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Fascist News General /fng/
This thread is for discussion of recent happenings that may be of interest to users of this board. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, news involving fascist parties around the world, info related to government / corporate responses to White nationalist / fascist activities, and events that are likely of interest to users here, such as declining race-relations, anti-White policies and Jewish-related scheming.

This thread existed on 8, anon,cafe, and 16chan, just as before it'll be here on a trial basis. If it attracts too many outsiders, it will be deleted. If it results in garbage-tier discussion not healthy to /fascist/, it will be deleted. This is /fascist/, not a free-for-all area.

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Breaking News
Mother of known pedophile, Prince Andrew, is dead.
Replies: >>508
Replies: >>490 >>508
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Replies: >>404 >>508
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Vatniks are getting whooped pretty gud right now.
Well, it's almost as if the goal of Ukraine war was to last as much as possible before the economies of western countries are completely annihilated and turned into an UBI system based on digital currency and IMF debt relief plan to abolish private property and eradicate white middle class.

haha, conspiracy theories are just crazy, right?
But you goyim just keep cheering for one side or the other, don't mind such silly things!
Replies: >>343 >>435
This. At this point anyone who continues to shill Russia or Ukraine should be outed as a fed. This whole thing is just as fake as gay as the Cold War.
Replies: >>564
Which websites were lost in this last round of deplatforming?
Replies: >>364
the latest to have disappeared are 9chan and neinchan

well, there is also the kiwifarms question
Replies: >>448
Seems pretty nice, but I do remember fighting for the allies.
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Israeli archaeologists on Sunday announced the "once-in-a-lifetime" discovery of a burial cave from the time of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Rameses II, filled with dozens of pottery pieces and bronze artifacts.

The cave was uncovered on a beach Tuesday, when a mechanical digger working at the Palmahim national park hit its roof, with archaeologists using a ladder to descend into the spacious, man-made square cave.

In a video released by the Israel Antiquities Authority, gobsmacked archaeologists shine flashlights on dozens of pottery vessels in a variety of forms and sizes, dating back to the reign of the ancient Egyptian king who died in 1213 BC.

Bowls—some of them painted red, some containing bones—chalices, cooking pots, storage jars, lamps and bronze arrowheads or spearheads could be seen in the cave.

The objects were burial offerings to accompany the deceased on their last journey to the afterlife, found untouched since being placed there about 3,300 years ago.

At least one relatively intact skeleton was also found in two rectangular plots in the corner of the cave.

"The cave may furnish a complete picture of the Late Bronze Age funerary customs," said Eli Yannai, an IAA Bronze Age expert.

It is an "extremely rare... once-in-a-lifetime discovery", Yannai said, pointing to the extra fortune of the cave having remained sealed until its recent uncovering.\

The findings date to the reign of Rameses II, who controlled Canaan, a territory that roughly encompassed modern day Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The provenance of the pottery vessels—Cyprus, Lebanon, northern Syria, Gaza and Jaffa—is testimony to the "lively trading activity that took place along the coast", Yannai said in an IAA statement.

Another IAA archaeologist, David Gelman, theorized as to the identity of the skeletons in the cave, located in what is today a popular beach in central Israel.

"The fact that these people were buried along with weapons, including entire arrows, shows that these people might have been warriors, perhaps they were guards on ships—which may have been the reason they were able to obtain vessels from all around the area," he said.

Regardless of who the inhabitants of the cave were, the find was "incredible," said Gelman.
"Burial caves are rare as it is, and finding one that hasn't been touched since it was first used 3,300 years ago is something you rarely ever find," he said.

"It feels like something out of an Indiana Jones movie: just going into the ground and everything is just laying there as it was initially -– intact pottery vessels, weapons, vessels made out of bronze, burials just as they were."

The cave has been resealed and is under guard while a plan for its excavation is being formulated, the IAA said.

It noted that "a few items" had been looted from it in the short period of time between its discovery and closure. 

Replies: >>435
>It noted that "a few items" had been looted from it in the short period of time between its discovery and closure
Or perhaps another to put it: taken by some ((( authorities ))) because these artefacts would likely prove too embarrassing and controversial for whatever narrative needs to be maintained

