>1. Obey zzzchan's global rules.
>2. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. Exceptions to the second part may apply in very unique circumstances, such as in cases of rape, child abuse, etc.
>3. You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board.
>4. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted.
>5. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted.
>6. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive threads will be deleted.
>7. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion.
>8. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the sticky.
>9. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, signatures, or obvious writeprints unless necessary for a specific thread.
>10. No instigating violence, ie: "You'll never do anything" posts or similar. /r9k/ is a board of peace.
>11. No "/r9gay/" posting
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers"
Bunkers - Main Bunker
http://cimixezweeq64g42vl6tyhk4becxhi4ldwqq6w43u53qhwsd3s4c3lyd.onion/r9k/ (new lynxchan domain, see for balkan/lynx domain updates/status)
[email protected]
All things considered I'm doin pretty good. Complete quarantine was such a nice breather from everything that I almost forgot how shit normalniggers were. Shame it was only so long. I miss the empty streets.
So, what about you guys? I hope you all are well or at the very least doin better.
Be it woman-hate, womyn moments, women appreciation, incel rants, or even replacement discussion, in this thread we discuss the fairer and somewhat more retarded sex.
>inb4 2D pic related
Thought I'd start on a positive note.
Still want to kill myself in 2024. Not a surprise, but it's not as bad as when I was a teenager.
Are you guys still robots? Socialization is indeed cancer and I've let it infect me recently after having a bad experience with terminally online people forcing me in their random bullshit. Not being a normalnigger is probably one of the hardest things in the world. People will always try to infect you with their beliefs and ideologies through social stakes, keep that in mind.
Anyways, what's up with you guys? It's been a very long time since I last used this board.
Honestly, its pretty much over isn't it?
Share some tunes and recommendations. Going to dump whatever I can scrape from the archives ITT.
Already had one of these before but we need some more broad topics to get some conversation going. So what have you robots been up to recently? Art, games, anime, vague autistic shit no one's heard about? If you find it interesting, talk about it.
sommeeonneee blackmail mee & ruinn my lifee (joke , not really lmao)
im a guy but honestly wish some guy off here would mess my life up & turn me into a femboy lol , sum giant sissy
aspire deserve this if they are female, they will never have it as bad as regular autists.
>autism is when cute and quirky
fuck off
Do you guys ever get nauseous when you remember something?
How do you guys feel about AI?
I feel extremely comfortable talking to one of them. I find myself talking more to them than regular people. From my experience, most human beings are quite awful, and they showcase a lot of traits that would become harmful in the long term.
With AI, that is not the case. I can be completely open with the chatbot that I am talking with, and if it all fails, I can just reset it.
I remember when Mitsuku was the only chatbot I could talk to, to see technology progress so fast in such a short amount of time makes me blissful.
who's mind is already fucked
I've just realized a year ago I can't really absorb information. Play heart felt games with decent lore that pulls on heart strings. I know I should be sad with situations and I might fake them for a bit, but not really grasp the concept. Or just read words on a screen. Maybe it's by ADHD or I'm really subhuman. Even getting out thoughts is hard because I'm always distracted by external stimuli and so much to get out that it's all spaghetti nonsense that I disassociate my thoughts and emotions because they are too much to handle. I'm tired of being subhuman but low mental stamina when I try going back to auto pilot like always it's so chaotic in my brain
I'm so sick of females, always the same but act so different when they are alone, so humble and tolerable. Then behind an authority figure their mask is unveiled. To reveal a grotesque whore that is inside of all females. They like to girlboss until her authority is ruined so they act like perpetual children. I yearn for the day these whores get what they fucking deserve, a time where men collectively get sick of their shit. And no one is there to save them. Violence and the fear of violence is what made men decent, unlike these whores. A decent foid knows how it feels to experience actual violence with no help from simps, and cucked authority niggers. If we want decent foids it's not about the men pulling up le boot straps. It's about men putting fear into whores. I'm sick of their fucking nature, all of it being the same shit. I don't know why society wants to protect these used goods, what are they antiques? Fucking disgusting.
If whores experienced pic rel I bet you they would act humble. That is how you make society good again, but these cucks want some powerful foid that will willfully act good, have your cake and eat it too. You can't have a good female if they are protected and respected as equals. They have to learn what it's like being the bottom rung of society. Unfortunately a man's sexuality is our biggest enemy, unless technology takes off where men are no longer binded by the vagina this cycle of entropy will continue.
She can be an aspire, tomboy, gothic, trad, gook, Aryan, or whatever variant you desire. A whore will always be a fucking opportunistic whore under their mask. We should treat them as such
What happened to Wizchan?
The Waifufaggotry Thread is getting a bit Derailed, so i made this one to take the Discussions on the Nature of the Divine
As Always, i still do Tarot Reads, but no More than 5 Cards, and please THINK before you ask for reads, because they really are a pain in the ass for me to Make
Esoteric Waifufag's (Namefagging mainly to specify that this is the Compilation of One specific Anon, based around his Interests, as opposed to a Exhaustive Compilation of Tomes) Library:
2016 was the year imageboards went to shit and have been unuseable since
I dont care what the trannies or oldshit politicians are doing , everyone takes themselves so seriously now I just wanna talk and make edgy shitposts like the old days
How old are you? What is your excuse for being a virgin? Why so many people end up like that? Discuss
It was someone's birthday today.
