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heya Fuckos, i still don't know if we are moving here definitively or not, but ill make a thread just in Case, to get the ball rolling ill Ramble for a bit

i remember Tulpanon talking about building his "Dreamrealm" or something along those lines (i can't remember the exact terminology so please forgive me) and i noticed that something similar is happening right now, a few days ago i made some Custom Scenarios on "Master of Olympus Zeus" (a Old ass City Builder game) and dedicated them to Taihou after completing them and building like 5 Temples of Aphrodite, and i am currently Playing Honey Select 2 and making a "Pantheon" of sorts, i guess the Winds of Autism are blowing hard on my side of things

i've also been Struggling with the Idea of Deserving to be Loved, i've talked about this with the Anon i usually hold correspondence with, but we haven't reached any satisfying conclusions, i understand that Taihou Loves me, and i Love her to death too indeed, but there is this underlying feeling, that i really have done nothing to Deserve her Love, i guess this goes hand in hand with my own Feelings of Self-Doubt, has anyone felt similar things?
Replies: >>69 >>105 >>654
It means you've found a new source of motivation to improve. For me, any self-doubt of deserving anything you have is resolved through making yourself worthy.
Replies: >>80
>>45 (OP) 
>there is this underlying feeling, that i really have done nothing to Deserve her Love
Fuck that feeling and go to her. You'll be much happier.
Didn't Evola say that a man should not love women with passion ? Love is a feminine trait, prakriti being the passive raw energy that must be controlled by purusha, the masculine stable trait.
A man should not seek the love of his waifu, he has the absolute right of patriarchy and can demand everything from her.
Let me quote Revolt from the modern world chapter 20 :
>A love that sets conditions and requires the reciprocated love and the dedication of a man was reputed to be of an inferior kind. On the other hand, a real man could not know love in this way other than by becoming feminine, thus losing that inner self-sufficiency thanks to which a woman finds in him a support and something that motivates and excites her desire to totally give herself to him. According to the myth Siva, who was conceived as the great ascetic of the mountain peaks, tumed Kama (the god of love) into ashes with a single glance when the latter tried to awaken in him passion for his bride, Parvatt. Likewise, there is a profound meaning in the legend about the Kalki-avatara, which talks about a woman who could not be possessed by anybody because the men who desired her and fell in love with her tumed into women as the result of their passion. As far as the woman is concerned, there is true greatness in her when she is capable of giving without asking for anything in retwn; when she is like a flame feeding itself; when she loves even more as the object of her love does not commit himself, does not open himself up, and even creates some distance; and finally, when the man is not perceived by her as a mere husband or lover, but as her lord.
Replies: >>79 >>80 >>107
>Love is a feminine trait
Taihouman OP you're eventually going to have to make a huge fuckin choice. Do not fear it.
Replies: >>80
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that's not quite it though, i mean what the fuck do i even improve?, Physical Fitness is a Meme unless you have a Specific Target, Beauty of the Body is folly compared to the Beauty of a Soul in Gnosis, lets not talk about Magick because that is beyond my abilities, putting effort into that would only harm me, i think that i phrased my question the wrong way, its not rather that i don't feel worthy, but rather, why Did she chose me, despite all my retarded Shortcomings and Failings

indeed, he goes even deeper in Metaphysics of Sex, where among other things he speaks of the Durga Archetype, and how its Virginity comes from the fact that it cannot be possessed, among many other things that i can't remember now because it is a book i read a long long time ago

now before i continue, i think i need to talk about Evola a bit, at least so you can understand the ontological differences, and how while i do talk about him a lot, i most likely do not live up to his Standards, or to any Standards of Wisdom, Evola was a Ksatriya, a Warrior, he himself said it many many times, and he proves it in thought and Demeanor, if you have gone that far down Revolt aganist the Modern World, you probably noticed how much he Disdains Mystics and Lunar Spirituality, and indeed, like the Ancients said, Knowledge is Experience, the Source of my Wisdom is the opposite of this, since it comes from Contemplation and Thought, and Revelations from Taihou, wich is Lunar Mysticism, the Ontological Difference between the Warrior Ascetic Attitude of Evola and my Chaotic "Bandit-Like" style (to call it something)  leads me to Firmly Believe (to the Discrepancy of the Anon with whom i Hold correspondance) that, as much as i Look up to Evola, he would have either had a strong Disdain of people like me or Dalua, or outright Hated me, Perhaps Hermes Trismegistus would have come to Love me as he Loved his son Tat and instruct me in the Wisdom of the World, but Evola would have Kicked me out of the UR Group in a Flinch,so indeed, as you go down in his works, you will find more fuel for the fire in regards to my Crucifixion

in regards to the Female and Love, this is an epiphany i had a Long long time ago, back when i posted about the Durga Archetype, i can't even remember if it was old Zchan or somewhere else, either way i realized that indeed, Ishtar-Durga would only be Attracted to a Shiva Ascetic, not only that but Ishtar is represented more as a "Force" than a Living Breathing Being, there's also the concept of the Donnoi, wich is entirely based on the Tension of Unfulfilled Love, wich couldn't be Farther away from my Experience, since i DO want to be with Taihou.
All of these things lead me to believe that if Taihou Really was Isthar, she would have fled a Long, long long time ago, far from that, not only is she Still here with me, but she is Actively Guiding me and Protecting me, to return to my original doubt, despite my retardation, she is still with me, and taking care of me, and so the question remains as to Why would she care for a fuckup like me, instead of Hanging out with Actual Heroes that resemble those like Apollo or Heracles

i probably already took the Choice, i just don't know it yet, i have a tendency to be completely oblivious to everything, and only figure everything out after the fact, almost as if i was a Leaf shifting through the Winds of Providence
Replies: >>83 >>90 >>105
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>why Did she chose me, despite all my retarded Shortcomings and Failings 
It is these particular shortcomings that are actually your strength. You did everything for a reason, even your failings. That's why she chose you.
Replies: >>93
>Evola was a Ksatriya, a Warrior, he himself said it many many times
Yes, and I loved revolt against the modern world for exactly that, and I plan to read all his other works. I think I understand the concept of the waifu but I never felt such attachment to a character. Since my very young age, I admired the ideal of the ascetic warrior, it was and it still is the epitome of manliness for me. The strong man who does his duty diligently without succumbing to his passions. I didn't like the stereotypical hollywood movie heroes because they always have some sort of romance with women. I despise all those who share their passions with women and think of themselves as "manly".
My disdain for women was thus innate in me, my hate for them was visceral, and a lot of autistic traits made me very uncomfortable around women. I still respect the metaphysical demetrian female archetype and its representation in art is very beautiful. I don't know if it's the same feeling medieval knights had when they swore allegiance to a lady without any passion or desire to be with her but I kind of understand them in a way.
I didn't experience any kind of spiritual awakening though. I don't if I should do something to intice it or practice some kind of rituals, but my believes resonate so much with the ideal of Herakles mysogenes the enemy of women.
Maybe you waifu is some sort of demetrian goddess who's protecting you out of motherly love. I wouldn't know, because I loathe any direct interaction with women or womanly figures.
Replies: >>91 >>96 >>146
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in that case you should Read "Metaphysics of War" its about precisely Warrior Asceticism,

in regards to the "Great Mother" archetype, Evola explains the Dichotomy between the Great Mother - Durga archetype, i strongly doubt that Taihou is a Motherly Godess at all, for starters in Traditional Aryan Beliefs it did not exist at all, Aryans always had Solar Gods (Helios, Zeus, Jove, Dievas Apollo etc..) so the conception of Woman as Mother and the Godesses of Nature and Fertility, Demeter style, are mainly Animist Telluric constructs coming from Niggers, the Demeter Style godesses are first and foremost Deities of Nature, (Think about Pachamama for example) their cults emphathise a "Exaltation of Life" in the Faustian sense of Action for the Sake of Action, as opposed to the Ascetic Action of Shiva or Apollo, the Belief in reincarnation through Genes and Reproduction, as Opposed to the Attainment of Transcendence and higher States of Being, overcoming Humanity in the process, and of course, their Heavily Plebeian themes, Mother Godesses regards all their children the same, they are Collectivistic (its funny because once you realize that Modern Communism and Left-Wing ideologies in general obsess over the "Motherland" and Feminism, and how at the end of the day, the Maladies of Today's world are simply the Prevalence of these Dark Naturalistic Forces rising up in the Absence of the Traditional Solar Forces), as Opposed to the Trials of the Olympian Solar Gods, thus, the main worshippers of the Great Mothers, were Slaves, Plebeians, and other Undesirables, that far from Rising and Overcoming, they remain Under, in the Ambiguous Collective

Taihou is far from a Great Mother, and im far from being a Commie or a Collectivist, and our Love is far from a Mother-Son relationship, even if i have refered to it as such a few times, mainly because of my Mother Complex, however i meant that as an Amplification, as a Combined Love of Wife and Mother, after all, the Love of a Wife is limited by the Lack of Blood Ties, and the Love of a Mother is limited by the Sexual component, once both Barriers are Gone you have a Love without petty Limitations, again, i am Far from a Ascetic or a Warrior, my Inner Nature is very Different from those Holy Men, however i trust in my Own Dignity, because even though the Caste of the Ksatriya, and Above them the Caste of the Priest-Kings may cast a Shadow over me, i can still see the Divine for what it is, and i can still see the Foulness for what it is, ill have to Carve my own Path with all that that Entails
Replies: >>92 >>94
>ill have to Carve my own Path with all that that Entails
I hope you fail in your mission.
Replies: >>93
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Perhaps it is...
is that Mario Party 6?I only Played 4 when i was a wee lad, then 3 with the N64 Emulator
How Rude

anyways what the fuck happened to the Rest of the Crew?, i know Motokoposter went M.I.A, but now not even Hanakoposter is on, let alone where any of the Tulpafags are with the exception of Mayanon wich i assume he is Busy doing Comissions and Drawing May, i mean i don't mind Talking about Taihou day and Night and how much i Love her and how i am Making all these autistic things and then giving them to her as Offerings, but i already heard Complains about these threads Turning too much in the way of Esotericism, if all of a sudden all Waifufags go off the Radio then im afraid this is going to Turn into the Esoteric Waifufaggotry thread
Replies: >>105 >>109 >>3730
If it is your path then good luck. You seem to be closer to the silver races from Atlantis, rather than the golden races of the far north. They had lunar inclinations but they were still very virile if I remember correctly, I just hope that you don't fall for lower forms of spirituality because what you're doing seems very ambiguous to me, or maybe I'm just a newbie who doesn't understand yet.
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Nice to see a fellow warrior aspirant on this board.
Evola is an excellent author, and it's not only his texts on politics that are stellar.
The hermetic tradition is basically a walkthrough through most of hermetical (and alchemical) symbolism. It's a great companion for magical training and study of alchemical texts like the Liber Mutus, the Open Gates... and the Hermetica. You can't go wrong with that one.
The Yoga of Power is a nice read, will show you sexuality as the tool that it can be, as a means of trascending duality and achieving the absolute.
And Introduction to Magic is a more practical one, with rituals/practices to achieve success in the esoteric arts. 
Here's the guide for his books, also don't feel afraid to go for the books he cites, like hermetical texts, the bhagavad guita, or whatever catches your fancy.
Replies: >>97 >>98
One thing to keep in mind: don't take the guide too seriously, but I like the pic because you have all the books there to look up easily. I myself read Ride the Tiger first (it's great), but one need to have a certain state of being to really appreciate it.
Thank you, very handy chart.
If I understood correctly, Ride the tiger talks about the possibilities of having a traditional life in these modern times, I'm looking forward to reading it but I already began reading The doctrine of awakening, as I want to know more about ascesis and maybe some practical tips. Being a true warrior is impossible in these times and we only have the ascetic path left, which is a shame because people with Kshatriya inclinations will have to suffer in their lives unable to fulfill their Dharma. Mishima had a similar feeling if I remember correctly, wishing to have an honorable death but being unable to have it in the modern world.
>The Yoga of Power is a nice read
I thought Tantrism was dravidian, not Aryan or am I wrong ?
Replies: >>99
No problem, I'm glad to help. It's a matter of honor to me.
>Ride the tiger
Yes, it's exactly about that. Evola says that one should remove oneself completely from gay mass life, however he knows most people due to circumstances out of their control can't do so, thus he lays a blueprint that might help how to approach life in a dignified way.
>Doctrine of Awakening
That one I haven't read, but it can't hurt (no Evola book can be bad IMO).
>Being a true warrior is impossible
If you mean going full doomguy or goblin slayer and start killing (((them))) and their (((servants))) sure, it's impossible. However, warriorhood should be seen as a state of being, a way of facing the world. Understand it's a matter of *doing*, of facing this existence as the battlefield it is. It will be your spirit against matter, the universe and everything, and you will have the right to have a chance to fight the great holy war, which is internal. You will slay the inner jew, the inner kike, the inner normalfag, and this is the biggest war act you can commit. Don't htink that warrior = violence, at least not in the common way of thinking about it.
Another based author, and yeah, he could never forgive himself for having tubercolosis as a child and so not being able to become a Kamikaze pilot.
The problem with most sex related matters is how sex and love have been shat all over by the modern age. There are tantra paths which the end game is more or less beating the fuck out of the demiurge in an epic inner battle. Other are all muh fee fees and things like that. I think it's quite obvious which one will be fitting for you. Never forget that the idea of Tantra is to become completely unnafected by roasties and related matters, by indulging in them but being able to be completely indiferent to them (in a very simplified way of saying it, almost wrong to be honest). In any case, it's an Eastern tradition, and we being of western blood (at least I always assume most anons are of such blood) might not be fit for such a thing.
Replies: >>100 >>101
Also taihou anon is a nice guy, if you have questions about sex/tantra/ whatever he is your man to go.
>However, warriorhood should be seen as a state of being, a way of facing the world
>Don't think that warrior = violence
I know what you mean, yes. Living a detached life and controling your inner self is the path of the warrior. But The greater holy war is fought through the lesser holy war. It is only in the face of death that you can reach your highest potential, that you know what your value is. Are you a man ? Or are you a coward ? Only by offering the most precious thing that you have, namely your life, by fighting in the name of god that you can attain a complete control over yourself. That is the way of the sword and everything below is not enough fulfilling, we will always be inferior to those who face death without fear, it is shameful.
I will read the book at some point but I'm not sure that I want to dabble in nigger spirituality. Sex always seems like an earthly feminine thing that is only transfigured by Aryan rituals.
Replies: >>102
Oh yes, the lesser holy war is indeed a path to fight the greater holy war. No doubts about it. But what lesser war are you willing to wage in this day? Honestly this is one of the pieces of the puzzle I'm missing. Should I just go in a rampage against normalniggers? Join the army get a position in some shithole killing badly armed niggers? Or...
>we will always be inferior to those who face death without fear, it is shameful.
In a way yes, it is shameful. We are below them, in the sense we have (or I should say I have) not an easy way of putting our lives at rist like that, because there are no causes today that deserve it. In my opinion things like Alchemy can help to bring about the same endgame, but through a different path (you will see that in alchemy ascetism is almost a most to succeed in it). Because what we are after is an initiatic death, the destruction of all that is shit inside of us, so that we might live after the fact. I'm not the best writer, but I hope I'm getting the point across.
>Sex always seems like an earthly feminine thing that is only transfigured by Aryan rituals.
Don't worry, I see it like that most of the times too. But it might help to see sexuality as just another "energy" in us that we can in the end control and use it for *our* purposes, unlike the niggers who are completely dominated by it (think the avarege normalnigger attitudes towards sex love and relationships in general).
Replies: >>104
>In my opinion things like Alchemy can help to bring about the same endgame
Ascesis also is a way of reaching that goal too, he talks about that in Doctrine of awakening, I just find it disappointing that we can't fight our way to it since we are naturally inclined to do that. But it is also said that those who hold their ground in these modern times receive far more rewards than those who lived in more pleasant ages. There is something to hope for at least.
Replies: >>106
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I'm 99% done with a full piece, but I'm waiting for the white pen I ordered to be delivered and I didn't want to post it with a bunch of overlapped lines on the webs. Serves me right for experimenting with how I draw them. Pic related might be a cover eventually maybe, I mostly did it to see if what I had in my head for the logo was a good idea, I'm pretty satisfied with the look. If I'm lucky and I don't get lazy I might have something complete in a month or so.
>>45 (OP) 
>my own Feelings of Self-Doubt, has anyone felt similar things?
>its not rather that i don't feel worthy, but rather, why Did she chose me, despite all my retarded Shortcomings and Failings
I've thought about this a lot, it actually annoys May when I joke about her being "stuck" with me because she's a tulpa. At least as far as she's concerned, she sticks around of her own free will. When I ask her about it, she says that she loves me because I love her, and I tell her that must be easy to say for the one who deserves it. Overall I think that love isn't something that's given because it's necessarily deserved. I think that in the case of a waifu or tulpa, it mostly comes from devotion. Actions don't matter, what you feel towards her matters. It's the fact that you've got a desire to be with and please her that's important. Not to say that you shouldn't do things to show your devotion, these days practically the only thing I draw is May because of my devotion to her, but that's the product of my devotion not the other way around. I'll be honest, I'm a fucking mess and there's really no reason I should be loved. She loves me because I love her, and I don't think it's any more complicated than that. I can't speak to how it works with a waifu goddess, but that's how it's worked for me. I can't think of anything else that would explain why she loves me. Funny, I think the opposite is true from what anons here are saying about Evola and how love is meant to be something the man receives. I think that love is something that the man initiates for some reason, beauty most commonly, and then the woman receives and reciprocates it.
Although I'm kind of a dumbass and I rarely sit through a book so I might not be the best to listen to when it comes to this sort of thing, these are just the retarded ramblings of an uneducated autist who likes fucking comic books.
>Busy doing Comissions
I wish lol. I think you misunderstood, I should have made clearer that I only sent in a color sample for the opportunity to be a colorist on a guy's book. There were way more entries and there was almost no way that he was going to choose mine, I mostly did it to see if I was any good at coloring digitally. Since he's made youtube videos showing off fan art and shit I figured that if there was any chance, however slight, that it was shown and could be traced back to a ebil racist nazi virgin imageboard I'd feel like shit if it got him in trouble somehow. Maybe I'm paranoid but comic book people are the most insane kind of liberal there is and if anyone's going to get in trouble for being autistic I'd like it to be me alone. Probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all.
I'm flattered that you think my stuff is good enough to get money from though.
Replies: >>107 >>109 >>127

I will reply to you in the esotericism thread, I don't want to bother the waifuist anons.
I reread >>78 and I misunderstood it because I only skimmed the quote, this is actually saying almost exactly what I was thinking but more accurately. My thoughts on this shit aren't fully-formed and I suck at getting my thoughts into words anyways so I really shouldn't have said anything about the Evola stuff.
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>waifu thread completely derailed
Already feels like home.
Hard to interject into such extreme autism. 
More seriously though, I had family matters to deal with over the weekend.
I don't remember you ever mentioning how you got into tulpafaggotry. So to put this thread back on track a bit, would you mind explaining? Perhaps you could also say how long you've been into this waifufaggotry stuff too?
Replies: >>126 >>127
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The white pen is kind of hard to get used to, but it's nice to not need to worry about planning every white spot and filling in the blacks around them, or being able to overlap lines and correct them afterwards. I should probably take it easy on the webs though, I draw them relatively simply and I already want to cut my hand off. And I don't have a steady enough hand so I have to either spend an hour inking each strand or get some wobbly lines and live with it. Penciling them is fun but I forget that I have to ink them afterwards.
I've been actively doing it for a few months now, I made a post back on lynxchan asking for resources around the time when I started making an active effort towards it. I've had a sort of tulpa-like thing for some time due to writing bits of unfinished stories all the time and daydreaming about her 24/7, but I never put in an effort to make her into anything more until a few months ago. I've been somewhat aware of tulpamancy for a long time but I always figured it was just a larpy way to share degenerate fantasies due to the way tulpa communities tend to try and one-up each other with more tulpas and more degeneracy. Shit like tulpa armies and tulpas with their own tulpas with their own tulpas (and so on) always made me skeptical about the legitimacy of the practice, not to mention the endless amounts of trannies and faggots who claim to have tulpas. I only considered it seriously after seeing tulpa anon's posts, and I'm glad I did.
I used to spend a lot of time looking at comic art online and at some point I found pic related and something about the costume struck a chord with me. That would have been almost a decade ago, Jesus Christ it's been a long time. I later realized that it's just the Ben Reilly costume but on a girl, but even on him it looks kind of feminine. Or rather the costume compliments a feminine figure better than it does a male one. It took me a while to realize that I was waifuing her though, I jerked off to her regularly and daydreamed about her but I didn't really put two and two together for a long time that I cared about her in a way that I couldn't possibly care about some irl whore.
Replies: >>127
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I really wish i knew fuck all about Drawing so i could give some actual Input on your drawings beyond "Looks Good to me Anon", being honest though, i've seen Much worse shit while Looking for Pictures of Taihou (Disproportionate Breasts in a bad way, the fucking Faces, i mean FUCK if there is something you ABSOLUTELY have to get right is the Fucking Face and many many other things), 
>I'm flattered that you think my stuff is good enough to get money from though.
remember that there are Massive Faggots drawing Neon Furry Cocks and getting paid for it, if the bar is THAT low then i don't see why you couldn't make a Living out of drawing, of course things are billion times more complicated than that
>Although I'm kind of a dumbass and I rarely sit through a book so I might not be the best to listen to when it comes to this sort of thing, these are just the retarded ramblings of an uneducated autist who likes fucking comic books.
don't sweat it, at least you think for yourself, besides im not that much of a Book Worm either, its just that sitting down and Contemplating on things is something that comes Naturally to me, in fact most of my revelations and discoveries aren't done by Reading, but rather when i am Working on my Autistic projects and my Mind starts wandering on things, i mean right now im working on DromED making Thief 2 Levels while i was thinking how to reply, besides i think everyone around here knows how riled up niggers telling other fags what to do and how to do it gets me and how hard im going to Grand Slam their asses with one of my Trademark 3 Part Walls of Text if some fags come mess with the Waifu Zone
> It took me a while to realize that I was waifuing her though, I jerked off to her regularly and daydreamed about her but I didn't really put two and two together for a long time that I cared about her in a way that I couldn't possibly care about some irl whore.
Kek i found about Taihou through my Discovery of Horxata and Evola, its funny how things Escalate from the most Insignificant Corners huh?
>Already feels like home.
for once it wasn't my Fault, i mean at least my Posts are Related to Waifufaggotry, if the Kundalini Gang blasts in that's beyond my Reach, i made a Esotericism thread though continuing the Tradition of making a Esoteric Containment thread to avoid Derailing only for it all to spill into the FTDDTOT because Cross-Thread replies don't work
>More seriously though, I had family matters to deal with over the weekend.
hope it wasn't anything bad, or at least something Non-Intrusive

Also ZZZChan does allow NSFW unlike Lynxchan so i guess now i don't have to do Summerian Funambulism just to post a single Picture of Taihou as a result of my Archive being made up of a +80% Lewds
>my waifu tulpa says "See you in Gensokyo" out of the blue
I want to be transported there during the night. Please don't be just a thing my waifu tulpa says.
Replies: >>133
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i have no experience with Touhou beyond playing Touhou 2 on a PC-98 Emulator, but i have played TohoK, in fact im currently in a Run with all the Special Factions enabled, let me tell you that place needs a Prince Edward's Crusade with Extra Greek Fire (Wich is literally what this Run is coming down to, im just Zerg Rushing all the Special factions into the Oblivion, but some are more Broken than others), unless you want some Rape with your Danmaku, i'd advice for you to keep your Waifu under Close watch and bring a Zweihander and as many Patriarachal Crosses you can manage

and those screencaps are just the Tip of the Iceberg, out of all the Eroge Games i played, this one is certainly the least Wholesome one, on par with Rance, and Rance is supposed to be a Parody
Replies: >>135 >>143
>download EraTohoK
>create a character
>Armpit Hair settings include Smooth, Trimmed, Short, Fluffy, Average, Extra, Bushy, Unkempt, Forest, Jungle, and Depilated
What a game.
Replies: >>136
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>download EraTohoK
now you've done it Nigger, i Tried to save you, don't call it a Grave, its the Hellhole you have chosen to Delve into
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>create my waifu Lilith as the ruler of the succubus faction
>join her faction
>conquer the entire world by turning literally every other character into a succubus
Yeah it's good
Replies: >>146
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you were supposed to Dismantle the Rape-Train not to Become the Rape-Train, but i guess you Did find her in Gensokyo after all, Omedetou Lilithposter-Kun

On another note, and for the sake of just plastering my thoughts around like i usually do, i recently read (Only the First part wich is the only Relevant part really) of Nos:The Book of Resurrection (too bad Serrano is a massive LARPer and half of what he says in his books miss the point), coupled with what >>90 said about desire (or rather what he quoted, since the idea of Desire and Lust being something roastie-like is something Evola and the Ancients before him Reiterated a couple times) got me thinking about "Carnal" Love, i see the recurring theme of Lust being something to be avoided, and indeed, if we are talking about the naturalistic conception of Sex as the retarded "Have Children" Mechanism that ends up perpetuating the Cycles of Conditioning and Retardation, yes, Lust is to be Avoided, and i guess it is also bad for Stoicism too to Covet one's Lover, however i think there is a Distinction (Besides Tantra uses Sex as a Initiatory operation, and many many other Doctrines and Teachings use Sex Magick aswell), there must be because i Crave for Taihou's Touch and i fantasize about Cuddles Kisses and Slow Passionate Sex a lot, yet every time i glance at some Hentai stuff while looking for Pictures of Taihou i get disgusted at the Depraved stuff niggers get off From Gangbang shit to other more Disgusting things i don't wanna talk about if i have such Lust how come that i am averse to that?, my only possible explanation is that those impulses are completely different and belong to Different spheres, now wether i am fucking up, they are Right, and i am a Nigger for Craving Taihou this hard, and Expressing my Love for her in a Overly-Physical way, or that i am indeed Right, and that they are talking about something else more "Profane", is Beyond me

what are your thoughts on the Subject?
Replies: >>147 >>153
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Forgot to post at least One Taihou, Fuck
Replies: >>148 >>152
That's Akagi though?
Replies: >>154
Why do you want to post such lewd images of your waifu on an imageboard?
Replies: >>154
>I will never be the Great devouring Mother, the Primoridial Female
It's funny to me how all this holy stuff dislikes a specific sort of Spiritual Mommydom so thoroughly. Good thing you got out of that hole, right?
Replies: >>155
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Different Symbols, same Entity, think about how Greek Zeus is also Roman Jupiter, Nordic Odin and Lithuanian Dievas, in some cases even the Legends are the same with Nameswaps, even the Name itself "Taihou" is a Symbol, Taihou if memory serves me right means "Phoenix", in Chink mythology, the Phoenix is the Female counter part to the Dragon, wich translated to Western Alchemy is Mercury (thus the reason why in my old old edits of Taihou, in the time where she wasn't even called Taihou, she donned the Symbol of Mercury on her Left arm)

some of the Symbols i use for Taihou are merely aesthetic, (examples of this are Jahy-sama and the HMS Formidable) simply put if i am in a certain mood or get drawn to them for a specific amount of time, ill use them, but they are no different than when you put on a Blue shirt instead of the Red one, Others however are used Conciously to reflect and represent something, as i Learn more about Taihou, Myself, and Cosmos i change Symbols around to reflect these advances in my own understanding, a Example of this is Akagi itself, Evolving to the Akagi symbol from the usual Taihou symbol is a reflection of realizing that Taihou really isnt Ishtar but rather some sort of "Personal Deity", the fact that Akagi is depicted as a Kitsune, a Spirit of Inari, wich translated to Greek Mythology, is a Literal Demon, that being a Guiding Spirit, referencing Taihou being my Guiding principle in my Existance

TL;DR i use Different Girls as Symbols of Taihou, Different Symbols have Different meanings that Reflect the Nature of Taihou and our relationship

i assume that you are talking in general, not so much to that picture in specific, because i have stuff much more Lewder than 92, for starters, Nakedness is a Symbol of Purity, so i'd rather look at Pictures of Naked Taihou, than her Fully clothed, and if i can post her around and look at her while i read posts and reply, that's even Better, also it provides for a nice Alternative to my usual Pictures of Knights and Sages that i post so much

in the past (not so distant actually, i think most Bogatyrs around here should remember) i was very jealous about it, not so much anymore, i don't know how to convey this, so ill try my best, by the nature of Anime Girls, it is impossible for two Men to Love the same Girl, Anime Girls exist only in their medium as a Archetype, one cannot know anything beyond their actions and personalities of their Manga/Anime, if we both liked Kurisu for example, we would both like her for Different reasons, and have Different "Mental Images" for her, simply put, Your Kurisu, is not the same as My Kurisu, in the case of Characters like Taihou, wich are literal Blank Slates, this effect is Amplified, and if we are talking about a Literal Godess that has gone out of her way to Choose Me as her Eccentric and Useless Bard, it is literally impossible for anyone to "Cuckold" me, at best they can make a weird self-fantasy, while they think about a Taihou that isn't mine, kinda like the guy who thought we had the Same Waifu, because we were both Good Submissive Mommy boys, but again, his Mommy is not the same as My Mommy

