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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
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We should call conservatives libtards. From now on, everyone who isn't a Nazi is either a libtard, a shitskin, a kike, or a diluted shitskin.
Replies: >>5354
>From wiki to reddit to here so stfu

It's mostly sourced from his letters. Worth checking the originals rather than relying on plebbit takes. The support for naitonalists mentioned there was from one time he and C.S Lewis were drinking too much in Eagle & Child during the Spanish civil war. 

He does grumble a lot about horrid reality of modern world, in a much more down-to-earth way than Guenon or Evola. Didn't like superstates like US or USSR either, and once jokingly said his favourite system would be anarcho-monarchism. Overall, rather than a proper XX century cuck he seems more of an conservative relic from XIX or even XVIII century managing to find his way into second half of XX.
Replies: >>5355
And any White who doesn't oppose immigration implicitely or explicitely supports it and is a racial traitor.
>Worth checking the originals
That's a better idea. Do you have any idea where these letters are available online, or are they regrouped in a book?
There's a book published by Tolkien's son Chris:


There are different editions and versions, I'd go with the earliest available and check later editions, well, later.

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ZZZchan on Tor: (save locally!)
to be added as I create them, for now our main fallback Location is /cob/ on lynx.farted.net

/fascist/ is a board for discussion of fascism in its various manifestations and, in a more general sense, third-position ideology (e.g. Strasserism, etc). Though this board is centered around the discussion of fascist movements, leaders and ideology, non-fascists are permitted to post here regardless of political beliefs as long as they respect the rules of this board! This thread will also serve as a thread for requests to moderation (currently just me), banners and general bitching.

1. Global rules apply (see https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html )
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread  >>2
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go in the QTDDTOT
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Impressive, very nice. Let's see the Germans of 21st century now, shall we?
can we have a banner-designing thread?
Making this place prettier would mean making it more appealing to refugees from 4/pol/
Replies: >>5314
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>4pol refugees

What happened?
I tried to post there today and it is now forbidden to post images in incognito mode.
What the fuck is wrong with that shiithole?
Replies: >>5315 >>5351
>incognito mode
careful there, using Jewgle
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Mildly related, clown flare has some seriously invasive spyware now that disallows me from posting with a machine that has me_cleaned out. If i would like to post my device is somehow banned from posting.

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Post good works that you've read and ask for recommendations ITT. 

UPDATED 1/21/21


National Socialism:
>Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
>Hitler's Second Book / Zweites Buch (Adolf Hitler)
>The Program of the NSDAP (Gottfried Feder)
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery (Gottfried Feder)
>Hitler's Table Talk
>The Fair Race's Darkest Hour
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If you mean to the truth, yeah, only about a year ago. I’m a zoomer.
All that matters is DO NOT USE TELEGRAM
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SS werwolf combat training manual
Good read! Check it out: https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/ss-werwolf-guerrilla-warfare-manual-2018/SS%20Werwolf%20Guerrilla%20Warfare%20Manual%20%282018%29.pdf
Replies: >>5242 >>5308
Quit making new threads for every little thing, it's annoying and clutters up the board, if you have something to post and it fits well within the theme or subject of an existing thread post it in that thread
love this, this is amazing.
I’ve been hearing a lot about “the terrorgram collective” and “terrorgram” etc etc…. Does anyone have any archives, now that Telegram is completely and utterly dead?

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Hard mode: no bickering, or confession/conspiracy to criminal activity per the laws of your state

SIEGE can be found on Internet Archive and on The American Futurist’s library page. If you live in the EU it is recommended that you use a VPN to access it and that you don’t download it.
Sieg Heil!
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"Niners" are subversive alphabet soup kike informants, who should be shot on sight with their satanic faggotry. They were pure non-sensical useless cancer since Ironmarch era and will continue to be cancer. They should be called out in an aggressive manner. They have nothing to do with White nationalism. All it was is just discord cliques sharing cheese pizza and guzzling on cum during faggot rituals of theirs. I am surprised these HIV-riddled subhumans are still active and roam on telegram and even get accepted by National-Socialist organizations, although honeypots would be a better term to be honest, given that most members get v& and doxed eventually, ((( coincidentally ))) by these very same O9A faggots.
Replies: >>5449
Yeah TAF deleted a lot of their older articles over internal drama and restructuring. You can find them on the Internet Archive.
No shit shirlock that's why I said it's safe edgy. TAF isn't even going after legitimate niners but bottom of the barrel COMfags who are even rejected by other niners.

