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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
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>ZOG inflicts the harshest punishments to white people rebelling to the systems

In other news, water is wet.
>One thing I have learned to long for is the coming of one crazy mother fucker who will solve all my problems for me
Spotted your mistake.
>by creating his own army and growing, growing and growing in power on sheer promises of plunder, female captives and total revenge
Found the cause: excessive internet role play
>we move from town to town and loot and burn and kill anything that stands in our way
Who is this "we?" You're not a Cimmerian raider and this isn't Hyboria.
In all seriousness what has he done that is so bad? Edrama dosn't count.
Replies: >>7732
As far as I know, not much aside from using a bunch of slurs and making white nationalists look low IQ. The National Justice Party was a total flop -- dailyrake.ca has a lot of good inside baseball on that.

That being said, we should always be suspicious of these mystery meat "white" nationalists' intentions. Handsome Truth is another good example. Are they poisoning the well? Muddying the waters? Etc.

Honestly I wouldn't consider myself a white nationalist at all anymore. I prefer Aryan or even American nationalist. I think the Irish have ruined this country and the Jews / Italians etc. are even worse
Replies: >>7733
>I think the Irish have ruined this country

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ZZZchan on Tor: (save locally!)
to be added as I create them, for now our main fallback Location is /cob/ on lynx.farted.net

/fascist/ is a board for discussion of fascism in its various manifestations and, in a more general sense, third-position ideology (e.g. Strasserism, etc). Though this board is centered around the discussion of fascist movements, leaders and ideology, non-fascists are permitted to post here regardless of political beliefs as long as they respect the rules of this board! This thread will also serve as a thread for requests to moderation (currently just me), banners and general bitching.

1. Global rules apply (see https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html )
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread  >>2
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go in the QTDDTOT
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>all-loving God gives you the freedom to... go to hell unintentionally?
Replies: >>7634
>go to hell unintentionally?
God is both loving and just. Generally, hellbound people are understood to know what they're doing, and that they are making a mistake. Like when you're driving home 40 mph past the speed limit drunk at 3 am.

>Many popes had been Jews
Name them.
>before it go[t] supposedly corrupted.
At what date would you put the corruption of the Church? Some would point to Vatican II, others to Enlightenment, further along the history axis towards Renaissance, or the Great Schism... the last book of the Bible, the Relevation, begins with lamentations about absolute state of the Church in the 2nd century.
Replies: >>7639
>you shall kill stuff n sheeit to survive without any kfc round the corner until another ten millennia
>but you shall not kill though
>i also added niggers and jews
>hope you enjoy the added difficulty
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>but absolutist tendencies in monarchies
Catholics have no right to bitch here.
Call me when you deny papal primacy and do like the Orthodox do and make the Pope one among equals with the bishops, otherwise you're just as absolutist (*just a kind of stubborn universal monarchist) and Matthew 16:18-19 is simply your pre-eminence clause.

>Catholic here, this is not true and had never been, neither before, nor after Papal Infallibility was ratified (it shouldn't had been).
So, a sedevacantist.
You should consider being Orthodox if the pre-eminence of the Pope bothers you.
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The faggy thing about papists is there have been monarchs who claimed to rule the world, but the difference is they did so with armies and force of arms, but because Christ does not claim to be king of the temporal world, so your kind puts the foot halfway in and out of the door.
Instead preferring to talk them to death or be subversive little 5th columns (exactly like the jews and their synagogue mentality).

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Post good works that you've read and ask for recommendations ITT. 

