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Thread from /tech/

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Thread dedicated to Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
(but are worth asking)

Before asking a question here, please search the web first or put in effort towards answering your own question. If you put in effort but you still can't find the solution, feel free to ask here.

If you are looking around for useful applications/programs, see >>531
Last edited by hisuimeido
495 replies and 178 files omitted. View the full thread
Can you type in Cyrillic or Greek? If so, try using fcitx-anthy.
Replies: >>15210
I changed some unrelated settings I think in the keyboard section and it works now in everything except on Dino
Thanks for the help anyway.
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>every instance of invidious slowly died
What now?
Replies: >>15218 >>15221
Make your own.
I only rely on invidious instances for browsing, and either download videos I want to watch later with yt-dlp, or stream them via mpv. Granted, yesterday yt-dlp didn't work, but all it took was a quick update, because I was 3 days behind the latest one. I also use invidious instances to subscribe to the RSS feeds of channels I follow, which means that even if an instance if shut down, I just have to replace the links in the config file of my news reader.

Thread from /b/

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Why is there so much Christian posting on here?
Honestly, I find Christians to be cringe hypocrites and morons incapable of comprehending their own book. Catholics are probably the most respectable because they are actually consistent in their beliefs but that is only because of the rigidity of the church and the individual's complete lack of autonomy. Catholics don't read the bible, they just do whatever the church hierarchy says. 
I've read the Bible and can find things I like but it was folly to expect individuals in general to get it right on a mass scale. Protestantism was an utterly cucked fraud. The only real protestants died in the German Peasant Rebellion and after that, the rest started being petty-Catholic cucks with their own little churches, fiefdoms, and grifts while also hypocritically pretending to be authentically representing the Bible and then constantly being subverted by their own "faith alone" protestation against "the Church" all while having their own churches. I think Protestants are the biggest morons in history. 

But even the Catholic church was cucked because Luther's criticisms were basically right. How can you buy your way into Heaven when even Catholics admit Jesus was a ascetic who despised worldly riches? Catholics base their entire authority from the Pope all the way down on one single passage in only one of the four gospels of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:19. Jesus doesn't even
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39 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
It made a population of whites intelligent and pro social enough to make the industrial revolution happen, basically by themselves
Our biology isn't unable to cope with an industrial ecology because it is a literal jump passed even what the Romans had at thier pinnacle and we haven't had the time to go through enough cycles to be able to adapt to it, that is why it isn't working out, but it is still the highest form of civilization in history.
Replies: >>233755
Where you go full retard is attributing the continued progress of White civilization to christcuckoldry instead of to Whites themselves. It hasn't magically gifted the shitskins unfortunate enough to have been cursed with it high civilization. The variable for why White civilization flourished and others have not is clearly due to race, not religion. Whites weren't exactly living in mud huts and chucking stone spears prior to christcuckoldry, either.
Replies: >>233756
It is race + religion
Christianity is what whites were living under when they started shitting out industrialization, that is my correlation.
The origin of a story is irrelevant, the results are what matters, you are going to think Jesus was white if you are white, if you're a nigger, then he was a nigger
My point is, you are just going to have to add on to and change Christianity to help select for ethnocentrismin easy times or something, going back to a long dead thing that lost in times where people had to be genetically healthy is like trying to reinvent something that we found something better for anyway
Replies: >>233757
>christcuckoldry is what Whites were living under when they started shitting out industrialization
Has no bearing on anything. It was inconsequential to technological progression. Again, Whites were progressing along fine compared to other races long before christcuckoldry was relevant. The trajectory Whites were heading would have continued with or without christcuckoldry. There is nothing about that particular religion which meaningfully impacted the advancement of Whites.
>you are going to think jesus was White if you are White
he was a kike and I'm White.
Replies: >>233758
It made it happen faster, and we need the process to happen faster because every generation we spend not being a civilization ape is more time risking going extinct due to an ice age or something else
>was inconsequential to technological progression
It fucking selects for intelligence when under a harsh ecology, whites have behaviors that help them maintain a wider bell curve, allowing greater intelligence at the higher end but Christianity helps with it
>he was a kike and I'm White.
He was human born via parthenogenesis with a pussy and everything but had a mutation that made him have the physiology and psychology, i stopped thinking about it

Thread from /v/

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OP copied from the previous thread: >>248164

>Advice on building or upgrading
Post your build list or current specifications, including a monitor: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (like playing vidya, editing or programming).
Specify your budget and region.
Think twice before deciding to buy something to avoid buyer's remorse.

