speak for yourself faggot
>I'm just convinced that humans are inherently social animals.
The Human is a Religious animal, it is the only animal that will contemplate the idea of God, The only animal that could come up with Religion, or its Secularized Version, in the form of Idelogy, one Accepts God by talking about how it exists, the other one accepts God by talking about how it does not exist
the only True Atheists are Animals, wich don´t even have a concept of God
read "Forbidden Archeology" or "The Secret History of the Human Race" if the former is TLDR, evolution is a lie, always has been
First came Wisdom, there was no God, because there was no need for it, there was no Man because there was no need for it, and because there was no need for it, there was no Reality, and No World
one would say ther is only being, and it would be folly, because it is beyond being, one would say it is about Existing and it would be folly because it is Existance beyond Existing, to put names, or properties, is to see folly, this State is long forgotten, and yet it is impossible to forget because it was always beyond memory, it could be said that it was "merely displaced" and yet this would imply a Location, wich is also folly, it cannot be named, it cannot be measured, the fact that i am speaking about it testifies to my own ignorance of it, the Gnostics called it "The Unbegotten one" and even this name, is Folly
The First Fall happened, and came Religion took the place of Wisdom, God created man, and Man created God, both incomplete, yearning, Bleeding, now there is Reality, now there is "I" and "Not I", there is "Past" and "Present" and "Future" the Word atrophies, the Mind binds, this is the Beginning of History
The First fall begat all following falls, from Humanism to Postmodernism, but all of these falls are irrelevant, every Cycle Cannibalizes the Next, the Liberals anathematized the Ancie n Regime, in their stead placed Individual Freedom and the Rule of The Masses, after them came the Communists, who in their stead placed the Rule of the Working Masses, the Former fights aganist the Latter, both of them Reject the Rule of the Monarch, and the Castes
this is the State you find yourself in
you take Evolution for Granted, a set of Social Needs wich are Mandatory, a Biosociological construct of Needs, an Arbitrary Need for a Secular Government, an Arbitrary and Abstract notion of "Good" and "Evil" shaped by Half a Milennia of Protestant Work Ethic mixed in with an even more elusive brand of "Common sense" stacked on top of "Unalienable Rights of man", your entire existance is a mass of pre-concieved notions, given to you since the moment you were born, first by the Eyes that betrayed you, by the Ear that Lied to you, by the Neurotransmiters that shackled you, then by the Teachers paid by the Global Satanic Conglomerate, across more than 18 years of Public and not so public education, a nice sprinkling of Internet Alternative information on major world events, coupled with Sensory input given by a agglomerate of eternally decaying organs, and the Validation of other Theologically Enabled Carbon-Based Lifeforms