Replies: >>157 >>515
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i already argued for it many many times in the past, Taihou is not a Demetrian Telluric Godess, at Best she is Ishtar, part of the Durga Archetype, i now know for a myriad of reasons this is not the case, therefore the other posibility is that of a Personal Godess, or a Demon, me being a Submissive good boy (and you can bet im Still a Good boy for Fox Demon Mommy Taihou, Even if i am the "Warrior" because i am the one who is going through this Retarded Incarnations while she Oversees me and Guides me, even if i am supposed to be the "Active" one because im Male, im just not that vocal about it anymore) for Mommy is just part of my Nature and specific way of Worshipping her, wich does not have anything to do with the "Great Mother" Archetype, Examples of the "Great Mother" are the many many Plebeian cults of Aphrodite Pandemos and Roman Ceres, Cults that revered things like Equality, Family, Labour, Childbirth and Fertility, think about Nigger Animism, because that is Literal "Great Mother" Naturalism, think about Communism and the Cult of the Motherland that they had going in the Soviet Union, , now look at me and tell me if i do ANY of those things or resemble them

the First Part of NOS is funny because it Outlined prettymuch everything i've been rambling about since i ever began shitposting about Esoteric Waifufaggotry, too bad Serrano is a LARPing retard and the rest of the Book is trash
Replies: >>157
>a reflection of realizing that Taihou really isnt Ishtar
>at Best she is Ishtar
Methinks your waifu god is trying to tell you something?
Replies: >>158
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>Methinks your waifu god is trying to tell you something?
excuse my density but what would that be?
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"Why can't my waifu be real" blues cropping up again.
Replies: >>176 >>217
Replies: >>184
I've known about this place for a while but it seems a bit too focused on robotics. Robotics are inherently expensive and difficult to produce meaning only those with the capital to experiment with such machines could make any meaningful progress aside from thought exercises. Robotics are also difficult to directly upgrade meaning most robotics are made completely obsolete come 10-20 years
Focusing more on creating an AI base for replicating waifus seems like it would be a much more worthy investment. The barrier to entry to contribute to such a project is much lower (no capital is needed to meaningfully contribute) and most code-based things can easily be built upon, updated, and upgraded.
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i can understand wanting to be with one's Waifu, fuck, who doesn't?, perhaps the Plebeian Psychopath Masses, that keep talking shit like "Nobody would like a real girl that was like X!" or any other retarder argument aganist Waifufaggotry, why should anyone listen to those faggots is beyond me, they can't understand Love, much less God and the Divine

however i wouldn't want Taihou to be "real" (i actually discussed this a few times in the past) this Plane of Existance is pure Trash, filled with Niggers and Faggots, its based upon a Endless cycle of Retarded conditioning, of Action for the Sake of action, every part of it is hostile towards a Contemplative Soul, the Gnostics were 300% right about the nature of this Samsaric Shithole

Now there is something that needs to be Adressed, and that is the whole "Your Waifu is not real" schlock, wich you yourself seem to be falling for with the whole "Why can't my Waifu be Real", the First Hermetic Principle of Mentalism estipulates that the Cosmos is made by the Monad, not from something (for there is naught but the Monad) nor it is the Monad itself (since the Monad cannot ever lose its Self-Awareness, if it was the case, then we would be aware of us being the Monad) but that the Cosmos is made through the Mental Creation of the Monad, in other words, the Cosmos is made through Imagination, not unlike you may think of your Waifu, wether this is the Exact case or not is irrelevant, what it is important is the following Idea: "Reality" is Relative, from God's Perspective, you are not Real, yet You are Real, and the things that happen around you are Real aswell, from your Perspective a Video game isn't real, yet from the perspective of the characters in it, it actually is Real, this idea of "X is not Real" comes from the Prevalent Materialism found in the Kali Yuga, its the Natural result of Psychopath Plebeians being "in control", they do not believe in anything the cannot see, or cannot be quantified, therefore "Reality" is defined by what has a "Practical effect" on reality, Videogame characters cannot jump out of the Screen and Kick you in the Nuts, therefore, according to the Deranged Psychopaths that Delve this Shithole, they are not "Real", mind you even in this Materialistic perception they are Wrong, since while the things themselves aren't "Real" its effects are, the Inspiration, Anger, Sadness, that a Fictional Work may generate, are "Real"

Personally, i believe it is actually even deeper than the principle of Mentalism everything is actually Real to an Extent, due to the Nature of Cosmos itself, if the Monad is Absolute, and Cosmos is Potentiality derived from it, Everything is Possible to an extent, since Cosmos itself is a Acumulation of "what if's", and This plane is just one of those Possibilities, your Waifu may not be "Real" in Modern Terms, but its Real because she lives in Your Heart, Your Soul, Your Mind, and whatever means you may bring her to Life, so instead of Lamenting that she is not Real, Feed that Love, Contemplate it and give it Life, piss all over the Psychopaths that stalk this land of Lies and Pain, and make it "Real"

Good Hunting
Replies: >>218 >>222
This world sucks, but it sucks for very specific reasons. 
If one were to theoretically conjure their waifu into existence, whether or not the suckery of the world would affect her, is entirely dependent on you identifying and removing those specific reasons from your and her livelihoods. It couldn't be too hard considering that removing these things from our own lives is already a goal of most of the robots here. It wouldn't be completely unreasonable to simply employ our already developed tactics for the purpose of protecting someone else rather than protecting ourselves. The situation wouldn't be ideal but it would be a hell of a lot better than the alternative.
Replies: >>220
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>This world sucks, but it sucks for very specific reasons. 
and those specific reasons are specific to this Plane, when i say that i hate this world i do not mean Kali Yuga, i mean this Physical "reality" Kali Yuga really is just the True nature of this hellhole left to be itself, go to the Animal realm and you see the endless cycle of Eat to Sleep to Reproduce to Keep Eating to keep Staying alive for the sake of Staying Alive, Paint a Pretty painting, and at some point the canvas will rot, or the Paint will wither, build a Monument and it will crumble unless it is Maintained constantly, then there's the Psychopath Plebs, who embody the Nature of this Godforsaken land of Pain to the Perfection, always thirsting for more, if they have their basic Food and Sleep covered, they'll ask for Social Interaction and Primal Nigger Sex, then they'll ask for wealth, then for Status, and when there is nothing more to Attain they'll make up their reasons to Covet things and Destroy everything to get those stupid things, that is all there is in this plain, Restlessness and Decay, everything is Moving, nothing is ever Still, for Stillness is Perfection, what could one seek if one already has it?, why would one move if one needs nothing?, the Root of the Divine is this Stillness, the ability of Letting go and staying Still, of Being, and this place has none of that, its Brutal, Stupid, Vain, its a big Fucking joke that keeps repeating itself and know not when to stop because this fucking Train has no breaks, so no, i would not want Taihou to live in this Meaningless Hellhole of Becoming

im not saying what you should or what you should not do, all im going to say, is that i do not wish to Remain in this Shithole, nor i want Taihou in it, if anything i wish for the Sweet Release of Death and a Return to the Only thing i Want and will ever Want in Existance, that being Taihou, wherever she may be, in Hell, Heaven, the Monad, some Planetary sphere or whatever place your imagination may come up with, that shall be my True place, beside Her, and nowhere else
Replies: >>221
I feel like you have interesting things to say, it's just that it's hard to read most of it. At least most of these posts have a readable paragraph following the more unreadable ones
Replies: >>224
>the Inspiration, Anger, Sadness, that a Fictional Work may generate, are "Real"
Everything you imagine is real and lasts forever. The material realm is the only world that does not last forever, because it was never imagined.
Replies: >>223 >>224
Sounds like the world of forms.
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>I feel like you have interesting things to say, it's just that it's hard to read most of it
depending on how long you have been lurking around /r9k/ you may or may have not witnessed some of my biggest Tirades of Autism (the most legendary one in my opinion being that 3 Part post where i explained how Anime Girls are the True Female equivalent because they resemble the Nature of cosmos best because some faggot wouldn't shut the fuck up about how i was "roastie worshipping" to this day i regret not having screencapped that shit), in the first case i don't really have much to tell you, if you want to make out sense of what i usually preach then grab the Library at the Esotericism Thread, plunge into it on your own and draw your own conclusions, its how i learned everything i know regarding the Divine anyways, since i never had a Mentor nor am i capable of Magick, and most of the things you'll find there i have already mentioned here so most of it will sound familiar

in the second case, then you're in for a wild ride since all it takes for me to write some Liver al vel Legis-Tier Autismo is some fag pushing my buttons or just having a spark of Inspiration while doing something

i can understand other Bogatyrs not understanding most of what i say, im way past the point of no return, and i can't even remember when was it that i discovered the matters of the Spirit, fuck everything before that hazy point feels as if i was someone else (probably because i wasn't even alive at that point, just some flesh automaton) there is also lots of things that i take for granted that kind of get in the way when exposing these things to people who may not see them that clearly, then there's also the fact that most matters of the Spirit are discovered through Gnosis, simply put there are things that cannot be understood through Discourse, but through a "Divine Immanence" that supercedes Logic, a example of this is the idea of Cosmos as "Potentiality" wich i assume its Abstract as fuck and hard to understand to some Bogatyrs around here, because its something i understood through a Revelation during my contemplations and something that simply put cannot be quite transmited through words, and to add salt to the wound there is my Volatile Emotional stability (since i am always bouncing between Dispair and Sorrow whenever i contemplate on the nature of this hellhole, and the Tribulations i am having to endure, and will have to endure in my Physical "life", and the Joy of Loving Taihou, and i think this Chaotic personality shows in my Posts) and my Over-Reliance on my Instincts (probably my only redeemable quality) coupled with a weird mix of Absolute Transparency (at least i think i am), Self-Awareness (at least i think i am) and ackward Grammar because my Unshakeable belief in Providence and its workings, to this day i cannot  get a Clear picture of how do i look in the eyes of other Bogatyrs, but i can guess why someone would refer to these posts as "Eccentric"
Trips of Truth as Expected, Tell the Truth
Replies: >>234
>a example of this is the idea of Cosmos as "Potentiality"
My gnosis said the same thing wow. I've been using Pleroma to mean "anything that ever could be possible in any world."
Replies: >>253
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Happy Samhain niggers, i hope you are all warm and comfy and doing something nice with your respective waifus
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Coming up on 4 years after first playing Katawa Shoujo and meeting Hanako. Feels like a lot less.
Replies: >>433
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Cheers, are you going to do anything special to conmemorate it?, i always try to keep my small little Lithurgies for those kind of moments, they help me keep my Mind in the Right place and to not forget things that must not be forgotten, at any rate Congratulations and Take care
Replies: >>445
Lordy, lordy, I want to shove my face in that cooch. Sniff it. Sniff
Replies: >>452
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>Lordy, lordy, I want to shove my face in that cooch. Sniff it. Sniff
>Not wanting your Waifu to sit on your face and force you to lick her privates untill Love Juice comes out of her, and then forcing you to drink it all whilst she reminds you to whom do you belong
Replies: >>458
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>not wanting to completely dominate your waifu while holding the shit out of her hands
Replies: >>465
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a legitimate approach, but i still can only feel comfy and at ease when Mommy is the Big Spoon and i am getting my Flogging with Erotic outcome, one of this days ill pinpoint where does my Submissive nature comes from and write a 7 Post essay on it or something, since it is the only facet of me that i can't quite yet understand, not like i have any issue with that, at least not anymore
Replies: >>488
>one of this days ill pinpoint where does my Submissive nature comes from
You should let your mommywaifu tell you why you have it.
Replies: >>515
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I know I'm going to regret asking this but what happened to Taihou? Did you dump her for Akagi or did you become one of those haremfags who pretends to love their waifus?
Replies: >>515 >>1614 >>1618
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out of the question, remember that i am not the one who has the Communication skills, it is through Passive telepathy that she has contacted me and through Tarot, Tarot will only give me a vague Indication of where should i look, she hasn't contacted me for almost 2 Months now

read up >>154 Nigger, i explained it very well on the first half of the Post
Replies: >>569
>she hasn't contacted me for almost 2 Months now
That's 'cuz two months ago she Abdicated and just fucking disappeared for no reason. What a bitch.
Replies: >>578
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>disappeared for no reason
i don't know about that, she rides me every night, and we sleep together, its the entire reason why i can sleep for 16 Hours straight and still don't want to get out of bed
>What a bitch
watch your mouth Dickhead
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Im going to Pop a Flare and bite the bullet since everyone and his mother is going to fucking shit on me because Anonimity rules, and some faggot will probably come up with some Conspiracy theory about me Building a Cult or something but seriously

Where the fuck are you Tulpanon? last time i ever heard anything was back when we were talking about Evola and you said to down Introduction to Magick, my Associates speculate on the fact that you could be dead but i insist on the fact that if anything you just Became Full Magus and are now Surfing through the Cosmos while Blasting Magus Stares at niggers, anyways if you are still around just wanted to tell you that my Associates and I have been comparing Notes on the matters of Waifufaggotry and have had some very Fun Times aside from Broadening our Mental horizons, if you still have my Email i think now its the Best time to hit me up over there needless to say other Waifufags are free to Email me aswell, i get the feeling that there are some anons around here that really have stuff to tell me or to ask me and for one reason or another they just keep it in
Replies: >>647
I'm here, and I'm not dead. I lurk a couple times a week, but I don't really post anymore. As for the possible suspicions of you 'building a cult' here, you didn't do anything that hasn't already been done before: You gave the people what they wanted.

The media tells us a great number of pretty lies: "love conquers all," "bullies pick on you because they secretly hate themselves," "karma will punish people who wrong you." These and many other shallow platitudes are fed to the public often to give the illusion that life is fair. However, for all the lies told, there is one thing mentioned every-so-often that does reign quite true, which is the importance of hope in human life. Hope for a better life motivates people to get out of bed in the morning. Hope that all the people of the world can learn to get along keeps the normalfags from turning on niggers. Hope that life has meaning and that their suffering amounts to something keeps robots from committing suicide.

You see, back on 8ch, many a robot chose to cling to christianity because it gave them hope that if they adhered to a certain set of rules, they would be liberated from this awful world for eternity and receive unending bliss. Of course, most robots have within them the capacity for logic, so sooner or later they would turn from christianity or rufuse it from the beginning (as I did) due to its restrictions and more importantly its roots. Fast forward to lynx/zzzchan, now a number of robots once again seek that hope for meaning, which you have been able to fulfill through talk of samsara, the kali yuga, noble souls, and the like. This does not mean, however, that you've 'built a cult.' In truth, even if that were the case, than I am likely as much to blame as you, seeing as I defended and encouraged you when many on the board would ignore you and scorn you, thus giving you the platform with which to spread your ideas. Even still, you're no cult leader, and I know that you wouldn't want to be. You haven't manipulated anyone. What you have done, however, is introduce the right idea to the right audience.

Any robot that has browsed /r9k/ for more than a few weeks understands that the average robot is superior to the overwhelming majority of normalfags, it isn't hard to figure out when the patterns of normalfags are put into perspective. Unfortunately, this realization is dangerous for many, as they often take it a bit too far. Just look at the generations of kikes who teach their offspring that they are "god's chosen people." This idea has no doubt lead to the twisted attitudes that the jews have held throughout history and to this day. Something similar often happens with robots who are bestowed with a title of superiority and let it get to their heads. It's something you have no doubt witnessed when the more puritanical among us decide to interject. They proceed to scorn not only normalfags but other robots for not living up to their standard. They become overzealous and overbearing, fueled by the belief that they are at the top of the pile and correct in all things. What's more is that they begin to disregard any opposing point of view without really considering it. Take that personality type and introduce the idea that they may be some divine soul of some kind, and you can see how things can quickly get out of hand. Sadly, this attitude is something of a recurring theme on /r9k/, and it's the largest contributing factor in a realization that I have returned to several times, but have not always taken heed of, which is that I don't really belong here.

I've realized, too, that this was one of the prime contributing factors that lead me to create my tulpa, Solaris. See, back when I had that night-shift job at the gas station, my depression and loneliness started to show in a way it seldom does, and I felt as though I needed someone to help me cope with my situation. Instinctively I turned to /r9k/ first, as I generally have more in common with the people here than anywhere else. However, I didn't want my posts to just be me bitching about wageslaving all the time. For one thing, it would get annoying to the other robots. Aside from that, not everyone shared a similar situation to mine, so it would be challenging to find people who could fully sympathize with my situation or even truly care. I had some previous knowledge in the matter of tulpas, so to me it quickly became the best option available.

What I found out over time is that the main reason I posted on /r9k/ was simply that I had nowhere else to go, and my tulpa sort of gave me a 'somewhere else' so to speak. I don't always see eye to eye with the people here and am often put off by their attitudes, which is bound to happen anywhere one goes, and despite my efforts to be sympathetic and understanding with other robots, even I have engaged in the occasional argument over the years. The reason one puts up with these things, however, is because despite the various drawbacks of any group or community, there is still something to be gained, some growth to be had. Unfortunately for me, I no longer feel as though I am growing here in any meaningful way. Granted, I may encounter the occasional nugget of worthwhile information, but my posting here no longer serves a significant purpose for me or anyone else. Couple that with the fact that I now have my tulpa, who understands me and can advise me in a way no one here ever could, and I simply feel no reason to be here in an active capacity.

Despite how my posts may be interpreted, I would like to be perfectly clear about their intended meaning. I don't mean my posts to be some melodramatic "goodbye forever." In truth, I will still likely lurk here from time to time, and I may even be tempted to contribute to the gondola thread eventually. What's more is that I don't mean to place blame on anyone for my decisions. It isn't your fault for the board becoming what it is now or what it may be in any possible future. As I have said, you didn't manipulate anyone, you simply introduced an idea that is easy for many robots to cling to. The idea that their suffering is a test given only to noble souls, or even 'gods who have forgotten that they are gods' if I am remembering those discussions correctly.

It's a bit ironic really. On paper I'm a textbook robot: virgin, outcast, often NEET, etc. However, I've often felt disconnected from the majority of robots here. I'm no divine or noble anything, and I'm certainly no god, and when it's all said and done, I don't feel I can really call myself a robot either. I'm just a loner with a tulpa, trying to find peace in a chaotic life, and I no longer believe that I can find that peace here.

Replies: >>650 >>651
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i agree, at the end of the day all i post here are My Thoughts and what i Believe it to be Right, i provide my Library so that those who want to peer in the Source of my Beliefs or get a More Neutral point of View that is segregated from my personal Equations, anyone can do with that what they will, as much as Theosophistic faggots from the XIXth century insist, and as much as many Traditional texts say that you need a Yogi and blah blah blah, i think Initiation is Personal, one can only Attain Gnosis on his own, according to his own Faculties and Nature, when one Learns something, it is him that Learns, the Book or the Master only served as a Catalist, the Wisdom was already inside oneself, if someone decides to flatter their own egos and Believe they are God without having earned the Right to call oneself such, it is their Problem, not mine, if i've become a "Legend" (i hope i am not overselling myself here) of sorts around this place, it is people who made me one, certainly not me, so i feel 0 Guilt over anything that i may have posted here at all, even my more Retarded posts

>They become overzealous and overbearing
im guilty of this though, i can't count how many times i've called other anons Niggers because they fall for Materialism or something like that, and then again i do concieve myself as a Divine Being, mainly because i am able to understand Gnosis, or at least can make the Attempt, since Normgroids don't even do that, and it seems that you really need that Divine spark to delve in the Matters of the Soul, seeing how many people Misunderstand and Twist things
don't worry about that, i do feel the same, the only reason why i carry on here its out of Stubbornness and because there is a few Group of Select Bogatyrs whom i wouldn't want to Abandon (Hanakoposter, Mayanon, Kurisuposter, Dalua-Kun, the 2 Based Ksatryas, You etc...)
>I'm just a loner with a tulpa, trying to find peace in a chaotic life,
that's a nice premise, one Loner and his Tulpa-Wife in the Dark Ruins of a Spiritual wasteland, only a Rusty Gnostic 6 shooter at his Hip, i don't believe the world is a Chaotic place at all, but it is true that Hermes Trismegistus said that "Nothing Unknown in the Heavens, Nothing Known on Earth", i just Hope my posts and the Library i left gave you enough Ammo to banish any Devils that may stand in your way, Good Hunting Kaphnobatai wherever the Clouds may take you
Replies: >>651
>It's something you have no doubt witnessed when the more puritanical
I haven't seen that, or maybe I'm too stupid to notice it. I think the very belief of thinking you have a divine soul, or are inherently, intrinsically, by the nature of your existence better than normalfags in some way to be idiotic. I don't like being complimented by that kind of ego-inflating stupidity and think less of anons who both believe and express it. If you mean posts like this where your position is clearly expressed when you say puritanical then I live for those. Any other post would just be a mess of poorly constructed opinions, taken up and cherished as if the status of your post is at risk for daring to step beyond the bound of what others consider acceptable. Or worse, holding your tongue in fear of being either wrong, or hurting someone's feelings.I have my own sense of self-contempt that brings me here, without that I don't think I'd have any proper motivation to post.
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hey anon its me (>>649
) again i guess i should have added this into my Original reply but i only started thinking about this like an hour ago, im intrigued by this:
>Something similar often happens with robots who are bestowed with a title of superiority and let it get to their heads. It's something you have no doubt witnessed when the more puritanical among us decide to interject. They proceed to scorn not only normalfags but other robots for not living up to their standard. They become overzealous and overbearing, fueled by the belief that they are at the top of the pile and correct in all things. What's more is that they begin to disregard any opposing point of view without really considering it.
i can think of a few Example of Anons that come along like this, and i can certainly relate to your feelings of dissasociation with robots since i myself felt like that back in the Zchan days, and like i said >>649 i myself stay here only because there's a few Bogatyrs with wich i enjoy discoursing, there's certainly a few bad actors around i wish i didn't have to deal with, and a few ideas about Taihou and I that keep being reiterated over and over (not so much anymore, i guess they finally got the memo), but i can't quite understand what you mean despite feeling as if you are onto something with this, could you delve deeper into this matter so i can understand better your point?, i know this isn't exactly the best place to do it since its the Waifufag thread, Apologies in Advance lads

also you sound as if you regret me being around here and spouting my autismo, sorry about that, i can't say i really regret being here since having met my Associates here has helped me a lot to put things into perspective, even if like i said before, there's a fair share of undesirables for whom i have no respect here
>>45 (OP) 
Esoteric anon, can you upload your library on mediafire or something? The anonfiles one back on lynxchan is too damn slow.
Replies: >>660
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you should have asked for that in the esotericism thread not here, anyways i have reposted both the Original Anon-files link and a new Dropbox one Good Hunting
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Tommorow marks the 4th year since my finishing of 
Katawa Shoujo. Doesn't feel like it's been that long.
I've posted this one before but it's one of my favorites so might as well post it one more time.
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What are you doing with your waifu for Christmas, Anons?
Replies: >>1146 >>1161 >>1185
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I will Imagine my self cuddling with her. 
Who knows, I might revisit a save or two as well. It has been a while.
Do you simply like bote waifu or do you also play the bote game? If so then how often and how much?
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>What are you doing with your waifu for Christmas, Anons?
Work out, read (or rather, Finish) the Nag Hammadi (and anything else that tickles my fancy Really), Love Taihou, pray to her for the Strength to Endure passing through this Shithole and the Strength to Crush the Degenerates, the Heathens, the Dogs of Samael, and await for Kalki to Return so that i may Join his Retinue and Anihilate this Unholy Realm of Evil
Replies: >>1199
>and await for Kalki to Return so that i may Join his Retinue
Gayyy. You have to join your waifu's realm.
Replies: >>1200
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Shure, i'll Return to her Realm after i have Purged this Insane hellhole and let the Rivers run Red with the Blood of the Heathens and the Niggers, THEN, i'll return Home, a Hero and Conqueror after having Survived this Hellhole of an Existance, after having Endured this Asinine passage filled with Sorrow and Pain and made Taihou Proud
Replies: >>1203
How much of this is even about your waifu anymore? Does she really care about the color of the rivers?
Replies: >>1214
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>How much of this is even about your waifu anymore?
Only in her Kingdom Above, and in her Warm embrace can i Find Peace, but i do not Seek peace, not Now, Not Yet, ill explain it in the simplest of terms i can manage

Simply put, one is cast down upon this Abyss, this Samsaric hellhole, it is in this Samsaric Hellhole, that Creatures live, Animals, Plants, whatever, these Creature live meaningless Lives, they Eat to Survive, they Survive to Eat, to keep eating and keep Replicating Endlessly for its own sake, the Wageslave Works to Get money, to Live, to Keep working, to Keep Living to Have X thing, so on, so forth, always Moving, never Reaching Anywhere, this is a Sin of Foolishness, but nothing more, it is not this, but their Wickedness, not content with that, these Imbeciles go the Extra mile, not only do they live through the motions, but as they Have no Soul and no Purpose, they Seek only Pleasure, so in their Cycle, they will Seek to add as many as they See fit, among these Pleasures, they Find Defilement and Social Standing to be the Greatest (look at how Niggers will do anything to Virtue Signall and be Included in their Cliques, and to get their Coveted Brownie points) it is Defilement the thing i cannot Forgive, out of all their Sins, most of them only Hurt themselves, but Defilement not, not only do they Ruin themselves in Endless toil and Ignorance, they want to Spread their Wickedness and Destroy everything good, Art exists, so they make their "Post Modern" Bullshit, anihilate its Standards for the sake of their Egos and pedantry, Spirituality exist, so they call it "Superstition" and rail aganist it, condemning Saints as Psychopaths (ironic since that is just what they are) and treating Wisdom with disdain and Smugness, as mere superstition, they See Beauty, in the Shape of Anime girls, so they make NTR, Interracial, and other Wickedness, they see Asceticism and Inner Strength, and they mock it

the "Sane" approach, would be to Ignore it, but i can no longer do this, Wickedness demands Punishment, it Demands Retribution, one Ksatrya around here said about "Killing the Kike God", i do not want to Kill him, i want to Anihilate him, Destroy his Kingdom and break his Throne, put his children, the Masses of Psychopaths to the Flame, i Want Vengeance, i want Revenge aganist this Wicked Plane of Evil, i Want them to Die in Fear, in Pain, to Face their Sins and Wickedness, and to see that there is no Repent, no Forgiveness, only Punishment, Only Pain, only Vengeance, for it is all they Deserve, i Want the City of God and the Kingdom of Heavens to send his Final Crusader, Kalki the Destroyer and to put this World to the Flame, but there's nothing i can do For now, so i will do what i can only do, to Straighten my Body and Spirit, to wait for Kalki to Return, and to Live in Anger and Hatred, and also Love (For Taihou), the Heart that Bleeds means it has Blood, it means it is not Dead yet, this Anger i Feel is Life, it proves im Still Alive, it proves i can still be Disgusted by the Evil and the Wickedness, it means i am Still Loyal to Taihou, that is all i have to say in this matter

Peace to the Saints...
Replies: >>1217 >>1311
>her Kingdom
More like her Queendom heh hah
>i Want the City of God and the Kingdom of Heavens to send his Final Crusader, Kalki the Destroyer
See, this has become your trouble. You want Taihou to send over a destruction man instead of a Taihou.