At least one PCIe 4.0 M.2 slot.
Good VRM (power delivery) is required for CPUs like the i5 13500 and above.
Don't pair a K CPU with a B mobo chipset.

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: 5600G, 14100/12100
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414 replies and 196 files omitted. View the full thread
Retard didn't even update the description.
Replies: >>265912
The others didnt have that, I just picked one at random.
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Holy crap, this scam is genius. Eddy would be proud.
This one got taken down but the scalper listing is still up.
put me in the screencap

Thread from /v/

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niggerpill on jewicide watch edition
Continue to post video game news and report outrage porn.

Lords of the Fallen publisher CI Interactive: 'We will not be integrating any social or political agencies' in published games
>DEI, or diversity,  equity and inclusion organizational frameworks, is largely referred to in processes like recruitment that look to promote the fair treatment all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination.
>In recent years the term has become a catch-all for a marginal section of the video game audience to rally behind when a game attempts to broach subjects that are perceived to be “too political.”
<it's afraid
Nintendo's lawyers approached the maker of CES Switch 2 mockup: report
Capcom teases Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6, she has tits
Before the usual suspects start screeching, this Mai seems to be based on her Fatal Fury 2 design which was smaller than the mammoth fucking calcium cannons Mai typically has in KOF. You can tell from the stage (also from FF2) and the fact that she actually has visible muscle tone, something KOF Mai typically doesn't have.
Ubisoft has delayed Assassin's Creed: Shadows again
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62 replies and 23 files omitted. View the full thread
>MK8 is 11 years old.
They effectively rereleased it with "double" the tracks, but only a tiny fraction of those tracks are truly original, while the rest modifications to tracks from older games.
>his is a point often debated. While you can’t immediately claim that an emulator is illegal in itself, it can become illegal depending on how it’s used,” Nishiura says.
Fuck off I'm not going to sell my fucking kidney and an arm getting a gamecube just to play mario sunshine asshole.
Replies: >>266171 >>266172
But anon, you are stealing from all those people who worked on that game more than 2 decades ago! Imagine all the money they are losing because people use emulators instead of buying second-hand consoles and cartridges!
Sunshine is small time. Try Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness being something like $150-200+ each, despite likewise not even being uncommon.
>To begin with, are emulators illegal or not?
What does it matter since you have the right to create one copy of a game you own, a fact that nintendo wishes nobody ever knew about. Whether you choose to play that on your Switch (tm) or computer is none of their business.

Thread from /k/

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>So far we've got a tentative on invading Greenland, a tentative on invading Panama (again) trying to send "peacekeepers" into Mexico despite the drugs being pushed by the DEA and building new actual hardcore bases on Syria. 
>In response we've got the E.U. telling the U.S. of a hypothetical embargo, Panama saying it will defend itself which also made Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and partly Brazil into making war game plans on paper which also is leading to them getting in the same channel since decades, at least until Maduro got sworn in. Mexico crossed China recently but the peacekeeper thing is now making >Russia try to make moves there with both the jew and lebanese elites flirting with ruskie ambassadors. And Syria is getting partitioned and everyone is hating each other, only Iran loses but now they will be even more radicalized.
It's all retarded and we are not speaking about the new taxes in the NAFTA yet, might as well tell Canada to go full chicom and Mexico to embrace the russian and iranian exports.

Previous thread
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I have a feeling that if Putin ever felt he was genuinly in danger of being ousted he would just Orshnik every major city in Ukraine and end it right then and there.
I mean these are the guys that loudly proclaimed they will attack X, then after almost a year were surprised when when X is fortified like a motherfucker, and then when it became apparent they cannot advance doubled up on it and threw bodies into meat grinder for half a year for no gain. 

