/r9k/ - robot9000


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>1. Obey zzzchan's global rules. https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
>2. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. Exceptions to the second part may apply in very unique circumstances, such as in cases of rape, child abuse, etc.
>3. You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board.
>4. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted.
>5. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted.
>6. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive threads will be deleted. 
>7. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion.
>8. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the sticky.
>9. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, signatures, or obvious writeprints unless necessary for a specific thread.
>10. No instigating violence, ie: "You'll never do anything" posts or similar. /r9k/ is a board of peace.
>11. No "/r9gay/" posting
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers"

https://fatchan.org/r9k/ - Main Bunker
https://smelle.xyz/r9k/ (new lynxchan domain, see https://bvll.neocities.org/balkan/ for balkan/lynx domain updates/status)
[email protected]
Last edited by hidingrobot
Replies: >>4 >>12 >>75
>>1 (OP) 
Why is /r9k/ hidden?
Replies: >>8 >>9
Because this is a bunker for now. We're tired of building weeks worth of catalog only for gay admins to pull the plug. We'll be back in a few weeks or couple of months to see if this place is stable enough to warrant moving, if it still exists by then.
Replies: >>9 >>425
Basically this >>8
I may unhide it soon and just leave captchas on, we'll see. At least for the next 2-3 weeks the board will specifically not be intended to be used as anything but a bunker, after that maybe things will change.

My bias favors jschan/zchan because I find the software and community comfy, but I also am responsible for moving /r9k/ to a site with a completely unknown admin resulting in our catalog of posts getting fucked for the third time. It would be irresponsible to make the same mistake twice. Though in this case things are a little bit different since the admin is not unknown and I have direct lines of communication with both pasta and sturgeon. So I think if things are good after a month both boards will be open completely and users can decide for themselves where they would rather post.
Replies: >>10 >>13 >>14
Is this why my and that other anon's shitposts were beleted?
Replies: >>11
Those threads were deleted because they were shit-posts, as I wrote in the logs. If people want to make real posts and threads here that's fine, but it's just going to be loosely discouraged (captcha's, unindexed) for a few weeks. It's kind of an awkward arrangement but it's the best I can come up with in light of the the problems /r9k/ has faced.
>>1 (OP) 
Why is /r9k/ unhidden?
Replies: >>13
>I may unhide it soon and just leave captchas on, we'll see.
I don't blame you at all for this line of thinking. Here's to the next month going well.
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hi :3
Replies: >>75
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>>1 (OP) . Obey lynxchan's global rules. https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
Why'd you change the CSS?
Replies: >>173
I changed it so people browsing without cookies aren't forced to endure a non-dark theme by default.
Replies: >>182
This theme feels better.
the blue one was easy on the eyes too, with the added benefit of not being yet another boring black or shades of gray shit
Replies: >>183
I don't know what you mean by "the blue one". I set it to tomorrow because it's the most neutral theme. I left it on the purple robot theme before out of nostalgia, but felt it should probably be a neutral theme in case there are people browsing without cookies and too lazy to configure addons for CSS. Ultimately I don't care very much either way and assumed most people chose their own favourite theme in the settings anyways and wouldn't notice the change.
Replies: >>186
I meant robot, is that not blue?
Replies: >>188 >>189
Yeah, I might be slightly colorblind but I'm 100 percent sure that it's blue not purple.
Unless I'm colorblind it's a pretty distinctive purple. You can go switch to the theme in the settings and look yourself.
Replies: >>190
RGB code is 25,25,77 and 38,38,115
To be purple it would need to have more red than green and so its blue. So either your monitor is tinting your colors or you're colorblind in some capacity.
Replies: >>193
I did have an orange screen filter that made it look a bit more purple. I guess it's arguably blue when I disable my screen tinting.
Replies: >>207
Heavy screen titing adds a nice warm shade to some games
Replies: >>209
I've used redshift on a pretty intense setting for many years. The stock color configurations on monitors hurt my eyes after doing that. I've just gotten used to consuming all my media with it looking a bit more yellow than intended.
Replies: >>219
Yah i used to do that with f.lux, but it got to the point where i couldn't discern details well so i had to bump it up. It still is a bit to bright at times but at least i can game
I didn’t know there was a new /r9k/. Nice
Replies: >>312
Welcome back.
How many bunkers have there been up to now. Like 5? Or are there more that I have missed?
Replies: >>438
Anon cafe
julay /h/
Replies: >>441 >>444
Nice. I missed the last few iterations so it's good that anons are still around.
This is the last, the fish is a good guy.
Replies: >>449
I sure hope so. The population of the board has plummeted with every wipe. Compare the activity now compared to the anon.cafe days.
Delete normalnigger posts. Ban normalniggers.
Can you raise the PPH captcha trigger a bit. I think we'rew reaching higher PPHs a bit more often.
Replies: >>646
I enabled manually to test and because there was some spam going on across the site. The trigger is quite a bit higher than the activity we're seeing lately. I've turned it off now.
Can you dk something to contain the shitstirring waifunigger to his own thread? He keeps popping into threads and going on his obnoxious rants over shit that can be summed up in a couple of sentences at most.
Replies: >>812 >>829
Not sure what can be done. In an ideal world anons wouldn't have a clearly distinct, and frankly incredibly obnoxious, style of manic writing that makes them clearly and easily identifiable between threads and conversations. I can address one point in particular that I contend with in this post >>792 which is that the goal of any anonymous imageboard isn't to form a "tight knit" circlejerk where we can all recognize each other in our gay little club house.

Making a rule or assigning specific retards to specific threads based on their individual brands of autism doesn't seem appropriate, effective, or realistically enforceable. So the options boil down to asking identityfags to take it easy, or establishing a new rule around distinct writing styles in other words writing like a completely retarded incoherent nigger equating to a form of avatarfagging and deleting those posts.

I probably won't do anything without more input from other people. But I do see it has become a problem and find myself glazing over these walls of text that ultimately amount to little of substance for most anons to engage with.
Replies: >>813 >>814 >>842
>I can address one point in particular that I contend with in this post >>792 which is that the goal of any anonymous imageboard isn't to form a "tight knit" circlejerk where we can all recognize each other in our gay little club house
This is a strawman. No one is saying any of that shit, at least not to the extent you put it, only that having more unity than we do now is healthier than devolving into a state in which anons are constantly at eachothers throats.
> So the options boil down to asking identityfags to take it easy, or establishing a new rule around distinct writing styles in other words writing like a completely retarded incoherent nigger equating to a form of avatarfagging and deleting those posts.
Doesn't sound like a bad idea. I wouldn't want to ban a robot but the rules must apply to everyone and allowing one person to flagrantly transgress on anonimity, which is the bedrock of these communities, just because he's not a nigger like eunuch is bullshit. 
The rule would have to be worded carefully though.
Replies: >>814 >>829
I'm not even saying to ban the nigger, just move his fucking posts to a waifu thread or some shit. In fact wasn't there specifically an esoteric waifu thread on one of the last couple of /r9k/s we've bounced between? Why can't he just create another one of those and stay put instead of dragging his balls across the entire board. I'm unwilling to even post in the hobby thread because I'm concerned he's going to show up there and find a way to drown everyone else out with his diatribes.
daily reminder that this current BO has wiped an entire board on endchan
The big reason he drowns everyone out is his standout position as an individual without anonymity making his presence seem larger than it actually is. 
I've been ignoring it for a while but the more I'm thinking about it the more I think something should be done about this soft avatarfagging he's been getting away, even if it is unintentional. As for the waifu thread, it would make sense for it to be alright there (though I would still prefer that he typed like a regular person) since eventually, anons will be recognizable by their waifus. I don't think that the waifu thread and esoteric threads should be merged though. The waifu threads used to be pretty normal but nowadays they frequently spiral into esoteric shit that would be better posted on its own thread.
>I'm unwilling to even post in the hobby thread because I'm concerned he's going to show up
Try not to let one anon stop you from posting in threads you would like to take part in. Boards like these need as much of us to take part in the discussions we enjoy to maintain proper health.
Replies: >>829
I could make a rule that schizo posting and retarded styles of writing are only allowed in the esoteric thread, and keep other threads clean that way. Generally I'd prefer to have broader rules that address problems at their root, in this instance incessantly making yourself identifiable cross-thread with your writing style and images, rather than creating busywork where I need to scramble around moving posts between threads based on a single borderline namefags posts disrupting threads.

It's all quite a complicated thing to address. I'm not even sure it should be addressed by a board owner at all, feels like it could veer on being overbearing to step in. The reason I lean towards handling it a more core level with something like a rule against deliberately identifiable writing styles is that it fits with the ethos of anonymous imageboard culture, and also deals with potential future instances of people essentially having signature posting styles they use to draw attention to themselves without outright avatarfagging.
Replies: >>820
>The reason I lean towards handling it a more core level with something like a rule against deliberately identifiable writing styles is that it fits with the ethos of anonymous imageboard culture, and also deals with potential future instances of people essentially having signature posting styles they use to draw attention to themselves without outright avatarfagging.
Then let's move forward with that proposition instead. If this rule were to be implimented it could possibly come as an addition to rule 9. The current exception "unless neccesary for a specific thread" should also be enough to excuse the inevitablity of some anonimity going away in places like the waifu thread. What really matters here is how the wording is handled. 

I think that we're all in agreement though that, though it may be unintentional, the esoteric fag is not anonymous and is, effectively, a tripfag. I hope we're also all in agreement that this needs to be solved and prevented.
Replies: >>829
What's wrong with a few dedicated avatarfags here and there around this place? It's not like he's the same level as asukafag, he does contribute to the quality of the board. He doesn't avatarfag for the sake of attention whore or intentional annoyance.
>what's wrong with one faggot flooding threads with massive walls of word salad that aren't even worth glancing at
Nothing I guess, you really want that then fucking have it, just don't be surprised when eventually  it's just you and him and maybe the BO left. We're already pretty close to that point.
Replies: >>826
>What's wrong with a few dedicated avatarfags here and there around this place?
Other than that every single post they make is in pursuit of an identity instead of actual discussion?
Replies: >>829
This is an anonymous imageboard. Avatarfagging is against the core of this concept. The reason for the avatarfagging is completely irrelevant.
Replies: >>829
Wait, have anons left because of the schizo here? I remember when we had the eunuch here we made fun of him, I don't see the difference here.
Replies: >>830
Yeah I don't like this sudden outcry of retards crying that there's an anon they don't like. Feels very normalnigger tier. The only real "problem" of note with him is a lack of anonymity but when the BO is just talking about how he's a retarded schizo it certainly doesn't come off as fair or impartial. Especially when the bigger problem is anons being purposefully antagonistic towards him.
Replies: >>828 >>829
But that's what he is. Being impartial doesn't rely on ignoring reality.
>Making a rule or assigning specific retards to specific threads based on their individual brands of autism doesn't seem appropriate, effective, or realistically enforceable.
>The reason I lean towards handling it a more core level with something like a rule against deliberately identifiable writing styles is that it fits with the ethos of anonymous imageboard culture
Did you look at the BOs post with bullshit goggles or what? The only times he mentions targeting schizos is in the propositions he himself says is "not even sure it should be addressed by a board owner at all, feels like it could veer on being overbearing to step in"

>Yeah I don't like this sudden outcry of retards crying that there's an anon they don't like.
These posts mention not liking his personality.
These posts mainly mention anonymity as an issue
Stop looking at posts with nigger goggles on.
Replies: >>831 >>938
We also banned him on sight. Was called a roach for a reason. Fucker always came back.
Replies: >>831
>in other words writing like a completely retarded incoherent nigger
>walls of text that ultimately amount to little of substance for most anons to engage with
>I could make a rule that schizo posting and retarded styles of writing are only allowed in the esoteric thread
Admittedly his hands are kind of tied here because it's a situation that is really hard to do anything without looking biased against one robot but these comments don't help. I don't think he shouldn't have these opinions but he probably shouldn't mention them when he's talking about a rule change that would only effect the one anon he's talking about.
And by the sudden outcry of retards I was thinking more of that thread about being guilted for not dating where there was a sudden negative reaction towards him that obviously prompted this discussion. Again, this wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if anons didn't point him out all the time, he wasn't even posting pictures of Taihou outside of the waifufag thread until recently and it's inevitable at this point that he gets recognized anyways. If anons didn't point him out every time he posted it might be a problem but at this point it's other anons who are making his writing style into avatarfagging, not him, although he doesn't seem to take issue with his notoriety. I or anyone else could probably connect the dots and link up other anons posts but that doesn't happen because they aren't as eccentric, and I don't think that eccentricity should be moderated.
>We also banned him on sight.
It took almost a year of complaints to get Tyrone to ban him iirc. That was well after he started sperging out about AI in every thread.
Replies: >>832 >>833 >>834
>If anons didn't point him out every time he posted it might be a problem
Should clarify that I mean it would be a problem if he posted a picture of Taihou on posts outside of the waifufag thread without already being recognized all the time.
Seemed like anons were just ignoring him up until now. 
>it's other anons who are making his writing style into avatarfagging
That doesn't make sense, his writing style is blatant and obvious. It's like personally signing off with your own signature after every post.
Whether people point him out or whether he posts taihou cross-thread is irrelevant. The point of what's being brought up is that his typing style is so completely unorthodox that he can be easily pointed out in the first place. That's why I've been using the term soft-avatarfagging. It's not actual avatarfagging, but a loophole that allows one to achieve the effects of an avatar or a trip.

>If anons didn't point him out every time he posted it might be a problem but at this point it's other anons who are making his writing style into avatarfagging
This is ridiculously fucking retarded. Nobody turned shit into shit. His writing style is unorthodox to the point of uniqueness and that's the end of that. This was not an attribute handed to him by anybody, it is an attribute inherent to the way he types. 
Why are you trying to twist this? Are you one of his butt buddies?
BO you come up with anything yet?
Replies: >>847
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>walls of text that ultimately amount to little of substance for most anons to engage with.

Picrelated are examples of anons that genuinely found my ramblings worthwile, i got them from the Archive, wich by the way it is missing a fuckload of posts, either way picrelated is just a small part, i still remember the anon who would say "Don't Bully the Wizard" and some other anons who claimed that i Brought some Life to this Board, and while i do not think im a Saint or anything of the Like i DO think that i have given this Place things to Talk about, i think those anons can Speak out on my Relevance for themselves, but like i said in another post, i think most of them are either Gone, or not Posting at all, too bad now you fags are trying to Push for this Revisionist idea that i was somehow the Issue all Along, meanwhile fags like (>>838
>>836 >>763
>>779 >>789) keep posting unsubstantial trash made only for the sake of Shitflinging, and you (and pretty much everyone in this thread) act as if none of that is happening, apparenty now there is this Huuuuuge Concern about Anonimity, I being I wasn't an issue Last week, it wasn't an issue back on Lynxchan, it wasn't an Issue on Zchan, it wasn't an Issue back on Fatchan (althoug on fatchan i wasn't that recognizable yet, still in Lynxchan is very easy to tell wich posts are mine, none complained in a Substantial manner) NOW it is?
at any rate i said my Part and made my Stand, Lynch me and spout all the Bullshit you want
Replies: >>844 >>847 >>851
I'm pretty sure the only criteria of quality you judge is whether or not people agree with you. You don't bring any quality to the board, you just throw your shit and expect others to conform.
Replies: >>846
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>I'm pretty sure the only criteria of quality you judge is whether or not people agree with you.
the First screencap is taken from this Board's FTDDTOT, someone disagrees and suggest that all my Esoteric lingo is just an excuse to Wank off to Taihou, i do not agree with him but i did not demand him to Comply nor did i screech at him, in the second one i straight up say that one of the anons who was critizicing me earlier in the Thread is being Honest about his Qualms, and that he deserves to be Heard, third one is back on Lynxchan where the Anon who always calls me "Estrogen-Anon" said he was afraid i was converting everyone to "Strogenism" perhaps because at that time there were some anons getting into the idea of Esotericism, far from Shitflinging and Screeching, i told him that at the end of the day the same reasons that make some Anons attracted to my Ideas, will also drive them off, this is plenty of proof that i can take Flak and Disagreements, problem is the Things that i am seeing Levied aganist me aren't done in a Honest attempt at Criticism, they are done out of Spite and Hatred
 >You don't bring any quality to the board
i literally just posted proof in my Previous post (and >>821
 also claims i do Contribute), it is a shame that many posts of Anons Explicitly stating that i bring quality here are Gone, and the Archive does have some Holes in it, the only Defence that i can provide beyond screencaps would be the Testimony of those who Genuinely think i do bring Quality, but as i said in my Previous post, Those people are Gone, or just Lurking
>you just throw your shit and expect others to conform.
ironically this is what you have just done, you have claimed that i only judge things on wether they agree with me or not, yet you provided no Proof, then you say i bring no quality to the board despite i providing proof of the Contrary, and yet again you fail to support your Claim
Replies: >>848 >>853 >>1187
I figure something like this covers most of the bases. But the more input the better.
>9. You are expected to maintain the spirit of anonymity to the best of your ability. This means no namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that make you clearly identifiable between threads and conversations. You are also discouraged from assigning posters various identities.
Saying that your posts have no substance was probably too harsh. I'm snippy about it because I do personally find attempting to read them incredibly fucking irritating based entirely on your retarded arbitrary personalized set of grammar rules.

