/fit/ - Health and Fitness

Health, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ

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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Your one-stop place for everything related to health, fitness, GAINZ, and everything in between.

1. Obey the global rules.
2. Keep all threads related to the board. Off-topic threads or threads that use fitness as a false pretense will be locked and/or deleted.
3. This is a SFW board. All lewd or semi-lewd images/videos must be spoilered. Do not dump porn.
4. Do not flood/spam/derail threads. Intentionally derailing or flooding threads with low-effort/troll/spam posts will result in post deletion. (10-12-20)
5. Do not make posts that explicilty advertise other boards inside or outside the webring. (6-20-21)

This thread will also serve as the meta thread. Yell at me all you want.
For personal inquiries, I can be contacted at
[email protected]

Currently not taking on any mods/vols/janis, but maybe later if this board gets big SWOL
Last edited by kyriakosgrizzly
Replies: >>448 >>463
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Nice, I want to stop being a fat fuck so having a /fit/ around again will be great.
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Thanks for bringing /fit/ here bro
Remember to lift daily, no excuses
bumping because i'm an autist who cares about pinned thread order
Replies: >>20
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Maybe you should unpin the other ones then, I also recommend you lower both TPH and PPH triggers for the time being, what you set them to now is way overkill and unrealistic for a small board like this.
So is Kyriakos legit or are people rightfully mocking him?
Replies: >>24
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>Mocking Kyriakos
Suicide is an easier way to die, Anon
He's training with more than 400KG, not lbs but kilos.
He might look funny at first, but he gets results and is strong as fuck
I'm just worried that in the long run he's gonna have mobility issue but he's a legend in my book
Replies: >>87 >>100
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Fuck this gay capcha.
Is that 340kgs or 340lbs?
Oh, nevermind. I'm a dumb cunt.
>100 users
>5 users
How do we convince these couch potatoes to get off their ass?
His form is still shit for the most part.I get the appeal of him being the primal strength guy, but he looks like he wants to visit snap city really bad.
I dunno, but you would thing the people on /fascist/ of all boards would appreciate the importance and the joys of fitness, so I sent them an invite in the /sig/ thread.
Now we just need to psyop the fatties on the vidya boards into being sick cunts. Perhaps if we shill fighting games?
Replies: >>104 >>105 >>129
/fascist/ here, your invite worked
Do some of those images with *you die you do pushups etc*.  but themed to the specific game in the thread.
Also from /fascist/.
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Hey owner guy. I plan to make a thread posting youtubers and raitng them 1 to 10. Surely someone will find some guy who is useful but he hasn't heard of.
 You wouldn't nuke me for something like that, right ?
Replies: >>234 >>237 >>251
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Replies: >>235 >>240
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Confess your fitness sins child. Non does not judge.
Replies: >>236
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>she's still doing that fucking open mouth thing
Replies: >>240 >>250
I wouldn't mind a thread like that. I'm not the owner though.
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>disrespecting Non
>rejecting Her sacred teeth
It's not too late to atone, my wayward friends. Kneel down and beg for forgiveness, and it shall be granted!
