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Be it woman-hate, womyn moments, women appreciation, incel rants, or even replacement discussion, in this thread we discuss the fairer and somewhat more retarded sex.
>inb4 2D pic related
Thought I'd start on a positive note.
Replies: >>4349
girls are great, probably. I never had a chance to talk to them a lot though. And I think I will never approach another one while she stares at her smartphone.
But damn, some girls are damn fine, I just know.
thinking about what biological sex someone is is wierd. i never do it so i dont really have anything to say about women
i dont hate women but i wouldnt want to live with one. sex isnt worth all the arguments. women can be very insistent on you doing tasks for them right now and i like to live very slowly. i dont get the battle of the sexes shit though. everyone is pretty terrible imo. i wouldnt want to live with a strange man anymore than i would a woman.
I recall in high school that a disproportionate amount of the students who sat alone at lunch were female, so I feel like there is a discrepancy between my real-life experience and how I go online and see exclusively male loners. That being said, in real life, I don't think I've ever come across a man or woman who would browse a board like this except myself. 
I don't believe that 8/r9k/ ever had much of a special focus on women because it was not an incel identity politics board. I feel somewhat more uncomfortable around women but dislike men and women about equally. 
It's clear that there is a far greater rift between the masses and outcasts than between men and women, though men probably comprise all or nearly all outcasts.
Replies: >>3789
>disproportionate amount of the students who sat alone at lunch were female
There is a big difference between what you see on the surface and how things really are. 
You can bet that they correpsond to dozens of people on social media and that accordingly they have their share of orbiters.
Loner women are the absolute exception.
Replies: >>3973
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How much do you guys hate females?

I don't inherently hate them or think they're set in stone to be malicious or whores but I do generally dislike them and always expect the mediocre or worst of them.  I don't think I need to go into detail of what feminism did to them but personally witnessing the double standards made me dislike them from a young age.  In school half of my fights were against other girls who thought they were untouchable and the girls were usually defended, one time physically, despite them starting shit with me because "it's wrong to hit a lady".

Browsing Crystal Cafe and Lolcow Farm reignited that rage and powerlessness I felt as a teenager but they are exponentially more pathetic than us once you look past how deranged and bitter they are towards men and that being so hateful in the first place is sign of their weak self-esteem and strength. One good thing I'll say is that they shed some insight into how females in the same cultural sphere as us experience society, where I'll admit, made me realize how I can and have been a shitty person in some ways.
The Jolly Heretic did a video talking about female youth suicides in the UK and considering the state of that shitty island and its pedophilic education bureaucracy it's not farfetched that modernism-induced suicide is starting to catch up with the ladies.  It's been effecting women too, not to the level of men, but everyone is unhappy no matter who they blame it on.
>You can bet that they correspond to dozens of people on social media
There are less loners of the post-9/11 generations compared to us born before it as they have a smartphone and walled garden internet straight out of the womb.

I hope this post injects some life into this limp board.
Replies: >>3975 >>4044
>How much do you guys hate females?
I don't inherently hate women either. I do, however, hate attitudes that are common in women. Mainly, obscenity and entitlement.
However, I can't really blame them for being obsence (to a degree), because this is more often than not a consequence of drooling idiots who can only think with their cocks that encourage said behaviour. Entitlement is the worst in my opinion. There are very few things that I hate more than the mindset that "I deserve a compensation because something happened (or could happen) to someone who is slightly related to me, even if it is only by gender or race". However, it seems that it's even worse when it doesn't happen to them. The whole George Floyd/Black people debacle showed me so. I personally think it's just pathetic how they devalue themselves just to look good, but it's even worse when you really think about it, because they want you to do it too.

I'm lucky to live in relatively good country. Most of the crap that I see is thankfully through a screen.
Replies: >>3976
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>Mainly, obscenity and entitlement
You forgot slyness, truth-twisting, vanity, manipulation, promiscuity, sheer stupidity, and how they get away with it because man will tolerate and believe it for pussy which he craves to the day he dies. To reiterate that post, if one isn't seemingly any of those things I'll give a chance to befriend (not that I go out of my way to talk to anyone) and not put her down for things that have foremost made me loathe and disdain females with what I've seen anecdotally, seen statistically and academically, and experienced personally. Feminism has brought nothing but misery to both sexes and the doctrine of it has made the "fairer sex" borderline sociopathic. Social acceptance of abortions, cheating, divorces that inherently favor them because of ancient legislation from a time when women didn't work, the whiteknighting and defense leagues, the damnation of getting accused of rape when it didn't happen, the lack of accountability, the desanctity and deconstruction of virginity, cognitive dissonance pertaining to their strength and independence. On a greater scale it is just getting pissed at normalfags but this has been progressing for decades and is encouraged by federal institutions and social media so I don't consider it part of the 21st century rotting. If they could've fallen for this so quickly and jump on the bandwagon, like thinking smoking was liberating when the campaign was orchestrated by a Rothschild to increase stocks for tobacco companies and the birth of the modern whore, the flapper, then what does that say about their responsibility, morality, and critical thinking compared to their counterparts.

