/fit/ - Health and Fitness

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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Do it for her YOURSELF Edition

Why aren't you running, anon?
I, for one, aren't because I'm a lazy piece of shit and my motivation runs out extremely quickly after the initial sporadic bursts I get from now and then. One thing I noticed is that this lack of motivation comes, at least in part, from the lack of company and the inability to discuss the activity or compare your results with anyone else. 
So I thought of making this thread to encourage anons to pick up running and actually keep at it in hopes that the sense of community with will keep everyone engaged enough not to drop out after the first week day.

I'm absolutely not an expert but, if you're interested in joining and are an absolute beginner I would wholeheartedly recommend the C25K program (pic related #2), I tried it and while progress is slow, it's very easy to follow and you see the first results near immediately, even if you've never done jackshit in your life. IMPORTANT: don't run if you're a tub of lard, you'll just fuck up your joints! Lose some weight first, chubby!

So, from tomorrow morning onwards, I'm going to start my running routine again and I will post updates after every session so we can get the ball rolling and hopefully we can get more people involved and bring more activity to the board! Everyone's welcome!

ITT post:
>updates about your activity
>informative videos and images
>tips, tricks and suggestions of all sorts
>shoes and clothing reccs
>your endurance boosting tunes on your music player
>suggestions on how to improve the thread
>just about anything else that's related and crosses your mind

What are you waiting for, just fucking do it!
Replies: >>33 >>39 >>154 >>940
>>32 (OP) 
I'm the kinda of guy who was never intrested in sport and those kind of activites, but one day I decided to fucking DO IT I want to become stronger and faster I was sick of my old self.
At first it was fucking hard, the pain in my chest, the pain in my legs but after finishing a session it felt amazing even after all that pain I have this energy that came out of nowwhere, at that time I decided to take this seriously to do it every day until I get /fit/.
But one of most things that motivated me more is joining a marrathon, at that point I reached a normal level of stamina and one day I saw an AD for a marrathon and again I said to myself "I WANNA DO IT" so I did, my goal was to finish the marrathon before the timelimit it's small goal but that was my first marrathon ever but man what great experience that was ofcourse there was alot of pain but that pain MADE ME STRONGER IT MADE WANT TO CONTINUE.
Few months later I reached a point where my stamina was let's say above average I could run distances that weren't possible for me at all and I reached a point where I no longer get sick easily, but after that came the confinement and I lost quite a bit of stamina I'm trying to rebuild it now and I'm getting there.

Replies: >>42 >>319 >>328
Being a skinny guy I never had a deep issue with running, but most large guys tend to have issues with it. I had the luck of my dad just telling me to run around in my room 40+ minutes at a time and so I did. Been running around in my room twice a week for 50-60 min for the past 12 years and  it incorporates well with weightlifting. (twice a week is not too much, in fact it helps on rest days to recover faster so much so that I have a noticeably harder time recovering without it)

Some of the broscience I notice, that stops most people is:
>but bro you have to run outside
It's better but not mandatory. Many people like me lack a nearby park to run outside and have to run near traffic or in 
crowded/risky neighbourhoods.

>but bro you need a threadmill or some other 700$ plus equipment
This is pure bullshit. Most machines limit your movement options, something that plain running will not do. See those guys trying to act cool running on a high speed threadmill ? They can do the same in a park, but the mere friction of non-slick terrain makes it considerably more complicated. 

>bike machines
Pure trash. Most exclude your hands from the training and do not involve the amount of stuff you actually do on a bike including all the resistance you get from terrain and the upper body involvement normal for a bike. Thus less motion, less development, less calories burned. Pure trash. Never buy these unless you have some specific space requirements.

>cardio kills gains
Too much cardio kills gains. Unless you are doing marathon training regularly - translated into 5-10 hours of running a week you are not doing too much cardio

>why should I do it regularly
<improved blood flow
<faster recovery form other exercises
<endorphins released into your bloodflow literally making you a happier, more joyful person for a while
Specifically the last point is pretty important. Most depressed and grumpy people have no idea how much they are missing out on and how their lives are flat out worse due to their poor moods.

>you are crazy, who would run at home ?
It's so simple, you just run around in your room for a while. You need no more than 2 square meters. It's not as fun as running outside but develops your cardio for that running outside, especially if you are a beginner. Test with different timing, speed etc.

>It's boring
If you are outside it is not. If you are inside just put on some music.

>hurts my legs
Fucking recover and go back to it. Check your shoes, look for good ones. 

>I need alternatives
If you are too fat or have flat feet, swimming is your only way out. But swimming has more details to it and the obvious pool requirements. Do not bitch your way out of it.

>It kills your knees !
Moderate cardio is easier to do and maintain even up to a later age. My father is 62 and still does some cardio even if only for 20-30 min. The key point here is moderate cardio. If you are doing hardcore marathon training(10+ hours weekly) all the time you better be looking into supplementation.
Replies: >>42 >>217 >>319
>>32 (OP) 
>I'm a lazy piece of shit and my motivation runs out extremely quickly after the initial sporadic bursts I get from now and then. One thing I noticed is that this lack of motivation comes, at least in part, from the lack of company and the inability to discuss the activity or compare your results with anyone else
Stop posting my thoughts glowfag.
I kid. Anyway, fuck it, you've inspired me to go out and run right now.
Replies: >>42
Back from my run.
>13:07 minutes
>1.04 miles
It's not as bad as I was expecting.
Replies: >>42 >>50 >>76
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Well /fit/ I know I said I would go run in the morning but, unfortunately, it started raining a bit so I figured I...
I went running anyway because what the fuck is a couple of drops of water? Nigger we're made of water, guess what comes out of shower when you're done running? Fucking water. It's not gonna hurt you, so don't fucking make excuses, go out and run.

I started following the C25K again, from week 2 since I'm not a total couch potato anymore but at the same time I never got further than week 4. 1/2 minute run 2 minute walk x3 totaling 26 minutes including the warmup. All in all it was a very manageable run, which is a relief since I thought I'd regressed back to square one.

Damn, anon, you ran a whole fucking marathon? That's some legit achievement, hopefully we can all make it there one day.

<endorphins released into your bloodflow literally making you a happier, more joyful person for a while
>Specifically the last point is pretty important. Most depressed and grumpy people have no idea how much they are missing out on and how their lives are flat out worse due to their poor moods.
This so much, once you start doing it regularly your mood noticeably improves, especially post workout, great feeling.
It fills me with joy that at least one person got inspired to give it a shot. Remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with the single step, and I'd add that the first few steps are always the most difficult so don't you fucking dare quit on me now, anon. As for your results, if you're a complete beginner, congrats, you're already ahead of me and millions of other people, when I first started out with the C25K I was on the verge of puking and collapsing after the first run, so there's that.
>Stop posting my thoughts
I figured many anons felt the same as me, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here.

Really glad to see some contributions to the thread, I'm gonna keep posting regular updates and some tips from my personal experience next time. pics related are what I got looking up "running anime girls" on startpage, try it, you'll get dozens and dozens of these flips
Replies: >>44
>As for your results, if you're a complete beginner, congrats
I'm not exactly a complete beginner because I used to run quite a bit, but it's been about 2 years now since I stopped (and I've gained a lot of weight), so I may as well be, aside from knowing a bit about form etc.
I figure I'll try to get my time down a bit before I add any distance.
That's embarrassing, please don't post your number again unless it's at least above average.
Replies: >>53
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I'm going to keep posting terrible numbers and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Replies: >>55
Nigger don't lie to me, you weren't running at all that time. How many times did you stop to walk to reach that number?
Replies: >>56
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Dude if I was going to lie about my performance I wouldn't post a 13 minute mile. Also
>on an anonymous board
Your reddit is showing.
Replies: >>61
Of course you are fucking lying, any anon here can go on a one mile run and see for himself. 13 minutes is too damn long, lazy piece of lying shit. No one runs that slow.
Replies: >>63
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Dude, I'm 5'11'' and 270 pounds. I'm fucking fat, but pretty strong from working labor jobs, and my cardio is actually decent because I do 30 to 45 minutes of bagwork 3 times a week. If you eat like a pig you can train and still be fat.
There's a reason I posted Big Country. Pic related is basically me, one inch taller.
Today's results:
>12:24 minutes
>1.01 miles
To help sperg-kun relax, I should also mention that I'm running in the suburbs, in a slightly hilly area, so the up and down also explains my bad times. My app says 53 feet of elevation loss, and 35 feet of elevation gain, but I don't trust that reading since it makes no sense given that I'm just going back and forth along the same route.
Replies: >>85 >>92
>bulked to 340
>deadlifted 6 plates
>feelan godly
>COVID has kept my gym shut down for half a year and counting
I started running 5-6 times per week to do something about my lost gains and now and can do about a mile in 11-12 minutes and just recently reached 2 miles, but I'm still 320lbs and I can feel it in my calves. I don't think I'm going to go back to the gym anytime soon, but I think I prefer bodyweight stuff, so what can I do to lose the weight? I don't want to cut down on my diet, I just want to put more work in.
What are you using to track distance? I just use a stopwatch for time.
Replies: >>90
I'm flat footed, so whenever I run I get pain in the middle of my feet and in my soleus. Any tips to mitigate this?
Replies: >>91 >>95
An app called zeopoxa running. It works offline and doesn't require you to register a profile, which is the main reason I use it, but aside from the dubious elevation readings it seems pretty solid anyway. There are some neat goal tracking features and other bells and whistles.
I might post some screenshots after every 5 runs, since I don't want to have to hook my phone up to the PC all the time.
Replies: >>95
I was looking into to this before because one of my parents has a really bad flat foot, though I have very arched feet myself. I don't think it's easy to fix, but you might want to look into Chong Xie's "hyperarch" training. That seems to be the best chance of fixing flat feet. Unfortunately he's very profit oriented, aside from a decent amount of material on youtube, everything directly related to how to actually make a "hyperarch" is behind a paywall or in a book. So you'll probably be looking for a torrent if you're not willing to buy a book.
Replies: >>95
My gps fucked off for some reason today, so I don't have an exact distance, but it's the same route.
Time was
I kept my pace steady instead going all over the place which I think helped shave a little more time off.
I'm going to just keep running a little every day until I feel like I need a day off. If I pushed myself I could go farther or faster but I'd need to rest. I would rather run 1 mile five times a week than 3 miles once a week.
Replies: >>95 >>160
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Just got back from my own session week 2 - day 2. I found it significantly easier than day 1, especially my recovery times which I noticed have gotten quite a bit quicker. Again, the weather was awfully niggery looking but that wouldn't discourage any man.

I'm flat footed myself but it's probably not as bad, my legs are kinda bent inwards because of it but I can run just fine. My best advice would be asking someone who knows his shit, aka an orthopedic doctor.

That's some pretty fast improvement right there.
>I'm going to just keep running a little every day until I feel like I need a day off.
As long as you don't overdo it and injure yourself.
>I would rather run 1 mile five times a week than 3 miles once a week.
Easily agreeable line of thinking, consistency first.
Also, I tried the app you recommended, it seemed to work fine initially but at about the 4 minute mark it just stopped tracking and when I was done with my run, there was no activity record at all. I think it might've been related to the wifi, because I think it was around then I switched to mobile data and maybe that fucked with it.

