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Movie nights every Friday at

TV nights every Wednesday at

/monster/ stream every Saturday at

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1. Low-effort and template threads aren't allowed. Put some effort when making one.
2. Some shitposting is allowed but try to stay mostly on-topic.
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Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT

We have movie nights, we have bad movie nights, but we don't have TV nights. Therefore I'm going to do a little pilot hue program here to see if there's enough interest.
WHAT: Watch TV shows with fellow anons
WHEN: Wednesday nights at 7:00 EST. Check last pic if you're confused.
WHY: It helps to pad out the long week between the biweekly gamenights and weekend movie nights.
For week 1, we'll have the following:
>Cubicle denizen Dilbert toils away at Path-E-Tech which makes undefined products. The focus is on his survival amongst a moronic boss, hostile co-workers and his malevolent pet, Dogbert.
Miami Vice
>Esplendent with authentic 1980s music, fashion, and vibe, "Miami Vice" follows two undercover detectives and their extended team through the mean streets of Miami, Florida.
>Ten survival "experts" attempt to survive alone. The winner receives $500,000.
Hope to see you there!
Has David Lynch ever made a good movie? It sure doesnt seem like it. It just seems to be pretentious bullshit that never tells an actual story. I watched mullholland drive but im guessing the rest of his films are the same. (excluding elephant man) Elephant man wasnt pseudish. It was a normal movie. The impressions i've seen of his other movies reek of the mulholland drive pseud shit.
Pitch your idea for a movie in this thread, no matter how outlandish/insane/stupid it may be. This is a judgement free zone :^)
Movies, TV shows, Cartoon/Animes, Documentaries. Everything goes.
I just watched Blade Runner 2049 yesterday. It was pretty fucking good.
I've also been watching Ken Burns The Vietnam War and will start to watch Initial D later.
Kaiju & Kaijin and other Tokusatsu!
I don't know where to post this, so here you go.
Cool fonts from movies and posters go here. If I come across an actual usable font files I'll post them too.
I'm making a duplicate of the thread on the other /vhs/ since the user base is split and sleepy anons might find this interesting too.
I've been looking left and right for good Carfellas and I'm in the Band torrents for weeks now.
There's a lot of awful 2009 disney sticoms I would like to watch but I can't find most of them.
I'm also looking for Shrek 2 dubbed in japanese.
Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT

Because I'm filthy weeb, I mostly watch anime and that shit but I decided to watch some japanese movies.
>Shin Godzilla
This was my first Godzilla movies and it's pretty good, the visual were great and the soundtrack is amazing, the story is meh but they are many great scenes out there, I say that it's worth a watch I'll maybe check out other Godzilla films.
>Lesson Of Evil
Pretty brutal I like it, they really went all out on this film even angering some journos, it's not one of most well made movies out there but it was fun watch.
It's the most spookiest time of the year.
Halloween has the best movies of any holiday. B-Movies specially.
What have you watched this month?
Just watched the first two episodes of this thing.
Why do all cartoon characters for children have to be loud and annoying now?
Did this people even bother watching a 20s cartoon? The whole point is that old cartoons barely spoke coherent english and relied on body language to tell the story.
These daffy cunts never shut the fuck up. Even Popeye and Bugs Bunny didn't talk as much and as loudly as them.
The animations is nice and the backgrounds great but the plot is the most generic and bland shit. They never take advantage of being based on old animation.
Any more charts like this? I checked the archives on 8ch but only show picture thumbnails and web archive disabled all media on all the 8ch links.
What have you been watching?
Since It's almost Christmas I watched Tokyo Godfathers recently. I also watched Batman Ninja. Both pretty good films.
I'm thinking of going back to finish all of the Ghibli films too. Speaking of which, what is your favorite of them? Mine is Grave of the Fireflies.
Not movies but I also started re-watching DBZ and Mobile Suit Gundam.
General scifi thread, I'm going to assume we're allowed to talk about shows here as well.
I finished watched Farscape and thought it was good, I liked most of the characters but it all felt a bit jumbled, like trying to do too much in too little time. I also didn't think it was made clear which side Scorpius was on. I think there was a moment somewhere towards the end where he decided what he was fighting for but the whole time I was just waiting for him to backstab everyone else again like he did the dozen times beforehand. I think overall it had too many characters that it was trying to juggle around and they didn't really have time to flesh out any of the secondary characters as much as the primary cast.
Because of all that I think I like Lexx more, even for all the flaws it has in the later seasons. It kept it weird but simple, only a few real characters you have to keep track of and the much slower pace. The universe was also more interesting but they never really explain much of anything in it. I want to know more about His Shadow and the League of 20,000 Planets and how it was created, but after the first season it's pretty much mothballed and rarely mentioned again or explored in any kind of detail. Season 3 tried too hard to be 2deep4u and season 4 was a shitshow on all fronts, at least the finale was good though.
I have an endless craving for late-90s/early-2000s scifi but it seems I'm running out. What other shows should I watch now that my backlog is clear?
Any popular films or any films overall that have a generally postive reception.
I guess i'll start.
I did not like the godfather movies. I liked the first half of the first movie but the rest bored the crap out of me. I actually had to force myself to stay awake and take multiple breaks because i kept almost falling asleep.
I did not like teriminator 1 and 2. I thought it was boring. I liked Alien but i did not like Aliens. I didnt like Aliens because it trivialized the alien itself. It turned it from a horror movie to some stupid machine gun killing alien movie.
A thread for movies featuring tomboys. What counts as a tomboy movie is kind of vague, as they don't necessarily have to be about 'being a tomboy' or 'the phenomenon of tomboys', but ideally a tomboy should be prominently featured in the film instead of being a background character and ideally the movie would be good. 
In theory this isn't be limited to anime, but I suspect they'll be the only films worthwhile since a lot of western movies about 'tomboys' are either butch dyke ntr films or tranny garbage.
I know that there's at least a few of you here besides me that love this stuff and sleepy /vhs/ was missing a place to discuss it.
Because there's crossover lets say Sentai goes here too.

