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 Dress to impress!

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Thirsty German simp who is named Bernd of all things embarrassed himself on ex dot com. 
Traced or not. This time without auto derailment.
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Replies: >>233357
Return to you... Oh wait. You can't, because they have removed posting.
Replies: >>233358
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Replies: >>233365
suggestion: Stop being a upset nigger.
Replies: >>233366
chomo cope

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Every day, I wonder more and more: Why did they do it? What was the purpose?
And we will never know. We can learn everything about the soil composition and even how they moved them into place, but we will never learn WHY they did it.
It's driving me insane.
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There's no point to it even for the lulz because you'd be too dead to care after you're gone
youre too normie to get it
you need a trve shitposter's mindset to understand them
People do not plant trees in forests in the hopes of lying under the shade of said trees in their own lifetime.
Cheer up, emo duck!

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>2015 was 10 years ago
>2013 was 12 years ago
>8chan has been dead for 5 years
>the internet is dead
>yet goyim are still glued to their phones
>there's nowhere to go
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It's like forehead, but five is more than fore. It's essentially the same as saying highbrow.
Similar to the term "big-brained"
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5hed means wen ur too smart for the frontl lobe space of a 4hed can fit so u hav a 5 hed that makes more room 4 ur big brain
The "fore" part of forehead sounds like the number 4, so calling someone a fivehead is to say one has a big forehead. People probably do use it as a measure of intellect now, but pretty sure it started off purely as an insult.
look at a picture of peyton manning or frasier crane

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send some music, any genre, good or bad idc
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I unironically hate music nowadays. So no. Back then I used to love rock and metal, but now i feel fucking nothing but noise.

am I getting older or is that music just completely unproductive deprived of good feelin'? 

I think I might listen to church musicnow and then.
Replies: >>232333
The solution is to shove a long rusty screwdriver deep into your ear canal in and out repeatedly.
You're a useless nigger who doesn't know how to upload files.
Replies: >>232349
Here's a song perfect for (you)
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I'm rolling, and hoping for no dubs.
I had a dream last night that St. Louis got nuked. I was somewhere far north of the city, saw a flash, turn around, and saw this mushroom cloud. I felt this incredible sense of panic before I finally woke up. It's been bugging me the entire day, like something has been telling me that it's been prophetic instead of being what it more likely was:  just me being anxious.
So, I'm going to leave it up to dice. If I get dubs, it means that the dream is prophetic about something bad in St. Louis in particular. If more than dubs, then I'm going to freak the fuck out. Here's hoping for no dubs.
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Rolling for killing myself happening.

>>233093 (OP) 
I had a dream a few weeks ago about the city close to me getting nuked. I had another one, which felt much more vivid and realistic, in the days leading up to that solar eclipse last year. Very peculiar.
>>233093 (OP) 
I had the same dream except it happened where I was in my yard and Washington DC got nuked (I'm close enough that I could see the mushroom cloud if it was if it was large enough)
Also, my dream was a few months ago. I still remember it. I felt my stomach fall off a cliff, it was so realistic. I remember thinking to myself (in dream)
"Oh my god, this is it. My life is forever changed. I can never go back"
(##2%20) = 29
My nuke dreams are almost always after the fact, like bands of survivors trying to undo the damage to the environment, or a girl in 80's California trying to fight off Warsaw Pact invaders.

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Any anarchists here?
66 replies and 28 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>233041 + 1 earlier
>>228116 (OP) 
anarchists? No, I'm anti-capitalist.
Replies: >>233195
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anarchy isn't capitalism
Replies: >>233217
If AI is so "based" and "empowerin" [sic], why don't you post AI-generated pictures of your "avvy"?
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who's to say it isn't?
anarchy good.
in this world, anyone can be an anarchist, in theory.
it could be a heist man getting the cash from the big bank
it could be the super revolting villain in a movie, disgruntled from a supposedly just world, where the system just cheats any honest person, the villain is just getting back at the normies who allow this reality to exist while making himself whole
trump and biden are both anarchists, getting back at the man

