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Any plans boys?
Replies: >>1178 >>1323
Probably I will get some books for myself.
Buying yourself books sounds pretty depressing. Like you could do that anytime of year.
Replies: >>1135
>implying christmas is special for doing x thing
Whatever you think, x thing can be done any time of the year.

Anyway, I bought camping equpment OP, so I can some day fuck off from my faggotry neet situation and fuck off from having to cope being lonely on these boards. Away from the discord, I'd just read more books I have downloaded and play more games. That's what my plans are for every colder holiday. I like to not sweat when camping. 

My health keeps me stationary though. If not I'd have been gone several years ago. By then I was seriously considering killing my parents. Perhaps I'll do that this year. The 'father' acts more of an ass when something 'emotional' is near. Some day he'll give me shit on the wrong day. I nearly choked him to death a year or two ago when he went searching in my room for cooking wine bottles, of which, I would not recommend.
Replies: >>1136 >>1147
>fuck being lonely on these boards
>goes off to be alone in the woods.
As often as I see anons say theyre going to fuck off in the woods, no one is ever actually in the woods. 

>killing parents
What about your inheritance?  Like my parents were really shit growing up but theyve mellowed out with age and since I'm the only one left what ever they have is mine.  Why would anyone throw that way?
Replies: >>1156
Spend time with my family.
Replies: >>1142
How can you be a robot if you have family you plan to spend time with?
Replies: >>1143 >>1152
Hating your family is in no way a prerequisite for being a robot.
Replies: >>1147 >>1156
Being lonely is a self induced state brought upon by an individuals inability to be content when alone. One can be alone yet not lonely. I kinda find it odd though. You say thet you're lonely then state that you're gonna fuck off to the woods, an even more scluded place than your home. Are you misunderstanding the meaning of loneliness or something?

Replies: >>1156
My family isn't too bad, I am pretty similar to all of both my immediate and extended family. That is to say we're all a bit autistic, I'm the most extreme example within the family.
>no one is in the woods
Yes, because there's  cellphone signal to prove they're in the woods, and they'd stop being schizos and reveal their location if they were in the woods proving that it's near x mountain or something. Otherwise it's your backyard. 

Obviously you can't woods post. That's retarded. A paradox. If they're in the woods, obviously they do not post. Ones that wish to be in the woods do, and once they do go they won't post proofs as they are NOW IN THE WOODS. 

About money, my parents live in an apt and don't even have a car. This time last year they were refusing to go to the laundromat and were washing clothes literally by hand and drying it inside the house with fans due to being afraid of getting kicked out over cloth lines, they are against the rules here. My mother has no teeth for ages, they are next level bums. There's nothing to earn. They're also both uneducated and one was forced due to his shitty personality into early retirement (le insane and damaged body) and the other gets ssi (le female cried at a judge). I get nothing. Neither his retirement checks nor her ssi will get passed down to me. 

Right now I'm posting on Internet rented from a library. It's awful. They refuse to have internet since the 90s or so. 'Luckily' I was raised halfway in foster care, but blogging, not allowed. The point is I don't have any love for them. I get disturbed easily enough though, so I've refrained from killing them and taking whatever cash they have to fuck off into the woods. So far. 

I'd rather be lonely then pissed off at people all day. If I weren't pissed off and venting at all the faggots online that wrought a shitty society I'd have peace far from my parents disctracting me from reading and such. The lifestyle would take a hit to be in the woods, possibly would kill me even with such a third world tier standard of living, but the only reason I'm not lonely is because I'm annoyed by people. In that absence I do get lonely. I try to cure it, normalfaggots suck too much so that never panned out. 

If you see. 

If you like x person and they're a normalfaggot you probably have far too much in common with them. 

If you're not an antinatalist that hates your parents you are probably an extreme normalfag no matter how sexless and nerdy you think you are.

pissed off

I don't consider rage canceling out my feeling of being alone to be, you know, not alone, it really doesn't count. Trust me, I'm alone. Worse than alone.
Antinatalism is not a prerequesite for being a robot. It is a common robot belief due to the nature of robots, but not a requirement. You are projecting your own very specific self and beliefs onto what it means to be a robot. Stop doing that.
As for loneliness I already described why that is your own fault. Curing loneliness by trying to talk to normalniggers is like trying to cure a crack addiction withdrawal by smoking more crack.
Replies: >>1166
You're probably much more similar to your parents than you're wiling to admit.
Replies: >>1164 >>1166
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My condolences.  The next time I pray Ill include you in them. 

I'm not him but my parents are pretty shit, both of them come from their own abusive homes and have their own problems.  I'm much a mix of them and their behaviors,  but I'm aware of them and that makes all the difference.  Just because you're "literally" your parents doesn't mean you can't improve beyond them.
Replies: >>1166 >>1168
I think there's some difference between lonely innawoods and lonely as a neet. I feel like you'd be more free to zone out innawoods than at home. Ture yourself by walking, looking at nature, messing around, stuff like that. Being bored/lonely at home makes time feel a lot slower than whenever I mucked around outside.
Replies: >>1166
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>stop defining abnormalfaggotry
You people do it all the time with simplistic virginity and or autism yet you get mad when I apply an obvious tendency?