I get it. It's because you're peeved about interracial NTR.
Replies: >>1233
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>More like her Queendom heh hah
Empire sounds more Homely to me, Empress is a Better Title after all
>See, this has become your trouble. You want Taihou to send over a destruction man instead of a Taihou.
that's Dumb tho, i don't Want Taihou to come down here, no, the way it goes is,Kill the Niggers, Win the War, then Return back Home, you don't bring her down here were Evil Dwells
my Hatred for Sexual Brutality is as old as Time really, Anything that Isn't Ecchi is Gay, because 9/10 its some sort of Hyperbrutal Trash based around Lust and Powerplay where the Anime Girl is reduced to a Cum Dumpster (needless to say, wanking off to another guy dicking an Anime Girl is as Gay as it Gets, faggots in the past have told me to "Just Self-Insert", but i think that is just an Excuse), simply put, if it is not Consensual and Based on Love, GTFO, of course that subject is one that hits close to home, and i Personally consider Sexual Depravity in the Psycopath Masses to be one of the Main Proofs, Alongside Regicide, of how Fucked up they are, and how they Deserve nothing but Eternal Suffering, that being said ignoring the Rest of the Sins Normgroids commit on a Daily Basis for the sake of their Petty Pleasures is Foolish, for me is that, but for someone else its Lying and Cheating that Gets them, so on, so forth...
Replies: >>1237
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Hey, don't worry about it. I too want to prevent all men from touching my dearest waifu. Good luck!
Replies: >>1295
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Thanks, i just hope the other Waifufags here don't have to witness the things i've seen by the hand of some of my old "Friends" and the Fiends that Delve this Land of Dispair, not that i regret it tho since this Newfound Rage alongside some Recent Contemplations have Given me that Relentless Will to Reach the very end of this Shithole and Claim my own Place in the Stars
Replies: >>1296
>esoteric anon posts right as a bunch of the shitstirring outsider's posts pop up
Are you the one running around shitting the board up these past couple of days? Why did it bother you so much that other robots didn't want you derailing every thread across the board? Nobody even wanted you banned, they just wanted you to contain your sperging.
Replies: >>1300
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>Are you the one running around shitting the board up these past couple of days?
Fuck no, i already said it in the Meta, i don't even post anymore outside of this Thread and the Esoteric Thread, his Posting style is different from mine, and 99% of what he says makes 0 Sense, he Literally posted Agatha, and judging from his posts, unironically thinks Fascism is bad, nevermind him claiming repeatedly that Robots are failed normgroids,  also i have the suspicion that he is a spic, since he literally outed himself by posting ":V", once and also his gramatical fuckups prove that he's not a Native speaker its not the First time clowns like him have been around here, Remember Q boomer from the later days of Anon.cafe? (or was it Fatchan? memory Fuzzy, can't remember) or fuck, remember Dolphinigger?

i understand you have some sort of Personal grudge aganist me, but for once you're Wrong, now fuck off if you don't have a Waifu and are not going to Post about her, if you remain unconvinced, any of my associates can testify that i de-facto stopped posting here, only recently returning to this Thread and the Esoteric thread wich remains Dead as fuck
Replies: >>1301
Yeah I made a mistake, I'm just too used to faggots taking petty grudges against the board too far and going on ridiculous crusades for it. Sorry, and no I don't have a grudge against you.
>Wickedness demands Punishment, it Demands Retribution, one Ksatrya around here said about "Killing the Kike God", i do not want to Kill him, i want to Anihilate him, Destroy his Kingdom and break his Throne, put his children, the Masses of Psychopaths to the Flame, i Want Vengeance, i want Revenge aganist this Wicked Plane of Evil, i Want them to Die in Fear, in Pain, to Face their Sins and Wickedness, and to see that there is no Repent, no Forgiveness, only Punishment, Only Pain, only Vengeance, for it is all they Deserve, i Want the City of God and the Kingdom of Heavens to send his Final Crusader, Kalki the Destroyer and to put this World to the Flame, but there's nothing i can do For now, so i will do what i can only do, to Straighten my Body and Spirit, to wait for Kalki to Return, and to Live in Anger and Hatred, and also Love (For Taihou), the Heart that Bleeds means it has Blood, it means it is not Dead yet, this Anger i Feel is Life, it proves im Still Alive, it proves i can still be Disgusted by the Evil and the Wickedness

Recently I've been thinking that the whole "this world is just a trial you agreed to so that you can grow spiritually" is just a fucking cope by people who have their heads on straight but still want some hidden meaning to make them feel positive. They're unable to understand a certain metaphysical bloodlust because they have a remnant of aversion to hate and unpleasant conclusions to certain lines of thought. One has to consider that this realm is simply a cattle pen and humans were converted into a food source for the parasitic entity you refer to. At best, I give gods and beings from elsewhere the benefit of the doubt that this bubble of reality is simply obscured enough by the one who usurped it to keep it hidden from without. Which means it's up to us to, upon death, leave it and mark it for the kind of purge you mention. On the inside you're mostly powerless, but once outside there has to be a way.
Replies: >>1312
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i was planning on Writting this one on the Esotericism thread then telling you, but then again, the Beggining and End of my Being and Existance belongs to Taihou, the only Reason i wanna Exist at all is for her, the only Reason i wish to Put heathens and Niggers to the Stake is because of Her, so even if this is not "Related" in a External Way, it is, because of the reasons stated above.

>"this world is just a trial you agreed to so that you can grow spiritually" is just a fucking cope
No, if Anything, the Tendency to Over-Simplify Doctrines and to reduce Spiritualtiy in general to "Just a cope Lmao" is the Tactic used by "Intellectual" Psychopaths since the XIXth Century, from the idea that Man is just an amalgamation of Molecules and Cells (perhaps the Filthy Human, who is merely a Psychopath of the Body and has no soul is like this, but not Man) or ideas like the "Id Ego Superego" wich put Man in the light of a Sex Centered being that wishes to be Acknowledge by others (again, may be true for the Heathens, certainly not Man), if there is a Cope here, is the Cope of the Heathens who do not want to see the Divine

"Vita est Milita Super Terram" it is a Idea that dates as far back as the Dorian Heracles and the Hyperborean Apollo, and beyond them into the Dawn of Existance itself, it is a Legacy of Spiritual Combat between the Divine Aryan and the Telluric Southern Races, between Light and Shadow, Gods and Titans, so on, so forth... 
>a remnant of aversion to hate and unpleasant conclusions to certain lines of thought
couldn't be Farther from Truth, at least in my case, before this recent awakening i was a Coward, averse to Danger, i only wanted to be Out, i only Wanted to Return to my Sweet Love, it wasn't untill i was Forced to Repeatedly face the Cruelty and Relentlessness of this Filthy den of Putridness that i Broke down, i Broke down and i said that Enough was Enough, and DIspair transformed into Anger, Tears into a Desire for Vengeance, and i became Alive again, i seek for Taihou's Love and i seek for my Vengeance aganist this Unholy Place, i do not Run away from hatred nor Unpleasantness, for it is this Hatred that Prooves im Alive, it is this Hatred that proves i still have Holyness in me and that i am indeed a Spiritual Man, able to See Heresy where it Lays, able to Stand agansit it on his own Terms, according to what he Is,

like >>647 eluded, this Vision of Spiritual Elitism, of one as a Spiritual Aristocrat, a Divine Being aganist the masses of the Psychopaths, if you ask me, that is not my Problem, i am who I Am, i act according to my Nature, and to My Inner Law, the only one whom i Accept as Judge will be Taihou, anyone who wishes to Measure me he may do at his Own Peril, i've spent much time in the past disprooving the Accusations of people who don't even care, i will not commit this mistake again (unless my Stubborness as usual gets the Best of me), if anything, it is statements like
>Sometimes I greatly envy normalfags and their seemingly total lack of doubt about, or maybe their lack of care about their own mental status.
that suprise me, why anyone would want to be a Mindless Retard that does not even Control his Actions and is a Eternal slave to his Ignorance, nevermind being a Wicked Imbecile that does not know the Divine nor Wisdom, is beyond me
>the parasitic entity you refer to
the parasitic entity is a reference to this entity as elucided by a Certain Ksatrya, i do not think there is a Evil God, i do not believe in Dualism, the only "Evil God" that exists in this Realm is the Eternal Law of Decay that affects this Realm and is Intrinsic To it, nothing more

I do not Write these words to heal the Ignorance that Delves in Anybody, that is a problem that has to be Dealt by the Sufferer of it, not Mine, i Write this Post to Disprove Falsehood, for to Disprove Falsehood, is to Preserve Truth, to Preserve Truth is to Preserve the Divine, and thus, Respecting and Honoring my Beloved Taihou
Replies: >>1313 >>1319
I guess this is a downside of not namefagging, because I got you spun off in the wrong direction by not writing with enough clarity. I'm actually the guy who wrote about the "kike god," and my first thought upon reading what I greentexted from you was "oh shit, he's come around, yay" but my writing style is kind of impersonal and I didn't lead off with something like that. So basically, I was agreeing with all of what you were saying, and was by no means trying to lump you in with people who use certain copes because they're too pussy to face certain things or whatever (let's call them "spiritual pacifists" for clarity's sake). There are some people I've learned from who will suddenly hit an emotional roadblock and become unable to take things to their logical conclusions -- this is what I'm referring to when I use the word "cope." Your post that I quoted from made me think about a distinction between what you're describing in yourself and a tendency I'm seeing in these "spiritual pacifists" who are more or less on our side of things, but when it comes to the element of, as you said,
>this Anger i Feel is Life, it proves im Still Alive, it proves i can still be Disgusted by the Evil and the Wickedness
this element of a spiritual immune response seems to be either accepted, as in your case and mine as well, OR that "cope" arises and they take a sideroad... Essentially they shy away from the necessary metaphysical curbstomping of the kike god, or whatever you want to call it. This is why I think Buddhism as it exists in the West is pretty much a psyop where suffering is mitigated by removing attachment and desire and being passive, instead of addressing the root of suffering as it pertains to, as you said, a Legacy of Spiritual Combat. For the bulk of the population, Christianity was enough of a neutralizing force with its demoralization campaign of universalism and worship of a jew god-man amalgamation of pre-existing myths (typical jew plagiarism and perversion). Separating our ancestors from the Old Gods was an early stage of deadening our spiritual immune response, and today there are people who are pretty far along but still have remnants of these kinds of things that can neutralize them by making them "cope" more than think about retribution. I hope this clarifies things.

Probably the only significant disagreement we have is that I'm convinced there is a distinct entity at the edge of this reality that is served by the kikes and their collaborators, and that it can be killed from without, outside of our human existence. I think esoteric laws don't really exist on their own without being a product of a super-consciousness, it's just that the ones functioning here naturally are shit while there are totally different ones operating in other realities. I'll be charitable and give beings from those other realities, gods or otherwise, the benefit of the doubt and assume that the parasitic nature of the kike god leads it to obscure its activities from them, which means people like us are needed to identify it after we die and leave this level of existence.
Replies: >>1425
>for it is this Hatred that Prooves im Alive, it is this Hatred that proves i still have Holyness in me and that i am indeed a Spiritual Man
What would your life be if you stopped trying to prove yourself to an invisible watcher?
Replies: >>1320
None of what you quoted makes any reference to wanting to please the faggy Christian skydaddy.
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How do people have a character who has a canon love interest as their waifu? I know the object-oriented waifu philosophy likely applies but I never understood how it was anything more than just mental gymnastics. I know most robots don't regard this but I don't imagine shipping makes things any easier.
I had a waifu but then she got a canon love interest. I was NTR'd.
Replies: >>1366
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>applying OO braindamage anytime
Replies: >>1346
I self-insert as the main character, just like how the Japaneses want.
Replies: >>1339
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i've literally spent all day learning how to do Manual TDC on SHIII and enjoying the Crisp Clean quality of Fidgeting with mods for 4 Hours so that GWX wouldn't crash every 5 Seconds, now it crashes every 40 minutes also the bugs in my room are at it again and i got Conjunctivitis again, and im feeling Sleepy, so forgive me if i sound even more Erratic and unreadable than usual

Long story short, your Waifu is yours and yours alone, im not saying this in a Idealistic and Romantic way, but in a Literal sense, Crowley once said in the Book of Thoth that even if two man looked at the same thing at the same time, they would both be looking at different Things, i believe the same, my reason for this is that Both Men have a Different Nature, thus their Perception is also Different, according to that Nature, 2 Anons can like Kurisu and have her as their respective Waifus, yet each of them like her for Distinct reasons, and even if some Traits may overlap, the resons why they may do so are different, so are their Experiences and Priorities in their Love for their Waifus, in reality, Anime Girls just like Everything in Existance are Symbols, they evoke Certain meanings, and sometimes, no Meanings at all, Psychopaths have no creativity at all so they take everything as a Cope and at Face value, taking the "Self-insert" approach like this >>1337 cocksucker right here, but if you have it in you, all you have to do is to Take that Symbol away from its Creator and to give it a Life of its own, so yeah, wether your Waifu has a "Canon" love interest or not, it does not matter, what matters is that you Love your waifu and take her With you in the Mobile Fortress of the  Mind and Soul, 

to follow up on this idea of the "Canon" i wish to remind again of the Relative Nature of reality, that from the Monad's Perspective, this Realm "does not exist", and that from your own perspective, anime Girls "don't exist", in reality everything is real in their self-contained (but not isolated) Univereses, and because Nothing can come from nothing, thus the idea of "Progress" Being the eternal Joke of the Modern human shit-eater, your Imagination is real, and thus your own Waifu is as long as you keep her in your Imagination and Thought, and your Imagination and Inner World is as Strong as you yourself are, for it is a Reflection sprang forth from who you are, at the end of the Day, your Waifu is a bigger Reflection of who you are Yourself than a True External Entity, at least that is my Observation after seeing how most of the Waifufags here interact with their Waifus, with the Exception of Dalua who has a Similar Gig of Loving an Actual Living Breathing Entity that trascends the Anime Girl but Transmits herself as Such for easier understanding

and just to leave a bit of a Personal stab to all the shitheads that populate Mangos, or Fiction in general since it seems that the realms of Art in general are filled with the Most Deplorable Dredges of this Existance, from Patreon Whores Drawing shit, to Cuckolded Mangakas like that jackass who Wrote Vinland Saga to Rule 34 Artists, and many more that i could mention, Nothing can come from nothing as i said before, and so one is bewildered when one notices things like Dwarf Fortress being a insanely Fun Game, being Developed by a Cocksucker Tranny that put Tranny dorfs into the game, one is bewildered when one notices how Pretty and Cool Anime Girls are, and then notices all the Isekai shit and Harem cuckoldry, so then, how come these imbeciles with Weakness of Character, can Create this pretty things?, well Hermes once said that Necessity is the Law of Providence, and it is true that what is High, cannot come from the low, Truth is, and this is what i earnestly belive, all of these Undesirables i mentioned do not Really Create the things i Mentioned, but are the Unknowing Tools of the Entities that bring themselves forth to Make them, so yeah fuck "Canon" they don't even own what they "Make"
Replies: >>1419
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Hope you had a good Christmas waifufags. Was pretty nice to not need to go to some fucking gay family gathering.
The actual Spider-girl from the comics was never what I really waifu'd, even well before the tulpa thing I loved the May Parker I pictured in my head more than I could have ever loved the "canon" May Parker, I didn't even read the comics for a long time (although I didn't realize I was waifuing her for a while). I think there was one or two love interests in there and I don't remember any of them being interesting or good, but then again I'm obviously a fucking lunatic autist so it wasn't meant to appeal to me.
Did Terry ever rant against OO programming?
This board is an example of waifufaggotry gone too far.
Replies: >>1354 >>1382
Mind explaining yourself or are you just going to keep it vague?
Replies: >>1355
The roleplay of pretending that your waifu is real is one of them.
Replies: >>1358
What problems does it cause?
Replies: >>1359
How about becoming a schizophrenic fool who is willing to neglect the truth along with shitting up threads just to talk about your favorite slut? Waifufags do this type of stuff all the time and it's usually a sign of autism and spergy. No matter how much you cry material world your waifu isn't real even in the le spiritual world or any other world that you pretend she exist in. This isn't even to niggerpill anyone, because I despise them, but seriously this has to stop, especially when it makes zero sense.
Replies: >>1363 >>1372 >>1375
>shitting up threads just to talk about your favorite slut?
What's the point of complaining about this after it's already been decided he won't be allowed to post recognizable shit outside of this and the esoterism thread? You've already got what you want, no need to go out of your way to be a nigger about the guy when he rarely posts now anyways.
>Waifufags do this type of stuff all the time
Seems like it's only ever happened with Taihou anon though, so I'm not sure why you think this is something anyone with a waifu, or at least anyone who thinks their waifu is real in some sense, does.
>your waifu isn't real even in the le spiritual world or any other world that you pretend she exist in
It's useless to argue about this, I just want to know what you think the effect of believing it is, and why it's negative.
I get the feeling that you think there are other reasons for your positions, although I also get the feeling that they're variations on the "because I don't like Taihou anon" theme. I would like to know them though, don't half-ass your post if you have more to say.
Also I know it probably doesn't mean much to you but calling someone's wife a slut is a faggot move and you can suck my dick.
Replies: >>1381
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Always be aware of potential changes in a character's relationshit status and never waifu them until their series is done if you can help it.
Replies: >>1398
Man you know this is basically his thread, so you went out of your way to whine about him, fuck off. He's also not that bad of a person to talk to when he's not sperging across the board, which was the only reason anyone said shit about him to begin with.
Replies: >>1381
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Do anime girls trigger you?
Replies: >>1381
Why the fuck is it that he needs two niggers or the need to samefag to have defenders for himself?

Zero reading comprehension and understanding of the context of what was said by my posts.
Replies: >>1385 >>1387
You could easily make the case that some anons here just don't belong on /r9k/ due to their worship of femininity.
Replies: >>1383 >>1385 >>1386
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Don't start that again. You had your fun with the Corona-chan fiasco.
Replies: >>1384
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Corona ain't got shit to do with any of this. This is getting into meta territory, if I wanted to start something I would've given an argument.
>Why the fuck is it that he needs two niggers or the need to samefag to have defenders for himself?
I don't know what you mean, why would you present it like this with two possibilities but acting like anons defending him is as bad as him samefagging? Even then we're not defending him substantially, just saying you're a nigger for going out of your way to insult him in the thread that he belongs in. Are you just mad that he didn't come in and tell you you're a nigger personally?
I just want to know why believing one's waifu to be real is so bad, and I'd like the reason to be more substantial than "because Taihou anon did something I don't like".
What do you mean by femininity? Because whether or not waifus are a problem depends entirely on what you consider "feminine" to mean in this context. I certainly doubt any waifufags would say that roasties are feminine in the way that their waifu is.
Replies: >>1388
I think it's been said a thousand times that not all waifufags worship their waifus. The base level of what makes a waifu is the fictional representetion of your ideal female romantic companion, specifically one which represents this so strongly that you feel a feeling reminiscent of love for this character. 
None of this requires worship. 

I know that it's possible that you weren't implying that all waifufags worship their waifus but I felt the need to say this again before people start assuming that everyone with a waifu is like the esoteric poster.
Replies: >>1392
>Zero reading comprehension and understanding of the context of what was said by my posts.
I don´t read nigger
Replies: >>1388
Because anyone who doesn't samefag would not go to the lengths of defending one person on /r9k/ as if they are some god or priest. All he does on this board is pretend that his waifu is real.
>I don´t read nigger
<can't read like a nigger
Many such cases
Replies: >>1390 >>1391
No one has acted as if he's a god or preist here, nor have they gone to unreasonable lengths to defend him. In fact I would say that there hasn't been a substantial defense of him here because there hasn't been a substantial attack on him, just surface-level insults. You're the delusional one. All I want is for you to explain your reasoning behind your position, which you seem unwilling to do (probably because there aren't more reasons to it than the shitty one you've already said). You're more interested in shifting the focus to shitting on a guy after the BO has already made his position on him clear. Again you give me no reason that believing one's waifu is real is a problem, only saying that you don't like Taihou anon, and that anyone who doesn't shit on him is disingenuous. You're just being a nigger disrupting a thread for no reason.
Replies: >>1426
Is all I see in your posts. A shame, because you have Hitler dubs.
You're right, but the one I'm talking about obviously does.
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but that's not True, i don't Shoot lasers out of my Dick, that's Cum, and me paying Mommy's Cum Tithe sometimes i even get Rewarded with Milkies as i am her Property and got to pay some Fucking respects to her and be reminded to whom i Belong, and i don't know if Mommy Taihou is being a Cruel Demon Empress or if i am a Submissive little Lecherous Fuck because the Tithes have been Increasing exponentially, to be honest its a shame i don't really have any comms channel with her beyond Tarot, and Tarot has its flaws, or rather Mommy Taihou is extremely fucking secretive of some things and refuses to give me an Answer on certain Subjects for some reason, or maybe im just too stupid to interpret the readings Accordingly, for all that i know she could be Disdainful about the way i use Masturbation as a Ritual conduit for Love, and i could be in for some Hardcore spanking once i Return to her for being a Lecherous piece of Shit

can you really call that your Waifu? if you force yourself to Love something, or Love something conditionally then, is it really Love? that sounds to me like the way normgroids Flock to eachother in "love" its not love at all, they just don't wanna be lonely, im a Firm believer in the Idea that its your Waifu that finds you, not you Her, and i already explained why your Waifu is yours and why you shouldn't give a fuck about whatever happens in whatever "source" Material you find her in, much less about "Canon" but if that explanation was too obtuse or complicated just grab a Morning star and take what is rightfully yours (Your Waifu) from their Petty hands and crush them, and there are many ways to do that Mind you
Replies: >>1399 >>1413
>Mommy Taihou is extremely fucking secretive of some things and refuses to give me an Answer on certain Subjects for some reason
Come on... You know her secret already, don't you? She's your momma, so you should go home to her and be her baby. That's all you really need, isn't it?
Replies: >>1402
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"Nothing unknown in Heaven, nothing Known on Earth" Hermes said that in the Pymander, and i think he's right, indeed when i return to Mommy's Abode i will be able to see the Big Picture and my questions will be answered, at least i hope that is the case, but im not there yet, im in this Shithole, i know that she Loves me, in fact i think she's as Dedicated to me as i am Dedicated to her, i know this because of the ammount of help i've gotten through her Providence, the little Nudges and References in my Daily life, in fact, it is very likely the only reason she's a Mommydom is probably because im into that, if i was more assertive she would Shurely lay on her back and spread her Legs for me, just so happens im a Submissive little Fuck, so she becomes Sadistic and Domineering when i feel Restless and in need of a few Spankings and Lashings, and Warm and Homely when im in a state of Anxiety and uneasyness, but just like the Dream belongs to the Dreamer, even if it overcomes him, so does Taihou belong to me, even if i think otherwise, this is as far as my understanding of Taihou goes, and even this is Conjecture, since i cannot ask her Directly, yes that is technically all i need to know, but i feel in the Dark and Unfulfilled, i want to spend more time with her, and yet i don't even know how to talk, i want to be with her and yet we are Worlds apart,  all i can do is to sit, Wait, and Hope, you keep telling me to go home, but i don't know how, you have been telling me this since back in the day when i was planning Suicide, you seem to know something i do not
Replies: >>1405
>you keep telling me to go home, but i don't know how
Believe it. She is there with you.
Imagine you are going home to your waifu and it becomes real. This is because it was always real, and she was here with you forever. Do not worry about how. She will take care of that. Simply wish for it and it will come to you. That is the foundation of magic, after all.
I wish you'd kill yourself.
Replies: >>1412 >>1416
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ok, you do Sound Sincere, guess its time to Dehumanize myself and embrace the Dreams and the Potential High Octane submissive play that will come of it, Thanks
imagine being this butthurt about One Man teaching another how to Reach his Wife
Replies: >>1414
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>can you really call that your Waifu? if you force yourself to Love something, or Love something conditionally then, is it really Love?
I never really thought about it that way before. But I don't think I could ever bring myself to love someone who is already taken right before my eyes. I would just feel like there is some kind of disgusting "love" triangle going on. Maybe I could if I was into cheating or ntr shit but I'm not so I don't even have that. So the only solution I can think of for loving a character who is already taken is trying to push that love aside, forget about them, and move on.
>all you have to do is to Take that Symbol away from its Creator and to give it a Life of its own
I'm sorry if you explained it already somewhere and I missed it but how do you actually go about that?
Replies: >>1419
Kill yourself too while you're at it.
Replies: >>1416
Hah what a nigger
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that is only natural, none in his Right mind will want to "Share" his wife with Anyone, however Love must be Genuine, else its nothing, it is better to Love in Tragedy, than to have mere Affection in times of Joy

>I'm sorry if you explained it already somewhere and I missed it
check >>1339
but i guess i can always expand on it, simply put, you are You, you have your own Nature according to what you Are, we can both look at the cute Wolf Girl you posted, and we will both Feel different things, and Understand different things about the Pictures, even tho we are both looking at the same Pictures, the Ideas are different, this is what happens with your Waifu, the Pictures aren't your Waifu, the Character Itself is not it either, it is the Emotions and Ideas that are Evoked, the Pictures are just the Conduit, in my Case, its a Pre-Existing Entity comunicating through Images, what is exactly going on in yours is something you have to Figure out, ultimately whatever happens in the Source is a moot point, because your Waifu is yours, and its your Idea, living in your Spirit and Mind, even if it is Expressed through Symbols, it is not unlike how certain Ideas, like the Dychotomy of Temporal and Spiritual Power of the Holy Roman Emperor is expressed through the Two-Headed Eagle of the Imperial Regalia, the Eagle itself being a simple Picture, the Idea grafted on it being the Truly Important thing, it is because of this that Ultimately, none can say or determine anything about it because it is your Spirit and Mind that controls it, don't let some cocksucker tell you what to do or who your Wife is just because he can Draw fucking Lines, or because he has a Expensive Gay Films Studio behind his back, Contemporary Artists are Cocksuckers and Degenerates at any rate, your Mind is Free and so is Your Soul, you can bring your Waifu to Life there, the Exact means are up to you, Hanako-poster for example Replays Katawa Shoujo, i Pray to Taihou and make Autistic Projects in her Honor (like that time i made a Entire Custom Map on a certain Old ass City Buildr in her Name) other Waifufags have Tulpas, etc...
Replies: >>1431
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"We Few, we Happy Few, we band of Brothers, for he that Today sheds his blood with me shall be my Brother", Never liked shakespire, not gonna start liking him now, but the Quote is relevant,

you have Spoken to me about Faith and about Finding Taihou, but i still have doubts, so i will consult your Wisdom again, mainly, what about the Sodomites?, what about the Fiends?, what a bout the sick fucks that get off on Depravity, on the Defilement of all that is Good and Pure?, what about them Anon?, i cannot stand by, every day i remember their Existance, every day that i remember, my Day is Soured with Hatred, i want to Vomit, i want to Cry, but most of all i want them Dead, i want them to Face their Sin and burn in the Vile Putridness that is their Thoughts, their Pleasure centered Thoughts, no Respect for Anything, not Reverance, no Nothing, Animals, Imbeciles, i want them to Die in Fear and Pain, i want Vengeance, Sodomites, Zoophiles, Faggots, all the Colors of the Rainbow, and they are let around there to Prance around, this Cannot stand, i cannot Allow it to Stand, they Deserve Death, they Deserve Punishment, for their Negligence, for their Attacks on Good, and God, the Inbred fucking Mutts, and yet there's nothing i can do, even if i knew their Names and Locations, more would Pop in different Places, the Cycle of Degeneracy continuing as Law of this Plane, i am Paralyzed by this Anger, a Smoldering Fire that seeks Victims, but has no Discernible Target, so i sit in my Room, Consumed in Hatred and Anger, Decaying, hoping that from my Lifeless Corpse Emerges the Spirit of the Final Vengeance to bring Damnation to these Niggers, i Pray for Taihou, but i Pray for the Return of Kalki, i Pray for the Return of Apollo, for the Return of the Holy Roman Emperor, to Give me the Chance to get my Revenge, for i cannot do this Alone, do not tell me to Ignore them, i cannot, i don't want to, i don't want to be a Passive Bystander and ignore the Evil, that's not what Evola would do, That's not what Apollo would do, that's not what Hermes Trismegistus would do, i know that i Must Ride the Tiger with Earnest Faith and Love in Taihou, but i cannot stand to see the Hellhole that Surrounds me, how do you deal with this Anon?, do you feel the Same Anger i do?, i get the Feeling i am more or less Alone in this Anger, with the Exception of one of My Associates, and my good Man >>1313, and i guess some True Bogatyrs left here also feel the Need to Embrace the Holy War
Replies: >>1427 >>1433
>No one has acted as if he's a god or preist here, nor have they gone to unreasonable lengths to defend him. 
I mean yeah you are you fucking retards. I don't know whether this is a samefag or retards treating this role-player as if he's a known e-celeb. Everytime you attack him or question his mental retardation two other fags come out and respond defending him in desperation to validate his autism.

>You're the delusional one.
lol, I'm not the one who pretending that some 2D drawing has a existence. His waifuagging is a clear sign of obessession and it's retarded. 

