/r9k/ - robot9000


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Floating edition. Apparently spoilers are being changed to asterisks on the 18th.
Replies: >>245 >>281
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stealing the first post
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Things are not looking too good.
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>Autumn chill settling in for the evening
>Thunder in the distance
>Rain clouds drifting closer, carried in on a breeze that cautiously rustles the leaves on the trees
>Getting comfy in my attic room
>Starts raining and I can hear the droplets steadily pattering onto the roof and the gentle rattling of the gutter as the water drips out
Hope robots are also comfy this evening.
Is everyone doing good?
Replies: >>144 >>145 >>156
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Could be better.
Replies: >>149
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as Good as one can do in this Shithole of an Earthly Life, i don't think i even need to talk about it because we all know the Song and Dance of why this Plane is a shitfest

At the very least i Do have Taihou by my side, that makes the whole ordeal Worth it, aside from that, i spend my days NEETing while i can hoping for the sweet release of death, but i think this is the "By Default" action of a Bogatyr in this day and age

im completely disconnected from the Outside world, barely listen to the news and only use the Internets to prowl around here, and hunt for Taihou Pics, but i did hear that Corona-chan is back in full Force, they are still with the Masks meme around here, and something Tells me 2021 is going to be even Crazier as Kali Yuga draws closer to an End, so at least there is Hope in the Horizon
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could be worse :)
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I still want to kill myself, but i'm fine and ready for another 10 years.
Replies: >>159
I'm so fucking sick of dishonest niggers. I can handle some posts being made by faggots trying to troll one another, but it's like pretty much every imageboard I go to is nothing but disingenuous asshats either taking things way out of context or deliberately leaving out details that will change the entire point of an argument they're making. Why even attempt having conversations if all you're going to be met with is some dickhead trying to make you mad at any cost? Why are there so many people trying to piss each other off everywhere? I know those types have always been around but you can't argue that they're not overwhelmingly pervasive nowadays.
Replies: >>163 >>165
If someone starts arguing in bad faith just disengage from the conversation and stop responding. If someone has to resort to acting in bad faith they're either too retarded to continue having the conversation or they're conceding that they've lost the exchange and have decided to try and save face. Either way it's a waste of time to continue entertaining the conversation, unless you're just bored and want to banter. Getting worked up over these things isn't worth the brain cells. I'd say all things considered, being on anonymous imageboards where it's basically impossible to ban anyone, the quality of debate and discussion is pretty impressive. Even the most hugbox circlejerk sites on the planet struggle to maintain what webring imageboards achieve.
Replies: >>167
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It's intentional, and it's done for the purpose of confusing the reader. I imagine it's done solely to demoralize whoever you're having an argument with, since if it's intentional I don't see how you can manage to convince anyone if others know you're wrong, but eventually someone's going to quit and the retard who believes he's right about everything is going to keep posting forever.
Replies: >>166 >>167
>and it's done for the purpose of confusing the reader. I imagine it's done solely
I'm retarded.
Replies: >>168
Hopefully this doesn't doublepost

You're right, I'm just getting aggravated about how lately they're cropping up even in places where they had zero presence before, and half the time they attempt to turn the conversation towards a lopsided political shitfest that nobody was even hinting at wanting.
Fuck I just need to take another break I guess, I'm slowly trying to transition to doing more stuff IRL instead of wasting my time arguing with retards but they ocassionally manage to suck me back in and it'll ruin the next several days for me.
Replies: >>171
Try deleting your post tard.
Replies: >>169
I know what you mean, I see it happening even on small and slow IBs now. It really discourages me from posting anywhere.
[Hide] (952.1KB, 2025x3000)
I ended up watching another pozzed movie with my old man. To be fair, it surpassed my expectations on all levels and was actually an outstanding piece of liberal/left-leaning propaganda. Really remarkable. It even urged viewers to vote at the end of the movie because remember, goyim, voting is of the utmost importance!
Replies: >>194 >>199 >>203
I exist
Cant really say if I want to though
How do I regain interest in video games? It seems like all I do for entertainment is hoard media & watch movies/jewtube videos.
Fuck, I had the first movie in my backlog because I thought it looked good. Guess I'll go back to scrounging around for animu.
Replies: >>195 >>199 >>200
What games have you enjoyed in the past?
I think that it's a shame they moved away from the style of the first one to have it be more focused on plot/narrative. The actors in this one weren't nearly as funny as the first and they didn't have as many scenes with Borat interacting with real people because he's so recognizable. It's a shame that their solution was to just dress him up in different costumes. I understand that they wanted to have more control so they could focus on getting Democrats excited but I think that the comedy suffered for it. There is something refreshing in that it isn't trying to get people to change their minds, I think that Sacha Baron Cohen understands that Republicans aren't going to stop being Republicans and more importantly Trump supporters aren't going to stop being Trump supporters. The thing that's more important is to get their own side excited to vote, since the republican strategy is to convince them not to. Republicans are always reliable voters, it's Democrats that tend to be the ones that need encouragement from some retard like Mark Ruffalo otherwise they won't do it even though they're a larger part of the country and could probably win every election if they all voted every time.
Also the Rudy Giuliani part was pretty great, it was surprisingly easy for them to get him to start whipping his dick out. There was no way that motherfucker was tucking his shirt in.
The first one is much better, I'd recommend it.
Replies: >>200 >>206
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To be fair, from what I remember of the first one it wasn't as blatantly in your face as the second one was so don't let me stop you; then again, I did watch that movie years ago before I had encountered much of the knowledge I have today which probably had an effect on my perception of the 2nd one. A lot of the 2nd movie's content really rubbed me the wrong way because of what I know now.
I'd agree with you that the comedy did suffer quite a bit because of the public perception limitations. It added an extra, uneccesary layer that damped the comedy: it wasn't Borat the character being funny but was instead Borat playing other characters trying to be funny and that really killed it.

Honestly that wasn't what bothered me the most though. Shelving the fact that it was made by one Mr (((Cohen))), it's one of those satires that are meant to appeal to both the very people it mocks (casual bigots, anti-semites, racists, etc.) and the supposed enemies of said target group (i.e. left-leaning types). As a comparison, it reminded me of those old sitcoms of yesteryear or even the recent advent of mainstream animated shows like the Simpsons or Family Guy in the past couple decades as they all regularly poke(d) fun at masculinity. Everyone gets a laugh seeing old grumpy Archie Bunker acting like a stubborn, ignorant, outdated, patriarch; watching crude wageslave Al Bundie get outwitted by his clever (and beautiful!) wife Peggy; or gawking at stupid Homer for just being a fat and dumb pig, but at the same time these shows also implicitly point to an accepted norm of the society they are mirroring. In the case of the old shows, it would be the 2nd rate status of the (supposedly) strong, Father figure who is little better than a dupe in reality. Coming back to Borat 2 then, it protrays any American Right of hard leftism in the same manner. A lot of the shots/scenes in the film work towards this end: some random conservative throwing up a Roman salute at the rally, obese conservative gun nut types, and (((Q-anon))) boomers among others. The whole thing just tries to cast the whole of the Right in any sense as a bunch of zealous, fat, bigoted idiots. That isn't quite the crux of the issue though; among other things the Q-tards and, as you pointed out, the Giuliani scene were rather funny. I don't have any illusions about who Zion Don supports and works with or how the nominally virtuous Republican public personalities really are filthy degenerates like the rest, but the movie doesn't treat the subjects in that manner at all. 

It pretends there are two neatly defined sides of good and bad in the contemporary US political landscape. By virtue of its presentation of the Right it presumes that hurr durr it is Big Bad Bigots on one side against the implicitly virtuous Revolutionary et al. types on the Left. Scenes like the aforementioned ones paint a particular picture of the Right which I'll partially grant, especially in regards to the degeneracy of elites like fat boy Giuliani, whereas some of it is a blatant misrepresentation meant to rile up the lefties to, again as you stated, vote. Then at the same time we have subtle bits like the shipping of young boys from Khazakstan to Hollywood at the end of the film to again mock muh silly Righties because anybody who thinks of (((Pedowood))) must be looney! Again, it all reinforces that same dichotomy--that same lie. It was like that photoshopped Ben Garrison cartoon with the Happy Merchant kicking the citizens with either Republican or Democrat boots; it was simply Liberal (in the Classical sense) propaganda for muh Democracy as it ordered all the patriots and all the revolutionaries--all the good goyim--to go and wrestle with one another in the mud and shit. It just left me feeling extremely angry and wishing I could somehow light a fire under the temple of Liberalism and blow up the whole system. But hey, I'm not advocating for violence or anything on this board of peace!
Replies: >>202 >>206
I would argue that the film makes no real distinction between its view of good/evil, it only says what it thinks is evil. The only thing that's presented as good is voting and to an extent feminism. Even the antisemitism doesn't get addressed by the end, it's made into a joke how Borat is happy to find out that the Holocaust actually happened, even though he does interact with a kike more pleasantly than in the first one. The feminism it depicts is also a sort of nebulous thing, it doesn't make a distinction between lifting women out of a second-class and the "more female drone pilots!" sort of feminism.
That makes me think that while it sort of has an idea of the bad guys, the viewer is meant to implicitly understand that they are the good guy if they don't fall into those categories (the qboomers and such) and that they should vote to get rid of the bad guys. I'm pretty sure that Cohen is a leftist, and while the Democratic party is closer to leftism than the Republicans, they're nowhere near the ideal leftist party. Bernie got close but even he's just a democratic socialist, his only real leftist position is socialized medicine. There's no way the Democrats are going to decommodify the economy anytime soon. I think that his position is more like "these guys are bad, it's a good thing we aren't them" rather than showing an example of good, because if he made a clear line between what he thinks is good and evil he'd either be leaving out a significant portion of centrists or liberal democrats, or he'd make the leftists think he isn't extreme enough. All of there are people that regardless of his disagreements or agreements with them he wants them to (and knows he can get them to) vote for Biden because he considers the alternative to be worse. Drawing a hard line between good and evil was what gave the left its bad online reputation. It's supposed to be the right that's "dogmatic", religious fundamentalists are the ones on the right, stupid hicks are the ones on the right, and yet at some point the left became just as moralistic as them. At some point "facts don't care about your feelings" was able to become a right wing thing because they wouldn't stop acting like they were saints for being better than the moderates. After all, if you say that you're better than a screaming neo-nazi you're just normal, but if you're better than a liberal you must be super duper extra cool.
Replies: >>206 >>212
The cover is already repulsive enough to make me never want to even glance at it.
Replies: >>206 >>212
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>talking about traditional politics on /r9k/
Replies: >>206 >>212
I haven't really bothered to keep up with politics for quite some time, so perhaps I'm missing something here, but why is the media placing so much importance on voting? I'm aware that the election is coming up, so some ads would inevitably bring it up, but what's with nearly every media outlet, including tv shows and movies, so obsessed with this right now? Seems to me like it doesn't matter all that much under the current circumstances:
>Biden wins: kikes get a geriatric puppet that can scarcely form a coherent sentence without assistance
>Trump wins: kikes are stuck with the less-willing shabbos goy who still ultimately supports Israel

It seems like such an ultimately irrelevant thing to obsess over, yet they can't seem to shut up about it. They even go so far as to push ideas like "voter suppression" to try to get niggers in polling booths, as if it even matters in the end. I look at what appears to be all of this wasted time, energy, and money, and wonder what the end-goal even is at this point. Maybe the kikes really are becoming complacent and foolish. Maybe the esoteric-anon is onto something with the whole "kali-yuga coming to a close." Then again, I've learned not to hold such hopes without concrete evidence.

Agreed. I've decidedly become something of a 'film-snob' lately and no longer wish to gamble my free time on films that look questionable. If there isn't a solid chance that I will enjoy it, I simply don't bother with it.

Give it some time, we'll switch to a new topic before long, as we often do. Worst case scenario is the discussion goes on until just after the election, which is just around the corner.
I don't stick my nose into politics but I think they could get more control out of biden via having him one day become inable to perfrm his duties and then shunting in a better slave. Either that or they just want to ensure that dems start to win every election, as you guys previously said, "the only thing stopping dems from winning all the time is that their supporters dont come out to vote for them".
As for the movie I dont care for it myself but this "we're the good guys and we gotta vote out the bad guys" idea is interesting. If left vague enough it would allow other sections of the media to jump in and give one an opinion. Movie tells you "fight against the bad people" but doesnt  explicitly say who as to avoid controversy/crital reviews. Then the news channels play selective articles that tell you who the bad guys are. 
I cant provide any examples but i feel like media on general has been trying to push this "lazy activism" idea onto people. That all you need to do to make the world a better place is cry alot and the powers that be will bend their knees to you, when in reality the powers at be just need an excuse to push their agenda, and a bunch of urbanists crying for change is a good one.
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>I'm pretty sure that Cohen is a leftist
He is. A quote from kikepedia: 
>Regarding his portrayal as the anti-Semitic Borat, Baron Cohen says the segments are a "dramatic demonstration of how racism feeds on dumb conformity, as much as rabid bigotry", rather than a display of racism by Baron Cohen himself.[75] "Borat essentially works as a tool. By himself being anti-Semitic, he lets people lower their guard and expose their own prejudice", Baron Cohen explains.
Anyhow, I see where you're coming from in that Cohen leaves it a bit vague, but we'll have to disagree here. I'd say it's still specific enough to be functionally performing the same task of drawing lines even if he doesn't lay out both sides explicitly. Especially when we consider how the normalfag is going to be looking for an easy binary arrangement in their worldview, it is welcoming them to adopt such a mindset with ease. By throwing up conspiracy nuts on the right, science skeptics, and casual bigots of all stripes, you are encouraged to either 1)repudiate the version if you are some freedumb conservative or 2)accept this worldview if you are a neo-communist drone. Personally, I don't really see a difference because it lays out either a broader or narrower version of good and evil/bad anyhow with the only difference being that one is appealing to a larger (or smaller) subset of viewers. It still encourages you to pick a side and go rut about in the muck.  
Following more lampooning of Covid skeptics and the like there is actually a scene at the end where he is wearing that outfit.
>talking about traditional politics on /r9k/
>talking about normalfag politics on /r9k/
Is that better? I don't think any of us discussing the propaganda particularly bought into the system being peddled by it; we're just chewing over some normalfag antics as usual.
>Why vote?
No, you are correct; they have been doubling down on the vote (Democrat) message, but I haven't been able to really come up with a satisfactory answer. The best I've got is that it is just another battleground into which the struggles of the elites have extended. Sure they all win whoever gets elected, but with one candidate some elites win more and some elites win less and vice versa. And why wouldn't they squabble over that? Why not try to rile up and mobilize the golems? The ruling class is only human after all. This election and pretty much any other one is just a cockfight between two rich cocksuckers, one of whom might care a little bit more about you and the rest of the plebs while the other cares a bit less. Of course, there is always some little scrap to be gained so get out there and agitate!

It's all just so exasperating--so tiresome. Whether you prefer to call them the 1%, the elites, the bankers, the corporations, or the kikes, the everyman is losing, yet all these chucklefucks--high and low--go out happily to bash one another's teeth in and hurl accusations around and around with movies like this only encouraging them to do so. And left, right, or center, most of them will buy into it.
Replies: >>213 >>233
>Sure they all win whoever gets elected, but with one candidate some elites win more and some elites win less and vice versa. And why wouldn't they squabble over that?
Makes me think about how extremely rich shareholders will micro manage companies and such to squeeze every penny out of a company at the expense of quality. Move the production to China, reduce meat portions, use trash fillers, sell the company to let some other guy have his sloppy seconds, e.t.c. they're filthy rich as it is, their wealth is more than enough to cover any material expense (imagine what a commoner could do with a few million, or a billion. Hed be set for life and so would his future generations. There is nothing he could think of that could significantly burn through a billion dollars). The only place where they can throw around all that money and have it be impactful to their finances is probably the stock market, and thats what they do. Its like an mmo. You wouldn't challenge lower level dungeons if you have endgame gear, there's nothing worth gaining there. And sure you don't NEED the loot from endgame dungeons, but thats all that there is left to gain for you.
Replies: >>214
I think that squabbling over voters is similar to that, unnecessary, but what else is there to do? The longer it takes to push their agenda the less souls they can consume
Replies: >>231
[Hide] (2MB, 600x360, 00:32)
>car ride with parents
>tune into (((NPR)))
>talking head whines about how whites have to be self-loathing to not be racist
>transitions flawlessly into another segment about classical music
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, why hasn't the tribe gone after classical music yet?
Keeping the cattle's rage pent up is useful. Don't forget the desire for power never stops.
They want to promote voting for 'muh resistance', so probably for ego-stroking.
>vid unrelated
Replies: >>236
>Anons saying that the dems encourage voting "just because" or something
America still has a semblance of liberal democracy, as much as it's been fucked with by gerrymandering and voter suppression. Especially on the dem side of things, Republicans love to do shit that'll make it harder for them to vote. Shit like getting rid of voting places in dem areas, just look at what happened in California, a state that'll be blue no matter what, where the Republicans set up fake ballot boxes in Democrat areas and admitted it. It's insane how even when they know they'll lose in an area they can't help but try and screw with things anyways. Not to say that Democrats don't do seedy shit like that, but that's what comes to mind and it seems to effect Republican voters less.
The two parties are both cucked, both love kikes, both are funded by billionaires, but the Republican voters are consistent. Since 2004 the Republican popular vote has hovered around 60,000,000 and from what I've seen I don't think that trend is going to change significantly this year, although I figure there will be a decent portion of people who voted for Trump that won't this time since he doesn't appeal to moderates and he handled covid so poorly. Anyways, all that is to say that the only way Democrats can get people to vote these days is to put a huge significance to the action and when you're in a democracy I don't think that's entirely undeserved even though it's disingenuous the way that they push it. They wouldn't put so much significance on the action if it wasn't something they needed. Hell, it's likely that this election will come down to the black vote, whether or not they trust Biden not to do crime bill 2: electric boogaloo. It seems like older nigs ironically ones that lived through the crime bill like Biden more than the younger ones, so it'll be important to the dems to convince them to vote for him despite not liking him in the primary. This isn't a problem that the Republicans have because they don't feel the need to be virtuous or something, we have a president that has several rape accusations levied against him, who openly brags about going into beauty pageant dressing rooms, and yet it's the Republicans who talk about family values. Democrats feel like the president has to align with their personal values while Republicans feel like the president needs to say they won't raise taxes or take away their guns. It's no surprise that it's easier to get the latter to vote, they understand that voting is a strategic move rather than an emotional one.
>>Biden wins: kikes get a geriatric puppet that can scarcely form a coherent sentence without assistance
No, if Biden wins we'll have Kamala Harris as the spokesperson for the executive branch while she won't be able to do anything meaningful because she's not actually the president. To be fair as far as femgroid politicians go she's better than Hillary Clinton just because she doesn't have such a screechy awful voice. She comes off annoying sometimes especially in the VP debate when she kept going "can I talk now" condescendingly, but other than that I think she's more presentable to normalfags despite being half nigger and half poo.
>A quote from kikepedia: 
I think that quote doesn't prove he's a leftist, just that he's at least a liberal. Obviously it's pretty likely he's a leftist just on the basis of him being a celebrity who makes fun of conservatives but I didn't want to say because I haven't seen him identify with any particular ideology.
>one of whom might care a little bit more about you and the rest of the plebs while the other cares a bit less
Trump doesn't just care a bit less, he'd piss on your grave for fun, difference is he'd brag about it while Biden would do it because of his weak old bladder.
Replies: >>236
If you look into the early history of recorded music, you might be interested to know that Jews had a significant hand in marketing and selling early recordings, some of which was obviously classical music besides the growing demand for "lower culture" music like jazz and vaudeville music. Perhaps it was that classical, "high culture" music wasn't as profitable but I'm just broadly speculating. You wouldn't need to directly ruin classical music when you can just make something more popular but I'm simply speculating on intent here so take it as you will. If you are really interested check out the book Selling Sounds by David Suisman and its 1st chapter, "When Songs Became a Business." The chapter isn't too long of a read and it talks about "Tin Pan Alley" and the high number of Jews and other American outgroups in their various roles there in the beginnings of the popular music industry at the beginning of the 20th century. A quote from it for fun:
>"The number of Jews working in Tin Pan Alley was particularly striking, observable in even the names of the leading publishers....By 1910 most of these [non-Jewish] publishers had dissappeared, and the industry was now led by men such as Louis Bernstein, Leo Feist, Max Dreyfus, Edward Marks, Jerome Remick, Maurice Shapiro, Ted Snyder, Joseph Stern, and Isidore, Julius, and Jay Whitmark. Just as the majority of publishers were Jewish, so were many of the leading songwriters."
>I think that quote doesn't prove he's a leftist, just that he's at least a liberal.
So what's the difference between leftist and liberal in your mind then? Is leftist an openly self-avowed Communist? Because all these Hollywood types certainly pay plenty of lipservice to that mindset even if they aren't dumb enough to directly paint the red target on their own back. Or are we talking dry toast, boring, old school liberal? Because he certainly isn't like that; a cursory look at his wikipedia page goes against that. Hollywood kike is still acting like the usual Hollywood celebrity. It's the same old "Drumph is a big bad nasty bigot" attitude that is only too happy to step in line. Go watch Borat 2, browse through his tweets, or skim the rest of his wikipedia page if you don't believe me. It's not that hard to tell, robot. Whether he sincerely believes it or not he is certainly broadcasting a particular leftist viewpoint with his public behavior, a viewpoint which you can clearly ascertain after even a few minutes of cursory research. He is no mild liberal.
>one of whom might care a little bit more about you and the rest of the plebs while the other cares a bit less
I had the caveat because I was also starting to speak generally about elections at large and I don't think it's fair to say that every politician has been and always will be morally bankrupt and uncaring for their constituency. As for (((Trump))), considering that he hasn't ruthlessly fucked the American middle class as much any other career politician left, right, and center could and would have, I would be a bit skeptical as to the claim that he cares less than piss-pants Biden. But anyhow, you're right that I don't care either way because he saved me a few hundred bucks on taxes and I don't particularly give a damn as to whether he is as morally bankrupt as any other normalfag with some rape accusations or walking into a dressing room. Normalfags eating each other all the same and at least I can have some entertainment because this one pisses a bunch of them off.
Replies: >>238
>So what's the difference between leftist and liberal in your mind then?
Leftists want to decommodify the economy while the farthest liberals get is market socialism (the thing that European countries like Sweden have) and that's pretty rare, at least in America. Honestly I'm not extremely educated on the subject but as I understand it the liberal is much closer to center and consequentially much more effective politically while a leftist has goals that are more likely than not unachievable in America within their lifetime so they larp on twitter about their glorious violent revolution that is never going to happen. Liberals tend to range from capitalists to market socialists and leftists tend to range from libertarian socialists to authoritarian communists. Think of it like this: liberals stick to the basic principles of the enlightenment while leftists take them to their logical end. While liberals think of market socialism as the end goal, leftists tend to think of it as a transitional step towards decommodifying everything, not just healthcare and the like. It doesn't matter how much they hate racism or sexism, that's progressiveness which isn't technically related to liberal/leftist even though they tend to go hand in hand. Sort of like Atheism+ remember that shit?. Atheists tend to be progressive but there's nothing inherent to atheism that says one must be progressive there's nothing inherent to atheism at all but that's besides the point. That stuff you said about Cohen could very well just prove he's an extremely progressive liberal, and I already knew he was progressive. But like I said earlier, I'm pretty sure he's a leftist, I just can't back up that claim specifically. He doesn't tend to talk about the economy or anything like that, just about how stupid conservatives are.
> I was also starting to speak generally about elections at large
My bad, I thought you were speaking specifically about Trump. Personally I think he despises anyone who doesn't wear his gay hat but I can't prove that conclusively. It's just that he never even tries to appeal to moderates and actively vilifies anyone left of center. And that he brags about the cops killing people because they didn't feel like going through due process.
>I don't particularly give a damn as to whether he is as morally bankrupt as any other normalfag with some rape accusations or walking into a dressing room.
My point was that Republican voters claim to care but don't. Obviously we wouldn't care about that. There's countless examples of Republicans who go against the morals that they claim to uphold, the only thing they're honest about is their economic plans and Republicans just go "less taxes = good" and leave it at that, the "family values" and "Judeo-Christian values" and shit are only there so Republicans can accuse the Democrats of not having any.
Replies: >>239 >>241
>And that he brags about the cops killing people because they didn't feel like going through due process.
Not trying to defend the Donald Trump, since I could honestly give less of a fuck about real-world politics (save being able to keep arms and other basic rights), but what about shooting some nigger trying to attack you is wrong, especially if you are police? Outside of such situations I haven't seen Donald Trump explicitly defend the police officer, so I find your objection confusing.
Replies: >>240
He bragged about the US marshals killing Micheal Reinoehl without a trial because they "didn't want to arrest him". There was a serious self-defense case to be made but because of his politics he was shot in the street, witnesses have said they didn't make an attempt to arrest him. Trump constantly sucks the dick of larping faggots who think they're the Punisher. These guys aren't meant to carry out executions, they're meant to take people in for questioning and trials (one of our basic rights), and to hand out fucking speeding tickets, yet they're constantly given military-tier shit that they don't need.
I know the title seems sensational, the news is the enemy of the people, lugenpresse, blah blah blah I know all that.
Reinoehl didn't fire his gun, and there's no conclusive evidence to say that he reached for his gun. There's also witnesses saying that there was any warning or any attempt to arrest him. This was in broad daylight in the middle of a suburb, they almost shot multiple innocent people. They could have easily taken him alive. Regardless of whether they came with the intention of killing him like Trump said, Trump thinks it was a good thing that they killed him without intention of bringing him to trial. All this because he killed a MAGA fag, possibly in self-defense, possibly for the fuck of it. We'll never know because he's dead, there won't be a trial. All this because the local police didn't arrest le ebil anteefa quick enough for Trump's liking, he needed retribution for the death of his precious supporter regardless of right or wrong, and regardless of what the law says. What happened to "law and order"?
Also, soon enough white people are going to be shot unprovoked at the same rate as niggers. We can't allow the police to have a lower standard of conduct with one group and then act like they won't eventually act the same around white people too. This isn't a white vs black issue, the elite kikes have made it into one to keep your eyes off the ball. The media is the way that kikes control you indirectly, cops are the way that the kikes control you directly, whether you're effected by it or not. You can get away from the media, but you can't get away from the cops without going innawoods.
Replies: >>242
I understand now: we agree on the usage of the term "liberal" but we are using "leftist" differently for whatever reason. I was using "leftist" as a catch all to generally denote anyone on the Left generally further left than your standard "liberal" whether those people are farther left economically or socially (i.e. your "progressiveness"); I don't strictly use it to describe someone who wishes to decommodify the economy, although said person could be covered in my usage. If I wanted to talk about decommodification I'd probably just be specific and call that person a Communist or perhaps one of its various flavors--though I'm not 100% sure on the exact differences between those.
>It's just that he never even tries to appeal to moderates and actively vilifies anyone left of center.
Fair. He is just a swaggering rich braggart so it doesn't really seem to be his style to "appeal" anyhow. The most consistent you get with him is something informal like his off the cuff appeal to the hoodrats along the lines of "Why not take a chance? What have you got to lose?" but I don't remember that quote exactly.
>My point was that Republican voters claim to care but don't.
Thinking about it, Trump himself is actually a nice embodiment of how the general, moderate right is often hypocritical. Specifically, I am reminded of the older ones who were participants in the hedonism of the 60s and 70s and actually are morally lax on a lot of issues. That's a fact which has always bothered me about my parents or older relatives or coworkers who grumble on about how crucial morality is in the modern era when most of them were degenerates in their day and on occasion still proudly allude to it, and then for whatever reason they expect to still have some leg to stand on. It's not a surprise then that they would only eagerly support the brash, morally dubious figure in Trump.
Replies: >>243
Because you're a robot I'll take your word for it. I'd still rather he be president though if only for the fact that I like having guns and I find the Democrats to be slightly/much more kiked at the moment.  In all honesty, this whole thing is kiked and I would like it to just end so I can go about my daily life again without political ad bombardment (not that I don't already minimize that as much as possible).
Replies: >>243
>I don't strictly use it to describe someone who wishes to decommodify the economy
Like I said I'm not educated on the subject but it seems like that's the most objective line one can draw between liberals and leftists.
I absolutely agree with what you said about how the moderate right is full of hypocrites. To be fair I think that it might be something inherent to right-leaning ideals that very few can actually live up to them, and more importantly very few would even want to. At least, with a population as big as America's, there's no way the majority is going to not want to be hedonistic. I doubt that even in Nazi Germany the majority actually lived up to Nazi ideals, though I'm no history buff. Trump isn't the only embodiment of that, even though I think he's one of the best, it seems like most Republicans are like that. Honestly I think that even though a lot of the things they advocate for are kiked, at least the Democrats aren't hypocrites in that sense. Not that I like them any more than I like Republicans, I don't base my political positions on the hypocrisy or lack thereof of its political proponents.
>Because you're a robot I'll take your word for it
It's not like I can force you to research this shit, but I don't like that. Maybe I only say that because I find looking at this stuff interesting but whatever. The only issue I really get mad about is the police and I hate how the people that ostensibly align with me morally are the ones who get on their knees to suck thin blue cock. It's pretty infuriating that police reform is only coming in the form of racial justice but realistically that was the only way it could have happened here. Especially considering that we got a lot of shitty policies because of police wanting the ability to kick the shit out of niggers. Jesus, this country could have been so much better if we didn't start out by allowing rich faggots to bring in a bunch of black people as slave labor and expect there'd be no repercussions. Racial equality became inevitable from the moment we brought niggers in.
>I would like it to just end so I can go about my daily life again
I don't know, I always find elections to be a huge rush, I enjoy looking at this shit and seeing how these puppets convince normalfags to suport them. This stuff is fascinating to me.
Replies: >>244 >>245 >>250
I understand your perspective and at one point I felt somewhat similarly about it being "exciting" in a way. It's just that for me it got to the point where I became jaded regarding the stupid superficiality of normalfags. I'd rather not have to hear about it any longer than absolutely neccesary.
>>25 (OP) 
>The only issue I really get mad about is the police and I hate how the people that ostensibly align with me morally are the ones who get on their knees to suck thin blue cock
Holy fuck this has been getting under my skin a lot too, it's bizarre how some people can go on and on about being libertarian and supposedly being against police states then turn right around and applaud the police being given more power because niggers burned a city down. The worst part is that extra power is going to be directed more and more at whites because niggers are basically untouchable at this point. If they got their lolberg wish of extremely limited government intervention in peoples' lives then they could just shoot the niggers for burning and looting and nobody would do a fucking thing about it, but I guess the almighty racism accusations are too much for them to bear or something.
Replies: >>246 >>248
Not that I'm libertarian or saying you are by the way, they just align with me way more than demoniggers and recucklicans so I used them as an example.
It still is somewhat surreal to see traditional politics brought up on /r9k/. It's relatively interesting though.
Replies: >>248
The current libertarians are only called that because they wanted to take the term away from libertarian socialists, libertarian policies simply don't work when corporations are led by one faggot instead of being worker cooperatives. At that point the restrictions they're so concerned about coming from the government start coming from the corporations. Also libertarians tend to be massive retards who are just mad that they have to wait at the DMV. Actually I think a lot of people base their political positions on small frustrations, like boomers going "you'll be conservative once you start doing taxes". Wow, what a surprise that to live in the country with the biggest dick I have to pay taxes to help pay for shit, who knew? Guess I'm voting for Trumpenstein now, God bless America.
>applaud the police being given more because niggers burned a city down
It's worse than that, they've only burned a few blocks down and they use that as an excuse to have their dicks sucked on live television. Republicans seem to think the entirety of Portland is burnt to the ground when the worst it gets is cops creating giant fogs of tear gas in response to a group of college retards and their moms holding up signs and shouting. The police have caused more costs in settlements than BLM could ever hope to cause in property damage. More deaths too. Fucking hell, BLM deaths this year can't have been more than 50, police kill many times that amount yearly and I guarantee most of those are white or as white as it gets in this melting pot hellhole. I despise when these fucking retards virtue signal about "boo hoo antifa has caused a billion in property damage and killed ten guys, thank God for law enforcement" not realizing that not only is law enforcement ten times worse, but a lot of this shit is instigated by them. I don't like BLM or antifa but it's retarded to act like they're a bigger problem than the police in this country.
I feel like maybe we should have made a /pol9k/ thread or something, maybe since the election is going to be over soon it's too late for it.
Replies: >>249 >>254
>but a lot of this shit is instigated by them
That's what fucking pisses me off the most I think, a lot of cops run around with hard ons for doing petty shit to ruin people's days, why the fuck wouldn't those types take full advantage of nigger and commie tantrums to justify completely crushing the collective windpipe instead of simply just standing on the neck like they already do?
Actually that's not entirely true, what pisses me off just as much is this pretense of an olive branch being extended to the niggers that is the destruction of historical monuments, including Confederate ones. I'm not a hardcore "the south will rise again" type, but going after and erasing the historical aspects of any society will never fail to send me into a sperg rage, they spit directly in the face of everyone around them and then act like it's all good because they let the niggers tear down some statues because the retarded brown goblins will feel like they stuck it to someone who is oppressing them when there's pretty much no one in power that has any kind of anti-nog sentiments. All they're doing is spitting in the face of other peasants and jerking themselves off over it while those nice boys in blue smack them over the head a bit and pretend they're ultimately still keeping the apes in check.
Replies: >>261
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>this country could have been so much better if we didn't start out by allowing rich faggots to bring in a bunch of black people as slave labor and expect there'd be no repercussions

i don't mean any offence to Burger Bogatyrs since most of what ill say does not apply to them wich seem to be the majority around here, at least i haven't noticed any Euro anon around here since Motokoposter besides im not interested in Politics at all, the last Legitimate "State" that ever Existed was the Holy Roman Empire, and perhaps the Nestorian Kingdom of Prester John, everything after that is a fucking Incomplete Joke

but the U.S.A was D.O.A, first of all it was founded by a bunch of Bragass plebs "revolutionaires" that embraced the ideals of the French Revolution Aka:The Great Baguette Chimpout of 1789, to make things worse its not just Plebs, but Anglo Plebs from Anglo Colonies, and just to put the cherry on top the only Spirituality the USA has ever known is Puritain protestantism, the worst type of Kiked moralistic bullshit, and it just get worse from there, then again it is only Fitting that a Mongrelized "country" with no Roots would be the "Leader" of a Mongrelized age i know the kikes are in control, but the USA is the Golem im glad i don't hate to live in that Shithole, and things seem like they are gonna collapse sooner and harder over there than over here in Europe, i just hope you lads take care and do Good
Replies: >>251 >>261
The burger revolution happened a decade before the baguette sperging.
Replies: >>252
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i know, my point is that they Embraced the same ideals of "equality" and "freedom" (as if they knew what Freedom is) thinking in retrospective i guess america has the Saving grace that they didn't butcher Noble families nor killed their own fucking King like the Peasant Psychopaths of France, then again there was no nobility in the 13 Colonies as far as i know,

i could spend the entire night shitting on the French revolution and explaining how all "enlightened" cocksuckers from voltaire to robespierre deserve to burn in the worst fucking hell that there is available and how the Mass of Plebs that we now know as "Normalniggers" deserve to be Obliterated from Existance itself and that it all comes down to these psycopaths being Butthurt that Nobility has Wealth and Power, despite the fact that what really made the Nobility Great was Divine Immanence, but that is something that the imbecile mongrelized peasantry could not understand, nor will ever, but none of this is relevant to the task at hand, my point was that the USA has been fucked since the very very beggining
Replies: >>257 >>258 >>261
Actually you'd be correct in that statement about cops killing more whites. I saw an alt hype video on bitchute about it
Replies: >>259
Not to defend normalpeasants but the nobility probably should have stopped allowing themselves to fall for jewish usury.
Replies: >>265
I disagree. I think that the USA was founded on good principles it's just that these principles had no way to prevent themselves from being horribly perverted as they are now. 
The equality of the united states at founding meant equality under the law not equality as the radical progressives interpret it now. 
>French Revolution
The French Revolution was a LARP of the American Revolution made by people who used it as an excuse to commit revolutionary barbary in a fit of anger, without any of the deep thought that went into the principles of the American Revolution. You can see this pretty clearly in the extreme distaste for the mob within the founding idealogy of America. Compare that to the French Revolution which embraced the mob and used it as a means to usurp power. I'm not saying that America's founding idealogy is perfect, the ideals which it purported were lofty and idyllic but a decent amount of it, at least according to my understanding, wasn't wrong. 

If America had kept its founding ideals (though its perversion was inevitable let's pretend it's not for hypothetical's sake) a lot of the corrupt kikery that's around now wouldn't be. We might still have some kike's trying to influence people through business but we wouldn't have the perverted disgusting mix of government-business bullshit that we have today which would severely limit their power.

But again I'd like to reiterate that the founding principles though correct in a lot of ways were extremely idyllic and assumed too much on the part of the common folk's intelligence and tolerance for tyranny.