And now for some advice aimed at any lurkers reading this thread and are still on the edge on whether to start or not.
As I've said
>the journey of a thousand miles begins with the single step
That one single step is probably THE hardest of the entire journey. Personally speaking just getting my ass out of bed at 5 AM, when the sun hadn't risen yet, during a cold ass winter morning was like a battle of good and evil that played inside my head. Picture the stereotypical scene of the little angel and little devil on your shoulders bickering; one makes alluring and convincing arguments like
>dude it's fucking cold as balls outside are you crazy? Just like go during spring or summer
>isn't the bed cozy, why would you ever want to leave it?
>you haven't rested properly, you're not at your top, you should try another day, or week, or month, or year, or life instead
>you're gonna quit anyway, why bother in the first place?
>think of all the shit it involves, you have to get dressed, then sweat, then shower, change clothes, etc.  it's such a hassle, and that's without taking into account the whole getting tired as fuck part
meanwhile the other is more like le funny meme fake hobo he wil not divide us XDD "do it" man 
The first time I decided to try, I set an alarm at 5:30 AM. By 5:45 AM I was still in bed, wide awake, debating myself; you have no idea how many times I was on the verge of getting out and then retreating back into my warm shell, until, at last, I went "fuck it" and fucking threw my blanket in the air across the room and jumped out of bed like a madman. That's the first step: defeating your own mentally ingrained laziness.
>ok. so I got out of bed and I still don't feel like doing shit and the laziness demon is still on my shoulder, what do I do?
Easy, now you just trick him and yourself both following this step by step guide
>tell yourself the following
>"well my sleep is ruined, the sun is gonna rise soon and there's no way I'll get any more rest, I went through all the trouble of getting up, might as well get dressed"
>get dressed
>tell yourself the following
>"well I went through all the trouble of getting dressed, undressing again would be silly, might as well go out"
>get out and close the door
>tell yourself the following
>"well shit, I'm already outside, what the fuck am I gonna do, go back in after I've gotten this far? I guess I might as well give it a shot"
>run badly
>feel like crap during the whole session
>want to die
>finally get done
>"holy fuck that was horrible I'm never doing it again"
>see step 1
>rinse and repeat

After the first week or so, you get used to it, and not only does it become easier every time, but what's going on? You're almost starting to enjoy it, no, you DO start enjoying it, in fact you start craving the high that you get from it, and then all you have to do is keep at it without making excuses. If that wasn't enough you have anons cheering on you, you wouldn't let them down would you? Now go and take that first step.
Replies: >>102 >>126
>"holy fuck that was horrible I'm never doing it again"
>next day
>"lol jk let's run"
Muscle soreness and fatigue hit me pretty hard today, but I managed to push hard enough to match yesterday's pace.
>0.99 miles
I can manage another run if I do it before my other exercise (I worked on the punching bag before running).
As for app, it's okay. Like your problem, mine isn't showing activity for yesterday. I like the "achievements" and record keeping aspect but if it fucks up on me again I'll just use a watch.
Replies: >>161
too hot outside where I live, I'd rather be swimming. It sucks living in south It was 92 yesterday. It is hot and miserable and hate my job but I took time off in November  hopefully I could go somewhere a little cooler.
t. work minimum wage living with his parents
Replies: >>162
>>32 (OP) 
>Go running
>Get patellofemoral syndrome so bad I can barely walk for two weeks
I'll stick to brisk walking and lifting. thanks.
Replies: >>157 >>158
How much do you weigh, and are you heel striking? If you weigh less than me prepare to be bullied.
Replies: >>164
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I think I may have ran my first mile in under 10 minutes. I'm still hovering at around 320lbs., but I have noticed my pants have gone loose on my hips and tight on my thighs. My ultimate goal is to do a 5k at least once per week.

I've had no long-lasting pain and I don't stretch either because I'm a dumbass, so it sounds like you're doing something wrong unless you're heavier than me.
Replies: >>160 >>162
Is this the W I D E running club?
App fucked up again, recording time but nothing else. Time to switch to a watch.
Time to take a rest. I'll probably run Monday or Tuesday again.
5 miles on week 1 isn't bad. I'm happy with my results, but I definitely need to get under 10 minutes.
Replies: >>161 >>162 >>213
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Wrong post. I'm trying to keep it so I can click back through my run times as the thread goes and I've fucked up twice already.
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w2 - d3: came back 30 minutes ago, again it was noticeably easier than last time, both on my legs and my breathing, however I've noticed some mild pain on my right hip. For some reason my right side seems to wear out faster than my left, I don't know why exactly, could be related to my flat feet or asymmetrical leg length.
On a different note, holy shit, has the weather changed. I ran in a T and sweat like crazy last time; today I had to wear a long sleeved thermal shirt because of how chilly it was. 

Speaking of which, what does /fit/ wear when running? I go with bare essentials unless it's cold as balls.

>too hot outside
Even at night or early morning?
>I think I may have ran my first mile in under 10 minutes
Sick, I'm hoping to join the 1 mile in 3 weeks from now
>I'm still hovering at around 320lbs
What in the hell, how the fuck are you doing this?
>Is this the W I D E running club?
Cleary we must've overlooked the power of the girth, perhaps being round in shape makes you more aerodynamic.
>App fucked up again, recording time but nothing else. Time to switch to a watch.
Same but I think I fiugred out the issue at least on my end: power saving settings are shutting the app when it runs in the background, I thought I had disabled them since I follow the guide on their website but I guess I did it wrong.
167 lbs
knees weak
arms are heavy
vomit on sweater already
Replies: >>169
>What in the hell, how the fuck are you doing this?
I'm a foot taller than an average man. I'm still too fat, but I'm just naturally stronger.
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>running in a sweater
>having any kind of pain at 167 lbs
Did you try to run a marathon for your first run? I'm honestly kind of stumped.
I currently have 104 pounds on you, ran a mile a day for five days, and the only thing I have even approaching pain is mild DOMS in my calves. I'm not trying to brag, I just don't understand how this is possible.
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Since no one itt mentioned it, do you run on your toes like the cap attached suggests?
 I am pretty out of shape and want to start running again, I will start tomorrow morning, probably.
Replies: >>174 >>175
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Basically. I keep my ankle basically locked in place as if I was pic related, and sort of spring off it.
>Speaking of which, what does /fit/ wear when running?
Cheap ass watershoes from walmart. Basically the best running shoes you can buy if you don't want to go over 200+ dollars.
Replies: >>175
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Excellent informative cap, I recommend watching this video for more context, visualizing what it means to run on your toes.
It's kinda long but the guy explains it in decent detail and gives you some tips on how to do it.

>best running shoes you can buy if you don't want to go over 200+ dollars.
I got a pair of basic ass Asics for 60 bucks and they're pretty all right.
Replies: >>176 >>177
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Double posting because on second thought I could've posted more information about the subject matter. The guy in the video is teaching you how to run following the "Running Pose" method, which is some Ruskie teachings regarding form in sports such as running. It is recommended and taught everywhere because it is more efficient, helps preventing injuries, slows down wear, and makes you go FASTER. Among the benefits
>less strain on joints and feet
>less energy wasted by not planting your whole foot on the ground
>more forwards momentum kept as a result
Have a look at Bolt's sprint technique and check out the near perfect form that he holds
his heels never touch the ground and it looks as if he's barely touching it at all with his balls and toes.
This other video explains a bit more in depth and highlights the steps he goes through
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I won't run in anything that has a heel on it, even a small one. That pretty much leaves me with either pic related or $200 Vibrams. 
Russians always seem to have a better understanding of biomechanical efficiency. Just look at how they carry their rifles when on patrol, Systema tumbling, etcetera.
I run barefoot.
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Fuck off, I'm using this thread as my training journal/run log. 
>posts 95 and 162
<shut up
>op can't comment on his own thread
Kill yourself you pathetic, autistic little worm.
Replies: >>191 >>217
Then write your log in your own journal, attention whore.
>op cant comment on his own thread
That's the op guy? He sucks fucking ass at running and dares to make a thread about it?
Replies: >>195
Someone's gotta make the running thread, dickweed.
Replies: >>196
Better nothing than to have some clueless dickweed jerking each other off over muh motivation. Plenty of people here are plenty fit enough to make a running thread, but certainly not you.
Replies: >>199
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>he doesn't know /fit/ has always been mostly fat guys
I ran a mile again today, timed this time, to confirm if I can run a mile in under 10 minutes. I came in at 11 minutes on the dot, but I know the distance I ran is at least 500 feet more than a mile. I'm going to a track this weekend to see if I am capable. Tomorrow, I'm going to give 5km a go. It will be slow and painful, but I think I can get pretty close to it.

Is this good for sprinting only? I tried doing this in a jog and found it a challenge to maintain. Then again, my shoes aren't true running shoes and have a thicker sole so I was lifting my heel up a lot more.
Replies: >>216 >>217
>1 mile
I thought I would dial up the effort a bit today.
Replies: >>217 >>222 >>260
>Is this good for sprinting only?
No, marathon runners like that kenyan nigger who ran the whole marathon in under 2 hours use that form too. That said it is also true there were a few heel strikers who got in the first 30, still outnumbered by the majority of forefoot strikers using the pose method.
>I tried doing this in a jog and found it a challenge to maintain.
It is until you get muscle memory, you're basically rewiring your body to use a different motion.
>my shoes aren't true running shoes
Get proper ones then, don't fuck up your feet like I probably did.
Replies: >>218
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I skipped my training this morning because I felt like if I didn't I'd injure myself. The pain in my right hip hadn't subsided yet and the same day my right foot also started hurting while walking normally. However, I really only postponed it to give my legs a couple extra hours of rest and then ended up running inside like anon here suggested >>35.
It was a bit cramped and running in circles wasn't quite optimal but, indeed ran, w3 - d1. From week 3 you're meant to basically do two reps in one while running the same amount of time from w2 overall.
I recall the first time I did it a a couple years back the 3 minutes segments were absolutely brutal, this time I had little to no trouble, in fact I'm starting to think I might somehow a bit ahead compared to the program but I'm gonna stick to it anyway. I was heel striking back then, perhaps that impacted my performance a lot more than one would think and perhaps the pose method has made me more nimble and faster.

No need to get heated, anon. The other anon there, is clearly trying reverse psychology. What he really meant is: don't give up, run like hell and get to the top because he believes in you. Hopefully, he has some forbidden knowledge to share with us beginners.
>Tomorrow, I'm going to give 5km a go. It will be slow and painful, but I think I can get pretty close to it.
Good luck with that, it's my target too.
How do you guys run every single day? Running every other day when I'm not going to the gym is already tiring enough for me, I couldn't imagine doing it daily.
Replies: >>219 >>221 >>242
Didn't get to 5km, but I did get pretty close. I'm not sure if I did 2.7 miles or 3 miles, but I know it was one of the two, likely the former. I did it in about 27 minutes and this was after what I think was about six weeks of training. I slowed down considerably after a mile to where it may as well have been doing a brisk walk in my second to last lap, but once I caught myself I managed to run the last one. Legs were extremely numb. I've done five or six weeks of training. Clocking in at 317lbs.

>No, marathon runners like that kenyan nigger who ran the whole marathon in under 2 hours use that form too
Wow, when was that record broken? That's extremely impressive.
Replies: >>220
>How do you guys run every single day? 
I used to run three times per week, but when I picked it up again I started to do every day since my gym is still closed. It's become habitual. I feel weird if I don't do it. Your recovery will improve if you get rest, but some days you just have to get out there and force yourself even if you feel like shit. I don't run every day though. I give myself a day or maybe two each week.
Replies: >>221 >>228
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>The Ineos 1:59 Challenge was a successful 2019 attempt by Kenyan athlete Eliud Kipchoge to break the two-hour mark for running the marathon distance. 
>Kipchoge completed the challenge with an official time of 1:59:40.2
 source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ineos_1:59_Challenge

Granted, it wasn't an actual marathon but rather marathon distance event created specifically for him to break the record, still under 2 hours.
Replies: >>221
>How do you guys run every single day
I'm not. Just shooting for 5 days a week like >>219
If you ever want to red pill someone on the reality of eugenics, ask them to explain why American and Caribbean blacks dominate anaerobic running events, while continental Africans dominate aerobic running events. 
Regarding running form, the reason some heel strikers can compete at an elite level in marathons is because stride length has to increase dramatically. It becomes as much about swinging and thrusting your legs forward as pushing off the ground. This change tends to push one back towards a heel striking form due to the angle of one's leg and foot. Watching elite runners (including Kipchoge) you will see their knees come up very high as they run before thrusting their foot out, almost as if they were kicking.
>1 mile
Taking it easy today, I have a tooth ache. Just wanted to get it done.
Replies: >>228 >>255
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w3 - d2; The laziness demon almost got me this morning, I spent like 10 minutes in bed before actually getting up, but again, after that everything was mostly automatic and downhill. Relatively downhill at least, for some reason the run felt harder than the last; still, I managed to complete it. The pain in my hip seemed to have gotten better 2 days ago but then it came back with a vengence. I replaced the elliptical for the exercise bike at the gym to avoid putting more strain on it and that seemed to help a bit.

