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Thread from /b/

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Materialism is literally gay. From the materialist perspective, "you are your body", and whatever mind or consciousness may be is created by it or a part of it (the brain, they usually say).
If a guy's body were to be changed completely into that of a girl like in genderbender hentai, or manga like Onimai, then from the materialist perspective it wouldn't be gay to be attracted to them because that's all that there is to being a girl, so it would be no different to being attracted to any other regular girl.
Let's now consider a guy who says that he's straight but that if he were to be genderbent into a loli like in the aforementioned works, he'd let all his lolicon friends fuck him through every hole, not because he'd like it, but as a generous favor. All sensible people can recognize that everyone involved in such a scenerio is gay.
Basically, materialism also functions as a metaphysical cope for faggots to defend their faggotry.
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Replies: >>217584 + 2 earlier
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>>217489 (OP) 
Sounds to me you just want to get fucked in the ass by your friends without being called gay, faggot.
Replies: >>217588 >>217589
Y is for Yaku.
It's the opposite, retard. OP does not support materialism therefore he acknowledges that being fucked by your friends is gay even if hypothetically your body was magically turned female.
Replies: >>217598 >>217622
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I see, what op is saying is not only the body has to be physicially, objectively female, but also spiritually so to not be gay to have segs with her, but while it's easy to tell from the body, how can you tell if her soul/spirit is male or female? If nobody tells those friends she was actually a man before he was transformed they would be none the wiser (and they probably wouldn't even care to begin with). Actually, does the concept of "gender" even apply to souls/spirits to begin with?
>actually YOU are GAY for even DARING to suggest that a MAN that thinks of and shares hypothetical scenarios in which HE is a WOMAN getting FUCKED by SEVERAL men is remotely HOMOSEXUAL.

Thread from /fascist/

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Welcome to Silver City, white. I dont mean to know your business fren, but you been searching long? searching for here? Myself, I was lost for the longest time, trying to make it work in the city. Trying to make a big salary into a ticket to escape.  Finally the crowd of strangers pushed me out, I'd been there all my life up til then. 

You'll find a empty cottage at the edge of the forest. The former residents left for the siren song of cosmopolitan sophistication.  Bright lights of the big cities, more like poor dumb animals freezing in the headlights of oncoming cars. They generally learn to stop saying they're from here, being whites from peasant stock isnt valuable in a melting pot, although its more like a cauldron really. 

The community here is too poor to interest hook nosed parasites and muds are supposed to be scared of forests, but maybe its the geomantic hexagons alligning in this valley that makes it so good for volk. Work hard and build up Silver City and You'll find it a good place to do esoteric research and have a bath, maybe shit post a little. So stay a while and refit your field gear, You'll be heading out again on the search party soon. You can trust white survival city to be here when you need to return.
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She definitely doesn't appear particularly semitic, but still quite asiatic. I was surprised to hear she was a Baha'i. Practiced that faith for many years and all the people I knew through it were staunch pacifists (which is also a core belief and is reflected in the actions of the faith's important historical figures e.g. refusing to retaliate to violence commited against them by muslims). Nice people, but they're cucks. Don't really know how to describe the faith other than as the Esperanto of religion.

