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 Dress to impress!

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A full, bright yellow moon from just few minutes ago, it went behind the buildings not 1 minute after I took the pic. It looked like a bright shape of cheese.
Double rainbow all the way across the sky from 2 days ago after a hard shower.
A swallow's nest on some gas piping in my building from this past Spring.

Unfortunately they look noticeably tampered with by the built in AI and I don't know how to turn it off.
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billions must die
Couldn't have been abandoned for too long if it's still that tidy, got any more pics of it? Abandoned places are cool, maybe one of these days I'll explore the abandoned factory near my place, it's been abandoned for 20-30 years and it's off limits.
A la coque? Been a while since I had those.
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Susquehanna River, facing away from the Chesapeake Bay.

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this faggot singlehandedly ruined the internet since 2010.
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Replies: >>236570
None of these imageboards support WebP. So not only do we not have users anymore, before long we won't even be able to upload images.
Replies: >>236571
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I hate this dipshit so fucking much. He's an absolute hack that doesn't understand internet protocol design. WAFs are not a valid part of a working protocol. They're literally a joke that infosec bros came up with to sell to corporate faggots, so they can make money with their skillset legally. WAFs were never intended to amount to anything significant; just to line some bro's small wallet. They're all easily bypassable and ruin legitimate use cases with false positives. And cuckflare will surely soon combine it with LLMs and it will still be the exact same garbage, in fact 1000x worse.
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Listen you're watching too much loli hentai.
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Can't wait to see you pedo scum in jail.
Replies: >>237404 >>237408
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You'll have to wait for an eternity.
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who are you?
this thread was a good OP. this is 95th percentile quality (better than 95% of all the posts on this board).
zzzdroolers should get positive/negative reinforcement like my post here to learn what is based and what is gay.
complaining about women (unironically) = gay
"Listen you're watching too much loli hentai." with a dull witted looking boomer picrel = based
Replies: >>237519
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My blood boils everytime when I see women giving advice to men on how to escape inceldom. This bitch suggests a male to practice a team sports... as a mean to find a girlfriend. AS THOUGH MEN AND WOMEN PLAY TEAM SPORTS TOGETHER.

I've been practicing handball for a whole year (not to find a gf but because I like it) and if this was all I needed to "escape my incel mindset", I wouldn't be here on 4chan but rather I'd be on the theaters or having sex.

God, I hate women. Not because they don't give me sex, but because they are dumb as fuck.
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Replies: >>237508 + 4 earlier
People that are male that have standards are called incels. When women say 'where are all the good men???" they are not called incels in contrast, nor misandrists, but due to double standards men are called misognynists and incels when neither is necessarily true, epecially when men can lower standards. Also, men can buy hookers, or yes, rape potentially I suppose. The very word incel is too much of a buzzword. It's like 'abuse', it means nothing. A women cointed incel. Keep that M.A.D. shit out of my face. I will drive buzzed or I will fall asleep anyway out of boredom and kill you anyway. Things like incel hating is like zero tolerance for drinkin and driving. It's woman brained twisted bullshitery.
Replies: >>237046 >>237509
Stop shitting every thread, you autistic sperg. It's no wonder you don't get laid.
Replies: >>237052
That's two people.
>>235468 (OP) 
skill issue
>Things like incel hating is like zero tolerance for drinkin and driving. It's woman brained twisted bullshitery.
but drinking and driving is fucking retarded. you literally lose your sense of position. a better analogy would have been zero tolerance for "pedophilia".

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Have any of you noticed that you are using AI alot more lately? I noticed that if I have a question about something now I immediately go to Deepseek or ChatGPT. I have been carrying on conversations with the AI. I do not mean trite shit but like questions about history for example, or health problems, or questions about Excel. AI for me is an interactive encyclopedia.
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Replies: >>237434 + 9 earlier
Do you ever do anything other than fedjacket? Serious question. You are the test tube goyim the Left wants you to be doing this shit nonstop. I'm not a fucking fed
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>(mentally destroyed by the sharty)
Is this "wheels" stuff a sharty in-joke?
Or the in-joke of a single soyteen?
t. NY Times Journalist
Replies: >>237351 >>237435
Hello mr Journalist.
Please refer to post 209542 in https://archive.is/pN5B8 to learn about this individual, his motive, and also why his posts will disappear when mods decide to wake up.
>Is this "wheels" stuff a sharty in-joke?
>Or the in-joke of a single soyteen?
It is possible that he blew in from the sharty, considering his mannerisms and usage of certain terminology.
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>>236834 (OP) 
i use a.i too much for its intended purpose.
You'll NEVER work for NYT, Viewtiful Blockhead Joe.