What is everyone's favorite types of martial arts movies?
What are some old and classic movies that are worth watching ?
Few weeks ago I watched Fahrenheit 451the orignal one, I heard that the remake or whatever was shit just like every media and it was a great watch, it gave books for me a new meaning there importance in our life, and the details that make the world much more believeble are great for example :
There was scene where the police was looking into files of criminals, and saw that files didn't have any words on them they were just pictures of the criminals or how when Montag sits in his bed reading only comics at the begining of the movie.
These little details are great to discover.
This is a movie that any fan of films should totally watch and enjoyed every minute of it.
No, you can't pick more than one.
It's winter and soon to be Christmas. Have you been watching any movies or specials related to this holiday? Post and talk about your favorites here.
I've re-watched Jingle All the Way recently. It was pretty fun for what it was. It's a favorite of mine.
Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PDT - 7pm CDT - 8pm EDT

What happened? Why isn't she in any show other than monk?
(You) are cordially invited to the second annual
Another curated selection of video game movies will be played for your amusement. Some of them good, most of them bad, a handful so-bad-it's-good.
WHEN: November 25 & 26, 2023
Times are approximate and may be rounded up/down for convenience. Please arrive 10 minutes before the actual listed showtime.


The fight to save the world is on!
6:00 AM PT / 9:00 AM ET / 2:00 PM GMT

Destroy All Expectations...
7:51 AM PT / 10:51 AM ET / 3:51 PM GMT

Most believe his very existence is a sin. But others know he is a necessary evil.
9:37 AM PT / 12:37 PM ET / 5:37 PM GMT

The Pokémon match of all time is here.
11:21 AM PT / 2:21 PM ET / 7:21 PM GMT

Is it for the children, for a memory, or for himself?
12:56 PM PT / 3:56 PM ET / 8:56 PM GMT

Can you survive five nights?
3:13 PM PT / 6:13 PM ET / 11:13 PM GMT

The story of Halo 4 begins at dawn.
5:12 PM PT / 8:12 PM ET / 1:12 AM GMT

An action packed thrill ride!
6:45 PM PT / 9:45 PM ET / 2:45 AM GMT


When a man has lost everything, he only has revenge.
6:00 AM PT / 9:00 AM ET / 2:00 PM GMT

Frenemies Unite.
7:53 AM PT / 10:53 AM ET / 3:53 PM GMT

The evil continues...
9:35 AM PT / 12:35 PM ET / 5:35 PM GMT

Survival is no game
11:23 AM PT / 2:23 PM ET / 7:23 PM GMT

Your mission: don't die.
1:04 PM PT / 4:04 PM ET / 9:04 PM GMT

The sins of the father, have been passed to the child.
2:51 PM PT / 5:51 PM ET / 10:51 PM GMT

They're on a cross-country adventure to the world's greatest video championship. It's more than a's the chance of a lifetime.
3:58 PM PT / 6:58 PM ET / 11:58 PM GMT