It has also hurt and caused them anguish, needing to get a job and become another cog in the machine, and destroying their femininity and natural roles into becoming inferior men; their sex is now reduced to biology and to getting fucked with no skills or just "skills" for a white-collar bullshit job. And those that choose a career wonder why their lives are meaningless when it's normalized to blow through partners and get a college degree and skip having a family. Why they wonder why the men in their lives are weak and malicious or a cynical antithesis to that weakness when it came from the ideology (religion) they believe in that shamed them to be men so they instead became soylent ghouls, shut-ins, aimless slackers, fake alpha males, yes men, deranged porn addicts, trannies, etc. and they believe without a hitch or hint of irony that this is natural male behavior as is and there's just been a constant struggle against the patriarchy finding new tactics to undermine them.

And I bring up those female imageboards because that's the only female community I know of that I could remotely relate to but not only is it normalfaggotry but radical feminism that advocates the teachings of ((( feminist icons ))) and postures itself as the victim for too much shit to list without looking petty (I saw many posts about abusing children particularly boys or getting treated poorly as a result of their actions then ironically wondering why they were treated so). There's hundreds of them and 95% of them are no different from any other bitch with an internet connection. It made me further distance myself from their sex if these so-called weirdos are this basic and thoughtless, and what is considered abnormal and odd by females among other females.

Maybe I never got over this because I found no reciprocation and this topic had been discussed to resuscitation on 8chan and 4chan, and no one seems to be on the same level as me regarding this as it's either "all women should be enslaved and rape" or "women are as capable as men and you're a piece of shit". I'm not fishing for a certain response or intentionally just waiting for my turn to speak, I'm just venting.
Replies: >>3977
>You forgot slyness, truth-twisting, vanity, manipulation, promiscuity, sheer stupidity, and how they get away with it
I hate those things too, but I just accepted that that’s just how things are; and because they are common among almost everyone nowadays.

>it's either "all women should be enslaved and rape" or "women are as capable as men and you're a piece of shit"
I have a mild opinion on the subject. I choose to be cautious because women are women. I don't really care that much because there's not a satisfying answer, and there's nothing that I can do about it.
I believe that current women are more a result of nature than society. Women are never going to be the same as men because they simply didn’t evolve to be like that. They are biologically different. I think that saying that they are the same thing is plainly retarded, but also saying that they are like 70 IQ monkeys is going too far. Of course, this is just a very superficial statement. When you start bringing the negatives and positives, this crap gets too complex. Normalniggers choose to ignore it, and try to cover the sun with their thumbs. I find it very frustating that we are never going to get a fair comparison by the science people because everybody would get angry.

>female imageboards
A regular woman, without any severe mental illness, would never choose to be anonymous unless it’s for a very specific reason. These women are (slightly) different from normal females, but also close to some imageboard users that we know.
The so called female community it’s usually just (mostly) regular women venting their hate towards society or brainwashing others to do the same thing (always blaming men/others and never admiting their own flaws).
It’s really close to 4r9k trannies if you really break it down. However, this is a circlejerk for derranged women.

I apologize if it doesn’t make any sense. I just try to put some sense to my unhinged thoughts to put them somewhere. Like throwing a bottle to the sea.
Replies: >>4305
29yo robot here.
I used to hate female with an intense rage, however that rage faded away with time. I don't care anymore.
Yes, females were always priviledged whether it's in modern or ancient times.

Feminism is here to stay unfortunately, males are becoming more and more obsolete (thanks to technology) and soon, many presidents will be females who'll establish a communist system so that the collectivity (aka all the males) raises their offspring (kinda like the "Assemblywomen" comedy written by Aristophanes).

But well, what can I do as an autistic bot ? nothing.
I can only care about myself.
Replies: >>4000 >>4021
>I can only care about myself.
That's the only correct answer, I believe. There's no point in caring about things outside your control.
During the last few years, I have met a lot of different women. Some were terrible, while others not so much. Although I can count them with the fingers of one hand, I've met some good women. In the end, it all rounds up to a meh for me.
I don't think that they are ever going to control the world, unless youknowwho wanted it. Islam and the like still exist, and they might gain some traction in the west in the future. Also, communism is never going to be established because it goes against human nature.
Replies: >>4008
I don't hate women, but I guess I'm pretty blackpilled on women in general, as in that the overwhelming majority are braindead whores who can't really think for themselves.
To be fair, the overwhelming majority of guys are niggerbrained coomers who'll literally pay for pictures of their toes.
Overall I've interacted with more good guys than women. Then again there's a bias because I'm a straight guy.