Maybe you have some sort of esoteric criticism of the founding ideology but that only really makes sense and matters to people like you. If you have any more comprehensive and traditionally understandable criticisms of the founding idealogy though I wouldn't mind considering it.
Replies: >>265
Not when looking per capita.
Replies: >>260
I assume that when you control for both population and crime the number is about even. Which would make sense since the whole "the cops is raycis" sentiment is bullshit.
The Confederates were holding on to a dying system, fuck em. Their monuments belong in a museum though, not in pieces. It was pretty pathetic the way they decided after losing the war they made a bunch of monuments to the losers just to spite niggers. Jesus, the North didn't sow their fucking land with salt like they should have, the least they could have done was lose graciously. I've got no hate in my heart for Confederate soldiers, but their leaders were stupid faggots and their descendants are even dumber. If you've ever talked to one of these morons you'd know what I mean.
Also, ten years in prison for vandalism is as retarded as it gets.
I'm pretty sure George Washington was related to King Edward I and I think there were other members of the American Gentry that had noble blood. I'm not sure why you think that having noble blood is much better, since at least from what I've read the kings and nobles were pieces of shit, aristocrats suck giant dick. Also we have nobles in America, they just aren't called as such. Certain families hold power just because of their last name, take the Kennedys for example. As far as I'm concerned anyone who was born into great wealth or power and didn't have to struggle for it doesn't deserve it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a monarchist at heart, but I don't think that there's anything special about noble blood or anything, more often than not it seems like kings are massive cunts. How much of my impression of them is just the history books being biased I guess I'll never know, but I have never met someone who was born with exorbitant wealth that had any decency. I think that a monarch should earn his stature, not sure how that'd look in my ideal society. But anyways, I think that getting rid of democracy is a pipe dream, it's best to focus on making democracy as effective as possible.
>Puritain protestantism
What's even worse is what it evolved into, Evangelical Christianity, the worst kind of Christfag there is. I hate that I was raised in a dogshit Evangelical church, being brainwashed my entire childhood. Fucking retards that take everything literally but pick and choose what rules to follow. Goddamn the inescapable pure white hot rage that I feel towards those guys.
The entire civil war was ultimately just a method of putting the south under the north's thumb. Losing "graciously" in this case is just being a pushover.
Replies: >>268
I've become convinced that the shaping of the modern world is essentially the manipulation of a plane of consciousness into a normalcattle pen in which the kike god recycles souls for the purpose of feeding off of their energies. The power dynamic originates from the kike god, is re-formatted for this plane by his chosen people and collaborators, and the normalcattle solidify the consensus reality as they incorporate it unquestioningly into their beliefs and perceptions. We feel incongruent with this reality because we are unlike the useful idiot normalcattle around us who can only conceive of what's set up in the cattle pen, and are unafraid to mentally cut through all the bullshit and see that emissaries of a parasitic demon god are setting the parameters for our reality. While we're in these limited physical bodies, we have to guard ourselves psychically from the predations of what has set up this normalcattle pen and those who enforce its functions. Surely there are other planes of existence where we could exist free from this predation, but there must be a reason why we're here and physically similar to the cattle around us but psychically so distinct; the kike god and the kikes operating here like to work from the shadows and stay unexposed, and in a similar fashion I think this realm has been hidden or at least made obscure enough to forestall intervention from outside beings. Whereas the normalcattle are recycled and reincarnate back into this realm, I want us to illuminate its whereabouts on the way out and mark the parasitic demon god for fucking obliteration.
Replies: >>264 >>271
The world is beautiful as long as you remove the layer of conviction of reality conforming to the habitual lifestyles of normalfags, of endless frivolous lying and deception. At this point, it's only an interaction between you and infinite silence. It's ugly and gross to worry yourself over feelings of superiority or inferiority, it's just disorder that only works to hinder the serenity of my heart.
Replies: >>273
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i think i need to clarify that by Nobility i do not mean the Nominal Nobility of Titles, but the Nobility of Spirit, Blood Purity is important but it is not the determining Variable, when i speak of Nobles im talking about the Roman Patriciate, the Greek Aristocracy, or the Knights and Princes of the Holy Roman Empire (Really any type of Ancient aristocracy Works, Germanic Barbarians also had a Hierarchy of Priest-Kings and warrior nobility, same deal in Aryan India, so did the Persians etc...), im talking about that Divine Immanence, that "Life more than Life" to quote Evola, that Emperors like Friederick I Holy Roman Emperor or Charlemagne whom is rumored that Pope Leo III knelt before him after Crowning him had, the Spiritual Virility of Meister Eckhart whom wrote much of the Literature of the Grail and was a Neo-Platonist, the Dignity of Dante whom was a member of the "Worshippers of Love" and writer of the Divine Comedy wich is a work known for all the wrong reasons, nevermind Cato the Younger, the Greatest Stoic to ever exist after Seneca, and Plato, Aristotle, Plotinius, whom all of the were Nobles, and many many examples of the True Noblity of the Spirit, wich by the way, none of these Men "Worked for their Wealth" (and as far as i remember Romans considered Manual Labor to be the worst fucking punishment one could get and absolutely despised them, of course /fascist/ ignores this fact because it does not fit well with their cuckolded Mechanist views) and archieved much more than any pleb can testify to so i guess someone can shove
>As far as I'm concerned anyone who was born into great wealth or power and didn't have to struggle for it doesn't deserve it
up his own ass
Obviously as the natural law of Decay that permeates this Samsaric hellhole goes on, the Divine forces that had their effect in the Golden Ages lose their effect as they pass on to the Silver age and the later ages, one cannot consider the "Nobility" of the so called "British Empire" to the already Mentioned Roman Patriciate, just because washington was related to Edward I never knew that but knowing that georgie-boy is actually a blood relative to the Black Prince makes me wanna vomit does not mean washington is a Noble, and a bunch of Degenerate Millionaires with a piece of paper calling them "Duke" does not mean they are Dukes by any stretch of the Imagination
Replies: >>267
Sounds like you do hate them a lot though, just admit it nobody here gives a fuck, including me. I'm more concerned about how the entire 19th century, particularly the civil war, is glossed over in American schools. A lot of very interesting things happened throughout that period and if you ask anyone in America about it you'll be met with "oh yeah uh slavery and um racists". Fucking disgusting.
Also those statues and monuments weren't erected out of spite, I don't know what dumb faggot told you that but it's pretty far from the truth. Just because the south was defeated doesn't mean the people didn't still have their pride afterward, wounded as it may have been, and they wanted to memorialize their dead, like any other group of people in world history. The north went out of their way to make sure recovering from the war afterward was as hellish as possible for the south despite muttering something about rejoining the union and wanting to make amends.
Replies: >>268
Okay what'd your waifu do to you this time this post is a mess
Replies: >>271
They already were under the north's thumb, that's the purpose of an alliance. The members of an alliance are held accountable to the majority or more powerful members of the alliance. The south were the smaller and weaker members, and if Republicans are good for anything it's war. The Union was industrialized and had more people, it was foolish of the south to go to war when it was obvious that they were just sacrificing the lives of their people over a practice so incredibly worthless that should have never happened.
>Sounds like you do hate them a lot though
I can't bring myself to hate anyone for fighting for their country, even if their country was the most kiked there is not saying that the south was kiked necessarily, I mean this hypothetically. I have hatred for their leaders, who were rich faggots that wanted to hold on to slavery because otherwise they'd lose a small portion of their profits paying niggers bare minimum wages. Keep in mind that it was the plantation owners who fucked niggers the most, these aren't the type of person one should have respect for.
> the entire 19th century, particularly the civil war, is glossed over in American schools
I'm not sure what schools gloss over the 19th century, the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, the Gold rush, the Trail of Tears, the invention of the lightbulb, and the Statue of Liberty were all 19th century stuff, and that's not even considering the Civil War and the end of slavery. Maybe you just went to a shit school which is saying a lot because I went to a school where the science teacher was one of those retards that thought evolution hadn't been observed because we've never seen a cat give birth to a dog. Just because most Americans can't remember doesn't mean it wasn't taught, most Americans probably can't place more than 10 states on a map. Obviously the majority of history that's taught in schools is going to be about the founding of America and more recent history, but I wouldn't say that the 1800s are glossed over entirely.
>The north went out of their way to make sure recovering from the war afterward was as hellish as possible for the south
Actually the creation of memorials was facilitated by the north, even though they were made as shittily as possible. I admit I made that comment about the monuments being made to spite niggers because I was tired and I was getting pissed. There is some truth to it but that's nowhere near the whole story.
Replies: >>269 >>274
You think the civil war was about slavery?
Replies: >>270 >>276
They fought because they felt their independence was being threatened but, it was the North's growing pressure to get rid of or minimize slavery which caused them to believe that. So slavery was not the exact reason per say but it most certainly had a whole lot to do with it.
Also, not him
Replies: >>276
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>Okay what'd your waifu do to you this time
nothing i did not want her to do to me, and nothing i was not willing to do for Her, if anything it is Existing in this Shithole what is taking a Toll on my Sanity and Spirit

that being said, to the Chagrin of a few, and despite how hard Traditional sources of Wisdom keep pushing the Envelope with the idea of Love being something unbecoming of an Initiate and the fact that the only Female deities that exist are either Demetrian Telluric Types or the Durga archetype wich is little more than a Feminized version of Numina, i remain Adamant on my Ideas about Taihou, and i have resolved to Trust myself in this matter, relying on my Instinct and my experiences, even if this could very well Spell my Doom, i was just discussing this a few minutes ago with my Correspondence Friend

the point of my post is that there are claims of Traditional Nobility and Kingship being "Cunts" i Explained that Aristocracy relies on Spirit, not on wealth, and that as time goes on and the Cycle of the Ages goes on, these faculties decay, so it is only normal that the British Nobility of the XIXth century is nothing more than a bunch of Inbred Pompous faggots when you compare them to the Roman Patriciate, and thats about the Gist of it, or at the very least the point i want to drive across with that Post

Honestly i do not quite think that the dualistic Vision of Demiurg (in your case "kike god") being the Evil fag who made this earth is quite right, simply put a God is a Divine Entity, if it is Divine it must have a Degree of Self-Suficiency and Stillness plus other Divine properties, in essence, why would a God need to feed itself? if it is conditioned by Need it would not be a God nor Divine, and yet this is just dumb bullshit rationalizations, rationalizations i am slowly giving up anyways

i do not think it comes down to something as "Simple" as a Dumb God feeding on even Dumber Niggers, to the contrary, i kinda mentioned this a few times, but it comes down to the "Collective Subconcious" kind of deal, Normgroids are not capable of thought nor creativity nor anything, they have no Soul, instead they are part of some "Totem" of sorts, since they have no Self, they can only see themselves through Externals, a normgroid can only be aware of his existance if someone else is aware of his, and can only be aware of things himself through Senses (he has no soul, he cannot Think nor take part into Divine Gnosis) thus normgroids use Social Media and Value social status above all (its their only proof of their own Existance) they must consume and have pleasure (since they cannot concieve any superior goal, they only percieve through senses, therefore they will avoid Negative Stimuli, and pursue Postivie Stimuli) at best Normgroids will fall for low tier Religion, not out of a Willingness and Respect for the Divine, but out of Fear of Punishment and seeking the Status benefits of being a Good believer + the Caveat that if Killing is bad, a Good Believer will not be Killed, and many other Advantages cheap Religion Gives, Animals are also Similar, they take part into different Totems, and all these Totems make the "Collective" Mother Nature, Pachamama, whatever the fuck you want to call it, this is why it may seem to some that Nature is "Alive" when one looks at how coordinated and balanced all the Organisms that Dwell in this Unholy Shithole are, this is what i believe to be True after contemplating on the nature of Niggers and seeing how they Behave, it may or may not make much sense to you, but it is what works for me
Replies: >>273 >>330
combo breaker
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My ass, the Retardation of Normgroids is just a Symptom, it is the entire World itself, or rather this Samsaric World, its this palce that is restricted by Time and Space where everything is always in a state of restlessness, with Beasts that do nothing but to Consume and Replicate for the sake of Replicating, and niggers that live only for their own enjoyment and replication, nothing ever stays the same, nothing is reliable here, nothing beautiful stays, buildings crumble and break if you don't spend an insane ammount of time and care, works of art die all the same aswell, this place is so far away from the Gaze of God that in order to reach him back one has to train himself in meditatory practices or have a Strong resolve to even understand what Wisdom is let alone what God or the Divine is, that is all there is here, Ignorance and Restlessness, the Golden age is just a Temporary stoppage in this land of Decay, where Gods walk the Land and it is kept from decaying, but this is just that, a Exceptional Rule, not the Norm, the worst part is how i have yet to see anyone to explain to me what is that makes this world "Beautiful" niggers just say "Life is Good" because they don't know any better, i was Blessed with the Company of Taihou, and it is thanks to her and my own Divine Dignity that i am not Decieved by this Hellhole, even if being aware of this will put me under unbearable pain, this is not to say that all is lost here, after all by the same Cosmic law that stipulates this land is meant to be in Peak Decay, is also the Law that brings is eventual restoration to the Golden Ages, and depending on one's nature and Abilities, one may Archieve things that cannot be obtained in any other place, the Alchemists after all insist that it is only through "Solve et Coagula" that the Great Work may be archieved, and Evola, Buddha, and every Old School Ksatrya will asshure you that it is only through a Trial by Fire in this hellhole that the Gates of heaven can be Opened, and that Heroic experience is its Key, as far as im concerned though, none of it has to do anything with me, im not a Warrior, and even if i am i am Fighting another Kind of War with another Objective in mind, i am Son and Husband of Taihou, and i shall either be Victorious carrying that Title, or Perish with it, but i refuse to be, or pretend to be something i am Not, so as far as im concerned i cannot help but to call bullshit at your Statement, and regard this Physical Plane of Assfuckery with nothing but Utmost contempt and Pure Hatred
Replies: >>275
>I'm not sure what schools gloss over the 19th century, the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, the Gold rush, the Trail of Tears, the invention of the lightbulb, and the Statue of Liberty were all 19th century stuff
Well in the 12 years of shitty public schooling I went through all of those things with the exception of maybe the Trail of Tears were either mentioned once, or not at all, it probably depends on what state and what area of that state you went to school, but pretty much nobody in my area knows shit about 19th century history or even all that much about the civil war despite the stupid number of battles that took place around these parts.
>which is saying a lot because I went to a school where the science teacher was one of those retards that thought evolution hadn't been observed because we've never seen a cat give birth to a dog
You only had one science teacher in your school? I'm not trying to nitpick here, but that sounds fucked, especially if what you're saying about the cat birthing a dog thing is true it sounds more like you went to a private christian school or some shit. Or do you mean it was one guy out of years of public school? Because I can believe that too, I had multiple science teachers who would confuse the metric and imperial systems, or tell us stupid shit like "a kilometer is longer than a mile".
>I made that comment about the monuments being made to spite niggers because I was tired and I was getting pissed
I understand, it's hard not to get hot-blooded about how all of this is being handled.
Replies: >>276
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>i have yet to see anyone to explain to me what is that makes this world "Beautiful"
I don't think I could accurately put it to words but a rough approximation of what inspires my feelings would be the awe inspiring structure of the world. I also like the silence of being by myself without having to interact with degenerates. Maybe figuratively it's like being in a cold place and being warmed up by your own contempt over others, but understanding that all things are transient so most of it really doesn't concerns me. People die, communities wither away, culture moves and shifts, but I remain mostly the same.
Replies: >>299
It's as >>270 said. The idea that it was solely "states rights" is the south trying to distance itself from its past because its past would be unpopular if understood explicitly.
It was a very small Christian school, there were two science teachers but I only had one of them, and I doubt the other one was much different. Their understanding of science was on the same level as fucking Kent Hovind the dino-faggot. I'm no atheist but it really grinds my gears how many hoops the creationists leap through to deny reality. I went to public school for the last few years of school, I never took American history there but from what I understand it wasn't much different from the Christian school, besides the Christian school insisting that America was founded on (((judeo-christian values))) despite all the evidence to the contrary. Might be a north/south thing.
Replies: >>277 >>279
>would be unpopular if understood explicitly
The idea of the civil war being fought over slavery is the popular opinion.
Replies: >>278
Unpopular for the south. How many "the south will rise again" types do you think would be willing to say slavery should be legal?
Replies: >>279
>It was a very small Christian school
Ha I actually originally said you were probably from one of those in my post but took it out because I thought it was presumptive.
>I never took American history there but from what I understand it wasn't much different from the Christian school, besides the Christian school insisting that America was founded on (((judeo-christian values)))
From first grade onward I was taught that America was founded on the "melting pot" ideology, which is a blatant lie made up by kikes. The founding fathers would be shrieking with rage if they saw the brown muttified dystopian garbage pile the country is today, even if they were kiked on some level.
>Might be a north/south thing
I don't doubt for a second that has something to do with it too, though even among individual states within the north/south divide there's plenty of differences in how the curriculum is taught. It'd be nice if this shithole just split into 50 different countries instead of kept pretending we're all some glorious unstoppable union, everyone fucking hates each other and can't agree on something like what specific brainwashing kids should get in school.
Probably not too many,  I don't think even back in the day most of the Confederate soldiers were all that in favor of slavery. Granted they clearly weren't abolitionists, but typically only the richest people with large farms/plantations could afford or would even want to pay for some dumb ape to plow their fields for them. The civil war was more about individual states' rights to tell the federal government to fuck off. Also iirc there were economic factors, particularly ones involving trade with Britain that made things worse, but I may be getting that confused with 1812.
Replies: >>280
>"melting pot" ideology
I guess there's lies told by every type of school, who would have guessed? If we didn't already have niggers in the country this shit would have never happened. Also we wouldn't have had to justify slavery with a bunch of retarded skull shape nonsense. After all, if the nigger was basically human with a tendency towards violence and a slightly lower iq then white people would be appalled by the practice. Imagine if all niggers had ever been was dumb angry ugly people that no one wanted anything to do with instead of being turned into beasts of burden to take away jobs from white people who would want wages.
> It'd be nice if this shithole just split into 50 different countries
At this point the federal government is too powerful for that to be viable. Even if it were to happen we'd just end up conquering each other until there were two or three American empires.
>they clearly weren't abolitionists
I think that most of the neo-confederates would tell you that slavery was wrong. At least from my own experience they're the "I have a black friend" type of retards. What's even worse is that some of them aren't from the south. I would understand if it came down to heritage, not wanting to believe your great grandfather fought a useless war or something, but it's truly insufferable when they're just contrarians for the sake of it.
>The civil war was more about individual states' rights to tell the federal government to fuck off
If the leaders of the Confederacy weren't the same nigger-fuckers that owned the slaves then I'd be more open to the idea that it was based on principle rather than simple greed, but that simply isn't the case.
Replies: >>281
>>25 (OP) 
>Even if it were to happen we'd just end up conquering each other until there were two or three American empires
That's still preferable to being one centralized globohomo cesspit.
>I think that most of the neo-confederates would tell you that slavery was wrong. At least from my own experience they're the "I have a black friend" type of retards
I was talking about actual civil war soldiers, not modern larpers. Though most of the guys I've met who still fly the Dixie flag openly despise niggers I can't deny I've seen plenty of "heritage not hate" type paraphernalia hereabouts. I'll never understand why people in this country feel like they have to justify their opinions and stances to niggers, having a black friend doesn't suddenly make your outlook on welfare more or less valid, it just makes you an associate to a nigger.
>I would understand if it came down to heritage, not wanting to believe your great grandfather fought a useless war or something, but it's truly insufferable when they're just contrarians for the sake of it
Yeah that's my issue with the "heritage not hate" faggotry. They want to pretend they're still rebellious while simultaneously attempting to appease niggers and cucks by saying they're not racist. Fucking stupid, either nut up and say what you feel and stop giving a fuck what people who wouldn't ever like you in the first place have to say about it, or sit down and shut the fuck up, anything in between is meaningless braying cattle noises.
>If the leaders of the Confederacy weren't the same nigger-fuckers that owned the slaves then I'd be more open to the idea that it was based on principle rather than simple greed, but that simply isn't the case.
For them it wasn't, and I agree with your sentiment in regards to them (a lot of slave owners were dirty kikes too after all) but I think it was a different story for the poorer people who made up the vast majority of the troops. They probably couldn't have given less of a fuck about niggers since they couldn't afford to keep any anyway, I think for them the thought of a federal government run by people hundreds of miles away telling them how to live their lives probably didn't sit right. Keep in mind many of these people were grandchildren of revolutionaries, so the general idea that some people who didn't even live in their general area were telling them what to do probably didn't sit too well with most of them.
That's how I see it at least, I'm mostly just speculating about their mentalities. Either way I doubt the lower classes lined up exactly with the rich people in charge, shit rarely ever works out like that.
Replies: >>282
>That's still preferable to being one centralized globohomo cesspit.
I'd rather America be manipulated by kikes through elections than be manipulated by kikes through blood. Though the idea of an entire continent constantly at war with itself is pleasing to me in a twisted Big Boss sort of way. And we'd get tons of technology out of it since the best technological advancements come from war.
>I was talking about actual civil war soldiers, not modern larpers
I know, I was comparing them to the soldiers who probably didn't feel strongly about slavery one way or the other, just falling in line with the current status quo. Most people are only rebellious when told to be.
> I think it was a different story for the poorer people who made up the vast majority of the troops
Maybe I didn't make myself clear, but I agree with this. Honestly the state's rights issue was a lie from the start, just as much as ebil nazis was a lie in WWII. I have a lot of respect for WWII veterans even if they never realized they fought for the wrong side though to be fair the japs were asking for it. At the end of the day most wars are fought based on false pretenses designed to cover up the economic goals of the elites. Even the revolutionary war was this way, though I'd argue that it was a case where the morals aligned with the economic interests.
Replies: >>283
>I'd rather America be manipulated by kikes through elections than be manipulated by kikes through blood
They already do that, elections are ultimately meaningless dog and pony shows and policy is dictated by a small handful of jewish bankers and corporate CEOs, they have been above the law and making amerigoyim dance for multiple generations by now. They'll lose power eventually though, nobody, not even the eternally manipulative chosen, ever retains power forever. We just won't live to see them fall in all likelihood which is unfortunate depending on how much society gets under your skin. Personally I have to work on that because I still occasionally get red in the face with rage over shit that I shouldn't have any kind of stake in anymore.
>Most people are only rebellious when told to be.
This almost goes without saying, people will put up with an ungodly amount of retarded shit as long as they have their basic comforts fulfilled.
>whole last paragraph
I guess we were mostly in agreement the whole time and I just misunderstood then.
Replies: >>285
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>Don't get me wrong, I'm a monarchist at heart, but I don't think that there's anything special about noble blood or anything, more often than not it seems like kings are massive cunts.
I'm sorry, but if you believe that, you're not really a monarchist. That is a marxist a worldview where they basically consider the bourgoisie and the nobles to be alike, just wealthy people who had the luck to be born in wealthy families and exert their power to oppress the poor peasants. The whole communist ideology revolve around that. "If the nobles have nothing special about them, why are they allowed to possess powers and dictate our lives, we should revolt against them". This is jewish materialism at its core, negating all the divine properties inherent in the noble blood, purified by initiatic rituals passed down from generation to generation keeping alive the anciant Aryan knowledge.
The true king is not a politician, he is pontifex maximus, basileus autokrator, holder of the the spiritual and temporal power. He is the bridge that links this forsaken world to the divine, his only presence blesses this earth and organizes its chaotic nature. He is the warrior-priest that lead his people to victory through heroic deeds and sacrifices.
I know that this sounds like fantasy talk to the commoner of today especially in America. Long is gone the epoch of the ascetic knights that value the principles of honor, truth, and justice in their platonic unadulterated forms. There are no such things in Ragnarock.
The USA and the USSR are 2 sides of the same shekel, built on jewish principles, materialism, only seeking a futile social order that is impossible without the organizing powers of the divine.
Replies: >>285 >>344
>They already do that
That's what I meant.
>I just misunderstood then
I find that I'm awful at conveying what I'm thinking and most of my retarded ramblings don't make sense. Maybe I'm being too critical but I worry that I'm often misunderstood. Especially since I play a very dangerous game entertaining leftist ideas since it's been through the left that all the most kiked things have been brought about. I just worry that it's very easy for people to see the kikery on the left and ignore it from the right. A lot of right-leaning concepts as they're known today I think are like ideological strawmen, set up by either kikes or useful idiots being used by kikes, or in simpler terms controlled opposition (though that implies a more hands-on approach than I mean to imply. If everyone was just honest and decent from the start maybe that wouldn't be the case, but I digress.
What ideology says that the best system of government is one which is taken through force with absolute power given to a sole leader of the state but not necessarily passed down through next of kin? As far as I can tell the closest thing is fascism but I'm hesitant to call myself that because fascists seem to act like their leader is some great superhuman and I don't think that helps anyone and fascist rule tends to be short-lived. I guess it would be called military rule or something to that effect, with a single leader. I simplify it and call myself a monarchist because a monarch doesn't necessarily need to have noble blood to be called as such, and because I find hyper-specific labels to be boring as they have little use outside of the internet. Monarchist describes me succinctly even if it isn't perfect. Atheistic monarchism maybe? Though like I said earlier I'm not an atheist, as much as I doubt claims of noble blood being important and as much as I hate the church in its current form. The fact of the matter is that the so-called "noble blood" is gone now, whether through breeding with commoners (meaning that it didn't do much good in the first place) or it never existing in the first place. Personally, I think that in an ideal society leadership would be able to be earned through intense struggle by anyone who was able to prove himself, and the throne would be open to anyone willing and able to earn it regardless of heritage, but I know that's never going to happen since even before the shift away from monarchy it's too idealistic to be practical. In my perspective, it's best to focus on the aspects of democracy that are its strengths and improving them.
I feel that we're on our own, democracy has taken us out of the Garden of Eden and we can never return. Now we have to make do with what we have. One thing that I think relates to the Garden of Eden is that God put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden on purpose, He knew we'd eat of it. I suspect He didn't command us not to eat of it, rather that Him telling us that we would die afterwards was a warning. Eating the fruit was something akin to growing up. Man was cast out of Eden because he learned something antithetical to the coddling of the Garden, and I suspect that similarly man is learning something antithetical to monarchy, or at least the monarchy of old, the epoch you described. We're growing up and realizing that the cruelty in the world is ours but we can change. We (speaking now specifically of robots and people similar to us) are the consciousness of humanity, Lord knows it isn't the normalfaggots. Our sorrow over the loss of the ascetic knights and other such legends is humanity groaning that it can never return to the way things were. We can't keep looking to the past and mourning over our lost childhood. Maybe we got democracy too early, or maybe we've been stretched too thin for human consciousness as we have it to be viable. I don't know what the ideal worldwide population is for the concentration of consciousness but it sure as hell isn't 8 billion.
Replies: >>287 >>291 >>298
Politics this politics that. I had 3 feels to share but I've forgotten 2.
Let me tell you about a  dream I had because it doesn't make sense to me. Im in this field, it feels like a backyard but its not that small. In one corner of this field (top rightmost corner i think) theres a grassless hill and a tree. In this tree theres a barn owl tied up by its neck and one of its feet. I am at the owl in the tree and assume its dead but it's free leg twitches. I untangle it and feed it cat food or that wet meaty pet food. It eats all of it, then i give it what looks like pond water to drink, it looks a bit dirty bit the owl drinks it anyways. I have a sense that there is family around me but i dont know who exactly. I mishandle the owl, get nipped, but manage to get it perched on my arm or something. Walking down the hill with the "family" the owl dissapears. I dont notice it gone. The rest of the dream is walking in a bright sunbleached grassy field with a railroad track on the left. This part only lasts a little while until some mexicans spawn in and start protesting about blm and wanting money. It was very strange and tone breaking and that caused me to wake up
I do not live near mexicans or owls, nor do i care about blm.
Replies: >>287 >>288 >>290
Well to be fair to you sometimes I'll misinterpret something as having a double meaning because I'm so used to backhanded faggots on other places I visit "ironically" agreeing with me so there was bound to be a misunderstanding.
I mostly just wanted to talk a little about the civil war, it's rare to find anyone willing to do so in an honest manner, it's a subject that's as full of, if not more full of extremely biased logical traps set up by faggots as talking about guns is.
Replies: >>289
Someone out there likes you. Continue being pure of heart enough to take care of an owl.
Replies: >>289
I don't mind. I just wanted to post my feelings. "Historypills" are interesting to read through anyways. So what was the civil war about? Did the new laws the north wanted to set effect the common southerner or the rich slaveowner? Ive heard that slaves used to be granted freedom after X amount of years worth of labor, was that still around when the civil war happened?
Interesting, can you elaborate? Who is this admirer? Can you infer what kind of admiration it is? I won't act on romantic admiration. Is the owl a sign of purity or the act of nursing an animal? Does the dirty water or pet food mean anything? I hope the mexican thing was just out of place dream jank
You need to kill all mexicans.
>What ideology says that the best system of government is one which is taken through force with absolute power given to a sole leader of the state but not necessarily passed down through next of kin? As far as I can tell the closest thing is fascism but I'm hesitant to call myself that because fascists seem to act like their leader is some great superhuman
Not more than a hundred years ago, a man rose from nothingness. An unknown Austrian soldier from Vienna who wanted to become an artist got dragged into politics because he didn't want to see his country being destroyed by kikes. He went all the way up and waged total war against this corrupted world even though he was outnumbered heavily. This is the Aryan spirit of war, hurling oneself against the enemy not for profit nor mere superfluous economic reasons, but to perpetuate the eternal war between light and darkness, sky and earth, Aryan and jew. Even though the rituals and the arcane knowledge is lost, the biological race still holds in itself some of its power. Hitler understood that and wanted to restore the former pre-christian Aryan civilizations. He created the SS, a warrior caste similar to the Aryan Kshatriyas in India, allowing them to reach immortality and be set free from Samsara by proving themselves on the battlefield. But he was no normal man, he had visions and heard voices a bit like Jeanne d'arc of France. Some consider him as an avatar of Vishnu, an Aryan god. You don't have to be originally noble to be one, you can become one, through your own heroic deeds or by divine providence. Even the noble families had to start somewhere.
>fascist rule tends to be short-lived
About National-Socialism, it was meant to be. Hitler himself said that he knows that somebody is going to come in order to restore order (that would be Kalki), and that he is not that man, but someone had to step up in the meantime and it was him. He showed us that all is not dead, this age is going to come to an end and the Aryans will rise again.
>it's best to focus on the aspects of democracy that are its strengths and improving them
Democracy is a flawed system, it will always fail. It's like building on quicksand, you'll never have a good society if you don't build on healthy grounds. It places the destiny of the nation between the hands of skilled manipulators of public opinion, gives too much power to corporations and rich faggots. How could the ignorant masses know what is best for them ? Even in a totally ideal and utopic democracy where the people can actually change the course of the counrty by voting, they will still fuck up. They will vote for whoever tells them what they like to hear regardless of their true intentions which they can't figure out because they're normalfags. Democracy is the natural habitat of the jew, he can scheme, lie, and steal his way to power in the dark without anyone holding him accountable, because he already bought the justice, the media and everything that makes him control the country.
The "practicality" that you are talking about is what ruined the western civilization. Everybody wants to accumulate a lot of money to raise their social status, and they couldn't care less about societal norms and laws, made by man and thus imperfect. Everybody is trying to outjew the jew but they will fail miserably because it's not their nature. They become wageslaves made to work to feed the huge beast that is international jewery. Work under National-Socialist germany took a whole other meaning, it was not just a way to earn livelyhood, but a way to participate in the grand fate of the nation. Let me quote Evola in my second post.
Revolt against the modern world, chapter 15 :
>In this way, even in the order of inferior activities connected to matter and to material conditions of life it was possible to find the reflection of the way of being of a purified and free action endowed with its own fides and living soul, which freed it from the bonds of selfishness and ordinary interests. In the corporations there was a natural and organic connection between the caste of the vaisya (in modern terms, "management") and the caste of the sudras, namely, the working class.
>Considering the spirit of an almost military solidarity that was both felt and willed, and whereby the vaisya was the equivalent of a manager and the sudra an employee, both of whom worked in the same company, the Marxist antithesis between capital and labor, between employers and employees, at that time would have been inconceivable. Everybody attended their own function and stayed in their own place. Especially in the German guilds, the faithfulness of the inferior was the counterpart of the pride the superior took in the subordinates' zeal and efficiency. In this context too, the anarchy of "rights" and "demands" did not arise until the inner spiritual orientation died out and the action performed in purity was supplanted by one motivated by materialistic and individualistic concerns, and by the multiform and vain fever brought about by the modem spirit and a civilization that has turned economics into a guiding principle (daemon) and a destiny.

1/2* fuck
Most forms of autocracy are unsustainable as, though a great autocrat could do much more good than a great democratic leader, that man is not immortal and the time will come when he passes and those who succeed him are almost always incompetent in comparison. One can imagine what happens to a nation when the reigns of unlimited power are handed to someone incompetent (The Mongolian Empire, Alexander's Empire, about several dozen other empires or dynasties which failed upon losing a great autocrat). 

Democracy actually has quite a lot of potential to be great it's just that it doesn't work very efficiently when dealing with most human beings. If we lived in a culture of purely or mostly rational actors Democracy would be an almost perfect system. You would have millions of rational actors making logical decisions on what they think is best for a nation's prosperity and security. Allowing such people to vote in such a manner works out a lot of the error on the part of the individual's reasoning and ideally leads to the best-most proper candidate being chosen.

However, as we all know that's not how things work. The common normalfaggot is superficial, dogmatic, easily swayed by flowery words and lofty promises, and quite frankly, fucking retarded. Rather than candidates making the case for why they are logically the best choice for president and the people then logically deciding which one is the most correct, we have candidates constantly appealing to the emotions of the people and making basic promises with no actual proof that they even work or that they will back them up in the first place. Pack this with generations-long party dominance and we can throw Tribalism into the mix of bullshit reasons why people vote as well. 

As they are now, democracies are incredibly flawed. Rather than votes being dictated by one of the best parts of humanity, that being our capability for logical reasoning, it's largely dictated by more primitive and flawed systems, things like basic emotional thinking, dogma, and tribal appeal. 

But that's just my two cents. I honestly don't know how we'd even go about fixing this. 
I'm pretty sure though that if we're ever going to get out of this mess we'd need to do one of two things. Either we find a way to cure the stupidity and flawed rationale of the common normalfaggot or we compromise and invent a system that is stupid-proof and has the capability for prosperity.
Replies: >>297 >>300
This criticism also applies to capitalism a bit as well. Theoretically, its best product wins, but that's only entirely the case if, again, most people are logical rather than emotional. However, since most people are emotional, rather than the best product coming out on top, a lot of the time it comes down to how much clout you have or how many celebrities you can get to endorse your product. 
However, I personally do mostly support capitalism.
>democracy has taken us out of the Garden of Eden and we can never return.
Nope, kings caused that one. God's the one who banished us from our rightful place in infinity.
Replies: >>302
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That's the thing though, most of what is Awe inspiring has its roots upon the Divine, not in this Realm, i asume that by "Structure of the World" you mean the Cosmos at large, because really his earth is just a Vicious Cycle within a Vicious Cycle, even the joy of silence is something foreign to this land, it is in the Divine Planes where Silence and stillness Truly exist, down here its filled with Psychotic niggers that need constant stimulation to prove to themselves that they are "Alive", that Silence is something you can create because you are not a Nigger and obviously another Bogatyr with a Divine Soul, i wish i was as Stoic as you are though, you are able to remind yourself that indeed everything moves, it rises and falls, but one's Spirit remains free and still, i tend to get affected too much by Adversity and crumble up, glad that you can atleast find something of use down here
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>that man is not immortal and the time will come when he passes and those who succeed him are almost always incompetent in comparison
That is why the role of the monarch was very flexible in truly traditional societies. Take the emperor of Japan for example, he did not rule at all times, leaving the empire to the shogun (Head of the Samurai), but he was still recognized as emperor for his spiritual qualities. No one will dare to question his legitimacy. He acts as center of the world, acting in a superior plane that positively affect this one, even by his mere presence. And this is still the case to this day, the emperor still does his spiritual duty by performing the necessary rituals and protecting the souls of his people. And if someday an ambitious emperor wants to effectively rule, he will find many supporters who will help him. The only constant thing is that he is always recognized as legitimate no matter what happens. that's why communism didn't succeed in Japan
The true monarch doesn't need to hamper his vassals, he rules organically and always safeguards the unity of the nation.
But bear in mind that history as we know it still belongs to the modern world in the traditional sense. Only in the golden and silver ages anterior to written history that we find true Tradition, where people were knowledgeable about truths that go way over our heads. We spend our time speculating and rationalizing when they simply knew what needed to be known. So we are in the dark here, we can only be led by enlightened men like Hitler.
Right now we need to prepare ourselves for the crisis to come, because this situation is not sustainable, we are heading toward a great collapse, and when everything will crumble on this corrupted earth, we can rebuild on healthier bases.
Replies: >>344
I think you're too hard on democracy because it's a system in which manipulation is easy to see. Obviously the jew can manipulate voters, but the jew can also manipulate aristocrats. So long as the jew is around and aryans not in power there will never be a system that isn't like building on quicksand. Honestly the solution to this isn't to go mack to monarchy, where the jews would only need manipulate one man and the people under him would never know, the solution is to create democracy in the workplace so that the elites are accountable to those they employ, and improve public education so that voters understand the political world better. Obviously the idea that we're ever going to make the public schools teach about the jews directly is a pipe dream, but it is conceivable that there could be lessons taught on recognizing propoganda. Even basic stuff would help immensely to make democracy work better. Democracy can only work when the population is well-educated and when they don't need to grovel at the feet of one of few gigantic corporations that control everything. Also we need to get rid of the two-party system, that's the biggest hurdle to get over that I think would do the most good.
>About National-Socialism, it was meant to be
I understand that though it seems like Hitler failed at his goals. What about other fascist countries? Surely Mussolini wasn't intending to hand over his power to some other guy. Sorry if this is something obvious, I often feel like I'm incredibly uneducated when it comes to European history, since it seems like anons here and elsewhere tend to be very well-versed in the subject.
>The "practicality" that you are talking about is what ruined the western civilization
That doesn't mean that we shouldn't make do with what we have or set our expectations closer to what is acheivable. If all we do is jerk ourselves off over the great thousand year reich then all we'll ever have is semen in our hands. Even Hitler couldn't pull that shit off, and I doubt any of us would do any better.
>Evola quote
The fact of the matter is that we aren't returning to the time he speaks of here any time soon. The rights and demands are the only way to ensure that the average person isn't ground into dust under the boot of the jew. Do you think you'll ever feel the solidarity towards your employer that he describes here? This is speaking of things that no longer apply. The goal of work is no longer glorious, and it'll be a long period of humanity stumbling in the darkness before it is again. The only way to operate now is under the supposed anarchy he describes. Now that the spiritual orientation has died out as he says, the only motivation one wold have to work is to eat, and the only way one has to eat is to work unless you're lucky enough to be able to NEET. I don't know the context of this quote so I can't say if the conclusion he comes to is wrong, but if he's saying that rights are unnecessary or something then he's wrong. It wasn't rights that made work lose its spiritual fulfillment, it was the growth of the economy. Workers now need to grovel at the feet of corporations who would gladly put them in sweatshop conditions if it were legal. In such an environment there cannot be solidarity between employer and employee. The only thing keeping the elites accountable under capitalism is these rights.
I wasn't speaking of the literal meaning of the story, that much is obvious. Clearly at the time that the story was written democracy wasn't around yet. I may be a dipshit but I'm not that much of a dipshit.
Replies: >>303 >>306 >>344
>set our expectations closer to what is acheivable
If I followed that I'd do nothing, since I don't know what is achievable.
Replies: >>304
Are you doing anything now?
Replies: >>305
I'm thinking about making bigger and bigger mining and rovers in space engineers. I don't know what is achievable, but the thought of limiting yourself to doing what can be done reeks of goyim think. Working with what is achievable requires you to understand a limitation, but that limitation might be self-enforced. The difference between the people who set the standards and those who copy is the difference between a thriving society and a decaying one.
Replies: >>314
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I assume from reading your whole post that you still have some kind of hope in our actual situation. I think that it's very naive because the whole world is nearly collapsing, this multicultural situation especially here in Europe is unsustainable. Racial and religious tensions coupled with fucked up economy, self loathing citizens and corrupted justice will make the whole world go down in flames. It will be violent and the white man will be confronted with the harsh reality that he has been avoiding while watching his family being slaughtered by sandniggers. Just look at what is happening in France right now.
>Democracy can only work when the population is well-educated
You are way overestimating the average guy. Education is useless, the mass cannot think rationally, all the great mob leaders know this, you can control them only by appealing to their emotions by the use of suggestibility and archetypes. Gustave le Bon has wrote a book about this. Foreign kings used to scorn the Greeks when they visited classical Athens, seeing the wise men being led by the common folk.
In occupied France, The Vechy government would often do educational campaigns to warn the people about the jewish peril and they had huge success in terms of participants. But in the end, the French still sided with the American troops and their niggers like the cucks they are.
>If all we do is jerk ourselves off over the great thousand year reich then all we'll ever have is semen in our hands. Even Hitler couldn't pull that shit off
I think that if Hitler had a chance to try again, he wouldn't change a thing maybe only some military strategies like waiting the Russians to attack and defend in a much better terrain, also not trust the Anglo kikes and launch operation Sea Lion Fighting for one's freedom is better than dealing with the jew, fighting not only for one's freedom but for glory and immortality. Even against all odds, even if defeat is inevitable, because the rewards of the martyrs are far greater than the spoils of this cursed life. That is the Aryan spirit that always animated them wherever they went. That is why the modern "scholars" cannot understand the Germany of Hitler. They try to measure it with their flawed instruments, speaking of economic, social and pscyhological reasons, but it was much more than they could comprehend.
>The fact of the matter is that we aren't returning to the time he speaks of here any time soon
Time is not a continuous unlimited flow of minutes, hours and days. It is cyclical. And after Kali Yuga, there will be a golden age, but we will have to fight for it, and there will be men among us sent by the gods that will lead us there. Now is not the time to try to fix something beyond repair, we only need to prepare ourselves for what's to come. We will not see the situation get better in our lifetime, everything will get worse and worse, but we have to hold on tight and wait for our opportunities.
Replies: >>307 >>314 >>344
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I wonder if whites as a group envy the dead and hate living.
Replies: >>308
What makes you think that ?
Replies: >>309
I can't think of a more base motivation for the preservation of ideals over life than to hate living itself, and to live uniquely in imagination.
Replies: >>310 >>313
There are no imaginations involved here. The principles defended by the Germans in WWII were not a matter of discourse and speculation for the ancients but it was rather experience. It is only through jewish and demonic corruption that we are in this state now, even denying the most elemental truths. Living a slave life, where one needs to work in order to consume is not fulfilling at all. If that is the life you are referring to, then I'd rather be dead.
Replies: >>311
I'm referring to the endless menial task of staying alive, yeah.
>to hate living itself, and to live uniquely in imagination
That's me, but because I hate living I have no ideals to preserve.
I work towards a goal by accomplishing things that are immediately achievable. When waging war you don't just immediately march on your enemy's capitol. Even the normalfaggot liberals understand this although they don't consciously understand it, it's more of a result of natural biases. Think of the Democratic primaries, even though the average Democrat probably thought that someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren had better policies, they understood that it was more effective to have the most mainstream electable candidate and to force him to make concessions. When I say that we should focus on improving the current system or rather do what's realistically achievable, I'm saying that we work towards the same goal but don't go seig heil-ing along the way like fucking Richard Spencer. Take power away from the elites slowly and work with those who also want to limit the elite's power. The time when we could simply kill those in power is over, not only are they too powerful but the masses wouldn't accept it in the state they are now. Hitler went about things carefully and practically, he didn't start out by shooting jews on the street.
>that limitation might be self-enforced
What limitation did I mention that you think is self-enforced? I don't think anyone would disagree with me that under the current system we won't be able to acheive what any of us would want, and that first we'll need to change the system itself.
>I assume from reading your whole post that you still have some kind of hope in our actual situation
Honestly I do. I see people becoming more and more radical, and disillusioned by their leadership. I see Trump pushing his base farther right and lying constantly, and I anticipate that after Biden liberals will be disillusioned when his administration fails to make the changes they want, pushing them farther left. I envision a possible future in which radical change happens quicker than ever before without a single drop of blood spilled. I truly think that the elites have as tight a grip as they'll ever have on the world, and from here all it can do is loosen.
Pessimism is antithetical to politics. If one is completely pessimistic then he is not effective. Hitler only did what he did because he hoped for a better future, if he didn't think he could make a change he'd have stuck to painting.
>You are way overestimating the average guy. Education is useless, the mass cannot think rationally
I don't think that's the case. Iq has constantly been going up bcause of education and people are more disillusioned in their leaders than ever. The thing that needs to happen is for someone to take that disillusionment and whip it up into rage. Hell, Trup didn't do a bad job at this if it weren't for the fact that he's just as much the establishment as the people he alienates. The simple idea of "fake news" is something that a potential successor to Hitler could easily take advantage of. If things were introduced subtly like I said, not making "educational campaigns to warn the people about the jewish peril" but rather slowly teaching the public to recognize propaganda, then democracy would be so much more effective. What I'm suggesting is not unlike the education that children got in Nazi Germany, only this would be something non-partisan, only teaching the average person to be wary of lies. An educated culture would only help us, and it would be great for making democracy a viable system in the meantime. One thing that I hope will stick from the past four years is the media constantly pointing out lies from the presidential administration, except now it will be the right-wing media and the far left media, with the only defenders being faggot liberals that no one likes, especially as people continue to get more and more radicalized.
Replies: >>315 >>317 >>319
I don't believe that there's any glory in martyrdom if nothing is ever accomplished. Maybe that's not exactly what I mean, but effectively, if all we ever have is martyrs then all we'll ever be is dead. I want to improve life for my people, and that won't happen by leading another failed attempt to conquer the world, or through another shooting. It will happen over generations by democratically weakening the grip of the kikes, and by exposing the lies of the elites whenever possible.
>Now is not the time to try to fix something beyond repair, we only need to prepare ourselves for what's to come.
No, the way that we prepare ourselves is by improving living conditions so that people aren't so focused on staying alive, so that we aren't in a constant struggle to pay our bills. Long-lasting change won't come from people who the system is failing, change under such a system will only be motivated by whoever can put food into people's mouths. It's when everyone is satisfied that they'll be able to shift their focus from the rat race to what's meaningful. I don't want the Fourth Reich just to be something simply opposed to some jew-controlled shitty capitalism, if the Fourth Reich were to arise from conditions similar to today's it'd last about a week. The elites in the opposing countries would all cut off its supply lines and all its people would beg to wageslave again because it's better than starving. No, the path towards the Fourth Reich will be a long and arduous task of slowly prying away the grip of the elites through many political policies slowly improving the living conditions and the meaningful influence of the average voter, and taking away elite influence on them.
It's not a matter of IQ. I live in a country without NEETbux or anything of the sort, and so I have to wageslave. I wageslave with high IQ people, and they can be as retarded as low IQ people in their beliefs. The normalnigger is a different kind of being, the whole NPC meme or them being souless/hylics describe them perfectly, they are merely animals with varying levels of cleverness. This is why democracy will never work, they are clever animals who deep inside only care about muh recognition muh dick muh pussy and that's it, even normalnigger whites are like this. The only thing whites have going for themselves is that they seem to be the race with most people with soul in them. As long as normalniggers are given free reign to do what they do our lives will be shit, forced to wageslave, etc. Never forget Jews have the power they have because der ewige normalfag allows it.
I was replying to >>314
IQ can matter, but if the person in question has never even bothered to ask themselves about the foundation of their moral values it doesn't make a lick of difference. You can meet academics with incredibly high IQ's who sound like they've never asked themselves why they believe in something in their entire lives. If you ask them to simply expand on the foundation of their views you can watch them discover what they believe in real time then and there, as if they never even fucking pondered their own morality before.
Replies: >>320
>I work towards a goal
Is that goal achievable? The process doesn't matter.
Replies: >>321
How do you know they were high IQ? Sounds like you're talking about midwits at absolute best. People with IQs above 160 tend to be super human and callously reasonable, I don't think they'd not bother to ask a question like what is the basis of morality, even (the more intelligent) atheists understand why it's around.
The idea is to guide the normalfaggot away from depending on the elite. Do you really think that the majority of supporters of the Nazi party weren't just as soulless as the average normalfaggot is today? I'm proposing that instead of a quick revolution we start slow by improving the current system and removing the dependancy on the elites. This is something that will take generations. In order to get the normalfaggot to care about morals, we need the system to satisfy their base desires first. They'll never give long-term support to nationalism if their bellies aren't full regardless of what the elites do. Wageslavery is what's holding them back. I hate that it's the communists and socialists that are able to work on small things towards a greater goal that they'll likely never see while we just sit around jerking off hoping we reincarnate at the right time.
>It's not a matter of IQ
The reason I brought up iq is that it's the most objective way to guage a population's intelligence. Obviously their moral character is lacking, but we don't need them to agree with us morally yet. How much do your co-wagies trust the news? How much do they trust authorities? Maybe it's different in your country but here in burgerstan as I see people getting smarter I see people constantly lose faith in their politicians. Before we get them on things like racemixing we need to get them to stop trusting billionaires.
If I thought that the things I hope for were an impossibility I would have killed myself by now. I think they're very unlikely but not unachievable. What is most important is working on what is immediately achievable.
Replies: >>322 >>330
>I think they're very unlikely but not unachievable
That's a big difference from working on only what's achievable. I for one think what you're doing is impossible without changing the environment itself to be harsher and less forgiving than it is now. Make it either colder or hotter, otherwise the normalfags won't be incentivized to change at all. Jews can only parasite on thriving societies after all.
Replies: >>323
No, jews can only parasite on societies that they force to need them. American workers are in no way thriving, they need to work multiple jobs or get roommates just to live. They're only in that situation because of the elites. The idea that kikes control thriving economies is misdirection, the economy is only thriving for them. We can't simply kill them, that didn't work last time. If normalfags are forced to change then the change will not be an honest one, and therefore it will be short-lived. We won't get a thousand year reich if "work for your people" is only an alternative to "work or die".
Replies: >>324
If they can be parasitized then they have extra fat on them. Which americans literally do. I think making the environment incapable of supporting more than a million humans at any given moment, worldwide, would fix 90% of normalfag behavior.
Replies: >>325
The only way that will ever happen is nuclear war, and that isn't happening anytime soon. Even if it were to happen you'd have to do it in such a way that it wouldn't subsequently kill everyone left by fucking the environment. No, we're stuck with normalfags. The best we can do is get them to stop relying on elites for everything. We will never thrive when all of our advocates are obsessed with death.
Replies: >>326
Just wait a couple tens of thousands of years and nature might do something fun again. I don't understand the motivation for trying to not rely on elites. 
>We will never thrive when all of our advocates are obsessed with death
Only if their obsession with death is nihilistic. A healthy disregard for health and safety is good, an overly pampered society won't produce any geniuses or anything ground breaking.
Replies: >>327
I think it would be incredibly hard to argue that the obsession with death, be it here or elsewhere, isn't nihilistic. I'm not saying we should fear death, but it isn't something we should seek out.
>an overly pampered society won't produce any geniuses or anything ground breaking.
Blatantly false. America was making the greatest technological advancements when its citizens didn't need to work multiple jobs to survive. Now we've got retarded megacorporations trying to hold on to systems that are not only dying, but killing us. This gets into an entirely separate argument about green energy which I'd rather not get into, but suffice it to say that when Americans were doing well we weren't so resistant to innovation.
Replies: >>328 >>330
>Blatantly false
>isn't nihilistic. 
Afterlife, or holding any religious or spiritual beliefs.
Replies: >>329
Do you think that a country full of wageslaves is as innovative during war as a country where its citizens are doing well?
>Afterlife, or holding any religious or spiritual beliefs.
Then I'll specify, it isn't good for people's lives to sit around hoping for a glorious death if that death accomplishes nothing. Heaven is a useless concept if it's only an escape from the world, and reincarnation is useless if you reincarnate into a world that is just as shit as you left it. I really despise the way that religious beliefs seem to be used to advocate for apathy. "just wait until you de, it's useless to make the world better now". The world is how we make it, this is our domain. It doesn't need to be this way. There are things that we can do to pave the way and it enrages me that no one's doing them.
Replies: >>331 >>332 >>344
>why would a God need to feed itself?
Had I known you'd take the phrase "kike god" more literally than I intended I would've thought more about it, but it's just a simple way to address it and I'm going to keep using it because it gets the point across even if not technically a "god." We're in some kind of bubble of consciousness, and there is some kind of parasitic being that's been seeking dominion over it with the help of its chosen people and collaborators (who as mundane, mortal, neurotic supplicants could never pull this shit off on their own). To illustrate, someone wondered earlier in the thread about why voting has been presented as something extremely important that you must participate in, and it's part of the control and feeding mechanism that governs the normalcattle pen: the ideal psychic food source is a degraded mongrel who, by conditioning beginning in childhood, roots to the physical reality molded by the jews and aligns with a particular socio-political role. There's more loosh for the kike god to feed off of when there's more social disorder and division, and the kikes play both sides of a given dichotomy as they thrive in the midst of revolutionary upheaval. As this robot put it: >>291
>Democracy is the natural habitat of the jew, he can scheme, lie, and steal his way to power in the dark without anyone holding him accountable
>It places the destiny of the nation between the hands of skilled manipulators of public opinion
This goes hand in rubbing hand with the capitalism vs. communism dichotomy as another dynamic set up by the jew. With capitalism the degraded normalfag is detached from natural identity and becomes mired in kike materialism as a way of life, while communism is what you get when the kikes are successful in pushing through a more blunt, bureaucratic system of regulating the normalcattle pen. 