I also managed to get that Zeopoxa app to work so for the first time, I finally know the distance I traveled
>2,8 Km
>9:27 min/Km
That's including the 10 minutes of warmup and cooldown. All in all I gotta say I'm reasonably satisfied. Still far from the 5K goal and sub 10 min/mile but slowly getting there.

I started to do every day since my gym is still closed.
I guess that's reasonable, I still go to the gym and do cardio each time as well
You tried forefoot running yet? I'm somewhat starting to get more used to it now that I'm kinda getting the hang of how to use my muscles.
Replies: >>241 >>560
I did the 5km run in a little over 30 minutes. Breathing was fine, but my legs feel like lead about two miles into it. Not sure of the exact time. I realized I calculated distance incorrectly and discovered that my mile is actually well under ten minutes, hell maybe under nine. I'm going to get a proper measurement.

What kind of injuries can I expect and how do I prevent them? I've heard of shin splints, but I'm not familiar with sport injuries so I don't really know anything about them.
Replies: >>242
I started checking it, and I realized that the distance I’ve been running is closer to two miles. At my fastest, my mile be as low or even slightly lower than 8:20. I’m going to try for a sub-8 mile tomorrow now that I know I can pick up the pace.
>You tried forefoot running yet
Yeah, I've never done any heel striking in my running. To me it just seems like common sense. 
I have a theory that people who have been heavyset/fat since they were young naturally tend to have a more efficient running stride. I noticed that people who only got fat in middle age tend to have really heavy, loud footfalls, whereas those like myself who have always been overweight tend to be much quieter and have soft footfalls.
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w3 - d3; mostly the same as the last run, was at my limit near the final stretch. I wonder why the first time I tried week 3's training >>217 it felt much lighter. Perhaps it's tied to the fact I'm not sleeping well enough, or maybe it's because I was indoors and going at a slower pace due to the limited space I had.
>2,69 Km
>8:58 min/Km
Despite losing 110 m in distance, it seems like I've upped my pace a bit this time, perhaps that's the real reason I felt it more.
>What kind of injuries can I expect
>horrible, excruciating pains on your inner soles that will prevent you from even setting a foot on the ground, pic related
>Inflammation of your hip muscles
>fucked up calves (and possibly your knee, hands and face) if you happen to place your foot wrong
And then the usual generic shit like the runner's knee.
>how do I prevent them?
No doctor here but stretching a bit before runs helped me to prevent fucking up my calves, as for the rest
>using not worn out, neutral angled shoes without too much cushioning
>good form and forefoot striking
>running on flat terrain free of obstacles
>resting when you feel your body is asking you to
Go a long way in preventing a lot of those.
Never been into running and I'm thinking about getting into it. Will I die if I run in boots? I play dance dance revolution with boots and when I started doing that it only sucked for like a week before it got significantly better. I'm wondering how shit running would be in comparison.
Replies: >>246 >>247
Why would you want to run in boots? 
If you're so poor that you can't afford a pair of shoes, nigger-rig some rubber from a car tire with rope to make those sandals that that famous Mexican running tribe uses. 
If you're trying to do some DBZ style ankle weight training, first of all, don't, second use actual ankle weights. Or just run faster. 
If you want to run home from work, just throw some shoes in a backpack and swap your boots out at the end of the day.
Boots make it virtually impossible to use proper form. You could do it a little, but long term you're just asking for injury.
Replies: >>247 >>254 >>255
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Fucking w4 - d1; well, /fit/ this is where past me called quits like a little bitch. Not this time around. I cleared the first session of 4th week, the 5 minutes segments were brutal but I ran both. So yeah, that's one small goal to scratch off my list.
>3,72 Km
>8:54 min/Km
My cadence has indeed improved, the minutes per Km are actually a bit skewed and should be lower since I fucked with my keys on my front door for well over a minute and forgot to stop the clock on the app. 

And you, anon, what are you waiting for? This could be you in J U S T three weeks from now. I'm not even that far in, and if you were just an inch less of a lazy piece of shit such as myself, you'd probably be able to catch up and overtake me.

I think I avoided getting mugged. About 300 feet or so from my place I see this guy in a red hoodie running in my direction down a road perpendicular to mine which I was crossing, he stops running about 100 feet from me and starts walking, turning towards the same direction I was going. He was about 40-50 feet away so I quicken up my pace and keep glancing behind to signal him I know he's there. Then another person came walking from the opposite direction, he turned his heels and he went back from where he came from.

>Never been into running and I'm thinking about getting into it
Fucking do it.
>Will I die if I run in boots?
You're just asking for a lot of unnecessary pain really, and possibly developing bad habits as the other anon points out.
>I play dance dance revolution with boots
I never played DDR but I somehow doubt that has the same impact on your legs that running does.
>Why would you want to run in boots? 
I certainly wouldn't ever recommend it myself, but they do it in the army, don't they?

What do /fit/izens listen to while running? For me it's the same stuff I listen to normally, so metal and such, mostly stuff with a higher BPM so I can keep the rhythm.
You should have bought some knives or maybe a short baseball bat in your running backpack anon. Prepare for combat anytime since you're running in the middle of nowhere at night. Bat is the better weapon though.
Replies: >>249
Either that or stop bringing my phone, I don't know how I'd fare in a fight.
>Why would you want to run in boots? 
It's what I wear in my day to day. I figured that if I learn proper form while running in them it would be more useful than learning proper form with shoes I never wear. Plus, boots are also really comfy. You're probably right though.
>I never played DDR but I somehow doubt that has the same impact on your legs that running does.
You're probably right. It's the only physical activity I do that's comparable hence why I brought it up.
>but they do it in the army, don't they?
To be fair, the army is kinda retarded, at least when it comes to weight lifting from what I've heard, so who knows if anything they do is proper.
Replies: >>255
Missed 4 days last week, but in my defence I had a nasty tooth ache, migraines and generally felt tired as shit. Today was
>1 mile
Main priority is getting under 10 minutes. I'll add distance as soon as I break through.
>listening to music
>almost getting mugged
I listen to music when I'm running, but only because I live in an area that's just old retired White people and super rich Chinese so the risk is negligible. I'm probably one of the only people on the block that isn't a millionaire.
Actually, from a self-defence point of view it kind of makes sense to get used to running and moving in your everyday wear, which is similar to why the army has you run in boots, it's what you'll be wearing anyway, and you need to be used to moving around in a hurry with that gear. I wasn't trying to shit on you for asking. 
That said it will be bad for you long term.
Replies: >>256 >>260 >>282
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Fuck me. Meant to reply to >>247 instead of >246
So I can easily do a sub-9 minute mile. I've been cutting down on my portions and sugars because I want to lose some weight. Ideally, I want to get to about 280lbs. at least. Lowest I've gone is 290, so I know I can do it. Currently at 315, which is 5lbs less than a week ago.

>What do /fit/izens listen to while running? 
Nothing or classical.
Replies: >>260 >>988
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w4 - d2; mixed feels about this run. The app shows I slogged through it, slower on average, slower max speed, and even traveled less distance, at the same time recovery felt a bit quicker and I'm happy I got this far  at all without missing a day or quitting.
>3,67 Km
>9:01 min/Km
The reason I'm not too satisfied with the results is that by the time I was done, which was 26:30 minutes in, I was at barely 3,2 Km, the next ,47 Km were walking home since I took a different route. Also I should probably go earlier, too many cars and people for my taste.

What was your fastest mile, >>213 11:04? I wish that app marked some checkpoints regularly during the run so you know how fast you run certain distances.
>almost getting mugged
Really, just speculation and me being paranoid but that the guy was running towards me and stopped when he got close, then turned in my direction entering the same road I live on and he was certainly nobody I'd seen before, finally, why would he turn back as soon as another person appeared?
>Actually, from a self-defence point of view it kind of makes sense to get used to running and moving in your everyday wear,
It does, but I reckon one would rather ease into it starting with light clothing that's more fit to run and then once you're comfortable and built up some endurance you can turn the dial up and begin the Goku shit.
>So I can easily do a sub-9 minute mile.
>Currently at 315
>tfw fucking Yogi the bear can run further and faster than you
But I'll catch up eventually, both in speed and girth, you fat fuck, just you watch.
>Nothing or classical.
I like classical music myself but I can't imagine listening to that while running, to each his own I suppose.
Replies: >>282 >>392
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w4 - d3; satisfied about this  session; new best for average speed, new best for distance and new best for cadence. It definitely felt a small notch easier than d2.
>3,82 Km
>08:38 min/Km
And with this, week 4 is clear, now for the dreaded week 5 which concerns me quite a bit, the last day in particular, but that's a problem future me will have to deal with.

Question time:
>when do you run?
For me it's always early morning, no people and near to no cars resulting in cleaner air and soothing silence broken only my steps.
>do you eat before or after your runs? If so what?
I usually eat after my runs, lest I barf it all up, mostly cereal or a sammy or two accompanied by a large cup of whole milk. However, I read some people have a light meal one hour or two before their training so I decided to give it a go, woke up earlier and ate a PB sammy. Though I don't know if it helped or not with my times, I certainly didn't end up puking which is excellent.
Replies: >>282
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>1 mile
Need to run more.
11:04 is my current best time, yes. 
It's best not to doubt one's intuition about such things as potential attacks. A few years back, I saw a dude who was giving off sketchy vibes, right away you could tell something was wrong. He ends up walking behind me, and so I start giving him the run around, going into stores, looping around buildings and generally being pretty cagey. He kept on my trail though and I couldn't lose him until I got on a bus, waited for him to sit down, then jumped off just before the bus left. I was wearing steel toes so I would have vaporised a few of his ribs and maybe his kneecaps, but I didn't feel like getting slashed with a rusty shiv for the trouble.
>when do you run and eat
I tend to be sluggish early and get more energy as they day goes on, so it's usually in the pm. As for eating, I usually eat some scrambled eggs and a grilled cheese sandwich or something like that before hand. I always wait 2 hours after I've eaten to run though.
Replies: >>300
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>1 mile
>still not under 10 minutes
Replies: >>303 >>319
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I bet I'll overtake you soon.
Replies: >>304 >>307
Nigger middle school kids here are forced to run 1 miles under 7 minutes. You're pathetic and will never get good at distance running.
Replies: >>307 >>325
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>8.38 minutes per km
>works out to 13.48 minutes per mile
I might give the track near my house a go. A flat run could be nice, I've been running a hilly route. 1 lap is exactly one third of a kilometre, so I would do 5 laps.
>middle school kids here are forced to run 1 miles under 7 minutes
Fucking where? Kenya? Nigeria? I've never even heard of middle school kids being made to make any time at all, let alone a pretty good time like a 7 minute mile.
Replies: >>316 >>325
Replies: >>319
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>1 km
Went to the track, did three laps instead of five because I felt like I was going to die. I also started doing weights and callisthenics in the last couple days. 
That explains a lot actually. Was >>33 or >>35 you? Just curious if you've posted about your own runs at all.
Fuck no I'm not the kind of idiot to diarrhea that fucking wall of cringe text. I'm a fat fuck piece of shit but I'm still close to 7 min right now.
Replies: >>334
How do you deal with dogs? I got chased by them a few times and still have PTSD due to having to take rabies vaccine before.
Replies: >>325
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w5 - d1; good run. I definitely felt some improvement. The 5 minute segments weren't as tough as they were before, I still had some juice in me after each but I stuck to the program. In the end, I wasn't all that drained so I did a bit of a sprint home for about minute, and clocked at 15 Km/h.
>3,91 Km
>8:27 min/Km
Now w5-d2 doesn't look that scary anymore, but w5-d3 sure does, I don't know if I'll manage.

