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How old are you? What is your excuse for being a virgin? Why so many people end up like that? Discuss
Virginity is irrelevant in the context of merely hedonistic sexual encounters, besides it perpetuates a cycle of gynocentrism where men allow women to attribute them any sort of value. How can you claim to be a real man when you expect for female validation by means of sexual intercourse? Women are less valuable if they are hedonistic, it's no different for men.
Being a virgin as a man is frowned upon because our modern Jewish establishment has conditioned men to believe that women and casual sex are commodities that define your value as a man, hence placing the measurement of something as complex as masculinity on the hands of fucking whores of all things, fucking women.
Replies: >>4265 >>4284 >>4345
>>4262 (OP) 
Why do you even care? It's not like you would get something in return besides social validation, which you could also have with a simple lie. I'd understand it if you were talking about companionship, but sex in itself has no inherent value. Just get a prostitute and be done with it if you really care that much. It's the same thing in the end.
Replies: >>4265
You have a point, but I still feel bad about being a 24yo virgin, not sure why. Anyway, any thoughts on why so many people end up like that? Loneliness seems to be increasing nowadays.
Replies: >>4266
Forget the sex, focus on preparing for and starting a family.
Replies: >>4273
26, And I haven't really cared about trying to lose it.

>What is your excuse for being a virgin?
I don't really care, because >3D women.
I doubt I'm >7/10. If I'm not, it's hard to say if things would've been different.
I'm not religious, but casual sex disgust me.

Could always be some really deep subconscious cope, I don't know, but I really don't think I care.
I find it weird how many normalfags insist on sex being a 'need'. I would've thought that'd be something only incels would say.

>Why so many people end up like that?
Social media, media, porn, propaganda, birth control, pollution, feminism
Replies: >>4270 >>4271 >>4273
Just noticed how I wrote 'don't really care' 3 times.
Does this mean it's cope? 
If any of you are a psychologist, please let me know
Replies: >>4271 >>4273
I'm a psychologist. My diagnosis is that you're a retard and need to keep retarded words like 'cope' out of your mouth. And maybe try to live a proper life instead of whining about what number you think you are out of 10 like some faggot ass incel or a woman.
Replies: >>4272
I'll use the word that's the most appropriate, and everyone knows that the only people who get triggered over rating looks by numbers are women, milady
Replies: >>4273 >>4274
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Reasonable, but I can't even think in things like taking care of a child and stuff. Maybe I lack maturity.

>Social media
Fair, people get too focused in their online lives that they ignore their real ones.
What kind of media?
Coomer life I guess.
Any examples?
>birth control
That applies to a few countries only I suppose.
How? I don't get that.
We can go deep if we get into that. Shall we?

How about not really caring?

Don't reply to bait.
Replies: >>4275 >>4277 >>4279
Appropriate would be to speak proper english instead of the english of an 18 year old who's spent just a little bit too much time online. 
You're 26 already man. Get a grip and speak like an adult.
Replies: >>4275 >>4282
What would you say is the reason for people 'ending up like that' as OP put it?
>We can go deep if we get into that. Shall we?
Won't this just turn into a /pol/ thread? I think there's already enough of it elsewhere

I find your apprehension to that word strange, especially when you use terms like "incel".
What would you have me replace it with?
Replies: >>4276 >>4279 >>4282
>ermmm... this you just really say /pol/ oh my gosh that's not very wholesome of you
Failed normalfaggot is the word you're looking for.
Replies: >>4278
>Reasonable, but I can't even think in things like taking care of a child and stuff. Maybe I lack maturity.
If possible, try sitting down and having a serious talk with your parents or grandparents about it.
Alright nigger.
Here's your last (You).
Cope :^)
Replies: >>4279 >>4281
Not me.
Incel is a specific group of people who call themselves such. I compared you to said specific group. 'Cope' as used by you is a bastardized overgeneralized version of a normal word. Popular with retards on the internet. Like I said, its something I'd expect from 18 year olds on discord. Not a 26 year old man. 
Address whether some of your beliefs are a front for unfulfilled desires like a proper man, with proper words, instead of with internet slang used by kiddies. That question is actually a pretty good one to ask yourself after all.
Like the other anon said. Give it some thought. I can tell you from personal experience, the responsibility that running a family poses typically brings out the best in a good man.
>How old are you? 
I'm also 26. 