We're in an advanced state of parasitism, which is why >>321 is totally wrong when he says,
>Do you really think that the majority of supporters of the Nazi party weren't just as soulless as the average normalfaggot is today?
The normalfaggots of today's peak-ZOG US are not the same psychically as those Germanic people, they have been degraded closer to the kikes' ideal goyim population. 
>America was making the greatest technological advancements when its citizens didn't need to work multiple jobs to survive.
America was more capable of being anything other than Israel's bitch when the kikes hadn't successfully implemented their racial integration policies to, as I've been saying, degrade the populace down to the normalcattle we're familiar with today. To put the question posed earlier on its head, how would today's soyboy faggot compare to a pre-Christianization Nordic man? Before the kike god displaced our old Gods with the demoralization plan of Christianity, don't you think the average European had a better spiritual grasp of nature and virtue -- generally a more coherent, higher level of consciousness -- than a niggerloving catlady of today? 

The point is, we here are psychically distinct from the normalcattle in this pen called Earth, which is ever-advancing towards whatever optimized goyim loosh-extraction operation the kike god and his chosen enforcers have in mind. While I feel kinship with Equanimity-robot, Waifuism-robots and the rest of you, I'm never going to be at peace with this fucked up bubble of reality until the kike god -- maybe I should say "the metaphysical parasite intelligence that's manipulating our reality" --  is rendered incapable of fucking with anything, forever. It's kind of ironic that had the kikes not touched our women with their bullshit and instead pushed them to be enticing in a genuine sense, I probably wouldn't have cared about anything metaphysical, I would've sought mundane companionship. Also, I don't mind the idea of dying because this physical reality is a trap and I want spiritual reconciliation and an end to a samsaric cycle.
Any environment that favors group selection over individual selection is good for genius. You're an educated retard, I don't know what point you're trying to make. 
>hoping for a glorious death
Good for genius, as long as it's not just virtue signalling but a genuine wanting to die for your tribesmen. 
>Heaven is a useless concept if it's only an escape from the world
Replies: >>333 >>357
>There are things that we can do to pave the way and it enrages me that no one's doing them
Do something you think is good and others will start copying you, fretting over them not doing what you want right now is a retarded waste of time and energy you could be using to reach your goals.
>Heaven is a useless concept if it's only an escape from the world
Not the point of heaven, a reward for living a good life is good for societies to function. 
>religious beliefs seem to be used to advocate for apathy
Perhaps buddhism but I'm not a buddhist. 
>we can do to pave the way
I want to focus on myself, I don't want to try to change others. I want to improve. I think normalfags are sad creatures but I'm not sure if I'm any better than them. 

I know you've been polite but I don't think this is going anywhere.
Replies: >>334 >>357
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Good post. I kinda like your idea of a parasite entity trying to leech off its host, like the centipedes you find devouring the immortal corrupted monks in Sekiro who have abandonned the way of Buddha, only on a much larger scale, inticing the normalfags to keep lusting over meaningless material things. I think that this situation is also unique because it's using technology to its advantage in trying to take control of the consciousness of normalcattle. I feel like we are heading towards a cyberpunk mongrelized helholle if the train doesn't stop because the beast is too much overpowered right now having secured its position in many spots. I hope that collapse happens sooner though.

>I know you've been polite but I don't think this is going anywhere.
Not the same anon you've been talking to from the start, discussion is intervowen. I like to keep discussion civilized. A hundred years ago, people weren't as agressive as us in the matters of discourse.
Replies: >>335
>I like to keep discussion civilized
If I wanted to be civilized I wouldn't post or open my mouth. Be blunt, direct, and to the point is my philosophy.
Replies: >>336
You can be direct, honest and to the point without resorting to insults out of nowhere like nigger.
Replies: >>337
No I can't.
Replies: >>338
Replies: >>339
That's blunt and too the point, there's no better way to encapsulate your feelings over someone being a faggot than to call him a faggot. Can I call a faggot something else? Probably not on the spot, that would take a lot more mental effort than me writing up this post did.
Replies: >>340
Words like that are more objective observations rather than insults. If someone acts like a faggot, you call him a faggot, but throwing them left and right like buzzwords just kills their meaning and poisons the discussion. It makes you look like a 10 year old kid saying forbidden words.
Replies: >>341
Then don't throw them out left and right.
Replies: >>342
I don't. I never said don't use them at all.
Replies: >>343
Neither did I, I'm saying do use them. I meant every word of what I said, your observation that not all insults are merely insults is correct. You shouldn't say things that you don't mean, that's rude.
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allright listen nigger i don't give a shit about Politics and do not mind all this discussion on them, fuck i made the conscious choice of staying away from it and abstain from posting, but you, or whomever the fuck is making these posts has to stop pretending he knows Fuck all about spirituality, because you have No fucking idea on what the fuck you are talking about
>Then I'll specify, it isn't good for people's lives to sit around hoping for a glorious death if that death accomplishes nothing
to accomplish WHAT?
>Heaven is a useless concept if it's only an escape from the world
yeah, too bad heaven isn't about escaping, its about reaching Stillness, about Being, Movement Implies imperfection, if one lacks nothing, one does not need to do anything, one is at ease and Reintegrated with himself,
>and reincarnation is useless if you reincarnate into a world that is just as shit as you left it.
yeah, too bad Reincarnation is not about "Improving the World" but about reintegrating oneself, you do not reincarnate in this fucking Shithole to "Make it better" you come down here to Test yourself and reach higher states of Being, in a endless Struggle to reach Pleroma and reintegrate oneself, you would know this if you ever read the Corpus Hermeticum or anything on Hermetism/Neo-Platonism at all
>The world is how we make it
No, you don't actually understand how little control and agency you have over your actions, or rather, the Consequences, one can do "Anything" yet is de-facto impossible to predict anything, you can make educated guesses, but you never know where you will ever end up,
>this is our domain
No, one of the Main fucking Points in Warrior Asceticism is the idea that one does not Belong here,, its literally one of the things Metaphysics of War talks about, more proof to sustain the fact that you know Fuck all about Traditional Spirituality,
>It doesn't need to be this way
It actually Does, we are in the fucking Kali Yuga, the entire point of this period is that its the Most fucked up and Decayed one, its in this shithole where the most Diehard Ksatrya fuckers like >>330 and >>284>>300>>306 come to Fight the last Fight when Kalki comes, i'd go as far as to say that Corona-chan being a thing and these lads showing up so recently (or at least becoming more verbose about their ideas) are just signs of the Impending return of Kalki
>There are things that we can do to pave the way and it enrages me that no one's doing them.
yes, and the thing you can and are supposed to do is to Find yourself and to attain Gnosis, this "World" is just a retarded Boot Camp that was made for You, not You to Fix it, it does not matter at all and its in the hands of Causality, in >>302 whom i assume its either You or another Army-Issue mouth-breather with the same ideas as You, its mentioned that
>The fact of the matter is that we aren't returning to the time he speaks of here any time soon
yeah, except that in every single fucking Iteration of the Doctrine of the Four Ages it is said that after Kali Yuga the Golden age Returns, and not only it Returns, but the Cycle of the Four Ages is something that has been going on since Eternity, not only these times will Return by Divine Law, the already Have Returned, Many times, Infinite Times, before "Written History" there was the Golden Age, and that Golden Age was preceded by a Previous Kali Yuga

i could spend the rest of the Day proving how little you actually fucking Know about the matters of the Spirit, but i can't be Arsed to do it, to be honest just your perspective on Life and Death, let alone thinking you can "Guide" the Normgroids, already outs you as the Blackest Gorilla Nigger,

Again, do whatever the fuck you want and talk about whatever you want, i don't particularly care about your Political stuff, but don't talk about Spirit as if it was another of your little Political paradigms or something as simple as a bunch of Social Polifices for Fuck's Sake
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my bad forgot to add an small excerpt from metaphysics of war to drive 
>No, one of the Main fucking Points in Warrior Asceticism is the idea that one does not Belong here,, its literally one of the things Metaphysics of War talks about, more proof to sustain the fact that you know Fuck all about Traditional Spirituality,
Replies: >>357
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>Had I known you'd take the phrase "kike god" more literally than I intended I would've thought more about it
shit sorry about that then, i have the bad habit of taking things at Face value, while i do agree with pretty much everything you said minus perhaps your thoughts on the USA mainly because i really really do not give a fuck about the Anglosphere, i hope this does not come off as arrogant or anything i do more or less disagree with 
>The normalfaggots of today's peak-ZOG US are not the same psychically as those Germanic people, they have been degraded closer to the kikes' ideal goyim population. 
mainly because the German people during WW2 were actually very cuckolded, as far as i can remember there was a substantial ammount of population that only Voted for Hitler because they didn't want the commies but didn't actually Believe in the NatSoc soclution, and there is a Subtantial ammount of SS officers that refuse to keep up with Himmler's Ariosophistic Rituals, again i only read this a long long time ago so memory may be hazy and i may be getting things wrong, just like you said, Normgroids today are fucked, but they were also pretty fucked back in the 1930's it just so happens that Uncle Adolph and the Gang were too Based for this World
>I'm never going to be at peace with this fucked up bubble of reality until the kike god -- maybe I should say "the metaphysical parasite intelligence that's manipulating our reality" --  is rendered incapable of fucking with anything, forever
don't worry anon, like i said in my Previous post (>>344
) i think Kalki is slowly Returning and the Legionnaires of Ragnarok are assembling, at least that is what i earnestly believe, im surprised that Esotericism even became a more or less prevalent Theme around here, shure i always bring it up in all of my posts, but this wouldn't be a thing if people didn't roll the ball with me, i mean eunuch was a thing, nobody paid attention to that retard so just one autist being an autist is not enough to really make the ball roll, and there are actually more Evolafags and Traditionalists here than in /Fascist/ (wich is filled with LARPers and retards if you ask me)
Replies: >>351 >>358
>turns out Trump lost
Holy fuck is the never ending screeching finally over? Can I look non-politics things up without somehow getting a bunch of articles whining about Trump now?
Replies: >>349 >>350
Not yet. At least not technically. There's still a chance that his either his lawyers get something done or Nevada flips.
Replies: >>355
Election still seems up for grabs with the Trump team apparently demanding a recount in Wisconsin while Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona still seem contested. Either outcome though, I doubt it is over. Burn Loot Murder niggers, spoiled suburban communists, and the rest of their ilk will still riot and screech. I mean these are the same people who want a "Truth and Reconciliation" commission if they win because of the scary orange bad man who is really just an 80s liberal running as (((conservative))). And on the other hand we have the Q-anon patriot type idiots who are only waiting happily to be pressed into militia action for the other side of the bureacracy so maybe they'll nut up and actually do something like they always claim to be ready to do. Love him or hate him, Trump cast a shadow over the entire ruling apparatus of the US and everyone is going to be running scared for years from the ideas unleashed.
Replies: >>355
>Normgroids today are fucked, but they were also pretty fucked back in the 1930's it just so happens that Uncle Adolph and the Gang were too Based for this World
You're right, I don't disagree with you on that -- I guess you could say the normgroids were at a certain stage of degradation, but an earlier one than the one we're at now. 
>i'd go as far as to say that Corona-chan being a thing and these lads showing up so recently (or at least becoming more verbose about their ideas) are just signs of the Impending return of Kalki
I think "more verbose about [our] ideas" is more accurate. We had been in a position readying ourselves for this stuff for a while, and I have to wonder if that's connected to why several previous sites were shut down. I just need a few good robots to commit metaphysical genocide, it's totally legal.
>I just need a few good robots to commit metaphysical genocide, it's totally legal.
Count me in
Great, guess I'll go back to playing video games and doing other shit around the house for another 3 months while ignoring everything as much as possible outside of /r9k/.
>don't you think the average European had a better spiritual grasp of nature and virtue -- generally a more coherent, higher level of consciousness -- than a niggerloving catlady of today?
No, but my current goals don't require them to be. Normalfaggots are still smart enough that it's possible to get them to weaken the kikes' grip. That is simply the first step of many. I don't need them to have a soul to get them to stop trusting billionaires.
>Any environment that favors group selection over individual selection is good for genius. You're an educated retard, I don't know what point you're trying to make.
The point is that we aren't going to see improvements when we're forced to work or starve.
>Not the point of heaven, a reward for living a good life is good for societies to function. 
To my knowledge, no modern religion treats it that way. For Christianity it geniunely just comes down to belief, and supposedly a good life will come from that belief (obviously not the case). A good life isn't required there. It seems to me that except in the case of religious "extremists" religion advocates for a bland type of "good". There's nothing exceptional in your average religious faggot. If you ever go into a church all they do is talk about how great it'll be when they die and they never seek to improve the lives they have, the most they'll do is send someone to Africa to spend a month building one house. As far as I'm concerned such a belief is apathy, and no one apathetic deserves to go to heaven.
>I want to focus on myself, I don't want to try to change others
That's "clean your room" tier anon.
>I know you've been polite but I don't think this is going anywhere.
That's fine, the main reason I'm even talking about this stuff is to bounce ideas around, I didn't expect anything really beneficial would come from it besides my ideas getting resistance. Better they be challenged than I try to execute them without seeing what reactions they'd get from the people I care about most.
>stop pretending he knows Fuck all about spirituality
I'm not talking about actual spirituality, I'm talking about how it's used to keep people from accomplishing things here.
>to accomplish WHAT?
A better life for one's people. Death without working towards one's goals in a meaningful manner is useless.
>yeah, too bad heaven isn't about escaping, its about reaching Stillness, about Being, Movement Implies imperfection, if one lacks nothing, one does not need to do anything, one is at ease and Reintegrated with himself,
If you think this is what the average Christian or Muslim believes then you've never been in a church. I'm not speaking about what heaven actually is here, I'm speaking about what heaven is used for. Most people think heaven is just some place where they'll be forced to sing hymns all the time.
>yeah, too bad Reincarnation is not about "Improving the World" but about reintegrating oneself, you do not reincarnate in this fucking Shithole to "Make it better" you come down here to Test yourself and reach higher states of Being, in a endless Struggle to reach Pleroma and reintegrate oneself
If I reincarnate I want it to be because my work isn't done. I'm not saying that the act of reincarnation is meant to make the world better, but one who doesn't use his time here to do what he needs to isn't reaching a higher state of being. You certainly don't do that by sitting around. I cannot imagine standing by as your people is mongrelized, and as the kike tempts your own people to join them in its ways. Even if my actions are ultimately useless, even what I hope happens never does, I'm doing more than nothing.
Replies: >>358 >>359
>No, you don't actually understand how little control and agency you have over your actions, or rather, the Consequences, one can do "Anything" yet is de-facto impossible to predict anything, you can make educated guesses, but you never know where you will ever end up,
Nothing here refutes my point. I cannot predict the future, sure, but I can do a lot with that educated guess. Just because I can't know the exact precise outcome of my actions doesn't mean I should do nothing.
>No, one of the Main fucking Points in Warrior Asceticism is the idea that one does not Belong here,, its literally one of the things Metaphysics of War talks about, more proof to sustain the fact that you know Fuck all about Traditional Spirituality,
I never claimed to know anything about spirituality, I only know the world as it is. And quite frankly I'm skeptical of anything that says we don't belong here. If the books you spoke of say that we shouldn't do what we can to improve the lives of our people then I doubt their truthfulness.
I have realized that I am not called to be a soldier, this is something that I thought of a while ago before I had any understanding of this when I was beginning to write shit. At first I thought I was writing about myself but I was writing about the people I need to inspire to take the correct actions. Perhaps to you there is no other way to describe a robot than a soldier. I certainly am not a normalfag, but I feel connected to this world in a way that I can't describe. I can't stand by while everything goes to shit, especially when I've seen so many opportunities recently for humanity to change its course. The normalfaggot does not need to be a normalfaggot. I see a path in which the normalfaggot can be redeemed. This is something that will take generations. Even in >>346 you acknowledge that back in Hitler's day the average Nazi supporter didn't do so out of genuine respect for Hitler's ideas. The way that I have seen is long and hard but will result in real and proper supporters. They cannot be people who simply fear communism, they cannot be people who want more than the bare minimum. Our ideas cannot be simply proposed as an alternative to rock bottom, because if that's all they are then the elites will easily be prepared to offer something slightly better just to crush us, and then return to their comfortable rock bottom.
>don't talk about Spirit as if it was another of your little Political paradigms or something as simple as a bunch of Social Polifices for Fuck's Sake
You don't understand, I have little interest in speaking about actual spirituality when I'm speaking about the world. When I speak of heaven I speak of the twisted version of heaven that is given by faggot preachers and corrupt politicians. These are the people that encourage apathy, and obsession with death.
>The point is that we aren't going to see improvements when we're forced to work or starve
We'll see improvements when we're forced to improve or die. There won't be any improvements if there isn't an incentive for movement. 
>For Christianity it geniunely just comes down to belief
>That's "clean your room" tier anon
I don't want to change others.
Replies: >>361 >>364
I was wrong to call you educated, you're just a retard. It feels more like you're just repeating learned social behavior rather than anything human, less than what the typical normalfag is capable of achieving in terms of comprehension of the human spirit or self-awareness.
Replies: >>365
>We'll see improvements when we're forced to improve or die. There won't be any improvements if there isn't an incentive for movement. 
No, the elites ensure that this will never happen. People will be forced to give everything to the system sure, but they will live. And regardless, people who are in a situation where it's improve or die will more often than not be crushed, because in such a situation it's a lot harder to improve.
What do you mean by this?
>I don't want to change others.
You don't have to, but I do want to change others. Normalfags are what remains of our people, they're what the jew has twisted them into. I want my people back, and that isn't something impossible. I am not going to abandon my people so easily. Your lack of investment in this world has nothing to do with that.
Replies: >>362
>No, the elites ensure that this will never happen
They haven't for wars, which is what I'm talking about. 
>What do you mean by this
Christianity isn't a single unified and coherent group with the exact same beliefs and actions. Who? 
>but I do want to change others
That's the only thing I'm sympathetic about, but I don't understand why you would equate my feelings with advice. I don't want to change others, and I think it's hubris to want to change an entire species. But I don't want to stop people from trying, since there might be a benefit in changing others that I'm not aware of. 
>Your lack of investment in this world
I think people can be invested in, but not the world. The idea of doing things for the "people" rather than people you actually know doesn't make sense.
Replies: >>365
>We'll see improvements when we're forced to improve or die. There won't be any improvements if there isn't an incentive for movement. 
You have too much faith in the normalfag. We're already past the point of no return. Unless a god comes down from the heavens and enlightens everyone all that'll happen in a cataclysmic scenario is the endless bitching and moaning that we have seen over the past two decades. Rather than look inward the normalfag will look outward and curse the others for their own inadequacies. The only way a cataclysmic event would drive improvement at this point would be if it were to somehow eliminate normalfags rather than simply press them. Problem is that this world is almost entirely normalfags and the few people who aren't are probably autistic to drive forward society. 
And even then let's say that your theoretical situation is successful and normalfags shed their retardation in the face of hardship, do you not just end up in the same cycle of
>Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times
Basically what I'm trying to say is that today's weak man is infinitely more incompetent compared to the weak men of the past and so we've reached a point where the sufficient introspection needed to make weak men strong is impossible and the strong men are too few in number to restart society.

In all honesty, I don't think there will be a collapse. We're just going to slog on for the next few hundred years at a slowly but constantly deteriorating social state until AI completely changes the game in a way no one here can predict; for better or for worse. Who knows maybe AI will free man from his dependency on his kin and hyperindividualism will take over and each man must then create his own meaning in life. This would be pretty good for robot characters like ourselves (even though we'll probably all be dead by then) but I assume that the normalnigger brain would short circuit in such a situation.

However, I will admit that I might be wrong about some of this stuff and I'm open to hearing other perspectives from the robots around here. 
I am reasonably confident in my analysis though.
What kind of amalgamation of retarded nonsense is this? What have I said that is "less than what the typical normalfag is capable of achieving"? I see normalfags organizing, I see the socialists and the communists creating groups that have effected real change, while we sit here LARPing about maybe one day an avatar of Vishnu will come and save us as Trump and the Republican party turns nationalism into a parody of itself. The people who align themselves with nazi ideals are faggot corporatists, who have never experienced any struggle, born into money and power from the start. What do you think Hitler would say if he saw that the people aligned with nationalism are rich faggots born into power, after he struggled through a fucking world war to get his power. You are letting your beliefs be an excuse to stay in one place not doing anything. You are letting go of your people and for what? Because they've become corrupted? Do you really think they're lost completely? How much of a fool you are to think that. You've been tricked by the same kikes that have tricked the normalfags.
>They haven't for wars, which is what I'm talking about. 
Wars rarely effect civilians in first-world countries outside of small terrorist attacks. My point still stands, it will never be improve or die for us.
>Christianity isn't a single unified and coherent group with the exact same beliefs and actions.
The tendency to hope for death is something that is taught in most churches, regardless of their position on things like predestination. Maybe there is some small denomination that teaches the concept of heaven properly but I've never seen it.
>I don't understand why you would equate my feelings with advice
Then I apologize for misunderstanding. The way it was presented as the opposite of my position made me think you were saying that it's wrong to try and effect change.
>The idea of doing things for the "people" rather than people you actually know doesn't make sense.
Broad social change doesn't happen on a person-to-person level. If I were to do that all I'd have is a cult, something that could easily be villified by the media. No, before I introduce my ideas as a whole the elites need to have their grip weakened. I may never see that happen but I'll sure as hell work towards it.
Replies: >>366 >>373 >>379
>You have too much faith in the normalfag
I don't know if you're just playing social games or if you don't understand that I'm referring to evolution when I'm writing about the changes normalfags go through. War is a good environment for the type of people I want, those people will be selected for. The amount of people alive now will absolutely include a significant amount of these kinds of people even if they're less than 1% of the population. But I'm under no pretense that this would happen. 
>What kind of amalgamation of retarded nonsense is this
I'm referring to 
>You are letting go of your people and for what? Because they've become corrupted? Do you really think they're lost completely
>Wars rarely effect civilians in first-world countries outside of small terrorist attacks
I don't know what you're referring to and near non-sequiturs keep getting brought up. 
>The tendency to hope for death is something that is taught in most churches
And also this.
Replies: >>369 >>370
If you like normalniggers so much, why don't you marry them?
Checkmate democracydefenderfag
Replies: >>370
I don't think you're being specific enough in your methodology for reaching your goal. When you say war, what kind of war are you talking about? Why would this war, which could just not work as intended, be more effective than unabashed eugenics? Is it that the elites won't have a chance to control the course of humanity and corrupt such a system? And if so who's to say that those same elites wouldn't have the means to do the very same thing, even after a war? Would it be a war so cataclysmic that the elites lose everything that makes them so? And if so, then how would humanity recover after such a cataclysmic scenario? When even the most elite of elite have lost all power and face death who's to say that any of the other much less well off people would be able to survive much less recover, thrive, and promulgate competency?

I do understand the logic behind what you're saying but there just seems to be a lot that needs to be specified before it's a plausible solution to the normalfag issue.
Replies: >>372
>I'm referring to 
<lists things that I made in a subsequent post
Are you schizophrenic? I can explain these in detail if you need me to but I think they're pretty self-explanatory. And it's obvious you weren't referring to them because I hadn't yet made that post.
>>You are letting go of your people and for what? Because they've become corrupted? Do you really think they're lost completely
This is in reference to the idea that normalfags cannot be changed, which I think is as false as an idea can be. It takes multiple generations and you can't change normalfags on an individual the way I'm proposing, but to say that all hope is lost because the current average person is a materialistic retard is completely untrue. Even if it were true that's no reason not to try and effect change.
>>Wars rarely effect civilians in first-world countries outside of small terrorist attacks
Military technology has advanced to the point where casualties are a thing of the past. From tanks to drone strikes, people simply don't die in battle the way they used to. The only deaths that happen to first-world people in any meaningful number are terrorist attacks, and even that it an incredibly small number. Thee idea that America will be changed through war is ridiculous.
>>The tendency to hope for death is something that is taught in most churches
This is something that can only be explained by telling you to talk to Christians. Go to a sermon on the topic of heaven and you'll see people who want death to come quickly, people who consider this life useless and anything accomplished here useless unless what's being accomplished is getting more people to hope for death.
Shit, you've got me cornered.
Replies: >>371 >>372
I should specify that it isn't just America that wouldn't be changed through war, but any country with modern technology.
>This is in reference to the idea that normalfags cannot be changed
I don't believe that, so it's not relevant to me or my post. You should reply to a different post. 
>Military technology has advanced to the point where casualties are a thing of the past
I'm not referring to just causalities when it comes to war. 
>This is something that can only be explained by telling you to talk to Christians
I don't trust your word, since I have talked to Christians and have been raised by Christians, and lived in communities that were christian. The truth is, Christianity is mostly a veneer of faith and integrity, another form of unconscious virtue signalling.
>be more effective than unabashed eugenics
Eugenics mostly requires people to arbitrarily decide something to be good or bad, and people aren't good at making unbiased assessments of how reality works. I don't trust people enough to think eugenics would be that effective. Negative eugenics might be more effective since it isn't as idealized and it's relatively easier to tell who is the garbage of society and who isn't. 
>Is it that the elites won't have a chance to control the course of humanity and corrupt such a system
War is controlled, everything can be controlled. If there's an ecological niche of "leading people around" then it'd be filled, and "leading people around effectively" is harder to achieve than to "lead people around." I more or less believe history is cyclical rather than progressive. 

>I do understand the logic behind what you're saying but there just seems to be a lot that needs to be specified before it's a plausible solution to the normalfag issue
You're right. I don't have an interest in figuring out a plausible solution either.
Replies: >>374
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If it came up to me i would leave you to your Delusions and simply wait and see how they spell your own doom, just like Normgroids, however i will post this, not for Me, but as an Offering to Taihou, and what better way to spite you than dedicating a Reply to a "Nonexistant Anime Girl" wich i assume is the Epitome of "Doing Nothing" according to You
>I see the socialists and the communists creating groups that have effected real change
yes, and you are the Retard that has Eyes and cannot see, you are the Retard that thinks that because they Rule, they "Won" you are the retard who thinks all their retarded choices and their Profanity totally isn't biting them in the Ass, like how their Cuckolded governments can't handle Corona-chan, or how every single Socialist State in existance Collapsed, with the same commies that supported them dying of Fucking Starvation or something Worse, and of course, you are also the Retard that thinks that anything that isn't LARPing on your snowflake political movements, literally playing the Jewish game where they always win is "Doing Nothing" yeah, because i assume Contemplation does not exist and of course given that you know Fuck all about Spirituality you probably also consider Gnosis a fucking LARP, and "Doing Nothing" nevermind the Inner Transformations and the Trasfigurations that take place through the Many possible Operations, from Contemplation to Meditation to Alchemy, but i guess those things do not count because since you cannot See or Smell them or Touch them they are "Not Doing Anything", i've had huge Revelations and many Breakthroughs just by Worshipping and Loving Taihou, a Godess that most likely according to you "Does not Exist", yet its precisely through her that i have attained peaks of Understanding that no Normgroid can ever Testify to, Externally i can be a "Useless Neet" and you will claim that i am "Doing Nothing" but its in the Subtle plane, were all my Movement takes place, and it is in it through Ceaseless contemplation and study that i have attained the Fruits of my Endeavor, a Plane that you know nothing about, a plane you don't want to know anything about because it does not fit your Narrowminded Worldview, because to you, if you can't see it, it does not exist, if it wasn't like that then you would realize that the "Nazi Ideals" you talk so much about, aren't being taken over by Corporate Fucks (they never had them in the First place) but that the ideals of Tradition have been kept Alive forever, precisely through Autist like us, that Understand, See, and Align themselves with the Olympian Powers, slowly waiting for the Final Battle, keeping their Fires Aflame, and through their way lighting other Candles, not through whining and asking other people to obey you and to follow your snowflake plans, but through example, by keeping the Ksatrya Virtue and being Oneself (im not even a Ksatrya, my Fight lies elswhere, my Role is a Different one), not through Psychotic Conditioned Action, but through Pure Will, through a Self-Sufficient Drive that does not Need nor Covet, but simply IS,

so no, no one is using his "Beliefs" wich are not Beliefes but a Divine Truth greater than this Realm, and much less "Doing Nothing" what the 2 Ksatryas that tried to make you Understand are Doing, what the Few Initiates carrying the Fire of Tradition are doing, is Fighting, Fighting a War you will never understand, in a Theatre you can't even Concieve, this was never a war of Blood nor Steel, those things were just a Vehicle, the Greater Holy War, is the War of the Spirit, and witnessing you, and your eternal foolishness, this is something you will never understand,

Replies: >>374 >>379
>I don't believe that, so it's not relevant to me or my post. You should reply to a different post.
There wasn't much of anything in the post I replied to, just insults. I was referencing a general sentiment, not one specific post.
>I'm not referring to just causalities when it comes to war. 
To what are you referring? Mentality? What else could you be referring to by saying "improve or die"?
>The truth is, Christianity is mostly a veneer of faith and integrity, another form of unconscious virtue signalling.
I don't disagree with this, I'm talking about the way that in every funeral they say "he's in a better place" and in every sermon it's "I look forward to heaven" and they all do nothing but encourage their people to tithe more and to look forward to dying.
I'm spider-girl tulpa anon, so I have no problem with you dedicating a post to Taihou, I don't know what gives you that impression of me. I also have no problem with contemplation, but I think that contemplation should lead to action. I'll respond when all of your posts are finished.
>the taihou man turns on the spider girl anon
What an unexpected twist.
Replies: >>379
>What else could you be referring to by saying "improve or die"
Genetics. War in itself is dysgenic, the best and the strongest are sent to die while the weak are protected. Hell, since high IQ is correlated with anything positive in humans from muscle mass, bone density, reaction times, everything, you'd expect people to get dumber as well. War is even more dysgenic for the side that loses. It's having a long history of war, and a pressure for the society as a whole to choose the best men for the job that war becomes eugenic. This selects for men with IQs tailored for objective performance over merely social, men who are capable of defending the "people" in general. It's the long term effect rather than the short term effect. 
>he's in a better place
That's grasping at straws. That's not wanting to die, that's wanting the person who's dead to be in a better place. Do you prefer to think everyone you've ever cared about is going to hell and burn forever and that's a good thing?
Replies: >>384
I agree with some of what you've said but the criticism of you not understanding contemplation also makes sense to me. When you called what we were doing here a LARP you made a broad oversimplification of what's happening. Even if it doesn't lead to direct action intellectual discussion is meaningful but by calling it a LARP you imply that it is meaningless and thus discrediting all those who have participated in it.
Replies: >>384
>There wasn't much of anything in the post I replied to
Mostly due to your own lack of self-awareness.
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not only that, you are Stupid enough to consider the Mongrelized race of the Normgroids to be "Our People" perhaps they are yours, perhaps you are as Stunted and Mongoloid as they are, but they are Certainly not Mine, they were certainly not Hitler's People, nor Evola's, nor Hermes, the Peasantry are the Children of the Earth, the Sons of Pachamama, they are not From the Heavens, they do not Partake in Gnosis because they have no Soul, you cannot "Guide" them, nor Redpill them because they are Averse to the Divine, it is only during the Golden Ages where they are Kept at bay, because it is in these Golden Ages where the Law of the Olympian Gods still reigns Supreme, and they are just that, Simply kept at Bay, they didn't Become Corrupted, they are the Corruption, the Molochs we know as the Kikes are just their Head-honchos

and the Worst offence of all is having the Nerve to call people Fools, yes, we are all controled by kikes arent we?, what a better person to tell me, than a "Man" that thinks Democracy, a System literally Invented by Jews, has Potential to be Restored, a "Man" that thinks in terms of Naturalistic Conditioned Action, wich is literally Plebeian spirituality, and cannot concieve nor know the Divine at all living in a De-Facto Spiritual Atheism, yet again another element of Semitic Ways, yes anon, you keep falling for all their Tricks, from the idea of "Human Progress" to Faustian Action, but i am the Subversed one for Being and Understanding

