/fit/ - Health and Fitness

Health, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ

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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Your one-stop place for everything related to health, fitness, GAINZ, and everything in between.

1. Obey the global rules.
2. Keep all threads related to the board. Off-topic threads or threads that use fitness as a false pretense will be locked and/or deleted.
3. This is a SFW board. All lewd or semi-lewd images/videos must be spoilered. Do not dump porn.
4. Do not flood/spam/derail threads. Intentionally derailing or flooding threads with low-effort/troll/spam posts will result in post deletion. (10-12-20)
5. Do not make posts that explicilty advertise other boards inside or outside the webring. (6-20-21)

This thread will also serve as the meta thread. Yell at me all you want.
For personal inquiries, I can be contacted at
[email protected]

Currently not taking on any mods/vols/janis, but maybe later if this board gets big SWOL
Last edited by kyriakosgrizzly
77 replies and 48 files omitted. View the full thread
Man I really want this board to be more active because the alternative are shit, just like >>1706 said 4cuck /fit/ is garbage and from what this is the only /fit/ alternative.
I think the only option is to advertise to outside sources maybe like forums, other imageboards discord.
Replies: >>1757
I will crush you with my dumbbells if you ever do that, anon.
Do you want this board to be like /b/?
Replies: >>1758
/b/ isn't shit because of the users. /b/ is shit because the mods are retarded.
BO... are you still around?
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Just thought you should know, there is Kyriakos Grizzly merch. I saw him wear one of these in his latest videos.

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Dump infographs, workout plans, diet lists, recipes, etc. here.
Last edited by kyriakosgrizzly
108 replies and 78 files omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>2010
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I am grateful for my anons.

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Post old /fit/ banners or make some new ones.
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I come bearing gifts
Replies: >>1597
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I kept this one from the old 2hu VN anon on /b/.
Replies: >>1812 >>1822
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I hate having to look at her disgusting pits.
Replies: >>1822

Don't be a little bitch

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If you have a simple one-liner question, ask it here.
395 replies and 143 files omitted. View the full thread
>Reddit says no, so the answer is definitely yes
<Hurr durr reddit says that breathing is good I should definitely suffocate myself
Any peptide places that are not scams anymore?
Replies: >>2019 >>2020
Replies: >>2023
I had saved the coupon BOWTIED with that link, no idea if it still works though.
Replies: >>2023
Thank you!

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general food thread, I suppose
question: Is milk, cheese, butter completely comped due to the hormones they pump the cows full of? Or do the benefits of these foods outweigh that poison?
48 replies and 23 files omitted. View the full thread
alright new question, favorite lunches to make?
Replies: >>2022
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More important than tracking their poisons is to track healthy food. Find a local supplier here if you are from the US:


There should be similar sites for other world regions.

For milk:


If you know a local supplier and they don't yet have a listing in some platform like those two, talk to them about letting others know where to find them. There is big demand for healthy products.
Replies: >>2015
I've always heard about raw milk but does it actually have any benefits over pasteurized milk? It really doesn't seem like it does.
Replies: >>2017
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Raw milk has a higher amount of nutrients. It also has immunoglobulins and enzymes which are destroyed by pasteurization.
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I got invited to a party and i dont want to go looking like the michelin man. What should i do to accomplish this?
9 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Sure, or just mix your own spices. The idea is to not die of salt. Hotsauce has too much heat and acid. Proper food is proper spiced but that one is cheap and easy I listed and I don't like advertising items that have got enough money already. Dash is over priced. 

Lentils are very filling. Rice is a carb to keep you working. 

Know that I gained the weight back. You will burn out, though I went from 290 to 197 in less than a year, now 3 years later I am 320. Be warned. Being happy and thin makes you positive, positive people make mistakes. It's why they've had to ban gambling, only the dysgenic would not assume they could win as humans are not so mathematical. You go off the diet, no more math. It is a math game, the energy burned. You will never be at rest. Cursed to tediously count calories for the rest of your life and try to calculate how much energy you burn simultaneously of which that last is not even possible even when you know one pound of fat is 3600 calories. Muscle throws it off even if the calc could be accurate, how much calories are burned with excercise is never precise. 

In other words the thank me later thing was sarcasms and I figured someone would make fun of me. You should eat tastey food or you will burn out is the point. But can you resist gorging on unhealthy things once you cheat? It's basically like falling off the wagon but you have
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What >>1996 says, it's about discipline, it's a lifestyle and a lifelong commitment if you really want to stop being a fat fuck. And you strike me as the type who is probably going to give up and stop caring after a few days anyways once the first hunger pangs come through, or your desire for a large milkshake overcomes your desire to be in shape.
But maybe I'm wrong. I'd like for you to prove me wrong.
Replies: >>2001
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> that pic
>healthy homemade food
I gained 15 pounds by making myself healthy homemade food, it's sometimes not about the origin but the quantity. 
I dropped tons of weight by eating absurdly processed food, burning the shit you put into the machine is important too.
>you can only lose 10 lbs per month safely
I've dropped more and nothing happened but that should be done once every bunch of years or a couple of times in a lifetime even, it's tough.
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Do you even lift?

