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I'm trying to cook chicken. I don't really know how I'm supposed to tell when it's done. Gonna see if it's edible in a few minutes.
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Replies: >>227604 + 2 earlier
you were supposed to flip it every now and then
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I made pasta. First time really trying to make sauce to go with it. Came out okay.
Do they eat chickens in Turkey?
Replies: >>227603
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Yeah. Just no pork.
>>227433 (OP) 
>im trying to cook chicken
<uses a cuckime image

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"A cowardly man thinks he will ever live, if warfare he avoids; but old age will give him no peace, though spears may spare him."
Replies: >>227574
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>>227572 (OP) 
"In a maiden's words no one should place faith, nor in what a woman says; for on a turning wheel have their hearts been formed, and guile in their breasts been laid."
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"If you go to Dunkin' Donuts half an hour before they close and ask nicely, they'll give you all the leftover stock for the day"
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"If you aren't sleeping, it means you're awake."
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"If you shat your pants, get a new pair."
War with guns is dysgenics

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tell me about South Korea. Tell me about Megalia. Tell me about their equivalence of 2ch. Tell me about the more interesting aspect of their politics, culture warring, and subcultures.
77 replies and 71 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>227305 + 7 earlier
>they have an alphabet, unlike chinks or japs.
Makes sense on paper, but then you hear it spoken out loud. Can't have everything.
it's ugly and their content is shit
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>>219238 (OP) 
>Tell me about the more interesting aspect of their politics...
>South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared an “emergency martial law,” Tuesday accusing the country’s opposition of controlling the parliament, sympathizing with North Korea and paralyzing the government with anti-state activities.
>Yoon made the announcement in a televised briefing, vowing to “eradicate pro-North Korean forces and protect the constitutional democratic order.
>“Through this martial law, I will rebuild and protect the free Republic of Korea, which is falling into the depths of national ruin,” Yoon said during a televised speech, invoking South Korea’s formal name.
>“I will eliminate anti-state forces as quickly as possible and normalize the country,” he said, while asking the people to believe in him and tolerate “some inconveniences.”
>South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared an “emergency martial law,” Tuesday accusing the country’s opposition of controlling the parliament, sympathizing with North Korea and paralyzing the government with anti-state activities.
>Yoon made the announcement in a televised briefing, vowing to “eradicate pro-North Korean 
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>based culture in seoul means wanting to merge with north korea, and this has lead to government clampdowns in recent years
>every person there has a cell phone, even hobos. there are cell phone charging outlets on every light post
These two in particular sound interesting.
>ferry sinking in 2014
i heard of this one, basically the captain told the students to stay on a sinking ship and the retards unable to defy authority died like trapped rats.
this along side with that crowd crush in 2022 made me realize how koreans have a hiver mind, they are obedient and docile creatures and their country also portrays everything wrong with the current economic system.

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There's some lazy ass faggots here who've never touched a woman besides their mother who continue to watch anime in the year of our lord 2024 (soon 2025).
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Can only do that sitting down.
>>227278 (OP) 
That video makes me think that there has to be at least some truth to the amygdala meme.
Replies: >>227568
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>>227278 (OP) 
nah it's an overcompensating pajeet trying to larp as an upper middle class white guy.
I dont think anyone who posts here has a mother that watches anime.
Also who is your lord and why is this his year?
Do you mean trump who just got ellected?

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i want them to bust my balls 😩
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But would OP 3D?
Replies: >>227553
Is that in the ukraine or russia, neither is a suprise to me, but it makes me wonder which one of them would actually do such stuff.

Also shouldnt they like wear boots .. or something idk.
Replies: >>227546
I doubt they are real. They aren't even wearing pants, they are only wearing jackets. You can even see the middle girl's ass.
Replies: >>227552
You mean to tell me that fishnet stockings are not standard issue for female police in slav countries? Scandal I say!
Dear Diary,
The ass was flat.

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The classic example is Egypt. Their oldest structures such as the Pyramids were way more awe inspiring than things they built later. But elsewhere too. In Great Britain, the neolithic, that is: before they even had metal tools, the people there built huge monuments and tombs using stones that weighed over 100 tonns in some cases. It's just amazing to think about how they managed it. You'd expect Iron Age nations which had much better technology would be able to surpass them but nope. The structures of later years pale in comparison. Don't get me wrong, some buildings built later like in the Middle Ages were impressive in their own way. Flying buttresses are cool but there's absolutely nothing like the huge stoneworking that these stone age guys accomplished. The more recent the era, the tinier the stones get. 

Or just compare Rome with today. The aqueducts, amphitheaters, and bath houses built then are still standing and in some cases, still functioning 2,000 years later. Is Abode318 (some "artsy" skyscraper) going to even be standing in 100 years?
Doubt it.
Is Stonehenge practical? Probably not. But it's way more impressive than a glass tower imo.
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It's certainly no Parthenon (it's made of concrete + rebar) but it's more impressive than 99% of all the structures in America.
I am not trying to put down all modern architecture. I only wish we would do something with all our technology.
Replies: >>227544
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>no one got the joke
>it's made of concrete + rebar
They better hurry up and find a tenant then since that wont last. If not a Bass Pro Shop or a Cabela's then at least a Sports Authority.
Or maybe because people liked building cool shit until Jews took over the Architect industry and made everything into gay skyscrapers.
you ever played brown bricks in moincraft?
someone post the Wewuz Kangz variant of this made by some larping nigger using AI. the one with fucking snoop dog as a statue on a floating pyramid or whatever

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Convince me these aren't just shoes for the whos
protip: you cant
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thes r like beats by dre but 4 fashin
I wear nikes because they're one of the only brands that sell in my size.
Replies: >>227510
Big if true? What shoe size is that?
Replies: >>227513
US size 16 wide. Also I was wrong, apparently they're Sketchers.
t. lanklet
Replies: >>227516
I feel your pain. That can make it very difficult to find a good fit.

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duality of trannyme
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Good photo for a music album.
Replies: >>227499
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Replies: >>227500
I hate that fatso.

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translate it so we can all laugh at OP
Replies: >>227283
The only faggots still here are compelled to be the most obnoxious, darkest, gorilla niggers in every damn thread.
It was already translated on gelbooru.
Replies: >>227283
It says "What about peeing together? ♡"
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I want you anons to tell me your experience. I started learning Japanese pretty early when I got into anime and stuff, so I don't have experience with this, but how does it feel like to save and share random art with Japanese text without knowing what it says? Granted, most of the time the picture is fine without text (although text can be interesting/cute and enhance the picture), but knowing my personality, I would want to know what pictures say and would use MTL or something hadn't I learned Japanese, because sometimes the text may be critical. I've caught at least one anon posting what he thought was a picture of some girl, but the text was implying that it's a trap.
Replies: >>227390
Bump. This shouldn't be hard to answer.

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