alledgedly a christian to some extent etc... externalized religion in a aesthetical sense and using it as a social tool is not Spirituality, much less actual Ontology, just because you talk about God doesn't mean you either care about it or actually know about it, its a Quasi religionism based on Sentiment and an abstract "Faith", God is not actually relevant, when it is, its in a purely moralistic sense, nevermind the ideas of "Man as Beast" and other retardation that somehow treat God, Man, and Existance itself as some sort of Isolated constructs, read "Heathen Imperialism" by Evola to get a better idea as to why putting "God" into things doesn't mean you are actually spiritual

long story short, Religionism and Moralistic prayer (on one hand) and Aesthetical Religionism wich is little more than a social tool (like the fags talking about wich religions were better and shopping for gods, or like the idiots who were pushing for Cosmotheism because it was ideosyncratic or some shit, not actually caring about what the Ideas therein are, just, like i said before, looking for what is it that benefits the Party Poltitics) is not Spirituality, its about Metaphysics, about Knowledge before Faith, Being above Becoming, its ultimately, about Trascendence

>Good tales must actually have both
this is literally your made up standard, the relevance of Homer's tales comes from their Trascendental Wisdom,
 there's a reason why, in the Esoteric teachings of different Countries-Races(although they all originate with aryans, but for example Mudslimes had Sufism, and Spics had Quetzacoatl who was a Sun-God of aryan Origin)-Peoples and the like seem to be "Idosyncratic" and have "Similarities' it is because they all come from the same Primordial Truths, Truths of a Divine Nature, the Eddas, the Illiad, Pali Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Gnosticism, Hermetism, the Tao, you name it, they are all expressions of earlier traditions, wich in turn were expressions of Eternal Truths, the word Esotericism means "Occult knowledge" all of these divine Truths were hidden, in the form of Tales, of Teachings, of Meditations and Symbols

they were hidden because unlike all the Telluric ideologies of "Man" and what mass equalitarianism intends, there's a Hierarchy to Existance, and a Hierarchy to Man, the Man who was divine and distinguished (Aryan) would learn and understand these teachings and become initiated, Aryan Man trascends, and becomes like God (or rather, he remembers he was a God) the rest, the Pasu-Animal are not qualified to archieve those truths, and because of it you have the overall retardation, adscribing petty Nationalisms, giving Materialistic Interpretations or just Aesthetical ones, missing the point and re-purposing these stories to further this or that ideas, the Eternal Teachings stay Safe though, because anyone with true Gnosis within them will always find a way to them, the rest aren't so lucky (although its not luck, its a matter of Pure Ontology)

>The thread with the OP featuring the synthwave jihadists picture, one of whom had a rocket launcher? 
Maybe? i can't remember it was very long ago, i have to take your word for it because i never looked into those posts, so i'll have to assume what you say is true and concede upon it

still >Few on /fascist/ think that atheism is a good solution.
and yet all of /fascist/ is atheist, since they either regard it as a moralistic empty force (Christianty, Aesthetical New Age stuff), or just as a Social Control Measure, wich is what you yourself advocate with the "Need for Strong Values"
Replies: >>510 >>669
>If you think people should be rewarded for contributing to society you're a communist.

>Reee not real capitalism!

>You have to tolerate parasitic usury and the destruction of people's saving brought about by inflation, you just have to!

Arguing with you seriously is a waste of time. Go back to cuckhan where you can shill for liberal bullshit.
Replies: >>556
>Money now is worth more than money tomorrow. If someone is giving you money today in exchange for money tomorrow then the money tomorrow needs to be higher than the money today to make it worth his while. 
This allows for the very parasitism we are suffering today. A bunch of inbred jews at the top who do nothing useful whatsoever, hoard money and lend it out at insane interest and use ethnic networking to maintain dominance is economic slavery. All money lending parasites must be expunged from Aryan society. Without fake fiat financial control, jew have no power over anything and they remain the weak pathetic schizo dysgenic fucks that they are. 

The key to our freedom is to create our own folk centered financial system that bars usury completely and ties it's value to labor instead of vapid speculation and manipulated commodities
Replies: >>556
(meant to respond sooner, pardon me)
>You didn't address any sort of problem with ethnoglobe, on 16chan, and you were thoroughly blown out.
you're confusing me with someone else, or your own imagination.

>misguided kinship to be honest
it's not so much kinship, as respect for honorary Aryans and their right to exist as foreign Volks.

>the third is an unfounded worry about complacence which is only possible in a world in which there is no war, which is not possible, yet simultaneously after the lesser races have been exterminated, with a lesser but related argument that our competition being only ourselves will not somehow drive us to higher grounds than continuing to allow racial lessers to exist.
This may seem contradictory, but it really isn't. I should've clarified better. There is always conflict in life regardless. Having different, varied opponents will ultimately make you fitter and better prepared to take on new challenges. It's because other races are different than us that they make good sparring partners, they may challenge us in a way that our fellow Whites would not. Likewise, without Jews, we may forget the danger of human parasites, which is why the warnings/lessons must be passed down in perpetuity -- because Jews are too dangerous to have around as sparring partners or as a sort of vaccine, they're too virulent. But the other races are not like that.

>Your personal feelings do not enter into the equation of what is neccessary to ensure our race's survival into perpetuity and so that argument can be ignored.
that's true, but I think ethnoglobe is extreme and unnecessary, and may not be desirable.

>Your argument about complacency is also pointless, in a world with only Aryans, we are competing against other racial subgroups of the greater Aryan race and whoever wins is the more fit to survive, the existence of the lessers has not made us better, at all,
That's a key disagreement we have. As I said, different races have different qualities, so keeping others around will keep us fit, and force us to address blind spots that would be shared by fellow Aryans. Again, other races should be safe to have around, as long as the JQ is dealt with.

>Are you aware of the numerous and massive brown invasions Europe had to face over the last twenty five centuries which had nothing to do with the ZOG?
I'm well aware, and I think we should be in a position of strength. However, ensuring our survival and dominance does not require total genocide IMO.
>While it is true that other races and cultures have for some of them shown signs of original creative potential, most of it pales in light of what we did.
it depends, really. the darker races have occasional sparks, while Japanese and Persians show something more, they're not quite us, but they're not far off either.

>Don't forget that you judge Japan from the perspective of the totally neutralized, weak, poisoned and desiccated state of the White nations today.
That's true. I've been accused of being weeb before, but it's not out of racial disloyalty. I think I've gravitated towards that culture simply because it's less pozzed than the West. It's probably the same reason why other blackshirts have delved into Islam, despite its incompatibilities with our Volk.

>but for fuck's sake, niggers, chinks, slimes, pajeets and tacos are simply was too many.
We can have population control without total extermination. In the case of Africa, things like AIDS, Ebola, tsetse flies & sleeping sickness, poverty, war, etc are useful for controlling their numbers. Not to go too far off on a tangent, but disease may in fact be an enforcement mechanism of Natural Law.

>A forced population reduction is obligatory
That much we can agree on.

>Which means, if we're going to bring them to 2 or 3% of their current demographics, why not finish them off entirely, when we would have already removed more than 90% of their respective populations already?
Honest question there.
As I said to the other anon, giving them reservations will help keep us fit, kind of like how exposing your immune system to non-fatal pathogens makes you more resistant. It's only lethal pathogens you need to avoid entirely, except in killed/weakened form (eg Polio, Jews, etc).
Replies: >>519
>this is you, this is /fascist/ its about forming a Collective to Validate eachother and Fill the Existential Void
Yeah ... AND?
>and yet all of /fascist/ is atheist
Do you actually know what atheism means?
"atheism, in general, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or spiritual beings." as definded here https://www.britannica.com/topic/atheism
To be atheistic you have to be actually OPPOSED to theism, meaning you have to DENY it.
Hope I am getting through to you here.
Which means, that it DOES NOT MATTER if anyone "regards it as a moralistic force" as long as they do not DENY it.
So that being said your claim is absolute bullshit and you can thank me for having corrected you.
Also you should stop reading things into what other people are saying. That is not becoming.
>you're confusing me with someone else, or your own imagination.
Nope argued with several just like you, and I recognize your typing style, it is possible I didn't argue with you specifically about ethnoglobe.
>it's not so much kinship, as respect for honorary Aryans and their right to exist as foreign Volks.
You exemplify the problem with the White race excellently here, You give respect to a Folk that does not give it to yours, you can rationalize this any way you like but this is exactly the reason why all of our racial enemies MUST be exterminated.
>This may seem contradictory, but it really isn't. I should've clarified better. There is always conflict in life regardless. Having different, varied opponents will ultimately make you fitter and better prepared to take on new challenges. It's because other races are different than us that they make good sparring partners, they may challenge us in a way that our fellow Whites would not. 
You weren't unclear, I would agree if that had ever been the case, but as I said most of our advancement has been from war between members of the Aryan Race, not from conflict with enemies outside our race.
>Likewise, without Jews, we may forget the danger of human parasites, which is why the warnings/lessons must be passed down in perpetuity -- because Jews are too dangerous to have around as sparring partners or as a sort of vaccine, they're too virulent. But the other races are not like that.
The other races serve no purpose either, even the one you try to provide doesn't make sense.
And it seems to be nature's will that a parasite exists, even if we exterminate every last drop of jewish blood on the planet there will, eventually, be a new parasite.
>that's true, but I think ethnoglobe is extreme and unnecessary, and may not be desirable.
Again what you feel doesn't matter, it is the only actual solution.
>As I said, different races have different qualities, so keeping others around will keep us fit, and force us to address blind spots that would be shared by fellow Aryans. 
If there is no external threeat what would we have to address these blind spots for? Setting aside that you have no evidence all Aryans types would share these blind spots, and even less that our racial enemies would aid us in closing them. The other races are no safer to have around than the jew, them living in every single one of our countries, alone proves that.
Replies: >>531
Kek the ethnoglobe larp will continue 'til the world's end. Faggots that haven't killed a single human being arguing for the total elimination of billions of people. Peak derangement. Look forward to coming back here in three years and seeing the same arguments still going around in circles.
>i also think many fascists view religion from the completely wrong perspective. instead of asking "is this religion true or not?" they ask "how can this religion benefit us?"
this is so true, i have thought this many times myself.
Replies: >>668
age of consent is a meme, throughout history people have been raping cunny for years upon years, now all of a sudden le cunny bad! need to fuck chads sloppy seconds whilst she fucks niggers behind your back or even infront of you if you are into it.
AOC should be lowered to 12 tbh lad
Replies: >>534
>You exemplify the problem with the White race excellently here, You give respect to a Folk that does not give it to yours, you can rationalize this any way you like but this is exactly the reason why all of our racial enemies MUST be exterminated.
You say this, yet Japan was an Axis power. Other races would respect us more if we were not so parasitized & pozzed. It's only because of Jews that they're used as golems against us; without golem conditioning, we would be able to normalize our relations.

>You weren't unclear, I would agree if that had ever been the case, but as I said most of our advancement has been from war between members of the Aryan Race, not from conflict with enemies outside our race.
Europe battled for centuries with the Caliphates & Ottoman Empire, and those challenges spurred our ancestors into building colonial empires and ruling much of the world, before Jews and race-mixing brought it all crashing down.

>And it seems to be nature's will that a parasite exists, even if we exterminate every last drop of jewish blood on the planet there will, eventually, be a new parasite.
yes, that's why we must educate all future generations about the Jew, even after he's defeated. By the same logic, another race may differentiate and emerge from ethnoglobe, leaving us ill-equipped to deal with that challenge. Other races are not so dangerous as Jews, so it's better that we let them live, so they can spur us into fitness. Running with the vaccine analogy, there may be some way to guard against Jews while not letting them return to power, analogous to a non-infectious virus sample giving you immunity (I haven't fully thought it out). At the same time, you only need vaccines for deadly diseases, for most other pathogens, it's better to develop natural immunity, this is analogous to sharing the world with other races.

>The other races serve no purpose either, even the one you try to provide doesn't make sense.
Not all life is unworthy of life, just certain types.

>Setting aside that you have no evidence all Aryans types would share these blind spots
It's because we all share certain racial qualities.

>even less that our racial enemies would aid us in closing them.
The challenge of their mere presence would achieve this.

>The other races are no safer to have around than the jew, them living in every single one of our countries, alone proves that.
Not so. As I said, they're only invading us because they're being used as golems. Extract the parasite, break the conditioning, and they'll be manageable.
Someone ban the shitskin (the previous post above me). 
Ban this one too. Sick freak.
Replies: >>541
Both you and he are on a Tor node, until Sturgeon fixes the issue, my ban will do nothing but block all Tor posters from posting on the board. As I am unwilling to do that short of a spam attack from Tor, if you think he is wrong, explain exactly how he is wrong, as it is the purpose of this thread. If you think he has broken a rule report him, then I will deal with it as I see fit. As it is, I do not think he is entirely wrong, Hitler himself advocated for more youthful marriage within Mein Kampf, and despite having every power with which to do so, did not change the Age Of Consent to Marry during his reign over Germany, which was 14 before, since the 1860's or 80's I think, and 14 during and after, until quite recently actually, when they raised the age to marry higher but left consent for sex at 14, with extra conditions. I stand with Hitler on this point.
Replies: >>557
>Arguing with you seriously is a waste of time. Go back to cuckhan where you can shill for liberal bullshit.
You didn't make an argument though. This is you giving up.

>A bunch of inbred jews at the top who do nothing useful whatsoever, hoard money and lend it out at insane interest and use ethnic networking to maintain dominance is economic slavery.
If the loans are not useful then don't buy them.

