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Post good works that you've read and ask for recommendations ITT. 

UPDATED 1/21/21


National Socialism:
>Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The most reliable translations are the Stalag edition and the Thomas Dalton translation.
>Hitler's Second Book / Zweites Buch (Adolf Hitler)
>The Program of the NSDAP (Gottfried Feder)
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery (Gottfried Feder)
>Hitler's Table Talk
>The Fair Race's Darkest Hour
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by the way, I learned a vital lesson, and I recommend you internalise it.

Anyone in your cell (or org, but my two cents is GTFO if you’re still in an open org) who isn’t a leader or already a book person will only begrudgingly read theory, like it’s homework, and forget about it. The majority of people are just not interested.

I found a huge difference in morale over books when I switched theory — well, bar extremely crucial theory e.g. mein kampf or SIEGE perhaps — for history books and novels.
The Turner Diaries got the best reception of all.
Replies: >>7242
>The Turner Diaries got the best reception of all.
I can definitely see that, but wouldn't it be counter-productive given the existence of the Order is to be kept secret until the time of total Aryan victory? Granted, that's assuming you *will* form the Order or something similar, but things might get complicated if reading those passages implants the idea in their heads.
any books on the un-pozzed history of India? Including pre-Dalit pajeet 1.4 billion swarm?
Replies: >>7356
India was a dravidian continent before the Aryan invasion, after the Aryan invasion the northerners got bleached through marriage and rape. Despite their victory, the Aryans were outnumbered by the Dravidians and through generations of miscegenation, india became brown.

The case of indiaor any White colonial project shows that even if Whites were victorious, they cannot resist race-mixing. And eventually they(White men) drive their own race to extinction.

TL;DR Fuck White men, only feminism can save the White race.
Replies: >>7362
>cannot resist race mixing
what is South Africa?

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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
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>By comparison even 30 years sounds hopelessly optimistic.
I'd disagree with you. I quote an enemy of ours which successfully carried out a revolution in a rotting monarchy with a couple dozen other bankrolled kikes. "There are weeks where decades happen, and decades where weeks happen".
Something is going to kick off the biggest happening Gaia has ever seen, do or die. Everyone's admitting it by now.
>Not gonna happen unless they get desperate
What do you think will happen when we are a tiny minority? They already openly state that they want us dead and they are a minority. I guess it'll be mexicans but it's the same difference.

Given that framing, I agree with you.
America needs to re-industrialize. I don't think the chinks are brave enough to fight an industrialized, modernized Nazi America.
Replies: >>7357
We should, but I don't get where this fear of China comes from. Of all the threats to Americans and White people in general, China ranks near the bottom. I suspect that most Asians would just leave America and go home if things got race-war-y.
Replies: >>7359
>Asians would just leave America and go home if things got race-war-y.
China would recall their citizens and then sell the Natsoc partisans shiny new drones and vehicles. I don't say that because I like China or the Chinese, it's just how they are.

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ZZZchan on Tor: (save locally!)
to be added as I create them, for now our main fallback Location is /cob/ on lynx.farted.net

/fascist/ is a board for discussion of fascism in its various manifestations and, in a more general sense, third-position ideology (e.g. Strasserism, etc). Though this board is centered around the discussion of fascist movements, leaders and ideology, non-fascists are permitted to post here regardless of political beliefs as long as they respect the rules of this board! This thread will also serve as a thread for requests to moderation (currently just me), banners and general bitching.

1. Global rules apply (see https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html )
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread  >>2
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go in the QTDDTOT
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I guess you could put it that way haha

ahdvdsvahdjsvav vhjekt, anon!
I have printed that meme on my rifle, planning to shoot a synagogue, feeling cute might post my selfie and manifesto l8r.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Namefags and trannies do not belong.

