>my response is clear and concise....
No, it isn't, you are quite literally pulling pilpul even right here, I have addressed your every argument, I have not denied a response to even a single of your points, your accusation of me being a hypocrite is not only inaccurate it out right false and born out of you trying and failing to twist my words in ways it is beyond obvious that they are not intended to go, I praise Natural Law as it is an objective thing upon which to base morality, and doing so is an originally Aryan and thus European Idea, the Aryans of India were invaders of what is now known as the Indian subcontinent on two separate occasions thousands of years apart and even modern scholarship admits that the original Aryan inhabitants as well as the second wave of Aryan invaders came from the north, and the Vedas itself paints a picture of a home in the Arctic, and that is covered by Artic Home in the Vedas.
My reasons for advocating complete genocide of all off or racial enemies do not need to be, nor is it required anywhere that they be, better than their reasons, nor do I claim that they are. Once again your assertion that I am not doing anything is a dishonest assertion as is your further false assumption that I will continue to do nothing or that my goal is to get people to bomb anything, it is not and your continued pushing of that narrative is actually quite telling as to what you are and what your goal here is.
There have been newfaggots who have come in and learned from us and joined our cause, not just here but many of the other places I have frequented as well, some stay, some go. It just so happens that I have free time this weekend, and consented to engage in an argument with you, despite your poor showing and laughable lack of knowledge in anything in relation to; the history of the Aryan Race, National Socialism, Fascism, or even this board, or the topics that have been discussed here over the last 5 years.
Your last insult is merely further confirmation that you are in fact a Jew, and also probably a fed, making up medical disorders that I must have because I disagree with you and wish to defend my race to the point of doing unto them as they would do unto me and mine, a little rule posited by Aryans long before Christians ever got their hands on it.
>You are absolutely projecting...
Nope, you see all of them do want our destruction, and everything around us proves that. The niggers of Africa do not stop their brethren from fleeing there and heading to Europe. The same with India and pretty much every European nation in the world, ditto for china, and so on and so on. Finding one nigger/spic/kike who claims "no we don't want that", whatever the truth of that individuals claim does not invalidate my point or my claims. We have numerous examples that belay that lie, right here in the USA, the most recent is Mayra Flores a so called "conservative" non-white invader who came in, campaigned against Amnesty and then turned around and voted for it when it came up, in flagrant violation of her own campaign promises. This is extremely common for every racial enemy group, no matter what country they're in, to agree with what the ostensibly White side wants and promise what it wants so that they can achieve power, and then vote against the interests of that White side, while continuing to talk like they want to aid that side. This happens in every White Nation on the planet from fucking Scotland to New Zealand, It's basic deception and you completely ignore it. Your entire assertion assumes that because an invader would ever deign to claim that they do not want us all to die that, that one individuals existence means I should treat them all like friends, and be helpful and waste resources better served used on my people to get them home. All because they said pretty, nice, words and claimed they wanted to help me while being in my nation and taking resources from me, lowering my wages, and in far too many cases leeching off of what was once my government? You want me to send this deceiver home, so that he can warn his people that we are purging our lands of their kind, whether peacefully or not? No, better to kill them and make better use of those resources that would have been wasted by removing the problem entirely and then taking their land and resources for the use of my own people.
I do not live in fear, nor do I spend every waking moment that way, it is a fact that our race is disappearing, we are less than 8% of the Global population and even in 2000 something David Lane posited that and that less than a quarter of that is of child-bearing age, our situation is dire and getting more dire by the day.
>So Europe is a construct...
Europe is a place, a physical place and again yet more pilpul. What I am saying is that your rhetoric and the methods you wish to use will lead to our extinction as surely as can be. You are just another faggot who professes to care but does not want to know what the most effective path is because it might be difficult, and what is actually necessary to take our countries back whether in Europe or elsewhere. Like you, most don't know, or care that the Nordic Resistance Movement, while ostensibly being National Socialists, in fact, plan to keep invaders around in Sweden and the other Nordic countries in the event they ever came to power, based on their merit, or if they think they cannot be repatriated, and there is no advocacy for sterilization within NRM's document either. That alone demonstrates, that you and those like you do not actually want to practice racial hygiene, nor do you want to prevent this sullying from ever occurring again.
>It appears as if...
You're still retarded enough to buy into the kike created idea of congenital mental illness, (and not the trauma model, which is just fucking ridiculous)
and making up bullshit out of thin air, both in an attempt to confuse the issue, aka pilpul, you presume to be optimistic which in and of itself is faulty, as to make correct decisions about how to do something one must look at what is, and what is most likely to be, not what you wish things to be.
Lastly, I will quote Savitri Devi here: "If my comrades are not destined to rule the world, then away with it! A shower of atom bombs upon it and in place of it's meaningless chatter about 'love' and 'peace', the voice of the howling wind over it's ruins."
So as she put either we win totally and completely, or everybody dies, but if we should fail even in that, it was Nature's Will, and as Nature wills it, I will be sure to fight right to the end for victory, or death.
