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Movies, TV shows, Cartoon/Animes, Documentaries. Everything goes.
I just watched Blade Runner 2049 yesterday. It was pretty fucking good.
I've also been watching Ken Burns The Vietnam War and will start to watch Initial D later.
>>126 (OP) 
What are you a weeb....
I've been watching some Serial Experimental Lain, I still don't understand what's going on, and also watching the new Dragon Quest anime it's pretty good too bad it doesn't have that god-like OP we used to have in the arabic version, and for documentaries I always start watching Empire of Dust but I sleep half-way through it, it's not bad but I always pick a bad time to watch it
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>>126 (OP) 
Hardly anything he does registers to me as expressive, it's like the ANTI-THESIS of expression to me, unless expression means having layers of differing lights. It's effectively just a series of colors and lights with no meaning, and I think it's representative of the commercialization on post-meaning. That's probably why it resonates with people because they can see the meaninglessness in his stuff and get stimulated by it. Here Blade Runner has a bunch of basic off-center and sporadically placed entities in a frame with no center just like a Marienbad shot, but the thing about it is this lack of any artistic integrity beyond just technically serving the compositions.

Yes, I see the behind the scenes for blade runner having the ring light, and yes I see all the colors in blade runner, but it's honestly a match made-in-heaven in a negative/postive way for that movie since it's about the banality and loss of life sense, loss of life essence in future noir setting, and it's adapted from being japan-run in old Blade Runner 80s, to being like a bunch of cheap-ass paper-thin architecture like new apartments they build nowadays. It's all very cheap and fake-modernist looking just like a whole bunch of the state of architecture and fashion today. The scene where Ryan is in the archive room with the yellow lighting and all the drawers have like fake woodgrain is clearly a conscious decision and fits along with the fake modernism of Deakins' photography, but there's no essence, there's no person behind the technique. It's just technique. I'm struggling to even describe it right now, but I can make a second review working out my deeper thoughts on this movie.

The only notable shot I remember from here that stands out is this one because the way the light bounces off the wall with no visible window. Background is just no light. Not impressive.
Replies: >>135
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It's interesting how looking at all these latest cinematographers, their aspects are mainly about what subtle accentuations to the gradation of the photography are changed between. Like this Hoytema guy is very reminiscent of a lot of indie stuff and it's almost nigh impossible to tell the difference amongst all of them because of perhaps how the cameras just are today or perhaps like how scores for movies are subdued now mainly versus long long ago. To me I see it that all these new digital cinematographers that propped up since pretty much Deakins where Brother Art Thou and the sudden wave of DSLR's and stuff in 2010's, that they took kind of the rote way of how to shoot things with the same mid eye-level shots and also sticking late day hazy, kinda evening indoors look for everything or either blueish daytime look with hardly any sun and the main distinction ends up being picking up the rich parts to the gradation, the gradients of brown.

Something like pic related. All brown and dark tinted, very low lighting 'cause that's how digital supposedly shines best with is being more lightly lighted, not heavily lighted like old ways. And I'm pointing out a shot like that there because I can tell that that look there is something a buncha filmbuffs would go gaga over but it's nigh indistinguishable from a lot of the trends in that look throughout the 2010's. Perhaps though he set that up being the norm since that screenshot is from 2011 on the dot.
Replies: >>136
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I see looking at screenshots from this movie that indie guys MAYBE intended to MIMIC this guy's look, 'cause you see this type of look all OVER indies and eventually spread to taking over all serious Hollywood movies moving forward. John Wick has that same gradient 'cept it's just not lit brown, lit with purple. But it still has that same look.

I think that's probably REALLY why a movie like The Master sticks out in people's recent minds. Because in trying to mimic Kubrick's structuralist frames (structuralist frames are frames like that Master sea shot with Joaquin layed down), he separates from the rest of everybody else that's mega into just being basic mid-shots with no real sense of composition or meaning. Mid-shots and closeups became the norm ever since the 90s, particularly when the aspect ration solidified into 2:35:1 as opposed to 1:88:1. When it got into the 235 things got very very squeezed and that shot of Keanu and above is what became the norm. It's something I just especially notice. It's ALMOST a type of photography that irritates me because it just wasn't the case at all before, cinematographers, directors were so much more creative before. I don't really know how to describe the types of these shots cause they're not designed with any meaning, it's just merely what became the standardized way to shoot in Hollywood moving forward into the 2010's. Then for comedies everything is fairly wide and basic 2-shot, characters sitting next to one another in the same frame, not against, but to the side of one another.

I'd say it's actually important to have a pic like this to compact the loss of identity and essence that looks to be our future judging by how aimless we are right now in the 21st century, BUT, I don't intend to look to dour on that being the case. I see things being renewed in the new generations. Deakins to me represents where prestige commercialism is at. That they're stifled for creativity in any capacity but they're increasing their technical acumen to stratospheric heights. And what I mean by "essence" is essence in terms of an individual quality that's beyond being typified. A lot of things can be typified very easily and quickly because that's the generality of reality. But it's not so easily that case. There's a lot of HIDDEN potential and discovery, creativity that comes from somebody really peering in and deeply exploring their identities, their existence. That leads to great art.
Replies: >>137
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I find their stuff more enriching and emboldening than where the state of prestige commercialism is at, The Oscars, the work of Deakins, and so forth. It's all fake bourgeois with the prestige works versus either the highest in Hollywood that are actually determining our fates, Disney and the megacorps. It's either the megacorps or the small, the middle prestige like Deakins I see no use for, they're wasting space. When I see Deakins, I get absolutely nothing from, no sense of emotion, no life, no essence. It's just empty. Even Lubezki I find better. I actually got Tree of Life on bluray cause it was so cheap. I like that aspect of shooting, getting that camera nice and handheld INTO the scenes, really being part of it and not removed, but it's just the characters as human beings are nothing in it, the movie's very wafer-thin in what it's trying to do and show.

And it IS important to show a dearth of life with no sarcasm or even satire like a Sandler picture, but it's very feigned to me. Feigned in a way with the expectation of being considered quality. Every decision Deakins makes doesn't come from artistic creativity, it's just workmanlike plucking of basic modernist photography traits but absolutely drained of any intent or meaning. Let me share this pic comparison between Gordon and Deakins that I made a long time ago, because this really distilled down my major gripes, to be able to SEE the differences.

Call it cherrypicking and false equivalent shot selections, but the point of my comparison pictures are supposed to illustrate in that image is the aspect of cultural shifts and differences. Differentiation over time, what I'm concerned about, not singularly aesthetically minded, more about the bigger picture, the entirety. I wouldn't say it's just a matter sincerity because we're all going through new sincerity of expression in ourselves today. Even Deakins is sincere, but his work lacks the actual power of Gordon Willis. In this shot here, Brando's face with the black lighting on his eyes is more painful, more sorrowful. Deakins is more cold like Kubrick and for that being the case, he's more representative of our times today where people don't know what pain and struggle actually is and means. Jesse James really DOES looks like shampoo commercial compared to Bad Company.
Replies: >>278
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Replies: >>161
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Is there a movie were Galatea doesnt fucking dies?
The west has a hate boner against her.
Replies: >>162
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That seems to be the pattern. It's a symptom of the rampant misandry. No, not only are there no good women because cultural imprinting turned them into whores, and not only can you not make your own loyal, loving alternative, you can't even live the fantasy vicariously through cinema because we're vindictive, jealous bitches. The only ones that are likely to escape the guillotine are manipulative, stronk types that stroke their whore egos like the Ex Machina succubus. 

I will never forgive them
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I just finished watching The Blob (1988) because I saw the Red Letter Media video discussing it and it piqued my curiosity.  I normally hate any film that has even mild horror elements because I'm a huge baby and I can't stand the tension when I know something bad is going to happen to a character but I'm waiting for the knife to drop.  This movie did have plenty of that, especially in the early phases when the blob is only the size of a dog or a person, and it did make me feel just as anxious as I thought it would.

I was able to get through it, and I'm glad that I did because it was a very tight, focused movie that didn't waste my time or have any poz like everything made these days.  Some deaths were pretty gruesome to the point that I had to look at a different part of the screen, but the tension and suspense were crafted very well.  I always had a clear idea of how the monster was evolving and the characters never felt like they were holding the idiot ball or acting in a contrived way.  I was really surprised that one of the kids died in the sewer section since that kind of stuff is a big no-no in American cinema; it caught me completely off guard and made me wonder who else was going to die.

Definitely recommend it.  I found a clean torrent on 1337 easily and downloaded it within 10 minutes, so it's not hard to find.
Replies: >>187 >>188
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I've been going back and watching a lot of Godzilla films. Really liked them as a kid and they're still really fun to watch. Looking forward to pic related because I never got around to it when it came out.
Also the 1998 movie is far worse then I remember.
Replies: >>183
It's pretty good, my first Godzilla movie and now I get why this series is important, the series does have it's fun action but also has it's own special way of artistic expression.
I watched it when I was a wee little lad, good movie. I guess I will rewatch it.
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After watching The Blob as I mentioned in >>177 I decided to get over another horror film, which I had often seen parodied and referenced but never actually watched myself: John Carpenter's The Thing.

It's good. If you've seen the movie then you know why it's good because it's one of those works that commands your attention.  The initial few minutes were a bit boring, but once the story gets going there are a tonne of small details that kept me engaged.  I though there would be more monster scenes, but huge stretches of the film are spent watching the men go at each other's throats.  That was a pleasant surprise and much more gripping because it makes the monster scenes hit much harder.  When I watched The Blob, I felt like every scene where someone was alone would lead to a gruesome death and it made me anxious, but watching The Thing made me feel tense in a much less fearful way.  The only thing that really put me off the movie was the lingering shots of gore and viscera we get near the start, but that's just me being squeamish.

If you haven't seen it yet, then I totally recommend it: the film's praises are richly deserved.  Just like before, I found a 1080p version on 1337 and downloaded it within half an hour.
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I watched the Blade movie trilogy over the last week (again due to an RLM video) and I was pleasantly surprised.  There's something about the 90s style - trenchcoat, black leather, swords/knives, dual pistols, sunglasses indoors and at night, etc. - that I really enjoy even to this day.  Maybe I watched too much Trigun at a formative age.  In any case, I think the Blade movies may be the only film series I've ever seen where the second movie is better than the first - not just that it handles its themes better or that it has more of the setting to use, but its structure is better and the characters are used for better actions.

Pure 90s cheese and about a 50/50 split between the good (Wesley Snipes calling people mothafuckas and shooting guns) and the bad (the villains trying to make me care about them).  What I found puzzling was the action: some of it is shot well, since Snipes was one of the choreographers and he's a martial artist, so you have longer and wider shots that actually let me see what the actors are doing.  Then you have some truly bewildering shots where the camera is moving so fast and everything is so blurred that I literally can't see what's going on.  The movie is longer than it needs to be and the visual effects have not aged well, particularly the stuff at the end, but if you have some time to spare and you want to see gunfire and swordfights then it's worth your time.

>Blade II
An improvement over the first, which shouldn't come as a surprise since it was directed by Guillermo del Toro before he drank the Kool-Aid.  The cast is more like an ensemble, since we have Blade, Whistler coming back from the dead, Whistler's replacement (played by a young Norman Reedus), the usual vampires, a new strain of vampires, and half a dozen vampires that Blade teams up with.  There's a lot more CGI this time and the action is mostly focused on guns instead of martial arts, but the character beats are simple and always present - thus, the action isn't mindless and I actually care what's happening onscreen.  Genuinely a solid action movie that doesn't come with any caveats about its quality aside from the usual stylistic choices of an early 00s Hollywood film.  The new strain of vampires look really stupid, I suppose, but that's the only real problem.

>Blade: Trinity
Total trash and not worth anyone's time.  Blade fights Dracula and teams up with a previously unknown cell of vampire hunters.  Dracula gets played by some square-headed dude with a buzz cut and barely does anything throughout the entire plot.  The vampire hunter cell has some bitch who can't act or throw a punch, Patton Oswalt (who thankfully dies), and Ryan Reynolds of all people, whose character tries to be funny in every single scene and doesn't succeed even once.  I don't normally care much about celebrities, but it's really impressive that the writers managed to make a comic relief character played by Ryan Reynolds into someone I wanted to die at the end of the film.  Triple H also plays one of Dracula's henchmen, but he doesn't do much.

There are no circumstances under which anyone would or should enjoy watching Blade Trinity.  I will forever use it as an example of Hollywood filmmaking ruining what should have been a fun concept.  It's a real shame.
Replies: >>269
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Just watched whiplash and damn is it good, the whole dynamic between andrew and fletcherr is fucking great and I'm sucker for good jazz music.
Did you watch it lads, if you do tell me what did you think about it.
Replies: >>1197
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Finished The Hill (1965) starring Sean Connery. It is about an officer (Sean himself) who is arrested for attacking his superior and taken to a prison in northern Africa. Said prison is basically a holding place for all of her majesty's soldiers who tried fleeing, stealing, or anything else of that nature. Some of the officers and men in charge run an extremely disciplined prison that ultimately leads to big issues later in the movie.

As for what I thought about it, I will say I very much recommend it. The movie is set in WW2, but the viewer is only aware of within the prison. This is a pretty nice change from every movie being set in the time period having to lecture on the sides involved. Instead it focuses only on the Brits and the men who are imprisoned there. I came into this movie to see another Sean Connery film, but was just as impressed with Harry Andrews and Ian Hendry who help ratchet up the tension. The start of the film sets the stage, but you really start to feel the tension the longer the movie goes on. As both sides of the conflict seem to start losing it and lashing out.
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I go through short binges now followed by long periods of watching nothing
last one included Hostiles, which was great until the plot started to fall apart culminating in that increasingly terrible ending
Sisters Brothers, which was very well done all around and not the kind of quasi-McFarlane tier comedy satire I expected just from Dr Steve Brule's casting
also grabbed the True Grit remake and Ballad of Lefty Brown, yet to watch those though
>>126 (OP) 
Hang yourself.
i dont know man, i liked the frame in sicario. i dont get the atpm and prisoners. both look alright.
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I just finished watching the recent Godzilla/King Kong movies, which had human drama that good to awful and monster fights that were generally wicked.

>Godzilla 2014
I remember seeing this in a movie theatre and enjoying it a lot; the sound design deserves special mention, since Godzilla has a very distinct roar which starts out high pitched and shrieking before lowering to a ululation from the back of his throat.  Upon rewatching it I found that it held up as both a monster movie and a disaster movie, since Godzilla is treated like a natural disaster/force of nature in this film.  There's a tonne of buildup before you see him properly, which is both a good and bad thing.  It makes the actual reveal of Godzilla feel much more meaningful because he truly looks and behaves like some prehistoric behemoth, but it means that the human drama accounts for a larger portion of the entire film.  While Bryan Cranston is on the screen, that's fine, but he dies at the end of the first act and the rest of the actors and characters are just not very interesting.  The protagonist is a bog standard military character, and although the actor plays him well he just doesn't have a personality.

The monsters, however, are great, and I think the MUTOs are solid additions to the monsters of Godzilla film canon.  They are good foils to Godzilla himself and they also feel like part of a natural world that existed on a different scale.  They have sexual dimorphism, and the female being larger visually underscore their more insectoid designs.  The only thing I can really say about the monsters in this movie are that I'd have liked to see more of them. 

>Kong Skull Island
A combination of Vietnam-era adventure and the classic King Kong story about a team of filmmakers/researchers going to an uninhabited island to find an ancient monster.  Genuinely a really good movie, with good performances from most of the cast and great monster effects.  Kong himself steals the show, and the team obviously put a lot of effort into making him feel like he fit into the Skull Island ecosystem (at the top, of course).  He feels like a real character with a personality, which I think is intentional since Godzilla in these movies is more like a pure hunter compared to Kong being a guardian.

The movie is held back by some of the human actors/characters not being very good, but overall it's a great combination of an ensemble cast and giant monsters fighting each other.  Even if you have no intention of watching the rest of the series, I very strongly recommend seeing this one.
Replies: >>447 >>448
>Godzilla King of the Monsters
As with the previous movies, the monster fights are great; the hook this time is that the government agency from Kong Skull Island has facilities all over the world containing giant monsters, when one of them is attacked by an eco-terrorist group and the lead scientist woman is kidnapped along with a macguffin device she built that can control/signal monsters by replicating their bioacoustic calls/cries, which is a subtheme throughout these movies.  The group uses the device to awaken Ghidorah, frozen in a block of ice in Antarctica, who proceeds to wreak havoc and attempt to establish himself as the alpha of every monster in the world.

The bioacoustic stuff is a decent story gimmick, and it puts more emphasis on the sound design.  I like the sound design a lot more than I probably should in this movie just because it's used in simple, effective ways: every monster has a distinct cry, and you can tell when they feel pain or anger or other emotions.  Ghidorah himself is rendered incredibly well, and he really feels like his own monster in contrast to Godzilla and the rest of them.  The final confrontation between him and Godzilla is a real treat; there's a story running alongside the monster fight that shows what it's like at ground level when two of them clash, and the sheer scale of everything is just fucking insane.

