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I'm going to do a stream this Friday evening central US time. There is no theme and you are free to add miscellaneous videos and music, and I'm open to playing movies but have none in mind to show.
>>221257 (OP) 
bring back rabbit rooms
Probably won't be able to come personally, but you should state a specific time (or even better, adjust the time you intend to stream to UTC and post that) so others can figure out when they might be able to tune in. Evening CST is already vague for me, but probably even more vague for most users here.

Also, having a set plan for what you're going to watch and offering brief intermissions for watching/listening to miscellaneous videos/music might help more. I don't have a cytube account so I have no clue what all platforms they support, but I'm assuming requests aren't very easy to field since you'd at least have to encode a lot of things to fit onto litterbox or something (burning subs in when necessary, too, which can be courteous for an international audience like zzzchan), and that's also not factoring in the time to torrent them in the first place (though maybe DDL sites are better nowadays, I have no clue what any of their download rates are like).
Replies: >>221461
Friday at 11:30 UTC.
>have a set plan
I really have nothing in mind but am not against a theme. When it's videos and music with random selection there's a chance a good dynamic could emerge from it. Also I prefer the democratic approach of asking people what they'd like to generally see f.e. a documentary, genre of film, OVA, so on.
Replies: >>221496
>Friday at 11:30 UTC
Meaning CST6:30 PM/UTC11:30PM, right?

If you prefer a democratic approach, then you should field suggestions or poll ahead of time. I just think hoping good things will spontaneously happen the very night of your stream likely won't turn out great. And again (unless you have a very powerful internet connection), you may not be able to field movies, OVAs, etc. quickly enough on-demand. That's why I recommend polling (or just taking thread suggestions, though it's getting down to the wire in any case).
Replies: >>221532
>>221257 (OP) 
Since it's spooky month I have a couple of suggestions. 
>Friday the 13th where jason gets killed by a tree
There are probably a lot more and a lot better horror movies but those are what I can think of right now.
Replies: >>221532
23:30 UTC on Friday. There's also a lot of stuff on YouTube that can be streamed and files on my drive ready to go so when the time comes to choose I could hold a poll in the thread. A single OVA is only 25-60 minutes so I don't think it would be much of an impedance.
Here are some primer suggestions, vote for or write off whatever interests you.
>Noroi (2 hours)
Found footage movie shot in the style of a documentary.
>U Turn (2 hours)
More of a Postal movie than the Postal movie.
>Beyond Death (1.5 hours)
Archetypal 90s TV documentary on lingering spirits and past lives.
>A Certain Kind of Death (1 hour)
Documentary on disposing corpses that have no family to contact for them.
>The Seventh Seal (1.5 hours)
A knight staves off his death and tries to find meaning with god.
>Blair Witch 2 (1.5 hours)
Instead of making another found footage movie it's about the impact the original movie made and a tour group losing grip on reality. Suits interfered with the plot so what amount of facetiousness and contempt there was didn't get across as well as it could've been.
>River's Edge (1.5 hours)
A teenager kills his girlfriend and one of his friends tries to help him cover it while the others are squeamish on doing so. The focus of the movie isn't on the plot but Gen X's mouthbreathing and apathy, and capturing a time and place so there's no suspense and the tone is mundane. I'll need time in advance to prep this if chosen.
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We'll watch Noroi then.
It's pretty scary when the opponent clicks the U-Turn button on Showdown.

Replies: >>221836
What are you doing in the meantime, random videos and music?
Replies: >>221837
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Movie is over, it was ok. Spoopy 10/10. Thanks for streaming,
Replies: >>221869
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Stream is still going.
I appreciate all who showed up and will be planning another soon.
Replies: >>221876
Had fun, thanks for hosting.
This week's programming will be:
>Christmas in January (23:45 UTC)
>15-minute intermission for potty, poopy, and refreshments (00:30)
>Lunn Flies into the Wind (00:45)
>intermission (1:10)
>I haven't decided a movie
>rest of stream is music, videos, whatever
Also I may not do a stream next week.
I was thinking of Arizona Dream.
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There may or may not be a movie tonight, OVAs are still on.
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I never saw the fun in watching stuff with people you don't know. The only worth out of shared viewing comes out of doing it with people that you're used to bantering with. I guess this is just for really lonely people.
Replies: >>222690 >>222693
It's one reason for it, another is just meeting new people or wanting to see something you may have not had easy access to or couldn't bother to get yourself.
There's no point in using message boards either if you can't banter with strangers, then.
Going to start the stream, Christmas in January begins in 20 minutes.
https://files.catbox.moe/qvsrn6.mp4 - Christmas in January.