>Without fake fiat financial control...
Fiat money and usury are completely different things. I agree with gassing the central bankers, I don't care what race they are.

>The key to our freedom is to create our own folk centered financial system
And how is this not simply creating a new ruling class? The problem is the system, not who controls it.

>ties it's value to labor
Value does not come from labor. You have to stop with this marxist bullshit.

>instead of vapid speculation and manipulated commodities
Do you actually think these are the only 2 options?
BO, if you can't ban the guy, at least delete the post. Have you ever seen the term "c*nny" used to denote anything besides physically immature girls? He's being a degenerate. Don't encourage it.

Aristotle was right in saying that the ideal age for a man and woman to marry is 30 and 18 respectively. Tacitus observes the same practice in his work Germina among the ancient germanic tribes, with both men and women being late to marry relative to the Romans and Barbarians. Child marriage is exclusively used by non-whites or decaying societies to control their feminine men in the same way a burka does. What is really needed is a society full of strong, virtuous, aryan men (these all go hand and hand) who are naturally opposed to the taking advantage of young women. With responsible fathers and future husbands, the behavior of women will fall into line, as it is determined by the leading men of society.
Replies: >>558
I don't see how it breaks the rules, and it isn't against the topic of the thread, if he devolves into pedophilia I will ban and delete his posts, but Ephebophilia is not a problem.

There is modern scientific research that suggests Aristotle was wrong on that front, the younger a woman is with her husband the higher the possibility of successful pair-bonding, and that more youthful marriages tend to last longer, essentially forever, It should be noted that Aristotle was Athenian, and that City-states women were never allowed out of the home outside the company of men, under penalty of death, except for whores who had a designated area where they could peddle themselves, and no further.
Tacitus's Germania is untrustworthy, people honestly give it way too much credit, there is much to suggest he wasn't depicting the Germanic people as they truly were, but was writing a critique of Rome, which was reaching the ass end of it's decline while he lived, based on his idealized vision of Rome as it was, and possibly creating a completely invented Germanic society against which to compare it, it should be taken with a nice pile of salt across the board.
Replies: >>566
> I will ban and delete his posts, but Ephebophilia is not a problem.
Since when has "c*nny" EVER been used to refer to that? Regardless of how you feel about the subject, pedophilia is disgusting and the post is a bad look for /fascist/. We shouldn't be allowing posters to write abhorrent stuff.
Replies: >>570 >>597
It has been used for that on /fascist/ before, and as BO, I don't really care what anyone thinks of the place, we encourage higher quality discussion, and the supposed offputting aura of that post is what this thread is specifically for, discussions about any range of taboo subjects, and other unpopular opinions, and that is abundantly clear to anyone who we actually wish to have discussions here on /fascist/, If that drives away and repulses morons and Puritanical Moralists, that is fine by me, they're boring anyway.
Replies: >>581
What have these unpopular opinion threads been from their creation but a cesspool of retarded opinions. There is a clear different between "Puritanical" (Judiac) moralism and the common decency of the white man. Could you ever imagine Hitler taking about stuff like that in the tone that poster did? He would be disgusted by it. If you want high quality discussion to be encouraged, you should start by deleting this thread and encouraging people to speak with dignity.
Replies: >>596
Containment for more disruptive discussion is this threads main purpose and it works, it also often elicits more meaningful conversation than I expected when FashBO first posted it.
That post being a perfect example of disruptive shit nobody wants in other threads. I am not deleting anything that does not break the rules either globally or of this board, and I will ban the next nigger dumb enough to question my decision.
 If you don't like what someone says in this thread either ignore it, or argue their point, no matter how distasteful you might find it or their presentation, and let the ideas beneath be laid bare and examined, so that we may discard it or use it to improve ourselves.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>598
>pedophilia is disgusting and the post is a bad look for /fascist/
The only bad look is you getting mad and deleting stuff because you ran out of arguments. Pedophilia is like philosophy 101 and you guys are too braindamaged to even get that right. lol fascism


Replies: >>599
FashBO never put up with this degeneracy. Back when we were on 16chan, he deleted posts that tried to glorify child marriage. Uh oh, I guess my standing up for aryan values makes me a "dumb nigger". Ban me.
Replies: >>599
FashBO actively engaged in the discussion had on anon.cafe about marriage and Age of Consent to Marry, and on 16 as well, the shit he deleted on anon,cafe was pushed on him by the Administration staff, he was engaging in the discussion himself and didn't agree with the decision, but abided by it to keep the Globals away from his board. He opened the discussion on 16 as well and set the rules the Admins there had once they became clear, which was anything short of encouraging outright pedophilia and prepubescent marriage, is fine to discuss.
 You haven't read any of the previous threads whether this thread or the Woman Question threads(where these discussions were had), and have outed yourself as a newfag.
Idk what the fuck you're talking about but bye.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>601
>Idk what the fuck you're talking about but bye.
Oh no did someone get their feelings hurt?
>I remember when we could have comfy, redpilled discussion on architecture, technology, media, and ACTUAL FASCIST THEORY
You were warned.

>renegade apolitical nonsense
This is the best /fascist/ will get.
[Hide] (308KB, 631x921) Reverse
>You wouldn't have looked any less credible actually providing the channel, and I found it myself, completely unnecessary 
Then why did you ask for the channel? Also, you're lying, you assumed it is a vid made from a q-nigger, because I licked the shorter vid over the full analysis from Jewtube.

>I need no more than that to completely disregard your entire argument as not only are you buying into enemy propaganda quite literally published before the Soviet union fell.
I've already established that his mathematical theory does not consist of Soviet Propaganda. His autism lies in the fact believed the Tartars and Mongols were Russians. And that Moscow is the real Rome. But this is own personal interpretations, he doesn't include these ideas into the chronologies he criticizes.

>There is no evidence for the "history" you're shilling
I and the vid gave several pieces of evidence of medieval scholars themselves who have challenged the idea that Rome, Jesus, and the Ancient Greeks are constructs of Italian imperialist with goals of validating their control on the Western mind and plans to take desire territory that they have never conquered.

>are statistical models that Anatoly made, one large flaw in his thesis is that Statistics and History do not mesh.
You still haven't explained why something as simple as statistics cannot be used to sort out historical inconsistencies and lies. If anything you're butt-hurt, because it potentially denies your LARP as illogical, inconsistent, and far-fetch which history itself, which is a gathering of information (something statistics are literally modelled around) to come to conclusions on what occured in past events. Even though Germanic is already great in itself, but you need your imperium that consisted of mutts and corrupt aristocracy, which has been this way since the Roman Kingdom. And I thought I was supposed to be the schizo. 

>unintelligible ramblings on a topic he doesn't understand
Why even respond? The fact you admitted that you don't understand what statistics are, drops you out of any arguments you have as invalid. Statistics applicable to most things and even if they are wrong, they do tend to be correct in its conclusions to a degree. If you cannot prove this to be wrong or don't know how to, then you should of just not had responded to my first post.

>The only one deluding themselves here is you, you watch a video by a fucking retard, on a book written by a french guy
1. Nice genetic fallacy 
2. Thanks for confirming once again that you have zero knowledge on the subject other than "guy is french". 

>my claims are based on work done by National Socialists, and historians from farther back than the majority of the poz of today.
No they aren't. Your claims are your own dumb interpretations. The NSDAP never claimed the Greeks wuz Nordics n shiet. The NSDAP also never claimed other cultures as their own and allowed other Aryans to converse their own. The Mein Kampf talks about the importance of preservation of true self and culture and you fail to understand the meaning.

>Again you're claiming I'm doing something I haven't done even once. 
This is literally what you're encouraging here within your previous posts, stupid. 

>No, it's a weird point oif obsession for christniggers because they think it validates them and invalidates "dirty pagays" nothing more than that
That's because it does, nigger. One of the greatest lie in history is the narrative that the Christians so easily conquered and converted Rome, and that it is the Christian churches that are the continuation of the Roman spirit which supposedly dominated and subdued the minds of the White man out of "degeneracy" through conquest and wisdom. It validates the idea that pagan empires are doomed to fall to hedonism without having the faith of the jews as your salvation.

>Nigger you can't even see my point, or you would have realized it is a direct refutation of yours.
You didn't make a point. You just went on autistic ramblings about how I'm wrong, because the "facts" have to be true. You did it again within this post as well lol.

>You're convinced all of ancient history is made up, because a Soviet Mathematian
Genetic fallacy, and your deliberate refusal to comprehend his criticisms.

>Not only is that not the claim, it's not even the point. You can't even address my argument
I addressed all of your stupid arguments. To say I didn't means you refuse to read what I said and understand where I'm coming from. Like a literal nigger.

>The fact is that Unlike th Negros We actually were these people, some returned home, continuing their lines in Scandinavia, Germany, and elsewhere some devolved into the Southern italians of today.
More claims, more we wuzzing, without any evidence to back it up.

>Anon, Mathematics is a fine tool, when it's used appropriately, here all he could use it for was to note the similarity in the pattern of events, he established no such link in the events themselves 
Again, you're making declarations with no knowledge of the topic we're discussing. You couldn't make it any more clear you're brown by dismissing math as something unreliable in sorting out inconsistency, because "durr you can't use a modeling tool on a subject related to gathering information".

>He was taught by the Soviets
Whining about Fomenko being a resident of something he never asked for is a fault in reasoning and has no creditability against him for why he is wrong. He was not advocating nor shilling Sovietism. His personal beliefs actually would of gotten him arrested for being nationalistic.

>he just doesn't understand
Not an argument.

>More genetic fallacy
Have you tried not being stupid?

>The NSDAP actually changed a lot of the education system
Pilpul, and has nothing to do with what is being said. They also did not change too much in what garbage was taught in the Empire. The NS did not change the curriculum entirely. 

>I watched more than half of it, 
So you're too stupid dumb to construct a intelligent and reasonable counter-argument outside of far-fetch claims?

>It's bullshit, just because I think so
>You're behaving like a jew
Funny, because Jews behave exactly how you do whenever their perspectives of the world and institutions are challenged. Nowhere have I acted like the jooz. 

>Patterns repeat, everywhere

>Golden ratio
This is a mathematical measurement used to discover a common pattern amongst composites or anything that is made of matter. What your niggermutt brain fail to process is that this has no relation to how the process of time or occurrences throughout history happen. Objects that have the divine proportion are not all of the same construct.

