Well, it's finally here. Gentlemen, I present to you my humble attempt at honest, wholesome entertainment.
There is a LOT of room for improvement, so hopefully works will get better as I keep practicing.
I have quite a few ideas I'm planning, but if anyone has any good proposals to submit, I will give it my best.
God Bless.
People keep asking for loli space marine lately so I drew a really shitty one. IDK what shading is. Post your work, anon.
Tell me some facts about an animal that you like.
I like hyenas. I watched this one YT documentary video about them and apparently they can survive eating anthrax because their stomach acid is so digestive that is quickly destroys it. Another thing is that a female hyena was bit by a cobra on the snout and the researcher studying her thought she was going to die as a result, but after a couple days resting in a bush, the bitch just survived and went on her merry way. They are hardy beasts.
The last thing is that hyenas have what's called a "fission-fusion" society. They atomize and feud when there is no common goal, but when there is, like hunting or defending territory, they come together and work as a team with great coordination and then repeat the process all over again.
I've been trying to find out how to buy magic mormon panties without being a member. Where can I find them online? Surely there must be some shady mormon willing to join and sell them to someone. But where can I find them?
A state of emergency has been declared by the governor of California as wildfires sweep through exclusive suburbs in Los Angeles. Celebrity homes are burning down as speak.
Which GF would you choose?
it seems everyone's approach to morality is artificial in someway with the exception of muslims. Those who are trads just think that imitating the successful past will fix everything, not actually seeing an inherent value to morality in itself, which will just repeat the same course.
That's why I believe that the west will either become muslim, or have their society completely collapse and remade as in starting from zero again by living in mudhuts until they relearn how to become human again.
i have a good feeling about this year
this is the year i make it
this is the year when something happens
this is the year of the jeff
deleted thread is always butthurt
All the blood and effort spent building up world empires and we stupidly flushed it all down the toilet. I don't even like imperialism, but so many people died to build up these great empires and not only was all their work undone by a single idiotic generation, but this generation let jews destroy our own countries to the point where the best we can hope for is a long, costly revolution that will likely leave the world in the aftermath of a Samson Option nuclear attack. And at worst, we just go extinct and all our history is washed down the toilet.
If only we could travel back in time and show some of our ancestors what would become of their world, they wouldn't have bothered wasting any time conquering Africa or the west. Why do anything at all if your descendants are going to flush it all down the toilet? Why conquer the west? Why revolt against Britain at all? Who the fuck cares if American independence just ends up sharing the same fate as the UK: drowning in a sea of niggers and spics, squatting in every street, hooting from every corner.
I wish I could show George Washington what his country became and then show King George III what his country became. And all those stiff lipped Englishmen who tore their hair out over Napoleon. Oh no! The French will invade England! We'll be speaking French! Who the fuck would care if the alternative is speaking Pakistani.
The worst thing is contemplating how the more intelligent non-Whites, especially the Chinese, must be looking at us with befuddled amusement.
>haha! Those retarded Whites had the world on a platter and then they stupidly became liberal. Now they are dying while we are growing stronger. Once we have the upper hand, we'll finish them off for good and inherit the world, assuming we can get rid of the jews, of course.
What an embarrassing position to be in. This sucks. I want to restart the game at around 1800 or so and save us all a lot of time and pain by showing every single European just how shitty things would get in the future.
Is she a nigger or just a shitskin?
Just make all governments corporations. This will immediately create the paradise anarcho-capitalists have always dreamed of.
Plan: So all citizens become shareholders and instead of paying taxes, they pay dues to live on the land that the private corporation (we'll call it the USA or some other business acronym) owns. As shareholders, they get a teeeny, tiny bit of influence on the president of the company during a company election every 4 years. He won't have much real power though, because the business will be suitably complex enough that there are thousands of interests which the shareholders cannot actually vote for, so the company will actually remain in the hands of a few private individuals.
Now, roads and traffic laws have always been an unfair imposition on An-caps. So, from now on, the roads are all privately owned. As private roads, the corporation of USA gets to require you to pay a subscription to use them and abide by user policy. This subscription comes in the form of a license now, but we can simply rename it to "subscription card." And all the old traffic laws are now just user agreements which you automatically agree to for using the private road. And, just like in the ideal An-cap utopia, the corporation will be able to employ hired enforcers called "cops" (Company Operations & Protection Specialists) to enforce user agreements. Obviously, paid for by your user subscription payments.
There. By simply renaming a few things, we can actually, for real, in real life, live in an anarcho-capitalist utopia. Naturally, since the USA will be privately owned, the corporate executives will want to import an infinite number of spics to help suppress wages. Employing females also destroys the value of labor and disrupts non-capitalist structures such as the family, so feminism will naturally be enforced by the corporation. That's their legal right to do so. And since the corporation is privately owned, its jewish majority-stockholders will enforce several company values such as ritually, sadistically humiliating the White males 24/7.
And if you don't like our user agreement, that's not a problem. You can always just sign up to live in another corporation IF you agree to their user policy (which will be nearly identical to the USA's for economic and jewish reasons)
This is a very good idea that will radically alter the current shitty statism to a glorious anarcho-capitalist future.
>watch griefing youtubers
>someone says nigger
>you can hear how the youtubers voice changes and how offended he is
This just keeps happening. They love to fuck with people but someone saying nigger? Thats too fucking far! Thats the normalfag mentality. Normalfags thinks saying nigger is worse than murder.
>he's never felt the pleasure of using lube instead of lotion
You'll never want to go back if you try it. The best I've tried is astroglide. I once gooned all day nonstop because of how amazing it felt
I MEAN UNIQUE PEOPLE, PERSONALITIES?!?!? i feel completely ALONE on the internet.
there are at best dozzen totally not the same pr safe pg 13 personalities on the internet, same type of comments, no matter where You go, what You do, everyone even types in same three different ways, like what the fuck is even going on?
last unique personalities feel like from 2019, what the fuck is this, not to mention that You are not even allowed to have a personality, YOU WILL GET REMOVED FOR HAVING PERSONALITY
We need to radically transform our economy and society.
Rule #1: Pay your fucking soldiers.
>the Patriots will try to cybernetically control every aspect of life to turn humanity into nothing more than a functional biomass cog.
Solidus Snake was right.
post your pajeet memes in this thread
I'm going to do a stream this Friday evening central US time. There is no theme and you are free to add miscellaneous videos and music, and I'm open to playing movies but have none in mind to show.
I won’t shed a single tear when the inevitable conqueror of this century eventually comes and kills millions of those npcs. I finally realized how worthless they are
I'm making one, but it would be easier to read up on someone who has already made one. are there even any places on the internet where people talk about this stuff? I don't know anywhere else to ask.
I just wanna make new accounts fast. Automate the whole process. I use temp mails API to make the accounts for now. It didn't need captcha before but it does now. I realise I can't automate that so I will incorporate that into the script.
Just looking for someone who has gone through the same thing I am going through right now. I couldn't find anything similar on github as well.