>Well, it's almost as if the goal of Ukraine war was to last as much as possible before the economies of western countries are completely annihilated and turned into an UBI system based on digital currency and IMF debt relief plan to abolish private property and eradicate white middle class.
That and the future plans through transhumanism which are absolutely chilling. Early on in our Covid threads someone brought up the names of a French Jew who's highly involved in genetic research and stands behind a considerable amount of the funding of the Wuhan laboratory. His name is Yves Levy (or Levi?) and is married to a "French" Jewess who was minister of health IIRC before things became too complicated for her and she got relocated to Switzerland pronto. What was told was that Levy is at the head of an entire organization that is dedicated to genetic modifications of the human genome and the development of a social system to collect people's DNA, all for the betterment of society and a better overall health of course.
The deeper thread would suggest that they are also looking into genoweapons and genetic editing tools to create a new human type that would be like a nigger, but smarter enough to be efficient, but above all very docile and therefore used to maintain the Jewish society for as long as necessary until something better is found and the Jews can get rid of the goyim altogether.
Replies: >>449
>well, there is also the kiwifarms question
Regardless of how anons feel about the farms, an attack on one community is an attack on all. Every deplatforming is another step closer to a sterilized, gov't mandated, corporate internet where no one's allowed to say anything, except to advertise products and agree with The Message.
>The deeper thread would suggest that they are also looking into genoweapons and genetic editing tools to create a new human type that would be like a nigger, but smarter enough to be efficient, but above all very docile and therefore used to maintain the Jewish society for as long as necessary until something better is found and the Jews can get rid of the goyim altogether.
I think trannies & race-mixing are precursors to this. Race-mixing dilutes & muddles people's traits, creating more useful golem clay to work with. Trannies are both docile and loyal to ZOG, since they're heavily dependent on it for their existence.
Yea, Rot In Piss.
Any assessment on the recent so called far right victory in Sweden?
Replies: >>504
It's irrelevant, all political parties allowed to exist are part of ZOG and will always obey the jews, including the ones called "far right"

t. Italian
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Replies: >>511 >>512 >>514
Fuck that anti-white bitch. "British" royal family has had tainted blood for 400 years at least
Mfw you dissolve the empire and force everyone else to bow to the Jew
>fake as gay as the Cold War.
t. clueless
After losing their Italian election to melonis nationalist coalition the international Jew puts a "senator for life" in the Spanish Senate chair to denounce fascists and defend democracy. 

Being an unelected, antisocial, international Jewish parasite there is some irony in this. 

I hope meloni can form government and her coalition shows some unity. 
Any nationalist government > Jews and commies. 
>meloni isn't fascist
Does she need to be? I count this as a distinct victory in Europe and one of a growing series of European victories following the rapist invasion of Europe
Replies: >>713
>I hope meloni can form government and her coalition shows some unity.

Yeah, no.
Sorry, all political spectrum of italian politics is completely and institutionally ZOGged.
Meloni's government will not last and will crumble in turmoil, it will be blamed for the impending economic catastrophe and will be replaced by an externally nominated new PM (this has been the standard procedure in Italy for more than 10 years, this time will be no different).

t. pastanon
Replies: >>733
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>The killing of a 12-year-old girl whose body was found inside a plastic trunk has left France “profoundly shaken” and led to accusations that far-right lawmakers have politicized her death to attack the government's immigration policies

Media is on damage control over the butchering of a young girl named Lola by an Algerian. People are taking action through protests.
Replies: >>740 >>741
Sort of an improvement since Ebba, who was completely memoryholed and swedish people never cared about her, but we already know protest are kosher approved pressure release valve for the goyim that will ultimately achieve nothing factual.
Please use archives:
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Since there isn't a news thread. What are you thoughts on the results of the UN combating "the glorification of nazism"? What I noticed in the image below is that the members of the former Axis Powers voted "against" (with the addition of smaller European nations and two Micronesians). While almost every African country was "In Favour",not a single West-Asian country voted against, and the only East-Asian country that wasn't in favor of the resolution was Japan. This reinforces my point about how non-Whites cannot and will not be our allies with exception of the very insignificant minority. The retards claiming that non-Whites will le based are delusional.
Replies: >>857 >>920
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Forgot link to the articles and to mention that fashfist (Indian fascist) has been btfo'd as shown that India, the second most pro-Israel country, has unsurprisingly voted "In favour". Pack it up faggot, your country is nothing, but a semen dump for jews.

Giving it a bump due to moved posts
I have to say this is somewhat of a white-pilled, although the question here is whether or not they're against combating nazism, because they know it is retarded and a waste of resources or, because the respective states see benefit or legitimately want nazism and its rise again.
Come to this thread to read the final redpills: http://picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion/pol/6312
Replies: >>964
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<final redpills
>it's a bunch of generated niggerpill bot posts
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Replies: >>972 >>973 >>974
If you have proof of such and feel it's actually important, make a thread detailing it and why you feel it belongs here on my board, also email it to sturgeon, I'm sure he'll address it, if it is actually a problem, I am not here to mess with the others boards or for faggots to start drama with the other boards, and if I find your claims and shit questionable, I will remove them, as surely as they did.
Post proof or fuck off weeb.
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I'm sorry but this thread is no anime zone! :^)
Replies: >>975
unfathomably based
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Given the situation with Dave Chappelle, Ye, Kyrie Irving or others, what do you think is causing the mainstreaming of the JQ among blacks in America? The last few weeks have honestly been amazing. Jonathan Greenblatt's Twitter feed has been quite funny to watch, as he endlessly spergs and cries
Replies: >>992 >>1007 >>1029
Niggers are starting to get uppity because their kike masters are playing with the faggot kid more. 'Course, much like a child, they feel no gratitude for the decades of support and gibs that they've already received.
>...what do you think is causing the mainstreaming of the JQ among blacks in America?
More and more people get access over the internet to knowledge, that used to be known only to a fringe of society. Like who owned the slave ships of the trans-atlantic slave trade. The other thing is that afro-american had for the last two decades a carte blanche to shit on anyone and be absolute niggers, now they notice there is one group they are not allowed to talk about and they have to chimp out against it, their ego demands it.
Doesn't redeem them as niggers though. It is extremely UPSETTING to see some of the redpilled White people simp for Kanye. We don't need niggers to speak for us, considering that jews aren't our only enemy.
Replies: >>1030
I am filing the whole thing under "kekworthy but unimportant" personally.
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It seems in Germany that there was an attempt of a "coup" by an group of boomers from the Reichsbürger movement. Including a prince.
Replies: >>1107 >>1117
>Movement where members refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the current German government and refer to themselves as citizens of the Reich
Nice. Do you think they actually had a plan, or was this one of those "Arrested for wrongthink while in possession of a kitchen knife" type things?
Replies: >>1108 >>1111
I suspect either one of them was actually stupid enough to brag their plan about others or one snitched out the rest for special rewards.
probably the latter. all they needed to do was plant some evidence and that marks the end of the right
Replies: >>1112
You say that, but some people, especially boomers, will fedpost on Faceberg and then wonder how they got caught.

