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Still want to kill myself in 2024. Not a surprise, but it's not as bad as when I was a teenager.

Are you guys still robots? Socialization is indeed cancer and I've let it infect me recently after having a bad experience with terminally online people forcing me in their random bullshit. Not being a normalnigger is probably one of the hardest things in the world. People will always try to infect you with their beliefs and ideologies through social stakes, keep that in mind.

Anyways, what's up with you guys? It's been a very long time since I last used this board.
Replies: >>4570 >>4597 >>4611
>>4569 (OP) 
Also, fuck. God I fucking hate people sometimes.

You can't escape them. Ever. No matter what you do. It's so fucking painful just being exposed to their bullshit 24 fucking 7 to the point where it just hurts.

I hate them and I wish I could be reincarnated into a world in which I'm the only person that exists. Other people can live by themselves, I can't seem to escape others no matter what the fuck I do.

I hate them. I hate them so much. I fucking hate them.
Replies: >>4571
Punch them in the fucking face.
Replies: >>4572
I don't have violent tendencies.

I mostly just want to be left alone. Thing is, people will always try to involve you in things you don't want to be involved in. That is the core of normalfaggotry.
Replies: >>4612
>>4569 (OP) 
>Are you guys still robots?
I'm still a friendless KHHV who's never been in a relationship, has horrible anxiety, is on the autism spectrum and has a long list of health problems (many undiagnosed), and still is strongly dependent on his parents. Still, I don't think I fully qualify as a robot anymore because I recently moved forward in my career. That said, I had to fight for it a lot more than normalfags do, and staying at the entry level would have destroyed my health in the long run.
>>4569 (OP) 
Still a robot, yeah.  Socialization for me is draining. I have to force myself to do it, it's unnatural.
Still suffering.
Relationships (besides family who care about you) are people exploiting each other.  Someone in the relationship is always left holding the bag.
Is it violent to swat a fly? You usually don't wish ill on a pest - you just want him to be anywhere but where you are.
I was in the same boat as you. Thought that being passive would get people to leave me alone. But all you're doing is being weak, letting them in to mess around with you whatever way they like.
It's a fact of life - sometimes you need your hands to explain in a way that words can't.
Replies: >>4644
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>Is it violent to swat a fly? You usually don't wish ill on a pest - you just want him to be anywhere but where you are.
>all you're doing is being weak, letting them in to mess around with you whatever way they like.
>It's a fact of life - sometimes you need your hands to explain in a way that words can't.
You are correct, this is a fact of life because normalniggers, especially subhuman normalniggers, operate on animal instincts and logic, and the only way to get an animal that's pestering you to leave you alone is to show that you braver and stronger than it. I have experienced it myself
>be me, trying to sleep
>subhuman normalnigger being a noisy cunt in front of my house by preaching with a microphone to a bunch of drunkards, who are all ignoring him.
>go outside, forcefully disable his sound system and tell him that if he keeps this shit up, I have nothing to lose in life so I will just kill him.
>drunkard suddenly cares about this noisy normalnigger, tells me if I don't leave the preacher alone, I will get shot
>I attack the drunkard with the wooden stick I was holding as soon as he finishes his sentence for daring to threaten me
>drunkard knees me in the face, causes a nose bleed but doesn't break it
>his knee also failed to knock me out because I had my teeth clenched before I attacked
>other drunkards unfortunately stop the fight just when I was about to attack him again
>police comes but doesn't do shit to me because I'm considered medically insane.
>community leader later arrives at my house and says the drunkard came up to her crying because my stick bruised his chest
>I laugh at her face and say he shouldn't have threatened me.
>as a result of the fight, neither the drunkards nor the preacher ever came to the front of my house to be noisy cunts again.
And that's how you deal with annoying, noisy, low-T, subhuman normalniggers. Pick up a martial art, learn it, master it, be fearless. And also, always clench your teeth during a fight. Not too tightly or else you will hurt yourself, doing this prevents getting knocked out by a hit on the jaw.
Replies: >>4650
Amazing. They are truly subhumans. Well done anon.
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