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Because zoomers have no morals anymore, since it was all deconstructed. They make up for it by latching unto pedophilia excessively since it’s the only thing they’re allowed to moral about (for now) and feel some satisfaction.
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Replies: >>232931
>>232919 (OP) 
I don't think that's really the consensus, because if it was it wouldn't be newsworthy. Where did you even get that image? Do you have a link to the entire article?
>another thread about weird age sexual shit
i bet that its all being made by the same retard
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Oh shit, so that's why 20% of dudes are hogging all the pussy, simply because they have property.
The bitch didn't even pretend to be a minor, but told all those people she did. All they had to do to verify is look at the messages the two exchanged. Everyone involved is retarded (except the victim, but he's a normalfag).
casual sex is peak normalfaggotry

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Is there nothing more demoralizing than looking for work? 
Every application is automatically rejected by automated services. 
If you're passed onto the next stage, a woman far disconnected from working with her hands and even the basic struggles of life will be your judge. Your worth is what you can bring to the company and if she's feeling benevolent that day. 
But what irks me the most is what punishing device I want to work for. Those who underpay. Toxic management. Seasonal layoffs. Incompetent coworkers. Manipulative coworkers. Jobs that serve no purpose but to pad someone's wallet and prevent my own starvation. 

I'm so tired of it all. Nobody is hiring. Nobody is willing to hire and least of all, nobody wants to pay a fair wage or train. 
To even be selected as a candidate you have to somehow be top of the line in everything you do, including your birth.
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Replies: >>232899
Yeah, nigger land is the most anti nigger of all lol
Native North Africans are closer to Levantines than Arabs, and they hate niggers far more than they hate Arabs.
im looking for $13/h, its not that much.
>>230483 (OP) 
I got a job the first time I actually tried. Yes it's not a good one but it's bought me one 3 grand computer I churn out AI filth with and it's about to buy a 4 grand one in few months that 'could' end up making me money.

Don't look for open listings, that guarantees you competition with other chumps on the same track and then your doomish Darwinism comes into play. Instead look for places with a high turnover, warehouse/distribution are always aching for people, they'll almost always take you on cos so many people up and fuck off or are absolutely shit. Usually starts out a slog but hold on for 6 months or so and you likely get easier duties as they want reliable people to do slightly more technical jobs. I went from picking up shit and putting it in bays to the much easier tasks of checking-in goods and driving a pallet truck half the shift. 

Bosses are cunts and there's no end to shit co-'workers' but that's life, getting maudlin about it certainly won't help.
Replies: >>232900
Some months ago I got my first job, a warehouse one, and I got fired on my second day because my movements were too slow or something like that.

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Replies: >>232871
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>>232318 (OP) 

yes, we are. why cant we be with ourselves though? why cant we be ourselves?
Replies: >>232873
Maybe because there is no self
Replies: >>232878
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but if there is no self, then who is posting this?
Replies: >>232879
A pattern of matter
Replies: >>232883
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goodbye anon

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If you share a picture you took with a camera on the internet that ostensibly does not have personally identifiable elements, could your privacy still be compromised if there are wooden things in the picture, since each piece of wood is unique?
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If it's any consolation, the mods are highly aware of him.
Global report his posts when you see them and ignore them.
Mods can easily verify I am not whoever the fuck you think I am by checking my posts.
He was calling people some corny insult about wheels before that thread because someone started making fun of him for thinking everyone on a dead imageboard is some cripple he had unrequited gay love for in high school.
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Wheels shit aside, can anyone answer OP's exact question? Can wood planks be feasibly used as personally identifiable information?
Replies: >>232800
What kind of program or database or whatever could even be used to do something like that?

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Is this really what gamers want these days?
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Replies: >>232744
Yeah, enchants are my biggest complaint with the game, too. But I can't blame anybody but my own autistic ass for wanting the absolute best gear for my class, and it is getting me to squeeze more time out of endgame which I'm assuming is the intent of the system.
>>231581 (OP) 
who said we have to idolize some character in a game and dream of marrying her
maybe she is there just to look pretty
... in that pretense, it would make sense to make the character into anything interesting, a fox, a dog, a wolf, a cat, a lgbt
Replies: >>232750
Anon, I...
Replies: >>232765
Yes, what's the problem?

