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I like watching grooming videos
Like 'girl with dogs' videos or discord grooming?
Replies: >>237873
The former
ASMR videos where the cat is purring next to the mic are relaxing.

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On Sunday, Febuary 23, 2025, there will be seven "dirty" explosive devices detonated in seven different U.S. cities; Miami, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland. The death toll will approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.

The bombs themselves will be delivered via trucks. These trucks will pull up to stadiums hosting NFL games in each respective city. All stadiums to be targeted are open air arenas, excluding Atlanta's Georgia Dome, the only enclosed stadium to be hit. 

Due to the open air, the radiological fallout will destroy those not killed in the initial explosion. The explosions will be near simultaneous, with the cities specifically chosen in different time zones to allow for multiple attacks at the same time.
The 22nd of October will mark the final day of Ramadan as it would fall in Mecca. Russia will automatically be blamed for the attacks. Later, through Al-Jazeera, Osama bin Laden will issue a video message claiming responsibility for what he dubs "America's Hiroshima". Yes, he is still alive.

In the aftermath civil wars will erupt across the world, both in the Middle East and within the United States. Global economies will screech to a halt. General chaos will rule.
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>>237510 (OP) 
*Sigh* Somehow, Osama's returned...
Replies: >>237744 >>237852
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No One's Ever Really Gone.
>>237510 (OP) 
Nice but the NFL season ended on 2/10/25.
He didn't do it nor did he die.
>>237510 (OP) 
It glows so bright I can larp as lighthouse keeper.
Would be funny if true tho.

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This is an imageboard.
Replies: >>237819
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Sage negated
what i fear about the future

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Now that the dust has settled, was all the hate against Nickelback deserved?
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your shit is completely retarded
ibs werent fully mainstream yet when that shit tier newfag meme came out. fags like you started being common, but my parents still didnt know what 4chan is
everyone and their mom knew nickleback and other pop shit, they were on the radio every fucking day all day
there was no alternative to the radio, that was the only way to listen to music without buying a million cds
then youd turn the tv on and theyd be there too
90% of media was tv/radio
it was so fucking annoying
like the monkey crap they have now at every shop
all wigger trash for ppl who couldnt warez (except linkin park, based hapa shit)
Replies: >>237693
Yeah looking back on it, it makes sense why rock and metal died in the US.
Nickelback fucking sucks fuck off
Nickleback is on the list of people I would genocide if given the chance but it's a long list.
Nickelback made moms WET in the 2000s, which is why everyone hates them. 💦

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Replies: >>236590
The giggling makes it so much better.
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>niggerpill seething
Pushing the hapa's nigger porn off the index view.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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The guy spamming the chan mining/innovative tactics stuff in every thread is a falseflagger trying to make the concept of chan mining look like a schizo theory when he's the very embodiment of a chan miner himself.
These subversive tactics reek of the "'"'WN"'"' sodomy propaganda spam and nigger gore spam.
43 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>237734 + 6 earlier
This whole things smells fishy, some one is trying to make gays look badand has failed.
Faggots should be killed, OP is a nigger, and /b/ needs more loli threads.
Replies: >>237676 >>237687
Replies: >>237687
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Kodomo doushi?
>>237601 (OP) 
It may simply be that niggerpill has run out of ideas.

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Why is zzzchan populated by the most obnoxiously retarded subhumans, the kinds who make your regular garden variety sperg look well-adjisted by comparison? Who benefits?
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Don't respond to him.
Global report, hide, ignore.
From where do you get these blacked edits? These are not on 8moe's /interracial/. Is there a dedicated blacked board or thread on the webring?
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^ yuck, theres two of them. fuck off niggerlover
It's an altchan, ofcourse it will be populated with retards
Most of these "people", in happier and more just times, would have been infant mortality statistics. But because we live in a world where moralfags insist on not eliminating the nits so they don't grow into lice, we are all forced to deal with these insufferable subhumans.
If there is a benevolent God, I pray He will do the right thing and smite every single subhuman useless eater on the planet.

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This girl excorted Terry A. Davis into another world back in 2018. Say something nice to her.
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Replies: >>237597
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Well, at least I had the time of my life.
Replies: >>237598
Please don't stop. I unironically get tuned on every time you outsmart me and mock me. Sorry for typing this out loud, but holy fuck your such a stud, I can't wait to be on my knees to swallow your cum. Fuck, please more. Please humiliate me more, put in my fucking place, say your best slurs, tell me how much of a ginger-haired faggot I am, tell me how I'll never amount to anything. Please don't stop, I'll do anything for you to continue posting, please don't stop until everybody gets to know how much of a cum guzzling faggot I am.
Replies: >>237610 >>237632
Now that's innovative.
Replies: >>237632
just kill yourself.

>Huge jump in posters
>Board quality goes to the shitter
>NiggerCattle Phrases like "truthnuke" are present
Which of you opened the Floodgates?
25 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
>using theme that the cursed ones forced on /a/
>Later on the userbase of zzzchan ganged up against /digi/, depsite /digi/ being "the" best board in terms of OC production and culture. Multiple falseflag attacks and subversive posts later, our good friends at /digi/ were forced to move to greener pastures at trashchan.
1 guy being butthurt at /digi/ caused them to move to another imageboard? What a bunch of sissy faggots. No one cared about /digi/ except 1 butthurt faggot that kept trying rally people against it.
>covertly stirring drama around /digi/
Rent free, no wonder the best board on zzzchan left.
Replies: >>237564
>best board 
What made them the best board?
Mods Mods Mods

Fucking do something about the anti-/digi/ CP spammer.

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