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I truly wish for horrific, agonising, excruciating pain, misery, and suffering for the entire human scum race.
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Replies: >>228385 + 3 earlier
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Faggot ass meme tbh.
Replies: >>228411
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Replies: >>228382
>>228166 (OP) 
Hi gyro
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>Faggot ass meme tbh.

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What can be done to save the webring? I think we should being other sites like Endchan and 8chan.moe into the fold. We are too cut off.
Except soyjack.party. Fuck that shithole.
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I wonder if zzzchan will die.
i havent been here for years. besides looking at webms off of /wsg/ I dont do much board browsan. what have you guys been up to the past 2-5 years? last I remember was .moe getting booted off the ring
Replies: >>228401
I just piss people off for keks. Not much else to do in the cuckring anymore anyways.
Replies: >>228404
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>I just piss people off for keks
Good job anon, that's so productive of you.
I came here from a rozen maiden thread in 4cuck's /jp/.
The solution is simply to make good theads, it will garner an audience over time.

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What keeps you apart from others?
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>>221605 (OP) 
Actively avoiding associating with glowniggers
cuz 139 zzchan is a rough part
and if you soy don't post on it when it gets dark
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and what does the screen give you in return?
Replies: >>228364
>>221605 (OP) 
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Mirth and good fortune.

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Why is ESL even used as an insult? Is it a psy-op? The vast majority of countries in the world don't speak English. I'd even bet that most people on the English internet are ESLs. If anything, what should be shamed is being a native English speaker, since English is only spoken in the Great Satan aka. ((( Muttmerica ))) and other totalitarian commie shitholes like Canada and the UK.
Also being an ESL doesn't necessarily mean being bad at English and vice-versa. Many muttmericans don't know the difference between "their" and "they're".
53 replies and 8 files omitted. View the full thread
You'll anger the commies!
>>227735 (OP) 
>erm, why do people make fun of me when I can't speak English on English websites?
I don't know, Pajeet, why do they?
Seethe more, shitskin. ESL is strictly derogatory outside of comfort communities.
Replies: >>228011
This, so much this! Every zoomer is cope seethe rent freeing the coomer doomers and sneed feed and seed, they're locked and KEYED and SOVL and /pol/cel bloomer soulless slop black people(nah but seriously I'm not a racist, that's a /pol/cel thing, so please don't tell me to go back to /pol/ cuz I'm not ok) kino peak fiction!
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>>227735 (OP) 
"ESL" in an 8chan+ imageboarding context refers to men unable to properly utilize the English language on English-language imageboards, it is used as an insult due to a majority of visible ESLs on both 8chan prime and its successors often being of non-European or mixed blood with frequent incidences of poorly executed subversive activity and/or general stupidity, such as the Pajeet who kept screeching about his lack of girlfriend for years while posting phone photographs of his slum.

t. ESL who at this point is probably better versed in Anglospeak than his mother tongue, dog help
Replies: >>228355
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Thank you for being the first person in this thread who understood what OP meant instead of reading it as "we shouldn't speak English" or whatever like all the golems in this thread, which ironically enough, makes them the '"'ESLs'"' they babble so much about. I almost thought that everyone here other than me is a sub 80 IQ schizo.

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>too lazy to make food
>look at some premade foods in grocery store
>microwave meal that's literally just meat and potatoes
>"seems fine"
>look at ingredients
>7 different kinds of starches and oils not counting all kinds of flavorings and preservatives

You say "money doesn't buy happiness" but I sure as shit would be happier if I could pay some bitch to cook food for me every day instead of dealing with this crap.
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Replies: >>228329 + 5 earlier
>>228198 (OP) 
what is that ,an image of how your brain feels on schizophrenia?
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Well theres your problem right there, what do you think "meat" really is?
Also a microwave oven doesnt produce real heat it only resonates the water molecules, at this point you might well just eat soylent or whatever it is that vaccineted people live off.
>You say "money doesn't buy happiness" but I sure as shit would be happier if I could pay some bitch to cook food for me every day instead of dealing with this crap.
I say you could just grow your own potatoes and cook them instead of wasting time bitching about buying a bitch.