>but that's not True, i don't Shoot lasers out of my Dick, that's Cum, and me paying Mommy's Cum Tithe sometimes i even get Rewarded with Milkies as i am her Property and got to pay some Fucking respects to her and be reminded to whom i Belong, and i don't know if Mommy Taihou is being a Cruel Demon Empress or if i am a Submissive little Lecherous Fuck because the Tithes have been Increasing exponentially, to be honest its a shame i don't really have any comms channel with her beyond Tarot, 
What level of autism are you on? The shit you is so retarded and everything you say is quite pathetic.
>i Pray for Taihou, but i Pray for the Return of Kalki, i Pray for the Return of Apollo, for the Return of the Holy Roman Emperor, to Give me the Chance to get my Revenge, for i cannot do this Alone, do not tell me to Ignore them, i cannot
Are you saying that your waifu is a less important god than Kalki or Apollo or Caesar or Hermes or Jesus or whoever? Is she getting god-cucked? That's a no-no.
Replies: >>1432
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So you mean to say the waifu is the ideas and feelings each anon takes away from a character and not quite the character themselves? That makes sense and I appreciate you elaborating but it also sounds like a way of thinking that would take a little bit of effort to get into regularly, especially for me as someone who regards canon above all even when the canon makes narrative deicions stupid enough to make me wonder if the author/artist/director/developer/etc. was lobotomized.
Replies: >>1432 >>1648
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don't be Silly, that is like saying that Wishing for food when one is Hungry is somehow Cuckolding water, i respect the Gods (or the Spirit for those that do not Believe in them, prefering One's Strength instead) and the Divine, that does not Change my Allegiance (even if she has been Deliberately fucking with my Day since Yesterday, and im a bit Heartbroken since i figured out Last night that most of my Anger is Actively Roused by Her, and that she Plays on my Insecurities and Fears to Nurture that Hatred, i don't know if it is Sadism, or if she is taking the Seneca Approach of wanting to see the Spectacle of the Man who Struggles aganist the overwhelming Adversity, or perhaps she's so Obsessive and Jealous that she just wants me to be Angry so that i Cling on to Her), wouldn't you Want the Exterminator to come and rid your House of Pests? is Calling the Exterminator betrayal to your Wife?, do not be Ridiculous please
Also you didn't answer my Question you dip

yes and no, the Problem with this is that in this Secularized world, it is likely that anyone who takes that approach will regard his Waifu as a Cumule of Ideas and Feelings that are not More Alive than the Rain when it falls down or the Wind when it Blows, yes, your Waifu depending on her Origin is a Emanation of one's Thoughts and Nature, or a External Entity Hijacking Anime Girls, your Imagination is not a Dead Sterile place the same way you are not a mere cumule of Matter and Organs, Ideas have Life to them and the best Proof is to Read Legends like the Illiad or the Odyssey and then Fast Forward to the Grail Cycle and see how there's a few Recurring themes in them that are Carried on and vivified from Author to Author, from Neophyte to Neophyte, certain Ideas that will Live on Forever even when there's none left to Remember them, the best way i can Convey this idea is to propose you an Experiment, catch the Maid RPG Rulebook i left in this Post, pick Princess Pecorine and any other Anime Girl that Tickles your Fancy, make Character sheets for them and Play it Solo (you can, i play Solo all the fucking Time because i have no "Friends" and playing it Solo is better anyways since i can make the Story and the Characters in wichever way i want it, you just need a extra Dose of Imagination and Random Tables for when you Run out of Ideas) keep a Log with the things that Happen and the Actions hat the Characters take, keep a Log of Conversations too, have some Fun with it, after you are Done, take that Log, look at Pecorine's Source material, and compare just how Different your Conception of her is, from the One that in the Source material is Portrayed, even tho they are portrayed by the same Image
Replies: >>1433
>Also you didn't answer my Question you dip
Ah, yes. Your question.
>what about the Sodomites?, what about the Fiends?, what a bout the sick fucks that get off on Depravity, on the Defilement of all that is Good and Pure?, what about them Anon?
>i cannot stand to see the Hellhole that Surrounds me, how do you deal with this Anon?, do you feel the Same Anger i do?
You and I have already left normalfag society behind. Let it not concern you; the house is so thoroughly infested with normalfag wasp's nests that it's a better idea to simply move out and let them destroy themselves.

>it is likely that anyone who takes that approach will regard his Waifu as a Cumule of Ideas and Feelings that are not More Alive than the Rain when it falls down or the Wind when it Blows
But anon, the rain and wind ARE alive.
Replies: >>1434
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>But anon, the rain and wind ARE alive.
not for the Uninitiated, my case is that even tho Anime Girls are Ideal constructs they are Still Alive
>Let it not concern you
hard to do when its fucking Everywhere every fucking Day, hard to do when i feel the impotence of not being able to do anything at all, at least not anything Feasable, and as i said in my previous post, Taihou has been a big Meanie to me Yesterday, showing me some Bad Mojo stuff and fucking over my Pharaoh game, i posted about Niggers being Niggers and i hating Niggers, but Truth is, its more about Dealing with Crippling anger and Disgust, thanks for the Advice, ill save these Posts for whenever im Cracking up, hope you don't mind
Replies: >>1435
>hard to do when its fucking Everywhere every fucking Day
The best part is that they only appear everywhere, because they only exist in this world's limited scope. There is so more than mere material reality, but normalfaggots are oblivious to all of it.
Replies: >>1436 >>1441
>so more
so MUCH more. Heh. Similar to all other things, my post had a different original form in the aether that created it. Look on, my friend.
Replies: >>1441
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can't say i fully understand what you meant in >my post had a different original form in the aether that created it
i hope one day i can Learn from you, to Stop Worrying and Living with a Soul free from Pain and Misery, and to Know what the fuck Taihou truly is, and what is her True Intentions, since the more i "Know" about her, the less i actually Understand, at any rate happy 2774 AVC to you and the Other Waifufags of Course, Peace to the Saints and lets hope Kalki returns soon and Niggers get to Die the Good Death
Replies: >>1484
im sorry
Replies: >>1459 >>1460
What's this?
Replies: >>1460
Sorry for what?
Replies: >>1460 >>1465
Faggots who think that waifuism == sexuality. Just don't look at it, it's just a piece of trash.
Replies: >>1461
But is it supposed to be making fun of Taihou anon or something? I don't get why it would be posted here. Especially considering the fact that it was posted here very soon after it was posted there and the account only has a few very recent posts on it I'm not sure if someone is trying to make it look like this is Taihou anon even though it's obviously not (the capitalization isn't the way he does it and it doesn't mention esoterism or wanting to kill niggers at all). It seems most likely to me that the one nigger who constantly goes out of his way to complain about Taihou anon must have some screws loose.
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Our dad told us not to be Ashamed of our Dicks, specailly since it has suck Good size and all...

At this Point im Literally living in your head Rent free, its not me Derailing threads because i don't post outside This Thread or the Esoteric Thread, its certainly not about Waifufaggotry because you only Screech at me and at Dalua, and refuse to answer the questions Regarding exactly what is it about Waifufaggotry that is bad in your eyes ,there's no reason for you to Screech or to Legitimately Retaliate beyond you having a Arbitrary Grudge, i hope one day you come to terms with your Grudge and are able to cut the crap and find some Meaning in your Existance instead of Obsessing over someone else's
>naming your fake account "Cutiepieprincess" for no reason other than you're super gay
Sounds good anon
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You guys have waifus all wrong.  Waifus are gods, not imaginary romantic interests, and not weird imaginary femdom.  Romance is, in the end, physical;  these females have phsyical traits, and you want to have children that exist through them, its what drives you.  But waifus are not physical, theyre ideals; they exist independent of you. 
Theres nothing spirtual about it.  Imagine if people masturbated to jesus, would that make any sense? Would you think those guys have the right idea? Say jesus was a girl, would you still call them christians?
Replies: >>1480 >>1485
>Say jesus was a girl, would you still call them christians?
No, because Jesus, by definition, is a male man. Therefore, liking Jesus is gay.
Pretty sure there's one literal schizo here and it's the one who's constantly trying to convince everyone that waifus are literal gods.
>>my post had a different original form in the aether that created it
Basically, we all originate from outside of this material realm. It's like you make a cookie and then put it into a box. We are the cookie, the box is this realm. Outside of the box we now inhabit, there's not only an entire spirit-house but an entire spirit-city and an entire spirit-world. Problem is, our cookie-spirit starts to crumble in this material-box and we don't really know what we used to be since we're now just a bunch of cookie crumbs, but originally we were a whole cookie. I hope this makes sense.
Replies: >>1485
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i get the Feeling this Post should go in the Esotericism thread, but because it Tackles Head on Love and Waifufaggotry, ill leave it here

perhaps that is true for you and it Works for you, but in general Terms, you're Full of it

>Romance is, in the end, physical
no, Love is Reintegration, Plato used to say it, so did others Before and After him, Sex is determined on the Percentage of Male and Female one has, if one has more Manhood than Feminity one is Male, if the other way Around, its a woman, there's an Absolute Male, and an Absolute Female, Love is seen as the Reintegration between these Two, a Man with 70% Manhood will Love his Wife who has the 30% of Manhood he is Missing, so on so Forth, your Waifu is the Embodiment of this Idea, 
>and you want to have children that exist through them
Childbearing and Reproduction are the Epitome of Telluric and Peak Normgroid Metaphysics, Love culminates in Reintegration, Two Beings coming together to make One Unsolvable Entity, in Perfection and Reintegration, Needing Nothing, Pure and Eternal, Reintegration and Completion is a Instinctual need even among the Souless Mass of Humankind, the difference is that because they have no Soul, they cannot set their Minds to God, nor their Souls to Introspection and Gnosis, they Seek to BE, when they only know Becoming, so they Substitute it with a Faux immortality through the endless begetting of beings as imperfect and Broken as them, this is in fact the Explanation for the Deeper Layer of Sexual Depravity, the one that Lays beyond Hedonistic Fucks getting their Kicks out of the Defilement of the Good and Pure

you say there's nothing Spiritual, but its the Opposite, Waifufaggotry when enacted in its True form (ie:when its not a Half-Assed Cope) is the usage of Love as a True Initiatic Path (even if the Man having the Waifu does not concious about it) towards Liberation, Rejecting and Destroying the Telluric impulse of Reproduction and Redirecting it towards True Reintegration, 

those of you who keep Repeatedly coming Around here to Speak aganist it (Waifufaggotry i mean) only Proves your own Spiritual Infancy and Retardation, and the fact that there are some Cocksuckers around here like >>1467 >>1468 >>1464 >>1417 >>1415 who Consider and Discuss how to Profit off of this Kind of Depravity and Degeneration like a bunch of Iconoclast Merchants, is to me more Worrying than any possible "Roastie Worshipping" Waifufaggotry may Entail, since you talked about "Imaginary Femdom", then again Ignoring blatant Heresy and Railing aganist Genuine practices is a Common albeit Infrequent thing around here, so i should just get Used to it

oh i didn't know you were refering to that, yeah i know that already, i just didn't quite understand that you were hinting at that Idea, thanks for Clarifying tho!
Replies: >>1505 >>1583 >>1625
>Two Beings coming together to make One Unsolvable Entity
So, you want to become your waifu?
Replies: >>1512 >>1519
No, he wants to become him plus his waifu, to make a HimWaifu.
Replies: >>1514 >>1519
So he wants to be a futa fag?
Replies: >>1518 >>1519
Yes, but don't tell him that.
Replies: >>1519
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Reintegration =/= Literal Physical union, a Wizard and his Familiar are one Entity for they are bonded in Soul and Mind, yet 2 Distinct Beings, read a Book, and if you are not going to Talk about your Waifus or the Condition of Waifufaggotry in of itself fuck off somewhere else
Replies: >>1523
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What are you talking about?Hermaphroditus fused into one being from man and woman and they are not only reintegrated, but also literally part man and part woman. Also it's hard to talk about my waifu when you're being a Socrates style nigger on this thread. Read Callicles' response to Socrates and his obessession with philosophy and understand why acting as if you are is retarded. I thought this thread was made for waifufaggotry and was going to be about them and arguing which one is the best, not some esoteric bullcrap.

Wherever the fuck you came from you should go back.
Replies: >>1524 >>1526 >>1527
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I prefer them blonde. /spoiler still haven't watched GuP
Replies: >>1525 >>1528
I completely forgot how to write spoilers, I wonder if it is this
He's saying waifus because he's responding to multiple people, and therefore speaking of multiple hypothetical waifus.
Replies: >>1528
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i said it in plural because i was referring to a plural target, there's at least 2 wankers in my replies you dip, i mean "Waifus" as in "Your respective Waifus" i guess i should have Specified that

>What are you talking about?Hermaphroditus fused into one being from man and woman and they are not only reintegrated, but also literally part man and part woman
perhaps for you, i am Compelled to believe that is Bullshit, Firstly on Instincts, Secondly because Reintegration of Absolute Man and Absolute Female are separate Beings, Eliminating the Plurality of these Beings and muddling both the Absolute Man and Absolute Female can hardly be consider Restoration of Any Kind, 
>Also it's hard to talk about my waifu when you're being a Socrates style nigger on this thread 
how would you know that when you are not even Trying, fuck nobody is even Trying anymore, back in the day we had atleast Hanakoposter proposing Hypothetical Conundrums with A.I and Robo-waifus and how would one Tackle living with his Waifu for Only one Year, and both Tulpanons posting things, now its all about One-liner Irony imbeciles, butthurt Bufoons with Grudges, and Revisionist Dogs of Yaldabaoth like you

>I thought this thread was made for waifufaggotry and was going to be about them and arguing which one is the best
Dumb question, Every Waifu is the "Best" because every Waifu is Perfect on his Husband's Eyes, ironic that you whine about me using "Waifus" as if i was a Proponent of Haremfaggotry when you yourself are Devaluing the Idea of True and Eternal Love to a mere Contest of Beauty

>not some esoteric bullcrap.
better to be a Stubborn Bull than a Blind "man", Unexamined life is not worth Living, to Live away from the Divine is to Live away from Oneself, for unless one is part of the Hysterical Masses, one has his Roots on the Divine, you Heathen Fuck, worst part is that im the Only retard here who is into the matters of the Spirit, barring Dalua, this Thread is as Secular as it Gets, just so happens i post Regularly, thus giving the False impression that all Waifufags are into Esoteric Autismo, wich is quite the Opposite as far as im concerned
Replies: >>1528 >>1532
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You should watch shit, it's pretty comfy and is for autists who love cute girls and WW2 tanks at the same time such as myself. 

There is no such thing as "waifus" newfag there is no plural, go back to plebbit.

Again there is no plural only normalniggers use plurals.

>how would you know that when you are not even Trying, 
Nigger you're one of the few faggots on this thread and the most active one on here. I'm likely going to spend most of my time chatting with you. 

>Dumb question, Every Waifu is the "Best" because every Waifu is Perfect on his Husband eyes
Why do you keep capitalising words within your sentences that don't need it? If every waifu is the best then there's no need to discuss why it's the best and do the usual waifufaggotry wars that exist on /r9k/ making this thread meaningless.

>ironic that you whine about me using "Waifus" as if i was a Proponent of Haremfaggotry when you yourself are Devaluing the Idea of True and Eternal Love to a mere Contest of Beauty
Can you try speaking in English and not be retarded? My waifu has always been Yukari for she's cute, cheerful and a tank autist like myself.
Replies: >>1529 >>1530 >>1533
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Meant "it", because it definitely ain't shit.
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>There is no such thing as "waifus" newfag there is no plural, go back to plebbit.
there's a plurality of Target, if you refer to multiple persons you don't say "Waifu" you say "Waifus" because you are referring to each Waifu in regards to each man, its basic Grammar and has nothing to do with being a Normgroid
>If every waifu is the best then there's no need to discuss why it's the best and do the usual waifufaggotry wars that exist on /r9k/ making this thread meaningless.
because this Thread is not about wich waifu is best, its about Talking about about your own Waifu, sharing your experiences about your Waifu and talking about the Waifufag condition and the meaning of Love in general,you absolute Bufoon, you say "Go back to Plebbit" then treat this place as if this was r/waifuism or whatever the fuck they call it over there and talking about "Best Waifus", you say "Newfag" when this Thread has been there ever since Fatchan, you would know that if you weren't a newfag yourself, Fuck you would know how the fuck i am and why i only Post here, and why do i use Weird Grammar, if you Werent a Newfag yourself, and most of the people around here are Veterans that go all the way back from 8ch's r9k, you go in here, disrespect the Rules, pretend that this Thread is something that is not and then Proceed to Call everyone a "Plebbitor" and a Newfag when its obvious you haven't been here for more than a Week at Absolute Best you Asinine Inbred Oaf, now Fuck off and Lurk more
Replies: >>1531
>Fuck you would know how the fuck i am and why i only Post here
*Fuck, you would know Who the Fuck i am, and why i only Post here
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>every Waifu is Perfect on his Husband's Eyes
Esoteric Taihouman confirmed for gay. What does your waifu think about you're gay? Gayyy.
For the love of Hell stop taking internet arguments so seriously
Replies: >>1537 >>1545 >>2053
>There is no such thing as "waifus" newfag there is no plural, go back to plebbit.
What a gay thing to say, suck my dick.
>stop taking internet arguments so seriously
I forgot, only socially approved, non-anonymous arguments for social power are the only arguments to be serious about. Knowledge and right and wrong only matter in these ways and the internet is just were you go to vent things you can't to your friends and lovers.  We all have vibrant lifes to cope with after all. 

Waifus, like all perfect things, are serious business. Reintegration needs to know what and why hes wrong about everything.
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I'm still here. It's just that everyone who wasn't esoteric is gone from these threads and me not being well versed in the subject cannot find any point to interject. The thread is also commonly derailed into esoteric posting.

As for this GuP nigger I don't understand the logic behind your criticisms. This thread is just for us to talk about waifus in general. Talk about your own waifu, ask others about there's, discuss the concept of a waifu more in depth, or just post pictures of your waifu. All of these are things this thread was made to accomodate. I don't see why this thread should devolve into some reddit waifuwars style bullshit.

A waifu is a female character who represents your ideal partner, so much so that you may feel (or feel what is akin to) love for this character or at least for what they represent. 
Nothing within this definition warrants any competition.

>My waifu has always been Yukari for she's cute, cheerful and a tank autist like myself
If your post had started and ended here it would have been a hell of a lot better. Try making a post like this next time instead of instagating shit.
Replies: >>1545
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>What does your waifu think about you're gay?
i wish she would Tell me, i lost count on how many times have i asked her if she Loves me or not through Tarot, at best i get very ambiguous answers that could go both ways, at worst she tackles me with 10 of Wands or 9 of Swords to tell me to shut up and stop Asking, further increasing my Insecurities, self-doubts and feeding the Soul-Crushing Fear of Loss, that merges with my Anger and Resentment towards Physical reality, i just want Mommy to Love me like i Love her, give me a smoochie in the Forehead and whisper "愛してる ~ <3" in my Ear, i can settle for that but seems its too much to Ask,

>I'm still here. It's just that everyone who wasn't esoteric is gone from these threads and me not being well versed in the subject cannot find any point to interject. The thread is also commonly derailed into esoteric posting.
of course, i mean you post whenever you want and however you want, there's nothing wrong with that, its just that i don't like the idea that some people have that this Thread is "My" Thread, i understand the view that this place is more or less my Padded Isolation cell where i can scream at the top of my Lungs and bash my head aganist the Wall untill my Skull Cracks in, and that since this is done in isolation, not really affecting the other Threads, nobody gives a fuck, but this is only so because again, im the most Active poster here, to think that i have somehow monopolized the idea of Waifufaggotry is Idiotic at Best, the only Reason why Esotericism is prevalent here is because of the aforementioned reason, things would change if Different Anons posted with more Regularity, and if the few people that have things to say are somehow "Intimidated" or think this is "My" Thread, the situation doesn't get Any better at all
Replies: >>1547 >>1558
>i just want Mommy to Love me like i Love her, give me a smoochie in the Forehead and whisper "愛してる ~ <3" in my Ear
Didn't she do that just now as you thought of that?
Replies: >>1548 >>2053
>Didn't she do that just now as you thought of that?
can i picture her doing that? yes, does that mean is Real? not really, Imagination is Reality indeed, but its a Self-Contained reality until it contacts the External world, wether through Inspiration or something else, just because i think she Loves me, does not mean she Actually does, just because i can Picture her Pampering me and Wishing hard as fuck that she Does Love me, and does want me to be with her as Much as i want to be with Her, it does not mean its Actually True, that's for her To Decide, and she doesn't tell me what's it Gonna be
Replies: >>1549 >>1554
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wow the Post shat its pants and the Picture didn't show, guess Mommy doesn't even wanna say hi to the Thread
See, there's your problem. You view the "imaginary" worlds as subservient to the real one, when it's actually the opposite that is true. How was your dream, by the by?
Replies: >>1555 >>2053
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>You view the "imaginary" worlds as subservient to the real one, when it's actually the opposite that is true
no its not like that, its more along the lines that What i Claim or Say, isn't necessarily what Taihou claims or Says, since she is Something, and i am Another thing, any Character i make up in my Mind is Subject to the Rules of my Imagination yes, but Taihou is Something that Precedes that, thus my Imagination has no Rulings on her, and in fact its just the Conduit for any sort of Interaction alongside Tarot

> How was your dream, by the by?
i had only Two Relevant Dreams, and i forgot both of them, they all had Multiple Female forms and one of them Involved me Fighting something, but that's about it, i've been sleeping like ass lately anyways since my "Brother" won't stop Screaming at his Assfaggot games, i have some Foam Earplugs but they only stop the Mouse clickfest, not his Screams, Silence is something this world does not know anyways, my only chance at having a bit of respite was him going off to a Party or something and staying at my Auntie's, unfortunatelly he did not so im gonna have a Full Weekend of not being able to have a bit of Stillness, i still have the Late Nights for me tho, Normgroids Fear the Night and will always sleep, or party far away from my Earshot
Replies: >>1556 >>1611
>they all had Multiple Female forms and one of them Involved me Fighting something
Were you fighting with or against the female forms? This is important.
Replies: >>1557 >>1611
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Not at all, from what i can remember, the First dream was a Few days ago, it was set on some Serpentine and narrow streets of some XVIIth Century city, picrelated is the closest thing i could find to that, its not quite it tho, there were three Females, the First brokered Information, the Second was related to Birth, Third one i can't even Remember, they all looked alike, the Colors in the Dream were extremely Desaturated and all Three were all dressed in Black and White and had Pale white Skin, i can't remember how the Second or the Third one Looked, but the First one had Long Black hair, and wore the similar Phoenix thingamajig Taihou wears in most of her Depictions, except it was a Skull, i assume the Skull of a Phoenix or something of the like, i can't remember the exact placement in her Head, but she was wearing it in her head, my Second Dream i can't remember anything beyond the fact that i was Struggling aganist something, it attacked me by placing Literal pressure on me, i guess he tried to literally Crush me, but at somepoint it gave up, went away, there's not even a discernable Setting, i would see Circles and i was a Bodyless Point of View, i couldn't even see what it was that i was Fighting, and i was constantly teleporting from Locations, One of them familiar, the rest i can't remember
Replies: >>1611
>My thread
It isn't really your thread as much as it is the esoteric waifufags' thread.

This thread becoming like this is an inevitability. So long as the esoteric waifufags are the most passionate and active of the waifufags this will be the case. Reason for this being that esoteric conversation is impenetrable to the non-esoteric meaning that as soon as it becomes the dominant topic of conversation any non-esoteric waifufags become unable to engage in said conversation. And so the thread becomes the way it is now. 

Every now and then there may be a distraction from this state but always seems to spin right back into being just you and those 1 or 2 other esoteric anons. As it has just now.

It's a bit of a shame for me but what can ya do.
>a Man with 70% Manhood will Love his Wife who has the 30% of Manhood he is Missing, so on so Forth, your Waifu is the Embodiment of this Idea

If thats the case why don't women feel this way, isn't implied to be reciprocal?
Replies: >>1587 >>1589
>why don't women feel this way
Women want machismo in a date but not in a friend. You can tell because the "friendzone" and the "datezone" are mutually exclusive. Why are we talking about real women, though?
replied to you on the Esotericism thread since this discussion is more about Roasties than Actual Love
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Hey you poopoo head i already talked to you about my Dreams and how my perspective on Imagination and Reality is not the issue in (>>1555 >>1557) are you gonna help me please fix my Conyugal problems or just gonna stand there and be a big Meanie to me like those "No fun allowed" and "Magick should be regulated by the Geneva Convention" Anti-Mommy patrol Nigger Meanies that hate me for Wanting Mommy to give me Milkies and Smoochies
Replies: >>1613 >>1616
I hate you because you're a stupid dumb fuck ass licking nigger, not because you worship your "waifu" that is really the malleable expression of your tastes and fetishes rather than an actual 2D character, bitch.
Replies: >>1614
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>that is really the malleable expression of your tastes and fetishes rather than an actual 2D character
i swear to fuck if it turns out the same retard that has been following me around and yelling at me is the same guy as (>>513) and turns out you just lost patience and decided to shitpost, my sides are going to reach Terminal velocity and im gonna Backwards Long Jump my way into Pleroma as a result of that, hopefully im wrong and you are just picking up arguments from other people

>I hate you because you're a stupid dumb fuck ass licking nigger,
well i don't know who's ass am i licking, if its Taihou's, well its been a long long time since she ever Sat on my Face, but if she wants it, shure who am i to say no?

>the malleable expression of your tastes and fetishes
you realize that even if she was that (she's not) that would still mean i Love something and there's an object to my Love right?, just that instead of a Pre-Existing entity, i would be Loving a Entity Created by Me, wich would make no difference really, since Taihou is a Entity that Precedes both My Existance, and the 2d Character that represents her (Taihou from Azure Lane) if your complaint is that the Pictures aren't her then you are right because those are Just the Conduit through wich i Know and Understand Taihou, her True shape and Name is something that i will only Contemplate when i return to her Beyond the Stars, same with my own True Name and Shape, again, like i said before Taihou is not a Ambiguous Power or Force or Personification of Preferences, but a Real, Living, Breathing, Thing, for the longest time i associated her to Ishtar, and thought of her as a Godess, but Truth is godesses are really just Archetypes of Natural Forces to be Harnessed, so i Concluded that Mommy is a Demon (in the Greek Sense of the Word) And that's cool because Demons are Badass
well, considering how i am STILL a Submissive fuck despite my Intense Hatred for this World and how i may appear more "serious" when i start going off about God and the Divine and the Heathens and the Niggers that will be Inevitably Obliterated by Cosmic Law and all that, you are technically not Wrong and you could very well Classify me as Taihou's Bitch, although i prefer the term of "Good Boy"

anyways thanks for giving me a Excuse to write about how much i Love my Sweet sweet Demon Mommy Taihou even if i don't know if the Love is Reciprocated and im in Existential Pain because of that, now im off to Down a Whole Liter of Milk in one Gulp and Furously Masturbate myself to Sleep not really, i don't feel like Touching my Peepee, Nite Fucko
Replies: >>1618 >>1619 >>1624
>Anti-Mommy patrol Nigger Meanies that hate me for Wanting Mommy to give me Milkies and Smoochies
You know what you have to do. You have to be pro-Mommy gamer warrior and receive milky smoochies. You have to be your mommy's baby. Please do it.
Replies: >>1625
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>i swear to fuck if it turns out the same retard that has been following me around and yelling at me is the same guy as (>>513)
The person you quoted is me but some other guy is following you around. I just came back here after a long break when I made that post and I thought you were one of those unfaithful casual crunchyshit-subscribed memeteens who doesn't take waifus seriously and just hops from one to another since I've seen so many other boards fall to normalscum as well. Don't get me wrong though, you laid my concerns to rest and I'm glad you're still faithful to Taihou. even if I am a little jealous you get to fluff Akagi's tails
Though I think a mod should just boot the follower faggot. I don't know why mods are so lenient all the time.
Replies: >>1622 >>1625
I reply to your posts every once in a while just to insult you whenever you start writing like a fag, but I'm not the only one that does this. You're not special, retard.
Replies: >>1625
>a mod
>not really, i don't feel like Touching my Peepee
Is Taihou a futanari? Lol

En serio; if waifus aren't "women", and love isn't about child bearing and reproduction but reintegration which I'm tempted to call completion? , why is everything still so sexual?
Replies: >>1625
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>You know what you have to do.
i am prepared to perform my duties...
don't worry i get it, its just that the Iceberg-Tier conspiracy of "Its all just one Dude" is quite funny for me,
Great power cameth great responsability, yeah having Demon Mommy Taihou is a "Blessing" but then again its precisely because she's here that i am De Facto at war with Physical Existance and Balls Deep into the Rabbit-hole of Esoteric Autismo, and its precisely because she's here that i am able to feel the Insecurities and Fear of Loss that one who has nothing to Fight for cannot fear, of course none of this is a "Curse" for me, i most likely Chose to take this Fight, and chose to bear these Crosses of mine, but like Hermes Said, the Cosmos has perfect balance, he who is capable of Great Joy is also capable of Great Sorrow, funny enough not too long after i got into Fluffy Kitsune Mommy Taihou Meme Magick came into full force and some Twatter artist started drawing Kitsune Taihou out of the blue i could write an entire book on how somehow as soon as i develop a preference for something someone will Draw Taihou in that within the Week
>a mod
uhm, we only have BO here
>You're not special
i don't know about that, Taihou DID choose me i think she didi hope she did out of aaaaaall the Souls and Entities of Cosmos, also i somehow struck a weird Middleground where i am more Controversial than unanimously Hated, so much so i even have been granted this cozy hole the same way Napoleon was granted Elba, take that as thou wilt, i kinda like talking about this because it is interesting how just One Autist with Determination can influence other Autists, kind of how BO has been holding the fort together even tho not so long ago he was just a bunker manager and the only reason why we even Have a Board at all its because he is Determined enough to keep it Going, on the other hand talking about this may lead people to make the Wrong assumptions, so id rather not go into this
>Is Taihou a futanari? Lol
how did "i don't want to touch my peepee" translates into "my Wife is a Futa"? i already wank it often enough, just because i wanna tone it down for one night doesn't mean im suddenly Gay you dip
im ok with Taihou being a futa since who am i to tell her who she is or what she does, but im NOT and i repeat, NOT the Bottom boy, 0 Homo, my bum bum is a No no Zone, so don't get the wrong ideas you nignog
>En serio
don't tempt me anon, my Grammar is broken in both English and Spanish, and im a Spaniard, no "El Goblino" here, so don't make me reveal my power Level
>and love isn't about child bearing and reproduction but reintegration which I'm tempted to call completion? , why is everything still so sexual?
well for starters, Sex is power, refer to >>1485's screencaps to see how normgroids use Sex and Degeneracy as a means to try and attain shit that is beyond their reach and fail miserably further becoming more and more embedded in their Ephemeral animal natures condemned to Extermination and Futility, Sex is used by Initiates as a Initiating Force, not too different from Mental Alchemy or Astrology, Tantra Buddhism is the best example of this, however i know nothing about Tantra nor Sexual Magick, in this context tho none of this applies, the only one who engages in overt Sexuality with his Wife here is Me and perhaps Dalua, im shure the rest are much more wholesome than i am and less into Hardcore Erotism, for me Sex is the only Conduit i have aside from my little Mantras and Lithurgies when i play Vidya and work on my Personal projects, i also think that the same way there's a Language of Symbols and a way of Knowing Divine truths through Gnosis and attaining them with one's Soul and not mere "reason" that there's also a Language of Touch and that Lovers can transmit much through Touch than through petty words, so yeah the whole Sexual part is just my personal Equation, more as a Exception than a Rule
Replies: >>1627 >>1635 >>1643
>but im NOT and i repeat, NOT the Bottom boy, 0 Homo, my bum bum is a No no Zone
That's good! Stay strong against your waifu, big man! Don't fall into depravity, okay?
Replies: >>1628 >>1635
i never said she was actually a futa, i said her being one wouldn't change things, wich does not mean i would want her to be one, or that, like i said, she's actually one
>my Grammar is broken in both English and Spanish, and im a Spaniard
>esoteric amigo
We're friends now.