I'm not really surprised by her low score, but I appreciate her effort nonetheless. She was still a respectable woman even if not a pure Aryan.
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Aesop's Fables: The Ant and the Grasshopper.
Thesis: The prepper is the Ant while the Grasshopper is the normalfag. The prepper only wonders why winter has not come yet and continues to prepare, but the Grasshopper spends the shortening sunshine days in pointless activity, building up shallow wealth, obliviously making sand castles and racking up debts they intend to pay down with the power of all being the same tomorrow.  Grasshopper's head is devoid of any thoughts that the king normie summer could possibly collapse under the weight of jew psyops. They live in obliviousness that the fiat currency bubble must burst and the social welfare and public works debt ceiling will suddenly be under water.  They work shit tier service jobs and produce nothing but customer satisfaction metrics and they are wholly dependent on that same service economy, in a kind of inverted pyramid with the stability of their whole upside-down house of cards dependent on specialists and actual workers. You often hear their bitching how tough it is to get a urologist or mechanic or factory chud to fabricate thier new dunny lid. All of the grasshoppers are peons to the jews who loan them counterfiet money, buy thier leaders and make their laws. Ironically the traditional peons working skilled trades or on farms have the most freedom to adapt to a collapsing service economy because they are the most likely to be useful to themselves after a lifetime of ant-like labor. The Grasshopper is an tin plated exi
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Replies: >>4910
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Replies: >>4911
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Was talking to a mate and he is cheering on the weimar republic like the fool he is. He's missing the connection between  social liberalism and the degeneracy that he's bitching about in the same breath.  Of course he wants to shut me down and asks if I think gays should be re-criminalized. so he can rest his case either way.  How do you answer that?

'Should Faggots be sent to the camps?' 

There are actually two perspectives here: Gays have been given so much status by the ZOG that they are 100% a protected class. Being faggots,they cant control their impulses and will systematically push the boundaries all the way to open pederasty. Inflicting their sexual proclivities on normal people in the public feeds some kind of exhibitionist tendencies so keeping gay sex in the closet should be enforced for their own good, like not having legal heroin available in corner shops.  Of course the really deviant sex pests, the types you see too frequently on social these days should be detained and sent to camps where they can get some kind of assessment and treatment, or at least containment.  

However, its obvious that gays are one of those rusted-on current-things with normies and its pretty impractical to roll back gay marriage. "We"  should do what is practical and focus on the cultural aspect and dismantle their protected class status. "We" should depict gays in a realistic and un-glamorous manner in popular culture. "We" shoul
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Thread from /b/

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Do you think that the ideal male physique is something along these lines in terms of utility? I would argue that it is because this kind of physique seems ideal for soldiering, both ancient and modern. It has functional strength, but is also clearly athletic and looks like it possesses good speed, explosiveness, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. If I was a general, I'd want my soldiers to be in this ballpark for physical health.
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Sick cat photo, I remember couple of videos with solders from ukr war playing with feral or abandoned cats but just cat and a smg is nice.
Replies: >>217606
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where the fuck is micro wheels he hasn't posted for a week did he just get banned the moment he got unbanned
he did start off by posting 40 paragraphs dissecting anon's post
i haven't even fapped this week because i was too excited for micro wheels to return
FUCK i want to fuck a girl like this so bad
where do i get one
where did that thread go with the sand nigger stabbing some fat white cople this site is gay i swear even 4chan  doesnt delete shit like that
Replies: >>217606
You're gay as fuck lmfao
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I do and have lifted weights. I also enjoy yoga and rollerblading. I don't go to the gym and I'm not a big lifter, but I do work out at home. 

Fair enough. 

I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't use /adv/ or Reddit. I posted this because I was thinking about male figures from popular cultures and what the ideal was. 

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, either. Don't know who you think I am, but I'm not "micro wheels" and I wasn't banned. 

Nah, not enough V taper. It looks strong, but not that athletic or aesthetic. 
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Replies: >>217621
>not enough V taper
Why do you care? You want him in your army to kill people. To me, it sounds like you want something nice to look at while you suck cock. He could rip you in half if asked him to.

Thread from /b/

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Thread from /k/

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>Large forest fire in Pokrovsk 
> Russians are fighting in the outskirks of  Hirnik/ Ukrainsk which means the russians are 11km away from Krasnogorovka closing the salient.
>reports for Russians pushing Ukries out of Kursk
>Russian forces have reestablished positions on the Islands south of Kherson.
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TCC raid in Uzhhorod
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It keeps happening

>Two old ladies and a dog
We are reaching Canadians-in-Germany levels of pettiness
Ukrainians have proven once and for all that just having white skin does not make you a human, they are negroids at heart.
Replies: >>4265
I think anglos proved that long time ago, same with vikings in old war tales.
Also by the stories of it, the Kursk guys are mercs from Poland and Georgia, so it's probably just anti-russian rage boners that put them at the same level or below as .
Replies: >>4266
Dunno man it sounds to me like your bog standard war rumors. What is more likely, that there are nato mercs in there or that ukrainians training in poland learned about kurwa i chuj and others started using these swears too to sound like true oper8tors?