>So pic 1
That was taken in 1934ish and was done(along with some martial aid) as a slight to Mussolini who had prevented Hitler from annexing Austria, which Hitler was rightfully furious about, as the unity of the German people was of great importance to him, and his National Socialist cause. it had little to do with any like of Ethiopians themselves. So, no he didn't invite them to improve relations, he did it to fuck Mussolini back, so more like your poor attempt at humor with the 4d chess comment, and if I recall he did later aid Italy in conquering Ethiopia.
His being nice to a guest in his country who had performed well, in the case of Jesse Owens, was simply him being quite honorable and a hospitable host, nothing wrong with that and is perfectly in line with his personal character.
As for Japan they were distant enough he probably didn't intend an immediate betrayal, they were granted honorary Aryan status because he saw kindred spirits in them, but he probably would regret that he had allied with them and declared war on the US for them, considering how it all turned out. I need not provide evidence that Hitler was going to do anything, Hitler had a more optimistic view because things were in a much better state for our race at that time he felt he could afford alliances that would benefit Germany even if they would, or might, eventually be active enemies.
>"Struggle" does not always mean "war"...
Yes it does, war can be any conflict from one within oneself to that between two individuals to multiple nations, from a shouting match to physical conflict. Second that is not what I said, nor is it what I implied, I said the best solution to our current problem is to solve it permanently, a Final Solution, if you will.
Economic Struggle = Trade War, not necessarily traditionally violent but often has some casualties
Political struggle, generally civil war or revolution, can be extremely bloody or nearly bloodless, still violent.
Elections are often bloodless but as we see in recent years they can be contested just as fervently and violently as revolutions though yes physical violence is not always necessary, moral violence is nearly always utilized by one side or the other if physical violence is not.
The goal of the National Socialist is as David Lane so beautifully put it: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
To wit, the future of our Race is more important than the lives of many of it's sons, the fight today and the losses incurred are nothing so long as that that future is guaranteed.
>That is a close-minded...
First that is false, that is the way things are, it's not close-minded to acknowledge a basic fact of reality, all things do engage in violence for basic survival from the lowliest microbacterium to the Blue Whale nothing is an exception. Second, I see violence as the best solution to the problems our race faces right now, and a permanent solution at that. Violence is not always ideal and there are many situations it does more harm than good.
Your symbiosis crap is just that crap kikes are not symbiotic with us, but parasites, and particularly virulent ones, as are all the oithers to greater or lesser degrees.
>They were absolutely NOT nearing victory.
You really need to learn to read, I was nowhere implying they were close to victory.
No, if a population grows too large for it's living space going elsewhere and killing others for theirs is one way to ensure you have the needed living space and more resources with which to continue to grow, although at some point they need to decide whether they wish to continue growing or find a happy medium and defend what they have while maintaining population, not really a concern for us as of yet and it won't be for a very long time after this is all done. As for nothing changing, one prerequisite fgor seeing the stars is complete control of ones planet's resources and energy if not that of ones local star, freeing us from the possibility of racial enemies killing us may lead to more conflict between us but could just as easily lead to unity and a return of honorable warfare meant to control our populations and make us ever stronger.
>So you admit he never directly says it,
No, he directly says it in chapter 11 of Mein Kampf multiple times but he does not use term Herrenrasse, which is the term for master race but he frequently uses superior and inferior and quite directly implies that the Germans are the best of the Germanic race.
>I am not projecting what you are admitting yourself.
I'd love to know who the fuck you're arguing with because it's not me, your first two assertions I have never claimed, as Natural Law is objective, and I never claimed that religion only exists to validate the Ubermench, I said that my religion directs me as an Aryan to exert my will upon the planet, In service to Nature and it's Will, Natural Law, taught to us through experience and observation, can this lead awry, yes, but one must falter to grow, one must fail to succeed. Deception was used by Hitler on both the German people and his enemies, this is a prime rule of leadership and war, no matter your racial heritage so no matter your stupid objections to it, it will happen regardless. Finally, no, the Talmud states that every Jew will have one thousand goy slaves they do not want all other races dead, they just want us dead as they, correctly, believe that the others will not be a threat to them or their power.
>Your "work"
The entire point of accelerationism is to make shit worse to push racial conflict into occuring, as it naturally does, and as it turns out the left is stupidly doing that entirely without our help. One should never interrupt his enemy when he is making a mistake, aid him in doing so. Most of your bullshit here is just whining about shit having happened, and I have done many a time exactly as you advocate, maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, but I can do nothing more than that to stop those who are determined to take action, and when they do, I will point out where they could have done better but I would never disavow them, as you do, they took action, and even poorly done they pushed things further and I would absolutely not advocate something as worthless as IOTBW stickers or stickers of any sort because they do nothing at all.
It should also be noted Gendron didn't actually make anything worse, he popped up for a week and then they memory-holed it they went right back to Jan. 6th as their justification for everything, showing that they do not need us to provide a justification for whatever tyranny they wish to inflict.
>But the entire rest
So what if I do wish for others to believe as I do? It is only natural to desire comrades, and no I would prefer these comrades question it or how else will they learn from me or I from them? And yes I do believe in bringing people to my side by force and by cleaning out the competition, but this is how all beliefs spread themselves, so that's nothing special.
