Your one-stop place for everything related to health, fitness, GAINZ, and everything in between.
1. Obey the global rules.
2. Keep all threads related to the board. Off-topic threads or threads that use fitness as a false pretense will be locked and/or deleted.
3. This is a SFW board. All lewd or semi-lewd images/videos must be spoilered. Do not dump porn.
4. Do not flood/spam/derail threads. Intentionally derailing or flooding threads with low-effort/troll/spam posts will result in post deletion. (10-12-20)
5. Do not make posts that explicilty advertise other boards inside or outside the webring. (6-20-21)
This thread will also serve as the meta thread. Yell at me all you want.
For personal inquiries, I can be contacted at
[email protected]
Currently not taking on any mods/vols/janis, but maybe later if this board gets big SWOL
Dump infographs, workout plans, diet lists, recipes, etc. here.
Post old /fit/ banners or make some new ones.
Post your goals, short term, mid term and long range. Ideally, include deadlines for accountability.
Personally, my goal is primarily to increase training volume. I'm aiming to complete at least 1 week at 10 hours of training by the end of June. I want to hit 36 hours by the end of the year. I managed somewhere between 25 and 30 hours a week for about 2 months at my best more than 5 years ago so it's doable, though ambitious.
While fapping very far between and remaining in celibacy.
I'm doing very good (At least compared to previous attempts) at not ejaculating this month and watching no pornography, but I would like some extra tips on how to get rid of these erotic thoughts. What are some techniques that you recommend?
If you have a simple one-liner question, ask it here.
general food thread, I suppose
question: Is milk, cheese, butter completely comped due to the hormones they pump the cows full of? Or do the benefits of these foods outweigh that poison?
I got invited to a party and i dont want to go looking like the michelin man. What should i do to accomplish this?
This is Grizzly, your overlord. I am aware that this board has been dead for quite some time, and that is my fault. I have been very busy with life's endless stream of bullshit and as a result have fallen behind in not just my lifting, but every other meaningful thing I've wanted to do with my life as well. Now that I'm working back into a manageable schedule, I'd like to use this thread for a little experiment.
This thread (and hopefully the ones that come after it) will be a daily journal for anons to chronologue their fitness journeys. After each workout, post what you did, how long you did it, what you did it with, and anything else that happened that pertains to fitness. There is already a similar thread like this one >>32 focused on running, but I would like to expand the workout journal idea to all forms involved, including lifting, cardio, dieting, and anything else that may be of interest to fellow /fit/izens. Yes, it is blogposting and I will not attempt to disguise it as anything else. But it's a good way for anons to share advice with each other on maximizing gainz and bringing up the PPH for the board as a whole.
So with all that being said, tell us about your workout today. You DID lift today, right?
This is your /fit/ pdf library. I can't vouch for everything, because I'm still working through my collection so I'll just post what I have and let anon sort it out.
When I was in high school my math teacher hand a pull up bar mounted onto his doorway. At the time I didn't realize how difficult it was to pull yourself up on one of those and failed miserably when I attempted it. I struggled to even keep hold of it while hanging. So when I started to workout I bought a pull up bar. I failed at pulling myself up that bar for 3 fucking months. The day I managed to get my head over that bar was a glorious day that was my main motivation going forward for quite a while.
So, what are some things you've accomplished that you previously weren't able to do and how long did it take?
You get the idea.
Which exercises have the greatest risk of injury if done incorrectly?
Do it for her YOURSELF Edition
Why aren't you running, anon?
I, for one, aren't because I'm a lazy piece of shit and my motivation runs out extremely quickly after the initial sporadic bursts I get from now and then. One thing I noticed is that this lack of motivation comes, at least in part, from the lack of company and the inability to discuss the activity or compare your results with anyone else.
So I thought of making this thread to encourage anons to pick up running and actually keep at it in hopes that the sense of community with will keep everyone engaged enough not to drop out after the first week day.
I'm absolutely not an expert but, if you're interested in joining and are an absolute beginner I would wholeheartedly recommend the C25K program (pic related #2), I tried it and while progress is slow, it's very easy to follow and you see the first results near immediately, even if you've never done jackshit in your life. IMPORTANT: don't run if you're a tub of lard, you'll just fuck up your joints! Lose some weight first, chubby!
So, from tomorrow morning onwards, I'm going to start my running routine again and I will post updates after every session so we can get the ball rolling and hopefully we can get more people involved and bring more activity to the board! Everyone's welcome!
ITT post:
>updates about your activity
>informative videos and images
>tips, tricks and suggestions of all sorts
>shoes and clothing reccs
>your endurance boosting tunes on your music player
>suggestions on how to improve the thread
>just about anything else that's related and crosses your mind
What are you waiting for, just fucking do it!
is there anyone training with varicocele?