The fact that you routinely mention how much people actually like you is a problem in and of itself. I get that on a board this small people have the ability to recognize each other, but that doesn't mean anyone should be leaning into or enabling that reality. It's something to be mostly ignored. When you say things like people who don't understand your specific personalized grammar rules are "newfags" because they haven't followed your post history, you aren't doing yourself any favors against the main argument that you're establishing an identity and it's resulting in some derailment and annoyance.

I don't want to ban or discourage people that make interesting and high effort posts, even if they do happen to be eccentric and occasionally questionably coherent. But I also don't think expecting people not to capitalize random words and use proper punctuation is that high of a standard to set. It really isn't that difficult to write properly and compartmentalize your ideas in a way that they aren't blatantly identifiable across threads and conversation topics. This feels like something a quirky teenager girl would obsess over in all honesty and it's pretty embarrassing that this is even an issue at all. I think the best compromise here is that you keep your posts written in your unique style of writing contained in the esoteric thread.
Replies: >>849 >>853
>second image
>it still says "im a C u m Bag, im full of Cummies"
Seriously what the fuck
Replies: >>850
>No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads 
Would be enough to get everything I think. Social guidelines like "you're expected" to comes off as if you're telling a bunch of preschoolers to behave.
Replies: >>853
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He's an attention whore and probably doesn't even know it.
It was never not an issue your transgressions were just being tolerated until now.
The rule sounds good but I agree with >>849 take on the rule. 
On another note, the rule should just be a natural extension of rule 9 so I don't think it should be very controversial, which is good.  
No use in defending your character. This is about the soft-avatarfagging, not your personality.  Personally don't take any issue with you personally, and I do think that you bring some interesting discussion to the board every now and then, but, the soft-avatarfagging needs to stop.
I suggest you start learning basic grammar since this is probably gonna go through.
Isn't it possible to reach a compromise between the taihou posting anon and the rest? Maybe just don't go on tangents on the esoteric posts and if anons are that bothered by it just not post nude/lewd Taihous? And then the other anons just leave him be even if his writing style is not your cup of tea? I honestly think this is being blown out of proportion, it's not like he is like the dolphin faggot who is an actual threat to the site as a whole.
Replies: >>860 >>867
I meant that you shouldn't go on esoteric tangents on threads that are not about it.
Avatarfagging is against the rules. The esoteric anon has been getting away with what is basically avatarfagging for a while now. The rules are simply being amended to cover this new form of (soft) avatarfagging.
If the esoteric anon understood the purpose of an anonymous imageboard he would understand this and take steps towards a more uniform writing style. 
There is no reason to compromise on a core component of anonymous imageboards, just because it would make one anon angry.
> it's not like he is like the dolphin faggot who is an actual threat to the site as a whole.
That's irrelevant. There has been an oversight in the rules, that is the issue. He is not being told to leave he's just being told to not avatarfag. The BO is even letting him off in the esoteric threads.

As for whether or not he'd do that? I doubt it. 
He's an extremely stubborn individual and he seems convinced that this is targeted persecution when in reality he just happened to be a good example of a loophole in the rules. He's probably gonna keep this victim mentality in his head, not learn how to write properly, and then leave. It'd be a bit of a shame but you reap what you sow.
Rule 9 has been amended to
>9. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads.
I specifically said I don' want him banned though, his personality doesn't bother me, it's the fact he pops up and you can immediately tell he's about to destroy the thread that bothers me.
Replies: >>941 >>1023
Dead horse. Rule made.
Replies: >>1023
Only rules 1, 2, 3, 8, and maybe 10, aren't subjective bullshit. 2/10 why can't I even use the subject field?

That's right shitposter once a rule is made it's the end of the discussion. God, you faggots really want to be like incels.me don't you?
Replies: >>1025 >>1027 >>1029
Nah, this is a pretty low-quality thread or post (rule 4). If you shitposted better maybe you wouldn't have this problem.
The fuck are you even mad at me for? I just wanted the fag who kept derailing threads with the same esoteric bullshit to stay in one thread.

Its a dead horse because the problem with the esoteric anon has been solved. If you have a problem with the new rule, make a constructive comment or criticism of it instead of misinterpreting posts and whining like a nigger.
Replies: >>1078
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maybe we shouldn't have scared him away, his autism kinda brightened up the place and kept discussion going, it's been pretty ded lately
Replies: >>1079 >>1080 >>1187
I can't recall a single discussion started by him that wasn't just throwing shit and endless nitpicking until one side rage quits.
Replies: >>1187
If you think it's been dead then make a thread or start a discussion. This place has always had low and high points in activity though so don't worry too much.
Replies: >>1187
>no roastie worship
Always something to piss me off about chan sites. You have to be gay or autistically into anime. Gotrcha. Nice rule. No Agatha allowed. It's not because you're afraid of pseudo cp or nothing though, it's because they're evil wahmen. Uh huh. No homeley hs girl worship despite that being a banned chan /r9k/ tendency. 

Oh you. 

Also the virgin shit is objectively autistim and wizchan is there for that level of gatekeeping. Nothing magically happens if a female at some point in your life had sex with you. It's not that black and white. The slippery slope would apply, but at that point you might start to worry about the backlash of censorship because all chan sites, imageboards rather, that have such harsh rules end up having anal retentive moderation that just censor shit randomly that they personally don't like to see, such as this very comment and the excuse can be "not a virgin" I'm sure, of which is faggy and illogical. 

About the slippery slope, why have waifu posting? It's vapid and could lead to self drawn fake women, users that become avatar faggots. if you want to worry about slippery slopes, that's one too that the 4chan /r9k/ suffered. Rather than fawn over a underage brunette 5/10 HS girl they ended up pretending to be women, especially because face threads being banned negate proving you're not some actual female. 

My point is, black and white rules are stupid. The only way to kill an imageboard is to do fascist shit. it doesn't even work, it just makes the better users fuck off and the trolls sit there and try to poke holes in the rules. Gray area and you can have /r9gay/ threads here and other vapid generals. They're not better than e-whore worship, just more LEGAL of which is why such cowardice is a thing, the banning of e-'whores'. Daddy might sue. If not, she's a literal whore and no longer interesting. No longer homely. She goes Agatha 2.0 and is.... yeah.

>no violence
I mean really. Fucking redditor. 

>>no r9gay posting
OOOOH you already though of that. Well, I wonder how many people you'll get posting here. 

>no trips
No having individuality inmate! 


>>if you admit to being underage
>implying being underage is okay
Oh wow.  Such legal pandering.


You don't have anything to say.
Replies: >>1140 >>1155
Everything he said was correct.
Replies: >>1141 >>1149
I can't discern anything out of what he wrote.
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>Goes to chess club
>Mad that they play chess instead of poker
This is how retarded you are. Now shoo nigger shoo.
Replies: >>1155
Nothing he said was correct because he took the rules as if they could measure intention, instead of looking at the rules as a means to stay on topic.

No one here can know if you had sex or not, or if youre a female, or anything else from the act of posting, only through deliberate behavior could they know, so hes wrong to be mad about that.

Waifus are self centered by defintion as personal gods, and take away from robot topics. The worship of women is objectively retarded.  
Incites to violence are what took 8chan down and the stereotype of incel shooter while wrong is very popular.  
Tripfags and idenities kill chans, look at chantopia/8channel/current 9chan, If your words can't set you apart you shouldn't be set appart.
Replies: >>1150 >>1151
>If your words can't set you apart you shouldn't be set appart.
It's funny you mention that because I believe that was just banned.
But waifus aren't personal gods. They're fictional girls guys find to be special fundamentally.
Replies: >>1153
Isn't waifuism still fawning over femininity, though? Surely women shouldn't control your dreams.
Replies: >>1154
Not everyone is the esoteric anon.
>if you don't think like we do you are a normalfaggot

Nice hivemind. Sheep. 

Banning me only proved my point about censoring. I never said I had sex. Illogical people I swear. You're afraid of free speech.


Replies: >>1158 >>1159 >>1172
Rule 4. No normalnigger posting. The definition of normalfaggot here is not a robot. You are not a robot. And so again, you are like a nigger going to a chess club, angry at that they don't play poker, ranting that you have the right to play poker while completely misunderstanding the point of a club.
I will not be responding because you are a nigger and probably one which came from 8moe. You do not belong, you are not a robot. Go to fucking /b/ for "muh free speech" you dumb nigger.
I still don't know what point you're trying to make.
What the fuck is this faggotry, go and  die in a fire nigger faggot
No one said you weren't a virgin you retarded nigger.
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>maybe we shouldn't have scared him away, his autism kinda brightened up the place and kept discussion going, it's been pretty ded lately
Im still here, i just lurk and don't post outside certain places, wich is something i should have done a long time ago, now i spend more time with myself, my waifu, and my personal projects and of course the matters of the Spirit (spirit goes on capitals becaue its a Divine term, the same way you capitalize God, or a country name, so don't be a cunt now), either way my email is splattered around somewhere, if you miss me that much i recommend you to Email me there.

also >>1080
all i did was to start discussion, people hopped in, when people stopped hopping in and instead decided to be spiteful fucks with their pitchforks, i "left"

yeah, too bad >>846 stands there as proof that you are full of shit, check the archives retard.
Replies: >>1193
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And so a new eunuch-tier nigger is born. May God have fucking mercy on our souls.
You don't have to stop posting or creating discussion. All you were asked to do was pipe down on the identity shit, intentional or not.
Replies: >>1195
>I'm just like y-you guys. I-Im a mean bad racist man who thinks p-pedos are c-cool AND ALSO I HATE EVERYONE!!!! T-THAT MAKES ME ONE OF YOU RIGHT!!?
Jesus fucking christ you're pathetic. You sound like a fucking loser. 
Go commit self-die nigger. in Minecraft
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>You don't have to stop posting or creating discussion.
I know, i just don't feel like doing it anymore, i do not feel as comftable here anymore, and again, my hotheaded ways are finally over, i got better places to spend my anger and my love, the few niggers here that i could reply to do not deserve my time at all, and the few good people hat are left have my library, and my Email, there's no reason for me to remain here at all, and nothing here is going to either drive me closer to my sweet Taihou, or help me enact Armageddon on this shithole of an existance.
Replies: >>1201
All I got out of this is
>people won't stroke my ego so I'm leaving to circlejerk
who cares if people argue with you and call you names? Just don't wreck every thread in sight with that shit and things will be fine.
What did I miss?  Why was he deleted but the other? guy just banned?
Replies: >>1205
It is the same guy, that post was deleted and likely resulted in a ban as well. There's just no (ban for this) message anymore since there would no longer be any point.
Anonymity is non-negotiable
Virginity is non-negotiable
Not being a roastie worshiping nigger is non-negotiable
Good enough? Now fuck off.
Also you do seem a bit retarded so make sure to google what non-negotiable means so that you get the picture.

So leave. You will find no companions here nor will you find anyone willing to converse with you once they figure out what you are. Fuck off to /b/ or some other boards /doomer/. You will find yourself in good company there.
This is what happens when tr/a/nnies add 8cuck to the webring and seagull allowing gamergate thread. 8cucks must die.
>Being THIS butthurt about the board not worshipping roasties
Nigger you have the whole Internet to worship 3DPD scum, go and do so elsewhere. Why do niggers want every single corner of the Internet to bow to their every whim, it eludes me.
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Allright niggers heads up because our new Eunuch-Fag II is very likely a spic, ":v" is a slang term substitute for "XD" in the Taco-sphere of social media and Taco-internets in general, maybe he's not and he's just retarded, picking up the term somewhere else, but if he IS a spic this is going to be the funniest shit ever
Honestly I do this sort of shit too whenever I went bonker, except that I shitpost on /v/ and /b/ about some random shit, not roastie worship or whatever the hell he's babbling about. Go learn some more java faggot and shut the fuck up.
There's nothing wrong with creating a community of our peers, and putting rules in place that keep it that way. This place is for robots, not women or faggots (at least not open faggots) or any of that shit. In fact your retarded reaction to the sex rule is so obviously stupid because no one here thinks that the act itself of having sex changes you, which is why there are exceptions to the rule. Rather, if one can bring himself to engage in sex with a woman it is evidence that he's got the social acceptance and the openness to normalniggers to expose himself completely to them for the sake of pleasure, which is exactly what a robot isn't and a normalfaggot is. This is shit that has been talked about a million times before.
>4chan hates reddit, 8chan hates 4chan, now you hate 8chan huh? 
Even when we were on 8chan we hated 8chan, even /r9k/ there wasn't great although it was better than most boards on the site. This isn't some faggy circle of life you nigger.
>They just weren't you, and you will hate your own kind no matter what
If they aren't us they aren't our kind.
I don't want to tell you how to do your job BO but do this. Delete all of his posts as soon as you can see so none of us has the chance of seeing thus rendering all his effort worthless. He typed a fuck lot and he's only human and all you gotta do is click a button, he will fatigue soon and has no choice but shut the fuck up for good.
Replies: >>1226
Or how about have some self-control and not respond to him at all and only report? He stands out badly enough that you can spot him immediately and there's no point in talking to him because he's clearly here just to be an obstinate shitstirring retard. Denying him his dopamine rush is the cruelest thing you can do to him.
Replies: >>1227
Yeah I think we've made our point clearly and effectively. From now on lets ignore him. Hide his posts while your at it too.
If I want to post my autism doodles should I make a drawthread or just post in the hobby thread? Does it matter?
Replies: >>1234
If you would like to. If not then post in Hobbies.
Everyone just hide his posts from now on until BO deletes them.
Replies: >>1236
Looks like that's already happening.
I will never understand why people force themselves into places where they are not wanted. Doing so to make fun/rebuke people I can understand, but to actively try to fit in while antagonizing the community they want to fit in to? Very silly
>agatha orbiting in 2020
>whining about gatekeeping
>agatha orbiting in 2020
Nice job trying to fit in.
Replies: >>1544
True robot does not care about fitting in.
Replies: >>1546 >>1563
Just make your shitty posts and go away.
Replies: >>1568
Why call yourself a robot if you don't want to fit in?
Replies: >>1568
Can this absolute faggot get banned? All he does is try to make the waifu thread into pure faggot discussion.
Replies: >>1566
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(>>1554 >>1547 >>1532) and (>>1528 >>1523  >>1505) are different persons, (>>1554 >>1547 >>1532) is contributing to the discussion and is alongside me the only one keeping the Thread alive, (>>1528 >>1523  >>1505) is a jackass tho but he hasn't posted or derailed the Thread, at any rate the real question is wether you have a Waifu in the first place and you care, or you are just stirring Drama and bullshit in the Meta thread
Replies: >>1567 >>1578
I mean if by contributing to the discussion you mean, making weird cryptic comments directed at you which you, specifically, respond to, then I guess you're right. Not that he should be banned or anything. Never really seen him break any rules, even I find his writing style and one-note responses/posts a bit irritating.

As it is now the waifu thread is just esoteric anon and like 1 or maybe 2 other guys talk about some esoteric shit that relates to waifus in some way. Safe to say the waifu threads are right and proper shit right now for anyone outside of this group.

Only way to change that would be to make another thread specifying that esoteric bullshit not be brought up, or be brought up in limited quantities. I'm not sure how good of a solution that is though and I'm pretty sure that goes against rule 6.
Replies: >>1577
you know my post history?

>why would you ride a bicycle if you do not participate in sports
I dont know. I better stop cycling
If the rumors of cuckchan going down and the users migrating end up being true I may temporarily lock down the board. It seems like lynxchan.net has been offline for maintenance for a few days too. Either way the cuckchan niggers have been spooked into spreading out because of the possibility of cloudflare dropping them so brace yourselves potential impact.

Also the tor network is being attacked, all v3 hidden services are down. Antares uses v2 so it still works.
Replies: >>1570 >>1571 >>1573
Fuck if that is real we are fucked, the webring will be flooded by reddit niggers and unironic boomers.
>cuckchan niggers
Lord have mercy. I'd sooner invite a gaggle of boomer normalniggers than have those demented faggots even notice this place exists. Cuckchan niggers are the absolute bottom of the barrel scum of humanity.
Aside from that could you explain what you mean by locking down the board? Would posting be impossible? Would temporarily unlisting not suffice?
Replies: >>1572
>Aside from that could you explain what you mean by locking down the board? Would posting be impossible? Would temporarily unlisting not suffice?
It would depend on the scale of things. But yes I'd probably lock posting entirely for at least a day if it was enough of an issue, maybe longer.