The reason I spend so much time discussing the monsters is because the human drama is by far the worst out of all these monster movies.  The human characters have almost no personalities or arcs, and there are way too many of them.  You can literally just skip everything but the monster scenes and you wouldn't lose anything.

>Godzilla vs Kong
I think the team behind this was the team responsible for Kong Skull Island, because the human characters are much more tolerable.  This time Kong and Godzilla finally meet and fight to see which one of them is the real king of the monsters, but if you know anything about monster movies then you'll know they eventually unite in the face of a common enemy.  A really good movie, mostly because the monsters are at the forefront of it all and the special effects and monster fights continue to impress me.

There are two main groups of human characters, one of whom is doing their own thing and the other which is following Kong: the former is pretty annoying because they're all comedy relief characters but the movie is shot in the traditional Hollywood style which absolutely crushes any visual comedy or soul their scenes might have had.  The humans following Kong around are better, and the "stuck-up bitch" character that all Western writers seem to love actually gets what's coming to her at the climax of the movie, which was a very pleasant surprise.

Overall, the movies consistently have great special effects and the human characters are generally solid as long as they're interacting with Kong instead of standing around a table talking about Godzilla or technobabble.  Thanks to the age of streaming, all the day 1 torrents are movierips, so all the movies can easily be found on 1337x.  I recommend them to anyone who wants to see giant monsters fight each other, but if you do decide to watch them then you should allow at least a day or two for each movie to cool off.  There's so much noise and violence in each one that watching them back to back will definitely overwhelm your sensibilities.
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How is Kong Skull Island compared to the 2005 film? I recently watched it for the first time yesterday and I enjoyed it. Some of the CGI has aged, but thankfully not Kong and the creatures in Skull Island. There's a decent amount of giant monsters fighting, although there's not much of Kong fighting creatures compared to newer films. Characters were great, and even Jack Black did great as not-Orson Welles. Film length is long, but it didn't felt like a waste.
Replies: >>449
I haven't watched the 2005 film in a long time, but I recall it being a more straightforward adaptation of the classic King Kong story, complete with a sad ending and lots of human drama.  Kong Skull Island is focused on the monsters first, because it's meant to be part of a larger film series and more of action movie than the 2005 film.  You don't meet the islanders until the characters have already encountered and fought several types of monsters, and the climax of the movie is a monster fight rather than Kong climbing the Empire State Building.  I think the human performances in the 2005 film were overall stronger, so it's probably a "better" film if you wanted to see the characters interacting with each other and connect with them.

Honestly, they're both really good movies and I think if you like one you'll like the other, simply for different reasons.
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I watched Thor Ragnarok with my parents last night after being suckered in by the opening premise of Thor and Loki being flung to the far end of the universe and having to fight their way back.  It was a movie with some decent moments but which was ruined by the usual Marvel poz and Feige-style anti-comedy.  The premise is such:
>Thor defeats a giant monster who wanted to bring about Ragnarok and destroy Asgard
>Upon returning to his father, Odin, he realizes that Loki is impersonating him and has hidden the real Odin on earth
>They go to earth but can't find him
>Dr Strange tells them Odin is in Norway and teleports them there
>Odin tells them that Ragnarok is coming and he's dying, then he dies
>Hela, Odin's firstborn daughter appears, and destroys Thor's hammer
>Loki panics and tries to return them both to Asgard, but Hela hops onto the Bifrost after them and throws them out of it
>This places them at the far end of the universe on a planet that is the universe's junk heap
>Thor is kidnapped and taken into slavery as a gladiator by a negress valkyrie who works as a scrap trawler
>Hela arrives in Asgard and starts killing people

The movie is decent when it's focusing on Thor being a fish out of water on the junk planet, but there are a lot of """"jokes"""" that constantly undercut the action and earnestness.  None of the men are allowed to be serious for more than 10 seconds without cracking a joke (by which I mean they stutter and forget how to finish a sentence), but of course the women get to beat them up without breaking a sweat, and suffer only mildly/temporarily until they can punch the men and assert their dominance.  It's just disgusting how emasculated and weak-willed the men are, which is made worse by all the fugly women in the film.  There is a sum total of one action/drama scene in the entire film that isn't punctuated by a joke.

Thor Ragnarok honestly has so many jokes that it feels like more of a comedy than anything, which clashes with all the grand space fantasy stuff it's trying to do.  Thor, Loki, the Hulk, the nigger valkyrie, Hela, Hela's goons, and a few other characters I'm surely forgetting are all lined up at the end, but none of them has any meaningful characterization because they all tell """"jokes"""" the same way and sound the same.  Making matters worse are the VFX, which are serviceable but not integrated well into the film or action.  It's painfully obvious when the characters are just talking to each other on a soundstage and when they're being replaced by 3D body doubles in the action shots, which is exacerbated by the constant cuts away from the action to some boring shot of a character's face.  The lack of weight is a real problem, and the insistence on shot/reverse shot """"comedy"""" cinematography makes every scene feel the same.

I would not recommend seeing it.  It had a few genuinely funny parts, but most of the movie was characters saying unfunny things and the film elbowing me in the ribs and saying "ehh?  ehh?  pretty quirky, ehh?" in a desperate attempt to hold my attention.  I would have really enjoyed a simple space fantasy romp with Thor acting like a meathead, but that would have been too simple and too fun for Hollywood.  This film reminded me of the Star Wars prequels: artificial, hollow, and trying to be too many things at once.
Replies: >>489
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that's an issue with a lot of the MCU, sometimes I wanted it to just shut up for a bit and actually be serious but it always had to shoehorn a joke in somewhere. it works for iron man because of his eccentricity but for someone like captain america or thor i'd want them to actually take it more seriously. not full on SRSBSNS but some more self-awareness. infinity war was a good culmination of everything and had a darker overall mood which endgame proceeded to throw out the window for time travel paradoxes and a lukewarm final battle and was the peak of the MCU. i liked watching them for having an overarching story with a bunch of different characters, but now that the big event is over I don't really care for what happens afterward, except spider man maybe.
Replies: >>490 >>497
that's one of the funniest pics I've seen this week
FInished season 1 of Red Dwarf, I went into it thinking it was going to be a drama; that notion was dispelled in the first 10 seconds. It's a good start, quintessential britbong humor but I enjoyed it. Hopefully it gets even better with the later seasons.
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I just watched Sorcerer (1977) today and I wanted to post something while it was fresh in my memory.  The film is the second adaptation of the French novel Le Salaire de la Peur, or The Wages of Fear as it's more commonly known in English.  I described that film in >>354, but the premise is that four men have to transport unstable nitroglycerine across several hundred miles in unstable trucks.

Sorcerer follow the same general story, but the cargo is cases of dynamite that have been stored improperly in the South American jungle, which has caused the nitro to leak out of them and pool in the bottom of their crates.  The four main characters are an assassin, a man fleeing the Irish mob, a Palestinian militant who set a bomb in Israel, and a French banker who was accused of fraud and couldn't pay his collateral.

The movie had a bit of a troubled production due to being shot on location and is more "lopsided" than the French film.  The editor fucking loves jump cuts, and there is no spoken English for the first 16 minutes - in fact, the subtitled version I found didn't include subtitles for all lines of dialogue, which made me think I was missing something.  However, once the dynamite and driving were introduced around the halfway mark, the film quickly accelerated into some of the best tension I have ever seen.  If you like tension or suspense at all, you owe it to yourself to watch this one.

Sorcerer is much grittier than The Wages of Fear, and it presents each obstacle and piece of action in a much shorter fashion: instead of coming across something in the road and having the characters observe and discuss it, the film will simply cut to an obstacle and let the image speak for itself.  The characters don't speak much except to get on each others' nerves or to express some deep emotion when their backs are up against the wall, which I found to be extremely refreshing because I hate films that rely on dialogue too much.  The film being in colour adds a lot to it being generally visually stimulating, and there are smaller details that underscore how shitty the infrastructure in South America is - the characters have to cannibalize several old, shitty trucks in order to make one that's even halfway functional, and the montage of them going through all these metal husks to find parts and assemble them is really engaging without veering into outright comedy.

I was also unsure how this film would handle the potential for character deaths, since the point of the French film was to be an existentialist exercise in misery and suffering, but obviously that doesn't play well to a Hollywood audience.  I will just say that I was genuinely surprised in several places, and not in the hamfisted way you'd expect:
>character says "oh, how I wish I could see my family again"
>character constantly mentions "oh man, if only my family could see me now"
>character ACTUALLY LIVES, ZOMG!!!!!
And so on.  There's none of that in Sorcerer.

I want to mention the editing more, because the film is incredibly stark: there is very little camera movement except for the occasional pan/tracking shot, or a POV shakycam shot from inside the truck seat or under its wheels.  It almost feels like the film doesn't care about the viewer, but it's not actively hard to watch.  I think the best way I can describe it is that every shot is meant to have the emotion of standing on a road in the middle of a humid jungle: it's not there to be your friend, but it doesn't care enough about you to hate you, either.  It's just what it is, and what it is is probably going to kill you.  There were several scenes in this movie that genuinely had me glued to my seat with my heart in my throat, which is very rare for me.

Although the film has its rough spots, I strongly recommend it for anyone who likes good suspense cinema.  It's especially interesting as a companion film to The Wages of Fear, but it's not a direct remake because the characters and overall style are completely different.  I only heard about this film because it was a footnote in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so I'm trying to get the word out and make as many people aware of it as possible.
Replies: >>498
>sometimes I wanted it to just shut up for a bit and actually be serious but it always had to shoehorn a joke in somewhere
It's a real shame because all the elements for a fun, genuine adventure with a bit of gravity are there, but the writers have all been sworn to practice the doctrines of Joss Whedon, so there's never allowed to be any genuine emotion from any character.  Odin's death is so disconnected from the rest of the film it's laughable, and yet it's supposed to be the rising event for Thor and Loki's character arcs.

It would have been so much more fun if the film had just let Thor have a few Serious Moments™ and reflect on what Odin's death means for him, since he's basically a prince but way too much of a meathead to live up to the role of being a king.
>I like doing all the warrior stuff, and I do it for Asgard and for my family
<but now my father's dead and I have to be a king???
>oh wait, here's a villainess - I'll just fight her >:)
<oh shit she flung me to the far end of the universe
>hmm, maybe I shouldn't have charged in headfirst by myself . . .
<is this what it means to be a king???
But no.  Have a nigger Valkyrie and a handful of useless, grating characters.
I really like this movie too. Didn't it live in some kind of production hell and never got released until like a decade ago?
Replies: >>499
No, it was released in 1977 as normal.  The production had some trouble due to the logistics of shooting in a wild jungle, but the entire shooting schedule was apparently 10 months.  It was remastered on Blu-Ray in 2014, but the reason you may think it had trouble in production is that it released a month after Star Wars, which naturally means it may as well have not existed.
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I watched the new Venom and I enjoyed it. Not sure if it was just the theater I went to but once Carnage came around it got REALLY fucking loud, but in a weird way I enjoyed having my eardrums blasted. You don't go to these kinds of movies for plot but the little there was was decent enough. However they still somehow managed to sneak in a dup btfo by having Venom preach to a crowd of ravers about accepting illegal aliens and somehow they don't see the irony in this. Also the vilain's love interest is a nog because it's CY + 6. The banter between Eddie and Venom was good though, worth pirating just to see the banter. Also the mid-credits scene confirms they're going to show up in the new Spider-Man, so now once again I have to watch the nu capeshit because it's fucking Spider-Man. I'm also betting that Tobey Maguire and Spiderverse spidermen are going to show up, if you watch the trailer you'll understand why but I won't force anymore capeshit on you, you deserve better. I'm just annoyed that Yidney and Soyny keeping using literal paradoxes and alternate universe/timeline fuckery as an excuse to make more money.
Just saw the Halloween Kills movie. I have only seen the first film in the franchise so maybe I'm missing some context here but the ending twist seemed to come out of nowhere and sort of ruined the plot [spoiler]made Myers essentially supernatural[/spoiler]. I have jumped in on a film franchise at the end before, this year I saw FF9 without having seen any of the previous movies and it was enjoyable as an action film.
Returning to Halloween Kills, the action kills and so forth were still good and some of the characters that died I didn't expect.
Replies: >>669
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This is a bit late, but most of this thread is just me blogposting about movies I watch so I suppose it doesn't really matter.

I recently had the idea to watch the Deathstalker movies, since I'd seen some parts of Deathstalker II and it seemed like a fun pastiche of fantasy tropes and bad acting.  After watching the first two films and part of the third, I can safely say that Deathstalker II seems to be the high point of the series precisely because it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously.  The best things about these movies are the poster illustrations, honestly.

Standard "low fantasy" movie from the 1980s, which is a polite way of saying it was made on a shoestring budget and mostly features people running around in the woods or very simple sets.  There are a couple funny scenes and quite a few naked chicks, but it isn't really sexy.  You can skip this without missing anything.

>Deathstalker II
Deathstalker is played by a different actor, and this is more of a standard adventure story: there's an evil wizard who wants to do evil things and Deathstalker gets roped into helping some nameless chick he meets in a tavern.  It is difficult to explain just how campy and nonchalant the movie is: the opening sequence shows Deathstalker escaping from a couple of guards, and when the evil villainess gets a look at him through a window, she turns to the camera and says "I'll have my revenge - and Deathstalker too!"  Then the Deathstalker II title card pops onto screen and the dramatic music swells.

The entire movie is like that.  Deathstalker's sidekick girl has a modern accent (New York?  Valley girl?  Not sure.).  They get captured by amazons and Deathstalker is forced to fight for his freedom, which he does in a fucking squared circle pro wrestling ring.  There's so much goofy, campy stuff that I can't properly describe it.  Definitely worth a watch.
There's also some decent nudity, but it's some Hollywood actress who was probably raped, so that tempered my enjoyment of it.

I'm glad we can still get newfags on a board this slow.
Replies: >>670 >>1141
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>Deathstalker III
People running around in the woods.  A couple decent (and I use that term very generously) action shots, but overall completely mediocre.  A big disappointment, especially after the campy fun of Deathstalker II.

I haven't gotten around to watching Deathstalker IV yet.  Judging from the poster and the movie description it seems there will be more amazons (read: chicks in chainmail bikinis) in this one, so it may have some redeeming value.
Replies: >>1141 >>1153
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Just watched Come and See. It's a Russian movie about a young Belarusian partisan during WWII. It's the most intense movie I've seen in a long time and, like many Soviet-era movies, demands a lot of attention from the viewer. There's no real Western-cinema equivalent that isn't obscure and experimental. You have to have patience, but it's very good and I highly recommend it.
Replies: >>1106
I heard "Go and Look" is the proper translation, but we are stuck with "Come and See" because of some retard.
Replies: >>862
Started Season 3 of Red Dwarf, very funny show and I am enjoying bong humor.
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Remember how great The Matrix 2 & 3 & 4 were? Yeah me neither...
I watched this movie called Equilibrium (2002) starring Christian Bale and Taye Diggs, and thought it was a great dystopian film and a worthy spiritual successor to The Matrix (1999)... Whereas The Matrix was thought-provoking, Equilibrium was emotion-provoking.
Set in a post-WWIII world where human emotion has been outlawed to prevent future wars, citizens consume a state-mandated serum to remain unfeeling and peaceful. Meanwhile anyone who rejects the serum and "feels" is driven underground fearing prosecution. The hero of our story, played by Bale, is a high ranking member of the police force that hunts down those who "feel". He firmly believes in his mission... until he starts missing his serum doses.
Expect a nice mix of storytelling, action, and plot twists. But also expect some dated CGI which I've grown to appreciate in a nostalgic way and Diggs' character showing more emotion than he should, getting completely overshadowed by Bale's character. Overall a very enjoyable movie and now a personal favorite of mine.
Replies: >>863
It's "go and watch." It would be a much better title.
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Equilibrium is great, too bad it kind of shits itself by the end.
Replies: >>875
>too bad it kind of shits itself by the end.
How so?
On Season 3 of rebooted Battlestar Galactica, anons said it went to shit at this point but I'm liking it so far. It's actually answering some of the questions they've been dangling in front of you for the last dozen episodes instead of just piling new shit on top and never answering any of it like Andromeda. Having a budget also helps I guess.
>>126 (OP) 
I believe the term is "Japanimation".
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Just saw Phil Tippett's Mad God, i liked it, it grabbed my attention and didn't let go till the end.
>Top Gun: Maverick
Saw it yesterday with my dad and it was actually really fucking good. I can't really say much about it except that it does just about everything right without being a nostalgiafest. Very recommend
>Obi-Wan Kenobi
The first two episodes are out, I finished the first one and it's really boring. Nothing really happens, and they're giving Obi-Wan the TLJ treatment by making him doubt himself and becoming bitter towards everyone, although here at least there's an excuse for it unlike with Luke. The sith nigress is also portrayed as childish and impulsive which I find mildly amusing. I hope it gets better but I'm losing hope.
Sounds like trash marxist propaganda, no thanks. The holohoax never happened and Hitler did nothing wrong. Have talking to yourself faggot
Replies: >>1139 >>1253
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It's an anti-war film rather than a pro-marxist film. For example, when the protagonist is enlisted early on in the film to serve under the Belarusian resistance (aka going against the nazis), his mother is distraught with grief and is completely against him going. It also doesn't touch the jews or the Holocaust in any way shape or form if I remember it correctly. Does it show cruelty from Belarusian nazis? Yes, but hell, I don't think you should expect that every soldier conscripted ever by any military is an upstanding citizen when dealing with the enemy. And the ending is the protagonist realizing - even after experiencing the horrors of war - that no one is born evil.