I got diagnosed with grade 1 bilateral varicocele and I stopped the gym for 4 months... 4 fucking months bro. it pisses the shit outta me, doctors tell me I can't lift heavy because of it especially compound exercises (going to the gym without touching a bar doesn't make sense to me), I'm pissed. I initially noticed a lump on the top of the right testicle now it disappeared and I don't feel any pain, I'm 19 years old and I feel like I'm wasting the time that was supposed to make me look big in my early 20s, I hate saying that I feel depressed but I haven't felt down like this before. Anyone with varicocele experience, I need your guidance, i don't know if going back to the gym will be a risk or not
Do you guys have people in your gym who really seem to stick out? I have a couple.
Old Balance guy
>early to mid 60s
>does every exercise on a bosu ball
>shoulder press in tree pose
>bicep curls in warrior III
>mirin his mobility
Hummingbird man
>machines only
>doesn't even quarter rep
>more like 1/64
>not exaggerating when I say the weights move only an inch per rep
greetings and salutations, /fit/izens
i'm thin as fuck 55kg (120 lbs) and i'm manlet 177cm (5'8). i have a few dumbbells at home. how do i start building muscle and getting fit? i'm so fucking weak and i just can't stand it. my hands are very thin and it's starting to make me look like a fag. i need to know that if push goes to shove i'll be able to defend myself. seriously help. i think i need:
>exercise plan
>diet plan (im neet so no 20 euro salads)
>people to watch/read
>whatever else i don't know
Post your /fit/ related videos.
How to get abs like this guy.
For me mostly hard rock, heavy metal and power metal. I gets me going so good.
My go to bands are Manowar, Motörhead, Blue Öyster Cult, Powerwolf and Sabaton to name a few.
Powerwolf specially I recommend. Seriously, try doing your routine with the Blessed and Possessed playing.
Having just finished finished a book on the old 5 pound dumbbell system, and beginning to read some of the old literature such as Strength, and How to Obtain It and Muscle Control, I am inspired to create a thread on the old timers. These guys were amazing and made their achievements without steroids or modern supplements.
Sup, /fit/izens, how about we join the Infinity Cup to get our board a little more exposure?
Has anyone tried it? I strained my elbow. Currently I have an uncomfortable feeling in my muscles from a lack of a workout. It's nagging at me. I want to exercise so badly right now, but I also don't want to have one of those nagging injuries that never quite go away. I've heard of people working out through injuries so I'm open minded about it.
Lately I discoverd that my body is stiff as a rock and I want to change that I want to become more loose, I want to reach peak body performance.
So I need some help, is there an optimal routine I should follow what kind of exercise should I do that sort of stuff
Rant about some shitty gym equipement, I'll start.
I fucking hate the Matrix cardio machines god they are soo fucking awful, one of the gyms that I went to had a matrix treadmill with super high tech touch and man it was the shitest touch screen that I've ever the used the input delay of that piece of shit is like 10 sec long so whenever I want to up the speed I have to a century for that bitch to speed and you know what it has physical buttons but those are also fucked beyond comprehension they change by 0.1 and they are also slow as fuck, god why does everything has to be with touch screen just make good responsive buttons that fucking work.
I'm using Crystal Quest's Fluoride/Multi Cartridge in þeir "Undersink Single Water Filter System" (pic related). Not willing to fork over six hundred bucks to buy a fluoride meter yet, so until þen, I'll just hope it's doing its job.
/late/ jannies kept deleting my fluorideposts, so I figured I'd bring 'em here. If you don't know þe scoop on fluoride, here's þe gist:
"The Impact of Fluoride on the Developing Brain" by Power of Prevention:
1. It calcifies your pineal gland, rendering it relatively useless. If you didn't know already, þis is big, because þe pineal gland produces seratonin and melatonin. Seratonin is associated wiþ happiness, but stabilizes overall mood, cognition, learning, memory, and more. Of course, melatonin used to initiate sleep and align wiþ one's circadian rhyþm. Þose who are out of sync wiþ þeir circadian rhyþm (of which I am myself guilty) are much more likely to be unhappy and to experience þe whole range of mental disorders. Þroughout religion and spirituality, þe pineal gland is associated wiþ þe þird eye.
2. As a toxic substance, it harms brain development. Many studies have shown þat children whose water and baby formula was fluoridated as infants had lower IQ's compared to children whose water supply was non-fluoridated. (Some studies found from þe video's description:,,,
Also heard about þe Berkey Go filter from Homefree123 on JewTube. Apparently, it'd serve a person on þe go for a solid 8 years. Mike Ma also has an interesting little list of government-&-self-tested fluoride concentration levels in food & store-bought water:
So, what's your favorite fluoride filter, anon?