!!! ACHTUNG !!!
!!! VERBOTEN !!!
5:48 PM PT / 8:48 PM ET / 1:48 AM GMT
please don't suck
What do you think of the Star Wars series ?
For me I think it's overrated and blown out too much, it doesn't deserve it's high status or this amount of attention, there are lots I mean lot of other media that does things better then Star Wars.
I could give out examples but most of them are anime so wew.
Although I may be wrong because I never watched a Star Wars movie.
I made this thread to not derail the /v/ thread
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) is better than the book because Albert is Edmond's biological son.
So, I decided to get into Star Trek. I'm starting with TOS, then TNG and DS9. Are the original movies and the animated series any good? What should I avoid?
What are your favorite animated films? A lot of my favorite movies of all time are animated. Let's have a thread to discuss and post some of them.
>Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
One of Richard Williams's (May he rest in peace) best work. A fun musical with great songs and great animation. My favorite song being No Girl's Toy. Such a shame it didn't do well in the box office.
>Heavy Metal
Anthology of stories involving a glowing green orb. The animation isn't amazing but it has that cool as fuck Heavy Metal Magazine feel to it. It's pretty great and has an great soundtrack. One of my favorite songs, Veteran Of The Psychic Wars features in this film. It has hot chicks too. There's a sequel but I haven't watched it and have heard it isn't as good.
>The Transformers: The Movie
What can I say? I grew up with Transformers and despite all of the film's flaws, It's one of my favorite action films ever made. It's just pure good fun. It has also one if not the best score in any film ever. The Touch, Dare. Instruments of Destruction and The Transformers theme are my go to at the gym.
(You) are cordially invited to
A specially curated selection of video game movies will be played for your amusement. Some of them good, most of them bad, a handful so-bad-it's-good.
WHEN: November 26 & November 27, 2022
Times are approximate and may be rounded up/down for convenience. Please arrive 10 minutes before the actual listed showtime. Each movie is followed by a 10 minute intermission.
how to write interesting plot for movies
yes i know but plz read
Ignoring the Marvel obsession and fanbase, are they really bad movies on their own? I've seen most of them (except Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and Eternals because I've mostly stopped caring) and there are only really two of them that I would consider "not good", those being Thor: The Dark World and Captain Marvel. However a lot of them do suffer from being very cookie-cutter: you get the same brand of humor, same cinematography, same general plotlines/story arcs, and that "le quirky sorandom lul" brand of humor that I have come to despise. But at the same time I still find them to be fun in a "turn off your brain" way and taking it for what they are. They're not trying to be deep, they're not trying to ask meaningful questions, just a lot of world building and seeing all these characters interact with each other just like in the comic books, and I think that's why I've enjoyed it so much, that you have this massive intertwined story that's never been done on film before.
Have you seen any of them? Did you like them? What pisses you off most about the whole series?
What films did you watch in school? We watched picrel
General David Lynch thread as well, but mostly Twin Peaks. 

Halfway through Season 2, this is alright. The series feels like the most Lynch could get away with on network television. Enough weird shit going on to keep me engaged but far too much soap drama for my liking, there's 4 concurrent love triangles right now still counting Leo since he'll probably wake up.
Big pros are Dale Cooper, the One Armed Man and the visions Madeleine was getting a the start of the season. I assume there's more of the Giant and Black Lodge coming later in the season. Log Lady is neat, as is trying to figure out what the fuck Rosenfield's problem is. Hoping the Triad subplot goes somewhere soon.
Cons: Soap drama as mentioned. Actors for James, Bobby and Josie are a bit shite. Pace is slow, a great deal happened in the first and last episodes of season 1 with maybe another 4 episodes of that worth in the rest of the season. I assume network serials were paced like that at the time. Audrey is a strange and annoying character. Not out of place, but I don't care for here character I mean, she looks great in those skirts or here subplots.
I expected more backward talking midgets and premonitions from coffee cups than I've been getting. Such is what it had to be I suppose, but still wonder what the original script would have been like.
General thread questions
>How Lynch is Twin Peaks? Give free rein, what do you think he would have changed
>Is Dale Cooper a good character or an amusing set of affectations?
>How do you like your coffee?
>Favourite Lynch Film
>If you've played Deadly Premonitions, what did you think of it
Check for weekly movie nights.
Every Friday at 5pm PST - 8pm EST

T̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶i̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶n̶e̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶t̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶T̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶m̶o̶n̶k̶e̶y̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶G̶r̶e̶a̶s̶e̶m̶o̶n̶k̶e̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶p̶e̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶w̶s̶e̶r̶:̶ ̶h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶c̶y̶t̶u̶.̶b̶e̶/̶g̶o̶o̶g̶l̶e̶_̶d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶_̶u̶s̶e̶r̶s̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶
You no longer need the script to be able to watch movies.
Also post movie suggestions for future movie nights.
>They found a way to continue to milk toy story after ending it with 4
Why is the trailer so "cinematic"? It feels more aimed to adults than kids.
The director is Angus MacLane which is known for animating a bunch of pixar films and co-directing Finding Dory. I haven't watched that though so I don't know if it's good or not.
It reminds me as well that buzz lightyear of star command exist but I haven't watched that either.
Post your VHSs and criticize your fellow anons
have you taken the bobble pill?
it's a tough pill to bobble
what makes good, top grossing movies that sells to millions of people?
Did he survive?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm not sure why "his" movies aren't that much discussed. I would really recommend Oscar and hibernatus the kinda of chaotic humor where funes goes from confused to near psycho is really funny.
Does anyone remember what this one Public Access TV guy was called? He had a ski mask and he would do comedy skits (or "a" comedy skit) about SHTF apocalypse and what to do. I think I have it saved somewhere but I don't remember the name of it. Thanks.
Last decade was a giant ocean of putrid shit. But every now and then a good film would pop out. Let's talk about them.
Off the top of my head:
>Mad Max: Fury Road
>Hardcore Henry
>Ford v. Ferrari
>Blade Runner 2049
>Toy Story 3
>John Wick
I heard Birdman and the Hara-Kiri remake are good but I haven't seen them yet.
>two 13 year old boys swim naked with a clothed 11 year old girl

How did they get away with this film?
Self-explanatory title.
>What do I do?
Pick 10 minutes of the movie and change the subs to your liking. (Subs here (My ten minutes are there already):
Just change the .srt extension to .txt and get writing. Download the movie as well to help you.
So tell me, anon. Was the new Mortal Kombat any good? I think I already know the answer.
There's so many new vidya films in the works. To name a few: Minecraft, MGS, another Yakuza movie, Space Invaders(how?), Megaman (by Netflix). another RE movie, Sonic 2, Borderlands, Rabbids, Just Dance, SMB by minion corp and other shit.
Any of these shitshows you are curious about?
I wonder what a Space Invaders movie will look like. It better not be pixels all over again.
A megaman film in the style of protomen would have been cool but knowing cuckflix that won't happen.
I didn't hate the Sonic movie so maybe I'll watch the new one.
So besides new releases Is there an already released videogame movie you enjoy? As much as the 1995 MK movie wastes potential is still one of my favorites.
Has sleepy seen the new trailer for the Sopranos prequel movie? What do you think of it? I watched The Sopranos and enjoyed it so I think I'll be watching this. It's only a movie so it's not a real time investment like another tv show would be. The fact that's it's only a movie is a godsend in this day and age but it's never too late
I don't want to spoil too much right off the bat so just watch the trailer if you haven't already.
I'm pretty new to the movies genre of media, yes I watched some films but they weren't anything revolutionairy or something that changed the medium as hole, what are some films that needs to be watched to understand the strengths of this medium and it's benefits, something that can show me the value of this art-form.
It's ok if it's popular or something like that, I want to understand movies more.
>4:3 for "artistic" purposes
>had to stop and look up that it was actually supposed to be like that & I didn't just grab some shit rip
I watched Leon the Professional, The Orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, Show Me Love, Alice in the Cities, A Little Princess, Water Lillies, F-Report, The Blue Lagoon, Laurin(89), Sleepwalking, Matilda, You Were Never Really Here, Lawn Dogs, Take Me to the River, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Stray Dogs, Spirit of the Beehive, Stephanie, The Taste of Tea, Hounddog, Bridge to Terabithia, The Beguiled, Somewhere, Alice(88), City of lost children, Cape Fear(62), Arcadia, Tomorrowland, Christiane F, Walkabout, The Florida Project, My Girl(91), Addams Family Values, Young Aphrodites, The Ice Palace, Swing vote, Tideland, Bad Seed, Cocoon, Annabele: Creation, the opening scene of Desire, Phoebe in Wonderland, Gifted, Spark, Caspe, Because of Winn-dixie, Zazie dans le metro, Amanda, Waterworld, What Maisie Knew, Paper Moon, Sundays and Cybele, Hideous Kinky, Svanurinn, Miss Violence, the Troop Zero, Ana, Tuck Everlasting, System Crasher, Angela 1995, Alice Sweet Alice, Romys Salon and The Trouble with Being Born, now what do I watch?
I'd thought I'd ask this new board for movie recs since coincidentally I've found myself binging a few from this list i had saved. So far its pretty good, I'm about halfway done. Do you guys have any other movies you'd consider similar to those on this list?

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