Not only that but I fear this satanic panic is just as harmful if not worse. Now all a fed honeypot (injekt) has to do is claim to reject the O9A and all suspicion is dropped. Or all a niner has to do is claim to be catholic and despise "niners" (COMfags).

Even the PDF you shared says this:
"Therefore calling people O9A just because they shared a Dark Foriegner piece or similar artwork and for no other reason is stupid. Niners capitalize on exactly that, baseless satanic panic. On the other hand, we know which kind of art shared definitely shows someone is deeply part of the sinister path. Example below:"
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have you made YOUR cell yet, Nazi?
About Mason: how did we go from building a mass movement that took over a whole country in Europe to pretending organising beyond 5-man teams is impossible in less than 100 years?

I know smartphones, facial recognition cameras and other forms of surveillance have changed the battlefield a lot. I know mass immigration has diluted the white majorities in most of our countries as well. But seejtards have always seemed like pessimists to me. The fact that Mason ended up a crank just proves he was never right imo

I'm reading about Metzger right now and he sounds like just as much a pathetic moron as any other "wignat." They stole his house to pay some dead nigger's family. Just sad, really.
Replies: >>5460
I'm sick of these pseuds that think they know everything but only learn through osmosis and memes. It's like they're incapable of simply learning from something, taking what's good while leaving what's bad and communicating/working with people of different perspectives.

>building a mass movement that took over a whole country in Europe
It's more complicated than that.
>pretending organising beyond 5-man teams is impossible
No one ever said this.
>I know smartphones, facial recognition cameras and other forms of surveillance have changed the battlefield a lot
That has little to do with anything.
>seejtards have always seemed like pessimists to me
Pretending there's a political solution is pure delusion.
>The fact that Mason ended up a crank just proves he was never right imo
And Hitler killed himself, does that mean he was wrong?

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Logistically speaking, all good ideas that actually benefit humanity, are the ones that eventually take hold for the bettering of mankind.
If fascism really was so exceptional, many governments using this doctrine would still exist, the main reason for this to be the case is because most people are comfortable in the state things are, and there is no need to take that approach again.
Most changes that can harm civilization can be democratically corrected, if not, an alternative would always prop up. Let us not forget that the fascist movements that happened prior were democratically elected and spoke for the interests of the people, not for a minority or some other thingamagick.
I think we reached a point where violence and state subjugation is not necessary, and the responsibility for one's community is not only his but everyone's. By everyone gathering similar interests, things get done.
Anything else is... for a lack of better words, pointless.
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lame censorious bastard
>, is more likely to behave and follow the constitution of his father
You and I both know that there are countless examples of monarchs who's personality types were polar opposites of their fathers.
>natsocs & neopagans are all about following their ancestors, right?
I mean, this is a complex issue. Technically, we are rejecting the ideology which predominated our fathers' generation. If your father was a Christian conservative and you are a National Socialist, you are embracing a wildly different ideology than your father.

>A small group of monarchs is oligarchy.
Okay, fine. So you're just sold on the idea of a single leader making all decisions. I content that that is impossible. You may have an executive, but there has never been a (complex) country where all decisions were made by just one guy. Power is always delegated so in practice, everything larger than a tribe is a form of oligarchy.
>Monarchy is where the focus is solely on one person.
What if the focus is on one monarch, but he is elected and has an advisory body who are also elected?
>Sparta was not a monarchy.
Very well. This is the first time I have encountered someone who took that position but it doesn't hinder my position.

>I don't view a full monarch as just another elite or rich man
But by definition, he is the most elite of the elite. The common definition of elite is the ruling class. How can you get more ruling class than the guy with, allegedly, the power to execute anyone?
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>A monarch who truly is sovereign over that land... has very real attachment to that land.
Nice theory. In practice, we know this isn't true. 
It's like saying that owning land in a nation makes you a nationalist. So I guess Bill Gates is a nationalist.
But he isn't. Theory =/= practice. 