This is not a war this is a human sacrifice. The point now is to kill as much ukrainian men as possible to deny them to russians after they inevitably win.
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>Thought it was a good enough summery/jumping off point for the new one.
Critical thinking skills: burger/10
>Supposedly Ukries ... might be picking tons of land just in time for an upcoming deal.
Where supposedly? Pic related was the most recent map I could find.
Replies: >>6439 >>6445
Yeah, the hohols are slowly losing in kurks.
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>Russian forces seized Straya

Thread from /v/

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I just finished Sonic X Shadow Generations. Twice in fact. 
It has the best gameplay and level design of all the boost games. Base Generations is more dynamic sure, but it's also harder to see what is going on at times, so I prefer this approach. I like the controls more too.
The writing is the best it's been since Unleashed. I'm so glad we're out of that meta era and the stories can take themselves seriously again.
If this is what Team B can do, I can't wait to see what Team A can pull off. I'm looking forward to see what they do with Frontiers 2 now that they have a Yakuza budget.
Overall, bery gud. I still need to go back and S Rank the last stages and collect everything, and so on, but right now I want to play the Sonic Generations "remastered' part and see what they changed dialogue-wise. Good and bad.
203 replies and 132 files omitted. View the full thread
It was meant for 4:3. You can probably make your emulator do 4:3 and or temporarily make your computer have 4:3 without regard to emualtor settings. Sometiems an emulator will glitch windows and force it into 4:3 when an emulator crashes just to warn you. Could mess with ur resolution so don't panic if that happens. Mupen is everyone's fav n64 emu if I recall but windows has project64 (the newest verison might have a sort of childlock where it begs for money for a few seconds when the game starts). Also, oot was fully ported to PC so using an emulator is no longer necessary. It's like Tomb Raider or Mario 64 or Doom. Everything should be native by now if you wanted the best performance (on a potato).
I liked the flat background thing RE2 did and FF7 and such. OOT sucked at it, lucky it was only there a small amount, indeed. 3d objects on flat background and character sprites  on a 3d background like in  Xenogears were cool to me. Then again I'm old enough to have found black things being red to be cool with shitty old emulators like epsxe/psxeven/etc. I often use older software on older and or shittier hardware for shits and giggles. That and I"m just used to potatoes due to being neet most of my life. Blog over. Oh, about shtity PC's, I remember one time getting all the way near to the end and the lagging made me get wrecked by Ga
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Replies: >>266138 >>266145
>Also, oot was fully ported to PC so using an emulator is no longer necessary. It's like Tomb Raider or Mario 64 or Doom. Everything should be native by now if you wanted the best performance (on a potato).
No kidding? That sounds great, although I'm sure it's somewhere on the internet since nintendo likes being a bitch and have probably been sending DMCA's after them. I'll check it out thanks dude.
>oot was fully ported to PC
Got a link to that?
>there are bois who don't know bout my ship of Harkinian
Nintendo hasn't sent a C&D and Cuckcuckshlomo isn't censoring results, c'mon.
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Wat now?
maybe I should fuck around with the colony crises.

Thread from /b/

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post  your pajeet memes in this thread
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>if you repsond you're a spammer!
>now he will fuck off and let me spam but it's okay spam this time because hurr and durr
Stop trying to make mental traps faggot. I merely muse whenever I see hypocrisy. I had had a thread deleted when I was saging it, an AI thread wherein I conversed with an AI. Everyone hated it even though they were bumping it. This in contrast is shitty to see. Is it personal now? Only because of your audacity to expect me to recede when I obviously was just going to post once. Now I'll have to constantly remind you that the Indian invented the flushing toilet. Look it up. They also have the richest families in the world. Look it up. Tons of people from India are becoming doctors of various kinds in the USA. Look it up. Or continue with your fart humor. 
The US has illegal Mexicans, not illegal Indians. By the by Mexicans did nothing wrong. The rich refused to pay up so they got scabs. Take away the Mexicans and they'll get anothe scab. There's no way they're going to lower prices because they move away. Homelessness is illegal. You WILL pay up and no they won't pay up, you will be paid less and less. Revolt? How can you do that after the all seeing eye sends them back? Run away? Hard to do that with a nation locked down. Enjoy your blue coll
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>thread is just AI slop
post the good stuff cunts
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Thread from /b/