UPDATED 1/21/21


National Socialism:
>Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
>Hitler's Second Book / Zweites Buch (Adolf Hitler)
>The Program of the NSDAP (Gottfried Feder)
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery (Gottfried Feder)
>Hitler's Table Talk
>The Fair Race's Darkest Hour
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Bumping, what are the best sources to read about the esoteric origins and development of Christianity from when Israelites separated from the Canaanites? Literature with examples of how Judaism took from polytheistic religions, how Christianity started as a faction of Judaism and became mostly practiced by non-jews, etc.
Now that's a hell of a hot take. Very original and all that. Get reported nonetheless.
Replies: >>7635
That's Sinead McCarthy posting, cut her some slack, she's certified insane and drove away all the good men from her life - her father, her husband, and soon will do the same to her oldest son.
Replies: >>7647
a, literally who?
b, got proof?
Replies: >>7665
1) Minor e-celeb who was running Renegade Broadcasting
2) There's only one person insane enough to type out "White Nationalist Feminism", and that's Sinead.

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Fascist News General /fng/
This thread is for discussion of recent happenings that may be of interest to users of this board. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, news involving fascist parties around the world, info related to government / corporate responses to White nationalist / fascist activities, and events that are likely of interest to users here, such as declining race-relations, anti-White policies and Jewish-related scheming.

This thread existed on 8, anon,cafe, and 16chan, just as before it'll be here on a trial basis. If it attracts too many outsiders, it will be deleted. If it results in garbage-tier discussion not healthy to /fascist/, it will be deleted. This is /fascist/, not a free-for-all area.

Twitter alternative: https://nitter.net/
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Is Trump going to bury the republic and officially turn it into an empire?
47th Prez and all that. :.
Not news-related since it's a hypothetical, and I didn't see a fitting thread for it nor did I deem it worthy of a whole new thread so I'll ask here. Suppose there's a massive Ebola (or similarly severe and incurable disease) outbreak in India and it ends killing a significant percentage of its population. 5%, 10%, 25%, maybe 50% or 80% if you want to be really dramatic. The question is this: What do you suppose will be the effects on the rest of the world, socially, politically, economically and so on? What if it spills over to neighboring countries (most importantly China) and gains a significant bodycount there as well?
Replies: >>7726
Refugees. Frontiers will be be kept open up to the last moment. As usual we would hear of cases slipping through and soon enough the whole world would be concerned.
The problem being that ebola would be as powerful as final in likeliness because nothing could then become more terrifying. Would the authorities fail to properly exploit this, notably through heightened security and screening combined to mandatory repressive measures to be injected with some new type of jewce, they would find themselves to have only rendered the population more immune to shams of that type. They already burned a round with the Goyid-19, a lot of people have become far more suspicious. No doubt the globalists have collected as much data as possible for their simulations and analyses to know where their propaganda and methods turned out to be insufficient and where the results were satisfying.
The risk of having anything as radical as ebola spreading in the population is a true and genuine risk of unrest. Health staffs and resources are at an all time low and police forces may get progressively underpaid since an ebola-like disease would completely decapitate our frail economies already on life-support. For sure there's a plan to trigger some kind of economical collapse, considerable enough to warrant another crisis and special measures, but definitely not too damaging to really break the precarious peace that Jews try to main
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Jews keep shipping in shitskins
>PITTSBURGH (RNS) — The Jewish community here is haunted by the specter of the 2018 Tree of Life synagogue shooting, when a gunman killed 11 worshippers in deranged retribution against HIAS, a Jewish refugee aid agency, for bringing “invaders that kill our people.”
>But congregations have never stopped helping to resettle refugees, and Jewish leaders vow their work will continue despite President Donald Trump’s order ending federal funding for it. “This work doesn’t change just because any president was elected,” said Rabbi Daniel Fellman, senior rabbi at Temple Sinai, a Reform congregation just a mile from the Tree of Life synagogue. “So we’re going to do everything we can to help people.”
Replies: >>7731
>In Pittsburgh, one local affiliate, Jewish Family and Community Services, has settled hundreds of refugees, coordinating airport pickups, finding housing, purchasing groceries and clothes and helping refugees open bank accounts, enroll in school and find jobs. JFCS Director of Refugee and Immigrant Services Ivonne Smith-Tapia said the government provided between $1,250 and $1,650 for each refugee, depending on need. The State Department also funded the staff positions at JFCS and training for the refugee clients.