Would you lose your virginity to this lil' whore? She's intending to sucky-fucky 1000 guys in 24 hours, after recently doing 100.
Me? I'm torn. On one hand she's one of the prettiest women I ever saw.
On the OTHER hand I always wished for true love. Pairbonding forever sort of thing.
But there's no love in poor Lily, is there? So much sex and no love. If she can't fall in love she's lost forever. Damn it Lily, you cry because you know it. Well I hope the money was worth it.
>Would you lose your virginity to this lil' whore?
[ ] Yes
[x] Maybe
[ ] No
Last thread got bumplocked.
Do you like fox girls, anon? Good. This thread is for (You).
Hear me out on this Revelation to end all Revelations.
Rabbi, Rabbit, Rabbi RabbiT...
Jew, Jewy, JewI...
Rabbi + T = Rabbit. Jew + I = Jewi
T + Jewi... = Tewi!
It was Tewi all along!
Obviously, manoralism wouldn't function since we cannot all be farmers. Thought that sounds great tbh. If I had actual security against going bankrupt, I'd happily be a subsistence farmer. But IRL farmers are one bad harvest away from losing everything so that's not doable anymore unless you're rich, which is itself insane.
But modern day feudalism would probably go like this
>be lord
>own land you rent to le peasants
>they work jobs or something so you make them pay you to live in your fief, drive on your roads, go to your schools (assuming there even would be schools)
>basically taxes just like today
So far, not all that different. Maybe even better since my taxes/rent would just go to one guy rather than 10 different bureaucracies.
>lord is absolutely going to be the equivalent of a corporate CEO
>forces everyone on his land to buy car from his company or has a monopoly on heating gas or something
This seems like the kind of thing the old feudal aristocracy would have done if they lived today.
>runs all local grocery stores
>probably just as economically interventionist than the regime is today
idk, this is how I suspect things would be. I genuinely wish I had a rosier view of the feudal nobility so I could at least imagine an elite who were less shitty than the current one. It'd be a fun mental escape.
I did not know this existed.
I've recently gotten a crush on a girl at work and I think she might like me too and I don't know what to do about it and I'm carless. During lunch in the break room I've been playing my Switch with my work buddies (while docked to a tv). Anyway, she suddenly started hanging out with us and playing with us and I swear I've completely changed as a person since she started doing it. I used to be more talkative and liking to crack jokes but now I've been acting more stoic and reserved even when she isn't around. After lunch was over once and everyone but me and her was left she asked for my snapchat or something similar, but because I didn't have anything I said "uhh... (pausing in thought) no I don't" because I racked my brain and I couldn't think of anything because I didn't have anything. I want this woman to be mine so bad but I think giving away my number right now would be too early and making a snapchat to give to her would make me appear desperate. I like her looks (she looks like she's 14 but she can't be because it's against the law where I live for minors to work the night shift). Anyway I love her face, her flat chest, and small butt. She doesn't wear any makeup either and has a nose piercing which is a plus for me. She almost looked like a troon to me at first but, I can tell she's 100% authentic and every troon we've had work here were laughed at behind their backs. I also like her values so far and tastes in games too. My question is, what do I do from here? I'm confounded
>being a buglet
How do jap "men" cope?
I'm so fucking lonely and desperate for some company. All my so called "friends" have their groups and hangouts, I have no one, nobody ever calls or messages me to even check if I'm still breathing, let alone ask me to do anything with them or include me in any of their activities, ever. If I don't initiate contact nobody ever comes through to talk to me. I tried not doing that for a while to see what would happen and guess what? Nobody gave a single fuck or probably even noticed. Fucking niggers. I don't want to bother anyone, but sometimes I just can't help myself, I'm feeling too lonely and so I message someone in order to get some interaction, but it's always one sided, I can tell their replies are purely out politeness not because they actually want to engage with me, which is why 100% of conversations die as soon as I stop asking questions, or when they just stop replying with or without an excuse. Am I really that unlikable? Someone recently told me I am, so maybe it's true, even though I try to be nice to people. In fact, a bunch of people stopped talking to me. Maybe it's entirely my fault, or maybe I'm just surrounded by assholes. Either way it's taking a toll on me. Some days I feel like I'm about to snap, some days I feel like screaming and crying out in desperation. I'm tired, I feel like I'm at the worst point of my life. I don't know how you guys do it. Sorry for venting.
I get this strange depressed feeling every time I visit a new imageboard that's dead on arrival, not because I'm remiss it isn't active, it's just this uncomfortable sensation I get every time I look at them.
<go back
I'm not talking about this website, I'm talking about the imageboards that get advertised here every now and then.
I always find it funny how furries are completely fine with shit like...
>bug chasing
>creeping on minors
>hyper porn
and all forms of fucked up fetishes but completely draw the line at racism and fascism.
Like imagine some of them jerking off and suddenly some furry chick screams out nigger or hitler was right. Then they go all soft then start raging about the niggers being executed by cops or someshit,
It's real funny thinking about that
I need to urgently know. Do women squirt from the urethra or from the vagina?
I thought it came from the vagina hole the entire time (and that it was like vaginal fluid but a bunch of it at once) but I just heard from someone that it's from the pee hole, and my world has turned upside down.
Serious replies, please.
How do you defeat loneliness?
I could achieve anything if I could just sit around working on stuff all day every day. But since I get lonely and depressed whenever I do that, I keep refreshing imageboards like right now in a vain pursuit of some semblance of social interaction.
I'm trying to cook chicken. I don't really know how I'm supposed to tell when it's done. Gonna see if it's edible in a few minutes.
there are probably more then three son's of noah
Pretty simple question, do you think easy, legal access to private guns actually deters rebellion?
I ask this because the US has been through numerous civil tensions, yet the only actual revolt was due purely to economics (the South's loss of cheap labor through slavery). When racial integration was forced, there was no armed rebellion. There was no armed rebellion against the Vietnam war. BLM didn't do much more than riot and vandalize. For all the talk about "come and take it" and tyranny, I've noticed that legal gun ownership almost seems to have the opposite effect, in which the citizenry is pacified with another form of dopamine driving consumerism and an outlet to larp as a rebel without actually doing anything and it creates an illusion of freedom just enough to satisfy the cattle-like majority. Ironically, the people that actually rebel against the government the most, criminals, are the ones that have illegal weaponry and put up more resistance. Of course we just had the recent Trump attempts, but there was no popular revolution, just isolated attacks and things like mass shootings.
To be clear, I'm not advocating against the 2A. I'm just saying that I honestly think it has little bearing on the revolutionary potential of a populace. Shinzo Abe was the highest ranking politician assassinated in modern times and that was with a homemade weapon in a country where firearms effectively don't exist outside of the armed forces. At the end of the day, I think will matters more than materials, because without will, those resources remain inert.
If Trump kill Elon, kill the Jews and do a POC extinction event, what POC group should be the exception? for me it's the ones hailing from Japan and Afghanistan.