>The majority of people aren't Joe Farmers
In medieval England, the majority of people were indeed farmers.
>There are just as many cosmopolitan people in the middle class
Dr. Pierce was right about the middle class. Cowards.
>Oswald Mosley was a noble
There have been examples of of elites who held decent values. Just as there are examples of niggers who are doctors and really nice guys. Hell, there are even examples of pro-White niggers.
However, when we look at the elite as a whole, the majority of them were far more cosmopolitan than working class people of any nation.

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Replies: >>5459
>political parties can be corrupted
I agree. We can solve this by removing national elections for political positions.

>monarchy is a strong ideology
Then why is it that it began failing from the 18th century onwards? Every single monarchy either ceded power or was overthrown.

>You are disingenuous because you ignored several examples of decent monarchs
I never denied that there existed some decent monarchs. However, what makes Joseph so great? Well he freed serfs for starters, that's a good thing. He made school compulsory for all boys and even girls, that's a good thing.
But if the peasants themselves had had the power to vote for serfdom or school, would they have remained serfs or demanded their children remain uneducated? I doubt it.
Ironically, virtually every example of a good monarch which monarchists provide did things which the people wanted anyway, which I support in full by the way." I agree that this is exactly what a good king should be doing.''
>I really like this theory. But if that is so, then the elite are tainted by liberal genetics.
The elites are more liberal than average but most of them are still normal people. By now every class in society has been effected to some degree by mutational load, elites were just the first to fall victim.
>Therefore, perhaps they all need to die. 
As with the rest of the classes it is only necessary to get rid of the defective portions. Communist countries have already shown what the consequences of killing the elite are.
>What caused this? Perhaps it was better medical technology among the elites..
This is one of the factors, better medical technology led to lower childhood mortality rates and their elite status would increase their chances of finding a mate. This abolished natural selection for the upper class, combined with the trend of elites having children later in life led to a rapid increase in harmful mutations.
>it may be impossible to cleanse from our race.
This is not the first time this has happened, similar circumstances led to the collapse of the Roman Empire yet Europe prevailed.
>If that's the case, then possessing advanced medical technology will enable the continuation of the liberal gene.
Embryo selection and gene therapy look promising, given a sane ruling class medicine will eventually solve most the problems it created.
>Even you and I, say we have 10 children and ~4 of them are tainted by the gene.
It is not a single gene, it is a combination of small defects which when combined lead to them becoming resentful, they may even have completely different sets of mutations from each other yet the result will be the same. The amount of mutations is a function of parental age, there is no need to worry about having defective children so long as you pick a healthy mate and aren't too old.
>You and I will not see the effects of this until they are adults.
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Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.

(I’ll be posting images)


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/

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I can't post in /Christianity/ because the captcha system is impossible to use.

I'll post this here:
Replies: >>5441
Spoiler File
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>the captcha system is impossible to use
Replies: >>5454
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I know people like Ted and a generally Luddite mentality have become increasingly popular, as is the anti-science camp of reactionary tardcaths and other Christians many of whom become flat-earthers and other nonsense like young Earth creationists. 

While they are correct about some things and make valid points, it's hard to ignore the glaringly obvious fact that they are blaming abstractions and inanimate phenomena while partially or completely ignoring the human element of responsibility and nuance. It seems there is an acceptance and even promotion of the former from a 'resistance' standpoint, but the latter considerations are nigh nonexistent.

While modern academia is provably corrupt and driven by political agendas, that is not an issue with science itself. It is an issue of appealing to authorities and corruption, and ignoring the reproducibility crisis and censorship in modern Universities. While industrialization has had negative impacts, those would be easily mitigated by a competent government interested in the welfare of its people i.e. Nationalistic at the very least.

Technology is essentially the same as the arms race among animals in nature, those who develop, embrace, and properly utilize it succeed. Those who do not die, at least for most of human history barring the recent hostile control of Western media and governments promoting self destruction.

Returning to the predecessors of this situation will not solve it. Becoming a luddite etc. as a matt
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Replies: >>5415 >>5422
>>5411 (OP) 
well yeah, there’s a lot of ash worship among movementarians and christcucks. It’s almost like contrarianism. But that’s just what kids do.

What I do, and I encourage you to do this yourself, is strive to use technology against the System. Do you think the System is going to be defeated by you sitting in a cabin in the woods? No way.
Unabomber gets undeserved credit. He’s not wrong in a lot of aspects but he’s also a narrow-minded schizo.