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skip to paragraph 4 if you don't want the preamble about Rome

I was contemplating the Roman Empire, as we all do. In particular, Hermann's (Armenius) successful revolt against them. Hermann was able to, as a trusted Roman advisor no less, mobilize and organize an army of ~20,000 and ambush a Roman army at least of that size, destroy it, and liberate Germania. Let us just contemplate the logistics of this feat.
While serving as the commander of a significant Roman auxiliary army, Armenius contacted the leadership of at least 7 tribes. Mind you, this isn't as simple as playing a videogame where you press the button and ally with the singular AI of a tribe. Actual Germanic tribes were run by people, potentially thousands of local leaders, councils, and the commoners themselves. Germanic tribes were in many cases governed by folkmoots or assemblies of all the free men of the polity. 
What I am getting at here is that there is absolutely no way you could keep this rebellion a secret between Armenius + 7 absolute kings.
This revolt was common knowledge among at least 7 major tribes and therefore, common knowledge among most Germans of 9 AD.

Yet the Roman governor Publius Quinctilius Varus had absolutely no clue it was happening until his men were cut off and surrounded in Teutoburg Forest. To put this in a modern context, imagine a scenario where something like 30-40% of the White American population (rough estimate of the % of German population at the time based on eyeballing a map) is actively supporting a revolt against ZOG. This revolt would common knowledge for something like maybe >60% (pure guess based on eyeballing trade routes of ancient Germanic) of the population for at least a year before a shot is fired.
Yet when it goes down, the kikes are taken by total surprise.
Just imagine that.

It's ludicrous. There is simply no way in which this regime wouldn't figure out what was going on with so many people in the loop. Someone would blab. It's like going to the "tribe" of Kansas and meeting with the "Folksmoot" of their government and convincing a some townhall style meeting of people to rebel yet not one person telling the feds. Not gonna happen.
And yet the success of this rebellion isn't unique at all. The Romans were routinely, in fact usually caught completely off guard by rebellions. France, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Russia, China, Persia, every empire of the past was routinely surprised by peasant and ethnic revolts. In fact, it's not even a deep past thing. In the 20th century, decades long insurgencies were sustained by ethnic minorities like the Basque and Irish and Corsicans against industrialized democratic police states and yet the core element of the revolting population did not blab to the regime upon first hearing a rebellious thought. 

The point of all of this is to evidence that there is something fundamentally different about the modern American (& west European) population. The very notion that a large subset of the population could openly plot a rebellion and catch the regime off guard is ludicrous. Why is everyone so willing, even eager to inform on his neighbors over something as idiotic as not wearing a fucking covid mask while men in 9 AD spent at least a year not telling the Romans that Armenius was running around Germany preaching rebellion?
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Lenin? He had already done the hardest part with the coup. Perhaps he was worried about the White Russian resistance but it was misorganized and abandoned instead of pushing harder.
By the time they were in power it appears a large portion of the people and the army were behind the communists, so the game needn't be long as long as they could keep the power they took by force and increase it.
What we are seeing today is a gradual increase of the chaotic conditions that gave way to 1917, but these were partially amplified by the Russian government itself that thought it could be a good thing to reinforce and thus control the rebels, but it got lost in its paranoia and failed to keep track of who was doing what. Germany also poured fuel on that fire, one of the dumbest and vilest moves in history because nothing should warrant throwing a whole nation under the communist bus. It's even more despicable knowing that it came from an aristocratic group.
I am not sure that the first nation to kick the bucket and begin its own civil war will benefit from external help much, so her own Whites will have to find a way to gather inner resources on their own.