This just ends and proves my case that you are not White.
Replies: >>633
>Then why did you ask for the channel?
I didn't, I asked why you wouldn't have provided that instead, then said, I found it myself, both videos are of the same length so you have no excuse for not providing it, whatsoever.
>I've already established that his mathematical theory does not consist of Soviet Propaganda.
You have established no such thing, the work all of that is based on was first published in Russia, under the Soviet leadership, which throws it into question from the word go.
>I and the vid gave several pieces of evidence,
And I reasoned out quite clearly how that was bullshit, and provided easily verifiable information to that effect. Jesus is a construct of the jews, not the Italians, created to destroy Rome and later adapted more broadly for the Aryan race as a Whole. Rome has physical evidence in preponderance for it's existence at the time Modern history says it existed, sure they warp and bastardize the real truth of it all, but they must be congruent with the truth in some way, to tell the lies that they do, and Rome, again was a Germanic race, for it's ruling populace, and until some time after the second Punic war it's citizen class was also of the Germanic race, however much that may be denied today, sure they had slaves, but the majority of those slaves were Germanic races quite similar to them for much of their history..
>You still haven't explained why something as simple as statistics cannot be used to sort out historical inconsistencies and lies.
I said that History and statistics do not mesh, to be specific and in large part they do not, I did not say that History doesn't use statistics, nor did I say it doesn't have a use in Historical research. Perhaps I should have been clearer, and more detailed, statistics has applications in historical research, usually very simple statistics, but it is not, in most cases, based on evidence that can be used in statistical models whatsoever. Furthermore, the way Fomenko uses it, is not an appropriate, or even logical, use of the tool, it is evident to other statisticians that he fudged data to have a better then random chance of getting EXACTLY the result he wanted. Within his New Chronology, he flip-flops all over the place so much that it isn't possible for others to reconstruct his methods, making his work essentially an ad-hoc hypothesis. He outright ignores any data that doesn't fit his theory or contradicts it, from Dendrochronology and Radio-carbon dating to fucking Astronomical Dating using recorded Astronomical events which can accurately date events to within 10 minutes as far back as 400 BCE and his dating of events in his alte rnate chronology is so fucking bad that his theory falls apart just based on what we know of the figure that he claims was the real Jesus(who didn't exist at any rate), Pope Gregory the VII, Who lived 27 years longer than Jesus is supposed to have lived, and could not have done things the Bible says Jesus did, like meet the "real" John the Baptist, John Crescentius, who was dead eight years before Gregory was even born, not only is this shit blatantly ahistorical, it's not even coherent, It fits neatly within and even has recently been used, or recommended for use by Russian Politicians, to fulfill the goals of Eurasianism with a bent of Russian Imperialism, aka Duginism, as it is known today, and not surprisingly this shit seems to have spawned the other inchoherent, and completely useless, Tartaria theory.
I never denied that the accomplishments of the Germanic peoples are already great, even devoid of our other accomplishments, such as the Foundation of Greece Rome, Egypt, Ancient Aryan India, every single Western/Northern European Nation as they stand today, and a good portion of the eastern ones as well, such as Russia, literally founded by the Kievan Rus, a tribe of Viking Settlers who came to dominance over what is now Ukraine and much of Russia. I don't need Rome or Greece to do shit or prove shit. I am simply stating the facts as they are. It has been a pattern throughout history, that our race conquers or even just settles a region, rises to dominance over greater and greater territory and then, as all things do, eventually decay, usually beginning with the corruption of our women, but sometimes due to the mistakes of truly exceptional Individuals such as Alexander of Macedon. You are stating Soviet-lite Ideological tripe, as fact, as if it's useful, at best it would be entertaining, or a waste of time to consider at all, at worst, a trip down a rabbit hole intended to lead us astray.
>Why even respond? The fact you admitted that you don't understand what statistics are, drops you out of any arguments you have as invalid.
Except I didn't say that anywhere, In fact what you quote is me literally pointing out that Fomenko doesn't understand history or historical research methods, at all, if he did, he would know just how fucking accurate the dating systems used today are and they got that way using math, even statistics.
>Thanks for confirming once again that you have zero knowledge on the subject other than "guy is french". 
Thanks for confirming you cannot read and understand English, hardly at all, because that's not what I was saying, nor did I commit a genetic fallacy, that was additional to my actual debunking of the shit you're spewing, which I have now gone over AGAIN in greater detail, I traced the bullshit back to it's source and demonstrated quite clearly how it's bullshit, the fact that it comes out of the mouth of a former soviet, is just icing on the cake.
>No they aren't. Your claims are your own dumb interpretations. The NSDAP never claimed the Greeks wuz Nordics n shiet. The NSDAP also never claimed other cultures as their own and allowed other Aryans to converse their own. The Mein Kampf talks about the importance of preservation of true self and culture and you fail to understand the meaning.
Madison Grant did, and his theories were essential to the formation of the NSDAP's Racial Theories, and Hitler did personally believe that the Romans and Greeks were Nordic men, because he was pissed at Himmler for putting such a focus on our seemingly lacking early and pre-, historical sites, when we had the much more glorious Rome and Greece to put a focus on, he was operating off of less information than we have today, so it's understandable.
My beliefs on this matter also built on the work of William Luther Pierce, Arthur Kemp, and still yet others, including modern, NS, Physical Anthropologists, rare as they are. 
You haven't read Mein Kampf, don't pretend you have, that shit doesn't fly here.
>This is literally what you're encouraging here within your previous posts, stupid. 
I am encouraging neither, as nobody knows the origin of the name, Europe, we know only that it's first still extant use is in a Homeric Hymn to Apollo, exactly as it appears today, whether it's originally Grecian or not is impossible, as yet, to know. I never claimed they invented Europe and the Romans once lived in "mudhuts" too, I have no idea why you would consider that at all shameful, it's a simple fact, we know now that the supposed "mudhuts" were actually far more advanced than they try to convince us they were. 
>That's because it does, nigger.
Except it doesn't, it never holds up once you actually delve in and then it's revealed that Christians terrorized and subverted Rome at every opportunity, over the course of about 300 (400 if you include the beginnings of the Judea vs Rome conflict) years until they got lucky and got a sympathetic emperor who proceeded to make every effort to destroy Rome's Natural Religion along with any other religion they came across, with force, subterfuge, torture, and the same Jewish tactics they had used against Rome previous to that, the only people who still believe the lie are lemmings, who have never mattered, and those whose Christnigger programmed cognitive dissonance is so deeply engrained they cannot overcome it without extreme effort. They warped history to make thing appear the way you describe to a casual reader, but those people are lemmings and so go with what the dominant power wants regardless of it's truth. The truth also invalidates christianity, right down to the existence of it's central figure Yehoshua Bar Josef, for whom zero evidence exists at all.
>You didn't make a point. You just went on autistic ramblings about how I'm wrong, because the "facts" have to be true. You did it again within this post as well lol.
I did, your poor reading comprehension is getting in the way again.
>Genetic fallacy, and your deliberate refusal to comprehend his criticisms.
Nope, statement of fact followed by mockery of you. You are quite literally arguing because you believe in the shit a Soviet mathematican is spewing, and you're not even doing it first-hand but third-hand through a video by a retard, through a a book by a frenchman to Fomenko.
I comprehend his "criticisms" perfectly fine, they're completely worthless, and so incredibly inconsistent with the evidence, it's fucking laughable.
>I addressed all of your stupid arguments. To say I didn't means you refuse to read what I said and understand where I'm coming from. Like a literal nigger.
You did no such thing, because YOU LITERALLY CANNOT COMPREHEND THE ENGLISH I AM USING, and this is beyond obvious at this point.
>without any evidence to back it up.
>Again, you're making declarations with no knowledge of the topic we're discussing.
I have a working knowledge of Discrete Math, and Calculus, and can understand Statistics quite well, but I am no Mathematician nor do I desire to be, I do not deny that math is incredibly useful at all, I said that the way Fomenko is using it in his New Chronology, is improper, and has not actually illuminated any real, concrete, inconsistency, and as I illuminate above is because he manipulated the data he curated for his use, to achieve the result he desired, and used that result to make bullshit up.
Again making shit up to cast me as a nigger, extremely suspicious behavior.
>His personal beliefs actually would of gotten him arrested for being nationalistic.
Whether he chose it or not, the soviets and now russia are our enemies greatest tool for maniopulation as evidenced by current events. No, not in 1986, it just got him mocked for being a retard, and again most recently in 2004.
>Not an argument.
Covered above
>Have you tried not being stupid?
Have you tried actually making an argument? still not genetic fallacy, we know the Soviets were using fucked up education systems the entire time they existed right up to 1989, and this was a huge problem for Germany after the Wall came down.
>Pilpul, and has nothing to do with what is being said.
No what you're doing is pilpul, that is a direct refutation of your claim, and they had to work with what they had, a complete destruction of a still functioning system was not in the cards for Germany at that time, and much of what was being taught wasn't of issue at that time there was no need to change everything immediately.
>So you're too stupid dumb to construct a intelligent and reasonable counter-argument outside of far-fetch claims
You're the retard who first made the claims, I have thoroughly refuted and debunked your entire argument right down to it's central fucking point, and you didn't even make a very good one just a time consuming one to debunk.
>Funny, because Jews behave exactly how you do whenever their perspectives of the world and institutions are challenged. Nowhere have I acted like the jooz. 
It's bullshit because it does not follow the evidence, that I called that out within the first five minutes of watching your stupid fucking video, is an example as to just how ridiculous the claims are, how many fucking times do I have to reiterate that first part for it to get through your thick fucking skull?
You also have no idea how jews act, if you think I have acted like a jew at all.
Except for, the existence of patterns throughout it, and it's constant forward momentum, what we call time.
>This is a mathematical measurement used to discover a common pattern amongst composites or anything that is made of matter.
Oh really?! I totally didn't know that before! You are a retard.
>What your niggermutt brain fail to process is that this has no relation to how the process of time or occurrences throughout history happen. Objects that have the divine proportion are not all of the same construct.
I never claimed it did, I merely used it as an example of patterns repeating everywhere in nature, how was this not clear? Seriously? How are your english skills this poor as a supposed White man? English is taught in every Western Nation and even many Non-western nations to the point of fluency for most of them, You really have no excuse, you didn't even attempt to address the actual argument here either, a logical demonstration of how Fomenko's patterns are inherently worthless.
Last edited by orlog
Asking whether the religion is beneficial to us is actually the right thing to do. We know that many people will be gullible about tales, only a proper elite will know what is true. So it makes sense that we should be concerned about the usefulness of a religion as this brings about the analysis of Christianity for example as a crippling or empowering faith based tool.
Honestly, I couldn't care one bean if a religion were complete hogwash if it proved extremely efficient at furthering 1488 and similar credos.
Replies: >>670 >>672
>muh metaphysics
>y'all atheists
Listen newfag, you like to pretend you're a long timer but if you had been with this board since its inception you wouldn't post even a tenth of the stupid statements you continuously make while thinking nobody gave a chance to the books you're selling here, or as if we had never talked about Perennialism before. Stop embarrassing yourself nigger.
>NAZIS' faith was superficial and about optics only
Listen med, you're absolutely lost. You know naught about the inner core of National Socialism and the long term plan for renewed pagan metaphysics. They were not trying to create a country of LARPers fapping before swastikas and yuletide trees.
>Homer and a long tirade on stuff and pancakes
Quit the lecturing. The observation about the geographical inconsistencies of some elements is spot on. Not only places he should have known very well and described adequately are inaccurately described, but they also just conveniently happen to become accurate when displaced to the Baltic area. Get over it. No one is denying anything about the deeepurr meaning here.
>choosing a religion based on utility
>not choosing a religion based on Truth
Replies: >>672 >>683
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>implying an pragmatic religion and Truth are mutually exclusive.
Replies: >>683
If the religion is efficient at serving our interests, then it IS truth and can only be based on universal truth, because nothing but truth could aptly fit our needs in the grand scheme of things.
But religions are the fruit of men, part fictions, produced according to temporal contingencies. The form they take isn't really the most important point and therefore you wouldn't need to prove that your God Whateverhisnameis could throw thunderbolts and turn himself into a deer or multiply ale with his mind.
>>implying an pragmatic religion and Truth are mutually exclusive.
Not really. Look at our own ancient religions, good luck proving even a quarter of the tales made up in their respective texts. They're flowery tales and we should not feel obligated to prove them. That's an Abrahamic issue because it doubled down on the realism, from a premise of humane and relatable people pulling magic out of their collective yarmulkes. Simple minded people take things literally, like children.
Replies: >>1241
I just want to farm and keep livestock in peace
Replies: >>718
fuck off ((( libertarian )))
Replies: >>1351
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There is also a minutes to midnight, but that has certain problem, few of the devs are femboys.
On the other hand the mod doesn't seem half bad.
Should I make a hoi4 thread or is that too much offtopic? How should I make it to not look offtopic?
Replies: >>1368
>If the religion is efficient at serving our interests, then it IS truth and can only be based on universal truth, because nothing but truth could aptly fit our needs in the grand scheme of things.
A new religion teaches that jews go straight to Heaven and rule over all the gentiles next to God, if said jews commit suicide.
This serves our interest because the jews kill themselves.
Is it true that jews go to Heaven and rule over you?
jews don't farm, retard
Err hoi4 is a video game it would be inappropriate/off topic so It shouldn’t have a thread tbh I guess we can talk about it here there’s many things we can talk about do you want to just discuss how the majority of modders for hoi4 are usually trannies and leftist fags or do you want to discuss something else?
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Ah so this is the place for unpopular likely to be censored opinions? I am pro-White subspecies in the sense of increasing our quantity (pro-natalist) and quality (pro-eugenics) and supporting/expanding the existence of all-White spaces. However, beyond these principles, I hold fast to none of the conservative, reactionary, fascist, or Hitlerist orthodoxia... I am pro-Liberty. Like Sparta and Athens, the Third Reich and (pre-Civil War) USA were complimentary and both should have survived to the present day.
Last edited by orlog

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST No shilling otherr boards in name take that to meta thread



Replies: >>1409
The hell is this anon?
Replies: >>1516
"Third-Positionism" is retarded and merely the act of mixing two politically retarded ideas together in a form of synthesis.
Replies: >>1431
Beyond left and right, not necessarily a combination of left and right
Replies: >>1437
>Beyond left and right
It really isn't beyond left and right. It merely takes what leftists and rightists see on their respective political spectrum and agrees with many of their takes and positions, while rejecting them some of their ideologically affiliated core tenets. It is a syncretic ideology that posits itself as superior, because it promotes and promises the rejection of the totality of communism and anarchism of capitalism for something more "organic". It supposedly is against capitalism and Marxism, but also agrees with aspects of socialist materialism if not entirely (strasserists and nazbols), and the joke that is "right-wing" traditionalism which is just Abrahamic spew that exists to defend and empower religion and Christian theocracies, not the soil and culture of a nation (integralism and Falangism). Third-Positionism was also only heard of after World War 2, but I am not implying that some of its principles did not exist with Mussolini and Gentile. Arguably National Socialism couldn't be called "Third-Position" due to the fact that it centers itself on race and heritage as the upmost important thing within a nation.
White Russians should've won the russian civil war
Replies: >>1486
This isn't unpopular. I think most of us here would agree, despite disagreeing with the liberal views of White Russia.
Anyone here who claims Hitler invaded Poland for Lebensraum should be called out for being a fed or retard, because this is literally the enemy's lie to position the Germans as the unjustified and unruly aggressors. While I do not oppose Lebensraum, I do oppose ((( neo-nazi ))) accepting the jews terms about National Socialism being painted as something the jews regularly lie about.
I agree, but this doesn't mean that  Lebensraum did not exist or wouldn't be practiced in urgency to resolve the overpopulation issue within Germany.
Replies: >>1519
>The hell is this anon?
Their goals were the parts of Poland they lost during WW1. That was all they needed.
Replies: >>1526
Except they aren't enough to solve the problems of overpopulation within Germany. All of Germany's settlements were going to have high fertility rates while under National Socialist occupation, and yes that includes Germans and German cities and towns outside of Magna Germania. Even Mussolini had done so, which is what he did with Libya and Ethiopia, because it was a necessity. Poland and various regions within Eastern Europe are going to be necessary for colonization.
Replies: >>1551
>>1488 (nice hitler digits)
Oh yeah and you reminded me of my unpopular opinion. I honestly don't like lebensraum. It would've been much more simpler to replace africans imo.
Replies: >>1546
>It would've been much more simpler to replace africans imo.
Replies: >>1568
Not only that, the Poles got what was coming to them. They were massacring Germans after obtaining Danzig from the Treaty Of Versailles. I say fuck em for being the niggers of Slavs.
Replies: >>1568
Because they've bassically got no culture and ways to easilly fight back. And theres literally no way to control all of russia. Everything around kongo and central africa would be a good part. Slavs can be reeducated, but niggers no lmao. Also the only reason Hitler hated slavs was because they were commies or poles( (german killers)
>Niggers of slavs
Those are czechs. But that can be just me.
Replies: >>1574
There are problems with your proposal:

1. Colonizing Africa would require a thorough extermination of the resident niggers, which would've been costly and difficult, especially if they were covertly armed by ZOG nations. It leads to diminishing returns as they fight back ferociously (since they have no choice but fight or die) and insurgents are notoriously difficult to root out. These are some of the same problems I have with ethnoglobe.
2. Even if you succeed in ethnic cleansing, you're still surrounded by nigger territory, which is a constant liability. Unless of course, you're willing to purge the entire continent, which would multiply the problems above.
3. The African climate & environment is unsuited to Aryans, we do better in cool, northern areas (a recent reading here, Madison Grant's Passing of the Great Race, gets into this).