Frieren is now the greatest anime ever made, according to MyAnimeList which is the official "greatest anime ever made" decider. I don't care for Frieren; in the words of Peter Griffin, "it insists upon itself". And more than that it has a terrible spiritual and religious message that can hardly be fixed by whatever ending the series will have It is unwatchable to anyone who loves God. Because it has nothing to do with loving God but rather loving self and praising human wisdom. Which is not at all a surprising teaching in media. However it's presented so blatantly in Frieren with its terrible religious values.
The Priest: Believes the Goddess exists because it is convenient and wants to heaven to be real and to be praised.
The Monk: Believes the Goddess exists because he needs someone to remember what he did and to be recognized for his piety.
"Well yeah, but it's presented as sorta bad.. maybe." Ah, yes. But what is the alternative they offer? Skeptical Frieren of manmade wisdom. She is presented as having the right opinion. Which is the internet skeptics and nominal-religion opinion. It is very Japanese-religious. People in Japan and India and elsewhere, praying is a cultural activity, thankfully religion is dead in north america. Whether God exists or not is not an interesting topic to me. But obviously to many it is. But I have always despised (as Richard Dawkins does) the god of philosophy. I want reality. I'm not interested in useful theories and cope. How did taking copium become the sane and rational and wise thing to do? I am interested in what is true. Not believing because I need something to exist and feel better. That's insane, when you really think about it, that's very irrational and it's man's wisdom. And the show presents that as ok but also presents the better alternative which is being an arrogant skeptic. Well that's also not interesting to me or anyone who wants the truth. I don't want to be arrogant and ignorant of the truth, I want to get to the bottom of things regardless of what it is. Not offering niceities to people when I myself know nothing. I am just a human, I need to know the truth. I don't know how it will end, but the implication of Frieren is that the Goddess is not real but it's good for some to believe she is and just do good anyways. The most middle of the road typical philosopher type thing that all men praise as being the most smartest thing ever. The equivalent of saying, Go into all the forests of the world and keep raking leaves, and believe that one day an alien will come down and take you to a home in outerspace.
"But it teaches good morals!" The problem is that's not the end point of existence. Mankind was not meant to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is the Tree from which the average man thinks is all that matters. But Jesus is the Tree of Life. Morality is secondary to something much more important and it's that important thing that Frieren fails at when it tries to talk about religion and spirituality and Christianity without knowing about these things. If it was morals alone then there would be no issue, but it's not morals alone.
Now you say, "No no, IDIOT! You didn't even watch the show! The characters are literally going up to see if heaven exists, uhhh like that's the whole point kind of but not really I mean you'd think that would be the most important thing but I mean other stuff needs to be done, IDIOT!" Frieren's master literally says heaven exists and she has been there, and yet Frieren for no reason remains like an internet O' so smart skeptic, "I'll believe it when I see it. I deserve to see this and that." Which extends to the general theme of "God exists for ME! Let him attend to my needs as I sit in my throne." The two characters in the show who believe in the Goddess are presented as utterly insane, believing something for no reason other than selfish desire and cope. And it's presented as both bad and good.
Why is there so much Christian posting on here?
Honestly, I find Christians to be cringe hypocrites and morons incapable of comprehending their own book. Catholics are probably the most respectable because they are actually consistent in their beliefs but that is only because of the rigidity of the church and the individual's complete lack of autonomy. Catholics don't read the bible, they just do whatever the church hierarchy says.
I've read the Bible and can find things I like but it was folly to expect individuals in general to get it right on a mass scale. Protestantism was an utterly cucked fraud. The only real protestants died in the German Peasant Rebellion and after that, the rest started being petty-Catholic cucks with their own little churches, fiefdoms, and grifts while also hypocritically pretending to be authentically representing the Bible and then constantly being subverted by their own "faith alone" protestation against "the Church" all while having their own churches. I think Protestants are the biggest morons in history.
But even the Catholic church was cucked because Luther's criticisms were basically right. How can you buy your way into Heaven when even Catholics admit Jesus was a ascetic who despised worldly riches? Catholics base their entire authority from the Pope all the way down on one single passage in only one of the four gospels of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew 16:19. Jesus doesn't even say to build a church specifically, he says basically to "just take these keys, bro" with a vague allusion to building heaven on Earth. So even Catholics are cucked by the Bible because if you base your authority on that Bible passage, why are you not subverted by the rest of the Bible? I can sit down a do a cross examination and find a thousand passages that would subvert the Church. The Church attacked Jews for usury as did Jesus but then even fucking today they pass around in the congregation a basket for tithing!
Then there is this contemporary thing of extreme "faith alone" ism. You have Onlyfans whores fucking thousands of guys and making millions of dollars, and then they become "Christian" when they hit the wall but still cling to their whore bucks and if you call them out, they go "no, I can keep it, because faith alone." It's basically a get out of jail card for them. What does that say about Christianity that such vermin can become "believers." And you will see millions of "Christian" cucks "yas queen" to these whores and will immediately do their "you can't judge her! Only God can judge! You can't judge! You have to forgive her! You can only forgive! You have turn the other cheek and love thy enemy!"
It's disgusting. Christians are scum. I went and bought a hand forged Mjolnir pendant made in Kiev, founded by Rurik, and I am wearing it right now btw. Go ahead and call me a larper. At least I am not a cuck. Christianity is a gigantic religion of cuckoldry. I am skeptical that Jesus would approve of any of this garbage. Christianty became liberalism with a cross tacked onto it, replete with all of liberalisms inner contradictions.
You underage little gen A and insufferable Zoomers are all worthless faggots. Imageboards should have been shut down the moment millennials stopped posting. I feel like I am in the company of niggers here because your generation is spiritually nigger. You are coonified. You listen to rap nonstop. Fuck you. I hate you.
So I went to church for Christmas Eve. I expected caroling and joyful community.
Now I'm not a churchgoer myself, as should be obvious. However, what I experienced shocked me.
Firstly, the congregation was absolutely old. I was half as old as the next youngest guy and most of the parishioners were far older, in their 60s and 80s. I was going to say that this is no one's fault, but it turns out there is a reason for this. Instead of caroling and being joyous on Christmas, the day of the birth of their own god, the "carols" were mostly the boring regular church hymns with only a few real carols. The sermon lasted so long because the pastor spent like 30 minutes lecturing people on materialism and Jesus. And it was a serious lecture, not jolly at all. So we ended up singing only Silent Night (one of the most boring ones imo) Hark the Angels Sing (good) and Joy to the World (good)
Now you're thinking,
>Yeah, that's pretty weak but it must've been nice to all stand and sing outside together
WRONG! No one left their seats! We were given candles and I figured we'd be caroling with them. But instead, we lit them once, sang Joy to the World (sitting in our seats), and then everyone blew them out with palpable confusion when the pastor said so. And then they collected the candles for use next year!!
At the end of the service, I asked why we didn't sing the awesome carols like God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and the decan or whatever it's called (a woman btw) said she didn't know if it was even in the hymnal (it was btw, I checked).