I think you’re, and I am doing this too in response, overthinking things to a degree which barely anyone in our movement does, and thinking about large, multifaceted waves, the kind which there is no panacea, just sprouts from basic flaws such as cowardice, neuroticism, selfishness, and obsession.

These are just words. He who doesn’t think in actions thinks himself into inaction, and inaction is just a choice. Whether you prefer “monarcho-syndicalist-strasserism” over “accelerationist Hitlerism with Esoteric characteristics” won’t mean jackshit in the revolution.
Get a hobby.
Replies: >>5418
>Do you think the System is going to be defeated by you sitting in a cabin in the woods? No way.

>He’s not wrong in a lot of aspects but he’s also a narrow-minded schizo

My point exactly

>He who doesn’t think in actions thinks himself into inaction, and inaction is just a choice. Whether you prefer “monarcho-syndicalist-strasserism” over “accelerationist Hitlerism with Esoteric characteristics” won’t mean jackshit in the revolution.

This is similar to the analysis paralysis, part of what ZOG taught me as the OODA loop during my training in a Blackwater facility in Southern CA shortly after they stopped calling themselves "Blackwater".

It's also the point I was trying to make. All this progressively esoteric ideological nonsense only serves to separate otherwise amenable people based on silly, and failed, abstract criteria.

>won’t mean jackshit in the revolution

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>>5411 (OP) 
Ted was correct about technology but it is impossible to go backwards. Even a complete collapse of civilization would not eliminate industrial technology.
Also, Ted's was a hero by American standards, but  his target selection was extremely poor.
Replies: >>5425
Ted was partially correct about technology. His target selection was shit and so was his implementation. He was a fucking failure and the people who idolozie him are just as fucking myopic. I'm OP btw

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You know the drill, Blackshirts, but for those who don't, post your unpopular opinions here and they will be mocked and corrected in equal measure, for our entertainment.
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You are overestimating man's ability to create life in his own image, our understanding of the human body is inadequate to cure even simple diseases, how could we be expected to modify a system we do not understand? When man does learn enough about biology to change genes with intent, what he sees as superior and inferior, desirable and undesirable, will be influenced by his own genetic makeup, meaning that the oriental's conception of the Übermensch may be antithetical to what the White's conception of it is. An already existent creature will need to be used as the base for the Übermensch, and building from different bases will create very different results.
>the East would continue to develop scientifically and technologically.
No, it won't China is on the verge of collapse, their fucking dam that will kill millions if it breaks is near collapse and you think Japan or Korea could keep going when all the shit they do have farmed out to china through the west is just gone? If and when America falls, so will the east, so will Europe, the world is too interconnected if one domino goes, the rest begin to follow not long thereafter.
>We are now technologically capable of gene editing and cloning
No, we aren't. Gene editing and cloning are fundamentally flawed as ideas or concepts, and the procedure for them mostly leads to failure. And don't even think about bringing up some article that claims a bunch of Chinese scientists made "breakthroughs", The CCP and media purposely lie about their technological advancements when in reality they haven't done anything. Disinformation is part of the war itself, which China is currently waging against the United States. We have neither the technology nor the ability to do such things, and knowing the drastic decline in science, such accomplishments will never reach anywhere other than science fiction.
Deeply heretical opinion here;
I am not opposed to democracy. 
Hear me out first. The American elites are morally corrupt traitors. Had America been a feudal aristocracy, we would still be in a similar situation because we are ruled by filth.
Yet I am reasonably well integrated in my community. I know all my neighbors and many important people throughout my rural town. 3 out of 5 of my immediate neighbors are racially aware to one degree of another. Of the two who are not, one is a boomer conservative with boomer conservative ideas. The other is a gross wigger family with mixed children. 
Despite the wigger family, I'm pretty well surrounded by sane & normal people.
Down the road lives a man who I think posts on /pol/ and constantly talks about jews and niggers.
Next to him lives a conservative family who hate the government. There are Trump flags everywhere and, yes I know I know, Trump is not a White nationalist but it's a hell of a lot better than Kamala & faggot flags. A huge majority of people here are either racially aware to one degree or another or boomer conservatives.

