>at least one mod always online, board is checked at least once an hour
>rule-breaking posts are promptly deleted
The moderation we need.
<mods are offline for several hours
<rule-breaking posts stack up for hours, and then they're flushed along with non-rule-breaking posts for various non-reasons
The moderation we have.
This is what's killing imageboards. Retarded mods don't understand that good moderation has to be regular, and that being delete-happy doesn't compensate for irregular moderation. This is especially inexcusable when there are several mods on here, not just one guy. Are they all on the same timezone and are they all daytime wagies or what? Can they really not find someone on another timezone or some NEET who can adjust his sleep schedule?
<inb4 hurr durr be the change you want to see in the world
If you mean becoming a moderator, I already asked for that and they ignored me. If you mean making my own imageboard, fuck you, you know that that's a whole can of worms and it's better to fix existing boards.
<inb4 hurr durr another thread complaining
The "Hide" function is for you, Xir. Have fun with a board that's a CP dump for 8 hours and a sanitized subreddit for 16 hours.