>You are white and European
Again more bullshit just to insult me intending to elicit a reaction into me revealing what I have done, you're not getting that here bud, yes, I post here but that's all you know, and no, they haven't, I've been in doxing circles to see how they operate and they despise imageboards because they're difficult to crack and you can't link info through more than a single thread at best, everyone who has been doxed on a place like this has done one thing you do not do on imageboards revealing info about yourself or your actions
The rest of your bullshit is just making up more bullshit based off your earlier bullshit.
>"Rome" is not a race. There was never any purity to begin with.
Read Who We Are, or March of the Titans, or just search for descriptions of romans prior to the second Punic war, they were predominantly Blonde and Blue-eyed, with a good number of redheads as well just like the Hellenes, and even into 100CE they acknowledged the North(Germanic lands) as their Urheimat. They were a single tribe who rose to dominance, and they failed to preserve their purity past the mid-late republican period when they started to sell off daughters into marriages with lessers for money.
that shit is christnigger propaganda about Nero, the evidence shows he didn't do any shit like that, that he didn't even know christains existed or if he did thought they were jews(because they were). Sure, he had a fucked up relationship with his mom and that caused him all sorts of personal issues and was a huge contributor to some of his degenerate acts, but he was far more Honorable and Noble than the traitor Constantine. You want evidence go read FRDH, I posted a link to it in the literature thread, that book and everything contained within it, is all you'll get from me.
>You keep to yourself...
>Let's see how loyal...
oooh more "you won't keep your beliefs if you face difficulties because of them", so fucking ridiculous gtfo, you're just fucking dumb at this point.
No, claimed America, as in the US faggot, and they didn't do that, they just let the natives kill themselves and die of disease so much so they have all but disappeared entirely. So, no, my ancestors aren't responsible for that, quit trying to be wise and perceptive, you really suck at it, but what else would I expect of a jew.
>You've already surrendered it by allowing the sandniggers to make their claim to Europe and the negroes to America.
I had no part in that happening, haven't been alive nearly long enough to have, but now who's blackpilling?
>You absolutely are not doing everything you could be.
Blah blah blah, talky talky insulty insulty pilpully pilpul. if I do what I do well, you will never know I have done it, and whether you hear mention of it or not, isn't up to me.
>The gods... not real...
Where did I say that? Oh, I didn't, I said the stories were used to teach ideas which were easier for people to digest, I said nothing about the existence of the gods or not.
> and exist solely
Nope, and Nature is a harsh mistress, survival is a brutal zero sum game, and we haven't been acting in accord with her wishes for a very long time.
>It's only when...
No, I never said it was "not-ok" for the non-whites to do as nature commands them, I oppose it because I oppose them because they oppose me. but that says nothing of the morality of their actions. I said that, I, personally, am okay with Whites killing off all the non-whites and then killing each other into eternity, as that means my race's future is assured for eternity getting ever stronger as time goes on, does that mean no periods of peace? No, but it means that war will never die, Nature would never allow it, Peace is boring, and breeds weakness, war is exciting, and breeds strength and intelligence and strengthens the character of men, and not engaging in it for far too long is one huge reason we are as degenerate, as a race, as we are today. All the rest of your bullshit is just that bullshit, I don't hate Whites, I love them, unless they're traitors.
>Again, the religion that you admit isn't real.
Where? I did no such thing, you're just claiming that's what I said. Do you somehow think that using deception at all or admitting that some of the myths were obviously stories made to teach a lesson is somehow an admission that I do not believe in the gods or that they are not real? That is unequivocally not the case
and also where is my supposed circular reasoning here?
if you are trying to claim that talking of Natural law, that which is observable fact about the world, that one can observe for one's own self, is circular reasoning, you're an idiot.
and where did I say that circular reasoning was Why the others were false?
>Your idea of the struggle for survival
No, it was already there in Germanic religious thought and mythohistory which, despite much christian suppression, still remained, and to a lesser degree remains, a part of the Germanic consciousness.
>be it God, Odin, Nature,
Odin and Nature, most definitely not your Jewish God YHWH.
>So you admit that Europe...
No, as Europe is a people, we are the race that created the Vedic scriptures.
>Can you provide
We have learned that China originated from an Aryan tribe who came to dominance in what is now western china, I posit that perhaps the japanese have the largest portion oif that blood remaining, it is possible given they lived 4000 years ago.
>I am calling you a hypocrite..
When have I ever said this, honestly who the fuck are you arguing with? I can oppose them doing it as they seek to kill my people, but that says nothing, nor does it claim to, of the morality of their actions.
>As stated....
I don't care what you think about my having contributed a post to a /b/ thread, I was telling you where to find the information. No, there really isn't reasonable doubt.
>Already went....
I never did, I merely debunked that picture quote with ways for you to find the evidence for yourself. This was in response to your "I am not a fascist" and me correctly calling you an enemy, to which I simply said read Mein Kampf, which you obviously won't do.