Are 99% of women shit? But that would mean there's 1 good woman in a hundred. Doesn't this sound generous? Or even one in a thousand?
I don't know if I'm being too harsh or too generous. Relative to any normalfag I'm being too harsh, ofc.

People have said that women can't love like men. I'm still not entirely sure if that's true, but I suspect it might be. 
I don't know how I could reasonably view women as something that possesses a soul If that's the case.

"The state" is already fathering thousands of children with single-mothers, especially in the US. 
The taxpayer is essentially a cuck at gunpoint being forced to raise another man's children.
I don't see how things won't keep progressing in this current direction unless something very unkosher happens.
Replies: >>4009
>I don't see how things won't keep progressing in this current direction unless something very unkosher happens.
I'm not saying that things are going to stop progressing just as they are doing right now. I'm trying to say that things are going to reach a breaking point eventually. At that point, someone is going to realize that the U.S is already too weak to defend itself, and will take a chance to atack it to become the most powerful country.
It's basic human nature. When some guy wants to make a society where everybody is equal, some motherfucker will always take advantage of the system to rise above the rest.
That's also the main reason as to why communism is, has, and will continue to fail. Stalin killed Lenin when he realized that he could control the U.S.S.R, and live like a god while everybody else starved. It'll very likely be the same thing but with countries. I don't think that things are going to get better any time soon in any case.
Replies: >>4010
Fair enough

What a terrible time to be born in.
I feel like the best thing that I could possibly wish to happen within my lifetime is to die alongside people like myself trying to make it better.
I can't reasonably hope for anything better than that
Replies: >>4020
I hate women for the mere fact that they hold power over men, including me, via their sexuality.
You can measure the demise of a society by the state of relations between the two sexes.
>the best thing that I could possibly wish to happen within my lifetime is to die alongside people like myself trying to make it better.
Then you would have to join some sort of political movement and become less absorbed by internet communities, which is likely out of reach for autistic bots like us. 
In real live you will almost never come accross any sort of idealists like that. Most of that type has died in ww2 and the majority of normalfags today don't have any real ideals, indeed coming closer to robots than many here would like to think, caring only about themselfes, absorbed in their digital space, ignorant of the hell that is breaking loose right in front of them.
Replies: >>4023
I don't think there is any inherent value in life if you don't care about any sort of community. 
But maybe I'll become like that too with time, as I get more desillusioned.
Replies: >>4022 >>4054 >>4066
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Life has no inherent value. This world is a shithole created by an insane cosmic faggot called the Demiurge.
The only meaning, sense, or however you want to call it, that this world has is because Aryans (Spirits chained in matter) are tricked into making sense of this world.
Most people are non Spiritual "beings", men-animal, pasu, hylics, however you want to name it.
Replies: >>4024
I think you're right, unfortunately.
It's just a dream.

But still, I know there are others out there like >us. Even though there probably aren't enough.

Depends on how bad things will get, and I think they are going to get really bad. 

I'm finding it harder and harder to distract myself from the state of the world, and how it's degrading. 
Not sure if I could call myself an idealist or not, or selfless. 
But then again I don't see myself gaining anything from something like that besides a sort of peace of mind, or "good conscience".

I just have a hard time seeing any other goal or pursuit as meaningful anymore.
Everything else just feels like a kind of cope, including just thinking "I can't do anything about it, why even try?"