Even more what the hell is wrong with you buying prepacked meat and potatoes, you could have just bought potatoes and meat and just shove it ina microwave.

Fucking filthy retarded first worlders, too lazy/stupid/arrogant to pick and cook their own food and then they bitch when the fixed food they buy has too much stuff in it.
Even niggers can procure and cook their own food, are you dumber than a nigger?
Replies: >>228349
Dice them up, grease a baking pan with olive oil or butter, put em in pan, bake 350 degree F for 1 hour, flip them halfway thru. Can do this with sweet potatoes too. Finish them with cheese for the last 10 minutes if you like. I like to do this and season with rosemary. You can do sliced sandwich meat on top too. Put that on for the last 15 minutes if you do it
>too lazy to cook
<dude just start farming your own potatoes
We're reaching a level of "you don't understand" that I didn't understand to be possible.

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deleted thread is always butthurt
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>>227920 (OP) 
What was the thread?
>>227920 (OP) 
Screenshots or the thread never existed.
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>>227920 (OP) 
>westoid cartoon-like vertical tooth lines
Replies: >>228090 >>228154
tortles are herbivores
did you expect incisors???

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The quality is going to shit. I have seen over 30 posts this week that contained one or more of:
>not white
>direct linking youtube
>blackpill shills
>underage b&
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Replies: >>228109
You're all over the place.
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>gay is the first in the list
Can't stop thinking about gays huh
Replies: >>228105
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>>228101 (OP) 
The best way to improve board quality is to post more Caligula.

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I'm having scrambled eggs with leftover rice.
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t. wrote an essay on "dopamine" and it wasn't stickied
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>/b/ is so... le bad
>keeps on browsing it
>giving a shit about the bottom of the catalog
If was worth keeping you would have bumped it :^)
I need it
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>Oh, he's makin' a list and checkin' it twice
>He's gonna go home and eat chicken and rice
>The Angry Video Game Nerd is here!

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>stupidest wigger on earth blocks your path
>its the corn starch
>im telling you, trans fats are bad [nobody asked]. i'm planning to get off them by 2025 [is 60+]
>chemtrails 9/11 etc
>you should use horse dewormer for the virus that doesnt exist which is just the flu cus dis and dat
>its partially womens faults for wearing t-shirts [cant rape cus 200lbs, cant get women legitimately cus 200lbs]
>the rap music is causing...
>something something joesephandre P. johnmcdonaldhuethomason
<dont tell me...
<no shot hes into celeb gossip too
>daily mail
<NOOOOOOOO does someone this retarded exist? my head is exploding
Replies: >>228043 >>228075
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the vaccine can kill you, moron
>lumping that in with chemtrails retard shit
literally you
>>228026 (OP) 
>you should use horse dewormer
but wouldn't he know best having previously hosted a program that paid people to eat worms and shit like that?
what? are you some sort of brownoid?
>"dis and dat"
>complete garbage post
>>228026 (OP) 
will hear no idle talk against GORGEOUS daily mail

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It's a shame that there aren't a lot of stereogram pictures like this. The "stereogram" tag on Gel has less than 200 pictures and most of them are either gross trash (common problem on Gel in general) or non-ero.
>inb4 what this
You're supposed to cross your eyes and have the two pictures overlap to create a "3D" picture without the need of any special glasses or other technology.
But now that I think of it, maybe it's for the better that the stereoscopic ero art market isn't very big, because I can image this stuff being harmful for the eyes.
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>>227754 (OP) 
I tried it again this time closer to my monitor and it worked. The trick is to only focus on the middle figure that appears after you cross your eyes and not to do it too hard.
Displaying two slighty differing images with a focal distance so that they align in a 3d way is exactly how VR headsets work. Also Google Cardboard, which amounted to using a phone to display images like these with some lenses to make the focus work. Trying to make yourself cross eyed to see a stereoscopic image just seems retarded.
Stop doing ahegao when you shove dildos up your ass, faggot.
i also couldnt get the jpeg to work, but my brain just zeroes in on the gif p quick
i think it must be the movement that makes it easier to focus
p cool effect tbh
>>227754 (OP) 
I crossed my eyes and all I saw was a massive jar of jenkem.

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