Don't tell me what I can't do. 

And of course it'd be like smoking crack. That's why I say it doesn't count. 

I'm far more introspective than they are and far more open minded than normalfaggots tend to be. The opposites attract saying is something that pissed me off to the core even by middle school upon hearing it. If I hate someone that's not hating myself. That's a christian invented shaming tactic. Female hole vs the male pole. Opposites. Man angry and masculine, female happy and... you get the point. It's an enraging normalfaggy meme, the opposites thing. "Oh I hate my wife!" *kisses her*

It's bullshit. Nothing more than a shaming tactic to attempt to stop complaining. A similar one is with work ethic, faux smiles and 'faking it until you make it'. It's to stop you whining so society can move forward without regard to your problems. So long as you are silent they don't have to care. 

I'm not retarded enough to fall for such obvious mind games. I'm a forever neet and extrememly agnostic, I'm not some christfaggot slave. 

Oh boy can I return this gift? I bet it's not worth much. 

Yes, I might die but the zoning out is what I want. I also find the idea of living in a spaceship to be a desirable life. It's the peace. I even have fantasies that are cyoa tier that include having the body of a doll. No food and such, I could just read and play games, so long as I have my mind and emotions, that's what is what wants to be pleased above all else, not my tongue, not sleep, nor anything else so carnal, not my nasty slowly rotting corpse, my mind and emotions. 

At home my mind is on complain mode, enrage mode, not wonder mode, not creativity mode. Revenge mode rather than euphoria. But, I would feel pangs of lonliness. I did before when I lived on my own and they were rather indeed painful. But I'd take that over the enraging complain mode of stupid ADD boredom that I have now. If I get mad it takes me literal weeks to calm down enough again to restart a fantasy book or similar. It's why I'd never get a job. My boss would make me mad on a daily basis probably, at least  a weekly basis I'd get mad at customers and or the boss, even the peer employees, so I'd be in a permanent 'wait for the anger to fade' mode that would go from bad months to bad years, then an entire bad life. To avoid this I need an /out/. My presents were given to me in amazon gift cards and I used them accordingly to buy pic related, now I need to get transport, more knowledge of survival in the woods, and more healthy so I can stop this ace inhibitor shit already. Or just risk renal failure in the woods and ignore the platar fasciitis, as I am very fat. I'm 260+. When I diet I get light headed and panicky, I need to become of a different body so that won't happen. Stop taking the pills as the light headed comes, then I'd just get thin enough to walk all day. As it is 2.5ish miles per day is enough to randomly induce a week long rest period where my foot is absolutely fucked. I fell off a bus once and it's been like  this ever sense. Also my knee might get worse, but my primary concern isn't of pain but fear of dialysis if the hypertension can cause that, they say it does, I'm now middle aged so it's a fear. 

What do my parents do? Spend literally half their money on food of course!

When I run out of ebt they go and buy me shit when I tell them not to. I get too mad to read, play games, 'father' keeps on about politics and thinks it's acceptable 'teasing' to tell me new laws and such, so I end up just watching shitty tv shows and overeating while shitposting and making half baked plans. 

tl;dr: yes walking around passes time, humans evolved to forage while walking long distances but I am not healthy enough to do it yet
Replies: >>1167 >>1171 >>1198
I agree that it is a tendency. I said as much. It is however, not a prerequisite.
Replies: >>1168
>implying that being of your parents makes you literally them
I didn't read that part as it wasn't @ me, but that's not how genes work, and even if it were, I personally was foster care'd a bit, so I'm really really not much like them at all, and plenty not in foster care due to genes often mattering waaay more than they aught are not like their relatives much at all. Personality traits and such can jump generations. You can even be a swapped baby by some stoned/drunk nurse decades ago. How often do people get tested to make sure they are related to their parents? I personally can tell that I am as I have my father's nose, but you should not put yourself down assuming that you are 'so them'. That's bullshit and not how nature vs nurture works with humans in such a complex society. Too many roles, too many incompatible art forms, there's too much of everything and genes are too complex with how they can cause completely different psychological problems. 

I'm not diagnosed with anything, they are munch hausen and schizo affective. The foster care? Ex-miliatary for the robot type. How fun. And all those bad eggs, I'm sure I fit in huh? 

Anyway, I'd have been normal potentially but I was surrounded and still are surrounded by absolute faggotry of the highest caliber. I would like to think I'm not alone. You're a robot? Outcast, yet you're like your parents that had jobs and fucked their SO's? How can you think you're like them? Reeks of low self esteem and the only thing that causes that in me is my low IQ. They have low IQs too, but I'm the type that reads and plays games and reads wikipedia articles. I'll always be dumb but oh boy do they do nothing but watch the news, him bible thumping and emulating his Pentecostal relatives. 