Normalfags keep saying that you should chase your dreams. Are they right? Kek
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Sorry, I'm not into that esoteric big brain stuff, Anon kun.
Call me a normalnigger all you like, I'm just convinced that humans are inherently social animals. We have evolved that way. If you take that away, man becomes ill, in some way or another. Internet communities like this one are just a sad substitute, as much as I like to idealize isolation and chan culture.
Replies: >>4025
The animal man is social. 
The Spirit is self sufficient and needs nothing. Shut off the mind, forget the body and you will see you need nothing from other "humans".
Proof? Never been better (even physically healthier) than when I went to live on my own and minimized social interaction to forceful levels (job etc).
Replies: >>4040 >>4461
And which, I assume spiritual, occupations do you occupy your mind with?
Replies: >>4043
Existing. Noting that one exists is a ll that it¿s needed. It is irrelavant what one perceives as a conscious subject.The Spirit exists, the animal man "is". Spiritual man has an animal man part. This animal part does not freed itself of anythign but the Spirit does. At the very end of it's liberation it might happen that body soul and spirit become one and eternal, but I am far from that yet.
Replies: >>4048
If it weren't for my grandmother or the nice girls/women I met in school/church I would have definitely became a full blown sexist. Yes the women in my family are that bad.
The women on lolcow are a special brand of schizo so don't take them too seriously. I see a slightly more comfortable vibe on crystal cafe, but they are extremely toxic as well. For the most part, don't take social media addicted hags as the norm for women.
Replies: >>4045
I prefer Lolcow over CC, the latter is juvenile, more spiteful, and intellectually crasser than the former; Lolcow is scene and CC is emo.
Replies: >>4046 >>4047 >>4048
Oops I meant the other way around.
Its funny you have that perspective, but I can respect that. But I do agree with that analogy that you made, (Lolcow = emo, CC = scene) and I do agree that CC is more juvenile in userbase (it looks to be populated with teenage girls and women in their early 20s). I haven't lurked /cow/ in years so I can't say if the demographics on that site has changed.
Replies: >>4050
So you're saying the lolcow board is mainly made up of dysfunctional women bullying autistic manchildren?
So you're a buddhist? Or are you just a proponent of "minimalism"?
I used to think this whole minimalism thing was just a big new age meme pushed by globohomo, but the more I material possessions I have aquired and the more horder like my cave has become in recent times, I'm really not so sure anymore.
Replies: >>4049 >>4051 >>4053
Not a buddhist, but there are many helpful things in the Pali cannon and in some Zen writings. I do have many issues with most of Mahayana and something tells me to not trust Vajrayana. (Tibetan) buddhism. There is also the issue of interpreting annata doctrine as NO self instead of NON self, which would be the correct way of doing it in my experience. 
To make it simply: Body and Soul are created/manifested from a simple principle, matter. Spirit is beyond matter and is eternal, uncreated and so on. It is by focusing on this principle and learning to stop body and sould to get in it's way that one practices legitimate spirituality.
While minimalism IS useful, when you start focusing on that which is beyond manifestation, you will naturally become more minimalist , because why hoard material things when it's just  a tasteless failed piece of art?
The issue is that globohomo uses minimalism as an excuse to make you get rid of land and things that actually will make you live better. They also use minimalism to push for more things, for example, not thinking about issues (think for example the "meditation booths" in amazon warehouses), etc.
Lolcow has more militant feminism but there's a larger percentage of higher quality discussion and people who take discussions seriously, not that CC is entirely shit aside from their unbelievably lame "paranormal" board. Pick and choose your favorite aspects and balance them out for what it's worth, they're both wretched anyway.
Oh shit. I thought you were talking about the Alogs board and now you let me to this cesspool.
It's like they're stuck on the level of a 13 yo teenage girl.
Most lolcows are female and it makes sense for it to be so. It's petty gossip about people they perceive to be lower than them but instead of spitefully shittalking each other (which they do) they focus all that on e-celebs. It is what keeps them united and healthy, is that a negative foundation myth?
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speak for yourself faggot
>I'm just convinced that humans are inherently social animals.
The Human is a Religious animal, it is the only animal that will contemplate the idea of God, The only animal that could come up with Religion, or its Secularized Version, in the form of Idelogy, one Accepts God by talking about how it exists, the other one accepts God by talking about how it does not exist

the only True Atheists are Animals, wich don´t even have a concept of God
read "Forbidden Archeology" or "The Secret History of the Human Race" if the former is TLDR, evolution is a lie, always has been

First came Wisdom, there was no God, because there was no need for it, there was no Man because there was no need for it, and because there was no need for it, there was no Reality, and No World
one would say ther is only being, and it would be folly, because it is beyond being, one would say it is about Existing and it would be folly because it is Existance beyond Existing, to put names, or properties, is to see folly, this State is long forgotten, and yet it is impossible to forget because it was always beyond memory, it could be said that it was "merely displaced" and yet this would imply a Location, wich is also folly, it cannot be named, it cannot be measured, the fact that i am speaking about it testifies to my own ignorance of it, the Gnostics called it "The Unbegotten one" and even this name, is Folly

The First Fall happened, and came Religion took the place of Wisdom, God created man, and Man created God, both incomplete, yearning, Bleeding, now there is Reality, now there is "I" and "Not I", there is "Past" and "Present" and "Future" the Word atrophies, the Mind binds, this is the Beginning of History

The First fall begat all following falls, from Humanism to Postmodernism, but all of these falls are irrelevant, every Cycle Cannibalizes the Next, the Liberals anathematized the Ancie n Regime, in their stead placed Individual Freedom and the Rule of The Masses, after them came the Communists, who in their stead placed the Rule of the Working Masses, the Former fights aganist the Latter, both of them Reject the Rule of the Monarch, and the Castes

