Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.
Post your /fit/ related videos.
>>1203 >strong neck >it gives you the confident, dominant, powerful look Not very popular with the ladies though, makes one look misshaped like a troglodyte.
>>1205 No matter, /fit/ is rightful volcel clay.
Video cuts off towards the end at the "master level" to get the file size down, but I don't think anyone here is ready for it anyway.
This soy boy put together the best guide to side splits I've ever seen.
While it's true that I am basically just posting unedited jewtube videos, I at least have the decency to download them and post them as files, and to curate them for content quality and relevancy. I am not asking anyone to fuck off back to cuckchan (we need the traffic), I would simply appreciate a modicum of effort.
Basic exercises from Chong Xie's hyperarch system.
>>1443 those exercises have no practical fitness value and most will only end in severe injury. this is retarded dickwaving and nothing more.
>>1444 Nah, this is how real ninjas train, its practically 100% legit, look it up, pussy.
>>1400 How the fuck do you jump rope like that?
>>1457 I don't know, are you a drawing? You should try to judge fantasy away from reality.
>>1487 No but I've seen people do that one leg at a time thing. I can only do it with both legs at once and only if I do a pre-jump beforehand.
>>1516 Figured it out and forgot to post. The trick is to kick forwards to keep your body straight and your feet away from where the rope is going.
>>1443 >nigger music Discarded
posting more grizzly