Overall, I agree with the original poster. Really has great portraiture too of the characters.
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I saw Deathstalkers 1-3. First one is good, second is great, third is meh. None of the women were as Amazonian as I hoped, but the action was good.
>i'll get you, and Deathstalker too!
made me laugh but also made me very upset
Watched Match of Titans, and despite the name "Movie 4" being very offputting, I enjoyed it. It recycles a lot of the fight footage from Deathstalker 1 and Barbarian Queen but it's a lot more entertaining than 3 was. Lots of fights and a plot that knows it's not trying to be anything special. Plenty of tits. Also features a lesbian barbarian and her personal traveling harem that forces a servant girl to be her sex slave, so don't give me that "yuri is pure" bullshit.
>>126 (OP) 
Watched Fatal Attraction and am now watching Basic Instinct. I hate the degeneracy in these movies but im fucking addicted to them. I dont know why.
Replies: >>1197
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>Sunset Boulevard
I watched this only because it's deemed a classic and David Lynch has praised it. I actually didn't mind it. It's very typical Hollywood and the romance is cucked, but I still sat through the whole thing. Not sure if I'd wholeheartedly recommend it, but if you have any inclination to check it out, I'd say go for it.

I checked this one out for spanish listening comprehension. I tend to stay away from spanish-speaking movies because they tend to be telenovelas, but I thought with Luis Buñuel being the director, it wouldn't be so bad. I was wrong. It was a slog to get through.

I decided to give Ingmar Bergman one last chance to redeem himself after watching his documentary Fårö Document. It was not bad until the end when he proceeds to tell you to vote for some socialist party in order to help all the people you just met in the movie. What a fucking preach that had no sense being there. Well, this one was pure feminist trash almost the whole way through. Two spoilers to give you a sense of how bad it was:
1. One of the female characters tells you how she cheated on her fiance. She goes to great lengths to explain how she was with a friend and they both fucked a young boy while another one watched. She ended up pregnant and had an abortion.
2. The other female character decides to have a kid to spite her actor friends who say she isn't "motherly". She can't stand the kid and runs away, abandoning him and her husband.
I could stand a movie where the women are strong characters and maybe rebelling against a system (like Silence of the Lambs) - but to a point. This seemed like woe-is-me whining from women who literally brought bad situations upon themselves and made it seem like it was a result of the times. I feel like The Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries weren't so bad, and sure, Persona was trying to do something different with the character piece and the cinematography. But I don't watch cinema to listen to a mouthpiece for the socialist-feminist brigade.

I watched Whiplash a while ago on a recommendation and I couldn't stand the kid. Otherwise, it didn't leave a lasting impression except that Simmons was good at yelling.

I've seen Fatal Attraction, never saw Basic Instinct though. I wish I could understand your addiction, but the cheating aspect always turns me off completely.
The Germans are based on the Dirlewanger Brigade so I wouldn't be keen to call it made-up bullshit like other WW2 movies from the allies' perspective. While it's not completely clean from propaganda (the climax and what the SS officer says is only what comes to mind, the former making sense since it's Dirlewanger), it hammers in the anti-war theme which is what the movie is about. It's a unique film and deserves the title of horror movie for its cinematography, lighting, and sound as well, and because of those it's also one of the most beautiful movies made to me.
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>>126 (OP) 
I checked out Blue Collar (1978) this weekend. The movie is directed and co-written by Paul Schrader, who prior to this movie, was best known for writing the Taxi Driver screenplay.

The movie tells the tale of three auto-workers who, each facing personal financial struggles, decide to rob their union's safe. However, the robbery leaves them with little cash and the new-found knowledge that their union is severely corrupt.

I'm very happy I came across this movie because it was great. The cinematography captures the dark and dingy lifestyles of down-on-their-luck men. The film is dramatic without being melodramatic (I couldn't help but imagine how they'd shoot this film today). The dialogue feels natural between characters with great acting on all fronts from Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel, and Yaphet Kotto. And the plot really speaks volumes. Two of the main characters are black (the other white) and there certainly is commentary on being black in the America, but the focus is really on working-class people, regardless of race. Even more so, you could say the film is really about the power dynamics upheld by shady bureaucrats who know how to manipulate the working man to do his bidding through the motto "divide and conquer". It's a movie that has as much meaning today as it did in the 70s.
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When you think of live action adaptations of anime made outside of Japan (maybe even inside), you can bet your ass that they're gonna suck. But while browsing moe, someone highly praised Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon (aka Nicky Larson and Cupid's Perfume), a French live-action adaptation of City Hunter released in 2018 (Nicky Larson is the french name of Ryo Saeba). Looking at the place of origin (France) and the date of release (2018), I was more than skeptical about how faithful this movie could be. But I decided to check it out, prepared to drop if ever I started getting any smell of feminism.

The plot follows Nicky Larson and Laura Marconi (Kaori Makimura) as they take on a job to find a missing perfume that causes you to fall madly in the love with the person who wears it, assuming they smell it on you.

To my surprise, it was actually faithful to the original source material. Granted, I've watched only a handful of City Hunter episodes so I can only speak of the general premise. But 3dpd tits and ass? Check. Hammer time? Check. Comedy and action? Check. No feminist shit, no including minorities because you have to. It seems anyone who touched this film wanted it to stay true to the original series.

It's not high cinema in any sense of the word (it is City Hunter after all), but if you happen to come across the movie, I'd give it a watch.
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Daft Punk
If you are looking for "full story" here is the order:
1."One More Time"
3."Digital Love"
4."Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"
8."High Life"
9."Something About Us"
11."Veridis Quo"
12."Short Circuit"
13."Face to Face"
14."Too Long"
I've recently watched the first two Cloverfield films, Super 8, Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2, Pulp Fiction, 21 and 22 Jump Street, and Superbad to go down a list of movies that I thought I should have watched when I was younger.
A decent film with a realistic around-college age cast. The realism tended to stop when the heroine was involved, but I rooted for the cameraman, getting engaged enough in the film to cheer when something went right and exclaim when something went wrong. I liked the monster design.
>Super 8
I did not watch this immediately after Cloverfield, but it feels like a shame to anyone who did not to put this here. Super 8 is, on its own, ET with a hostile alien and equally hostile family dynamics. In the bigger scheme of Abram's works, Super 8 is Cloverfield for children. The plot beats are the same. The monsters have very similar appearances. The characters wouldn't be out of place as adults in Cloverfield. It's enjoyable as a family film watched around 12-14. Otherwise, your efforts are better spent watching its adult counterpart.
>Cloverfield Lane
A work obviously meant to be on its own rather than part of the Cloverfield franchise. The plot was predictable, but I enjoyed the bunker group's high times. It's most enjoyable if you have never seen isolation media before, have little knowledge of mysteries, or are a woman.
>Pulp Fiction
A great piece for anyone who has never touched mystery or nonchronological media. Otherwise, a decent crime movie with overt theming. It's fun for repeatedly watching and little else, but I can see why it stuck with a generation and contributed so much to contemporary culture. The portions I enjoyed the most were the interactions between Jackson's and Travolta's characters.
>Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2
Stylistically interesting with a fairly bad story and derivative directing, particularly of Pulp Fiction. I can understand liking it a lot if you saw it as a teenager and had never seen wuxia or other Chinese films. I enjoyed Bill's monologue about Superman until he brought it back to The Bride. Worse than any John Woo movie but neat pieces to study for references to films and other media before and after it. Many original aspects were done better by media inspired by it. Tarantino really needs to lay off the feet.
>21 and 22 Jump Street
Not bad stoner/frat comedy films, these terms being used for the demographics who would like them simply because they are funny, which is not a bad takeaway. I found myself laughing quite a bit at some of the dumber jokes. The leads had decent chemistry with each other, and I enjoyed the latter's deconstruction of the former. Interestingly, the core of many stoner/frat films is legitimate brotherly love, which is typically not depicted, given lip service, or poorly deconstructed by higher films.
A decent  stoner/frat coming-of-age film for high schoolers. It's not incorrect in its depiction of their struggles, regardless of how good or bad the existence of these struggles are culturally. My favorite interactions among the cast were when the two deuteragonist groups were alone. Those who have never had friends before, especially not during puberty, may say that there are homosexual tones throughout the film. The ending scene of the main deuteragonist duo being separated by circumstance and societal demand but longingly looking at each other because of their realization that they would rather be with their friends was impactful in a way that I didn't expect the film to be capable of.
I watched Norbit recently. I must say that there was a lot of care put into the film, but many scenes, especially toward the end of the film, reached the point of being thriller-like. For instance, Norbit is thrown through a window and has a concussion. He sees a dog his wife ran over, and the dog just starts talking, urging Norbit to kill her and lamenting losing his legs. It's not played as a hallucination either. The dog does not start barking at the end of the scene. There's another scene where Norbit's wife is pursuing Norbit with her brothers by driving into incoming traffic, holding his head to her chest through a car window. Rather than scream in panic at an oncoming car, Norbit's wife repeats how she's ready to die. Overall, it's a good black comedy both in race and genre. I could have lived without seeing that fat suit basically naked.
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Zoomer adhd movie with tranny and burn, loot, murder propaganda.
I really don't know why I expected anything else.
But, hey, it made me thankful I don't live in Jew York.
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Saw the new Beavis & Butthead movie. I was pretty skeptical about it because I remember not really being big into the 2011 seasons, but I had a lot of fun with this one. I got a gut laugh out of that scene where they take the ranting of dumb bitches about their "privilege" at complete face value and they started stealing shit because they thought they had the "privilege" to do so.
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I enjoyed it. Though i feel it had wasted potential and did some things i didnt like.
>meikyuu black company
mediocre. Some filler and some boring parts. And weird cutoffs where you dont really know whether you missed a episode or not sometimes because it just skips forward a bit. Its not like a timeskip. Its basically just not telling you a few details what happened and just kind of fast forwards it.
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Just watched picrel.
10/10. Pretty fucking good. It's a fun action flick and nothing more, and it doesn't need to be anything more.
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Random movies that I watched:

>Fat City (1972)
Stacy Keach is a washed-up boxer with an alcoholic addiction. Jeff Bridges is an up-and-coming boxing star. I had high hopes for this one, but the acting was terrible, and the boxing might have been even worse. You'd only watch this to see a young (and extremely goofy-looking) Jeff Bridges.

>Hard Eight (1996)
Paul Thomas Anderson's first feature film. Cinematography is great, and Philip Baker Hall's character is great. But John (played by John C. Reily) and Clementine (the Goop lady) are insufferable idiots. I remember an anon saying it's hard to see the point of PTA's movies sometimes, and this was one that fit that description perfectly. The film was all about Sydney (Baker Hall), meaning it was a great character piece. But everyone else was one-dimensional and motivations were lackluster. It should have stayed as a short film.

>The Bad Sleep Well - 悪い奴ほどよく眠る (1960)
Akira Kurosawa classic with a basis of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The cinematography is great, and you can tell Kurosawa had complete mastery of black-and-white films. Highly recommend.

>All About Our House - みんなのいえ (2001)
I had high hopes for this one after Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald. But it's shit. Characters create conflict because they're dumb. I couldn't finish it and I would not recommend it. Only funny part was right at the beginning when I guy says Godzilla's his wife.
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Binging the last few (good) seasons of Top Gear and now The Grand Tour.
funny brits being funny
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While researching Icelandic movies, I came across "Sódóma Reykjavík" aka "Remote Control", a 1992 cult comedy. Icelandic people sing high praise about this one, though they note it's distinctly Icelandic and the humor might be lost in translation. I couldn't find it, but I kept checking every so often to see if one day it'd pop up on the internet. Lo and behold, someone posted a hard coded Brit version on youtube back in May (https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qcB1E-On19E). Sometimes patience is rewarded.

The movie's about some guy who lives in his mom's apartment and works as a mechanic (or apprentice mechanic). His mom calls him one day at work, accusing him of stealing her remote control. She threatens to flush his fish down the drain (they're living in the bathtub) if he doesn't return it. All Hell breaks lose after that as he asks his punk sister about the missing remote control.

It very much feels like a 90s movie in line with Wayne's World. I'm sure the movie has some lost-in-translation moments (for example, from what I gathered, Iceland had/has some really strict alcohol laws that line up with Prohibition Era regulations in the US. This helps explain some of the events going down in the movie), but overall, it's just crazy shit happening and people doing stupid shit. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch, but it's worth a watch if you like that sort of thing. The second half was a lot better in my opinion.
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Started watching MXC. Its pretty fun.
Replies: >>2242
You mean the parody or the original takeshi's castle?
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I started watching The Life & Times Of Tim recently and its pretty good considering ive laughed at every episode so far.
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Continuing with my journey of Paul Thomas Anderson films, I watched Phantom Thread. This one was made with PTA acting as cinematographer instead of having one outright. He also really wanted to get that film grain, so he filmed it on actual film.

In terms of cinematography, amazing. But what was going on with that plot? It follows an autist dressmaker who falls in love with a German lady. She can't handle his autism, so she starts poisoning his food with mushrooms. She admits to him at the end that she wants him frail and sick, and he's like, "Yeah, that makes me feel hot around the collar, give me some of that stew." PTA, you might shoot some beautiful films, but the characters are terribly written. Get a grip (err, writer?), man.
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Imaginaerum, Nightwish's film they made out of their album of the same name. It's very cool to look at and one of those movies that comes at the right time in your life and gave me the message I really needed to hear. I recommend it.
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After watching Rewind This I had the urge to watch some VHS B-movies; you know the kind of productions made on a shoestring budget, with "ludicrous" plots and tons of fan service? Despite not having seen many, I think these movies have their own charm and can be entertaining, if you adjust your expectations that is. So I went looking in the Internet Archive and surely enough there's a goldmine of VHS rips, partiularly of the kind of movies I'm looking for, so I start watching... As I make my way through the 300+ titles, I'll be writing reviews for the most noteworthy ones ITT.
The VHS rips collection is here: https://archive.org/details/video_archive_553-cd-207
Hash: 553cd207f5601ddb9e6aa78082dc7602c390e6c6

>Abducted (1986)
A high school girl jogging in the woods is kidnapped by a bearded lunatic, who takes her to his cabin away from civilization. Soon an old man joins them.
The plot is quite simple and the pacing is slow, however we get to see plenty of the natural landscape in between scenes so it's more palatable. The subpar acting and bizarre dialogue almost works, considering that the victim is practically a child, and the kidnapper is a total savage. The movie handles the tension between the cast considerably well and doesn't resort to cheap gore or nudity scenes, so it works nicely as a serious albeit mild thriller film.

>American Tiger [aka American Rickshaw] (1990)
Now this is a wacky one. An american rickshaw puller gets entangled in a murder case after a brief encounter with a hooker and her four-fingered friend, while unknowingly being helped by a Chinese witch.
I started playing this movie and kept thinking "what the hell am I watching?" The events are hilariously nonsensical at first, and by the time the plot becomes clear I'm already engaged in the story and its eccentric cast. Viewers are served a healthy dose of action and mystery, with a side of fan service for good measure. What the movie lacks in acting quality, it more than makes up for in outlandish writing and direction, with amazing results.
Overall an absolutely zany movie that manages to be very entertaining. Recommended.

>Bad Blood (1989)
A man finds a painting of himself in a gallery hosted by a strange woman, who upon meeting him claims to be his real mother. Later the man and his wife pay the strange woman a visit at her lavish mansion, and she wants him all to herself, in more ways than one.
Pretty straightforward plot. Not sure if this counts as an erotic thriller as I personally found it quite disturbing, but still enjoyable. The performances are surprisingly decent, especially the man's, although the actress who plays the strange woman kinda oversold the character. Overall a pretty good psycho thriller film. Recommended.