>the end of the right
I get the sense we're going to hear the media spew this constantly. Just like how every other week for 10 years we heard about how American forces caught/killed the baddest Taliban bad guy ever and there was no way for them to recover and the war in Afghanistan was all but won.

And then one day they surrendered and left.
I wonder for how long they will be imprisoned, while they're rarely used almost every ZOG country has very harsh laws against treason. If only they had someone to advise them on OpSec.
Who Murdered my Father, Rudolf Hess? Another Voice of Freedom

> The son of Rudolf Hess, Wolf Rudiger Hess, an admirer of his godfather Adolf Hitler, and an architect and fixture of the post-war German nationalist movement, sits down with Ernst Zundel to discuss the death of his beloved father.

> He was an outspoken critic of the investigation or what some call cover-up of his father’s death. He maintained that the British Secret Intelligence Serice (most likely in collaboration with the KGB & Mossad) had murdered his father to prevent his parole- which he believed to be imminent- because the British government were afraid that his father, if allowed to speak freely, would blow the whistle about Allied atrocities during and after World War Two.

source: http://www.renegadetribune.com/who-murdered-my-father-rudolf-hess-another-voice-of-freedom/
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The Antifa files: how a leaked ‘Antifa’ chatroom revealed guns, gangs, and grooming in the Palmetto State – Part I
>Charleston, South Carolina – A private online chatroom, composed of a broad coalition of various antifascist organizations fighting for what they call “transgender liberation,” has suffered a catastrophic leak.
>Thanks to a bombshell trove of compromised data and chatroom member logs—made publicly available by the anti-White hate monitor, the William McKinley Institute (WMKI)—the Justice Report was able to profile dozens of formerly “anonymous” antifascists and have composed our comprehensive findings into a series that we’re now calling: the Antifa Files.
>Ascending to the top spot as OAT’s chief organizer, is Matthew “Cyprus” Hartford. Hartford—who is Jewish by admission—is an amateur musician and avowed antifascist with ties to Charleston’s People’s Army Antifa and the more publicly approachable Carolina Socialists. According to social media accounts run by PAA, the anarchist group regularly shares the dox material of local pro-White activists and has happily posted ghoulish memes mocking the shooting death of White January 6th protestor, Ashley Babbit.
>Hartford’s persistent anti-White and anti-Christian bigotry appears to have formed despite a lavish upbringing in 71% White Charleston, South Carolina. The wealthy son of a United States Air Force Brigadier General, Darren E. Hartford, and a South Carolina-based realtor, Tina Bergfield Hartford, Matthew was raised in a predominantly Christian yet socially progressive household. Under their care, Matthew would go on to enjoy opportunities that most working-class people could only ever dream of.
>As a part of Darren’s responsibilities, the decorated officer was placed in charge of drafting academic policies and ensuring “excellence in teaching” the next generation of American warfighters. Under General Hartford’s tutelage, U.S. servicemen, commanders, and other military intelligence personnel were trained with a singular goal in mind: thrusting a Zionist bayonet deep into the hearts of perceived enemies in Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and elsewhere. At one point, he was honored for “exceptionally meritorious conduct” during the global war on terror and awarded one of the nation’s highest honors, the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster.
>For his dedication and servitude to an American empire that has killed 4.5 million people in overseas wars since 9/11, Darren now enjoys the fruits of retirement alongside his converso wife while selling his unique set of killer instincts as an independent strategic consultant. Brigadier General Hartford also owns and operates the Oliver & Pluff Company—a ritzy artisan beverage shop that regularly extols the virtues of colonial America. All of this is done, of course, while his son-turned-daughter uses the immense privilege of his regime servant upbringing to advance full-spectrum anti-White hatred together with his gang of fellow paraphiliacs.
>“Fuck every cop, fuck every prison, fuck every judge,” proclaimed Matthew Hartford in a post dated May 1st.
Replies: >>2352
Doesn't look jewish at all and neither does his mom if you look her up.  What the fuck is going on here?
Replies: >>2353 >>2357
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I suspect that he could be using that for attention whoring (Because what better way to get 'oppression' points than LARPing as a kike tranny anti-fascist "fighter" itself?) or they are some well-hidden crypto-kikes out in the public. Nonetheless to say, i'll have to use my JDAR to inspect his ears, which are hidden by his hair if he really is a Jew as he claims.
>According to social media posts, Matthew Hartford was once a rising musical talent at the Crown Leadership Academy, an award-winning, prestigious K-12 Christian school, where parents are expected to pay upwards of $9,000 in tuition a year, according to its website. In a series of Christian music videos posted to Crown’s Youtube Channel, Hartford can be seen “jamming out” on his guitar in praise of Jesus Christ.
"Fascist" former Brazilian president is gone for good, while the left-winger cattle feels save, after all, he was one of the few world leaders against Covid vaccine.