If you managed 1 Km in 6:10 you should be able to do 1 mile in 9:15 assuming you keep the pace.
Just you wait faggot, I'm not pussying out yet and I'm catching up quick, soon I'll leave that flabby belly of yours in the dust.
>Nigger middle school kids here are forced to run 1 miles under 7 minutes.
I was 10 years old all along and thus my results are great.
>You're pathetic and will never get good at distance running.
Don't mind if I do.
>How do you deal with dogs?
You don't? Just go where or when there aren't any around. I used to get chased by dogs while riding my bike but they couldn't keep up, it was hilarious. Besides most dogs are just show, they'll run after you and bark but do nothing until you're get out from their perceived territory.
Replies: >>334
This >>33 was me, I don't post result because I mostly run in the gym now.
Maybe I should go back to running in the park.
Replies: >>334
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Where's the other widebro at? You still lurking around?
>2 km
Track again, I'll probably return to the old route for the next couple runs. Going to start adding distance now.
I think I'll probably catch up to you by mid December. 
I'm interested to see your "real" pace without walking so don't bitch out on day 3. Ganbatte
You're lucky you have a gym at all right now.
Replies: >>339 >>342
So I can run a 5k without too much discomfort now, so I’m quite happy. My breathing has been a lot better and my feet are no longer numb. I have to improve my pace because I think I do it in just over 30 minutes, but I can do a single mile in close to eight minutes. I’ve adjusted my portions of my diet because I’m 314lbs., but I’m losing weight quickly. I think my ideal weight is something like 250-260 so I’ll aim for that.
Replies: >>342 >>959 >>1018
>1 mile
Suburban. resting from running until next week.
Replies: >>342 >>352 >>372
Phoneposting now so my ID changed, but I ran another 5k today in 33 minutes. I realize my form is much worse when I run while listening to music, so I’ll stop doing that. I don’t know if I’ll do that distance again tomorrow, but my body is definitely adapting to it so I can do it regularly.
Replies: >>342
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w5 - d2;  Weather was shit. It was windy as fuck and the wind seemed to hate me because it kept blowing in the opposite direction I was running, in spite of the fact I kept changing said direction. It was also raining intermittently, I got home all wet again. In the end, none of it mattered, I managed to complete the run adding a little extra at the end because I felt like it.
I should mention I wasn't too worried about today, the 5 minute rest segment was a major game changer, I did feel some burning in my lungs during the last stretch of the 8 minute segment though, something that hasn't happened since I tried the c25k as a total slob years ago.
>3,94 Km
>7:52 min/Km
So the distance is still the same but my pace was half a minute faster. At this point, every run is a new best. Sweating profusely thinking about w5-d3.
>I'm interested to see your "real" pace without walking
Well I checked time and distance after the first 8 minute segment just for you
>1,71 Km
That is including the 5 minute warmup brisk walking, it's not exactly accurate because I forgot to start the app some 20 seconds or so into the warmup so give or take 20 seconds and maybe 80 m. So that would make it about a mile in 13 or so minutes, walk included. That is to say: watch out, chubby, I'm on your heels!
>so don't bitch out on day 3. Ganbatte
Second pic related.
>5k in just over 30 minutes
Good shit man, good luck with the diet.
>I realize my form is much worse when I run while listening to music
Why tho? Does it really distract you that much from keeping form? It barely manages to distract me from the pain in my legs.
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w5 - d3; honestly didn't think that I could make it the full 21 minutes without ever stopping. Adding a whole 13 extra minutes, remembering how tough it was to even run 5 or even 8 in the past, seemed insane, but here I am, having run the whole thing and set a new personal best, and possibly defeating chubs >>339 here too.
>4,12 Km
>7:29 min/Km
While I'm not impressed by the numbers, being in fact somewhat disappointed having seen that skipping a whole 5 minutes of walking didn't improve them by a huge margin, I am indeed happy that I've proven to myself I have at least the endurance to do 21 minutes of running, without pussying out in near a month. Moving on to week 6; totally not concerned about the first two sessions, only slightly about the third.
I can confirm vouching for the C25K program but only up until w5 - d2. The spike on d3 seems a bit extreme and I'd fully understand if some people would want to gradually increase up to it. Adding to that after w6 it becomes "lol just go out and run" which is something anyone can do without any particular program telling them to do so.

And now again, addressing any lurkers:
as you clearly evidenced, just through sheer force of will, inertia and stubborness, my times have been consistently getting better. I won't hide the fact that, when I started, I had barely any confidence and reasonably low expectations, yet, just 4 weeks later, less than 900 m shy of a 5K, after doing near zero physical activity for years, here I am.

I won't lie to you by telling you it's easy, because it is not. You will want to stay home and skip training, you will want to quit every step of the way and you will feel awful during your runs, but you've got to trick yourself and just fucking endure it like a champ. None of this is to brag, since I've still a long way to go, all I mean is that, if there's anything to be learned from the my guinea pig results, is that you can do it: get out there take that first step and fucking do it.
Replies: >>353 >>354 >>546
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Should review my posts before posting lest I get called a retard ape.
>as you clearly evidenced
>as clearly evidenced
Shut the fuck up.
Replies: >>356 >>374
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OP is demonstrating the efficacy of a guide to running that's being floating around /fit/ for years, that no one ever actually uses, explicitly designed for those who are so bad at running they have to walk to start out. C25K was designed for someone like OP in mind. Now he's actually following the guide and you are mad. Why?
>he talks too much
Isn't a valid reason, because that's the entire purpose of /fit/.
Replies: >>357
If only that is the case. However over here we have half the shit is retarded social media tier pep talk motivation garbage, another 1/4 about how badass he is being able to accomplish some beginner milestone and the rest is some basic bitch tips he got from watching youtube video. Feel free to post pr with an ego, but at least be good at it. You sound no different from those normalfags I see everyday in the gym. Be humble or kill yourself. Be concise about what you wrote, no one cares about how amazing you are. If you feel what you just wrote is useless and egotistical, delete it immediately.
Replies: >>358 >>374
Your reasoning is unsound. No one who is actually competent at running needs to use this thread or any like it. It is for the running sinner, not the running saint. Regarding ego, I don't think anyone is under any delusions regarding their capabilities. I got passed while running by someone probably twice my age a while back, but what does it matter to me? Beginners compete with other beginners. For example, there's no reason a 40 year old guy who joins a boxing club and trains twice a week shouldn't be competitive with others in the same skill and fitness bracket, it doesn't mean he thinks he's a world class fighter. If you want a society without ego just look at any primitive hunter-gatherer society. Anyone that sticks their neck out or tries to move upward gets punished by the tribe, so they get stuck in a prehistoric rut. Incidentally this is exactly the kind of anti-upstart primate behaviour you are showcasing.
Replies: >>359
Are you retarded? All I said is that you should shut the fuck up and do more. Why on earth are you bringing up communist cave men? Fuck you.
Replies: >>360 >>374
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You were rambling about ego and humility because people talking normally about /fit/ness goals and results triggers your autistic cultural baggage. Act like a communist caveman and don't be surprised when you get called out for it. If everyone had the same posting ethos as you this would be a dead board, you've contributed nothing but contrarian shitposts ITT, by your own admission.
Replies: >>410
God you are all fags. Anyways, I did a 5k today in 30 minutes. I’m down 10lbs at 310. I think by next week I can lose another ten. The numbness in my legs I would get from that distance is completely gone and my pace is almost consistent. I’ll try running 4 miles by the end of next week. My next goal is to run a 10k by the end of November.
Replies: >>374
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>1 mile
I took a break but I don't feel recovered at all. I've also gained 7 pounds since I started running.
Replies: >>374 >>378
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w6 - d1; thought it was gonna be easier after w5-d3 but it was still quite tiring due to a number of reasons such as not being able to get any sleep and doing leg day at the gym after a long, long break. I tried upping my pace a bit, which was very manageable through the first 5 minute segment and half of the 8 minute one but then I started to feel it and had to slow down.
>4,12 Km
>7:48 min/Km
At first glance I thought I'd gotten worse results than the last run, in hindsight, factoring in the fact this session included 2x3 minute walk segments and that I retained distance, it's, again, an improvement. Had I run the 6 minutes instead, it'd maybe amount to 5K. Still haven't suffered any injuries which is superlative.

Settle down, partner, I wish you'd contribute with anything other than autistic screeching. I'm sorry if what I wrote came off as an ego stroke but surely you'd agree that if anyone wanted their e-peen stroked they'd look for an audience bigger than two fat dudes and a nasty trorr on a niche as fuck anonymous messageboard.
>social media tier pep talk motivation garbage
Motivation, or lack thereof, is what keeps people like me and possibly many anons with their ass glued to a chair, doing nothing. Personally speaking comparing results with the other two anons here is one of the things that kept me going this far. Then again I'm sure it comes in all shapes and sizes, there's probably someone out there who'd run a marathon for the sake of shutting you up.
In the end all I wanted was showing anons that even as a total fucking slob you can slowly inch your way forward as long as you're consistent with your training, as well as creating a small competitive environment for everyone to keep people interested. I really don't see what's wrong with any of that.
>I did a 5k today in 30 minutes.
Just give me til the end of this week and I'm overtaking you too.
>I’m down 10lbs at 310.
Can you see your pp yet? I've gained 10 lbs since I've started
What's up with that anon? Is the girth holding you back? Also
>gained 7 pounds since I started running.
Fucking how? I mean I say that after saying I gained 10 too but I'm eating like mad to bulk and I'm far from overweight. What the hell are you eating?
Replies: >>376 >>377 >>378
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4 miles in 42±1 minutes, which is something like 6.6 kilometers I think. I was supposed to run yesterday but I stubbed three of my toes black and blue. My form was definitely off because of it, but I'm getting stronger. Still 310 and therefore 40-60lbs. overweight. Cut out a lot of sugar with my sources being from fruit or honey, but I made this fantastic chocolate chip cookie dough last night and it'll take me a month to bake and eat it all so that's what's encouraging me to go the extra distance. I also learned how to bake bread during quarantine, so I may do that again.

