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Econ grad and people who teaches economy are bad. Anytime they made a YouTube channel or anything like that to inform and explain things, the things they say are generic stuff that everybody already know. Asking a successful business owner about the economy gives you actual insight, that is if you can find one that can explain things). Econ grad and people who teaches economy are the same as those progressive social media folks who are easily triggered because of their low control. The difference is that those two have a really thick ego and always ego boost them self because everybody always nod to them and they are called "expert" by everybody and is basically worshipped. all their audience are either; people who are conditioned to nod and accept anything they say and write because college and work life condition them to. Or people who nod to anything they say because they see them as the modern equivalent of Mesopotamian priest. I am convinced that economy graduates and people who teaches economy have their entire body of knowledge reliant on people lying about Mao era China and every other places and period that are similar. And god forbid that you say you don't believe in them whenever they rant about Mao era china and things similar, they will have a little mental breakdown in the middle of teaching stuff you, but it would only happened in seconds because of their thick ego. They will act like economist around the world are the same as them and sometimes even agree with
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Replies: >>220689
What the fuck makes them think their better then anybody else anyway. The thing the do for a living after they graduated could be achieved by just choosing management. people who attend every other money fields and business school can just read and understand their books and everything that they were taught at classes just fine.
Also, really? "planned economy", "communism", "ideology", "mixed economy", "[x] scheme", & "[insert name] economy/approach"? do you expect people to be that stupid so much so that they actually take those word seriously right after or before you will rant about Mao era china and periods like it (again)?
>>220531 (OP) 
Economics is the empirical social science. What you're referring to is political economics. 
>Asking a successful business owner about the economy gives you actual insight,
That's certainly not economics.
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>Anytime they made a YouTube channel or anything like that to inform and explain things, the things they say are generic stuff that everybody already know
The youtube audience is not intellectually equipped to read and comprehend Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green's "Microeconomic Theory," and I doubt (you) are either.
>their entire body of knowledge reliant on people lying about Mao era China
What's (you)r take on Mao, OP?
>everything else
Look a decent chunk of economists are retarded and half the output of the field is bullshit, but there's solid stuff out there too. You have to be able to wade through all the shit to find the useful insights. In that it's much like an imageboard.

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Fun fact: Bronze Age Pervert follows Gahoole on twitter.
I cried laughing when I first saw it. Truly a dionysian oracle.
Why did he think that I was one of them, though?
Thank you PhDman.
>They are hunting them down and locking them up in prisons. they are celebrating their deaths in the media. they are paranoid witch hunters in online spaces.
They seem more obsessed about hunting down Whites for xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, vaginaphobia and whatever else than going after pedos.
>youve internalized the conditioning of a culture produced by jews and blacks for so long that you dont know that you cant tell what is authentically white or not anymore.
Explain then.
>face it, we are so fucked beyond all recovery at this point that we require a time machine to go back and rediscover who we were meant to be (by preventing the jewing and browning of the world, perhaps by granting a victory to Hitler or Napoleon or by preventing the fall of an ancient empire like Rome).
Oh, the local kike shares his generous blackpills with us. How lucky are we!

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what are some alternatives to nhentai that have all the deleted contents?
Here you go:

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>share a funny picture
>people start sharing it around too
Replies: >>220478
You've gotten lot of mileage out of it in a short span of time.
Replies: >>220485
That just comes to show how good/funny the picture is. Thank you for initially sharing it with us!
Replies: >>220566
The hell are you talking about, its a bogstandard old generic reaction image
Replies: >>220567
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tell me more

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nationalize banks, the state can issue loans, it cannot confiscate property as a result of bankruptcy. 

Banks are exploitive. But loans are an obviously beneficial business practice. The state doesn't need to make a profit and if loan issuance becomes too high, the government can just make loan qualifications stricter.
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Replies: >>220433 + 1 earlier
Numbers only ever go down. Banking is a game for gamblers and looters. The world you're talking about where currency value goes up instead of down is a world that does not exist. It can be fun to fantasize, I guess, but there's hardly any point in arguing about it because the proper banking system can only exist in a society that does not have the bloated tick of state counterfeiting and damaging the economy every time its abhorrent heart beats.

You should neither tear down outlanders nor countrymen, least of all over the delusions of the posters in this thread. Nice dubs.
Replies: >>220421
Meh, I don't fantasize about one world or another. Anon just asked "how does that make money?" and that's how the 40k loan with no interest would make money.
Seems like a really bad gamble.
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>>220309 (OP) 
that's great but what does that have to do with milliwheels
Very hallal.