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I've been writing a story and doing research on Saxon customs, festivals, holidays, etc. As I was describing the midsummer festival, it suddenly struck me just how empty our own cultural milieu is. 

Back in ye olden days, young men and women would meet in village or even regional festivals and fairs. You would dance, sing, and feast for potentially days. You'd dress in fancy clothes, wear garlands, and there were numerous customs to allow unmarried men and women meet and find love. 
Today, once you graduate your last school, that's it. There is no other chance to organically meet a female other than at work or at a bar. When you truly think about what things are like now compared to what things were like then, it strikes you like falling off a cliff just how complete the decay is.

They took this from us. What the fuck.
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Settle down there.
jews just consider themselves white, sonny, none of your fiction actually happens in reality
Replies: >>232550
They do not, you enormous newfaggot.
who the fuck are you quoting? are you insane?
fuck did my post go, retard nigger?
is there a new rule here against mocking poltards.

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I dislike the way fake breasts feel. I strongly prefer natural ones, even if they are small or flat.
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the super rare one
I'm not really attracted to Asian women, but I do concede that Japanese girls, when they have larger breasts, they're usually perkier and better formed than White women's on average. 

Still prefer Whites by a lightyear, thoughever.
Replies: >>231549
Someone got his yellow fever shot.
kys pedonigger
buy get breasts implants for your wife from a certified horowitz andreeson reseller or you are a pedo. fucking kike kys

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I am very curious about what would the results be for average poster here 
If you wanna do it for fun go to 
I think it would be fun 
here is me
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g-loading of ~0.7 is pretty good
It has been going down since the 1800s, they had IQz of 200 as the mean
Replies: >>232495
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Replies: >>232516
They didn't know about it IQ until the 1900s and then they have been trying to use it as propaganda the blank slate shit and have fucking with shit to make it go up trying to show education makes iq go up (it doesn't)
an industrial ecology is dysgenic, whites made the industrial revolution happen, only a population with a very high IQ could make the industrial revolution by themselves
Make a few assumptions  dude
Replies: >>232743
proof that anyone who says iq is retarded

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You're a lethargic attention whoring loser.
Replies: >>232697
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Replies: >>232699
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Why do you insist on flinging your identity upon on other people as if you're supposed to be important?
Replies: >>232701
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you prob ably take things too serious 
im going to bed
Replies: >>232703
I hope you die in your sleep.

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I just want to talk about my problems.
fuck you redditors tl;dr your low quality jewposts.

my pc has started making rattle noise and i've lost progress that i was working on TWICE yesterday... it just makes me frustrated...

i woke up and feel like doing nothing knowing my progress was lost.

i just wish I could waste everyone's time reading this so that they remember.
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>good job
thanks, its my special skill gifted by god
now lemme keep the ball rolling
>what the fuck is "reductionist" about what I said?
you think they wouldnt be fun to hang out with just bc they have a kink you dont like
youre reducing them to their fetish
>This is like going to /Israel and
saying they wouldnt be fun to hang out with just bc they wear funny hats
idk about you, but sperging out about world domination with a jew sounds like a fun time to me
sorry anon, i didnt mean to strike a nerve, i was just offering a different perspective on why youre sad
maybe its not da joos, maybe its your knee-jerk reaction to lash out at anyone you consider different
this isnt high school anymore, nobody is gonna bully you for not having friends, you can relax
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>he was the one that started all the nekoarc posting
Realistically I assume that board is 99% dudes larping but if there were actual women there it would be good to keep them sequestered so they don't get on men's nerves. What are the odds there are actual women on Crystal Cafe?
Replies: >>232452
uhh... so i posted here because of the noise of my pc. I guess I will have to send it for repairs, I tried before but nigga ignored me and then I kind of... trhe fucking thing gets loud probably fan
i didnt start it tbh
but i did stir the pot
i want to believe
Replies: >>232677
>i want to believe
While almost everyone on CC seems to be beyond insane, one has to wonder if he could, in fact, fix her.

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