this is the State you find yourself in
you take Evolution for Granted, a set of Social Needs wich are Mandatory, a Biosociological construct of Needs, an Arbitrary Need for a Secular Government, an Arbitrary and Abstract notion of "Good" and "Evil" shaped by Half a Milennia of Protestant Work Ethic mixed in with an even more elusive brand of "Common sense" stacked on top of  "Unalienable Rights of man", your entire existance is a mass of pre-concieved notions, given to you since the moment you were born, first by the Eyes that betrayed you, by the Ear that Lied to you, by the Neurotransmiters that shackled you, then by the Teachers paid by the Global Satanic Conglomerate, across more than 18 years of Public and not so public education, a nice sprinkling of Internet Alternative information on major world events, coupled with Sensory input given by a agglomerate of eternally decaying organs, and the Validation of other Theologically Enabled Carbon-Based Lifeforms
Replies: >>4055 >>4056
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You come from Monkeys, Evolution is Reality, Yesterday was worse than Today, and Tomorrow will be better than today, You must Work, and Work will be the only ethic that is worth anything at all, God will be forgotten in favour of Secularistic Idols, if he is to be accepted he will be accepted as an Abstract Compass, you will submit to the Rule of the Many (Democracy) you will submit to the Greater Good of the Proletarians (Communism) you will submit to the WIll of your Country, and will be a slave to the Jingoistic Memory we have manufactured about your Ancestors (National Socialism), You are nothing without the Proletariat (Communism) Society (Democracy) the Nation (Fascism) there is no other way of existing, there is nothing beyond this barren land of Death, only your mind exists, you are a Flesh Automaton, Animated by Neurotransmitters, there is no Spirit, if there is, its a moral construct, there is no Magic, and if it exists, its a Moral Force that has to be used for an abstract Symbol of "Good" and submitted to the Moral Authority of Others, let me repeat again, there is NOTHING Outside this Prision of flesh, there is NOTHING outside this Dust Particle called "Universe" if there is something, it must be a Mirror, a Idealized version of this Place (Heaven) or a Horrible Nightmare dimension that is also a Carbon-Copy of this Existance (Hell) or just an alternative version of the same Agglomarate of Quarks and Atoms (Alternate Timelines, Parallel universes etc...)

Let me repeat it again Schizo, you come from Monkeys, if you somehow disobeyed me, and figured out that there was no Evolution, you will believe that you come from Aliens instead, the Annunaki, or otherwise, you will never Trace yourself to a Non-Material Origin, you will never concieve yourself as anything other than as a Mass of Decaying flesh, you will NEVER Concieve yourself as anything that is not a Physical Organic Construct, you will never Displace yourself beyond the realm of "me-not me" paradigm, you will never pierce the Threshold of Time, wou will never Harness eternity, you are FORBIDDEN from these realizations, you will believe TRUTH and you will COndemn LIES, you will Obey me, those who do not Obey me are Mentally Ill, they are the Schizos and Aspergers of the world, it does not matter if the Cult-Like logic this world follows makes the ones that follow my Diktats become the Actual Schizos, where they do not Grasp or Live, but rather, attune and Self-Mutilate themselves into following these Precepts of mine, never considering anything, never Existing, always Thinking in the Crusty Pipes i have built for them

You will be my slave, you will serve me, you will be free, as long as you do not escape from the prision i have built for you

-The Collective Breath of every single Human, Animal, God, and Cosmic Entity, the Eternal Totem of the World

the only advice i can give you, is the advice you don´t want to hear, and will not follow
that is, to ignore step 1, to forget all steps after step 1, and to look at step 0

Step 0: There was never a Step
Now be a good puppy, tell BO i escaped containment again, he cannot un-pill you now faggot
Replies: >>4056
Are you the same anon who posted about Taihou from the ship game? Have your stances on waifuism changed?
Replies: >>4057
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yeah, its a me, le Taihouman, the one man Warmachine, scourge of the imageboards, Schizotypal straordinaire, Valet of Destruction-in-training
leave your message after the BEEP
>stances changed
enough that i cannot be labeled as a "waifuist" anymore according to other "waifuists"
Replies: >>4058 >>4064
What has changed, if you don't mind me asking?
Replies: >>4059
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>what has changed
TL;DR i masturbate at least 3-4 times a day, i don´t know what my average is
i have ambitions about a Dark Elf-Gardevoir-Catgirl ethnostate where i have multiple concubine girls something something impreg fetish, something something Femdom evolved into full Spectrum Maledom BDSM, with choking and/or slaveplay/petplay, i lost most of my empathy and/or sympathy for others and have the active will and desire (but unfortunately have the logistical shortfall) to Genocide the entirety of the Physical Plane, including not only people, but animals, plants and prettymuch everything all the way down to subatomic particles, i got kicked out of at least 3 other imageboards, spend most of my days doing calisthenics + running, working on my personal RPG related projects, and trying to make OC for the hell of it

its hard to compress 2+ years of Exile into a small paragraph, hit me up with an Email (the adress believe it or not is still posted somewhere in the waifuthread) if you care so much, these posts are gonna get deleted in 3 2 1...
Replies: >>4064
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I fucking hate when the intoxication recedes.
I could kms rn
I'm only living for that sweet dopamine rush
Replies: >>4062
IT's weird. SOmetimes, when I have recovered from the toxins, I feel like reborn. Like all my sorrow has been washed out. and I feel like reborn for days after my excess
i don't need you anymore faggets
Are you going to shoot up a fucking school or something? I'm not joking when I say this: check yourself into an asylum please, you actual unhinged retard. I don't want this site to end up being the subject of international news because of your fucking retarded ass.