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Loli=Free Speech
Exercise your human rights and post some loli.
282 replies and 358 files omitted. View the full thread
some people itt were banned for posting loli and memes. some people itt were banned for text only.
nobody was banned for posting or advocating for anything illegal. the mods were just being huge fags.

what are you fags even searching?
Replies: >>233738
>nearly verbatim a post says "erm advocating for cp isnt illegal"
>"n-no one said anything like that...!"
I don't need anymore confirmation that you can't read, but thanks.
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What's your opinion on AI generated photorealistic images of "loli"?
Replies: >>233746 >>233753
The AI has to be trained on something, and if that source material is csam then it's output is just as wrong.
If it is trained on real shit, then that is worse, because you'd need exponentially more content to get the Ai half way decent plus they would need to be in possession of it real shit to feed to the AI anyway, if going by laws are about retribution.

Thread from /tech/

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What's your opnion on Haiku OS?

Replies: >>15216
>>15215 (OP) 
It must be a fun project for a whole lot of people, but I don't see the point of an operating system that is not just yet one more Unix-like with its own twists. I mean, I understand that some people think we have to go beyond Unix, but it would be better if first we got to the point where everything is running on free and open source Unix-like OSes, and then started promoting wild and crazy experimental OSes in the vein of Plan 9. Haiku just doesn't fit into this picture in my head.
Replies: >>15219
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Haiku (BeOS) is not new or experimental at all. Just like RISCOS isn't new or experimental. In fact this one goes back farther than Linux.
Replies: >>15220
I know, this is exactly why it doesn't fit into this picture in my head. It's not build on any crazy ideas, it's just an OS that is not *nix.

Thread from /k/

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Assad lives!
Alas, he is still is Moskau, and all is not well in Syria.

Previous thread: >>4475
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fucking WEW
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humanitarian aid trucks flow freely  in Gaza
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Thread from /k/

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Let's begin again. The other thread was about to die anyway.
Hopefully we can keep this one alive for another 4 years and bring some new content to it.
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>designing a blade crossbow combo weapon
What's the goal? Save weight? To look autisticcool? I feel like it'll either ends up being a bulky ass crossbow or a fragile blade.
That said, maybe a double-headed axe could work as slingshot/crossbow. The rubber bands can be easily discarded for melee and easy to repair/replace if they do get damaged. axes can still feature a stabby spike attachment if you're so in the mood for that?
Replies: >>6414
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Interesting. See I would have gone the other direction and put a crossbow mechanism on a smallsword or rapier, like the reithepallasch but with a bow instead. This limits the size of the firable bolt if you use the normal crossbow layout but I am reminded that spring bows are a thing.

You could even take it a step further and make the blade the bolt and just have a quiver of blade/bolts to replace the one you just fired.
Replies: >>6415
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>spring bows are a thing
>make the blade the bolt
Ballistic knives do exist.

To each their own I guess. I've witnessed a compound bow explode once, lucky I wasn't the one holding it but made me real paranoid about avoiding any sort of damage to them. Heavy crossbows, the kind you wind up with a mechanical pulley, pack even more energy.
Replies: >>6431
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Tried searching how effective ballistic knives are but found nothing besides how illegal they are in the states.
Have there been a single documented case of anyone getting killed or seriously injured by the flying projectile, I can't find anything honestly.
Replies: >>6440
>how effective ballistic knives are
I'd say similar to a throwing knife but trade accuracy for the element of surprise. It's a special forces meme.
"I can't find anything honestly." - In truth these weapons are highly classified and I hope I don't end up in Guantanamo for posting this. The cover story for the ban was that these can pierce police body armor with a staged demo.

Thread from /rozen/

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Happy New Kira
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sad kiraki...

Thread from /digi/

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This is a friendly singular-thread board for weary anons. There is no enforced subject or topic here, so you can discuss anything you want as long as it follows the rules. We are unapologetically gatekept.
Oh, and we have lots of flags.
Have fun!