You're going to be surprised to know that a-lot of 1/3 jewish mischlings look White.
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18 speeches A.I. translated to english. 

Replies: >>2461
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Listened to the 1939 speech to the Reichstag, quite an epochal moment to hear the words of 18 for the first time. Stupendous new abilities have made this possible, for good this time around.
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CSIS glownigger is also a pedophile
Replies: >>2946
>dropping a fed's dox
kek i hope youre behind tor
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We need to shill pro-Palestine positions hard in rightwing circles.

I see too many rightwingers taking a neutral position: because Christians should take Israel (which is unrealistic) or because they hate muslims and jews equally.

There are huge protests going on in support of Palestine and we honestly have everything to gain and benefit from it. The rightwing is uncomfortable with protestors running amok -- but it's putting pressure on ZOG.

There should be pro-Palestine flags on social media and Palestine flags everywhere.
Replies: >>2986 >>2988 >>3005
>We need to shill pro-Palestine positions hard in rightwing circles.
No we don't, that is a waste of time, let the faggot right wingers shill for Israel all they please we will not change their mind.
>because they hate muslims and jews equally.
Why shouldn't we hate the criminals who have repeatedly demonstrated they are worthless, and should be killed wholesale, and the Masters of the christian traitors we have to constantly oppose in order to get anything worthwhile done, equally?
Why should we take any stance on who's better when since the outset of this current phase of conflict, Hamas has demonstrated outright that they would rather call on palestinians and sympathetic muslims in our countries to kill us and rage against us here rather than to come back to Palestine and fight there? They do not care about the collateral damage they do to us while they oppose the Israelis that our governments have chosen against our will to support.
>There are huge protests going on in support of Palestine and we honestly have everything to gain and benefit from it.
We have nothing to gain from shilling for the support of palestine, not a fucking thing, people who have gone to the protests in London with English flags have been beaten and left for dead or else driven out OF THEIR OWN CAPITAL CITY no matter that they were expressing support for Palestine.
>but it's putting pressure on ZOG.
What pressure? their threats of deporting palestinian supporters, and anyone else who criticizes Israel? they will have this well in hand, but if you think the White populace in our nations will see you standing alongside the shitskins who are wreaking havoc in our cities will be proud and somehow go from "aww poor shitskins" to "FUCK ISRAEL, KILL JEWS, DEPORT JEWS", you're delusional. Far more likely people will see idiots akin to NRM marching alongside Palestinians who are still committing crime alongside their "protests" and smear them as supporters of these disruptive criminals.
>There should be pro-Palestine flags on social media and Palestine flags everywhere.
The best course is to express hatred of both and say fuck off, I don't care about a soon to be destroyed patch of desert when these people are here destroying my country. they think these protests will somehow gain them something in the way of support when their actions will directly lead to a solidification of alliance, throughout the NATO alliance and the rest of the west, with Israel.
Replies: >>2987
Because it isn't equal.
Aren't we far more concerned with Jews than Muslims?
>We have nothing to gain from shilling for the support of palestine
It separates the sheep from goats. If we're against the Zionist Right and Zion Don, it's to our benefit. 
It's also a place where left and right can converge.
>What pressure?
Isn't it valid to say the protests are putting pressure? A lot of leftwing politicians are supporting Israel and not Palestine.
>they think these protests will somehow gain them something in the way of support when their actions will directly lead to a solidification of alliance, throughout the NATO alliance and the rest of the west, with Israel.
That's already the case to begin with, anon. 
It's not only a patch of desert, it's the State of Israel, the Jewish state. It won't get people to immediately jump from "aww poor shitskins" to "fuck israel, kill jews, deport jews", but it certainly doesn't help the jews,
Replies: >>2990
>christians should take israel
what the fuck are you smoking? are you retarded or are you literally a jew?
Replies: >>2989
you're reading it out of context.
>Because it isn't equal.
As far as I am concerned, it is, both are enemies of my people and both are working, both publicly and within the shadows, to destroy my people.
>Aren't we far more concerned with Jews than Muslims?
I'm most concerned with Christian Traitors and White traitors who have converted to Islam not the enemy that has been hounding us for thousands of years and only got as powerful as they are thanks to the traitors.
>It separates the sheep from goats. If we're against the Zionist Right and Zion Don, it's to our benefit. 
It does no such thing. A National Socialist's opinion of the Israel conflict is what do I care? let them kill each other let it get so bloody nobody can even look at it, fuck them both.
>It's also a place where left and right can converge.
I don't want two factions who are both my enemy to unify, that doesn't serve my interests remotely, We are not right wing we are outside of the bullshit political paradigm of the modern day, the fact that the enemy on both sides constantly invokes me as a nightmare serves me far better.
>Isn't it valid to say the protests are putting pressure? A lot of leftwing politicians are supporting Israel and not Palestine.
There are 8 in America, those not in America are likely Muslims in NATIONS IN WHICH THEY DO NOT BELONG or else naught more than more Ethno-suicidalists who would be best served with a bullet.
>That's already the case to begin with, anon. 
No, the more these shitskins foment in our nations the more tightly our people and  governments will oppose Palestine. If they simply shut up and left to go fight, I would laud them, they are not, therefore they can fuck off.
I don't care that they are opposing Israel, the jews who hold the real power do not live there, probably because it isn't safe to do so and would weaken their hold if they did. Virtue signaling for shitskins does not help National Socialists and I really wish people would stop thinking it does, all it does is make us look weak and stupid to woop and holler in joy because two inter-related groups of semites who have a difference in religious philosophy kill each other while both groups work to kill us and sully our blood on our own soil.
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>We need to shill pro-Palestine positions hard in rightwing circles.
No the fuck we don't. Israel and Palestine should both be glassed. Stop relying on shit-skins to rid of your enemies. 