Please go away.
Replies: >>4065 >>4066
Are you one of the anons who SEETHED at the schizo existence? The guy just wants to fap in peace, take it easy, he actually is one of the most fun posters on the site.
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Check yourself at the door Grasshopper, this is the PUSSY thread, i repeat
this is the PU$$¥ THREAD, not the Bitchblood thread

now you might say "b-but y-your p-p" can it, i know what you´re gonna say
my previous dissertation might not look like it, but in reality, my objective all along
is to help a nigga out, to get my homeboy >>4021 out of his craving for EVOLUTIONARY Pussy, wich is not even R*E*A*L PU$$¥, Evolutionary Pussy is a mere substitute, a coping mechanism for the Burgoise and the Compliant Post-1798 Niggas, and i can´t let False niggas go around spreading the Church of the Stinky Lo-fi Material Pussy, Housewife Pussy, and other brands of Low Quality - Mass production Pussy, i would provide examples, but unfortunately for you, my bitches are my bitches, i don´t share

but you see your mistake is twofold my lil Grasshopper, you have focalized yourself in my mannerisms and diagnosed a mental disease,  you have once more been decieved by the Deminigger, the Kosmonigger, and in fact, failed to see that it is a twofold ruse, because not only am i trying to Keep a Homie away from that stinky Evolutionary Pussy, my previous posts are actually, mating calls for the CRAZY PU$$¥, the Y A N D E R E PU$$¥, im no racist, im into Crazy PU$$¥, Cat PU$$¥, Poke PU$$¥, Choco Elf PU$$¥, you name it, i can Fuck it, the more the merrier, that´s how i roll, im blunt, violent, got no time for sentimentals like those /monster/ altar boys

its hard being a Capo in a world of fuckbois, but that´s how it is in this bitch of an earth
Replies: >>4067 >>4069
take your medication.
Replies: >>4068
He might be unhinged, but come, you are using a "you are a virgin lol" insult.
Replies: >>4071
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You're a faggot who idolizes the hypersexual mode of life (something endemic to faggotry in general). While I'm sure there's a cause for why you've decided to partake in the eccentricities you do partake in, neither your passion nor your persistence justify your seeming inability to hold a coherent conversation with anyone who decides to attempt to have one with you. Your only specialty, your mark of distinction, is being an annoying faggot. This is a spiritual infliction and it has already expressed itself in your bodily conduct, and is as easily seen when interacting with you as it is seen when you walk and stim like the autistic homosex you are. Embed yourself into the dirt so the grass can grow on you.
not comparable in the slightest
Replies: >>4073
NOW finally something interesting is happening on this board
Replies: >>4074
"You don't comply with my normalness standards thus I will label you with an embarassing nickname"
It is pretty much the same
Being entertained by stupid drama isn't a good thing.
Replies: >>4096
I was entertained by the shizos insanity.
Not often these days that you come across a real nutcase like that with all this reddit shizo larp shit being fashionable
I hate when I have emotional outbursts where I'm crying in front of my mom or sister even cried in front  of a gay man when we're talking about my mental health problems, familiar problems, sorrow of deceased love ones  or having a problem with another coworker in the case of the gay man being one of my former managers because it's demasculating definitely because my sister is a bitch. Fuck my mom decided to schedule a doctor's appointment without me knowing and she wants to come with. I hate that when I have these emotional outbursts it's usually when I'm drunk. I have no one to reach out to, I've posted to this board over the years yet no one replieds.
Replies: >>4103
I don't know what to tell you, anon. I feel your sorrow.
I personally rarely get any emotional outbursts, but I know the feeling of regret and emptiness after having gotten into a drinking excess. 
Nothing worse than losing control over your body and emotions.
Maybe try substituting your alocohol with tea addiction? If you gulp several liters of high quality tea down it can certainly give you a good kick too without the bad side effects. 
I know, retarded advice, but thats all I can give you. Sorry
Replies: >>4104 >>4107
I drink tea when I try to sober up before going to bed or when I'm sick or the rare time I want coffee but it's too late for that I'll drink tea. Most tea flavors I hate. Drinking alone isn't fun, and I don't have any friends to go drink with only family and that depends if they're willing to go to bars, I hate being at bars because of all the normalfags there but some of the bars we go to are barcades and I like playing pool. The day I wrote that was I tried helping my sister out with a school art project revolving around photoshoping fake music concerts and she was using a mac laptop something I never used before and couldn't figure out how she wiped all of her layers besides the based layer and she called me retarded and throw a fit throwing shit everywhere,  I started to cry a little bit after a hour long conversation with my mom about it and her and mine mental health problems and what I'm going to do with my life and she brought up a dude who was pretty much my second father who pasted away years ago( that's what made me shed tears). I hate how I can't do anything fun because I have no one when I my neighbors are being loud  partying or talking on their porches and drinking (When it's the warm months it's worst). There's tons of "cool" shit and stores for young people in my metro area but they're all too fucking expensive and are gynocentric for vaginaniggers,  half of them are too far away and being there with no one and dressing "unfashionable" you stand out. I want to just go on hikes innawoods but don't have a car and too poor for all the camping supplies and don't have the experience so I have to stick to city parks or bike trails along the river being awkward just trying to fucking walk and be left alone but keep on getting stuck behind couples or cunts walking their dogs being slow.  I've meet some chill dudes in the little wooded area in between the river and the trail, the rare times(because most people just stick to the trail) I had to cross paths with families or couples or women walking their dogs in the woods it's always awkward because they always distrust me.  It's never with men usually even with dogs.
I guest being a bitch for a bit infront of my family is a million times being  a bitch for a bit in public.
You made sense and your bottle received.
>I find it very frustating that we are never going to get a fair comparison by the science people because everybody would get angry.
I'd be curious to hear about it too however, as I want to know male psychology at least up to the level I do female, even for small things or a dissertation which is what you mean, something without being explained by way of cunty demeaning, right-wing glory and power, or pessimistic biology. But for something total, which is what it piques more, is a question that wouldn't get answered mainly for how impersonal and insulting it'd be, if we're talking about all their personality ticks and the combination of events that lead to a multitude of outcomes, because of humans being complex to sum up with an easy explanation if the perspective has no ideological bias. The person or group assigned to dissect and quantify men and women must be dispossessed towards humanity even to themselves, being an emotionless husk, extreme misanthrope or having the patience of a saint which are all unlikely to give a shit or perform that undertaking.