Huge disappointment and missed opportunity. Look, to all the many pastors I'm sure browse /b/: Christianity is a dying religion because it doesn't make any sense and isn't enjoyable to be part of. You can't solve the doctrinal issues but you can make it fun. Spare us your whinging lectures. No one cares or listens to your hot air about materialism. We get it. If you want people to actually attend church, make it fun to be here. That doesn't mean get a smart screen TV and play Christian rock, that means having ritual. I'm here for ritual rooted in community to try to scrape some meaning out of our decaying society. Millions of young men crave some form of communal connection with people in our area.
I'm an atheist and I could run a far more engaging and full church than this one without any of the mega-cringe shit that boomers seem to think attracts young men. No one likes Christian rock and no one goes to church for giant TV screens. We want ritual rooted in community. That's why those young men who do become religious LARP as Greek Orthodox & Catholic with Nick Fuentez even though their grandparents going back 15 generations were Protestants.
China will do a order 66 and kill all or at least cull the population of the colored people from Latin-America, Africa, and MENA.
Be a retard here, be loud here, ask questions, discuss stuff, and etc. Picrel is a useful guide. MAY THE EUROPID RACE BE PRESERVED!
>vimm's lair fucking dies (no download for some games due to le request of jewtendo)
>no one makes a thread
>never hear about it, just randomly checked
Just as with the omegle thread I made, apparently only I notice when the Internet takes damage. *sigh* Y'all have fun talking about the mtf's and gamergate though.
bro, man, pal, fam, dude, mate, brother, fella, buddy, homie, what the frick?
Since we don't have a /lit/ board, let's have a /lit/ thread.
What's your favorite book anon?
>brevity is the soul of wit
Is that true or is it just a cope for brainlets with simple thoughts?
Why are image dump threads so common on imageboards, when you can just look up your desired tags on a booru to get the same effect? I feel like I'm missing something crucial here.
So, let's say your spouse is cheating on you. You should be able to LEGALLY kill her (mind you, feds, I am not advocating illegal action. I am saying that this should be legal)
So in this HYPOTHETICAL ideal society, you should be able to present irrefutable evidence of adultery to a judge of marital law. After the evidence is reviewed, the victim of adultery has a 1 month grace period where he or she is allowed to kill not just the cheater, but the man or woman the cheater has slept with. Naturally, the standard of evidence must be high and the methods of killing must be proscribed (no bombs, no arson, etc). If the victim of adultery is injured or killed in the attempt, then the adulterers will be charged with manslaughter/battery as if this was an unprovoked slaying. If the victim of adultery kills or injures someone innocent in the attack, he is charged with unprovoked murder/battery.
There. Now cheating bitches will realize that their actions have consequences. Just don't be a slut. Easy. This law will especially cut down on army wives sleeping around as, presumably, a soldier would be much more capable of exacting revenge than anyone else. This is fair and just. Fatties will not be able to exact revenge very easily. Win win.
I'll be running for president in 2028 under this platform (and no other platforms) so vote for me then.
it has automatic gifs like oldweb
I’m a man of free speech but you can’t deny that social media made people go insane, especially women.
It’s hard to reason about.
>The OT is a story of the Jews being terrible people
>Jesus calls the Jews the "Synagogue of Satan", chases them out of the temple with a whip for doing Jew shit
>Modern Judaism is based around the rejection of Christ as the messiah
>Jews hate Christ, so much so that they killed Him and believe that He's boiling in a pot of human shit
>Your ancestors conquered the world because of their belief in God
>Every major scientific advancement for the past 2000 years have been made by Christians (hell, a Catholic priest proposed something similar to evolution long before Darwin got around to it)
>Jew shit (i.e. usury) was outlawed because Christians believed it was all sinful, only to be legalized by Jewed-out deists and atheists
>The Bible says that races are preserved in Heaven
>Atheists are always one step behind Jews in subversive beliefs
>etc. etc. etc. etc.
Also, Christianity isn't really all that hard to believe in if you actually do your research. Atheism is laziness. Repent and believe the Gospel.
Thirsty German simp who is named Bernd of all things embarrassed himself on ex dot com.
Traced or not. This time without auto derailment.
Every day, I wonder more and more: Why did they do it? What was the purpose?
And we will never know. We can learn everything about the soil composition and even how they moved them into place, but we will never learn WHY they did it.
It's driving me insane.
>2015 was 10 years ago
>2013 was 12 years ago
>8chan has been dead for 5 years
>the internet is dead
>yet goyim are still glued to their phones
>there's nowhere to go
send some music, any genre, good or bad idc
I'm rolling, and hoping for no dubs.
I had a dream last night that St. Louis got nuked. I was somewhere far north of the city, saw a flash, turn around, and saw this mushroom cloud. I felt this incredible sense of panic before I finally woke up. It's been bugging me the entire day, like something has been telling me that it's been prophetic instead of being what it more likely was: just me being anxious.
So, I'm going to leave it up to dice. If I get dubs, it means that the dream is prophetic about something bad in St. Louis in particular. If more than dubs, then I'm going to freak the fuck out. Here's hoping for no dubs.
What if I told you this is AI? I was against AI because it could rig the election but now I'm for it. I literally deleted my 3DPD folder for this and doubled my NAS space. It's so realistic now that I can get any fantasy woman I want.
PRC is secretive, what are they hiding?
How do I get a work from home job?
You seriously didn't cum this month did you nonny?
Lets Discuss Gnosticism!
>What ties does it have to other religions?
>Are Normalfags/Brown People really Soulless Hylics?
>Does the New testament have some relations to Gnosticism?
>Do the Jews worship the Demiurge/Satan?
>Is Schizophrenia spiritual enlightenment?
>are you Schizophrenic?
Because zoomers have no morals anymore, since it was all deconstructed. They make up for it by latching unto pedophilia excessively since it’s the only thing they’re allowed to moral about (for now) and feel some satisfaction.
Is there nothing more demoralizing than looking for work?
Every application is automatically rejected by automated services.
If you're passed onto the next stage, a woman far disconnected from working with her hands and even the basic struggles of life will be your judge. Your worth is what you can bring to the company and if she's feeling benevolent that day.
But what irks me the most is what punishing device I want to work for. Those who underpay. Toxic management. Seasonal layoffs. Incompetent coworkers. Manipulative coworkers. Jobs that serve no purpose but to pad someone's wallet and prevent my own starvation.
I'm so tired of it all. Nobody is hiring. Nobody is willing to hire and least of all, nobody wants to pay a fair wage or train.
To even be selected as a candidate you have to somehow be top of the line in everything you do, including your birth.
If you share a picture you took with a camera on the internet that ostensibly does not have personally identifiable elements, could your privacy still be compromised if there are wooden things in the picture, since each piece of wood is unique?
Is this really what gamers want these days?
I've been writing a story and doing research on Saxon customs, festivals, holidays, etc. As I was describing the midsummer festival, it suddenly struck me just how empty our own cultural milieu is.
