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Is anyone else really alone on the internet? 
I find it hard being a part of any community now. Most boards or communities feel quite fragmented.
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Replies: >>231049 + 7 earlier
this thread is similar to /digi/: https://www.28chan.org/board/b/res/11389.html
Replies: >>231016
I took a quick glance to it and it doesn't really seem to be the case, that thread feels too gay.
Replies: >>231220
>>227102 (OP) 
no. it's where i come to not be lonely
not that much different from the gay stuff the BO has done before
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listen to me on this what if i just feed my ducks some shrooms for multiple generations will they morph into wise terrence mckenna ducks or will they just lay psylocibane infused eghs
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Which is it?
Replies: >>230481 >>230482
Birds dude birds
Replies: >>230482
It's a fowl idea
Make sure to come back and give regular progress reports, OP. I'm curious how quickly you'll manage to poison your livestock.

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>be me
>have female friend I've known her for 6 years now
>I've slept and eaten at her place and she did at mine
>we've both paid for each other meals multiple times without being asked to do so
>just a normal friendly relationship with equal terms and mutual trust
>in the past I've almost gotten intimate with her but got cockblocked by circumstance, acting like an idiot and other external factors
>recently we both got a job in the same area and we decided to move in together as roommates so we can both save on rent, utilities and shit
>1 month later
>be yesterday
>we both have our day off
>we're both sprawled on the couch like dead fish bored as fuck doing nothing occasionally checking our phones
>she asks "what's on tv?"
>"fuckall it's fucking tv there's only old people's crap on it"
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Only if you're married
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How can you tell its glowies and not just normalfags blogging? Asking for a friend.
/b/irginity saved and in so it protected your apartment as well
you are insufferable, it makes me glad I'm not like you. thanks for being an awful animal so I can feel better about myself.
Rape her anon. She will love you for being an assertive chad.

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Replies: >>231179
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oh wow
you should come to teaparty when youre drunk
btw were are you gonna spend your new year?
if youre just gonna rot online then you should defly come
Replies: >>231179
Why do you think you deserve attention?
Replies: >>231179
>>231113 (OP) 
On what?
Where's that teaparty?
Why doesn't zonz deserve attention?
Replies: >>231202
>Why doesn't zonz deserve attention?
That doesn't answer anything.

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Some folks say that women should be banned from driving or even leaving the house without their husband to chaperone them. Women in general deserve to be beaten a little for their collective behavior over the past century and especially past 10 years. However, the logistics behind implementing and living with such a policy would cripple any nascent Republic of Men that tried to adhere to it. Assuming you have 10-15 children, those kids are going to have to be taken to and from school at random hours while you are at work. Sometimes they'll get sick, sometimes they need to be taken there and picked up after work because of some school play, will you drive them to swim practice at 12 PM too? You'd never be able to maintain a standard job like this and we cannot all work from home. 
You'd have to pick up groceries and since you aren't the one cooking meals, you'd end up getting the wrong things on many occasions, leading to a dysfunctional household.
Ironically, banning women from driving would lead to men being enslaved.

Another problem is that if you do not absolutely overhaul the current economy, banning women from working would lead to an economic collapse that would make the Great Depression look great. 
Mixed workplaces lead to adultery and a toxic society. However, if your goal is to keep women out of the workplace, just issuing bans and government orders will not cut it. You need to make it possible for women to stay home first. If you're going to have an average o
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>the apprenticeship system has existed for thousands of years
Which is going the way of the dodo. Now there's just starting positions that you need 5 years of experience to get.
>The same way they get to school.
In a bus? They don't have licences to drive anything.
that is a meme you watch one time then never again and just reference it once in a while lol the only victim here is you
never smoked anything.

not opiods, not cannibanoids, not tobacco, nothing.

also never drank alcohol.

im totally sober, and without any psychotic disorders.

im.just a little autistic is all. and ive thought things through.

what do we want? what is important?

i asked myself these questions and more.