It's rather cute
rating them how, on their physique/physical appearance? don't really see how it's fitness related but since we're a small board I'll allow it. just keep it on topic.
Replies: >>253
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Not him but I assume he meant in terms of informational and/or entertaining values
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>Title Text
what did he mean by this?
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I wonder why some (((anons))) would be upset at others for choosing not to flog their own python.
Upset? one guy pointed out that it's not so bad to which a few others sperged out.
>>1 (OP) 
Can we ban any mention of zyzz here? Dude was a massive narcissist faggot, his body is the product of only pharmaceutical, and he worked out for the most basic bitch reason ever. We need someone who is humble, strong as fuck and of course pure natural.
Replies: >>549
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>let's ban talk of zyzz
>this is also the only mention of zyzz on the board
>literally no one else has ever even mentioned zyzz
Holy shit dude.
>>1 (OP) 
Can we ban any mention of Kyriakos Grizzly here? Dude is massive, his body is the product of only caloric surplus, and he works out for the most basic bitch reason ever (food). We need someone who is humble, strong as fuck and of course low bf%.
sorry anon but this is a retarded post. we know about Zyzz and all that but that's no reason to ban it. just because I don't think of him as a good role model doesn't mean I'm not mirin brah
Replies: >>569
We ban 3dpd all the time, why is this any different? Dude is the male equivalent of trash whores. Only cuckchan worships that retard.
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just letting you know i am still here
that is all
Replies: >>647
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What can I do to build some more mass in the core muscles? I kind of look like the character in the image at the moment.
Replies: >>666
Probably Squats and DLs
Need advice on wireless ear plugs so i can buy one. Is there much difference between cheap chink shit and overpriced shit? Will it falls off if i run too fast? How good is the battery?
How can I suppress my libido without affecting my testosterone levels? I think I would be much more productive and happy without sexual urges. I'm interested in anything without serious side effects.
Replies: >>672 >>673
Cold showers. As cold as you can possibly stand, ideally as cold as the shower goes. Good for skin, raises testosterone, lowers libido. Only downside is it's fucking cold. Also quit porn if you haven't already,
Replies: >>675
Redirect your sexual energy into whatever it is you are supposed to be doing. The downside is that you may develop a productivity fetish.
Anybody have a screencap from when OP became sexually attracted to barbells?
Replies: >>675
what happened to this board? it had a healthy userbase and got posts almost every day, then it just died?
Replies: >>678
It's better this way you pph whore, go back to cuckchan nigger
This was the most abrupt board death I've ever seen.
Replies: >>701
yeah, what the fuck happened?
Replies: >>704 >>858
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It may have been brief, but it was glorious. How did it feel to run an active board, Grizzly?
Replies: >>840
Also I hope you screenshot that shit shit because I forgot to.
Replies: >>840
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I felt like a chimpanzee hyped up on Xanax let loose in a nuclear power plant. It was amazing.
Replies: >>841
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I literally just forgot about it. If a board doesn't have a post rate above a certain level things like this can happen.