Back in ye olden days, young men and women would meet in village or even regional festivals and fairs. You would dance, sing, and feast for potentially days. You'd dress in fancy clothes, wear garlands, and there were numerous customs to allow unmarried men and women meet and find love.
Today, once you graduate your last school, that's it. There is no other chance to organically meet a female other than at work or at a bar. When you truly think about what things are like now compared to what things were like then, it strikes you like falling off a cliff just how complete the decay is.
They took this from us. What the fuck.
I dislike the way fake breasts feel. I strongly prefer natural ones, even if they are small or flat.
I am very curious about what would the results be for average poster here
If you wanna do it for fun go to
I think it would be fun
here is me
I just want to talk about my problems.
fuck you redditors tl;dr your low quality jewposts.
my pc has started making rattle noise and i've lost progress that i was working on TWICE yesterday... it just makes me frustrated...
i woke up and feel like doing nothing knowing my progress was lost.
i just wish I could waste everyone's time reading this so that they remember.
>pedophile namefags running amok like they own the place with no repercussions
>/v/ completely dead
>/b/ only amounts porn dump circlejerking just like 4cuck
it's over, this site is done
You ever stand back and marvel at the imbecility and incompetence of people? Everyone loves Zognald again. People just blindly accepted zogphones.
I'd say 5% of people are worthy of life
>Left: Japanese cover of game
>Right: American cover of the same game
Is there a difference between the Japanese brain and the American brain that explains this discrepancy?
Near Must Farm in the UK, there is a nearly perfectly preserved (destroyed) village from 3,000 years ago. It was destroyed during some kind of disagreement with an enemy tribe. Real shame. But the whims of fate and oxygen depleted water preserved the burnt remains of this dispute forever.
Among the many wooden, ceramic, and metal artifacts are a bunch of bowls of half eaten porridge.
When the village came under attack, 3,000 years ago, who was eating that porridge? Did they hear the horn of alarm or perhaps the screaming as the surprise attack was flawlessly executed? Did he drop (or maybe just gently put down) his bowl of porridge to pick up an axe and defend his family?
What was the bowl of porridge's opinion of all of this? Was it upset that its purpose in life was interrupted? Perhaps a little annoyed? Or did it understand the severity of the situation and accept that defending the village took precedent over enjoying a succulent meal of porridge? How was the porridge spiced?
Or did the porridge feel the same fear of oncoming death that the man felt? Did the porridge know, in the back of its porridge mind, that the village was doomed? Or did it hope that somehow, some way, the man would return to finish it, now cold but still tasty? Perhaps there was a bit of cruel irony, which the porridge felt, as the bowl was heated not by the warm embrace of the familiar hearth but by the raging fire of the house itself burning to the ground.
How long did the porridge persist in edible form as the fire consumed its former life? Perhaps the wetness of the porridge and the semblance of protection from the bowl baked the porridge into a kind of bread. What were its thoughts as the invaders rummaged through the charred remains of its world?
And how long did it wait, hoping, praying that someone would return to taste it again? Did it die in despair?
I cry when I consider the fate of this bowl of porridge.
Every time i met a girl who smiles at me so far i cant stop thinking what if she has a weird shininess on the wet on her vagina like its too thick or runny and i lose my boner then everyone thinks im autistic and i never get another chance again. the jews did this on purpose they got rid of arranged marriages then i would never have to deal with this bullshit. im afraid ill die a virgin and its 1000% the jews fault.
A full, bright yellow moon from just few minutes ago, it went behind the buildings not 1 minute after I took the pic. It looked like a bright shape of cheese.
Double rainbow all the way across the sky from 2 days ago after a hard shower.
A swallow's nest on some gas piping in my building from this past Spring.
Unfortunately they look noticeably tampered with by the built in AI and I don't know how to turn it off.
If you ever end up traveling back in time and end up as a member of the crew on a medieval ship, and you're below deck and whilst doing maneuvers, the ship's lower gun ports dip below the water, allowing a torrent of sea-water to pour in, don't waste time trying to arrest the flow of water by closing the port lids. If you're ever in this situation, just immediately get above deck and strip off your gambeson. If you stupidly hesitate or try to "fix" the problem by running around below deck, by the time you realize it's hopeless, 30 other people will be cramming into the staircase and blocking your way. You'll die.
Just get above deck.
It is just astounding how fast a full wooden vessel can sink. If you're lucky and the ship doesn't sink, then your absence would have probably gone unnoticed anyway but even if your commanding officer did notice and bitches at you later for "abandoning your position in the midst of combat," the worst that can happen is you get a lashing. Way preferable to drowning. That is a truly awful death, let me tell you.
It's a pretty unlikely position to find yourself in in the first place, but if it does happen to you, please remember this post and get above deck. I guarantee you, you'll thank me if you do get into this situation and live.
Get above deck and untie your gambeson.
The fact that after 9/11 the USA didn't transform into a absolute monarch or at least some sort of autocracy is stupid. What happened back then anyway?
Can any of you translate what's said in Russian here?
why do you think the USA military doesn't just rebel and take over the government?
Having just reorganized my closet bookshelves, and needing to take a break from living, I am going to begin reading again. I like it, but always end up taking long breaks and forgetting to start again. I'm thinking of starting with The Divine Comedy, but I'll take anon's suggestions if they're easy to find. I have a fair bit of Greco-Roman stuff and other classics.
What are you reading? What do you want to read next year?
In the time of Herodotus (5th century BC) he says that the Tower of Babel still existed, (Alexander the Great tore it down a century later.) And Herodotus says at the top level of the Tower was a cell where is a giant couch and in front a golden table and there was one woman kept there. She was locked in there to be offered to Zeus Belos. Below that level was a giant golden statue of Zeus and there was an alter to sacrifice animals. It says a lot that offering sexual pleasure was considered the most important thing to do, because the pagan gods are manmade creations overthrown by human passions as Athenagoras (2nd century) points out. Sexual passion is a very powerful thing, and it engraves itself into mankind, religions have Temple prostitutes where you'd have sex with the priestess as her service to god: which things God in the Bible says he hates, and Israel unlike the other nations is not to have, nor sacrifice their children. God alone denies all the sexual stuff and I get the sense he made sexual passion so strong to distinguish Himself; He knew mankind would get so easily ensnared, and so likewise you have sexual madeup gods. The Sumerians have the Euphrates river created by Enki full of "lust like a raging bull" ejaculating the river into existence.
The sexual desire of the gods is not uncommon as Herodotus points out: "These same men [the Chaldeans] say also, but I do not believe them, that the god himself comes often to the cell and rests upon the couch, as happens likewise in the Egyptian Thebes according to the report of the Egyptians, for there also a woman sleeps in the temple of the Theban Zeus (and both these women are said to abstain from commerce with men), and as happens also with the prophetess of the god in Patara of Lykia, whenever there is one, for there is not always an Oracle there, but whenever there is one, then she is shut up during the nights in the temple within the cell." —Herodotus, 5th century BC
Whereas the Bible points to the disobedient angels as the ones overtaken by lust to commit such things. And if the angels are taken by it how much more humans, but God Himself is not taken in by sexual passion which he invented as I say as a way to distinguish and magnify His ways. The Tower of Babel was a Tempe of Zeus in Herodotus' time. Which is so interesting, because Jesus mentions the Temple of Zeus in Pergamos was the seat of Satan. That same Temple of Zeus in Pargannom was the one that the Germans dug up and brought to Germany around the time Hitler came to power but let me not get carried away. Nor mention the original purpose of the Tower of Babel according to the Sumerians which was pure demonic insanity.