Thread from /v/

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Let's start building again edition

>Recent news
AMD Ryzen 8000F Series Processors Are Finally Here
Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite

>Advice on building or upgrading
Post your build list or current specifications, including a monitor: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (like playing vidya, editing or programming).
Specify your budget and region.
Think twice before deciding to buy something to avoid buyer's remorse.

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What's the most cost effective AI waifu machine and why is it 4x 3090Tis with a 6 year old CPU?
Replies: >>256406
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the most effective waifu machine is having a life and social skills
Replies: >>256410
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First find me a 3D woman that's not ugly and retarded and chaotic and evil and used goods.
Replies: >>256415
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Just a heads up, ((( nvidia ))) released new geforce rtx 4070 with GDDR6 memory instead of GDDR6X, at the same price without marking it on the box, because what are you going to do about it, goy?

Thread from /b/

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>He actually deleted my cam hijack thread for “cp”. 
Jesus helps you anon. You worthless unfun fucking bitch.
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>217616
Zchan is less free than fucking reddit and 4chan. I hope this site dies and all if you go to prison you worthless fucks. Why do you think you have the right to determine what is ans isnt allowed? You fuckibg communist bitch
>>217613 (OP) 
kek what a fucking retard
>get one interesting thread since forever
>delete it whole
>but nevermind the actual CP that stays up all day
>as do actual spam threads and posts which are completely ignored
guys you have no idea, I was at the beach yesterday and there were children running around almost naked! I called the police on their parents for distributing child pornography
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I think this is a very organic thread, maybe.

Thread from /digi/

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This is a friendly singular-thread board for weary anons. There is no enforced subject or topic here, so you can discuss anything you want as long as it follows the rules. We are unapologetically gatekept.
Oh, and we have lots of flags.
Have fun!

Board Rules (READ, NIGGER, READ!)

Di Gi Charat Music Collection

Japanese Translation Guide
Part 1 
Part 2
Last edited by dejiko
495 replies and 398 files omitted. View the full thread
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I managed to make まわるメイドインワリオ (Wario Ware Twisted!) properly run on my 3DS with gyro support, with the following method https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/GBARunner2/DSi_3DS_Compatibility_List#Gyro_Support_in_Games . I'm playing it for the first time and it's a fun game! But due to its main mechanic you can't just easily emulate it like any other GBA game (or play with a regular flashcart).
Replies: >>27756
I was trying to decipher this post but you are basically saying that it doesn't look original or entertaining enough for it to be memorable, which might be the case.
I played this one years ago, it was pretty fun for what it was. I believe you can also emulate it using a phone since those have gyroscopes.
I like the little extras this game has, they are pretty cool.
Replies: >>27757
>I was trying to decipher this post but you are basically saying that it doesn't look original or entertaining enough for it to be memorable
Yeah pretty much, I wrote all that because I was thinking about the plot from Zero Escape games when I made that post.
a little disorienting due to being able to change the camera in birds eye view, purely isometric stuff doesn't suffer this problem, i guess this is kind of a fix for the sort of disorienting combat in the early resident evil games by adding over-the-shoulder perspective for combat. i might give it a try.
does anyone want to do some kind of board event? i could do another abandonshovel, or we could do something like the long drive where dejiko and i played on the same seed. and then we discuss it here.