The other anon's position sounded like calling for an inversion of the boiling temperature when what needs to b
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Replies: >>7727
The bad harvest hardly gave them enough resources to sustain a prolonged war or even waste time deciding what to do when the Romans were depleting them. That put some pressure on him. The victory, temporary as it was, had in no small part its reason in the suddenness of the revolt.
>the other tribes, where?
Too buys drinking Roman wine for sure.
Even Vercingetorix struggled to get enough of them under his tutelage, which isn't without irony regarding our Arminius friend since the Arverni's father was killed by people who held against him the exact same gripe, that of trying to unite all of Gaul. It is worth noting that as far as the siege of Alesia is concerned, a very large contingent of Celtic forces came, but with no sound plan and no idea of how to assault the double-edged Roman enclosure around Alesia, they gave up after a while, when they had so many men that they could have defeated the Romans at their own game by establishing a series of temporary fortifications and choke points too to slowly but surely drive the Romans into a situation of attrition that would have them defeated, even if it would have come at the likely cost of losing the hungry people stuck in Alesia.
The tragedy here is that there definitely was potential to unite Gauls in a more efficient way and Ambiorix's forces would have been a great additio
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Replies: >>7727 >>7728
The worst news would be that as a country would desperately attempt to rise, something like NATO troops would be sent as reinforcements to help the local ZOG forces. This would be a repeat of the Roman cases. We could only hope then that the others countries would understand that a global  cohesion is the only way to achieve victory. Here, by using the imperial language of the day, English, we would face not the need to convince other tribes or even whole regions, but convince entire foreign nations to join us which would prevent ZOG forces from lifting reserves that would leave other areas unprotected for too long.
Replies: >>7727
>He had already done the hardest part with the coup
I was referencing a quote from him way before the coup. He once quipped in Switzerland that he will never see the revolution. A few years later, he was on a train to Finland to lead it.
It's a hopeful quote since we could very well see it but only if we're prepared for it.

>ermany also poured fuel on that fire, one of the dumbest and vilest moves in history because nothing should warrant throwing a whole nation under the communist bus
Meh, there's no way they could possibly have known that their gambit would actually "succeed" so well. I get the anger but war is war and the Entente was pathologically insane and would not accept peace. Unconventional times call for unconventional measures.
>It's even more despicable knowing that it came from an aristocratic group.
It's a tangent, but I do not understand the infatuation with aristocrats. The German ones were better than most yet they were still a bunch of selfish liberals. German peasants were better people than their rulers.

>I am not sure that the first nation to kick the bucket and begin its own civil war will benefit from external help much
This is another concern. This is actually why I would prefer the Revolution to begin in America (& succeed, obviously) so we get our hands on nukes. If, say, Sweden (lol) became the first nation to overthrow the jews, they'd get dogpiled from all sides. Even France is not ideal due to their small arsenal. It has to be the USA... or, I guess Russia but... that'd be awkward. 

True but he still jumped the gun and got no support from his countrymen. Such a waste of men. Ugh.
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Replies: >>7728
Upon further consideration, they could have just imported food from elsewhere because they were in friendly territory. So either hot-heads prevailed because they were worried about food stocks in Alesia, or they just got stumped by Caesar's fortifications and attacked on impulse. Or perhaps, they figured that 300,000 men should overcome 70,000. 

It was autumn so they should have had plenty of food. They should not have attacked.

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New fitness requirement policy from the Company of Racism; All employees are required to look up the fitness requirements of their local police. Can you do at least double the amount of pushups, run twice as fast and far, and are at least as flexible as your local cop?
If not, you have 30 days to meet these standards or you'll receive the pink slip/star and be discharged from the company. You'll lose access to your meme folder and become an NPC.