Related to the sexual abstinence thread. Are there any benefits to period fasting? It seems like a good way to build discipline and self control.
If I ate only high protein foods and exercised regularly while fasting, how could I expect my level of fitness to be affected?
In which anons will autistically screech about their masturbation habits. For me, it's been 26 days as of this post, with no nocturnal emissions (that's the challenging part). I used to have a habit of jerking it in controlled routine, once a week just to maintain emotional stability with a modicum of energy. However I have worked on developing a mindset and set of goals that will help manage the energy. Here's what Napoleon Hill has to say about it.
>When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches
>The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort. The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet, through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.
>A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually, it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. It may be submerged and controlled for a time, but its very nature causes it to be ever seeking means of expression. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.
>Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort, for he has, by that discovery, lifted himself to the status of a genius.
It's worth noting that sexual abstinence doesn't really work for women. It's the opposite. Women thrive on male sexual energy. For men, sex (of any kind) is a sacrifice of energy, while women receive that energy. this is why male/female sex relations are essentially a competition, and why lesbians are such miserable creatures. Also explains why most gays and trannies always seem really unhealthy. They fry their circuits with unnatural and overly frequent sex.
The reason nofappers react so vehemently to "nofap debunkers" is not that masturbation is wrong or immoral, it's that it's evil to attempt to interfere with any attempt at self discipline. Think of it like alcohol. It's not evil to have a drink, but it would be to show up at an alcoholic's anonymous meeting with an armful of booze and start talking about how uptight teetotallers are. See the difference? It's not the alcohol, or sex, that's wrong, it's just that austerity in both matters is better for one's health, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Let's talk fermented foods.
Sourdough starter for making bread is dead fucking easy - 1 to 1 ratio of water and flour, mix both up, repeat daily to feed it, discard for a while, and then you can cook your starter for whatever you need. just be sure it's in a container that is covered with a paper towel, or napkin, or has some form of ventilated covering.
Yogurt is either dead easy too or can be annoying. Mesophilic yogurt gives you a "whatever you put in is what you get out", and most of the time is very easy to do (needs a ventilated container just like sourdough does too). However, I've tried freezing yogurt a few times, and my villi cubes never came out right. my old filmjolk froze and reconstituted fine. Thermophilic yogurt (my first exposure to yogurt-making) you barely get any fucking yogurt out of it, most of the volume becomes whey, and I'd rather have it be yogurt- You really have to -want- a strain of thermophilic yogurt to make it worth it.
Kefir was a pain in my ass, mostly because the stuff I tried from the store was thickened with pectin, so I never had a good "measure" on what to expect for it. Even then, it seemed like my kefir went really bad in weird ways that I couldn't understand, it would taste off, and sometimes it would be alright and then I miss a day and it's gone weirdly-gross.
Ginger beer was interesting, I ended up making a plain-jane recipe of "just ginger and sugar" but the YT vid that I had sourced from scared me into being paranoid about my bottles exploding. I hadn't had much sugar in the beer at all, turns out that the strain I had cultured was very weak.
Tepache was an interesting thing, but because of my environment (cold climate) I think all I ended up with, was some vaguely-pineapple-tasting sugar water instead of a proper tepache.
Sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables are... Odd. I tried tasting them raw, and though it was a "felt good to eat", the sourness was offputting and I think these would be better if they were cooked. Hell, I might try fermenting some more vegetables, dehydrating them, and some mushrooms to make a veggie powder mix for either soups or other shit.
Lately I've been having an odd fascination with tempeh too, but I'm not sure if I really want to make some. I've been on a bit of a worry, with gas going absolutely apeshit, beef being absolutely atrocious in price, I've been thinking of looking into getting protein that is cheaper. Tempeh is made with soybeans. Soy is annoying at best, and scary at worst for many anons, but from what I've heard, the process of making tempeh (uses a fungal colony, either from a starter or a older batch of tempeh) breaks down most of the phytoestrogens, proteins and other shit, making them digestible instead of fucking with your body.
Even then, you wouldn't need soybeans at all, most starchy beans can be used to make tempeh. The only thing I'm not sure of, is if I can maintain the process of making tempeh, as it is a fungus that requires air, heat and moisture. That's a lot of shit to do when I'm more-used to sourdough and mesophilic yogurts- I already had enough trouble with kefir.
So far, I've yet to try kombucha, miso, natto, or kimchi. I'm not so sure about kimchi, because I had a bad experience with kimchi-flavored ramen- the liquid at the bottom tasted like rotten garbage.
If you anrennt eating protein soup you aren’t getting gainz. If you aren’t getting gainz I got nothing for you.