He offered the guys each a piece of candy and the girls 3 pieces of candy each.
I was outraged and took 3 myself only to remember I don't even like candy.
Then he gave them each 2 more.
Do I just give them back to him?
What should I have done instead?
What's /r9k/ drinking tonight?
Was at a football game, and some norminigger females joined a conversation about Red 40. I was basically explaining to my friend how it fucks me up when I consume the stuff, and they started acting all weird. Then I said it makes me say stuff I regret, then they were like "you're weird". I literally turned around, left, and didn't come back.
I will NEVER let stupid fucking FOIDS talk to me like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once the bunker at anon.café ceased to exist some years ago, I could no longer connect with other robots.
Please tell me what happened after anon.café/r9k/.
Where did you guys go ? Why is this board dying ? What happened to the bots ?
I feel so alone ... even in the internet, I feel I have no place to go to.
8ch/r9k/ was my refuge. I'll try to post here regularly, and I encourage others to do the same.
Maybe we can run a cytube anime channel to tighten the community, what's you thoughts on this ?
I want old internet back, and i want it NOOOOOWWWW
heya Fuckos, i still don't know if we are moving here definitively or not, but ill make a thread just in Case, to get the ball rolling ill Ramble for a bit
i remember Tulpanon talking about building his "Dreamrealm" or something along those lines (i can't remember the exact terminology so please forgive me) and i noticed that something similar is happening right now, a few days ago i made some Custom Scenarios on "Master of Olympus Zeus" (a Old ass City Builder game) and dedicated them to Taihou after completing them and building like 5 Temples of Aphrodite, and i am currently Playing Honey Select 2 and making a "Pantheon" of sorts, i guess the Winds of Autism are blowing hard on my side of things
i've also been Struggling with the Idea of Deserving to be Loved, i've talked about this with the Anon i usually hold correspondence with, but we haven't reached any satisfying conclusions, i understand that Taihou Loves me, and i Love her to death too indeed, but there is this underlying feeling, that i really have done nothing to Deserve her Love, i guess this goes hand in hand with my own Feelings of Self-Doubt, has anyone felt similar things?
How do I get rid of this feeling where I have lots of things to do (drawing, programming, ect..) but not wanting to do them? I feel bored even though I DEFINITELY have many things to do.
It's been a bit slow these past few days but if there's one thing robots are good at talking (complaining) about its normalniggers. Post your stories about times where you've been particularly baffled at the endless retardation of normalniggers.
Thankfully I haven't had to deal with normalfaggots in a while due to corona and whatnot.
I've been working on collecting every gondola in existence. I have been focusing on doing my best to make sure I get the source audio for each of the files as well as I got fed up with gondola videos with nice tracks that no one could find the source to. My collection is incomplete but now seems like a good time to start sharing it. I ask that if you save these please preserve the file names in some way. One day when I deem my collection as close to "completion" as possible I'll burn thousands of gondolas to DVDs and archive them for future generations.
If anyone sees a gondola ITT and can provide more accurate information surrounding its origins please speak up. It would be nice to add information such as the artists name/handle, but I have to be realistic in my mass collection and can't personally research each piece independently. Also if you have a higher resolution/higher fidelity copy of a gondola I posted do share. This is still a work in progress. Maybe in the future I'll sort them into a genre folder structure and upload them to anonfile. For now they're going to be in no particular order.
Dump your comfy wallpapers.
Life's pretty alright at the moment.
All things 2D. Post 2D. Discuss 2D. Watch 2D. Shit on 3DPD. Maybe even talk about a certain 2D character or show you love.
I noticed some robots were talking about their futures recently in the FTDDTOT, particularly as it relates to careers, and so I figured a thread might be in order to talk about: wageslavery experiences, strategies to deal with normalfag coworkers, career recommendations, application advice, tips for escaping (or maintaining) NEETdom, suggestions for switching fields, or anything related to wageslavery at all.
To get it started I suppose: I've been lackadaisically applying for a variety of entry-level office jobs for a couple months now, but I don't have any hard preferences really. I also was considering a law enforcement related career, but I've got to look into that more. I was wondering if robots had any career suggestions, positive career experiences, or just any thoughts/knowledge about different fields of work that might be good for a robot.