Thread from /b/

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>picrel is "Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop"
I like this movie :3
that's not a review
Replies: >>217611
help me write one :3

Thread from /b/

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post self, doesn't have to show everything
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I agree. His body is not hideous but his face is jumpscare lol
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< me
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well this is me
Why do mulattos and Blacks use imageboards? You guys are the definition of normies. There's no point for you to use imageboards.
Replies: >>217608
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They're not normal because they are not white, simple as.

Thread from /rozen/

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Suiseiseki is more popular than I thought. I should be punished for my heresy.
Sorry, wrong board ~desu.
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Replies: >>2344

Thread from /b/

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how do i eingle without eingle like anthony hyopkyns

Thread from /b/

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Can anyone draw one of these characters diving underwater with goggles and fins? You can also draw them with an air tank and hoses if you want.
They can wear bikinis or topless and bikini bottoms, high-cut swimsuits, wetsuits, or go nude.
Replies: >>217619
>>217605 (OP) 
It's been years, nigga. What joy do you get from spamming this?

Thread from /b/

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Okay, so he wants to wipe out 95% of humans, leaving only the rich and the chosen alive.
Who is going to farm your food, Bill? Who is going to repair your yacht, Bill?
>Oh, I'll just get robots to do it!
Firstly, this is completely untested in the real world. Farming is more than programming a combine to go back and forth for an hour. Have you even seen the amount of work that goes into merely maintaining these tractors? You cannot program a robot to do that. And what about your yacht? Who is going to fix it when some random thing breaks? How will your robot know what to fix or how to do it?
Also, who is going to be producing the VAST quantity of supplies necessary to maintain an economy where you can even produce spare yacht parts?

>aRg! I'lL jUsT mAkE rObOtS dO eVeRyThIng!!!!!1
That's retarded.
Do you even realize just how vast the network is to produce even spare lightbulbs? You need the actual factory, the guys who supervise the factory, miners to produce the materials needed to make the bulbs, drivers to transport the material, fueling stations to power the trucks, refineries to produce the fuel for the trucks, thousands of workers to maintain these refineries, more miners to mine the oil, drivers to transport the oil to the refineries in the first place, you need men to repair the trucks, who use gear produced in yet more factories, transported in yet more trucks, more transportation, you have to power everything so you need nuclear power plants so you need yet more workers, more miners, more people... holy shit everything is so complex you could go deeper for hours!

You're really telling me that robots will do EVERYTHING? That's is an infantile understanding of the complexity of production. If Bill wiped out all but the rich and the chosen, THEY will inevitably have to start doing blue collar work. 

Also, if you kill off everyone but yourself, there are no more consoomers and Bill Gates is only rich because consoomers buy his stupid fucking software products. So if we're all dead, who buys his shitty software?
No one. So why would he be rich?
>I'll just buy gold or something
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Replies: >>217600 + 1 earlier
I kinda want to make a new race that just whites with genes i can get as close to Great Britain pop of the 1800s with effort to remove the genes that cause low trait -ethnocentrism and then nukes with them coming out after to get to Paradise
Replies: >>217604
>>217577 (OP) 
>he swallowed the boomer koolaid
Bill Gates was not diligent or smart enough to finish a fucking bachelor's degree. He robbed John Kemeny's idea and smuggled it to IBM. This guy's dad is a genuine, bonafide do-gooder. These people are not bond villians. They are a bunch of honest to god egalitarian liberals. The last thing they would ever want to do is something truly sinister like "eugenics." They just see suffering and immediately rush to solve the suffering problem as quickly as possible to make people feel good. It's bourgeois hippiedom. Bill Gates is not Aryan Darth Vader trying to starve and sterilize the black race. He is trying to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, and "ignorance" all at the same time because he really thinks he is doing the best for blacks i.e. inculcating them into the same dumbass bourgeois world as him. He is not laying some grand master plan to hoard his wealth and rule over the world as a galactic feudal king. That's all copey, irony poisoned internet memetic bullshit. You've been kooked up in your basement for too long if you really believe that. Bill Gates is just like his dad but with a bit of a sleazy streak. He sleazed and intrigued his way to wealth by smuggling Kemeny's code to IBM, and the rest is history. Bill Gates is a perfect example of the stereotypical dumb and gullible who was in the right place at the 
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Replies: >>217603
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I agree.