My unpopular opinion is that Hitler should've accepted Poles & Slavs as White. Communism was a cultural issue and could've been worked out, just consider how quickly Germany went from Weimar degeneracy to supremely based & redpilled. The hardline racial policy antagonized Slavs and led to ferocious fighting in the Ostfront, I've read that over 99% of them fought, with less than 1% as collaborators iirc (and most of those were hunted by the Soviet gov't or were POWs trying to survive).
Given the harsh methods of the Soviets, if the Germans had accepted Slavic people as Whites and potential members of the Reich, there would've been far less resistance and far more collaboration. Sure, this would've turned Lebensraum into a large-scale mixing between Aryans and lower grade Whites, but that doesn't really count as race-mixing, and the higher element would've prevailed.
Instead, Germany turned the invasion into an existential threat to Slavs, which ran into serious difficulties, which only confirms what I said above about the difficulties of thorough ethnic cleansing.
>Colonizing Africa would require a thorough extermination of the resident niggers, which would've been costly and difficult,
You didn't say it was impossible. The process would be slow, but it is still a possibility, due to the ignorance of niggers.

>especially if they were covertly armed by ZOG nations
You're assuming that there would be any ZOG nations left. Also, look what happened when ZOG tried to kill the 
Rhodesians and how they got BTFO'd, despite having Spetsnaz training and all. You're providing nothing, but personal speculation.

>The African climate & environment is unsuited to Aryans
Then explain why the Boers, Portuguese, and Anglos, were able to live within the warmest climates within Africa for more than a hundred years? The climate of Africa is not entirely dry either. There are Aryans who live in the Mediterranean and West-Asian climates. Madison's theory on the Northern climate is inconsistent and wrong. Stop thinking these people are prophets who get everything right. Hitler read Schopenhauer's books, but do you think he was a Pessimist like his favorite philosopher was? If Europeans were only suitable to one climate, then imperialism would have been impossible and never occurred. There is also this saying that colonization is a "White man's burden", which is incredibly stupid to think. The theory that Europeans should never have colonized is based on ignorance of history and it is forgotten that it would have led to the domination of the Ottoman Empire and the Golden Horde over Europe. Pure fantasy, thinking that everything would go well if they'd done absolutely nothing, but farm.

>My unpopular opinion is that Hitler should've accepted Poles & Slavs as White.
He already saw them as Aryan, and that still wasn't enough to stop them from being autistic, or atleast it was for the Poles. The integration of Poles into the Aryan race was more of a costly task than sending Aryans into Africa ever was. And don't say that he should have given them more autonomy, because that would lead the Germans straight back to square one having to deal with the genocide and now, the lack of support that they desperately needed within the Eastern-Front.

>The hardline racial policy antagonized Slavs and led to ferocious fighting in the Ostfront
>Unironically believes in the lie
There was no "hardline racial policy". There is evidence that the NSDAP saw the Ukrainians and 
Muscovites as Aryans. They even welcomed them into the Reich. If the Germans were too harsh, then explain why they had more than a million volunteers from Russia and Ukraine assisting them against the Soviets?

>I've read that over 99% of them fought, with less than 1%
>I've read
Why are you being so vague?

>Germany turned the invasion into an existential threat to Slavs
>Ethnic cleansing
There's no proof of this. The loss of the war didn't come from the lack of collaborators, it came from the attrition of the harsh Winter and Lend-Lease that was provided by the Brits and Americans, along with the betrayal and incompetency of the German high command. The Soviets were also frequently killing Russians and Ukrainians and yet they still won the war.
Replies: >>1585 >>1595
>pls dont colonize africa plsss
Are you some race-mixed nigger? The world is for our taking. In the original prophesized timeline, the White races were supposed to cover the globe while non-White numbers were dwindling. Many high-IQ philosophers/scientists like Madison Grant and Lovecraft predicted this. The ONLY reason why this has not happened was because kike intervention into our plans. If it wasn't for them, there'd be a White overpopulation (which I'd rather accept over shitskin overpopulation). White lives matter way too much, compared to the other races. It was prophecy that we were supposed to win.
Replies: >>1595
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>Then explain why the Boers, Portuguese, and Anglos, were able to live within the warmest climates within Africa for more than a hundred years?
Much of the Boer and Anglo settlement was within an oceanic climate or the harsh extremes of the South African veldt. The weather was not of "the warmest climate", but similar to that of Northern France in many places. Notice that any European colonization of equatorial regions was spare or a failure. The Belgian Congo was nothing more than an open air sweat shop in some places, dirt hut-topia in others; British colonization of India was thin, and failed by the turn of the 20th century. The Dutch West Indies was a combination of the two former examples. We just don't work well in climates best suited for the most savage of races.
Replies: >>1589 >>1595
>Much of the Boer and Anglo settlement was within an oceanic climate or the harsh extremes of the South African veldt
No, most of the inhabitants resided around the oceanic climate. Boer settlements lie all across South Africa, such as in Brandfort. Rhodesia was in a rather arid and somewhat desert climate. Nonetheless, they lived there without incident. I also noticed you ignored what I said about the Portuguese. And just so you know, they also live in similar climates to France.

>Notice that any European colonization of equatorial regions was spare or a failure.
I'd like you to present evidence rather than just making stuff up out of thin air.

> The Belgian Congo was nothing more than an open air sweat shop in some places
That's because the Belgian Congo was run by trade companies. They didn't want to have the Belgians settle in because they were already making so much money by having the Africans work on the textiles. 

>British colonization of India was thin, and failed by the turn of the 20th century.
No it did not, stupid. The term "colonization" does not only refer to the movement of people from one location to another.It also includes the influence and control of foreign territories and people by the state as well. British colonization wasn't thin or a failure. The East Company was a monopoly, and interlopers were strictly prohibited because profiting from ignorant Indians made them filthy richer than having poor Whites come in and settle down and being forced to raise their wages. Even if wealthy Whites could help local economies, they would be denied entry into India because the government would have to redistribute their wealth.

Again, it was the same situation with the British. The Dutch only cared about money and resources. The climate within the East-Indies is mostly tropical, which isn't severe for Whites at all. The fact that White Australians can survive in tropical savanna climates proves that your climate theory is nonsense.
Replies: >>1606
>You didn't say it was impossible. The process would be slow, but it is still a possibility, due to the ignorance of niggers.
not impossible, but I don't think it's worthwhile.

>You're assuming that there would be any ZOG nations left.
Another tall order. Even in the event of total victory, we don't need every continent.

They fought the good fight, no doubt, but in the end they were subverted and overwhelmed, with nothing left there but a black'd shithole. They were also in South Africa...

>Then explain why the Boers, Portuguese, and Anglos, were able to live within the warmest climates within Africa for more than a hundred years?
The main colonization efforts avoided the equator, and concentrated in South Africa. Colonies also tended to be in coastal areas with a moderate oceanic climate, as said by >>1585
>Stop thinking these people are prophets who get everything right.
Not perfect by any means, for example Madison Grant did not predict how birth control would lead to hedonism & degeneracy; he focused only on its positive use for eugenics, and didn't imagine Jewish perversion. That said, there's much of quality there.

>If Europeans were only suitable to one climate, then imperialism would have been impossible and never occurred. 
It's not that narrow, but we do have an ideal range for climate & biome, which is broad but not all-encompassing.

>Pure fantasy, thinking that everything would go well if they'd done absolutely nothing, but farm.
Colonization was a great success for our race, at first. But we should pick & choose our ethnocontinents & settled regions.

>Polish autism, genocide
To be clear, occupation and punishment for the offenders was justified. However, the population could still have been integrated.

>There was no "hardline racial policy".
I'd have to brush up on this again, but weren't they dispossessing slavs in favor of germans? Or am I misremembering and conflating ZOG propaganda with reality? I seem to recall the Soviet POWs being treated harshly.

>attrition of the harsh Winter and Lend-Lease that was provided by the Brits and Americans, along with the betrayal and incompetency of the German high command. 
All those factors are important, although I wouldn't call the Germans incompetent so much as rigid & stubborn -- their tendency to bet high & lose was too costly. However, there's no denying that the Russians put up very determined resistance.

>then explain why they had more than a million volunteers from Russia and Ukraine assisting them against the Soviets?
what matters most is proportion. how many collaborated, vs how many fought in harsh conditions?

>Are you some race-mixed nigger?
lol, no. apparently having brown eyes & blond hair is a disharmonic combination, but that's as far as it goes.

>The world is for our taking.
I think we should use discretion in what we take as ours, vs leave to others. Besides, there are higher non-white races that we can get along with.

>It was prophecy that we were supposed to win.
I wonder why that's been deferred. I speculated in another post that maybe there's some larger purpose to the loss of WWII and Clown World that I can't perceive, but who knows.
Replies: >>1599 >>1609
>there are higher non-white races that we can get along with.
Replies: >>1600 >>1602 >>1606
ffs, stop being so trigger-happy. to clarify, I didn't say higher than us, because no race is higher than Aryan, except the gods.
But there are distinctions between non-white races, there's a hierarchy, not all are niggers. I consider the Japanese and Persians to be not far from us, and worthwhile as allies.
The Persians had Aryan admixture early in their history, and while it's been watered down, it still distinguishes them from their lower Arab neighbors. I think this is also the reason for the fine Persian aesthetic that was borrowed by Islam.
As for the Japanese, it's unlikely they had any Aryan influence (although there are stories of green eyes and blond hair in Central Asia). However, of all the East Asian types, they are most similar to us. Different of course, but in a complementary, analogous sort of way.
Niggers are obviously a lower race, but I think many of the problems come from their presence within Western society, and their handlers spurring them on and using them as shock troops. If they were sequestered in Africa and left to their own devices, I think most trouble would cease. The only race who really needs to be destroyed are those parasites who can't live without a host.
I agree with anon, ban this nigger. He's the same faggot denying that Jews have influence. He's a disingenuous fed.
Replies: >>1604 >>1606
that wasn't me, at all.

a rough draft of the racial hierarchy:

1. Whites
2. Japanese, Persians
3. Native Americans, Manchus, Central Asians
4. Koreans, Northern Chinese
5. Southern Chinese, SEA, Malay, Polynesian, etc
6. Arab
7. Indian, Jamaican
8. Black (american)
9. African, Aborigine
10. Jews

again, it's a rough draft subject to revision. I wasn't sure where to put Hispanics, depending on their ancestry they could be anywhere from 3-5. I also didn't bother adding power gaps. However, I think I'm on the right track.
Replies: >>1609
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>No, most of the inhabitants resided around the oceanic climate. Boer settlements lie all across South Africa, such as in Brandfort.
> I also noticed you ignored what I said about the Portuguese. And just so you know, they also live in similar climates to France
You are agreeing with me. I don't understand what you are arguing.

Also, the principle settlements of Australia and the majority of it's population are situated in oceanic and, to a lesser extent, sub-tropical climates. Refer to pics related.

> Rhodesia was in a rather arid and somewhat desert climate
You'll recall that the whites of the Rhodesian Bush War suffered greatly from being vastly outnumbered by African blacks. Any white civilization that settles in arid to semi-arid climates dissolves in a few hundred years, like the Kingdom of the Vistigoths and Achaean and Doric Greece. Easy agriculture and climate promotes languidity which the non-whites who thrive in those climates quickly take advantage of.  

Every example of the failure to colonize equatorial regions I bring up, you dismiss as run by money hungry trade companies, but the original Jamestown settlement of Virginia was chartered by one of these trading companies. It existed as a financial venture, yet it grew into a full fledged colony, although even here the harsher summers and humid climate took many colonists' lives. The settlement of St. Augustine, 100 years Jamestown's senior, failed to produce a colony. Hundreds of years later, during the time of chattel slavery, the U.S. government practically handed out land in florida, yet they struggled to populate the state and keep men alive until the complete domestication of it's land, all the while the American West expanded at breakneck speed. 

You blaming these failures on trading companies is like people blaming the failures of african blacks on European colonization. There is a clear pattern you willingly fail to recognize out of a desire for whites to be the best at everything all of the time. The fact of the matter is that some races will have slightly higher IQs or be better attempted to certain styles of life, but the beauty of the nordic man is that he possesses a level of empathy as well as physical and mental prowess that makes him the greatest expression of man. 

The anon you want to ban has posted in the /fbc/ thread, and I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that he is the main poster in the /silver city/ thread. While I take issue with his use of the reductionist term "Clown world", he clearly makes high value posts. There is nothing wrong with recognizing the strengths of other upstanding races. The second one starts to underestimate his adversary is the second, he loses.
Replies: >>1609
>but I don't think it's worthwhile.
No one cares what you think. Don't respond to me the second time because your arguments stink. 

