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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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When I was in high school my math teacher hand a pull up bar mounted onto his doorway. At the time I didn't realize how difficult it was to pull yourself up on one of those and failed miserably when I attempted it. I struggled to even keep hold of it while hanging. So when I started to workout I bought a pull up bar. I failed at pulling myself up that bar for 3 fucking months. The day I managed to get my head over that bar was a glorious day that was my main motivation going forward for quite a while.

So, what are some things you've accomplished that you previously weren't able to do and how long did it take?
Replies: >>1954
>>1953 (OP) 
For me it was being able to squat a decent amount of weight. Born with an inclination towards upper body strength, but stupidly weak legs I guess and it took a while to work on that.
Replies: >>1961
Probably squatting 200+ lbs during my sophomore year of college, some guy came in while i was doing them and said i doing som srs squatz bro. since i had been a dyeleton all my life that was a huge compliment for me. i haven't gotten back to that weight since and it tears me apart
Replies: >>1961
What's your current goals then? Mine currently is to be able to do a pull up while parallel with the floor. The idea was spawned from a webm of a guy pulling it off that I never saved.
Replies: >>1962
You mean the front lever row?
Replies: >>1963
That's it yeah, I didn't bother to look up the name.
I had the best mark in my class in high school when taking the Cooper test. I did around 16 laps around the field, the length of the field I can't recall.
I do remember the only other two lads around my mark had bullshitted about how many laps they did. They did around 1-2 less laps and the PE nigger didn't notice or give a damn.
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