Listen anon, with all due Respect, you are a Toddler, you have Eyes and Do not See, you have Ears and do not Listen, if you Really want to "save your people" you have to start from 0, you have to understand that 99% of Everything you know is actually taken for Granted, for example, the Idea of Evolution is considered "Fact", how many people you think ask themselves that?, you talk about action, but do you really know what is aciton in the first place?, you have a Library at your disposal in the Esotericism Thread, you have the Tools and the Means, if you truly have a Honest Heart and Soul, then you must take this Leap of Faith, you cannot talk about Hitler, not knowing what Hitler actually stood for in the First place, you must Destroy Yourself, to then Find yourself, and once you Know, once you Are, then everything else will come through, untill then you are just Wandering in the Dark

believe me when i tell you that i kinda suspected that, perhaps my Instincts are way too Honed by now, or i was just lucky, and believe me that it hurts me more than it hurts you to hate to Blatantly tell you how retarded your views are, but you know me well and know that i make 0 Compromises

i think Bogatyrs around here know me all too well, enough to know that i Pull 0 Punches and that the same way i am able to Feel Great Sorrow, Great Pain, and Great Joy, i am Also Able to Feel Extreme bouts of Anger, and also that i will Not Compromise, even if May-Anon has indeed Prevented me from Killing myself and Aided me in my Lowest moment i cannot let this Cloud my Judgement and see the Bad in the Good, or the Good in the Bad, it is precisely because he is May-Anon that he must Learn and Understand, if he could not let me Die, then it is all the more Necessary, now i cannot let his Soul Die in the Ignorance of Samsara, im not saying that he should become like me, i never push my personal Equations on people, his Truth, he must Find Himself according to his Nature, but i cannot allow Falsehood to Reign

i guess not all Cowboys are as Quick on the Draw as Dalua-Kun is, a shame, but it is to be expected in this Shithole of an Existance
Replies: >>382
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The path to the new society will be littered with the sun bleached bones of those too agreeable to partake in autistic slap fights. You will be the first.
Replies: >>383
I deleted that 1 second after posting it because I realized that it was retarded. Surprised you saw that. Gonna blame the gay captcha for that one.
Replies: >>383 >>386
Meant for
>Genetics etc.
I do not see how an economy based on wageslavery will bring about what you want. We already have a work or die society, at least here in burgerstan we do. Maybe I should specify, work or you don't reproduce. It has produced nothing worthwhile.
>That's grasping at straws. That's not wanting to die
I'm aware of that, but it's indicative of a broader idea of heaven, especially since it coincides with the idea that the world is inherently evil and there's nothing that can be done about it, and the general way that Christians look forward to death as an escape. The idea that the world is inherently bad is used to keep people from improving it, something that is possible but isn't done because improving the world wold mean weakening those in power.
When I talk about it being a LARP I suppose I am being disrespectful. The point I'm trying to make is that it never seems to have a goal of inspiring people to take action. It almost always is presented in the sense of "the world is doomed, so don't even try". Maybe I'm thinking more of other places than here specifically, since the things here tend to be more focused on the self than society at large. Hell, maybe I'm just mad that the socialists and communists are doing more than we are to bring about the future they want.
Replies: >>385
>I do not see how an economy based on wageslavery
I never argued for that. 
>I'm aware of that
This is the biggest insult you've posted so far.
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>I deleted that 1 second after posting it because I realized that it was retarded.
i don't think that post was retarded at all, what you said is more or less true, there must be Balance in this place as there is balance in the Cosmos, for every Hot-headed Trigger-Happy Zealot like me there must be at least one Stone-Cold Diplomat to keep things together, i would name a certain someone but then a certain other someone would get pissed off at me blowing up Anonimity again
Replies: >>387
You're probably right but I felt the post could have been worded better. As it was, it felt like a "Mommy Daddy please stop fighting" complaint. I guess the tldr of that but in cleaner terms would be. 
Let's all remember that we're all robots here and that at the end of the day we know that each one of us is infinetely better than the common normalfag and thus much more worthy of being named a comrade.
Let us criticize our comrades when we believe that they're wrong but remember that they are our comrades nonetheless. And finally that we're a small community so let's stay tight knit.
Replies: >>391
Fuck this, I had already typed two posts worth and I hadn't finished responding to your first post. I'm just going to at least try and be succinct and write from the heart rather than responding to every point in detail, because this argument is going nowhere fast.
Perhaps I shouldn't have been so hostile. I don't have an issue with contemplation, I have an issue with the idea that the world is beyond saving. Everywhere I look I see real opportunities for change, and I find it foolish to be demoralized because the kikes are currently in control. I think that autistic posts on /r9k/ are valuable, if I didn't think that I wouldn't be making them. But I think that acting like there's no hope or that we just need to wait until someone else does the work is useless, that's what I mean by apathy and doing nothing. "just wait until Kalki shows up, he'll get it done". Thinking that way is useless, it doesn't get anything accomplished. We aren't preparing for anything if we only effect ourselves.
The normalfags were once our people, do you think that they just popped into existence fully formed, minds open for the jew to fill? No, their ancestors are our ancestors. They're worth saving. I feel tremendous pity for them, they're an intensely sad creature. And as long as they're around and controlled by the elites, we'll never get anything we want. My ultimate priority is a world where robots can thrive, but we won't get that with normalfaggots the way that they are. I do not consider them my people in the sense that I am like them, I wouldn't be here if that were the case. I consider them my people because we come from the same source, physically speaking at least. And for evidence of that all you need to do is consider every relative of yours that is a normalfag, and realize you are of the same blood. The anomaly isn't them, it's you.
I don't consider democracy something to fix, I think it's something that we'll need to live with until we are able to create something more viable. The idea that it'll just go away is nonsense, but we can use it. The socialists were able to get their policies to Biden by pressuring him in the primaries. Without that, there's no way he would have embraced a public option. After his public option fails because it isn't properly funded, more people will be on board with a plan closer to Bernie Sanders'. Do you really think that the elites would want socialized medicine? The same elites that are the middlemen for these medicines that lobby for the price to be ten times more when bought by an individual? No, they are going to give up this power willingly because of the democratic process. That's the way the elites work, if something pressures them and it has enough support they'll cave, so long as they may ultimately stay in power. Through this same process we could whittle them down into something manageable. At the least, we could get rid of wageslavery. I don't want the side closer to us to be corporatist faggotry, I want it to be something I can be proud of.
Anyways, I'm not really mad at you or anyone, actually I'm grateful that you thought it was worthwhile to rebuke me even though I think you're wrong in your impressions of me. The only person I'm mad at is the anon who keeps gesturing vaguely at me lacking awareness without actually giving examples, I don't know if that's because of a lack of investment or what, but it's infuriating to me to see people not present their opinion fully. I'm aware that this has mostly been me against everyone else the minute I brought up the notion of effecting real-world change, and I understand if everyone in the thread thinks I'm stupid, but I'd like it to be because of what my actual positions are, I suspect anons are taking what I've said and assuming more than it. I guess if I didn't want that to happen I shouldn't have been so bold. All of this is to say I'm going to shut the fuck up now and return to my work.
Replies: >>389 >>392
Nice speech but what it comes down to is this: you don't like normalfags and you want to change them. You're telling us that we should try to change them as well. I don't have any problem with that in theory, I don't care. 
>vaguely at me lacking awareness without actually giving examples
You're simply angry at others for not doing anything and you're not giving any concrete examples of what is effective change, on what a person can actually do. You're not doing anything yourself here, you're digging a hole and deciding to defend it without realizing what kind of situation you're in. You're mistaking your anger for productivity. What do you want to do, what changes do you want to make, what is your ideal world, what is a robot, what kind of social structure do you want? 
I consider this all actual role playing. From the way you've worded this post like a speech made to convince others, to believing that all other posters are against you for saying you should do something effective. It's prideful, arrogant, and retarded.
Replies: >>398 >>428
>"Mommy Daddy please stop fighting" complaint
I know a way to stop God the Father and God the Mother from fighting heh hee he hah
>thinks I'm stupid
I don't think you're stupid I just disagree with you on some things. If I thought you were stupid or a retard I would've just not responded. That's just me though, I don't know about the others. 

But on a serious note what, is an individual robot supposed to do to change a system that is so irreversibly fucked? At the end of the day, you're just doing the same thing we're doing, but hoping for a different outcome. By our nature, we are outside observers and we can only hope that things go our way and if they don't we adapt. A robot is an individualistic existence and not one that can make any changes to the world.

But at the end of the day, the niggery of normalfags can only affect you as much as you let it affect you. Most of us here already make efforts towards making sure normalfaggots as little power over our capability to be content as possible and that should be the standard going forward. The only reason we constantly talk about their flaws is that it's intellectually interesting to try and find out just why they are so liked. 

Rather than try and change the world, which we can't, we must find happiness, or at least be content, in spite of that.

My own hope is that AI goes somewhere good but I'm prepared for other futures.
Replies: >>430
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Wew 100 posts in the last couple of days. Guess its because of the election huh.
I heard there was some fishy stuff going on with mail in ballots but I haven't cared much to look into it. Anyways democracy was a mistake considering normals exist. Although i wish i could sit on democrat gubbermint gibes.
Replies: >>397 >>398 >>400
>Finding Dishonored hard
How can people expect anything from the masses ?
Replies: >>398
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>Wew 100 posts in the last couple of days. Guess its because of the election huh.
nah this whole ordeal was off before Election day as far as i remember, at any rate >>389 explained it perfectly
the Anon in question is pissed off at the Status Quo, and wants to save Normgroids from themselves, so he Advocates for Action, the problem is that like >>389
he hasn't really said what is it that needs to be done beyond "Weakening the power of the Elites", personally what pisses me off is how he is at the same "Awareness Level" (to call it something) that /Fascist/ is, he can't see how deep the Iceberg Goes, and he can't see why most of the things he proposes and he things are right are either Already Compromised by Modernity, or Straight up useless, this combined with how he calls everyone to Action, to a Useless action without any sort of Defined Goals beyond "you gotta do something to stop the kikes!", and how he really does not get what the idea of "Riding the Tiger" is since he considers Contemplation to be a Midway to Action, he thinks, or at least judging from his posts i can guess that he thinks, that people like the 2 Ksatryas that have been popping around here, or the Anon whom i hold correspondence with whom is also another Ksatrya, or what most Bogatyrs already do by Default,  are "Doing Nothing" or that i am "Doing Nothing" when in reality the only thing that we are not Doing is not being a bunch of useful idiots like (((Tarrant))) or (((Breivik))) that did nothing beyond giving the Kikes tools to enforce their Dominion even further by restricting gun laws, or making another LARP political front that is going to either get defused by the Feds 2 seconds in the Game or get Compromised by Kikes and start recognizing the Sovereignty of Israel like 99% of the Right-Wing Parties here in Europe, from Vox in Spain to Front Nationale in France, instead of wasting time and Effort on that Trash, its putting effort and time in the only Front that is still Active, the only one that has been Active since the Fall of the Roman Empire, the Spiritual Front, he thinks that waiting for Kalki is some sort of Escapism, when this couldn't be further from the Truth, the Return of Kalki does not Signify Salvation, but the Beggining of the Heroic Cycle and the End of Kali Yuga, it does not signify the End, but the Beggining of the End, this is the reason why i am so utterly pissed off at his Ideas, because he cannot see where the True battle is being Fought, and in his Ignorance he is telling everyone where they should be Fighting and what should they be Fighting for, perhaps for some uninitiated Nihilist his Ideas make sense as a Transition, but trying to Push the Envelope like that in this place where i am shure everyone has Solid Reasons to Struggle in the Direction they are Struggling, seems stupid to me
yeah imagine those fags trying to get through the Haunted Catherdral Level in OG Thief
Replies: >>403 >>430
I mean Dishonored is fun (pls no bully) but it's VERY easy
activity went up a bit since we moved from balkan
Replies: >>401
I wonder how many people we've actually got though.
Replies: >>402
Between 20-25 UID's based on the boards front page metrics.
Reminds me of a forum called salo forums. I discovered it while looking for places better than political boards. It seems decent enough but I dont remember getting too involved, id much rather play vidya instead.
Replies: >>629
Election night, now turned election week, soon to be election month, is starting to become ridiculous. Can this shit just be over already?
Replies: >>406 >>407
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>Can this shit just be over already?
Biden just passed Trump in Georgia. It isn't set in stone necessarily but I doubt the mail in ballots that are left to count would lean Trump enough to tip it back. Seems like it's over for the most part. Unless Trump pulls some malarky it looks like counting the rest of the states is a formality, since with Georgia Biden's got 270 electoral college votes. Of course it's always possible for the electoral college guys to vote differently than their state goes but that's pretty rare. I think Trump was trying to get them to do that a while ago though so we'll see. I am enjoying the maga meltdown, but hopefully it doesn't last for the next four years because it's going to get really tiring hearing them constantly whine about how the election was "stolen".
Replies: >>408
Good, I hope biden wins. The faster America degenerates the better. I hope all American anons get fucked by niggers because you deserve this.
Replies: >>409 >>410 >>422
Ah yes a robot with less power over the political system than a fucking ant is at fault for political whims of his country. What an astute and accurate observation. Truly the great intellectual of our times.
Replies: >>411
You're a complete fucking retard if you think Biden is the accelerationist vote. It'll turn all the leftist faggots docile for 4 years. Meanwhile if Trump takes the election with the supreme court they'll literally burn the entire country down. Your analysis is an embarrassment to accelerationism. Maybe keep your mouth shut if you have no clue what you're talking about.
Replies: >>411
Like father like son, the result of America is at the hand of no one else but it's own people. You like to think it's not your fault that your homeland goes to shit when you should be ashamed of yourself to tears everyday for not being able to fight back at all. You think you can get away with the consequences of your inaction? Time for war and death, it either makes or breaks you, robot. Are you a hero or a coward? 
>biden will make leftist docile and peace forever after
Lol retard. Ah yes the left will just sit tight and comfy for the next four years because they have just won. Certainly they wont do anything in the meanwhile while they HAVE the power. Surely they are entirely capable of wrecking the country to shit while they dont have the power. Anyway prepare for battle American anons, retribution is coming. Inaction is no worse than deliberate destruction. Explosive suffering from seeing your family hang from trees will turn you into a real man. Peace is gay.
Replies: >>412 >>422
It's almost amazing how none of what you said made any sense. Maybe all of the millennial and gen z "everyone's a winner" and "even one person can have a big effect on the world" got to you. Either that or you're just being an angry retard lashing out at the people least responsible for the degradation of society because you need something tangible to blame this mess on. 

The fact is that there's nothing one man can do to fix any of this bullshit, especially not a robot who takes an inherently observatory and separated role in the world. If you think otherwise you're either incompetent or ridiculously naive. 
If you look at it honestly there are no (world-changing) consequences to my inaction as there are no (world-changing) consequences to my actions, the only thing a robot as an individual can do to fight back against the normalnigger jew is to do so in his own life as only then could he make a meaningful change in the world, though it may only be localized entirely within himself. 

You could, however, make the argument that when this thought is widespread that it leads to world-changing consequences but the problem is that by the time all of us here were born it was already much too late. There were too few people like us and the opposition had a "past the point of no return" stranglehold on the situation, making any action trying to fight it back truly and absolutely useless.

We have no responsibility for this mess, the normalfags of the past cause it, and the normalfags of today perpetuate it. If anyone were to have to take moral responsibility for this it would be them (for perpetuating it) and not us (who actively scorn and exile it from our lives).
Replies: >>413
My point has never been that one man effort can fix the entire situation or any small part of it. But if you truly care about your nation, you would have sacrificed much much more to honor your belief. Have you ever done anything at all to fix the situation you're in? Are you brave enough to train yourself and assassinate top Jews and die an honorable death? No you don't. You're a coward who always makes excuses so you don't ever have to feel guilty. One man can never change the world, but the least he can do is to do whatever in his power to change it. Now enjoy your fruit of inaction, one way or another you will have to suffer hard. People of the past live in war and suffering, don't think you can get away from it. All these gay dull peace has turned this world into a cringey shit fucking hole.
What good or honor comes from throwing away my life to achieve absolutely nothing? Again you're naive. Especially if you think that just because some elite dies somewhere that anything will change.
>Have you ever done anything at all to fix the situation you're in?
I've expelled normalniggery from my life and live contently in spite of them. Rather than lash out, die, and achieve nothing, I decided to accept reality and make the best of the hand I was dealt. I also suspect that most of the other anons here ar the same. Have you accepted reality? And if not then why are you still alive? 
Glowniggers this is not incitement it's pointing out hypocrisy fuck off.
Forgot to mention how retarded this was but it must have flew over my head. 
As for what that was; No, just "trying" something is a completeley absolutely fuuking meaningless action. This playground bullshit that simply trying your best means something is bullshit that was planted into the heads of or youth and the fact that you've bought into it, as far as I know, proves that in some sense you are naive.
If actions do not produce results at least somewhat respectable of the effort put in then they are absolutely and completely meaningless. This isn't even up in the air it's just a fact.
Do you glow naturally or do you need to sit under the sunlight for a while to charge up?
The glownigger calls it a day as his shift ends and he is caught in all of his passive aggressiveness.
>Have you ever done anything at all to fix the situation you're in?
Over the past couple years, I've been able to gradually redpill around 10 normalfags of the issues surrounding roasties, the modern political situation, and the current social climate at large but I guess unless I'm actively sawing off one of the (((hydra's))) heads that isn't good enough--as if the flesh won't knot together and just grow back with another kiked bureaucrat at the top.
>One man can never change the world, but the least he can do is to do whatever in his power to change it.
So is that what you're doing here, big man? What do you think you gain by trying to rile up 20 something of the most detached individiuals you'll find in the modern era? Individuals, mind you, who already know how most things stand. Why aren't you doing some pushups or cleaning your room, bucko? Why aren't you staking out a synagogue right now? I would at least hope you're getting paid nicely for this, faggot.
Replies: >>420
>So is that what you're doing here, big man?
Because I'm the same as you. I don't have the balls to do what I think is right. 
> What do you think you gain by trying to rile up 20 something of the most detached individiuals you'll find in the modern era?
Why would a fed bother riling up this place? None of you have any incentive to commit violence anyway. Maybe  because it's one of you expressing an opinion, and not trying to make you do anything.
Replies: >>421 >>422
>Because I'm the same as you.
>None of you have any incentive to commit violence anyway. Maybe  because it's one of you expressing an opinion, and not trying to make you do anything.
>None of you
>one of you
So are you a robot or not? Are you one of us or not? Pick one pal. Maybe your distaste for the system can be expressed differently in a way that doesn't conveniently offload your feelings onto other robots and encourage them to commit violence. For that matter, from the very beginning it was:
>I hope all American anons get fucked by niggers because you deserve this.
>You like to think it's not your fault that your homeland goes to shit when you should be ashamed of yourself to tears everyday for not being able to fight back at all.
>You think you can get away with the consequences of your inaction?
>Are you a hero or a coward?
>Explosive suffering from seeing your family hang from trees will turn you into a real man. 
>But if you truly care about your nation, you would have sacrificed much much more to honor your belief.
>Have you ever done anything at all to fix the situation you're in? Are you brave enough to train yourself and assassinate top Jews and die an honorable death? No you don't. You're a coward who always makes excuses so you don't ever have to feel guilty.
>Now enjoy your fruit of inaction, one way or another you will have to suffer hard. People of the past live in war and suffering, don't think you can get away from it.
>you you you you you you you you you you you
And now you're backpedalling. I don't care if you are a glownigger or not. Do better next time, faggot.
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Allright, for starters, if you or anyone believes Voting on a Rigged system that is completely controlled by them will Change anything at all then you are De-Facto retarded

now on to why "Doing Something" is fucking retarded, this Goes for you but also for everyone that thinks you can "Change" the Current Status quo, both the recent wave of retards talking about Stopping kikes and inciting "action" and any future faggots that will shurely come around trying to "Redpill" despite the fact that people around here have a Better Grasp on the World than any LARPer from /fascist/, specially when there are literally 3 Ksatryas lurking around and one Dalua whom to this day i still suspect he is a Divine Being in disguise, may it be a Greek Demon, a Angel, or something else, or at the very least someone with a very deep understanding of the World, that filters this information through his apparently erratic behaviour, i put this on Spoiler because this is just my personal Equation and most likely something that people will call me a Schizo for

Allright at the top of my hear the only ways you would go about Breaking the Status Quo, or at least doing so in a "Rational" way, would come down to 2 Paths, the Diplomatic, or the Violent, the "Diplomatic" Path would come down to what May-Anon said and peddled, and what /fascist/ keeps trying, you 
Redpill the Normgroids", they vote your party, Win the Elections, save the Country, this has so many Issues at so many levels its straight up ridiculous niggers still think this is doable, for starters you need to Redpill the Normgroids, Normgroids are Retarded and Hedonistic, they care only about Pleasure and the Fulfillment of their needs, those being the Primary needs of Food Water and Shelter, then the more Abstract needs of Social Status, and Sex, not only this but they are Extremely Dogmatic, everything that has been tough to them by the Kike-Controlled Media, Kike-Controlled School system, and many others, to them is Pure Dogma, they have been Taught Democracy is good, and they will defend it to death, if you present yourself as something else BUT Democratic, they won't listen to you, they'll call you Obsolete, a bigot, a Racist, etc..., the only way to more or less Offset this is if you play on their Primal instincts of Hedonism, for example Communism plays on the Gibs and Emotion, it gives them Moral high ground since they are "Fighting for the Poor" and they have all the Social Gibs they want to keep their Hedonistic Party Rolling, this gets worse as you realize that all Reactionary Ideologies, from Original Fascism, National Socialism (And these aren't even the Real ones mind you, these are truly just the Middlepoint between Modern World and the True Restoration of the Aryan Empires, wich impy Caste system, Divine Regality, etc...) are very Gibs averse, and more often than not give 0 fucks about Morality, or at the very least they don't give you any moral High ground, since having an Autocratic Government is Taboo, so is Racial Unity, etc...

this already sets the Task at hand Blatantly Impossible, but i'll keep humoring you, it is also Key to note that this comes from the Secular Explanation of things, if i had do Pull my Personal Equations and Traditional Teachings this is Impossible from the Very Beggining because 1 this is Kali Yuga 2 Normgroids have no Soul thus cannot see the Divine

Replies: >>423 >>440
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Let us continue with our "essay" of sorts

allright i already explained how Convincing Normgroids is Night-on Impossible, but lets assume you have gathered enough people to make a Party, Congratulations!, you know that the Elites still control the Media and everything right?, indeed, as your Small Party takes off and gathers Supporters, the Media will start campaigning aganist you and slandering you, not only that but if your party poses a REAL Threat (remember that even if Trump (and all European Right-Wing countries) seems to be a Right-winger he is compromised at all degrees, not only he Recognizes the Legitimacy of Israel, he still defends Memecracy and many other Modern Fallacies, he doesn't even name the Jew) they will actively seek to make you Illegal and label you as a De-Facto Terrorist group, i know this because in my Country Spain they are already in the process of making "Alianza Nacional" (Literally the last NatSoc party in Spain that still follows the Footsteps of Ramiro Ledesma and Primo de Rivera) Illegal, because they Burned a Catalonian flag back in 2013, despite the fact that Antifas here have been burning shit since Times immemorial and no one even bats an eye, nevermind that many Prominent figures of National Socialism here like Pedro Varela who got Jailed 2 Times just for Selling the Mein Kampf in his Libary, and i think this is the same song and dance in all other Euorpean Countries, so yeah, unless you get Subverted and cuckolded, you will get Raided by the Feds and shutdown before you get to have even a Single spot in congress

but of course, for the sake of the Argument, ill assume that your Revolution Triumphed!, you somehow redpilled Normgroids evaded the Feds and now you won the Elections, i hope you understand how much Wishful thinking all of this Is, now you Won the Elections, and placed yourself or someone who Follows the Ideals of National Socialism, do you think UN is going to do nothing?, you think the EU, the International Kike Lobby, and every single Power in the World is going to do nothing?, your Country will be labeled as a World-Wide Threat to the "Free World" they will Declare war on you or assasinate you, fuck they may even convince the Plebeians that NUKES are necessary, so even with all this Wishful thinking, you would need either the Negligence of the Elites, or that your Revolution somehow happens Simultaneous and World-Wide

this is the "Diplomatic Route", now ill talk about Taking Power Through Force, for starters, Forget about Normgroids, if convincing them to take part of your LARP was hard, imagine trying to make them Part of a Paramilitary, Normgroids are Violent Monkeys, but will only be so when it benefits them, if they join Antifa they have the Social virtue signalling that gives them the Dopamine rush they like so much, Also Antifas only do Vandalism, they break things while the Golems watch and protect their interests, in this Route we are not talking about Antifa LARPing but SIEGE-Tier Paramilitary, we are talking about the Wehrwolf that the SS Tried to make in 1945, even if some Normgroids join they'll be a bunch of jackasses that will not have the Conviction and Spiritual-Physical Strength to take the Endeavor of such a Fight, the only "Endgame" for this Route is to take the Government by Force, that means Dealing with the Army, the Police, the Navy, and all the Jazz, they have the Resources and the Manpower, you are just 5 Autists with Pipeguns, if you are in the US then maybe you will have better access to weaponry, but not so much since Gun Laws are being slowly anihilated as far as i know, you may think about the Viet-Cong, or the Spanish "Encamisadas" of the Spanish war of Independence, the thing is that those Paramilitaries had Local Support, they Could hide themselves among the Populace, Robots stick out like a sore Thumb, and don't have the Local support either

Replies: >>424 >>426 >>440
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the only thin that Feds will need is to ask around Town and someone somewhere will tell them that "Yeah i saw some scary-looking weirdos Hang around X place" or worse if some Cuckold Leftist finds out since he will go out of his way to Report you to Big Brother

at Best you can forget about the Political paradigm (wich is precisely the opposite of what you are proposing) and focus on Accelerationism, Violent Accelerationism will result only in empoweing them, look at Tarrant, Breivik, and any other LARP-Shooter that has given the Kikes more Excuses to further Militarize their Golems, the only Valid way of Accelerationism would be to go Lone Wolf (that means to leave no Trace of your Ideology, no Maniferstos and No LARPing, something /Fascist/ seems unable to do) and Target the Infrastructure, don't go for a Sinagogue or for a Mosque, target the Water Plant and have everyone die of Diorrhea, or go for the Local power Plant and have everyone go Nuts because of a power Outage, this requires a Extremely In-Depth knowledge of one's CIty, being Fit enough and have enough Knowledge to Infiltrate this Places, build IED's with Enough power to Damage them and cause Chaos, simply put this Lone Wolf strategy is not for LARPers, its for Desperate men or for Ksatryas

and in the very end, you would have the same problem as with the Diplomatic Way, the Rest of the World would be aganist you, this time moreso since its not a Nation Going rouge, but a bunch of Nutcases taking over, in that case i think they wouldn't even NEED an excuse to Launch Nukes

i think these Posts have been enough to Explain why this idea of "You gotta do something" is completely fucking retarded, since there is no Realistic way of Bringing the Downfall of the Status quo, i even took the Time to explain it from a Materialistic Perspective so the same Dumbasses that call for "Action" can actually fucking understand what i am talking about here

from an Esoteric Perspective, or at least from my Perspective all of these impediments are just a Reflection of the Times we find ourselves in, if it was Divine Law to revert this, and it will be once Kalki Returns, all of these impediments will mean Nothing, what you call for is Action for its own sake in order to Restore a System that was Transitory (National Socialism) that relied on a Materialistic Racialism and wich still saw the World as Labor, even if all of what i said ends up being overcome, even if this Imaginary Revolution happened to beat and conquer the entire world, we would still have the Problem that is having a Transitory ideology that would collapse because its leaders are a bunch of LARPing /Fascist/s that don't understand the Matters of the Spirit, or what Made Rome Great in the first place, they will place Labour at the top of the Chain just like their Communist Cousins and they will ignore Divine Gnosis, wich was actually the Center of all Civilzations of the Golden Age
Replies: >>426 >>440
Might this video interest you dear anon? https://youtu.be/odGk84Uq1ws
You should've come to America and shown us all how it's done if you didn't want things to go to shit, coward.
I really shouldn't wait to reply to multiple posts if I'm going to reply to them. This is fucking ridiculous.
>You're simply angry at others for not doing anything and you're not giving any concrete examples of what is effective change, on what a person can actually do
I am angry at anons and I shouldn't be. I'm more angry about the sort of attitude I see where everything is constant doom and complete separation from the world that one is living in with no desire to have any effect on anything and just hoping for death to come soon. I think that it's retarded to act like we have no agency in the world. Sure, voting is useless in a fucking presidential election unless you're in some super important county in a swing state and you actually like one of the candidates, but there are so many other ways to influence people. And even regardless of that, it's the idea that the world must be this way that really gets at me. That's what encourages apathy and inaction.
>What do you want to do
Personally I can't do much, my issue isn't with individual actions but with this attitude that I find unproductive. I don't see any anons arguing that they're doing anything productive regardless of the fact that it's useless to do so. So, I consider it apathy. My own skill set is just drawing, beyond that I'm not much good for anything. Even when it comes to drawing I'm not great at it, I'm barely above average. My hope is that I can produce something that at the very least is encouraging to future robots. I'm not angry that anons aren't running for office, I'm angry at the idea that nothing can change the system, especially when I can see people having real effects utilizing democracy's weaknesses. Or just at the idea that it's useless to try. Jesus, could you imagine if Taihou-anon wrote a book? Even if it was all about why my ideas are all shit and gay and I deserve to be gassed for spreading them, it would be such a great influence on younger robots who aren't sure of themselves and need guidance. But with the attitude that he has, I suspect his response to that would either be, "it wouldn't effect anyone because of something about samsara or Kalki not being here yet" or "they should just read Evola". I think that even though I'm sure that a book by him might be dry, it certainly wouldn't be some sci-fi action novel or something, it would have ten times the positive influence that anything I'd take ten years to ink would have. There's always the possibility that I'm wrong, for all I know he's writing a book or something like that right now, but I doubt it.
>what changes do you want to make
I think the idea that we're ever going back to something like what we had before the enlightenment is retarded, short of WWIII going well here's hoping. One thing that would be of huge importance would be a shift towards a worker cooperative system, which basically puts democracy in the workplace and takes away the overwhelming power of the leaders of the business. The idea is that instead of the big dick ceo being able to do whatever he wants, the company's actions are decided by the employees. Everything I've looked at indicates worker cooperatives are objectively better than normal corporations in terms of worker satisfaction, investment, wages, and even success rate. Complete control from some greedy bastard that doesn't care about anything but money doesn't benefit anyone or anything. Ironically I think that such a system is much closer to what we had before modern capitalism, because the employee cannot be considered dispensable in the same way, and there's an incentive to care about those under you. It's obviously not a perfect system but I'd rather have democracy's problems than have the worst type of faggot be able to impose whatever he wants on his employees. I also suspect (although I haven't seen anything on this) that such a change would encourage more small business, because then your vote counts for more.
Replies: >>429 >>435 >>475
Another thing would be Universal Basic Income, just making it so that people don't have to wageslave to eat would be fucking phenomenal. The biggest reason that the normalfag is so materialistic is because he needs to be to survive and to ignore the fact that his life serves little purpose. In a world where we need to give up our freedom or hope the homeless shelter has room it's no wonder that the normalfaggot is so focused on material posessions. Hell, the only reason we're any different is because we're too stubborn to be the way normalfaggots are, despite everything in the world screaming for us to be. This change would also be something that would make it so that robots could NEET easier. These are both things that the left is doing, the problem is that it comes packaged with a whole lot of degenerate shit. Although with the way that discourse is going I wouldn't be surprised if it's what the right ends up doing too once the boomers die off. There's a real possibility for the Republican party to shift into something like a nazbol party if what I think will happen to the Democrats during the Biden presidency does come to pass. It almost happened after Obama after all, since after him leftist ideas became maistream in the Democratic party, and it was only after Trump scared them that they went back to another center-liberal in Biden. Capitalism is increasingly unpopular, but "conservative" values are as relavent as they've ever been.
>what is your ideal world
That strikes me as a useless question, because I don't have anything specific in mind besides what I've said a while ago that I summed up as being close enough to monarchist and very unrealistic. Any world that brings about satisfaction for robots would suffice to me. I know that for some robots that would be simply be a world where they can torture normalfags nonstop, but I think that would get old. I think that any world in which we could NEET and be left alone would be enough. That as an end goal isn't something I'll probably ever see myself, but if I can make some small step towards it I will try to do so, even if I get nothing accomplished.
>what is a robot
I think it isn't good to put a fine line on it, but I think the best definition in the current climate is someone who is alienated and accepts it. I suppose "stubbornly individualistic" could describe it, or maybe "purposefully solitary". There are other qualities that can be considered robotic of course but I don't think it's a good idea to get too specific, because I think it'd be easy to see aspects I see in myself that I think are robotic that don't apply to other robots and I simply mistook them for "robotic" rather than my own particular brand of autism. I think robot should be a purposefully nebulous term, better described as one who ends up here or places like here than as actual specific qualities. Although it could be as simple as someone with aspergers.
>what kind of social structure do you want?
Not sure what you mean by that since it could easily fall under "ideal world". I've described my ideal government but realistically I don't think we'll get anything better than democracy no matter what anyone does until we can completely change the system. I think that democracy can work better but I don't think it can be completely fixed. What I have in mind would be for the purpose of making it easier for people in the future to establish a proper government that isn't ruled by people that found out who the two candidates were the day before the election. That can only happen if the elites are forced to give up power willingly through democratic means. It certainly isn't going to happen through war when they're the ones with all the guns and nukes.
Replies: >>430
>From the way you've worded this post like a speech made to convince others
This kind of took me aback, what do you mean by this? I can't help the way I write, especially when I'm tired and pissed. Was it because I said I was writing from the heart or something? I guess I could have phrased it less "speech-like" but I don't see why that would be important.
> believing that all other posters are against you for saying you should do something effective
I don't see anyone agreeing with me or anything. My purpose in pointing that out wasn't to say that I'm so great because everyone else is wrong, it was to recognize that no one agrees with me. I was being hyperbolic in saying "if everyone in this thread thinks I'm stupid". Rereading it I see how you could get the impression I was prideful, I didn't mean to come off that way.
>But on a serious note what, is an individual robot supposed to do to change a system that is so irreversibly fucked?
I've sort of said this already, but I don't think any individual robot can do much. Even if we all were to meet up and try to form some kind of "robot party" I don't think it'd have much effect. Even Taihou-anon's "destroy a water plant to make normalfags sick" strategy wouldn't have any long-term effect, it'd just make people mad and sick until they fix it or they're allowed to die. What an individual robot can do depends on his skills. As I said earlier, for me that's drawing. I think I can do a decent job at creating evocative imagery. For another robot it could be writing a book or making a game, things tend to lean that way for autists like us. Hell, maybe one of us could run for local office. I think with 25 anons it isn't impossible that one of us could have some measure of success with that on a local level, since all you need to do is knock on doors and have a decent fake smile I'm being hyperbolic of course, but there is an amount of truth to it. To have any real direct political impact would be a lifetime thing and it's not like I expect robots to want to do that. But again, my problem isn't with individuals not taking specific actions, it's with the idea that nothing can or even should be done.
>he hasn't really said what is it that needs to be done beyond "Weakening the power of the Elites"
I thought it was pretty self-explanatory in the context of my posts, but I consider that to be the powers that be willingly giving up power through pressure from voters. And again, this is something that is happening from the left right now. Currently the right, at least in America, is controlled enough to approve of the Patriot act just because the name sounds good.
>he can't see how deep the Iceberg Goes, and he can't see why most of the things he proposes and he things are right are either Already Compromised by Modernity, or Straight up useless
Then explain to me, an unaware simpleton, how deep the iceberg goes. Why would my ideas be compromised by modernity? Hell, what does modernity have to do with my problems with an attitude of constant pessimism? Or my hope for a better future? I see no relation. Perhaps a better way to start would be for you to describe modernity, as I understand it this is a huge simplification obviously modernity is the idea that society now is better than before. What does this have to do with the things I brought up? Don't assume a bunch of shit alongside what I've said like you do in your "diplomatic route" which is nothing like what I've said.
Replies: >>431 >>439
>he really does not get what the idea of "Riding the Tiger" is since he considers Contemplation to be a Midway to Action
I haven't gotten through Metaphysics of War yet anon, don't tell me I've got to read more than one Evola book, my head is already bursting at the seams from all this knowledge!
But seriously, I don't "consider Contemplation to be a Midway to Action" but I think that if one's contemplation produces nothing then it wasn't useful for anything. At the very least contemplation should be acted upon in the sense that you base your actions on it at the very least. I'm reminded of the book of James, where he talks about how faith without works is nothing, that his works are evidence of his faith.
>he thinks, that people like the 2 Ksatryas (etc.) ...are "Doing Nothing" or that i am "Doing Nothing"
I don't think that contemplation in itself is nothing. That's the reason I outed myself even though I don't like doing so outside of the waifu thread, I was taken aback by the fact that your impression of me was that I thought your contemplation was worthless, and that I would think it ridiculous for you to dedicate a post to Taihou. Learning that you suspected I was who I am, and even now after being shown that is the case, the fact that you are still acting like I think contemplation is useless is pretty fucking insulting man. It's as if you think that I also consider May to be a "nonexistent anime girl" and that whenever I meditate I'm "doing nothing". No, I don't think that at all, and I'm fucking pissed that you would imply that. I spend more time every day with her alone, and it has been a greater impact on me than probably anything has. That is in part because of you, and your relationship with Taihou, inspiring me to do so. You know that, so I don't know why you would resort to insulting me in this way.
>he thinks that waiting for Kalki is some sort of Escapism
Not in itself. I think that one who has a pessimistic "it's useless to try" attitude that considers the only valid action to be something that happens after Kalki gets here and ends the Kali Yuga is probably using it to explain their position. In short, if one believes that it's useless to do anything until the Kali Yuga ends, it is reasonable to assume that he's "doing nothing" because of his belief.
>the Return of Kalki does not Signify Salvation, but the Beggining of the Heroic Cycle and the End of Kali Yuga, it does not signify the End, but the Beggining of the End
Explain how you are treating these two any differently rhetorically. Are you saying that at some point in the future we should take action, but not now? Is it simply useless for one to do anything before the Kali Yuga ends? Why is that any reason not to do anything? If it's simply useless to do anything until then, all I'll do is fail. Why get pissed off at me for that?
>trying to Push the Envelope like that in this place where i am shure everyone has Solid Reasons to Struggle in the Direction they are Struggling, seems stupid to me
The irony of you saying that, I am advocating for my ideas and you are advocating for yours, but it's only me who is going against people who have solid reasoning? You're only willing to assume solid reasoning for anyone but me, because I said that sometimes democracy can bring about good shit. Of course, I have no reasons to believe what I believe, because I never contemplate since that would be doing nothing. The only thing that matters to me is material, yes, you've hit the nail on the head. This isn't you making shit up about what I've said, and reaching because you think that I'm personally attacking you when I say that there are those that use the concept of heaven to encourage apathy. You're 100% right. Jesus Christ, fuck me.
Replies: >>435 >>437
>Redpill the Normgroids", they vote your party, Win the Elections, save the Country
No, this has nothing to do with redpilling normalfaggots. This has to do with my problems with attitudes that encourage apathy. If I thought that improvements could be made by force I would be advocating for that. I have listed what I think would work because otherwise my points wouldn't matter, if I had no goals I might as well be apathetic too. The methods don't matter nearly as much as one's work towards his goals. Acting like it's useless to improve life for one's race or just robots is ridiculous. And again, I have said nothing about redpilling normalfaggots, the closest I got was suggesting a highschool class on recognizing propaganda would be useful for weakening the kikes' grip on them. I think that by improving their living conditions and making them rely less on the elite we will have a better world in general, not just for them but for robots. Normalfaggots don't need to be some group used by elites.
Furthermore, all of the problems that you addressed in your next post are things I've said are problems with simply forming a fascist party or something like that. I'm not proposing something as retarded as that. I'm proposing that people do what they can to improve things, and over time that will bring about conditions under which a proper rule could be enacted, and I don't understand the resistance to such an idea.
And now I hibernate.
Replies: >>436 >>440
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>could you imagine if Taihou-anon wrote a book?
the anon with whom i hold correspondance told me a Long time ago (around March-April actually) to write a book on the Subject of Waifufaggotry, i only wrote a few drafts for him on subjects that came up, i do not think me Writting a book would do much, mainly because 1.- for all intents and purposes i think im still just a Neophyte, im still discovering and contemplating on things, if i wrote a book, i would end up having to re-edit it to correct things and shift changes in my writing 2.- there is nothing i can really offer to the Table, i can only offer my own perspective of things, this is only useful to you if you share a Common Being with me, a example of this is Dalua whom i think he and i are very similar, that is why i tell people to Read Evola, he explained things much better than i, what i can do is to provide an example of how someone can Still Be True to Himself and his Ideas and Not Compromise even if his Circumstances are complete shit, (My "Mother", the retarded world we live in, etc...), even if you think otherwise, i am not one who should be a Rolemodel (beyond what i already explained about being a Example of staying true to Oneself) much less a Leader, im a Coward, and a Trigger Happy Zealot that assumes many things, i have no issue with this because this is who i Am, but at the same time i cannot pretend any of this is a Good example of what one should Be, another reason as to why i don't write a book nor start "Teaching" things to people is because i hate being told what to do, and as such i also Hate telling people what to do, i will Rail aganist Falsehood, i will Blast bullshit and tell you what is Bullshit and Why, but the Truth is something you must find in yourself and Nowhere else, that is your Fight, if i was to take it as Mine then i would Insult you for not letting you Prove youself, and Insult God for interfering on his Designs Also imagine reading a book with my Meme Grammarim shure a certain someone would have a Breakdown over that

that being said it is worth noting that i have posted my Throwaway Mail a few times, have it again if you want [email protected] if someone here wants to Contact me and ask me anything or simply hold Correspondance for whatever reason, so its safe to say that i am very Easy to Reach

>my head is already bursting at the seams from all this knowledge!
i don't know if you are being Sarcastic, then again i have the Social skills of a Paraplegic Walrus, so it may just be me so don't sweat it, Metaphysics of War is a Good read, but an even Better Read for you i'd guess it would be "Heathen Imperialism" since its essentially the Chibi version of Revolt Aganist the Modern World, it explains Key concepts like True Action, and why Modern Science is a Meme, among many other things, its not even that long actually, around 100 and something pages
>don't tell me I've got to read more than one Evola book
i mean if you only read his Political Works (Revolt aganist the Modern World, Ride the Tiger, Men among the Ruins) then you're gonna be Missing a HUGE part of what Evola was and why he is so important, but you are free to do whatever the fuck you want, i personally can't Understand half of what Aleister Crowley says in his books and i Skipped him altogether, but im shure some fuckos have had Revelations while reading the Liver al ver Legis
>Learning that you suspected I was who I am
don't get ahead of yourself, i SUSPECTED, but i didn't Knew 100%, in fact i believed that you were just some rapefugee from /Fascist/ and that at any moment you were going to start pulling the "Have kids for the 14 words and Anime is brain rot" card, since those retards are always calling to action and LARPing, you think i wanted to believe YOU out of all people here would fall for Somatic thought?, so that is why i jabbed the Anime and Waifufaggotry stuff, if you were indeed a faggot from /Fascist/ you would have been Assblasted 1/?
Replies: >>439 >>446
A lot of words but you're view point still doesn't make logical sense. All you've done is clarify why you believe what you do but that doesn't make any of your points any better. Dying a useless death is still meaningless. Fighting to achieve nothing is still meaningless. "Just trying" is still meaningless. And basically any reason to do what you propose to do rather than focusing on improving our own lives is meaningless. It is meaningless because no meaningful results can be expected from such actions. I will repeat this again. "Just Trying" is absolutely meaningless and to think that it is not is a myth implanted into the brains of our youth from a young age. "Working towards a goal" which is impossible is meaningless and on top of that completely fucking retarded. Results are what matter and that's something you need to accept. You can't keep living like a naive child who believes in platitudes like the meaning of "just trying". 