>Even in the event of total victory, we don't need every continent.
If ZOG lies anywhere, it must be destroyed. Anything that is a threat to the Aryan race will have to be eliminated for a total victory, which is what "total" means. You would have been better off stating that you could make non-Aryans allies instead of obliterating them; then, for the first time, you would be making sense here. However, you must explain how this is a possibility and will occur concurrently.

> but in the end they were subverted and overwhelmed,
That was only because of the UK and the aristocracy.

>The main colonization efforts avoided the equator, and concentrated in South Africa.
South Africa isn't near the equator, stop repeating yourself and acting as if you understand its geography. The equator wasn't the only place that consists of deserts and extremely warm climates. There was no concentration of white people to go only into South Africa. There were many other parts that were colonized, such as Angola, and their main issue wasn't climate but famines, which is one of the reasons why they didn't expand the White population.

>Colonies also tended to be in coastal areas with a moderate oceanic climate
I already debunked this in my previous post, anon.

>as said
Your samefag failed.

>that said, there's much of quality there
I didn't say it didn't have quality; I said he was wrong on the idea that White people cannot adapt to other climates. READ NIGGER READ.

>but we do have an ideal range for climate & biome
I don't remember when Scandinavians ever saw their own climate as "ideal" or were incapable of colonizing anywhere else.

>But we should pick & choose our ethnocontinents & settled regions.
No, we don't. We choose where we want to live and how. You say it was a great success for our race, but forget that one of the reasons it was successful was because we quickly adapted to the land and its climates.

>However, the population could still have been integrated.
>same statement from 36df1c 
You're repeating yourself. I already stated that Poland was to be integrated, so this means that you're being ignorant on purpose. You can't force a person to want to be part of the Aryan race if they themselves do not want to.

>but weren't they dispossessing slavs in favor of germans?
By asking this question, you confirm that you don't have proof of any harsh "racial" policies against the Slavs and are just making them up out of thin air.

>I seem to recall the Soviet POWs being treated harshly.
You were court-martialed for mistreatment of POWs. I can only imagine Soviet loyalists being treated like shite as POWs. Although it is likely the Germans made no exceptions. 

>although I wouldn't call the Germans incompetent so much as rigid & stubborn 
They went against Hitler's command to attack and focused on taking Leningrad first, before Moscow. Then proceeded to ruin his plans altogether.

>However, there's no denying that the Russians put up very determined resistance.
No, they were not. Here we go again with the same particular behavior as the faggot in the Abrahamic thread has. You refuse to read what was said previously because you're illiterate and cannot cope. I asked for proof that they were being too harsh, and you provided none, surprise, surprise.

> what matters most is proportion
Oh yes, the Germans could totally rally more than 30 million slavs against the Soviet Union. The proportion and number of Slavs who will fight simply because they are called Aryans is so realistic and effective.

I don't even want to exterminate every race, other than the Jews.

>wasn't me
You made the exact same arguments in your previous post, my nigger. 

>racial hierarchy
Just no, no. You just posted cringe. 

No, I'm not. Brandfort is not anywhere near an "oceanic climate."

>I don't understand what you are arguing.
That's the problem. You're just too stupid to understand the words being said to (you).

>Also, the principle settlements of Australia and the majority of it's population are situated in oceanic
The majority of the population being settled around the ocean completely ignores the fact that there are also many settlements that aren't seaports. You have given me graphs of population density and geography (like a fool), but fail to realize that I'm not arguing in favor of large settlements of Whites; I'm proving you wrong on the idea that it is impossible or difficult for Aryans to live in other environments such as Alice Springs or Eridunnda. Generally, these areas have always been sparsely populated, even among the pre-European inhabitants. Many parts of Africa and Australia weren't settled until White people arrived. Your argument denies the historical context of colonization and generally misunderstands the point of my argument.

>You'll recall that the whites of the Rhodesian Bush War suffered greatly from being vastly outnumbered by African blacks
I don't recall this because that's not what happened. The ratio of Whites to Negroes has nothing to do with Whites being able to live on the land, nor did it halve performance or bring about the outcome of the war.

>Any white civilization that settles in arid to semi-arid climates dissolves in a few hundred years
What White civilization has dissolved due to arid climates? Once again, you're making things up and screwing around with the historical context of the Bush War. There were and are White Berbers, and yet they reside in arid or even desert climates.

>like the Kingdom of the Vistigoths and Achaean and Doric Greece.
>Geographical and historically illeritate
First of all, the Vistiogothic Kingdom did not dissolve due to arid climates. The Iberian Peninsula is mostly temperate, retard. Alicante, Murcia, and Almería are the only arid places there. The Visigoths had already encountered densely populated cities, towns, and villages, which is why they did not settle in many places. Plus, they've only established themselves as a form of racial aristocracy, so that was ultimately their fault for the lack of Northern Europeans within Iberia. The Achaeneans resided in the north of the Peloponnese, which is mostly temperate and consists of oceanic climates. The Dorians resided mostly in the south and east of the peninsula. There were arid regions, but they were also surrounded by oceans. So I don't know why you're using them as examples if you're only going to end up shooting yourself in the foot.

>Every example of the failure to colonize equatorial regions I bring up, you dismiss as run by money hungry trade companies
>Explain the details
<Y-you're dismissing what I've said!
You really are the same nigger from the Abrahamic thread, lol. I didn't dismiss anything, you're just a dumbass. The Belgian Congos were run by trade companies, that is a fact. Why would a trade company, aka a proto-capitalist, want Whites laborers to come into places if they're going to raise wages and spend more money on social services? And India is above the equator, so I don't know why you're bitching about it so much.  What I said about the British occupation is all true. It's not my fault that you can't cope and have an autistic desire to shill. Or maybe you're just another non-Aryan telling us on how we should go about things.

>but the original Jamestown settlement of Virginia was chartered by one of these trading companies.
Yeah, and guess what? THERE WEREN'T ANY AMERINDIANS ANY WHERE NEAR JAMESTOWN. Jamestown wasn't chartered until after its founding.

> although even here the harsher summers and humid climate took many colonists' lives
No, it didn't. You're talking about the previous settlement that failed, Roanoke Colony, which only failed, because it did not have enough support to fend off the Chowanoke raids. You also forget that, in the end, Jamestown was successful. 

>The settlement of St. Augustine
St. Augustine was a Spanish colony and was not a failure either. They've only faced threats from Caribbean pirates and British and American invaders. After being conquered by the Anglos the only troubles they were facing was with the pirates.

>he U.S. government practically handed out land in florida, yet they struggled to populate the state and keep men alive until the complete domestication of it's land
There's no proof of this. Stop making nonsense because you can't accept that the white man is a natural conqueror who can adapt to most lands.

>You blaming these failures on trading companies is like people blaming the failures of african blacks on European colonization. 
Not even remotely close in comparison. Again, cope.

>There is a clear pattern you willingly fail to recognize out of a desire for whites to be the best at everything all of the time. 
There's a clear pattern that you will falsify history to make your arguments appear favorable. You have no sources to back up your claim that the following settlements and establishments failed due to the unhabitable climate. You looked up arid climates and colonies but didn't even look up their histories.

>The anon you want to ban has posted in the /fbc/ thread, and I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that he is the main poster in the /silver city/ thread. 
Yeah, huh, sure. I think we're done here and I would request someone who isn't dumb as a Sub-Saharan bamboo mouth nigger.
Replies: >>1610 >>1612
Also to add onto Jamestown, the population was still encouraged to grow and White migrants were allowed to settle into it. The charter companies of India weren't treated in the same fashion as they were in America.
yes, pathogens must be dealt with thoroughly to avoid future infections.

it's possible for us to survive in the full range of climate, but not thrive. The other anon provided even more evidence that we do better in cool, oceanic climates; sweltering heat, deserts and rainforests are for the darker races, not us.

I'd have to delve in again, I was going by general impressions and what I recall reading awhile back. Given all the propaganda regarding WWII, I might've been misled regarding the Third Reich's treatment of Slavs.

I have no idea why spastics like you conflate me with other anons. For the record, I posted in the book thread, but not in /silvercity/ (but I can see where that error comes from, his posting style is quite similar to my own).

<racial hierarchy
>Just no, no. You just posted cringe. 
Lol. The real world is a bit more complex than Whites, niggers, and kikes. There are gradations and subtleties within large concepts, and that includes race.
Replies: >>1613
>Lol. The real world is a bit more complex than Whites, niggers, and kikes.
>There are gradations and subtleties within large concepts, and that includes race.
<Establishes a shitty imaginative hierarchy that makes no sense whatsoever
Go outside.
Replies: >>1617 >>1653
Why would you not just point at Egypt and it's Aryan rulers to debunk this idiot, or the city of Alexandria, An almost entirely Aryan city that was quite literally the center of much thriving for the Aryan race from when it was founded to it's fall after Rome's collapse.
Replies: >>1620
>Egypt and it's Aryan rulers to debunk this idiot,
Akhenaten was the only known Pharaoh with substantial Aryan ancestry (1/2). Beyond that, the ruling dynasties of Egypt contained at best small vestiges of aryan dna from unrecorded history. Egypt's complete lack of original innovation for all of it's recorded history should be sufficient evidence of this. 

>the city of Alexandria
For several centuries of the Roman period, Alexandria was festering with jews. They had pogroms. It was no aryan bastion.
Replies: >>1629
Yeah, no,  Tut has been DNA tested and were found to be entirely western european, in addition to the ancient population in general being more related to Westerners in general,(both ancient and modern europeans), and the burning of Alexandrias library did destroy and did the operations of Christians for nearly 2 thousand years any record of egyptian accomplishments in technology which it is a struggle to even begin to recontruct what they may have had or done, it should be enough that they held sway over a very large portion of North Africa.
Proves Tut's R1b Aryan DNA, and if you look at his own page that of several predating his well as that of several pharoahs predating him by inference
For general ancient Egyptian DNA.

We all know the history of Alexandria and that jews were there, but that was mostly in the roman empire, which only occurred due to a cultural decline, but the city was always ruled by Europeans, and populated mostly by Europeans, until it left our hands.
Both of those do succinctly debunk your argument
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>1653
>My unpopular opinion is that Hitler should've accepted Poles & Slavs as White. 
That's mine too. But the problem is that likely russian/soviet propaganda made it out so that germans killed slavs. So I'm not suprised they made that out.
But I actually like an intresting idea. There were pro-hitler forces in poland or atleast fascist. It would be intresting if instead of general protectorate we would get a falangist poland. But god knows how much supportive they would've been.
Replies: >>1637 >>1648
> falangist poland.
Stupid idea. Never going to happen. Poland was and still is too cucked. As anon said, the Slavs were already accepted as Aryan, but that didn't improve relations between the Germans and the Poles. Many of you are exposing yourselves on how you know nothing of fascism and the National Socialism.
Replies: >>1645 >>1648 >>1653
Anon, I would actually like to learn, but it's impossible in middle of ex-warsaw pact europe. 
I'm still learner and don't post here much.
Replies: >>1648
During the war, there was a group of falangists within Poland known as the Falanga National Radical Camp, but they were working for the Polish Underground State via the Allies. Today, they're known as the National Radical Camp, and some of you may have seen their flag during Narodowe Święto Niepodległości within Poland. Traditionalist syndicalists aren't always the best of friends with classical fascists.

It is no biggie, anon. But I can kind of understand 59973c's point.
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Falangist Poland was unrealistic, and I'm aware of all the existing conflict. I was wondering about integration, that's all.
>Many of you are exposing yourselves on how you know nothing of fascism and the National Socialism.
I admitted that I'm rather vague on that particular topic, because as much as I know, I can't be an expert on everything. There's no need to take it there. ZOG propaganda can be an obscuring factor as well.

