Well theres your problem right there, what do you think "meat" really is?
Also a microwave oven doesnt produce real heat it only resonates the water molecules, at this point you might well just eat soylent or whatever it is that vaccineted people live off.
>You say "money doesn't buy happiness" but I sure as shit would be happier if I could pay some bitch to cook food for me every day instead of dealing with this crap.
I say you could just grow your own potatoes and cook them instead of wasting time bitching about buying a bitch.
Even more what the hell is wrong with you buying prepacked meat and potatoes, you could have just bought potatoes and meat and just shove it ina microwave.
Fucking filthy retarded first worlders, too lazy/stupid/arrogant to pick and cook their own food and then they bitch when the fixed food they buy has too much stuff in it.
Even niggers can procure and cook their own food, are you dumber than a nigger?