skip to paragraph 4 if you don't want the preamble about Rome
I was contemplating the Roman Empire, as we all do. In particular, Hermann's (Armenius) successful revolt against them. Hermann was able to, as a trusted Roman advisor no less, mobilize and organize an army of ~20,000 and ambush a Roman army at least of that size, destroy it, and liberate Germania. Let us just contemplate the logistics of this feat.
While serving as the commander of a significant Roman auxiliary army, Armenius contacted the leadership of at least 7 tribes. Mind you, this isn't as simple as playing a videogame where you press the button and ally with the singular AI of a tribe. Actual Germanic tribes were run by people, potentially thousands of local leaders, councils, and the commoners themselves. Germanic tribes were in many cases governed by folkmoots or assemblies of all the free men of the polity.
What I am getting at here is that there is absolutely no way you could keep this rebellion a secret between Armenius + 7 absolute kings.
This revolt was common knowledge among at least 7 major tribes and therefore, common knowledge among most Germans of 9 AD.
Yet the Roman governor Publius Quinctilius Varus had absolutely no clue it was happening until his men were cut off and surrounded in Teutoburg Forest. To put this in a modern context, imagine a scenario where something like 30-40% of the White American population (rough estimate of the % of German population at the time based on eyeballing a map) is actively supporting a revolt against ZOG. This revolt would common knowledge for something like maybe >60% (pure guess based on eyeballing trade routes of ancient Germanic) of the population for at least a year before a shot is fired.
Yet when it goes down, the kikes are taken by total surprise.
Just imagine that.
It's ludicrous. There is simply no way in which this regime wouldn't figure out what was going on with so many people in the loop. Someone would blab. It's like going to the "tribe" of Kansas and meeting with the "Folksmoot" of their government and convincing a some townhall style meeting of people to rebel yet not one person telling the feds. Not gonna happen.
And yet the success of this rebellion isn't unique at all. The Romans were routinely, in fact usually caught completely off guard by rebellions. France, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Russia, China, Persia, every empire of the past was routinely surprised by peasant and ethnic revolts. In fact, it's not even a deep past thing. In the 20th century, decades long insurgencies were sustained by ethnic minorities like the Basque and Irish and Corsicans against industrialized democratic police states and yet the core element of the revolting population did not blab to the regime upon first hearing a rebellious thought.
The point of all of this is to evidence that there is something fundamentally different about the modern American (& west European) population. The very notion that a large subset of the population could openly plot a rebellion and catch the regime off guard is ludicrous. Why is everyone so willing, even eager to inform on his neighbors over something as idiotic as not wearing a fucking covid mask while men in 9 AD spent at least a year not telling the Romans that Armenius was running around Germany preaching rebellion?