>>3997 (OP)
A lot has happened between then and now. Most people just got tired of changing sites every two months, and decided to move to a more stable website. For some it was wiz, for others it was 4r9k. In my case, I never felt comfortable in either of them; hence why I'm clearly still here. However, there's clearly something more. Like some other people have pointed out recently, people change and so did most robots. 8chan was 4 years ago, and the situation of most people has changed since. The majority of robots hold different responsabilities (and opinions) now. For instance, someone who was 23 at the time is now 27; and as you get older the world starts to ask more from you. I think that the main reason as to why this place eventually started to die is because it failed to understand that. The board has no means to get new users and a few people that still post and lurk are changing and are scared of not fitting the criteria that they met a few years back. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a normalnigger nor do I want this place to be filled with them. However, I do feel like the natural growth of its users has been slowly killing the board. My favourite aspect of the old board was seeing it evolve along with the userbase. It made feel like we were getting older together. as gay as that may sound.
If other people disagree with me, they're free to call me a nigger and write a post in response because that's what imageboards are for; and another reason as to why we are so fucked is due to the lack of proper discussion and desire to debate an idea.
Also, I support the idea of the cytube. However, I can't always guarantee my attendance. I'll try to post more too.