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This is Grizzly, your overlord. I am aware that this board has been dead for quite some time, and that is my fault. I have been very busy with life's endless stream of bullshit and as a result have fallen behind in not just my lifting, but every other meaningful thing I've wanted to do with my life as well. Now that I'm working back into a manageable schedule, I'd like to use this thread for a little experiment.
This thread (and hopefully the ones that come after it) will be a daily journal for anons to chronologue their fitness journeys. After each workout, post what you did, how long you did it, what you did it with, and anything else that happened that pertains to fitness. There is already a similar thread like this one >>32 focused on running, but I would like to expand the workout journal idea to all forms involved, including lifting, cardio, dieting, and anything else that may be of interest to fellow /fit/izens. Yes, it is blogposting and I will not attempt to disguise it as anything else. But it's a good way for anons to share advice with each other on maximizing gainz and bringing up the PPH for the board as a whole.
So with all that being said, tell us about your workout today. You DID lift today, right?
291 replies and 155 files omitted. View the full thread
more arms today at a slightly lower load
deadlift, overhead press, and triceps extensions
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I have been going for short 2 km (1.2 miles) walks almost every day for past 3 weeks now (I rest on Sundays). Previously I was complete couch potato NEET who rarely went outside and that lasted for years. Currently, I weight about 115 kg (253.5 lb, I think?) with my normal clothes on. This is a start but I need to do more. I plan on starting swimming or something, once I gain more strength because currently I feel almost like a cripple. I also need to start stretching because I'm my joints are stiff and I have joint pains. My goal is to start light form of yoga or qigong (one day).

I have started to cut sugar from my diet. I have replaced almost all juice and all soda (including diet soda) with tea and herbal infusions. I like to drink chamomile infusion, pepper mint and sometimes Turkish apple tea. And of course a lot of green tea and also puerh tea. Teas, coffee and yearba mate are great for suppressing hunger. I tried getting into drinking yerba mate but it's a bit too bitter for my taste. Also, yerba mate is usually (but not always) smoked, so it can contain PAH compounds. (btw, I stole these pictures from somebody else)
Replies: >>2005
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> Drinking Yerba Mate

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It's been a while since I've posted in here four months wew, but I am continuing to gym and seeing very good results. I was upset for a while since I couldn't understand why I seemingly couldn't lift as much as I used to, but I was overlooking the very simple fact that I simply switched weight and reps (previously I could squat as much as 180+lbs, but that was only one set of 3, whereas now I am squatting 90+ at a full set of 10). I know it's not a direct comparison but I am getting results. I have also switched to a diet that consists only of coffee, chicken, broccoli, yogurt, and skim milk, and I am seeing excellent results in losing the fat on my body (probably somewhere between 15-20% so not much to begin with) and can just barely start to make out abs. It's more sustainable than I thought it would be, and I have had very few cravings although i did have a dream last night involving a giant peanut butter chocolate milkshake so think of that as you will.
We're all gonna make it.

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This is your /fit/ pdf library. I can't vouch for everything, because I'm still working through my collection so I'll just post what I have and let anon sort it out.
19 replies and 25 files omitted. View the full thread
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Calibre wasn't being a bitch so I decided to do your work for free.
Here are all the files AmaZOG's ((( (((Kindred))) ))) won't recognize into its system.
Fuck you.
Replies: >>1074 >>1981
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>fuck you
Th-thanks, you too.
Since it werks on my machine (kobo), I didn't realise the absolute state of kindle. Imagine an ereader that can't read epubs.
Replies: >>1077
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>that can't
That won't.
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you wouldn't believe how much I like this book's cover art. bros for life.
That link has nothing on it anon.

Mega deletes data from inactive accounts:

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>diarrhea on leg day
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just wipe it with your shirt, dummy
soccer players piss themselves all the time
Replies: >>1973
this is one of my biggest motivators to get /fit/, if im huge as fuck i can wear whatever crazy shit on my t-shirt as i want

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When I was in high school my math teacher hand a pull up bar mounted onto his doorway. At the time I didn't realize how difficult it was to pull yourself up on one of those and failed miserably when I attempted it. I struggled to even keep hold of it while hanging. So when I started to workout I bought a pull up bar. I failed at pulling myself up that bar for 3 fucking months. The day I managed to get my head over that bar was a glorious day that was my main motivation going forward for quite a while.

So, what are some things you've accomplished that you previously weren't able to do and how long did it take?
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Probably squatting 200+ lbs during my sophomore year of college, some guy came in while i was doing them and said i doing som srs squatz bro. since i had been a dyeleton all my life that was a huge compliment for me. i haven't gotten back to that weight since and it tears me apart
Replies: >>1961
What's your current goals then? Mine currently is to be able to do a pull up while parallel with the floor. The idea was spawned from a webm of a guy pulling it off that I never saved.
Replies: >>1962
You mean the front lever row?
Replies: >>1963
That's it yeah, I didn't bother to look up the name.
I had the best mark in my class in high school when taking the Cooper test. I did around 16 laps around the field, the length of the field I can't recall.
I do remember the only other two lads around my mark had bullshitted about how many laps they did. They did around 1-2 less laps and the PE nigger didn't notice or give a damn.

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