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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Do you guys have people in your gym who really seem to stick out? I have a couple.

Old Balance guy
>early to mid 60s
>does every exercise on a bosu ball
>shoulder press in tree pose
>bicep curls in warrior III
>mirin his mobility 

Hummingbird man
>machines only 
>doesn't even quarter rep
>more like 1/64
>not exaggerating when I say the weights move only an inch per rep
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I remember the thots that were there just to meet chads and would only pretend to work out.
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I can't really think of anyone specific who's very eccentric, but I do wonder why every 60+ dude feels compelled to walk around the locker room with his balls hanging out.
Replies: >>903
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Pressure and heat on the testes diminish testosterone production. This is why I have banished underwear from my life.
Replies: >>904
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This is a fair point, but the difference is that you probably don't look like an overweight bloodhound with your clothes off despite weighing maybe 140 pounds, nor do you stand beside me when I'm washing my hands with the base off your dick rubbing all over the countertop.
>>898 (OP) 
I often see a very elderly fellow at my gym who's usually doing abdominal exercises. And when I say elderly, I mean the guy is very old, and frail. But I guess it's what's best for him to feel like a spry 50 year old instead of 80.
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>>898 (OP) 
I have a few
Old Lemmy
>has mutton chops like Lemmy from Motorhead
>at least in his seventies
>does flies constantly in an old tracksuit

Clean and Jerk
>only does this exercise
>just this one
>every day
>throws his weights down as hard as possible after each rep
>always lifts a shitton of weight doing it

Stache Bro
>has a Magnum P.I. stache
>every time he comes to the gym he is doing some experimental workout
>always comes with a friend who can't keep up with him, but he's nice about it

Yellow Fever
>asian male and white female mixed couple
>have been going to the gym for at least as long as I have
<guy still can't squat more than 1 plate
<he's shorter than her
<she's always mirin other guys

Swole Elliot
>looks like Elliot Rodger if he lifted instead of going insane
Replies: >>953
elliot didn't go insane, he went very rational in fact
Replies: >>954 >>955
Still should have lifted.
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he more or less imploded on himself
>>898 (OP) 
We have an old monkey guy at our :
>Obsessed with crossfit
>Uses only plates to do exercises
>brings his fat son to train him only to do shitty plates exercises with fast momentum that does jack shit.
>Does a shadow boxing with dumbells but with little movement.
>jew with ginger hair that goes hard each workout
>trainer that looks exactly like CIA but a bit older
>short dangerhair trainer with her young daughter that sits in one of the upside down wooden stools with her tablet, cat ear headphones, and giant teddy bear
>thot that uses the bar as a scratching post
>ginger girl that's basically the gym jani
>gym owner's german shepherd that sits by the desk the whole time, he is a good boy
>gym archetypes
I would name some if I knew them, but that would require me to go to a gym.
But mom says gyms are for fags, so it's a no-no.
Replies: >>1488 >>1492
your mom is gay
Replies: >>1492 >>1844
Sorry you have a shitty mom, man.
Checked and Heiled for posterity.

>>898 (OP) 
I have someone similar to old-balance guy, but not exactly. My major gym character is one that is unlike any other gym character I've seen online.

The "Beefcake"
>40 to 50-year-old woman, old enough to have a daughter.
>dressed out in tight-fitting black spandex, top and bottom.
>She told my dad "call me beefcake". I shit you not.
>Blond hair. hard body, everything about her would make a milf-hunter thirstier than a concrete brick...
>...Except her personality.
>She's very loud, almost yells out her movements like she subconsciously wants everyone to know where she is at all times.
>You may even hear her yell her third rep as '"ONE MILLION,"'.
>Calls the gym owner "satan" as a joke... I wonder how much of it ISN'T a joke.
>She also likes to tell extravagant stories, mostly about places she's never been to.
>Has a real "Karen" vibe to her if you have a feel for that kind of thing.

She thinks the school I went to has a swimming pool that rivals the state university. I don't fucking think so. The school board is too cheap and stupid for that kind of pool, and there's been no development around there within the last few years I was there. Fuck, if my school had a sport pool back in the day, I legitimately would've tried for the swim team, I swam like a fucking fish as a kid.
This is the post of all time.
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