Seriously people, this shouldn't be a challenge at all. If you haven't looked this up, you may be shocked.
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True enough. I'm working on it! Today's a rest day, but tomorrow I'm gonna get back on it.
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where I come from, the “UK”, all of the cops are obese, depressed, short-haired women. It’s another whitepill really :D
At my college they have a fair where a bunch of people set up stalls and clubs try to find members. There was a stall with a full plastic tub of leaflets with boomer graphic design worse than Reform UK — in large writing: “NO PLACE FOR HATE” and other forgettable slogans encouraging wogs to snitch on native anglos not worshiping them. 
The two landwhale lesbians running it were so grotesquely out-of-shape. It was an eyesore.
Pic to clear your imagination :-) o/
let’s just think of alternatives then.
Cops have a good job, as far as jobs go. They can work pretty much any hours and can eat lunch whenever they want. The more avocado fondlers lose their jobs to the autocado, the more people have to become cops. Perhaps this is the kike's plan with automation. Force everyone to become cops, prison guards, and prison builders so they can arrest every White Nationalist and then every White male.

One job that can't be replaced by automation? Cops. As soon as they start deploying robocops, broke White teenage males will assemble in packs to destroy robocops and take all the good stuff out of them, then make coins and separate from the US dollar. ZOG can't have that because the pigs need to be able to play the victim when their regime is challenged. "Muh family." Who's gonna cry when robocop gets disassembled in the line of duty? The taxpayer's wallet.

Please tell me everything I said is wrong.
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Decided to look up the physical fitness requirements for the FBI..

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Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.

(I’ll be posting images)


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/

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I like all of them
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Replies: >>7670
I like memes but I even like more those that are accurate. Unlike those. The ride has begun a long time ago and the beast is exhausted.
Replies: >>7681
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>what is the Kali Yuga
Replies: >>7682
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Street shitter schizo fairy tales

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What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?

National Socialism has always been a hard sell to white Americans for a number of reasons that I'm not going to get into here. That said, I think that movements such as the Silver Legion and American Nazi Party can still be learnt from for the future.
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You should try something else than military canned food.

>How old are the people on this board?
I don't know about the others but I remember joining the early fascist google group in the late nineties, it was called something like General Historical Fascism or close, but this was already the second iteration of the group that split from Euro-Italian politics if my dusty memories don't betray me. It was a different time and the topics could vary to great lengths. We didn't have anything like a regular /fit/ thread but we used to talk about food and trips and how to stay in shape although our criteria for health were much different back then lol.
Exactly how is not believing in fairy tales good for us?
 Judging by the evidence, ie our existence, we've only survived as a race as long as we have, because of our ancestors believing in our native "fairy tales", whatever their reality. I am also a rationalist btw, I just happen to have come to the rational conclusion that there are many things in spirituality, and most specifically our ancient stories and beliefs, that are necessary for our health, mentally, physically, and spiritually, and to the fact that one can do things with said belief, that one cannot do without it. The universe is alive, from the smallest atom to the largest stars. The gods are real, and the dead go to them when they die, this must be true as we know energy can neither be created nor destroyed, merely changed, the spiritual realm may be invisible but it is part and parcel with life in this universe and on this earth.
Replies: >>7591
Believing in bullshit like naive drooling children was good for our health?
>The gods are real, and the dead go to them when they die, this must be true as we know energy can neither be created nor destroyed, merely changed, the spiritual realm may be invisible but it is part and parcel with life in this universe and on this earth.
Splendid word salad of totally unrelated concepts that spectacularly manages to prove absolutely nothing, starting with "gods" being real. Perhaps there would be much fewer atheists if the premise of belief didn't rest on such feeble grounds?
>inb4 muh dmt ketamine lsd salvia
Replies: >>7595
>Believing in bullshit like naive drooling children was good for our health?
As a race, objectively so. While we no longer have many of the stories and songs in their original pre-christianization forms, they all do usually have a moral lesson, or similar such things, which are excellent for children. in fact, the irrationality present in the followers of the "king jew" today, is in very stark reality, very unlike how the Romans, the Norse, the Hellenes, etc., were about their, and therefore our, native religions. You irrationally apply the childishness, and sheer idiocy of those who believe in a jewish god today to the behaviors and beliefs of our forefathers prior to the infection of the jew.
>Splendid word salad of totally unrelated concepts that spectacularly manages to prove absolutely nothing, starting with "gods" being real. 
The Gods are real, if you weren't and ill developed and resentful child, you would be able to feel their presence all around but most specifically from within.
>Perhaps there would be much fewer atheists if the premise of belief didn't rest on such feeble grounds?
There is nothing I said, save that the Gods are real, that isn't based on rational thought based on simple fact. The gods being real and any explanation as to why I personally believe that is anecdotal, and enti
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Replies: >>7671
>You irrationally apply the childishness
Don't use words you don't understand, there is nothing irrational there about the demand.
>The Gods are real, if you weren't and ill developed and resentful child, you would be able to feel their presence all around but most specifically from within.
<the voices in my head are very real and I can also feel them in my stomach
There is, again, nothing childlish and stupid in asking a proper explanation and evidence.
>There is nothing I said, save that the Gods are real, that isn't based on rational thought based on simple fact.
Thank you for admitting that you're not rational either.
>The gods being real and any explanation as to why I personally believe that is anecdotal
No it is not.
>It's something one learns to sense, or very rarely is born able to sense.
Oh... and what exactly do you sense? When and where does that happen? What does it relate to?
>What form the gods may take for you, and how they speak to you is entirely unique to you, so my providing it would be useless.
These gods of yours ought to use rules that are yet universally true, because there cannot be opposite yet equally valid truths.
>You also failed to notice I simply turned your question back on you
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I'll start this one with a discussion on China but you'll be free to include any nation that stands between Shitistan and the Philippines.