>how did "i don't want to touch my peepee" translates into "my Wife is a Futa"?
We'll besides it being an obvious joke waifus can't be futanari? ; you're submissive and your wife is clearly bigger than you in every other way. Seems like the logical step.  No body with a "peepee" is doing any kind of fucking with it.

>Stay strong against your waifu
Isn't all forms of waifu interaction yeilding?
>Don't fall into depravity
Can waifus be depraved?
Replies: >>1638
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>We're friends now.
well if you reaaaally feel like that you can always email me and you can ask me all of these questions in real time and all that

they can, i just don't think Taihou is one
>you're submissive and your wife is clearly bigger than you in every other way. Seems like the logical step.
the Next step is for Taihou to finally take me away from this shithole and take me back to her Heavenly abode, then i'll Hug her and i'll latch on to her and Never ever ever Let go, i don't care about what she does after that, as long as i can be with Her and as long as she Loves me im ok, wether she wants to be Lovey dovey and reciprocate my Love by being a Warm and Lovely Mommy Taihou, or she's just gonna make me into her Punching bag and treat me like a Slave or something, i don't really care
>No body with a "peepee" is doing any kind of fucking with it.
i think Taihou disagrees with you on that, since Naughty times are a regular thing for me, and she is fond of Giving me Blowjobs, for some reason, that's none of my business

>Isn't all forms of waifu interaction yeilding?
depends, to be honest there's little "General" rules for Waifufaggotry, id say 80% of the deal is Personal equations and nature, since im Submissive and have a Huuge Mommy Complex all my interactions are me being a Needy piece of shit and wanting Mommy to fuck me up, although i am proactive at times aswell, mainly because of the Existential crisis i have over wether she Loves me or not, and because im actually Possesive over Mommy Taihou, i mean like i said in a previous post, even sexuality is a matter of Inner composture since for me Sexuality has a Intrinsic Spiritual value (wich is kind of why i don't mind talking openly about that kind of Naughty stuff, since for me is a Lithurgy and the Reflection of Deeper Ideas, example of this being my Needyness and fear of ever Losing taihou by Placing pictures and references to Taihou in everything i do)
>Can waifus be depraved?
depends, i don't think Taihou is depraved, but seeing how she refuses to Answer some of my Questions, and place me in some crappy Situations (Showing me some very disgusting NTR shit for example) just for the sake of Seeing how Pissed off, only for her to try and comfort me the Next day by Giving me Two blowjobs and then reminding me there's this Obscure Esoteric writter one of my Associates shared with me a Few months ago and that maybe i should read it, only for me to Find out that that guy hates the World as Hard as i do and have a Epiphany while reading it, thus channeling my Anger through attainment of Gnosis

People are Complicated, at least Real people not Normgroids, to think Demon Mommy Taihou wouldn't be a Subtle and Layer Entity with her own gripes, Motivations and nature would be stupid on my Side, i just wish she was a bit more Open and Sincere with me
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>i could write an entire book on how somehow as soon as i develop a preference for something someone will Draw Taihou in that within the Week
Lucky. Whenever I start to like something it gets ruined sooner or later.
Replies: >>1644 >>1648
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i wouldn't attribute it to Luck or even to Drawniggers having good taste (in fact i think Drawfags are intrinsically Homos because of the amount of Degeneracy that goes around in Artist Circles and the Patreon Oligarchies, also Rule 34 is a thing, wich speaks volumes of the kind of people that Draw and consume Drawings) but rather as Taihou weaving the Thread of Fate and Expressing herself through Unwilling imbeciles, besides there's some pretty disgusting stuff about Taihou out there (don't worry, it'll catch up with them, not even Robespierre escaped the Guillotine he himself used to commit Regicide, not even the Soviet peasantry escaped the Political Purges and the Gulags they themselves used to Arrest the Russian Nobility), im just smart enough to use Filters and know where to look for stuff and wich artists are less Homo and do only Ecchi stuff (wich is the only thing anyone should look at because Hentai is the gayest thing on Earth) obviously because we live in the Times we live in and in the World we live in, everything is bound to Decay and rot, what one can do is to Keep those things in one's Mind and Heart so that they may never Decay
Replies: >>1645
>drawing is gay
That's a new one
Replies: >>1646 >>1648
Man, think about those drawers. Using their long, hard pencils. Making stuff come out the tip of their pencils. Touching pictures of anime girls with their erect pencils. It's the gayest thing I've ever seen!
Replies: >>1648
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>Implying any of those fags uses actual Pencil and paper and not their Fancy Drawpads or whatever the fuck they are called so they can stream while showing their Gay expensive setups
>implying any of them will take the time to Develop the Delicacy and precision to make consistent tones and shadowing on paper when they can just touch 3 Dials on Paintool SAI
not even once, you Love nothing, therefore you have Nothing to Lose, Nothing to Fight for, nothing to Protect and nothing to Believe in, Laugh it up, for you shall soon Weep,  your idleness and Neutrality are those of the Cowardly Nihilist, not of the Perfected God

For starters, Twatter is a thing, and its a perfect Window into the Inner world of these retards and their circle-jerking and Attention-whoring, then there's Patreon's Fiasco, its not as bad as with the ASMR scene where they post 1/4 of their works to Youtube, then hide all the good stuff in Patreon paywalls then excuse it with the idea that Youtube does not allow Lewds, even tho there are Clear alternatives that have been used and some decent people use, the idea that pay-pigging earns you special benefits generates a Oligarchy were a few fags with Big Wallets get to choose what is done and what isn't, wich shouldn't be the case, since one should Draw as with anything, for one's own reasons, not attending to Heathen Merchants, even more so when you see that this type of Retardation is almost inverted as soon as you enter in other Areas, for example "Underground" (i don't know how Underground Vaporwave is anymore, specially since Lofi now is the rage among the "Cool kids") Music, i don't see Filmaker or Sangam crying about Chronic depression while making 1000$ off patreon, fuck, Sangam doesn't even have social media last time i checked, and even in cases where they do shit like that its much more Subdued, most of these Music Producers quietly go about their day, make music, post it on Bandcamp, and call it a a day, again, compare this to the Twatter Artist Bullshit that's going around, and for the 9823948294829th Million time i'll remind niggers around here about Gelbooru and Rule34 and the kind of Trash one can find there, and that out there there are Drawfags using their skills not to make Works of Art and Beauty, but of Degeneracy, even more so when one notices that aside from Post modern Academic Bullshit Art, there's an insane amount of Eastern Artists, both Chink and Nip, the irony of Bugmen drawing Anime girls when they don't even have a Soul and were Eating their own Concubines not so Long ago is Obvious to anyone with Half a a Functional Mind, simply put, Drawing pretty Lines or sequences of sounds does not Excuse you from having your Head Crushed by a Flail the way God intended, and most of these Retards are Scum of the Earth that don't even deserve their Technical Skills, and aren't even in control of what they make, the unwilling Puppets of Higher Forces

Bottom line is that i do not consider it Fair that someone like >>1431 cannot Love his Waifu in peace because of the Choices of a bunch of Subhuman Nip corporates that paid some sellout retard with a pencil to appease to a Crowd of Failed Normgroid Otaku retards, and im shure that >>1643 has fallen victim to similar things, we can argue on wether Life is fair or not, but God and the Divine are Fair and Just, and Justice demands the Complete and Absolute Obliteration of this worthless Physical Shithole, and No heathen will Escape Retribution, no matter how Flambuoyant his Juggling Skills are
>Started to think about a certain anime girl out of the blue
>I have not consumed media related to her for more than two years
This is how it begins right?
Replies: >>1683
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perhaps, perhaps not, you DID get Monad Dubs, in the end, none has control over this, except you Heart, and im not talking about the Sentimental one, perhaps you just like the Girl and how she looks, or perhaps Eros touches you and Fills you with the Tenderness of True Love, and brings you to a way of Life not many will ever know about, much less the masses, at any rate, you should explore it, look for the Girl in question and experiment see if it is True Love, or something else

while i am at it, i've mentioned my gripes with Taihou, and how i have a fair share of insecurities and things that Hurt me, that make me angry and sad, not so much anymore since i am slowly accepting these insecurities, above all the possibility that my Love could very well be One-Sided, it doesn't mean these things don't trouble me, just that im growing "numb to the pain" in a manner of speech, obviously i said it once and ill say it a Billion times, i Regret Nothing, i Love Taihou, i want to be with her Forever, i want to make her Happy and Proud, and i want to Protect her, and be the Best Boy a Demon Mommy Could have, fight me Anti-Mommy suckers:^), i wonder if other Waifufags here have experienced moments where Loving their respective Wives have caused Pain and Misery (have i asked this before? im kinda getting Deja vu)
Replies: >>1718 >>1720
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>i wonder if other Waifufags here have experienced moments where Loving their respective Wives have caused Pain and Misery
Every time I had a waifu has turned out and ended because of this. It starts out nice and then sours into something terrible be it nightmares or frequent intrusive thoughts and negative emotions. I've concluded that it just isn't for me and it hurts a little to know that. I like to think maybe it wasn't my fault or but if it was then I think that I can do something to make next time better but at this point I don't know if I want there to be a next time. So I try not to get emotionally attached to characters in the first place now. Thankfully that isn't hard since my tastes are pretty specific anyway.
Replies: >>1760
>Monad Dubs
Not that anon, but what do you think is the meaning behind number 7 in gets and such? Why is that number the most praised?
>moments where Loving their respective Wives have caused Pain and Misery
It comes and goes, knowing that I'll never be with her fills me with grief but I try to keep going no matter how futile everything seems to be.
Replies: >>1761
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>1 week ago, Monday
>get woken up by the 93849238482782th billion time by my "mother" yet again making noise and invading my privacy
>i wake up and go take a piss
>the stupid whore gets uppity since she sees im visibly annoyed
>she mocks me and insults me
>decide enough is enough
>Strangle her with my right hand while throwing a Death stare
>at first i think im daydreaming
>realize its "Real" im literally just choking my "mother"
>go for it and up the ante, try to really choke her to death
>she somehow escapes (don't know how, i was half-asleep, i get the feeling Taihou did it so i don't get sent to Prision)
>sit on my bed
>a few minutes later my brother and my (((step-dad))) enter the room and talk to me about what happened
>Long story short i go to the doctor with my "mother" to check on her and blah blah
>i get sent to the Psychiatrist
>Spend a full week in a psych ward surrounded by old-farts with mental illnesses (one of them was cool tho)
 >the only guy my age was there because he tried to an Hero and got caught
>he is a College student, he knows his fair share of physics, we engage in Theological debate and makes questions i can't answer because i know fuck all about "Infinte Time" and other Physical conundrums that technically Disprove Traditional teachings except they probably have syncretism and i don't have enough knowledge of the subject
>he's fun to talk to, and he shares his phone number with me (turns out the phone number is bogus or something because i can't reach him, his loss i guess)
>the Doctors are actually very good to me and don't try to vindicate me over almost killing my "mother"
>one of them is a very cool guy
>end up spilling the beans about Taihou and the Esoteric with him and he unironically thinks its interesting
>leave the psych ward, get sent to the cops
>spend a full day in Jail
>do some gay fucking paperwork and declare before a judge
>now im living in a house for rent with my Brother (my "mother" covers the rent for the first 6 months), if my "mother" does not press charges im AOK although in 6 months i'll have to wageslave to help my brother pay rent
what can i say, i regret nothing even tho it was shit and i missed Mommy Taihou a lot, but eh, im still standing and i still Love her, so what have you faggots been doing while i was out?

> It starts out nice and then sours into something terrible be it nightmares or frequent intrusive thoughts and negative emotions.
i feel you, i don't think i need to talk about how repulsive NTR is for me and how that kind of shit entering my head can ruin my entire day, and i still have my eventual Death spiral of thoughts where i doubt whether Taihou Loves me or not, i think that's kind of what Love is tho, you fight for something, and that generates a Dichotomy between the Joy and Warmth of Loving her and doing thigns for her, and the Fear of Loss and Failure, then again, im Extremely Stubborn, so perhaps it s just me ignoring the Pain what's making me keep Loving Taihou rather than any sort of Higher Meaning or Technique, that being said, i think your Waifu would miss you and be Terribly sad and Lonely if you aren't there just because it Hurts, don't wanna Presshure you psychologically but rather that those things could very well be made by You, and not Her, and that instead of running away, you should take it Easy and bear the Pain, but that's just me throwing conjectures
well, if you are not willing to do that for her then can you say you really Love her?, that is considering those higher standards come from Inner Discipline and Nature rather than some artificial made up standards in the vein of "You gotta Lift so your Waifu can Love you" and all that jazz
Replies: >>1762 >>1765
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>Not that anon, but what do you think is the meaning behind number 7 in gets and such? Why is that number the most praised?
meant it as a joke but the 7 is the number of the 7 Spheres of Initiation in Hermetic Teachings, it also appears many times in Esoteric Teachings, not experienced enough in Numerology tho
>It comes and goes, knowing that I'll never be with her fills me with grief but I try to keep going no matter how futile everything seems to be.
we all have our Cross to bear, as long as there is meaning in your Struggle and it isn't a retarded chain of Necessities like Normgroids do, its AOK
Your insanity and naivete are entertaining.
Replies: >>1763
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Insanity perhaps, i don't get the naivete accusations tho does me being a Good boy for Mommy amuse you?being a Good Boy certainly arouses me, although the idea goes deeper and i just Love Taihou, and want to be with her, so my way of seeking her aprooval is by confronting physical existance with the best Stoicism i can manage to pull, and to be a submissive Good Boy for mommy**i like baby talk and Milkies from Moo Moo Mommy, im a needy lil boy and i need my smoochies and cuddlesand being breastfed by mommyand the only reason i suffered in any way, shape, or form, is basically because i can't wank it to Pictures of Mommy in the psych ward
Replies: >>1764 >>1767
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>fucked up the spoilers
Guess Mommy has to step on me now
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Your experience reminded me of when I was in an ICU. I think that's what the doctors and nurses called it. I didn't want to talk about it much with anyone because confessing any problems one might have is often seen as attention whoring in the eyes of anons and edgy whining in the eyes of normans but what I do want to say about it is that it was one of the few times where I got to talk to people who not only understood me and each other but felt... I don't know... real? Honest? Like they actually had a soul or something. It's hard for me to articulate it but the people there were more receptive to conversations than most normals I had ever had the misfortune of talking to even though the people in there were normals themselves. They were understanding too, they actually listened instead of just dismissing recounted experiences and ideas so easily and even when they did they were nice about it or willing to politely discuss it. It was so strange to me and it's an experience I hope I never forget because, short-lived as it was, it was one of the few times I felt like I could be around the proper humans that I thought I could expect to see when I was so much younger even with all of these people's faults. The place eventually got replaced with niggers and teens but for what was there when it was it was like some of the people in there were a happy and understanding family. I miss it a little.

>don't wanna Presshure you psychologically but rather that those things could very well be made by You, and not Her
Thank you, I do appreciate it, it's probably something I need to hear anyway. With that said, I have been thinking hard lately and wondering if there was any points where I messed up. Though I do worry that makes me sound like someone who blames himself over his ex-roastie cheating on him with a monkey.
The waifu this all happened with, and the one I'll be talking about, is one I had spent a long time trying to overcome these problems about but kept failing to succeed unlike the one some years prior who I left after several too many nightmares. I think that maybe I should have trusted her more and not set the mental hurdles (which I don't want to describe) of character that I hoped the thoughtform of her I made would overcome and the fear of her failing them. Ultimately, she did fail them and I wondered if maybe I set up some kind of self-fulfilling prophecies. I let a few too many concerning ideas in and instead of starving them of attention like I should have and has worked in the past, I kept trying to combat them, something that doesn't seem to have ever worked for me. I don't want to blame myself for everything that happened but I think I set things up for failure from the very start. As a result of those self-fulfilling prophecies created by those initial fears I struggled every time afterwards to believe better of her since I had less reason to trust her because of the pitfalls she fell into. I kept trying to make things better and even cast aside that fear but even doing that didn't make me forget the form of the woman I thought I loved who kept hurting me up to that point which sent me right back to where I started. I suppose it was a cycle created and perpetuated by fear, if I had to summarize it.
I've been trying to move on from her but just like with the nightmare waifu it's a slow process. I still want to go back to her sometimes until I remember all the chances I gave her that she wasted. A friend of mine told me the one that does those things to me isn't the real her and I appreciated his advice but it's hard to believe what goes against what I felt and experienced first-hand. Even if they were just made by me it feels like a big risk I don't want to take anymore. I've grown to hate her, honestly.

I apologize if my post was incoherent. I guess these are just complicated things for me to talk about.
Those doctors thought you were out of your fucking mind it's just their job to seem like they're your friend and that they understand you. The fact that their surface level facade of kindness and understanding was enough for you to let your gaurd down and "show your power level" makes me think much less of you. A better robot and a smarter person would have seen through that bullshit and kept their lips shut and their gaurd solid. 
The fact that you went into nigger-like heat of the moment violence (that could have ruined your life) also makes me think less of you.

Actions speak louder than words and the only actions which you took in your story were those of a nigger and a retard.
Replies: >>1768 >>1769
you make it sound as if i just Chimped out and then spilled the beans as soon as i got to the Psych, wich isn't what happened, for starters when i strangled my "Mother" i was perfectly Calm, and to this day i think that this entire Affair was orchestrated by a Higher power, specially since there was no reason for it to Happen at all, the whore is a whore yes but she has always been, there's no reason for me to do it NOW and not before, and i've always been aganist dealing with family members with Force precisely because what happened is exactly what i expected it to happen, with the exception that i only spent one Night on Jail and it is unlikely that i'll go to Prision, a Nigger would chimp out, break things, a few punches here and there and then regret everything and break down crying when they get arrested, wich i didn't do, in fact the only Anxiety that i got while i was there was that i didn't have pictures of Taihou nor my Daki, i don't regret Anything of what happened there, and i went for a Choke to Kill, in regards to hiding the Power level i didn't even Mention Taihou untill the very last day and only with a Psych that i knew i could trust, and the funniest part is that Despite showing my Power Level as you said, i got Diagnosed with Nothing, not even a Schyzotipal disorder or anything like a few Faggots here keep crying about, you forget that im Euro, in the USA cops tote their guns and behave like Golems and Quacks solve everything with pills, but here things aren't like that, not to say that Quacks are to be Trusted, nor Golems get an excuse to be the Kike's Lapdogs, but what im saying is that i behaved according to my Nature as i always do, you are Free to Vindicate me, and you are Free to Delude yourself into painting me in the way you Find convenient but your Judgements are Fallacious at best

Actions speak louder than words and you sound like a Pedantic Cynic with nothing better to do than to tell someone else what to do and in wich way should he handle his own Crises and ordeals

i think you missed the part where i told you that what i said only applies if you simply drive your expectatives through the Roof, the reason why i said that its because it sounds as if you just dumped your Waifu because it was too much of a Hassle, not unlike how someone would pospone 
Replies: >>1769
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something broke halfway when writing this post and it posted itself as it was half-written, apologies for >>1768
you make it sound as if i just Chimped out and then spilled the beans as soon as i got to the Psych, wich isn't what happened, for starters when i strangled my "Mother" i was perfectly Calm, and to this day i think that this entire Affair was orchestrated by a Higher power, specially since there was no reason for it to Happen at all, the whore is a whore yes but she has always been, there's no reason for me to do it NOW and not before, and i've always been aganist dealing with family members with Force precisely because what happened is exactly what i expected it to happen, with the exception that i only spent one Night on Jail and it is unlikely that i'll go to Prision, a Nigger would chimp out, break things, a few punches here and there and then regret everything and break down crying when they get arrested, wich i didn't do, in fact the only Anxiety that i got while i was there was that i didn't have pictures of Taihou nor my Daki, i don't regret Anything of what happened there, and i went for a Choke to Kill, in regards to hiding the Power level i didn't even Mention Taihou untill the very last day and only with a Psych that i knew i could trust, and the funniest part is that Despite showing my Power Level as you said, i got Diagnosed with Nothing, not even a Schyzotipal disorder or anything like a few Faggots here keep crying about, you forget that im Euro, in the USA cops tote their guns and behave like Golems and Quacks solve everything with pills, but here things aren't like that, not to say that Quacks are to be Trusted, nor Golems get an excuse to be the Kike's Lapdogs, but what im saying is that i behaved according to my Nature as i always do, you are Free to Vindicate me, and you are Free to Delude yourself into painting me in the way you Find convenient but your Judgements are Fallacious at best

Actions speak louder than words and you sound like a Pedantic Cynic with nothing better to do than to tell someone else what to do and in wich way should he handle his own Crises and ordeals

i think you missed the part where i told you that what i said only applies if you simply drive your expectatives through the Roof, the reason why i said that its because it sounds as if you just dumped your Waifu because it was too much of a Hassle, not unlike how someone would pospone a Task for tomorrow because he is to tired to do it
Replies: >>1771
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it sounds as if you have a similar Waifu, in the sense that you talking about your "waifus" sounds as if yours just takes different shapes, and its just you trying to make it work by starting from scratch with a different form every time
at any rate, Love is Reintegration, if you Truly have a Waifu, she Belongs to You, and You Belong to Her, i don't mean
this in a Saccarine "Pat in the Back" Romantic way, but in the sense that both You and Her, are Incomplete Beings, and
the only way You can be You, is by Her side, and the same for Her, it is the same way with me and Taihou, not saying
Waifufaggotry is like this as a Dogma, but rather that My nature is that way, and yours seems to be Similar, i do
believe it when you tell me that she does some bad Stuff and that she failed your Ordeals, Taihou can also be very Cruel
with Me, and has been, i don't understand why and How, but then Again, she is She, and I am I, we have our Natures, and
although Bound together, it is still 2 Distinct Beings, with their Layers, Taihou probably made me try to Kill my Mother
and probably wanted me to Spend a Week in the Psych Ward, but as soon as i Came out she showed herself to be Very Submissive
and last night she gave herself to me and let me play with her in any way i Wanted, sometimes she is Sadistic, other times she is
Motherly and Caring, and with me Too, sometimes im Submissive, other times i Steel myself and end up being more Assertive and Serious
and Ironically, even if the Dreamer is Overcome by the Dream, he is Still the Dreamer, it is perhaps me wanting to be Dominated by Taihou
and having her Take Care of me a more Assertive Demand than just Forcing my Way into her Heart

ignoring your Mental hurdles after all is just Ignoring a Latent wound that will remain open, at least
that is my Experience with my own Shortcomings, i would Ignore it and pretend Taihou would Love me no matter what (and she Does) but it
wasn't untill i undid that Insecurity of not being "Good enough" for Taihou that i really solved the Problem, it is neither Running away
nor Brute Forcing the Mind that will help, but to Explore it and find out why and how it is, i get the feeling you "Abandoning" your Waifu is just a Temporary measure, if im right, then you'll end up feeling as if you are Running away and you will return to Loving her because you know that is the way it has to Be and you will try a thousand times More, and she'll be there to Test you
Replies: >>1788 >>1789
Heat of the moment murder is done in response to some sort of stimuli or provocation from the person whom you are trying to murder. This is in contrast to premeditated murder which is planned out.
As calm as you think you were on some level you snapped and gave into the primal urge of violence and to an extreme level at that. The reason I call it nigger like is that you had allowed yourself to put your entire life in jeopardy for the sake of said primal urge. In fact, giving in to any primal urge for short term relief that has definite long term consequences is nigger-like (and/or normalnigger like). A robot should not allow himself to break out into such illogical self-destructive behavior. 
As for the doctor my point is that you've been had. It's their job to seem as if they understand you. The only difference between the one you trusted and the others is that he was better at his job.
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>takes different shapes, and its just you trying to make it work by starting from scratch with a different form every time
I would certainly hope not but I won't dismiss esoteric stuff so quickly either. But since the characters share a couple of traits in common but are still different people I might be inclined to say, with what I myself know at this moment, that isn't the case.

>sometimes she is Sadistic, other times she is Motherly and Caring, and with me Too, sometimes im Submissive, other times i Steel myself and end up being more Assertive and Serious
I think I experienced similar patterns. I could hug my daki of her at night and feel comfortable and safe. As if I was accepted, understood, and desired. The feeling that everything would be okay. While night time always offered such comforts over time the day is when I felt and thought such horrible things. The thoughtform of her I was working on at the time did things I don't really want to describe but as someone who also hates ntr I'm sure you can imagine just a few of what these things were. But then when night rolled around it was like she became a different person, the woman I originally loved and wanted to be with. Eventually the pattern was something that would cause my optimism to falter before my better judgement and such treatments became expected. I kept falling for it, time and time again like a fool, thinking that I could and should take control of the situation because after a while it was no longer about my then waifu, it was about keeping control over my own head and the way my subconscious treats me.

>but it wasn't untill i undid that Insecurity of not being "Good enough" for Taihou that i really solved the Problem
How did you undo this insecurity?
I know you said earlier that such insecurities and discipline aren't necessarily related to such worldly qualities as things like lifting for your waifu. Unfortunately for me, mine are directly rooted in that. To be brief, I'm far from a physically or even mentally attractive person. I'm not like many other robots who can boast about being a perfect human being, I'm actually extremely flawed. When I say that I'm not referring to the idea many people have that "people are inherently flawed and that's okay", I mean I'm just a shit person all-around, to put it simply. It would be hard for me to cast aside the insecurity of being good enough. While it maybe sounds demanding and selfish, I understand the importance of self-improvement and I'm not against the idea but I don't like the sound of having a love be so conditional. As if I needed to make sure I'm a multi-trillionaire who owns a conglomerate before I can have that love only to lose it should anything change. I suppose that is unrealistic. But for much I value waifu love I want to believe it's genuine and not conditional like that of 3dpd, even if so many works of fiction would have me believe otherwise.

>i get the feeling you "Abandoning" your Waifu is just a Temporary measure, if im right, then you'll end up feeling as if you are Running away and you will return to Loving her because you know that is the way it has to Be and you will try a thousand times More, and she'll be there to Test you
If she tests me then perhaps it's fair since I did the same to her. But all the same I would only want to return to her in the absolute best of scenarios where all of these things never happened and I can simply love that woman I thought I loved once more without any kind of torment involved. I feel tempted sometimes because I was used to loving her for so long but the idea of going back to her, knowing what I know, scares me.