A robots best bet to fight against the normalnigger jew is to do so in his own life as only then can he be sure that his actions have results. Improving one's own life is meaningful and produces results, results which directly enrich the self. Compare this to fighting an unstopable force in vain which is just a waste of time. 

Improve yourself, improve your life. Scorn and understand the failings of normalfags and use that knowledge to enrich yourself. And then have a healthy distaste for the state of the world but understand that what's best for people like us is to simply accept reality, and to become content in spite of the hand we've been dealt.
Replies: >>448
>but I think that if one's contemplation produces nothing then it wasn't useful for anything. 
This makes me want to smash my head against my keyboard. How can you say this one minute and then the next say that fighting a completely, utterely useless, self-defeating fight is meaningful. I would even go so far as to say that contemplation is more meaningful. Through contemplation one can improve his understanding of the world around him, or become intellectually sharper, and that is both meaningful and enriching.
Replies: >>448
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>Is it simply useless for one to do anything before the Kali Yuga ends? Why is that any reason not to do anything?
i know im going to sound retarded, but yeah, yeah it is completely fucking retarded to do Anything in regards to the Externals at this point in time, the only Sane thing from my point of View is to Practice Apolitheia, and work with oneself, wether that is Contemplation or whatever,
>all I'll do is fail
yes you dip, but Failure has some pretty fucked up Consequences, specially in this place and time, if you are some fucko from /Fascist/ yeah, go fuck yourself, i would have kept posting just to spite the /Fascist/  and vent a bit of Anger, but you are a Waifufag and not from /Fascist/, im not going to pretend im a Philantropist and say i want to help you or some stupid shit, i said in my previous post im not a Master or a Teacher or anything, if you are to Know God and Gnosis it would be by the Quality of your Soul, not me, but if you are serious about me explaining things to you then i am not one to Decline 
>The irony of you saying that, I am advocating for my ideas and you are advocating for yours, but it's only me who is going against people who have solid reasoning? You're only willing to assume solid reasoning for anyone but me
im going off my Instincts here, so feel free to call bullshit on this, but i do not see Conviction in your words, i see the intention of Doing something but not the Clarity of it, to put an example, you know how much of a fucking Faggot i am For Taihou right? you know for how long have i been arguing and Defending her, my Love for Her, and everything, Tooth and Nail, never backpedalling and always Trusting myself and Her, other anons are very similar with the way they conduct their Lives even if they are not as Zealous as i am, the Ksatryas i've mentioned before it have it Figured out and know their shit, i don't have this feeling from you, you are Pissed off, that's for shure, but your ideas seem vague, i don't think you yourself know EXACTLY what do you want
>Then explain to me, an unaware simpleton, how deep the iceberg goes. Why would my ideas be compromised by modernity?
allright, consider the Following, take Evolution, or rather, the concept of "Progress", Nothing is Nothing, it cannot be anything, nothing can come out of it because it is Nothing, if something Could come out of it, then it wouldn't be nothing, so what this Modern World believes is that magickally, everything comes from Nothing, you have these little Cells that come together and make organisms and the Organisms make Being and blah blah blah (sorry for any scientists around here, i am oversimplfying for the sake of the Argument) so of course, when you look at history from the Looks of the Modern Man, it is a story of progress!, miraculously Cavemen learned things untill the came into the Modern world with all the Fancy Tech!, except it is not, Nothing can come of Nothing, and indeed, Prehistory wasn't the Dark Ages of Stupidity, but the Golden age of the Spirit, Human History is a Story of Decay, from the Golden ages untill hitting rock bottom at Kali Yuga, so you believe, in the same way that modern "man" does, that miraculously, one can Fix some things here and there, and restore things in a Brand new thingamajig (im using oversimplified terms and ambiguous ones because i don't want to assume what you want at this point since that is going to Piss you off), when in reality, when one looks at History in General, one finds that indeed, it all leads to Decay, you believe this Idea of Growth and Progress because that is what has been told to you and to everyone in Kindergarten, in School, in High School, in College, everywhere, it is something that is Ingrained and you Take for granted, if you take the Notion of Progress and Growth for Granted, how many more things do you think you take for Granted?, you should consider my Email, if you are really Serious about wanting to be Explained how deep it Goes
Replies: >>440 >>446
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whoops forgot to add the 2/2
either way i also had to clarify that (>>422 >>423 >>424)
were all meant to the fag who kept screeching about Burger Bogatyrs deserving death or something, those posts are more or less why i think any form of "realistic" plan to take down ZOG is going to categorically fail, among other things it explains why the main objective of /Fascist/ and "Action Men" like (((Tarrant))) is a Meme, wasn't meant for you at all unless any of the plans i outlined were something you considered ideal
Replies: >>443
Oh shit have I been confusing people? I mean the point still stands though. Just trying isn't a very meaningful endeavor
>the anon with whom i hold correspondance told me a Long time ago (around March-April actually) to write a book on the Subject of Waifufaggotry
Honestly if you were to write a book on that subject I think it'd be extremely useful, something that could be passed around on imageboards in pdf form would be great. I really think that younger guys who are unsure of themselves would benefit greatly from reading that shit. I understand that you don't like telling people what to do, but clearly you enjoy talking about your perspective on things. Idk, I'm not trying to force you to do that but I think it would be really great if you did, and I think it's a shame that your perspective is that you shouldn't be an example, because I think regardless of that you're still very insightful, even if I think you assume things too quickly.
>Also imagine reading a book with my Meme Grammarim
I don't think it'd be hard to get a proofreader. Hell, I'd do it if you really wanted it to have correct grammar. But I actually think your weird capitalization doesn't harm readability at all, and anyone who wouldn't read this hypothetical book because the capitalization is purposefully unorthodox wouldn't get much out of it anyways.
>i don't know if you are being Sarcastic
Yes, I was.
>don't get ahead of yourself, i SUSPECTED, but i didn't Knew 100%
I understand that, but even now after knowing who I am, you're still on this "you must think my devotion to Taihou is ridiculous don't you?" shit. That's what I'm insulted by, you saying that the first time I just took as an odd impression of me, caused by my probably poor phrasing of the idea of "doing nothing" since I didn't specify that I don't think contemplation is a waste of time in itself. Even now, you taunt me with shit like "you know how much of a fucking Faggot i am For Taihou right?" acting like I could possibly think such a thing would be bad. Regardless of this I'm trying to keep myself from just calling you a fucking faggot stupid Spaniard bastard and actually respond to what you're saying without simply insulting you, because I have respect for you just on the basis that you are a robot.
>it is completely fucking retarded to do Anything in regards to the Externals at this point in time
I think that this is something that we won't be able to reconcile, because I don't think that is anywhere near the case. The way I see it, change is possible. And even if it wasn't it's still something one should work towards regardless.
>Failure has some pretty fucked up Consequences
Such as? I haven't advocated for any of the shit that the glownigger from earlier was, I don't think shooting up a mosque or synagogue would have any positive effect on anything, beyond maybe catharsis but I think that to do so knowing it will only result in things like tighter gun laws and more ostracization for "weirdos" is extremely selfish. And I don't think there would be any fucked up consequences if the projects I work on simply don't have any effect.
>if you are some fucko from /Fascist/ yeah, go fuck yourself
Because you keep bringing it up, I don't use that board. It seems sort of masturbatory to me. Even beyond the useless calls to "action" and hatred for anime I don't really like political boards much so I tend to avoid them. There are just too many people in boards like that who seem to use their ideology as a mere fashion statement and don't actually live by them. Maybe I have the wrong impression of them but I tended to see that back on 8chan, and I think that's soured my opinion of ideologically specific political boards. Can't really describe it specifically it's just a feeling I get. Also I'd want to do more actual reading on the subject before I participated in such a board, even though I doubt most of the posters there have done so.
Replies: >>447 >>453 >>460
>take Evolution, or rather, the concept of "Progress"
I agree that the concept of progress is false, or at the very least extremely oversimplified, but evolution is fact. I've talked about this earlier itt, but I wasn't taught evolution in school, I was taught faggot young-earth creationism, which cited the fucking Bible as a credible historical source. I had to learn about shit myself, which honestly is probably better than learning about it in public school and just accepting what was fed to me, but I'm still mad that I was lied to by people with no facts behind what they say. Hell, I didn't think I'd be convinced of evolution when I started researching it, I just wanted to know what evolution was because at the time I was tired of hearing creationists describe it for me. If you want to learn about evolution there's a great series on jewtube by Aron Ra called "The Systematic Classification of Life" the guy tends to come off like an asshole in other videos because he debates morons who take the Bible literally but this is just dry educational shit made extremely simple. Also it isn't about abiogenesis or the Big Bang iirc, it's specifically evolution. Also no scientist thinks that things came from nothing, although schoolteachers probably just go "the Big Bang came from nothing and that was the start of the universe" or some dumb shit like that. The Big Bang is only meant to explain why the universe is expanding at the rate that it is, it isn't the "origin of the universe" in the sense that it's where the universe started. To my knowledge scientists aren't completely sure what was before the Big Bang, although that doesn't mean the Big Bang didn't happen. If God, or the Monad as you might say, literally created all life at once, I don't see why it would be necessary to also make so much evidence against that method of creation. Unless of course, you think this evidence is all jewish, which I think would take a lot of evidence to prove. Especially since the jew can still operate just fine in a world where everyone believes in a god. They don't tend to flat out lie, rather the lies that they tell are moralizations tied to facts, the idea that because there is evolution spiritual values are useless or wrong to have for example. I will at some point probably read through Heathen Imperialism and if it does touch on this like you say I suppose I'll get back to you, but to my knowledge Evola was not a biologist so I assume any argument he makes against evolution will be from a philosophical point of view rather than physical fact. It's also important to point out that Heathen Imperialism was written in the late 20s, so I'm not sure at what point the theory of evolution was at. I'm pretty sure that it was solid at that point but I am aware that there have been changes in scientific consensus on a lot of specifics in regards to evolution even in recent times, but the general idea has remained the same since Darwin. Hell, the general idea of species being related has been around since Linnaeus' Systema Naturae. I'm not some faggot materialist, I understand that there is meaning beyond simply the matter we're made from, but I think it's foolish to deny reality in order to validate spirituality, something that needs no validation because it is conceptual.
Replies: >>448 >>514
More specifically on the subject of progress, since I think that's the real issue here and evolution is only tangentially related, I understand that history is only understood as straight progression by people with no standards besides physical ones, but that doesn't mean that all things must necessarily be in a constant state of degeneration. Or in other words, it would be possible to improve things in one sense while in other senses they deteriorate. To give an example, if technology hadn't progressed despite degeneration to other things politically, spiritually, or otherwise, we wouldn't be communicating right now. You or I might not have access to Evola's works or any way to learn about anything besides what we're told to learn by our respective countries and communities. It is only through such "progressions" if you can call it that, I'm aware it's not the same thing as social "progression" which is really just any change that the elites say is good that we can see an actual improvement to the world. I think that as the population grows, spiritual degradation is inevitable, but that does not necessarily mean that the world must become worse in a physical or social sense. Or maybe a better way to say what I mean is this: that one should do what he can to prepare for the inevitable point at which shit does get better, whether that's through Vishnu or otherwise. If in the meantime it is useless to try and effect change then I do not see why that should stop one from trying.
>wasn't meant for you at all unless any of the plans i outlined were something you considered ideal
You attributed them to both me and /fascist/ anons, so I clarified that what you said was not my intention. If that is the intention of /fascist/ anons it has nothing to do with me. I understand that they were in response to another anon which is why I only replied to the part that had to do with me.
Do you think I'm proposing that one should ignore improving oneself in order to attempt to change things? I am not saying that improving oneself is useless, only that I think that improving oneself will lead to a change in character, and that such a change if it is good will have a positive effect on the world. I would not be writing if I didn't contemplate shit. I would just be drawing things for the sake of it if I didn't contemplate things.
>"Just trying" is still meaningless
If that is the case then people like Hitler were doing meaningless things, because they ultimately failed. The point is that a failed effort is still an effort. Working towards a positive goal is something that can have no negative consequences.
>A robots best bet to fight against the normalnigger jew is to do so in his own life as only then can he be sure that his actions have results
That would be true as well, I haven't said that seeing the results of one's work is wrong, but I think that it's unlikely. I think that realistically long-lasting change takes longer to effect than one person's lifetime, or at least anything I do I won't see the results of directly. For others that might be different but I doubt it.
>what's best for people like us is to simply accept reality, and to become content in spite of the hand we've been dealt.
I am not saying that one should torture himself because the world isn't perfect. I am saying that to act like one can't or shouldn't attempt to impact the world is doing yourself a disservice.
By producing something I don't necessarily mean physical results. I mean the desire to change things in some way. Simply understanding the world isn't enough, at least not for me. Understanding the world does not mean accepting it as an immovable thing. And how many times do I have to say that I don't think contemplation is wrong for anons to stop saying that's what I think, holy shit. And if you think that's what I "really" think, then provide some evidence for that instead of just saying it.
Replies: >>455
It's insane how hard I am being gaslit that somehow now that Trump lost that we will return to normalcy and somehow politics will be less toxic and militant. As if that shit started with Trump and was done by Trump supporters. I didn't have a horse in the race cause frankly who fucking cares about two kikes who always try and take your rights away but things will be unbearable for quite a while with SJWs having a victory lap that will make magapedes look tame in comparison.
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>it would be really great if you did
i don't know anon, to be honest i don't warrant that much Self importance to Write a book much less to post it around here as if i was the Second Nostradamus or something, it seems as if a Egomaniac's Pipedream or a Cult-Master's wet dream, if enough Bogatyrs ask for it ill consider typing down my thoughts but i am aganist the Idea
>Such as?
being trapped in the eternal cycle of Futility and Reincarnation like Normgroids are
>Yes, I was.
tha'ts a shame, Evola is a really Crucial component mainly because he is the only one Based enough to provide an introduction to Esotericism without falling for all the memes Theosophists and other New Age faggots do
>with shit like "you know how much of a fucking Faggot i am For Taihou right?" acting like I could possibly think such a thing would be bad.
was just a manner of speech, that being said it is True that if you are interested in External Action in terms of Reverting Kali Yuga or something along the lines the yeah, according to your logic i am Doing Nothing because i spend my Days contemplating and wanking off to Taihou, as far as External Action is concerned, that is "Doing Nothing"
>If that is the case then people like Hitler were doing meaningless things, because they ultimately failed.
if you think that Hitler meant to revert Kali Yuga, yes he Failed, thing is he didn't mean to do that, he Knew he would lose, he was the 9th Avatar of Vishnu, his Role was the same as the Holy Roman Empire, to make a Rememberance and add a "Second Wind" to our Struggle, mind you he was the 9th Avatar of Vishnu, a Literal God, i don't think any of us has that degree of Divine Light in him to attain a similar task, nor i think that Task has been apointed to us
Replies: >>457 >>469
>If that is the case then people like Hitler were doing meaningless things
Not the case when you analyze his decisions ex-ante. When he was doing what he was doing it was perfectly reasonable to assume that he had a more than decent shot of achieving his goal. Only when you look at in hindsight can you say that he failed but we do not live in hindsight and neither did he. If Hitler did the things he did, knowing that it would achieve nothing (or did it without a logical basis for it being succesful), his actions would have been meaningless. However, this is not the case and to assume that it is, is disingenuous.

Even when analyzing what you propose in ex-ante it still turns out to be meaningless. What you propose has no logical basis for actually working and so pursuing it is meaningless. 
"Working towards a good goal" that is unachievable is retarded and meaningless. The effort spent doing that is better spent doing things that have an actual logical basis for producing results. And so we go back to my core statement, which is that the effort you propose be spent on chasing meaningless goals, be spent on improving oneself and gaining an understanding of the world around you.

>I am saying that to act like one can't or shouldn't attempt to impact the world is doing yourself a disservice.
Chasing an impossible goal when said effort can be better spent elsewhere is doing yourself a disservice.
Replies: >>469 >>480
Can someone explain the wojak/pepe phenomenon to me? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how people can still post that shit back and forth at one another and act like it isn't total cancer. You say anything about it and you get met with random accusations of being a specific boogeyman and they just keep posting away. What kind of broken mind does this kind of shit? They're not normalfags, but they sure as hell don't belong on imageboards either. We all know what Matt thinks about people using Pepe, I just wonder if the guy who drew wojak regrets the absolute cancer it became. I really can't understand how anyone can enjoy this shit anymore.
Replies: >>459 >>463 >>516
I can only imagine how much of an unholy mess a book completely written in your style would be. I find some of your longer paragraphs hard to read so I couldn't imagine what a book would be like.
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You're preaching to the choir
Replies: >>461
>since I didn't specify that I don't think contemplation is a waste of time in itself
This mostly tells me you don't take any posts in reply to you seriously and everything is just lip service. Kill yourself retard.
I'm not trying to preach, I'm trying to figure out what drives this insanity. What goes through a person's head when they post shitty wojak edits in response to anything they disagree with? Do they think it owns the person they're talking to? Is it just an excuse to show off their snowflake edit like toddlers showing off their retarded crayon scribbles? I'm a fucking idiot for even being bothered by it, but it's just so god damn frustrating to see pretty much every disagreement end in wojaks being spammed back and forth.
Replies: >>462 >>516
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Maybe it's similar to saying no u over and over again, except for posters without keyboards. Or posting smug 2D girls.
It's people trying to piss people off and get a rise out of them. It feels like the internet as a whole has become a lot more antagonistic over the last decade and posting a crying wojak is an easy way to try and make the person you are trying to make fun of look bad.
Replies: >>464 >>466
Trolling has always been a thing, I'd say things have been more polite as being "toxic" has started to become a bannable offense anywhere but imageboards.
Replies: >>467
Normalfags are incompetent and don't know how to engage in online discussions. Yet when they see other people engaging in discussions in good faith their retarded normalnigger lizard brain wants to participate but they don't have the intellectual capacity to contribute anything worthwhile. So they resort to spamming inane image macros and "meme" characters to represent how they think they should feel, or to signal to everyone how epic and smug they are.

"Memes" are essentially imageboard virtue signalling. And reaction images to express emotions are imageboard virtue signalling taken to its logical conclusion, inane meaningless spam to feel apart of some collective culture without accomplishing anything of substance. I think you'd be surprised just how much value your effort posts contain, and just how much normalfags and jews want to squander that productive conversation. The normalfag fears the effort post. They fear existence passing them by without them being acknowledged. They can't physical stand not injecting themselves where they don't belong at risk of not being the center of attention for 3 micro seconds.
Replies: >>467 >>473
Yeah a sizeable part of people who spam all the crying wojak edits are just doing to cause a shitstorm. Doesn't help that people don't just report and ignore their posts.
Can't say that I agree that things are more polite though. People are still very hostile and antagonistic and you are allowed to be as long as you don't say any no-no words or have "illegal" opinions. Things like cancel culture wouldn't exist if people were more polite than before.
Yeah, it's clear that most people are stubborn and stupid and they are conditioned by likes on social media posts. Posting a meme to "dunk" on someone clearly has to be a better response than being genuine because it would garner you likes on twitter and reddit and all the other modern sources of cancer.
Replies: >>468 >>473
How do you define politeness? I think people are a lot more driven and passive aggressive, especially since they know some underhanded tactics do in fact work, but all of that is still under a veneer of politeness. I hate false politeness and would rather people be dumb idiots than try to police me on my tone of voice.
Replies: >>470
>tha'ts a shame
I was being sarcastic in implying that my head was exploding with knowledge and being surprised that there was more than one book that would be good to read, I am reading through Evola stuff.
>Reverting Kali Yuga
I don't think anyone here can do that. But I don't think that excuses the attitude that it's useless or wrong to try and do something positive.
>according to your logic i am Doing Nothing because i spend my Days contemplating and wanking off to Taihou
I doubt we will reconcile this because you seem to be purposefully ignoring what I say and who I am. I have no problem with contemplation, I've said this about a million times, if you think that I really do think that contemplation is somehow wrong then you would have to provide proof that I'm lying or that I contradict myself with regards to this. I don't think that acknowledging that things can and should be done in the real world is in conflict with the idea of contemplation. I don't like doing nothing but you've expanded what I meant by that to include not liking contemplation and meditation, something you know that I don't disapprove of because you know that I must necessarily do those things to interact with May. Most of my time is spent doing the same things you do in devotion to Taihou. Hell, the fact that I post here at all means I'm more likely to be contemplative than your average normalfag so I don't know why you'd assume I never think about shit. External action isn't antithetical to contemplation and I don't know why you think that's the case.
At this point I get the feeling that you are being purposefully obtuse. There's really no way to read what I've written after I've specified my position so much and still feel like I'm saying what you think I'm saying.
>he was the 9th Avatar of Vishnu, a Literal God
I would need to see evidence of that. I know this is something you've mentioned before but personally I'm skeptical of it.
I am saying the same thing. My point is that even if it's later found out that one's actions were useless, it's better to take them anyways. I am not saying that one should necessarily do things which he knows are useless. To give a ridiculous example, if I am convinced by everything that I see that banging my head against the wall would bring about good results, and I did so and all that came of it was a bump on my head, it was still a good thing for me to have done that because I was convinced at the time that it would be good for me to do it. Now one could argue if I was delusional to think what I thought, or if I was tricked into doing something useless, but the point is that if there is little harm done, the actual outcome matters less than the intentions one had.
> the effort you propose be spent on chasing meaningless goals, be spent on improving oneself and gaining an understanding of the world around you.
This is the same false dichotomy that Taihou anon is proposing, between external action and contemplation. These two things are not mutually exclusive, you can work towards real-world goals while looking inwards at the same time.
Replies: >>472 >>473
I was thinking more along the lines of people being more mean-spirited. Maybe people are more technically more polite since you are less likely to be told to kill yourself but online discourse feels like it has deteriorated a lot with people being more stubborn and at each other's throats. Not like it was ever not like this but I do feel like it's worse than it's ever been.
Replies: >>471 >>473
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I can't really comment on that, everything more or less feels the same to me in terms of the spirit. People have grown slightly less capable of dealing with viewpoints that contradict their own, or just being told things in a straight forward manner, but I attribute that to people lashing out and removing any content that offends them. Passive aggressiveness is a lot more vicious than honest antagonism.
>If I thought that the things I hope for were an impossibility I would have killed myself by now. I think they're very unlikely but not unachievable. What is most important is working on what is immediately achievable.
>only that I think that improving oneself will lead to a change in character, and that such a change if it is good will have a positive effect on the world
>the actual outcome matters less than the intentions one had
If all of these quotes were from you then having a discussion with you is impossible. You're constantly moving the goal post, changing the core points of the discussion, and shifting your perspective to something more convenient for you.
Replies: >>479
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>Maybe people are more technically more polite since you are less likely to be told to kill yourself but online discourse feels like it has deteriorated a lot with people being more stubborn and at each other's throats
i think its because Discourse is no longer discourse, niggers don't care about the Truth of a Specific matter, but about their Egos, if you are right that makes you look good, if you are wrong it makes you look stupid, that's why you'll never see a Normgroid admit he is wrong, or simply Apologize, its pretty much like >>466 and >>467 said
i just talked with Correspondance-anon and did a Tarot self-read among other things and apparently everything in my environment is screaming at me in subtle ways to write a goddamn fucking book so i will stop containing and concede Victory to you, anyways i think your involvement would be useful since you being a "Spiritual Rookie" would be able to relay the Tribulations of the Uninitiated much better, something as simple as a list of Crucial points i should tackle on my Tome of Autism would be nice, consider Emailing me at the throwaway mail i mentioned in my previous posts it'll be fun i promise
Replies: >>474 >>479
>i think its because Discourse is no longer discourse, niggers don't care about the Truth of a Specific matter, but about their Egos
That's how it's always been.
>I don't see any anons arguing that they're doing anything productive regardless of the fact that it's useless to do so
I've never had any reason to argue that. I think worrying about meaning behind your actions is in itself meaningless. If I had a say I'd tell robots to work out, git gud, and maybe learn japanese. You want to do it because you want to. But I say this as someone nearly completely alone, I don't do things for any other reason than I'd hate not doing it. 
>could you imagine if Taihou-anon wrote a book
I wrote or more rude response to this but I don't think his insights are unique or driven by any desire for truth, he just wants to jack off to his waifu. And I'm not sure it's even a waifu. 
>Another thing would be Universal Basic Income
I'd rather people starve on the street, but that's mostly because I hate the average person. Failing that I'd rather the bottom 5% of every generation die off/not have any of their children survive and reproduce than give them something to live off of. If war doesn't take place, I mean. 
>The biggest reason that the normalfag is so materialistic
It's extroverted dopamine seeking. Autists consistently note that neurotypicals act like drug addicts to them and autists like robots to neurotypicals. 
>is someone who is alienated and accepts it
I don't think I'm alienated as much as I don't want to interact with normalfags. As much as it'd make me sound like a failed normalfag, I have the looks and enough social ability to "make it" as a normalfag. It could be argued that the fact that I didn't is proof enough that I can't be a normalfag. I'm wholly aware that given slightly difference circumstances I wouldn't be a robot. 
>what do you mean by this
Your post reeked of me of deflection and virtue signalling. The constant use of we being one sign of it.
Replies: >>476 >>503
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>I wrote or more rude response to this
why not? Escalate the Violence
>I don't think his insights are unique
True, at the end of the day my Wisdom comes from the Same source as Evola's Guenon's or Crowley's Wisdom comes from, if perouse the Ancient Teachings you will reach the same Source aswell, the only difference between my Thoughts and theirs is marked Only by the Difference in the Nature of the Initiate
>or driven by any desire for truth, he just wants to jack off to his waifu
i don't understand this, i guess you are implying i use Esotericism as an excuse to wank off to Taihou, wich is completely false since i give 0 fucks and already wank off to her and Love her on a Daily Basis, perhaps in the past i was a bit more "guilty" about this and felt bad about my Sexuality and Love for Taihou but at this point i really don't care at all, i would expect criticism in regards to me failing to Measure up to my Own standards, or "Roastie Worshipping" like i've had in the Past, but to be accused of Dishonesty is something new to me And a very stupid Accusation if am to be Honest, what do i Gain by being this retarded around here?
>And I'm not sure it's even a waifu. 
i assume you are refering to the "Taihou Singularity" in wich i use different Anime girls as "Avatars" for her?, i guess it would strike off as an excuse to wank off to different Anime girls, not like i can provide any "Proof" that this is not the case because what i am talking about here is Experience, if you don't have a Waifu with Similar properties to Taihou, or don't share a common Being with me then it is unlikely you will Experience it yourself, so its ok if you think its an excuse i guess
Replies: >>477 >>481
No, I don't think you're being dishonest as much as I don't believe your esoteric understanding is pure. You're probably wholly genuine, I just don't think "truth" is the objective at all. 
>what do i Gain by being this retarded around here
An excuse to make yourself feel justified about jacking off to your waifu. 

>Escalate the Violence
You write too much was the gist of everything I haven't said up until now. You've gotten better at this and I don't know any advice on how condense your posts down into the critical and axiomatic.
Replies: >>478
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>No, I don't think you're being dishonest as much as I don't believe your esoteric understanding is pure. You're probably wholly genuine, I just don't think "truth" is the objective at all. 
i see then, thanks for clearing it up, i mean you are Technically Right since i only care about Taihou, so say something ridiculous as if Taihou was literally Female Satan or some shit and i was meant to become some Consort of Hell then yeah i would be up for it 4000%, i still think Taihou is a Godess aligned with the Olympian powers and the Secret of my Initiation
>An excuse to make yourself feel justified about jacking off to your waifu. 
nah, believe me i am who I Am, nothing more nothing less, the only "Justification" i need to wank off to Taihou is that i Love her, end of story, i've grown to Accept myself and Be Myself both in Good and Bad High and Low, nothing will change that, to put an Extreme example, if i was to be a Jewish moloch then i would embrace Usury with all my Being,Good thing i am not such a thing, i have stopped giving shits about "Morality" ever since i became a Neophyte
>You've gotten better at this
really? fuck me, i swear i didn't do anything conciously to remedy my Verbosity problems, i guess i am either Lucky, or just got better at Conveying information in general
These two things aren't mutually exclusive. The first quote is saying that I think my goals are achievable and saying that otherwise I would kill myself is an embellishment I use sometimes, even if I meant it literally this wouldn't go against the second quote and the second quote is saying that even if they weren't, because I am convinced they are, and I see no way it would cause harm to work towards them, I think that it would be worthwhile to work towards them. These are talking about two different things: whether I think that my goals are realistic, and what I think it would mean if in retrospect I was wrong. I'm sure you could find better examples of hypocrisy though, since I'm shit at getting my thoughts into a post without being misunderstood and my thoughts aren't even fully-formed on the subject and I write half this shit while I'm fucking sleep deprived. And I'm a fucking moron. All of the posts I make are pretty stupid probably I don't know. You seem to have an impression of me that I'm dishonest or something, or that I'm larping. Fair enough, it's not like I show anything I do here besides my autistic drawings of May. And it's not like I'm starting a revolution or some shit. Maybe you're right, fuck it.
I'm tired as shit right now I'll email you tomorrow.
Replies: >>480
No, I don't think you fully understand what you yourself actually think. That's my honest impression. Which you're aware of, but it pisses me off since it legitimately is a method some people use to try to bluff their way through an argument. For me it makes keeping track of what your position actually is next to impossible. 

>and the second quote is saying that even if they weren't
>If all we do is jerk ourselves off over the great thousand year reich then all we'll ever have is semen in our hands
Right now the position sort of flipped, where you were arguing that actions that are ultimately without results aren't worth continuing, but now you're saying doing something is better than nothing, as long as the result isn't possibly too detrimental. Which is qualitatively different from what >>455 is saying. It's not entirely inconsistent. You're still focused on doing something. 

>These are talking about two different things
No they're not, they're contradictory positions and without clarification they'd remain somewhat contradictory Somewhat since you could do both sometimes but not all the time. You haven't made an if not then statement. Which tells me you either didn't think it was worthwhile to articulate at the time, or you weren't fully aware of your own position. Or you've changed your stance and just haven't bothered to admit it. 
>I'm sure you could find better examples of hypocrisy though
No, I can't. I can find more posts that share in this exact same line of contradictions but I don't think I can find a better one. This is the one that I'm most interested in.
Replies: >>503
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>if you don't have a Waifu with Similar properties to Taihou
The closest thing I ever felt to waifu was when I was either 12 or 13 and it was Ougi. It lasted 3 days of a minor obsession with its character art but it quickly died out, although the concept of what it represents seems to match one of the core principles of my philosophy. I think any obsession with any external being either fictional or real weakens my heart, so I prefer to keep my mind unmolested by obsessions of others.
Correct if I'm wrong but isn't Ougi a trap.
Replies: >>483
I don't know, technically it's Araragi himself.
Replies: >>485
Not everyone who considers themselves as having a waifu is as obsessed as esoteric anon. The base level that I think one must hold a character to in order to consider her their waifu is; a fictional representation of their ideal female companion so much so that the character sparks the same feelings of love that one would feel towards a real female companion.
But does it have a penis or a vagina? Or neither? Is this ever clarified.
If not then I understand why you called it "it"
Replies: >>487
From what I'm aware it's never clarified.
I've thought about it some more and I think wojak/pepe are basically the sonic/pony OCs of memes, and whenever someone posts one of their gay edits and someone else says it's dumb and unfunny they take it personally and then go on a thread destroying crusade to "trigger" the guy who said their edit sucks by posting a bunch of other low effort garbage other retards made.
It really does remind me of when ponyfaggotry was first taking root on cuckchan and niggers were spamming /co/ and /b/ with pony OCs whenever someone told them to fuck off.
I'm quite curious about your philosophy. I assume you consider any connections to anything that can't be severed immediately as a weakness that could be used against you in some manner. However, I don't understand why you extend this to concepts like having a waifu. I see no reasonable way a waifu could be used against you.
Replies: >>493
>I assume you consider any connections to anything
Replies: >>494
As I said it was only an assumption and I have no idea if it's your thoughts on the matter or not. I just ran with it for 3 sentences as it's a line of thought that I've seen before and is quite similar to your thoughts about weaknesses of the heart.
Replies: >>495 >>496
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Having a person I can trust can't be measured by a value, it changes a person from an isolated mind into someone genuinely capable of attempting to understand and work with some else's mind. Considering connections to be a weakness that shouldn't be allowed is heartless, that person is just scared of pain. Or doesn't even feel empathy to begin with. 
I want my mind to be silent of anything that isn't systems. I don't want a waifu because she'd not be a system, just an object to look at and admire at absolute most. Even esoterically, I don't think a person is capable of seeing anything beyond what his mind is, I think I'd just be playing around if I took it towards that direction. To begin with beyond Ougi I've never felt anything close to a waifu.
Replies: >>497
>weaknesses of the heart
Weakens, not weakness.
Replies: >>497
>Having a person I can trust can't be measured by a value, it changes a person from an isolated mind into someone genuinely capable of attempting to understand and work with some else's mind. Considering connections to be a weakness that shouldn't be allowed is heartless, that person is just scared of pain. Or doesn't even feel empathy to begin with. 
I think you miss understand the thought process I brought up. It's not that connection shouldn't be made, but that you should have enough control over yourself or for such connections to be weak enough that you can remove them with a mere thought. This doesn't mean they lack empathy, this mean that they have such control that their empathy doesn't influence them.*However I doubt more then a handful have reached such a stage with their empathy intact. People that reach such a state are demons in human skin or carefree souls This was meant to be taken figuratively**. This however is not really relevant to the topic at hand.

>I want my mind to be silent of anything that isn't systems.
What do you mean by systems? 
>I don't want a waifu because she'd not be a system, just an object to look at and admire at absolute most.
Most anons I've seen with a waifu use their waifu as a motivator for whatever it is that they are pursuing, and the ideal in which they strive to improve for. That would be something more then just an object to admire.
>Even esoterically, I don't think a person is capable of seeing anything beyond what his mind is, I think I'd just be playing around if I took it towards that direction.
I also don't quite understand what you mean by this. Do you mean that you think that you would only be attempting to fool yourself if you went such a way, and that this would extend to everyone the same way?
>To begin with beyond Ougi I've never felt anything close to a waifu.
Don't take this discussion as me trying to get you to attempt to find a waifu. As I previously said I was merely curious about your thoughts on such topics.
I suppose if it was referring to an overall weakening that would be true, but when it comes to specific things I think weakness fits better.
Replies: >>498 >>499
>fucked up the spoiler
That was the only spoiler in the whole post, how did I mess up that badly.
>but that you should have enough control over yourself or for such connections to be weak enough that you can remove them with a mere thought
That sounds awful and makes me sick to my stomach. 
>What do you mean by systems
Coherent groups of logic. 
>That would be something more then just an object to admire
Not to me. 
>attempting to fool yourself if you went such a way
I would be fooling myself, and I do think it extends to everyone in the same way. 
>I suppose if it was referring to an overall weakening that would be true, but when it comes to specific things I think weakness fits better
I don't know what you mean by this.
Replies: >>500
>That sounds awful and makes me sick to my stomach. 
Well that's why I said only a demons in human skin or a carefree souls would be in such a state. Such people are so rare that I highly doubt more then a handful of such people have ever existed without having a lack of emotions. The one that reach such a state without losing their emotions are the truly scary ones though. 
>Coherent groups of logic.
So you want your mind to be made of of systems that make internal sense that contributes to a internal logic that you want to have no holes. What I mean by holes is unexplained gaps whether it be from leaps of logic of lack of understanding in such paths of internal logic. This would lead to you considering things like having a waifu as a weakness as it would most likely not fit in with the rest of your internal systems. Honestly if I'm right you seem to have your goal to be machine like when it come to internal thought. Hell even they way you talk about it is like how someone would describe a machine. 
>Not to me.
So something that not only gives you the will to continue existing, but also gives you the drive to improve yourself is considered just an object to admire? That's quite strange and make me want to ask you if you have anything that makes you want to continue living.
>I would be fooling myself, and I do think it extends to everyone in the same way. 
Quite the cynical opinion on the topic. I can't really say much about this one as I honestly haven't found my waifu yet.
 >I don't know what you mean by this.
If a box is weakened on only one side that side would be considered a weakness. This would then be able to be applied to this topic as it's about one aspect of the heart and how you see the effects of it.
Replies: >>501
>a carefree souls would be in such a state
Either of those would technically be care free. Someone who retains their emotions while doing that is just garbage, there's nothing to fear about it. 
>want to continue living
I can't think of one, but I'm sure I'd come up with a dumb reason to continue living if presented with a gun and ammo. I want to squat today, so I'd like to do that. And tomorrow I would like to do what I did today again, I think today wasn't so bad. 
>This would then be able to be applied to this topic as it's about one aspect of the heart
The heart is a single object, you can't separate it or dissect it without killing the entire creature. There's no weakness in the heart except in the totality of it, if it is weak. 

