/fit/ - Health and Fitness

Health, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Has anyone tried it? I strained my elbow. Currently I have an uncomfortable feeling in my muscles from a lack of a workout. It's nagging at me. I want to exercise so badly right now, but I also don't want to have one of those nagging injuries that never quite go away. I've heard of people working out through injuries so I'm open minded about it.
work it out as much as you can without hurting yourself, keep your protein intake up, work out the rest of your body so it doesn't get dragged down by one limb
noticed over the past few weeks or so that my range of mobility for bending has been fucked, lower back muscles are extremely tense and now I can't even touch my toes without exerting an absurd amount of effort and patience for my back to loosen up. standing up from a chair takes a few seconds for my lower back to get adjusted. i feel like an old fart. what are some ways to loosen up the lower back? will it simply fix itself with time? should i stop doing exercises for now that make use of the lower back, or at least do greatly reduced workloads with them?
Replies: >>1545
try this, starts at about 2:45 marker
this guy is the holy grail when it comes to physical therapy. has helped me through all of my injuries
Replies: >>1708
These two wrote the Becoming a Supple Leopard books.  I highly recommend it.

From personal experience, I find that doing nothing after an injury makes for a longer recovery.  I like to drop weight as much as possible, increase reps, and exercise the area more often.
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Getting toned is hard... but I will persevere!
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