Knowing that the entire network of hidden services can be attacked is a big hit to confidence. I'm more concerned about that than I am a cuckchan infestation. Lynxchan.net being down is another concern. It's our main bunker and endchan's software is a mess. So I guess we place our trust in the fish.
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For fucks sake, this shit doesn't end, does it? Is there some kind of backup plan other than just moving to the bunkers, at least?
Replies: >>1574 >>1577
Considering our bunker doesn't really exist at the moment, the answer would be no. But these are just hypotheticals right now. Whatever retarded situation we may or may not find ourselves in again I'll figure something out. As of right now there's no credible reason to be concerned. But with the kikes cracking down on Q boomers and companies like mozilla pushing for a censored internet things are getting pretty crazy out there.

Good to be mentally prepared for anything. Hopefully we just keep on keeping on.
Replies: >>1575
/k/'s BO sifted through the webring and selected a couple of ded sites that are still up to use as potential bunkers, would it not be a good idea to do the same thing?
Replies: >>1582
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>As it is now the waifu thread is just esoteric anon and like 1 or maybe 2 other guys talk about some esoteric shit that relates to waifus in some way. Safe to say the waifu threads are right and proper shit right now for anyone outside of this group.

The waifufag thread is Esoteric oriented because there's literally only 2 guys posting, that being Dalua and Me, i said it once and ill say it again, it is prevalent because none else is posting, if instead of whining you actually Posted about whatever tickles your fancy in regards to your Waifu another song would be sung, the thread is shit because you and all the other Idiots that want to have a conversation are whining instead of actually talking, one thing is complaining about Anonimty, another thing is complaining about people talking about a subject in a way you don't want them to, because all my posts over there are on Topic, and before you start with the "but anon you are so overbearing are your posts so big and filled with verbal diorrhea!" i'd like to remind you that nobody forces you to read them in the first place, and there's a little button called "Hide" that will allow you to HIDE my post so your retinas aren't burned by my apparently unbearable existance, now go ahead and ask BO to Ban that specific autist and me for literally posting about our Waifus in the thread where you are supposed to Post about your Waifus

Never ended and never will, with a bit of luck they'll make their reddit cliques, be too retarded to even find the webring in the first place or just make dicksword groups, have faith and keep it together
Replies: >>1579
They're all the same guy. All of them are obsessed over you worshiping or becoming your waifu, or obsessed over waifu being a singular entity and literally god. They're all the same dude.
Replies: >>1580
Any non esoteric post would get an esoteric response which would then trigger another esoteric discussion. You would need 3 times the amount of non esoteric waifufags we have now to fight that flow. Quite simply this is a numbers problem. There are not enough non-esoteric anons to generate a completely isolated non-esoteric discussion. 
Other than that you've made a number of assumptions. One being that I'm the same nigger begging for bans, next being that I see your conversation with that other anon as a bad thing, and finally that I believe that the thread being in a sorry state must be the fault of those left.

Read more closely before you start tilting at windmills.
You're all the same dude. You're just me, actually.
I'm not aware of other sites in the webring open to board creation. I can try to look into it.
Replies: >>1582 >>1585
Well you won't know unless you contact the admins and ask.
Replies: >>1593
Looking through the list nothing strikes me as a logical site for /r9k/. Most of them are either language specific or some odd niche site like erischan. I suppose I could ask Tom to make /r9k/ back on his new fatchan site, but considering how things went last time that sounds kind of silly.

Just begging random webring admins to put /r9k/ on their sites despite them being about things that have nothing to do with /r9k/ doesn't really seem appropriate.
Replies: >>1595
Well I guess we're not getting a bunker then. Unless you're thinking about setting up on blacked.moe in which case I'm personally done with the board but maybe the others won't care.
Replies: >>1598 >>1604
I'm not planning on anything, just communicating concerns. My disdain for blacked.moe has waned over the last year but I'd still rather avoid it.
Replies: >>1605
Is this a thing? Pls no
Replies: >>1605
I don't see the big deal in asking the other sites about it, the worst that can happen is they say no. It's not like taking less than a minute to read a board request email is a massive obstruction to their day, especially considering most of the other sites outside of the top four barely get any activity so it's not like they're busy with other shit, or like they have to even immediately respond in the first place.
It's referring to 8chan, which added a high quality board like /interracial/ to the webring. I'm going to leave it at that because I don't want to turn this into a board drama thread.
Replies: >>1607 >>1609
Putting /r9k/ on boards related to things I have absolutely no interest in or cultural understanding of seems retarded. Most of the low activity webring boards are that way because they're hyper specific. It's not really about how much effort it is to ask, but about whether it makes any sense to begin with.
Replies: >>1615
I guess then 8chan.moe is disqualified. Fucking jewish filth.
What exactly is your worry? Even hyper specific imageboards like shrekchan had "regular" boards on them, and with the few people that are here i shouldn't be hard to make sure everyone knows what the bunker is. If anything fretting over whether /r9k/ "fits" or not seems retarded especially when some faggots can (and probably will) come down on zzz at any moment if this crackdown continues over the next month. Also, like I said it can't hurt to ask, if the admin wants his site to remain strictly along a thematic line then he can just say no and you can move on. You also don't have to stick specifically with webring boards like when we were on lynxchan.
Whatever man, either the bunker will be made or it won't, and since I don't have the time or energy to bother being the BO of any board it doesn't really matter how I feel about it.
Fuck this shit. Ban me, but don't put a false reason. And then don't delete my only extra post made just to say that I am actually a virgin. Except if you want to change the definition of one.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Ban evasion, non-virgin

Replies: >>1733
Just become a tranny. You'll be great at it, you're already adept at using female logic: claiming virginity by excusing all sexual activity that's not for procreation. In some years, after some more relationships, you'll be back on an /r9k/ somewhere.
<But I wore a condom. My dick never touched her pussy. I am actually a virgin. Except if you want to change the definition of one.
Replies: >>1737 >>1738
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Yes, definitely. It'd be much better if Anon became a transgender girl.
Replies: >>1738
found the Reiko, fuck off back to discord
Replies: >>1739 >>1740
First nigger could have been sarcastic. Second nigger I'm not so sure.
Replies: >>1740
I wish 4cuck never brought their gay discord drama to 8cuck. We were already anti-tranny and on the alert for subversion without giving attention to a namefag.

>First nigger could have been sarcastic.
Yes and no. I suggested he become a tranny to highlight and insult his retarded belief that he's a virgin. I didn't imply it would improve his life. But it wouldn't be a tragedy if the madman did become a tranny, as he's not a robot. He would have a new group of losers to hang with online, as he doesn't belong here, until he eventually hangs himself.
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I don't like the topic of conversation visible in this stickied thread so I will hide it with some replies.
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Replies: >>1823
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That's tvch isn't it?
ok nerd
Why waste time engaging someone who hates everyone here yet keeps coming back for some godforsaken reason? Go away, go somewhere where you can enjoy yourself.
>simultaneously hates normalfags and robots
Is this the perfect opinion?
Replies: >>1854
What happens if you get your wish?
<(((You))) cry about rules.
<Robots stop gatekeeping.
<Posts become 4cuck tier.
<(((You))) leave to the next /r9k/.

No, it's the failed normalfag opinion.
Replies: >>1864
Was it the same nigger that complained about not being able to worship 3D scum?
Replies: >>1869
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Oh, thank goodness. I get scared every time this place goes down. By the way, BO. Lynxchan doesn't load on my end. Have you considered replacing it with something? Maybe the 8chan.moe /r9k/?
Replies: >>1893 >>1900
The hidden service for lynxchan is still functional.
>Have you considered replacing it with something? Maybe the 8chan.moe /r9k/?
Probably not, though it is the only viable option.
Replies: >>1900 >>1903
Even if you ignore their past transgressions, they're still eternal newfags clinging to the 8chan brand, because of the glory days of GaymerGayte and the 2016 election, because it netted them a modicum of attention on social media. The result of these so-called glory days: an unfun, homogenized, everything's a political cause, nouveau internet. They're the niggest of normalniggers. I'll never post there, but I rarely post at all these days.
There's fatchan again.
Replies: >>1901 >>1903 >>1907
>I rarely post at all these days
Great, so your opinion is irrelevant. Why don't you lead with that next time? Perhaps you would like to whine your heart out here (>>>/b/1951). For those that do continue to post and don't care about petty naming issues, 8chan.moe is still a decent alternative and one of the few places that allow free speech.
>petty naming issues
>free speech
Is that you, Acidman or Mark? Haha. What makes fatchan not a decent alternative that allows free speech? I'll make sure to never post here again, instead of once a month or every few months, if that'll soothe your butthurt.
Replies: >>1904
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>The hidden service for lynxchan is still functional.
Ah, okay. Maybe it doesn't need to be replaced by the 8moe one but I do think 8moe should still be added in some way.
>There's fatchan again.
Perhaps add that one as well, can't be too safe. I think it might even be a good idea to have an agreed upon primary backup, then one that takes lesser priority behind that so that our members aren't scattered. A hierarchy of backups organized by top priority to lowest, maybe.
While I understand the importance of being on a board that doesn't have bad users, I think we might have to be willing to compromise and perhaps this could be done by making 8moe our final backup in case something happens to all of the others in the hierarchy.
Replies: >>1907
>What makes fatchan not a decent alternative that allows free speech?
Who said it wasn't?
>I'll make sure to never post here again
Why would I care?

So many questions.
Replies: >>1905
>Who said it wasn't?
You attacked a disclaimer, as if you were forced to read a novel beforehand, so you could ignore the mention of fatchan to continue your shilling of 8chan.moe.
>Why would I care?
You cared about whether I posted here or not, when you thought it could be used to dismiss my opinion. You're retarded.
Replies: >>1906
>You attacked a disclaimer
Oh I did? My bad. I guess that's a disclaimer too, huh? I'll go back over your posts and remove the disclaimers.
>There's fatchan again. soothe your butthurt. your shilling of 8chan.moe. You're retarded.
Both fatchan and 8chan.moe are valid alternatives, despite whatever baggage you may have against 8chan.moe. Thanks for your input.
Replies: >>1908
My and I assume most other anons disdain for 8moe stems from how Acid and cakekike are insufferable egotistical faggots. I don't particularly have concern for things like being associated with newfags or gaymer gays. From a technological perspective 8moe has merit, but I'm averse to it out of spite for the administration.

As for fatchan I could ask tom for a board, but my confidence in his willingness to keep the site up faced with any adversity is gone.
Replies: >>1909
>Oh I did? My bad. I guess that's a disclaimer too, huh? I'll go back over your posts and remove the disclaimers.
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Are you implying you're the BO? The only disclaimer was "but I rarely post at all these days", which you aggressively attacked, instead of just taking my opinion with a grain of salt and giving a reasonable reply. Now you resort to being passive aggressive. You've gone from behaving like a shill to behaving like a female. Try rereading your posts with a clear head.
Replies: >>1912
I fail to see any merit in centralizing under the 8chan brand again. Looking at the frontpage and reading /t/, Tom seems better prepared this time. We could give it a second try there.
>fatchan.org (.net, .top, .tw, .li, .ru, .is)
>Tor hidden service Lokinet SNApp IRC
Replies: >>1910
Alright I'll request /r9k/ on fatchan using the name "robot"
Replies: >>1911
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Let us hope it goes better this time around. It will be nice to have jschan on both, but there's some differences in post styling commands to be aware of. The robot who forgets will look quite the fool.
Replies: >>1915
What are you trying to accomplish? I admitted my mistake and skipped that disclaimer (along with the rest of your paragraph). Are you upset because I ignored your concerns about the users on 8chan.moe who are attracted by the branding, and appeared to focus on your lack of interest in contributing new content instead? I'm sowwy.

Your gripes with 8chan.moe are still irrelevant despite its users and whether you post there or not. It's still useful as a bunker, as it was when zzzchan went down a few hours ago. My only concern is if the site allows free speech. It does, as does fatchan, which is why I don't take issue with it.

Are you happy now? If it gets you interested in posting again, I don't mind reiterating my point over and over for you.
Replies: >>1913
>I admitted my mistake
While oozing passive aggression, so it was insincere.
>your lack of interest in contributing new content
[passive aggression intensifies]
>I'm sowwy.
[passive aggression intensifies]
>Are you happy now?
[passive aggression intensifies]
>If it gets you interested in posting again, I don't mind reiterating my point over and over for you.
[passive aggression intensifies]

Being a passive aggressive /meta/burger isn't contributing new content. You are peak /meta/burger, admitting you'll resort to repetition: exhaust your target to get the last word in, think to yourself you've won. A tactic as old as time. I'd be happy if you stopped behaving like a female. My post was about the fags running it. Although users were attracted by the brand, it wasn't the users who decided it had to be 8chan. That decision was the result of their horrible normalnigger personalities.
Replies: >>1914 >>1917
Just ignore him dude I guarantee everyone else thinks he's being a nigger too and he's clearly not going to stop acting like a cunt.
Replies: >>1916 >>1917
Does fatchan still use the bars for spoiling?
Replies: >>1916
Yeah, I felt the urge to reply one last time to highlight the amount of passive aggression because it was too ridiculous. I just learned that replying to bumplocked threads doesn't update Latest Activity, the same way sage doesn't. If robots don't like seeing what is mostly white noise, thinking it's real activity, this thread could be sticky+bumplock. To me, it sucks when I see activity here and it's only /meta/.

Why so little faith? Sorry I was too busy to leave a timely reply. Should I have left a "BRB" to delete when I return? (That's a joke; I know you guys are miserable, I get it now.)

>A tactic as old as time.
No tactics here, you've been arguing online for too long. If it makes you feel better: You win. Did that feel good? I really don't care about the topic and have no preference.
Replies: >>1918
big nerd huge ner you are a FAt and dumb nerd idiot stupid Fuck You harlot fuckhead dork idiot dumb ass heck butt normalfag
What is it with passive aggressive types and hunting down robots?
Replies: >>1923 >>1924 >>1926
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No idea. They're probably women or normalniggers.
At least there's no hunting going on in this thread.
Because passive aggressive types are faggots, even among normalniggers. He needs something to raise his self-esteem. If any robots think they haven't witnessed a /meta/burger, they likely have in the past and just didn't realize it. If they haven't, this fag was a good crash course. The /meta/burger doesn't care, as he has admitted, about anything. They aren't invested in the topic they're arguing, ever. It's just argument for the sake of argument. The legitimate user will say something and the /meta/burger will reply with nitpicking, misrepresentation, and repetition. The /meta/burger will do this for hundreds of posts if the legitimate user doesn't give up. I watched it happen way too many times on wizardchan. Passive aggression is generally not used by the /meta/burger, if he's successful.

>The /meta/burger is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, retard, nigger, autist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /meta/burger and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Now that's he's been found out, he's trying to act cool and aloof and above it all. Trying to save face, on an anonymous fucking imageboard of all things, instead of just stopping and trying to forget his embarrassing blunder. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling with that "Sorry I was too busy" shit. No one cares if he replies a few hours later, especially on a slow imageboard. Everything he does is from the same stale playbook. It was stale before he was even alive. His posts need to be left up, if he gets banned for not being a robot, as a testament to his failure.
Replies: >>1947 >>1949
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Those types must be pretty common since that sounds like most of the people I've gotten into arguments with then.
Replies: >>1964
You know you're describing a first time imageboard user, right?
Replies: >>1964
If it's a /meta/ argument: 100%. If it's not a /meta/ argument: ???%. There's a chance it's someone who was targeted by a /meta/burger and became frustrated enough to start using those same tactics. It makes sense, being memetic like everything else. The proof would be getting them to admit they aren't invested in the topic they're arguing, but it's generally not worth it. This one was so aggressive and hyperfocused on a few words from the start, that I thought it would be quick and I was correct. Generally I disengage these days, whether the /meta/burger is trying to start an argument with me or another user. I just go do something else.

And with that we come full circle. As I said that Acidman and Mark are eternal newfags, so too is the /meta/burger. Months wasted, years wasted, starting insincere arguments. Actual first-timers don't show up often enough for this to be blamed on them. They are awkward, their faux pas are benign and happen due to their sincerity and not lurking. Actual first-timers are preferrable to eternal newfags and rapefugees.
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Assuming that the pretentious friend utilizing logical fallacies and deceptive wording has gone to sleep, I’ll summarize my point as objectively as possible:

"For those that do continue to post and don't care about petty naming issues, 8chan.moe is still a decent alternative and one of the few places that allow free speech."

Counter points brought up in the thread:
>acid and cake are egotistical
>aversion to centralizing under the 8chan brand

8chan.moe will likely stay online for some time and its reliability makes for a useful bunker. To suggest that the 8chan.moe bunker should not be used due to the admins or the origins of the domain name doesn't make sense, as the purpose of the bunker is to gather the community and possibly redirect users to a new home site when the current site goes down. It doesn't hurt to leave a redirection notice on a stable board that's always online.