>Just give me til the end of this week and I'm overtaking you too.
Try it, bitch.
Replies: >>392
All that fat has turned you into a faggot woman, faggot. Just shut the fuck up and only post when you have something actually interesting to bring to the table.
Replies: >>392
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>1 km
>What's up with that anon? Is the girth holding you back?
It's not helping my times obviously. But I think the recovery issue is just me having a lot on my plate. I'm training a lot trying to recover lost ground and running is only my second or third priority. 
>What the hell are you eating?
Nothing crazy. Probably about 2500 calories a day. I am eating a lot of carbs, but I am certainly not putting on fat, I look slightly more athletic (by my standards). I'm not really trying to lose weight at the moment, just improve my conditioning. I'm kind of a mutant when it comes to putting on muscle, it comes ridiculously fast. If I had gotten into lifting earlier in my life and been consistent I'd probably be a freak by now, but I had some kind of mental block about weightlifting.
Replies: >>392 >>405
My toe still is bruised so I took a day rest. I think I need to develop a stretching regime and something to condition my upper body. I always seem to be deadset on one thing at a time and that's pretty bad. I did powerlifting for a while with nothing aerobic or stretching, then Olympic lifting which is more combined but no other forms of exercise, and now this aerobic thing but no muscle training.
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w6 - d2; took an extra day of rest yesterday, my legs were feeling like lead. Not sure if having leg day every workout is making this any easier, but my legs are indeed fucking weak so I'll have to bear it. Again, I was going at a steady pace for the first half, it was after around the 16 minute mark I really started to slog and I was fucking exhausted at the end.
>4,28 Km
>7:44 min/Km
>only 140 m gained in 1 minute
For once I'm in slight agreement with slavic-motivator kun: I too was expecting a bit more, especially considering I trained for the same amount of time on week 4 >>260 and barely gained half a Km since. But hey, new personal best for distance. I think my bad sleeping habits are fucking my shit up. Sweating profusely thinking about d3 and very concerned about weeks 7, 8 and 9.
>4 miles 
>Try it, bitch.
I want to renegotiate my statement, I'll catch up maybe next month when I manage a 5K and start training speed instead of endurance.
>Still 310
Hey man 10 lbs in a month ain't bad. Surely next month you'll be be under 300.
>All that fat
B-but I'm bulking.
>But I think the recovery issue is just me having a lot on my plate. 
I dunno about that, I hit the gym just the same. I think it's the girth.
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5.2 miles. Don't know the time because my phone was dead, so I'm guessing when I say it was about 55 minutes or so. I was going to go for 10k but my shirt was chaffing against my nipples and they started bleeding. I had to shave my chesthair in order to put some bandaids on them. Is there anything you can do to stop this? I'm not hot enough yet to go shirtless, so I was going to order a compression shirt. In the meantime, I was told vaseline will work. Also, 312.4lbs.
Replies: >>396 >>398
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I didn't realize that this was a sample. Here's the fullsize.
Replies: >>398
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w6 - d3; DOMS in my legs and without a good night of quality sleep, much like w5-d3, I never ever thought that I could make it, in fact I had already given up at around the 15th minute mark that's barely 10 minutes in! and was very much ready to quit saying "Ok, I can't do this" but somehow I didn't. Breathing was surprisingly fine, it was mostly my legs that begged me to stop every fucking second. Indeed week 6 is history.
>5,00 Km
>7:00 min/Km
How's that for a change? I understand this might be baby steps and an old man/woman achievement but it's a conquest in my eyes; there was no fucking way I could even get close to this a month ago.
I was completely done in near the end, during the cool down segment I was barely able to put one foot in front of the other app shows I was going at 3,2 Km/h while walking. However, during the last few moments I checked my phone and saw I was just a little over 200 m short of 5 Km, coincidentally, Southern Cross came on which gave me that last bit of juice to say "fuck it" and sprint until time was up clocking at 17,2 Km, and clearing the 5 Km mark for the first time in my life. And now onwards to what's going to be 3 painful weeks.

I thought this was a Christian board.
>5.2 miles
Fuck's sake now I'll never be able to catch up, slow down lardass.
>chafed bleeding nipples
I read pro runners just cover every surface that moves and rubs onto clothing in lube, so I guess vaseline will do just fine as a cheap solution.
>had to shave my chesthair
At least now you'll gain 1 second every Km thanks to the weight loss and decreased wind resistance.
Replies: >>400 >>546
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6.4 miles in 73 minutes, which is about 10.3km. In total, I stopped moving during the run for maybe a total of 20 seconds because I took my dog over to play with his friend in my neighbor's fenced-off yard, but aside from that interruption I didn't stop. From now on, I'm going to focus on improving my pace rather than my distance. I don't want to go further than 10k because I risk developing arthritis later in life, though I must admit the idea of doing a marathon is enticing. I think I want to try running 6 days per week, but only 10k once or twice per week. I want to get my mile under 8 minutes and my 5k under 30.

I do want to get to a track to see how good I am on even terrain since the length I run is up and down a portion of a hill.

>I thought this was a Christian board.
I made an effort to find a picture of Eggman with a bandaid bra, but unfortunately had no luck.
Replies: >>401 >>408
Also, I want to report that my nips are safe and haven't fallen off. The vaseline trick worked though they were still sensitive. It was also 50 degrees out today so I didn't sweat nearly as much. Yesterday my shirt literally felt like it came out of the washing machine. If you're running, make sure your shirt is a light fabric that doesn't absorb water, so no cotton. I'd also recommend revealing as much skin as possible so your body can cool down as easy as possible.
Replies: >>408
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>1 mile
Still struggling to beat my old times, but I think I might have discovered why I'm not recovering. I was thinking about what I've been eating, and realised I haven't been getting enough protein. A couple eggs a day isn't cutting it with my new workload. Feel free to call me a baka. I'm going to start using whey powder sometimes now though.
Replies: >>406 >>408 >>414
If you're only running one mile, powder is just going to make you fat rather than fit. I run at a faster pace and over longer distances and I have cut out my protein powder entirely. I plan on using it again once I lose some weight or for my longer runs, but not part of my diet. I have three suggestions. First is to develop a smarter diet for the long term growth rather than focusing on short term energy boosters and supplements that are really intended for powerlifters when they literally cannot consume and digest real food fast enough. I eat five to seven eggs per day for lunch and pasta with some sort of meat and fresh vegetables for dinner. Second is to treat stretching with as much enthusiasm as you have for exercise and that's something you do every day. Third is to set ambitious yet realistic goals that will leave you limping but with a greater sense of accomplishment. A lot of trainers and gym-goers I know insist strict, pre-planned exercise regimes ensure optimal development, which is understandable for high risk exercises like the snatch or deadlift, but running isn't high risk. Follow the guidance of Couch to 5K initially, but listen to your body first and if you feel that you can do more just go for it.
Replies: >>407 >>408
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>powder will make you fat
Nah. As long as meal timings (because of insulin response, and which includes the shake) and caloric intake is the same that's impossible. I'm also not just running, I'm  doing plenty.
>the rest
I'm actually pretty well versed in weight loss and fitness. I've lost over 100 pounds twice, and gained it back twice (long story, not getting into it). I used to run 8 miles in an hour or so once a week every Saturday on top of a very heavy training routine when I was at 160. I just didn't train for 2 years while being a couch potato and eating like I used to while training. I've been easing back into training very gradually for the last 2 months, starting mostly with stretching and walking. I've been experimenting with some new diet ideas and so I wasn't used to having lower protein intake and took recovery for granted. I haven't given a shit about losing weight thus far until I've built up a little strength and cardio as a base for the kind of workout regimen I want to do while working on losing weight. I have no interest in C25K. I'm not a beginner, I just got out of shape.
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w7 - d1; failure. Having gone to bed on an empty stomach, tossed and turned for 6 hours and slept for maybe 1 and a half, phone data plan out thus negating whatever placebo from music, and being soaked in light rain to boot, about halfway through the 17 minute mark, I called quits.
Hugely disappointed at first for lacking the mental fortitude which I seemingly displayed in the the past two longer runs, some relief hit when I started feeling sick, signaling it was my body that had enough. For the next 2-3 minutes my head was spinning and I felt like throwing up the water and half peanut butter sammy I had.  I eventually needed to sit down on the curb for some 5 extra minutes. All symptoms I haven't experienced ever since my very first run years back, proof that stopping was probably for the best.
>20:19 (though I stopped running about 3 minutes earlier)
>2,56 Km
>7:56 min/Km
Lesson learned: rest and nutrition are 200% important, so don't flip flop with them. I'll look into fixing my sleeping habits and avoid skipping meals.
Session failed, I'm going to repeat w7 over next week as well, giving my body more time to get used to it before the timer increase of w8.

>6.4 miles in 73 minutes, which is about 10.3km.
Shit nigger, good job on your 10k, catching up with you is never fucking ever now.
>my nips are safe and haven't fallen off.
These are the results the running thread needs to know about.
>The vaseline trick worked though they were still sensitive
Lol faggot.
>1 mile
Well if anything, even in defeat I get to be faster than you :^)
>and realised I haven't been getting enough protein.
Wow, what's this, the malnourished insomniac running club?
>I eat five to seven eggs per day for lunch
Jesus, is that ok for your cholesterol levels?
Replies: >>409 >>440
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>Well if anything, even in defeat I get to be faster than you :^)
It's not fitness goals, you retard fucks are still miles away from the average standard. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself retards. You retards post your journal here fucking daily, =DAILY. Every fucking day you write a massive wall of text detailing your less than average accomplishment for everyone to see. People are laughing at your ego, not encouraging you. I'm seeing you the same way I see normalfags at the gyms flexing their biceps and flapping their butts around after a set. How are you so fucking oblivious to your ego? No one cares. Kill yourself==
Replies: >>413
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You're a nigger. The blackest retard gorilla nigger.
Once again you have it completely backwards. I have no intention of continuing to post here after I get decent at running, except maybe very occasionally just to check in. Why the fuck would anyone post about fitness goals if they have already made it? Yes, they are fitness goals, it's not an objective standard it's a relative one. You're like one of those faggots who cry about "e-bullying" except it's even worse because it's not directed at (you). You just can't handle the idea that a couple out of shape fucks decided to to take up running and post about it.Who gives a shit, just look away dumbfuck. 
Also I'm not OP, nor do I post here daily you retarded mongol mongrel cunt. Learn to identify writing styles.
Replies: >>416
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>1 km
Patience, it will get better.
I tried to go for a sub-30 5K today. Really worked hard, but I didn’t do it. However, my pace was just under 10 minutes per mile, so I set a new record. The distance I ran was about 3.2 miles, meaning that it would have taken me about 31 minutes to complete the 5K. I’m going to try again tomorrow and then do another 10K this weekend to see if I can compress my time. If I can maintain my pace, like I did today, I might be able to shave off eight minutes and get within grasp of a sub-60 run. I’m not losing weight, so I’m going to cut out the dried fruit since that has the most sugar of what I eat.
>after I get decent at running 
You made me chuckle there buddy. Retards like you will never get good at distant running since you're too busy stroking your ego. Over 300 lbs fat fuck piece of shit telling me he's going to make it. Nigger there is a reason why you are obese, and you're not going to be able to pull out of it easily. Months in and you're still miles below the average standard. You won't make it, ever. You're probably going to have shin splints and never try to run again.
>why post pr when you already made it
Absolutely nigger mentality. My entire argument is that pr is only appreciated by others when it is difficult to achieve. You somehow think that once someone reaches a certain level he's already good enough, further showcasing that you will never make it. There is no making it fat shit, what does that even mean?
Replies: >>424
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You are spectacularly retarded. 
>Retards like you will never get good at distant running 
I already got good at running once, and it's not even that hard. If you actually read posts you would know this.
>pr is only appreciated by others when it is difficult to achieve
I don't post my times for anyone else to appreciate you absolute mongoloid nigger. That would be actual ego-posting. 
>you somehow think that once someone reaches a certain level he's already good enough
For my purposes, and for many others this is absolutely true. Fighters, for example, only need cardio that's "good enough" for x number of rounds any further cardio just eats into the rest of their training. Running is just one means to an end for them. For me, I have a certain target, and once I reach it I only need to maintain it. This is common fucking sense. Running is only open ended if that's your whole purpose. That I need to explain this shows how fucking stupid you are.
Replies: >>425
>hurr I was like really good before
Ok obese piece of shit, I was really good too. Better than you even.
>I don't post my times for anyone else to appreciate you absolute mongoloid nigger
Then why the fuck did you constantly post your number as if to feel validated after all that hard work? No one on this earth admits that they are stroking their ego, but somehow you're so different. My entire point is that you should shut the fuck up. No one cares.
>muh purpose
And what would that purpose be my hero? Training to be a fighter? Lol. Dudes at the top train restlessly, often taking their entire day. It's not because they think they are good enough, only that they have to spend time doing something else. What do you, an obese piece of shit, has so much work to do that he doesn't bother with getting better anymore?
Replies: >>431
I've already stated that I'm going to keep posting my times. Nothing you say can stop that. Once I get decent, I'll stop. I am genuinely puzzled at what sort of subhuman nigger autism drives you.
Actually, upon reflection (you) are probably just fishing for (you)s. Further posts will simply be reported.
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>1 mile
I didn't feel like I was running through molasses this time. I quit listening to music while I run a few runs back,  it felt like cheating, motivation wise. But I have better focus now. I'm also fasting today. My previous run was also a fasted one, I didn't eat anything. I lost the 7 pounds I gained, back at 270 again.
Aren't you due for another run? You were getting all smug too, better not collapse on me now.
Replies: >>442 >>443
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>Aren't you due for another run?
Yeah, I was yesterday but I couldn't sleep all night again and before I knew it the alarm was ringing. I figured it wasn't doing me any good and that I'd take 2 days off to hopefully fix my sleep a bit and then go Saturday morning as scheduled.
>better not collapse on me now.
Nah, not this time around.
Just curious, how tall are you? While I’m still overweight and heavier than you are, it’s not abnormal for my build it doesn’t encumber me in any normal activities nor pose serious health risks.
Replies: >>445
I'm 5'11''. My weight doesn't really hamper me, but it will be gone in a few months.
Replies: >>447
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I should also mention that I will be going offline for the month of November. I'll keep a journal of my runs and post them all come December. Running tomorrow, so one more before then.
Replies: >>449
5k in some 33-34 minutes. It's been raining constantly for the past two days so I didn't go out as I didn't want to ruin my shoes and it was snowing today. How valuable are warmups in these winter months? I expect my times to rise with fall of temperature, but if there's anything I can do better to make it feel less awful I'd do it. I also seem to be losing some weight again now that I cut out the dried fruit.

