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 Dress to impress!

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Its said it takes little horrors and tragedies for a man to really give up. 
Is it true?
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That was a little too verbose for her to have an actual point. She says women due to technology are in charge but at the same time says in the past the matriarchal society fell, they were thus obviously not possible then and are now, of which she later states that someone says, not her, that it is a matriarchy.... what specifically does she hate, sexuality? Pagans acted like bonobos with sex but still wonen stayed with men. Hyergamy she fails to talk enough about, in fact she never uses the word though implies it's there.... anyway, I could say a ton of things about this but as it is too verbose I'm rewinding and going back to 'good dicking'. She never says getting fucked makes them act better, so I guess you mean that she'd agree with me.... but she does not. She does not say misogny created society she says women didn't want this and were censored by other women..... so no, she does not agree with me and so that means 'good dicking' but that is not what she is saying as she flames our sexual openess sooooo..... being verbose is meant to make me forget my original comment but I was gonna go ahead and type this:
"women don't know what they want"

In the past we did not have matriarchy last, yes, but she is contradictory, in the past the tech indeed did not empower them. Everyone knows this, hence why we are trying it again just as commuinism can and will be tried again. Men being women? Equality is as
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Replies: >>230207 >>230246
tl;dr - i aint reading sll tgat virgin shit
Replies: >>230210
>(ain't) sll tgat 
No one is forcing you to read though they probably should be
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shes clearly talking about how shit and sexualized our society has become after women acquired (or rather, were forced into having) rights. 
which coincide with your post:
>Women having less rights is how it was handled.
Replies: >>230259
Misogyny she felt was not an issue, though it was actually.....for them. Women don't know what want. As if she's gonna give a natural child birth with no epidural. Be seen but not heard while being that chatty? A woman should be a quelled sissy left winger and not a wise right winger. She just cares that the little bastards of today could  have better lives and this supposed wisdom is motivated by mother instincts. She was not demeaning enough. Beginning to think women are sex crazed animals? A man is not at the beginning.

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>be stuck in a rut browsing imageboards like this one all day long for months
>already saw all new posts, nothing to do, incredibly bored
>decide to read a chapter of a manga that i haven't touched in months
<tfw it's so beautiful and entertaining
<one chapter of the manga gave me more feels than months of chan-mined imageboards combined
<wtf am i doing with my life.jpg
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It's very often used by normal niggers to validate and express their consumerist behavior and shallow sentiments.
Replies: >>230097
And by normal niggers you mean who?
Replies: >>230098
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That's something you should understand through inference and personal experience.
Replies: >>230108
I am the normal negro here to cuck your board.
Replies: >>230110
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Whatever gets you extra credits, faggot.

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What is your personality like?
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>no one played along with my banepost
Replies: >>230004 >>230031
roach begs for asspats and validation from grown ass strangers men on the internet
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"    Here are your results:


        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

        You thrive on new ideas and creative thinking.

        Your percentile: 89


        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
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Replies: >>230079
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>phoneposter (technically tabletposter)

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Should I go buy some some smokes?
Replies: >>230032
Yes, and don't come back.
Replies: >>230024
Looks like he took your advice.
>>229984 (OP) 
No.... stay in and order something and make them into your own cigs using cones or even a cig making machine. I make my own non-tobacco cigs. Tobacco is as retarded as coffee except coffee tastes better and you are still allowed to do it indoors.
Replies: >>230033
There's a pool hall I frequent that often looks past me smoking along with the boomers.
Replies: >>230035
They make halls with pools? Is that like having an indoor river? Smokin'! I'm not cool though so as with my fake cigs I want an indoor creek instead personally. Rivers are scary and evil in comparison just like cigs.

 ....Smoke on the water... Not me. I like moonlit creeks kiddo.