Conservatives can't stand the Chinese. However, push slightly harder to the right and you will suddenly find all sorts of figures supporting in more or less clear ways the rise of China as a supposedly Jew-free superpower that provides a better future on the world stage. I for one don't trust the Chinese at all. They are developing technologies which are just as invasive as those built in Western nations.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Pro-chinese are idiots

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This whole accout is just further beating-a-dead-horse proof that Whites are the least unified race and are suffering for it. Whites need to stop decrying the Indian/Chinese in-group preference and simply adopt it and then kick the shitskins out.

I hate reading these articles because they all have that meek, passive
>I'm not racist but...
attitude. Become racist or die.
Replies: >>7657 >>7658
The standard is to only ever like members of your own race. Any exception is a traitor and it should simply be exacted.
Agreed. AmRen is pretty much a cancer for this and other things (their recent Greenland article is infuriating) but the article was definitely relevant. Indian nepotism is a thing, a very real and strong thing, and it's utterly biased. The talk of "white privilege" is such an easy weapon to use against us because we don't defend ourselves against this libel, or more precisely we think that we need to and the only way we could is to pretend it does not exist as a gesture to refute the accusation, which the non-Whites refuse anyway.
The other solution we're given is to accept that this unfair and nasty privilege exists and we should espouse the struggle against systemic and endemic racism that emanates from the White oppressors and abusers, to fight against our own racial interests to support those of the other encroaching parasites.
But there's only one real solution to this. If there ever is any kind of white privilege, and there is, it is totally deserved, we earned it, because we are honest hard workers and great inventors and we have absolutely no interest nor any god mandated obligation to share our wealth with any other race, especially since they would never do it for us. But too many Whites keep projecting their sympathetic views onto other races, thinking we're alike, ever so generous and we all think the same way in this connected lovely one world global village. Which all stems from the Jews'
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Replies: >>7662
>Drug trafficking for example is a very lucrative activity that gives its perpetrators much in the way of power and influence, but it's an instrinsically degenerate phenomenon that actively worsens the quality of life of our communities. Even if the resources we gained form it allowed us to purchase weapons and bribe officials and so on, even if we forbid dealing to White customers, would you say pushing drugs benefits our race? If we act like common criminals, we risk beginning to think ourselves as such.
Drug trafficking could be a great idea.
As for bribe officials, be better than this. Systemites have extermination coming their way at a hundred miles an hour! To waste money beyond the cents for a hollow-point round!?
You’ve got into a loop. You’re also thinking irrationally and too sensitively. Drugs are here, they will be here tomorrow, and it’s either money for the betterment of our folk or money to pay off an overweight mestizo druglord’s fifth swarthy 12-year-old residential prostitute’s four-toothed pimp. You may hate it and I’m starting to itch for my pocket knife too but this is the free capitalism we will purge from mutilating our people.
Criminality, common criminals — criminality is usually a System term. Hence an English man who shouted at a wog in public yesterday would be a criminal, “hate criminal”. The fact is, the pig System’s concept of criminality is completely invalid, because it is in conflict with criminality against our kinsmen. Criminality in the eyes of the System is neither good nor bad, because the System has no authority, it is only important if you get captured by the pig enemy.
The quality of life of any community that could be called white at this point is so utterly abysmal — there would be no fruit in the conservativeness of attempting to improve it! Rather — everything must be worse, we mustn’t attempt to prevent anything but the poisoning of our blood — because the revolutionaries of tomorrow won’t hail from a nice, gated community anyway.
Even if the preceding be factored out, realise the stakes here are higher than causing a few teenage girls to develop a crack addiction. Not that we even need to sell addictive drugs! By the way, you should realise the anti-“drug” hysteria of the 80s was an effort to prevent retarded niggers and the otherwise severely dysgenic from removing themselves from the ghetto gene pool by pumping themselves full of too much heroin, then later fentanyl.
Psychedelics may be a delight for the white man!