Unfortunately, the animefags, tv autists, and gamer subhumans usually seem to have the best boards, and multiple good ones at that, probably because of their very nature as chair-confined blobs who have the capacity to spew autism online the entire day without stopping.

This makes the places they gather really active while I suppose the kind of people who'd be interested in /fit/ don't tend to post as much, for better and for worse. That's my theory, anyway. I'm not too sure how we can solve this.

One step might be to try to vacuum up users from various broken/dead /fit/ boards and we could all agree to go to one place.

In all likelihood I will also forget that I made this post.
Replies: >>879
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>I suppose the kind of people who'd be interested in /fit/ don't tend to post as much
You're probably right. I keep trying to reduce my internet use in general. Strangely, I feel almost obligated to post on /fit/, it's the only board I post on anymore aside from the Bigfoot thread on /x/. Feels like imageboards are on their way out anyway, even 8chan was a husk of it's former self towards the end, and I've noticed a marked uptick in faggotry on the webring lately. I'm not blackpilled aside from everyone voluntarily sterilising themselves because of the yearly flu, that kind of blows my mind, it just seems like the way forward is offline.
I will probably quit the internet altogether sometime fairly soon.
Replies: >>886
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Good on you for reducing your Internet intake. I might as well start doing the same, for the fatigue is seriously kicking in.
Replies: >>887
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>/fit/ is number 3
>we're all going to make it
Replies: >>896
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>/fit/ is number 3
>we're all going to make it
In a certain way these are mutually exclusive.
Replies: >>900
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"We all" is meant to refer to the denizens of /fit/, anon. We can hardly expect /hikki/ to make it, after all. Also Number 3 is bretty gud all things considered. It's not like /v/ will ever be dethroned.
Replies: >>905
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/fit/ is 5 AT BEST. The list is as follows
1. /v/
2. /b/ (will soon overtake /v/ if rulecuckery continues)
3. /tech/
4. /japan/
5. Tied by /x/ and /fit/
I personally hope /x/ prevails since most of the shit posted here is just crossposts and the BO samefagging.
Replies: >>906 >>915
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I know it's not usually that active, it was just a moment. 
/x/ is full of underagefags and shitposting and not even entertaining shitposts at that. As far as BO samefagging goes, I doubt it, since he says he doesn't care if the board is active and I believe him since he doesn't even bother to make a post every day. 
I'm not sure what precisely you mean by crossposts in this context, since to my knowledge there aren't any other active /fit/s on the webring.
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>/b/ (will soon overtake /v/ if rulecuckery continues)
>single topic board which was made way earlier and was only ahead because of that is eventually gonna get taken over by random/all topics board
>this is somehow a matter of "rulecuckery" instead of the most obvious thing in the world
I'd wish I had a degree in imageboards like you
also I hate that gif, that animation is HOT GARBAGE
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>last activity
>more than 1 week ago
/fit/ more like /fat/
Replies: >>975
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Here's some for ya, I've lost 20kg in the past months, I'm still a fat /v/irgin but I'm slowly getting there.My weight loss coincided with me being away from imageboards, I wonder if there's a relation.
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Me on the left 
Motivation posting
Replies: >>1030
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More motivation
Replies: >>1526
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>a fucking leaf
Replies: >>1509
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The 1st Annual /christmas/ War Film Festival

Greetings, /fit/. As our contribution of the webring Christmas event this year, we at /yuri/ decided to put together a 7-day war film marathon starting December 18. Film lineup, schedule, and details are on pic related. We'd be honored if you would join us on this special time of the year.


'For direct streaming'

'Questions or concerns?'

'Feel free to pay us a visit'
Holy shit, is this real?
This is a good guy.
And the art schizo has found his way here. Great.
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/monarchy/ requests from /fit/
A jewel for our crown jewels.
Will any /fit/ anon give an imaginary jewel?
Any /fit/ anon can present a jewel w/ a name & a picture (if you want).
This will be compiled into an OC crown with jewels from other boards.
Replies: >>1603
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Amethyst, for its heritage in Ancient Greece.
It's name shall be
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/monarchy/ thanks /fit/ for this gift.
Replies: >>1608
>not even purple
Replies: >>1609
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This version has purple.
Lately I have been feeling guilty at how dead this board is. That is mostly (entirely) my fault since I have not been leading by example and let this board die. So with that being said, I ask you this: what are some ideas you have to bring life back into the board?
>inb4 do my job for me
Replies: >>1704 >>1706 >>1713
Honestly, I don't know. All I can say in my experience with small boards is that activity begets activity. But even so, given how dead most boards like this are doomed to be, even 4chan/fit/ is still a better option for the average anon despite all the shit clogging up that catalog.

I don't know if this is an issue you can solve, it's a much bigger issue that affects all of these imageboards in general.
Expose the amount of bots and glowniggers who cooperate with the tranny jannies on 4cuck, other than that there isn't much you can do.
I just haven't been using this board because things are going smoothly so far. Most of the activity on 4cuck /fit/ is worthless garbage anyways
Replies: >>1713
Man I really want this board to be more active because the alternative are shit, just like >>1706 said 4cuck /fit/ is garbage and from what this is the only /fit/ alternative.
I think the only option is to advertise to outside sources maybe like forums, other imageboards discord.
Replies: >>1757
I will crush you with my dumbbells if you ever do that, anon.
Do you want this board to be like /b/?
Replies: >>1758
/b/ isn't shit because of the users. /b/ is shit because the mods are retarded.
BO... are you still around?
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Just thought you should know, there is Kyriakos Grizzly merch. I saw him wear one of these in his latest videos.
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