>Bank Robber (1993)
A man called Billy robs a bank to start a new life with his girlfriend, but is forced to lay low in a cheap motel after a bank camera captures his face. The hotel staff and residents recognize him, but instead of calling the police, they squeeze him for money. Meanwhile, his girlfriend back home is having the time of her life.
Billy is played by a young Patrick Dempsey (Grey's Anatomy, Enchanted) and one of the cops is played by Forest Whitaker (Last King of Scotland, The Butler). Both actors would later become major Hollywood stars... While the acting is not bad by any means, the characters are mostly dull and unfunny, not befitting a supposed comedy movie. The only exception being Billy who, gradually and amusingly, loses his mind and money while holed up in the motel room. There's also enough fan service to fill your pocket, if you know what I mean. Interestingly, unlike other movies here, there's nudity of both sexes equally, so we get to see some Dempsey tushy.

>Bedroom Eyes (1984)
A man with a voyeurism kink keeps spying on a beautiful redhead through her window, until one night he inadvertently becomes a witness to murder. The man escapes the scene thinking no one saw him, but the killer is already on his tail.
This one's fan service central, but we also get a plot. The debauchery is contained almost entirely within the first half hour, after which the murder happens and we are reminded that this is a mystery movie. There are clues scattered throughout the movie, all revealed at the end of course, but the most important clue may be hard to spot on the first viewing.
Overall a good mix of sex and mystery. Recommended.
Replies: >>2932
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A movie about a jewish suburban family made by a jewish director that isn't subversive but still markedly jewish about an ugly brat who is picked on by the whole school for being ugly and insufferably meek and treated unfairly by her family even thought she somewhat brings it on herself for being a brat. It's one of those movies that trivializes and deconstructs the story it's telling which makes sense since it was originally titled Faggots and Retards which is why I decided to watch it, and has no resolution to the presented conflict; a movie with little attachment as the protagonist was written to not be morally above her antagonizers. The only other point it has is what the movie is plainly about, which is to be relatable for anyone who was/is a faggot, retard, or cringeworthy as a child or disregarded by their environment.
Replies: >>2336
Wow, I watched this movie a while back. I remember absolutely nothing about it, but your description sounds about right to me.
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Late Night with the Devil, a second-place talk show host invites a supposedly demon-possessed girl onto his show to beat Johnny Carson in ratings. You can probably guess what happens next.
Very well-acted and captures the 70s aesthetic very well. Ending did feel a bit forced but the rest is very well done. A lot of people are bitching since some of the title cards it uses between shots are AI generated, fucking cry about it you'll find a way to adapt just like animators had to adapt to 3D animation and the music industry had to adapt to piracy, your kneejerk reactions of "BAN IT NOW REEE" only proves how replaceable you'll be once the kinks and major discrepancies are worked out in a few years.
also NINE studio cards at the start holy shit
Here's what I watched in April within the span of 1-3 weeks in chronological order.
I think enough people have seen this movie or know what kind of it is.
>Broken Blossoms
Silent film about an abused child of a prize fighter rescued by a student of Buddha-turned-opium smoker in Limehouse.
>Napoleon Dynamite
Same as Juno.
>Welcome to the Dollhouse
See post above.
>easy A
Teen sex comedy that has characters with personalities and no genre contrivances. Emma Stone carries this movie, it would be unremarkable or bad without her. For what it is it's a standout in its genre.
>500 Days of Summer
Manic pixie dream girl and solemn romantic dating each other and it goes wrong because of the former's personality and the latter's expectations. Not terrible but if you already dislike these kinds of movies don't bother.
>Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Whimsigothic kids movie based on a book series.
>But I'm a Cheerleader
Shitty dyke movie.
>Lilja 4-ever
Cynical ugly "shocking" life sucks movie with the key distinction that the protagonist has empathy on whereas movies like this make the protagonist a piece of shit as well and is close to the events it's based.
>Un homme qui dort
French existentialism, was in my backlog for 8+ years.
>Home Room
Shitty movie about the aftermath of a school shooting that's 2 fucking hours.
Movie of a girl who gets raped at a party and becomes withdrawn and quiet. It's a chick movie based off of a book. I was interested in it because her silence was described as selective mutism and thought she had it for no reason.
>Moonrise Kingdom
Two emotionally-disturbed kids run away with each other on an island in New England on the run from their caretakers. The dialogue of the child actors is spoken like they just learned their scripts and the appearance of the two leads is offputting, a pudgy boy with no test and a girl who's eyes are uneven. I still like the concept of the film and it was one of my favorites as a kid.

What I've watched in May so far was Rango and Abducted. I remembered Rango looking cooler and mature in the trailers for it. Abducted was VHS horror/thriller shit. I also tried watching Palindromes but gave up 15 minutes in, which is the semi-sequel to Welcome to the Dollhouse, as I didn't care to sit through more jewish shit and neither did the studio as he apparently used his life savings to make the movie. Some of them are movies I saw commercials of when I was a kid and pre-teen but never saw in theaters, some were rewatches, some I hadn't seen before.
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I checked out the 2000 Brazilian movie A Dog's Will (O Auto da Compadecida) as per a recommendation from a stranger. It's (apparently) a well-known movie that even garnered some popularity in other Latin American countries.
The movie's about two poor men (Chicó and João Grilo) who wander into a town. They end up working for a baker and, well, things derail quickly. It's a comedy and up until about halfway in the movie, it's a pretty good comedy. João is constantly talking out of his ass and the pair get into comical situations.
I ended up pausing halfway, thinking this was pretty good. But then shit goes down very quickly. Spoilers ahead.
João ends up getting killed and gets judged - along with all the main characters we've dealt with so far. Jesus is black (because João is racist), surprise surprise. João calls upon the Virgin Mary (she is the compassionate woman referred to in the Portuguese title) to help them get out of going to Hell. And then every fucking guy gets excused. The baker's wife who was a slut the whole movie? Yeah, she's forgiven because right before death, she told her husband that she cucked him because she wanted to die after him because she couldn't stand the idea of seeing him die first. She wanted to cuck him to death because she loved him. I am not making that shit up. So the couple go to Purgatory. The priest and bishop who were centrally concerned about money and were cursing the man who shot them? The priest (who is lower in rank, mind you) reminds the bishop that they must absolve all men, so they pray for him. Purgatory too. The guy who killed 30 plus people? Yeah, he's COMPLETELY FORGIVEN - HEAVEN SENT. Why? Because cops killed his family, yo. Cops are bad and Jesus is black so we wuz kangs, let's go to Heaven. João ends up being sent back to Earth because...? He's poor? Anyway, at that point, I started to realize that the film had really been harping on how poor people are oppressed by rich faggots. There's one lady who is from a rich family and she's chill, but she ends up running away with Chicó and is so happy to now live of a destitute life. Huh, makes you think that maybe the writer was something, right? Starts with c and ends with a t. I'll let you come up with your own theories.
Even if you don't think this is Marxist propaganda, the judgement scene was so ass-backwards in its logic, it ruined the movie for me. Really reminds me of mafia members who kill and then get absolved of all sin because Catholics. Yeah, kill women and children, doesn't matter because you led a hard life. Yeah, cuck your husband on a daily basis, doesn't matter because you regretted it right before dying. By their logic, every single person has the opportunity to go to Purgatory at the very least.
Really unfortunate because this movie could have been good. Sequel confirmed for 2024.
Replies: >>2428
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If you want to watch a comfy movie about religion watch Cantinflas - "El padrecito" I hope you know beaner.
Replies: >>2432
If you're a beaner and you don't know Cantinflas, you're a disgrace.
I'm no beaner, but if I can find El padrecito with english subs, I'd be down to watch it.
Replies: >>2523
The last several television shows/movies I have been watching 
Television: walker Texas ranger, king of queens, maverick 
Movie's: the road to series featuring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope
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>Streetwise (1984)
A documentary based on an article written about homeless youths on the streets of Seattle. Some of the teenagers we meet are Rat (a runaway who lives in an abandoned building with some guy), Tiny (14-year-old prostitute with an alcoholic mother and abusive stepfather), and Dewayne (a dealer on the street with a father in jail). It was actually up for an Academy Award nomination back in the day, and while typically not something I'd watch, I was somewhat curious about the high acclaim.
I thought the movie would have more of an effect on me, but it was lackluster. Sure, seeing kids as young as 13 on the street was pretty messed up, but every single one of them came from a broken home and/or were not amiable in the least. Mom has 7 kids and blames you for getting sexually abused by her boyfriend? Check. Loud and brash, fighting anyone and everyone who gets in your face (and we don't even see them do anything to you)? Check. Even the kids who we get more of a focus on barely have any humanity to them. I can't for the life of me remember Rat's story apart from running away, and he doesn't do anything in the movie except ask for change and goof around with some random dude (who we also never get any backstory to). We also don't really get a sit down with the characters - instead, the director has some voice over or relies on you to listen to two kids talking to each other to know who they are. I'm usually pretty good with names, and I don't remember half of them.
I'm thinking less characters would have been better, especially if we meet a character at the beginning/end of the movie and never see them again or had never seen them before (which happens a lot). Also, rather than rely on voices only, have some text, like "Tiny - Teenage Prostitute".
Overall meh, not worth it.
Replies: >>2969
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Oh, you will watch it alright, here
That is the only version I could find that worked with those subtitles in https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/subs
There are better versions in internet archive or jewtube, but they don't work with those subtitles.
Replies: >>2531 >>2541
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You're doing Dios's work, anon. I'll download it and take a gander.
Replies: >>2539 >>2664
I rewatched the movie and it still holds even today, damn, I miss those type of movies, now that third world shit country only made shitty movies.
I started watching the movie last night, but those subs are atrocious. Not only is incomprehensible at times (the person must have used Google translate for every single word at a time), the jokes are not translated for an English speaker and are completely missed. If I watched it with Spanish subs, I'd probably understand about as much as I do now (maybe even a bit more).
I'm going to continue sitting through the movie, but I'm definitely not getting the full experience.
Replies: >>2553
I think this spanish subs should work.
Yeah, when I was rewatching it, I was wondering if they would translate a lot of the jokes properly in english, I guess they couldn't.
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I finally found a Terry Gilliam movie I like. Re-watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and it left way more of an impact the second time around. The comedic moments are great. The hallucinations are fun. There is very obvious commentary on America (take a shot any time the American flag shows up). But it critiques both mainstream and counter culture, so I give it a pass.
It's pretty hectic (not unlike other Terry Gilliam movies), but I'd give it a whirl if you haven't seen it before.
Replies: >>2666
Spoiler File
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h8 u
I assume you've read the book as well?
Replies: >>2667
I haven't actually. It was something I was thinking of doing after watching the movie, though I'm not sure if it's a stream of consciousness kind of writing (I'd also see if my library has it).
Have you read it? Is it good?
Replies: >>2671
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It's very good, and also pretty short. I haven't seen the movie but I think it stays true to it for the most part. His whole critique about the counterculture movement having zero ethos and just being about dude drugs lmao is also on-spot.
Replies: >>2675 >>2950
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That sounds very similar to the critique presented in the movie, though I'm sure it's more detailed in the book.
Thanks anon, I'll take a gander once I finish the book I'm reading now.
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Nothing says "our cash cow is starting to spurt up nothing but white dust" quite like nostalgiawanking. All those legacy reps from movies I've never watched.
The movie recognizes this and references this by Redditpool literally digging up the corpse of Marvel's past successes. There's also a swathe of limpwristed jabs at the Yidsney buyout and the state of the MCU in general. Hey, at least they recognize that they're being faggots. Right?
I liked the part where Wolverine called out Redditpool dating a prostitute and the guy shut up for once and resorted to violence. There wasn't any one liner in the world that could make that look any less pathetic.
Other than that it was mostly just yapping about the multiverse and "the joke is gay sex" style humor. Must be easy being a faggot when you can healing factor away all the damage to your anal sphincter.
>Multiverse theory is popular among fans of Rick and Morty, because it implies the existence of a universe where you haven't been molested.
Replies: >>2715
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>I liked the part where Wolverine called out Redditpool dating a prostitute 
That whole rant was the best part of the entire trilogy.
Replies: >>2719 >>2725
Oh she's a stripper. I guess that isn't as bad but that still has the "half the town has seen my wife naked" baggage.
Replies: >>2720 >>2721
I don't remember if she was just a stripper, but I do remember her pegging queerpool's faggot ass.
Replies: >>2722
It's basically a diet whore.
Replies: >>2722
Well, yeah.
>phone recording of a screen playing a phone recording of a screen playing a movie
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They really wanted to make you believe that the white woman and the baboon were going to get together at the start of the movie. I spent that entire time checked out - thought I had sentenced myself in to watch a steaming brown interracial turd by mistake.
But no. The nigger fumbles around the halfway mark. And she ends up with cowboy Mr. Beast instead.
I'm not kidding, by the way. Guy explicitly livestreams himself on jewtube driving into tornadoes and firing off fireworks and shit. Fuck, I'd watch - beats vtubers and video essays any day.
So I give it a 10/10 just for the blind experience. Very pleasant surprise.
The actual plot is okay, if a bit by-the-numbers. I don't know if that's how tornadoes work, but I have an American education. So what the hell do I know?
The popcorn was also great as per usual. Nice and crispy.
Replies: >>2742
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I've not really looked into watching it because I consider the original Twister to be an almost perfect movie for the genre and I have a feeling that one thing or another in the sequel will put me off. There's no way in hell that the soundtrack or score is as good as the original.
RIP Bill & Philip
>I don't know if that's how tornadoes work
Not really but it's fine. It's not really a super hard science sort of film and they needed to have some new hook since they solved the telemetry plot in the original movie.
Replies: >>2743
I haven't seen that movie. But yeah, I doubt that you're going to get anything out of the new one, so you probably shouldn't bother. I also have lower standards compared to a lot of anons, so there probably will be something that pisses you off that didn't piss me off.
Replies: >>2744
Well from what I've heard and the little bit I've seen it looks like a fine movie, better than many that have been coming out for a while, but the original Twister was just a really well crafted and acted movie. It's very tightly put together and well acted.
>I haven't seen that movie.
You should it's great. At least listen to the soundtrack and the score.
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>Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes
This movie came highly recommended, though I had known it was directed by the same guy who did Chariots of Fire, I probably would have gone in with less hype. Granted, when I saw it starred Christopher Lambert (Highlander dude), I wasn't excited. Not sure why, but I'm not a fan of that guy.

Some good things: I like that it shows the cruelty of nature - this movie doesn't mess around on that ground at all. Ralph Richardson was great, really came across as a lovable and corky grandfather. Uhhh, the jungle was nice?

Otherwise, the movie is not good. The scenes at the beginning (post everyone getting shipwrecked and dying), where Tarzan is growing up, were way too long. I'm all for setting it up to show the hardships he went through, but it simultaneously had me thinking about how implausible the whole situation was. It never made sense, but at least in other adaptations, it was a quick montage to show his life growing up (can't speak for the novel, I never read it). This was probably over an hour of him living out his life in the jungle (which also wasn't that interesting) in a two hour movie. Then when "white man" comes to the jungle, we have a French Belgian talking shit about the English being oppressive. I'm not SUPER well-versed in Belgian history, but didn't the French take over parts of government when the majority of the people in Belgium spoke Dutch? Didn't they shit on their souls and call them lower-class? Then we have "evil Brit" shooting animals for no reason than because he's bad (great character building). Skipping through some more baddies for the sake of being baddies, Tarzan back in England was pretty boring. Andie MacDowell was very cute, but I can't understand why she fell for Tarzan I laughed when they're about to mate and he chimps out for a second. Clearly what the ladies want. It seems like there was no connection between them and she just falls on his dick because it had to be that way. Near the end, there's some more "we're all animals" message thrown at you to make you feel bad and reflect on how cruel people are. Then Tarzan has an emotional outburst on a horse and carriage which was comical.

Overall, full of "woe is me" and "look at how horrible Man is". Not worth the time.

>Man Facing Southeast (Hombre mirando al sudeste)
Ever heard of the American movie K-PAX? It's a similar premise (guy in an asylum claims he comes from another planet), but this movie blows that one out of the water. A critic brought it up as a mix between "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "The Man Who Fell to Earth". I never saw the latter, but I can see the comparison to the former. This leans more on being a psychological thriller than a science fiction story and I really liked it. It's all about the characters, particularly the doctor who lives a life of solitude, and has some quirky music and saxophone thrown in. I'd like to give it a more serious watch again maybe for a movie night? :^). Watch it if you think it sounds up your alley.
Replies: >>2935 >>3183
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Pretty good movie. Hated that sassy brown teenage girl, but seeing her reddit atheist ass almost get punked because of being way in over her head was fun.
Betelgeuce seemed like a cool dude. The movie makes a big stink about how horrible it would be if he was summoned but all he seemed to do was bail everybody out of their own messes. Wanting that goth widow's sloppy seconds in exchange seemed pretty fair, all things considered. That dusty, mouldy cooch ain't gonna draw in better alternatives any time soon - I'll say that much.
Kinda wish that BG's ex wife got more screentime. Barely did anything at all, despite being the driving force of the entire plot and despite being built up so much as a threat.
Replies: >>2785 >>2935
I'm just glad Tim Burton stopped doing those giant CGI sequences.
It's not great and feels a bit like more of the same, but it's fun enough and there's some nice practical props and sets.
And no niggers aside from the "soul train" gag which is a plus
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>Blackout (1985)
A husband kills his wife and children then disappears, the police investigate but the case goes cold. Six years later, the now retired cop who was handling the case gets an anonymous tip that the killer is alive with a new face and name, after an accident left him disfigured and with memory loss. Is this really the killer?
Not much else to say here as I don't wanna spoil the movie. The suspense built up nicely and kept me guessing the identity of the killer, while each character slowly revealed their intentions. My only complaint is that they played the "is he or is he not?" shtick for a little too long, which in turn made the ending look a bit rushed.
Overall a solid thriller movie despite the flaws. Recommended.