Board Rules (READ, NIGGER, READ!)

Di Gi Charat Music Collection

Japanese Translation Guide
Part 1 
Part 2
Last edited by dejiko
494 replies and 539 files omitted. View the full thread
Spoiler File
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>'International Day of Midwife 2024 Observed in DPRK'
Exceptionally based. Can you imagine the kiked w*st celebrating this today?
Replies: >>30427
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Maybe you should move there
>A 23 year-old woman Rimjin-gang reporter Kim Dong-cheol previously interviewed was recently found dead in a field. Kim was conducting undercover reporting in South Pyongan Province in June 2010 when he met an emaciated, soot-blackened woman in the suburb of the city. With a weak voice, she told Kim she had recently lost her parents, her home, and had since been living in the streets. Kim couldn't catch her name because of her weak voice.
>Kim informed us she was found dead around October 20, 2010, only a few months after meeting her:
>" Without a home, she had survived by begging in the market and along the road. But one day she was discovered dead in a corn field. It was the corn harvesting season at the time, so she was probably trying to find raw corn to eat. A neighborhood reported that there was a woman's body lying in the field and rumors spread around the area. It was later confirmed that it was the body of the 23 year-old homeless woman. It seems many days had already lapsed since her death, as the body had begun to decompose. But local police still left it there for a long time."
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I didn't notice anything wrong with it after taking a listen, which I should have done earlier. But then again I am no musician.
I just noticed you glued together both the webm and the song, I appreciate that. Thanks.
>I hope so too and that he doesn't touch the Bethesda ones.
Let's not kid ourselves, he just might.
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Happy birthday, Donte
It's crazy to think it's already been 12 years. Where does the time go?
Replies: >>30432
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Has it really been that long? The memes surrounding this game still feel relatively fresh in my mind. I also still believe that Tameem is a faggot.

Thread from /liberty/

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>You didn't build that.
...mod, come on.  Did you delete a bunch of posts again?  :|

Thread from /liberty/

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General thread for board activity.

I'll start.  I found out about a private security firm in Zimbabwe that...has blatant Ancap imagery.
47 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
If things can get so bad in Argentina that they elect Milei, I wonder if the fires in California have finally made things so bad there that they might start changing their minds.
Replies: >>1162 >>1163
>H1B workers aren't illegal workers.
Well the only advantage H1B workers have over you is that they're better at their jobs so stop being a whiny socialist and git good.

Would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.
BlackRock quits 'Net Zero' initiative at perfect time as woke policies contribute to devastating LA fires

BlackRock’s timing couldn’t be better: It literally exited a weird, self-serving and futile environmental virtue signaling coalition of companies, sponsored by the unctuous bureaucrats at the United Nations no less, as Los Angeles was being burned to the ground because of woke climate policies.

Corporate leaders are getting the memo, while progressives are left to sift through the ashes.

Replies: >>1164 >>1165
Based Blackrock
>as Los Angeles was being burned to the ground because of woke climate policies
This is new to me.  I've heard the opposite argument, that "LA burned because we weren't following woke climate policies _enough_," but how does the opposite argument work?

Thread from /fascist/

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How can we deprogram abrahamists? What should every abrahamic fascist know about their religion? What is the best way to get abrahamists out of our nations and communities? How can we explain that abrahamism is incompatable with a White National Socialist ethnostate?

Previous Threads:
Last edited by orlog
542 replies and 433 files omitted. View the full thread
>We have to accept that the average White man will always prefer a Jew to a muslim, since jews often pass as White.
Go away Mossad. Europeans in fact do not like what Israel did to Palestine.

>How do Christians manage to square that circle?
They don't. Instead they pull bullshit like "muh Satan" and "muh Adam and Eve!" as a reason why the world is corrupt and fallen. What they don't realise is that they are admitting to the fact that Yahweh and his creations are both imperfect.
Replies: >>7360
Taking another look at Genesis 1, it says that the light and firmament are good, opposed to darkness and the waters of chaos. Very Egyptian, but in any case you see the dualism is baked in from the start.