>For instance, robbing stores to finance our efforts is no better than what the average nigger criminal does
1. That’s incorrect because nigger criminals (well, there’s a non-sequitur here, because niggers have scarcely indeed had the organisation to rob a bank, and mostly just monkey mug women with jammed glocks.) in your example rob banks for THEMSELVES, for hedonistic bitch fuggin sheeeeit or coon-hash or a sports car or whatever. Whereas, for our folk, donated almost or entirely towards a “the Organisation” (some white insurgency), it’s apples and oranges, and it kind of seems like you have a residue of “niggers committing crimes (against the System’s law) means they’re bad” — a dangerous, alt-right-esque territory and metric.
Regardless, of course, there are many Jewish or notorious race traitor-ran targets, etc. But corporations have more money, and no corporation which has ever touched a non-white shall be spared, after all.
>Likewise, the cliche stereotype of "shooting random niggers at Walmart" does have a grain of truth to it. Shooting random people in a supermarket does nothing but put our members at risk and vindicate the image the System paints of us as deranged thugs and terrorists engaging in mindless violence.
Not really. It just directly paints an image of the next forgettable chudjak that killed three niggers including himself which will be replaced before the pigs even find his warm, lanky corpse.
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they don’t care whether it exists or not. They just blurt it out to make you feel ashamed and twiddle your fingers. They are subconsciously aware of might making right; that is why they have perfected, aggressive, loaded quips to make you stutter “n-n-n-no I’m not racist haha uhm… what about black privilege hahaha…” whilst they tighten their grip.
They are race traitors. You should ridicule them whenever you are unable to directly exterminate them. You should never stand for a moment their impertinence.
Whites have privilege? Good! Non-whites have no right to be alive! Death to all non-whites! You’re getting killed with them, race traitor! Shout louder than them! Smirk wildly as their fat, smug face warps into panic and confusion at doubling-down, and the “racism” card not initiating their victory there and then. Are you the dominator or the dominated? “Yes, that’s because we whites are superior, and non-whites are inferior, our privilege is in our superiority” throw it in their fucking face! It’s how THEY win, because they’re not moderate cowards that start twiddling and denying — even acknowledging — accusations like a punished spaniel at his master’s hand. Nor is your opponent about to fumble over a convoluted excuse-like mumble that will immediately be forgotten by all parties including audience.

