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>1. Obey zzzchan's global rules. https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
>2. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. Exceptions to the second part may apply in very unique circumstances, such as in cases of rape, child abuse, etc.
>3. You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board.
>4. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted.
>5. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted.
>6. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive threads will be deleted. 
>7. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion.
>8. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the sticky.
>9. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, signatures, or obvious writeprints unless necessary for a specific thread.
>10. No instigating violence, ie: "You'll never do anything" posts or similar. /r9k/ is a board of peace.
>11. No "/r9gay/" posting
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers"

Last edited by hidingrobot
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Sometimes I feel I'm the only person here.
Replies: >>4393 >>4395 >>4530
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Replies: >>4425
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I'm still here.
Replies: >>4425
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Thanks, robots.
we're in here together

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A new one is needed.
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what >>4723 said, sorry, i assumed it would be obvious since this place isn´t that big and most people crosspost anyways
I used to be addicted to SWTOR. It is a story-focused MMOS that gives you a real part in the world around you and not forces you into being a cuck that just watches true characters doing shit like in wow. Dialogue options are fun, especially as a sith. 
 The original (most) class stories are great fun. After all, they wasted 300 mils on those.  You can complete them for free, even if with great inconviences. After that the game stops being that great. Addons aren't as fun, but they are entertaining enough to play through once. They are pretty long, so you will have something to chew through for a long time.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss dolphin and eunuch. My memory has gotten so bad that I don't even remember what exactly dolphin did to get his fame around that period. Time flies so fast, it hurts. I wish the best for both of those weirdos and any robots who found a new home.I truly miss the time I used to shitpost with robots.
Replies: >>4727 >>4729
Dolphin destroyed one of the previous /r9k/ instances, I hope he is currently dying a slow death by an extremely painful cancer.
Eunuch was a funny lolcow, so he is fine.
an old robot.
the eunuch was a fun one, a little bit damaged in the header doe.

dolphin was an obnoxious brat.

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Honestly, its pretty much over isn't it?
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Replies: >>4638 + 4 earlier
>>4431 (OP) 
That depends. How old are you?
If you're 22 and you still have nothing, then you're fucked.
The industrialization was a mistake?
Replies: >>4641 >>4645
This was meant for >>4614.
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I'm not the anon that you're replying to, but I don't think industrialization was necessarily a mistake, the problem is that both capitalists and communists used technology and industrialism to completely enslave and domesticate not just the White race but Mankind as a whole. Kaczynski was right when he wrote that the consequences of the industrial revolution have been disastrous, but the solution is neither luddism nor pushing ahead towards a fully automated world, but instead applying automation only to certain specific areas of human life, while removing it from other areas.

Luddism is as degenerate as transhumanism. Transhumanism is degenerate because it is anti-human and anti-Spirit, luddism degerate because its anti-science and anti-progress. The words 'progress' and 'science' now evoke in our minds images of completely dysgenic, low-T nu-males known as 'soyboys', all thanks to liberalism. But make no mistake, real science and real progressivism are not jewish liberal values, but Aryan in their very core. Unfortunately, both science and progressivism have been hijacked by jews, subhumans, cacodaemons and succubi/incubi.

Technology and industry are not the banes of the Aryan race and Mankind but instead massive boons, when applied properly in an healthy, eugenic and sustainable way. Think about it, would so many people be redpilled about not only the jews but the nature of the world we live if it were not for the technology and industry that made the propagation, dissemination and accessibility of this information possible? Of course it wouldn't! This alone is proof that technology and industry are not forces of evil, but instead forces of good. It's the forces of evil that enslaved Mankind to industry, not industrialism itself.

If luddites get their way, it will be a greater disaster to the Aryan race and the rest of mankind than the consequences of the industrial revolution, because it will be the loss of nearly everything that the finest men that were ever born have worked for.

>Communism and Capitalism represent a distorted monstrous abomination, a Hydra, that shares the goals of Islam, absolute servitude to the Demiurge manifest either as wage slavery of Capitalism, state slavery of Communism or spiritual slavery of Islam (the very name, Islam, means submission). 
-Kalki Jugend, anonymous.

>Only Hitlerism truly sets us free, because only Hitlerism announces the same spirit of absolute meritocratic hierarchical aristocracy which our most heroic forebears, the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans and Nordics, naturally espoused (we face ourselves as Hyperboreans).
>This is how one can say: National Socialism is the truth of nature. There is no need to imagine a truly Traditionalist-Futurist vision for the future, because it was put into lively practice by the Third Reich: an absolute fusion of hyper-occult post-industrial supra technology with an ultra-traditional, agrarian ruralism devoted entirely to healthy feudalist living on the earth, with the far flung goal of conquering the stars, in the Cosmic Reich, not at the expense of the flora and fauna of this planet.
-Kalki Jugend, anonymous.
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Yeah, most of the time i think it's over for all of us

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All things considered I'm doin pretty good. Complete quarantine was such a nice breather from everything that I almost forgot how shit normalniggers were. Shame it was only so long. I miss the empty streets.