>Blood Nasty (1989)
A family living in poverty learn that their estranged son died in a plane crash, leaving them a small fortune of life insurance money. Later the son comes knocking on their door, alive but unwell, looking like a zombie and speaking Spanish. The family then tries to keep his existence a secret so they don't lose the money.
This one is kind of a trainwreck. The film is trying to be a family comedy, a sexplotation flick, and a gore fest all at the same time. The characters are so trashy it's sometimes funny, but I found myself cringing at the way the events were unfolding. The ending especially made absolutely no sense. If you're into trashy comedies with a side of sex and gore, help yourself to this one.

>Blue Angel Cafe (1989)
A reputable married lawyer, who is soon to be a mayor, is seduced by "Not Fergie" the nightclub singer.
This one was infuriating to watch, but I made it to the end purely out of morbid curiosity. What is essentially mediocre erotica meets an unrealistic plot with abysmal acting. It's a classic story of infidelity except there's no passion or tension, just a slew of bad decisions. The sex scenes --and there are many-- are extremely short and show almost no nudity; you barely get to see the singer topless, while her fully-clothed partner does some dry humping. It's so pathetic they might as well have called it Blue Balls Cafe. The only good thing about this movie is the soundtrack; the film's main theme "Blue Angels Never Cease to Fly" is a catchy power ballad, and the various jazz pieces playing during the bedroom scenes are chock full of roaring saxophones.

>Breaking Home Ties (1987)
A decent but callow young man leaves his countryside home and travels for college in the city, experiencing love and friendships for what seems to be the first time. Back home, his mother discovers she's terminally ill and tries to hide it from her family.
This is the first family-friendly movie on the list, and apparently it was inspired by a painting! That's something I haven't heard of before... Very light-hearted, nothing too dramatic or depressing, perhaps even a little boring at first due to the slow progression, but otherwise very comfy and bittersweet if you give it a chance. Recommended if you like slow drama movies.

>Caroline At Midnight (1994)
A journalist is contacted out of the blue by his ex-wife, Caroline, who tells him to meet her at the cemetery at midnight. He gets there and finds her tombstone. Confused, he starts investigating her death, which he suspects was a murder, and questions her best friend Victoria.
Normally I would have seen the plot coming from a mile away, but somehow the poor acting blinded me and I found myself mildly surprised. Victoria, played by "Not Dua Lipa", is clearly a tiddy-hire. Her performance is simply terrible, especially in the tense scenes. Her co-star "Jack" is better in that regard, but only marginally. While the plot is interesting, as well as the "plot", the screenplay is subpar. The result is wasted potential, and a B-movie that could have turned out much better if only it had a little more polish.
Replies: >>2933 >>3231
Blackout sounds interesting. Might be a good watch for October.

>"Blue Angels Never Cease to Fly"
Is it this?
Replies: >>2935
>Man Facing Southeast (Hombre mirando al sudeste)
Where can I watch this? I only found a couple of torrents without seeds.

Is that the new one? I only watched the 80's movie and thought it aged like milk, way too cheesy.

>Is it this?
>Might be a good watch for October.
If you're doing a halloween movie night, sure. I'd love to attend one someday but my europoor timezone doesn't help.
Replies: >>2942
>Where can I watch this? I only found a couple of torrents without seeds.
Here's the movie: https://big.fileditchstuff.me/b42/MVHcDyGYseAvuShZgLPn.mp4
You can find subtitles for the movie here: https://yifysubtitles.ch/movie-imdb/tt0091214

>I'd love to attend one someday but my europoor timezone doesn't help.
Yeah, I guess if it was a preshow, you might be able to watch the movie at something like 23:00.
Replies: >>2944 >>3183
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Muchas gracias anon
I finally read the book. Was a quick read and very funny. The movie is faithful to the book (some parts are slightly different, and the ending is fairly different) so I would recommend both.
I think it's worth watching for the reasons you listed to break any romanticism about homeless kids, and being a time capsule and exhibiting that even back in the 60s-80s it and Portland were always sort of shitholes. Some people just aren't born with any spark in them and being a child gives a free pass of forgiveness to think otherwise.
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>Joker: Folie à Deux
The perfect sequel. A tour de force that exposes both the subhumans who sided with the delinquent mob responsible for turning a vulnerable and emotionally unfulfilled man into a serial killer; and the Eternal Foid.
I was about as skeptical as everybody else about the musical gimmick, but even that really comes full circle perfectly at the end.
The normalniggers were filtered hard by this one. 10/10 movie. Guaranteed cult following.
Replies: >>2979 >>2980 >>2987
Any recommended horror movies for this month?
Replies: >>2983
What kind of spooky are you looking for?
Replies: >>2984
Eh, anything is good, but I would like some space horror.
Replies: >>2985
Uh, more specific. Do you mean like outer space movies like Alien, Green Slime, etc. or do you count alien invasion movies too>
so it's not just a cash grab? might go see it then
Replies: >>2988
I think it's about as far away from a cash grab as possible.
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Getting ready to watch a werewolf movie marathon today. First up is Werewolves on Wheels.
Replies: >>3000 >>3008
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I'd love to see that premise in a Japanese city.

What other werewolf movies did you watch?
Replies: >>3002
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What other werewolf movies did you watch?
>Werewolves on Wheels
Kind of what you would expect from a 70s Horror movie where the gothic horror revival era was fading out and being replaced with cult/devil movies. One biker gets cursed by a group of satanic monks for apparently shits & giggles and shenanigans ensue.

>The Beast Must Die
Kind of a blaxplotation werewolf movie with a And Then There Were None plot. And Peter Cushing is there too. I've seen it before and I recommend it. We should probably watch it some time. Would work well with a stram with the Blaculas, & the Ingai movies, and Blackinstein. And maybe Soul Vengeance too. 

<Bad Moon
Basically missed all of this one but it didn't look all that great anyway.

>The Company of Wolves
The coming of age werewolf anthology movie. To werewolves to what Valerie's Week of Wonders is to vampires (and I guess what Labyrinth is to fairy tales)  We've absolutely got to stream it some time.

I also caught the end of The Alligator People which is a weregator movie and it's pretty alright itself.
Replies: >>3004
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Not a horror movie in the least, but I've been hunting down the Chinese movie Shower from 1999 for a little over a decade. It came up as a recommendation from a guy I met on a trip after we discussed Departures (the 2008 movie), and, ever since, I have looked high and low for it. For whatever reason, I could never find a copy, but I kept looking periodically.
Recently, I saw it was available on YouTube https://youtu.be/pxeOQVBLcvM?si=LQA0ZWwyy8R8Uu5u (for four years, but that's besides the point). Decent quality (in that I could watch it) with synced voices. I easily found some subtitles, so we were finally off to the races.
Movie's about an old man who manages an old-style bath house in an older part of Beijing (you can tell because their accent is THICC Beijingese) and watches over his retarded son. His eldest son comes to visit (accidentally assuming his dad is dead based on a postcard from his brother), having left on his own accord (and without his father's blessing) to seek fortune in the south. This is where the movie picks up.
It's nothing ground-breaking in that it shows the conflict between old and new, especially highlighted by the fact that the old-style bath house is going to be torn down. But the portrayals are great. This is a human film that relies on the actors, and they deliver. It's especially impressive because the budget was super tight and the producer was apparently begging for people to act in the movie. You wouldn't get that impression at all.
My only caveat is that it was described as a "comedy". This has comedic moments, but in no way is this a comedy. So don't go in thinking you're gonna laugh - you won't.
If you like dramas that focus on relationships, check this one out. You'll have a good time.

>The Company of Wolves
>To werewolves to what Valerie's Week of Wonders is to vampires

Color me curious - especially with that poster and the fact it stars the Murder, She Wrote actress.
Replies: >>3014 >>3017
Also I really like the fact that the poster artist didn't think a werewolf on a motorcycle carting off a semi naked woman was eye catching enough so he added a rattlesnake draped over the both of them and made the woman balance a skull on her hand.
Replies: >>3014
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I ended up re-watching Departures because it had been so many years and I finally got to watch Shower. I remember I had liked it, but I didn't remember anything else.
After seeing it again, it really fell flat. I wouldn't consider it complete trash or nothin' (especially by today's standards), but it really begs the question why it led to Japan winning its first Academy Award for Best Foreign Film (that's right, Kurosawa never got that claim, which I guess is a comment in itself).
Actually, I do know why - because of little pozzed moments that completely flew under my radar the first time, plus trying to push cultural boundaries.
One pozzed moment: the film opens up with the protagonist (who begins working as a nōkanshi, a Japanese ritual mortician) cleansing a body of a tranny. It works as a comedic moment and it would have been fine just like that, but later in the movie, the dad talks about how he's finally accepted his "daughter" after seeing the funeral ritual. And yes, the tranny killed himself. It's minor all things considered, I suppose, but it stuck out like a sore thumb.
The film is also trying to push a cultural boundary about ritual morticians being seen as "dirty" in Japan. While I can understand why this boundary should be at least lifted (everyone's going to die and practices nowadays mean touching a corpse is not going to spread the plague), it aligns with the academy seeking films that try to point why a culture is "wrong" as it is (without the nuance and explaining WHY people might feel that way - memento mori means acceptance and not everyone is ready to die).
Besides these two points, which some might be fine with, the film is pretty derivative and lazily written. There are no twists you don't see coming. There are super sad moments that, I mean, yeah, are sad, but are seen from a mile away. The foreshadowing is beaten into you so you can guess the ending from probably scene 5. "Shower" wasn't anything ground-breaking, as I mentioned, but it didn't go on to win an Oscar. It was a nice movie that had a low budget. This, on the other hand, won Japan its first Oscar (did I mention that already? It still baffles me). While I'd say the academy is seen as a joke nowadays and doesn't equate a movie to being good, it still blows my mind that this won since, to the average joe, I would have assumed they had some level of prestige.
I'll bring up a point about the lazy writing because I think it illustrates the point well that this is derivative and lazy. The relationship that the protagonist and his wife have was trash. The protagonist buys a 180k dollar cello WITHOUT TELLING HIS WIFE. She only finds out after he loses his job. She doesn't get mad or anything, which begs the question why he hid that information in the first place. What I mean is, if she exploded, then you could see that telling her would have been more of a pain in the ass than lying. But she brushes it off, so I don't get his reasoning in not telling her in the first place. But not only that, she legit had no idea how much it cost. Wouldn't you have some understanding of your husband's occupation? Wouldn't you have at least seen him researching this shit?
Another instance: when the wife finds out her husband works as a mortician, she's super salty (he lied about his job, too). She tells him that she accepted he gave up being a cellist and accepted moving to the countryside with a smile, even though inside she was very sad. She never told him her true feelings (another lying moment which is retarded, but whatever). But now, using the fact that she's never questioned anything he's done, she leverages her martyr position to get him to quit the job. He doesn't (surprise surprise, he gets paid a shit ton of money), and she leaves to stay with her parents for the winter. She eventually comes back (after they just... don't talk ever during that time, I guess), saying she's pregnant (with his kid - no NTR here). What the hell kind of relationship is this? Marriage comes from working together and being honest with each other, not working individually and then coming together to see if it works out, while lying about things that are actually important in sustaining a marriage (spending, occupation, true feelings). It's lazy writing that was just used to drive the plot and doesn't make me sympathize with their relationship whatsoever.
I could go on (the father-son relationship is another doozy that rubbed me the wrong way), but I've blog posted hard enough. I berated the movie, but I do still think it's not absolute trash. But it doesn't deserve the status it got and I prefer Shower.

What, so there's no semi-naked woman who is flipping upside down while balancing a skull in her hand? That's false marketing there heh.
Replies: >>3016
Kurosawa being a staunch anti-occupation dude in his private life and being a devoted camera operator for propaganda in the war time had tons to do for the Academy to sideline him, back in them days it was still taboo, that's why Tora Tora was hell on earth in production. A jap winning an Oscar? at most his movies got nominations for best costumes.
Replies: >>3023
>Shower 1999
Still have this on VHS but don't have a VCR anymore.
Replies: >>3023
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Ahh, now that explains it. Thanks anon. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that westerners would never have appreciated his jidaigeki because they were too "Japanese" (and maybe even his other movies were too "foreign"). They wanted foreign movies, but not too foreign.
That, or he was against the Academy and refused awards.

I don't have any of my VHS cassettes anymore. My parents got rid of them a long time ago, before I could really make a decision on the matter. Nice that you at least still have some.
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It was very, very good.
Replies: >>3034
I have elected to stop being a pussy for once and try out watching spooky movies to celebrate the Halloween season. Also because I now have a television with a decent video player in my room.
>John Carpenter's Halloween
What struck me the most is how smartly the main villain was written. So many little questions about his MO.
Why shank teenagers? Why did he wait so long to do this? Why this Halloween specifically? Why Halloween specifically?
Pre-timeskip Myers was a weird case. His sister didn't seem worried about him or his current mental condition. It's like he just snapped that day completely out of the blue.
He's not undead or anything but he survives getting shot and stabbed multiple times. He has to steal a car even though he can seemingly warp wherever he wants. What are his abilities and what are the extent of them?
Even the ending has more questions than answers. He's clearly not definitively defeated - he just decides to up and leave. It's like he's suddenly lost interest. What's up with that? Is it a stroke-of-midnight thing?
So many little things that can be milked in so many different ways by so many movies. The perfect foundation for franchising - the kind that feeds your great grandchildren.
What also intrigued me was the question of what the hell this town was putting in the water. I know that teenagers are horny, but nobody ever told me that Halloween was sex night. The main girl was the odd one out and the movie still suggested that she was just being shy. Is this a generational thing? I know that it only gets more and more difficult to get young people into each other's pants.
Replies: >>3038 >>3241
No poz? I want to see that with my family.
Replies: >>3035
Nothing I can recall. It's pretty great all around.
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Saw this a few weeks ago, it's in the same vein as Taxi Driver and Joker (even though I've only seen the latter), Penn does an excellent job at portraying Byck as a socially awkward weirdo who doesn't understand that life is inherently unfair, so he lashes out by blaming Nixon for it and trying and failing miserably to kill him. Highly recommend.
Replies: >>3038
>So many little things that can be milked in so many different ways by so many movies. The perfect foundation for franchising - the kind that feeds your great grandchildren.
I laughed. Nice review.

From the plot on Wikipedia:
>Believing that society's discrimination affects poor white people just as much as it does blacks, he attempts to join the Black Panthers.
Curious. It has been added to my list.
>Scream (1996)
Way, way too damn meta for me. I don't mind the occasional wink-and-nod, but when every other scene has a character going "wow, it's almost like we're in a FICTIONAL HORROR MOVIE," my patience runs out fast. Still - this is clearly a product made by fans, for fans, and I can't fault it for that.
Replies: >>3040 >>3041
Also, the constant screamers/jumpscares/whatever the current name for them are. I didn't know they were a problem even this long ago, but I guess at least they're not blowing out my fucking eardrums as they tend to do now.
If you don't like Scream, try Scary Movie.
Replies: >>3046 >>3051
i forget which SM it was but it opening with some guy in a klansman outfit going to a rap battle with the niggos, or something along those lines. also a bus that just said "DA HOOD" as the destination, it was really funny
Replies: >>3047
that's 3 the first one with leslie nielsen
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The visuals were great but I had trouble following anything else.
I think I saw that a couple times when I still had cable. Might rewatch now that I have context.
>Friday the 13th
Nice TnA. I do like this formula of slice of life funtimes that slowly descend into madness. Really gives a contrast from the beginning of the movie versus the end.
It's interesting that a horror movie icon started out as just a crazy bitch's coping mechanism and a small scene right at the end. I thought that it was really smart that Mrs. Vorhees was messed up over the counselors fucking while her kid was drowning, which gives context in this movie/series to the sex-is-a-death-trigger thing that slasher movies have I guess. Though I really wish that Scream didn't spoil me on the twist for no reason.
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>A Chinese Ghost Story
I knew about this from an ad for an animated adaptation from 1997 (just the ad, I never watched it). I was looking for horror movies to watch and I saw the live action one come up in recommendations. It seemed up my alley.
A tax collector fails to collect any money on an arduous journey to a far-away village and stays at a haunted temple for the night. He meets a woman who he falls in love with, only to eventually find out she's actually a ghost.
The movie attempts to include many, many different film genres. Horror? I'm in. Comedy? You got it. Wuxia? Heck yeah. Romance? It has it. Drama? All over the place. Musical? Somewhat, yes. It's cooky, it's goofy, it's all over the place. I liked it. Rating: Good.