Like Platonists, Christians may believe that God (the demigurge) is entirely good, but it doesn't seem like the people who wrote the Old Testament did. Their god is more of an African trickster, setting Adam up to fail only to punish him for it.

That being said, I'm starting to find the Abrahamism vs. paganism debate tiring. Yes, Christianity is just Judaised Platonism. Yes, ideas such as loving your enemies have been very poisonous to our race.

However, I don'y exactly see many white nationalist pagans trying to create alternative religions. Yes, there were Pierce and Klassen, but they were both too materialist and scientific imo. We need something for the true goyim who comprise the majority of our race.

At the end of the day, I think most churchgoers just want to be around a bunch of nice, yet God-fearing white people and tend to gloss over the problematic parts of the Bible. I'm one of them, who has been going to my local Mormon church just because it's the only place I can meet people my age (including cute girls) who don't do drugs.

If pagans can't offer the same sort of infrastructure, they're just going to keep losing. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Replies: >>7335 >>7360
Even as someone with heavy pagan leanings I have to agree. Groups like Asatru Folk Assembly don't seem to work very hard at expanding and offering community.
They could always argue that it was perfect but God let Satan do his thing and it spoiled everything. You have to read the apocryphal texts, those where Adam and his waifu are repeatedly dying of sorrow and get revived on and on by their necrodaddy.

>However, I don'y exactly see many white nationalist pagans trying to create alternative religions. Yes, there were Pierce and Klassen, but they were both too materialist and scientific imo. We need something for the true goyim who comprise the majority of our race.
You had Mormons. Space Jeebus. Their founder was a 33rd degree Mason, probably one of the few who remained unjewed. He got slandered and his life took a turn for the miserable. The movement was pro-White, pro-fertility, pro-polygamy (a man several women, not the other way round). They had to recant on the racial aspect under threat, which their next leader did. Name was Kimball. It still remains very White though but it's just as fishy as your next Christcuck brand. They build a huge database to curate tons of individual profiles and even add dead people to their creed without looking for any known consent from these people when they were alive.
Aaand since I'm retard I posted all that shit before reading the next line.
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Replies: >>7361
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>Adam and his waifu are repeatedly dying of sorrow and get revived on and on by their necrodaddy.
Do you know which text this is from? Sounds interesting

And yeah, about the Mormons. They seem pretty dysgenic and in any case not that intellectual. There are a few good stock whites here and there but lots of fatties and strangely sickly types as well. I'm talking worse than the other churches I've been to, even. Although, to be fair at least the Mormons have young members at all. You can't really say that about the mainline Prots. And the young Catholics are pretty brown.

I live in a liberal college town though so I'm sure my experience doesn't reflect the whole. Out west they're probably a lot higher quality.

Finally, they're definitely still Jewed. The whole thing seems like a front for Zionism to me given the little bit of their scripture I've read so far.

However, the Christian primitivist aspect is interesting. They recognise God and Christ as distinct beings and reject original sin. Their ideas about premortal existence and the afterlife border on Origen's, although I suspect he believed in full-on reincarnation and the Mormons don't, obviously.

Basically, it's a mixed bag.

>What about the fact that we're still hundreds of millions on this world and yet can barely get more good leaders than there are fingers on one hand? Don't we suck somehow?
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Thread from /b/

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If Trump kill Elon, kill the Jews and do a POC extinction event, what POC group should be the exception? for me it's the ones hailing from Japan and Afghanistan.
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The only brown people worth saving are the ones with clear and relatively light skin, you can't forgive entire ethnicities and cultures you have to discriminate on a county-level basis and trace their genealogy by their living ascendants and descendants. Pics related are people from Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.
>some rich man's bedroom
>being small enough to be considered close quarters
>a rich man
>being able to fight hand to hand and or with melee weapons
>caring about these usless egotists 
>>233663 (OP) 
ELE? Extinction level event? 
>Japan and Afghanistan are...important
What? Do you want that graveyard of fallen empires to keep on being exactly that? Why? Because it's got fake white people and they hate women and or atheists? You like anime this much yet choose a place that'd hang ya for watching it? inb4 they watch it, you can watch me take a shit on your mother next. The point is that they'd never make such content. The two nations are not compatible. One is muti-ethnic and traditional, the other is xenophobic and no longer traditional. Fake white people and anime......mabye it's the desert flower production that interests thee.
Replies: >>233694
>ELE? Extinction level event? 
I was meaning to say any event, be it human made, government made, or natural, that kills of the vast majority of POCs.
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>person of color extinction event 
>>233663 (OP) 
Shitskin confirmed.