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Just woke up and in my dream, Abkhazia had become the regional power of the Caucuses. Both militarily and economically. But also, demographically, they were breeding like crazy and they sent troops to Russia's war in Ukraine. However, their huge population began spilling over the border with Russia and over the course of 30 years (in dream) they set up nearly autonomous communities along the border in Russia. I then became Putin's advisor (yes, he was still ruling Russia) and I warned him, everyone was warning him that he needed to deal with this or they would come to influence Russian politics. Well, their economic power began to irritate Moscow and when Russia invaded Abkhazia, the invasion went terribly due to the massive 5th column communities already in Russia. The war was an even bigger disaster than the current one and Putin was humiliated.

I am not Russian. I'm American. I rarely if ever even think about Abkhazians. Yet the dream was as detailed as if I were deeply involved. It was awesome.
Replies: >>220319
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>>220317 (OP) 
Learned a new word today.
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I keep dreaming about my cousin that lives up North. I hope she is safe and doing well. I worry for her safety and health living in the North
Replies: >>220423
why can't the nordics just have their ethnic whites to over populate? the world would be better if their the ones who is doing it.
Does your cousin look and dress like this?

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Replies: >>220416 + 2 earlier
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Are the "observable facts" and "delusional crazy wackos" in the room with us?
Replies: >>220101 >>220113
This was funny the first time, but running the same joke into the ground fits your cuckchan brain
Replies: >>220117
>muh cuckchan muh cuckchan
t. homo enabler (>>219900 >>219975)
>>220011 (OP) 

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The official anime of zzzchan is Higurashi.
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Can anyone answer the question?
Replies: >>220413
Watched most of the old one and part of the new one. I think I have the first chapter of the VN on Steam since it is/was free. Worth getting into? I think the only VN I've read was part of Narcissu because it was also free.
Replies: >>217699 >>217700
everything is free retard
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For your information, most VNs or games or media in general are free, my friend.
>Worth getting into?
If you liked the anime, yes. Just be ware that it's a bit of a time investment (close to 100 hours for the whole thing).
No idea

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>tv is talking about the war in the middle east and hezbollah comes up
>relative #1 asks "who's even this hezbollah guy?"
>relative #2 replies with utmost conviction "he's the leader of isis"
>I interject feigning ignorance "isn't it like an organization of sorts?"
>relative #1 adds "I thought he was like president of Iraq?"
>relative #2 thunders back "no, you dumbass, that's the other guy "bead"" (I think he meant bin laden who has been, reportedly, dead since 2011)

>another day, tv on as usual
>relative #1, #3 and I are talking
>#3 is known for talking loudly
>relative #2 says "will you shut the fuck up" *does the electrolytes hand motion from idiocracy* "I'm trying to watch the news"
>relative #3 eyes shift to his hands as he does the movement
>yells back "NO, I HAVE TO TALK" repeats the electrolytes hand motion from idiocracy* "I'm gonna talk however much I want"
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joyless/small am*gdala detected, go back to reddit/4cuck/9gag
Replies: >>220403
I love Rome(USA)
How long has this been going on for it have gone from dumbfounding and disturbing to funny. Or do you just not care about your family.
Replies: >>220400
>How long has this been going on for it have gone from dumbfounding and disturbing to funny. Or do you just not care about your family.
forever, here's one from the other day
>tv is talking about the assassination of hassan nasrallah and hezbollah comes up
>I'm reminded of the previous conversation and ask "so who's this hezbollah again?"
>as I finish saying that tv shows some other towelhead key figure giving a speech to this massive crowd about the assassination or some shit asking to unite and whatnot
>I follow up with "is this him?"
>relative #1 replies "no, he's fatter, I saw him on tv, he's got puffy cheeks"
>a couple of seconds of footage later the same exact towelhead from moments before comes up, same clothes and all
>relative #1 quickly announces "that's him, there he is"
>a short while after they mention nasrallah's assassination again and refer to him as "the leader of hezbollah"
>I ask "wait, "leader"? I thought hezbollah was the leader or something?"
>relative #1 corrects me "he is, this guy was just one of his underlings, you see"
>"ah, yes, yes, of course" I punctuate.

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give me pictures and screenshots of villagers doing festive parting for the heroes leaving the village. Anime, manga, and etc.

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