I was thinking of promoting Indians up to Arabs, perhaps that would make it better.

it may be that Kemet's ruling dynasties and priesthood had Aryan infusion, while the general population did not. There's evidence of them being lighter than Africans but not White, pic related.
Replies: >>1661 >>1664 >>1665
You didn't even read the article, did you?
Replies: >>1662
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just checked it now. It's very likely that ancient Egyptians were a different people and race than the modern population, and that they were closer to White. However, related does not necessarily mean equivalent, especially since they seem to depict themselves as light reddish brown with non-White features. Their sampling also does not rule out racial differences between the common people and elites, which may or may not have been significant.
>I was thinking of promoting Indians up to Arabs, perhaps that would make it better.
How about you just stop producing cringe all together?
Replies: >>1665
>I was thinking of promoting Indians up to Arabs, perhaps that would make it better.
You're definitely a shitskin or a mulatto who thinks he can be in our ranks. Remember, just because we're White 'nationalists' doesn't mean we don't believe in White supremacy. White nationalism = White supremacy as always. We're just moving slowly until time is ripe.
Replies: >>1809
Anglos are the faggiest and worst race out of all of the Germanic/European races. Fuck em.
Replies: >>1809
This isn't an opinion, but rather an unpopular fact. The Khazar Theory is one of the dumbest beliefs within JQ-circles. It is literally shilled by hasbara, christcucks, and feds. The whole thing is comprised of historically inaccuracies. To make matters worst is that the belief itself was established by a communist jew known as Arthur Koestler who established this lie to purposely stir anti-semitism to get European jews to flee to Jerusalem.
Replies: >>1795
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but Strasserites are the biggest faggots. They shouldn't be recognized as National Socialists or fascists, but communists in disguise. They are no better than communists and should be treated as such. It is also so common that many of them are literal queers.
>This isn't an opinion, but rather an unpopular fact. The Khazar Theory is one of the dumbest beliefs within JQ-circles. It is literally shilled by hasbara, christcucks, and feds. The whole thing is comprised of historically inaccuracies.
Could you expand on the issues with the Khazar Theory? I always thought that ashkenazis were the descendants of jews that migrated to Europe and then mixed with white populations. I don't see what difference it would make if they were from the pontic steppe.
Replies: >>1796 >>1797
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>Could you expand on the issues with the Khazar Theory? 
Not that anon, but he is sort of right on what he said. The Khazar Theory was first begun by a jewish communist known as Arthur Koestler in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe". His goal was actually to make antisemitism "disappear" rather have jews flee to Jerusalem. In order to accomplish this he created this story to trick everyone into believing that not all of the jews are naturally deceitful because the "Khazarian Mafia" are the sole reason for their poor reputation. Arthur and CIs boldly declare that ashkenazis are not the descendants of the Israelites, but are of partial Turkic blood whose gentile ancestors somehow converted to Judaism even though rabbis are generally against conversions of non-jews, especially if they are nothing like them. And because of this supposed mixing of bloods, they are the sole reason why jews are so subversive, corrupt, and degenerate all together. Despite the fact the Hebrew Bible corresponds with the behavior and attitudes of jews today, even if modern Js are a little unorthodox. The issues wrong with KT is that its original task was to kill antisemitism aka criticism of jews, and downplay the fact that the dishonorable actions of jews have been a thing since their birth of their identity. While CI use it to we wuz Whites into being the true Israelites without knowing the background and intentions of the guy who first created the theory and how he was inspired by other jews and orientalists who always had similar goals to Koestler. None of any Chronicles of the Khazars mention them converting to Judaism or being jewish itself. There is only a set of documents that claim that there were Khazars who did convert to Judaism, although these documents are likely fake. KT is just one giant No True Scotsman. 

>I always thought that ashkenazis were the descendants of jews that migrated to Europe and then mixed with white populations. 
They are. They're mostly Southern-European/Med-cuck descendant.

>I don't see what difference it would make if they were from the pontic steppe.
What you have to understand here, anon, is that KT is just a shill, as is commonly repeated by Q-anons and CIfags. It simply exists to downplay the truths of the JQ and curtail any awareness of the true nature of the jewish race and why the White Man must ridicule Abraham and kill Yahweh. It exists simply to blame us gentiles as the reason for the corruption of jews. 

>I don't see what difference it would make if they were from the pontic steppe.
The origin of the Jews is important, as the Pontic Steppe Theory turns minds away from the fact that the Christians, Romans, and Greeks were responsible for the creation of many Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and the fact that the origin of and bloodlines of Ashkenazis do not originate from the Turks at all. Also, this idea that it was only half-European Jews is retarded when you understand why Sephardic Jews are just as bad and equal in power. Christians were the ones who took over the Roman Empire, established many havens for Jews throughout Europe, and brought many of their mind-altering institutions there as well. Foolishly declaring that the Ashkenazis are responsible for the evils of Jews and are generally Khazarian makes no sense since most Ashkenazis have lived in southern Europe prior to the arrival of the Turks. Also, some of the Khazars were said to have blue eyes, reddish hair, and white skin by al-Iṣṭakhrī. This does indeed seem to be just another attack on the Aryans and their descendants.
Monarchism is dumb and I don't know why RWs insist that it is any better than a fascist republic.
Replies: >>1804
They do that because they are right wing, and also because there are more forms of Monarchy than just the Christnigger one.
Replies: >>1805
>there are more forms of Monarchy than just the Christnigger one.
I still think it's retarded for anyone whether they're Christian or not to encourage royalism and absolutism as a solution to our problem.
Replies: >>1806
Not all forms of Monarchy feature those two attributes.
Replies: >>2605
you are mistaken.

I don't think its the Anglos themselves, but rather the Zionist influence within their regimes (British Empire, GAE).
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>Hitler should've accepted Poles & Slavs as White.
The NSDAP were already accepting Poles as denizens of the Reich. Withal, none of them ever visually perceived the Poles as non-Aryans, they only categorized them as non-GERMAN. Generally anyone who has a portion of homogeneous blood to the Germans can become citizens of the Reich. Poles and Ukrainian were listed as the few.
If you unironically support Andrew Tate and the manosphere, then you're a kike, fed, and faggot.
Replies: >>2415
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>Christianity will lead to the extinction of our race
Christianity hasn't lead to the extinction of any race for 2000 years, LARPagan bozo.

>If you wish to fight over religion, take it to the Anti-Abrahamism thread
Lead by example, then, smart guy.
Replies: >>2414 >>2415
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>Christianity hasn't lead to the extinction of any race for 2000 years
You caused the near extinction of Amerindians throughout Mesoamerica due to rapid miscegenation. Spics are now more predominant than any of the other purer races that live in what is now Mexico. Also, why are you responding to post that was made a year ago? Did reading cause so much butt-hurt that you decided to make it irrelevant again?
Provide actual reasons and rationale for that declaration, there is truth is what Tate talks about but in general as a mixed race nigger he can be discarded.
It is leading to the destruction of all races on this earth (except for it's favored jews, and arguably even them just slower) right now. Just because it hasn't yet finished the job it was designed for doesn't mean it isn't exactly what I have said it is.
As for your "Lead by example" quip, I quite literally have done that, if you wish to bitch more about how anti-christian I, and others on this board are, please  do it in that thread or I will ban you.
Replies: >>2416
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>Provide actual reasons and rationale for that declaration
<You need to prove a reason to everyone that one of the most well-known and insufferable imbeciles within the manosphere who also openly endorses ZOG as a negative influence

>there is truth is what Tate talks about
>but in general as a mixed race nigger he can be discarded
<That being the main reason to reject and shit on him
You're a lost cause. inb4 ban.
Replies: >>2417
All I was asking was for a little bit more effort than just muh declaration, which you still haven't shown, by the way. Personally I prefer to analyze men like him who have attracted such large followings despite his disgusting heritage, and see if I cannot find those things necessary to pull potentially awakened people away from his degenerate ideology, but to do so one must be willing to acknowledge where he speaks truth, and be able to accurately point out where he doesn't. Whether we like it or not he has a large following of young men, both White and not. We have to know how he thinks, and how he teaches those who follow him to think, in order to supplant the lies he follows and propagates, with the full truth, or at least as full a truth as we can muster, to show to young men lost to social media demagogues like him. Declare me a lost cause for being pragmatic all you like, that makes you the retard, not me
Replies: >>2419
>All I was asking was for a little bit more effort than just muh declaration
Pretty sure it is common knowledge and undeniable that this guy and much of his fan are losers, unless you've been living under a rock.

>which you still haven't shown, by the way
I literally gave you a mp4 and picture to that undoubtly that this dude is another clown straight from the NJO. 

>f I cannot find those things necessary to pull potentially awakened people away from his degenerate ideology
This is like trying to pull trannies away from ZOG, because of how autistic they are and the fact that they literally have nothing to lose. I haven't met a single Tate fan whose "awakened", they just hate women and want a piece of the cake of what the kikes are willingly to spare if you're on their good side. 

>Whether we like it or not he has a large following of young men, both White and not
Most of his followers are shit-skins.

> supplant the lies he follows and propagates
Just to get more shit-skins and losers into fascism? You be better of trying to do that with MAGA-niggers, and the current immigration crisis in the United States.

> Declare me a lost cause for being pragmatic
Sure, you're a lost cause, and a retard for thinking you can gain anything from his fake and reddit fan-base.
Replies: >>2421
>Pretty sure it is common knowledge and undeniable that this guy and much of his fan are losers, unless you've been living under a rock.
I have neither been living under a rock nor is it even remotely relevant what "common knowledge" dictates. Such "knowledge" isn't worth a shit in any discussion of any sort of merit as going by "common knowledge" all human races are perfectly equal, the negro is kept down by the white mans slavery from 180 years ago, not only in the US but everywhere, 6 million jews and 55 million others were killed in the german "death camps", etc. etc.. Invoking that shit just points you out to be a giant fucking retard, or a woman, who does not belong here. As much as I dislike some of what Andrew Tate does and did, and advocates for, he seems to be genuinely trying to help young men, yes he is leading many towards a degenerate form of manhood(which is infinitely better and more tolerable than the feminine "manhood" society and "common knowledge dictate to us today), yes, it isn't ideal, far from it and it isn't what I would advocate for in his place but I don't have the luxury of having millions of dollars, some of which was made bilking degenerate losers out of house and home.
There is no real way to characterize Tate himself as a loser, he is objectively successful, does that make him a good man? absolutely not, but it makes him quite the opposite of a loser, as for his following whatever their demographics, the entire point is that they are lost young men looking for guidance in being men that their predominantly single mother households lacked utterly and they did or do not have the will to make their own way to being a man, so call them losers all you wish but at least they are actively trying to better themselves white or not, and he does have a lot of White followers, some of whom can and certainly will be recovered and can be set on the correct path, because Tate does speak some truth, but he also propagates many lies that do not serve our interests.
>I literally gave you a mp4 and picture to that undoubtly that this dude is another clown straight from the NJO.
And I watched the video which is a somewhat humorous story of him bilking degenerate camwhore site viewers out of everything they had, which I could care less about, because if you're stupid enough to give those whores money, you deserve whatever ill befalls you. The picture is simple bragging on his part at how he doesn't have to cook, if you have the money and the luxury to never have to cook your own food, why would you? He also quite regularly advocates for being careful what one puts in ones body and shows that he is quite careful about what he puts in his body himself, he probably said takeout because, even in Romania, the quality of food in Europe is much higher and healthier than it is here in the US, at least in general, he also actively discourages drug use, of any sort, outside of actual necessity such as severe physical trauma and shit like surgery.
>This is like trying to pull trannies away from ZOG, because of how autistic they are and the fact that they literally have nothing to lose.
Tate's fans have less overlap with autism than trannies do, and as most of his followers are young, from what I've gathered between fifteen and 25 on average, of course they have "nothing to lose", they haven't built anything to lose.
>I haven't met a single Tate fan whose "awakened", they just hate women and want a piece of the cake of what the kikes are willingly to spare if you're on their good side.
What you've met is irrelevant, again a mischaracterization, while he certainly has fans who do nothing but hate women, anybody who advocates for men's interests has such fans so it's nothing that could be held against him. Tate himself specifically advocates that they love women as he loves women, but that a man shouldn't let them rule him and that the man should be the dominant party in any relationship between any given man and woman, and that a man should have standards that should the woman violate you part ways, all true. Is he quite bombastic in how he says the truths, that he does about women, yes, without doubt, but he is very far from hating them and seems especially careful to make sure any of his women are a willing party to whatever he desires from and with them.
>Most of his followers are shit-skins.
You can't even begin to prove this, and just based on where most of his fans seem to be located, places like America, the UK, Europe at large, even Australia, the odds are that his fanbase being from these places is that more than a third , and I would say up to a half are young White men, who are lost because of the general state of society and the extremely female beneficial systems in place which is only pointed out more an more with the abuse of these systems by faggots pretending to be women. As such,  Is it any wonder that a half-nigger makes strides doing what nobody else is doing?
>Just to get more shit-skins and losers into fascism? You be better of trying to do that with MAGA-niggers, and the current immigration crisis in the United States.
No, to try and save what few can be saved, while society still remains relatively stable, and we have the opportunity to do so. The MAGA-niggers are worse prospects because they believe in more of the societal lies, and are outraged about the replacement being done illegally, not about it being done at all, and about the sexual assault of poor little spic girls trafficked by cartels, as evidenced by their consumption of that movie about and by Harriet Tubman worshipper Tim Ballard, ZOGnigger extraordinaire, and their general elevation of nigger-loving and nigger-lovers and even niggers. True one would have a somewhat similar issue about race with a Tate fan, but they are generally more open to the truth, at least in my experience.
>Sure, you're a lost cause, and a retard for thinking you can gain anything from his fake and reddit fan-base
Tate has little to no overlap with reddit, and his fan base is quite real, and it is a problem for NS that we have nobody speaking on the issues most pressing to Young White men the way people like Tate do, he has as much of a following as he does because he speaks a lot of truth, couched in that are lies that reinforce the system and encourage degeneracy instead of better ways to go about things, but is he better that most of what we see yes, and he gets too close to the truth sometimes for ZOG's comfort which is why they've punished him with the shit Romania is pulling now.
All in all, your every claim and argument is ill informed and seems to be entirely based on what other people say about Tate and no real criticisms of what he says or does or what he advocates for as a whole, I can criticize his use of camwhores all day, or his bombastic bullshit about how rich and powerful he is, and how his stories about his rise to Millionaire and the degenerate shit he pulled to get there, end up undercutting many of his better messages, but until I see a National Socialist stand up and do it better without compromise, instead of avoiding what truths Tate does speak and even whining like feminists about shit that doesn't matter, I'll work with what I can to help the cause and further the cause of truth in the world.
If you aren't a woman, you are a complete retard. Tate is an enemy, obviously, but you should understand your enemies better than you understand even yourself if you wish to defeat them. You can't just throw everything they say aside like it's so much chaff and expect to beat them at every turn, you need to actually use your mind, not be a moron who does exactly what they accuse others of doing.
Put some real effort in next time, or leave.
Replies: >>2423
Are you really trying to tell me and everyone else that the neo-pick up artist has anything to add to the conversation? The guy is very brazen about his human trafficking and the only reason why ZOG is against him is because he just isn't part of their clique. 
We should be looking toward aryan ideals of nobility, and taking a spiritual stance, not looking toward yet another debased materialist like Andrew Tate. He is just one more in a trend of 'online internet dads', which should also be a clue to anyone that a real man has better things to do than post himself on the web and spouse his opinion, like I don't know raising his family. Which by the way isn't this man ignoring several of his bastards, in order to pursue this degenerate sex addict life?
Replies: >>2426
>Are you really trying to tell me and everyone else that the neo-pick up artist has anything to add to the conversation? 
Are you stupid or just intentionally dense? Please point out where I said any such thing, I simply acknowledged that he tells some truth and pointed out that he has a sizable following of young impressionable men, many of whom are White and that attacking Tate personally in any attempt to push these young men onto a better path does nothing to save any of them, and in fact pushes them more into the degenerate shit he encourages but yeah I think he has valuable things to say alright( this last part is sarcasm just to be extremely fucking clear for your dense ass).
>The guy is very brazen about his human trafficking and the only reason why ZOG is against him is because he just isn't part of their clique. 
Yes he's very brazen about this thing that Romania even admits it has no evidence for, and despite numerous supposed victims, no reliable witnesses have come forward and those women that have spoken unequivocally support Tates version of events Legitimately wondering why Romania is continuing with this farce and isn't prosecuting the actual humans traffickers quite rampant in their country and keep the man on house arrest and him in the mainstream as a topic not only of interest, but who recently was had on by Tucker Carlson for an interview, and he's getting huge numbers of views on twitter, and who knows how many other places? 
>We should be looking toward aryan ideals of nobility, and taking a spiritual stance, not looking toward yet another debased materialist like Andrew Tate.\ 
Again, please point out where I disagree with that at all.
>He is just one more in a trend of 'online internet dads', which should also be a clue to anyone that a real man has better things to do than post himself on the web and spouse his opinion, like I don't know raising his family.
No shit retard, several times in that post alone I point exactly this out though I didn't phrase it as you do. Again you niggers lament this shit and put so little effort in, wasting my time and yours to not even say anything except reiterate some of the points I already made. 
I'm content to talk with any young Whites I find being pulled in to Tate's degenerate ways but to pull them out you have to understand what you're trying to argue against and what you're arguing for, which you(if you are the same anon I was talking to) seem to completely just not fucking care about as if convincing people of a better way of living is as simple as "Hey retard do this not that!", when it's the farthest thing from it and may not work even for a master at persuasion.
Replies: >>2428
You sure are awfully huffy about your internet dad. Anyway I was checking miles mathis's site recently, and he actually wrote an article about the Tate and Tucker interview. 