Many would perish. But the worst people would suffer the most casualties. Virtually all jews and all shitlibs would die in minutes.

Absolutely based post. This guy gets it.
If I were in the same position as Bill Gapes and George Sores, I'd mostly just spare low-tech agrarian cultures e.g. Amish, Mennonites, etc. I don't even agree with those groups spiritually, but I think they live quite harmonious with nature. Yes, I know some of them are modernizing, but there are plenty left who are rigid in their ways.

Thread from /v/

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Instead of frowning at the future, How about we celebrate the past?
One of the best years in videogames turned 20 this year, and I figured, Why not make something special for it?
There's this video that compiles footage of multiple games from that era, but I think it could be improved upon.
For one, it's 16:9 instead of 4:3, and it's missing some games. It would also feel more special if it's homemade footage instead of existing walkthroughs.
So just grab Unregistered Hypercam 2, or better yet, record your CRT TV with a shitty camera while you're playing a 2004 game:
The deadline is July 20th, so that you don't procrastinate, you wiener.
198 replies and 165 files omitted. View the full thread
Loved it good work to all the anons that did this!
hey nice, I wish I'd actually went through and recorded mine
>the only HL2 clip I submitted was the horrible airboat crash
I am honored to have contributed, although I admit I'm a bit disappointed the poison headcrab jumpscare didn't make the cut.

but w/e bcuz dis wuz a z00pah F\/N projekt an now we all gotz a kool vid! thxvmuch anonz!!!!1
>50 Cent: Bulletproof
>Advent Rising
>Aeon Flux
>Altered Beast remake
>America's Army: Rise of a Soldier
>Area 51
>Atomic Battle Dragons (Joust remake)
>Battalion Wars
>Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder
>Burnout Legends
>Burnout Revenge
>Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
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Replies: >>256414
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>Club Penguin

Thread from /v/

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Please no bully edition

>What is demo day?
A seasonal community event in which your fellow nodev anons show off their projects, and for you anons to do what you do best.

>That is?
Play our vidya, and tell us how we can improve, show us the untapped potential you see, tell us how much our game sucks (or doesn't, after you've played it of course), and why it does or doesn't suck.

Please post criticisms/bugs/etc in this thread.
After this thread is culled, please post criticism/bugs/etc here: https://trashchan.xyz/agdg/thread/1628.html
Last edited by warmsun
23 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
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at least it kinda work?
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I've tried to model and paint a sword, I liked it but I'm not satisfied with the final look, it doesn't look hand painted, it looks like someone sculpted and baked it as a texture, I'm not sure if its the colors or the default brush that I used, I'm not a trained artist I'm a complete amateur, I don't know what I should do to improve the look of it.
First I painted it in grayscale and applied the colors with a color ramp, the albedo is used as bases for the metallic and roughness values, I also used it to generate the normal map, I applied a fresnel to the dark areas to give a fake rim light, for the shadows I used this technique https://yewtu.be/watch?v=lTIX8ycmc1E
One thing that I discovered is that specularity, low poly and normal maps don't work well together, it breaks the illusion so I turned the specularity off.
Replies: >>256244
Specular maps are no longer a thing in most engines, just use roughness and metallic maps and keep specular at default value. It looks fine, you can bake pointiness in blender and use it for highlights. Some values seem a bit clipped and it might create weird shading. As for style I have no idea. Style is harder than realism. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt. Your sword looks just fine. You can try to apply some filters in gimp to albedo. I would play with various values, especially roughtness and normal. Metallic objects also require hdri or a scene to reflect stuff.
I'll be off-line until maybe 16, so Nortubel will take a break.
You can still see the game in the GitHub rep and this script even shows the passwords for all levels and cutscenes so far:
Feel free to give me feedback while I'm gone.
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so much things to plan also this engine kinda sucks since i cant name sprites a certain way which i dont even know what