I haven't seen many Catholics screeching at those holidays at all. You're probably thinking of some fringe Protestants who love to LARP as Jewer than Jews, pointing out the pagan origins of many Catholic rites and denouncing them for not being present in the Bible at all. Catholicism was literally born out of a need to mix in the pagan rites and local deities in order to make the virus more compatible with the population's beliefs and oral laws in order to accelerate the assimilation of a religion largely forced onto people by the tip of the sword.
Replies: >>7061
And also, you’ll rarely see Catholics questioning anything at all, since they quite literally believe that that weird guy with a big hat is God’s hotline to Terra Firma
Replies: >>7062
and so his doctrine is unquestionable

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How can we deprogram abrahamists? What should every abrahamic fascist know about their religion? What is the best way to get abrahamists out of our nations and communities? How can we explain that abrahamism is incompatable with a White National Socialist ethnostate?

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>We have to accept that the average White man will always prefer a Jew to a muslim, since jews often pass as White.
Go away Mossad. Europeans in fact do not like what Israel did to Palestine.

>How do Christians manage to square that circle?
They don't. Instead they pull bullshit like "muh Satan" and "muh Adam and Eve!" as a reason why the world is corrupt and fallen. What they don't realise is that they are admitting to the fact that Yahweh and his creations are both imperfect.
Replies: >>7360
Taking another look at Genesis 1, it says that the light and firmament are good, opposed to darkness and the waters of chaos. Very Egyptian, but in any case you see the dualism is baked in from the start.

Like Platonists, Christians may believe that God (the demigurge) is entirely good, but it doesn't seem like the people who wrote the Old Testament did. Their god is more of an African trickster, setting Adam up to fail only to punish him for it.

That being said, I'm starting to find the Abrahamism vs. paganism debate tiring. Yes, Christianity is just Judaised Platonism. Yes, ideas such as loving your enemies have been very poisonous to our race.

However, I don'y exactly see many white nationalist pagans trying to create alternative religions. Yes, there were Pierce and Klassen, but they were both too materialist and scientific imo. We need something for the true goyim who comprise the majority of our race.

At the end of the day, I think most churchgoers just want to be around a bunch of nice, yet God-fearing white people and tend to gloss over the problematic parts of the Bible. I'm one of them, who has been going to my local Mormon church just because it's the only place I can meet people my age (including cute girls) who don't do drugs.

If pagans can't offer the same sort of infrastructure, they're just going to keep losing. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Replies: >>7335 >>7360
Even as someone with heavy pagan leanings I have to agree. Groups like Asatru Folk Assembly don't seem to work very hard at expanding and offering community.
They could always argue that it was perfect but God let Satan do his thing and it spoiled everything. You have to read the apocryphal texts, those where Adam and his waifu are repeatedly dying of sorrow and get revived on and on by their necrodaddy.

>However, I don'y exactly see many white nationalist pagans trying to create alternative religions. Yes, there were Pierce and Klassen, but they were both too materialist and scientific imo. We need something for the true goyim who comprise the majority of our race.
You had Mormons. Space Jeebus. Their founder was a 33rd degree Mason, probably one of the few who remained unjewed. He got slandered and his life took a turn for the miserable. The movement was pro-White, pro-fertility, pro-polygamy (a man several women, not the other way round). They had to recant on the racial aspect under threat, which their next leader did. Name was Kimball. It still remains very White though but it's just as fishy as your next Christcuck brand. They build a huge database to curate tons of individual profiles and even add dead people to their creed without looking for any known consent from these people when they were alive.
Aaand since I'm retard I posted all that shit before reading the next line.
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Replies: >>7361
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>Adam and his waifu are repeatedly dying of sorrow and get revived on and on by their necrodaddy.
Do you know which text this is from? Sounds interesting

And yeah, about the Mormons. They seem pretty dysgenic and in any case not that intellectual. There are a few good stock whites here and there but lots of fatties and strangely sickly types as well. I'm talking worse than the other churches I've been to, even. Although, to be fair at least the Mormons have young members at all. You can't really say that about the mainline Prots. And the young Catholics are pretty brown.

I live in a liberal college town though so I'm sure my experience doesn't reflect the whole. Out west they're probably a lot higher quality.

