>Drug trafficking for example is a very lucrative activity that gives its perpetrators much in the way of power and influence, but it's an instrinsically degenerate phenomenon that actively worsens the quality of life of our communities. Even if the resources we gained form it allowed us to purchase weapons and bribe officials and so on, even if we forbid dealing to White customers, would you say pushing drugs benefits our race? If we act like common criminals, we risk beginning to think ourselves as such.
Drug trafficking could be a great idea.
As for bribe officials, be better than this. Systemites have extermination coming their way at a hundred miles an hour! To waste money beyond the cents for a hollow-point round!?
You’ve got into a loop. You’re also thinking irrationally and too sensitively. Drugs are here, they will be here tomorrow, and it’s either money for the betterment of our folk or money to pay off an overweight mestizo druglord’s fifth swarthy 12-year-old residential prostitute’s four-toothed pimp. You may hate it and I’m starting to itch for my pocket knife too but this is the free capitalism we will purge from mutilating our people.
Criminality, common criminals — criminality is usually a System term. Hence an English man who shouted at a wog in public yesterday would be a criminal, “hate criminal”. The fact is, the pig System’s concept of criminality is completely invalid, because it is in conflict with criminality against our kinsmen. Criminality in the eyes of the System is neither good nor bad, because the System has no authority, it is only important if you get captured by the pig enemy.
The quality of life of any community that could be called white at this point is so utterly abysmal — there would be no fruit in the conservativeness of attempting to improve it! Rather — everything must be worse, we mustn’t attempt to prevent anything but the poisoning of our blood — because the revolutionaries of tomorrow won’t hail from a nice, gated community anyway.
Even if the preceding be factored out, realise the stakes here are higher than causing a few teenage girls to develop a crack addiction. Not that we even need to sell addictive drugs! By the way, you should realise the anti-“drug” hysteria of the 80s was an effort to prevent retarded niggers and the otherwise severely dysgenic from removing themselves from the ghetto gene pool by pumping themselves full of too much heroin, then later fentanyl.
Psychedelics may be a delight for the white man!
>For instance, robbing stores to finance our efforts is no better than what the average nigger criminal does
1. That’s incorrect because nigger criminals (well, there’s a non-sequitur here, because niggers have scarcely indeed had the organisation to rob a bank, and mostly just monkey mug women with jammed glocks.) in your example rob banks for THEMSELVES, for hedonistic bitch fuggin sheeeeit or coon-hash or a sports car or whatever. Whereas, for our folk, donated almost or entirely towards a “the Organisation” (some white insurgency), it’s apples and oranges, and it kind of seems like you have a residue of “niggers committing crimes (against the System’s law) means they’re bad” — a dangerous, alt-right-esque territory and metric.
Regardless, of course, there are many Jewish or notorious race traitor-ran targets, etc. But corporations have more money, and no corporation which has ever touched a non-white shall be spared, after all.
>Likewise, the cliche stereotype of "shooting random niggers at Walmart" does have a grain of truth to it. Shooting random people in a supermarket does nothing but put our members at risk and vindicate the image the System paints of us as deranged thugs and terrorists engaging in mindless violence.
Not really. It just directly paints an image of the next forgettable chudjak that killed three niggers including himself which will be replaced before the pigs even find his warm, lanky corpse.