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I won’t shed a single tear when the inevitable conqueror of this century eventually comes and kills millions of those npcs. I finally realized how worthless they are
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kill npcs, behead npcs, kick npc poc womans on their womb, roundhouse npcs. cannibalize npc babies, etc
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Replies: >>234978
It is anatomically impossible that her eyes are so big.
Damn women forever fake.
At least a flower looks nice and smells nice and nectar tastes nice for real.
With human women it's all fake! Arrgh! God dammit!
The weebs were right all along! 3PDP!
Replies: >>234986
it's a makeup trick, you can see it if you look close enough, she literally drew eyes around her eyes

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We need to radically transform our economy and society.
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Replies: >>234877 + 1 earlier
The jews aren't immune to the dysgenics of industrialization
They are evolved to take advantage of ethnic groups when they start to decline, but will become as stupid and individualistic as any population that is under industry
You can't restore or revive it's all backsliding into a world that doesn't exist, evolve instead.
>>234288 (OP) 
>How are we supposed to make goyim die in our wars while they get replaced?
Replies: >>234947
I do not wish that.
If we had a warrior culture, it's likely that we wouldn't be getting replaced in the first place because the hallmark of a warrior culture is honor. When the honor of your person, family, or people is offended by the insane humiliation ritual going on, the logical response is intense and brutal violence.
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>How are we supposed to restore our warrior culture? 
>We need to radically transform our economy and society.

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Would you lose your virginity to this lil' whore? She's intending to sucky-fucky 1000 guys in 24 hours, after recently doing 100.

Me? I'm torn. On one hand she's one of the prettiest women I ever saw.

On the OTHER hand I always wished for true love. Pairbonding forever sort of thing.

But there's no love in poor Lily, is there? So much sex and no love. If she can't fall in love she's lost forever. Damn it Lily, you cry because you know it. Well I hope the money was worth it.

>Would you lose your virginity to this lil' whore?
[ ] Yes
[x] Maybe
[ ] No
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Replies: >>234456 + 8 earlier
great, give the entire UK military syphilis

does she work for Russia?
Replies: >>234456
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>>234130 (OP) 
Isn't that dangerous?
Replies: >>234922
>Isn't that dangerous?
What's the worst that can happen?
The hundreds of dudes that went before are all fine.
japanese pornography sure is weird
if I have no children, then everything I own and if I have child 50% will be sent to muslim immigrants. I think this is just action. I would like for muslims to be educated and help the christians, but outside being kind to christians I don't care. They deserve this for the practice.

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Not a single soul:
Japan: wE tEaCh tHiRd gRaDeR kiDs aBoUt fAgGoTrY iN sChOoL
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>dyke shit
Replies: >>234901
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You sound like you would also call 2D lolicon "pedoshit", touristbro
Replies: >>234902
Yuri and Yaoi are both idealizations of something that shouldn't be idealized.
Replies: >>234904
Male homosexuality is inherently more disgusting than female homosexuality (especially from a male perspective).
Shit you guessed it.
Please post more

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it seems everyone's approach to morality is artificial in someway with the exception of muslims. Those who are trads just think that imitating the successful past will fix everything, not actually seeing an inherent value to morality in itself, which will just repeat the same course.
That's why I believe that the west will either become muslim, or have their society completely collapse and remade as in starting from zero again by living in mudhuts until they relearn how to become human again.
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>>234387 (OP) 
>it seems everyone's approach to morality is artificial in someway
morality is artificial so any approach at it is artificial as well
Replies: >>234637 >>234896
it comes from the evolution that makes an animal social, got to work with your in group against the out group using morals for the mechanics of it
>>234387 (OP) 
There's a lot of things even the smartest people often don't realize, the most critical one perhaps being:
You will always (eventually) reap what you sow.
If you treat your morality like a passing fancy or whim, you shouldn't be surprised when it leads you to a place and around people you don't want to be.
Replies: >>234892
Yes that’s why all western women became OF whores when the whole thing started as “make women dress whoever they want”, it sounds nice on paper but see where it led us into. Modesty is a virtue and a moral principle. You can’t half ass it.
>So called "moral nihilists" When i Cut off their Hands and skin them alive

Hitler was right
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Replies: >>234758 >>234893
Might is right yeah chuddies? Well the might of liberalism won against f*scism so cry.
>>234750 (OP) 
Hitler totally fucked up by attacking Stalin. They should have been buddies and declared war on Anglo-ZOG.
Replies: >>234894
>>234750 (OP) 
hitler is annyoing he looks dumb and ugly and he is very short incel
tha was the plan because ussr basically gave resources to germany and also they are not equals
germany is inferior in everything and that is biological darwinist reality.
maybe if they breed with sadam hussein bretheren they will be aryan now.