In my flesh dwells no good thing but pervertedness, but I do believe and have seen great accomplishment in freedom. Jesus is perfect and He can give us that freedom because he overcame the temptations that so easily have bested us.
Jesus said, If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15)
And remember this is the Jesus the world hates and wants to crucify, why? because he allows people forgiveness, because by His love people can be made free. And again Jesus said, when he visited John during his Revelation experience, He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (Revelation 2, 96 AD)
The Apostle John then wrote, Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? (1 John 5, 97 AD)
The Apostle Paul wrote, Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. (Romans 13, 57 AD)
God is holy and we are not, He is perfect and cannot be tempted. As James writes, Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am being tempted by God,' for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. (James 1, 41 AD). He is not taken away by the lust of the flesh, and if we follow the lust of the flesh we will die, but if we walk by the Spirit, eternal life. And who can walk by the Spirit? Those who delight in the light of Jesus Christ and position their hearts to receive God's holy Spirit which will stay with you and not leave you even when you sin. Christ died for me and all people on a personal level, for their great deliverance. All men repent to the true living perfect holy God.
Paul during his speech to the Athenians, Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead. (Acts 17)
I miss covid and the lockdowns.
What are some unique forms of employment you know about that are under the radar but still interesting?
If you actually read his thesis and understand it, it’s really well thought out. He predicted the modern condition of economy and class perfectly. Modern leftism has nothing to do with him, they made it appear so to distance people away from his thoughts.
But his solution is something else. I don’t agree with it.
He said that industrialization is inevitable and the world can’t go back anymore, so he proposed for a world government that controls all people, He claimed that world government won’t be tyrannical because it will have no self interest as everyone will eventually become one class.
If you also read the Industrial Society and Its Future
By Ted Kaczynski, you will realize he based his thoughts on Marx’s conclusion, instead of giving up to an inevitable future, he proposed instead, hindering industrialization and stopping it momentarily, even for a 100 or 300 years, that’s enough for a healthy generation to grow again, and maybe an alternative can be found by then.
I agree with Ted Kaczynski more, even if for individual reasons, because I look at the past more fondly and want to live it.
>try to cheat on gf
>can only find fatties, single mothers, ugly crazy bitches & trannies
its not fair
How is it illegal to attack someone who calls you an NPC? Imagine if a black person stabs you for calling him a nigger. He would get community service. NPC is literally the N-word for Whites. It should be the same.
For those who don't remember:
>On Wednesday, March 22, Joshua Federov and his 11-year-old friend yelled at a stranger, identified as 29-year-old Joshua David Pence in a report by Fox 13 Seattle. The kids called Pence an "NPC," and Pence allegedly responded by brandishing a knife and chasing the kids into a Dollar Tree store. According to the report, Pence stabbed the 11-year-old multiple times, injuring his lung and liver. The 11-year-old was hospitalized but has survived the attack and is back home.
Apparently, something like 20% of adult, non-retired men are not working. That seems like a big number, yet here we are not in Mad Max post-economic collapse.
The economy seems to be chugging along and there are no obvious signs of an impending recession.
What the fuck?
So apparently, we could have just been paying 20% of men free money to not work and the economy would have been fine.
What about 30%?
Does anyone need to work?
Boomers told me that if we don't all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, the economy will collapse. I am starting to feel lied to.
It should happen, it probably will happen, and it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
I made a grilled cheese ham sandwich, and grabbed it with a paper napkin. Some of the cheese melted out of the sandwich and stuck to the napkin, I tried peeling it off but only small bits would come off. In the end, I ripped the piece of paper with the cheese on it and ate it because I didn't want to waste the cheese.
Logically speaking, If tomorrow emerge a new USA regime and they are open to new recruit who can be promoted to higher and higher position. How can I be the supreme leader of the new the new American regime?
I've thought of emailing this; I am not so confidant that he would see it. So I would like to say anything I say here is not to point out how bad he is, when everyone else is full of badness but that he does something worse in working against God willingly. When opening this webpage one is shown lolicon vagina among many other sinful things.
I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a young woman? (Job 31)
Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken me LORD in your way. (Psalm 119)
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (II Timothy 2)
Which can cause people to stumble.
Then said Jesus to the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! (Luke 17)
Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence comes! (Matthew 18)
It would be better to exile God from your mind and words forever, than to be a duel minded person through life.
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. (I Kings 18)
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded. (James 4)
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I wish you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. (Revelation 3)
Not interested in the past, that can be forgiven in the present. Not last year, last month, not even yesterday, but today.
Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord does come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be broken up. Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord has made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delays his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looks not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24)
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes. (Matthew 25)
Post your cutest and most festive Shantae's!
There is a cosmic war going on, a serious spiritual battle. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6)
We cannot have both our sins and Jesus. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (I Corinthians 6)
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6)
Jesus will tell many at the day of judgement to "Depart I never knew you, you workers of iniquity." Because that's harsh, people prefer cultural Christianity, which has nothing to do with Jesus and His apostles and God but it is a god of their own creation who is much easier to stomach. They laugh at the lgbt "churches" but they themselves are in the same boat, they are following a false idol and fake religion, they don't know Christ and therefore don't know God because if you don't know Jesus who have no idea who God is.
For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. (Philippians 3)
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (II Timothy 3)
And what power are they denying? The power of salvation through God's Spirit. Salvation in our life now, to be free from guilt and shame, to be holy without blame. That is in God's power. Not to save us last minute from hell because we had a spiritual experience years ago and we're right with God then, are we right with God today and are we walking with God to reach His destination.
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates. (II Corinthians 13)
Chris White has returned with a message that really cuts the heart: https://bibleprophecytalk.com/?powerpress_pinw=1841-podcast
Jae Joo a very good preacher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcrxp93CbSk
God uses broken people, the people who think they are the least worthy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqNQf4RrP_0
The reality of the cosmic spiritual warfare we are in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FII3ssLJ2sQ
Assurance of salvation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtJKuCfA0pE
HOW DO WE KNOW WE'RE SAVED AND GOING TO HEAVEN? What is your baseline? Random philosophy of man? You're own imagination? Or is it the only person with a serious claim to divinity and a serious claim to have conquered death through His resurrection? And have you read His words? Or are we living in vanity and fantasy?
In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise (Ephesians 1)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. (Galatians 5)
Is anyone else really alone on the internet?