Finally, they're definitely still Jewed. The whole thing seems like a front for Zionism to me given the little bit of their scripture I've read so far.

However, the Christian primitivist aspect is interesting. They recognise God and Christ as distinct beings and reject original sin. Their ideas about premortal existence and the afterlife border on Origen's, although I suspect he believed in full-on reincarnation and the Mormons don't, obviously.

Basically, it's a mixed bag.

>What about the fact that we're still hundreds of millions on this world and yet can barely get more good leaders than there are fingers on one hand? Don't we suck somehow?
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Welcome to Silver City, white. I dont mean to know your business fren, but you been searching long? searching for here? Myself, I was lost for the longest time, trying to make it work in the city. Trying to make a big salary into a ticket to escape.  Finally the crowd of strangers pushed me out, I'd been there all my life up til then. 

You'll find a empty cottage at the edge of the forest. The former residents left for the siren song of cosmopolitan sophistication.  Bright lights of the big cities, more like poor dumb animals freezing in the headlights of oncoming cars. They generally learn to stop saying they're from here, being whites from peasant stock isnt valuable in a melting pot, although its more like a cauldron really. 

The community here is too poor to interest hook nosed parasites and muds are supposed to be scared of forests, but maybe its the geomantic hexagons alligning in this valley that makes it so good for volk. Work hard and build up Silver City and You'll find it a good place to do esoteric research and have a bath, maybe shit post a little. So stay a while and refit your field gear, You'll be heading out again on the search party soon. You can trust white survival city to be here when you need to return.
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LOL what is this
is that a heebmobile?
If so LOL
Replies: >>7268 >>7295
I especially like that no other damage was done to the car, as if to say "please continue to drive like this".
Replies: >>7295
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Boys I suspect that a jew is responsible for this new shoah.

I think that every man will find himself in a survival situation, and maybe already has experienced that threat to his existence, that feeling all up in his chest like a heart attack. Sometimes it will come all of a sudden and goes as quick as it comes, like an axe falling. Sometimes it will creep up on them with ominous signs before it gets real, like a divorce. That doom feeling doesn't away until it beats you or you beat it, or maybe you learn to live with it. 

There is no way to prepare for what you dont see coming. Most situations of desperation will blind-side you. The best I think to prepare is to maintain your honor. A man of honor has unbreachable armour. It doesn't mean you wont get crushed, but it will at least keep your face intact. Sometimes, for some evil challenges,. that might be the absolute limit of what will survive, of you.
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You'll never cobble together a bloody multicultural society, mate. Ya got bugger all integration, no unifying bloody culture, and piss-all harmony. Ya just an economic zone, stitched up by the top dogs into a piss-poor caricature of a fair dinkum White federation.

All the diversity gongs ya get are two-faced bullshit. Behind ya back, those homogeneous countries take the piss out of ya. Ya ancestors would be spewin', and ya descendants will have a bloody good laugh at ya braindead antics once you're pushing up daisies.

Young White blokes are bloody repulsed by ya. Years of buggered diversity drives mean the young 'uns can spot a token hire like a roo spots a truck. Even mixed-race cunts that seem 'right' look off to a young White fella. Ya inability to get hypotheticals is a dead giveaway, and if ya somehow get a competent White bloke to work with ya, he’ll start skiving off the moment he smells ya incompetence, ya slackness, and ya special treatment.

Ya economy will never be worth a pinch of shit. Ya churn out dodgy GDP numbers every three months, telling yerself growth will keep going up forever, but deep down, ya know the social fabric's fraying like an old swag, ready to flatten ya under its bloody weight.

One day it'll be too much - government debt will stack up, inflation will go wild, productivity will tank, and your country will go tits up. Niggers will break into ya offices, stoked they can finally nick some gear to get tucker. They’ll start dossing in ya 
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Brother Aryans.
I have suffered a catastrophe and am fighting for my honor. 
This has to do with my war crimes tribunal. 
I am innocent but I fear I am finished. 
Seig Heil. Heil Hitler.

