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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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How long can you think in circles before you realize communism is perfect for the people (in theory)?
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>>2799 (OP) 
Being a tool for Jewish interests
No. Back to your melting pot.
>>2799 (OP) 
>before you realize communism is perfect for the people 
>in theory
Pick one. Either it works perfectly or it only works in theory. Spoiler alert: it  doesn't.
If we also consider the undeniable fact that every communist is either a tranny, or a literal retard, then there is no reason for anyone with a brain to think communism is compatible with the collective of working men at all.
where are the mods
Replies: >>3038
Fashboys, what's with milk-fed pseudo-intellectual trust fund babies and going pink? Aren't they aware on some level that it'd be their coffers that'll get robbed?
Blow the fucking commie out, this presents an opportunity for you to defend your beliefs, most I'll do is move the thread to the QTTDOT, after I sleep on it.
>>2799 (OP) 
How long will you deny the fact that communism is closer to fascism then any anarchism or syndicalism. How long will you deny the liberal and communist support for hitler and mussolini? 
How long will it take you that you are a ploy in a bigger game.
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>/trannypol/ bunkertroons are seething again.
>>2799 (OP) 
No, Anon. National Socialism as a worldview and driving force for whatever political system we decide to take up is best for the people. In theory, practice, and spirit. When we put the needs, health, safety, and prosperity of our own people above those of all others we give ourselves the means to thrive. When we choose to look inward and build healthy families, strong communities, and then turn outward with the might of fist, foot, and mind, we enable ourselves to claim new lands for our people to expand to. When the men who shovel the shit out of sewers can wash themselves and look an aristocrat in the eye and they still know each other as folk and work towards a common end, we create a healthy society devoid of class warfare and replace it with a united struggle. National socialism is what's best for us.
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>>2799 (OP) 
>communism is perfect for the people (in theory)

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