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The spammer cries "spam".
Replies: >>229946 >>229948
as seen here >>229932
Ok, but why are you engaging? Is there a subject in this thread you would like to discuss?
Replies: >>229949
he's just talking to himself because he's crazy, leave him alone he'll sort himself out eventually
<who are you quoting?
<who are you talking to?
>implying one can't talk to the 4th wall

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I wasn't ready for the end of tf2...
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I knew we weren't going to get a real fucking ending, they made the stakes too high and 7 years had gone by. This comic just reminded me of the halcyon days I wasted (due to my parents partially) of when video games brought me joy.
Where is he now?
I feel like the only justification of Half-Life 3 coming out would be a giant leap in technology specifically AI and procedural generation. Blah blah Valve as a creative company died with Portal 2.
Quentin was the original gigachad meme
>>is a faggot
Replies: >>229866
There's three types of people who watch jojo
normal fags and homos and fujos
Replies: >>229900
I agree that Jojo is pretty cringe, but that's just a meme, and it was the only appropriate PS Vita-related image I found on my drive, OK?

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>people will buy this
>current year
>comes with win 3.11 
>200ish usd
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Replies: >>228851 >>229759
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>>228839 (OP) 
My opinion concerning this product henges entirely om how Simcopter looks on it and whether or not it runs on AA batteries.
what if you need a computer to sniff network packets on the ethernet or whatever. a computer that runs DOS would be ideal.

thats of course ignoring the fact that if it can run windows it also can run netbsd and puppylinux. you could do everythimg a modern computer cam do except a bloated shitty webbrowser. instead run elinks or whatever
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>>228839 (OP) 
without nematodes, there would be no hunters of nematodes, then no fish.
Replies: >>229771
How and why?

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The internet is so damn dead it's nuts. 
People are still glued to their phones irl. What are they looking at? There is nothing here anymore.
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wazzup Beijing
At least smaller communities don't ban people randomly for not fitting in. We are saved.
Replies: >>229323 >>229334
Haha, good one.
>randomly for not fitting in
This statement contradicts itself
Replies: >>229753
<"I went online to try to fit in"
<"I went online to find circlejerk hugboxes"
Failed normalfaggot tier logic. Such types are better catered to on places like reddit and discord. It's meant to be contradictory and I should not have to explain to people why they are idiots.  Imageboard types were always the type that did not fit in. That's the whole theme of the thread in fact, not fitting in. Why's he bitchin' if it's fine?

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What happens if you touch the edge? Like if you belly flop in the middle of a portal, will it cut you in half like an infinitely sharp blade? Will it repel you like a force field?
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>>229659 (OP) 
In Portal I like to imagine that the blue/orange field repels you from the edge to prevent accidents. But for portals in general, idk, it's a good question. I kinda imagined it would cut.
Replies: >>229692
reddit cuckchan eceleb niggerpill game night
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Re ur last picture. U need Ur panties ripped off and 3 BIG BLACK DICKS in ALL 3 holes at the same time!!!
Way up ur pussey and Way up Ur ass as far as they will go but even farther.
And the thickest cock goes down Ur throat so it makes U gag and convulse as those big black cocks pound away it feels like from the start
Ur being assaulted but it's made U cum nonstop. Just one continuous constant orgasm and just before U pass out those big black dicks
squirt their loads of cum inside U ! As U lay on ur stomach the cum is coming out of all Ur holes, i'll turn U over and jack off all over U
if we go by normal expected behavior of something that bright and looks like that by our environment
either you would die going through it by being cut in half probably from bottom to top or pretty much be burned alive
>>229659 (OP) 
Just play the cuckeogoom.

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"Trust a snake before a Jew, and a Jew before a Greek. But don't trust an Armenian"
- George Orwell
Replies: >>229663
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What would happen if I set up a dating app to match the lovely ladies of Crystal Cafe with anons from various tiny imageboards?
Maybe we could make it a competition, and the couple that stays together longest wins some prize.
Replies: >>229693
>the couple that stays together longest wins some prize.
Ah sweet anon, that's like adding sugar to honey. Being in the couple is the prize. <3
Replies: >>229705
And people say romance is dead! Hopefully anon can find the foid of his dreams.

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