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What is left of online fascist communities? I know we have this board among a few other (mostly) dead boards scattered throughout the alt chans. But for the most part it doesnt seem like theres any big and active online communities for people lit us. (aside from shitholes full of feds like /pol/ and stormfront) How do we build more quality WN/Fascist communities online/improve existing ones? 

Id also like to pose the question of how to get more activity on this board. It gets like 1-2 posts a day which is decent however there is much room for improvement.
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the reason I say it's a psyop is the 50pph despite being only a week old. Even if they were shilling it on 4chan, I doubt they could get that far so fast. Also, same old bait threads like
>islam based
>women bad
Replies: >>7342 >>7346 >>7354
>50pph despite being only a week old.
That's crazy. It has to be a majority astroturf bots.
<Simping for cum-drenched roastie pussy is based so long as they are White!1!1
Lol @ you. Mr. Save-a-hoe McSimp.
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>frenschan comrades
Clarify please.

>6000000 PPH
>transhumanist thread already above R:112
Some threads are bloated like on a low activity board that would have existed for more than a year already. Most other threads barely experience any activity.
Conk: Bot farm and psyops + 1% of legit content. The usual recipe.
Grab the useful webm files (pure cancerous faggaotry for using that shitty Jewgle format).
Replies: >>7355
This also means I MUST go there. See ya on the other side lads!

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Post informative images
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>AI sucks
You suck. Machine learning (Please, do not call it "AI". "AI" is a marketing gimmick. Specialists refer to it as Machine Learning or Statistical Learning) is a tool. A tool anyone with a freaking laptop can use, for good or ill.
Replies: >>7325 >>7328
Yes, a tool where you ask it to do shit for you and then it does everything for you but you cannot alter the result without using other tools. What an ordinary tool no different from any other.
Replies: >>7330
it produces ugly, uncanny results.
Replies: >>7330
>you cannot alter the result without using other tools
This is true for any given tool. You can alter the results using more algorithmic approaches, i.e polish things in GIMP (or just generate 1000x more images and tighten your selection).
>ugly, uncanny results
Because that's what it was trained on. Ugly and pointless commercial "art" is cranked out by failed tranny "artists" by dozen thousands. And if that's what you feed in, you're going to get something similar out. Please, provide a library of your favourite illustrations and a couple of recent GPUs if you want to see improvements.
Replies: >>7332
AI just raises philosophical dilemmas over what the true value of “content” is. That much is a blessing.

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Hitler Speech Thread

>or related media
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Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.

(I’ll be posting images)


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/

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The facts that make Putina seethe hard.
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Some pictures.
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Based medley.
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skip to paragraph 4 if you don't want the preamble about Rome

I was contemplating the Roman Empire, as we all do. In particular, Hermann's (Armenius) successful revolt against them. Hermann was able to, as a trusted Roman advisor no less, mobilize and organize an army of ~20,000 and ambush a Roman army at least of that size, destroy it, and liberate Germania. Let us just contemplate the logistics of this feat.
While serving as the commander of a significant Roman auxiliary army, Armenius contacted the leadership of at least 7 tribes. Mind you, this isn't as simple as playing a videogame where you press the button and ally with the singular AI of a tribe. Actual Germanic tribes were run by people, potentially thousands of local leaders, councils, and the commoners themselves. Germanic tribes were in many cases governed by folkmoots or assemblies of all the free men of the polity. 
What I am getting at here is that there is absolutely no way you could keep this rebellion a secret between Armenius + 7 absolute kings.
This revolt was common knowledge among at least 7 major tribes and therefore, common knowledge among most Germans of 9 AD.