>A Chinese Ghost Story II
Since I liked the first one, I figured I'd check out the second one. This one feels like the director and crew wanted to make a Power Rangers movie, but they were forced to instead make a sequel. Plot is Leslie Cheung's character goes back to the village he's from, but now it's overrun with cannibals (?). He gets arrested, but, long story short, he ends up being a band of Robin-Hood-esque people, including a woman who looks exactly like the ghost he lusted over in the first movie. If the first one had you wondering what was going on at times, this one is even worse. The plot was held together by Elmer's glue and staples, and really, the movie didn't need to exist. I did like the less-than-subtle attack on puppetry in government (apparently there is also a dog whistle in the theme that references the Tiananmen Square Massacre, meaning the song got pulled from Mainland China Apple Music in 2019 after people brought it up). Has the same cast as the original movie, but with Joey Wong playing a live woman this time who is fine with pretending to be a ghost in order to get into Leslie Cheung's pants. It was weird. Rating: What?

>A Chinese Ghost Story III
This one was a little harder to find. It's a sequel, but it's essentially a retelling of the first movie with Joey Wong again as the ghost, but this time featuring a different actor playing a monk apprentice. If you didn't think the second movie needed to this exist, this REALLY didn't need to exist. It had its funny moments, but it was even more clear in its blue-balling (let's have incestuous sisters that hate each other and constantly have women losing their clothes but nothing happens, never) and wasn't really doing anything new in terms of plot (we do get some CGI this time around). I found a version that had a random half-second-long Hong Kong porn ad in the middle of it added in for subliminal messaging. That had me on edge the rest of the film. Rating: Blue-balled

First movie? Not bad.
Second movie? What is happening?
Third movie? Pure virgin monk won't get his dick sucked but will gets his colon tickled.
>Friday the 13th Part 2
If you told me that these movies were half-excuses to get women out of their clothes, I would have been quite a bit less hesitant. I keep forgetting that not all horror is that sterile, sexless, adrenaline mining Five Nights at Faggot's shit that they feed Gen Z. Though I wish that that tall chick grew it out a little more, because that short hair thing she had going on was a total aesthetic mismatch.
I'm really glad that they did that scene where the woman talks about how Jason must be feeling. Don't get me wrong, what Mrs. Vorhees did was completely inexcusable. But from Jason's limited, childlike perspective, Camp Crystal Lake must be like this persistent malevolent force that robbed him of his humanity and the only person who ever showed him compassion. With a perspective change this movie could easily be a revenge story - an extremely fucked up one, but one nonetheless. I thought that a movie about a guy with a hockey mask shanking complete strangers would be nothing but schlock, but it's almost getting me to second guess my grasp on the morality of the situation.
(Sorry if the spoiler was reddit spaced, I copied it from Notepad.)
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Re-watched The Last Detail (1973) after talking about it in the stream.

Movie's about two Navy guys that are assigned a shore patrol detail escorting a young seaman to naval prison after he gets caught attempting to steal 40 dollars from a charity box.

Good movie, pretty typical 70s flick. It's a road trip film in a way and focuses on the characters. I'd recommend it if you want something casual that also tugs at the heart strings.

Feels like Jack Nicholson plays (nearly) the same character in every movie, though that's not a complaint since it certainly works here.
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From September to November (except the first two) I watched nothing but Japanese movies and some anime. I don't have any in-depth reviews for most of them and this also doesn't include rewatches.

>Kamikaze Girls
Fun movie. A callous lolita who's the daughter of a disgraced yakuza and a yankii girl become friends in rural Japan.
A lot of Japanese literature is focused on mundane existence, forlorn longing, ennui, self-reflection, etc. where nothing happens and conflicts are left partially unresolved, once you've seen one you've virtually seen them all, you could call it midwest emo as a film genre. Inio Asano's works are all like this except Punpun. It was boring.

>Shape of Voice
All contemporary anime movies follow the same motifs and conventions of trying to ape Studio Ghibli's family-friendly candidness, from soundtrack to character conflicts to plot. A deaf girl is bullied by her class but one kid takes it too far and he's ostracized for it once the staff learn about it. As a teenager he now tries to make amends and a new group of friends for the shame he bears. There was a nigger briefly seen and half-breed baby featured prominently in it, and the character was raised by a single mother, it raised an eyebrow with me. Overall it was a nice little movie.
>The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes
A great scene of a chick getting her nose clocked with a full-body punch, the rest is a typical anime movie.
>Welcome to the Quiet Room
Girl Interrupted but Japanese, a woman is taken to a psych ward with liberal restrictions to cool off after an accidental/failed suicide. The movie realizes towards the end that it needs to finish so what plot and characters were burgeoning gets wrapped up prematurely. It was O.K..
>Swing Girls
A fun family movie of the likes you could've found in America around the same time.
>Suicide Circle
Sion Sono fills Japan's cinema niche for a contrarian smug blunt cunt. A lot of violence and ugliness of life just to shock people and emphasize that Japan does have a lot of first-world problems. Public group and solo suicides are occurring in Japan and the police don't know what to do. It's a crass and messy execution on the commentary of suicide, fame, consumerism, decaying family values, etc.. 
>Sora no Ana
Same as Solanin.
>Helter Skelter
Woman crying, screaming, and throwing up.
>Hana and Alice
Same as Sora no Ana.
>Guilty of Romance
Sion Sono, the best movie on this list, I don't know where to begin and my thoughts aren't fresh and may not have got all of them. It's about engaging in lust and adultery while married and morally contending with those feelings, and if you're doing this with a stranger or anyone besides your husband/wife then why are you married to them? Is it only just because of thrill and freedom? This is different from European movies about cheating because the leftists and certain somebodies who directed those did it primarily as subversion and for their political beliefs to celebrate those actions as right rather than honestly ask and answer something about the society they live in like this movie. The protagonist does it because her husband is a prude and stuffy man who never touches her and basically reduces her to a house pet or piece of furniture as a result so she decides to get a job and ends up doing porn which she hesitates but ultimately still does with regret. When she starts having sex with randoms one night she encounters a veteran prostitute who takes her under her wing, and tries to teach her how to speak meaningfully by finding meaning in living via experience like sex. The conflict with the detective investigating all of this (the movie starts in media res) is great because she is also cheating and for that has a mirror upheld to her throughout. I didn't like the twist because it throws a wrench into the moral conundrum that was going on but it does ask a new one because of it and the movie ends with the detective wondering where she's heading next as she's still cheating on her husband. One of the best movies of the century or even belonging in a top 1000 list, the gore is excellent too.
Sion Sono, hair monster, child abuse too.
>Real Onigokko
Sion Sono, whatever, it wasn't good, gore and also women are playthings.
Sion Sono, a middle school dropout running a boat rental service some months after the Touhoku disaster contending with an abusive loser father and whore mother. Same level of intensity as Guilty of Romance but still a little shlocky as Sono's stuff typically is.
>Love and Pop
V-cinema enjo kousai Hideaki Anno growing up is tough or something.
>Voices in the Wind
It's like Eureka (and the previous ennui movies) where traumatized people, two of them, travel across the country to mend the losses they suffered in the same tragedy. A girl's family dies in the Touhoku disaster, and years later while living in Hiroshima her aunt is hospitalized so she runs off from home and meets many people. Like Shape of Voice there were some things that raised an eyebrow in it, like the single mother and Kurds being portrayed sympathetically when they are the worst niggers in Japan besides niggers and the actress being a hafu. The movie overall wasn't bad but it's a sign of things to come if I'm noticing the same propaganda and subversion in Jap media that appears in the west.
>Love Letter
Same as Hana and Alice.
>A Letter to Momo
I liked this movie's artstyle and color palette but it's just a nice little family film on the scenario of a city person being a fish out of water in the countryside.
>Enclosed Pain
Movie 2 of the Love Cinema series where famous directors shoot movies on digital consumer cameras. This one is about two incestuous siblings.
>Pastoral: To Die in the Country
"Experimental" art film from Japan's era of copying American culture and when leftist ideas were popular among students (40s-70s). A director is making a film about his childhood (who is a stand-in for the actual director) and rewrites it as he comes to feel he's making a mockery of it and sucking it of substance.
>Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God - Part I
Movies like this stopped being made when gore websites started existing.
>Children Full of Life
A documentary about a 4th grade class and their atypically open-minded teacher.
>Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell
Japanese Evil Dead.
>Ju-On: The Curse
The predecessors to the Grudge, V-cinema, they weren't bad.
>Ju-On 2: The Curse
The first 28/29 minutes is a recap of the first movie told with footage from it.
From the same director as Noroi. A paranormal investigation TV show goes to a house haunted by a demon in attempt to cleanse but are having trouble. After Buddhism fails they contract a mysterious edgy man who approaches the supernatural scientifically to deal with the problem with him becoming the main character. Fun movie.
No different from a horror movie you could find in America.
>Carved 2
A sequel in name only that has nothing to do with the "first" movie. It's a V-cinema movie that goes over how the legend came to be and was quite decent.
>Cursed a.k.a. Super Scary Story A Raven of Darkness (「超」怖い話A(アー)闇の鴉)
A typical V-cinema horror movie that got lucky to see a western release.
A plain adaption of the manga with bizarre editing and visual effect choices which was worth watching for how they contrast with the tone of the movie.
Ghost love story, the most boring movie on this list.
A samurai drama that manages to be more violent and bloody than other movies despite hardly being gory.
>Demon Pond
Adaption of a classic play, an anthropologist travels to rural Japan and by chance encounters a colleague of his who went into hiding with the local shrine maiden. The village is undergoing drought and the youkai are itching to flood the entire valley after being locked away at the pond for centuries, some typical commentary on politics and mob rule included.
>POV: Norowareta Film
A found footage movie.
>Village of Doom
Based on the massacre by Mutsuo Toi but not an account of it, the main difference being that in the movie he becomes a good-for-nothing social pariah who breaks the unspoken rule of every being loose and fucks all the women in the village when there husbands are away where in real life he was a virgin. A lot of talk on how everybody is each other's cousin too.
>Neko Ramen Taisho
From the same guy who made the squid puppet boxing movie, a cat runs a ramen shop and his asshole father decides to challenge him on live TV to humiliate him. If you have a child around show this to him.
>A Page of Madness
Avant-garde silent film.
TV remake of Séance on a Wet Afternoon. A husband and clairvoyant wife living a bleary quiet existence, a kidnapped child hides in the husband's work case, and the wife decides she'll fake her ability in finding her to achieve fame.
>Ring (1995)
The first adaption of the Ring and one that follows the book closely, it's a mystery movie more than a horror one.
I thought this movie would've been more complex and discombobulating than Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent were but the plot was quite straightforward with a simple conflict.
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More on Himizu, I did like it. The protagonist not being afraid to speak his mind or violently act out on someone is refreshing in comparison to how stories like this have brooding or introverted protagonists. Some of the child abuse is a stretch, and the pain and disregard the parents inflict on both kids is believable in the end but does get close to being emotional torture porn fantasy.
Saw Wild Robot, it is a fun movie, I was surprised they depicted death in a burger kid's movie, it was handled quite well, from comedic moments to tragic ones.
Its about a robot that takes care of a little goose, it is all about motherly love and a robot that doesn't know what the fuck is doing.
It had almost no pozz, only the scenes with the "humans" as you can guess there are 99% non-white and a very subtle "muh climate change" message. I would had removed all humans from the movie and just left the scenery of a doomed world.
I would recommend watching it once.
Replies: >>3234
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Watched Falling Down, can't find that other anon's short review of it but I really liked it, local man fucking snaps and has to put up with society's bullshit just so he can go to his daughter's birthday party when his ex-wife doesn't even want him there cuz he's insane.
Is violence the answer to the problems he encounters? Probably not. Is it a way to get your attention and get faster results than if you were to, say, deal with it peacefully? Absolutely.
Replies: >>3107
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>Is violence the answer to the problems he encounters?
Is The Substance worth watching? Has anyone here seen it?
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Watched Transformers One, it was bad, I hated it from start to finish.
>marvel humor from start to finish
>optimus prime and megatron are miners which somehow will be able to fight later on
>Elita-1 is a girl boss, that is capable of beating optimus prime, megatron and Bumblebee, and talks down fucking optimus prime
>bumblebee is the comedic relief and it is fucking awful.
>megatron turning evil and optimus prime turning good doesn't convince me at all
Replies: >>3112 >>3124
I thought it was ok. Wish it was more like WFC.
Replies: >>3117
Creepy, my sibling told me to watch this a few days ago. Looks like a feminist piece but I told them I'd give it a shot.
Replies: >>3140
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More about Guilty of Romance (I think I had these ideas when watching). The movie reminds me of how stress-free and nonchalant a lot of prostitutes are towards sex (hooker with a heart of gold and escort confidant trope) and that they can be quite rational when it comes to relationships and dating because the one value important to women is already ruined, keeping their virginity for the one, and due to being whores they have nothing left to lose and no ego to protect, the veil is torn; where cheaters and loose flaps are mortified when caught in the act, prostitutes aren't. A healthy sex life is essential to becoming a complete person, an "adult", and our societies are so warped that only some of this ignobility understand and achieve this.

Spoiler territory now: And also that there needs to be reconciliation between husband and wife, personal honesty with one self.  The movie touches on how sex is perceived as dirty.  The husband going to fuck random bitches after work, getting to become an animal and let the carnal side of himself flourish with women who have thrown all intimacy away while being a pure man at home with a wife he doesn't want to sully because he wants to construct an idyllic life for himself and a wife that is also pure, like a ship in a bottle meticulously spent time on, thinking this image is truthful and how reality should be for him and that he is a bad man for having such carnal desire (though that's probably conjecture on my part if there's any guilt he pondered).  Both man and woman who love each other must be reconcile wholesome sincerity and animal lust into one entity for themselves and as a couple, the husband was denying his wife power to be on the same level as him, denying her autonomy and humanity that sex invigorates and actualizes, and the bonding of man and woman through sex, sex magic, because he didn't want her defiled and messy because that's "corrupt and impure" in his construct of what is right and decent and that things ought to be this way.  You are no more than a piece of furniture without your sex organs if you never achieve that developmental milestone of being comfortable with sex, a waste life is one where sex is not experienced and understood, and it's impeded by views such as it's for pregnancy otherwise it's degeneracy or it's mindless or to feel good like it's a drug or an opening for evil or merely animal instincts that mean nothing, and no fruit is made from that union, children, the proof and representation of sex, and so they are "children" forever for it, the same perception since their consciousness began for better and worse. It is the one thing in your life where your guard should be down.

Excuse me if this thread is perceived as my personal blog or diary. I might have more to say if it's stuff I formulated watching it and afterwards but I won't add on new thoughts uninquired.
Replies: >>3181 >>3185
>Wish it was more like WFC.
Transformers should not have lips like that.
Replies: >>3126
How else is she going to suck dick?
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I watched it at four times the speed. The film is, indeed, feminist shit. And it's insufferably long at two and a half hours. Here are some comments to digest:

The movie was written by a frog woman who felt (keyword here - this was not something that happened to her, she just personally felt it) that as she was getting older, she was becoming meaningless in the eyes of the patriarchy. The film, thus, reflects the supposed "beauty standards" that older women are completely neglected once they hit, like, 40. Note that the woman in the story chose to never have a family or even a partner, focusing solely on her career. She is mega rich and yet never did anything with her fortune except live somewhere wealthy, meaning all her being was how she was perceived as sexy on screen. This continues with the young version of herself who lives a hedonistic and vacuous lifestyle and doesn't learn from her mistakes. It also means you get nothing in the end.
Yeah, there are a bunch of young women twerking, a few great ass shots that went on for a bit of screen time, and the practical effects were nice, but it's a film by women for women. It caters to young, vain women who want men groveling at their feet because they're so dang hot, as well as to older women who realized too late that your looks will only get you so far so the patriarchy must die!, etc.
Skip it: you aren't missing much.

