[Hide] (1.6MB, 1368x1824) I'm using Crystal Quest's Fluoride/Multi Cartridge in þeir "Undersink Single Water Filter System" (pic related). Not willing to fork over six hundred bucks to buy a fluoride meter yet, so until þen, I'll just hope it's doing its job.
/late/ jannies kept deleting my fluorideposts, so I figured I'd bring 'em here. If you don't know þe scoop on fluoride, here's þe gist:
"The Impact of Fluoride on the Developing Brain" by Power of Prevention:
1. It calcifies your pineal gland, rendering it relatively useless. If you didn't know already, þis is big, because þe pineal gland produces seratonin and melatonin. Seratonin is associated wiþ happiness, but stabilizes overall mood, cognition, learning, memory, and more. Of course, melatonin used to initiate sleep and align wiþ one's circadian rhyþm. Þose who are out of sync wiþ þeir circadian rhyþm (of which I am myself guilty) are much more likely to be unhappy and to experience þe whole range of mental disorders. Þroughout religion and spirituality, þe pineal gland is associated wiþ þe þird eye.
2. As a toxic substance, it harms brain development. Many studies have shown þat children whose water and baby formula was fluoridated as infants had lower IQ's compared to children whose water supply was non-fluoridated. (Some studies found from þe video's description:,,,
Also heard about þe Berkey Go filter from Homefree123 on JewTube. Apparently, it'd serve a person on þe go for a solid 8 years. Mike Ma also has an interesting little list of government-&-self-tested fluoride concentration levels in food & store-bought water:
So, what's your favorite fluoride filter, anon?