>There should be pro-Palestine flags on social media and Palestine flags everywhere.
Go back to reddit.
So what's the biggest threat right now, Arabs or kikes? With all the jew hate from the recent attacks, mudslimes are getting really angry in Europe and killing my people in terrorist attacks.
I feel like the race war is imminent, but all of this makes me confused on who are our enemies and who are our friends. Even Hitler liked Islam and had agreements with the Grand Mufti of Palestine, giving him the title of "Honorary Aryan". He also made the statement that Islam was a better religion than Christianity.
But now that our countries are flooded with these Muslims who want us dead, while the jewish state is losing credibility all over the world, I'm starting to think that they are more threatening that Jewry.
Replies: >>3042
>So what's the biggest threat right now, Arabs or kikes?
Neither, the biggest threat is now, and has always been the Christian traitors everywhere around us, they are the ones who have crippled any resistance to what the kikes have done to our societies and have actively aided them at every turn, from the very first day they began to infect our people with their disgusting morality and religious bullshit.
Even disregarding the above, the answer is still neither, both are our enemies, both have always been our enemies, just say you hate both of them.
>I feel like the race war is imminent, but all of this makes me confused on who are our enemies and who are our friends. 
We have no friends, only enemies.
>Even Hitler liked Islam
False, he despised it just as much as Christianity, it being more suited to the German spirit does not make it something he liked and he didn't say it was better than Christkikery either, btw, he lamented that he would have had(or at least thought he would have) an easier time making headway with a muslim Germany, than he did with a christian Germany, that does not mean it's a better religion
>and had agreements with the Grand Mufti of Palestine, giving him the title of "Honorary Aryan".
So what? He made what moves he could everywhere he could to oppose the moves the Allies and jews were making against Germany everywhere and they handed that designation out like fucking candy. Helping Palestine at that time aided German interests and opposed those of the jews, that was all there was to it.
>the jewish state is losing credibility all over the world,
The muslims are the foot soldiers of the jews, always have been, and if they are more of a day to day threat feel free to address the muslims, but Israel isn't losing any credibility, it's got all the support it wants and more from pretty much every western government.
Replies: >>3046 >>3047
>it's got all the support it wants and more from pretty much every western government
That's true, but I live in Western Europe, in one of the most Islamized countries, where arabs are about 30-40% of the total population (yes it's that bad), and they are holding huge protests in our big cities chanting "Allahu Akbar" while burning Israeli flags. If the zionist  government doesn't play its card right, there could be a global uprising in the country.
The kikes that have subverted all right-wing parties in my country are kvetching hard over this, denouncing "Islam" and "immigration" and "the fall of Judeo-Christian civilization" while screaming antisemitism.
There even are anti-jews pogroms from Caucasian mudslimes in Russia right now. It honestly looks like their golem is turning against them.
Replies: >>3049
>he despised it just as much as Christianity

