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 Dress to impress!

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The Michael Brown Tovia Singer debate is probably the most famous debate between two Jews about Jesus. It rivals the second century debate between Typhon and Justin (who was a gentile). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4k_yZdjWiE

I listened to it again because of the commentary these guys did on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp9FJkjruWQ (they're kind of annoying but at least one of them makes some really good points.)

Brown said something very impactful for me to hear.
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pantsu panzer
Can anyone post Joseph's Discord ERP screenshots and stuff?
Me slurping my trad christian™ wife's pussy clean(one of the bulls just finished).
Replies: >>229912
Sorry, my trad christian™ wife doesn't have a pussy, but she has a cute feminine penis :D
Any good nun manga?

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Anything goes
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Replies: >>230827 + 3 earlier
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>>215123 (OP) 

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The official anime of zzzchan is Higurashi.
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I want to bump this because Higurashi is superior than the other anime pretending to be the official anime.
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You're not a real Anon if you've never watched Casey & Friends in your childhood.
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The majority of your fruit has been filled with various fruit fly eggs. 
You're eating various invert eggs this very moment you disgusting fuck.
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Replies: >>230758 + 3 earlier
says the streetshitter
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You touch poop every second you exist.
Right now your touching poop you disgusting meatbag.
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>>230540 (OP) 
The World Economic Forum says eating ze bugs is le good though.
Replies: >>230759
Why spoiler pics 1 and 2? This is not reddit.
Replies: >>230760
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I forgot on a muscle memory level that this isn't 4channel....
I'm very sorry

>Wait until you find out what they put in our processed food.
Hydrogenated seed oils? Yeah they're terrible for your health, I don't really care if the red velvet cakes are made from crushed beetle blood or whatever though.

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look at this dude
its season 26 and hes still 10 years old
still with some shitty level 1 bug pokemon and pikachu
still "trying to become the worlds greatest pokemone master" but actually just on pokemon school loans for the 26th year
misty left him to suck garry's cock
this is like if you go on some game like quake and there are just 10 servers full of boomer millennials still saying how they'll become the greatest quake player and win the quake championship for $100 this year
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except he DID become the league champion
Replies: >>230516
>Taito Okiura, vice president of marketing for The Pokémon Company International
Wrong company pal
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>misty left him to suck garry's cock
Garry gets around..
Replies: >>230691
How do u get worse doing something constantly
glad i saved the dbz meme before the mod fat fingered it

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fapping to ai = based
fapping to real models is cringe and gay. think about it
>ugly women are over-represented because its not a desireable employment to be in (pretty women just get whatever they want, they don't even need to work)
>you're fapping to someone who had a dick and probably 10+ dicks in her
with ai it just generates the ideal waifu with the exact traits you want
>to see her get penetrated you have to be gay
with ai you can just generate a dick without a person and even a dick based off your own, or a dildo instead (not sure which is more based, need to think about it)
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Then fap to things drawn by women.
Images related.
Replies: >>230629
These women used to be cum in their fathers' balls.
Also the tools they used to draw were created by men, and they surely used a lot of things drawn by men for reference.
Replies: >>230633
This, it's already been established long ago that being alive is an act of faggotry because you touched your dad's dick at one point. Hell, you were cum when you were young, and so was every other girl you ever liked or fantasized about, which makes you hella gay for liking former cum. If you like cum so much why don't you snort it like coke faggot. All these homos trying to make me fap to gay shit make me sick.
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3d porn is gay cus its not hapa. hapa girls arent sluts like roastie westoids. so its basically impossible to find hapa porn. wh*te roasties eat too much mayo and they are taught that eating food without protein is healthy so they eat nothing but butter (and mayo) instead. you can fap to asian girls instead but its hard to find legitimate porn of them (some weird fetish shit doesnt count) so youll have to fap to non nude asians. fortunately this is not a problem with 2d
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ai girls are pretty hot ngl. i started saving them a while ago instead of the usual bangbros and metart

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So recently >>216702 I have proposed the idea to make an album and I want to put it together this coming Sunday. In the spirit of /b/ random I do not care what genres are actually in it, you can post whatever type of music you want. If you don't want to participate, don't but don't drag others down who do.
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Awesome! Keep up the good work!
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Alright ziggers, Merry Christmas. It's released, in all it's glorious unmixed completeness. I was going to level match the tracks but I've found myself at my parent's house with no headphones and broken audio drivers so this is it. Thank you all for your contributions.

FYI bandcamp is set to no d'nations so that anons don't accidentally give money to kikes on bandcamps charity fundraiser days or whatever. Bandcamp is really kind of a temporary solution, but hey, it's free hosting and file conversions and metadata management. In the future I may just get something automated to publish to archive.org, but this is acceptable for the time being.

2025 is year of the snake. Maybe next month could be something Moriya themed? 

Until next time!
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Awesome! Thanks for putting it all together!
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Just finished listening, not bad for a first album. Thanks for doing all the work.
For any anon that doesn't want to touch Bandcamp here's the album in both MP3 320kbps and FLAC. I can upload other options if needed.
https://files.catbox.moe/ibeug8.zip (FLAC)
https://files.catbox.moe/6ehk00.zip (MP3 320kbps)

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Do you feel like 99% of your adult life since puberty sucked? I can think of late 2007 through mid 2008 being good but thats it.
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Replies: >>230620 + 9 earlier
I'm not a leaf, thank, and in the south of the US, they call it 6th grade
im leaf and they call it grade 6
t. leaf
I don't care. Stick to the topic of the thread.
>>229260 (OP) 
yea but tbf, my life before being an adult sucked at a rate of about 70%, so it wasnt such a massive downgrade
its only natural it would start sucking more after the novelty of being alive worn off
Replies: >>230632
there's always new novelty in learning languages and culture of different parts of the world
it's basically one way of making life less shit plus you're likely to meet people

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It's my favorite.
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I don’t think it has a name it’s just a step in the evolution of panty drawing styles in anime/manga. Someone made an image of anime panty styles through the ages that’s really good though I can’t find it…
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I should be able to see everything.
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Mitsuba as some kind of hero
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>scratch balls and sniff 
feels good man
Replies: >>229854 >>229902
>>229806 (OP) 
Those are eggplants dumbass.
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>Here's your avocado bro
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>>229806 (OP) 
Smells bad though.
Replies: >>230587
investigate the aroma of my nuts
cope, so much

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