One valid counter point that hasn't been brought up, is not wanting to redirect users from an incompatible community to the new board. You don't want to redirect 4ch/r9k users to zzz/r9k. An argument could be made that there's a chance of redirecting 8chan.moe users to zzz/r9k, but 8chan.moe is practically low traffic with an abysmal user count, and there are plenty of witch-hunting gatekeeper diehards here even in low numbers to keep the community safe.

As 8chan.moe already acts as a bunker redirecting to zzz, I only bring this up in response to apparent aversion to 8chan as a brand when 8chan.moe was mentioned as an alternative. While understandable, those fears appear shallow at best and are not relevant to the sites use as a bunker in times of emergency.
Do what you want, I'm not going to any site associated with Acid or Mark.
Replies: >>1975
Fair enough.
>says he really doesn't care
>keeps going
D U D E=
>logical fallacies
Spotted the redditor, he doesn't even use the second slash for board URIs. There's no point denying it, but he will.
Nice /gif/, shame you are a fat kike apologist.
You're right, 8moe is the most logical bunker choice. And it still shouldn't be used because Acid is a fucking faggot and it would give legitimacy to his desire to become the central authority of imageboards. You don't seem to understand why people take issue with 8moe. I suppose you weren't around when it was first launching.

Everything Acid and Mark stood for back then was antithetical to the webring. Everything Acid is as a person is antithetical to how Anonymous imageboards should be. He's an avatarfag, he's an attentionwhore, he shills on reddit, he flaunts his disgusting fetishes around. Sites for anonymous posters ran by people who are anything but anonymous are cancerous.

It isn't about whether or not 8moe would make a good bunker, because it would. It's about principles. Acid wanted the webring to fail so he could be the arbiter of everything, and now anons want 8moe to fail for the opposite reason. If we give in to convenience at the cost of our principles then we're worthless.
Replies: >>1987
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Why the fuck would you wait until you believed I was asleep to make a post pretending to be invested in the topic? Why the fuck would you even admit to that in your opening sentence? Hahaha. You aren't summarizing. You're repeating, as the /meta/burger does. You're expanding, mostly padding out the word count. You're incapable of objectivity. Is it a logical fallacy to call you a dumbass? I don't give a fuck. I didn't ensnare you with my words, you did that to yourself with your own words. You need to accept that I haven't been deceptive, you're just retarded.

You still can't shake that passive aggression. It doesn't make you appear reasonable. It's just weasely little faggot talk. I'm not going to take you seriously. This is your most embarrassing post yet. Put me in your suicide note.
Replies: >>1987 >>2004 >>2074
Thanks, I had no idea about acid and I'm not finding much about it anywhere. 8chan.moe is on the webring but some sites are blocking it. I must have missed that drama.

You're adorable.
Replies: >>1988
>Thanks, I had no idea about acid and I'm not finding much about it anywhere. 8chan.moe is on the webring but some sites are blocking it. I must have missed that drama.
They're on the webring now because their attempts at centralization and becoming the next 8chan failed and very few boards on the webring migrated over there, if any. If people had buckled and migrated I can assure you Acid would have never even considered the webring. The original narrative he and Mark spun was that anyone pro-webring and decentralization was "fracturing" the userbase and damaging imageboards.
>You're adorable.
Stop doing this autistic fucking roastie twitter sweetie posting shit faggot. It's fucking retarded and low effort.
Replies: >>1990 >>2004
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>Stop doing this autistic fucking roastie twitter sweetie posting shit faggot.
Oh but you're so cute!! Just a little baby cutie pie aren't you yes you are yes you are.
You fucking dumabsses should know better than to respond to people who act like women or trannies. This is probably the same asshole who tried to fuckup the FTDDTOT by crying about people being called redditors.
Replies: >>2011
A webring wasn't needed with 8chan around. It only exists because 8chan went down and it seemed like a good idea to bring various altchans together. It's a novel concept that fails to create the same sense of community; it doesn't move at the same pace as a central board.

Still, using 8chan.moe as a bunker does seem kinda silly. It has been excluded from the webring by associating itself with the old centralized model, and bunkers are really only useful for unreliable altchans on the webring.

>Stop doing this
No really, it's adorable.

I found the contrast between your explosive diarrhoea and the collected post above it to be hilarious. You're also attacking things beside the point, which I'm guilty of too (>>1901).
>You still can't shake that passive aggression.
I meant nothing by it, are you becoming paranoid?
Replies: >>2006
>You're also attacking things beside the point
Yes. A successful /meta/burger relies on the target to only focus on the point, while he attacks everything other than the point. Too bad I refused to play that game with you, faggot. You can't use that as a gotcha on me. I already said I'm not going to take you seriously. It's not hypocritical of me, you threw away any chance of that from the start with >>1901. Then, to top it off, you admitted you don't really care and have no preference. Yet, you still continue this topic and pursue an argument.

>I meant nothing by it, are you becoming paranoid?
You're such a fucking coward. Just call me a schizo, don't dance around it. That's near the top of the list of normalnigger rebuttals. You refuse to adapt. You even double down on actions that you're chastised for. It's obvious to every robot that you're an outsider and you have no desire to be a legitimate user. I think you've exceedingly demonstrated what a /meta/burger is, there's no need for you to post here anymore.
Replies: >>2008 >>2009
>You're such a fucking coward. Just call me a schizo, don't dance around it. That's near the top of the list of normalnigger rebuttals.
Mate, you may actually be a schizo t. actually schizo
Perhaps I worded it wrong. I was explaining how I found your post adorable, it wasn't an attack for you to break down. Should I try explaining it again?

>Just call me a schizo
You quoted ">friend" as if it held any meaning. You don't know my background but it's the same as quoting ">faggot". I don't blame you, both for the misunderstanding and for assuming it was PA given my earlier responses. You were being paranoid about it, I think. I don't care if you're schizo and it's not something I would care to mention outside of tulpamancy.

>You refuse to adapt. You even double down on actions that you're chastised for.
You want me to submit to you? You want me to buckle under the pressure? Sorry, that's not going to happen. I can try being less PA, but neither of us are taking each other seriously and being PA is more fun for me, so who cares?

>It's obvious to every robot that you're an outsider
And? Do you not accept new users? No wonder the threads are so dead. Just because someone appears to be an outsider initially, it doesn't disqualify them from being a robot.

>you have no desire to be a legitimate user
I could be, but I "threw away any chance of that from the start" it seems. Now I have someone tailing me down a dark alley with malicious intent while muttering "I'm not going to take you seriously".

>I think you've exceedingly demonstrated what a /meta/burger is, there's no need for you to post here anymore.
You've nicely wrapped up your false accusations, have you? Don't need me any more to bolster your status as an all knowing robot? Perhaps you can find yet more reasons to confirm your internal bias and validate yourself as a long time user on the board.
Replies: >>2038
Enforce rule 9.
Replies: >>2013
Cute, but I don't think that rule applies. I haven't been in that thread so you're clearly having trouble identifying my posts. I will however reduce the spacing in response to your feedback. It's good to know I'm passing every other rule with flying colors. I had some concern about rule 8, since pointless bickering over nothing isn't really meta, but it can't be helped if I'm goaded into it.
I'm not talking to you faggot.
You kinda just did, but okay.
Replies: >>2017
Okay faggot, since your context comprehension is a bit low let me explain this to you like a child. That post was not addressed to you and I am not the nigger you've been having a circus show with. 

This thread, believe it or not, has a purpose other than being the stage for your time-wasting arguments. I am using it for that purpose
And so, I told the BO to ,generally, enforce rule 9. And if your confused about what "this" means, then lurk more.

Hopefully, this got through that nigger brain of yours
Replies: >>2018 >>2039
Oh, but your post violates rule 4 because it's shit. Heh hah.
I understand the other anons dislike of this faggot. This nigger is insufferable.
Anyone new, who desired to be a legitimate user, would've taken the hint a long time ago and started lurking. You won't be accepted here, not because of anything I've said, but because of everything you've said and certain things you've not said.
We welcome outsiders, provided they lurk before posting and not act like women or gay normalniggers.
Replies: >>2039
>let me explain this to you like a child
I understand all of that already, but thanks anyway.
>no fun
Got it. You don't appreciate that kind of humour.
Replies: >>2043 >>2072
The fatchan bunker is up.
If nobody is laughing at your jokes, you should change your humor yes. It didn't seem like a joke or anything like that from my point of view, rather somebody who was unironically pissed that we don't like neither the fatkike or acidman.
Replies: >>2074
BO, update the bunkers and camps.
>Dismiss reports	>>2039
Explain how considering "not acting like women or gay normalniggers" to be "no fun" wasn't an admission that he's only here to bait.
I see it now, it's far too opaque for this board and acts like a crutch in a debate. I'm not pissed at all and I share your views on 8chan and mark (although acid I hadn't heard of). The other anon also had the wrong idea and I was being unreasonably dismissive.
>You need to accept that I haven't been deceptive, you're just retarded.
Fine, take this as an apology. That's the best you're going to get. And I'm only doing it because you were totally reasonable and took the time to repeatedly explain your position.
>responding to passive aggressives
Waste of time, waste of life, drain on health and sanity, do yourself a favor and just let him have the last word next time because I can almost guarantee you no one else wants to deal with him either as evidenced by the fact you're the only moron responding to him.
god damn
>still taking the passive aggression seriously
I'm sorry that I apologized in a passive aggressive tone. No need to reply, I'm sorry.
Replies: >>2104
>He's trying to apologize sincerely now
You're adorable!
Replies: >>2107
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Can you niggers get a fucking room.
Replies: >>2107
I'm sorry Ms. Mikado, I was late to the party and just had to get >>2104 in, this isn't part of the ongoing exchange just another robot dogpiling on an obvious retard.
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I’m really glad the site going down again wasn’t permanent. But with that said I think an update of the bunkers is very overdue, BO. Please do so immediately. This is the second time the site has gone down and I think what we should learn from this is that getting comfortable here might not be a luxury we can afford nor can we rely on, who I assume is the admin, Sturgeon.

I would also like to propose some real discussion on which bunkers should take priority over the other ones. While 8chan.moe is clearly undesirable as a bunker I think the simple compromise could be making that the very last bunker we use only in the case of all of the others going down. I know I opened up a can of worms last time with that but I would like us to change our focus from whether we should use it at all to what we should use next and after we have that settled then maybe better alternatives to 8chan.moe ending our discussions with ordering the bunkers in a hierarchy of priority so that when one goes down we know which one to gather in first right afterwards.

Also, I went to fatchan.org/r9k/ (I am assuming this is the correct link, sorry for any newfaggery on my part) and when I attempted to make a post it said the board was locked. I don’t know if you can do anything about this, BO, but if you can I would appreciate you opening it up for posting. The anon.cafe link 404s too.

I will also be sharing links for the working bunkers that I have for anyone who might not know them already, ordered in my own proposal for a hierarchy:
1. https://endchan.net/r9k/ - some posts have already been set up here. It isn’t ideal but it works.
2. https://fatchan.org/r9k/index.html – supposedly our next bunker but posting isn’t possible due to the board being locked.
3. https://8chan.moe/r9k/ – final bunker only to be used in case of absolute emergency. I am placing it in last only because it’s so disagreeable. Otherwise, posting is also possible there as well.

Balkan and lynx, as I’m sure everyone else knows, is no longer functional.

In anticipation of future arguments pushing this post up I will be reposting this every so often to make sure it is visible from the index for the BO. Hopefully I won’t have to do this but, regarding our circumstances and recent events, I feel this information is imperative. Should the BO not update the bunkers in a week then I may just e-mail him myself.
Replies: >>2118
I've just had fatchan locked because I've been lazy. Endchan is running an ancient version of lynxchan that is borderline unusable. Lynxchan is still operational it's just only available on the hidden service which I should put into the OP.

I'll get around to setting fatchan up properly either tonight or tomorrow as a main bunker since lynxchan doesn't seem to have clearnet access. Lynxchan has lasted the longest but is unstable, even the hidden service has gone down for days at a time in the past. So I would say fatchan is the most viable "main" bunker site. As for 8moe I have no interest in moderating a board there. If you or anyone else wants to as some last ditch effort then by all means go ahead, but I likely won't personally affiliate myself with that sort of endeavor.
>In anticipation of future arguments pushing this post up I will be reposting this every so often to make sure it is visible from the index for the BO. Hopefully I won’t have to do this but, regarding our circumstances and recent events, I feel this information is imperative. Should the BO not update the bunkers in a week then I may just e-mail him myself.
There's no need. I'm always around even if I don't respond to everything or get things done instantly.
The fatchan bunker should now be live and available for use in case of down time and/or emergency. I wouldn't go out of your way trying to recreate threads manually for those that have felt inclined to do so in the past. I'd hoped by now we might have a solution for migrating posts but I'm sure eventually it will be an option.
Lynxchan is still available as a hidden service but probably won't be considered the main bunker since it apparently has no clearnet access anymore on any of its domains. Kind of annoying because now I don't have a convenient way of archiving the content on there with channelchanger.
Last edited by robot
Replies: >>2133
Actually I seem to have found an archive I made of it dating back to last October which should cover almost all the posts and content on the board.
Replies: >>2135
And this https://smelle.xyz/r9k/ seems to be the new balkan/lynx domain. Domain information gets updated here about balkan/lynxchan https://bvll.neocities.org/balkan/
Replies: >>2309
You guys have to quit hating on esoteric-kun, hes a sleepychan treasure.
Replies: >>2188
He's not a treasure whatsoever. He's obnoxious, gay and wrong about everything. Not that I want to add a post to this thread or acknowledge him, but I want to make sure your wrong opinion is contested before other people decide you're right.
Replies: >>2189 >>2193 >>2196
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>gay and wrong about everything
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I think he's right. Just about every single post he makes is on-topic here and in other threads, he's made contributions by posting his library and talking with other struggling waifufags, and he gatekeeps the place properly how a good anon should. From this I can assume he is a good anon, a good waifufag, and a good poster because he follows proper imageboard etiquette.

Then if we compare this with your posts and any anons who think the way you do, all you do is come into a thread you don't like about a topic you don't like, shout at someone you don't like about why you don't like them even though your reasons are always stupid and/or wrong, demand to get rid of the person you don't like, and then eventually leave in a huff vowing to yourself to come back later to remove the person you don't like. From the behaviors you and other anti-Taihouanon posters display I can compare it to similar behaviors from other people I have seen and can reasonably assume that you are either a woman, a normalfag, or a child but never a good anon because you go against every single piece of good imageboard etiquette all to get at one single person.
I can also make assumptions about how you'll act after I make this post. You will:
a. hurl insults
b. state your incorrect opinions that cannot be supported with any amount of objectivity without bending definitions and facts to suit your feelings
c. make a one-line post that contributes nothing and proves nothing
and then either leave in a huff only to return later or repeat the process with hopes to recruit others to your side, continuing your vain crusade against a quality poster to either ruin your own endangered community or get at the people who dare to say that you are an ugly fat disgusting slutty landwhale incapable of celebrating anything you love other than nigger cocks because behind the computer you are a woman with all of the filthy traits they always have, a normalfag operating like an NPC, or a child who demands everything be changed to their liking regardless of whether they even know what they want.