Lunn Flies into the Wind starts in 15 minutes.
https://files.catbox.moe/quwyvl.mp4 - Lunn Flies into the Wind.
Damn, just got home and link is telling me it's gone.
Replies: >>222730
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Virtually no one showed up so I decided to delete it. I could make another channel if you still want to watch stuff but I don't care either way now.
Replies: >>222731
Up to you, I didn't plan to come first night because I had something going on but it got postponed to tonight so that's why I wasn't around. I would tune in if you want to host, but don't feel obligated to.
Alright I remade it.
https://litter.catbox.moe/wwdp6t.webm - Noroi, it expires in 3 days.
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Genocyber in 6~ minutes.
Cyber City Oedo 808 after Genocyber is done.
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Oedo now.
Stream over. I'll do Paprika and an undecided other anime and/or movie next week.
https://litter.catbox.moe/tmkkpj.mp4 (Cyber City Odeo 808 #1)
https://litter.catbox.moe/b7fyao.mp4 (Cyber City Odeo 808 #2)
https://litter.catbox.moe/8y9e1c.mp4 (Cyber City Odeo 808 #3)
https://litter.catbox.moe/j53xro.mp4 (Genocyber #1)
https://litter.catbox.moe/x27uaw.mp4 (Genocyber #2)
https://litter.catbox.moe/4a902t.mp4 (Genocyber #3)
https://litter.catbox.moe/qmx1sq.mp4 (Genocyber #4)
https://litter.catbox.moe/8zde40.mp4 (Genocyber #5)
I think there's a little over two-and-a-half days before these expire.
I'm moving the time to 2:30 UTC on Saturday if there's no objection.
Replies: >>222870
Someone just told me about these two upload services that work with cytube. Better file limit than litterbox.