>What is your excuse for being a virgin?
Because I'm a depressed autist, and because I seriously wonder if I even should reproduce or if I'd be better off becoming a monk or a hermit in the woods. 
At the same time though, I want a family, with a beautiful loving wife and many kids. I know I ought to improve myself and I'm trying, but even if I succeed, the dating scene's completely fucked and I don't even want to think about what absolute horrors the zoomers will make normal. 

>Why so many people end up like that?
Because we're the Beautiful Ones, or at least their immediate predecessors.
Replies: >>4282
I probably should've clarified that I wasn't the anon you were talking to first. Anyways, I apologize for saying it like a faggot. However, I insist that you shouldn't shoot down an answer only because you don't like it, you asked the question after all.
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>If possible, try sitting down and having a serious talk with your parents or grandparents about it.
Lost contact with my family since I started my neet life. Unfortunately the only thing that remains for me is the internet.

>What would you say is the reason for people 'ending up like that' as OP put it?
The modern society allows us to be so comfortable that we can avoid facing the challenges of life.

>or if I'd be better off becoming a monk or a hermit in the woods
I have these thoughts too, but I would miss the crap entertainment that I consume.
>Because we're the Beautiful Ones, or at least their immediate predecessors
Never heard of that, what is it supposed to be?
Replies: >>4285
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>>4262 (OP) 
I'm a fucked up sperg. 
I had my chances, but I burned every bridge available to me and now I'm embittered and disillusioned. 
If I hadn't been such a retarded edgelord gothic faggot in my youth it could have all been different...
Even finding some things I enjoy after so many years of self imposed misery I still can't help but feel a deep sense of emptiness by my complete lack of proper human interaction, but I guess I'm too self centered to really have any proper regard for another person.
Replies: >>4284 >>4287 >>4294
Other than that I fully agree with this anon. If I desire something it would not be mere satisfaction of hedonistic urges 
>Lost contact with my family since I started my neet life.
Well then, start there.
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Being different in our youth is something we (robots) have in common, for some reason we couldn't fit in. I don't mean that we are all autistic. Are you really diagnosed with Aspergers?

>It's from the Rat Utopia experiments
Very interesting, this explains a lot about our society. Is this a genetic thing? Because if it is, doesn't mean that we are doomed?
Replies: >>4288 >>4290
I think it's the burden our society has to bear. It can be fixed, but to some extent the damage will always remain. What we can do about it is try to live healthier lives. Try to talk to others, learn a skill or do a hobby outside of computers, go outside into nature if you can, and try to reduce your time on the Internet.
Replies: >>4289
Interesting. I wasn't expecting these talking points from other anons. Maybe this place is still maturing.
>Are you really diagnosed with Aspergers?
Replies: >>4299
And I'm being treated like an infantile retard because of it. 
It feeds itself, so to speak.
Replies: >>4292 >>4299 >>4345
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>I'm being treated like an infantile retard because of it. 
I will never forget back when I was still going to university and once I went out drinking with a bunch of colleagues and we were all half drunk and having a good time and whatnot and I thought for the first time I might've broken the spell and maybe I was going to be all right and get friends or something and not end up being a fucking loser for my entire life, until the only person who knew about it told everyone I was a virgin. They all turned and made fun out of me calling me "little virgin" and no one every took me seriously after that, they all treated me like a child. I stopped hanging out with them at all shortly afterwards and none of them ever gave a shit about it, no one ever called or texted me to see if I was doing ok or ask what happened.
>until the only person who knew about it told everyone I was a virgin
Why would you want to associate yourself with normalfaggot scum like that in the first place? You just reminded me why I prefer to be as far removed from "modern people" as possible.
What I meant by being treated like an infantile retard is how my family, especially my mother regards me. 
But besides utter dependence on rotten government institutions and my family, there's only wageslavery, so I figure, being a grown up child is the preferable option.
Though as a result of never being pushed outside my comfort zone I never really know what living outside is like in the first place. The only way I'm in contact with the outside world is through some fringe Telegram groups.
It's a viscous cycle that feeds itself and the only way to break free is propably if I somehow get into trouble for my "problematic" political views.
Replies: >>4297
Right now the only thing that gives me some hope is my close young relative whom I hope to save from the disillusion.
He's 12 now and I need to act quick before he gets his first smartphone. After that it's only a downward spiral of gayops and social degeneracy.
Replies: >>4299
The thing that embitters me is that I had very different experiences, especially in a female. But I tossed it all away and rather chose escapism in shitty cartoons and imageboards.
Being a virgin is fun! You get to lie in bed all day and watch anime or play video games.
Replies: >>4299
>But besides utter dependence on rotten government institutions and my family, there's only wageslavery, so I figure, being a grown up child is the preferable option.
The free gibs aren't going to last forever, what are you going to do when the people supporting you die or cut you off? Just be homeless? Off yourself? Why set yourself up for that when you could be doing something better with your time and try to lead a more fulfilling life?
Replies: >>4298 >>4299
I'm learning a trade in a retard safe environment right now
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Well, that sucks. I hope you get over it eventually. You can't trust normalfags unless you're like them.