what can i do.... 
is there other engine with this much of a 

nvm how do i solve angle-sprite without solving angle

Thread from /b/

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This was badass, especially from a child’s perspective, because what else would a kid back then find badass if not for beyblades?
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forgot to say you were lucky to have one of the cooler ones, I was never happy with mine because it was just a side character's instead of one of the main group dudes but that's all they had so I had to settle, also yours is one of the later gens which were mostly made of metal and it made cool sounds when they hit each other, mine was one of the first gens and was all plastic except the weight ring, the bottom tip being plastic was a major design flaw because it quickly got chewed up and worn out over time.
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I watched the first season at the beginning of the year with a family member and we both thought it was kind of silly but still amusing. The beyblade engineer with the robot wife who constantly gets flirted with was pretty cute and funny too. I think his name was Kenny in the English dub and Manabu in the Japanese. I know a lot of anons can't handle the best dub but it's what I grew up watching.  besides that, Kenny is a pretty cool guy, I aspire to be like him.
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>if it was on tv it was extremely popular with all boys, beyblade, yugioh, pokemon, dragon ball, one piece, shaman king, hunter x hunter, knights of the zodiac, case closed etc, literally everyone would watch those and talk about the episodes at school and have respective merchandise/toys
The lucrative aspect of all that kind of stuff is just starting to dawn on me. As a kid I never thought past just wanting products like that and didn’t consider all that had to be done for it to be thought up, manufactured, marketed, and sold, or the incentives behind it all. There were and still are people strategically planning and designing entire ecosystems based on artificial culture that’s formed through layers of abstraction solely for the purpose of making the highest profit off of children.This is a far cry from the simple wooden, metal, and cloth toys such as letter blocks, toy wagons, and stuffed animals of the past which were closer to the root culture of the people who they were intended for and those kinds of toys were probably made with a sincere compassion for children. This isn’t just with toys, this is with everything. The more humanity evolves, it’s creations become more abstract and detached from nature.
I just got reminded me of the time I was at a friend's house together with him and another guy and we had noticed that by spinning the blade at and angle they sometimes produced a spark upon landing because of the friction of the metal ring, I remember after figuring out a way to do it sorta consistently we turned off the lights and did it and saw the sparks in the dark and we went "WOOOOOOOHOOHAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!". some time later I was at this restaurant with my family and this kid had a beyblade and I told him about the sparks trick and wanted to try and replicate it myself, with his beyblade of course, but I did it on the road outside and all it ended up doing was snap parts of the plastic of the outer ring lol, I don't recall if he noticed or not though because I threw the bit that snapped off away and it broke at a sorta even angle so it wasn't too obvious.
Obviously not to the same tier as anime, but from my experiences, it depended on if people were using the legitimate heavy, metal beyblades, and what sort of arena used. At my elementary school, no one used the actual arenas, as the far side of the playground had a square four way drinking fountain, which was slanted so excess water would flow to a drain in the center. Most likely quite unsanitary looking back on it, but it made a great arena with more than enough space for the beyblades to collide, recoil, and fall inward, making for enough time to build tension between impacts. Think I recall some hitting hard enough to launch the beyblades into and even up from the drink fountain boundary walls, which was of course where kids had their hands and faces, whether competing or just wanting to watch and dodge some possible ring-outs

I would assume that in the decades since then, they’ve probably banned those things from schools, just like anything fun has any risk to it of someone getting hurt, be it physically or in their feelings.