Also for my first post
>everyone is unhappy no matter who they blame it on
I mean to say that everyone is unhappy no matter what perspective their beliefs have if I recall correctly.
>>3729 (OP) 
I sometimes wonder if it's the idea of a woman that I like or the woman itself. Whenever I see a 3D women in public, even attractive ones, my brain just goes "meh..." without any sort of feelings, even jealousy. I do feel quite strongly about 2D so maybe I am just an autist.
Replies: >>4350
>my brain just goes "meh..." 
yeah because it has been warped by years of anime porn.
Back when I still had several doors open to me I preferred indulging in those illusions as well, now I've become very wary of it all...
And you may ban me now for being a miserable failed normalnigger
Replies: >>4407
3DPD are the illusion, 2D are closer to the real woman
Replies: >>4643
>job etc.
Depending on the job that's still a LARGE amount of socializing.
Very different than being a NEET or in isolation.
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i categorize people into two places, either they are good or bad. either they destroy society or are at least neutral to society. women are probably the biggest destroyers of society. i hate them. they are also incredibly annoying. people that spread malice like idiocy or hedonism or whatever the fuck, women do like every single wrong thing and nothing right. the only good thing about them is how they look really. and still somehow they're very ugly most of the time
Replies: >>4643
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> 2D are closer to the real woman
This is a spiritual Truth that I have personally experienced.
> women are probably the biggest destroyers of society. i hate them. they are also incredibly annoying. people that spread malice like idiocy or hedonism or whatever the fuck, women do like every single wrong thing and nothing right.
I try my best to not hate women but damn, do they make it hard. It's like they want to be hated by righteous men.
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A teenage girl inspired by politically counterculture Twitter and a legitimate misandrist known as Radfem Hitler shot up a Christian private school killing two people and injuring many others with two in critical condition.
Replies: >>4666 >>4669
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Replies: >>4666
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Replies: >>4666
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>she got married and lost her kid (plural?) in a divorce, did a whole bunch of drugs with some guy from TRS if you remember that, and a whole bunch of other stuff that she did of her own free will. Also considering she’s written several long posts about wanting to enslave men I’d say ya she’s probably being serious
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>As any family court lawyer will tell you, it's *extremely* rare for the woman to lose all custody of the children. Almost never happens. You have to be a certifiably damaged, deranged, disturbed, deformed, genuinely evil human being for that to happen. She was also a literal convicted felon.
>Dudes who defend RFH either don't actually know her or else are just simpering aspiring wifeguys who just can't wait for a woman to boss them around and emasculate them. Don't think we don't see you all carrying water for her, reply-guying it up in her comments, hoping for a whiff. Embarrassing. This chick is Tony Soprano's mother-tier evil. A nasty person who's done a lot of damage to a lot of people — and I'm not even referring to the shooting. If you defend her you're a fucking goober with terrible instincts. You deserve enslavement.
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For some reason they uploaded page 4 cropped.
Replies: >>4669
>insane femoid schizobabble
who gives a shit about what this privileged insane cunt had to say, not gonna read it.
Replies: >>4667
>who gives a shit about what this privileged insane cunt had to say
imageboards for the last decade in a nutshell
The manifesto is written in odd English but I'm just passing news and figured this whole thing would be buried in a week. It reads like a shoddy translation of Russian. The stupid bitch forgot to make the Drive document public so we'll never know what she truly said.
Replies: >>4669
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Looks like you were lurking the same half/pol/ threads that I was lurking last night, nice job saving all of this. I chose to just absorb the information instead of preserving it because I got more important things to think about, both in my personal life as well as outside of it. As much as I hate RFH for hijacking Esoteric Hitlerist terms and concepts for feminist purposes, her bullshit and this whole drama isn't worthy of my storage space.
>For some reason they uploaded page 4 cropped.
I believe the theory that the journo bitch (slatz) is covering RFH's ass because she got namedropped in the manifesto.
>The manifesto is written in odd English
>It reads like a shoddy translation of Russian.
It's weird as hell. She sounds absolutely retarded in most parts while in a couple of others (mainly the part about niggers) she sounds lucid and even quite intelligent. It's almost enough to make me believe the anons that say this was written by a glowie pretending to be a schizo girl with some far right beliefs.
Replies: >>4670
No just Twitter. There was an account called Nitro (@PETR0GRAD) who posted the feminist portion being hidden or ignored and he's being accused of writing the manifesto under the accusation he's Russian, lots of smoke and mirrors stemming from lies and pettiness. His account is gone at the moment for whatever reason, and ultimately a sufficient amount of information is out already and it seems it's nothing more than a weak shooting.
Replies: >>4671
>There was an account called Nitro (@PETR0GRAD) who posted the feminist portion being hidden or ignored and he's being accused of writing the manifesto under the accusation he's Russian, lots of smoke and mirrors stemming from lies and pettiness. His account is gone at the moment for whatever reason
I know about that guy, the half/pol/ threads I read mentioned him. Apparently the reason his account is gone is that he got mass reported, and when that happens your account gets locked. I saw some anons considering the possibility that the bitches in RFH's or Slatz's discord server were the ones that mass reported Nitro in order to silence him and allow Slatz to cover RFH's ass unimpeded.
Replies: >>4672
Well whatever, I don't want to venture into drama faggotry or the shooting itself and have no interesting in doing so. We rarely get female spree killers and so the reasoning behind them too.
>users keep clicking phishing links from sketchy emails
>host training on how to identify phishing and report it
>emphasis “do not click the link”
>add big disclaimer to all external emails saying don’t click the link
>send out fake phishing email to identify users who need more training
>90% women