That will be hard, the internet became the main research medium, he will be taught at school how to look up things on the internet and that will be the end. Maybe you should talk to him beforehand, but 12yos don't usually have the maturity to listen to people. Godspeed.

I suppose you watch anime and play games then. What are you watching and playing?

>The free gibs aren't going to last forever, what are you going to do when the people supporting you die or cut you off?
This bothers me everyday, I'm thinking in going back to college or something. But right now I'm just drowning in depression. I'm not that anon btw.
Replies: >>4300
Rockman.EXE. Loving me some Meiru thighs.
Currently in-between obsessions. I actually managed to make a half-decent fort in Dwarf Fortress, though now I'm at the stage where mood management starts to become a pain in the ass. I'm also located above a light aquifer and have been putting off dealing with that for as long as I possibly can.
>>4262 (OP) 
>How old are you?
Freshly blew out my 29 candles

>What is your excuse for being a virgin? 
It's a mix of many things. I don't wanna go through them as that will unleash the feelings. 
All in all I try not to think about it much, we're all gonna die eventually .. virgins and non virgins.

>Why so many people end up like that?
So many ? 
I don't think virgins are the norms.
Females like you for your looks or your role. If you want to be liked for yourself, you are doing it wrong because you will end up triggering the female maternal instinct. You already had a mother, good or bad, and you did it past puberty which makes you a man. Just ponder the fact that females are looking for partners, and once you are a good partner maybe they will also like you.

So personally I don't care much about scoring, as I saw that a haircut or being in positions of power will attract females like wasps to the honey. It's a game. 

And, virginity is the problem of your partner who had many others and will find defects in everyone, just as a car enthusiast will always find something wrong in a car because he tested a lot of them.

My suggestion is to pursuit a degree of independence first without caring much of the failures. Media expose you to successful people which are a statistical minority and probably cut corners (but let's not find excuses for us not being them. Some of them deserve everything). This makes this a world of metoos, of unaware imitators, and of aware  depressed people. But ultimately it's a game, and the higher ups made it a game of control. So every time you manage to grasp a bit of comntrol back to your own end it's good.
>>4262 (OP) 
23, soon 24
I don't consider it worth the effort. Suppose I do lose my virginity, then what?

Almost all relations I see follow the same pattern:
>lovey-dovey we will stay together forever
>break up a few months laters because of some bullshit
The few that do last longterm still end up fighting often for shit that just doesn't fucking matter.