Contribute to this board, stay on-topic, stop constantly violating rules 4 and 5, or leave.
Replies: >>2194 >>2197
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>mod message
Thread's over everyone go home
You should move the esoteric nigger complaints and their relevant replies to the meta thread. Makes more sense to me since it allows possibly board-relavant discussion to continue without derailing a thread. You should delete those posts in the future but doing this for now should help set a precedent for where these kinds of discussions should take place.
Replies: >>2216 >>2224
>Not that I want to add a post to this thread or acknowledge him
>Proceeds to to add a post to this thread and acknowledge him
Don't act like you're better than you are you stinky black nigger. You're pointing out a speck of dust in another man's eye that doesn't even exist yet you do nothing about the massive stick up your ass.
He's an obnoxious faggot that doesn't bother to follow the rules, none of your post is true or relevant. He doesn't even engage in proper discussion, you either agree with him or you're retarded. Kill yourself.
Why is it that only Taihou anon's posts were deleted from the ass thread when the thread should probably have been deleted from the start for being a shitpost thread? No one who was actually participating in that thread had a problem with his posts being identifiable, especially since it'd be reasonable for such a topic to have crossover with the waifu thread
To be clear I'm not saying that the issue is that it's normalfaggy to like images of 2d qts or that it's violating rule 12 like that one anon in the thread mentioned, but it was pretty obviously a shitpost, and if you're going to delete half of the thread after decent discussion had started because of some anons crying and pissing their pants because they can't stand Taihou anon even in threads they obviously aren't using you might as well have removed it earlier on account of it being pretty obviously a shitpost thread.
Because he was breaking rule 9.
>when the thread should probably have been deleted from the start for being a shitpost thread?
No rules against shitpost threads, duuuude.
Replies: >>2203 >>2214
>4. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted.
I'd say a single image with the word "ass" as the OP counts as low quality, although I guess that's just like my subjective point of view mannnn.
Replies: >>2204 >>2208 >>2224
I see nothing with posting a single image and the word ass. There's a thread with a single image and the word wew.
Replies: >>2214
So are you gonna adress the guy with the actual relevant and main point of him being a namefag, rule 9 breaker or are you gonna just keep your head up another mans ass like a complete faggot because you happen to be email buddies?
Replies: >>2209 >>2215
>So are you gonna adress the guy with the actual relevant and main point of him being a namefag
Ironic, you yourself are ignoring all the Rule 4 and Rule 5 breakers in the Waifufaggotry thread, and even throwing and Ad Hominem to the mix
Replies: >>2210 >>2211
That wasn't part of the discussion, there's nothing to ignore, faggot.
You're doing it again. I can't tell if you're trying to divert attention to an irrelevant subject purposefully or if you're just fucking retarded and can't see how childlike "but look at what they did" is as an argument.
You asked why he had his posts deleted and you were answered clearly and objectively and all you've done from then is try to divert attention to other topics. Like a nigger.
So either address the points made in these posts or just admit that you've been a biased nigger who's mad that the big mean BO is bullying his poor little friend.
Replies: >>2214 >>2215
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>BO is bullying his poor little friend.
im the man Himself, >>2199 wasn't my post, but i guess it doesn't matter to you as long as you can keep shitflinging and making excuses to dismiss any points going aganist your petty narrative

anyways here goes nothing because BO is gonna delete it, my main point is that while Rule 9 is a thing, rule 4 and 5 are also a thing, if BO is gonna delete my posts from the ass thread, he might aswell delete the entire Thread since it was a Violation of Rule 4, a Low-Res ass pic with the word "ass" is hardly a "High Quality" thread, even worse, you keep shielding yourselves behind rule 9, but completely Ignore the Constant String of Shitposters at the Waifufaggotry thread (>>2068>>2151>>2165>>2168>>2167>>2175>>2177>>2188>>2197)
nevermind >>2204 >>2202 who are denying Rule 4 even tho its right there in their faces

you only want rules Applied when it is convenient for you to be Applied, you only want deletions and bans when its aganist me, because of some childish Grudge you niggers have, wether because grammar or because the mere sight of something Esoteric makes you cry and Kvetch, yesterday it was about Anonimity, i complied with my part of the Bargain and stayed in the Waifufaggotry thread, i never complained even though the same things you constantly accuse me of (Thread Derailment among other things) where happening in the Waifufaggotry thread and you all just turned a blind eye to it, the same way you will turn a Blind eye to my appeals, the same way you did back when Rule 9 was reformed

is a extremely relevant post, because the worst part of all this is that none of you care about the Threads im in (or any threads for that matter, the only active thread nowadays is the FTDDTOT, and the only subject matter there is complaining about normgroids and anons shitflinging (rightly so) at uncultured newfags, not that its a bad thing, but its boring as fuck), if that was the case the conversation would have gone on in the ass thread, because you would have hypothetically picked up the torch i didn't let you pick because i was being overbearing or whatever other thing you want to accuse me of, truth is, some fag cried at BO to enforce rule 9, my posts got deleted from the Ass thread and it straight up Died instantly

BO do me a fucking Favour, stop being a weakling Tribune of the Plebs and take a Stand, i'd prefer if you ended this by Banning me and deleting all my posts, that way the Screeching little fucks can shut the fuck up, i just don't want to read any of you 3 months down the line talking about how there's no longer Content or people bringing up discussions because you banned the few people who would even bother with generating Content
Replies: >>2218 >>2224
>>So are you gonna adress the guy with the actual relevant and main point of him being a namefag, rule 9 breaker
I didn't acknowledge that post because I don't think it's wrong for his posts to be deleted on account of rule 9, but I do think that the BO is enforcing rules selectively against him. I think it's fair that he isn't allowed outside of the waifufag thread or the esoteric thread because it breaks rule 9, but I think it's ridiculous to delete half of a conversation where clearly a certain lack of anonymity wasn't an issue for anyone having the conversation, in a thread that was low quality until him and other anons came in and started an actual discussion. I'd say that it's less important to enforce the extension to rule 9 when the anon breaking it is having a decent discussion than it is to enforce rule 4 on shitpost threads, and I wanted to know why the BO didn't get rid of the low quality thread initially but got rid of Taihou anon's posts after anons started complaining about him.
As a side note I don't like this thing you and others like you do where the issue is changed from you guys just not liking him to some sort of righteous anonymity thing. I was fine with the change to rule 9 encompassing unorthodox posting styles but now after that change was made still niggers come into the waifufag thread just to let everyone know how angry they are that he exists. I'm tired of people being cowardly and not just saying flatly that they just have an issue with him. Things would be a lot simpler if you just quit dancing around the point and called for him to be banned because you think he's stupid.
That anon isn't me, he's probably the anon who mentioned those rules in the waifufag thread. I agree with him that those who go out of their way to complain about him in the waifu thread are derailing it and I would like to see the rules enforced on their posts, but it seems like the BO has no intention of doing so. I also agree with you that doesn't have anything to do with this specific issue but it does have to do with the greater issue of the BO selectively enforcing rules because of anons complaining.
Replies: >>2216 >>2218 >>2224
>still niggers come into the waifufag thread just to let everyone know how angry they are that he exists
>those who go out of their way to complain about him in the waifu thread are derailing it
To be clear I'm not talking about for example this anon >>1523 >>1528 because he actually was posting about his waifu and what he was talking about was actually waifu-related, I'm talking about those who do nothing but jump in to complain about Taihou anon and don't actually contribute to thread-related discussion. In other words, anons who either don't talk about or don't have waifus and don't want to discuss the topic, but complain about him in that thread. Unless of course you think that "Taihou anon types like a retard" is relevant to the subject of waifus. Like >>2195 said these kind of posts at least belong in the meta thread, they're derailing just as much as anything Taihou anon posted before rule 9 was expanded. But I don't think that their complaints are motivated by the desire to have anons follow the rules because if that were the case then these anons wouldn't be derailing threads, much less a thread that the BO has specifically said Taihou anon is allowed to post in.
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You're doing it again. Violating rules 4 & 5, dismissing everything I said as untrue or irrelevant even though what I said is very true and very relevant without any basis of your own for how that is the case. You're telling me he doesn't engage in proper discussion even though he almost always makes posts relevant to his waifu in the waifu thread, they're just different from the usual and you're mad about that without a good reason for it.

No, I don't agree with 2188. I was able to post that much making my case against someone who can't make a longer case than a single line that amounts to anything more than an insult. 2188's entire argument was "no Taihou-fag is wrong and bad" without explaining a good reason for why while I can point out several flaws of 2188's posts. If you hate his esoteric stuff that much then explain why but even that isn't enough to ban a person over just because you don't like the way they type and in this case I would say rules 4 & 5, which you constantly violate, take a massive priority over rule 9, which can afford to be put aside in favor of keeping a good user, something we have so few of since we have so few people here to begin with. Not to mention you're violating more rules than Taihou-fag currently is and likely ever did.

And if you want my evidence that Taihou-fag does engage in proper discussion then you need only read his posts relevant to waifus and likely his relevant posts outside of this thread. He is always on-topic. Maybe he struggles to stop talking about esoteric stuff but he's always doing the best he can to have a conversation. You, however, do not. If you want to bring up his posts antagonizing you then you only have yourself to blame. You're getting mad a dog is biting you for having kicked it then blaming other people for not wanting to join you.
Replies: >>2219
>im the man Himself, >>2199 wasn't my post
The entire context of the post relies on the guy knowing that. Otherwise, his argument wouldn't make sense, since the topic is about you to begin with. Do you consider yourself in the third person as a friend? I don't think you've read his post correctly. 
>complied with my part of the Bargain and stayed in the Waifufaggotry thread
Good job. Keep doing it. All you have to do in order to post elsewhere is not capitalize words so much, capitalize the first letters of sentences, and you'd be more or less fine. I know it feels like you've lost if you did that, but it's very literally all you have to do. Nothing about your content would change. 
>but I do think that the BO is enforcing rules selectively against him
The rule was altered specifically in reaction to his posting style, and his refusal to change it. His writing style is too obvious, everyone knows it's him. 
>I think it's fair that he isn't allowed outside of the waifufag thread or the esoteric thread because it breaks rule 9
I think it's more than fair. He's allowed in the esoteric thread just because that's what he likes talking about the most, and he's allowed in the waifu thread because it's sort of hard to not avatarfag in the waifu thread. 
>I'm tired of people being cowardly and not just saying flatly that they just have an issue with him
He's a faggot. 
>That anon isn't me
You're not fooling anyone. 

>there's no longer Content or people bringing up discussions because you banned the few people who would even bother with generating Content
I stopped posting more or less because most of the time I'll just be seeing your walls of text. I don't think you're insightful, or that you create any decent content. It's more like reading the diary of a roastie obsessed retard.
Replies: >>2223
I went through every one of your points. He isn't rule abiding, meaning he doesn't follow the rules. The only one of your points is that he stays on topic. Questionable, arguable. The topic he talks about is "esotericism," and sometimes that's vaguely related to the topic at hand. The rest of your post is just fluff, pointless words.
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>The rule was altered specifically in reaction to his posting style, and his refusal to change it. His writing style is too obvious, everyone knows it's him. 
I specifically said that was fair, You even acknowledge the part where I said that was fair. How obtuse are you? I just take issue with rule 4 not being enforced on the thread and rule 9 only being enforced after an actual discussion was had.
>He's a faggot.
That doesn't change the facts of this case. A shitpost thread was allowed but when someone complains about a guy typing recognizably and having a waifu that shit is deleted. It seems like there's a bias in how the rules were enforced here, which is why I was asking the BO to explain this case.
>You're not fooling anyone. 
I'll take a screenshot and show you but obviously I could just edit the image so that wouldn't really prove anything. I don't see why I'd act like I'm multiple posters my position is just as right even if zero other anons agree with me. I guess since you faggots act like majority rules it would make sense for you to think that's what I'm doing. In fact, all posts made in favor of Taihou anon are just Taihou anon's multiple personalities, you have no proof that isn't the case. After all, he is insane right? I'm sure that's a reasonable, rational explanation.
>I stopped posting more or less because most of the time I'll just be seeing your walls of text
And yet he continues to post despite most of the responses to his post being you and others complaining about his existence. It seems like one certainly can post what he wants without being effected by others posting things he doesn't like. What would you post if he weren't posting in that thread and how do his walls of incoherent, poorly capitalized text stop you from posting that?
Replies: >>2225
If you want a moderation action to take place like moving specific posts to specific threads then report those posts asking for them to be moved and it will be considered.
People had already started to post in the ass thread unironically by the time I saw it. While it is a low quality shit-post thread I figure letting some of those slip through is fine. Like when /japan/ autists make get threads. They're obviously shit threads but they're kind of funny. I guess occasionally I try to balance fun-posting versus full blown shit-posting.
>he might aswell delete the entire Thread since it was a Violation of Rule 4, a Low-Res ass pic with the word "ass" is hardly a "High Quality" thread, even worse, you keep shielding yourselves behind rule 9, but completely Ignore the Constant String of Shitposters at the Waifufaggotry thread 
Yeah it probably should be deleted. But I figured I'd let it go on since people were actively using it and it didn't seem to do much harm.

I don't monitor every single thread actively. In fact I avoid clicking on your waifu threads because I find them unnerving. Someone responding to 
>i do wish Mommy Killed me
<Yeah, you've got poor mental health.
Doesn't really constitute a "shit-post" worthy of being deleted in my opinion. In fact that sounds like just about the only appropriate response one could give to that sentence.
>i complied with my part of the Bargain and stayed in the Waifufaggotry thread
No you didn't
>I wanted to know why the BO didn't get rid of the low quality thread initially but got rid of Taihou anon's posts after anons started complaining about him.
Generally I try to moderated reactively as a means of lowering unnecessary conflict. If no one reports a thread that is kind of a shit-post and people are still using it then it's probably not super important that it be deleted. Though this is a very subjective and loose approach and if Anons are going to use cases like this to justify an obnoxious namefag's presence then I suppose I should be more rigid.
That's not a mod message.
Replies: >>2227 >>2231
>What would you post if he weren't posting in that thread and how do his walls of incoherent, poorly capitalized text stop you from posting that
Probably something related to waifus. I've been interested in the idea of how people deal with their desires in a way that isn't obsessive about femininity, something along that line. Maybe I wouldn't post, ever. I haven't posted in that thread in a while. Maybe someone else would bring up a topic that I could join in on. I liked the way it was before that guy was around and posting, it's not like nothing existed before he started posting. 

>I specifically said that was fair
I assume you've quoted the wrong text. I said I think it's more than fair, probably a bit unfair. He, and he alone, gets an exception for how that specific rule is enforced. 
>A shitpost thread was allowed
You keep calling it a shitpost thread but I don't get on what criteria. A single word on a topic might be enough to explain the concept of the thread. Writing more words doesn't make a thread more quality, nor does it make a post more quality. 
>In fact, all posts made in favor of Taihou anon are just Taihou anon's multiple personalities
I'll consider it.
Replies: >>2226 >>2231
>I haven't posted in that thread in a while
I haven't been posting in that thread in a while. I've posted in it today.
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in other words, you apply Objective Strict Rulings in a Subjective way, the Ass Thread didn't get your panties in a bundle, but me Existing does, even if what made the ass thread not a shitpost was partially my presence in it, well good to know you finally showed your True colours without placing Excuses regarding "Anonimity" only Took you Two Board-Wide dramas for you to come out of the Closet, i hope you and other anons understand the Implications of having a BO working in such a way, and that if my posts can be Deleted and Legislation can be modified to elminate a Specific Anon and Anons that enjoy a specific Type of discussion  that means no topic is ever Safe, if tomorrow BO gets pissed off at fucking Trains, then i guess Trainposting wont be Allowed and Trainfags will be Bullied to death, there's a Substantial ammount of anons that enjoy the waifufag thread and the things that i post, and another Substantial ammount of anons that do not, Rules were placed to avoid this, and the same BO that placed those rules is Selectively using them to Favour one Party over the other

so again, ban me already Tribune of the Plebs and end this fucking Shitshow

>No you didn't
i did, i only broke it Once on the FTDDTOT with >>1962 other than that i can't think of any other time
Replies: >>2228 >>2230 >>2232
Shitpost is inherently subjective. Rule 4 is actually the most subjective rule we have here. It makes sense to me that the BO wouldn't delete it if it didn't receive reports as it is only those reports that he can use as an objective metric to judge the breaks of the quite subjective rule 4. Unless of course, the shit post nature of the post is so extremely obvious that it doesn't require any consideration at all. Perhaps one could argue that the post is in such a category but I'm not so sure. 
At the moment it feels like the thread is being used as a convenient excuse to complain about your posts being deleted. I do agree that there are some irrelevant posts in the waifu thread that need to be deleted in the waifu thread but that is the extent to which I agree with your points. 

>i only broke it Once on the FTDDTOT with 1962 other than that i can't think of any other time
The entire ass thread. 
>i did
You say you did and then go on to explain exactly how you didn't.
Replies: >>2229
An amendment; rule 4 itself is not very subjective only the shitpost part of it.
All "no shit-posting" rules are subjective. If anyone has deluded themselves otherwise then that's their problem. Pretending like a BO moderating with some degree of subjectivity is some big revelation is just being silly at best and acting in complete bad faith at worst. I do my best to articulate why I make the decisions that I do and keep open communication with posters to remain accountable for moderation actions or inaction.

I'm frankly embarrassed to even needing to be dealing with this level of autism because one retard can't write properly. My nature is to be charitable but it's becoming increasingly obvious that making nuanced exceptions for individuals on an anonymous imageboard is asking for trouble. I feel like I'm having to scold a retarded teenager. I go out of my way to avoid even looking at users post histories unless absolutely necessary because I don't want to know who anons are or what other posts they've made outside the scope of their respective conversations. It really isn't that difficult to be an anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard.