Jesus dude you have your work cut out for you. Good luck.
Replies: >>449 >>450
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If by the end of November you haven't cut your minutes per mile by at least 3 minutes and shed 10 pounds minimum you best be ready for fat shaming and severe bullying.
I always do a 5 minute warmup walk before my runs and I don't think that's quite cutting it. I can tell you enduring freezing temps for 5 minutes before you actually warm up properly by running is torturous, especially if you like me go run in shorts when the sun's not out yet. So probably a good idea unless you wear a lot of clothing. In fact I should probably do something different myself.
Replies: >>450
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Thanks, no worries, I'm extremely confident.
I can lose 10 pounds just in water weight going low carb, I'm shooting a lot higher than that.
Replies: >>459
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w7 - d3; Runner, wannabe. Advice, listen!
Give up? NEVER!
>5,12 Km
>7:26 min/Km
Still a bit affected by the previous failure, motivation-wise, I kept a slower but steady pace, which I only recouped a bit during the last stretch. I did run the whole 28 minutes though which was a pleasant surprise.
But yeah, the difference was an abyss. What do you know, sleeping and eating properly are drastic gamechangers. Also I decided I'm not gonna bother repeating the week again. I mean the next biggest increase is 2 whole minutes which, at this point, is peanuts and totally manageable, I felt like I could've run for 30+ minutes this time around so I doubt it's gonna be a problem at all.
>I'm shooting a lot higher than that.
That's good, fatty, positive thingken.
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I attempted and failed a 5K today. Approximately 1.3 miles in I just couldn't keep my pace up and had to stop. Winter's chill is now very apparent and here to stay, so I'm going to have to get used to that. I'll go again tomorrow, but I really want to go to a track because I know the elevation changes are a major impediment in getting a good time. I also have been doing the exact opposite of nofap for the past week including before my run, so I'm going to really commit to that. Some other things I noticed are that my diet has been a little mixed up and I didn't get as much sleep as I normally do. Any other ideas?
Replies: >>480 >>503
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>1 km
Could be worse.
I think our body naturally sort of shifts into a lower "gear" for Winter, certainly. 
Anyway, I'll see you lads again in a month, cheers.
Replies: >>503
>downpour all day today for the third time in five days
>winter storm advisory tomorrow
Fucking bullshit end to October and start to November. I can deal with the cold but I don't want to ruin my shoes. Weight remains just under 310. If it's just snow tomorrow I'm going to go for a 10k. I'd really like to run at night, but I need to find a headlamp.
Replies: >>503
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I bought a GPS watch recently. It's a pretty neat accessory to have. I am obviously not in shape, but the stats are pretty handy. I should be a bit more goal oriented with this. How long does it take to shave a minute off a mile time anyway? I imagine with my shit mile time I can make some fairly quick progress. Not like I'm trying to go from a 6 min to a 5 min mile.
Replies: >>502 >>503
>fat fuck piece of shit compensating his laziness with cool hip gadget and feel the need to brag to anons about it
You will never make it.
Replies: >>503
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w8 - d1; mistakes, mistakes. I accidentally binned a potential PB because I legit forgot how long I had to run and stopped at the 30th minute mark instead of the 33th thinking I was done. By the time I had figured out why I was a few hundred m from my previous record I had already been walking for a while and it didn't seem fair to resume and count it as good.
>4,97 Km
>7:04 min/Km
On the bright side, not only am I still on par with w6-d3, I know I still had the energy to go the 3 minutes at a not Jeb-like pace unlike w7-d3. I'm confident I'll beat it in 2 days.

>1 Km only
When are you going to start adding some distance? Be advised, fatty, by the time I reach w9-d3 I'm going to stop tracking my warmups and cooldowns that's a whole 10 minutes watering down the records and then I'll smoke you. The clock is ticking, see you in December.
>failed a 5K today. Approximately 1.3 miles in I just couldn't keep my pace up and had to stop. 
You ran a 10k but failed a 5k?
>Some other things I noticed are that my diet has been a little mixed up and I didn't get as much sleep as I normally do. Any other ideas?
You probably got your culprits framed anon. Bad rest and bad eating habits seem to wear you out like shit over time.
>snow tomorrow
Snow is the perfect texture for running, very low impact, if this qt airhead >>162 says so.
>going to go for a 10k.
Good luck with that!
As neat as that is, I'm not rich enough to justify spending 100+ on something my phone can already do.
>How long does it take to shave a minute off a mile time anyway?
No pro here, but from my own experience I'd assume if you're a beginner "pretty quick progress" is a decent guess.
At this point I'm pretty convinced I know what you're doing, keep it up I say.
Replies: >>507 >>546
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6.4 miles in 70 and a half minutes, which comes out to about 11 minutes per mile and means my 10k distance was a little over 68 minutes. I wanted to make up for the lost sessions last week. This is my second 10k I've done with the previous one being ten days ago. I didn't think I'd actually do it since my leg started to go numb after four miles, but by the end of it I was going at a decent speed and even sprinting. I suspect I ran my fastest mile ever in the last couple laps, but have no way to confirm this other than my gut feeling. I'm really quite happy with my progress and how little discomfort there was in this run aside from the fact that I need more vaseline.
Replies: >>511 >>512
>You ran a 10k but failed a 5k?
Along with temperature/moisture changes and bad habits, I was running at a faster pace with the intention of going under 30 minutes. I think I was also dehydrated.
Replies: >>512
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~3.02 miles in 26:40. I was attempting to get as close to 5k as possible from my usual 3.2 mile route because I was quite tired, but I fell a little short. Still, that's a little under 9 minutes per mile sustained which I think is pretty decent for someone like me. I'm likely going to take tomorrow off so the calluses on my feet can firm up. It's really amazing what good weather and some behavioral changes can do.

Just get out there and take up a cardiovascular sport, anon. I'm watching you.
Replies: >>512
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w8 - d2; FUG :-DD. The bad news is I couldn't break the record; the worse news is I had to stop through the run for what I think was 40 seconds/1 minute at a time like 3 times; the only positive note is that, at least, I mostly retained the distance feat only achieved by running an extra bit during what was supposed to be the cooldown. I didn't sleep well again and I that most likely impacted it a lot, given how I started sweating like a pig halfway through. 
>5,07 Km
>7:33 min/Km
It was pretty damn sloppy overall, but consistency and keeping a black knight-like attitude is key: this is but a minor setback.
>I suspect I ran my fastest mile ever in the last couple laps, but have no way to confirm this other than my gut feeling
Why don't you succumb to your curiosity and use your CIA tracking device to get access to records of distance and such?
Now, now, do you really NEED it? 
>Along with temperature/moisture changes and bad habits, I was running at a faster pace with the intention of going under 30 minutes. I think I was also dehydrated.
Can't speak for temps but yeah it's insane how much rest, nutrition and hydration can fuck you up if you don't pay attention and fill your needs properly. How many 10ks have you run in total? Or were these your first and only two? 
>~3.02 miles in 26:40.
I'll have train harder if I really want to keep up, lagging behind and having to see that flubby ass of yours swaying in the wind is not a pretty sight. Good job, by the way.
Replies: >>516
I recommend that you eliminate any break between warmup and workout if you don’t already. I find that losing the momentum kills me.
>Why don't you succumb to your curiosity and use your CIA tracking device to get access to records of distance and such?
I don’t have a belt to strap my phone to my body with. I just leave my phone, run, and then stop the timer as soon as I return. I calculated the distance I run through GPS to be just slightly over a fifth of a mile and run that multiple lengths, so I just count however many times I run that distance. 5k exactly isn’t too important since I run close enough to it.
>How many 10ks have you run in total?
Only those two.
Replies: >>523
May as well post another update. I did another 5k in just over 30 minutes. It was quite warm today and I got overheated. I guess even though the cooler weather makes the air dryer, it helps me keep going. I also made a more concerted effort to run as closely to >>176, but it's hard because my shoes don't have thin running soles.
Replies: >>523
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w8 - d3; Ayy. I decided that the Jeb! pace would be the best if I wanted to clear the 30 minutes goal so and stuck with it, indeed it was.
>5,69 Km
>7:06 min/Km
This is the longest and furthest I've ever run in my entire life, I'm not quite there with the speed, but it's good to see my endurance and recovery are improving visibly. Shame about the pace when I was though I felt like I could've done more to beat it, but oh well. Now it's down to week 9. No more timer increases, just racing against it.

>I recommend that you eliminate any break between warmup and workout if you don’t already.
So far, barring the first 5 weeks which had me do interval training, I've only stopped twice: when I bitched out on w7d1 and when I couldn't keep up on w8d2. I like to think it wasn't much bitching out than it was hitting the wall physically speaking.
>I don’t have a belt to strap my phone to my body with
Me neither, I just keep it in a chest pocket in my tracktop but when it was still hot and I was wearing a tank and shorts I used to carry it by hand. I'll admit neither is exactly comfortable and I wish I had a strap myself, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
>Only those two.
Damn, I thought you had already done it several times in the past and it was just routine. Well done then.
>It was quite warm today and I got overheated. 
Yeah this fucking weather is retarded, if I go light then it's cold as balls and when I wear more shit I end up getting home soaked in sweat because it's too warm. I never know what the fuck I should wear.
>I also made a more concerted effort to run as closely to >>176
A bit tough innit? I noticed it's easier to keep the form when you're running faster, say an 11+ Km/h pace, than when you're Jeb!'ing about. I've also noticed that as I wear out I gradually start hitting more and more of my midfoot while, at the beginning, I manage to run pretty much on forefoot only.
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w9 - d1; in short it was shit, even at a Jeb! pace. I barely made it, and after I was done I had to sit down for a moment before limping back home, but I did complete the session. 
>5,11 Km
>7:49 min/Km
I say rest and nutrition are ultra, mega, fucking important but then I don't listen to my own advice; they'll both be my downfall. Only two more till graduation.