The world would be a lot simpler and peaceful if people didn't try to antagonize each other all the fucking time. But I digress.
Replies: >>4341
>The few that do last longterm still end up fighting often for shit that just doesn't fucking matter.
I believe that the main reason behind this is the fact that most relationships are based around looks alone. Most guys don't really care if a girl is somewhat unstable. Also, the majority of people often forget that women are people too, and not some ideal perfect beings who are born to love others. 
Women are very crearly raised differently from men, and, consequently, they tend to be more focused on feelings and vibes. If a woman has a feeling that something is wrong, she will express it; however, she will not do it directly.
I'm almost 36 years old and I never cared about losing my virginity, so here I am.
>>4262 (OP) 

was not popular enough or athletic enough in school to get bitches and likewise I fumbled the few chances I had to make a good impression on the few girls that in hindsight were definitely open to a relationship with me. but i wasnt upset or angry with this in fact i spent all my time playing video games and browsing imageboards and hanging out with my pals so it was all good until I went to university.

I went through a religious conversion to Christianity in my first year of university because I read the new testament of the bible and I also used some niche imageboards where I was eseentially converted by the christians posting there. I have used this as a pretext for not seeking out sexual encounters and likewise turning down offers of sex (the one or two fat ugly hoes who have given them) that i have recieved since.

Its only been awkward when people have asked me twice why ive not been in a relationship. I dont like to give my religious beliefs as an excuse but effectively I dont want to do anything that I think will displease God and my understanding is that fornication is banned. but I know this is flawed logic since God forgives and I know almost all of my peers have had sex by now and so it probably goes deeper. I would suggest the following reasons:
>women dont like it when i make a move on them cuz ive been rejected a bunch of times
>the only women who have been open to my advances are fat and ugly and im not interested in them
>im too poor to afford to go on dates and i dont like the idea of having women i dont trust around me
>i dont like the idea of going with a woman thats had another man's cock in her mouth and had his hands and his cock up her vagina and bumhole which is 99% of women

thank you for reading my post

im not ashamed to be a virgin at my age but i have decided if I dont get some pussy before 2025 im going to see a prostitute although i understand this is against my religion, so i might not even do that
Replies: >>4344
TL;DR i havent really tried, i could have tried more when i was younger but didnt want to, now im in a position where I want to try more but there's lots of reasons that put me off
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I agree with the spirit of these posts. Whether or not you've had sex really doesnt matter so long as you have a good life (whatever that means for you) and especially as man should be something that you decide to do when you're ready. Its a fucked up world that 1/3rd of men are out banging all the hoes so that when men who bide their time are ready theres nothing good left for us. Its a sexual arms race that favours people that peak in their high school years. After college/uni most women turn into nasty skanks which is when they decide they'll take a chance with the adult male virgins who are too good for them.

Peer pressure to get men to have sex is as insidious as social conditioning to tell women it doesnt matter how much sex they have there will always be the well groomed educated loyal husband waiting for them when theyre done.
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Spending the majority of my adolescence on wizchan really fucked me up good
20 years old. Honestly, the idea of a relationship sounds like a hassle.
Not to mention the shit tests and mental acrobatics. And no I won't pay for sex
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>>4262 (OP) 
35 babeeeeeeeeeeee
I got front row seats to 3 generations of women using the state to destroy the men in their lives.
From birth I was exposed to a BPD psycho that displayed every BPD trait a few at a time through different phases in her life, so I had the opportunity to make detailed observations that I subconsciously memorized.
I got to see all the insanity as a child 25 years before any of you faggots.
I still look for women, but most I've encountered have the BPD ticks I saw when I was a kid. And I don't want that.
The real sick thing is that the more trouble the woman is, the more she throws herself at me.

I got lucky that my mom isn't a nutcase. But even with my mom I learned the truth that all woman are whores and become their mothers.
>I liked your dad because I enjoyed being around him, and I knew that he had a good job.
>If he had been a salesman I probably wouldn't have wanted to marry him.
<So you were attracted to his income.
>No, I really liked him.
<But you said that you wouldn't have married him if it wasn't for his job.
>That's not what I meant.
Even my sister was in the room and agreed with me.
I'll probably be fucked up when my mom dies and I can't get anymore hugs from her.

If you want a woman, don't learn about them.
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