My point here is that the normal, working class people of America are infinitely morally superior to the aristocracy of globalist elites. If I had a choice between living under a randomly selected globalist or a randomly selected working class person, I would choose the latter & I suspect you would too.
Normal people don't like open borders, niggers, trannies, and faggots.
Do they know about jews? Most of them don't but the elites DO know about jews and yet they choose to submit themselves to them and betray their race.

So again, normal people are morally superior to the elites
Do you dispute this? 

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Integralism =/= Fascism.
>What is the difference between Integralism and Fascism?
Integralists: Church > State
Fascists: State > Church
>Therefore, it was a necessity for the Fascist State to recognize the religious authority of the Church; a political necessity, a political recognition, with respect to the realization of the State itself.
>The ecclesiastical politics of the Italian State must resolve the problem of maintaining its sovereignty, intact and absolute, even before the Church, without casting itself athwart the Catholic consciousness of Italians, nor the Church to which that consciousness is subordinated. 
>That is a grave problem, since the transcedent conception that rules over the Catholic Church contradicts the immanentist character of the political conception of Fascism.
>The authority of the State is not subject to negotiation, or promise, or to divide its terrain with other moral or religious principles that might interfere in consciousness. The authority of the State has force and is true authority if, within consciousness, it is entirely unconditioned. The consciousness that actuates the reality of the State is consciousness in its totality, with all the elements of which it is the product.
>Morality and religion, essential elements in every consci
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How can we deprogram abrahamists? What should every abrahamic fascist know about their religion? What is the best way to get abrahamists out of our nations and communities? How can we explain that abrahamism is incompatable with a White National Socialist ethnostate?

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Please explain the third image to me.
Replies: >>4660
Tldr jeebus was a jewish messiah furfilling jewish prophecy and his deeds are a giant checklist of what was told forward
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there is a nascent generation of ChinkTok zoomer NatSocs.
Their vigour is inspiring. Their numbers are unprecedented, far exceeding the “Alt-Right” fail.
This, as the split in the young teenage generation emboldens and emboldens.
On the one hand, there are incapable mutts, non-whites, etc. but the real split is between the two divisions of this age group that don’t use Instagram (as a trait, not exclusively).

On the one hand, there are trannies, degenerate egocentric sex fiends that watch anime videoessays, fawn over “old Internet aesthetics”, and spend most of their time in therapy.

On the other hand, though, is an increasingly cynical and pure birth of thought, even in the shoah’d depths of ChinkTok. Very young fascist youth. While it is easy to be cynical towards younger generations, there are pragmatic issues that arise for them as they grow up.

If they go on 4cvck /pol/, the most famous botted shithole, they find it in a much worse state than the stories describe it in.
Why should you believe me? Well, you can find clumps of them coalesced in both generic online places and on, say, the remnants of the sharty. It seems like Brenton Tarrant’s kebab removal has become a ChinkTok meme? If you have any doubts about their radicalism, there you go, that’s an easy way to find them, in the comments of any Jewtube reupload of remove kebab, etc. and there are thousands of likes on these comments… I can only imagine how big the ChinkTok/whatever presence must be for onl
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Anything that opposes kikes - no matter the cause or philosophy - is an inherent good. The details can be sorted out after they're gone.
Replies: >>5390 >>5408
Anything that harms Whites, even if it also harms jews, is bad. Israel is not evil because it is an ethnostate, it is not evil because it is a colonial state, it is not evil because they oppose arabs, they are evil solely because they are our racial enemies and their interests compete with ours. When these arguments are legitimized by supporting their use against israel they become legitimized when used against us, leaving us weakened and dishonest looking. We should not use humanitarian and communist talking points, the only perspective worth speaking through and supporting is the perspective of what is in the interest of Whites, to say otherwise is no different to opticscucking. Remember that jews are not the only enemy.
Replies: >>5409
Many western apps have short form content. Snapchat and Instagram have it as well, though I am sure there are others.
this is retarded Andrew Anglin-tier thinking. Ooooooo heckin supporting doesn’t harm the kikes either you lazy cocksucker. WHITE POWER WHITE POWER SIEG HEIL
No, Israel is bad because it’s kikes. Should Kebab be removed from the Earth? Probably, but kikes MUST GO first. Iranian sandniggers please bomb Israelkthnx

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