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 Dress to impress!

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having pepperoni double cheesy pizza tonight, what about you brohans?
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Pizza Hut today. Didn't feel like cooking. Making spaghetti tomorrow

Watched this the other day. You know its all going tits up when our boy reviewbrah can't even eat the slop! Sad stuff
I heard somebody say in a video that a law was passed or something where you can't explicitly market fast food to children any more.
Replies: >>214837
I don't know in the US, but in the european union or at least in my country there's a law where ad of sweets, fast food, chocolate, sugary foods and shit like that is banned on kids tv schedule (basically the whole day) and you can't market those products to children or something like this.
Replies: >>214868
In the US they give no shits and might as well be marketing both candied corn syrup cereals and amphetamines to children. The breakfast of champions.
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S'getti :)

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Is there like a database site for school uniforms (whether fictional or real)? Also post your favorite school uniforms I guess.
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Replies: >>214978
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Why do girls look so cute in mufflers? They conceal much, yet still.

Very based grounded in her modesty compared to the others ;^)

She used to have twin tails, but lost one due to radiation poisoning.
Tragic, but pulls off the side tail comb over nevertheless.

Appears to be the most cheerful of the bunch... 
might be bleeding some US serviceman dry with a sugar daddy side hustle.

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what was their deal?
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Replies: >>209030
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they are both dead.
they killed billions
Simp is a negro vocab word tho, Mr. Grassless.

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I feel a natural revulsion towards others. I honestly hate being around people. They are all nasty little pieces of lying shit. They always lie and try to screw you over on anything. That is why work sucks. Work is being locked in a room with a bunch of assholes that all hate either.
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>>214692 (OP) 
I have a similar problem. I wouldn't say I dislike people, but I really hate having to hear or talk to people when I don't want to, I find it extremely tiresome.
I do everything I can to get a job where I don't have to speak to anybody unless I want to.
>>214692 (OP) 
That probably all applies to you, too.
Replies: >>214903
>>214692 (OP) 
yeah me too man
>>214692 (OP) 
The workers are nice because I am nice to them. The customers however.....are also nice but only if they are my race, age, and type, meaning
>the old hate the young
>rednecks and niggers and spics and jews and etc are obnoxious
>women past their prime are obnoxious 
So yeah. People are not alike enough, that is what you are sensing. A need for segregation. They don't all hate one another, not really, they all should be seperated. 
Only if he plays the competition rat race game that they want him to play but we all know it's rigged, hence us being neets and even hiki round such parts of the Internet.

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boomers are more based than m*ll*nn*ls
all m*ll*nn*ls have done for the last 10 years is be undesirable in some major way (eg poor or ugly) and go on forums to hold each others dicks and say how based you are for dropping out of college, or dropping out of muh trade for welfare because the jews own the trade or some shit
m*ll*nn*l music is all fucking garbage
boomers spent hundreds of hours composing and the engineers 100s more on producing their music
boomers stayed in college paying it off by working at fast food and construction on the side often 2 jobs for 10-20 years then served 9-5 or more for 20-40 years at a big company like sun until they retired with grandchildren
ditto if they failed at higher education. instead they repaired cars, crts, or worked in construction
m*ll*nn*ls used covid as an excuse to not work more
m*ll*nn*ls cant even get women
you only have yourselves to blame for the no longer existent economy
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tbh anyone who thought the tumblr fanfic generation wouldn't become damaged gay hyperlibs is a nigger. Most of em got groomed into jailbait posting by gen x/millennial perverts and were already neglected drugged out retardates by the time they were 13.
Replies: >>214845
>tbh anyone who thought the tumblr fanfic generation wouldn't become damaged gay hyperlibs is a nigger. 
That was a niche subculture.

>Most of em got groomed into jailbait posting by gen x/millennial perverts and were already neglected drugged out retardates by the time they were 13.
Oh, you're one of those people that think their imagination equals reality.
Replies: >>214848
Not niche enough that they weren't universally known as speds and the inspiration for cringe culture.
>Oh, you're one of those people that think their imagination equals reality.
lol zoomers are fed SSRIs as early as elementary school for non-problems. They were also let loose on the internet by their dipshit parents who thought it was after than being outside.
It's really every generations fault for not putting their foot down and standing up to judeochristian influence.
No actually that was someone else. I was however one of the people who got into the religious debate threads that seemed to go on forever

