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 Dress to impress!

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VP debate starts in an hour from now:

youtube com /watch?v=VAGZGQg31hs
Replies: >>219763
>>219745 (OP) 
I only watch/see/read x new thing online if I can say what I want back to it without censor. Jewtube censors and pirate tv stations would get me shot. I'm not watching that. Also, stop hotlinking jewtube. Send me to an alternate timeline where jewgle didn't buy it and flv files are still in my temporary file folder on windows xp and then I will still not click on that propaganda and would watch anime instead on the shit because it doesn't matter.
Pretty sure I heard Walz say "I became friends with school shooters". Think he posts on alt-chans?
Replies: >>219898
Better run and hide! Twisted Timmy's coming, and he wants to put a tampon up your ass!

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Last thread got bumplocked.
Do you like fox girls, anon? Good. This thread is for (You).
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Yukari-sama grew a lot of tails...
Replies: >>217765
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I love Tsukasa
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pic unrelated
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>it's the "if you're not a carbon copy of your father it means you hate him" schizo
It's fagatha.
Replies: >>219806
>it's okay don't respond the strawman tactic will work! 
You have no retort? Okay! Guess I win! I thought you were gonna bully this fagatha though, not be bullied into silence by him.....? Hmmmm? That's what I thought. You got shut the fuck up didn't you? Because you can't banter. Go to your safe place on /v/ to feel better.
Replies: >>219819
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It's not a good feeling when people don't bother reading your post but you need to accept that no one wants to read a post that's hostile, meandering and/or boring. At least you need to accept that if you want people to earnestly interact with you, if you don't then shame on you.
Replies: >>219821 >>219836
1) Not always hostile
2) You will not be happy pretending to be something/someone you are not
3) Enabling a post you don't like by responding to it is a silly idea. It will only increase the post frequencey as well as the user's hostility
4) Sites like this brag about stalking new users
5) Imageboards without traffic die off. 
6) One liner spam is worse than meandering blog entries for a site. Why? Because an AI-bot could replace such a thing all too easily. It happened on halfcuck. 
7) Trying to control another user is futile. Due to mood people are going to be mean to each other. When was the last time you made a fun thread everyone liked? No one even likes fun here, or at least temporarily does not, and then when they do they try to keep it to /v/ and use /b/ like halfcuck did /trash/ and such. 
8) My posts would be easier to read with more line breaks, and more organised the thoughts would be, and it'd be easier to proofread and edit, but that'd be REDDITOR POSTING, so we can't have that.  
9) I don't really care abuot pleasing anons when they don't plan to please me. If no one cares about me I don't care about them, hence it's another issue of not rewarding bad behavior. They did studies on it, chiding vs complementing. The more you chide the less well you opperate. Only slaves are meant to be beaten down with a whip. Therefore I shall continue to post worse and worse, and it won't get bette
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> no one wants to read a post that's hostile, meandering and/or boring
Spoken like a spiritual leftist.
"No bad feels, good vibes only!" Fuck off with your traumatized hippie rubbish.

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Where do I get a big horse clock like this one? I really want one for my room
Replies: >>219676
>>217265 (OP) 
The Dutton Ranch.
There's no clock like horse clock.
Horse Clock Phepner is a pretty good album by Sun City Girls

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>tfw i've been basically living like a brazilian vegetablefag since i've moved to another room in my house
>brazilian because i have like 1 mbps internet speed because this is the farthest room from the router and i'm using a 5 bucks wifi adapter because i have no ethernet in this room yet
>vegetablefag because i'm bedridden the entire day because i only have space for my mattress in the room until i get some stuff out and i have the computer on the floor right next to the mattress
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Replies: >>219780 + 1 earlier
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You can't put your faith in any nation, anon.
You can only really have faith in the people immediately around you and yourself.
Yea but latam girls walk around with everything showing, degeneracy is free and easy.
I fucking hate Brazilians, they are truly retarded, loud and niggerlike in behavior even when they aren't black.
Replies: >>219708
Brazilian is like Italian where it's not actually a single nationality. The whitish Brazilians are ok, but the nigger Brazilians are very bad.
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>>219598 (OP) 

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OP's a man of culture, I see.

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Can't find good ink pens anywhere. Every type and brand I have bought always get all this black gunk under my nails and deep in my cuticles and I take my clippers and do some DIY surgery on myself to pick it all out. I've tried increasingly more and more expensive pens and they ALL do this and its gay. Everything in America progressively gets worse and worse and everyone becomes more and more apathetic about it. Even something as simple as a ink pen degrades in quality. America is cooked
Replies: >>219682
>>219613 (OP) 
How angrily do you fucken write? Did you claw the page, ball it up over and over? How do you get it under your nails even if it breaks everywhere.... it doesn't make any sense.....

Buy an antique pen though, use ink you make yourself from wild squids that you wake up in the early morning to milk. Thank me later.
Replies: >>219707 >>219721
Maybe OP is using the pen to paint his nails...
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Time to harvest squids in the bathtub methinks

Get help
Replies: >>219733
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[guitar solo intensifies]

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Direct comparison
/b/ > /k/ > /vhs/ > /v/ > /fit/ > /tech/ > /bmn/ > /rozen/ > /2hu/ ≥ /a/ > /fa/ ≥ /x/ > /japan/ > /hikki/ ≥ /r9k/ > /meta/ > /pol/ > /liberty/ > /christian/ > dog vomit > dog diarrhea > dog vomit and diarrhea smoothie > /fascist/ = /digi/
Tier list
>/b/est of the /b/est tier
>High tier
>Would be good if it had more activity tier
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Replies: >>219555 + 3 earlier
Why are /christian/ unable to not raid and spam interracial porn? I swear this is all I see them "contributing" in the last 4 years.
Replies: >>219588
I visited /digi/ and posted a few times couple of months ago and i enjoyed it. That cuckchanner is seriously butthurt for being banned.
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>>218280 (OP) 
you have to go back
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getting NIGGERED is the purest embodiment of their weak slave religion
/rozen/ > everything else

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How do you cope with the fact that computers, which are such a fundamental part of society and our lives, were invented by a literal gaytheist?
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>planning on KMS
But anon, that is enlightenment. You understand that life is pointless and that suicide is the only rational solution to this pointlessness.
Replies: >>219456
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You need to find ways to stay busy and find something that gives your life meaning so you don't get sucked into the abyss. Its not for everybody

Maybe it is Enlightened. I dont wanna die though
Replies: >>219533
Busy could be anything and what would give one meaning would make one anathema to the unhealthy
I would give it a go at least
Replies: >>219542
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I have been NEET for 15 years. Its not for everybody
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by not being a fragile trad faggot

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