Would you want me to try hardsubbing that one CGI thing you said you want to gatekeep? I'll do it anyway for my own viewing eventually, but I'm just curious if you'd like it for one of your streams. All good if not. I also haven't looked into fixing Lily C.A.T subs at all yet. If you think you'd like to stream that alongside Paprika, let me know. I'm not going to promise anything, though.
Replies: >>222927
It has hard subs on YouTube and the torrents are few and far between so if you haven't found a copy you could download it from there, I didn't do it myself since one of the episodes is age-restricted and didn't bother to heckle a workaround. I thought of watching Harmful Insect after Paprika so the Lily C.A.T. could be in-between them or after it.
When do you want me to upload Lily C.A.T? I didn't get around to editing the subtitles more. I think it's pretty much synced as far as I recall. One problem is some of the lines are verbose and it gets confusing who is speaking at some points, so it's not great for people who can't speed-read English. Remind me of what date and time you plan to stream and if you want that CGI show hardsubbed and uploaded too (since you said one is age-restricted on JewTube).
Replies: >>223259
1:30 UTC on Saturday so 9:30PM on Friday EST, and just have it uploaded and ready to go when the stream starts. The CGI thing too.
Replies: >>223265
Alright, I got the three episodes of the CGI thing hardsubbed and skimmed them. Subtitles seem to be aligned. Does it matter if they're mp4s or mkvs at all?
Replies: >>223269
By the way, in addition to >>>/vhs/1969, you could probably advertise tomorrow night's stream in https://smuglo.li/monster/res/136137.html as well, as I'm pretty sure at least a couple of the planned viewings contain characters that are considered to be monstergirls. Don't know if anymore people will show up, but it couldn't hurt.
They have to be .mp4 or .webm, CyTube only accepts those two video files.
Replies: >>223270
Oh, I thought I sent you Paprika and other things as a mkv potentially. Maybe not, my memory is shit. Well, good thing I encoded these to mp4 like I usually do for watching stuff on Xbox 360.
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Replies: >>223290
5/5 stars for the big feet, well done.
lets gooo
Got the 4 things uploaded. Did you want me to upload Paprika too or are you handling that? There are a couple more generous file hosts I linked a bit earlier into the thread.
Replies: >>223332
If one of those worked fine I'll upload it.
Starting the pre-show.
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Replies: >>223369
Movie over, 20-minute intermission then Lily C.A.T. followed by another intermission.
Replies: >>223381
Intermission time.
Different version of Paprika without the autism borders: https://big.fileditchstuff.me/b44/RHwCrdfdyxbmezGye.mp4
https://litter.catbox.moe/7kid19.mp4 (Lily C.A.T.)
https://litter.catbox.moe/gh6lub.mp4 (Malice@Doll #1)
https://litter.catbox.moe/16o7ll.mp4 (Malice@Doll #2)
https://litter.catbox.moe/ji352c.mp4 (Malice@Doll #3)
https://litter.catbox.moe/out0o5.webm (Harmful Insect)
Thanks for hosting all those times. Hope to see you around in the future, champ. If you eventually do feel like hosting again, just say so in this thread or in a future one. If I'm not dead or distracted, I'll be happy to assist you with organizing stuff again.
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I hope those who didn't show up but still watched through the Catbox links liked what they saw. Thanks to all who showed up.
I was thinking of the streaming the Brown Bunny.
Replies: >>234111
Never saw your message, but hope you're doing well. I probably would've tuned in for that had I known.
Replies: >>234292
I didn't stream it but I'm thinking of doing Panty and Stocking.
Replies: >>234303
I'd watch.
Replies: >>234857
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I will stream the entire thing in one go on Wednesday, I might be busy that evening (UTC) so I prefer to do it in the day but I can be flexible.
Replies: >>234859
I'd have to see a time to adjust to local.
Replies: >>234860
If I got somewhere to be I'd say it'd be as long from 18:30-21:30 EST. It's also the dub.
Replies: >>234861
OK, I could probably be on around that time.
Replies: >>234862
I have nothing planned that Wednesday, I'd prefer to start at 17:00 EST.
Replies: >>234867
If you mean EST as in American Eastern, then that probably works.
Pre-show begins at 21:45 UTC.
Replies: >>235244 >>235249
how aobut no
fuck i trained my bicerps and no icant train my triceps fully i am pisssed
On Wednesday you mean, right?
Replies: >>235297
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Today is the day.
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Starting the preshow early I guess.
4 minutes.
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Video failed halfway through part B of episode 5, oops.
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Afterparty right now.
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Stream over.
To the self-proclaimed retard which wanted to get into music, you should buy a cheap guitar for learning and also watch K-On since it's kinda about the same thing (a retard picking up music). If you watch and finish, while also giving a real attempt to learn, Bocchi is another good follow-up series about schoolgirls trying to form a band (but Bocchi is autistically talented, so it's not the same as Yui in K-On being a greenhorn). Also, you might have a hormonal imbalance and/or vitamin deficiency (or something, maybe you're just suggestible and need to work on cultivating willpower) if shows with girls give you the vibe you said they do. Not intending to sound mean.
Replies: >>236057
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>buy a cheap guitar
I've had this exact first act electric guitar except with only the "e" string missing sitting in my closet that my mom got me from Toys R' Us when I was in third grade for the expressed purpose of me taking lessons, though I only did it for like a couple weeks or so and just learned how to read and play tabs. Since then I've been screwing around with it on and off using an old portable karaoke machine I got from a thrift store as an amplifier. Through experimentation I've sort of been able to come up with my own rudimentary notes that sounded "harmonic" if that's the right word. On the other hand, I have access to my friend's bass guitar (legit) and a professional analogue amplifier + scale whenever I'm at his place.
>hormonal imbalance and/or vitamin deficiency
Is there any way to curtail this?
Replies: >>236059
I'm sorry, this feels kinda baity all things considered with your post, especially due to the attached images and since the guy said he was going to sleep earlier. As for your hormonal imbalance/vitamin deficiencies, you need to figure out what to eat instead for yourself. I don't know what you're lacking and I'm not exactly being paid to be your dietitian (nor do I want to be). That sort of information is pretty easy to find, unless you have some rare abnormalities.
Replies: >>236060
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I drank a soda.
>you need to figure out what to eat instead for yourself
Yeah I know I should be following common sense, I just thought to ask anyways.
Replies: >>236061 >>236068
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Nutrition can be deceptively complex. Humans aren't as similar as jews want you to believe. I don't want to give someone else advice for what worked for my health and have it end up killing another person. For example, I know for a fact that my dietary regimen would kill my own mother even if it is good for me.
Also maybe get a cheap acoustic guitar with no visible damage.
Replies: >>236068
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Drink 2 liters of orange juice everyday.
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Next stream I will listen to 1. Outside, if Tuesday is too soon it will be the next then.
>>221257 (OP) 
Cytube are for twink niggers. Real Aryan use Peertube.
Replies: >>237547 >>237560
You type like you're brown and don't seem to understand what cytube is in the first place.
Replies: >>237551 >>237628
It's a shitty streaming platform for niggers. That's what it is. It can only run on browser. Can't even use mpv to stream weebchink cartoon. Utterly garbage service.
Replies: >>237556
Drawing a comparison to Peertube is retarded because they aren't trying to accomplish the same thing.
Replies: >>237558
Wtf are you talking about? You can host a stream with peertube. If fact, the speed is much better because it rely on p2p bittorent style of shared distrubution bandwidth. No bloat shit running video stream on webpage except for chat service.
CyTube is simple and doesn't require email registration.
Ignore her, she's the spammer.
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Tuesday at 23:00 UTC/18:00 EST I will stream a concept album called 1. Outside by David Bowie.
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