I didn't go and outright delete the ass thread for the same reason that I don't go hounding you in containment threads, because it was clear some anons were enjoying something. What you think is some sort of inconsistency is actually perfectly consistent with how I've approached your presence as a petulant child who can't write in a way that respects the entire purpose of anonymous imageboards. The fact that you got an entire unwritten rule allowing you to bypass a rule of the board only to proceed to lose your mind over subjectivity when and only when it was applied to something that doesn't benefit you personally might very well be reason enough to fucking nuke your presence from the board. The gall of this post is fucking astonishing.
Replies: >>2233
>People had already started to post in the ass thread unironically by the time I saw it
I understand that, and if I didn't make myself clear I'm not trying to get the thread deleted after the fact. The issue is that you deleted a substantial portion of the discussion regardless, despite no anons who were actually participating in the thread taking issue with his presence in it and despite his posts being part of the reason you didn't delete the low quality thread.
>if Anons are going to use cases like this to justify an obnoxious namefag's presence then I suppose I should be more rigid.
I'm not trying to justify his presence outside of the waifufag thread, and I think the rules as they are right now are fine, I just don't like that you're willing to make an exception for one rule but not another just because anons have a stick up their ass about the guy, when I would argue that both cases are ones which I would say warrants an exception. But if your policy is "I remove things I get complaints for if there's any justification at all" then I guess I can't argue with that. I think it's wrong but if you're being consistent with just listening to reports and nothing else, and I have no reason to think you aren't, then I can't really act like there's hypocrisy or anything here I just fundamentally disagree with your values in this case. I think you purposefully don't give yourself any agency here which sucks and it makes you gay but there's nothing I can do to change the outcome unless I just got petty like these vocal niggers and reported anything negative towards Taihou anon.
>Probably something related to waifus
That's a given, but you haven't answered the second part of my question, how do Taihou anon's posts, incoherent they may be, stop you from posting that? After all, Taihou anon's posts are related to waifus as well.
>I liked the way it was before that guy was around and posting, it's not like nothing existed before he started posting
He's been active in the waifufag thread since 8chan shut down pretty much, and iirc the waifufag thread was pretty much just sharing images of one's waifu and talking about things one liked about her back then. I don't think that or the type of discussion you're suggesting are stopped by the presence of a guy who likes Evola and types funny.
> I said I think it's more than fair, probably a bit unfair. He, and he alone, gets an exception for how that specific rule is enforced
But he doesn't get an exception, and I don't think that the rule should have an exception for him written into it or that the BO should moderate like there is one. the line "unless necessary for a specific thread" wasn't written for him. In fact the rule was expanded because of him specifically. If he was popping up again regularly and unwarranted in the FTDDTOT then I wouldn't complain if his posts were removed because he would have broken the rule and there would be no reason not to remove his posts, but if there was a reason not to, like I'm arguing there is in this case, then I would be saying the same things. As an example, Taihou anon himself listen a post, which I would say is justifiable because the post he was responding to was calling him out specifically. That being said I don't know why that post wasn't deleted along with the post calling him out, because once the initial post was removed it would probably be reasonable to remove Taihou anon's post because there's no longer a reason to grant him an exception without the instigating post, oh wait, it's because the BO doesn't actually moderate things unless he recieves a complaint about it.
Replies: >>2232 >>2234
>A single word on a topic might be enough to explain the concept of the thread. Writing more words doesn't make a thread more quality, nor does it make a post more quality
That's true, but I don't think that this is a case where that applies. It may very well be possible to have a thread be one word and explain the purpose of the thread with it, but I think it's stupid to deny that this thread was shitposty or at least low-quality. I think if it had said "I present you with this fine two-dimensional posterior" it would have been just as much a violation of rule 4. That being said, I don't think that after a decent discussion starts that it should be deleted. I also however don't think that half the fucking posts that make the thread worth keeping should be removed on account of an anon being recognizable. If the discussion is the reason that the BO kept the thread then he shouldn't go around removing large chunks of said discussion.
I think you attribute too much personal malice on the BO. It wouldn't be "if tomorrow BO gets pissed off at fucking Trains" it would be "if a certain vocal group of posters reported any post that had to do with trains". It's his tendency to go with whatever anons complain the most that leads to his inconsistencies. He himself is consistent but because his values are just to avoid conflict it's not accurate to say that he has it out for you specifically, he's just a tool for those who have it out for you. At least from what I can tell he would do the same thing regardless of his negative opinion of you, if it led to less complaints.
You've got to be kidding me. No one wants you to delete the ass thread now that there have been decent posts in it. The problem is half those posts were deleted because you got a couple of complaints from people who weren't participating in the thread.
Replies: >>2234 >>2235
>The issue is that you deleted a substantial portion of the discussion regardless, despite no anons who were actually participating in the thread taking issue with his presence in it and despite his posts being part of the reason you didn't delete the low quality thread.
I'm going to have significantly less tolerance for someone going out of their way to break the rules of the board when they have entire dedicated exceptions to those rules made specifically for their brand of autism. I don't think this is even remotely unreasonable.

As for equating a one off goofy low quality thread to actively making your identity clearly known with every single post you make across multiple threads, I don't consider these comparable at all and think anyone equating these two things is a fucking idiot.
>But if your policy is "I remove things I get complaints for if there's any justification at all" then I guess I can't argue with that.
It isn't a policy, it's just one method of approaching certain issues. I'm just not going to actively monitor every single thread and post made on the board and take the time and consideration to decide if they should be banned, deleted, or moved to another thread without anyone reporting them. Even if someone did report the ass thread I probably would just leave it up if enough people were posting in it and it was a relatively innocuous thread.
>The problem is half those posts were deleted because you got a couple of complaints from people who weren't participating in the thread.
<I'm going to have significantly less tolerance for someone going out of their way to break the rules of the board when they have entire dedicated exceptions to those rules made specifically for their brand of autism. I don't think this is even remotely unreasonable.
Replies: >>2240
There were complaints made in the meta. These people were likely participating in the thread as I was when I made my reports.
Should we just nuke this nigger? I myself don't hate the guy and have discussed with him in some threads but it feels like he's more trouble than he's worth and we should just cut the fucking exceptions to rule 9. 
A namefag is always going to cause trouble and conflict and right about now I'm pretty fucking tired of the fact that this is the second or third time now that the main discussion on this board is about some identity fagging nigger.

So yeah I'm all in on complete enforcement of rule 9 at this point. It's a shame but I think it's better for the board that we don't make any special exceptions and completely disallow identityfagging.
Replies: >>2238 >>2239
Probably not. Though going forward I think it would be nice to salvage shit thread OP's by having anons make better ones with good OP's for posts to be migrated to if they've sprung quality organic discussion or content. Maintaining quality is a group effort. This is the only idea I can salvage from this discussion that might be of any value to the board.
Replies: >>2242
>Should we just nuke this nigger?
Absolutely not, he's always made on-topic posts even if his posts are still recognizable.  But he's not going out of his way to avatarfag, it's just the way he types.
>A namefag is always going to cause trouble and conflict
He's not even going out of his way to do it, other anons really are just seeing problems where there are either minimal or none.
>but I think it's better for the board
How? Again, he's always made on-topic posts. His "identityfagging" is a non-issue especially when compared to what other anons do which is derail threads through insults directed at him. I think having good posters is important and right now I think it's more important to maintain the ones who post on-topic over those who never do.
Replies: >>2241
Let me try to explain this dumbfuck equation for you:
>low quality thread is posted
>low quality thread turns to high quality thread because of posts by Taihou anon and two other guys, Taihou anon's posts make up a large portion of the thread
>BO wakes up and sees low quality OP
>BO scrolls down and sees quality discussion going on, decides this merits an exception to rule 4
>angry niggers come in to complain about the anon who was in large part responsible for the thread having decent discussion
>BO pisses his pants
<"we cannot have conflict! I have to get rid of it!"
>BO removes Taihou anon's posts, despite being what caused the exception to rule 4
>what is left is half of a discussion and a low quality OP, because BO listened to the angry niggers
>BO takes no real responsibility for it, saying "I'm just trying to avoid conflict".
The end
Replies: >>2241
Identityfagging is identityfagging. Anonymity is non-negotiable.
>when compared to what other anons do which is derail threads
Derailments should also be deleted. No mercy for rule-breakers. Thread derailing insults however are a lighter sin than completely going against the ethos of an anonymous board.
>good poster
Completely irrelevant. He is an identityfag he could be the best fucking poster on the board and this would be reason enough to get rid of him.

Whether or not he has contributed to the thread is irrelevant. He is a rule-breaking identityfag. That is reason enough to delete his posts regardless of contribution and if it was me a ban, BO however is nicer than that and is allowing him to break the rules in 2 containment threads.
>"I'm just trying to avoid conflict"
This was never said until you said it. It takes some real niggers to skew things like this but I suppose that's what the esoteric anon defense force is good for.
Replies: >>2243
I could go ahead and make a "lewd thread" for the conversation to be transferred to but I'm relatively sure that the thread would become a black sheep due to the "drama" that it is currently a part of. Thus negating the point of remaking the thread to being with.
Replies: >>2244
>Whether or not he has contributed to the thread is irrelevant
If you're going to have that standard then you should have the same standard with a dogshit OP. If it's worth keeping because of a discussion then that discusssion shouldn't be removed. You should also have the same standard with the niggers in the waifufag thread who constantly try to derail and make it about insulting Taihou anon, but I guess the BO wouldn't know about those posts because he doesn't actually moderate threads he doesn't feel like moderating.
>This was never said until you said it
<Generally I try to moderated reactively as a means of lowering unnecessary conflict
Replies: >>2245 >>2246
I'd like to hope the average robot can step above "drama" and not allow it to bleed out and ruin other threads.
Replies: >>2246
Taking approaches to minimize needless conflict and over moderation doesn't mean I base every single decision on conflict avoidance. That is probably the least charitable conclusion you could possibly derive from my posts. If I wanted to avoid every instance of conflict I wouldn't have allowed identityfags to have containment threads as identityfags are the single biggest conflict magnet an anonymous imageboard can have.
Replies: >>2248
>You should also have the same standard with the niggers in the waifufag thread who constantly try to derail and make it about insulting Taihou anon
I do. I explicitly say so in my post. The insults themselves I don't see as a problem but when they become too numerous and too unrelated from the thread is when they need to be pragmatically removed along with any off-topic spurred by said insult.
>dogshit OP
True perhaps it should be deleted. However, even if it wasn't deleted that still would not make actions taken against the esoteric identityfag "wrong" only "slightly inconsistent". Slightly because of the subjectivity of Rule 4 (shitpost) and the objectivity of Rule 9. 
I'm not saying it'll bleed but that it may not gain traction. You're probably right though. I might just make it.
Replies: >>2248
I'm gonna make an alternate OP for the thread in question. Please move the replies from said thread to this new thread.

Also captcha is going.
Replies: >>2255
I'm not talking about every instance, I'm talking about this one, where you specifically mentioned avoiding conflict.
>containment threads
I'm so tired of it being said this way, the waifufag thread and the esoterism thread obviously fall under "unless necessary for a specific thread". In the waifufag thread because anons will be recognizable by their waifus and the esoterism thread because anons will be recognizable by their beliefs and because Taihou anon offered Tarot readings which would make him identifiable. Unless you're going to get rid of that part of the rule then acting like Taihou anon is a conflict magnet when he stays in the waifu thread is insanely retarded. The only time he has gone outside of that thread was this instance, where his posts were the reason that you didn't delete the thread he was posting in in the first place. Not to mention obviously a lewd thread is going to be waifufag-adjacent and most likely would also end up falling under the rule 9 exception because of different anons' tastes. Taihou anon being allowed in the waifufag thread isn't an exception to him, it's an exception to every waifufaggot.
If you really want to shit on Taihou anon all you need to do is make a grammar rule, and then the only conflict would be about whether or not that rule is justified.
I am explicitly talking about inconsistency here. If it wasn't a thread that was made decent by his presence then his posts being deleted wouldn't matter. These inconsistencies are always targeted towards Taihou anon because the anons who can't stand him are very loud and obnoxious.
Replies: >>2251
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with the ass thread as it stands. Stand trying to fix something that isn't broken, stop trying to pretend to be objective and fair by fixing a thread that did nothing wrong.
Replies: >>2250 >>2255
Well its the only way these niggers will shut the fuck up so its either that or the thread gets fucking deleted at this rate.

Other than that the OP is a little shitposty.

I'll be holding off until the BO gives the go ahead as if I don't get that it'd technically be a violation of rule 6
Replies: >>2252 >>2253 >>2255
>If it wasn't a thread that was made decent by his presence then his posts being deleted wouldn't matter
It doesn't matter either way.
>These inconsistencies are always targeted towards Taihou anon because the anons who can't stand him are very loud and obnoxious.
His posts are deleted because he is an identityfag. That is all.
Replies: >>2253
They're not going to shut up. Why would you think they'd shut up? They're trying to defend an identifyfag, they'll use any excuse to try to make identityfags look acceptable.
Imagine missing the point this hard. The issue isn't the OP, it's the selective enforcement of the rules in a case which should be as much of an exception as the OP was to rule 4.
His posts weren't deleted because his identifiable posts have only been in the waifufaggot thread since rule 9 was expanded. The reason this case is an issue is because his posts were in a shitpost thread, that was waifufag-adjacent, and his posts weren't causing any problems, and most importantly his posts were the reason why the thread wasn't deleted in the first place.
Replies: >>2254 >>2256 >>2257
>His posts weren't deleted
I meant until now.
It's a lazy OP and lazy OP's shouldn't be encouraged. If another dedicated lewd thread had already existed then I would have merged it without a second thought anyways.
Go ahead
>Also captcha is going.
Should be fixed
>it's the selective enforcement of the rules
That point was already addressed. Rule 9 was modified purposely for this moment, of course it's fucking selective. Stop trying to restart arguments that have already been addressed.
>Imagine missing the point this hard. 
Are you slow? I didn't miss the point at all. I am directly addressing it by removing the exception that occurred with the OP of the "ass" thread. No exception means no inconsistency means rule 9's enforcement cannot be challenged with that stupid argument anymore.

>his posts weren't deleted because his identifiable posts
They were. End of story.
>his identifiable posts have only been in the waifufaggot thread since rule 9 was expanded
False. He was identifiable in the ass thread.
Irrelevant, up for debate
>most importantly his posts were the reason why the thread wasn't deleted in the first place.
>most activity we've had in months is arguing about rules again
>because of the esoteric waifufag again
For fucks sake, why's it matter if he was posting in the ass thread when that thread was almost purely a visual thing anyway? Who gives a shit what he posts there you don't go to a thread like that to read anyway just scroll past him.
Replies: >>2264
Yeah man do that for the normalfaggots too. Who cares if one just cropped up in that thread. It's purely visual anyway so it doesn't matter!
Replies: >>2267
You're a pretty big disingenuous cunt aren't you. Have it your way, being upset because a sperg wrote some paragraphs in your precious ass thread. As if touching your crotch to satiate your monkey libido isn't normalfag behavior.
This was announced months in advance and if you were on the site at least once a month you would have been sent to the new one.
Just found this place, through 16chan, which I found through anoncafe. So is this the place that could be considered the spiritual successor to the old /r9k/?
Replies: >>2325 >>2339
This board was on anon.cafe originally after 8chan imploded but severe autism resulted in its destruction. But yes, it follows the same rule structure as the original 8chan /r9k/ with a few additions.
This is the literal succsesor to the 8ch /r9k/. This place was technically set up as a bunker (turned official board) about a month or so after 8ch got nuked. However, fuckery ensued (about 5-8 different times actually) and now here we are on sleepychan.
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Hey guys. One of your friends has been hanging around, he said that you've all become "normal niggers" and talking about having jobs and gfs. Which is great, I'm very proud of your success. But it seems like his feelings are hurt and he hasn't stopped crying about it all week. Could one of you tell him you're sorry or something and pick him up?
A /b/ro
pic unrelated
Replies: >>2353 >>2360
kill yourself retard.
No such conversation or endorsement has occurred. Fuck off.
There's something quite aggravating about a whole thread of people talking out of their fucking asses and spewing hearsay bullshit.
Replies: >>2364
Nobody here tolerates people who say they have dated 3DPD or anything of that matter. Funny, because in that thread there's an anon who says he had a girlfriend and accuses other anons of being normalfags in the same post.
Also, being forced to wageslave or pretty much die is not a normalfag thing, it can be a third world thing.
All in all, it sounds like a butthurt faggot who was told to GTFO from here because of posting like a normalnigger.
Replies: >>2361
Maybe the OP of that thread thinks mommy and daddy are there to take care of everyone. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he was that ass blasted nigger from a few weeks ago.
Tell me about it, but what can nya do?
Should we slash rule 7 for a while like it was back in the early days of anon cafe? Also abbreviate rule 9 to
>Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No identityfagging unless neccesary for a specific thread.
Replies: >>2411 >>2415
>Identityfagging (trips, avatars, etc.)
If you want to be more clear on what that means of it isn't already self explanatory enough.
>Should we slash rule 7 for a while like it was back in the early days of anon cafe?
The way it stands now seems fine. If you think your post warrants a dedicated threat and will spark enough independent discussion then make it. It's more of a general guideline than a rigid rule. If you think a blogpost fits into a specific theme that would make for a good thread then that's fine. It'd just be best not to turn every fleeting thought into a thread so the catalog isn't cluttered.
<Also abbreviate rule 9 to
>Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No identityfagging unless neccesary for a specific thread.
Maybe, I do occasionally trim down the rules and meta OP. It's as long as it is to address the niche situations that needed to be addressed.
I'm looking to recruit a mod to potentially (probably) replace me as the BO of /r9k/. If you think that's something you're interested in then email me. Ideally you're able to associate your email with a post history by posting ITT. Not that I'm interested in rifling through peoples post histories, nor should you be, but it helps immensely to know I'm not giving moderator permissions to some random faggot who just happened by. I may wait a few days or a week for responses to trickle in if I get any at all, so if I don't respond fast or at all you know why.
Replies: >>2443 >>2444 >>2445
I would take a crack at it if I wasn't a retarded nigger who doesn't know about the technicalities of setting up bunkers, setting up camps, and running a board in general. I wouldn't mind being a mod who's here to delete shit when you're not available and so I'd be fine signing up for that, but as a future BO I don't think so. I'm not knowledgable enough nor do I know how to become knoweldgable enough to be qualified for the job.