I do not believe Hitler had a strong opinion on either.
Replies: >>3048
He did, and the very fact that you do not know that he did, shows that you need to lurk more, do not post again out of such stark ignorance.
Then prepare, to fight or to die if it's that bad get out in the streets and get others of your people and fight, and if they won't, I don't know what to tell you.
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new arktos venner book about ernst junger
Replies: >>3339
Arktos is a commie kike. Shill elsewhere.
Replies: >>3364
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You are retarded
Replies: >>3383
Says the retard, shilling a literal kike.
Replies: >>3384
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Dumb nigger.
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Satanic Front Exposed
This is a published list of all the known O9Aniggers, to simply put it.
Replies: >>3616 >>3648
Forgot to link this as it is the source, that has more information.
Nice, American futurist does good work as a bonus, they're now being threatened with death by these fed faggots.
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Iran launches Drones and Ballistic Missiles against Israeli Targets
turns out IQ was inconsequential to the anti-kike struggle, Shitskins are a greater threat to the kikes than the Wignats will ever be. I for one welcome the brown wave, if it meant the destruction of the kikes.
Replies: >>3774 >>3782
>turns out IQ was inconsequential to the anti-kike struggle.
>Shitskins are a greater threat to the kikes than the Wignats will ever be. I for one welcome the brown wave, if it meant the destruction of the kikes.
Iran is a state with the resources of a state, and so far they have done nothing of consequence to Israel. The browns will never kill the kikes, at best they will return things to how they were prior to 1948 and have the jews pay them a little tax. So in summation shut the fuck up and get off this board.
Replies: >>3782
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The truth is we don't care about the kikes. We only care about ourselves and what is harming us. Today it's the kikes. Tomorrow it may be the Iranians. 
Conclusion: death to all shitskins.
Replies: >>4599
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"Why rural white Americans’ resentment is a threat to democracy."
Rural white people:
>- Express the most racist, least inclusive, most xenophobic, most anti-LGBTQ+ and most anti-immigrant sentiments.
>- Subscribe at the highest rates to conspiracy theories about QAnon, the 2020 presidential election, Barack Obama’s citizenship and COVID-19 vaccines.
>- Support a variety of antidemocratic and unconstitutional positions and exhibit strong attachments to white nationalist and white Christian nationalist movements inimical to secular, constitutional governance.
>- Are most likely to justify, if not call for, force or violence as acceptable alternatives to deliberative, peaceful democracy.
Replies: >>3793
>Oy vey why don't these goyim like globohomo?
Pretty funny how hard they cry.
‘Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous. I Know Because I Helped Pioneer It.’
>My country, and others, found there is no solid evidence supporting the medical transitioning of young people. Why aren’t American clinicians paying attention?
>Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, 58, is a Finnish-born and trained adolescent psychiatrist, the chief psychiatrist in the department of adolescent psychiatry at Finland’s Tampere University Hospital. 

Link: https://www.thefp.com/p/gender-affirming-care-dangerous-finland-doctor
Archive: https://archive.is/zkfQC

Hopefully the butchering and indoctrination of troubled or mentally ill teenagers gets finally stopped, in the near future.
Nigger, your taxes fund the kike regime, your White Brethren Died for the kikes in iraq. America just deployed troops(your racial compatriots) in the ME to defend the kikes from a possible retaliation after the assassinations of multiple Hamas and hezbollah leaders. Your Kind(American Whites) are worse than pajeets in terms of supporting kikes.

>But muh TND!1!1!
Stop larping AmeriNigger, you have not killed one shitskin yourself let alone a kike.
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Rural White Nevadans mock nigger at a car show in Virginia City that was fucking with them. One of the Whites stating he belongs on a hanging tree then laughing at him while he chimps out saying how he's recording them and he'll ruin them.