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Welcome to Silver City, white. I dont mean to know your business fren, but you been searching long? searching for here? Myself, I was lost for the longest time, trying to make it work in the city. Trying to make a big salary into a ticket to escape.  Finally the crowd of strangers pushed me out, I'd been there all my life up til then. 

You'll find a empty cottage at the edge of the forest. The former residents left for the siren song of cosmopolitan sophistication.  Bright lights of the big cities, more like poor dumb animals freezing in the headlights of oncoming cars. They generally learn to stop saying they're from here, being whites from peasant stock isnt valuable in a melting pot, although its more like a cauldron really. 

The community here is too poor to interest hook nosed parasites and muds are supposed to be scared of forests, but maybe its the geomantic hexagons alligning in this valley that makes it so good for volk. Work hard and build up Silver City and You'll find it a good place to do esoteric research and have a bath, maybe shit post a little. So stay a while and refit your field gear, You'll be heading out again on the search party soon. You can trust white survival city to be here when you need to return.
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Boys I suspect that a jew is responsible for this new shoah.

I think that every man will find himself in a survival situation, and maybe already has experienced that threat to his existence, that feeling all up in his chest like a heart attack. Sometimes it will come all of a sudden and goes as quick as it comes, like an axe falling. Sometimes it will creep up on them with ominous signs before it gets real, like a divorce. That doom feeling doesn't away until it beats you or you beat it, or maybe you learn to live with it. 

There is no way to prepare for what you dont see coming. Most situations of desperation will blind-side you. The best I think to prepare is to maintain your honor. A man of honor has unbreachable armour. It doesn't mean you wont get crushed, but it will at least keep your face intact. Sometimes, for some evil challenges,. that might be the absolute limit of what will survive, of you.
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You'll never cobble together a bloody multicultural society, mate. Ya got bugger all integration, no unifying bloody culture, and piss-all harmony. Ya just an economic zone, stitched up by the top dogs into a piss-poor caricature of a fair dinkum White federation.

All the diversity gongs ya get are two-faced bullshit. Behind ya back, those homogeneous countries take the piss out of ya. Ya ancestors would be spewin', and ya descendants will have a bloody good laugh at ya braindead antics once you're pushing up daisies.

Young White blokes are bloody repulsed by ya. Years of buggered diversity drives mean the young 'uns can spot a token hire like a roo spots a truck. Even mixed-race cunts that seem 'right' look off to a young White fella. Ya inability to get hypotheticals is a dead giveaway, and if ya somehow get a competent White bloke to work with ya, he’ll start skiving off the moment he smells ya incompetence, ya slackness, and ya special treatment.

Ya economy will never be worth a pinch of shit. Ya churn out dodgy GDP numbers every three months, telling yerself growth will keep going up forever, but deep down, ya know the social fabric's fraying like an old swag, ready to flatten ya under its bloody weight.

One day it'll be too much - government debt will stack up, inflation will go wild, productivity will tank, and your country will go tits up. Niggers will break into ya offices, stoked they can finally nick some gear to get tucker. They’ll start dossing in ya 
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Brother Aryans.
I have suffered a catastrophe and am fighting for my honor. 
This has to do with my war crimes tribunal. 
I am innocent but I fear I am finished. 
Seig Heil. Heil Hitler.
Major false flag in Australia. 
Mossad left a caravan with a bomb in it just lying around with a fake as fuck note that said "fuck the Jews". 
Then it seems a random criminal stole the caravan, having no idea what was in it, then called police.

This follows no less than 5 fake terror attacks, carried out by paid criminals or unknown actors. The Jews can't keep getting away with this
Replies: >>7645
you sound like a Facebook nut, you indecipherable fuck.

Genetic fallacy. Have any GOOD attacks taken place, e.g. attacks which eradicate multiple Systemites or a System institution?

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