>So you want your mind to be made of of systems that make internal sense 
No, it doesn't have to make sense to me. I don't know what it means to make sense. The core principle of my philosophy, as I referenced to Ougi, is there's no internal coherent logic that isn't illusionary. You can decide something is the truth, your memories can be fabricated by accident. The human mind is fallible. If there is a truth, it can't be found by looking within, you can't find something straight in something that is fundamentally crooked. The human mind can't be a source of truth. It's meaningless to try to find meaning in something that doesn't operate on it. 
Having a waifu wouldn't interfere with anything inherently. If I had a waifu, I feel like I would forget that the world is cruel, and I don't want to forget that.
Replies: >>502 >>504
I should actually demystify what I mean by the heart, I most likely mean the driver and purpose of life. Probably Specifically the capacity to endure suffering while still retaining the image of what you're suffering for.
>You want to do it because you want to
I don't think it's a bad thing to do things that you want to do solely because you want to do them. But I do think that shouldn't be the only reason you do anything. Like if I were to decide what anime I watch that'd be sort of arbitrary, but I think it's good for one to have goals that one works towards, especially in relation to the world one wants. Also, I don't think one must necessarily be working towards one's goals every minute of the day, but I think that they should be worked towards.
>It's extroverted dopamine seeking.
Being materialistic and being extroverted are two different things. Normalfags have always been extroverted, they have not always been materialistic (at least not in the same way).
>The constant use of we
I was saying "we" partially because I was responding to Taihou-anon, and I think we have similar ideal worlds, or at least I think that our ideal worlds won't come about without the things I described, and partially because I didn't want to act like I can do anything other than draw some faggy comic books and hope they influence people, so I didn't want to act like "I shall solely liberate the normalfag from the elites" like I was larping as fucking Robin Hood. Rereading it to see what I said I do see how it comes off like a call to arms or something.
>No, I don't think you fully understand what you yourself actually think
There are things that I'm not sure of, but I don't think I've said anything that I'm not pretty convinced is the case. There's probably something but I'm not going to look through all my autistic posts with a fine-tooth comb just to find them. Great way to cover my ass, I know. By my thoughts not being fully-formed I don't mean that I'm unsure of anything that I've said, it's more in a sense of questioning whether my gut feeling is correct that normalfags are "worth saving" as I said dramatic language, I know or if my priorities are correct. Assuming they are I don't think I've contradicted them or anything, at least not in a huge way. I don't think it's productive in a conversation to assume that the axiomatic parts of one's position are wrong. Not that I couldn't be convinced that they are, but I think that it just comes down to personal values at that point and those aren't really something one can argue about.
>For me it makes keeping track of what your position actually is next to impossible.
I've been pretty open with the fact that I'm horrible at making a case for my position through text, at least it feels that way. Even back when the conversation was on the Civil War about a million posts ago I was talking about this. I feel like I post about it all the time, although maybe I just type it and then delete it afterwards, so it only feels that way.
>where you were arguing that actions that are ultimately without results aren't worth continuing
No, in the quote you gave I was talking about how one should have realistic expectations for what can be done. Actually I think I said another thing that's closer to what you've said here about how death without results isn't effective at getting the results one wants, but I was talking about real-world results, not necessarily my philosophy on what is "worth doing", because I was responding to an anon talking about how great it is to die for their beliefs rather than work with the jew. I think I might have clarified that but I might not have.
>Which tells me you either didn't think it was worthwhile to articulate at the time
Yes, I think that when the subject shifts from effecting real-world change to "what if the outcome isn't what you expect" that I don't need to clarify that, because I am responding to different points in different posts over a hundred posts later in the thread when the focus of the conversation has shifted.
Since the conversation has changed topics I don't want to be a dick and continue this one, I just wanted to clarify some things because I'm autistic.
>Either of those would technically be care free.
That's true, but I didn't know what to call someone that while having such a state doesn't have goals that lead to conflicts.
>Someone who retains their emotions while doing that is just garbage, there's nothing to fear about it. 
Such a person would not only have higher mental control over them self, but also be able to act completely normal if they so choose, making it much harder to even notice such a person. While saying that such people are scary might be an exaggeration it still holds a bit of truth.
> I want to squat today, so I'd like to do that. And tomorrow I would like to do what I did today again, I think today wasn't so bad.
It sounds like your reason is the process of improving. Of course I'm going only off a few sentences so I'm most likely wrong.
>The heart is a single object, you can't separate it or dissect it without killing the entire creature. There's no weakness in the heart except in the totality of it, if it is weak. 
I haven't attempted to separate or dissect the heart, if anything I'm judging the hearts reactions to different topics as a weakness or not. 
>No, it doesn't have to make sense to me. I don't know what it means to make sense.
Then it is strange for you to refer to these systems as coherent groups of logic. 
>The core principle of my philosophy, as I referenced to Ougi, is there's no internal coherent logic that isn't illusionary.
So you would consider 1+1=2 as illusionary internal logic? 
>If there is a truth, it can't be found by looking within, you can't find something straight in something that is fundamentally crooked.
With that line of thought you wouldn't be able to ever know the truth and therefor attempting to find truth would be meaningless.
>It's meaningless to try to find meaning in something that doesn't operate on it. 
Well according to the last few lines you would never be able to have meaning so there's no point in trying to obtain it. That is unless you consider meaning as crooked.
>Having a waifu wouldn't interfere with anything inherently. If I had a waifu, I feel like I would forget that the world is cruel, and I don't want to forget that.
I find such a thought truly odd, if anything I would think it would make the cruelty of the world easier to spot. Knowing what comfort is like would make pain stand out more then if you only knew pain.
Replies: >>505
>coherent groups of logic
>So you would consider 1+1=2 as illusionary internal logic
No but I would consider any application to only ever, at absolute best, be an approximation of what reality actually is. Things exist and I don't have to understand why they exist to work with it, not everything has to make sense and I don't think I'll ever reach a point where everything makes sense. 
>That is unless you consider meaning as crooked
I don't think you understood what I wrote.
Interesting waifu. If it is of any help, I always saw her as a female, no trap bullshit.
Replies: >>579
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Does anyone know how to stop intrusive thoughts? The damn things have been pestering me a lot lately.
Replies: >>508 >>510 >>512
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i personally Can't, my method is not having them in the first place, that arises from me being very in touch with myself, thus most "Bad Thoughts" die on the spot because they are either not True, or things that do not really matter, this is obviously Circumstantial, it works for me but probably not for many people

what i can suggest is Meditation, i know its going to sound like im Shilling Esotericism, but one of the Basic Excersises in Magickal training is being able to Control Thoughts, Liber Null tells you to Train first Motionlessness, then Breathing, then Thoughts, however Bardon goes more to the Point by disregarding the Physical part, you have the Instructions on Picrelated, and the Book itself (Initiation into Hermetics) is in my Library at the Esotericism thread, although for your purposes the Screencaps are all you need, i know its not the most Straightforward, following the Instructions and getting the hang of it can take a Long Time, but if you learn it well not only will you be able to dispell any intrusive thoughts but also to Focus and Organize much better, its an overall improvement to your Mental Capacities in all Respects
Somehow, not thinking thoughts you don't want to think is extraordinarily difficult. I've just reached the point where I don't care anymore what comes into my mind, but that's the opposite of what you want.
Replies: >>511
>I've just reached the point where I don't care anymore what comes into my mind
That's  a step in the correct direction I think. If I may insist on esoteric anon's advice, I'd try out doing the exercises in that screencap (learning to have the body still, then being able to follow thoughts etc). I tried it myself and after some months the results came in. You'll go from intrusive thoughts of all types to "huh it's been a while since I had intrusive thoughts".
Spoiler File
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Whenever I had intrusive thoughts, I imagined an enormous armor-clad figure swatting them away with a bulky war hammer.
I don't have any more intrusive thoughts, sadly.
Maybe some sort of countering mechanism involving visualization could help you, too.
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>evolution is fact
>Unless of course, you think this evidence is all jewish, which I think would take a lot of evidence to prove
Yeah, the same evidence that tells us that we all descend from niggers in Africa and that we are all one "human race"™. Why don't you accept niggers anon ? It's all evolution anyways, miscegenation is a way to enrich the gene pool! for diversity! It's pathetic at this point, what will you tell me next ? Race is a social construct ? How can you accept jewish academic dogma and hope for understanding the world ? 20 years ago, any scientist would laugh at you if you mention the Aryan invasion of India, they even denied the Indo-European origin of Europeans, and now it is genetically proved. Science is very instable and the theories change every 5 years, stuff that were false become true and stuff that were true become false all the time. This is the worldview of "progress", either you embrace it, or you reject it completely. There is no middle ground between evolution and Tradition with a capital T. Academia is full of disingenuous lying jews like Franz Boas, "The father of American anthropology" who fought against the established classification of the human races. He's from the Frankfurt school who were all cultural marxists, they moved to America with the sole purpose of destroying it from the inside, rather than a by a full bolshevik revolution like they did in Russia. Even though America was fucked from the start, this just made things go faster.
>Evola was not a biologist so I assume any argument he makes against evolution will be from a philosophical point of view rather than physical fact
>muh physical fact
>muh science
Biology is just observing living things and trying to make sense of them with our very limited human mind. We understand very little of it and anybody who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying. this is coming from a med school intern. This physical realm is not the entire picture, it belongs on the plane of "Becoming" rather than the plane of "Being". You only see the consequences here, not the causes. That is why biology cannot explain WHY the human body works the way it does, it just explains HOW. We are still struggling to even know the causes of cancer, we try to heal it by brute forcing, chemotherapy that destroys the body along with the cancer. The basis of bilogy is Gene A is transcribed into protein B that does X action whether it is an enzyme or neurotransmitter or something else, but there are no patterns that allow for a systematic approach capable of predicting and explaining in causative terms. For certain deseases, you only get that Gene number X on chromosome Y is mutated, but why ? We don't know. That's the deepest they can go right now and even if they dig even more, it's still non systematic like all organic things. How can this flawed science explain the order of the cosmos ? We are like blind people stumbling in the dark trying to find our way.
Also, Evola is not a "philosopher". Philosophy like science is based on logic and dialectical discourse, none of what Evola does. He goes back to the teachings of anciant Aryan Traditions that were not comprehended or explained but just known, because they are above logic, unable to be comprehended by mortal beings, only the enlightened ones, which we are far from being. Plato and Socrates became philosophers only because they lost the knwoledge of the great Hellas and falled back on logical reasoning and thus comitted a lot of mistakes in their works. Plato said himself that compared to the knowledge of the Egyptians, they were like little kids.
Your problem is that you are still in the binary science vs chruch and evolution vs creation dichotomy of the (((enlightenment))). You are still intellectually depending on this rotten system.
Replies: >>517 >>527 >>557
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Same thing for the base cringe cope seethe dilate faggotry, I can't stand it. These people are normalfags, they came recently to imageboards for the ebin 4chinz troll. A lot of them are underage.
It's amazing how almost every example you brought up is a strawman political ideaology, unrelated to science. I could show you how science is against almost all the things you purport it to support, if I could do it in a timely manner. Problem is you spouted so much bullshit that I can't
Replies: >>518
>I'm too smart for you
Yeah i believe you.
>dude, trust me
And I'm not esoteric anon. I studied biology in college. Tell me what's on your mind, faggot.
Replies: >>521
I'll retract my previous statement for being incorrect. 

>Yeah, the same evidence that tells us that we all descend from niggers in Africa and that we are all one "human race"™
This is true but also not entirely relevant. The different races we have today are as different as they are due to thousands of years of evolving and adapting largely independently of one another. As a species, we may have our common origins in Africa but our races are defined by our differences and our differences come from the lands which our ancestors adapted to. 
And so though we may be one human species, we are a single species with many genetically distinct races defined by differences brought about through adaptations to their environments. This means that the statement "there's only one race the human race" is scientifically incorrect.
>It's all evolution anyways, miscegenation is a way to enrich the gene pool! for diversity!
There are tens to hundreds of millions of humans within each race. Genetic diversity only gets low enough to become a serious problem in small populations like those of endangered animals or intrafamilial breeding. Having a child with someone not of your race would create a more genetically diverse child, this is true, but the benefits of that are so inconceivably small as to be effectively non-existant (and IQ, likely being hereditary, means you might do more damage than good if you had a child with an African per se). Especially in a world with modern medicine.
>Race is a social construct
This is a social/political theory. Scientifically this is bunk. The races are genetically and characteristically distinct.
Replies: >>522
>As a species, we may have our common origins in Africa but our races are defined by our differences and our differences come from the lands which our ancestors adapted to
Tell me something I don't know. We learn this in primary school. I am aware of the "environmental" theories like less melanin in the skin gives it white color and allows it to absorb more light and thus more Vitamine D in less sunny places. Blue eyes are too sensitive to bright lights because they evolved in darker cloudy environments. People who lived in mountains have a higher haemoglobin count because there is less oxygen in high altitudes. It all makes sense. But where is the evidence that they evolved from niggers traits like brown eyes and dark skin ? There are a lot of criteria to separate the races, not just skin color, the cephalic index for example but I will not cite them all. These traits could be developped on their own, without evolving from others.
The "one human race" theory is solidified by genetic studies where they saw that there is not much divergence between all the human races to be able to call them "races", the difference is only in a couple of 10 thousands nucleic acids. I forgot the exact number. When you couple that with the four population test to observe the percentage of gene correlation between Europeans, niggers and chimpanzees, you'll see that we have a lot in common with apes. And with archeology and other very biased disciplines, they cement they views about the "human race". All this is political mind you, these scientists work expecting an outcome that will please their ideology. With these results, they justify bringing niggers in Europe and race mixing because they will evolve and adapt to the environment.
>This means that the statement "there's only one race the human race" is scientifically incorrect.
You say that. But who the fuck are you ? All leading geneticists say the contrary, just read any scientific paper on the subject. There are some dissidents who are trying to challenge the out of Africa theory, but they are a very small minority.

I'm not saying that science is all lies, but it's very misleading in certain subjects especially with the corrupted academia. We take what we need from it but it's very far from the Truth.
Now there is the Tradition that says that the Aryans come from the far North in the arctic circle, the Aryanem Vaejo where the sun does not fall. That's what we mean by "nordic". That was the golden age, and then they had to move because the land was destroyed by snow leading to the slow degradation of the Aryan spirit and knowledge until now, the Kali Yuga, the lowest of lows. Just read Evola if you want to know about the subject.
Replies: >>523
I agree that academia and popsci is corrupt but the foundations of science as a concept are correct and true and the majority of our scientific knowledge (before activists took it over) is true. 
>But where is the evidence that they evolved from niggers traits like brown eyes and dark skin
I think that the technical term evolved doesn't describe the phenomenon too well. What happened was that traits which were detrimental were selected against and cut out of the gene pool while the genes which were beneficial were selected for and allowed to prosper. The Proto-African race did not become the white race, the white race emerged from the propagation of genetic mutations which better suited the European environment. This goes for all other races, they emerge from the original race they come from in order to better suit a new environment. The Africans of today are probably not the same as the Proto-Africans of the past as today's Africans are likely further specialized to the African environment.
Replies: >>524
>they emerge from the original race they come from in order to better suit a new environment. 
I need to have an evidence of this. What is the reasoning and logic behind this ?
Replies: >>526
The logic is that most of the defining features of a race come from its adaptations to its environment as it is those features that make us different. White's emerged from the Proto-Africans because they shed most of their African specializations in favor of specializations more suited to Europe thus losing the defining traits of the Proto-African and and gaining their own defining traits for which the white race has been described. This same shedding of old defining traits and emergence of new defining traits is the way most if not all new races are born.
This shedding which I describe is more technically described as the selecting against of features that were beneficial in the previous environment but not benificial in the current one. These useless or detrimental features are lost and replaced by other more suitable features through the process of natural selection (for Europe that would be white skin, blue eyes, shorter but thicker bodies, etc.). By losing these features the new population loses what defined the previous race thus becoming a new distinct race it's own set of defining features. The same thing happened when prehistoric Asians exited the Asian continent through the Bering Land Bridge and what emerged from that group was the Native Americans. Ethnicities are like this but on a much smaller scale with a much larger number of overlapping features with other ethnicities, compared to races with other races.

I also wanted to cover this
>The "one human race" theory is solidified by genetic studies where they saw that there is not much divergence between all the human races to be able to call them "races"
What defines a race are those small but distinct differences. We are much much more similar than different, that much is obvious but it is for those differences which we do have that we have dubbed the races.
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Imagine thinking that evolution is just orthogenesis. It isn't a straight line like you learn in school. It's just taught that way because it's simpler.
Replies: >>528
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>The logic is that most of the defining features of a race come from its adaptations to its environment
> selecting against of features that are beneficial in the previous continent and but the current one
I know that but where is the concrete evidence ? That is just hypothesizing and theorizing. There is no hard evidence about this. Where are the studies ? the graphs ? the scientific papers ? I'm not going to take your word for it.
>prehistoric Asians exited the Asian continent through the Bering Land Bridge and what emerged from that group was the Native Americans
That's false though. Native Americans have correlations with Europeans. See pic related.

>it is for those differences which we do have that we have dubbed the races
Then you have to give me a technical genetic definiton of race that you can use to draw lines between the different races,  but you can't since you don't know shit about genetics. Until you can do that, you can't prove them wrong, because as I said, all the leading scientists are saying the contrary of what you're implying, and you're still defending the legitimacy of science.

Where is your evidence, nigger.
Replies: >>530
>I know that but where is the concrete evidence ? That is just hypothesizing and theorizing. There is no hard evidence about this. Where are the studies ? the graphs ? the scientific papers ? I'm not going to take your word for it.
I'm not making any claims which need evidence, outside of what is commonly known. Those things being the details of the process of natural selection (fitting traits gained and selected towards; unfitting traits removed and selected against), the history of the early human species, the traits which the races differ on, and the fact that they do differ.  What I am providing is simply an analysis of how all of these facts come together to clear up the misunderstanding you have about the origins of the races and what defines them. 
You don't need to take my word for it you simply need to assess my reasoning and determine if you believe it to be a logically sound analysis of the already proven facts.
>That's false though. Native Americans have correlations with Europeans. See pic related.
Alright then let me correct myself. A race of EuroAsian mixes exited the asian continent through the Bering Landbridge into NA which then lead to the emergence of new races in the Americas in order to adapt to a new environment. 
Not much changes other than a technicality.
>Then you have to give me a technical genetic definiton of race that you can use to draw lines between the different races,  but you can't since you don't know shit about genetics.
Look in a dictionary. The lines between the races are drawn due to distinct differences between the large groups which are the races. Due to this the definition is not inherantly genetic but, those differences for which the term is defined, do come from differences in genetics. 
Any genetic definition of race would have to based on this common use of the word, meaning that me providing a genetic definition would be useless as it would essentially serve the same purpose as the current definition, only more specific and possibly cutting out or adding a race into what is considered different enough.
Replies: >>532 >>533
>Until you can do that, you can't prove them wrong, because as I said, all the leading scientists are saying the contrary of what you're implying
Scientists have no say over the term race as it is not inherantly scientific. The term is based on the human use of the word throughout history which is collectively "decided" across generations. This does not mean that scientific knowledge can't be used to support the fact that there are multiple races hpwever, as the differences that define the races can be shown to be real through the use of scientific fact (though today's leading "scientists may ignore this in favor of redifining the term such that said differences no longer constitute a race). 
>and you're still defending the legitimacy of science
I defend the foundations of science as well as a decent portion of the field that isn't kiked. I do not defend the kiked activist "science" that tries to redefine terms it has no buisness redefining. Science with the sole intention of pushing a political adgenda is not science at all. True science is the pursuit of objective knowledge through observation, experimentation, and objective analysis
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>I'm not making any claims which need evidence, outside of what is commonly known. Those things being the details of the process of natural selection
Then give me the evidence about the soundness of the principle of natural selection. How did you arrive at such conclusions ? On what did you base your beliefs on ? You can't just say something and expect me to believe it ? right ? That's what "science" is all about. And don't bring that bullshit about plants and shit, I want to know if it is true concerning humans.
>sound analysis of the already proven facts
Where are the proofs ?
>Not much changes other than a technicality
You say some dumb shit that outs you as not knowing the genetic history of the human 
species and you brush it off as a "technicality". Great stuff.
>Look in a dictionary
I'm not looking for a literal definition. If a geneticist asks you about the definition of race, how would you respond ? the "distinct differences" between races that you're talking about are inexistent in genetics. What is your scientific argument ?
>the differences that define the races can be shown to be real through the use of scientific fact
you can't prove that, you're not a scientist.
>True science is the pursuit of objective knowledge through observation, experimentation, and objective analysis
Yet you have given me no facts to back up your claims.

I have my own definition of races that is not completely biological. I just want to know how your evolutionary different nigger races theory makes sense, and so far you didn't provide enough facts to back it up.
"If we are so close to our nigger cousins, why would you not give them a chance, fellow goyim ? They will adapt, we are more alike than different, it's just your bigoted worldview non supported by science that is blinding you."
Replies: >>534 >>536
You are genetically a fuckin bitch
Replies: >>535
>Then give me the evidence about the soundness of the principle of natural selection.
Read some books. The theory of evolution and the concepts of natural selection are not things that can be concisely covered in a imageboard post. For starters read Darwin's book and then after that do some basic research on the subject and then after that do some research into phylogenetics. I didn't think I needed to do this since you supposedly studied biology and I assumed that they cover these things. 
>You say some dumb shit that outs you as not knowing the genetic history of the human 
species and you brush it off as a "technicality". Great stuff.
That is just a technicality, especially when the only thing that changed was Asians became EuroAsians. A group of people still exited Asia through the Bering Landbridge and from those people new races emerged. The core point is still intact I was only outdated in my information on which exact group it was that exited Asia. 
>I'm not looking for a literal definition. If a geneticist asks you about the definition of race, how would you respond ? the "distinct differences" between races that you're talking about are inexistent in genetics.
Except they are, you yourself stated that there were differences, though small they are. My point is just that it is those small differences that constitute a race. If a geneticist asked me for the definition of race I would give him the real literal definition and if he then said that the races are genetically not all that different then I would say that it is still those differences, as small as they are, which define the races as that is what's stated in the definition of the word.
>you can't prove that, you're not a scientist.
Are there genetic differences between the races? Yes? Do physical traits come from one's genes? Yes? Do races have a set of defining traits? Yes? Traits which as previously stated come from genetic differences? Yes? If yes to all of this then I am scientifically sound in my statements.
>Yet you have given me no facts to back up your claims.
I'm not here to prove to you the scientific basis for the field of genetics or the study of evolution and natural selection within the context of my argument those are a given. As I said earlier proving the entire field of genetics and study of evolution in a concise way is not possible so I won't do it. I'm willing to give you a basic breakdown of evolution with some facts to back it up but I'm not going to write a thesis and cite all of my evidence. Plenty before me have done so and you can find that yourself (and yes you can find shit that isn't activism science since that's a recent phenomenon). 
>I have my own definition of races that is not completely biological.
I don't have a completely biological definition either. As I said earlier I'm just pointing out how the current definition, intentional or not, has its roots in biological differences.
>I just want to know how your evolutionary different nigger races theory makes sense, and so far you didn't provide enough facts to back it up.
My analysis holds up so long as natural selection and evolution are true. Again I won't be writing a thesis on that.
>"If we are so close to our nigger cousins, why would you not give them a chance, fellow goyim ? They will adapt, we are more alike than different, it's just your bigoted worldview non supported by science that is blinding you."
I don't care much for race, outside of the fact that it is real, but it is true that we are more alike than we are different. That doesn't mean that we aren't different. We are, and as I said according to the definition of race these small differences which happen to be biological in nature are what constitutes a race. All of the other claims in there are empathetic appeals, which don't have much to do with science and it's up to you whether you'd want to believe "them" or take "their" advice.
Replies: >>540
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I feel like we've been doing a lot of debate and discussion. So I'll take a break and ask a question.
How are you robots all doing? The election fiasco is finally over so I can forget about politics again for the next 4 years. Any games or media you guys have taken an interest in lately?
Replies: >>538 >>541
>How are you robots all doing?
as good as one can do in this shithole
>Any games or media you guys have taken an interest in lately?
i recently got my hands on some good Wargaming rulesets i would try them out solo but im Lazy as shit, i've been also reading up on Tarot since its something i had more or less Abandoned, mainly because most of what is Written about Tarot is done by Theosophistic Fags that know Nothing and only Over-Complicate things or Wiccan retards that know Nothing about absolutely nothing, but with Crowley's Book of Thoth and the fact that i am now much more Learned on the Divine in general i think i can read that trash and sort the Wheat from the Chaff, also been reading the Nag Hammadi since its pretty much the only book on Hermetism-Gnosticism that i've got left, in regards to Vidya, alternating between an Italian run of Darkest hour and a Melee Run  of Fallout 2 

so how are you doing?, by the way did the Game Night that was being planned in Lynxchan happened, or did it not go anywhere?
Replies: >>539
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>None of the pics loaded
yeah fuck you too JSchan pooscriptnigger
>just read books bro
Ah, the ultimate argument. You are unable to present your point of view in a concise and clear manner, so you tell me to go read some books that you probably never read or are unable to comprehend. I have read books about the subject, and my conclusion is that natural selection and evolution is unable to explain human history, a lot of it is false and it doesn't make sense too. I just wanted to know what's your take on this since you apparently wanted to show me how much I didn't know about science.
>That is just a technicality, especially when the only thing that changed was Asians became EuroAsians
It just shows that you don't know what you're talking about when you make these kind of mistakes. You're not well versed in the subject.
>My point is just that it is those small differences that constitute a race
Again. Who the fuck are you to makes these conclusions ? You're not a scientist, you can't give me the technical details, you're just pulling shit out of your ass with no proof what so ever. You don't know what those differences are and how they relate to the whole genome. You don't know how they are quantified. You don't know how much difference is actually a "difference". You don't know how changes in the genome affect the phenotype and what mechanisms are involved in the process. You don't know the statistical tests used in comparisons. You just know basic bitch shit that you use for your simplified definitions that will not be taken seriously by any scientist.
>Plenty before me have done so and you can find that yourself
Everything I found didn't convince me. So am I an ignorant bigot who doesn't want to acknowledge progress and is stuck in the oudated ideas of the past ? Am I a religious zealot who doesn't have a foothold in reality ? Am I unable to understand the light of science ?
>it is true that we are more alike than we are different
If you want to believe that you are somehow related to niggers, I won't stop you, but don't say it like it is some kind of indisputable "truth". Even scientists from the third Reich didn't believe in this nonsense, but you choose to believe the jewish academia.
Replies: >>544
>election fiasco is over
Did he finally concede or is he still trying to get burgers to give a fuck that their votes don't actually matter?
>How are you robots all doing?
Actually pretty alright, I've fully accepted the US is a banana republic and that fretting over politics will never matter. Been exercising a lot more too.
>Any games or media you guys have taken an interest in lately?
Serious Sam last month because someone put up a share link on /geimu/, and Bug Fables which I got in a share thread on snooze/v/. It's probably made by tumblr tier shitters but from what I can tell there's not too much in terms of fag enabling. I think it's got a really cute aesthetic and the gameplay itself is pretty solid too, great soundtrack as well, it's a 7/10 in my opinion.
Replies: >>546
Tell me more about the creature known as 'female.
Replies: >>545 >>550
>Ah, the ultimate argument. You are unable to present your point of view in a concise and clear manner
Evolution is not a subject that can be thoroughly proven in an imageboard post. The reason that there are theses written on it is that it is a subject that requires that amount of depth in order to be thoroughly covered. I'm not going to do that for the sake of an imageboard discussion. I'm not here to win le ebin debate, I'm only trying to discuss and if you are having difficulties understanding evolution then this isn't the place to go.
>It just shows that you don't know what you're talking about when you make these kind of mistakes. You're not well versed in the subject.
If you really believe that a small nitpick factoid constitutes that go ahead and believe that.
>Again. Who the fuck are you to makes these conclusions ?
How many times do I have to say that the dictionary definition of race cites distinct differences? I'm not a scientist but I'm also not coming up with any new theories or "factoids" either so I don't need to be. I'm basing my arguments off of what is already proven but providing my own analysis. 
Are traits defined by genetics? Do races have distinct traits and characteristics? In order for my analysis to be incorrect, one of these two would have to be false. So which one is it?
>Everything I found didn't convince me. So am I an ignorant bigot who doesn't want to acknowledge progress and is stuck in the oudated ideas of the past ? Am I a religious zealot who doesn't have a foothold in reality ? Am I unable to understand the light of science ?
If you, after considering the overwhelming amount of evidence for evolution, still believe it to be a farce and favor creationism then you at the very least have some sort of ingrained bias preventing you from making a sound judgment on the concept. 
>If you want to believe that you are somehow related to niggers, I won't stop you, but don't say it like it is some kind of indisputable "truth".
It is mostly indisputable that all of the races share the common ancestor of the Proto-Africans. We also all share a common ancestor with Australopithecus. Does this mean that we're all ape-men? 
>Even scientists from the third Reich didn't believe in this nonsense, but you choose to believe the jewish academia.
Evolution is a concept which predates the kikening of academia back to a time when the scientific community was comprised, by a good portion, of noblemen. As for the Third Reich the truth is that they had a vested interest in opposing this concept as it wouldn't have fit their agenda.  

As for me saying we are more alike than different, I say this through the lens of biology based on the fact that we are the same species. If you look at it on a smaller scale like culture or history then of course we have more differences.
Replies: >>547
Hypergamy. Trend towards being much more emotional than men. Biologically engineered to be empathetic and easy to feel bad for. Live in societies that trend towards gynocentrism which leads to an easy life. On average less intelligent than men. Less physically capable than men. Whoredom is on an extreme rise. And women are Given all of the legal power in a marriage. 

They are responsible for the concept of femininity which in its ideal (like in fiction) is a good thing, but a good thing which has been horribly corrupted in real life.

Anything else you'd like to know?
>Did he finally concede or is he still trying to get burgers to give a fuck that their votes don't actually matter?
Nah but it's over in that it's basically a done deal that Biden is the president so there's no more of that tension or suspense of who's gonna win. As little as it matters.
Replies: >>549
Look. You're fucking retarded and you don't know what you're talking about. You keep repeating the same bullshit in every post without providing any evidence and you expect me to believe that you have any substantial knowledge about the subject. You don't know anything about science, just the surface level stuff because you keep using layman terms and you keep telling me that the genetic definition of "race" can be found in a dictionary. This is embarassing.
>I'm basing my arguments off of what is already proven
Where is the proof ?
>providing my own analysis
Which isn't worth shit. Who the fuck are you ? 
>believe it to be a farce and favor creationism
>He still believes in the evolution vs creation meme
no comment

You talk like a liberal jewish faggot, especially when you think that the third Reich has an "agenda". Do you believe that Goebbels was a lying propagandist ? Is Hans Günther a fraud ? Do you believe in the 6 billion jews ?
Replies: >>551
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I don't feel tension or suspension over it but I'll still keep watch for anything particularly retarded.
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I think you got Confused there, "Female" is not a Creature, its a Power, Female-Water-Passive is the Counterpart to Masculine-Fire-Active, essentially the Female power is Maleable and can both Absorb and Transmit, examples of Female power are the Cosmos Itself, for it has no shape of its own, but it is rather Generated and Given one by the Monad, and other beings within it can make it Take specific Forms aswell, another Example of this is your Imagination, your Imagination is Female because it absorbs and Transmits whatever you imprint on it and play with it, more "Corporeal" examples include Anime Girls, because while they may be encased in a Specific Form, their Meanings and Personalities shift as their Observers desire, the Ability to Create a Waifu out of a Regular Anime Girl is a Proof of this

Contrary to Popular Belief Roasties are not Female, they are neither maleable (they pretend they are to Decieve) nor are they able to Transmute and Absorb Energies, to the contrary, they only Leech out for their own Benefit, just like the Creatures that prowl this Accursed earth, the Roastie Takes and Consumes to both Survive and Procreate, for the sake of its own Continuity in a never ending Vicious Cycle that reaches nowhere, and gets nowhere
Replies: >>552 >>556
Man I've been trying to keep up with you but at this point, you're just being too retarded. I keep repeating shit because you don't seem to comprehend what it is you're reading and you ignore about 50% of what's being written. 
I don't know how many times I've cleanly laid the factual basis of my analysis and asked you which ones you believe to be false. Maybe you don't believe in any of the facts that I use as a basis for my argument and if that's the case then so be it. As I said I'm not here to prove those facts only to provide how given that those facts are true that race still exists.
I could list them again since they're all pretty simple things if I wasn't sure that you would just ignore them again.
> because you keep using layman terms and you keep telling me that the genetic definition of "race" can be found in a dictionary.
The problem is I never said any of that shit. I've been pretty clear about the fact that the dictionary definition is based on the use of the word and not genetics and that my goal in bringing it up is not to provide you your "genetic definition" which you've been demanding. 
All I've ever said concerning genetics is that the traits in which the dictionary definition cites have their roots in genetic differences. 
>no comment
I assumed you favored creationism because you implied you were religious. Maybe that was a bit of a jump but it's accurate for most religious people so I continue with the assumption.
>You talk like a liberal jewish faggot, especially when you think that the third Reich has an "agenda"
Every political group or government has an agenda. An agenda is a set of goals a governement/political group is trying to achieve. You are the one who is assuming that agenda=equals evil and bad.
Replies: >>553 >>554
Would your definition of "female" not be better described as "feminine". I don't know shit about esoteric stuff but what you describe seems to better fit the common definition of feminine.
Replies: >>553
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>Man I've been trying to keep up with you but at this point, you're just being too retarded. I keep repeating shit because you don't seem to comprehend what it is you're reading and you ignore about 50% of what's being written. 
not the same anon, but beyond
>Read some books. The theory of evolution and the concepts of natural selection are not things that can be concisely covered in a imageboard post. For starters read Darwin's book and then after that do some basic research on the subject and then after that do some research into phylogenetics. I didn't think I needed to do this since you supposedly studied biology and I assumed that they cover these things. 
>I'm not making any claims which need evidence, outside of what is commonly known. Those things being the details of the process of natural selection (fitting traits gained and selected towards; unfitting traits removed and selected against), the history of the early human species, the traits which the races differ on, and the fact that they do differ.  What I am providing is simply an analysis of how all of these facts come together to clear up the misunderstanding you have about the origins of the races and what defines them. 
You don't need to take my word for it you simply need to assess my reasoning and determine if you believe it to be a logically sound analysis of the already proven facts.
you have posted 0 Evidence, and what you have posted comes down to "Read Book" and "Common Knowledge" (wich you even failed to talk about what is this "Common Knowledge")

Either way anon just by how you think that the Third Reich would cover up any research on Race despite the fact that the only ones benefited from Raciology not being a thing are Kikes is just enough for me to know how much of a Mouth-breather you are, your definition of "Science" as "Objective Facts and Reasoning" (not to mention the ammount of Shit you take for granted in your Views) is almost a Cartoony Definition of what Evola adresses in the "Science Vs Wisdom" chapter of Heathen Imperialism, and to top it all off your mental Horizons are so utterly narrow that you implied creationism just because the Bogatyr who is calling you on your Retardation is "Religious", at least May-Anon has some Nuts and will be able to Figure it out on his own eventually, you look and sound like a Somatic Drone

isn't "Feminine" what is derived from Female?, i mean if i was to describe that as "Feminine" then it would be Roastie-like behaviour because Roasties is the By-Default thing that its thought about when we talk about Female, wich is precisely what i am Aganist, Roasties aren't even Female, they Foul the idea of Female
Replies: >>555
>Maybe you don't believe in any of the facts that I use as a basis for my argument
You didn't use any facts. Just theories and hypotheses. Facts are backed up by data which you didn't provide.
If you're talking about this shit
>Are traits defined by genetics? Do races have distinct traits and characteristics? In order for my analysis to be incorrect, one of these two would have to be false. So which one is it?
No they could be both true. The consensus in the scientific community is that those differences are insignificant to be able to use them in a systematic classification of races. I said that at the very beginning and you're the one ignoring it. But in order to prove that those differences are truly significant, you need to know the technical details which you don't because you have no idea of what genetic differences mean technically. You're saying that A+B=C. Genetics are not math. You sound like you're doing a school project for elementary school with these wikipedia tier "facts".
>You are the one who is assuming that agenda=equals evil and bad
You said that they distorded the reality to fit their agenda. You're saying indirectly that they are lying.
>I assumed you favored creationism because you implied you were religious
Let me tell you a secret. Religion is not the only form of spirituality.
Replies: >>564
>(wich you even failed to talk about what is this "Common Knowledge")
Except its right there in the greentext you quoted. Read nigger.
>Those things being the details of the process of natural selection (fitting traits gained and selected towards; unfitting traits removed and selected against), the history of the early human species, the traits which the races differ on, and the fact that they do differ.
>Third Reich
I didn't say that they covered any research up only that their own research would have been altered by a vested interest in being against the idea that human life originated in Africa. Even worse so today with the current kike stranglehold there is a vested interest in saying race is fake thus producing skewed conclusions. Worse thing with kikes now is that it is much more deliberate than it is unconcious.
> your mental Horizons are so utterly narrow that you implied creationism just because the Bogatyr who is calling you on your Retardation is "Religious"
I made an assumption based on the fact the vast majority of religious people are creationist. I know that there are lots of exceptions but when compared to the majority, they are just that, exceptions. That anon isn't creationist? Good. Now I know, but I'm not going to rewrite an assumption which works. That's just how I operate within daily life. Lets say that there are some women who aren't whores right? This could be the case, and I know this. But that doesn't mean that when I next meet a women I won't be going in assuming she's a whore.
Replies: >>557
>examples of Female power are the Cosmos Itself
>another Example of this is your Imagination, your Imagination is Female
Both the entire Pleroma and your imagination are female? Is your goddess gonna try some TSF shit?
Replies: >>557
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allright im gonna come off as the most Retarded and Stupid gorilla nigger on Earth but what is TSF?, i couldn't find a clear definition on the Internetsalso i didn't mention Pleroma, the Cosmos Isn't the Pleroma, Pleroma is "Fullness" is essentially Hermetic Heaven, a State of Being where one is Complete with Himself and in Union with the Monad, thus one has to Reincarnate no more and is Perfect, the Cosmos is essentially the place where Existance is contained