>get urgent call that projector not working, computer can’t connect
>show up
>pc is off
>turn it on
>show her what the power button looks like and how to turn it on
>repeat forever until I die

>need to install audacity for a uni group project
>woman on team (didn’t pick her)
>woman trying to install audacity on ipad
>tell her it’s for windows and ios, not ipad
>”oh it’s not on apple”
>”it’ll work on a macbook or imac, not an ipad”
>”oh it won’t work on an ipad”
>”Oh I have an ipad, it won’t work on it?”
>”How do I do it?”
>”You can’t”
>Rest of group did all the work

Women shouldn’t be allowed to touch a computer. They should go back to pen and paper. Back when they had to go to secretary school, they could attain some competency but clearly win10 has stumped them. All the UI changes to make things look like fisher price toys is motivated by women’s inability to press a button and total inability to follow simple prompts and pop-ups.
Replies: >>4675 >>4692
"woman's body is a vessel of impurity, full of stinking filth. It is like a rotten pit ... like a toilet, with nine holes pouring all sorts of filth"
t. some Buddhist 100s of years ago
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Last thing I'll mention, her manifesto was aphasic (not counting the odd grammar) and unstructured like a shitty diary entry which is a common female trait when it comes to prose; there was no attempt to be earnest whether it would be expressed poetically or factually, just self-indulgent sappiness that avoids any reflection of the self because they're afraid of finding nothing or to see who they are or whatever reason. It reminded me of Sol Pais from years back.
The mindset to be and live like this is unfathomable, I want to know what the thought process is if there is one.
>digital signage run by android devices
>most problems solved by rebooting them
>get chronic calls from one building run by a woman
>get another call today
>woman says she always reboots them and they still won’t work
>go over, make woman show me what “rebooting” means just in case she’s retarded (she is)
>she turns off tv
>she turns on tv
>she says “see it’s the same”
>show her android device running the thing
>”reboot this”
>she uses the tv remote off button to try and turn it off
>tv turns off
>”yeah that’s what I did,” she says
>I press the big round power button on the android device and then turn it back on
>it’s fine now
She’ll call again next week, I know it
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