I'd love to read the diary of a supposed virgin robot lone wolf type that thinks having kids is a good idea. Somehow strikes me as wrong.
Replies: >>1171 >>1174
>can I return this gift
Only if youre sincere of heart and quit being such an edgelord. :D

Are you the same guy? Youre really unpleasant to read if you are.  Not like an attack but, just I suppose, something else to work on.  
Though you're a lot like what I described.  Youre aware of your faults and how they manifest in your parents and you actively try to fix them in yourself even though your plauged with their low iqs.

>your parents got jobs and fucked , how are you like them
>I'd have been normal potentially but I was surrounded and still are surrounded by absolute faggotry of the highest caliber.
There you go.
Replies: >>1177 >>1206 >>1207
I was going to spend Christmas in my room jerking off for my waifu but now I think I'm going to spend it doing shit with my family just to spite this nigger who I'm pretty sure is the same faggot that complained in the meta thread that the rules weren't allowing muh free speech. I am now filled with the Christmas spirit, Merry Christmas anons.
Replies: >>1175
You can advise against having children and not have children in your own life without believing that the act of having children itself is evil.
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Merry Christmas to you too, don't go smelling like cum.
I just got done with my yearly watch of the LOTR. Unfortunately it isn't snowy yet where I live so it wasn't as comfy as it should have been. Probably won't start snowing until next year.
That subject is in poor taste. I don't think a robot should have a kid at all. Not because its evil but because bedding and marrying a whore is retarded and will generally ruin your life
Replies: >>1179 >>1206
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>>1132 (OP) 
I always felt like this time of year was a time where normalfags are obliged to act nice, and that in itself disgusted me, but now I don't care. I had the whole year to be miserable, but I think I should start taking it easy. I never felt this peaceful before.
Merry Christmas, robots.
Replies: >>1183
Don't let society/women ruin your chance at reproduction.  

Replies: >>1186 >>1206
Gonna give money to my niece and nephew, and pray to god my brother (not their dad, another brother) doesn't start some tranny tier drama.
I think normalfags are going to be considerably less "nice" this Christmas, at least in burger hell, they all seem angry and on edge whenever Im forced to into a store.
I thought I had heard something about psychological effects on kids with single parents, but searching doesn't bring up anything familiar. It might also just have to do with single mothers and the poverty that can come with that.
I'm probably going to download more Youtube videos and play video games. The usual.
That controller looks interesting. I was thinking of picking up a snes/dpad based controller for emulation, do you have any information on it?
Replies: >>1206
It's an n30 pro from 8bitdo. it's cord is type c, not micro nor mini, either that or it's proprietary, either way that's it's downside. Anyway, I got it because it has four shoulder buttons, two analog sticks, basically all the buttons you'd want to emulate any retro games you want. it's not that fun to hold as it has no handles but is flat, comes with a case big enough for it's cord, sd cards, a secondary android, but it's clip won't fit, you can buy those for it for your phone, and, again, not comfy, but doable if you have a finger holding the phone up or have a very tiny phone perhaps. 

Oh, other than it's looks and being so flat and all, it's special feature is working through the cord AND bluetooth. it has more than one mode. Actually, it has a switch mode, a windows mode, an android mode, you turn them on by holding start and one of the four red buttons it has, those main ones on it's 'face'/front. So it works with whatever you need it to. I have used it on my laptop, win7, and androids. My laptop has no bluetooth. Actually connecting a bluetooth adapter/dongle is the only thing that I've seen blue screen a windows computer in the last decade XD but anyway, the controller is for both wired and wireless and is very flat and even has a clip you can get for it.  Neat huh? The clip is shit by the by. You have to really force it apart and I feel like I'm going to break it every time i put it away. 


I said it's retarded faggots. You'd be raising some normalfaggots family line and you very well should hate your own family line. It's not your clone. Or do you hate yourself? Do you hate people and just want to boss someone around? What's the motive? Continuing society? I bet you have a job too, agent of the system much?

It is in very poor taste. 

Edgelord is a normalfag shaming tactic meant to quell free thought.
Replies: >>1208 >>1209 >>1276
Yes I was the same guy. 

>there you go
There what goes? 

By the by, being aware of faults doesn't negate them. That shit's silly.
Replies: >>1209
>you very well should hate your own family line
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Entertain us with your stupidity a bit more faggot.
look like someone trying to force an copy paste of ennuch.
Hug mom
Maybe play videogames if i dont feel lethargic
Cool thanks, hopefully theres some xmas sales still going on. Its probably a usb-c connection, i think i might have a wire for that somewhere
Hopefully I have a good enough mood to at least play video games and not sit on my chair or lay in bed all day.
Sudden urge to massacre my family.
Replies: >>1332
>>1132 (OP) 
I will treat myself with some sweets maybe.
Merry Christmas anons, hope you all have a good night.
Replies: >>1328 >>1330 >>1442
Thanks, robot. Same to you.
Thanks anon.
Welcome to the club
Belated but wishing you all the best.
Happy new year robots, extremely belated but I still wanted to wish you the best for this year. May you all achieve comfy NEETdom/financial independence  this year.
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