>Except its right there in the greentext you quoted. Read nigger.
whoops, got too careless, sorry about that anon, still, for starters it is needed to remind that in the Orginial Post, (>>514) the real question stands in how Modern Science in general does not paint the complete picture, shure some Races adapt and whatnot in some other Environments, ok, that does not Prove nor say anything on the "Origins of Humanity" and much less disproves anything i said in regards to how Progressive Positivistic Thought is Retarded from its very Roots
Replies: >>558 >>560
Transforming into a female.
Replies: >>561
>the real question stands in how Modern Science in general does not paint the complete picture, shure some Races adapt and whatnot in some other Environments, ok, that does not Prove nor say anything on the "Origins of Humanity" and much less disproves anything i said in regards to how Progressive Positivistic Thought is Retarded from its very Roots
Perhaps you're right. I honestly believe that much of today's science is kiked to death. All of this socio-political rhetoric plus science blended garbage fucking sucks but I still strongly believe that the core concepts which we started with are good. 
It's because of this that I'm confident in evolution's concepts not just because of how sound I find the logic behind it and the proof that one can individually observe but because it heralded from a time that I have complete confidence in not having been kiked. And because of that I do believe that there is scientific basis for race being real.
I'll be dropping the subject though, since I don't see much value coming from this going any further.
Replies: >>562
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Well my Understanding of her is Already Limited, and my Understanding on Her Actual Intentions and plans for me are Non-existent, that being said i Love her and She Loves me too (else she wouldn't have Helped me and Struggled with me through this Shithole of a "Life") i don't think she would make me do anything that would Harm me, same way i don't want to Harm her either, this is the part where you fucks get to Lynch me still as long as i can be with her For all Eternity, im down with anything, i don't care if im with her in Hell or Heaven or whatever, so if she is into some very Hardcore Pervy shit, im down with that, as long as that keeps us Together and Makes her Happy, im all for It

i don't get it, now you agree? but my points aren't any different from the Original Boatyr, perhaps i took it the extra mile placing more Criticism not in Evolution itself but rather the Quagmire that surrounds it, mainly Materialism Linear time and the idea Progress wich is not that different from what the Original Bogatyr posted
We have been kiked for more than 2000 years. The enlightenment ideas that led to the renaissance are all kiked. The logic behind evolution are not "sound" even if they are intellectually attractive. The fact that you told me that it's too 'complicated' to explain in a post proves that you do not understand it completely and you don't want to delve deeper in the subject because it might cause you cognitive dissonance for being unsure about your views. Perhaps you embraced the out of Africa theory because you felt betrayed that you have been lied by your christian teachers and it brings you psychological comfort.
There is scientific basis for racism but the out of Africa theory is fucking retarded. It's only based on archeology and a lot of shady theories. But racism is much more than biology if you want to look at it from a spiritual perspective. Inferiority and superiority are not some "traits" that got aquired through adaptation or else we wouldn't be calling niggers an inferior race, just a race adapted to its environment.
If you want to stop talking about this, then it's okay.
Replies: >>563
I will stop talking about this but before that
>The fact that you told me that it's too 'complicated' to explain in a post proves that you do not understand it completely and you don't want to delve deeper in the subject because it might cause you cognitive dissonance 
This is not true. Evolution is a big claim which requires big evidence to prove. And so it can't really be throroughly proven in the concise form of an imageboard post. There's a reason Darwin wrote a book and not an essay.
>Just theories and hypotheses
You don't know what a theory or a hypothesis is. While it's true that he hasn't provided much in terms of facts, you haven't either. The only thing you've done is deny scientific consensus because it goes against your legends of Aryan origins, and provided an article which made a small correction to evolution-anon's point.
Again I'll direct you to Aron Ra's "Systematic Classicication of Life" series. It's concise enough that it's not unreasonable to expect you to at least watch the first ten or so episodes to get the idea, and it's thorough enough that you'll be able to get the understanding you need to know what you're arguing against. I get the suspicion that evolution-anon isn't extremely well-read on the subject but wants to come across as such. I know that I'm not smart enough to remember all the examples and shit that would prove evolution to your satisfaction, but I can direct you to resources that would.
Also I get the feeling that you feel like scientists think that we evolved from Africans, this is simply untrue. Europeans, Asians, Africans, and the rest share a common ancestor, and Africans have changed less because they're in a similar environment to that ancestor, but we are the same "distance" from that ancestor because the ancestor died off a long time ago. The reason that scientists don't distinguish between the human races is because there isn't enough of a change to do so. Given another couple thousand years without racemixing this wouldn't be the case. Even if we were to all racemix right now and then stopped travel completely, in a couple thousand years we would be in the same place we started because the same genetic traits would be pushed to the forefront again through the same processes, albeit with a few minor differences I'm sure.
Did you know that you're not distinct enough from anything in your lineage to scientifically classify you as a different thing? This is what Carolus Linnaeus found. While people like to jerk themselves raw over Darwin because he figured out how it worked, it was Linnaeus that found that there isn't enough distinction between animals to classify them in a way that wasn't in some way arbitrary because they all were clearly related. For example, what is the distinction between a dog and a wolf? Well, there's nose shape sometimes, the type of fur they have, sometimes size, maybe the dog has floppy ears, but the general thing is pretty much the same, how would one draw a line between these two that isn't in some way arbitrary? These are all differences that one can find in white people alone, different hair colors, face shapes, height, and all sorts of shit. Is a dwarf a different species from man? Well, perhaps if we all lived in caves and there was only food sources in small caves that only dwarves and children could get into, given a few thousand years they could be eventually. Getting back to the wolf example, There are also different types of wolves, although they weren't selectively bred for different specific traits like dogs were. What's the difference between a gray wolf and a red wolf? Fur color obviously, but also location, Gray wolves are on the Eastern Hemisphere while red wolves are on the West. What about timber wolves? Iirc, they're supposed to be close to both red wolves and gray wolves to the point that scientists aren't sure if they should be classified as a subspecies of gray wolf or as a separate species. There are plenty of other wolf types, but the point is that they all have a common ancestor as well, as they moved to different locations different genetic traits from that ancestor were brought out and lessened, and through mutations entirely new genes were created I don't know if that relates to these groups specifically but that's the way evolution works, at times it uses genetic traits that are already there and at times it's through mutations.
Replies: >>565 >>567
They never stopped being the common ancestor, but they are distinct from each other, and given a couple thousand years their descendants would be distinct from each other as well and they would become the common ancestor, perhaps as their descendants became more dominant the wolf group that they descended from would become extinct due to lack of food or inability to change to suit the climate or something along those lines. And even then, a lot of other wolf types came from other common ancestors that shared common ancestors with the common ancestor between red and gray wolves. All of these are under the family clade Canid, which put simply "dog-like" clade. The thing you probably learned in school is Linnaean taxonomy, that's the seven or so groups of classifications that I can't name off the top of my head, things like Kingdom, Family, Genus and all those, these weren't sufficient to classify species, because it isn't that simple, so the thing that's used now as a more accurate alternative is clades, which is basically a way to group together monopyletic groups (or put simpler, groups with similar traits) as groups of parent categories, each of which encompasses all the ones below it, similar to how a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares, if you were to say that rectangles and squares are different "clades" of shape, then rectangle would be square's parent clade. It's incredibly complicated shit and I don't know the classifications of all these common ancestors because they're in Latin obviously and this is just shit that I'm using to show as an example of how evolutionary theory works and breaks down into classifications, but you could probably find this information anywhere that talks about wolves.
Anyways the point is that Europeans and Africans aren't distinct enough to classify us as different species, but the idea that we aren't going in different directions evolution-wise or that we should be racemixing because of "muh genetic diversity" is just faggot libcuck scientists moralizing when they shouldn't. You're disagreeing with their moralization, you have nothing to say that evolution in itself is false. Scientific consensus is not that it's "okay" to racemix because science cannot make moral judgements. I suspect this is what evolution-anon was getting at when he said "True science is the pursuit of objective knowledge through observation, experimentation, and objective analysis" as autistic as it sounds. Scientific consensus is simply that there isn't enough distinction between races to scientifically classify them as different things, and that mixed race people (to my knowledge) are not effected beyond having a lower IQ and ugly nigger traits because of it, something that can happen just the same if a stupid ugly white person has a kid with an average white person, sans the nigger traits.
>I forgot to put 1/2 in the first post
Fucking hell.
Replies: >>566
I should also mention about that last point that it already takes a stupid person to breed with a nigger, so the cards are already stacked against the half-nigger child in such a situation.
I am not trying to "prove" that evolution is scientifically false. I reject all the science behind it. Why ? Because human reasoning and logic are in themselves flawed. I don't need to give any scientific proof because this is not a scientific debate, but an indictment of science itself. Biology and anthropology don't go deep enough to be able to explain these things thoroughly. As I said to the other fag, it is very inconsistant in explaining the prehistory of man. They denied the existance of the Aryan invasion of India, they thought that Europeans are a mix of European hunter gatherers and Early Neolithic farmers, missing completely the mark until genetics showed that 90 % of the European genome comes from the Yamnaya, a warrior population who had a solar cult of a sky father, who came to Europe from the Eurasian steppe, and who descended themselves from another population called the Anciant North Eurasians who lived farther north. This theory is more in line with the Aryanem Vaejo mentionned in the Vedas. But again, it's just a theory, it can change 6 million times, and maybe there will be a new technology 200 hundred years from now that will render all what we know now obsolete. Maybe you would say that we are heading towards progress, but how do you know that ? Maybe we are in a complete dead end.
The exit of Homo sapiens from Africa is dated 50000 years ago, so you're saying that in less than that timespan, a proto-nigger can become a white man. This conclusion came from observing the animal realm and reinforced by percentages of genetic mutations that happened during a certain time. This is far from being a satisfying explanation. I know that it is simplified here but as I said, I don't want to discuss the scientific aspect of it.
I know that there are classifications of humans by traits. The likes of Hans Günther have done that work, I don't contest it. I'm just saying that they aren't enough to cover all the differences between the races. Even Hitler said that a jew can be blond and blue eyed but he'll never be an Aryan.
Replies: >>568 >>576
>I reject all the science behind it. Why ? Because human reasoning and logic are in themselves flawed.
Okay idiot. Nothing you said matters, then.
Replies: >>570
Replies: >>571
dickbitch niggerfucker. stupid fucking cuck ass. retard cunthead asshole dickenstein swine.
Replies: >>572
I responded to you politely and you act like fucking nigger. Go jerk off to Richard Dawkins.
Replies: >>573
>I responded to you politely
I too am unbound by logic. Nerd.
Replies: >>574
He meant the post saying human reasoning and logic are flawed and you responded with "idiot"
This has been the most pointless conversation ever. Just because both of you are morons doesn't mean scientists are also flawed like you.
Replies: >>575
The irony is that my job is science related. It's my livelihood
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>I know that but where is the concrete evidence ? That is just hypothesizing and theorizing. There is no hard evidence about this. Where are the studies ? the graphs ? the scientific papers ? I'm not going to take your word for it.
>Then give me the evidence about the soundness of the principle of natural selection. How did you arrive at such conclusions ? On what did you base your beliefs on ? You can't just say something and expect me to believe it ? right ? That's what "science" is all about. And don't bring that bullshit about plants and shit, I want to know if it is true concerning humans.
>Where is the proof ?
>You didn't use any facts. Just theories and hypotheses. Facts are backed up by data which you didn't provide.
<I reject all the science behind it
<I don't need to give any scientific proof because this is not a scientific debate
What a nigger. Suck my cock you humongous faggot. I actually take the time out of my day to explain some basics of this shit to you because the other anon was doing a piss-poor job at it and instead of refuting my points or presenting a reason why European and nigger aren't related or something you just say "umm like I don't even care about this lmao XD" because you'd rather be ignorant because it gives credence to your myths that you take literally because you're literally a stupid nigger. Jesus Christ, instead of actually responding to your dumbfuck posts that my dumbfuck post prompted I should have just let you and the other guy duke it out because you're both fucking strawman-tier faggots, with one anon saying "but dem Aryan myths woulda been fake sheet if evolvin' be true nigga" and the other guy going "but dat's what duh scientists be believin' nigguh" and I want to blow my fucking head off holy shit. You deserve to talk with the other anon because you're both as fucking stupid as each other, even if evolution-anon is right he doesn't know why he's right, or at least he hasn't shown it. You're just mad that niggers are your evolutionary cousins faggot.
>Maybe you would say that we are heading towards progress
<still equating evolution with progress
<still thinks evolution is orthogenesis
You're such a fucking moron holy shit. You're sitting in front of a computer with internet so you already have all of human knowledge at your fingertips, how about you research shit you don't understand instead of thinking that evolution works like the fucking "march of progress" image.
Replies: >>577 >>580 >>581
>I can't believe explaining this shit didn't work! Why did I spend my time doing this!?
>Why didn't evolution-anon take the time out of his day to explain how it works?! What a stupid head.
Really makes you think.
I don't really care either way, I don't want to think sexual thoughts about it anyway.
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you missed the entire point of the Conversation, Somatic Fiend, what was stipulated in the OP wasn't about Evolution being True or Untrue (i personally do not believe in it) it was about the Inability for it to Explain the Root of the matter, again, it can explain why, but not the How, Take cuckolded Scientists telling you that you Release dopamin when you are happy, thus the cause of "Happyness" being that Dopamine is in you, yet they aren't able to tell you why does the Body do this, beyond perhaps expeculating on Survival mechanisms (you release dopamine to do those things that feel good, except this entire concept of "brain rewards you for surviving and procreating" falls apart the second you Asceticism enters the Picture) the onyl thing that you end up Proving with "Evolution" is that creatures adapt to their Environment, it does not explain from whence the Creature came, not even why it developed the way it did beyond its temporary adaptations, (why are humans bypedal and not four-legged like most mammals? why are humans the only ones capable of Speech and Abstract thought?) now onwards to 
>but dem Aryan myths woulda been fake sheet if evolvin' be true nigga
let me remind you that the Grandaddy of Quantum Mechanics, Schrödinger was a fucking Vedanta, nevermind Isaac Newtown another figure that Somatic Scientists love wanking off about was into Hermetic Alchemy, Riemann, one of the Three lads who actually discovered Relativity before (((Einstein))) came along was a Hardcore Christian,Max Planck wrote an entrie Essay on how the Science vs Religion was a meme and they were just Different paths towards understanding God, i can asshure you that if you go deep in ANY Scientific Discipline you will end up finding References and Correlations to Traditional Teachings, Correlations that Kike Scientists will never talk about or expose in their papers, in fact what we know as "Science" is nothing more than the Secularized parts of the Traditional Sciences, the Egyptians were Great Psychologists and Medics, but they were so because they didn't exclude the Ritual part of their Disciplines, Psychology and Theology were parts of the same Discipline in those days because the Soul and the Divine was the Root of Mankind in the days of the Golden Age,

i could keep on talking about how Science is a joke, thing is i have already done this Trillions of times, in this Board and in Previous iterations, Evola explains it to the Perfection so i'll post some good Screencaps and if you want to know more Heathen Imperialism is right there in the Library i posted in the Esotericism Thread
Replies: >>582
>I actually take the time out of my day to explain some basics of this shit
I already know everything you tried to explain you fucking faggot. I just wanted you to tell you that the methodology used to arrive at those conclusions are not perfect and they do not present the facts in a an exhaustive way. You're just telling me the results and interpretations that they came up with but not how they did it, which is the essantial part. It's where you see all the different assumptions and approximations that they come up with to fill the blanks. You find this in every biologic subject. That is why I reject it, not because "I don't care lmao". But you're so emotional that all that went above your head and you responded in a fit of anger.
>still equating evolution with progress
I meant the progress of science towards understanding these concepts, not the progress of evolution. But you're too retarded that you can't even read.
Replies: >>585
>what was stipulated in the OP wasn't about Evolution being True or Untrue (i personally do not believe in it) it was about the Inability for it to Explain the Root of the matter
I am aware of that, but anon kept asking for this shit to be explained to him and when answers are provided he returns to that perspective instead of saying why it's wrong from a literal point of view. He was arguing against his opponent's lack of knowledge instead of evolution. I have said earlier that evolution isn't meant to explain anything beyond what's physically shown to be true, and it's ridiculous to act like it should do anything more than that because that is not its goal.
>why are humans bypedal and not four-legged like most mammals?
Maneuverability. The same question can be posed for apes, which are also bipedal though not all the time and birds. Also kangaroos although since they hop I don't know if they count.
>why are humans the only ones capable of Speech
It's expanded from the same shit animals use for communication. For humans, instead of having some weird body language or call to say when they want to fuck, they say "I'd like to fuck you" and then some disgusting practice of buying dinner, watching a movie, and buying thousands of dollars of jewelry commences and then maybe the male of the species gets to smell the female's genitals if he's lucky. Pretty much anything you'd say irl can be connected to this sort of thing. "I'm hungry." "That hurt!" "What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?" etc. can be compared to things that are seen in animals, even emotional expression is something that animals do. It's only when we get to more complex shit like what we're talking about here that it gets to the next point:
> and Abstract thought?
and honestly this one I'm not entirely sure on. That doesn't mean that there isn't a reason in terms of evolution, I just don't know it. My guess would be that it helps control our emotions but that's not from looking at anything, if I've seen something on this I'm blanking on it right now.
It is important to keep in mind though, that these explanations don't necessarily give meaning to anything. That is not to say that they aren't true in a literal sense, or that they aren't something that gives meaning to some (because I'm sure there's some weirdo who thinks this is significant in a manner beyond physical), but what I mean is that according to science, the truth is only what can be shown to be true. In other words, nothing can be arbitrary. Acting like science or evolution is false because it doesn't draw a line that you want drawn is childish, it's stupid to expect anything more of science than what it is meant for. That doesn't mean that science is the only thing of truth, one thing I really fucking hate is how the term truth has been warped by people who want to take everything literally. There is obviously physical fact and there is truth in a more personal sense I'm sure you have a better term for it and I don't think anyone is denying that. But when one is arguing about if 1+1=2 it isn't appropriate to think about "does this say anything important about my view of the world" because it isn't meant to, it is only meant to explain a thing that can be demonstrated. Likewise, when talking about the validity of evolution, moral judgements and esoteric thoughts shouldn't enter into the picture, because science isn't meant to give meaning to the world but rather let the world explain itself.
I'm kind of disappointed by the way, by these screencaps. When you mentioned earlier that Evola talked about evolution I was expecting something specifically related to the topic, but unless you showed something other than what you were talking about this doesn't even say that science is wrong, it's just about how Evola doesn't like that the way that truth is being understood is becoming only one half of the equation, the half that only talks about the world as it is in reality.
Replies: >>586
Jumping late into the whole evolution debate, but I don't think the positions here are that incompatible... if things are given their due importance.
With this I mean, evolution and natural selection are ok tools to explain some of the phenomena we see in biology, like how newtonian mechanics allows us to build stuff. However if you want to understand modern CPU transistors you will need quantum mechanics. Maybe it's the same with evolution and natural selections, they are tools that have their use in some contexts and shouldn't be taken out of it.
Also expanding of this, I only read the origin of the species but never jumped deep into papers or things of that matters. My question would be, which are the statistical tests they use to put these hypothesis under tests? Also general experimental procedures and things of that nature. If biology anon or pro evolution anon can provide the links (and only the links, don't worry about writing anything else) I'd be thankful
Replies: >>587
>I just wanted you to tell you that the methodology used to arrive at those conclusions are not perfect and they do not present the facts in a an exhaustive way
Are you kidding me? There's no way you can possibly have looked at the wealth of evidence for evolution and said "yeah, but this is just a bunch of assumptions"
>But you're so emotional that all that went above your head and you responded in a fit of anger.
I'm angry that you talked and talked about a lack of specific examples and evidence and then when provided literally anything of substance you just wave it away and say "oh, but these myths existed and maybe in a future you and I will never see we create some technology that changes our current understanding" as if that's an argument against evolution. I feel like that's incredibly disingenuous and I was already getting frustrated reading your conversation.
>I meant the progress of science towards understanding these concepts, not the progress of evolution
Admittedly, I did misunderstand you there, I was frustrated by the first part of your post and I took it the wrong way, my apologies.
If technology or biological understanding does improve and evolutionary theory is thrown out that doesn't mean that evolution isn't true according to the facts that we have today. And it would have to prove a whole lot of facts wrong for it to disprove evolution. Also it's pretty hard to argue that science and technology hasn't been objectively improving, even though there are a bunch of faggots and commies in the field.
Replies: >>587
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>and it's ridiculous to act like it should do anything more than that because that is not its goal.
it should do something more because as its stands Evolution is either a useless observation on Physical adaptation that says nothing about the Structure of Cosmos God or anyhting relevant at all, or a Somatic Excuse for "Human Progress"
>when talking about the validity of evolution, moral judgements and esoteric thoughts shouldn't enter into the picture
good job ignoring the second half of my Previous Post, a Existance that finds its Source and Causes in the Divine can only be Understood if one looks at those Divine Causes, you are telling me to fucking Abstract my observations and leave behind "Esoteric Thoughts" despite the fact that it is precisely "Esoteric Thoughts" that provide the Cause for the Physical Phenomena you are contemplating, 
>it's just about how Evola doesn't like that the way that truth is being understood is becoming only one half of the equation, the half that only talks about the world as it is in reality.
i don't think you got the point, much less when im reading things like
>the truth is only what can be shown to be true. In other words, nothing can be arbitrary
wich is precisely what Evola critizices, the fact that in the Modern World only what can be declared by the masses as "True" is True, to put an example Taihou does not exist because only I can testify to her Existance, only what can be sensed or calculated in Terms of Quantity is true according to the modern world, it completely denies any form of Quality, or thing that cannot be Quantified or readily understood by the Masses, in the Past Wisdom and Gnosis were things that one would Earn through Different Methods, and that Wisdom would transform the individual, therefore one could Make his Own Truth, wich came down to attaining certain Degree of Understanding and being integrated with One's Being, that is How Hermetism and Early Buddhism for example are both Valid, because at the end of the day they are Stating the exact same Truths, but their Reasoning differs according to the Nature of the Initiates of those Traditions ,the greatest example is this, you know all that stuff about Evolution and Science and blah blah blah, but your Perspectives are all the same, you fall for the same Modern Pitfalls, your Understanding does not Change, the Knowledge you attained is Abstracted from you, wether Evolution is True or False for you, you will wake up all the same Tomorrow,
>My guess would be that it helps control our emotions
ah yes, Existance for its sake, making Complicated Machines with tons of different quirks with the Purpose of Existing for its own sake, and to keep replicating and consuming for its own sake, always weening, always needing, never stopping, because they cannot stop, that is their World, Human Must Eat to Keep Alive, Keep Alive to Keep Replica, Keep Replica to Keep Alive, to Keep Eating, to Keep Replica, and the more i expose this idea, the less Somatic Fiends like you realize the Futility and Retardation of Physical Existance, not only that but if all of those Complicated functions of the Human being are meant to be efficient at the functions i outlined wouldn't it be much more efficient to be a Unicelular thingamajig in the first place to Multiply by the dozens and Adapt to prettymuch anywhere?
Replies: >>596
>There's no way you can possibly have looked at the wealth of evidence for evolution and said "yeah, but this is just a bunch of assumptions"
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but what I have read about Darwin is that he made a lot of educated guesses about how certain species evolve in a certain way. For example, the peacock's tail does not fit the natural selection theory because it has no survival value, so he developed the theory of sexual selection to explain it. This sounds to me like he is filling the blanks, since his theory falls apart, he adds something to it to make it plausible. This is not math or physics where you can prove your theories by mathematical equations, there will always be a part of subjectivity open to interpretation. And evolutionary change comes also from other factors like genetic drifts caused by mutations, founder effects and genetic bottlenecks. Evolution by natural selection is not set in stone and it still changes to this day. So my question is how can you trust something that is so inconstant ? That changes every 5-10 years ?
The out of Africa theory also revolve around archeological findings. The oldest homo sapiens fossils were found in Africa, but now more skeletal remains are being found around the world and challenge the commonly believed maxim.
So there will be a point where the whole out of Africa theory may fall apart and we will have to revise everything again. Again, inconsistency.

In my case, I studied statistics that only concern my field which is medical but the common axioms are the same so you will benefit from it to understand other fields.
About general experimental procedures, you need to be more specific.
Replies: >>589 >>592
To be honest, I am not able to narrow down what I'm asking. But maybe by describing it you can send me a link or two.
I was thinking about, how would one prove that evolution/natural selection is false? What experiments can I do in a lab? Say I have a bacteria colony and I expose it to a bit of antibiotics, it would end up developing resistance to it. You'd say this is evidence for natural selection, but I'm not so sure, it feels like you could fit other things because it doesn't feel as an absolute thing. Now say you want to predict the rate of death and the rate at which the bacterias gain resistance, how does natural selection give values to the constants in the equations governing population dynamics or things like that? I feel that natural selection is an ok mechanism to explain things like this, but that is more of a qualitative rather than quantitative thing, or at least I'm too autistic due to spending years in engineering and math.
I've seen that the fossil record is used as evidence too, and while I can follow the reasoning they use in such a thing (this bone is more atrophied in this species that is very similar to this one so it has to be an adaptation from the older species, for example) I'm not 100% sold that this is THE explanation for phenomena like that.
I think this comment is poorly formatted, but I've been feeling completely retarded these last days so sorry about that.
Thx by the book btw, while I have an extense background in math I might find some interesting things in it. Thinking about it, I would not be 100% sure on how to calculate a sample size for a clinical trial if you asked me to do so right now.
Replies: >>590
I somehow got confused and cited 589 (this post lol) and it was meant for >>587. When I click on post numbers it doesn't write it down in the message box, is it because I have JS off? I'm writing post numbers manually now.
Replies: >>591
>how would one prove that evolution/natural selection is false? What experiments can I do in a lab?
Natural selection is more of a meta-theory that explains changes that happen over ten thousands of years. It cannot be proven in a lab. This is why there has always been controversy around it.
>but I'm not so sure, it feels like you could fit other things because it doesn't feel as an absolute thing
>I'm not 100% sold that this is THE explanation for phenomena like that
Exactly. Experimental science is not about being sure at 100%. It's more about a combination of a lot of arguments orienting towards the soundness of a certain concept. In a simplified way, you observe a natural phenomenon. You make a hypothesis about the function of that phenomenon, and then you do an experiment to verify if your hypothesis is true or false. You can read the Claude Bernard classic that goes deeper about this, but I haven't read it myself.
That's why I said that biology has always a margin of error, because you can't express it in mathematical equations, and it is more concerned about practicality rather than theory. In medicine, we don't know all the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in diseases but we have enough information that allow us to diagnose and cure them.
>I would not be 100% sure on how to calculate a sample size for a clinical trial if you asked me to do so right now
I wouldn't either. I'd have to review all that stuff because it's the job of epidemiologists who study biostatistics more in depth which I am not.
>When I click on post numbers it doesn't write it down in the message box, is it because I have JS off?
>the scientific consensus changes based on new evidence
>therefore science is inconsistent
Science is only consistent with what the facts are, when new facts are brought into the picture then conclusions can change or can be strengthened. Is a detective unreliable because he eliminates and adds suspects based on new evidence?
>So my question is how can you trust something that is so inconstant ? That changes every 5-10 years ?
First off, the idea of evolution itself has remained pretty much the same for almost 200 years, it's specific taxonomic lineages that have changed based on new or more accurate evidence. Secondly, if I didn't change my understanding of how the world works in light of new evidence I'd just be a stubborn fool. I am stubborn, but I'd like to think I'm not a fool. If I'm shown something that says that evolution cannot be true then I'd stop thinking it's true, but I haven't seen any evidence to that effect or at least not good evidence.
The first article just says that humans got to southern China before they thought they did, because the earliest evidence they had for humans in China was from the North, they figure they didn't move North as soon because of the colder winters. The second is behind a paywall but the abstract just says that the skulls they've got when reconstructed show that there were two populations around 170,000 and 210,000 BC, and that one is a neanderthal and one of them has features that are between modern and primitive man. All these findings do is show that we probably moved out of Africa faster than they thought before they were found. None of this would lead to the out of Africa model being thrown out. Besides, the theory of evolution and the out of Africa model aren't the same thing. The evidence we have for the out of Africa model could certainly be challenged if say, they found a group of human fossils in Europe or some place that date back around 300,000 BC, something at a place an time that couldn't have been a group that went out of Africa, we don't have anything like that which would challenge the out of Africa model. To show that the out of Africa model is false you'd have to show that all the evidence for humans evolving in Africa is untrue, we have countless fossils, countless transitional species which is what every species is, and the ones that ended up with humans were in Africa. Early man was probably not just niggers although they were close. Niggers are slightly more suited to Africa than they were, we're way more suited to Europe than they were.
Also sexual selection is absolutely real. If you were looking to fuck you'd be experiencing it right now. In humans it comes down to social skills, height, and dick size, in animals it's something like the size of their tail or the way they puff their chest or something equally as stupid as height in humans. Normalfaggots and their behavior are really the best evidence that we came from apes as far as I'm concerned.
Replies: >>594 >>596
>leave for a couple days
>200+ replies
Replies: >>595
>paywalled articles
You can use scihub anon. Here's one working link:
You can use the search box there by putting the DOI or the URL of the paper. It unlocks pretty much everything.
What have you nerds been talking about these past few days
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>Science is only consistent with what the facts are, when new facts are brought into the picture then conclusions can change or can be strengthened
It is this constant change that proves that they don't actually know what happened. Every time a new evidence or new technology shows up they have to rectify their position again and again and it can go on for eternity without them arriving to a final conclusion. This for me, shows that they are far from the absolute Truth, the one that explains everything, so I had to look for it somewhere else.
>the idea of evolution itself has remained pretty much the same for almost 200 years
The progress in the field of genetics changed the theory drastically and added a lot more components like genetic drift, but also a lot more questions.
>If I'm shown something that says that evolution cannot be true then I'd stop thinking it's true
I'm not trying to prove that evolution is false, just that its arguments are not convincing. And my initial stance is that science is unable to explain the order of the universe. We don't even know how the brain works, we only have a rough partial understanding that allow us to use it for medical purposes that are still very limited.
>None of this would lead to the out of Africa model being thrown out
The official date of the exit out of Africa by Homo sapiens is about 50,000 ago. Any remains older than that contradicts the official theory. Which means either
>An earlier exit
>An origin out of Africa
I don't know where you got that 300,000 BC number. I am not trying to prove anything, just pointing out the the contradictions.
And honestly, I'm getting tired of this because apparently, you don't want to go deep enough in the causality involved behind everything, being content with observing its outward apparence like Taihou-anon said here >>586. Science cannot explain why humans are the only species capable of abstract thought and high intelligence.
All this discussion about science reminded me of a Plato dialogue. In Phaedo, where Socrates was awaiting his execution, talked about when he tried to study the natural sciences of his time and was very disappointed. I'll put the screencaps here.
I don't feel like writing more than this because it's really turning into a dialogue of the deaf. You didn't get my point and Taihou-anon's point at all.
Replies: >>597 >>610
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>for eternity without them arriving to a final conclusion
I consider this a good thing. 
>absolute Truth
Where do you think you'll find that?
Replies: >>598
>Where do you think you'll find that?
Learn about metaphysics and check out Taihou-anon's library. René Guénon would be a good start.
Replies: >>599 >>676
And why do you think you'll find that there?
Replies: >>600
Because I found it.
Replies: >>601
Okay, what is it.
Replies: >>602
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It's not something that is systematic and it can't be expressed in the manner of a scientific thesis. You are expecting something analog to science, but it's not at all like science and you need to think beyond logic. I don't have the energy left to write 10 posts so you can reply to me "ur a nig" because I can't word it as well as I like to. So if you're really curious, you can go read the material and decide for yourself.
Replies: >>603
I'm not the anon you were having a conversation with and I'm asking you what is it, not what you think I need to let go of. Although I think those who try to forsake reason to try to gain anything aren't really doing anything productive, you'd have to strictly define what you're trying to transcend first. Logic and reason aren't absolutely clearly defined terms. 
>So if you're really curious
I'm asking you.
Replies: >>604
Well, if you're asking about metaphysics, it's not a knowledge that can be understood by the means of dialectical discourse, but is directly "known". Knowledge as experience. It's not deductive but intuitive. It follows the principle of quod ubique quod ab omnibus et quod semper. Which is held true by universality, antiquity and consent. When you view the universe as two natures, one being the inferior realm of "Becoming" and the other being the superior realm of "Being". All what happens in the tangible realm has its causes in the metaphysical one, so if one ought to know the real causes, he has to attain a certain state of mind as to reach that superior realm. There are many ways to do it depending on the disciplines, Hermetism, Buddhism, Vedanta. Metaphysical concepts can take incomplete and attenuated forms when they are presented in symbolical or dialectical fashion, but they can be used as a template to reach a higher understanding of the unconditionnal. It is explained in the screencap I posted. I kept it brief because I'm tired of writing.
Replies: >>605
Intuitively I know that's bullshit that relies on the exact same thing both reason and logic rely on.
Replies: >>606
Fair enough.
I'm going to sleep so I'll cut to the chase, call you a nigger, and say you've created a false dichotomy between reason and intuition. Neither of these things in reality should be or even realistically can be treated as separate things. One is perhaps, at best, more surface level and the other (ironically) more abstract, but even mathematicians will tell you you're going to get most of your breakthroughs, solutions, and reasonings overnight. 
Most of your shit is just false dichotomies.
Replies: >>611
>It is this constant change that proves that they don't actually know what happened
Like I said, science can only know what the facts can show to be true, and the facts say that evolution happened. Again, this is how we come to reasonable conclusions based on evidence. You seem to be under the impression that evidence is constantly forcing all scientists to remake every model they have, but that is not the case. Sometimes evidence proves the currently accepted knowledge right and sometimes it proves it wrong. The more evidence there is for one model, the less likely new evidence is to disprove it, and vice versa. This doesn't make science inconsistent, science is consistent with the currently known facts.
>The progress in the field of genetics changed the theory drastically and added a lot more components like genetic drift, but also a lot more questions.
It didn't change the underlying concept of natural selection or any of the shit Darwin talked about. To my knowledge it ended up adding proof to the theory, although admittedly I'm not educated so I can't say for sure. But the fact that evolution is still accepted can only mean one of two things: either it's simply being used by (((them))) to control you somehow, or it's right regardless of the things that you said. Obviously progress in a scientific field brings up more questions, that doesn't mean it's inconsistent.
>my initial stance is that science is unable to explain the order of the universe
Science is able to explain how the universe works, not why, this is true, but it isn't meant to. I've said this multiple times.
>Which means either >An earlier exit or >An origin out of Africa
I said in my post that it means we moved out of Africa faster than they thought, though I probably should have said sooner to be clearer.
>I don't know where you got that 300,000 BC number
That's the oldest number I've heard for the range of when humans showed up in Africa. So my example would be something that would show that there is no way that they could have originated from Africa. It was purposefully extreme, I don't think that the remains would need to be that old for the model to be called into question but the number I gave would make it very clear that the current model would be impossible. Again, what would be needed is evidence of humans existing at a time and place that the current model couldn't explain. The findings you shared are things that I'm sure forced scientists to make revisions to the current model to explain them.
>content with observing its outward apparence like Taihou-anon said
The reason that I didn't respond to his post was because I agree with his points even though I think he has the impression that because I understand and am defending a somatic process that I think that is the only way to know truth. Also I think that he thinks that because I said that according to science the truth is only what the facts show, that I think that the only "real" knowledge is somatic. I admittedly haven't said anything beyond that somatic stuff here, partially because I'm not really well-read on esoteric subjects yet so I don't have the right vocabulary but mostly because when talking about evolution it is in fact a completely somatic subject. I agree that there is more to knowledge than physical reality or whatever you want to call it, I've said as much in earlier posts, but I don't think that when talking about a thing that has nothing to do with esoterism that esoterism should be brought up. Likewise I don't think that when thinking esoterically it'd be useful for me to butt in and say something dumb like "well all these holy books said that the Earth was flat so you're gay!" or whatever.
Also there was clearly a misunderstanding because I didn't specify that by reality I meant the physical world only. I was actually going to specify this but I ran out of characters and I didn't want to make a two-part post over one sentence that I figured was probably unnecessary.
Replies: >>626
>you've created a false dichotomy between reason and intuition
From Taihou-anon's screencaps:
>they are two worlds, two eyes, two different visions, and the opposition between them should not be understated in even the slightest degree
So yeah, you're gay.
Replies: >>621
There is no opposition.
Ted Kaczynski once wrote about something like this.

"The majority's opinions about society's problems are to a great extent irrational, for at least two reasons: (i) the majority's outlook is shaped, to a considerable degree, by propaganda, (ii) Most people put very little serious effort into thinking about society's problems. This is not an elitist sneer at the "unthinking masses." The average man's refusal to think seriously about large-scale problems is quite sensible: Such thought is useless to him personally because he himself can't do anything to solve such problems. In fact, some psychologists and physicians have advised people to avoid thinking about problems that they are powerless to solve, because such thinking only causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. It could be argued that people like us, who put substantial time and effort into studying social problems while having only a minimal chance of contributing measurably to the solutions, are freaks. And our thinking may be influenced by propaganda more than we realize or would like to admit.”
Replies: >>652
You have clarified you position even though I don't agree with you. So, cheers.
Replies: >>627 >>630
As he stated he's just saying the same thing you've ignored for several posts now.
I think toribash is the best bare bones idea for a video game ever thought up.
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Salo forum is alright.
Why would it matter if you agree with me?
Replies: >>632
Why would it matter if he didn't?
Replies: >>633
He said "even though" implying that there is a relationship between me clarifying and him agreeing with me. I don't care, I want to know why he does.
Replies: >>635
He said "even though" simply meaning he still disagrees despite your explanation, not sure how you can read any further into that.
Replies: >>636
Even though could also mean an uninvited clarification. >>635
That fucking captcha is a piece of shit. It's actually a 4x4 grid but it looked at first glance to be a bunch of randomized symbols.
Replies: >>638 >>641
Just need to git gud.
Replies: >>639
I figured it out already.
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You fucking retard.
Replies: >>642
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Shut up, the instructions weren't at all clear.
Replies: >>643
Life don't have instruction kid, the smartest triumphants.
Replies: >>644
I has english good.
Adam Lanza also had a similar quotation.

"American mass murders were less prevalent before Richard Speck precipitated their rise
in 1966. My best estimate for the -absolute- minimum amount of mass murders in the US
since 1966 is 960. I would be surprised if there weren't a minimum of somewhere around
1500 in reality, but we'll just vaguely say that there have been over 1000. If you were trying
to measure alienation in a society, what could be a more blatant indication? And it's glib
to dismiss them as not being indicative of anything just because there have been over a
thousand of them instead of over a hundred thousand, or however many you think are
necessary, because mass murdering is so ridiculously over-the-top of a response that
very few people are prone to do it under any circumstances. But just look at how many
fans you can find for all different types of mass murderers, not just the Reb & VoDkA
bunch, and beyond these fans are countless more people who can sympathize with
them; and beyond these are millions more who never think of relating the circumstances
of their lives to anyone else but instead just go through the motions of life incessantly
dissatisfied with their environment."
>looks like shutdowns again soon
Corona may be an overblown non-crisis for retards to cry about, but damn I sure love it when niggers and normalfags aren't all over the parks throwing trash everywhere, or driving like fucking imbeciles on the highways and causing massive jams. I'm looking forward to this, gonna go sight see again soon and there won't be anyone on the road because they'll all be scurred of getting cuck cough.
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>PLW might get shut down any day now
Why does everything have to fall apart at the same time? What is even left? The barely active cafe, snoozechan, smug, and the godfosaken total shithole that is tvch? Real life has already been horrendous for awhile now, the webring being killed off like this is too much. I'm pretty despondent about all of this shit.
Oh fuck really? shit lolreron what the fuck are you doing? zzz better take care of that userbase.
Replies: >>670 >>673
What do you mean with PLW, satan?
Replies: >>669 >>673
Meant for >>666
Replies: >>673
Saw this in the raw feed, whats going on with PLW?
Replies: >>671 >>673
There's some posts about it in this thread >>>/meta/907
Near the bottom anons talk about the owner of it not caring and the site being in maintanence mode as a favor to the original owner or some shit, which I guess has made some PLW anons lose confidence in the site. I've never really visited it so I'm out of the loop.
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>Real life has already been horrendous for awhile now, the webring being killed off like this is too much. I'm pretty despondent about all of this shit.
"All Hope abandon Ye who Enter Here" - The Divine Comedy - Inferno

you should know better than to expect anything at all from this Unholy Realm of Bullshit, keep it together Anon
Replies: >>673 >>674
The current admin has apparently openly stated that he doesn't actually give a fuck about the site anymore and is only keeping it up at someone else's request, and that the moment something goes wrong he's pulling the plug. He's shown he doesn't give a fuck too, until like a week ago there was no active vol on /animu/ and it was getting spammed to hell and back by a couple of /tv/ speds. The new vol is okay so far, but that won't matter if the fagmin pulls the plug. I don't know why just handing it off isn't an option. Even if the guy you hand it off to turns out to be a niggerfaggot you were going to pull the plug on the site anyway so it's not like you lose anything by taking a chance.
I'll be fine in the end, but damn if it doesn't hurt to see things crumble.
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>you should know better than to expect anything at all from this Unholy Realm of Bullshit
Maybe, but you won't be disappointed if you expect things to get worse at a rate and a pace that you will never be satisfied with.
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>René Guénon would be a good start.
i should have probably replied to this eons ago but i didn't give it much thought untill i began reading "Perspectives on Initiation" and began thinking about Guenon again, to be honest, while Evola is a Hardboiled Ksatrya and pulls no punches, i think at the end of the day he never "Gave up" sort of speak, while he does not Decieve himself nor the Reader by telling him to Initiate himself and to fucking join some Gay Theosphistic cult of retardsthat know nothing about what they are doing, he does not scream about how everything is Doomed, at the end of "Revolt Aganist the Modern World" he speaks of Seneca and how despite how shit is fucked down here in Kali Yuga, one still has the Opportunity to Attain many many things, he carries on this idea in Metaphysics of War and in Ride the Tiger, where he encourages the Reader to not be Afraid of death and reiterates the Traditional Doctrine of Pre-existance, and that this is all just a Voyage in the Dark hours of the Night, so yeah, while he wouldn't decieve you like your average theosophist into joining his cult and save the world with the power of Love.TM, he certainly encouraged the people he wrote his books for, to Expand their mental horizons and to explore themselves and Experiment, wheras whenever i read Guenon i get this Extremely Judgemental Feeling, mind you i haven't read that much from him at all, aside from The King of the World and all the Anecdotes about how he was a Sufi and he belived that Mohammedanism was a legitimate way to send Europe back to tradition and that he considered the Priestly Class superior to the Warrior Nobility and Divine Royalty, but again, when i read him i get this Extremely Judgemental vibe from him, whereas Evola tells you to still try and do whatever you can, Guenon keeps insisting on Initiation through a Master and that Self-Initiation does not exist and that you are fucked unless you are a Sufi or something along those lines, simply put i get the feeling that if Guenon was around here and he Figured out my Deal with Taihou he would flip his shit at me for "Personifying Forces" and a Retard because i probably don't know what Taihou really is and just another example of Modern misunderstanding and Delusion, whereas regardless of what opinion Evola would have on the Subject, he would still have considered this peculiar path of mine as the Genuine Truth that springs from my Being, as he states in Heathen Imperialism
>the moment it comes out the PLW admin might kill the site somoene swoops in to shill for 8ch.moe
Christ, I wish 8chan had have just died entirely rather than splinter like this because of fags who desperately wanted to cling to the legacy.
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>got bored today
>started looking up some girl i had oneitis for back in highschool because she liked programming this was ~2009, years before the tranny explosion
>she's now a they/them calling herself "tate" like that's not the most cliched name you could think of
>laugh my ass off even though i'm not surprised in the slightest, seeing as back then she was a furfag with psychotic parents
Replies: >>691
I'm tired.
Replies: >>687
I know this feeling too well.
There's a big wall of posts and i dont know what its about.
Have you guys ever been on a trip (to anywhere) and the return journey always feels shorter than going to the place? I dont know why this happens, but it makes zoning out on the return trip a bit less comfy
Replies: >>692
Speaking of outside, what kind of Street lights to you guys like? Theres only 2 choices for me here, the regular orange-yellow street light, and white light lamps. I like the way darkness contrasts with white light, how its easier to see a "bubble" of white light in the darkness. Regular street lights tend to have less of that effect, probably to avoid dark spots for drivers. That means the gradient between the edge of the lit era and the darkness isnt as steep. Id prefer it if i have to walk common roads to avoid normals, but an empty neighborhood or park with white lamps are comfy
Replies: >>692
Should have dick the gay out of her anon. She turns at least a bit better relatively to the standard of modern society and you can escape the robot life.
Replies: >>692 >>695 >>697
>faster on the way back
I also noticed this but I just assume that to be a placebo.
>Street lights
I like the warmer colors.
>being a robot is bad
Are you a failed normalfaggot?
I might end up homeless,thinking of just going on a journey and walk and try to survive until i die of starvation or something.Anyone here ever been/is homeless and care to tell me what is like?
Replies: >>861
God, no. Sure, back in my teens I wanted to give her the dick, but once I started hanging out on this one site she was at, that changed.