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What if I told you this is AI? I was against AI because it could rig the election but now I'm for it. I literally deleted my 3DPD folder for this and doubled my NAS space. It's so realistic now that I can get any fantasy woman I want.
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but it isn't there*
That's just looks like the pixels and the way the camera ISO and focus settings.
>your desperation for 'AI' to be anything but a gimmick is bad for mental health
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What? The whole image looks fake, her eyes and ears look fucked, her eyes have random lines attached to them that the bot probably thought were eye brows, and her eye lashes are made of 3D material like in a video game.
Her skin is blurry imaginary material like in photoshop porn from the 2000s, made for stupid people, which even if it perfectly generated a photo of someone and then did that burring effect after, would look fake in the end result.
You have to be dead autistic to zoom in on her mouth given all that and say "how utterly unrealistic" her lips are due to some defect that one would have to squint to distinguish from just the edge of her lips touching or some image artifact like tard above said. This is the most stupid post I've ever read.
On top of it, you are one of those retards who sees each AI innovation get better and better and responds "NO!!! STILL COMPLETELY FAKE!", but you're so tunnel visioned that you only focus on some small some weird issue when the fakeness is just obvious to anyone and didn't need to be said. Like if that lip defect wasn't there you would then be convinced the image is real then make up some reason why it isn't that doesn't include any of the obvious points I listed, then tell people and yourself about it.
She's also average and the poster calls her "beauty", giving away that he's a troll yet you still argue with it like your life depends on it.
Replies: >>233070 >>233187
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>She's also average and the poster calls her "beauty",
I don't get what the fuck are you going on about. The average woman definitely does NOT look this good. If you compare this AIslop picture to 99.9% of women, "she" is indeed a beauty. Well, weird AI artifacts (eg. gum teeth) aside.
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>You have to be dead autistic to zoom in on her mouth given all that and say "how utterly unrealistic" her lips are due to some defect that one would have to squint to distinguish from just the edge of her lips touching or some image artifact like tard above said. This is the most stupid post I've ever read.
I was talking about her teeth and gums, not her lips you goddamn retard. Oh, but let me guess, your post is just ironic bait, right?

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37 replies and 22 files omitted. View the full thread
>as if to rewrite they were trying to rewrite history
as if they were trying to rewrite history
alright soooooooooooooooooo, let me undrstand the wigger shit you are saying,  its a subversive teehee board ran by women trying to brainwash anons into something you dont even specify and they are killing the "honesty" of imageboards 
by being like five people & how sturgeon needs to trace their IPs to discord and how its all a psyop to get people to use twitter by zognald
wheres the proof and what wigger crap is honest of imageboards lmao
nobody likes you obsessed retard
(the mods here are still retarded and just come delete stuff literally at random then leave the 1 cp spam per day up for the other half of the day)
kys lmfao
>some random gook
Never mind, it turned out to be the guy who wrote Megami Tensei novels.

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How do I get a work from home job?
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Replies: >>233147 + 3 earlier
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Design a remote control robot that can mow lawns for you.
Replies: >>232060
I tried to learn how to code but all i learnt was hello world.
Replies: >>232063
Then I guess Paco get’s to stay in business, the girl from next door will grow up to be a cat lady, and you’ll never get to taste that lemonade.
work from home is a 30 year old boomer meme
>>227996 (OP) 
Probably impossible now since jeets are gonna be imported.
Also didn't companies make WFO mandatory again because they were losing leases on their office buildings?

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You seriously didn't cum this month did you nonny?
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Replies: >>233097 + 3 earlier
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im happy to announce that not only did I not cum in november i also worked out the entire month.
Replies: >>227105
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>he needs crapps on his phone just for working out
Replies: >>227107
i dont know what you're trying to convey here, ive been working out at home for a lot of time, sometimes i use apps (they help with timing and routine) and sometimes i do create my own routines (when i do i also use the phone to track rest times, i.e. time between repetitions) im using the technology in my favor here.
nofap is actually good thing. i learned this too late. my prostate started chronically hurting after years of being a heavy coomer.
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>>226237 (OP) 
i came that month, december, and this month

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