Ironic that you read so poorly you did not understand that I am the BO, moron.
>Anyone who says violence is our only solution (it isn't, it has to be combined with politicking against Jews).
Anyone who says violence is not the only solution left to us is a christnigger and worthless waste of space, without reservation, nothing else is required, because the masses of Whites, most too old or too brainwashed, to be of any use, have proven they are not willing to take the measures necessary and your retarded advocacy for politicking proves you're one of them, it is a waste of time and has been since 1945.
>If you were actually a National Socialist the difference between pragmatic violence for the sake of achieving a goal and pointless violence for the sake of sexual pleasure would be obvious to you.
If you were actually National Socialist you would know our races bloodlust, how deeply it runs and seek to encourage a love and control of bloodlust in your fellow Aryan men. Unfortunately that christnigger is channeling his bloodlust through a traitors creed making him an enemy first and foremost before outside forces. That is the only remotely repugnant thing about what he said to any truly Aryan man.
>By definition there are only pro-Whites on the right.
All that you prove here is that you are an enemy of any actual National Socialist by your own buying into the jewish paradigm.
You also prove you have read next to no National socialist Literature, not even Mein Kampf which if I recall correctly addresses why they would not, and therefore any true National Socialist would not, subscribe to the jewish paradigm
>The rich capitalists are leftist freaks and the people at the forefront of making the rich prosperous are leftist freaks.
Poor try at an argumentum ad populum.
The left and right are enemies because they are either Christian moralists or Neo-christian Moralists, the latter easily identifiable because they NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT MUH YEHOSHUA BAR IOSEF, the latter identifiable less easily but by the fact that they follow christian moral precepts despite claiming to have moved beyond christianity itself.
>I am more National Socialist than you.
No, you are not National Socialist at all, you are a tourist, you came to this ideology because you saw a few edgy posts liked it and then decided you were better than those advocating for what has clearly been the obvious solution since 1945. You choose not to understand it because you never had the realization that this is what you always were, and so you seek external validation and public support, which are two very big reasons why you will fail and if someone like me doesn't kill you in the chaos to come I will be surprised.
>On the contrary, Whites are gaining a collective unconscious understanding of National Socialism and labels are being forced to align with the thing itself.
I do not how you can be so delusional and out of touch with reality, Whites are not more aware now, especially not of National Socialism, than they were a decade ago. Are they a bit less comfortable? Yes, and so they are flocking to Donald Trump and the Right Wing, and worthlessly appealing to a jew god who hates them, to attempt to salvage even a vestige of that comfort. this attempt will fail like all the others have, and most of them will die when the dam finally breaks.
>I don't have to prove shit to you when Fascist is dead.
He isn't whoever you were responding to and is not from here, but no /fascist/ is far from dead, we're quite slow, yes but since the majority of posters are high quality, and seem to be old regulars I have no issue with the state of things, it's easy to moderate and the only reason I can keep it so focused is that needless dissent and low effort niggers are banned on sight and Christniggers are no longer coming here because I made it clear that unlike the previous Board Owner that I will not tolerate their worthless arguments or their creations of threads to shit up my board with yet another Anti-Abrahamism thread with a different title.
Oh and it is not narrowmindedness, it is focus, and confidence in our beliefs and principles, the underpinnings of National Socialism, and it's not "high estrogen" either you proved that by accidentally revealing you don't work out because when I get a good work out not only does my desire for sex rise, but my lust for bloody glorious violence rises with it, and the very least a good exercise regimen does is increase your testosterone levels.
>16 and Fascist are objectively lower IQ than FC. Even Hitler knew working with ethnics was a temporary necessity, but wignats are too obsessed with violence they can't even commit that they can't pass Go.
Objectively untrue, and Hitler didn't work with "ethnics" that were invaders within his own Country, he could barely even tolerate their existence mocked the one that supposedly met him, to his fucking face, and sterilized every shade of nigger that lived anywhere in germany at that time. Especially the bastards resulting from the rape of niggers some used in WW1, mostly France, if I recall correctly. Alas tis such a shame he was too honorable to actually carry out the holocaust.
Violence is our only solution, if you enter the political system at any level that could actually get something done you will be compromised, for fucks sakes prospective members of the House and Senate in the US have to sign an oath to fucking Israel to even be allowed to RUN for office, and you can't even speak ill of niggers around "muh based" libertarians, Oh sure you can spout facts all day with them about black crime and shit like that but the moment you even hint at using violence as a solution they balk run away and mutter a quiet chant "everybody deserves the right to self determination" "muh NAP" " Niggers are okay as long as I can choose to live somewhere other than where they are", I will never work with them or idiots who think violence is a waste of time and that using it through whatever method works best for you is "ineffective" when the evidence that proves that a lie is plastered in your face everywhere today, even the conflict in Israel proves violence works, and proves that when you stop using it, paralyze yourself against it and thus don't follow it through to the end, you get bit back.
- Biden laptop leak threads, the single best stable clearnet place to keep track. 4pol moved too fast/too many bots/got deleted. On the MSM, only Tucker Carlson hinted at it on Twitter, until years later when honest journalists put enough pressure and the MSM was forced to cover it lukewarmly.
>- Threads building what was the single largest Natsoc e-library. It'll probably be archived somewhere accessible.
We had that previously, it was called the Archive, I haven't checked recently but last time I did it was still regularly posted on 4cuck /t/ torrents board and I still have the entire fucking thing on an old laptop.
>- A strongly built case that the rumors that Hitler was Jewish were dishonest propaganda, and the probable source of the rumors. I have not seen these details anywhere else.
Those details have been posted at least 25 times on /fascist/ alone since the julay days, I'm not certain about before that, i know because i posted it myself several fucking times, quit trying to take credit for shit that's been debunked since before Pierce died, and that is popintless to beat yourself off for as even the mainstream jewish narrative won't fucking lie about his heritage.
>2024 FC I will admit was terrible
FC was always terrible, within the first few months they proved that when they censored any appreciation for the heroes of the NS cause those that have sacrificed their lives and freedom to further our cause, This is a rule from the 88 Precepts, you know the 88 in 14/88 and they violated it as easily as you breathe, and you proved yourself in agreeance by patronizing that website.
>I'm not OP. I'm the guy on FC who made the actually realist and feasible within this century TND plans.
Motherfucker I personally have posted workable methods for it, this isn't anything to gloat about, it's not even something worth worrying about a method or that needs a method until ZOG is dead and ash, and Aryans are back in charge and by that time niggers will have carried out at least 90% of that job for us outside of our own territories, because like 90% of them will fucking starve inside of a month when society collapses. and the rest will reduce themselves by a further 90% fighting over the shiny scraps, more pressing but still mostly irrelevant outside our lands, are jews, Arabs, Indians, Pakis, etc.
You used wignat because you're either a traitor, or still hold on to ideals or morals or shit that are traitorous despite what you may think, you think we can work with "ethnics", helping them or using them at all is a waste of time and resources better used on our own people, better to use a single bullet on each of them or corral them in a field and starve them all to death than waste any time, effort or resource doing anything else.
Frenschan generally thought positively of Nick 'the spic' Fuentes the few times I went there when it was linked to from here, it was therefore MIGA, because whatever he memes on his little streams he works with jews quite frequently because odds are he's descended from Marano jews, aka Conversos.