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Where do I get dogs like these?
Replies: >>215671
well, when a daddy dog loves a mommy dog, they give each other a special kind of hug...
>>213262 (OP) 
By killing journalists in minecraft.
Is the smaller one a dog or a fox? That could get complicated.

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>this autistic tranny almost killed trump
its time to start the discussion boys why are we allowing wimps to posses the capability to make major decisions by killing people
weapons should only do damage proportional to your physical capabilty, ie we should bring back swords
guns are for pussy faggots
look at this guy
>Classmates and school officials characterized him as quiet, with classmates saying he was often bullied for various reasons, including his quiet demeanor, body odor, and for wearing camouflage hunting outfits and surgical masks to school
^hes a maskoid too
>The school district concludes "The assailant was known as a quiet, bright young man who generally got along with his teachers and classmates."
^more proof that autistic rulecucks need the rope

we should create a police state -- the tech is almost there with 300 internet of shit cameras on each street of the world already and 7 per vehicle -- that automates the enforcement of a global no guns law. small drones should instantly chase down and kill anyone who tries to procure or construct a gun. this will be the one rule of the world: no guns. anything else is allowed as long as it maintains a fair sense of honor
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I love the idea of a melee weapons-only world. But we should have guns in case someone else pulls a gun. Also, a melee-only world would have to be after we kill everyone who isn't a pure Aryan. Niggers think rules only apply to their enemies.
Cops in England and cops in America are exactly the same. They will force people at gunpoint to sit on tables and eat off chairs if women and kikes tell them that's the virtuous thing to do.
Replies: >>215298
I hate momma's boys/simps
>>214380 (OP) 
He wasnt a tranny you retard.
>>214380 (OP) 
>we should bring back swords
Swords are still around, faggot.

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The board, much like the outside world, has been filled with too much negativity lately. So I wanted a thread about nice and comfy things to bring some joy. 
Share anything you may find comfy: pics, music, games, comicbooks, etc.
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but these images make me feel
Nice track, certified comfy.
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I see...
Replies: >>215654
Is the westroon in your picture supposed to be a shitty imitation of what the author sees as "anime"?
Replies: >>215656
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No, though it's a cartoon based on a Japanese duo of singers so it probably takes some inspiration.
Just like anime took inspiration from old disney cartoons, but what do I know.
Replies: >>215657
>Just like anime took inspiration from old disney cartoons, but what do I know.
You should make a youtube channel for spreading based factoids like this.
Replies: >>215658
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That'd be fun.

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>at least one mod always online, board is checked at least once an hour
>rule-breaking posts are promptly deleted
The moderation we need.
<mods are offline for several hours
<rule-breaking posts stack up for hours, and then they're flushed along with non-rule-breaking posts for various non-reasons
The moderation we have.
This is what's killing imageboards. Retarded mods don't understand that good moderation has to be regular, and that being delete-happy doesn't compensate for irregular moderation. This is especially inexcusable when there are several mods on here, not just one guy. Are they all on the same timezone and are they all daytime wagies or what? Can they really not find someone on another timezone or some NEET who can adjust his sleep schedule?
<inb4 hurr durr be the change you want to see in the world
If you mean becoming a moderator, I already asked for that and they ignored me. If you mean making my own imageboard, fuck you, you know that that's a whole can of worms and it's better to fix existing boards.
<inb4 hurr durr another thread complaining
The "Hide" function is for you, Xir. Have fun with a board that's a CP dump for 8 hours and a sanitized subreddit for 16 hours.
31 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
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>using basement dweller as an insult
Replies: >>215607
No sappy lines allowed!
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>admits he is a pedophile
Replies: >>215610 >>215611
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>makes up shit no one said
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>if you don't find that skeleton witch hag attractive, you are a pedo!

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>I have to wait at least one whole month for the PS Vita I ordered on eBay to arrive
I don't often order things online... but how are you even supposed to wait for so long??
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it's in the text
Replies: >>215597
I'm an ESLbro so I'm not sure if "ship" in this context means the sender sending, or the receiver receiving.
Replies: >>215600
ship means sending
Send the package by Sep 10th I think.
It will be sented to when it shipping

September 10

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10 years
Nothing got better. All the liberals who caused this shit got elevated even higher. They have even more power and money. Yeahz they make dogshit games no one buys but does that stop Hollywood? Nope. The games are going to get shittier. We wasted years on the internet for nothing. I ruined my life for nothing. I don't even care about cuckeogooms anymore. How the fuck can anyone square this shitshow as a "win?"
5 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>215457 + 3 earlier
>>215437 (OP) 
nobody cares
Replies: >>215468
You cared enough to reply
Replies: >>215493 >>215494
Reddit-tier gotcha.
Replies: >>215494
Sage negated.

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i want to lose my wizarhood to a Japanese woman.
14 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>215486 + 2 earlier
>a korean or chink
or any other random sea monkey
that's who foreigners are often paired with in the tourist friendly red light district establishments
立ちん坊 are the worst slags. You can do better.
> Do you think you could tell the accent apart?
Easy. Ask them to pronounce their last names in their native tongue.
>>215185 (OP) 
Replies: >>215573

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i want her to fuck me up with her slippers like my mom used to
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For all of your Kozeki Ui needs click on the following link -- https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=kozeki_ui 
No more need to keep a pointless 2 year old thread alive.

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what are your thoughts on bioengineering?
16 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
>Dumb ass kid, I'll just ignore your threads from now on.
this thread is not his thread. This thread is OP's thread
>>214428 (OP) 
does this mean war veterans will become cyborgs and literal killing machines?
Replies: >>214600
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yes. cool right?
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>>214428 (OP) 
Chemistry is more based!
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>take grill template
>edit brain to male standards for tomboy and stronk traditional family values
>remove non-white features and fujoshit
>add toxin passively emitted from birth that when in contact with Jew causes Hitler
>add ovarian firewall to prevent mutt conception in case of nigger rape

>take man template
>return to cro-magnon but keep nipponese autism combined with völkisch anarcho-libertarian assembler language circuitry to intrinsically prevent the formation of large-scale non-Anonymous social networks
>remove non-white and faggotry
>add anti-Jew toxin
>observe as the übermensch of tomorrow builds homesteads like picrel

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