In any case I hope there's another good robot out there who has the technical knowledge for the job. I also don't want to see a repeat of anon.cafe's catastrophe. 

Also how has that board transfer thing gone. I haven't checked on it in a while.
Replies: >>2446
>replacing me as the BO of /r9k/
Replies: >>2446
But what if this goes exactly the same way it did last time? There's a lot of risk here, BO.
Sent you anyway. [email protected]
Replies: >>2446 >>2476
>I wouldn't mind being a mod who's here to delete shit when you're not available and so I'd be fine signing up for that, but as a future BO I don't think so.
I'm looking for a full replacement.
>I also don't want to see a repeat of anon.cafe's catastrophe.
Anon.cafe was handled very poorly obviously by previous BO's. I'm looking to avoid that but after a certain point you do just have to trust the competency of an anon and hope you get lucky and they aren't a retarded sperg.
>Also how has that board transfer thing gone. I haven't checked on it in a while.
I don't think there's any way to import/migrate boards into other jschan instances yet, at least not an official one using Codexx's software. Though I do think he could import/migrate jschan boards or even the lynxchan /r9k/ into 8moe from what I understand. Of course I've decided against doing this for my own ideological reasons, but if someone else wanted to import this board or any other instance of /r9k/ there as another backup that actually contains the entire up to date post catalog I wouldn't mind.
It's just a personal choice. I've been managing this board for over a year now and I'd like to shed the responsibility and focus on other things. There isn't any catalyst or reason for it beyond that. This site is doing fine and the board is doing fine. /r9k/ isn't active enough to need two people to moderate it so the workload isn't an issue either.
>But what if this goes exactly the same way it did last time?
It would be a shame but I'm not going to obligate myself into moderating /r9k/ for years on end for fear that someone else might fuck it up. Imageboards are fun and all but I'm getting a little old and tired.

If anons would like to backup /r9k/ or any other board locally I suggest you get familiar with this software
Of course if you fear the worst always archive things on archive.is, which I'll probably get around to. While flat out assuming the board will implode the second I fuck off is a bit doom and gloom, it still doesn't hurt to do your archive and backup hygiene anyways.
Replies: >>2452
>Imageboards are fun and all but I'm getting a little old and tired.
how old could you possibly be? haven't you been bo of /r9k/ for like a year at most now?
Replies: >>2453
I'm not actually old anon I just meant I'm growing away from being invested in imageboards.
Replies: >>2465
[Hide] (412.2KB, 453x455)
you'll moderate until I say so and you'll quit when and IF I say so
Replies: >>2466 >>2474
I nominate this anon for the position.
[Hide] (806.5KB, 1024x719)
Emailed you
I've added a mod for the board now and am working on some other contingencies.
Replies: >>2483
Am i still banned?
Replies: >>2498
[Hide] (1.3MB, 1913x1071)
>mod bailed
Replies: >>2518 >>2522
>Only 4 days
Real nice selection process for someone like that to be the official future BO (ex future BO now I guess).
Replies: >>2523 >>2528
What would you like the selection process to entail anon?
Replies: >>2530
You should be the BO since you're so cool.
Replies: >>2529 >>2530
Hell yeah brother that anon will do a great job I can't wait.
I don't see what the fuss is about. There are very clear flaws with the selection process if our future BO was some faggot who flaked after 4 days.
>What would you like the selection process to entail anon?
I don't know the details of the selection process so I can't make any specific criticisms as to what needs to be changed. Only that something has to be changed if someone like that got through.
Replies: >>2531 >>2534 >>2536
The selection process was "Who wants to be BO send me an email". It's so easy even you can do it.
You're right, if or when someone else applies I'll get that anonymous user to pinky promise they'll stay on the board for a contractually obligated amount of time.
Replies: >>2537
The BO didn't just hand him the board on a whim, he made him a mod to see how he'd do and was transparent when it didn't work out. That seems like a decent selection process to me.
>I don't know the details of the selection process so I can't make any specific criticisms as to what needs to be changed.
Anon didn't ask for specific criticisms he asked how you'd do it.
Replies: >>2537
My problem is that the anon was allowed to be mod (soon to be BO) in the first place. You are making a point as if my problem is the process of said mod becoming BO. 
>he asked how you'd do it.
Are you going act like a faggot or are you going to make actual points? Like maybe he didn't just randomly bail but instead respectfully resigned. Or maybe the mod was an active poster with a substantial posting history and him ditching the role didn't have anything to do with any flaws in the selection process itself but was rather an event which could not have been reasonably predicted. Anything would be better than acting like a nigger and typing up this shit.
Replies: >>2538 >>2542
I legitimately have no clue how one would go about selecting a mod from a pool of completely anonymous posters in any other way. You seem to be very upset with how I've gone about it, but I can't even begin to fathom how else to approach the issue. I find it odd that you're this bothered by it yet appear to have absolutely no suggestions as to how things could be done differently.

If I didn't know any better I might think you have a vagina.
Replies: >>2544
Heads up robots, I went to cuckchan /r9k/ to see where the wizchan rejects were being redirected and there was 1 post with a direct link to this board. Doubt it will attract anyone but any BO/mods should be on standby just in case.
Replies: >>2540 >>2542 >>2572
>I went to cuckchan /r9k/
I'm both disgusted and appreciative of your warning.
Replies: >>2543
>My problem is that the anon was allowed to be mod (soon to be BO) in the first place
Do you think that if the anon had done something really stupid that the BO would have handed him his position regardless? The BO never said that this mod was guaranteed the BO position. What do you think that he could have done as a mod without the BO stopping him anyways? How much damage could he have done?
It's not irrelevant because you're not answering the question, you're saying you can't answer a different question. Quit being a weasel and actually answer the question that was asked of you. if you're going to take issue with the way the BO is doing things then you should at least be able to say the way you'd want things to be done. Not correct what he's doing because you don't seem to actually take issue with any specific thing, tell me how you would do it yourself.
Anons are definitely using this as an opportunity to direct unwanted attention to places they don't like. I can't imagine someone who uses this board or any of the places mentioned in that thread would want anons from cuckchan or wizchan paying a visit.
When I noticed wizchan was down I went straight to cuckchan because I knew they would congregate there and shills would soon pop up trying to redirect them somewhere. Looks like lizchan and neet.moe have the most shilling for it but no idea if the wizchan faggots will leave for new pastures or go back to the lolcow farm
>I legitimately have no clue how one would go about selecting a mod from a pool of completely anonymous posters in any other way. You seem to be very upset with how I've gone about it, but I can't even begin to fathom how else to approach the issue
A good start would be actually describing how you went about it in a more clear way since your original post was a bit vague/incomplete. Was being an active poster on the board was relevant to getting the position? What were you looking for when you go through an anon's posting history? Quality of posts? Quantity of posts? Just the bare minimum of them just not being a normalfaggot? Are you looking for previous experience moderating an imageboard? Is the ability to check the board every day to clean any shit a relevant point?
Right now all we know is that your gonna look at their posting history and by some unknown means of quality control going to use that to decide whether or not you are going to give them mod. 

>If I didn't know any better I might think you have a vagina.
You too faggot.
Replies: >>2545
I just looked to see if the person had used the board for an appreciable length of time and whether or not they were posting in good faith. Only one person applied so I gave him mod and watched to see how it turned out.
>Was being an active poster on the board was relevant to getting the position?
Having a post history helps me verify someone isn't a bad actor. I feel like this was self-evident.
>What were you looking for when you go through an anon's posting history?
That they aren't a bad actor.
>Are you looking for previous experience moderating an imageboard?
I doubt I have the luxury of having that expectation.
>Is the ability to check the board every day to clean any shit a relevant point?
The ability to moderate the board does sound relevant to giving someone the ability to moderate the board, yeah. It feels like you're grasping at straws here and are just bothered by nothing.

An anon came through, moderated some posts properly, then decided he didn't want the position. I'm not sure what you're expecting from me. I've been completely transparent and you've yet to bring a single constructive idea to the table. I just find it weird how someone can be so upset by something while having literally nothing of value to propose as an alternative. And upset by something so unbelievably trivial at that. Somehow nothing happening at all seems to be the worst possible outcome imaginable to you.
Replies: >>2547 >>2552 >>2555
>Only one person applied so I gave him mod and watched to see how it turned out.
Looks like I'm still the only person who applied. Come on, guys.
Sent you another application email, still as [email protected]
Replies: >>2558
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It took you a long time, but at least you're finally started to see that anon you're responding to for the screeching roastie that he is.
Replies: >>2558
>An anon came through, moderated some posts properly, then decided he didn't want the position
Refer to
>Are you going act like a faggot or are you going to make actual points? Like maybe he didn't just randomly bail but instead respectfully resigned.
>maybe he didn't just randomly bail but instead respectfully resigned.
I assumed that might have been the case but instead of clarifying that you spent the next 3 replies saying "but what was I supposed to do". This whole thing has just been a waste of time under false pretenses.
>Sure I'll try it out
>Nah I'm good
<Wait no one else done the do it thing?
<Better sign up myself again, yes sir
You're acting like he's some known poster rather than some random faggot. BO can't do anything better if he's trying to get mods from a random pool of anons, at least he's not basing his mod selection off of discord or IRC.
But I'll throw out an email. I have zero confidence of moderating any board correctly, nor do I have any programming experience, or have experience moderating an imageboard. I don't think I have any post history to speak of either since I moved to a different location. 
[email protected]
Replies: >>2560 >>2579 >>2604
>my autism caused someone else to apply
Good, that's what I really wanted. I was the guy who got anon.cafe /r9k/ deleted last time so I shouldn't be running anything.
Replies: >>2561 >>2562 >>2566
The one who gave the board to dolphin?
Mugabe or BigGuy?

If you're BigGuy please find the nearest shotgun and proceed to paint your walls a nice bright red. Fuck you and fuck all of the bullshit you put us through you immense prissy petty faggot. It's comically fitting that you left after 4 fucking days. 

If you're mugabe, don't sweat it. You made a bit of a mistake giving the board to BigGuy but at the end of the day the responsibility lies entirely on that stupid fucking faggot for the scenario we're in today.
[Hide] (77.1KB, 500x700)
There are only a handful of posters, i'm glad you stuck arround after that mess faggot
Replies: >>2569
I wonder why there are so few posters around nowadays? If only there were some specific event that kickstarted this catastrophic series of nuked boards and bled users. An event which was caused by one man's irreparably retarded nigger brain and the shockingly poor decisions which came out of it. Oh if only, then we'd actually have somebody to blame for this mess.
Ah but alas. No such person exists and no such event happened. How we got into such dire straits truly is an enigma.

On a more serious note, if that anon is BigGuy I'm not very glad he's still breathing much less that the faggot stook around. Maybe he derives some sick sadistic pleasure from seeing this board slowly lose users with each subsequent nuke.
Replies: >>2580
[Hide] (2.7MB, 640x360, 02:30)
There's one in the catalog right now.
Don't give it any replies.
[Hide] (2.8MB, 4000x3000)
This entire thread is autistic as fuck. 
>protect the integrity of the clubhouse
Ill show myself out
>t.not from 4chan
[Hide] (719.7KB, 925x653)
Board destruction postponed, I forgot my password.
Replies: >>2580
"Glad" might have been an overstatement, You may have misunderstood me, calling BigGuy a faggot and telling him to kill himself is justified and almost obligatory but i don't think that he was the bigger cancer that put us were we are now. By the time that the previous BO left the charge r9k  was already a polemic board, considering that we had a massive autist that was constantly atacking the board, the people from the cafe and other IBs didn't want us with them so we couldn't stay at one place. 
In conclusion, BigGuy is a faggot but is not completely responsable for the current state affairs.

Good luck in any case, robot.
Replies: >>2583
Perhaps he isn't entirely responsible but he is pretty fucking close to that. Anon.cafe didn't want us back but I highly doubt that they ever considered kicking us out because of the dolphin. If BigGuy didn't nigger out like a chimp he could have handed the board to the current BO (who already ran the bunker) and the cafe would tough through the dolphin with us and we would still have the 20-40 users we had then.
Don't get me wrong though. The dolphin is a nigger too and of course is also responsible. It's just that at the end of the day BigGuy is the dumb motherfucker who decided to pussy out in the absolute most destructive and retarded way possible.

Hopefully though it's mugabe who stook around. I know he felt responsible for it which is a shame since he shouldn't be. He did leave the board in a bit of a tight fucking spot by dissapearing but thats about the extent of harm he caused the board and I would say that the positives of starting the bunker in the first place outweigh that one negative.
Replies: >>2584
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>BigGuy is a nigger
>Dolphin is a bigger nigger
>I hope it's mugabe
Me too.

I am glad we are on the same page. Now we should stop shitting up the meta thread, it's autistic enough as it is.
Yeah I'm not gonna figure out the password. [email protected]
Hopefully more people apply to be BO. At the moment we have BigGuy(certified nigger)/mugabe(already ghosted the board once) and a guy who doesn't have a post history to back up his application.
Replies: >>2635
I hired the mystery bot already and now he's going to destroy the board get owned idiots
Replies: >>2651 >>2724
oh noes, muh shitposts!
This place is no longer worth my attention anymore, at least not this website. The fish is obviously in favor of the fat kike back on 8chan and /b/ has been completely compromised with tranny and nigger porn and the mods have been doing nothing to prevent it from getting out of hand. And now its been getting too much out of hand. I guess this is goodbye, another little corner of the internet defiled by ugly kikes and the ignorance of the hotpockets. I hope one day i can manage one myself and show people what a good imageboard needs to be. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting fucking subhumans just have to keep ruining everything.
Replies: >>2660 >>2662
I know this sounds defeatist but I hope everyone here leaves this place forever so it can die and not turn into some abomination of normalfaggotry and degeneracy caused by internet low lives. This is the one place where I'm supposed to be at ease and not worry about the usual garbage trying to brainwash me but the reality is that the shit posted here is 10 times more depraved than the usual trash blasting off in the background of my life. I'm not supposed to compromise when it comes to this place and I will stop doing so. Either you get rid of the garbage here completely or i will leave this place. Lately i have been doing nothing but reading old archive some 8chan threads, at least its more productive than what the fuck is going on right now in this place.
Replies: >>2661 >>2662 >>2684
I try to ignore everything other than this board  The fuck happened?
Replies: >>2663
[Hide] (27.2KB, 468x362)
Nice try shitstirrer, go back to blacked.moe stupid faggot.
fucked up my sage. I guess thats what sleep deprivation does to you.
[Hide] (220.1KB, 1347x901)
I'm tryna get a community started on zeronet 
feel free to post a good thread there and I'll engage 
(go to millchan.bit and then go to /pol/ board)
Replies: >>2687
Good idea but pretty dead right now. Seems like people are just using it as a porn dump.
Do we even have a BO at this point?
Replies: >>2725
Replies: >>2726 >>2727
Is it BigGuy?
Replies: >>2728
The board hasn't been transferred to anyone yet.
Replies: >>2729
Ah okay.
Tossed you another email mod, just mentioning it here in case you don't check your mail often.
Replies: >>2767
Cock.li sometimes has server side issues so I won't be able to reply, or read any emails, until that is cleared up.
Replies: >>2768
Was just asking you if you could make accounts on the 8moe bunker and maybe the fatchan one if you're still comfortable managing the board.
Replies: >>2769
Account has the same name on both sites.
Replies: >>2770
Alright you should be a mod on both of them now. The migration of posts to the 8moe bunker should be done sometime in the next few weeks. I may quit soon.
Replies: >>2771 >>2772 >>2773
[Hide] (1.3MB, 1455x2264)
Sad. But yes I got mod perms on both.
This is the not bigguy guy yes?
Replies: >>2774
It's just a random anon I believe.
Replies: >>2921
Has the new BO taken over?
Replies: >>2924 >>2925
No, I think the current BO is being retarded is all.
Replies: >>2925
Sturgeon just messed up and gave the /fit/ BO too many permissions and he made some shit-posts.
Replies: >>2926
That makes sense.
I wouldn't mind some BLOATLORD shitposts tbh. As long as the catalogue isn't flooded with them, I find them funny.
Captcha is still on
Captcha is still on.
Replies: >>3201
That's not something either I or the BO can currently change.
Replies: >>3209
Please delete this post:
Replies: >>3211
It's not an awful enough post to be truly deserving of deletion, although it may be off-topic. . You can report posts you think should be deleted, by the way.
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I got nothing better to do and I'm curious about rule 12, so I'm just going to ask this: Would posting vtuber artwork or a reaction image be a bannable offense? I don't plan on actually doing either of those things, nor am I planning on contesting the answer, I'm just asking it out of pure curiosity and boredom.
Replies: >>3262
I wasn't the one who added the rule but I generally agree with the sentiment of vtubers just being another form of camwhore, and any who are obsessive enough to post and talk about them should be discouraged from doing so. As the rule specifically relates to roastie worship and by extension vtuber worship rather than the complete disallowment of all vtuber content I can't positively say all vtuber content is not allowed, but I will delete posts that link or talk directly about vtuber streams or clips as doing otherwise could give robots the perception that vtubers are an acceptable topic in general. Anything that centers around an obsession over roasties is naturally not allowed. Reaction images are an edge case and I would, following the thinking of not encouraging vtuber-related content, prefer none to very few to be posted. I am not interested in vtubers and do not know much about what they look like, so I think it'd be a good rule of thumb to not post images of any of the popular or easily recognizable ones. 