Furthermore, I'm starting to question the accuracy of that app I and fat cheeks are using. I never sprinted that much during this session, yet, the max speed is marked as 15,2 Km/h, but then, like 3 or 4 sessions ago, I ran fast like a nigger stealing your TV and the max speed recorded was 13~ Km/h or some shit.
If that wasn't enough, much like my corpulent friend already noted, the elevation readings seem to be largely off. I always run the same route which is mostly flat, but it marks 50, or so, m of uphill and downhill, which seems like total bullshit.
Replies: >>540
I attempted a 10k after a few days of fucking around and failed, going some 6km. I took a day off and did a 5k today in heavy rain, which sucked a lot and I went at a slower pace because of it doing it in about 32:30. I am losing weight gradually, though. I clocked in at 305, so I lost 15lbs in about 6 weeks. I hope to be closer to 290 than 300 by the end of the year.
Replies: >>546
Would it kill you to push yourself and run until you can't move your legs anymore?
Replies: >>546 >>588
I either ran 3 miles or 5k in 28 minutes today. I'm about 60% confident I did the 5k. I ate a few brownies before I went running so I may have had a bit more energy today.
Replies: >>546
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Final session; Yes, I skipped d2, I had some pain in my right hip, leg and foot, dunno why it's always the same side.
The following numbers do not include warmup or cooldown segments;
I ran my first "official" non-stop 5K in 35:34, which works out a disappointing 7:05 min/Km pace, and fails to beat even >>503 or >>398. Even though I was winded, I've had worse, so perhaps I just didn't push myself as much as I could.

With that done, the C25K journey is over on a bittersweet note, which leaves me at a crossroad, I can either:
>shift focus on speed and keep doing 5Ks to improve pace
>keep running distance and move on to the B210K program which technically should still train the endurance to run shorter distances faster
What do you recommend /fit/?
Also does anyone know what's this fucking pain I keep getting in my inner hip and back calf only on the right side? It took 2 days of rest for both to go away but they keep coming back every now and then. Could it be related to form? Should I ignore it? Should I put some voodoo spider egg shit spread on it to make it go away? I feel fucking crippled right now.

Speaking of C25K, for anyone interested trying it, I mostly agree with what I said halfway into it >>352
The good
>does get you off the couch
>quick noticeable improvements until week 5
>time intervals increase within reason
>challenging enough but not extremely hard to keep up with
>gives you an easy to follow frame of reference with set goals
>said reference helps people who are too lazy to write their own workout program and get into the routine mindset
The bad
<might not actually get you to 5K in 30 minutes
<once the interval training weeks are over you're pretty much on your own
<diminishing returns after week 6 might demotivate some
<running for time instead of distance gives you an excuse to slog through runs
Take all of this with a grain of salt as it is based on my own personal experience. All in all, if you're a total disgusting slob like me or a beginner like me, I'd recommend it. It really holds your hands through week 1 to 6 and trains that basic initial stamina you need to get you going.

>a few days of fucking around
I feel you.
>I am losing weight gradually, though. I clocked in at 305
Finally, some good news uh?
>I ate a few brownies before I went running so I may have had a bit more energy today.
I dunno if eating before runs has done me any good, I tried doing that and 3 out of 4 times  I was about to throw up at the end and I really didn't feel like I had any more energy.
>push yourself and run until you can't move your legs anymore?
You make it sound as if I'm frolicking around and slacking, not challenging myself at all which is certainly not the case.
>Would it kill you
Maybe? I do have a heart condition, technically speaking I shouldn't even be doing any of this at all and no doctor would ever let me, but doctors are Jews and I'm always reminded of pic related. I wish I had the quote about not disappointing his anime waifu but alas.
I'm going to need to figure out a new schedule, because I'm getting less inclined to go out. I am still steadily losing weight, down 16lbs now from when I started a couple months back, but with the weather becoming shittier my motivation is drying up. If I go more than a day without running it just feels brutal getting back into it. Are there any ways I can mix things up? Doing a 5k daily is getting boring.
Replies: >>558
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>Are there any ways I can mix things up?
I understand that the fun part of running is the journey to the goal you set for yourself and that, once you reach it, it becomes a bit dull.
I was thinking of trying a virtual race but it seems like too much of a hassle since they want all your data and it's mandatory to install whatever app the event organizers use to track you.
If only we had a more substantial userbase it could've been cool to try and put together a competition of some sort. 
You could try writing some interval training schedule like C25K and B210K but aimed at a half marathon maybe?
Replies: >>559
I should mention that my time was close to 32 minutes, but I forced myself to do that front-of-foot running style Usain Bolt does for most of the duration. I gave myself the day off today, but I'm going to try running first thing in the morning. I typically run at dusk, sometimes ending when it's dark out.

>aimed at a half marathon maybe?
No way. I don't want to go further than 10k. My father had both his knees replaced because of it. He is, or was, 6'5" and I'm much taller so I'm at even greater risk. A more proficient runner friend who qualified for the Boston marathon told me that her toenails will fall off. I've already had my experience with nipple bleed and that was a five mile run.

I think it might be interesting to create some sort of /fit/ project or experiment, though. Maybe a diet plan since the other charts are done, but I do get bored very soon once I reach my goal. When I was training for a six plate deadlift, I took a four month hiatus from the gym with my record sitting at five plates. I did 300 squats almost every night and the first day back I hit 515. Within three months I did six plates and then just dropped deadlifting.
Replies: >>560
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w10d1;  figured I'd do something different for a week before I begin B210K. My original plan was
>1.5 mile at a faster pace
>5K with at a fast*er** pace with a break in the middle to see if that helps
>standard 5K possibly at a not so Jeb pace
But it didn't the first goal didn't fly so good.
>2,42 Km
>6:33 min/Km
I did break my PB pace-wise, and the time looks great when compared to older shit like this >>228, but I also had to stop about halfway through to catch my breath for about 3-4 minutes, as I simply could not sustain that kind of speed for the whole length. If anything it goes to show there is a tonne of room for improvement. I gotta say being free from time constraints and racing for distance feels much better.

5K in 32? Didn't you run a faster one weeks ago? Is the cold really fucking you up that much, because I haven't noticed any major difference in performance personally, aside from my balls getting iced.
>his knees replaced because of it
Your father ran marathons and fucked his knees? That's rough but now he's got bionic legs right?
>A more proficient runner friend who qualified for the Boston marathon told me that her toenails will fall off
Yeah I read about that, it seems that's fairly common for marathoners, but they grow back anyway so who cares, what are you gonna do, paint em?
>nipple bleed
That was pretty funny.
>I think it might be interesting to create some sort of /fit/ project or experiment, though. Maybe a diet plan since the other charts are done, but I do get bored very soon once I reach my goal.
I was thinking of a rework of the C25K program, week 7-9 in particular could use some tweaking and it'd be cool to give it a new coat of paint with zzzchan's colors. A diet plan could be a thing if you know what you're doing, I'm certainly no food expert, I just followed some of the infographs I found on /fit/ ever since I started.
> I took a four month hiatus from the gym with my record sitting at five plates. I did 300 squats almost every night and the first day back I hit 515. Within three months I did six plates and then just dropped deadlifting.
How much did you weigh then?
Replies: >>561
>Didn't you run a faster one weeks ago?
I’ve changed my running style to match Bolt’s and the conditions of the road have changed. I have had to run more daintily because all the leaves decided to fall this week and with the rain I was at greater risk of slipping.
>Your father ran marathons and fucked his knees? That’s rough but now he’s got bionic legs right?
Half marathons when he was my age and into his late 30s. He developed arthritis because of it.
>How much did you weigh then?
340. That was in August of 2019, so I’ve lost 37lbs since. I think I’m on track to get under 290 by year’s end.
It was much colder out today. I found it hard to breathe today with nothing between the air and my chest other than a t-shirt, but the air is so cold and dry that I keep producing mucus to protect my neck and choking on it. My time is not improving, I'm still doing about 100 meters per minute, which is six minutes slower than my record. I almost want to wear a mask to retain some moisture.
For the first time in my life I ran a mile in under 9 minutes. 8:37 to be exact. Not impressive by any means, but an improvement. Im beginning to think there is something wrong with my running form. My cadence as is seems pretty inefficient and limited. Or maybe I'm just fat.
Also, I'm 301 now. Slowly but surely getting there. I'm getting a little lanky for my liking, so I'll immediately hit the gym and rebuild my muscle once COVID blows over. I think I want to be more functional rather than bulky.

Hey that's better than me. Good job man.
Replies: >>572
That's pathetic
Don't complement him.
I beat you today with a 7:47 mile, and that was an uphill/downhill course, so I recant my previous congratulatory statement. Step it up, bro.
Replies: >>588
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Sup /fit/, thought I'd update on my situation after a week.
My goals have shifted quite a bit, and since it's been 2 months and a half since I started I decided to test myself to figure out my current situation.
I ran one mile at the fastest pace I could hold. Even though I it was a bitching pace, it worked out a disappointing
>9:20 min/Mi
in spite of my best efforts, which was a bit of a reality check considering the local eggmen can do better.

In light of that I figured I'd change my training regimen to something more intense. I'm ruled out the B210K because it seemed somewhat unnecessary since I'm kind of confident I could manage a 10K or something close to that as long as I go slow-ish. From now on I'm going to incorporate some anaerobic shit during the week while shooting for >>540 at the end of the week to get some mileage, finally I'm dropping the 3 days a week from C25K I favor of an every other day routine.
Replies: >>597
It’s getting too cold for me to do any future 10k, not because I don’t think I could do it, but because I’m legitimately concerned about my dick getting frostbite. I think I might want to run with one of those pocket warmers shoved in my underwear. My ~5k performance is still steadily at 32 minutes, but that’s because I’m running really poorly and less frequently now. My 26 minute run was unusually good.

Also, I’m training to do 100 pushups. Don't know if I mentioned that. Currently in the mid 30s, up from 18 a couple weeks back.

One thing that did help me is incorporating sprinting into a jog. I’d run for as fast as I could for as long as I could, which is just a few seconds, and at the end of it I’d keep going in a jog. I would repeat that a few times. I also breath in through my mouth and out through my nose. C25K is a different training regiment, so don’t be surprised that your mile isn’t as good.
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I'm back, and it's not December yet. I gave the thread a quick scan, probably read more thoroughly later. Anyway, here are my runs, along with weight at the time, because why not?
>6:50 1 km nov. 1st
>1:44 1/3rd of a kilometre nov. 5th
>84 minutes 10km nov.5
>1:41 1/3rd of a kilometre nov. 12th
>2 miles 27:32 nov. 12th
I'm at 266 today. For some reason, I kept gaining weight up to 274, so I'm down 8 from there. Axe me a kweschun.
Replies: >>600 >>716
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why aren't you losing weight like the other guy fatso?
Replies: >>601
I am, just not as quickly or evenly. Like yesterday I was 265, now I'm 266. but the overall trend is downward (I was over 300 at one point this year). I'm trying to even it out. My goal for November was 15 pounds, the idea being to lose a half pound a day on average but that obviously isn't happening now. I'll just keep working on it.
Did a casual 5k in a little over 30 minutes. I was a little sick earlier. I’ve changed how I’m breathing, which really helped. I’ve been running more regularly, not allowing myself more than a day’s break. My times aren’t really improving so it’s not worth the update, but I’m 301lbs now. Truthfully, I don’t think I’ll get to 290 by the new year, but running has really helped me grow as a person. Weather isn’t too chilly somedays, so I may do a 10k if I can.
I haven't been motivated to run lately, but I have been walking a lot, 3 hours a day for the last 3 days. It's not running but that's my daily goal for this month. There's been a lot of talk about making mask wearing "mandatory" everywhere, so I don't know whether I'm just going to stay inside or tell the cops to fuck off if they hassle me if that happens. It's hard to stay motivated to run in such circumstances.
Replies: >>627
run at night like that anon
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Running has gotten a lot harder with the temperature so I don't go out nearly as often as I used to. I'm definitely not keeping to my "at least once every other day" rule, but regardless I now weigh 298, which is down over 40lbs from when I went bear mode. Not sure if I'm on track to reach 290 by New Year, but I know I can maintain this. I'll probably stop at 260-270 and then bulk once fucking Corona ends. Doing some bodyweight stuff daily to keep some tone, but it's not the same.
Replies: >>629
>Running has gotten a lot harder with the temperature so I don't go out nearly as often as I used to.
Man I feel that feel. I keep putting it off because of how cold it's gotten, last time I went two days ago my hands got all red and swollen and I couldn't feel them until I warmed up, it must've been at least freezing temps.
> 298, which is down over 40lbs from when I went bear mode.
how long does it take to lose your running gainz?
Replies: >>652 >>670
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I've slowed down greatly on my running. I'll probably go maybe twice a week and supplement everything else with snow shoveling and log splitting. I did go out the other day for a two mile run and it was actually pretty good, but I'm going to mostly hibernate and let the calluses on my feet soften bit until it's warm enough. And I have to stress that you shouldn't go running for a long time for the sake of your dick. I lose as much as 3" from its normal flaccidity when I exercise because blood isn't circulating there as much, so while I was running in the cold I realized it could probably get frostbite and decreased the amount of time I intended to spend out there.
Replies: >>660
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>tfw haven't gone in 2+ weeks
kill me
2 months
>Why aren't you running, anon?
So running around in my house or  indoors generally is pretty easy and I'm pretty athletic all around. I'm in good shape. But for whatever reason running outside kills my knees, and so does running on a treadmill if I don't have it inclined.  