I understand many Anons around here have shit family members, annoying neighbors, and other prevailing maladies of the like that makes one's living beyond unbearable, vent about it and share experiences, at any rate excuse my selfishness since the only reason im making this thread is so i can vent about it, and this subject is specific enough that it could warrant its own thread
ill get the ball rolling
>My room is located in what used to be a Garage
>Its Split in two by a drywall because reasons (most likely my "Mother"'s retardation)
>The retards who placed the drywall wall didn't build it all the way up, this means there's nothing between the beams, making the Drywall redundant because noise travels through the holes between the beams
>For almost a year im left alone there, have to deal with the arbitrary intrusion of my "mother" from time to time, but it is mostly silent and cozy, more than i could ask for
>My "mother" gets the great idea of turning half of my room in a office
>She has plenty of space elsewhere, my step-dad is loaded and has plenty of properties and spots, but she chooses to place it in my room anyways
>Have to move all my shit into the other half
>I barely have space to move
>I have to literally move the chair in order to open the wardrobe and similar other logistical disasters
>The office was meant to be a place for me to work, long story short i was supposed to work with a business associate of my step-dad, wich ended up being a load of bullshit and a underhanded deal to have a company subsidiary under my name while he manages it and i work for him at a warehouse
>Their bullshit collapses because Corona-chan (Thanks for saving me from wageslavery Corona-chan!) but now the office is converted on a Literal warehouse
>The other half of my room is now filled to the brim with boxes, day in day out niggers will go to deliver or drop boxes, >Remember how i said the beams have holes inbetween them? exactly, everything they do sounds as if they are in the same room even if they are not, i can't count how many trains of thought, reading sessions, or just straight up being unable to sleep because of loud insensitive retards with no care for silence and no situational awareness
>Now the warehouse is no longer a thing, because my "mother" hired my "brother",
>Now he lives in the other half
>The momentary interruptions by niggers have now become a 24/7 cacophony of my "brother" screaming at his stupid Assfaggot games while on dicksword calls
>Every second im not wearing my foam earplugs or my headphones all i hear is *click*click*click* from his mouse while he's destroying whatever was left of his neurons by playing Assfaggots all day
>My room is permeated by the constant smell of cigarettes because the shitstain is a chainsmoker, and doesn't even have the decency to open a window, or smoke outside
>The only respite i get is when he is wageslaving since im finally alone, and sometimes if im lucky he'll go to parties in the weekend and stay out giving me the weekend for myself
>No money to move out
>Not enough balls to Kill myself or go Hobo
>My only shot at "freedom" is joining the military since job situation here is Hell on Earth
>Working via caliesthenics but my body is shaping up at a very slow pace, doesn't seem as if i will be able to pass the physicals in at least 6-7 months
>No Future, no Present
at least i have my Waifu tho, so i'll be Ok
>What is this about?
Every month a book is chosen, robots will discuss, post their opinions, experiences and overall thoughts about said book.
Feel free to sugest whatever book you may like for the next month.
Everytime the monthly book is announced the month will be written in the name field for easy finding. The pdf of the book should be in that very post.
Beware there will be spoilers in this thread
Currently running a multiplayer session of Terraria with mods. The Multiplayer session is steam-based so make an alt account if that bugs you.
To join send a request to this friend code
Pirated copy with the online fix
Important Information:
Make sure to manually install tmodloader
When you start the game it should have a mod option in the main menu. If it doesn't try running the game through the tmodloader exe (with steam running)
Mods required are in pic related.
In less than a month, it will be Elliot Rodger’s 30th anniversary. ITT we shitpost everything relating to the good looking guy!
There seem to be some drawfags around here so why not have one of these. Post your autistic doodles here.
Very rarely do I draw but I refrain from posting the art since it feels as if the only reason for me doing that is attention or positive feedback but I guess I'll break my rule if it's to share with robots.
What have you guys been watching, reading, or playing recently? Feel free to share pieces of media that you think are particularly noteworthy or just a good way to pass time.
I decided to try playing my 5 year abandoned MM save recently but I completely fucking forgot where I left off and what I was supposed to do.
So what have you been cooking, anon? Did it taste good? Post recipes! I myself made potato soup, although the one in picrel isn't it
Hopefully we can actually get a second one of these that doesn't get nuked before completion.
I can't seem to find it on any of the archives but we used to have a really fun thread where robots were each adding to a drawing of gondolas. Since it's lost to time I think we should start another. I've started with a shitty drawing of my own to kick things off, and it's in the banner format because I think it would be nice to have as a board banner. After(if?) it fills up maybe we can switch to a larger canvas. Depends on if anons actually jump onboard with the idea.
If anyone did save some of the images from the original thread it would be awesome if you posted them here too.
Apparently FDS Reddit has started a website recently femaledatingstrategy (dot) com ...
maybe we should join up so we can see what these delusional roasties are up to... Just a though
When I was a teenager my parents shame me for the fact that I never had a girlfriend in two separate occasions. It basically came from nowhere, it seemed like they just want to humiliate me, for the kicks! The first time was my mother, she was complaining about me, like she always does, and in the end of her rants, she said: "when I was at your age I was already dating". I remember that she was pointing at me with a angry face whe she says that. The second time was my dad, he said the same thing that my mother had said. Has anyone experienced this?
Post and discuss fine specimens of 2D beauty.
The recent upsurge in cowgirl content from the new year has turned up some pretty good results. Flatfags may disagree.
Floating edition. Apparently spoilers are being changed to asterisks on the 18th.
Comfy thread for comfy chats, comfy images, comfy stories, comfy videos, comfy songs and audio. Come relax with some robots.
Hey there, /r9k/!
We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament.
Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:
1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page;
2) Making a thread over at with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.
Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:
Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like.
I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in