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>what proof do you have for this
I mean you're posting screeds of text and arguing online during the holidays, that reeks of  undersocialization to me
Jesus being an insufferable piece of shit at all time makes sense, it is a test

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>drink lots of beer
>smoke wild lettuce, mugwort, catnip, chamomile, and cornflower (for color)
>smoke thc delta 8/8-o/9-o/hhc/10/8
>eat valerian and passion flower pills
Not only will your day be more interesting and less stressful but your dreams will be like movies  Not only vivid and long but you won't wake up as easy. You might wet the bed. Do it on your day off. Neets need not apply (no pun intended).
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Replies: >>228842 >>231081
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No my friend, you are the one who's kefir if you consume al-ka'haal
>>228807 (OP) 
So, in order:
-Beer is fine, to a point
-Smoking literal lettuce, some herbs that aren't usually used as inhalants, and cornflower "for color" (what the fuck are you coloring your smoke material for?)
-Weed is the gayest shit on God's green earth. You could only be more of a faggot if you were literally sucking 27 dicks this is OP we're talking about, who am I kidding?
-Valerian is apparently a traditional insomnia treatment. Wikipedia says you shouldn't take it with other depressants or alcohol. Don't know much about this one.
-Passion flower: can apparently cause drowsiness? And mixing it with some other plant can make something like ayahuasca. Also largely unknown to me.
-Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine. Drowsiness as a side effect, which I guess is why you're taking it. Seems kinda pointless but probably not that bad.
-Melatonin: sleep hormone. Nothing wrong with it.
So basically you're mixing like a dozen medications and herbs to get the effect of drinking a bottle of Nyquil? What's the point?
Replies: >>228867
<what's the point in taking all those things?
<weed is gay
Let me know when they stop the ban on opiates and I'll be less gey. 
>implying a bottle of cold med is the same thing as 'the thread potion'

Anywho, total organ death!
Replies: >>231081
>>228807 (OP) 
That's just an oldschool antihistamine that makes you sleepy, how does it benefit you? Unless you have problems sleeping.
>Let me know when they stop the ban on opiates and I'll be less gey.
Have you tried poppy seed tea? Or kratom?

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I wish I got to experience 8chan.
>t. zoomer
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The first two boards on 4chan were /a/, for anime, and /b/, for everything else.
Replies: >>231054 >>231056
Because it's randum/b/.
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I experienced 8chan briefly in the 2010s, thought nothing of it, then after I heard about the Christchurch shooting I immediately started going there. This was right when 4chan started to get really bad, so the sense of community and more lax posting rules were a nice relief. Not long after that another guy did a shooting and posted his manifesto there, and the media/feds came super hard after 8chan. That's when everything went to shit and it turned into 8kun

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There doesn't seem to be anything or anywhere that isn't affected.
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It is a result of being an outcome of industrial civilization (dysgenics)
Nature is wasteful, ineffective in most things and we are the inefficiency
Best thing for you and me to do is have a fuck load of offspring and try to raise them to be ethnocentric, have them via embryo selection if have the money, get thier IQs high as your phenotypic maximum will allow so they will better able take care of themselves and fight  the out group
This will end, but not until  the ecology starts to kills people for being maladaptive
In 1980ish so many cameras went up that the prison system doubled (in the US).
>implying dictators are not real
>implying global warming is a bad thing  when we are headed away from an ice age
I would if I could.
How's the culture doing in Muslim occuPIED Germany right now again? 
It's not common to use that word among English speakers. Using random words people don't know the meaning of is gayer than being verbose.
Keep on building till you get a brick house, and then you'll still gonna have to give it a new coat of paint every few years

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Is this what you want, anon?
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>>230717 (OP) 
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>>230717 (OP) 
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>>230717 (OP) 
No but I got something for you
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No? Too bad then.
Guess this loli will have to go have inseminating piledriver sex with a fat brown toothless 90-year-old ojisan instead.
Replies: >>230897
Jokes on you, I'm that ojisan :^)

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Every day, I tell children about gnomes and share evidence of gnome activities.
What have you done?
I'll bet it's nothing!
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Replies: >>227761 + 1 earlier
I love it. Thankyou for sharing!
Replies: >>227757
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Here, have another.
>>227652 (OP) 
I've been resisting with all my might, but they keep coming and I'm reaching my breaking point.
Replies: >>227767
Gnomes will win.
I am doing my part to advance the inevitable victory of gnomes. Gnomes are smiling upon me, can you say the same?
Join the winning team.
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A short while ago, I showed a bunch of children a tiny stone hammer. Until then, though the girls were believers in gnomes, most of the boys were still skeptical. When they held in their hands the proof of the existence of gnomes, their skepticism melted like mist in the morning sun. Now they all believe in gnomes.

The belief in gnomes is swelling like a mountain stream during a heavy storm. And soon, the waters will crash down and wash away the disbelievers like a cleansing flood.

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