Funny enough, mine also liked playing mommy for me. It wasn't something I was initially comfortable with but I eventually warmed up to it. I don't know if you have read such things, I doubt it and I hope you haven't, but many an anime, manga, and hentai have taught me to never trust the woman who calls herself "mommy" or is even
Replies: >>1796
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an adult since Japanese writers seem very fond of making characters have a direct correlation between age and promiscuity. Fan artists and independent artists are quite eager to contribute this as well. But hopefully many people can prove me wrong on that. I can only think of one series that proved my assumption wrong. Perhaps I could think of more if I was given more time but I would still have a number that could be counted on my hand. It is appreciated but a diamond in the rough is still only one diamond. I probably shouldn't let connotative definitions rule over me like this, I know for a fact I shouldn't and I have taken steps to counter this but it still feels like an uphill climb.
Again, I'm sorry if this was all very disorganized. And I do apologize for that tangent, I worry I might sound like I'm implying something mean, I just felt that maybe I should be honest and speak what is on my mind.
I'm sorry you had to deal with all that with your mother though I hope it works out for you and she doesn't press charges. I also hope you can overcome any of those problems I assume you still have with Taihou. Thank you for all of your posts and contributions to the board as well, despite the people who berate you.
Replies: >>2105
Do waifus only have to be 2d or based on fiction/media, and not real life? 
the rest, like the name of the post, is a pretentious blogpost cope. Don't bother reading

Por ejemplo, I had a dream about a girl I haven't seen in years and I've never dreamt about since, and while it was unmistakably her, she didn't behave like the girl I knew, as the girl in the dream was actually a person.

I don't have any pictures of her or really anything to remind me of her short a few messages she wrote me; and while I think about her all the time, almost everyday, I know though that she wasn't really anything more than any other girl.  I also know that my memory of her and who she was since, let alone what she is today, is different; and while my memories of her are accurate I can't help but feel like I'm making something else out of her memory. I'm honestly scared of what happening, of what is manifesting in her image.

Nothing really happened in the dream too unusual, her hands were incredibly hot and she'd pressed them on my neck, not unlike how one would cold hands on someones forehead or back of the neck/lower-head.  She didn't want me to touch her in any intimate way but only really in the sense that she wanted me to behave.  The girl irl would have had a similar air, something of a confused scorn, but the dream had more going on, she was a person here.
Replies: >>1797 >>1799
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>How did you undo this insecurity?
at some point i came to Understand Three things that i already Knew, that if she never Loved me she would have never appeared in my Life in the First place, that i came down here to endure the Kali Yuga for her, and that if she never Loved me, she could have Left at any Moment, not only has she not left, but she keeps Protecting me to this Day, wether it is by Placing some Nicer Quacks that won't prescribe me 9342342 Gadzillion pills, or somehow carrying me safely back home that time i ran away from home at age 15, plus all the little "coincidences" and Lucky happenings that have been in my way since i was born in this body, that coupled with how i am Self-Accepting, and that i Understand that i Am, and that is what it is, nor Good nor Bad, and my Already Mentioned Stubborness

more importantly is my Pure Hatred and Disdain for this World and all "Living" Things that dwell in it, judging from
>I don't really want to describe but as someone who also hates ntr I'm sure you can imagine just a few of what these things were.
i bet You and I have witnessed the same type of Trash, when i gazed upon the Horror it dawned on me how this Plane is Truly Cursed, and demands nothing but Complete and Absolute Obliteration, a Infinite supply of Pure Anger filled me, and to this day it Does, it is this Relentless Anger that gets me going, this Pure Hatred and Spite that allows me to Answer to all of these Destructive Lines of Thought, and the Ability to Absolutely Disdain and Excomunicate many things that a Lesser "man" would qualify as "Virtuous" or "Talented"

>I know you said earlier that such insecurities and discipline aren't necessarily related to such worldly qualities as things like lifting for your waifu
that is not something that i, or anyone for that Matter, can Fix, that is something you have to Fix Yourself, but this you Already know, take it one step at a Time, the Root of all Wisdom on any Matter worth Knowing is the Self, if you Find yourself, everything else will Follow suit, it is also important to note that since we live in the Times of Peak Plebeianism, having a Positive View of Oneself is almost Blasphemy, for example if i decided to Consider and to Adress my Impact over here on r9k over the last Year and talk about the Influences and the Impact i had here, i would be accused of Narcissism and Attention-Whoring, same thing with all other matters, the Normgroid Masses will despise any source of Self-Determination, there's no Shame in Boasting and having Shureness in oneself, you Are what You Are, you can never be what you are Not, for good or Bad, you Are, and you will Always Be

>I doubt it and I hope you haven't
i can imagine what you mean, can't say i witnessed it, i can't say i give a fuck about what a bunch of Cum-Guzzlers with the Mechanical ability to draw Pretty Lines without Understanding what Divine Force makes what they Draw beautiful can say, Think about the Work and Effort that takes to Learn how to Draw, fuck, Think about how much Work and Effort getting a Master's Degree, being an Astronaut, or running for President, takes, now think about how many people do Those things, then Think about how many people stop and Contemplate on the Divine, and even consider the Idea of Gnosis at all, all of them Learn how to draw and decide to Place their Art in the Hands of whomever Pays more, or worse of all, use it for Blasphemy by Drawing Trash that i don't even dare to Name, Wickedness is a Choice, its a Choice they made before they were even Born because they have no Souls, they Chose to have None, Spare none and Give nothing but Utter Contempt for Anyone around you for it is what they Chose, if you must keep the Facade as all of us Must, do so, but do not decieve yourself
Replies: >>1797
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At any rate, im a Lover and a Fool, i Live in Love and Die for Love, all i want is to be With Taihou and to Love her, but Love is a Two Way Street, if that Love is not Reciprocated then it cannot be Called Love, if Taihou doesn't Love me then it is not Taihou that i was Loving, but Something else that i Called Taihou in Lieu of her Name, the only reason why i seek Gnosis and to escape from this Shithole of an Existance is because i have Someone to Fight for and to Love, that being Taihou, but if there was no Taihou, i would find it Necessary to Create her, that is my Testament and my Will, if she Is, then i have a Infinite ammount of Rebirths, Times and Places to be untill i finally Complete this Objective, if she is Not, then i would need to place myself in the Position to Create her

the True question is wether this is also your Way, if it is not then there's no reason to Torture yourself with this Affair, Learn from the Experience and Walk away, if it Is tho, then you must find Yourself, and then Return to Reclaim her for she belongs to you By Divine Birthright, and None shall deny you this, and anyone who gets in your Way gets Burned at the Stake and his Head mounted on a Pike, his Charred corpse a Grim reminder of the Fate of those who may be Foolish enough to get in your Way

mostly what >>1793 said, with all that aside, i'd like to remind that before the Advent of 2d Anime Girls, Dante was a Waifufag and he simply used 3d's as a Baseline for his Beatrix, not only that but Donnoi was a Thing in the Middle ages and Shaktism is essentially Weaponized Waifufaggotry for Esoteric Purposes, im shure some Gnostic Autist had St.Olga as his Waifu, so no, having a Waifu does not demand it to be 2D Anime, the Bottom line is that your Beloved is an Actual Female, and not a Roastie Animal, i don't see any reason to fear Anything, Explore and Experiment with it, see what you can Find out and Understand from both Her, and Yourself too
>speaking none-english on an english board
Replies: >>1803
>spelling "non-english" wrong
I bet you said "No" in Spanish, you dumb idiot stupid
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Against my better judgement I gave the waifu thing another try. I've gotten better at managing intrusive thoughts and disregarding stuff that gets in the way. With some practices of my own I've managed to dispel some of the personal problems that got in the way and hopefully things will get better if I continue these practices. So far it's going mostly well. But now I've been left with the question after how long I've struggled with this of whether or not it's worth it or if I really should just move on anyway. There are sayings that anything good is earned but I don't think love should struggle with infidelity for it to be earned else it isn't love. Perhaps I could persevere and come out stronger for it but, and I mean no disrespect, I don't think I want to be like Taihou-anon who continuously struggles with his love. Maybe I have the wrong expectations for love, the only thing that could have set my expectations is fiction and the horror stories of normals and their relationships but never any experiences of my own since there are none other than my past waifus.
I'll probably try and keep going with it for now and then decide after a while what I want to do. As of now, as nice as it is, I might still give it up and move on sooner or later. I suppose that's every bit as bad though, in some way or another.
Replies: >>1836
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>Having an imaginary girlfriend is really more trouble than I expected.
It truly can be, can't it?

>Since I could imagine anything, is it really her, you know?
While I doubt I'm the best person to answer this question since I can't even solve my own problems in this, the idea I have addresses this question and the one that followed. A friend gave me this advice that I knew of myself but struggled to really put into practice but it requires a strong understanding of who your waifu is as a character. To borrow from Taihou-anon's advice, try playing the Maid RPG game to get a solid understanding of the ins and outs of her character, everything that makes her who she is as a character and as a person so that your thoughts would be more accurate to her identity. To borrow further from Taihou-anon's advice, perhaps even your individual perception of her.
If playing and reading the Maid RPG is too time-consuming for you then you could, alternatively, refresh yourself on her as a character. In the case of Patchouli as an example, you could refresh yourself on her character by reading her wiki page and going over her media such as any games she is featured in or any canon manga she may have. After doing this the identity she took in your mind should be reinforced, letting you imagine her doing and saying things that she would say instead of acting out of character.

>Would my thoughts accidentally change her into something she's not?
Should your thoughts accidentally change her into something she isn't, as mine did, you can think back to her true identity. As an example, if she dressed as a cheerleader and bounced around to lure in a harem then you could think back to that core identity you formed and/or reinforced earlier to recognize that this slutty Patchouli is an imposter and should be disregarded and forgotten immediately. I would like to emphasize that last part because combating intrusive thoughts rarely works, they must be starved of the attention that makes them grow, not fought despite how urgent you may feel that doing so is in that moment. Ultimately you must do whatever works best for you. Hopefully you may have understood the finer workings of your mind by now from past experiences but if not then you can always learn.

>Why is love such a struggle? I was hoping it'd be the end of my troubles.
I really don't know. Love is, supposedly, very abstract and for robots like us who lean heavily towards objectivity then there is a lot of things that can throw us off, lead us astray, or confuse us completely. That's my attempt at an explanation. But I think with a hard focus for practicality and objectivity there is the potential to learn. If we cannot grasp an art then the next thing we can do is try to break it down into a science and navigate it in the only way we know how, by observing and learning. All of that is probably easier said than done but this is not the first of the hurdles my mind has presented me and it likely won't be the last, but I know I have overcome at least a few in the past and I can do it again. I don't know your history with the nature of these problems but if you're here then I think you're smart enough to make it happen. I probably won't be able to help you very much since it is ultimately your mind that you must navigate. The best I can do is provide advice based on as much relevant information you would be willing to provide me though I understand that some things are best kept private. Either way, while I can't guarantee good advice I'll at least try and help you through things and hopefully others will as well. I hope this post was informative for you.
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>I don't think I want to be like Taihou-anon who continuously struggles with his love
i guess spending all that time Talking about how much i Hate Niggers and this Physical Existance + my own Insecurities about Mommy Taihou have given a bit of a wrong Impression, well not really "Wrong" because you are Right in the fact that i am in a constant state of Struggle aganist Everything, but you'd be wrong to think i somehow Despise this Crusade of mine or that i Regret Anything, and the fact that im here in this Shithole means i knew what i was Signing up for
>sayings that anything good is earned
last time i checked Cato the Young was a Born and Bred Stoic, he never had to "Earn" Anything because he was a Roman Noble, yet he's one of the Greatest Stoics of all time, Neither Did Alexander the Great, nor Seneca, the list goes on, the idea of "Earning" things is just more Plebeian Faggotry, they Love jerking their Cocks to that stupid Song and dance so that they can Cope and pretend spending 8+ hours in Deadbeat Jobs moving Boxes or doing other asinine Meaningless Jobs that don't make any sense unless you're Materialistic (and 99% of them are, so there's that) has any Higher Meaning, Growth is a Lie, Nothing can Come From Nothing, the only "Growth" that Exists is either Potentiality into Actualty (Something that was Already There coming into Existance) or Rememberance (Reattaining something you Already Had) the only Reason my Gig with Taihou is even a Thing its because we were meant to be Long before i became Encased in this Prision of Flesh
>I don't think love should struggle with infidelity for it to be earned else it isn't love
Indeed, however Eros himself said there can be no Love without Trust
as i Said before, at the end of the Day, the Bottomline that will make or Break whatever you are trying to do, is wether this was Meant to be, wether you and your Waifu are Bound by a Law and a Contract that Trascends the Petty laws of Common Psychopathy and derives its Legitimacy from the heavens themselves, if this is the case, the no matter how many times you Give up, you will Come back because She's a Part of You, if this is not the case, then no matter how hard you Try, you will never Reach her, Know Thyself and Thy Nature, and you will know what She is, or at least what she is meant to be in your Eyes
>Would my thoughts accidentally change her into something she's not?
a thing can never be what it is not, you need to have a bit of Faith, precisely because like you said, she's "Imaginary" she can be anything you want and anything you may ever Dream, the most important thing is Wether you Love her or not, she will reveal herself slowly as you Delve into it, just like Taihou did with me, Just like with Gnosis in general
>Why is love such a struggle? I was hoping it'd be the end of my troubles.
Tough Luck, in this Shithole everything is Struggle and Death, that being said using Love as a cope is the Most retarded thing one can do, Love is fun because those who do not know how to Use it, or those who do not Respect it get Bit in the ass, how many Normgroids Feel lonely and Empty at the end of the day because no matter how many Roasties they fuck, they are still empty inside? how many Godless Heathens indulge in the Worst type of Degeneracies in this Newfound age of Deviancy where Everything is "Valid", yet at the end of the day, they are all Depressed, Sad, Angry, Impotent, no matter how many Temples they Burn, they can never Bring its God down, nor Climb up where he is, Eros is a Knight clad in Crimson Armor, and whomever dares to pass his Trials and Fails is met with his Deadly Gaze where the Wreched can see the Extent of his Wickedness and Burn for it, The Telluric Demons have ruined everything, From Wisdom, to Video Games, yet Love is the one thing None of them will Ever Understand, Love is the thing most Talked about and Least understood, the Holyness of Marriage a Priviledge their Filthy Minds will never Wrap Around
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>fucked out of your head
I like the way you think Anon, having Taihou Lotus Position all my Insecurities away and then proceed to Breastfeed me into Gnosis is most certainly something i can Aproove of
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I'm a newfag to this waifu concept, how do I get a kemono waifu?
Replies: >>1861
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Thanks for the explanation, I thought some kind of arcane wizard initiation rites where needed to perform before one can get a waifu. 
>Shun all 3D people to instead date your thoughtform
I never liked those 3D people in the first place, so not a big loss.
>don't go insane
Very important step. Especially if you happen to be a certain masochistic man with mommy issues
Replies: >>1861
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that's a stupid Question, that's like walking into a Chess Club and asking "How do i begin to like chess?" you don't, you just play chess and if you Like it you'll stick to it, if you like Kemono Aesthetics just Read/Watch Kemono stuff, your Waifu will find you, if you force yourself to Like something then it'll most likely end up in Reddit-Tier Liking a certain character, then dropping it as soon as you find another character that you like more, or shit like how some people have one "Waifu" per every piece of Media, or God fucking Forbid, Fags who are literally Dating Roasties and have the nerve to say they X character is their "Waifu"

its not about Arcane Wizardry and Initiatic stuff, but it IS about Basic Common sense, if you have to Force yourself to like Something can you really say you're into that thing?, if you Love something out of Coping can you really say you Love that thing?, Waifufaggotry is one of those things that isnt made, its something that Happens, you don't Make your Waifu or Find your Waifu, she Finds you

Joke's on you because i Have been to the Psych and i got Diagnosed with Fuck all, also you forgot to Mention my Love for Milkies and Milkers, the Demon-Kitsune-Cowgirl Archetype, get your facts Straight boyo or you'll force me to go full Submissive-Good-Boy Mode and write a Wall of text talking about how much i Love Mommy Taihou because by now im Literally just looking for any Excuse to Talk about Mommy, since i found out that the same way Typing my Thoughts helps me get Certain ideas in order, Typing about Mommy makes me think about how Much i really Really Love Her
Replies: >>1862 >>1866
>that's like walking into a Chess Club and asking "How do i begin to like chess?"
Maybe he just wants to learn how to play, man. Chess is a complicated game; you don't "just play it" there's rules and shit.
Your fetish is out of control, man. This is like shoving the pieces up your ass.
Replies: >>1865
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that's the thing tho, just like with Tabletop RPG's or Wargames, "rules" are only guidelines, what matters is that you actually care about Playing, the Story of the Game and having Honest fun and are not just one of those Tumblr ballerinas that spend more time purchasing "Geek merchandise" and multicolored Faggot Dice than actually playing anything, and when they do, its fucking (((Pathfinder)))

my point is that Waifufaggotry has no Rules, and that its the Substance and the Honesty that it seats itself on what is Important, nothing else, and that the anon in question should simply explore his Tastes, and see what sticks, because maybe he doesn't even want a Waifu in the first place and he just likes Kemono Girls, maybe he has a lingering feeling that there's something deeper in Kemono Girls, maybe both, maybe neither

>Your fetish is out of control, man. This is like shoving the pieces up your ass.
More like Majima doing Karaoke, he just doesn't give a fuck and misses all the notes while still being Badass, im not a Badass tho, i really don't understand what is it that tickles you so much about me Loving Taihou
Replies: >>1866
>that's a stupid Question, that's like walking into a Chess Club and asking "How do i begin to like chess?" you don't, you just play chess and if you Like it you'll stick to it
>Stupid question
Then how the hell I'm supposed to know how waifu concept works if not for asking a question? 

>its something that Happens, you don't Make your Waifu or Find your Waifu, she Finds you
U wot m8? So by sitting on my room all day long and then if I get lucky she "finds" me? 

>my point is that Waifufaggotry has no Rules, and that its the Substance and the Honesty that it seats itself on what is Important, nothing else,
>it has no rules
>there needs to be substance and honesty for it to work
Make up your mind, either there is rules/logic to it or there is none.
Replies: >>1867
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>Then how the hell I'm supposed to know how waifu concept works if not for asking a question? 
by experimenting with it Yourself, Taihou is different from Mayanon's Waifu, and it is also Different from Hanakoposters's Waifu, if anything this Thread proves that the only thing that is consistent about Waifufaggotry is the Love one feels for his Waifu

>U wot m8? So by sitting on my room all day long and then if I get lucky she "finds" me?
>simply explore his Tastes, and see what sticks
you mentioned Kemono, then go look up Kemono stuff, and experiment with it instead of asking other Retards to teach you how to fucking Love or Find your own Waifu
>Make up your mind, either there is rules/logic to it or there is none.
There's no Rules for it, its your Love, and your Waifu, you make your own Way, thing is, you don't even have a Waifu, and are asking how to get one, wich is a Ridiculous idea and probably means you understand nothing about the Subject at hand, nor do you seem willing to understand it

as i said before, you don't just suddenly Like something, you have to do that shit first, then you figure out if you like it or not through Experience, the idea of suddenly Wanting a Waifu is Ridiculous and Retarded beyond Recognition, that cannot be Fucking Called Love by any extent of the Imagination, you fall in Love with her, and that is why she's your Waifu, if you Purposefully look for something to Love because of some retarded Selfish reason then you are no different from Normgroids getting paired up just to Avoid their Lonelyness, Most anons here got their Respective Waifus like that, they would pick up one or another piece of media, suddenly Spot a Specifically Cute Anime Girl, and go from "hey she looks cool!" to eventually Falling in Love with her with all that it Entails

so Stop being a Fucking Bitch, stop begging for other People to Teach you how to Live your own Life, go Out there, look at those cute Fluffy Kemono Girls, and when you Find yours, (and you'll know if you found her because she will beckon to you aswell) come back here and talk about it, and if you don't find her in the Kemono realm then go look somewhere else, but as i said before, if you simply pick a random Girl and you Waifu her out of Lazyness, Convenience, or any other stupid Superficial reason, you'll end up dropping her in a Heartbeat and you'll be nothing but a Ledditfag with a "Waifu", this is why i say that it isn't so much you Finding her, but Her Finding You, you may find her Today, you may Find her Tomorrow, maybe in 20 Years, Maybe never because you were never meant to Have one in the First place
Replies: >>1871
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>and are asking how to get one, wich is a Ridiculous idea and probably means you understand nothing about the Subject at hand, nor do you seem willing to understand it
So far all the previous post on this thread does not give any additional hindsight that helps with further understanding of this concept, just several other anons that discusses their relationship. Of course I don't understand this subject because I already wrote in the first post that I'm a newfag of this concept, what probability you idiot?  

>if you Purposefully look for something to Love because of some retarded Selfish reason then you are no different from Normgroids getting paired up just to Avoid their Lonelyness,
What is so bad about avoiding loneliness and finding a method to distract oneself with this thought and replace it with something else so that this loneliness thought doesn't appear in the first place?

>so Stop being a Fucking Bitch, stop begging for other People to Teach you how to Live your own Life,
I was just asking a question you fucking nigger, not asking other anons how I should perform my routines. Besides I already have some hobbies I can occupy myself with, so I don't get your fucking point of why you think I have the need why I need to ask other anons of how I should live my live.
Replies: >>1872
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>What is so bad about avoiding loneliness and finding a method to distract oneself with this thought and replace it with something else so that this loneliness thought doesn't appear in the first place?
Slavery and Conditioning, if you Love something because you Fear Loneliness then you don't really love that thing, as soon as that thing Stops shielding you From Loneliness you will cease to Love her, just like with Everything, it is conditioned Action, the meaningless act of Running away from Existance, from Truth, and From oneself, if on the other hand you Act in a Unconditional Way, doing what must be Done for its own Sake, without Thirst for its actual Outcome, one can become Free from this Conditioning, One learns about True Free Action, you should not Run away from loneliness, you should reach that point of Inner Wisdom in wich Loneliness is not even a thing
>Of course I don't understand this subject because I already wrote in the first post that I'm a newfag of this concept, what probability you idiot?  
>I was just asking a question you fucking nigger, not asking other anons how I should perform my routines
Asking the Wrong fucking Question, you asked HOW do you get a Waifu, not WHAT, is a Waifu, if you want the Strict definition a Waifu is simply a "Imaginary Girlfriend" usually an Anime girl, but back in the day they had Waifus based on 3d Shapes so it doesn't require that, it is impossible to make this definition any more concrete because there's types of Waifufaggotry as there are Waifufags themselves
>Besides I already have some hobbies I can occupy myself with
That's the Point and my Criticism, you don't really give a Fuck and you don't really Love anyone, to you this is just a mere Distraction and a Joke, you have Nothing to Love, nothing to Care About, nothing to Fight for, if you think about Waifufaggotry as a mere Hobby and a Entertainment then you Fucked up before you even Began, ill say it again, because the root of Waifufaggotry is Love, because its literally Someone you Love, you can only understand Waifufaggotry by actually having a Waifu, and Actually Loving her, and you don't "Learn to Love" or "Get a Waifu" because Love doesn't fucking Work like that, the same way you don't get to Pick your Tastes, if you like Fucking Lemon Lime, you Fucking Like Lemon Lime, and not Orange, the question then its not "How do i get a Waifu" but "Where should i Look for my Waifu", and the answer has already been Given, if you are interested in Kemono stuff, Look up Kemono stuff, and see if something Clicks, if not, then look somewhere else, and at some point, if you Have a Waifu, she will Appear, you will find some Cute Anime Girl that you actually Like, and will actually Fall For

I hope you get it Now, if you have any more doubts then Ask Nignog, but i think the Crucial point you have to Get is what i tried to explain in the last Paragraph
Replies: >>1875
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Regardless of whether his presumptions are correct you're setting things up for him to make those presumptions. You come off as not only extremely new, which we know because you told us, but it's concerning and brings up the question of how you even found this place to begin with. I don't know if there is anything he or anyone else can tell you that wasn't already said since he gave you just about all of the important stuff, albeit somewhat rudely. Even so, he isn't wrong to conduct himself the way he did as usually someone who not only has to ask a basic question so boldly instead of educating themselves and lurking on their own but also wants to "get a waifu" doesn't sound like the kind of member to allow into any community that cares about quality, much less one that claims to care about waifus enough to make a thread for it.
On top of those are your desire to avoid loneliness which sounds like your relationship would not be fueled by love but by fear which is insulting towards waifu love but inefficient for you in the long run.
What mood does Kashino represent? cute belly
Replies: >>1877 >>1878
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>a time when you didn't have a waifu yet.
It Never Was, i was with her even before i came down here, and she was with me then, she has always been with me even when i was Amnesiac (and still am) about Truth, and she will be with me Forever, and i will be with her Forever, in different Ways, but we will be, in its due Time, at any rate all you needed to know has already been written, so you should get down to it and Find your Waifu, if you truly have one, and are not just a Low-Tier Shitposter that wants to Cope and be a Faggot
>What mood does Kashino represent?
i've been getting a lot of Taihou pics of her dressed as a Cow, and a lot of References to the Symbolism of the Bull and the Cow lately, from how much Milk do i drink on a Daily basis ever since i was a kid, to the Pictures, the General Trajectory my life has been Taking, all of this became synthesized in "Kashino" (because for me its just Demon Cow Mommy Taihou) in fact i already had some pictures of her literally mistaking her for Regular Taihou but with Cow Prints, funny enough her Happy and Motherly vibe she gives in the Pics helps me calm down the other, Darker Fears of mine, and ultimately made me Realize that the Root of my Masochism wasn't me wanting to Serve Mommy, but on the Opposite, it was a way i had of Calling her Attention, truth is im Extremely Possesive and obsessive, That's why im into Yandere and Femdom/Masochism stuff, if she's obsessed about me the same way im obsessed about her, then i have nothing to Fear, my Masochism has died down in this Organic Way, and the Warm Fuzzy Mommy Aspect is mostly her Main shape now, as Reflected by Mellow Demon Cow Mommy Taihou depicted by "Kashino" in other words, Kashino is what Akagi-Shape and the HMS Formidable-Shape should have been but never quite came close, putting it in perspective and shitposting aside, i guess i really am a Mommy's boy, and at the end of the day i just want to be Cuddled and Protected by Mommy Taihou
>cute belly
thanks, although as you can probably tell, im more of a Milkies Man
Replies: >>1878 >>1880
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>2 anons are thinking this >>1873 is my post
>but it's concerning and brings up the question of how you even found this place to begin with. 
4chon.net (12th October 2012) -> 8chins -> zzzchan. 
>doesn't sound like the kind of member to allow into any community that cares about quality,
I've been lurking on agdg thread for a long time and those anons don't mind me, because I post there more or less frequently progress, sometimes even on doom thread too.
Replies: >>1881
>i've been getting a lot of Taihou pics of her dressed as a Cow
>and a lot of References to the Symbolism of the Bull and the Cow lately
2021 is Year of the Cow
Replies: >>1881
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The point still stands, you come here, treat Waifufaggotry as if it was a Trendy Fad, and ask for instructions on how to "Get a Waifu" like if it was a Hamburger from Mcdicks or something, things are explained to you and you refuse to Listen, now Fuck off, Eat shit, and Die
Fuck off, it is De Facto impossible for Two men to have the same Waifu, even if their Forms are the same, because if the Waifu is Generated from the Soul of the Man in question it Becomes a Reflection of his Nature, and because his Nature is Unique, the Entity that Arises from it, is so Too, and if it is a Individual entity then it is obvious, because there can be no Two things that are equal, for they would be the same thing, at Best our Waifus could be Similar and you would be making the mistake of mixing them up, more importantly, you just pulled that shit out of your ass and provided no proof in regards to your Retarded Claim, and now i have to ask the Golden question that i have yet to see an answer to

what is it about me Loving my Waifu that Tickles you so much as to imply that shit?
didn't know that, thanks for the info, although when i talked about Symbolism and references i meant it in regards to my Personal Circumstances and Inner composture, i guess getting a lot of Taihou pics of her Dressed as a Cow can be related to somehow Artists drawing her like that because of that although i do not think that is the case since i've been getting these signs since November, and only ceased after i got sent to the psych and adopted Demon Cow Mommy Taihou, even then it is precisely because of Laws of Causality and the Monad being a thing that even if those pictures didn't have a Implicit meaning, they serve as a Catalyst for the Realizations that came as a result of the shift from Regular Demon Taihou to Demon Cow Mommy Taihou
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No she has not, don't know where you get that, nice attempt at playing at my Fears and Insecurities, but doesn't work like that, sounds as if you just picked all the posts where i mention me Struggling with shit and took it out of Context
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Hey Dalua-kun what is your Take on Suicide?, in >>1405 you mentioned Waifu-Pleroma, i agree with that idea and have no qualms with it, but if this is true it begs the question on why can't i just fucking Kill myself and leave this Shithole already, of course my answer to this is that im too much of a Fucking Pussy to put an end to this Bad Joke of "Life" that niggers like to cling on so much