I find it hard being a part of any community now. Most boards or communities feel quite fragmented.
listen to me on this what if i just feed my ducks some shrooms for multiple generations will they morph into wise terrence mckenna ducks or will they just lay psylocibane infused eghs
>be me
>have female friend I've known her for 6 years now
>I've slept and eaten at her place and she did at mine
>we've both paid for each other meals multiple times without being asked to do so
>just a normal friendly relationship with equal terms and mutual trust
>in the past I've almost gotten intimate with her but got cockblocked by circumstance, acting like an idiot and other external factors
>recently we both got a job in the same area and we decided to move in together as roommates so we can both save on rent, utilities and shit
>1 month later
>be yesterday
>we both have our day off
>we're both sprawled on the couch like dead fish bored as fuck doing nothing occasionally checking our phones
>she asks "what's on tv?"
>"fuckall it's fucking tv there's only old people's crap on it"
>she asks again "wanna do something"
>"fucking what now" I reply annoyed because I don't really feel like doing anything
>"wanna have sex" she says nonchalantly and then shifts her gaze to my eyes
>I'm caught completely off guard not sure if she's joking around or not
>"didn't you say that you found me disgusting and wouldn't fuck me if you were paid to do so?"
>there's a pause that's about as long as the time it takes to say "mississipi" 3 times
>then, without changing expression or moving or anything she goes
>"that's true, you're right, thanks for reminding me"
>another pause longer than the previous during which no one says anything
>"wanna have lunch?" I ask
>"lunch would be nice" she replies
>we both get up
what happened /b/? am I going to be a virging foreverr? did she really want buscar secso?
Some folks say that women should be banned from driving or even leaving the house without their husband to chaperone them. Women in general deserve to be beaten a little for their collective behavior over the past century and especially past 10 years. However, the logistics behind implementing and living with such a policy would cripple any nascent Republic of Men that tried to adhere to it. Assuming you have 10-15 children, those kids are going to have to be taken to and from school at random hours while you are at work. Sometimes they'll get sick, sometimes they need to be taken there and picked up after work because of some school play, will you drive them to swim practice at 12 PM too? You'd never be able to maintain a standard job like this and we cannot all work from home.
You'd have to pick up groceries and since you aren't the one cooking meals, you'd end up getting the wrong things on many occasions, leading to a dysfunctional household.
Ironically, banning women from driving would lead to men being enslaved.
Another problem is that if you do not absolutely overhaul the current economy, banning women from working would lead to an economic collapse that would make the Great Depression look great.
Mixed workplaces lead to adultery and a toxic society. However, if your goal is to keep women out of the workplace, just issuing bans and government orders will not cut it. You need to make it possible for women to stay home first. If you're going to have an average of 13 children when 2 parents can barely raise 2 with both parents working, your 13 would starve.
Harems are also a bad idea. If you try to store your harem in one household, the fighting would be intense and when they weren't fighting each other, they'd gang up on you. You can beat them all you want, women will make you miserable. Women are experts at making men miserable. Also, if you're going to have a harem, at least research how real harems work. Harems are not egalitarian under the man. One woman must be favored or it doesn't work. And if you want to give each woman a house so they don't fight, again, this is just enslaving yourself to women. Forget the 12 children you're paying for and driving around, now you have to take care of 6 wives too. Very bad idea.
To reiterate, if you want a particular outcome (eg women out of the workplace) you will need to restructure the society/economy to make this possible and desirable for both parties.
>drink lots of beer
>smoke wild lettuce, mugwort, catnip, chamomile, and cornflower (for color)
>smoke thc delta 8/8-o/9-o/hhc/10/8
>eat valerian and passion flower pills
Not only will your day be more interesting and less stressful but your dreams will be like movies Not only vivid and long but you won't wake up as easy. You might wet the bed. Do it on your day off. Neets need not apply (no pun intended).
I wish I got to experience 8chan.
>t. zoomer
There doesn't seem to be anything or anywhere that isn't affected.
Is this what you want, anon?
Every day, I tell children about gnomes and share evidence of gnome activities.
What have you done?
I'll bet it's nothing!
The Michael Brown Tovia Singer debate is probably the most famous debate between two Jews about Jesus. It rivals the second century debate between Typhon and Justin (who was a gentile). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4k_yZdjWiE
I listened to it again because of the commentary these guys did on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp9FJkjruWQ (they're kind of annoying but at least one of them makes some really good points.)
Brown said something very impactful for me to hear.
The official anime of zzzchan is Higurashi.
The majority of your fruit has been filled with various fruit fly eggs.
You're eating various invert eggs this very moment you disgusting fuck.
look at this dude
its season 26 and hes still 10 years old
still with some shitty level 1 bug pokemon and pikachu
still "trying to become the worlds greatest pokemone master" but actually just on pokemon school loans for the 26th year
misty left him to suck garry's cock
this is like if you go on some game like quake and there are just 10 servers full of boomer millennials still saying how they'll become the greatest quake player and win the quake championship for $100 this year
fapping to ai = based
fapping to real models is cringe and gay. think about it
>ugly women are over-represented because its not a desireable employment to be in (pretty women just get whatever they want, they don't even need to work)
>you're fapping to someone who had a dick and probably 10+ dicks in her
with ai it just generates the ideal waifu with the exact traits you want
>to see her get penetrated you have to be gay
with ai you can just generate a dick without a person and even a dick based off your own, or a dildo instead (not sure which is more based, need to think about it)
So recently >>216702 I have proposed the idea to make an album and I want to put it together this coming Sunday. In the spirit of /b/ random I do not care what genres are actually in it, you can post whatever type of music you want. If you don't want to participate, don't but don't drag others down who do.
Do you feel like 99% of your adult life since puberty sucked? I can think of late 2007 through mid 2008 being good but thats it.
>scratch balls and sniff
feels good man
It feels like yesterday when the last one began. Oh how time passes...
Whenever you grace the board with your presence, please let it be known by posting on this thread.
At this point I think we should admit that the jews did nothing wrong. The npcs are willingly servile, they enjoy the hedonistic lifestyle the jew provided them, if you make a deal with the devil, you’re not a victim but a partner in crime
Dear IRS,
Effective immediately I hereby stop paying taxes.
Yours truly - Anon
Should I use more vinegar in my cookings?
What's with the rampant glowing all of a sudden?
When I wake up in the morning I want to grab a thick woman and dump my cum in her hot juicy pussy.
>work 6 months
>lay on my ass six months
I can't keep doing this.
Is there any anime or manga that did the rival character right like DBZ?
What are you fags doing for Christmas?
Everyone was moody and got mad at nothing this Christmas and left early, some have to go to work early tomorrow. As a cherry on top there was nothing but war/poverty news and immigrant crime (omitting the fact that it's immigrants of course) on the TV as background noise. The weather couldn't have been a more perfect Christmas weather, but it didn't help at all. Nobody gives gifts because everyone's an adult (except grandma giving some candy that nobody particularly likes).
How can I fix this? Asking for a myself for next Christmas.