Yet the Roman governor Publius Quinctilius Varus had absolutely no clue it was happening until his men were cut off and surrounded in Teutoburg Forest. To put this in a modern context, imagine a scenario where something like 30-40% of the White American population (rough estimate of the % of German population at the time based on eyeballing a map) is actively supporting a revolt against ZOG. This revolt would common knowledge for something like maybe >60% (pure guess based on eyeballing trade routes of ancient Germanic) of the population for at least a year before a shot is fired.
Yet when it goes down, the kikes are taken by total surprise.
Just imagine that.

It's ludicrous. There is simply no way in which this regime wouldn't figure out what was going on with so many people in the loop. Someone would blab. It's like going to the "tribe" of Kansas and meeting with the "Folksmoot" of their government and convincing a some townhall style meeting of people to rebel yet not one person telling the feds. Not gonna happen.
And yet the success of this rebellion isn't unique at all. The Romans were routinely, in fact usually caught completely off guard by rebellions. France, the Holy Roman Empire, England, Russia, China, Persia, every empire of the past was routinely surprised by peasant and ethnic revolts. In fact, it's not even a deep past thing. In the 20th century, decades long insurgencies were sustained by ethnic minorities like the Basque and Irish and Corsicans against industrialized democratic police states and yet the core element of the revolting population did not blab to the regime upon first hearing a rebellious thought. 

The point of all of this is to evidence that there is something fundamentally different about the modern American (& west European) population. The very notion that a large subset of the population could openly plot a rebellion and catch the regime off guard is ludicrous. Why is everyone so willing, even eager to inform on his neighbors over something as idiotic as not wearing a fucking covid mask while men in 9 AD spent at least a year not telling the Romans that Armenius was running around Germany preaching rebellion?
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Caveat: I have never led an insurgent organization so everything I say is conjecture. 
However, I have studied leftist infiltration stories and also various armed insurgencies (mostly Northern Ireland but also Spain & Corsica)
1. In the present American context, anyone in your organization that joins and, within a few weeks, starts dropping hints about violence, bombs, kidnappings, illegal weapons, etc, that guy is a fed. Either a fed or a clownish idiot. Get him out of your organization immediately or, if the leadership refuses to take action, leave.
2. New members who display an unusual curiosity about your membership. This man may be a fed or is possibly a leftist trying to dox people. It may be friendliness, but if your gut tells you he is gathering intel, it may be best to remove him from the organization.
3. People who behave like leftist stereotypes of racists. Leftists know exactly what racists are like: We hate niggers because of their skin color, throw salutes every 10 minutes, are in it for the hate (especially of niggers), and if they do mention jews, don't seem to understand WHY we don't like jews (usually offering religious explanations)
Namely, if someone is behaving like a hollywood stereotype and cannot articulate why they are a White nationalist, they may be putting on an act. Or they may be dumb and shallow. People who hate jews 
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>people before profit
wordington nationalism
Replies: >>7293
national alliance
we fucking needed national alliance god fucking damnit pierce why didn’t you organise a successor when you were diagnosed with cancer
you’re literally describing national alliance word for word
word for fucking word
“I’m going to kill myself every day for the rest of my life”
the whole idea is that normal people cringe at them, and then leftists laugh at them. Obviously I couldn’t care less what leftists think they should all be shot on sight, but when they’re able to just giggle in your face because of how silly you are maybe it’s your fault.

>notice that I only insult your ideas rather than engage in childish personal attacks
<That's pretty fucking obvious
<What a lame, weak critique.
<That is retarded.
<you sound like a woman.
<This is patently insane

dude, well organised white men are on my fucking sweaty ballsack. I’m going to defeat the Jews with my well organised pubes. I’m going to show all those terrortroons that real white men organise for the purpose of vanity and not direct action.
Replies: >>7293
Okay. I claim that phrase for White people. Now what?
People before profit, Heil Hitler.

Apart from commiting acts of terror which they and we in general are not ready for, what should they be doing instead?

>>I only insult your ideas rather than engage
>lists attacks on your ideas
>Starts talking about his ballsack.
Clearly you are an intellectual. Forgive me, but I'd rather discuss strategy and serous proposals to save my race. You can discuss your ballsack, your anus, and your poop on /b/

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