Thread from /v/

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I want to play 4th gen games on my PS3 but the DS3's d-pad sucks.
What's a good third-party USB controller with a great d-pad?
I wanted to get a defender since it's specifically made for the PS tripple but it's like 50 bucks.
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>the guy she told you not to worry about
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Here your controller bro!
Replies: >>266153
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>nigger hand
Replies: >>266159 >>266163
Worse, poojeet.
Replies: >>266163
>reverse image search
It was ripped from a reddit post made more than half a year ago.

Thread from /b/

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i have a good feeling about this year
this is the year i make it
this is the year when something happens
this is the year of the jeff
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Do you have an UPS? Might be a good time to invest into one.
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Nigga what, we even had literal webring thread on tech how does posting a link warrant a ban?
>>>/tech/1215 nobody posted there in 2 years
Replies: >>232786
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i have lost 3 kg in like 2 weeks
on top of the computer problems i have also been busy with other stuff irl so i kinda forget to eat some days
i was seriously craving something sugary today
normally i prefer to stay home and stay hungry but it was so severe that i went out just to buy a large chocolate milkshake
the very creamy sort, that is obviously 50% fat 50% sugar and 100% carcinogenic
it was so fucking delicious its unreal
i heard from a guy who heard from somewhere else that craving sugar like this means youre starving
which is prolly not too far off the mark

funniest part is that they left >>232447 up where i link to someone else's site
but linking to my own is a big no-no
so the trannyjannies think it's better to be a shill than to be candid about your affiliation
they even deleted my other post replying to 232600 which was unrelated to the previous one
just another day on the cucked web
i found an old advanced calculator i had
it was missing for years
it has a stain on its display bc the battery popped and leaked acid over it
still usable tho, the solar panel is fine so i can use it under the sun
and the display is visible despite the stain
i just need to buy a new battery for it
lost another kg
i think now i get why mentally ill women get addicted to this
watching the numbers on the scale go down is very intoxicating
anyway im gonna make pizza for myself tonight, losing weight so fast cant be good for me

Thread from /v/

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Step 0. Resource Acquisition
Go here to get Anki, a flash card program:

Here are some suggested decks:
Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU
KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187
Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287
Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646

Other Resources
RealKana: http://realkana.com/
(alternate version) https://djtguide.neocities.org/kana/
Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear
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There's a million different guides for the N5-N1 tests, how do I know what content is on each one and when I know enough to confidently pass?
Replies: >>265574 >>265576
What's your goal anon? Honestly, if you are trying to get a job I hear you shouldn't worry about anything other than the N2 or N1. When it comes to that see what other people did to pass. If you are just trying to learn and what to see how competent you are, then I wouldn't recommend doing that. That compentency can be measured by how easily you are understanding the content you consume.
Replies: >>265584
When you can play video games and watch anime comfortably without needed to stop to look stuff up then you are probably ready. It took me two tries to pass N1, the first time I didn't keep track of the time well enough and had to basically guess on a few questions, so keep in mind that you need to hone your reading speed too.
Replies: >>265584
>What's your goal anon?
It'd be nice to be able to understand Japanese content while also having an official certificate to prove so. I don't NEED it, but if I have the skill then its nice to have an official document to put on a resume. 
>When you can play video games and watch anime comfortably without needed to stop to look stuff up then you are probably ready.
If (You) are of strugglinges with 漢字 then perhaps ゼルダの伝説夢幻の砂時計 Phantom Hourglass in burgerland for the DS may be of interest as the game lets you view the 振り仮名 of any moonrune by touching it.

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