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>"I've recently went through the biggest loss I’ve ever experienced"
<uses it as an opportunity to flex on his gaymer ultrawide monitor to farm reddit points
What causes this sort of behavior?
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>237361 >>237429
>>237358 (OP) 
>What causes this sort of behavior?
Whatever the fuck causes them to crave likes/updoots etc.
>What causes this sort of behavior?
Because reddit points are like United States dollars in comparison to imageboard (You)s which are like Zimbabwean dollars.

<why are you on zzzeddit? fucking failed normalfag board
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lmfaoroflcopter imagine having nostalgia for minecraft
Replies: >>237429
Same thing that moves 90% of this board's posts, starting with this one.
>>237358 (OP) 
Failed normalfags are psychopaths
Also: >>237364

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Lets Discuss Gnosticism!
>What ties does it have to other religions?
>Are Normalfags/Brown People really Soulless Hylics?
>Does the New testament have some relations to Gnosticism?
>Do the Jews worship the Demiurge/Satan?
>Is Schizophrenia spiritual enlightenment?
>are you Schizophrenic?
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Replies: >>237379 + 5 earlier
Superstition isn’t knowledge
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>>231725 (OP) 

golden web part 1


Golden web 2


Golden web 3

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80% of humanity are cattle, goyim if you will
10% at one end are (You) and me
10% at the other end are ((( Them )))
Internalize this and stop making this thread. We're had this thread 943,506,711 times
Plot twist: Gnostics are the normies. Everything in modern culture pushes Gnosticism down your throat.
Replies: >>237427
>Gnostics are the normies
Not really, because they don't actually believe in it. Normies tend to ravenously consume everything they find novel, but they don't have solid beliefs or convictions. For the normalfag, there's only pressures of social acceptance. Gnosticism requires belief,
>Everything in modern culture pushes Gnosticism down your throat
Sure, media like the Matrix and Æon Flux, as well as Plebbit-tier atheistic memes like Simulation Theory, exhibit these themes, but that's hardly "everything". As mentioned before, it's not so much that people are being pushed towards it as much as they clamor towards unique things in order to suck them dry and then gentrify them.

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i have a good feeling about this year
this is the year i make it
this is the year when something happens
this is the year of the jeff
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I read that as i took a bath in soup today.
What are good bath soups?
Replies: >>234839
>bath soup
the only thing that comes to mind when i read this is sitting is a bath tub with bubbly hot water and letting yourself simmer
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learned to bake chocolate chip cookies
damn this is good stuff
I want to consummate my niece so bad it's unreal. Fuck kikes for making this illegal. They want us to only marry lizards and dogs instead, they know exactly what they are doing.
Replies: >>237432
Kill yourself

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where can i get a lot of pics of autistic manchildren like this
i wanna make a meme but not spend 10*x hrs on it for some undeserving newfags on invalid imageboards
bonus points if they all look like lainchanners irl
defcon? twitch? chatgpt? 90s/early 2000s competitive gaymen?
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Replies: >>236779 + 2 earlier
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>>236763 (OP) 
>early 2000s competitive gaymen?
LMAO. During that time there existed these places called malls where you could observe a variety of specimens including those dressed like in OP.

>polo shirt
>ear guages
>dem sideburns
Not a wigger.

P.S. lainfags are brownoids and/or trannies, not whatever you intend to portray them as with these image examples
i just asked for pics of neckbeards how hard is it to understand. the 'autistici' part means they have to have lots of acne, bad posture, some fedora tier bullshit (which ear guages are in this case), visible stress, etc
Replies: >>237416
first guy inthis video
ur welcome
Damn I bet those are some fun guys to hang out with

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How likely is Jewkraine to start drafting Jewkrainian citizens living in other countries (specifically in the EU)?
Replies: >>237406
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And how would they possibly enforce that draft?
If they could do this they would have by now. But other than the UK, no other government is retarded enough to waste policing time in hunting down ucranians to send to this clownshow.
>>237394 (OP) 
1. The Ukrainian Foreign Legion exists.
2. It's more likely that all of NATO sends cannon fodder there, or wherever Russia wants to poke at next. (possibly one of the Baltic countries)

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