Thread from /v/

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Talk about some proper nippon Visual Novels! Whether you're playing one right now or a novel you've already completed.
No fucking english parody shit allowed!
Take your doki doki and shove it up your faggot ass!
>Eiyuu Senki
I dont know how but it took me 116 hours to beat it. I only skipped the optional dungeon. Let me just tell you that it was a long fucking week of suffering playing that game. Just nonstop talking from the characters in different scenes and just when you think it will stop it just keeps going. Then you go into battle again and then you're in for a long fucking talking session again. Rinse and repeat for the whole fucking game. Theres like maybe 6 or so sex scenes (probably more it was like 2 years ago i beat it) and to even get a sex scene you need to conquer someone and that means a fuckton of battles and a fuckton of talking. I spent a week straight just fucking playing this shit and by the end of it i was pretty much mindbroken by how long and shitty it was. A week of nonstop fapping/sweating/boredom and just waiting for it to end. Another thing that bothered me was their faces. If you look at the cover art you can see how the faces are designed. Their chins are like triangely and pointy and it makes the characters look retarded. Look at this screencap i took from one of the faces in the cover. It looks like she has downs syndrome! So theres that. I dont know wha
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Are all mainstream japanese fetishes based on the all-ages cero rating?
Replies: >>256408
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Can I transfer save files between a base version of a Amagami and a ebKore+ one?
Replies: >>256401
You know what they say, limitations breed creativity.
What about the bellybutton licking?

Thread from /k/

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Since cafe/k/ has gone to shit I will be moving my business here for the time being.
Non-/k/-related discussion goes here.
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>bidup and kamehameha went to an event with dup
>bidup decided to wear a duphat
>a burger goes to space with a pair of rooskies
I might be a bit late, but happy 9/11!
Replies: >>4260
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And one more pic.
I'm starting to like Biden now that he isn't on drugs and trying to push himself to perform against someone mentally younger than himself. He's probably a child molestor, but he has a backbone when it comes to intraparty politics. He spends his days purposefully sabotaging his VP's campaign and former boss's influence, laying on the beach with his wife as someone his age should, and pulling publicity stunts that may be genuinely kindhearted now that he doesn't have to pretend he stands for things he never did before. In a more serious party, I think Biden/Bloomberg would have had a shot. I wonder if he'll make haunting art like Bush and Obama after he leaves.
Replies: >>4261 >>4262
>purposefully sabotaging his VP's campaign and former boss's influence
What's he doing? I haven't been paying attention to the burger election campaign, and I haven't even heard anything about Biden since he halted his candidacy. Given the incidental media coverage I see being 100% Kamala, I find it hard to remember he's even still President.
>He's probably a child molestor
he's 100% a pedophile, he should be dead

Thread from /v/

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>What is it?
Play Fire Emblem together with other people you don't know on a grid and get (generally) fucked up. Work with other anons to get as far ahead into the story as possible using one unit per anon.
>What the fuck?
It's time for strategic grid-based ACTION. The rules are simple: one person controls one unit at a time and the host controls the lord. Assemble an ANON ARMY (play as anime characters!), equip with EPIC GEAR and LEAD THEM INTO BATTLE. Raise your own personal unit - but be careful with your decisions, or it might just die! (second chances available while replacements last.)
>Why play it?
It's an unexpectedly nice format. The game will be FE7 Randomized, with tacthack and other goodness as backup should something go wrong. 

>When is it?


>1. Download mednafen with roms: https://files.catbox.moe/r38zw0.zip
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Done some work on the serb
>Xvfb+x11vnc replaced with the supposedly higher performance TigerVNC Xvnc server seems to be slightly more responsive
>Hacked a volume slider into the audio plugin
>NoVNC updated (old version still available as fallback)
>Camera keys are now WASD + C for center on current unit
Tried setting up a livestream directly from the server but it's too shit to keep up, just do the view only thing
30min https://cytu.be/r/secritxcomcoop
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I forgot how much fucking time this took. 2 missions in 4 hours is not an efficient use of time no matter how fun the 15 minutes or so where you get to actually play the game is.

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