So, what about you guys? I hope you all are well or at the very least doin better.
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>And especially so when my posts critical of /digi/ in the board rankings thread were deleted, and the woman brained mod immediately archived the page right after deleting said posts to cover it up.
i took advantage of your link and tried to look for the context of my posts back then because now that the question was raised i really wanted to know what is it that i said to russle their jimmies, i think they deleted my posts too because i can´t find em KEK, so much for "comfy"

the fact that this shit is going on right after talking about how the internets have become tribalistic hellholes in the FTDDTOT is ironic
Replies: >>4708
Can you post Lmao Tokai 1?
Replies: >>4709
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here you go
Replies: >>4710
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That would be ... me anon, im here >>4695, i haven't replied to anyone in this thread till now. Remember how I said I was a crazy half-NEET back then? Oh well i have been rereading /r9k/ lately and my inner NEET self really took form. I was reliving that period of my life. Really weird as you can see, anons on /v/ hates my guts.

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Be it woman-hate, womyn moments, women appreciation, incel rants, or even replacement discussion, in this thread we discuss the fairer and somewhat more retarded sex.
>inb4 2D pic related
Thought I'd start on a positive note.
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Well whatever, I don't want to venture into drama faggotry or the shooting itself and have no interesting in doing so. We rarely get female spree killers and so the reasoning behind them too.
>users keep clicking phishing links from sketchy emails
>host training on how to identify phishing and report it
>emphasis “do not click the link”
>add big disclaimer to all external emails saying don’t click the link
>send out fake phishing email to identify users who need more training
>90% women

>get urgent call that projector not working, computer can’t connect
>show up
>pc is off
>turn it on
>show her what the power button looks like and how to turn it on
>repeat forever until I die

>need to install audacity for a uni group project
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Replies: >>4675 >>4692
"woman's body is a vessel of impurity, full of stinking filth. It is like a rotten pit ... like a toilet, with nine holes pouring all sorts of filth"
t. some Buddhist 100s of years ago
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Last thing I'll mention, her manifesto was aphasic (not counting the odd grammar) and unstructured like a shitty diary entry which is a common female trait when it comes to prose; there was no attempt to be earnest whether it would be expressed poetically or factually, just self-indulgent sappiness that avoids any reflection of the self because they're afraid of finding nothing or to see who they are or whatever reason. It reminded me of Sol Pais from years back.
The mindset to be and live like this is unfathomable, I want to know what the thought process is if there is one.
>digital signage run by android devices
>most problems solved by rebooting them
>get chronic calls from one building run by a woman
>get another call today
>woman says she always reboots them and they still won’t work
>go over, make woman show me what “rebooting” means just in case she’s retarded (she is)
>she turns off tv
>she turns on tv
>she says “see it’s the same”
>show her android device running the thing
>”reboot this”
>she uses the tv remote off button to try and turn it off
>tv turns off
>”yeah that’s what I did,” she says
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Still want to kill myself in 2024. Not a surprise, but it's not as bad as when I was a teenager.

Are you guys still robots? Socialization is indeed cancer and I've let it infect me recently after having a bad experience with terminally online people forcing me in their random bullshit. Not being a normalnigger is probably one of the hardest things in the world. People will always try to infect you with their beliefs and ideologies through social stakes, keep that in mind.

Anyways, what's up with you guys? It's been a very long time since I last used this board.
3 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>4597 >>4611 + 1 earlier
>>4569 (OP) 
>Are you guys still robots?
I'm still a friendless KHHV who's never been in a relationship, has horrible anxiety, is on the autism spectrum and has a long list of health problems (many undiagnosed), and still is strongly dependent on his parents. Still, I don't think I fully qualify as a robot anymore because I recently moved forward in my career. That said, I had to fight for it a lot more than normalfags do, and staying at the entry level would have destroyed my health in the long run.
>>4569 (OP) 
Still a robot, yeah.  Socialization for me is draining. I have to force myself to do it, it's unnatural.
Still suffering.
Relationships (besides family who care about you) are people exploiting each other.  Someone in the relationship is always left holding the bag.
Is it violent to swat a fly? You usually don't wish ill on a pest - you just want him to be anywhere but where you are.
I was in the same boat as you. Thought that being passive would get people to leave me alone. But all you're doing is being weak, letting them in to mess around with you whatever way they like.
It's a fact of life - sometimes you need your hands to explain in a way that words can't.
Replies: >>4644
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>Is it violent to swat a fly? You usually don't wish ill on a pest - you just want him to be anywhere but where you are.
>all you're doing is being weak, letting them in to mess around with you whatever way they like.
>It's a fact of life - sometimes you need your hands to explain in a way that words can't.
You are correct, this is a fact of life because normalniggers, especially subhuman normalniggers, operate on animal instincts and logic, and the only way to get an animal that's pestering you to leave you alone is to show that you braver and stronger than it. I have experienced it myself
>be me, trying to sleep
>subhuman normalnigger being a noisy cunt in front of my house by preaching with a microphone to a bunch of drunkards, who are all ignoring him.
>go outside, forcefully disable his sound system and tell him that if he keeps this shit up, I have nothing to lose in life so I will just kill him.
>drunkard suddenly cares about this noisy normalnigger, tells me if I don't leave the preacher alone, I will get shot
>I attack the drunkard with the wooden stick I was holding as soon as he finishes his sentence for daring to threaten me
>drunkard knees me in the face, causes a nose bleed but doesn't break it
>his knee also failed to knock me out because I had my teeth clenched before I attacked
>other drunkards unfortunately stop the fight just when I was about to attack him again
>police comes but doesn't do shit to me because I'm considered medically insane.
>community leader later arrives at my house and says the drunkard came up to her crying because my stick bruised his chest
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Replies: >>4650
Amazing. They are truly subhumans. Well done anon.

