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yes i know but plz read
Ignoring the Marvel obsession and fanbase, are they really bad movies on their own? I've seen most of them (except Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and Eternals because I've mostly stopped caring) and there are only really two of them that I would consider "not good", those being Thor: The Dark World and Captain Marvel. However a lot of them do suffer from being very cookie-cutter: you get the same brand of humor, same cinematography, same general plotlines/story arcs, and that "le quirky sorandom lul" brand of humor that I have come to despise. But at the same time I still find them to be fun in a "turn off your brain" way and taking it for what they are. They're not trying to be deep, they're not trying to ask meaningful questions, just a lot of world building and seeing all these characters interact with each other just like in the comic books, and I think that's why I've enjoyed it so much, that you have this massive intertwined story that's never been done on film before.
Have you seen any of them? Did you like them? What pisses you off most about the whole series?
Replies: >>865
They're boring, which is the worst atrocity that any piece of media can commit. I kinda liked the ending of that one Spider Man movie where he gets Iron Man's shit at the end, because the idea is novel and Spider Man is one of the only capeshit characters that has a tangible personality that isn't just being a gigantic faggot. But the MCU Spider Man is shit so I haven't seen the sequel or anything.
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These movies are like sugary cereal. Unless you're a kid, a cup once in a while can be alright but eating it everyday will make you puke in agony.
As anon said, they're just really boring. They have the depth of 80s cartoons but are uninteresting to look at.
If I want background noise or turn my brain off, I'll just put on Seinfeld or some show from the 60s.
>>859 (OP) 
>Are they really bad movies on their own?
Depends on the movie.
Replies: >>1164
could you list some examples?
>plz read
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