Protein soup:
Put milk (protein) in big pot and boil
Add protein powder (chocolate for maximum flavor)
Take cottage cheese and roll in whey until you get spheres
Add spheres to protein soup
Enjoy protein soup
I read that suntanning your asshole has health benefits. Is it true or new age meme bullshit? Anyone try it yet?
Whats the general consensus on mentzer High intensity training? Most exercise programs are fake and gay. Who can you believe ?
Hit seems to go counter to most meme training regimen, which comes to me as no surprise.
The cattle do everything in their power to fuck up everything that takes an effort and thought. By studying mentzer i've come to realize how easy somethings can be if you sit down and thing about it.
The metzer system is defined by low volume reps lifting heavy. Big idea right ? Why cant it be that simple?
I come heh to you with a dire predicament, /fit/. I cannot last long at all with a real woman. It's only a matter of seconds before I climax. Unlike jerking off, even if I slow down the bitch is still squirming. What exercises, physical or mental, can I perform to improve my stamina. I was on nofap until very recently. I also have an onahole as well as a decent DIY fleshlight recipe if that helps. Pic unrelated.
My high school running career was pretty good. In 2020, my senior year, my sprint game was greatly increased to where I was able to run in the top group. However, the plandemic essentially cancelled track season, and ruined my spirits entirely. The latent soycial distancing grad ceremony did not help.
While I am not out of shape, I am off my A game both mentally and physically.
Any routines or motivators I should look into for hardcore sprint training? I do have access to a track and I do still remember good form and stretches.
I'm more so looking for organization, if that makes sense.
My main goals are simply to set at least a few new PRs.
Regardless, all sprinting and running discussion is welcome.
CYA THERE! (you ARE going to make it, right?)
holy shit fucking impossible captcha fuck you uninvited
I'm in the mood for a weighted jacket that I can wear under my normal clothes all day every day. Any recommendations? I don't want it to be too light or too cumbersome (as in, doesn't fit well around my body and under my clothes). Any suggestions/recommendations?
Post about conditioning, technique, theory, training methods and frequency, sport fighting, self defence, fighters, and martial arts cinema.
Containment thread in order to prevent the martial arts thread from becoming my personal blog, given how dead /fit/ has been lately. Original post with a basic breakdown of the routine >>798
After some training and research I've updated the program. I will continue to refine the program as I go, but I will try to finish a given version of the routine before changing, which means the version I've posted in this thread won't go into effect until next month. The strength training portion replaces the circuit on days when that is what is being trained. The "Monk's Isometric" guide is in the infographs thread.
This thread is also intended for anyone who wants to post a training journal, not just myself, so please do so, I am interested in what other anons training looks like.
Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in
Discuss things that aren't workouts or exercise per se, but help you to improve your performance as well as maintain /fit/ness and motivation. For example:
>wim hof method
>abstinence in general
>study and inspirational reading
Things to not discuss:
<roids, drugs and other gay shit
Personally I stopped using warm water in my showers, all my showers have been 100% cold for the last 3 months. I've had a huge uptick in energy levels since I started doing this, and I also feel more solid, like my body has become more dense. The reason I decided to do this is related to an observation I made a few years ago. I was visiting family and had my cat with me, and even though it was the beginning of winter, he had to stay in a shed outside because of their dog. Now, he was normally 7.5 pounds, but after a few weeks in that shed, he was 14 pounds. The reason I weighed him was because he was noticeably bigger, and suddenly had muscle definition, it blew my mind that he just about doubled his weight. Interestingly, he went right back to his old weight after he started living inside again. It reminded me of something called "Bergmann’s rule" which is basically an observation that species adapted to cold environments tend to be bigger. Anyway, a couple years later I learned about Wim Hof, which really activated my almonds about a few things, not least of which was my cat turning into a chad in the cold. It might be worth noting that he was unfixed. I think if I keep my cold showers up over the winter I'll see some real progress.
Otherwise, I'm on day 7 nofap (29 days is my personal best), and today is day one of a 7 day "mind fast". I won't be playing any games, watching TV, reading anything other than the Bible, or using the internet (with the exception of /fit/, my email and 4 astrology sites, I've already got my tabs up and they won't be changing them for that time). I'm just going to focus on training and meditation.
What are you doing to improve yourself /fit/?
I want to take on the difficult task of working out for 8 continuous days after only 1 rest day from 6 continuous days of exercise to close off the year. Last time I worked out 8 days straight I could barely finish my workout on the last day but I had never felt more accomplished.
I'm uncertain if I can make it, all I know is it would be in my best interest to try.
Order me to continue onward and make it.
Hey there, /fit/
We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament.
Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:
1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page;
2) Making a thread over at with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.
Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:
Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like.
I hope to see you guys on the pitch!