This guy and his entire family got arrested for hate crimes. Because the attorney general of Nevada is also black and personally wanted them charged. The nigger’s name is Aaron D Ford
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Someone on 4chan, said this is his pool, not sure if true.
Replies: >>4653
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Someone said that this is a positive match, not sure though. I wouldn’t think that white pages would just have his address like that.
Replies: >>4655
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Some dude https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/478160031/#q478177122
Posted fence entries in that gated neighborhood.
Why do people think they're so fucking tough when they laugh at somebody else? Either kill the nigger or go fucking home.
I don't get it either. It reminds me ot the leftist "debates" where they put on a shit eating grin when called out for being wrong. 
It's a social shaming mechanism, ironically much too similar to that of what Nevada did to this family.  Shunning and social shaming is a natural female defense mechanism. A man ought to hold his tongue and eliminate the threat.
Replies: >>4868
If we want to preserve even a semblance of freedom of speech, we must be as loud and forceful as possible every time our speech is violated. Ideally, Whites in Virginia City should be rioting. If that happened every time we were denied our rights, the regime would back the fuck off.
But we don't because cuckservatives are weak little bitches who think that selling each other out will cause shitlibs and niggers to hate them.
Fine. Failing this, we can at least rock the boat and scream that our rights are being violated.
Replies: >>4869 >>4870
>will cause shitlibs and niggers to *NOT hate them
Replies: >>4870
>we must be as loud and forceful as possible
You hit it on the head with your observation of cuckservatives - there is no "we". Fuck it, no one stands up for us. These individuals involved in these incidents might as well just shoot the niggers. They are dragged through the courts as if they did anyway.
Replies: >>4871 >>4954
There's a story of a Chinese general who is informed that he is about to face the death penalty for some minor infraction. He asks the messenger what the penalty for rebellion is and he replies, "also death"
Naturally the general ops for revolt and wins.
Replies: >>4872
Except in the real example his own men assassinate him and the uprising fails.
Replies: >>4877
Making fun of niggers is fun and it makes their lives worse. If every white person acted like this, we wouldn't even need to reimplement segregation de jure because it would quickly happen de facto.
Replies: >>4897
So that's the original version.
Is there a European version of this story?
I suppose that a good contender is Julius Caesar who rose up in revolt against the Senate because they were going to hang him out to dry if he remained under their authority so he figured he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by staging a coup.
The real less on is: don't back dangerous men into a corner.
So you're saying we need to roast niggers so bad that they go back to africa?
Replies: >>4997
The behavior wasn't smart. Unfortunately there are people who will be victimized because they're careless in a nation that is against them. They don't understand that the technology, which is pervasive, is used against them.
Maybe the courts are the problem then? Why shoot niggers when you can shoot judges? Who's going to judge Whites when there are fewer judges and their skin is on the line?
This actually reminds me of a funny story. I got a 6'6" black UPS driver reassigned to another side of town just by harassing him until he broke and then reporting him to his boss lol. I wouldn't want to run into that guy in a dark alley but I hardly ever leave the house so idk if it matters

I threw trash into his parked van and accidentally started a beef. He followed me down the street and I told him to go be a nigger somewhere else
Replies: >>4999
Is it me or niggers tend to be very tall when living in our countries? Are they fed growth hormones or something?
Replies: >>5005
I've noticed a lot of tall indians and middle easterners, too. Maybe survivorship bias? Nonwhite immigrants might still only have room temp IQ, but by the standards of their home countries, they're still high-caste. So at the very least, physically healthy, and cunning if not intelligent. I realise they get a lot of handouts, but it still takes a basic level of fitness and competence to get here. And in my town at least, a lot of them are students.

I would say they're deliberately bringing in giga niggas, but I see so many families and old people I think they'll basically just take anyone. I wouldn'e be surprised if the illegal population alone doubled in the last four years, though the cooked govt stats will never reflect that. Of course the skyrocketing demand for housing has made white homelessness significantly worse too, but fortunately, those types are almost all drug addicts, homos, or other degenerates
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At last!
I so easily imagine how mentally raped all these "right wing" voters, huwhites, brownoids, etc., must feel now, and the utter cognitive dissonance they are going through after such a humiliation.
Little reminder (2021)
>Loudoun County Covered Up Rape by Skirt-Wearing Boy in Girls Bathroom, Prosecuted Father of Victim
>We have previously reported on Loudoun County, which is indoctrinating students with the anti-White and transgender agendas, and arresting any parents who oppose it.
>Now the Justice Department, under the direction of jewish AG Garland, has deemed these concerned parents to be “domestic terrorists” and directed the FBI to target them as such.
>The most recent story coming out of Loudon involves a ‘transgender” boy in a skirt using his access to the girls bathroom to rape two girls. Allegedly the boy is black and both of his victims are White, but I cannot verify this information. Regardless, the school district has covered this all up to continue pushing their agenda in the schools. Actually, instead of going after the rapist, Loudoun County considers the father of a 9th grade victim to be the real problem.
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Hi, Sinead.
Replies: >>6036
man, elon dresses do badly for his corpulence, it looks awful; if he wore a suit like Trump it would be fine but just wearing shirts with a gut like that makes it stand out
I feel like I missed something there. Has another feud been going on in the cramped world of Whte Nationalism?
No browns and niggers in the pic, so white nationalists here can rejoice. Israel.... no wait I mean The west is saved!
POS Blinken wants more goy blood and wishes to please his masters to genocide more Ukrainians by now sending the 18-25 to their death. Once these people will be dead, once the remainder that's not under Russian rule will be owned by private interests (Blackrock for example), once jews will resettle there, then they will say that the country needs to be repaired and rebuilt, but they will (conveniently) lament how there are not enough workers available. Therefore what we already saw happen in shore cities where migrants were used to repair urban areas shelled by Putin and then controlled by Russian forces will happen for Ukraine; the younger generations exterminated will be replaced by mudskins. NATO, WEF, Davos, all of these groups will be ((( very happy ))) and the rubbing will be so intense it will be heard from afar. The population will be feminized and more of their women will be so destitute that another new wave of female White flight will happen.
This pattern may then be repeated for the Baltic countries too that heinously and outrageously remain so White. They just need to "feel threatened" by Russia and use just one of those pseudo-defensive missile launchers onto a Russian target to trigger another cassus belli.
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I wish this place was more active.
Apparently Syria has fallen and Assad's gone into hiding. What does this mean for the region, and for the world at large?
Replies: >>6677 >>6683
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> What does this mean for the region, 
Syria will be partitioned, Assad  did not have full russian backup anymore, accepted to give power up in exchange for protection in exile and avoid being gaddafi'd.
For the region it means Greater Israel is coming up pretty good, soon there'll be no more palestinians hence no Palestine.