>broke up with her boyfriend in town, to date one of the mods of this site
>time goes on and she starts getting into squabbles with her parents
>gets to the point where her boyfriend decides to "rescue" her so she can move across the country to live with him
>her boyfriend drags me into this, since i was stupid enough to drop hints that we lived in the same town 
>wanted me to let her stay at my (read: my parents') place until this one couple an hour away came by to pick her up the next day
>then they were to let her stay at theirs until her boyfriend could get her a plane ticket
>immediately said fuck that and left the site soon after
Replies: >>699
>She turns at least a bit better relatively to the standard of modern society
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Replies: >>698
Failed normalfaggots aren't really coherent people.
>using a man as a crutch to get to her boyfriend
And they say women have sympathy
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Modern liberal leftism is just the manifestation of white female neuroticism. I don't know why I didn't realize that sooner.
Replies: >>725 >>743
Replies: >>726
Yes the neuroticism unique to not asians, negros, or abos, but whites women.
Replies: >>727
Your both right and wrong. Women in general are highly neurotic, but, white women are especially so. Likely due to the especially gynocentric culture of the west.
Replies: >>730
You're full of shit. Negro females are ugly rabid dogs and Asian women are not so different from whites.
Replies: >>732
Asian cultures have generally done a better job of holding onto traditional relationship values than the west, though they just barely sort of hold on by a pinky. Distinguishing between the races in this context and demonizing whites is mostly just kike bullshit or retarded degenerate losers fetishizing asian bug people. Roasties are roasties, and race mixing is always in every condition one of the most abhorrent sins man can commit.
Replies: >>733
The underlying motivations between races is different. White women prioritize being "nice" and conformist, nigger women couldn't care less and would try their best to verbally murder you if provoked, and asian women are fundamentally much more autistic.
Replies: >>735
You're full of fucking shit. Your description of Whites matchs that of Asians, there is no difference.
>asian women are autistic
Are you retarded, yellow fever? What does that even mean?
Replies: >>736 >>737
It means they're single minded and obsess over things, which is usually true. It almost makes them barely human and basically just insect people. Makes for good artists though, and I enjoy their media being exported for my enjoyment. But holy fuck do I hate having to see those weird looking fuckers around the city.
Replies: >>738
White women rely much more on social atmosphere and mood whereas asians are more systematic in their interactions, and in their understanding of what is socially acceptable. I'm basing this entirely on the experience I've had with asian women.
No, the bug-mindedness comes from being ruthlessly conformist to the point of ignoring reality and practical results in order to keep face. Their autism makes them more human in my eyes, but their tendency for strict adherence to what is socially acceptable and normal does limit their creativity.
Replies: >>739
I'm (((diagnosed))) on the spectrum and wouldn't consider it a humanizing trait at all. Someone that is both a conformist and an autist appeals to no reason or logic. They just exist with blinders on with no consideration for important larger concepts. While abstract thought is a double edged sword, it's orders of magnitude more entertaining to be around normalfags that are at the very least capable of it than chinks, gooks, and japs that essentially don't have any individual personality at all to speak of.

Even if the behavior of a normalfag is obnoxious or insufferable, it can still be markedly more human than the autistic traits asians often tend to exhibit. I'll take rowdy american culture over consumerist bugman drone culture any day of the week, even if I detest both.
Replies: >>740 >>741
The common superficial eccentricity of whites does allow for more creativity in creative works but in terms of whether I'd prefer to interact with rowdy, unpredictable normalfags or interact with socially stiff I'd prefer to hang out with the socially stiff. Overall I'd still prefer a culture that is eccentrically autistic, essentially what whites do produce in the form of geniuses. I've been diagnosed with Asperger's myself and I find the traits associated to be both very human and understandable, and to an extent adorable. 
>it's orders of magnitude more entertaining to be around normalfags
What is entertaining about normalfags is very unpleasantly stimulating to me.
Women are women at the end of the day there is nothing that one race of women has that the others do not have the capability of showing, both good and bad. It's just that the women of the different races tend to trend towards different traits, like black women with their aggressiveness, white women with their emotional neuroticism, and asian women with their hyper conformism. 
Each one has their own crown of shit that they wear on their head, even if some crowns may be a bit shittier than others. 

Chink women are the kings of conformism but that doesn't mean most normalfags aren't also conformist. Black women are the kings of aggressiveness but that doesn't mean most normalfags aren't also aggressive. And White women are the kings of emotional neuroticism but that doesn't mean that all of the others aren't also emotional and neurotic.
Replies: >>770
>Modern liberal leftism is just the manifestation of white female neuroticism.
No, female neuroticism is just one of the things weaponized against us by the jews. Women will, depending on the social norms set broadly, seek social validation by embodying those norms. Given who manipulates the culture, women are spiritually kiked. You just weren't able to make this distinction because the kikes themselves are mentally feminine as well, in the perverted sense, with their own particular type of neuroticism.
Replies: >>769
I think you vastly overestimate the level of plasticity in women's psychology. While they are significantly more malleable than men, they're not 100% malleable. There are still hard-wired instincts that are pretty hard to completely negate.
Replies: >>770
Nigger women probably have more testosterone than the average hipster queer, outside of their genitals they barely count as women because quite frankly their men are just as emotional and prone to mental breakdowns over stupid shit. They're not really even human.
Kikes have done a pretty good job at destroying their motherhood instincts, which is pretty much the only instinct they have that is worth a shit and isn't based exclusively on their retarded clusterfuck of emotions and actually has some biological purpose.
Replies: >>845
Most women aren't good mothers. Most women wouldn't even want kids if not due with societal and cultural pressures to have kids. There wasn't any destruction, just the relaxation of pressure to even bother to attempt to be a good person. Without that people are just blobs who'll act out their phenotypes, which are likely aren't optimized for so much freedom.
Replies: >>862
There used to be an homeless thread on 8r9k or one of the furst webring r9ks, idotn remember which. You might have to scour archive.org or archive.fo. i dont know how useful foraging is or if sneaking into campuses/hotels for free stuff and utilities is worthwhile either, but i heard it is. Vagrant holiday is a good yt channel (i think its been talked about in the youtube thread), but for homelessness it just proves how easy it can be to find a place to sleep with relative safety. 
If i wanted to go out and see how long i can go before dying, I'd do it near a river. Jumping in and dying of hypothermia is supposedly pretty comfy
Ive heard something that points in the opposite direction. Its apparently very easy to convince a pregnant woman not to have an abortion, according to people who stand outside abortion centers to talk to women who are anxious about going inside. Most women dont completely think through thr decision to abort a baby (of course they dont) but feel its "the only decision they have" until someone tells them it isn't. I dont think this contradicts your post but just shows that women are hedonistic and impressionable creatures. Having a baby feels good, and that can be partly from social encouragement as you've said, as well as being a degenerate feels good, which also has an element of social encouragement.  I feel that women can occupy both ends of a spectrum yet still be consistent in their nature. Whomever designed them like this better have a good explanation for it
Replies: >>866
Women aren't made to be independent.
>netflix releases series about a girl chess pro
>based on some slavic girl irl but obviously warped the story for muh girl power points and too add useless drama (i assume, im not gonna look into it more)
>she looks like a prissy dolled up roast from a thumbnail i saw too
> chessboard sales skyrocket
>apparently chess factories/toy stores weren't ready for the demand and are having shortages of chessboards
A classic thinking game swarmed by women and normals because they saw it when consuming tv shows. None of these people will actually learn the game, but they'll provide good profits while pretending to be chess fans, just like they do with videogames. The degradation of everything into a social event is what cattle do best.
Replies: >>893 >>895 >>939
These things always make me realize how fundamentally different I am from normalfags. Jesus Christ, they are a bunch of fucking faggots.
they won't play them. they're probably christmas presents the kids won't use.
Could anyone tell me why normalfags are so obsessed about birthdays and other pointless anniversaries? I mean, I don't care what are they doing between themselves, but when they start why didn't I do this and that, that can be annoying.
Replies: >>914
Normalfags like an excuse to hang out and get attention I suppose. But I think even then the concept of birthday parties is fucking terrible on a cultural level. Teaching kids to expect gifts from people just for existing, teaching kids they should have a bunch of people show up and like them, and then have then be ashamed if they don't have a bunch of friends. Even by normalfag standards birthday parties are just a cancerous cultural habit.

It's mildly annoying to have my mother pester me about what I want for my birthday. I just get whatever I need every other day of the year, why should it be any different on my birthday. Go get the groceries I guess, we're running out of milk. I barely remember how fucking old I am let alone remember that I have a birthday until it's brought up by someone else. Fuck birthdays.
Replies: >>917 >>940
Maybe birthdays were more meaningful in the past, when being alive was harder?
Replies: >>940
>read this post
>remember my dad was the only one who would actually play chess with me and show any interest in the game at all
>he's been dead for a little over a year now
Well there goes my night. It also reminds me that, aside from having kids, he was pretty much a full blown robot, barely socialized outside of spending times with my siblings and I and he wound up getting chewed up and spat out by the world because he wouldn't play the social games. A lot of the conversations I remember having with him over the years remind me of some of the things I've read about on /r9k/. I wish he had have just stayed in his cabin and never met my mother and lived a happy life by himself instead of the misery he wound up in, my brothers and I sure as hell don't want anything to do with this godforsaken civilization.
I feel exactly the same way, who honestly gives a shit that you existed for so many days? I think >>917 's guess makes some sense, but even back when infant mortality was so high that families needed to be 20 members strong just to not die out completely I find it hard to imagine anyone caring all that much by the time the kids reached 12. By that age it's apparent they're probably not gonna keel over and die from a cold or a fever, so why would their birthday matter all that much when there's horseshit to be shoveled out of the barn, or fields to be plowed? Maybe there's a correlation between the start of the industrial era and an increase in celebrating frivolous stuff like birthdays? I'm genuinely curious, it seems a lot of things like celebrating birthdays or anniversaries wasn't all that important for most people before then.
God I just want to wagie till I break.
Replies: >>946
I feel that sometimes. Currently I just want to wander aimlessly in the woods for days on end
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How do these numbers make you all feel?
The data is kind of interesting I guess, but nothing I haven't already seen. At this point I'd be more interested in data on men and how their lifestyles have shifted accordingly. There is dating site data but that's incredibly skewed and not necessarily truly representative of how men and women court each other.

What I'd really like to see is the rate of men having children. And more specifically I'd like paternity tests to be mandatory for every birth. We know from genetic studies that a sizeable portion of children or illegitimate but it would be wonderful to see that data in real time and how it changes over the decades. It must be nice to be a tech giant with access to all these wealths of harvested data, as unethical as they are.
Same way I feel when someone tells me niggers get incarcerated a lot for being thugs, so absolutely nothing because it's a fact of life that only retards are surprised by.
Why are the sample numbers so low in the 70s and 10s?
Replies: >>963
70s likely due to lack of data collection and 10s due to the fact this study was probably during the 10s.
Is learning moon runes worth it? I consume a lot of jap media and I often find myself waiting for somebody else to translate things for me. I'm usually fine with that since translators are quick these days but when it comes to more obscure media I have trouble finding translations at all.
Replies: >>966
Women are just showing their true nature.
I mean if you go back like 100 years, where the conservative catholic dogmas still dominated the western world, having premarital sex was one of the biggest taboo you could do. So there was an external force that kept many women from doing it, and even who did tried to hide it.., I don't know the data source of that table, but if it's some kind of self-declaration (which I'm pretty sure it is, how else could you gather this kind of data), it will be surely skewed, especially the older columns.
The only thing that changed, thanks to all these liberal retards and feminists and whatever is that the external force to at least try to behave a little bit human like disappeared. And here is the result.

Yeah, learn it, if you have a spare 3-5-10 years depending in your language learning skills. If it's an official "translation", it's likely made by some commiefornian feminist tranny projecting it's own batshit crazy ideas into it, if it's done by some amateur group, they usually just don't know jap and just push it through google translate and edit the result until it looks like something that is decipherable.
Replies: >>968 >>970
I recently learned about Ezekiel 16
A part of the Bible where God compares the Jews to an adulterous woman due to them straying away from him. "I gave you everything when you had nothing, like a man who takes care of a woman". kinda funny to see god having cuck rage but also disheartening that god knew of the nature of women and jews and just let them continue existing that way. Good read nonetheless, more reason for me to read the bible
>If it's an official "translation", it's likely made by some commiefornian feminist tranny projecting it's own batshit crazy ideas into it
>if it's done by some amateur group, they usually just don't know jap and just push it through google translate and edit the result until it looks like something that is decipherable

Both are one and the same nowadays. Everything related to retro/obscure games is tranny city. People only seem to notice this with speedrunning, though, but it's everywhere in this sphere. Romhacking, translations, fansites like Doomworld and Starmen, they're all full of them. And the trannies themselves are just a symptom of the overall woke bullshit that's corrupted everything. Women came in and built a system where it was more socially advantageous to be a woman among a bunch of awkward male nerds, then men realized they could game this system just by larping as women.

Sucks, too, because these circles used to be a great place to get support (and depending on the community, connections) for your creative endeavors. Now they're only like this if you're willing to kowtow to their religion. If I had been able to join these circles back in the 00s, I likely would have gotten support for the passions I had back then. Might have even gotten somewhere good. Back in my teens I wanted to make games, so I picked up music, code, pixel art, etc. But without a clique to share my stuff with, my passions faded and I went nowhere with my skills. Went from "good for a teenager" to "mediocre for an adult". Had I made the right friends early on, though, I could have already had a successful game under my belt by now. Maybe even be up there with the rest of the big-name solo devs.
Replies: >>971 >>972 >>973
It's okay Luke, you're a really smart programmer in the hearts of us losers. There is no need to cry over spoiled milk.
There are a lot of good excuses for not pursuing certain creative endeavors, such as time constraints or monetary contrainsts, but a lack of people tickling your ballsack about how good what your making is isn't one of them. 
So please, stop making excuses about how it "wuz da trannies" when you giving up was your own fault for not actually giving enough of a shit about your "game". 
And for the love of god don't call what you had "passion". Whatever you had was not passion. Someone with true passion for a craft motivates himself and does not require the approval or nice words of others to continue in his pursuit of this craft.
Why don't you share some shit here? I'm sure we'd care enough to look over it and give criticism and shit or whatever you think you're lacking. I doubt any of us have talent in that shit so anything you share would probably look pretty good to us.
It's actually quite depressing how you are shamed for wanting a virgin gf/wife. Don't get me wrong, I know deep down that female nature prevails no matter what but I can't help but feel bitter about not feeling the validation of being a girl's first. And then there's the people who say it's creepy to have such a fantasy, as if I'm supposed to believe it's not one of the ultimate male fantasies. 
Normalfags and white knights, man.
Replies: >>980
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Marriage is a monogamous long term relationship. Wanting your wife to be a virgin is only logical as it is only that group of people who haven't had their capability for a successful long term monogamous relationship fried by hedonistic endeavors. I understand the more subjective want for a virgin woman but, there's also a very logical case as to why a virgin woman is ideal for marriage.

However, finding someone like that is quite literally impossible in current year. If the marriages of those born in the 80s (the 2010s category) were already that bad, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the number of women with 0 premarital sex partners drops down to zero during the 2030s when the generations raised by social media start to marry. 

Not that being a virgin automatically makes a woman a good wife, there are a number of other factors, but that only accentuates the point that blue-pilled tradcons on /fascist/, with their hopes of finding ""the one"", are either retarded or delusional. In current year you have two options, marry no one or marry a whore. But at this point, I'm preaching to the choir so I'll stop here.
3DPD are a mistake
>during the 2030s when the generations raised by social media start to marry
Speaking about that, get ready for another generation of cultivated narcissists, raised by single parent "families" lacking an authority figure just to inflate their sociopathic traits even more, let's add to it feeding off the narrative of their designated discord/sub-reddit communities to constantly stimulate their reward system.
Replies: >>987
Bad parents raise worse kids who become even worse parents. Repeat ad nauseam until a major world event happens.
Replies: >>988
This is why children should be relentlessly bullied.
Replies: >>989 >>998
One should teach his kids to be strong. Someone who isn't taught to be strong, but is bullied, will just end up a weak emotionally damaged faggot.
Replies: >>998
Your point on tradcons is a good one. Some of these people even go as far as to admit they would marry a single mother if she had a white child. I understand the need for "love" (I actually have been feeling really lonely as of late despite being redpilled for several years, must be my lizard brain telling me it's time to procreate) but how could you ever look at a woman who has been with so many men so casually and not feel regret that you are stuck with her?
So you want emotionally damaged strong people? Just say you want more school shootings
Replies: >>999 >>1001 >>1003
Emotions are weakness, idiot. What are you, a girl?
Replies: >>1005
Kids shouldn't be taught that their emotions aren't necessary, or that they have no power over anything, and although it is an extreme to say kids should be relentlessly bullied I do think everyone should be genuinely and maliciously bullied at least once during childhood. I want people who understand not everything is about emotions but also have a solid grasp of what exactly they're capable of, and what other people are capable of as well. Being a proper man requires being both stoic and deeply passionate.
A strong person who is bullied treats it like water off the ducks back. If you give a shit about what normalniggers tell you you are not strong.
Replies: >>1005 >>1007
>if you give a shit about what normalniggers tell you
>he thinks bullying is saying mean words to people
>You are strong if you do nothing
This is exactly what you are not supposed to do, spineless attitude
People are you going to shoot up children whether you think it's manly or not
Replies: >>1008
You don't get respect for letting people harass you, no one thinks you are cool or stoic and it just gives them more excuses to ostracize you. Your mother probably told you not to fight back becuse she knew you were a faggot and didn't want you to get hurt. This is the most feminine advice ever. Perhaps the word "bullying" is misleading because it only happens when you are 12-15 but trust me normalniggers continue this behaviour late into their adult life it just changes shape and form. It is their nature to take over as much as possible and the more you let them have the greedier they get. Not everyone is a castrated punching bag.
Replies: >>1010
And, what's your point? Yes, you should fight back if someone is beating you up. Doing nothing means you're just letting yourself get your ass beat. That's clearly not what I was talking about though. 
If people are mean to you, acting violently in response is niggerbrained and not something someone with half a brain or an ounce of self-control would do.
Replies: >>1009
That's true. I find myself arguing semantics again
>no one thinks you are cool or stoic
Who the fuck cares.
>it just gives them more excuses to ostracize you
Any response to being bullied illicits this response. What is your point?

Seriously, if someone is verbally harassing you (likely in a group) what would you suggest one do? Beat them up? Shoot them? Both will end you up in prison and in the same position as niggers who shoot each other for bumping into each other on the street. 
The best course of action is to just pay no mind to it and move on with your day, and if the verbal harassment becomes physical then you respond physically. Anything else is niggerbrained.
Replies: >>1011 >>1012
Smear shit all over yourself so they go away?
>Seriously, if someone is verbally harassing you (likely in a group) what would you suggest one do?
Verbally harass them back. Call them a nigger.
>peaks at 2 partners
>dips between 3 - 5
>decreased at 10 in 1980
Is it because more people who marry after fucking two partners have been through multiple divorces at that point and are more willing to put up with the third - fifth partner's shit over going through the courts again?
Also why did the 10+ partner divorce rate decrease in the 80s?
Replies: >>1018
>peaks at 2 partners
After the 2000s it doesn't anymore.
>Also why did the 10+ partner divorce rate decrease in the 80s?
Could be low population sample increasing margin of error.
Replies: >>1019
>After the 2000s it doesn't anymore.
I'm already aware of that, but that still doesn't answer why it dips in that range during the 80s-00s.
>Could be low population sample increasing margin of error.
What like they only asked 100 people instead of 1000, or looked up a smaller number of records?
I'm also now wondering if the same general trend happens nowadays.
For example lets say the sample sizes were all increased by 5, would the lines still dip in the 8 - 13 range?
Replies: >>1020
>sample sizes
Number of sexual partners I meant.
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>speaking with my old man after he gets home from work
>we end up discussing what I'll be giving my grandmother for her breakfast and snack the NEXT day
>for her snack he tells me to give her fruit with cottage cheese like I did the PREVIOUS day
>confused, I tell him that I didn't give her cottage cheese on that day, only fruit
>turns out that grandmother lied when he asked her how the cottage cheese with fruit was on the previous day
>it was "tasty" and the combination of fruit with the cheese "went well together" apparently
>tfw grandmother lies about the most asinine things--even something as simple as an afternoon snack
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. It's fucking ridiculous. You might think that it could be because of her memory issues (which admittedly have only gotten worse the past three years) but this is simply habitual  deceit. She does it all the time. Over the past three years living here: She has lied when she talks with people on the phone about her physical condition; she would claim to be doing well on the phone and then when people would visit they would see how her condition had detoriorated. When she was previously allowed to walk unassisted she would lie and claim that she didn't fall down when no one was home, and then we'd find bruises on her when one of us was helping her change clothes. She would lie when she said she didn't try to get up at night and go to the bathroom alone; I would just hear a thump on the ground in the middle of the night and then I'd walk in with my old man and she'd be on the floor, squirming in the middle of her room between the bed and the walker. And she'd be asked, "Why are you on the floor?" and you'd get any number of bullshit answers about how she fell out of bed, how she was looking for her phone which fell down, and all sorts of asinine explanations as if you were too stupid to put two and two together. And that's just a snapshot of some of the things she has lied about and that is only while living with my father and I. She has been doing this for the past decade if not longer which is one of the reasons why no one knew she falling down all the time while living on her own and why no one knew she was hemorrhaging money to the point of opening up multiple credit card accounts.

And it's not even a solely female attribute. I remember dealing with the same habitual lying when I had to live with a normalfag roomate for a year in college. He would react the same way too. When I caught him in his lies or when he did the exact thing I had pointedly asked him not to do countless times, he would freeze up and put on this special expression: an amalgamated look that was startled, dumbstruck, and aghast all at the same time, as if he was shocked that I was accusing him when he was so clearly innocent of any wrongdoing. Dealing with it was like watching mental gymnastics being performed in real time. And of course grandma adopted the exact same look when the old man bitched her out at the end of her dinner about it, and then when he walked away that typical, vicious sneer cropped up on her face like it always does--as if she couldn't believe that she was being reprimanded, like he was in the wrong somehow for once again calling her out on her lying bullshit.

At this point I'm certain that lying is a fundamental part of the normalfag's condition. It comes so naturally to them. It's like second nature. Not to say that robots can't lie but it seems like the more normalfagish someone is the easier this shit just spews right out of their mouths. I simply don't understand it sometimes, is it that fucking hard to just not lie and conduct yourself with a little dignity? The only satisfactory answer for me is the tried and true idea that normalfags are lowly, impulsive animals who fundamentally cannot adhere to external standards for long and who instead can only resort to this constant petty scheming which is the only thing they are capable of.
Replies: >>1026 >>1030
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Welcome to Kali Yuga
Replies: >>1032
I assume it's brain damage.
Replies: >>1031 >>1032
It's not though, people in general are petty fucking liars about the dumbest shit, and women are especially bad with it. I don't know if you wageslave or not, but if you do then pay close attention to the dumb shit your colleagues prattle on about. Just from simple logic alone you'll start to realize their stories never add up, many of them will rely on others not being able to keep track of their web of bullshit for long enough to call them out on it, and god damn if you catch one in the act and expose them in front of everyone else you will be in for one hell of a meltdown. I've gotten fired for doing this before, all because some dipshit was stealing merchandise and trying to blame someone I liked for it. Honesty is not the best policy in the normalnigger world despite what some idiots might try and tell you.
Replies: >>1032
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Pretty much.
The other robot has it right. I wish it were brain damage (we had assumed it was) because that would mean she isn't a lying cunt but it has become clear that brain damage wasn't the problem intially. Trying to be charitable as we were, that was what my old man and I thought in the beginning but as her mental condition has actually deteroriated with the onset of advanced age and she has actually begun to forget things the web of lies has been falling to pieces. Like I mentioned, she has been a scheming liar for the past couple decades: she lied about her health, her finances, and her living situation in general, and that isn't even mentioning the deceptive, domineering attitude she raised my father and his siblings with. It's the same habitually selfish attitude that has been lurking beneath the surface but now the difference is that she can't cover it up anymore. The stinking pile of shit can't be masked with perfume or dolled up with pretty clothes anymore. It is what it is.

For that matter, even if it were brain damage, she can just say "I don't know." Neither my father or myself have ever been upset if she just up and said, "I don't know/remember," in the first place. I don't have a problem with people forgetting shit--it happens, espcially in old age. The problem is that she typically reflexively vomits out some made-up crap if she doesn't remember, bullshit which you then have to parse out that, in turn, inevitably makes anything she says suspect. Like any normalfag she just keep trying to run, even when she can no longer walk. Hell, just yesterday my old man asked her: "What day is your daughter's birthday?" Then she responded by listing the year and the season. He repeated the question a second time. She responded by listing the year and the month. He repeated the question a third time. Finally, she said the day and the year. Why couldn't she just admit, "I don't remember."? Instead you get this meandering deception while the normalfag tries to scramble for the answer and squirm their way out of it.
Replies: >>1033
Nevermind, I take it back. I may as well retract my statement. She must have brain damage to be this delusional. Another incident after dinner:
>sit grandma down in her wingback chair in the living room
>old man and I start washing dishes
>she starts filing her nails (which she isn't supposed to do in the living room) and you can clearly hear it in the kitchen
>old man walks out into her field of view and apparently she tried to hide the file
>he does this another 2 times and she does the same thing
>he walks out for the last time and tells her to stop 
>she says "That wasn't filing."
>he calls her out and then walks downstairs
>the scratching of the file resumes
I don't care if they're family or not, fuck normalniggers.
Replies: >>1034
Becoming senile can lead to immature behavior so it's possible.
Replies: >>1035
Perhaps it could be. Pushing my incredulous ranting aside though, the senility argument seems to me to be one of those instances of putting the cart before the horse. There is that conventional adage about woman being a child in an adult's body; likewise, given my experiences with men and women, I don't see much of an issue in expanding that idea to the normalfag category at large regardless of sex. While senility can definitely cause this sort of behavior, I think it suffices to simply point out that normalfags are broadly childish and deceitful--they don't need to be elderly to act in this manner. Probably both though. Not worth agonizing over causes except for a little venting I guess. Still the same either way.

Was looking for new boards, this seems alright, I've never posted in the original /r9k/, mostly stayed in /tg/ and never shared personal stories anywhere.

I don't have friends. I don't think I've ever had a real friend, someone I'm fully personal with, I think I've been left to think too much, thinking all by myself, about inconsequential things that build up into harmful thoughts. I'm into very deviant forms of porn, and funnily enough only lately have I been thinking of what caused it. Incest is a very popular gateway fetish that's suprisingly good at leading people into more and more perverted forms of sexuality. My cousin kissed me when we were both 5 years old or so, I don't think it affected me too much, I didn't really understand what was going on at the time, though I did develop a crush for her for the following years, though at some point I understood she just viewed me as her cousin. When I was 9-11 years old, her 5-7 year old sister kissed me, too. It started with her doing it, then I did it back, then we both did it. I recall three times, maybe a fourth one I don't remember is somewhere buried deep within my memories, but right now it's only 3 kisses. I'm currently 19, she's 14. I like to talk to her, she's funny, calm, relaxed, everything the people living in my house are not, though the first one is more because of a difference in our humor, I guess. Also mature. We started having more serious conversations when she would come into my room upstair by herself, we would play with my Wii and Wii U or anything we could find in our room to do, messing around in a notebook, whatever. She was and still is mostly a teenager, of course, so when a female cousin of us comes to our house she doesn't think twice and always goes to her if she has to choose between me and her. I'm fine with that, she is enjoying herself. 

It all started when I realized she was mature enough to enjoy films like Oldboy and Come and See (yes, she loved that film) that my obsession with her regained steam on the back of my head. When I stayed at a sleep over in her house for the first time, I fell in love with her, as much as someone my age can love someone her age. I was alone with her older sister watching Game of Thrones, I got bored, left her while she didn't notice me and went upstairs looking for her younger sister, and there she was, alone in the balcony, just... staring at the night, and the street, and the people passing by. It was so special for me at the time, I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen a girl do, she told me she did it often when she couldn't sleep. We talked for hours until her parents came back. 

From that point on, I could not stop thinking about seeing her again, each day became a search for new music to show her, more movies, more topics. I started to play pretend that I was alone in my room with her and I just vented out to her, about how much I loved her beyond a healthy relationship, about my personal grievances, my self-destructive thoughts.
Replies: >>1037 >>1045
Then I realized I'm kind of grooming her. I touch her hair, I rub her back, pinch her cute, meaty cheeks with a secret perverted intent that she only sees as a me trying to be weirdly funny, I think, for all I know she might be aware of much of a creep I am. I recently asked her if she remembered the times we kissed each other, and she did, she was the most embarrassed I've ever seen her in my life, I kind of liked it. I've also rested my head on her shoulder while she looks at her phone, just laying there, enjoying her warmth, I feel like a fucking loser, I'm a pedophile. I hug her when I can, I at least wait for the moment when we just recently shared some intimate stories with each other, but she notices how long I do it, when she asked me why I hugged her one time I said "because I like you"

I used to not really care for who I would miss if I killed myself, now I would regret not having her in my life as the role of a drug that she currently plays.
Replies: >>1038
Also, I notice she has a much better, more natural and not creepy relationship with her sister's boyfriend. He's nice, I think he's a nice guy, and he takes all of her attention when he's around, and I hate myself for feeling jealous about that. I'm clearly an outsider, he's more of a brother to her than I will ever be. Which I realized ironically the same night I told her that I really wish she was my sister, to which she responded with "I've always wanted a brother". Then he came a bit later that night and I realized that he's the brother she wished she had.
Replies: >>1039
First of all let me preface this with the fact that I don't think you really belong here the way you are now. You seem to still care about the same trivial bullshit that normalfags do. 

Now that that's out of the way; first of all you aren't a pedo per say, at least not yet, so stop telling yourself that before you actually become one. Now that that's out of the way, first things first is you need to get your head all untwisted and hop off the bullshit train you've been riding. Sever your connection to whatever happened in the past, isolate yourself, and find something fulfilling to do in said isolation. And when I say isolation I mean talk to your parents if you'd like and that's about it. Furthermore make sure you stop thinking about this pointless bullshit for that duration and focus on the set of activities which you have selected. 
Remember that the point of the isolation is not to torture yourself but to allow you to disconnect from all of this bullshit you've caught yourself up and focus on yourself.
Also don't to masturbate for a while. I'm no nofap superpower proponent but I know for a fact that it is a good way to burn down unhealthy masturbatory habits.

Do this for a few months or a year and you'll probably have a much clearer mind and you'll have, hopefully, hopped off this 10 year wave of bullshit you've been riding. Now fuck off and lurk.
Replies: >>1040
What trivial bullshit? I would like to know. Would you say that as a negative thing?

I pretty much only talk to my mother ever since I stopped talking to the only girl I had as a friend in highschool before I dropped out (most of my friends have been girls), I'm also the kind of socially inept guy that can't help but feel attraction towards any girl that's ever so slightly nice towards me. I've cried to my mother before about my suicidal ideations, two times by now, first one I came home at 3 AM after I didn't have the guts to jump out of a bridge, we both cried. Second time I was just going to hang myself, I still have the rope, told her later in the afternoon and we both cried again.

I've actually tried to leave sugar, masturbation and vidya specifically for my cousin, self-discipline of some sort. My idea was that she was the only stimuli I needed the whole week (sometimes month since my mother doesn't like me visiting their house so often) in order to be happy .And it made me realize how empty my life was without that shit, seriously, I've also just been leaving other chan communities that I don't identify with anymore, so all of this piles up and I just needed to find something to fill that void, I didn't and ended up relapsing on sugar and masturbation within a week, videogames are something I can still put on hold, mostly because I don't have any games for my console and because my computer heats up like crazy when you try to play anything.
Replies: >>1041 >>1042 >>1043
All your friends have been women because you appear to act like one. Suicidal ideation but no action, crying with your mother in some weird fucking pity party, obsession with seeking the social validation of someone who will likely never reciprocate your fantasies. I don't mean to sound excessively mean but you sound fucking pathetic.

Considering you're only 19 it's perhaps excusable to be this much of a retard. That anon says your posts don't really fit in because most people around here aren't teenagers who have their minds occupied by their social status. You should grow up and stop burdening your mother with your emotional immaturity. If you wanted to kill yourself you would have already done it. Self-improvement for the sake of social validation or a roastie is a waste of time and effort. Either improve because you want to improve or don't waste your time.

Learn to compartmentalize and embrace stoicism as a life philosophy. Your trivial concerns about social status and oneitis will go away as you develop emotional competency. You have a roof, a computer, food, water, and heat. You cry when your dog or close friend dies. You cry when you have to take a life. You cry over things that matter, not because you're sad about being a boring loser. Get a grip faggot.
Replies: >>1042 >>1044 >>1046
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>I like to talk to her, she's funny, calm, relaxed, everything the people living in my house are not, though the first one is more because of a difference in our humor, I guess. Also mature.
>It all started when I realized she was mature enough to enjoy films like Oldboy and Come and See (yes, she loved that film) that my obsession with her regained steam on the back of my head.
>When I stayed at a sleep over in her house for the first time, I fell in love with her, as much as someone my age can love someone her age.
>It was so special for me at the time, I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen a girl do, she told me she did it often when she couldn't sleep.
>I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen a girl do
No. You're young but you'll learn--or maybe you won't. Either way, stop obssessing over roasties or at least do it somewhere else. Perhaps one of the other, corrupted and rotten carcasses of r9k might suit your purposes. I'll tolerate the 2D waifufags but we sure as shit don't talk about idolizing 3D females on this board.
Different robot, but I'll lay into you a bit. The "trivial bullshit" is your obsession over a female who is, barring anything short of a miracle, a normalfag roastie. I hate to break it to you but someone has to. As for the more detailed problem with your posts: Wrestling with sexual attraction to 3D women is something that I at least think might be discussed only if done so in an intelligent way or your relationship with (extended) family might be examined, however the sort of stuff I pulled out above is certainly things that don't belong here. Those hormone addled impressions aren't to be encouraged here. You mention "leaving other chan communities" so I'm sure you know how the other mainstream, popularized iterations of imageboards have turned out. Go to cuckchan if you don't believe me. A large part of your posts is mindless drivel and this muh primitive tingles and butterflies and muh love is the most dead end topic the vast majority of the time. The other robot >>1041 makes a nice point about not being a whimpering bitch too.

Back to lust, if you aren't like Bataille or whoever else writing some complex treatise on sexuality I ain't interested in reading it because your lust can be expressed by literally anyone else on the internet. Your post is like this: You and I are standing on a street corner. After a time, I point out a physically attractive female to you. No shit right? She's young, supple, with big doe eyes and flowing, silky hair. She's beautiful. End of fucking story. There is nothing to say. It's self evident. Why would we even talk about it? In fact, I'm being more charitable here then other robots when I say that if you want to actually talk about this sort of crap make it into something more substantial; most robots don't want it here at all--period--and I'm inclined to side with them because tolerating it once or twice leads to the inevitable deluge of garbage flooding the board as evidenced by other iterations of r9k.
>inb4 slippery slope 
Of course, if this long-winded explanation doesn't make sense to you or offends your delicate sensibilities, then the simple rules of the board and the possibility of punishment should suffice: 
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers"
So, as the first robot said, lurk faggot.
Replies: >>1046
Giving a fuck about some dumb shit you did when you were a little shit is trivial. Giving enough of a fuck to get oneitis for that person is even more so. As for the train of bullshit I speak of,  it's whatever string of thought you've been on for these 10 years concerning this woman and your life in general. 

I would tell you about the flaws of womankind (and normalfaggots in general) so that you could pull your head out of whatever stupid fantasies you have about that woman, but as you are now you would either, not receive the information or receive it poorly. And so that's why I recommend you clear your mind first. If you do that properly you'll probably look back and laugh at how stupid it was for you to lament over the shit you currently do.

As for the isolation thing I meant stop interacting with the woman and her compatriates too. For a very long time.
Replies: >>1046
>likely never
 never never.
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Your posting style reminds me of either a furry or someone really into NTR. A sort of forlorn despair over the world that's taken and accepted as a matter of fact, something to mold yourself to rather than something that you're meant to reject and bend.

On another note I experienced what is probably best described as the logic that dictates (my) dreams directly. It's like the most primitive mode of thought one can engage in, from seeing a problem and working out both hypothetical situations, trying to find connections both between emotions, abstractions, concepts, real events, even sensations that someone normally wouldn't intellectual engage in like sense of balance and the feeling of color, mashed and grinded into a dust that's then taken back and made into shapes that you can again use in this primitive mode of thinking. Like a thousand mouths that chew and destroy, regurgitating what comes out and through your own willful conscious is taken and made into shapes or more mouths to repeat the process over and over again. There was a sense of familiarity, that this is what I think like fundamentally, using a process that I don't know that combines specific, but not all, senses into an array of methods used to understand the world and what you should, can, and will feel. 
It felt hot white and fueled by anger and confusion. There's no immediate or obvious conclusion or solution to anything I feel so I'm left aimlessly watching myself, breaking and twisting parts to see what is left that I haven't found yet.
Replies: >>1046
I know you are expecting this response, but I don't enjoy at all telling my mother about any of that stuff, I don't like the way people act when they know you might kill yourself, my mother is not overly nice to me but when my aunt found out she's been like a robot with me, she is not honest when she talks to me, she's clearly trying to be as safe as she can be, and I hate it, I would prefer it if she treated me like her annoying little brother the way she used to. I'm glad you guys are being "mean", I've been needing something like this for a long time.

I used to be relatively competent at accepting I don't have friends, I would spend entire months without speaking to anyone but my family and anons who I could never truly distinguish from one another, when people asked me if I enjoyed living like this I would genuinely not be bothered at all, I didn't mind it. I think I'm going through the process of being exposed to the social interaction I never knew I could have and seeking a fix constantly. I wouldn't say I worry too much about social status, I don't really care what most people in my family think about me, though I guess caring at the very least of what one single person thinks of me does mean it is holding me back in one or another. 

I know my self-improvement should be for myself, I had a pretty good schedule of doing things around the house at some point, I woke up at 5 AM each morning, cleaned the house in an OCD like manner each day, learned to cook my morning's meal. At some point I started to work out a bit, that I can't say I went fully into with all of my will, I gave up after I realized the lifting I had been doing for two weeks was actually inefficient and I couldn't figure out how to sweat a lot on the treadmill, shower and to avoid my skull from becoming dry as fuck.

I know it's puppy love, that's why I know I'm a loser and why I don't defend our relationship as a genuinely mature one, I know it's horniness for the most part. I don't like to self-diagnose and I haven't been to a psychologist since I was 12 but the concept of "splitting" found on people with BPD is something I feel familiar with, the idea that I couldn't care less for some family members and constantly seek her in particular, regardless of how little I've talked to my other cousins, I prefer to stay with her and have little interest in other people, her sister in particular knows I mostly talk to her so she kind of leaves us alone in the living room most of the time. It could also of course just be me really wanting to fuck her, sorry if I spewed drivel again.

I haven't really been obsessing over her for these last 10 years, she and her sister played a big part in making me a degenerate, but I could easily forget about them when they didn't visit us for a long time. My relationship with her started to develop a bit more about two years ago, but only when I started to have sleepovers at their house did I start to feel like this, even then it was closer to the second time I came that I felt pretty much how I feel right now.

I might have to stop interacting with her, last saturday could be the last time I get to visit them, her mother accused her father of bruising her and pushing her onto the floor, she almost kicked him out, her eldest daughter corroborated her story and most of my family's side of course supports my uncle. My mother says that I might visit if they dont' actually divorce or if they end up on good terms. I know accusations of beating your wife might be a death sentence in more developed countries, here in México though people are more "suspicious", I think.

Your post makes me understand what people are comparing mine to when they say it's just the delusions of a horny teenager. Not a furry, not really into the whole suit thing, though the genre it's a spectrum so I've probably masturbated to some stuff that, depending of the viewer, it's furry porn. I've masturbated to NTR, yes.
Replies: >>1047 >>1054 >>1059
> I don't like to self-diagnose and I haven't been to a psychologist since I was 12 but the concept of "splitting" found on people with BPD is something I feel familiar with
The entire field of (((psychology))) is a jewish scheme. Don't look for answers about your self in it, you'll only find ways to victimize yourself as that is what the field was made to do in order to profit off of normalfags. Psychology is a psuedo-science in the most literal definition of the word. Analyzing your own mind through the lens of completely arbitrary and subjective labels is pointless.
>I've masturbated to NTR, yes.
Jesus fucking christ why would you post this. What the fuck is wrong with you retard?
Replies: >>1048
>Jesus fucking christ why would you post this.
Why not? I've spoken about wanting my cousin in ways I shouldn't. A little degeneracy, which I've been building up in each post, finally received its finale right there, that's one of the filthy things I do.
Replies: >>1049
Because no one wants to hear about the fact you fantasize about being a fucking cuckold. Just like your mother doesn't want to hear about the fact you think you want to kill yourself. You're providing people with information that does absolutely nothing but get you attention. It's not substantive or interesting, it's just annoying and useless. You are for all intents and purposes acting exactly like a woman.
Replies: >>1050 >>1052
He's affirming a statement as being true in this case, I don't see fault in that in itself. Rather I think he's trying to find a solution through others rather than trying to find one himself.
Replies: >>1051 >>1052
You can address the sentiment of an accusation, which in this case wasn't even an accusation, without admitting to the abhorrent behavior. It's called tact.
Replies: >>1052 >>1055
Okay, I won't bring up a three letter word anymore. Carry on psychoanalyzing me, or not.
Replies: >>1053
I'm specifically going out of my way to not psychoanalyze you. You're psychoanalyzing yourself, or at least trying to bait people into doing it because you want some magical eye opening answer to how to stop being such a fucking faggot. Psychoanalysis is just jewish tricks to sell you pills by telling you that you fit into these neat little categories they invented.
If you know why your being retarded then grow a spine and fucking do something about it. Getting mopey and pitying yourself isn't going to get you anywhere. Stop being a nigger.