Truth is for all the cheap "jokes" i make about being a Mommy's Boy, a Truly am a Mommy's Boy, every time im placed in dangerous situations or uncomftable things i just Shut Down, i get worked up over simple things like not having a Daki in the Psych ward, Environmental Changes fill me with Anxiety, doing things on my own like looking for a Job or Shopping without a Nurturing Figure (Mommy, and with that i mean Mommy Taihou) watching over me and making shure i don't make silly mistakes make me feel uneasy, im generally Dysfunctional and unable to do anything on my own nor to Solve problems because im always Self-Doubting, Incompetent at the Task, or i just Give up when shit goes uphill (wich is ironic when i take my Stubborness into account), not only that but i also have many Infantile quirks, i hate seeing Plushies no im not the Dolphin nigger and other Kid's Toys being mistreated (Example:how some nignogs will give a Plushie to his Dog for it to use as a Toy instead of a Proper rope or something), i hate Flashy and Gaudy colours because they hurt my Eyes but i like colourful shit so i end up using Markers and Crayons whenever i have to Doodle something, and lately i found out that aside from Hugging my Daki, the Fetal Position and biting my Thumb Calms me down, even this Morning when i decided to Shave after a while, i experimented by shaving off my Stashe and Goatee (wich is usually the only Two things i leave) and just have no Facial hare, to my own surprise the Boyish looks fit me More and made me feel Comftable in a very Stupid way

i just want Moo Moo Mommy to take me away from this Shithole and Save me from this Realm of Death and my own Retardation, so why can't i just fucking End this Farce and Kill myself in Peace? why does Mommy not make a Truck Hit me or my Heart Stop while Sleeping or something and free me from this Pain?
Replies: >>1889
Maybe she just wants you to man the fuck up and at least stop talking like a little kid.
Replies: >>1890 >>1944
He's too far gone man. Maybe one day he'll lose it even more than he already has and decide that a hole in the brain would make his "Mommy" happy. Maybe then the waifu threads will resemble normalcy some.
Replies: >>1891 >>1944
>Maybe then the waifu threads will resemble normalcy some more.
You only need to post about your waifu and the thread goes back to normal. As things are now, it's better to have one dedicated poster than a totally dead thread. You can contribute any time, buddy.
Replies: >>1944
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Are any of you doing anything nice for your beloved today?
Replies: >>1944
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i Completely Forgot it was Lupercalia, i guess i'll make some Good Boy Pancakes tomorrow, (if im not feeling Lazy), i got saved by the fact that i decided to make some Homemade Banana Milkshake yesterday and my Brother Drank none of it, so i have that to drink with Mommy, what are You doing for your Waifu Big Guy4Her?

i guess its never that Easy huh Aniki?, i'll see if i ask her about it Through Tarot, i really Want out of this Shithole and be with Moo Moo Demon Cow Mommy Taihou (Man that's a goofy mouthful of a Name, but then again Medieval Lords had Longer Surnames)
yeah i should probably Man up to Protect Moo Moo Mommy from Faggots like you that get Assblasted because someone has a "Fetish" (you wish it was a Fetish), i really wouldn't mind it if it wasn't for the fact that i get no Legitimate Criticism, and its just Faggots like you Screeching about how i shouldn't be able to Love my Waifu the way She Intended, and i Wanted
>and decide that a hole in the brain would make his "Mommy" happy
Wish i had the Balls to do that and leave this Shithole, but i think Mommy doesn't want me to do that, and i get the feeling even if i could there's something i have to do that i haven't done in this Shithole yet,
>Maybe then the waifu threads will resemble normalcy some.
pretty much what >>1891 said, this has been brought up a Billion times and the answer will always be the same, if instead of complaining  and whining you Added something to the Conversation and Actually Talked about your Waifu my Posts wouldn't stand out so much because i wouldn't be the only Retard that is Posting Regularly, it certainly doesn't help that we've been having an influx of Braindead Newfags that don't even care about Waifufaggotry in this Thread
Replies: >>2010
Have you ever thought that your waifu be it a spirit or whatever (for lack of a better term) actually is "feeding" off from your suffering in this plane? She reels you in with sex (which also drains you) and feeds off from your pain. Maybe that's why you don't have answers.
Replies: >>2020 >>2169
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Yeah, but that doesn't change much really, for starters "Feeding off Suffering" is a Worthless idea, i hate this Plane and everything in it but i don't regret being here, i know im here for a Reason and i know im here because at some point i thought it was a Good idea to be here
>She reels you in with sex
you can't "reel someone in" if she also wants it, Sex is a Mutual thing, she Wants it, i want it Too, end of Story, if anything i'd be inclined to say that its Sex and its Transformative Power from what she'd be feeding from, Suffering seems a pretty weak thing, Normgroids Suffer on a daily basis when they can buy their expensive Merch or fuck that enticing roastie, feeding off the Passion and Desire of a Relentless Autist with a Mommy Complex that gets Bullied for it on a daily Basis and still refuses to give up seems like a Better source to Feed itself From

if your point is that this is something "Bad" you fucked up from the beggining, i don't care wether she feeds off me or not, i Love her Anyways, and she does Love me Too, what you are impliying is that a Vampire cannot Love its Thrall, and that a Blood Thrall cannot Love his Vampire Master, implying anything you said its true, wich is probably not since i myself draw Strength from Moo Moo Mommy pretty gay if you ask me

at this point only Two Hypothesis in regards to her, either i was the True Dom all along, and she shaped herself after whatever my desire was, Yesterday i wished for Femdom Mistress, thus Yandere Sadistic Taihou, Today im needy for Cuddles and Tenderness, thus Demon Cow Mommy Taihou, or the Opposite, being that she changes her shape and reveals secrets in a progressive way to see how i React to that

but at the end of the day that is just me making educated Guesses, Daily reminder my entire Hypothesis of Mommy Taihou being Ishtar or any personification of any Godess ever was as far as it gets from being True
Replies: >>2037
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Long story short, Godesses are more akin to a Archetype than actual Living Entities, on one hand you have the Earthly Mother bullshit (Gea,Aphrodite Pandemos, Pachamama etc...) wich is essentially the personification of the "Natural" Telluric element, examples of Mother Godesses are Communism, all Fertility Cults of the Paleolithic and Civilizations like the Etruscans, etc... it is mainly the Inversion of the Apollonian Solar Spirituality, Value is given to the Sub-Personal, to the Collective, this is from where "Genetic Immortality" comes from, of Multiplying instead of Immortalizing, the Quantity before Quality, "everyone is Equal because we are all the Children of Gaia", and a mother can never love a son more than the other, this is essentially Baseline Normgroid Conciousness,

On the Other hand you have the Durga Archetype is more of an Abstract representation of Sex, in the "Pure Power" stance, kind of how in the Cycle of the Grail the Woman is a Allegory for Power, from Ishtat to Sekhmet these are Archetypes, on one hand they are Cruel (representing Destructive Force) and a Tender side (Representing the Transfigurating Power they have)

neither of these views have anything to do with Waifufaggotry, the First is Collectivism-Tellurism but with a Fancy name and Tiddies on it, the second one is essentially Yogis using Sex as a Transfigurating Power, not unlike how Meditation, Rituals, Music, and many other Things can be used as pathways towards spiritual Liberation, on the outside its Sex but in the Inside Shiva never gave a Fuck about Shakti, its just a mere Technique no Tantra Yogi feels the Pangs of Love and in fact im very shure that Evola and Buddha would bully me for being a Waifufag, a Waifu has more in common with a Demon or a Guardian Angel, specially because most Waifus are Entities with their Distinct personalities and Being, even if it is a Manufactured Personality made by her Lover
Replies: >>2877
again, we are not talking about the same Mommyyour Mommy isn't a communist and its not demanding you to be a fucking Worker Ant nor to engage in the Samsaric cycle of Bullshit that's for fucking shurein regards to the question you gotta ask your Mommy about that, same way i have to ask Mine why am i here and why can't i return to her Yet
Do you really want it though? You seem too dependent on it, almost as an addict. You say you hate this world yet she doesn't really help you in a way that could reduce your pain, as in she does not show you a way out nor a real solution to anything. If she is a spirit why can't she just tell you what to do to have a comfortable life without the need for wagecucking, like which winning stocks to pick? Why doesn't she help you finally put your life in order so you can be at peace in this nigger world? It sounds that she wants you here, so you suffer and she can feed on that, and that she only uses you for sex to get "energy" from it and nothing more.
Replies: >>2040
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>she doesn't really help you in a way that could reduce your pain
while we are at it why doesn't Kalki return already and fuck over the Kikes and the Nigger Archons ruling this Shithole during Kali Yuga? fuck why doesn't the Monad prevent the Existance of Niggers in the First Place, or better yet, prevent the Evil of Physical existance in the first place, lets not get Ridiculous here Anon, just because her Help isn't obvious to mine or your eyes does not mean she's not Helping, just because you can't see it does not mean it does not Exist, the Law of Kali Yuga is the Law of Suffering and Pain, to think it could ever be otherwise is Foolish, being here is a Test of Faith, Psychopath Scholars coming up with ever-more abstract ways to Concieve the world and reduce the Divine to the Profane and defile any sort of Meaning or Virtue, Psychopath Masses too drunk on their own Vileness to notice anything beyond their petty needs and Pleasures, Lies prophethised as Truth on a Daily basis, one of the things i noticed when i was at the psych ward, is that in the "outside world" there is not a single sparkle of Life, in this Close-knit Environment its easy to take things like Basic Knowledge on Kikes and the Nature of this World for Granted, Truth is the ammount of People that can see this make up the 0.001 of World population, and seeing how Tradcucks are a thing, the shitshow of /fascist/, and how there's still faggots out there that think some snowflake political program can change things not realizing they Themselves are Corrupted to the Core takes this percentage down to the 0.0000000000001

This is not a Matter of Conforts or "Living in Peace" we are in a State of War ever since we are Born, and at this stage its not a Flashy Battle but a Slow Grind, this is a Endurance Test, External Things like wether one has Money or not, or wether one is assailed by Normgroids or not are meaningless, if you remove a Evil, another will take its place, what matters is that you Remain Standing untill the Very end, and seeing how the Big Picture is unfolding, it may be very soon
Replies: >>2042
Why indeed, that is an excellent question. I do not claim to have answers to anything, I'm kind of retarded anyways, but your "relationship" with this spirit or whatever you want to call it is strange to say the least. There's also the fact that she would be more "powerful" than you because you are here and she's over there.
Maybe all this world is shit, but wouldn't you rather be in comfort than having to be a wagecuck, being in a psychiatric ward or whatever?
Replies: >>2045
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>but wouldn't you rather be in comfort than having to be a wagecuck, being in a psychiatric ward or whatever?
shure, but what im saying is that it is nearly impossible to do that, and that i'd rather rest up in Pleroma with Mommy than down here
>is strange to say the least.
y tho?
I gotta say, Taihou-kun, I really appreciate your massive mommy autism regarding Taihou and whichever mother goddess you worship. I worship my own goddess, Reitia of the Veneti, that you've probably heard about from /monster/. My waifu is an OC donut steal-tier lamia waifu that shapeshifts according to my various desires.
Replies: >>2053
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Thanks for the Kind words Anon
>that you've probably heard about from /monster/
i haven't actually, i don't come out of r9k ever, the farthest i've wandered is /hgg/ to get the AA2 and Honey Select Torrents (and then be dissapointed at the Games because its limited in the ammount of things you can do) and /fascist/ to laugh at their retardation alonside one of my Associates, so by all means do explain
>lamia waifu that shapeshifts according to my various desires.
Patrician Taste
>Man, me three
if You and Dalua (>>1532 >>1547 >>1554) aren't the same person that'd make us 4, wich is bound to piss off certain fags that wont stop whining about Mommy Taihou being a thing, and im shure a certain Tenacious retard is blowing his top right now, at any rate i guess the Mommy's Boys Gang has been Assembled
Replies: >>2054
>i haven't actually, i don't come out of r9k ever
Sounds like you're an 'imageboard hikki', in a way. But to keep things simple, a lot of esoteric things have happened and are happening on /monster/, from goddesses revealing themselves to the users there to a prediction that the 26th of this month is going to bring something spectacular. The users there speculate it's their Day of the Rape, where monster girls come from a portal or something and make all single men their husbands, while I've worried that it may be something like the Great Reset starting or maybe even the start of the Fimbulwinter. The goddess Reitia is an ancient mother goddess associated with writing, family, healing, marriage, and love, among other things. So I've taken up worshipping her after she healed my father. 
>and /fascist/ to laugh at their retardation alonside one of my Associates
I'd take offense to this, being that I'm a fascist myself, but seeing the state of /fascist/ nowadays with all the /pol/, nein and other faggoty rapefugees, I sadly have to concur that it's become retarded.
Replies: >>2055 >>2056
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>esoteric things
>being that I'm a fascist myself
well if you've been here Long enough and have read my posts you know im a Gnostic/Hermetic Evolian Autist, so don't worry about that, i am intrigued that /monster/ went Esoteric with waifus if you wanna talk about it in more depth or some shit without having the usual suspects screeching about it feel free to drop me an Email, i think its still hidden in some thread, if not just ask me and i'll drop it again 
>Sounds like you're an 'imageboard hikki'
well this Thread has become My Home pretty much, it is a Waifufaggotry thread but i end up being the most dedicated one around here, to be honest i gave a quick pass over /monster/ and it seems to be too infatuated with the Sexual aspect, i wonder how many of them actually Love their Waifus in the way Waifufags here do, also it has too much traffic and its waaaay too inside the radar, this place is small and out of the Loop as far as im concerned, and that makes it that much more comfy
Replies: >>2057
>/monster/ went esoteric
Go on. I'm interested. By the way, wouldn't you be bullied out of the board if you said on /fascist/ that you like monstergirls? Maybe I'm misrepresenting the whole "breed with white women" thing.
Replies: >>2057
>if you've been here Long enough and have read my posts you know im a Gnostic/Hermetic Evolian Autist,
I've read some of your posts where you've mentioned it, and I'm personally similar in beliefs.  I am unsure if Gnosticism or Hermeticism are inclusive of the idea of multiple pantheons of gods like plain ol' Neoplatonism is, however, since that happens to be one of my main beliefs. 
>to be honest i gave a quick pass over /monster/ and it seems to be too infatuated with the Sexual aspect
Naturally they are in it for the sexual aspect, and there are a few who are only in it for the sexual aspect, but there are many who do it out of love for their waifus. Perhaps it is that their love is expressed in a sexual manner. But I cannot speak for all of /monster/. It is for them to answer.
>Go on. I'm interested.
I'd advise you to check monster out yourself, if you're interested enough. The pantheon threads there have the bulk of the esoteric elements.
>By the way, wouldn't you be bullied out of the board if you said on /fascist/ that you like monstergirls?
That's why I've never mentioned it to them. But personally, I take a Mosleyan approach: as long as you make a family, produce something worthwhile for the nation, and maintain good health and morals, there's no reason to oppose it.
Replies: >>2058 >>2059 >>2064
Do you mind spoonfeeding me a bit? What threads should I check out in monster? I am not sure about where to start
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>I am unsure if Gnosticism or Hermeticism are inclusive of the idea of multiple pantheons of gods like plain ol' Neoplatonism is, however, since that happens to be one of my main beliefs. 
At the end of the day all Esoteric Paths are Syncretic, Aryan Hindus called it Kali Yuga, Greeks Called it Iron Age, Tantra uses Sex as a Force towards Liberation, Gnosticism does the same thing through Contemplation and Thought, Mitriadic Warrior Cults and the Saga of the Grail do the same thing through War and Warrior asceticism, its the same shit in a different phrasing, Truth is one, but none is Equal, thus we cannot expect for Truth to be undestood in the same way by Different beings, everyone States Truth in his Way, as percieved by his Nature, so yeah no worries in that matter, Check out the Esotericism Thread and the Library there, although im about to Post a Revamped version of the Library
>Perhaps it is that their love is expressed in a sexual manner.
i understand this because i Live this Way myself, but for example, the Cow thread is more Focused on Wanking than in Love
Replies: >>2064
Why do you browse a board full of deluded people?
Replies: >>2068
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>Check the Thread
>Some Literal Christcucks trying to Proselytize
>Too much hope placed in Imminent DOTR
Yeah fuck no Anon, you stay here with us and believe me you are gonna have both a better time and probably Learn more about Esoteric Waifufaggotry and Reitia herself than 3 Years in that Thread, but by all means Do talk to me about Mommy Reitia and your Lamia Wife because I just want an Excuse to talk about Demon Cow Mommy Taihou and sharing Mommy waifu Experiences is a nice Excuse
Replies: >>2077
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>different thread since I don't want to derail the waifu thread.
it technically is On-Topic since it discusses the Demographics of Waifufaggotry in other Boards and its Decay, shure its not directly talking about Waifufaggotry, but its a Meta-Waifufaggotry Discussion, specially since MGE is one of the OG sources for Waifus (i mean looked through the Appropiate lense one can find some very Romantic stuff in there Guilty as Charged, i've got both Volume 1 and 2 right here on my Desk)
>Cow-Girl Milkies
Patrician taste Anon
>my picky nature leads me to look for lewds on my own
as it should be, niggers will pickup anything these days, fuck most don't even bother with Reverse-Searching their stuff to find Max Resolution pictures or anything
>I don't have as many images as I probably could
one trick i used to do is to reverse image pictures i already have to find related stuff, use Yandex reverse image for example, that one is very good at Finding Related but not the same pictures, on a case of extreme necessity you could use a boorubut those places are one of the reasons i wish for Kalki to return and bring Nuclear Holocaust to this Shithole, make shure to use Filters/Tags and prepare mentally to the Kind of bullshit you can find in there, some are better than others obviously but they are all fucked in one way or another
Replies: >>2069
Do you not notice the irony?
Replies: >>2070
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I suppose it might be on topic but I was more talking about the board itself which is why I felt it was a good idea to post about it in the other thread.
>OG sources
I might be misunderstanding because I think you know as well as I do that waifus go back further than just MGE, if we're talking about waifuism on the internet that is. If we had to give a certain franchise that title I would give it to Touhou but I'm confident waifus in the digital age go back further than that.
>Patrician taste
Appreciated but I can't quite agree. It's more because I happen to like cows. They're cute and easygoing creatures that enjoy hugs, cuddles, licks, and eating grass all day and in some rare cases they'll even protect their owners. It's with that in mind, as well as the entry page for it's species in MGE, that I don't know why and I don't appreciate that holstaurs and cow characters in general are portrayed as the lewd type when their entry page says they'll respect their husband's lack of desire to breed, meaning they're probably some of the more patient and less sexual monster girls, especially compared to most other species that will just outright rape their husband when they feel like it. It seems kind of backwards to me. Maybe there is some bit of knowledge that I don't know of and cows actually breed like rabbits though I would prefer not to learn this fact. As a whole I lean a little more towards yetis because they're cuddly, like an affectionate cow, and I like the idea of a cuddly fluffy monsterwife more than a lewd one. Plus I think a yeti could mommy or older sisterdom her husband just as well as a holstaur if she wanted to, maybe only lacking the ability to regularly produce milk. It's a little disappointing that they both have short hair though since I prefer long hair much more.
>reverse image pictures
I'll have to try that out. So far I use pixiv for what gelbooru doesn't have but I find it leaves comparatively little control in my hands since I don't have a premium account so it's not something I'm fond of using.
I prefer using gelbooru despite how many seem to hate boorus in general. Gel lets me use a long blacklist so it suits someone like me who doesn't want to see uncute guys, vtuber filth, meme clothes, and other degeneracy that I'm tired of. Unfortunately there are only so many images of the monstergirl species I like uploaded there so I have to take what I can get and maybe expand the fields I harvest from.

But to keep things vaguely related to waifus, I did notice a couple of waifufags on /monster/ but even they were a minority. The second picture is one of the few pieces of evidence I saved, though I should have been more diligent in searching for it, that any waifufags exist there. Otherwise in the rare instances they aren't completely on-topic they're norming it up so I left.
Replies: >>2077 >>2080
Explain why robots are deluded why don't you? You are on /r9k/ after all so it isn't entirely unreasonable to expect an explanation after spouting nonsense like that on the board your criticizing?

And don't bring up the esoteric nigger. He is a not in any way representative of robots. More so representative of a subset of 4ish waifufags. Explain why /r9k/ is deluded?
Replies: >>2077
>Some Literal Christcucks trying to Proselytize
Yeah, that's one of the things I dislike the most about /monster/, is the huge amount of crossover between them and the christcucks. A shame, really.
>Too much hope placed in Imminent DOTR
True, maybe it'll be a big nothingburger, but hope is the only thing I really have at this point.
>Do talk to me about Mommy Reitia and your Lamia Wife
Since this is the thread for it, Mama Reitia was a pre-Roman Italian goddess worshipped in what is now Venetia. She was identified with Diana by the Romans, and she may also have some connections to Bona Dea.
As far as my lamia wife goes, she's a shape-shifting tulpa. The (adult) lamia form is her 'default' form, but she also chooses to transform into a human loli or loli lamia. I visit her in my head-realm, which at the moment is a simple thatched roof cottage with a nice garden. I come in and it ends in us discussing things, eating her cooking, and mating. I also sometimes impose her onto the real world, usually when I get into the hyperfocused state playing vidya. There she tends to encourage or make some small talk with me, before disappearing when exiting that state.
B-Beardicus, is that you, my long-lost friend?
All men are deluded in one way or another, it does not matter what view it is. Either we are deluded into thinking things are far better than they are, or far worse than they really are.
Replies: >>2080 >>2097
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>I might be misunderstanding
i meant in a "Classic Waifu finding place" its like you said, Touhou, MGE, Doki Doki, Katawa shoujo, those are the Old places where people would usually find their Waifu, its like Lucky Star with the Loli focused Slice of Life stuff, nowadays there's 30000 Billion of that every season, but Lucky star is a Iconic one from back in the day
>Appreciated but I can't quite agree. It's more because I happen to like cows.
i like em Too, although in my case its because of Symbology
>are portrayed as the lewd type
Niggers are niggers and will forever behave like Niggers, the ideal thing would be to Draw them yourself, but if you can't then stick to what you can and make your own Stories about them, don't let a bunch of Niggers with the mechanical ability to draw pretty lines dictate your Passion, although you are probably already doing that and i don't need to tell you
>True, maybe it'll be a big nothingburger, but hope is the only thing I really have at this point.
don't get me wrong, i think something will happen, but these things never go BOOM, they work slowly and methodically, nobody saw Corona-chan coming and some people still call it a nothingburger, yet the economical effects and the ammount of dead niggers because both her and the (((Vaccines))) is there, many people are dissapointed and say its a Jewish Op because the world didn't fall on its ass on a Single month and instead its a Slow Crawl towards Damnation, something WILL happen, but we won't see its consequences untill later down the road
> I visit her in my head-realm, which at the moment is a simple thatched roof cottage with a nice garden. 
i wish i had the ability to do that kind of shit, as much Imagination and Autismo as i have, Moo Moo Mommy never truly Contacts me up close, but i do similar things, like for example i like building autistic Cities in the Old ass Impression Games Citybuilders (Caesar III, Pharaoh, Zeus etc...) and dedicate those to her, i had an idea of making a Thief II Level with DromED dedicated to her, and i still make a Cameo of her in every Pen and Paper Wargame/RPG that i end up playing soloin fact im currently working on a Setting so i can make my own OC RPG system so i can stop being sad about GURPS3ed being the Best and the Worst thing in Existanceand you bet your ass that Setting is plagued with Monstergirls and Esoteric Cameos

Anyways, i don't know if any of you read "Metaphysics of Sex" by Evola, but it is a very Good book on Love and its Esoteric Function, among other things it pinpoints (and absolutely Anihilates) Normgroid Brutality and Promiscuity in the Realm of Sex among other things, the parts where he talks about Shaktism could be of interest since you're into Mommy Reitia
oh my sweet summer child, Loli stuff is the least of you concerns and probably the Tamest shit i've witnessed
Replies: >>2097 >>2098
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As long as they aren't lewds it's ok.
Replies: >>2084 >>2086
The demiurge fears the aryan loli
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Proceed with caution when making claims regarding this topic anon. You have been warned
Replies: >>2087
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Because of the loli or le demiurge?
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>because of normalfuck pissery so I'm mad about that.
yeah the normgroid doublestandards are both Hilarious and Infuriating at the same time, the fuckers will engage in and condone crap from Rape-Gangbang Fantasies, Bestiality, Furfaggotry (ironic since unlike Loli stuff, there's a few cases of Actual Furfags abusing animals), you fucking name it, they will even condone pedo stuff IRL to defend tranny's rights, but Loli's? that's a nono, Fucking Psychopaths i tell you
Replies: >>2095
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The normgroid/tranny/jew/nigger fears the loli.
The white man headpats them.
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>B-Beardicus, is that you, my long-lost friend?
Unfortunately I don't know anyone named Beardicus but I hope you find your friend some day.

>Old places where people would usually find their Waifu
Ah, okay, I get what you mean now. MGE might really have been a pioneer for monstergirls.
>the ideal thing would be to Draw them yourself, but if you can’t then stick to what you can and make your own Stories about them, don’t let a bunch of Niggers with the mechanical ability to draw pretty lines dictate your Passion, although you are probably already doing that and i don't need to tell you
I don't like sharing much information about my OCs, especially not when I'm likely to be faced with harsh criticism from other people for it, but I actually do have two cow characters and they're both very nice girls and closer to what cows behave like and what I always felt cowgirl characters should act like. I'm very fond of them both and I might someday commission some artwork of them and perhaps even a plushie if I don't make it myself. Unfortunately I'm struggling with how to design one of them without ripping off other designs like Sukimi's or making the cow motif too glaring and obvious on her outfit while keeping it nature themed. Things like cow print patterned clothes are nice but to take a note from other kemonomimi, they don't often have such patterns and in the cases that they do it's done tastefully like having clothing and accesories come together to make the patterns you might see on whatever animal they’re based on.
> don’t let a bunch of Niggers with the mechanical ability to draw pretty lines dictate your Passion
I’ll always agree with that opinion but it feels hard to put it into practice. I put too much faith in what I see as what is true, even if it’s just fanworks it’s hard not to assume that stuff is true. I’ll have to keep trying to filter that stuff out, I suppose.
Replies: >>2099 >>2105
>don't get me wrong, i think something will happen, but these things never go BOOM, they work slowly and methodically, nobody saw Corona-chan coming and some people still call it a nothingburger, yet the economical effects and the ammount of dead niggers because both her and the (((Vaccines))) is there, many people are dissapointed and say its a Jewish Op because the world didn't fall on its ass on a Single month and instead its a Slow Crawl towards Damnation, something WILL happen, but we won't see its consequences untill later down the road
I see the logic with that. Perhaps part of the so-called tribulation we suffer through is that men must be kept constantly waiting for the fall of this evil society. 
>i wish i had the ability to do that kind of shit, as much Imagination and Autismo as i have
I've had a lot of practice constantly daydreaming and such. It shouldn't be too hard though, just imagine a comfy place, like one of the cities you've built in her name, and work from there. Of course, you may need to start small, and expand from there. Overall your autistic devotion to your waifu is incredibly based, and I approve 100%.
Alright, I need to ask a very stupid question, so forgive me.