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Why are image dump threads so common on imageboards, when you can just look up your desired tags on a booru to get the same effect? I feel like I'm missing something crucial here.
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It has worked for me, but it has been years
Now i mostly use cgi porn vids
Replies: >>233483
On sites for those things
you need to 'log off' from life
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>>233458 (OP) 
Not everything is sitting on a booru somewhere
>>233458 (OP) 
This reminds me, back in the day this board had a janny with handle Raped-Man or something and he really hated those, the only way to make him delete spam threads was to turn them into image dump threads.

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All the blood and effort spent building up world empires and we stupidly flushed it all down the toilet. I don't even like imperialism, but so many people died to build up these great empires and not only was all their work undone by a single idiotic generation, but this generation let jews destroy our own countries to the point where the best we can hope for is a long, costly revolution that will likely leave the world in the aftermath of a Samson Option nuclear attack. And at worst, we just go extinct and all our history is washed down the toilet.

If only we could travel back in time and show some of our ancestors what would become of their world, they wouldn't have bothered wasting any time conquering Africa or the west. Why do anything at all if your descendants are going to flush it all down the toilet? Why conquer the west? Why revolt against Britain at all? Who the fuck cares if American independence just ends up sharing the same fate as the UK: drowning in a sea of niggers and spics, squatting in every street, hooting from every corner.

I wish I could show George Washington what his country became and then show King George III what his country became. And all those stiff lipped Englishmen who tore their hair out over Napoleon. Oh no! The French will invade England! We'll be speaking French! Who the fuck would care if the alternative is speaking Pakistani. 

The worst thing is contemplating how the more intelligent non-Whites, especially the Chinese, must be lo
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You won't.
And even if you did have enough money, you would be able to gather less information than you currently can about the goings on in Syria.
If America imploded, you would get almost no information until one faction came out on top and then wrote the "true version of events."
Replies: >>234870
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I don't pay attention to what the world is doing (tho I probably should start to avoid the cleansing from the niggers), or to what the factions' propaganda is, I look at biology and history and see the cycle coming like hungry cat, wish whites would magically get more adaptive as an ethnic group or suffer faster, and to let liberals know that not only are they are wrong, something is wrong with their dna
I would be content in my bunker, alone, with enough entertainment to last me my life, the world could not exist outside for all I can if that happened
when I said watch, I meant like watching those drown in the great flood from the ark
like I know it is happening, I don't need to be fed info about it
Replies: >>234872
Can I come chill in your bunker? I can play musical instruments so if the power runs out or you need to save on electricity I am happy to give it my best shot at playing all of your favourite music on my 
>tin whistle
>harmonica (i have several keys)
>english concertina
Replies: >>234874
i could also suck yo diiiiick if it went there
Replies: >>234874
yea, music is one of the few ways a man can overcome his disposability
i'll play keep knocking but you can't come in at the door for ya
I'll give you peanut butter if you bring me girls that are of legal age at that point time

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I've been trying to find out how to buy magic mormon panties without being a member. Where can I find them online? Surely there must be some shady mormon willing to join and sell them to someone. But where can I find them?
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Replies: >>234670
Want are you going to do with them?
Replies: >>233343
See if they're comfortable and what kind of buffs they have.
Replies: >>233344
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>what kind of buffs they have
You could just try to inspect the equipment on a fellow mormon.
Ebin quints.
>>233328 (OP) 
Why do you want the female Mormon underwear specifically?
I had a mormom classmate, he wore the things

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A state of emergency has been declared by the governor of California as wildfires sweep through exclusive suburbs in Los Angeles. Celebrity homes are burning down as speak.
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Karen Bass issues emergency warnings as mudslides are a possibility this weekend. NorCal got hit with weather breaking rain. SoCal could end up the same
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Hughes fire is it anyways, is it mine or yours?
Replies: >>234667
No idea bud. Either way I'm not going in-fer-no reason.
Fires are the army of Allah. California was justifiably burned because that piece of landmass is responsible for most of the wrongs in the world. Let's hope a Hitler figure take power and Holocaust them.

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