Maybe I'd take you more seriously if you didn't feel the need to swear and make personal attacks against others; then maybe your arguments would come off as cohesive and interesting, instead of angry rambling. Here is the Miles Mathis article by the way, hope that helps. http://mileswmathis.com/tate3.pdf
Replies: >>2435 >>2515
I do no such thing, showing you're not even capable of reading even my first post. 
You have revealed yourself to be an idiot and a shill by even bringing up Miles Mathis who is legitimately a moron, the man spews jewish propaganda about avoiding a race war, Hitler being Gay and jewish and other such ridiculous bullshit, you were never here to have any kind of discussion in good faith, and seem most probably to be yet another kike.
All of my insults are either in response to prior insults, or actually a reasoned argument themselves, such as calling you a woman, and they do not interfere with or call into question the arguments I made at all.
If you cannot even bother to read the arguments, insults or no, and respond to them you do not belong here, and if you respond again without actually addressing any of my arguments, you will be banned.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>2436
This is a different Anon

If you want to understand Andrew Tate, I can explain his mindset to you. Andrew Tate functions like any other jewish-spirited businessman of the past century or greater. His whole grift centers around the idea that you must "hustle" rather than do honest work, and this attitude can be seen with the modern "side-hustle" trend, and the general attitude that one should be seeking out the next useless "big idea". Tate is teaching young men to worship the absence of real, positive work in favor of parasitic "work" that contributes nothing to society, and he primes those young men to feel nothing men scamming their own people by saying that they are just a part of the "Matrix". If you want to understand Tate, you must understand the modern psychopathy inherent to our present day Judeo-capitalist economy. 

You could also extend this worldview to Tate's (and the rest of the manosphere's, despite their interesting insights on female psychology) handling of women. To Tate, women are wholly responsible for their own actions, and it is therefore just to manipulate them into having harmful sex because "it's the free market", just like many make excuses for large jewish companies exploiting the masses. All is the shirking of blame, all is really jewish femininity rather than any real masculinity. Hopefully that helps.
>You can't even begin to prove this, and just based on where most of his fans seem to be located, places like America, the UK, Europe at large, even Australia
<Places flooded with shit-skins, and other non-Whites. 
<Places that are infamous for their non-White incels
Yup definitely retarded.
Replies: >>2521
North America is 57% pure White European people, The UK About 70 percent IIRC, most of the rest of Europe similar to the UK, save France Italy and Spain, in fact all of europe is nearly entirely pure outside of major cities like Berlin. "Incels" are not a non white exclusive or even non-white majority phenomenon, I would argue that most are in fact White, even if they are dysgenic, because while our societies are specifically stacked against men in general they are most particularly stacked against, and to demoralize and disenfranchise, White men.
Based on these three facts alone you(since I know you're the same faggot) could not begin to argue that Tate's fans are all Non-White without choosing to deny the truth in front of your face.
If you can do nothing but argue blatant falsehoods, you do not belong on this board.
Replies: >>2525
>North America is 57% pure White European people,
You're pilpuling now. It doesn't matter how many White people are in the northern continent of America. The demographics still consist of a significant number of non-Whites, so for them to overrepresent even a small group that resides within a White nation, they can identify as something that utterly detests White people and culture, such as inceldom.

>The UK About 70 percent IIRC
The UK still has a large number of non-Whites. London is currently 40% White, and has a sizable community of incels who are a bunch of Pakistanis. It doesn't matter how large the majority is everywhere else. Most Tate fans/disenfranchise men are from big cities such as London anyway, so your point is moot.

>"Incels" are not a non white exclusive or even non-white majority phenomenon
>I would argue that most are in fact White
The vast majority of incels are not White. Even amongst the ones who identify as "White", just like how spics identify as White even though they're actually happas or spics. Not to forget that incels hate White people just as much as Jews do. You're conflating issues within the modern West, and because of how anti-White it currently is, you conclude that all the men who can't get laid must be White just because the current demographics within White nations are majority White, even though statistics attest to this. You're trying to make Inceldom and Tate bigger than they actually are. You are a faggot.


>If you can do nothing but argue blatant falsehoods
<makes half-assed assumptions with no basis in reality
<doesn't establish on how he could be right, just probabilities and assumptions
<tries to argue his hardest that he is totally huwhite, and that many of us are broken men just because he is
If you couldn't cope harder.

>you do not belong on this board
And yet you are the BO of this board and argue like a dishonest retard.
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Napoleon is overrated and shouldn't really be celebrated or admired.
>was a freemason
>got his all of his brothers appointed into freemason officies
>jewish descendant
>emancipated Jews
>his 1810 Penal Code excluded sodomy and incest as crimes
>wars lead to the death of millions of Whites
>wars depopulated so many Whites that his government had to force rural folk to reside within many of France's cities
>much of his actions have generally lead to rapid urbanization
>accelerated the rise of liberalism and Zionism throughout Europe

I have even seen National Socialists and fascist alike give this man high-praise. Even if you see him as a symbol of power, then know that his power has devastated Europe and her children than it did elevate them.
Replies: >>2636
The problem with monarchism is that it is no longer necessary to have a hierarchy. Now, it is purely aesthetic and more about celebrity worship than having a band of leaders lead and guide the folk onto a proper path. A state that practices natural law seems to be enough.
Replies: >>2609
Hierarchy is always necessary, and always has been, and always will be do not presume the technology we have now(which has made hierarchy less important but it still exists) will last long, if we but lose power, instantly mid 1850's and almost nobody has manual water pumps these days, and we don't have many that understand or would even know how to do any of that, besides the Amish, and maybe not even them.
Replies: >>2610
>Hierarchy is always necessary, and always has been,
But where did I say that it wasn't? I simply stated that monarchism and hierarchy are not inseparable.
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Yeah, I heard about him being a Freemason, although I never would have thought that he was possibly Jewish. I've been hearing right-wingers cope hard about how he was a superior leader than Hitler, even though he caused many radical revolutions to spread across Europe along with the decline of monarchism. Unlike Napoleon, Hitler was an advocate of aristocracy and established his state to function like a monarchy, but this is not enough for traditionalists because muh Bavaria. Napoleon being seen as a symbol of European power and greatness is a cathcuck's delusion. What's even worse is that some of them even believe he was a traditionalist, despite evidence to the contrary. For instance, the Napoleonic Codes literally killed what was left of what modern scholars perceive as "feudalism," and Bonapartism is about working a state in the way of Caesar, where a popular leader holds absolute power based on popular support rather than obtaining approval from the State of the Church. How is any of this traditional or even remotely right-wing? I find it funny how some RW-tards and christcucks are willing to worship a literal Freemason liberal atheist over pagan leaders. He never wanted, nor did he ever reverse, the ill-effects of liberalism and secularism within France, no matter how much they verbally fellate him.
I personally think that modernism and futurism are irreconcilable with any kind of identity politics, whatever the race.
We are now technologically capable of gene editing and cloning, which means that the Übermensch can be reached without the white race, or any race in particular. We are now capable of creating augmented humans, and we will be soon capable of creating a different species that is superior in every way to us.
When this is taken into consideration, the supremacy of the whites over the blacks, or even of man in general over the apes seems like nothing really important.
Replies: >>2644 >>2649
>I personally think that modernism and futurism are irreconcilable with any kind of identity politics, whatever the race.
What you describe is transhumanism, and no, the Übermensch cannot be created through that method, as it is a tripartite state, it is Supremacy of Body, of Mind and Will, and of the Spirit, to edit ones own self, or to be edited outside of the bounds of nature as in those actions man could take that we have been able to take, with however much effort, with our natural capabilities since the dawn of our race. Your idea defeats the purpose entirely, and you're wrong anyway.
 The lesser races can't use the gene editing on their own and would have a probably impossible task in doing so if done without the Aryan race as fodder for their own advancement and/or slaves with which to operate the tools to do so. The only other races that could even hope to do that is the East Asian, and the jew, neither of which care what damage they could wreak in doing so, and the technology isn't capable of half of what you described yet, they've only just begun doing things like editing hair color, eye color etc. they don't even have a complete understanding of the human genome, we still don't know the full function of the appendix aside from some seemingly ancillary immune functions etc, any real editing cannot be done or they could unleash viruses and completely unknown diseases, that might just kill all but these fictional supermen of yours, and leave a genetically unstable and not viable population of  "humans" on the planet.
Take removing cancer from the gene pool as an example, we do not know why cancer itself developed, what if by removing it from future generations of our race just makes something far more dangerous appear? What if  making us all equally intelligent and super strong enables a vulnerablilty we couldn't foresee to a common microbe, they cannot account for any of this and so they're toying with things entirely superficial and thats what it will remain for a century or more, provided this entire society remains stable enough for them to even begin research into that.
This global society and the technology involved in this will not last much longer at any rate so you can take it into consideration if you wish, but know that every conclusion you have is based on ignorance, arrogance, and faulty reasoning.
Replies: >>2645
I understand your argument, and I mostly agree with it but
>This global society and the technology involved in this will not last much longer at any rate so you can take it into consideration if you wish
Is simply false; should the West fall to racial degeneration, the East would continue to develop scientifically and technologically. This gene editing business, whenever it is good or not, will very probably happen in the future, even if the West collapses.
Replies: >>2646 >>2647
You are overestimating man's ability to create life in his own image, our understanding of the human body is inadequate to cure even simple diseases, how could we be expected to modify a system we do not understand? When man does learn enough about biology to change genes with intent, what he sees as superior and inferior, desirable and undesirable, will be influenced by his own genetic makeup, meaning that the oriental's conception of the Übermensch may be antithetical to what the White's conception of it is. An already existent creature will need to be used as the base for the Übermensch, and building from different bases will create very different results.
>the East would continue to develop scientifically and technologically.
No, it won't China is on the verge of collapse, their fucking dam that will kill millions if it breaks is near collapse and you think Japan or Korea could keep going when all the shit they do have farmed out to china through the west is just gone? If and when America falls, so will the east, so will Europe, the world is too interconnected if one domino goes, the rest begin to follow not long thereafter.
>We are now technologically capable of gene editing and cloning
No, we aren't. Gene editing and cloning are fundamentally flawed as ideas or concepts, and the procedure for them mostly leads to failure. And don't even think about bringing up some article that claims a bunch of Chinese scientists made "breakthroughs", The CCP and media purposely lie about their technological advancements when in reality they haven't done anything. Disinformation is part of the war itself, which China is currently waging against the United States. We have neither the technology nor the ability to do such things, and knowing the drastic decline in science, such accomplishments will never reach anywhere other than science fiction.
Deeply heretical opinion here;
I am not opposed to democracy. 
Hear me out first. The American elites are morally corrupt traitors. Had America been a feudal aristocracy, we would still be in a similar situation because we are ruled by filth.
Yet I am reasonably well integrated in my community. I know all my neighbors and many important people throughout my rural town. 3 out of 5 of my immediate neighbors are racially aware to one degree of another. Of the two who are not, one is a boomer conservative with boomer conservative ideas. The other is a gross wigger family with mixed children. 
Despite the wigger family, I'm pretty well surrounded by sane & normal people.
Down the road lives a man who I think posts on /pol/ and constantly talks about jews and niggers.
Next to him lives a conservative family who hate the government. There are Trump flags everywhere and, yes I know I know, Trump is not a White nationalist but it's a hell of a lot better than Kamala & faggot flags. A huge majority of people here are either racially aware to one degree or another or boomer conservatives.