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I want a hentai girl 
for me, to make me happy
I want her so I can
stop using my hand
every single day
while watching annie mays

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is that real or is it an edit
Replies: >>214780
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Is real. Is doge 2 :)
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I wasn't sure if this belonged in the based thread or here but whatever
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Looks like a knife handle.
Replies: >>214833
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Do you play chess or have you regularly done so in the past? Do you think that chess can improve mental capabilities?
Personally I was never really into chess but two years ago reading Umineko and rewatching Code Geass inspired me to get into it. I created a chess.com (pozzed site by the way) account and started playing there, and I also started reading articles and watching videos about chess, but... eventually I started getting frustrated by losing to pajeets, and I was also going through a brief rough period in life, so I ended up deleting my account and quitting chess. I don't know if I'll ever try to get back into it... it's an interesting and iconic game, but it's a time sink if you want to become better (and there are more interesting things to spend my free time on), and losing against others (even online) feels quite shameful. As for mental capabilities, I'm not sure. I'd say maybe, but supposedly at higher levels chess is ultimately more about memorizing patterns rather than thinking, though there are modifications (such as randomized initial positions) that address that.
>>204430 (OP) 
>Do you play chess or have you regularly done so in the past?
No. There's always something that I'm missing; when an opponent performs a move that puts me in a shitty situation, it seems to come out of nowhere to me.
Chess puzzles drive this point home even further.
gotta turn that chessboard around
>>204430 (OP) 
I play it on my phone to kill the time whenever I'm on the bus or train. 
Just do like me and only play against bots. Way better than playing with real people because they react faster and can actually improve your skills.
>mental capabilities
I'm still retarded.
>>204430 (OP) 
>code gease
lol but I can play chess my whole life but the point of chess is planning ahead and poor people don't do that so yeah.... sorry op. You'd win too easily.
Chess is a great game and I think there is something fundamentally important about it and should be more ingrained into popular culture. I too have gotten away from it, but I plan on returning. It is very beneficial for the brain.

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And so another year has come and gone, happy birthday to ZZZchan! technically it was yesterday but I was out hiking shhh
I hope you've all had a good year, and I look forward to shitposting with you through the next one.

This year's cake is simple choco mint. I didn't spend any time trying to mix colorings to get that more teal color you often see in bakeries, but there IS half a bottle of mint extract in it that I can smell from across the room.
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where the rest of the borts though
>>211704 (OP) 
Happy birthday friends, here's to four years, and many more.
Happy birthday, you filthy degenerates. 4 MORE YEARS!
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>>211704 (OP) 
>4 years
fug, I just came back after some months out of pure curiosity. I think that the void that 8chan left in me will never be filled. Happy Birthday ZZZchan!
happy bday lads

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With the recent blooming of linguistics discussion on this ever-enlightened Cotton farming forum, why not have a thread where Anons try to translate whatever they desire to and receive educated critique by their fellow men in return?
I'll start with an excerpt from Page 34&35 of Mein Kampf:


>Die Frage der "Nationalisierung" eines Volkes ist mit in erster Linie eine Frage der Schaffung gesunder sozialer Verhältnisse als Fundament einer Erziehungsmöglichkeit des einzelnen.
>Denn nur wer durch Erziehung und Schule die kulturelle, wirtschaftliche, vor allem aber politische Größe des eigenen Vaterlandes kennen lernt, vermag und wird auch jenen inneren Stolz gewinnen, Angehöriger eines solchen Volkes sein zu dürfen.
>Und kämpfen kann ich nur für etwas, das ich liebe, lieben nur, was ich achte, und achten, was ich mindestens kenne.

<Amateur Trannylation

>The question of the "Nationalization" of a People is foremost one regarding the creation of healthy social conditions as the foundation of an educational possibility in individual terms.
>For only those who through upbringing and school come to know the cultural, economic, and above all the political measure of one's own Fatherland, may and will also attain that inner Pride of having been granted an existence as a member of such a People.
>And I can only fight for something I love, love only that which I respect, and respect that which at minimum I know.

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Replies: >>214747 >>214770
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>>214746 (OP) 
>Cotton farming forum
stupid fucking retard
What is the word that you no me gusta?
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>>214746 (OP) 
I like this thread, but I don't know any German. So I wish you get lots of replies anyways. Call me when it's either Italian or Spanish.
>Cotton farming forum
Nigger this has long been a respectable Mongolian basket weaving forum.

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