What am I doing wrong? I'm not heel/ axe kicking ground with every step so I'm pretty sure thats not the problem
Size : 30cmx30cmx12Ply
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>last post two months ago
I hope you faggots are out of hibernation.
Anyways, I guess I should give a little update. It's been several months since I've ran regularly. I've managed to keep off the weight with dietary changes as well as getting a job that requires me on my feet a lot of the time. You'd think that it would take a lot out of me, but I've actually gone running at the end of the day. I'm working my way back up to 5k's after going so long without running one, but I can do two miles quickly enough and my pace is down 40 seconds from last week from 9:20 to now 8:40 per mile. Most significant change in my diet is that I've been eating a lot of blueberries, a banana daily, and a steak 3-4 times per week.
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Just chiming in to say I (me >>598) am back. I stopped running but I will get back to it, just once a week though. Thinking every Tuesday.
Replies: >>717
everyone is dead, even you, you just haven't realized it yet
Replies: >>718
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On the contrary, there is only life everywhere, death is nowhere, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding.
For whatever reason I had a lot of energy today and ran a 5k in just over 28 minutes, which is about four minutes ahead of what I would average in the previous year. It’s my first 5k in probably 5 months and one of my better ones. I think I’ll give a 10k a go on Easter Sunday.
First post didn't go through for some reason, let's try that again.
>2 miles
>25 minutes 18 seconds
I'm concentrating of fasting right now (I've lost 7 inches off my waist in the last 5 weeks) so I don't feel  the need to exercise very frequently. 1 day a week will work for me at the moment.
When I was in the goy Army, was running 6 minutes and 45 seconds miles at my peak. I was a fairly big guy then. Got out, gained 25 pounds, trying to go back in cause fuck civilian life. Just gonna say some personal shit that helped me out
>stretch, seriously this will help you alot. Should always stretch before a workout, should already know this
>controlled breathing really helps, but takes time to develope. Try your hardest to control your breathing, helps to do it based on your pace. 
>Avoid breathing out your mouth too much (idk if this does anything but i felt it helped me).
>tiptoe meme works, your just fucking up your legs and especially feet in the long run if your using your back heals. Personally using the balls of my feet was more comfortable, probably is for most people.
>once you start doing a 8 minute or hell 9 minute mile start, start running with a backpack with weights in it
>ran with 25 pounds first time, got as high as 50 pounds. 
Running without them feels like nothing, but dont overdue it by going too fast. Its a good way to fuck yourself up if your not careful, trust me. 
Make sure the backpack hugs your body to. Dont want it bouncing all over the place.
>building up your legs help
>avoid treadmills
Alot of this has been said before, but fug it ill say it again.
>2 miles
>25 minutes 50 seconds
Felt like trash today, but ran anyway. Aiming for 3 miles next week.
Replies: >>730
>26 minute 2 mile
Replies: >>733 >>734
I did much worse tbh
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No push, just glide.
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So I ran about 3.2 miles in under 31 minutes, so my mile pace is a little over 9 minutes per mile. I'm actually pretty close to my pre-winter pace, but I haven't had it in me to push for another 10k. I'm about 295lbs now, but I expect to lose that weight again. I think I'm going to the track tomorrow to properly time my mile and hopefully I can get it close if not under 8 minutes. I might take up rock climbing so I can't be bulky anymore.
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>2 miles
>26 minutes 40 seconds
Wimped out of doing the 3 mile. I'm sure I can do it next week though..
>3 miles
>42 minutes 45 seconds
I'm going to try to make it to 4 miles quicker than I made it to 3.
>1 mile
>12 minutes 16 seconds
Did my run yesterday instead of today.
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Started running as well, on day 3 now. Taking advice from another /fit/izen to run on your toes as much as you can, since that springs the weight back up into your calves and works those out as well. However I made the mistake of running like that two days in a row when I don't think my calves have ever had any significant strain on them. Could barely walk for the next two days. Combining running like this with a lighter and healthy diet (no sugar, low carbs, high protein) in the hopes that I can shave off my stomach/thigh fat so my abs can finally show though. Give me the energy to make it lads.
Replies: >>839
How fat we talkin?
Replies: >>851
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Day 4 today. Skipped yesterday because my right foot was aching hard, slept on it and it still isn't much better. Tried to run my usual route but it became obvious right away my foot wouldn't take it. Couldn't even run on my toes it was so painful. Ended up doing about half my route. Also doesn't help that the pants I have don't hold my phone well so it keeps thrashing around in my pocket or almost falling out, need to get one of those armstraps.
Just enough for it to be annoying. When I bunch it up it's about a fistful, and a bit more around my thighs.
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Day 5 yesterday, leg stopped killing me and it's starting to get easier now. Ran on my toes for a good 1/3 of the route instead of just the first block. May have something to do with the boomer zero i had earlier but I feel myself getting better
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Day 6, running on my toes is not working. I keep pulling something either in my leg or foot and can barely move for two days afterwards. Right now my right foot is aching real hard, and I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. I'll try to take it easier and keep the pressure off of it.
Replies: >>918
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Eggman reporting back. With the heat, I've started running less and swimming more. I've passed the 290 threshold and am now comfortably fluctuate between 285 and 289. I'm looking a lot more toned even when I was bulking and I've gone down several pant sizes to the point where my wardrobe doesn't fit me anymore, but I still have a considerable amount of fat to lose. I'm going to guess that I'll start looking really good if I get under 260.
Replies: >>938
>running on my toes is not working
takes a while to get used to it I guess
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A month later and I'm now 279. I'm not sure if I qualify as Eggman anymore. It's kind of amazing that I've lost over 40 pounds in under a year. My pants and underwear are so baggy on me that they just fall off. I really need to start bulking again and hitting the gym, but I've been doing bodyweight exercises so I don't just look lanky. Honestly, I'm already at a pretty healthy weight for my height, but I'm going to lose some more. Maybe I'll make it back in muscle.
Replies: >>939 >>941
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>I'm now 279
<279 kg
Euroniggers like myself will never adapt to your retarded unit system. What the fuck are 279, huh? Sounds very fat to me.
Replies: >>941 >>943
>>32 (OP)  
I might try this but I hate cardio so god damn much, people i know(not fat) have ruined their knees, be careful with that crap. What i do is run 26 stairs to the 13th floor up and down as fast as i can isnt that good enough?
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focus on losing the fat first before bulking, since that inherently involves adding some fat with the muscle. get lean before you get mean.
fucking euros
Replies: >>942 >>943
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>sweden yes
In spite of having seen that image many times already, that still caught me offguard.
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I'm 7ft 2.1m tall, so I wear it well. Hell, I wore "24 stones" well enough, too, but I'm done with powerlifting.

I'm going to see how good I look at 260 or so and then evaluate my options.
Squatch back. Yesterday, after a 5k run, I clocked in at 273.8, meaning I've lost nearly 50lbs from a little more than a year ago, 70lbs from my peak, and 10lbs from the upper bound of my goal weight range, which I set in October according to >>338. You can fucken make it.
I know that this board is pretty dead, but I did my first 10k in months. I didn't really intend on running for so long, but I clocked in at 269. I'll report back once I get under 260. It's really incredible, because according to >>257, which was posted eleven months ago, I was just trying to get to 280.

If there's a chance that past contributors to the thread still lurk, I hope that you've achieved your goals, or at least still getting there.
Replies: >>989
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>this board is pretty dead
Goes to show this was just one man's board.
About goals, are you trying to improve cardio rate as well? I'm tempted to diminish my bpm because my heart pumps awfully fast.
Replies: >>1018
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I've been making some life changes after graduating from Eggman status and just wanted to check on this thread for the first time in a month. By coincidence, or possibly some subconscious suggestion, today is also the day where I first stated my goal to be in the 250 range in >>338, and I've clocked in at in at 264. So, in exactly one year, I've permanently lost 50lbs and 4lbs away from my ideal range. Congratulations to me.

I hope that other anons keep as committed. I regularly do a 5k about twice per week, but when I can't, cutting out almost all carbs except on running days and sticking to /nofap/ well, trying to has really helped. 

My updates in this thread are just about done, but I think I'll start bulking so I'm not going to disappear into the woods. I'm happy to see that the board is seeing some more activity. 


Improving my cardio wasn't a main objective, but it's probably good considering how high my cholesterol probably is from eating so many eggs and steaks.
Replies: >>1019 >>1034
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are you agathafag?
I would also go out and run, since I do have a great affinity to running as my classmates knew me always running with my turboautism everywhere, kind of like Forrest Gump, but I'm feeling down.
Are there any supplements I can do to man up? I've been taking Zinc and I'm accustomed to cold showers.
Replies: >>1020
No clue who you're referring to. As for things that you can do, the best way is to just start cutting out bad habits and to figure out what motivates you like to be healthier or have greater sex appeal. I've come to realize that I'm almost exclusively motivated by personal development, and it is such a strong motivator that I can instantly drop habits that I view as unhealthy.
I don't really post here because I do my fitness by myself now (or maybe because the board is so slow, sadly), but I wanted to wish you the best.  I was never as fat as you were, but I've managed to get my weight down a lot since the start of the year, and I think I've done a good job converting fat to muscle as well.  I feel more invigorated and I have better endurance overall.  It's also transferred to my mental hobbies like video games (fighting games) and computer programming.

You're doing good, man.  We're all gonna make it.
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I know this board is slow, but I'm back bitches. A full year later. I had a pretty tough time in 2022 have completely fallen off my exercise regiment, but my weight loss is pretty much permanent and I've actually maintained a decent amount of muscle. I have just going back to the gym and am going to be resuming running. I just ran 2.5km in about 13 minutes, whatever that is. 

Biggest thing holding me back is my muscles get quite sore. I need to learn how to stretch.
Replies: >>1652 >>1657
Good luck anon, I shall remember you.
>weight loss is pretty much permanent and I've actually maintained a decent amount of muscle
God bless you, anon.
op plz give update
>start couch 2 5k because i haven't done any cardio since the coof hit
>going ok, running 3 days a week around noon and lifting at night
>start feeling pain on the outer side of my knee at the mile mark today, 30 seconds later it shoot all the way to my hip on the outside of my leg and I have to limp out.

I guess that's what I get for not stretching/warming up enough. Ice packs are helping and I'm taking it easy but what the hell happened? Have any anons dealt with something like this?
Replies: >>1892 >>1919
probably trying to do way too much, you need to slowly work your way back into it. start with smaller distances at a lower speed then work up from there.
Might have something to do with your shoes, too.
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What is optimal cardio?

I'm trying to mess around with the Karvonen Formula.

Is 20 minutes per day in the average of 65% intensity sufficient?
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