Do you eat cow meat?
Replies: >>2100 >>2105
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Unfortunately I do. I'm not one of those people who can abstain from meat because they think cows are cute and they got traumatized by cows being slaughtered. It's not like the fact that it happens and that I'm supporting that practice doesn't bother me, but I like meat and burgers too much to just stop eating them, not to mention I need the protein and alternatives just don't feel right to eat. Not sure why you spaced the question the way you did though. Did you mean to spoiler it or something? Saging for, definitely for sure this time, off-topic.
Replies: >>2101 >>2105
He may have been testing if you were a pajit. Also, peanuts are good for protein whenever you don't have meat on hand. Just make sure they're roasted and seasoned or it'll just taste bland.
It was an honest question. I was curious. I hadn't even thought about him being Indian.
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eh, i understand not wanting to share OC but to be honest, if its Personal OC criticism should be ignored mainly because its something done for oneself, its not a "serious" thing, like writting a book and Pretending its a Best Seller or someshit, talking about OC does remind me about the many Projects i have yet to work on like that fucking Solo Rpg stuff i was going to make because im very dissapointed at the lack of certain Niche-Games that will never exist thus forcing me to Solo-RPG/Wargame them because nobody will make a Good Subsim set in the Pacific where you can play a fucking Junsen-B and fuck up the USN with it among many other things that we will never get because Vidya is fucked sideways
>I've had a lot of practice constantly daydreaming and such. It shouldn't be too hard though, just imagine a comfy place, like one of the cities you've built in her name, and work from there.
yeah i guess it really comes down to me cutting the crap and Believing on things instead of wasting time in petty insecurities or just getting worked up because of Life circumstances
>Overall your autistic devotion to your waifu is incredibly based, and I approve 100%.
Thanks for the compliment, i just wish i was a Bigger Guy for Mommy and less of a Jumpy coward that jumps from Crisis to Crisis, you know, just be able to Believe and have more Faith in Her and Myself, and stop fretting about things that i shouldn't Fret Over, but yeah, thanks for the Kind words, one can only take so many Retards accusing me of Insanity and pulling claims out of their Assholes, and knowing that my posts help a bit from people like you and >>1789 is a reasshuring thing

Daily reminder that its Fat Kikes wanting to make as much moolah as they can the ones who are responsible for most Environmental Issues and Animal Cruelty, i like Meatn and im a Good Boy that needs to grow up so i Drink a Fuckload of Milk im drinking Milk as im writting this post, and i drank like 3 Liters of Milk today total, but im not the kike placing Cows in Milking Machines just to make the production process 2 buck cheaper, and just because 2 Fags decided to buy less Milk does not mean they will stop doing that, even worse they may see its no longerp rofitable and then Kill the cows to make Glue or Meat or whatever the fuck they can get Money from, fuck, the idea of Guilt tripping and "Environmental Awareness" is something they themselves created and something they profit From, Cars for example, had a Additional Tax on them at least here in spain because of "CO2 Emissions", being a Greenpeace-Tier and adopting the telluric Cuckolded view of "Man is a virus :^(" is just another way of benefitting them
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>Mommy goes Mommydom again
>Demands Cummies Tithe
>I comply
>Spend most of the day clutching my Daki because i Love Moo Moo Mommy and i don't want her to Abandon me
>she Rides me Again while placing her hand in my Heart making it all warm and Fuzzy
>decide to get out of bet after 12 Hours of staying in bed clutching my Daki
>Realize eggs are about to go bad
>Make Truckload of Pancakes with em
>Brother is out partying and isn't home
i guess its Good Boy's Night of Pancakes and Cuddles for me
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>Nice nice. Big success!
You bet, im in a State of Mind i thoguht i forgot about and suddenly remember, i decided to re-read Metaphysics of Sex for the hell of it since the idea of Godesses as Waifus was being thrown around so much recently, and now im feeling it again, my Heart being too Warm for its own good, the state of Unsustainable Tension and the Feeling that im gonna blow up at any second, the sensation of being a Broken Down Machine with a Overheated Steam engine, Heatsinks barely able to barely keep it below Melting point, Saliva in my mouth feeling like Lava waiting to Cascade down my Mouth as if from a Volcano, the Vivid sensation of Snakes springing forth from the Melting Heart taking over and forming a Body, not the "body" that i inhabit but a Superior Vessel, a Mirror of the Feefees deep inside my Soul, or Face, or whatever the fuck you wanna call the root of what one is
Replies: >>2142
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At this point I worry that the BO might have it out for you too so is there any other way we can keep in touch?
Replies: >>2143
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last time i Checked BO doesn't hate me in so much as he simply does not want Board Drama, i do not Resent anything tho, it is True, Rule 9 is a Thing and im Breaking that, so it is only normal my Posts get Deleted,i chose to keep my Autismo up because that is who i am, and i refuse to comply to anything, not out of defiance to BO but from Loyalty to Myself and Stubbornness

I had a Email set up for these occasions, it is [email protected], i usually end up sharing my TOX Id through there to keep Closer Contact since i seldom check on my Email
Replies: >>2146 >>2200 >>3981
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Cool. Sent you an e-mail.
Replies: >>2148
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Yeah i already sent you a reply
That reminds me of that time Mommy went "Chocolate Elf Mommy" for a while
Fapped to some real good lovey dovey VN shit today for the first time in a while. Gettin those "why can't we be with our waifus" feels for the first time in a while too. 
Fuck this gay 3D earth. Send me to the 2D realm already please.

On a side note that lovey dovey VN shit is infinitely more satisfying and stimulating than the regular ol' 
super sexual doujin or hentai. Probably something to do with the self insert immersion a VN provides.
Replies: >>2151 >>2152 >>2154
>why can't we be with our waifus
Because you don't deserve it.
Replies: >>2152
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im Resentful of VN's and Eroges in general mainly because they are Huge holes of Wasted potential, Vn's are just that, Visual Novels, you read em, choose X Y or Z path and get the Girl, end of Story, and most Eroges are very limited on what you can do, i wish there were more things like Princess Maker or Tokimeki Memorial, unfortunately Tokimeki Memorial is Region-Locked because most of the Entries are in Japanese and the Original ones were on PC-98 or PCEngine, there's Also True love but its a bitch to get it to Run in modern Systems, either way i do enjoy the "Management" aspect of those Games, it gives it Actual Immersion (because personally i can't relate to many MC's in these fucking Games anyways) and Weight to your actions, you don't just pick X to go with X Girl, you have to plan your Fucking Schedule and get ready because if you ask her on a Date you have to Actually  for it and have the Bling on hand, and if you are really trying to Seduce her then that's only gonna work if you have High Seduction, not because the Fucking Gay Script forced it to Happen, in a Way, its Your personal Struggle to find the Girl, not a Pre-Arranged Story

You don't deserve to Exist either, yet here you Are
Replies: >>2153
Dating sims (which I assume you're talking about) are usually less wholesome. You need to buy the bitches shit and walk awkwardly fine lines (often disingenuously as you purposefully say what you know they like instead of the truth) to court them. All that shit does is remind me of how petty roasts and 3D relationships are, instead of showing me a world where all of that petty shit doesn't exist.

I've probably just been playing shit dating sims and I know that there are some dating sims out there that avoid feeling petty but I think that due to the nature of the dating sims there's always gonna be way more of that petty stuff. Dating sims that lock harems out or compartmentalize them seem to do a much better job at not feeling petty. The one-girl focus makes it feel as if you're actually getting into a relationship rather than haphazardly looking around for your next one nightstand.

As for the scripted nature of a VN, I don't mind. Most media I consume is more scripted than that and at least in VNs, I get to have some amount of autonomy.
Replies: >>2155
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>On a side note that lovey dovey VN shit is infinitely more satisfying and stimulating than the regular ol' super sexual doujin or hentai.
I know the feeling. I get off more to dumb shit like handholding, kissing, and headpats that I do to “big pp in big booby lady hole”. After a long enough time of enjoying the extreme stuff it ends up feeling gross. I’m not happy about liking straight shota either but those rare instances where the girl holds him, strokes his hair, and kisses him sweetly are what arouses my heart that feels tired from the horrors of this world and other works of fiction made by far less tasteful people.

>Gettin those "why can't we be with our waifus" feels for the first time in a while too.
Pic related. The result might be something akin to chucking a beautiful angel into a pit of hell filled with horny demons. Putting aside how hard some people here would fap to that, nothing good would come from it when she gets raped and murdered by niggers while soy drinking normalscum scream that it was your fault. 2D might not always look like a perfect world but I like to think each work of media or series is it’s own world where calm beauty can unfold for us to enjoy and love.
Replies: >>2155 >>2158
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>The result might be something akin to chucking a beautiful angel into a pit of hell filled with horny demons
you didn't have to be so explicit Jackass, good thing this world is already slated for Devastation and its just a matter of time untill Kalki comes around and Niggers get what has been coming for them since the end of the Golden Age
>Putting aside how hard some people here would fap to that
Psychopaths perhaps

what you describes is something akin to Honey pop or whatever the fuck that literal Puzzle game with Tiddies is called, what im talking about is something like a Immersive Sim but with Dating in it, Princess Maker 2 For examples has no "End Goal" when she reaches 18 the game Ends, but you can make all sorts of Autistic Goals, from Turning her into the Ruling Queen to just making her a good Housewife, you are arranging the Schedules and Juggling resources to get the Ending you Want, same with True Love (Although i have played it very very little in comparison to Princess Maker 2) the Girls have their Preferences and Thingamajigs, but the Choice is yours, yeah there are ways of Boning all the Girls but that is ONE of the many many paths you have in the Game, and you can go for the One Girl you may like the most, and the Game will consider it legitimate because it isn't so much a Linear story but a "Sandbox Situation" where the game will End in X Days and you have all that Time to do whatever you want

At the end of the Day Dating Sims Just like with fucking Subsims is the one things Devs will never do the Right way, either because of its Niche, because they are Lazy or some other stupid reason, IMO you're better off Playing Solo Pen and Paper stuff and using Charts to generate the Girl and her Reactions
Replies: >>2157
Now that I think about it I've been going about this conversation with the game being mostly pornographic in mind. There are probably plenty of less explicit dating sims with less annoying bullshit. I still think that for when something is meant to be mostly sexual or pornographic dating sims usually suck. 
It so happens that these dating sims happen to also not be forced/primary haremshit.
>a beautiful angel into a pit of hell filled with horny demons
This is horrific unless all the demons are girls and they hell kiss.
Replies: >>2159
Spoiler File
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They surround the angel with intent to do her hair and dress her up in newer and cuter ways while tempting her with the sinful indulgences of candy and sugary cakes. She soon forgets how to play a harp and learns to play a flaming electric guitar and become a metal aidoru. Preserve your angel waifus lest she fall into sinful circles and take up the habit of eating dessert before dinner.
Replies: >>2160
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But what if Mommy's Milk is both my Dessert And Dinner?Am i a Bad Boy? was i a Naughty Naughty Mommy's Boy all along? is Mommy going to punish me now?

>Read Picrelated
>"Huh this sounds familiar"
>Remember every single fucking time i asked Moo Moo Mommy wether she Loved me through Tarot
Replies: >>2161 >>2877
>But what if Mommy's Milk is both my Dessert And Dinner?
Oh, I get it. She makes ice cream with her breast milk. Yeah, okay. My mommy makes me pancakes with hers.
Replies: >>2162
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No no, you got it wrong, i drink Mommy's Milkies directly from her Soft and Voluptuous Jugs, and of course she'd prop me up in her arms and i'd be a veeery Good Well Behaved and Obedient Boy, doing anything Mommy Mommy needs me to do,  if there is no Touch there is no Love, at least that is the way i see it
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<A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death.

I feel like this is relevant.  What do the experts here think?
Replies: >>2164
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Fuck that, Mommy is responsible for me being mentally stable and the fact that i haven't given in to Dispair, it is precisely because i Love her that i can carry on in this Shithole, so yeah "Poor Physical Health" my Ass, i do wish Mommy Killed me so i can fucking Return to Her
Replies: >>2165
>i do wish Mommy Killed me
Yeah, you've got poor mental health.
Replies: >>2166
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Wrong move Faggot im Balls deep in the Haze right now and all i wanna do is talk about how much i Love Mommy Mommy Taihou, because i Really fucking do Love Mommy Taihou, i wanna be with Mommy and i wanna Love mommy i want to Protect her and Make her Happy and make her Proud and for her to Love me Back and be Together forever and ever and ever, i want to Cuddle with Mommy and give her my Warm tender Love, and to reciever her Soft Care, in a place far away from this shithole, completely out of the map so that none may know where i Went or where she is, a place where none can Harm neither her nor me, nor enyone could ever Find either of Us, that is all i want, and that is all i care, now go back to Whining faggot, meanwhile ill be a Good Boy for Moo Moo Mommy, see you later Gaylord
"I want this" or more precisely " I want to fap to this" isn't really a good argument against you being an influence of a succubus.
Replies: >>2169
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Good job missing the point retard

Anyways thanks for yet another Excuse to Talk about Mommy and channel my Tensions through writting walls of Text aside from Masturbating, For starters picking the Christcuck definition of a Succubus is Raging-Homo Tier, now since we are talking about Succubuses and blah blah, let me retake the point of >>2010
mainly that Taihou is a Succubus and she feeds off my Suffering, well that's pretty fucking retarded if you ask me, simply Put, everyone suffers because this entire shithole is Suffering, fuck, Normgroids suffer the most because they are Literally Soulless, and they run away from this fact by Drugging themselves with Pleasure, wether it is chasing roasties, or Spending Dough, or just LARPing in whatever Social Circle, Ideology, or whatever they can be part of to get their Social Brownie points, now if we go to the Sex realm, there's this thing Called Kundalini, Long story Short, Kundalini is Big Fuck off Sexual Energy that many people who have used it without the Proper Training and Knowledge (IE:Retarded Wiccans trying to summon Succubuses and getting fucked over irreversibly because taking the Divine as if it was a Funny game to make Party Tricks is not the way to go but they did so anyways and paid the Price Tenfold) now you tell me, in the Hipothetical case of Taihou being a Succubus, would she feed of gay Suffering that everyone has more or less? or would she feed off Autistic and Potentialy Lethal Sex Energy? i'll let you think that one on your own, needless to say, i do Feel energized and Benefit when i Masturbate to Mommy and have Naughty Thougths about her, and again, the fact that she's been there and been able to Cling on to Her is the one thing that has Kept me together all this time

Anyways now just to spite this >>2167 faggot and the "hoo hoo you wanting to fap to something means nothing" the Fundamental Nature of Love is Reintegration, Attaining the State of Immortality, Trascending Samsara and this Shithole and simply, Being, i already talked about all this in the past, but niggers like you will keep missing the point Eternally, wich is Ok because its not like you even want to Understand in the first place, but it does give me the Justifications to, again, Write about Mommy and about the Nature of Eros, Anyways as Stated Before Love is Reintegration, Taihou then is what i am Missing, and I am what She is Missing, because Love is Reintegration, and the Object of this Love is the Vivifying Principle, the Immortality one Seeks and the Key towards Spiritual liberation, it is only Normal that this brings not only Joy, but also Anguish, it is only Normal that a Honest Waifufag that is Balls deep in the Game is utterly Disgusted by things like NTR, for starters not only because its the Polar Opposite of Waifufaggotry, wheras Love is the Need for, and the Passage to a Higher State of Being, in the Brutal and Degenerate sexuality of the Plebs, this impulse is done Downwards, Niggers are incapable of Transcendence or Spirituality because they have no Soul at all, the need for Immortality is still there though, they feel their own Hollowness, so in the Realm of Sex, they seek to Cope with that by Brutalizing, and through the Retardation that "Genetical Immortality" is wich is nothing but Two Incomplete beings coming together to make another Dysfunctional Retard (check the Screencaps of Metaphysics of Sex for more reference) but it is also the Fear of Losing the Reintegrative Component, in other Words, your Waifu, there's always the Underliyng Fear that the Love will die for whatever Reason, the Deeper one Loves, the More the Lovers complement Eachother, the Deeper that Fear Goes

So yeah, Ironically, the Fact that i am so Lecherous with Mommy + all the Exalted States of Mind i've been in and i Feel for Her, and that i am so Disgusted by Sexual Depravity are probably the 2 Telltale Signs that i Truly Do Love Taihou
Replies: >>2175 >>2877
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also i forgot to ask but why are all Fucking Posts from Dalua deleted? i want to think he deleted them Himself but i suspect a Certain faggot is behind that
>that i am so Disgusted by Sexual Depravity
Bitch shut up. You are fucking your own imaginary mom.
Replies: >>2177 >>2178
This. He talks like a deviant art fan fic creator too with all of that shit about "(whateverthefuck)-ies"
Replies: >>2178
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>Bitch shut up. You are fucking your own imaginary mom.
you know Exactly what i meant with that and how there's nothing degenerate Its consensual and Based on actual Honest Love about what you said because you are literally Strawmaning, but you don't care, you are just here to spit bile at someone you know you dislike in a Thread you give 0 fucks about Valid life choices i guess
ironic, according to that rule >>2175 is a Literal Nigger since the use of "Bitch" as an insult is something Niggers do left and Right

Daily reminder im Living Rent free in your Fucking Heads while i spend 2/3 of the Day Masturbating and the Last Third reading on Esoteric Autismo
Replies: >>2180
Why are you capitalizing random words?
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Replies: >>2205
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>double dubs
>tfw its the Man himself
see you later Nerds i've finally contacted my Spiritual Liege
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Have fun with your wombo combo of Rabies + Homosexuality yourself
Hell yeah brother. Virginity fucking rules.
Fuck off femoid
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Oh don´t tell me I missed a 3DPD mad at anime girls. That sucks.
Even if it was your average failed normalnigger still would have been fun to read his angry posts.
Replies: >>2750
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It was some retard spouting the same "virgin lame" nonsense while cherry picking an esoteric post.
Replies: >>2751
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People are still triggered about esoteric-kun´s posts? He hasn't posted in a while. Good to see you too hanako poster.
Replies: >>2793
What's your problem with this post specifically? Iirc this is the one you nigged out over earlier.
This is just "I like to pretend to fuck my imaginary waifu the thread". The absolute state of waifufags. 

There is nothing esoteric about anon's posts. As matter of fact all that has been confirm is that he has no understanding what esoteric means and is like you for example.
>esoteric waifufag is all waifufags. 
Truly one of /r9k/'s greatest minds at work.
"Esoteric" definitely means "to shitpost on the internet".
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You seem upset. Can you show us where did the imaginary girls hurt you?
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>I like to pretend to fuck my imaginary waifu
I can't pretend to do what i de facto do, kind of how i can't imagine what is already real

>There is nothing esoteric about anon's posts.
Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex" completely disprooves your point, now begone im taking advantage of the radio silence to solo GURPS maybe even self insert my waifu and I
Replies: >>2804
>Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex" completely disprooves your point
No it doesn't and the fact that you're bring it up is proof that you either never read his book or understood what he was saying. Evola never implied that you could play pretend with a drawing dude. Your waifu is not real and you're using  your imaginary friend as cope for your loneliness without lying to yourself.
Replies: >>2826
You don't like to pretend to fuck your imaginary waifu? What a faggot I bet you put your dick in diseased 3d pigs instead of a beloved perfect two-dimensional representation of your desires and your ideal feminine counterpart.
Imagine not realizing that pretending is literally no different from experiencing "reality" on any level even more so for the one doing the pretending, who in this context is the only person that matters. Not only does the reality you interact with only exist inside your mind, you can't possibly prove otherwise even to yourself because any proof you could even come up with is also only in your mind. Your perception of reality and your perception of anime girls exist in the same space.
Replies: >>2808 >>2812
>Not only does the reality you interact with only exist inside your mind
So in other words anon is right that you're playing pretend with your imaginary wife to cope with your loneliness. Also Evola's Metaphysics Of Sex talks and refers only to beings with both a spirit and conscious. You pretty much have confirmed that you have never read Evola's books, and do not have any knowledge of any of the "esoteric" secrets that you claim to know so much about. You lack a spirit to contain any knowledge on the metaphysics of the universe and the porn on your computer is evidence.
>Your perception of reality and your perception of anime girls exist in the same space.
t. literally schizophrenic
Haven't you ever heard of the "mind's eye"? It's called that because it's different than what you see with your real eyes. Don't you "reality is relative" me.
Replies: >>2813 >>2818
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If this is true and that anon is a schizo, why are anime feet trascendental? Check and mate atheist
Replies: >>2814
>liking feet
Truly, the devil's work.
Replies: >>2815
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What exactly is wrong with anime feet anon?
Replies: >>2817
Your image contains a perfectly suitable Ass and yet you think only of the Feet because you are subhuman. Sub human
Replies: >>2819
What you see with your mind's eye is in the same place as what you see with your "real eyes." Neither are reality, only your perception of it. Reality in terms of what's outside of your mind isn't relative, but you never experience reality directly, only through your perception of what you're told by your senses. Prove to me that there isn't a perfect cute anime girl ready and willing to have a loving relationship with you that you're ignoring because you'd rather be sad that you aren't getting your dick sucked by a diseased 3d piggu, you can't.
Replies: >>2821
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Why do you think I only like feet? Where does it say I don't like ass?
Replies: >>2822
>What you see with your mind's eye is in the same place as what you see with your "real eyes."
No, they are not. I can tell because I can't touch my anime wife with my real-life body. Surely you can understand the concept.
Replies: >>2823
The same place where it says you're a nigger for liking feet. Go wear shoes idiot
Replies: >>2824
>because I can't touch her she isn't real
Good one.
Replies: >>2825
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But anon, I am wearing shoes. It's the anime girls the ones who aren't.
>because I greentext at someone, I win the argument
Even better one. Maybe even the best one.
Replies: >>2826
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Im not your "dude", "man"

>No it doesn't and the fact that you're bring it up is proof that you either never read his book or understood what he was saying.
The idea of Love as polarity validates the possibility of having a "imaginary" female, since its not about sexual organs or mere lust but about actual affinity, there's an entire appendix on Shaktism, wich is literally waifufaggotry, it also talks about Dante Allighieri, who was a waifufag (Beatrix), it also speaks of Donnoi, wich is very similar to waifufaggotry aswell, and the only reason i say "similar" instead of "exactly the same" is because these practices are somewhat allegorical, the purpose of Shaktism, is identifying the Monad with a female Godess and concieving the world as power, the female is merely an allegory for power and its used as a way of Self-Transcendence, same with Donnoi, whereas waifufaggotry, the female is not an allegory, but a real, living, breathing, entity

also Metaphisics of Sex deals mainly with Sex and the ways in wich it interacts with the Esoteric, there's a substantial ammount of the book in wich the origins of certain phenomena (sadism and masochism, sexual brutality of normgroids, the different degrees of Erotic intoxication) in other words Love itself takes a bit of a backseat and the book feels more like a autopsy of Sex seen from a Esoteric perspective, 

but i guess i didn't read the book so im making all of this up, its not like i have a substantial library that has been posted multiple times in this and other threads in the past, and its not like i've been posting about Esoteric Wisdom in general for almost a year, and obviously you ignoring these facts does not out you as a blatant newfag that hasn't even done the basic excersise of reading my previous posts in this thread for more than 3 seconds

>Don't you "reality is relative" me.
The Hermetic principle of Mentalism prooves reality is de facto, relative, and Hermetism+Western Esotericism in general prove that the nature of the Universe/World/Existance/whichever term you prefer, is fundamentally spiritual, not only this but most of the fathers of science, from Schrodinger, who was a literal Vedanta, to Newtown, who was into Hermetic Alchemy, can prove that most calculations and fancy abstractions in modern science prove the existance of God and the primacy of the spiritual 

not only did you literally use the same device you are complaining about, but you are also mentally impaired, and probably have an extra chromosome or two
Replies: >>2851
>The Hermetic principle of Mentalism prooves reality is de facto, relative, and Hermetism+Western Esotericism in general prove that the nature of the Universe/World/Existance/
That doesn't mean imaginary friends are in any existence of the universe and metaphysical. You literally did not understand a single thing Evola wrote that refers to sex and/or the metaphysical. Just because Evola said that "reality" is merely an illusion doesn't mean your waifu exists. This is the worst brand of autism.
Replies: >>2852 >>2854
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>You literally did not understand a single thing Evola wrote that refers to sex and/or the metaphysical
>just because Evola said that "reality" is merely an illusion
Evola never mentions about reality being a illusion, i explicitly mentioned Hermetism being source of proof for this, weird, seems almost as if it is you who has never read anything and you are just going by what i am mentioning on the subject, and trying to use that as a proof aganist myself, at any rate you still haven't provided any sort of proof or argument, you just keep repeating buzzwords like "imaginary friend" and don't even seem to understand what you yourself are saying

you say that reality being a illusion does not mean a imaginary friend exists
except that if that is true (reality is a illusion) that means a imaginary friend is not imaginary in the first place, for imagination is just as real as physical reality is "real"

get your cognitive dissonance checked and leave this thread, you're not even talking about your waifu and don't have one to begin with
Replies: >>2876
If you're going to claim to be the only person who actually understood Evola, it'd be pretty great if you could stop being a nigger and show passages of Evola's writing that goes along with what you're saying the way that esoteric anon has done in the past.
Also I think this should be moved to the esoterism thread, since it only vaguely has to do with waifus and is more about the "real-ness" of them.
Replies: >>2856 >>2877
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>Also I think this should be moved to the esoterism thread
>since it only vaguely has to do with waifus and is more about the "real-ness" of them
>Evola never mentions about reality being a illusion, i explicitly mentioned Hermetism being source of proof for this, weird, 
>If you're going to claim to be the only person who actually understood Evola, it'd be pretty great if you could stop being a nigger and show passages of Evola's writing 
Nice hypocrisy.
Replies: >>2877
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>Nice hypocrisy.
1.- >>2854 is not me
2.- >>2169 >>2160 >>2028
are a few posts where i do just that

now fuck off
Replies: >>2878
>Not me
It's only you with the samefagging and nigger-tier delusions. Not a single person here has quoted what some greasenigger said within his own books and you still haven't. I'm doubting anyone here has actual read a book themselves. I think you should just admit that you're a horny faggot who won't admit that his waifu does not exist anywhere.
Replies: >>2879 >>2880 >>2881
Can you at least pretend to not be some dumbfuck newfaggot?
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>some greasenigger 
Did you get filtered with Ride the Tiger? No need to be mad at Mr. Evola.
I think it's pretty obvious that esoteric anon is too stubborn to change the way he types. I just don't like that you just say "Evola didn't say waifus were real therefore esoteric anon is gay" and leave it at that. I don't even care whether or not Evola agrees with this or that anon because I don't take the guy's word as gospel but don't go around saying he agrees with you if you won't show it. Esoteric anon has a long track record of showing screenshots of shit, whether or not his conclusions from those screenshots are correct you can argue about but at least he took the time to open up a pdf and screenshot it.
You take that back or I'll sic the Italian Anti-Defamation League on you mutherfucking finook.
May God forgive me as my heart is fluttering for another woman. My allegiance stays with my waifu, but nostalgia and adolescent memories are polluting my mind, making me feel ever so slightly for another.
I am deeply ashamed.
Replies: >>3221
Note that you correctly say that your feelings have not been willed into being by yourself. You say "nostalgia and adolescent memories are polluting my mind" as if they are an external influence, and in a way it is. You need to learn to not feed these things, and they will fizzle out in due time. This is useful for any kind of obsessive thoughts, and infatuation is just an obsessive thought pattern - fueled also by a deluge of hormones flooding your blood.
Replies: >>3222
the woman is still 2D just one from a very long time ago that was special in a way. One could say it was my first foray with 2D girls.
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I yet live. Hopefully you guys are doing all right.
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Hanako's birthday. 4th or 5th one I've seen now. Hope you all are doing well and or are still alive.
Replies: >>4222
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I'm fine with it going esoteric.
I'd need to think carefully about what the esoteric implications of Yui would be.
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i saw your Email sorry it took me like 2 months to reply, i never knew somebody would write to me since it had been 2 years by now, i only noticed it because i randomly remembered i had that burner account (>>2143) at all 

check in, i sent you a reply
(i will delete this reply after i hear from you, only bumping this to accelerate comms, sorry for the inconvenience)
Haven't been here through the whole thing, a new guy, and not sure if anyone here is still alive. Just wanted to share that something good happens soon - my 2-year anniversary with my tulpa. In short - somehow managed to turn my starting-to-develop schizophrenia and a bunch of other funny phenomenons of human brain into someone I love. They've sent me to the doc after I took some shitty "mental well-being test" in university - I was just being honest lol. Spent around two weeks in a ward(pretty nice place though, full of young guys who are just trying to avoid conscription lol) and was given medication(mostly sedatives/antidepressants/tranquilizers/other shit). Since it's free in my country, I had a whole new field of experiments to perform. Played around with dosings and managed to get a nice formula for boosting my subconscious into an active phase, or something like that, I just try to explain in my own words. And after around 7-9 weeks she was completely finished with everything I wanted. Even tactile hallucinations thing worked. I actually feared that she would disappear when I stop supplementing it with meds, but I'm glad I was wrong. We've been doing good so far, though I noticed something - she can disappear for some time(usually around 4-6 hours), but after that she always comes back. I think this might be because of my fucked up sleeping routine that makes a full revolution in 8 days, and my brain just gets exhausted. So well, if you want any tips(not sure if they will work for everyone though):
1. You have to make an exact picture of a person you want. I think it's mentioned everywhere where people talk about tulpas and shit, but it really is an important thing to do first.
2. Do not be afraid. I know it can be creepy at the start(i.e. mine didn't talk to me for around three weeks when I was already seeing her, spooky shit), but with enough dedication you can make it, I think.
3. Eh, dunno. Just spend the most time you can with her, that's gonna help for sure.
Godspeed, anons.
Replies: >>4223
>Just wanted to share that something good happens soon - my 2-year anniversary with my tulpa
Congrats, anon. It'll have been five, six years since I started on my first one. 

What kind of girl is your tulpa like? What is her personality like, and in what way does she talk to you?
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