Also, feminist films all have full front nudity shots of women now. It screams desperate to me.
Replies: >>3137 >>3140 >>3234
Her eggs must have been scared by the patriarchy into leaving.
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Rewatched Jurassic Park, a fun movie, to bad about this scene.
>Silence of the Lambs
Pretty gross.
Replies: >>3142
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Reading the synopsis it reminded me of The Brood, although neither movie has much in common with each other than a similar sort of body horror.
Replies: >>3142
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Unbeknownst to me, there was a British comedy film series that ran from 1958 to 1992 made up of 31 films. If you're in the know, then you know I'm talking about the Carry On franchise. I was looking for a comedy and ended up watching Carry On Spying since I'm no noob when it comes to spy films.

Plot is a group of spies have to go rescue a secret formula from a Dr. No rip-off. Comedy ensues.

Super silly movie that had some really good moments. Overall, though, kind of weak and felt like it was dragging a bit at times. I wouldn't dedicate myself to the full franchise, but if anyone wants to recommend one, I might be willing to take a look.

You don't like Goodbye, Horses?

The body horror element is similar, though on the opposite spectrum since The Brood has a woman giving birth whereas The Substance is all about your persona coming out your spine. Must be because it's women.
Replies: >>3143
>You don't like Goodbye, Horses?
I thought that it wouldn't hit the way it was supposed to because of how much you see the movie get referenced nowadays, but damn. It actually made me do an Early Life check on the people behind the movie.
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Currently watching the MST3K Turkey Day stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKFvA2-KojA
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I watched Simon of the Desert (1969), directed by Luis Buñuel, for the first time. It's about 45 minutes long. Filmed in Mexico, it's in spanish.
It's loosely based on the story of the ascetic 5th-century saint Simeon Stylites, who lived for 39 years on top of a pillar. Monks, peasants, his mother, and Satan in the form of an attractive woman come to talk and (as he implies) tempt him.
What a curiosity! This is a film that many claim to be a surreal satire of the Christian religion/Catholicism, and yet feels so... accurate to the emotional realities of being a human, a sinner, even a saint.
It's a film made by an alleged atheist, and yet it doesn't feel like one.
Is humanistic the right word here?
Only, the last scene feels surreal, and it seems most don't know what to make of it; the transition to it stunned me, absolutely stunned me.
It took me until looking at IMDB audience reviews to even see what was supposed to be satire! I took it completely seriously. Perhaps I'm a fool.
When looking around for information, I found out that the woman who played Satan literally died about 5 days ago!
Fascinating film.
Replies: >>3229
>2nd pic
And people made fun of incels for only sleeping with themselves. Now who is laughing.
Replies: >>3292
I feel great, I just masturbate
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I recently watched The Boy and the Heron which I've heard good things about.
As with other Ghibli movies, you get a massive, detailed fantasy world brought to life through beautiful hand-painted backgrounds and characters. However I didn't "get" the story; a boy who lost his mother briefly encounters a younger version of her in an alternative dimension that ends up getting destroyed, all while getting harassed by an annoying heron which in reality is some ugly uncle in a feather suit. What was I supposed to feel?
Maybe something got lost in translation or there's some kind of cultural theme I'm not getting. Either way I enjoyed the movie and think it's worth a watch for the fantasy element if nothing else.

>Man Facing Southeast (Hombre mirando al sudeste)
Finally watched this. I did not expect the ending to move me this much, I thought the movie would end on a much different lighter / less depressing note... Since I did not watch K-PAX I'll probably watch that next and draw comparisons.
>inb4 hollywood slop
Replies: >>3184 >>3185
It's very obviously a movie about the acceptance of the inevitability of death and making peace with your own mortality from an old man who will probably die in a few years.
>You are no more than a piece of furniture without your sex organs if you never achieve that developmental milestone of being comfortable with sex, a waste life is one where sex is not experienced and understood, and it's impeded by views such as it's for pregnancy otherwise it's degeneracy or it's mindless...
I agree with your comment when it comes to relationships (can't comment on the movie since I didn't watch it). I do think that husband and wife (or long-time partners) have an obligation sexually to each other, and I think if you hold up an unnatural portrayal of how the other should be, it can lead to big issues. It also can put pressure on yourself to perform in a way that might be the opposite of how you actually are. I guess that works in any regard, but I've heard of guys complaining about their girlfriends or wives being frigid and, in one pretty messed up situation, the guy's wife didn't consummate their marriage for months because sex was dirty.
You really gotta find the nuance in societal pressures, but it can be hard especially when you're young. Don't go fugging every living being, but then sex is also a way of showing your love for one another.

>Man Facing Southeast (Hombre mirando al sudeste)
>I did not expect the ending to move me this much
Same. I wonder if it's because you feel like maybe there is a change in character, but then, in the end, nothing changed.
As for K-PAX, I haven't seen it in years. Let me know your thoughts when you watch it so I can hear you talk shit.
Replies: >>3188 >>3213
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Caligula: The Ultimate Cut (2023)

The film starts with this message:
<In 1976, Bob Guccione, founder of Penthouse magazing and one of the wealthiest men in America, financed the most expensive independent film in history.
<Guccione promised a "new kind of movie" which would combine sex and art to create a powerful portrait of one of history's most decadent figures:
<Scripted by literary titan Gore Vidal and directed by arthouse filmmaker Tinto Brass, Caligula featured world-renowned actors of the British stage, and was one of the most hotly anticipated movies of the 1970s.

<The film production was plagued with troubles.
<By the time the movie was finished the budget had doubled, the writer has sued to have his name removed, the director had been forcibly expelled, and both the editor and the composer refused to be named in the credits.
<When Caligula was finally released in 1980, audiences -- and the cast -- were shocked to learn that the script had been discarded during editing, and that pornographic footage filmed by Guccione had been intercut with the original materials.
<Critics panned Caligula as "sickening, worthless trash" and "a moral holocaust."
<Film prints were seized by police, people picketed outside of theaters, obscenity trials ensued.
<Yet it became one of the top-grossing films of 1980 -- an international spectacle whose notoriety persists to this day.

<With the source materials long thought destroyed, the mythical "original version" of Caligula has been the stuff of legend for over four decades.
<The film you are about to watch has been reconstructed from over ninety hours of rediscovered original camera negatives and extensively restored location audio.
<This unprecedented edit is composed in its entirety of previously unseen footage, presenting Caligula for the first time as it was performed in Rome in 1976.

I haven't watched the original "porno" version so I'm only going to critique this cut.
This has got to be the most characteristically "70s" movie I have watched. A Roman prince who was already severely mentally disturbed becomes Emperor, then, corrupted by power, goes off the rails and spirals all the way to his inevitable end... Don't expect a heroic story or a good moral, just a very entertaining tale of a crazy man drunk on his folly. With elaborate sets, extravagant costumes, and surprisingly good acting, there was never a dull moment in this movie. Clocking in at almost 3 hours, Caligula TUC takes its sweet time painting a vivid image of a surreal, decadent Rome.

And speaking of clocks, you might recognize the starring actor Malcolm McDowell from A Clockwork Orange, another movie where he masterfully plays the role of a complete lunatic. You also get excellent performances by John Gielgud (Arthur, Julius Caesar), Peter O'Toole (Lawrence of Arabia, Troy), and a stunning young Helen Mirren (The Queen, RED). Mirren plays Caesonia, Caligula's more graceful but equally mad wife, and possibly my favorite character in the whole movie. I was also quite drawn to the Italian studs Macro (played by Guido Mannari) and Proculus (played by Donato Placido) who unfortunately don't get much screen time.

While there is no pornographic material in TUC, there's still plenty of explicit nudity and "artsy" sex scenes. Not all of it is pretty, mind you, so don't watch if you're squeamish. I do think all the extreme elements complement Caligula's personality quite well though... On the other hand you get plenty of eye candy; the sets are extremely detailed and make great use of color, and are complemented by a large cast and an army of extras, all costumed and placed carefully into each scene like figures in a painting. The panoramic shots throughout the movie are gorgeous, even more so when you pause and focus on each piece of the frame, but sadly the picture quality of the film doesn't do them justice.

All in all, Caligula TUC was a wild ride that I really enjoyed. If you like artsy films then this one's for you.
Replies: >>3187
Way, way, too much BUSH in it. Otherwise it was okay.
The issue of unfulfilled sex and marriages is one that speaks clearer to the Japanese (and Koreans) so I would say the movie is commenting on the first-world problems that have manifested in post-war submission to liberal democracy and the bubble pop (Heisei malaise so to say) that at least half of Japanese intellectuals have commented on at some point but felt the themes were universal in fundamental and "small"/apolitical enough on a sociopolitical level that it'd be diminishing the film to include as a serious point.

Two more small things. The protagonist is played by the director's wife, not sure if that was a metapoint or for Sono to confront whatever conflict he has with sexuality without hypocrisy or just a display of insecure security, there's an interview with her on the film I haven't watched so maybe she'll say something about it. And this really isn't a spoiler but I'll count it anyway since it's a part of the film, the film briefly touches on how marriages based on pure love and checkmark qualifications (f.e. they're intelligent or well-mannered) can ruin a bloodline, and that level-headed discrimination towards personality, morals, purity, disposition, etc. must be considered in the consummation process which is something families no longer practice as it's seen as outdated, authoritarian, and for fogeys.
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>As for K-PAX, I haven't seen it in years. Let me know your thoughts when you watch it so I can hear you talk shit.
As requested, here's my review of K-PAX.
The first thing I should mention is that K-PAX (KP) and Man Facing Southeast (MFS) are completely different films with different events. The main plot point is the same (man claiming to be an ayy ends up in a madhouse) but almost everything else is different.
MFS is a pure drama movie with subtle social commentary that eventually becomes clear, while KP is a sci-fi movie that focuses on telling an entertaining story than communicating a message.

Spoilers ahead.
Rantes (ayy from MFS) is presented as a mysterious figure, he doesn't reveal too much about himself and whatever he says is mostly dismissed by the doc. During his stay in the madhouse he shows more humanity towards the patients than all the staff combined, which causes the doc to question his own way of treating the mentally ill. But ultimately the idea of an ayy on Earth becomes more believable than the cold fact that humans are cruel and will never change.
Meanwhile Prot (ayy from KP) is not mysterious at all, he gives away all information about himself and the idiot doc humors him. Occasionally the ayy will bluntly comment on the behavior of the doc or humans in general, but such comments feel forced and ultimately get lost among the much more entertaining events taking place, such as the ayy blowing everyone's minds with his spess knowledge or telling stories while hypnotized. Also the ayy is too quirky; he's supposed to be smart enough to discuss Einstein with the doc, but mispronounces words and eats bananas with their peels.There's a twist towards the end (Prot is not an ayy) and then another twist (Prot is indeed an ayy but it's complicated) which I thought was interesting.

I can't say I hated KP, even despite the cringeworthy scenes when he speaks in ayy lingo and when he barks at the dog. It's an entertaining Hollywood movie with a beautiful soundtrack that you could watch with friends and family, but that's about it. Don't expect anything more, especially if you have already watched MFS.
Replies: >>3229 >>3261
I was a bit curious about this one, even though Buñuel is not a director I seek out. 
It's definitely not an in-your-face satire, but Simon's reactions (and people around him) are fairly satirical. Realistic, sure, but satirical given the situation.
Apparently Buñuel ran out of budget and ended up re-writing the ending, but I loved that jarring cut. It was what made the movie for me and maybe the surprise titties.

So for Hollywood slop, it's good, but in general, meh?
I'll probably watch it over the holidays (maybe re-watch MFS so it's especially fresh).
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>Cleo Leo (1989)
A male chauvinist CEO who only sees women as fucktoys is magically transformed into a woman, and gets a taste of his own medicine all while his next-in-command takes over the company.
This one's VERY trashy but I enjoyed it quite a lot. Imagine a horny teenager writing the first half of the movie on a hormonal rush, then writing the second half after beating off. If you can make it through the juvenile jokes, blatant fan service, and cartoony acting, you'll find a surprisingly fun story with a Disney ending. Fans of "so bad it's good" movies must watch this one.

>Crash and Burn (1990)
In the distant future, a delivery man is stuck at a TV broadcast station with the crew as a "thermal storm" engulfs the town. Meanwhile someone, or something, is killing off the crew members while disguising itself as one of them.
I'd describe this movie as dollar store Terminator with bonus /m/echa. An acceptable action flick with passable performances, and a twist at the end then another twist for good measure, which made no sense at all. There was also a very PG love scene with terrible kissing, which I thought was a waste as the main character is a total dreamboat. The highlight of the movie is definitely the one scene with the giant robot, but that was about the only memorable thing for me.

>Crystal Heart (1986)
A young man who has lived his entire life isolated in a sterilized chamber due to a rare health condition befriends, and ultimately falls in love with, a pop singer.
A pretty wholesome movie despite the simplistic and predictable plot, with a couple of catchy original songs ("Don't Touch the Heart" especially) as an added bonus. The main character -- dubbed "bubble boy" by the press -- is supposed to be 21 in the movie but actually looks 15. I thought that was weird at first, but then figured it (un)intentionally works in favor of the plot considering this person never really "grew up" living in a bubble his entire life. The highlight of the movie for me was the morbidly fascinating "bubble sex" scene. Recommended.

>Deadline (1984) (1980)
An author/screenwriter of cheap horror flicks is struggling to write his next story, while his family life collapses.
The film is mostly scenes from the author's mundane life; fruitless nights on the typewriter, boring social events, fights with the boss, fights with the wife, fights with the children. And in between the everyday scenes we see a visual of the author's numerous "ideas" for the upcoming story, which are nothing but utterly cheap and sleazy gore fests played for shock value. None of the ideas stick. While the author's dreams are definitely gruesome and disgusting, there's a different, more believable kind of horror in seeing the author's family spiral.

>Dream Demon (1988)
An English woman on the verge of marriage starts having horrifying nightmares that she fears may be closer to reality than they seem. Everyone dismisses her, except for an American goth chick who she recently befriended. Together they try to uncover the meaning behind the nightmares.
This one is supposed to be a thriller but it works better as a mystery movie. The two lead actresses couldn't be more different yet they have very good chemistry, even the small talk scenes were enjoyable. The soon-to-be husband however was a bit cartoony especially when trying to seem angry, I found myself giggling while he was pulling faces in what should be tense scenes. Thankfully he doesn't get much screen time as the film focuses more on the two heroines, in addition to two sleazy reporters who may as well be the real comic relief of the film. What bothered me was that the horrifying visions felt cheap at times. They were still entertaining, make no mistake, but probably not in the way the director intended. Other than that the movie was really fun with a great soundtrack and a mesmerizing opening scene. Recommended.
>The Substance
I just watched it myself and liked it. Very fun horror movie, and every time you think it's over it becomes even more gruesome. The cinematography and gore are top notch, and Demi Moore delivers an amazing performance as always. Margaret Qualley was alright.
Most people are doing feminist readings of the film and concluding that it's about older women being sidelined, but I think that's a very surface-level observation. I got a few different takeaways:
<substance abuse and becoming another "better" self when under the influence
<chasing temporary fantasies (a youthful life every other week) instead of lasting happiness (a real connection with Fred)
<holding on to an old life instead of moving on
<oversexualized media (scantily clad performers on a morning show) and children (the mother in the audience happily watching nude women with her young daughter but covering her eyes when a disfigured person appears)
<"pretty privilege" for lack of a better term (the network staff being nice only to the younger self, and the younger self being nice to hot models and not her "ugly" neighbor)
The film doesn't use any buzzwords or wokespeak unlike one other movie Barbie (2023) so it manages to be entertaining as a simple horror movie, I never felt like it was preaching / pandering / forcing a message. I'd say give it a watch. The webrip is already up so you can stay home for this one

I thought the full frontals were unnecessary at first but then as the story progressed they turned out to be the least shocking part of the movie

>a very subtle "muh climate change" message
The Wild Robot was amazing by the way, I think it will become another one of Dreamworks' signature movies.
The thing with Halloween is that Myers is basically a demonic force. He's literally credited as "The Shape" in the first movie. Carpenter has said that the audience was supposed to be left guessing whether Myers was actually supernatural or just so deranged he doesn't feel pain and can sneak up on people because he doesn't doesn't register as human.
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Merry Christmas, /vhs/ !
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Despite having the movie on tape since I was a kid and it even being shown on movie night, more than once I think, I only just now managed to see The Dark Crystal all the way through.
I took a gander. And, well, your summary is pretty spot on. I thought I was going to hate on it more, but I don't have much more to say.

I'm not sure I personally* agree with Kevin Spacey as the lead, mostly because I feel like his stare is the stare of a C-level exec debating if they should fire your ass because you dared question their authority even as he munches on a banana peel**. Could be because I associate him with the movie Seven and American Beauty, plus all those sexual assault accusations (which ended up not coming to fruition, take that as you will). I also see Jeff Bridges as The Dude no matter what, though the clean shave did help in that regard. But that's me nitpicking.
Replies: >>3262 >>3268
>Ruined my spoiler
Happy new year anon!
>his stare is the stare of a C-level exec debating if they should fire your ass
Have you watched Horrible Bosses? It's basically Spacey doing this but cranked up to 11. I believe "serious roles" are his forte so he should stick to them, because he's really not that good in more comedic / quirky roles.
>I also see Jeff Bridges as The Dude no matter what
I didn't even make that connection when he first appeared in the movie, but then he opened his mouth... The dude talks to Prot like he's truly and utterly bewildered by everything he hears, not like how a shrink in a madhouse is supposed to behave.