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Share some tunes and recommendations. Going to dump whatever I can scrape from the archives ITT.
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It's not really a genre.
Replies: >>4628
it has a pretty unique sound i guess. but, if you had to put it as a genre, it would probably be something along the lines of shoegaze or noise rock. right? i suck at genres.
Replies: >>4629
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Labels could never do it justice.
Replies: >>4631
odd disorder
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Already had one of these before but we need some more broad topics to get some conversation going. So what have you robots been up to recently? Art, games, anime, vague autistic shit no one's heard about? If you find it interesting, talk about it.
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>getting picked up on a government Autismjobs project. I'm currently working at a job I love because of this.
On the note of socialist autismo government programs. 
Honestly for me it has been quite demoralizing, seeing how pozzed everything is and cooperating in any way with those same institutions that are turning this country into a brazil 2.0 hellhole makes me feel like a piece of shit.
I wish I could just go back into my cave and not be bothered by anyone, but having learnt some sort of trade will come in handy sometime in a future real SHTF scenario. There is no going back feighning ignorance at this point. At the latest when those old farts (b***mers) are all retired and there's noone paying those bux anymore because the next generation is 90% import gibsmedat there'll be no choice.

I'd much prefer I'd have been born into some 2nd world slav country. Life could be so much simpler.
I picked up reading again after being a full blown internet addict for the last several years and barely getting anything done or being able to remember anything since my brain was so burned out from information overload and (You)s.
Right now I'm reading a collection of re-narrations of ancient greek myths. It has been helping me in getting away from this constant self absorbtion with my own feeble mind.
Replies: >>3798
I've been lurking various IBs since my mid teens, starting with 4chan of course. I don't think it has done me any good, quite the contrary it has aggravated and alienated me even further. Especially this kind of hive mind thinking that is very prevalent over on 4chan especially. Someday I just couldn't differentiate between online and real and started looking down on every "normalfag" ever since.
Guess I'm too retarded to fit into most communities or whatever. Maybe I should just stop rambling.
Replies: >>3798
I have been browsing imageboards for nearly ten years now, and looking back, I think it was my natural place to be at the time. Naturally, things have changed since then. I'd say most things have gotten worse in terms of 4chan and websites in general. At least as far as I can recall, most people didn't really believe what they used to say. Of course, there was a generalised hatred towards tumblr people and the like which I still maintain, but things definitely got out of control since then. The internet is not real life and was never meant to be. Ever since it started to be treated as such, it has gotten worse. I don't think that Imageboards are the greatest form of entertainment and can be really harmful to the mind in the long run. They can be almost as addicting as any other social media.
>Someday I just couldn't differentiate between online and real and started looking down on every "normalfag" ever since.
If I am being honest, I rarely thought that people were on same level as me. I have fucked up things with good people a fair share times. Although I know it's not ideal, now I like to give people the benefit of the doubt even if they may not deserve it. 

I've been reading some classic books from the early/mid 1900s and 1800s. I prefer to read them in their original lang
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terrariums are a very interesting hobby. kind of goes against the board theme but i recommend watching the youtube channel Dr. Plants if you want to watch some mainstream-ish but still interesting videos on biome recreation.

the idea of dealing with nature on a small scale and thinking of how the properties of a terrarium could apply to the real world is very cool to think about. plus, they look nice. also, could probably apply to aquariums as well but the idea of owning one sounds like a lot to maintain.

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sommeeonneee blackmail mee & ruinn my lifee (joke , not really lmao)
Kill yourself faggot
Man, how do the d*scord ops get worse every year?
don't make me hard
mmmyyy discord is saturn00030 someone msg me lol

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im a guy but honestly wish some guy off here would mess my life up & turn me into a femboy lol , sum giant sissy
yes i know im a shitty person lol

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