I'm the most introverted person in the family but I feel like I need to take charge of Christmas. I could fill the house with decorations (these days there's a flimsy branch of a tree with some lights on it but that's about it) and put some Christmas movie playlist on the TV. I could buy everyone surprise presents but I have no idea what anyone wants or needs, I could buy some fun meme presents but I don't want anyone to feel like I gave them trash that they're obligated to keep. I feel like something needs to happen besides sitting on the couch, but what else can be done? I don't think my family are the kind to watch Christmas movies together, nor participate in some pretentious party games, especially if they're organized by someone like me. Maybe Christmas is just over when you become an adult, and the only cure is to have children, but that's obviously impossible for me.
Its said it takes little horrors and tragedies for a man to really give up.
Is it true?
>be stuck in a rut browsing imageboards like this one all day long for months
>already saw all new posts, nothing to do, incredibly bored
>decide to read a chapter of a manga that i haven't touched in months
<tfw it's so beautiful and entertaining
<one chapter of the manga gave me more feels than months of chan-mined imageboards combined
<wtf am i doing with my life.jpg
What is your personality like?
Should I go buy some some smokes?
I wasn't ready for the end of tf2...
>people will buy this
>current year
>comes with win 3.11
>200ish usd
The internet is so damn dead it's nuts.
People are still glued to their phones irl. What are they looking at? There is nothing here anymore.
What happens if you touch the edge? Like if you belly flop in the middle of a portal, will it cut you in half like an infinitely sharp blade? Will it repel you like a force field?
2025 will soon be upon us. What are your predictions for the new year?
Happy holidays. I wish you all the best of health moving forward.
Cows only lactate when they are pregnant, so when they are not pregnant, they give them estrogen to induce uninterrupted milk production.
You are literally getting trooned out if you consoome dairy products.
I fucked up big time not buying some land a few years ago when I had the money.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, anon?
>b-but I have lots to live for!
There's nothing worth living for, and you're just taking up valuable resources and space like the useless piece of shit you are.
>b-but life is beautiful!
Life is a mistake just like you are. Besides, if you've seen what it's like beyond this realm of existence, you would understand that this world is an inferior copy of the Truth.
>b-but you'll go to Hell if you kill yourself!
That's implying you were going to Heaven to begin with. Why should the children's bread be given to the dogs?
>y-you're evil!
Yes I am.
Neil Druckmann is a kike.
I’m going to sleep. When I wake up this thread better be filled with some cool shit.
if you don't listen to classical music and only classical music, then you are not white.
Trying to make lentil soup. Hope I didn't mess it up.
What's the most autististic vehicles you've seen that people actually drove and or dive? Vaporware need not apply.
Upset the cripple by posting a spree killer's manifesto. Laugh, because she will be forgotten after a while and only be admired by lunatics and styled on by shitposters. Just like every other spree killer.
Doctors just ignore my problems. I hate this shit. I have free healthcare but whats the point when the doctors dont give a shit?
>Ban anon for making a reasoned appeal against trumpenstein
>Delete soyjaks calling a rap listener a cuck
Why are there so many ai shills on "the right"? Why cant they just be fucking creative? It makes me fucking embarrassed that i see so many right wing people posting ai slop. I dont remember the last time i saw something actually original or creative made by anyone on my side. What do you want me to do? Pretend like its not happening? I mean its true. All i see is faggots shilling for ai and posting ai generated things. Its just so frustrating that its "my side".
>as of tomorrow we will be off shitflare and on a cdn that is sympathetic to us
too little, too late
The board, much like the outside world, has been filled with too much negativity lately. So I wanted a thread about nice and comfy things to bring some joy.
Share anything you may find comfy: pics, music, games, comicbooks, etc.
How do I find her mailing address so that I can write letters to her?
>but muh women
>but muh jews
>but muh niggers and jeets
Almost all the problems in society are caused by something other than white men, so you might want to blame that something else, but if so then why don't you just get rid of them?
If you start tracing this thought like "I can't fix Y because of Z", then you'll naturally end up with the conclusion that the only thing stopping you from shoving jews in the oven and women in the kitchen and so on is that other white men will stop you.
How much money can you realistically make independently translating Japanese content and setting up donations/paywalls?
>want to play morrowind for the first time
>I'm absolutely terrible at remembering names
Shoud I even bother?
I accidentally flooded the laundry room because nobody reconnected the drain of the washing machine.
My landlord is going to kill me.
Dump parenting tips in this thread.
If your son has or wants a computer with a horizontal monitor socket, do NOT let him. That is used to play cuckeogooms. Those products highly addictive and have violence without a proper rating system, often the protagonist kills thousands of people in cold blood with detailed gore. In this diagram you can see this monitor socket, it's the lower captioned section. You can just rip that out once you open the computer case. My stepson had one of these and I got rid of it. His performance improved noticeably once I made this change. My girlfriend remarked that I'm a much better father figure than her ex.
>cut my nails
>can wash my hands without being careful about stabbing a hole on my palm
>can put socks on and tuck my feet in bed without nails getting stuck on fabrics
>can fiddle my toes on the floor/chair more freely without uncomfortably hitting toe nails on the floor
>cut my hair
>head feels lighter
>no longer feel like there's a sail on my head getting caught on wind
>no longer have to be careful about it hitting my eyes or something
>no longer have to spend 10 minutes trying to undo my super saiyan transformation after getting up from bed
>no longer have to constantly brush my hair out of the way
>no longer feels annoying or gross from hair sticking to forehead because it's too short to do that
>no longer gets stuck and tangled up after shower
>change bedsheets
>suddenly it feels more fun to go to sleep
>change clothes
>suddenly it feels more nice just to exist
>clean the floor
>feels smoother to step on
>no longer see gross dust piles everywhere or feel like I have to be so careful about not dragging them on my chair/bed
Taking care of things makes life so much better. If only I wasn't so lazy about doing these things. I wish there was a cute anime girl telling me to do them regularly.
Since you love anime so much, do you enjoy jav kino?
I truly wish for horrific, agonising, excruciating pain, misery, and suffering for the entire human scum race.
What can be done to save the webring? I think we should being other sites like Endchan and 8chan.moe into the fold. We are too cut off.
Except soyjack.party. Fuck that shithole.
What keeps you apart from others?
Why is ESL even used as an insult? Is it a psy-op? The vast majority of countries in the world don't speak English. I'd even bet that most people on the English internet are ESLs. If anything, what should be shamed is being a native English speaker, since English is only spoken in the Great Satan aka. ((( Muttmerica ))) and other totalitarian commie shitholes like Canada and the UK.
Also being an ESL doesn't necessarily mean being bad at English and vice-versa. Many muttmericans don't know the difference between "their" and "they're".
>too lazy to make food
>look at some premade foods in grocery store
>microwave meal that's literally just meat and potatoes
>"seems fine"
>look at ingredients
>7 different kinds of starches and oils not counting all kinds of flavorings and preservatives
You say "money doesn't buy happiness" but I sure as shit would be happier if I could pay some bitch to cook food for me every day instead of dealing with this crap.