My point here is that the normal, working class people of America are infinitely morally superior to the aristocracy of globalist elites. If I had a choice between living under a randomly selected globalist or a randomly selected working class person, I would choose the latter & I suspect you would too.
Normal people don't like open borders, niggers, trannies, and faggots.
Do they know about jews? Most of them don't but the elites DO know about jews and yet they choose to submit themselves to them and betray their race.

So again, normal people are morally superior to the elites
Do you dispute this? 

Given this fact, answer; If America had been a direct democracy in 1965, would the open borders immigration bill have been passed?
Given the fact that in 1943, 90% of Americans agreed with segregation, I think not.
If America had been a direct democracy, would trannies be allowed in girls bathrooms? I think not.
If America had been a direct democracy, would jews wield power at all?
Would America be driven by party politics? Would we have had desegregation?
I think not.

>But what about jews??
America is an oligarchy already and yet jews wield near total power. 
>But muh aristocracy means rule by the best, which means people who agree with me!
Okay, well, if everyone agreed with you, then direct democracy would also produce results that you agree with too. If you get to magically cause all elites to agree with you, I get to magically cause all people to agree with you too.
>But muh people are stupid!
Okay, well, the elites are traitors. I'd rather have moral dumb people rule than immoral smart people. And frankly, I don't think the elites are that much smarter than you or I.
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Integralism =/= Fascism.
>What is the difference between Integralism and Fascism?
Integralists: Church > State
Fascists: State > Church
>Therefore, it was a necessity for the Fascist State to recognize the religious authority of the Church; a political necessity, a political recognition, with respect to the realization of the State itself.
>The ecclesiastical politics of the Italian State must resolve the problem of maintaining its sovereignty, intact and absolute, even before the Church, without casting itself athwart the Catholic consciousness of Italians, nor the Church to which that consciousness is subordinated. 
>That is a grave problem, since the transcedent conception that rules over the Catholic Church contradicts the immanentist character of the political conception of Fascism.
>The authority of the State is not subject to negotiation, or promise, or to divide its terrain with other moral or religious principles that might interfere in consciousness. The authority of the State has force and is true authority if, within consciousness, it is entirely unconditioned. The consciousness that actuates the reality of the State is consciousness in its totality, with all the elements of which it is the product.
>Morality and religion, essential elements in every consciousness, must be there, but they must be subordinated to the laws of the State, fused in it, absorbed in it.
Replies: >>5557
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I was of the opinion that imageboards declined a lot because of shitskins, but after seeing lolcows like this one the hate the fact that some white anons are getting married and having kids while all he has in his life is his blacked folder and the MGTOW "redpill" made me reconsider that idea.
#1: I detest Pastoralism.
Not because I hate nature/environmentalism, or I hate homesteading, or I hate people trying to be more productive & survivalist / doomsday preppers for any systematic failures or catastrophe. 
It is the anarchist gospel it preaches. This gateway drug to anarchism. It pretends man can go innawoods and effectively be an island unto himself.
It pretends that the tools, seeds, cattle, furnishing, technology & equipment, property, & materials would all be there without fellowship within the citizenry, and even more that there can be concord or a community of goods (commonwealth) without political unity, laws, rulers / leadership, and their fellow man helping to setting the foundation for all the aforementioned things to sprout and flourish.

#2. Traditionalism vs modernity paradigm is extremely narrow-minded fixation.
It's a gross over-simplification. Blinds people to many valid points. The majority of content the traditionalists consume tends to be far from Medieval in both age and inner content, but still contend everything should be held to this standard anyways. I almost feel these people don't know the depths of what they want, or comprehend how different things would really be if they got their way.
Most people have been swept with the tide. Yet I think most of these people actually have more "modern" tastes than they'd initially think. I like to think if these people were confronted with the consequences of this, they'd be less uncritical and re-evaluate a few things.
>i don't want to exterminate any race on earth, no matter how annoying/subversive they may be. i just want them all to go back to where they came from
>only thinks geographically
Just make it so king = state, king = law and king = church.
Replies: >>5562
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To place integralism over fascism is effectively to sap fascism of all the characteristics that make fascism fascist.
A lot of traditionalists / conservatives like fascism, its aesthetic and action-based movement, and political participation.
They like the blackshirts and brownshirts, their activism, their bulwark against communism, their orderliness and ambitions, their leadership structure, their concern for everyday affairs and political issues.
But these traditionalists / conservatives condemn the immanentism of Actual Idealism, the active element which interacts with the world, the fascist concept of life that instills ideals into the fabric of everyday life, and is the basis of the totalitarianism and statism.
You wouldn't have all the above, the blackshirts and brownshirts, their activism, their bulwark against communism, their orderliness and ambitions, their leadership structure, their concern for everyday affairs and political participation, and totalitarianism without the fascist concept of life and immanentism and Actual Idealism.
The conservatives and traditionalists hate the statism and merging of these ideals with politics / statehood. They stick their noses up and say that there are ideals more worthy of perfection of the State and appeal to transcending these.
Which instead leads to apathy, it makes the conservative remote and isolated, it makes him disregard the perfection of political bodies / nations for another world, and makes them like a synagogue or ivory tower overlooking the legitimate secular affairs with contempt and stuckup noses, and only deeming Church the only community that truly matters, the heritage and inheritance of these nations in this temporal world and their perfection is secondary and ultimately not important.
It's one or the other.
Embrace Fascism or return to apathetic and cobbled  views of the traditionalists who regard this life as dust in the wind.

>king = state, king = law and king = church.
Catholics don't consider worldly kings to be a spiritual authority, but merely secular & temporal concerned primarily with the political domain.
If you mean, that 
>king = state
>king = law
>king = church
I don't think integralists would accept it.
Unless you mean
>king = state
>king = law and king (christ) = church
Replies: >>5566
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Even if Actual Idealism failed in its mission, I think it should be lauded and praised for trying to round up and effectively eliminate everything holding back much of the rightwing today thanks to conservatism:
>their blanket, half-hearted appeal to moralism, but total apathy for political order as secularism & thereby failing to instill such a moral order in the public with the structural integrity coherent in political order (secularism)
>the synagogue mentality of ultra-clericalism, that views the Church in juxaposition to the rest of society the State, dividing ideal from the realization of the State (which was always the intended goal, but finally was misconstrued away from our political benefit for a separate society)
>all the history of great heroes, legends, and story of our peoples in this world are merely an inconsequential footnotes in the greater story of the Bible; the story of nations today would pale in comparison to the Church and the world to come; the only worthy moments were the Crusades, unattached to the plight of people back home, but totally divested in going to a foreign land as the Holy Land. This view saps all the drama and interesting history and humanity and life in the world today, but it is the ultimate conclusion of conservatism.
Actual Idealism & Fascism tried to remedy most of these problems in a single slash. Yet this continues to be a plight of right-wing conservatism. 
If Actual Idealism & Fascism failed, somebody needs to carry its torch.
Replies: >>5566
>Actual Idealism
I'm all ears out, what is it exactly?
>Catholics don't consider worldly kings to be a spiritual authority, but merely secular & temporal concerned primarily with the political domain.
I despise the Christian worldview. Ancient glorious Roman emperors were central to the faith. Pharaohs who lived millennia ago were the embodiement of divinity made man, law power and faith.
What a sadness that humans in this modern world cannot see things that way and even think according to these principles. They are so materialist and blind, so convinced that the divine cannot be part of the world, a typically Abrahamic tenet. An entire construct such as the Jesus mythos is nothing more than pure gatekeeping in the hands of the Church or any other mainline Christian authority.
>right-wing conservatism.
Is a disease. We cannot write new fables, we cannot praise new heroes and divinely inspired figures, we cannot be at the heart of new epics. We are forever glued to the Bible and constanly weighed down by its containing and constraining story. The Church is a roadblock towards Greatness. It needs to be removed.
Replies: >>5571
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>I'm all ears out, what is it exactly?
>Actual idealism is a form of idealism, developed by Giovanni Gentile, that grew into a "grounded" idealism, contrasting the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant, and the absolute idealism of G. W. F. Hegel. To Gentile, who considered himself the "philosopher of fascism" while simultaneously describing himself as liberal and socialist
>Actual idealism holds that it is the act of thinking as perception, not creative thought as imagination, which defines reality. Therefore, one idea, or another, can only be a formulation of particulars within the bounds of a known totality, in which one idea is not on any side of those particulars. Totality constituting the whole cohesive reality is negated in such idea by itself. Integration of totality against idea, in appealing to oneself, is the sole fruitful means of idea, which poses no favoritism to the developed ideas giving a knowing precedence to the world it has created itself into. Anything less is a presupposition and therefore innately unreal. This totality is the act of thinking, not thoughts so regarded by thinking. 
>Since the divine is immanent to the human, even on the ethical level, the spirit must be affirmed not as an empty universality that suppresses individuality, but as the concrete overcoming of particular interests in a superior ethics that includes them all and at the same time realizes them. 
>The State is conceived by Gentile as a living organism in which individuals express themselves and discover their raison d'être; a state that does not set itself as a fixed and binding goal, but understood dynamically as a constant process of integration and renewal of spiritual life, as Gentile saw embodied by fascism.
most boring thread award
Where's BO?
Delete this filth.
Cannot even report it because of the absolute dogshit captcha.
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Awww is the nigger mad?
>>10 (OP) 
/fascist/ has veered far from it's original purpose, the discussion of the third position. For a board named /fascist/ there is alot of /natsoc/ teir posts. Not to mention the hostility of the /natsoc/ crowd against anything other than pure /natsoc/. Not to mention the amendment of the sixth and eighth rule which occurred on cafe, which diluted discussions into cookie cutter rightwing slop.

inb4 fed
Replies: >>6167 >>6179
Is the goal to fracture ourselves into mutually denouncing ideological sects? Or is the goal to promote the interests of our race?
I was under the impression that Fascism and National Socialism are not opposed ideologies but merely different expressions of the same desire for White survival.
Replies: >>6171
you are correct.
read DVX by Iron March (it can still be found on frenschan library AFAIAW)
but what’s important is what modern “fascists” do and are. Which 99% of the time means “””Third Positionist””” “Ein Place for every race!” nigger-loving “repatriation” cowardry. This is a well-known phenomenon where retarded post-Rockwell ANP-tier alt-liter nationalists grovel at the feet of non-whites about how much they’d love for them to go back to their own kind’s mud huts just because they’re utterly spineless bullet-bait that doesn’t want to be called “-ist” or “-phobic” by dyed-hair antifa landwhales and they’re terrified of the Beast System.

>Not to mention the amendment of the sixth and eighth rule which occurred on cafe

wat is blud yapping about💀
lil bro has nonathat rizz🗣️🗣️🔊
blud reads rules on 3PPD imageboards💀💀💀💀💀 blud is from ohio (those who know:)

>which diluted discussions into cookie cutter rightwing slop.

why don’t we just have a “to hell with the right wing!” blanket rule where orlog posts the IP of AfD-supporters alongside their ohiocore post so we can doxx them

>/fascist/ has veered far from it's original purpose, the discussion of the third position. For a board named /fascist/ there is alot of /natsoc/ teir posts. Not to mention the hostility of the /natsoc/ crowd against anything other than pure /natsoc/
blud got his 3PPD slop hobby-replacement altchan board colonised by the fourth reich💀💀💀💀💀💀 (those who know:)
Replies: >>6173
I doubt that 99% of fascists grovel at the feet of non-Whites.
Regarding remigration, that is the most realistic way to solve the non-White problem. Given the fact that non-Whites are squatting on our land, repatriation is a major step up.
And I do not give a shit about what they do in India or Brazil.
Replies: >>6176
this soggy faggot doesn’t even want Total Non-white Death
how absolutely embarrassing
Replies: >>6185
It's true. But when it comes to other topics like economics and environmentalism this place sticks to fascism. And if you think natsoc is taking too much space here I'm sure you will agree that some kind of White Fascism can be seen as a perfect subgenre of fascism. I doubt there are any non-Whites posting here. No regrets, it's better this way. Show me how many times have non-Whites done anything substantial in favor of Whites. Besides, who frankly cares? Fascism is a White invention anyway.
Replies: >>6189
I don't care about your revenge fantasy.
I care about White survival.
Non-whites vvill be wiped off the face of the earth like the inferior filth they are.
Replies: >>6657
Maybe in the far future but there obviously are much more important things to achieve right now, such as purging our own countries, eliminating the traitors and establishing a New White Order.
Replies: >>6839
National Socialism doesn't belong to the far right, it is not of the far right. Period.
Replies: >>7379
the "far right" doesn't exist, it's just a System boogeyman for fat skinheads and generation identity cowards marching (scary!). The supposed "far right" can and do hate each other, if they're not directly eviscerating each other, of course the System doesn't care about the contradictions of the "farr right" simulatenously "rising" as petty "nationalist" tommy robinsonites and being a few post-skinhead outcasts, oh yeah also o9a AWD Terrorgram ultraterrorists because of course it doesn't.
Such a hilarious Systemite term, literally on a level with "islamophobia" "rape culture" or "climate change"
Replies: >>7437
>rape culture
Still true when applied to niggers and pakis.
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