>and for the world at large?
We whites are next in the jewish genocidal radar after they are finished with palestinians, via the usual mix of ethnic poisoning (mass migration), literal poisoning (more vaccines and "pandemics) and localized conflicts  similar to Ukraine.
Replies: >>6683
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Syria was under such pressure and infrequent attacks that it was thin on resources. You saw almost no resistance because it appears the army was barely funded.
Putin won't do shit because it's Israel, it's Jews. At best he'll try to negotiate something to keep some control over the two bases including that port over there, but that's not even a given. A lack of intervention of Russia frees her forces and allows them to be refocused on Ukraine so more goyim can die in a more efficient manner.
>the world at large?
Syria becomes an international hotbed for jihadis, with direct shipping lanes to Europe. Meanwhile Europe will be forced by traitors to pay for the rebuilding of al-Ahbuldi-alwa-Syria.
I can't take it anymore.
>We whites are next in the jewish genocidal radar after they are finished with palestinians, via the usual mix of ethnic poisoning (mass migration), literal poisoning (more vaccines and "pandemics) and localized conflicts  similar to Ukraine.
It will happen easily. Israel could kill kids and journalists so many times before October 7th but are never threatened over this, they're constantly using the victim card and it works because they control banks and media centers and pull the strings of nearly all politicians. Frankly I'm tired of hearing wailing about Palestinians and seeing tens of thousands of people march in the streets over their plight in so many White cities yet all we manage to get in our countries is like a few hundred pro-White people at most. You look at Ireland it's downright pathetic, they virtue signal massive support for Palestine and you see all sorts of boomers and cunts crying rivers over them but that country has fuck all in terms of pro-Irish nationalist groups.
All I can say is that now we have a good perspective on the last thousands of years of human history, if we as Whites ever get one chance to seize power over the globe then we will have to be mad ruthless about it and just relentlessly kill like the purest of all gods until the job is done so that no other group could ever prove a threat to us even in a million years.
Replies: >>6763
>these two three men
What's the consensus on the killing of Brain Thompson? Based /ourguy/ taking out a member of one of the most disgustingly corrupt institutions in the world, or fake and gay corporate hit job?
Replies: >>6736 >>6763 >>6780
He wasn't /ourguy/ but I'm glad he did it.
total brown death :D
a subhuman System CEO taken out. A vengeful liberalised schizo Kacynsk-lite pulling the trigger. Fun and acceleration all around!
For me personally it sheds the light on the inhuman health care system the us has employed and to average normie the double standarts in justice system and how deep is the dept of the dept in the already deep depth in already deep rabbit hole

And a bit of hope that the same tension from occupy wall street is back overtly
>But they were
Its a step forward in some way
Replies: >>6837
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AS expected, Jews are lowering the pressure to allow the right wingers more space to breathe and appease them, giving them a false sense of power and security. There will never be any true power other than White Power, us at the top and all enemies eradicated.

Expect all politicians to continue the game of endless talks and conveniently espousing the dem-left-palestine vs rep-right-israel dichotomy, both of which are fundamentally anti-White. Expect them to avoid naming and blaming the Jew, because they all are judeophobes. They fear the Jews. You can vanquish an enemy you refuse to see, identify, expose and fight.

The masses may be stupid, gullible and blind, but we are not, we will never forget our mission. The Jews and their lackeys are in our crosshairs. Jews will keep using all sorts of smoke screens, all terribly annoying and unacceptable such as homosexuals, feminists and migrants, but the Jews will always remain our priority target until we have finally removed them. Not just from our countries, but from this world. Their complete and utter demise is our duty.
Replies: >>7283 >>7284
It is a good thing that we have technology to trace a given individual's genetic makeup and ancestry. Once we're in power (however long that takes) mandatory genetic screenings should become the norm. Anyone with a drop of jewish ancestry would be summarily executed or sterilized on a case-by-case basis, allowing us to vanquish the miserable hebrew scourge once and for all within a generation.
most importantly, remember the significance of the pressure-release valve equation.
It is fundamental to (accelerationist) mathematics:

teenage boy has the choice between violence against that which is abomination in real life, or simulated violence in video games with no consequences. He will develop to funnel his urges this way long-term.
As long as the electrical supply turns back on, the cycle will continue. In effective terms, he is pacified and escapist. This is chronic, and everywhere.

Take away the pressure-release valves, and what happens? Things — real things, happen.

English lad goes on a few silly marches with a derad like Tommy Robinson. His power process is satisfied in this regard; he has finally “done something” he can tell himself.
But what if someone took away the civnats?
What if someone vandalised and burnt down the offices of the latest “nationalist” System party, like the AfD.
What then? What will he do then?
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