Streamers and streams where a virtual avatar is tangential rather than central to its content is another grey area where I'd side with allowing it over disallowing it. As long as it's not centered around the roastie (and if it's not a roastie don't be a fag), and the specific definition of what is and isn't worship I won't bother to define. Youtubers like Tsugu are allowed, for example, as there's not much of a personality shown beyond the actual character being portrayed, even if the avatar is central to her character. It's not a strictly defined rule and my personal judgement weighs heavily into it. 

On another note, board ownership has been shifted over to me. The previous BO might be around for longer, although not as moderator.
Replies: >>3263
[Hide] (1.5MB, 320x240)
>Reaction images are an edge case and I would, following the thinking of not encouraging vtuber-related content, prefer none to very few to be posted.
That's good to know, even though I have very few of them and the fact they're more appropriate for /jp/ and its spinoffs anyway. What got me really curious and made me ask this question is that an old autistic hobby of mine is analyzing character design, both male and female. Just stuff like harmonious color schemes, outfit and hairstyle design, things like that. Lurking /jp/ boards made me realize some vtuber avatars are very well designed, very good looking characters.
>On another note, board ownership has been shifted over to me. The previous BO might be around for longer, although not as moderator.
I'm new to this particular iteration of /r9k/ but have hanged around the community for half a decade, give or take, through multiple websites and splinters. I have lurked here for a month and a half before posting and have read most of the threads. I'm familiar with the drama and hardships this moderation and administration has gone through, so I know things haven't been easy but actually quite bumpy. I would like to thank you and the previous BOs and mods for keeping /r9k/ alive, and I wish you good luck in running this board.
Replies: >>3264
The previous BO handled all of that drama as I wasn't recruited at the time, and even after my recruitment I've not done anything beyond handle the occasional spam. I'll try to keep /r9k/ going to the best of my meager ability regardless. 
>an old autistic hobby of mine is analyzing character design, both male and female
That's acceptable as long as the ratio of vtubers to other characters isn't high.
Any objections to rewording rule 9 from 
>Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads.
>Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, signatures, or obvious writeprints unless necessary for a specific thread.
Replies: >>3518
None from me.
Replies: >>3519
Cool. Changed rule 9 for the sake shortening it, while maintaining a greater fidelity to the initial statement. A writing style that is identifiable between threads doesn't encompass writing styles that are unique but only contained within a specific thread, which would go against the spirit of anonymity, unless it's somehow necessary for a specific thread. If whether a unique writing style is pops up and if it's put under question, when a breaking in anonymity becomes necessary is poorly defined and hard to moderate, so again my personal judgement will have to weigh heavily in such decisions.
Replies: >>3542
Why is thread creation locked?
Replies: >>3543
That was unintentional. Unlocked.
zzzchan is dead. So many attention whores. Mods do nothing about it, rather delete genuine posts instead. No different from 8moe now.
I blame gamergators and news fags. 
Now would this /r9k/ fall to the same fate? it all depends on you,. moderator.
Replies: >>3786 >>3790
We need stricter moderation but also more traffic.
Replies: >>3793
thank you for reminding me why to NOT bother with this shithole buddy
/r9k/ got choked to death and turned into this boring shithole populated exclusively by fart huffers specifically because you whiny niggers are too uptight and got uptight moderation as a result. You made your bed, now die in it.
Replies: >>3794 >>3815
How long have you been crying about this? Instead of coming here to cry next year and the year after and the year after and the year after and the year after and the year after, you should create your own board.
>/rr9k/ - relaxed robot9000
I don't think that's why it's dead. I see outcast places disappearing across the board as their deaths makes way for the mainstream. There are several other communities I check out that are now dead too but were fine just 4-5 years ago (time flies). If our rules had been liberal, while I cannot know for certain, I would speculate that either /r9k/ would have been destroyed completely and turned into a 4chan /r9k/ disaster, or it would have still ended up in this present situation. I go to sites with similar types of people and see that they're all dead or dying places too, even boards that had fewer restrictions than this one. 
Some fringe boards and sites meant for broad and non-outcasted groups can maintain decent (though decreasing) activity, but any place meant for non-normalfag adult male virgins is already structured around a small, alienated group that could easily be sabotaged by people like incels, and places like /r9k/ cater to a certain group of outcasts who like off-topic discussion rather than solely wanting to discuss a topic. If you found or make rules for a board off a type of person that you are seeking rather than a topic, it generally gets less activity in the long run due to the inherent exclusivity - but the alternative would be to sacrifice a well-delineated community to gain more activity, which brings it owns troubles (4chan /r9k/ comes to mind).
The main problem is widespread and lacks an easy solution. I would go a step further and argue that it was inevitable: The internet is drifting towards centralization and dominance by a few companies, censorship, and the mob to the detriment of everyone else. 
If industrial civilization collapsed and were rebuilt, one would still witness the creation and gradual centralization of an internet formerly in its halcyon days, now turned dystopian.
Replies: >>3816
I don’t really know if this board has a real place in the world today.
I think that the main problem of this particular iteration of r9k, besides the specificity of its userbase, was the timeframe and place of its existence. Even in 8chan times, most people who fell into the general definition of the archetype of the virgin adult male would go either to 4chan or wizchan. At the time it didn’t matter because 8chan was big enough that the userflow would prevent the board from running out of users. Now that we are in a smaller site, the board doesn’t have the same catch or reach than before, and most of zzz’ userbase isn’t particularly interested in the concept of this board, (leaving /hikki/ aside which is on the same situation anyways).

I also must agree that this is not a problem exclusive to this site or any board in the webring for that matter. It’s clear that centralization is the future whether we like it or not.
Replies: >>3927 >>4112
I for one don't want this board to go or to become yet another normalfaggot place. I may not post here much, but it still feels like a true home to me.
Who cares about having a place in the real world
It's possible migrating to 8moe could result in a boost to sustained activity, but I'd guess that would probably upset the few left lingering around here. Though 8moe is similarly pretty dead in general, but with an increased likelihood of organic new growth considering it's a much more visible site in general compared to webring sites.
Replies: >>4113
It's been 7 months or so since I made that post. I still maintain the idea that centralization will be the future one way or another. However, I don't know how I feel about migrating this board somewhere else. During those 7 months, I witnessed another board failing to do so. Before that, that board was almost on the same situation as this board is now. However, it had arround 10 fairly active users. After migrating, it maintain almost those same numbers, but the userbase changed and the posts got worse. The old posters abandoned the board, and now the old board is dead and the new one is filled with underage fags. 
Taking into consideration how this board handles outsiders, I think it's fair to say that migrating is a bad idea for many reasons. I don't think that it would last more than a week before both places irreparably died anyway. And I don't want that to happen, even if it is just for nostalgia's sake.
Replies: >>4115
I think migration was a bad word to use. In my head I was thinking something more along the lines of just silently opening up the 8moe board perhaps with an updated clone of this board (codexx can do this), then seeing if that catches on. If not then not really much harm.

I think this iteration of /r9k/ has positioned itself very well in terms of its rule structure and culture as a generalist discussion and hobby board. It just needs users.
Replies: >>4219
>Moving the board to blacked.gov
Are you retarded?
Considering suicide 

I'm phone posting so I'm just gonna post it here.
I'm not really a robot but I haven't had any friends in four years and I'm 19 YO have never had a gf but at the same time I've had hobbies, got into schi/x/o shit and a little bit of white nationalism too but those things have sort of faded out of my life because both of those communities never had any plans on changing the world for the better which I was seeking and appeared to be fake and controlled opposition anyways. I've tried to self improve by being a vegetarian, joining a gym, and even quit video games and TV but despite that life has seemed more and more meaningless to me. I grew up in a shithole part of America and I saved up some money after high school and went on a road trip to some "better" part of the countries incase I wanted to move there but what I learned is that you can't escape muttism in america, not even in Alaska. Maybe Canada is better? I don't know if any leafanons lurk here hit me up cause I hate america. Point of all of this is, I just see life as meaningless and I hate people. I have no connection to anyone because I'm not a soulless robot that consoooms all day, and I see everyone as so horribly narcissistic and evil yet they're so stupid that they herd together like cattle for they are slaves who only exist to make money for a hollowed out pointless system. So I guess like what's the point of going on? Listen I'm not a normal fag by any means even though I sound like it on here but believe me if you came up and talked to me you would see that I don't fit in. And that's the thing you know, why go on in here? America sucks maybe Canada or Eastern Europe is better. But even then you can't escape from the fake ass bullshit of the world there's no paradise to go to, and if you try to leave it by going to Antarctica or the North Pole you'll get put into prison, well Earth itself is basically a giant open air prison so might as well "commit" suicide then instead of just being a slave. That's a funny thing too notice how they say that you "commit" suicide, they make it like a man who chooses to leave his life under his own will is a crime, yet a femoid can abort an innocent at will and not be prosecuted? What hypocracy! We men are just slaves and I just don't see a way out of it besides ending my life and going into the eternal peace of the grave. I saw a video of a philosophy called pro-moralism or anti-lifism where it basically states that the existence of a conscious being should be ended as soon and as quickly as possible because life itself is nothing but continuous suffering with only a relatively few blissful pleasures and that it would be better to be dead with no pleasures but no pain either so being in a state of non-existence is the prime goal here. The only thing that gets me about suicide is incase life would get better but I don't know how much better it's going to get from here. When I was 10 I thought life in the future would be wonderful but growing up now I see it's the exact opposite. If anyone has any comments on this please let me know I'm up for reasons both not to do it as well as reasons for doing it. I've visited sanctioned suicide and done research on what caliber rifle to use to shoot the spinal cord that connects to my brain so if I felt like it I would know how to kill my self  but I just feel like I should wait a little bit longer and see what happens.
>both of those communities never had any plans on changing the world for the better
This is currently true, yet it seems likely to change soon, and when it does the more people we have the better.
>I've tried to self improve by being a vegetarian
>I just see life as meaningless and I hate people.
Are you still vegetarian? What do you eat now?
>pro-moralism or anti-lifism
Entirely predicated on the purpose of life only being to avoid pain, when in reality the purpose of life is to fulfill dharma.
I'll assume that your post is not a fed undercovered or a shitpost.
I think that your biggest problem is that you don't know what you want. You say that you want to make the world a better place, but you don't really believe that you fit in it. Personally, I don't think that self improvement should be pure stoicism unless you're ready and willing to do it. You are just going to destroy your brain if you don't replace what you enjoy with something else that you enjoy (ideally healthier). Additionally, you have a narrow view of the world if you think that the world begins and ends in America. That country is the toilet of the world, you shouldn't use it as a representation of the whole planet.
>I'm not a soulless robot that consoooms all day
You shouldn't be one. If you hate the people who are like this, you should try to find other people who aren't like this. I'm not saying that it's something easy, especially in the USA. I may have been found 4 or  5 people like this in my whole life. However, I must say that I enjoy my time alone best so you should take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Reddit-tier idea
If you hate Biden's presidency don't go to Canada, it's been like that but for 8 years and is two times worse.
>Eastern Europe
Economically and culturally-depraved shithole that was mindraped by communism, it's South America with snow. If you want to run away somewhere run from society and live like a bushwhacker in Appalachia or Cascadia. Move to Siberia even. In reference to your disappointment in Alaska, even in Arcadia you will find a McDonald's these days, that's the modern world.
>I saw a video of a philosophy called pro-moralism or anti-lifism where it basically states that the existence of a conscious being should be ended as soon and as quickly as possible because life itself is nothing but continuous suffering
You don't get to experience anything in nothing because the minute you do realize it's nothing it becomes something. If you think there's another existence then fine but I don't think it'll be earned that easily because you simply disconnected from the server. I hate the philosophy that life is suffering, life is life, the suffering is as benign as the happiness and even joy, discard expectations and gratifications of happiness but never the quest for real peace and real joy because it exists simply because it can and be felt, the taste of it. The world doesn't care for you in the most neutral term of the word "care".
Replies: >>4267
Being terminally online since a young age has destroyed your mind. The fact that you were able to make it to a deep corner of the internet like this at fucking 19. The gay ass jargon you use and know. And the word salad walls of text that are your thoughts. All of it makes it clear as day the kind of life that lead you here.
Now this might not be what you wanted to hear but its my honest advice if you want to live. Disconnect from your screens for a while and give the real world and real people a real honest to god shot. And this time without all the weird crap you've allowed into your mind from the internet getting in the way.
Know that even though most people are retards. You will find those who aren't if you put the effort in. People you can connect with and people you'll like. Just try not to destroy your chances even more by tainting others with your warped perception of humanity. As you are I think you'd see Satan in Christ himself.
Replies: >>4313
Go live on a farm without internet, unironically. Yeah, this is one of the worst periods to be alive if you are among the people who have a real consciousness, but there are dozens of other last resorts before eating lead.
>Economically and culturally-depraved shithole that was mindraped by communism,
Is there a way to actively speed up the recovery when it comes to things except the economical stuff?
Such mindrape seems to last for many generations
Hey guys this is the guy who made the suicide post. So I decided not to take my own life cause I'm still holding out that it gets completely better, and that my life improved enough for me to keep on going. My job got better and my diet improved, yeah I'm back to being on a ova-lacto diet but it's helping lose weight and I cut out white/bleached carbs out of my diet so I feel a whole lot better now. I still have a lot of bullshit in my life but I feel like it'll eventually go away as long as I stick to my diet and meditate more which I've been doing now. I will admit though that I was close to ending my life. I went to a gun store and nearly bought a rifle but I pussied out, faked that I had to go to the bathroom and told the guy that my dad was just going to buy me a rifle. Am I glad that I ended up living? Yeah for the most part, I have a plan for my life and if it doesn't work I may end up commiting suicide, but I'd think it'll work. I've decided to move to a large town that I'm not going to name on here in the pacific northwest and I think that'll be enough for me, however I may travel after I save up money. I'll see I guess, but if life does end up going to shit then yeah I may just end up taking my own life in the end.

I would like to post a video or two for everyone here if anyone is considering dying, if you go forth with it whatever you do, don't go into the bright light or you may end up being born here on earth again.


Replies: >>4309
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Glad you didn't pull the trigger lad.

I tried to chemically kill myself, and I nearly succeeded.
Was it not for the mercy of the Lord, I would not have lived another day. 

While I was dying, I wished to live. it made me realize suicide is not an answer.
>The fact that you were able to make it to a deep corner of the internet like this at fucking 19.
I’m not the guy you were talking to but, this isn’t that much of a hidden site is it?
Replies: >>4315
It isn't exactly hidden but it's a very low population mostly of those who have history with this board dating back almost 10 years. The guys only 19. He wouldn't have even been a teen then.
Replies: >>4347
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
should be a common knowledge that nuchan users after are literally phone babies. i first noticed it on nuchan boom in early 10's. coming to think of it, I was also a bullied teenager and also used those old bulky phones with outrageously pricey internet to access chans too. but these were different chans. still the premise is the same. its a lot of underage shitters out there, admins are underage too. otherwise just retarded lol.
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Sometimes I feel I'm the only person here.
Replies: >>4393 >>4395 >>4530
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I'm still here.
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Thanks, robots.
we're in here together
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