All this MFS vs KP talk reminded me of another comparison that I've been meaning to do; Abre Los Ojos (1997) vs Vanilla Sky (2001). I've only seen the former but I'm like 99% sure I'll hate the latter if I ever see it, although I'm a fan of Tom Cruise. Did you watch either of those?
Replies: >>3272 >>3286
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>he's really not that good in more comedic / quirky roles
Yeah, that's how I feel. I guess American Beauty is somewhat quirky, but he doesn't come off as quirky in that movie, if that makes any sense.

>The dude talks to Prot like he's truly and utterly bewildered by everything he hears
Agreed. I think that was part of my problem with the movie - the dude kind of just... exists along with the other psych characters. As you said, he doesn't act like how a shrink in a madhouse would behave. Another gripe I was that I didn't really get why the dude would contact his son. He ignores his immediate family up until the end of the movie, never really portraying a change. So contacting his son seemed to appease "Hollywood" feels. I'm surprised his son even agreed to come see him. Frankly, if my dad got remarried and essentially abandoned me, I'm not sure I'd be so open to going to him, especially the older I am.

>Abre Los Ojos (1997) vs Vanilla Sky (2001)
Vanilla Sky came highly, HIGHLY recommended to me. I think I pretty much fell asleep fifteen minutes in and never finished it because I don't remember anything. I had heard about Abre los ojos, but since I found Vanilla Sky not to be my cup of tea, I never checked it out (which is probably a disservice to the original given that American remakes are very, well, American).
You have me curious, though. I'll check them both out. I look forward to reading your review too!
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I got around to watching both Abre Los Ojos (ALO) and Vanilla Sky. Here's my review for both.

>Abre Los Ojos
Protagonist is insufferable and about 60% of the time of the film had me wishing the protagonist would die I guess I kind of got my wish?. When it started getting surreal, then I started to actually like the movie, but I still hated the protagonist. I partially see the point of this since he's supposed to come across as douche-y, but it made his sob story completely baseless. Yeah, I know he's sad that Sofia never went back to him. But I know of a couple of rich men - one personally and one through a friend of a friend - who got chicks (and got married) even though they had some type of physical disability or were straight up paraplegic. One has a growing family and the other, a hot wife. So don't tell me this playboy can't find a hot woman even with his face looking the way it does. Sure, it might be a pimp/whore situation, but we're not here to discuss Eyes Wide Shut :^) Plus, he completely screws over his best friend by going for the chick he brings as a date, but he screws over the chick he claimed he loved so much by going off with a friend with benefits for "one" last session! I'm glad Sofia ends up disgusted with his facial deformation (which might just be an analogy to his actual selfish behavior). The only loss was that he (potentially) didn't completely kill himself off. The filmmakers needed to work on this guy to make us actually care for him in the end and not cry "bullshit" at his situation. Or maybe I'm just heartless and couldn't move past his actions. I need to have some connection to the protagonist, but I felt none. Penélope Cruz is a qt3.14 though, I'll give you that.

>Vanilla Sky
Pretty much a straight rip of the original (similar dialogue, same scenes, same characters, same Penélope Cruz), but worse! You know how American movies have to spell things out for you? This one is no exception. I won't name instances, but let's just say that you'll be rolling your eyes. This film is also about thirty minutes longer, which is unjustified (you could have scrapped the "Seven Dwarfs" board members and the attorney - it was only used to maybe show Tom Cruise's character as more favorable, but it didn't work). Tom Cruise was more unlikable than Eduardo Noriega, but maybe because I see him and think "crazy scientologist". Whatever issues I had with the protagonist in the first film continued to Vanilla Sky. And because it's a rip, I don't see why it exists. Just watch the original, guys! You get more of Penélope Cruz's tits in the original!
Replies: >>3287
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I just came here to post my reviews and found you already posted yours today. What a coincidence!
>first spoiler
I still felt bad for Cesar. I think he truly loved Sophia, even if he couldn't change his ways. But then again he wasn't going to change in a day for a girl he met once after a long time being a playboy. If you were young and pretty with girls groveling at your feet, would you not take advantage of it and become a playboy? Because I think I would.
Anyway, here are my reviews...

<Abre Los Ojos / Open Your Eyes [ALO] (1997)
Cesar is a handsome man who lives alone and earns his living off of a major restaurant chain which he inherited from his parents. His wealth and looks afford him a comfortable lifestyle and a way with women, earning him the reputation of a playboy. He spends his free time hanging out with his best friend Pelayo, who is average looking and not as popular with the ladies, especially next to Cesar. When he's not working or hanging out with Pelayo, Cesar gets it on with Nuria, his bedmate who he couldn't care less about. Nuria knows this but still yearns for Cesar, she keeps it cool and casual but you can immediately tell she's obsessed with him... We are later introduced to Sofia, Pelayo's shy but adorable new friend and crush. Cesar steals her right away, of course, but Pelayo doesn't make a fuss. Meanwhile, Nuria is furious and wants Cesar all to herself, so she lures him into her car and they go for a ride. They get into an accident, Nuria dies, and Cesar lives but with an extremely disfigured face. Soon his reality and dreams bleed into each other.
Hope I didn't spoil too much with this synopsis, now on to the review...
ALO is a pretty tense film. You get drama, thriller and even a hint of sci-fi. But at the core lies a very simple idea; what would you do if the only life you knew was taken away? Cesar's transformation from the handsome carefree playboy into the ugly paranoid creep was both realistic and heartbreaking. I loved the scene where he meets Sofia for the first time after the accident, there were no special effects whatsoever yet everything felt so surreal. And that wasn't part of a dream.
Nuria's character was also played masterfully, barely speaking yet her eyes say it all. The desire, the loneliness, the sadness, and the thoughts of suicide. The scene where she's in a red dress driving her red car was truly mesmerizing, and her last line before the accident was nothing short of haunting... When Cesar looks at Sofia and sees Nuria, you can tell it's still Sofia because that's exactly how Sofia talks and acts. Whoever played Nuria did an absolutely stellar job.
Sofia's character was more subtle, but she played the part beautifully. She still liked Cesar after the accident but was naturally repulsed by the disfigured face. I like to think that what really drove her away was Cesar's actions post-accident, and not the accident itself. Pelayo did a great job too as the supportive friend, it shows when you care about someone even if he's not always nice to you.

<Vanilla Sky [VS] (2001)
The plot is more or less exactly the same as ALO, so no point in repeating it.
When I watched VS my first thought was "this is flanderized as hell"; the characters from ALO have become so exaggerated that I felt absolutely nothing for them. David (Cesar) is a filthy rich megalomaniac, Brian (Pelayo) is a "funny" Yes Man, Sofia is too eccentric, and Julie (Nuria) is bloody hysterical.
We have "Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise" for the first part of the movie. Cocky but always smiling and being nice to everyone, including Julie, who is also always cheerful for some strange reason. Maybe it's just me but I always thought Cameron Diaz had crazy eyes, which could have worked for Julie's character if she was written better. More on this later. Sofia is played by the same actress from the original movie (Penelope Cruz), and her character remains a Latina which is nice, but in a way she got reduced from Sofia to "the quirky Latina". She still did a great job though, in my opinion Sofia is the real star of VS. The worst of all was Brian, he was simply terribly written.
The word "overselling" also came to my mind. Every little thing in this movie is explained through excessive dialogue, but instead of fleshing out the story it has the opposite effect of reminding you that everything you see is fake. Many scenes in VS had completely new dialogue, but still had lines from ALO mindlessly shoehorned in. It's almost as if the producers wanted a new "Hollywood experience" but felt an obligation to keep as many homages to the original film as possible. VS clocks in at over 2 hours, longer than ALO, yet somehow feels rushed because of all the dialogue that was crammed in... And did I mention the music was bad? ALO keeps it simple and classy with orchestral music throughout the film, while VS goes for pop and rock songs. I guess they wanted a more 21st century soundtrack which is kinda understandable, but even then there was simply too much music even in scenes that didn't need it.
There were other annoyances like applying the classic 2000s "smooth filter" over the movie, and of course turning it up for the dream sequences, as if it wasn't painfully obvious already. The CGI also aged badly, like the unnecessary "hologram man" at David's apartment, and that's coming from someone who loves old CGI. The only thing VS did not oversell when it should have was, tragically, the makeup for David's disfigured face. I imagine someone somewhere gave the order to make Tom Cruise disfigured but not too disfigured, so people could tell that it's still Tom Cruise and that he's still hot, maybe after a few drinks.
VS did introduce a couple of nice unexpected details such as Sophia having that chest mole and David plucking out that one gray hair. The ending was as "Hollywood" as it gets though. No way Sophia missed David when he died, she only met him once and he became completely weird afterwards. But then again she is "the quirky Latina" so anything is possible!

Some random thoughts:
You can't draw a Tom Cruise caricature without the center tooth, Sofia. He explicitly asked you to draw his flaws!
When David told the guy at the bar "I'm straight, OK?" I just lost it. Now that's rich coming from you.
Julie's delivery of "I mean, do you believe in god?" was simply disastrous. I can definitely see myself shutting the movie off at that point. Also she can't imitate Sophia to save her life.
What the HELL was that photo of Julie with the mutilated face? Why would David go this far? Why even show this on screen to begin with?
Strange how out of all the characters only Sofia had actual nude scenes, in both movies. Contractual obligations?
Replies: >>3289 >>3290
>I just came here to post my reviews and found you already posted yours today. What a coincidence!
Pretty cool.

>If you were young and pretty with girls groveling at your feet, would you not take advantage of it and become a playboy? Because I think I would.
It's never been my style, but I can't fault Cesar for that. Still makes me not sympathize with him though since he cucks his friend, day one. That's pretty shitty behavior and inexcusable in my eyes. Especially since he tells him that he's not going to when not even his lawyer believes him.

<Abre Los Ojos
>I loved the scene where he meets Sofia for the first time after the accident, there were no special effects whatsoever yet everything felt so surreal. And that wasn't part of a dream.
That was well done, especially since the period of time that passes seems to indicate she didn't want to "break character", but even more so, she didn't want to deal with Cesar.

>Whoever played Nuria did an absolutely stellar job.
Yep, she did.

>I like to think that what really drove her away was Cesar's actions post-accident, and not the accident itself.
Apart from my ranting about women going for a hideous-looking rich dude, I do agree with this. Case in point, when they go to the club, she doesn't want to be alone with Cesar because she's clearly scared he's going to lash out at her, not because of his face.

<Vanilla Sky (VS)
You eloquently condensed my thoughts into words. Thanks!

>she got reduced from Sofia to "the quirky Latina"
Yeah, the whole jacket thing when she was introduced was weird. Also sprouting Spanish at some point when the guy clearly doesn't speak the language... People don't do that. It was only there to remind you - in case you forgot - that she's a Latina.

>Brian, he was simply terribly written
They could have cut him out and it wouldn't have made much of a difference to the film, that's how bad he was in this. Made me feel like they were trying to use his character in Chasing Amy here, but they were stuck with following ALO.

>VS goes for pop and rock songs
Yeah, it felt forced. Not exactly directly music, but that Bob Dylan cover reference was really weird to me. They use it as a plot point later, but it still felt out of place. They also kept making hints at other films, which maybe was relevant to the plot? I didn't really look further into it, but I took it as a "look at us, we like older, cool movies too!"

>I imagine someone somewhere gave the order to make Tom Cruise disfigured but not too disfigured
I agree with this 100%. In ALO, it's clear the guy's face was a mess I think they mention that they were overlaying skin graphs on scar tissue, making it very difficult to fix his face? I can't remember. Here, it felt like the surgeons were just lazy and could have fixed it up better. I also liked how in ALO the surgeons give Cesar shit for complaining when they, as they say, have patients who can't even speak because of their disfigurements. In VS, they just listen to Tom Cruise complain and then offer the mask.

>No way Sophia missed David when he died, she only met him once and he became completely weird afterwards
Yeah, the whole "true love" explanation that's thrown in was definitely grasping at straws.

>Strange how out of all the characters only Sofia had actual nude scenes, in both movies. Contractual obligations?
Also wondered the same thing. Maybe it was because she's a quirky Latina!

>You can't draw a Tom Cruise caricature without the center tooth, Sofia. He explicitly asked you to draw his flaws!
This reminded me that I hated this whole exchange and his picture of Sofia. In the original, the exchange was good and felt intimate, real. Here, it looked like the filmmakers remembered maybe five minutes before shooting that they needed a picture of Sofia and had blown all the picture budget on Tom Cruise's picture (which was also like, what? Sofia never said she drew, yet she comes up with a super clean (albeit not accurate) caricature as if she's going to sell this picture to him). So they asked the janitor to draw up a picture of a woman looking down.

Funnily enough, Cameron Diaz got high praise for this film. So maybe you just don't have good taste, anon :^). I also liked your photo captions, gave me a chuckle.
Not hin this thread but
>mutilated face
I only saw Vanilla Sky in the past and the reason why was his brain kept remembering the accicent. Julie died in the car wreck the MC survived. That was supposed to be her morg photo face, but his glitching brain also keeps her alive the entire time even though in reality she died. It was his fault she died so he felt guilty and thus the nightmare has to do with that, his guilt for being such a womanizer. A rich womanizer does not deserve to be at peace, does not get to go to heaven, so he chooses to wake up naturally. The girl saying 'open your eyes" part is a part you guys are forgetting to talk about aren't ya? Future nurse? Sofia? Still in the nightmare? Julie actually survived? Etc? Or maybe I didn't read the thread well enough. 

But yeah, if MC's face got that fucked up then of course her face would be mutiliated too. 

>image four
I fapped to that scene before I had Internet access as a teen. I had to sneak the movie out of the 'adult section' of the house too, they had told us to not watch it.
Replies: >>3294
>Abre Los Ojos actually means open your eyes
Oh I see. That'd be why no one talks about it. It's so weird someone would remake something so rapidly, do it wrong (first one had better ratings)  and also get the same actress like that....
Replies: >>3294
>now who is laughing
Women with child support checks and half of men's shit?
>... before I had Internet access as a teen. I had to sneak the movie out of the 'adult section' of the house too
As a teen? Dang, your family really didn't trust you.

>also get the same actress like that
Cruz and, heh, Cruise ended up dating afterward - maybe he chose her on purpose (Tom Cruise did help produce the film) because he wanted to get to know her better.
Replies: >>3296
As if I had parents and a proper childhood! I also fapped to other odd stuff like the Constantine scene where they have to stop the spawn of Satan from  bursting out her stomach. Saw lots of horror before I hit puberty of course. Got a stiffy during a lot of that stuff that would happen....Like that Leprechaun movie where she explodes....
Replies: >>3306
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Came across a Spanish (from Spain) movie called La ardilla roja (The Red Squirrel) that boasted itself as a comedy. I was mildly curious though slightly apprehensive because I thought the director was a (male) feminist. Still, I figured I could drop the movie if it got really bad.

The movie starts with a man named Jota contemplating suicide before being abruptly interrupted by a woman sustaining a massive head injury after crashing her motorbike on a railing and flying on to the beach. Just kidding, she only has a case of amnesia and can't remember anything about herself. Jota decides to reinvent herself by feeding her falsehoods, such as a new name ("Lisa") and new relationship (they are girlfriend and boyfriend).

The beginning of the movie was a bit slow, but once the mystery really set in (who is Lisa? Who is the man running over people? Where will this lead?), it was captivating. Alas, the last act failed to really live up to the hype that was built, and it decided to really go into the feminist logic (the film is, from what I read, a criticism of machismo culture - this is not hidden). In the end, fairly lackluster with a decent beginning and middle. And, although it had comical scenes, it was not a comedy.

Probably the only other point to note is the weird sexual energy in the movie. There were hot moments though "Lisa" being with such a snozz of a guy was a mistake, but there were some situations that I really didn't get I guess it was a critique of machismo? It really is feminism logic. For example:

There's a lesbian couple running a bar and the one lesbian grabs the other lesbian's crotch.
There's a young brother and sister who pretend they're married and repeatedly kiss on the lips. The father reprimands the boy by smacking him on the head for doing this, but it was a big "what" moment. They also pretend they have a daughter who is the daughter of a family friend who is neglecting her child to run off with German men.
The boy then smacks Lisa's ass. She then proceeds to grab his hand and shove it into her crotch from behind before "biting" him with her thighs. All this happens while the dad watches, intrigued.

Unless you're >>3296 (heh), I wouldn't bother with this one.
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